luciusisalive · 2 years
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Something something duality of man something something
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styxbugg · 1 year
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wow middle of season two into season three of black sails features some of the best television writing of all time fr send post
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communisticbones · 6 days
Subtle Foreshadowing Found in The Balance!
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rotisseries · 1 year
a critical part of dog coded characters that often goes unrecognized on this website is the praise kink i truly believe
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a-lilypad · 5 months
i wanna know what kind of crack starkid put into the rogues medley because why can i not stop listening to it on repeat
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lord-nichron · 11 months
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Meet Lord Nichron! He's a guy with a lot of stories. A heck of a lot!
In his time he's been many things. From tending bar, selling things that fell of trucks, dabbling in a bit of space piracy to such lofty heights as interstellar diplomat.
He's been many places, seen many and now end his days as a renowned scholar collecting myths and history from across time and space.
Going forward he will be my narrator in the tales I write though I will still just post as myself.
The first tale he will tell will be set in a deep dark past...
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pjsk-story-summaries · 5 months
Whip the Wimp Girl! Event Story Summary
TL;DR: An's assignment from Ken was to get the rest of the town serious about their next event. Though he was nervous about her now strained relationship with them due to the truth about Nagi, An has already managed to resolve those feelings.
However, a different feeling has been holding her back now- Kohane. Whenever An thinks of Kohane's singing, she feels anxious. She thought she'd gotten over that, though, so she goes to SEKAI to ask Akito and Miku for help. Luka and Toya end up overhearing the conversation and join in, too. Luka suggests actually telling Kohane about her feelings, but An is scared of letting her down.
Time goes on, and An still hasn't done anything to confront her feelings. Toya asks to meet her one evening and explains his former situation with Akito. He had been too scared to tell Akito about his lack of resolve towards surpassing RAD WEEKEND before because he didn't want Akito to think less of him. He feels An might feel the same about Kohane. An realizes the reason she's been hesitating is because she doesn't want Kohane to see this ugly side of her. Later, An thinks about what Nagi would have done in this situation. She decides that Nagi would have battled even harder- which gives her an idea.
An asks Kohane to battle her, and explains how Kohane's rapid growth scares her. She's scared of one day not being someone she looks up to, but knows she has to face these feelings. Kohane's happy she's finally someone An sees as a worthy opponent and agrees to the battle.
Meanwhile, Toya, Akito, and Kotaro enjoy the day off when they hear commotion on the street. The group go and investigate, also inviting EVER to watch. They find a massive crowd watching An and Kohane, who continually trade ever-increasing blows. The two have massive respect for one another, but refuse to lose. On their last song, Kohane surprises everyone with her skill, but An, believing in both herself and the town that grew up with her, gave it everything she had and ultimately won the battle. Moved by An's determination to face her fears, EVER rejoins the group.
Fan translation (lozy bug) / Song (Fire) 2DMV
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Chapter 1: Kohane arrives at a street corner An had asked her to come to, though she isn't sure why. In order to complete her assignment, An ask's for Kohane's help- in the form of a battle.
Through a flashback, An's assignment was revealed to be getting the rest of the town serious about the event. RAD WEEKEND wouldn't have been possible without the feelings of everyone in the town; in order to surpass it, they need to rile everyone's belief back up. Ken warns that the town is still caught up on chasing Nagi's shadow and their guilt over lying to An of her death.
The rest of Vivid BAD SQUAD are nervous about this talk going to An since she had taken the news of Nagi's fate hardest, but understand this is something only she can do. An reveals that the crawl green owner, along with the rest of the town, had already apologized to her for the lies. An accepts her assignment with a smile.
Chapter 2: That night, back in her room, An begins planning her approach. She's confident her best song is the one that will convince everyone they will go beyond Nagi's dream. She goes over to Ken to ask for some singing advice. Though Ken was worried about the strained relationship between her and the rest of the town would prove difficult to overcome, watching her practice, he knows it will be alright. While An sings, though, when trying to channel the heat she felt from Nagi, she's reminded of Kohane. Ken stops the performance and asks what's wrong.
Chapter 3: An confides in Ken of her troubled feelings about Kohane. She'd thought she had resolved those feelings before, but the anxiety still lingers within her. Though it had motivated her to grow before, it has now turned into an obstacle.
An meets Akito and Miku in the SEKAI to ask for their help. It's hard, since she knows Kohane won't leave her, but she still feels this way. Luka and Toya ended up overhearing the conversation and stepped in to cut off her self-loathing. Luka points out how cool it is that An cares this much about Kohane. Toya apologized for eavesdropping on accident. An reassures them both and asks for their help, too.
Chapter 4: An recounts her story to the others. Toya is sympathetic, but doesn't understand her anxieties. He believes An is an incredible singer in her own right, standing toe-to-toe with Kohane. Akito agrees. Miku has Toya and Akito explain how they see Kohane as reliable and motivational. An agrees, and explains how she'd always dreamed of having a partner, and how Kohane made that a reality. However, that weight is the source of her anxiety. Luka suggests actually telling Kohane that. An doesn't want to, though, for fear of upsetting her (and a deep feeling of unease over the thought).
Chapter 5: Some time later, Vivid BAD SQUAD reflect on a recent event. Kohane and Toya both notice hesitation in An's demeanor. Even later after that, An and Kohane walk home together after another event. After some light chat, Kohane begins talking about surpassing RAD WEEKEND before she has to split paths. An still can't rid herself of that feeling. She knows she should, but she still can't talk to Kohane about it.
