#kiara carerra blurb
rubiehart · 19 days
when leopard!reader realises what a mess the twinkie is, she decides to give it a little spritz-up.
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she runs a black acrylic tipped finger along the bumper of the twinkie, a streak of colour trailing through the dull coat of dirt that had built up as she grimaces, the van swaying as the rest of the gang hop out of the rustbucket. she wipes the grub on her denim shorts casually and turns towards him.
“jesus, john b. when was