After receiving a message fro him, An meets Toya at a street crossing to talk. Toya shares how An's hesitance to speak to Kohane reminded him of the past, when he tried hiding his true feelings from Akito about his perceived lack of resolve in surpassing RAD WEEKEND. He was scared of letting Akito down, and assumes An feels the same. An knows Kohane looks up to her, but she feels that deep down, she's not someone worthy of that pride. An knows Kohane will accept all the parts of herself, but still is scared to let Kohane see her worst. Toya reassures her that things will be alright in the end- it's how he managed to move forward with Akito. An thanks Toya for the help.
Chapter 6: Later, An wonders how Nagi would have dealt with something like this. She thinks she would have strengthened her resolved and fought back. An gets an idea.
Back in the present, An explains how she was scared by Kohane's rapid growth, that she would one day no longer make her heart race, and that telling her all this would make her disappointment. She had tried to run around the issue, but ultimately decided that if Nagi wouldn't have hid her feelings from her teammates, neither should she. She wants to fight to surpass Kohane. Kohane apologizes, surprising An. However, it's just because she's happy that An finally sees her as a worthy opponent. Kohane agrees to the battle.
A little later, Akito, Toya and Kotaro hang out at Weekend Garage, enjoying the day off. Meanwhile, chatter picks up on Vivid Street about an intense battle. Akito sees EVER among the crowd and chases after them. They had been helping out around the street, but are trapped by the crowd watching An and Kohane's battle. Though Akito and Kotaro are surprised, Toya's proud of An. They all run to watch. Akito asks EVER to come, too.
Chapter 7: The group arrives to find almost the whole town watching the intense battle. It's Kohane's turn first, and An can't help but be reminded of Nagi when she sings. An sings back, and Kohane admires the determination in her song. She wants to sing like An can. Still, she doesn't want to lose, even to her partner, and picks up the pace. An thinks this is the best Kohane has ever sounded, and thanks her for bringing the seriousness she needed. However, if she loses now, she'll keep singing by Kohane's side forever, with that anxiety forever. An ramps it up even more.
Toya asks Tatsuya if he's ever felt fear because of someone's song before, reminding him of the battle with Taiga. Akito explains that this is how An has always felt about Kohane.
An had only noticed that the whole town had come to watch once the song ended. She's reminded of the little her that has always been loved by the street. The partners decide to end the battle after one more song. Kohane starts off with even more than she had before, startling everyone. An knows Kohane is the best partner she could have ever asked for. She dragged everything out of her: the good, the bad, and the ugly. An wants to return the favor now with her own song. An begins singing. The whole town begins cheering her on. She drives herself to put in even more, because she's Shiraishi An- the person who grew up on this street, who was trained by Nagi, who has the whole town behind her, and who has the resolve to surpass it all.
The crowd congratulates the two on the battle, declaring An the winner. Though Kohane's frustrated she lost, that battle made her heart pound more than it ever has before. She asks to battle again sometime in the future. An's happy to have such an incredible partner.
Chapter 8: Even after the battle ended, the whole crowd was fired up. Tatsuya talks about how it felt impossible to move past the battle with Taiga, but always questioned if it was right to just give up. They had all started because they wanted to overcome a dream others said was foolish. EVER was convinced that they would never win. However, after watching An conquer her own fear, they decide to stop running away and rejoin the group.
An announces to the crowd that they will surpass Nagi's dream, and asks them all to follow her there. No matter what the feeling is, they will overcome it, and they will surpass RAD WEEKEND. The owner of crawl green promises they all will see it through to the end, no matter what path An follows.
An thanks Kohane for the battle, to which Kohane returns. They both feel stronger for it. Kohane's sure she'll be able to complete her assignment now. Toya runs up to congratulate An on the win, and Akito reveals EVER is back on board.
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hilacopter · 23 days
Starship OST is so underrated cries and throws up
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samuelandthesun · 10 months
When musicals have that moment where the villain sings a part of the hero’s “i-want” song, you know you’re gonna eat so damn good
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lyn-ne · 8 months
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Finished reading Kick it Up a Notch. Have some akikoha
original image referenced under the cut!
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3llex0xo · 8 months
Yk Akito's let out the lambs/kick it up a notch card...? Well I have a tiny little dumb akito stan theory that low-key makes me wanna bawl 💯
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We all know akito hates/is scared of dogs, correct? And what do dogs wear? Muzzles. What is akito wearing in this card?? A muzzle. Could this mean that this card is referencing akito possibly having internalized hatred for himself??? Mayhaps... Am I most likely being stupid and delusional and trying to sound smart? Once again, mayhaps... BUT as a person who has read through all his currently released focus stories on the EN server I can't possibly think that this card COULDN'T be referencing that. But yes it's probably just a little coincidence and I'm most likely being a dumb little akito stan💔💔💔BUT HEAR ME OUT BRO. AND IM 90% SURE NOTHING LIKE THIS HAS BEEN REFERENCED IN HIS EVENTS, OTHER THAN HOW HE CONSTANTLY FEELS THE NEED TO GET BETTER AND IMPROVE IN SINGING AND WONT LET HIMSELF BE HAPPY WITH HOW MUCH PROGRESS HE'S ALREADY MADE.
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styxbugg · 11 months
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this is like three weeks old i kept FORGETTING TO POST IT 😭
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ratatatastic · 4 months
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a story in four parts i think we're witnessing telenovela amounts of drama here or alternatively man gets jealous of his wife whispering with other men (they are discussing game tactics) meanwhile other man gives forsy a good wack to pay attention after said man whispers in his ear
new york rangers @ florida panthers game 3 | 5.26.24
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ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow · 2 months
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missholloween · 9 months
Starship album save me. Starship..... Save me, Starship album.
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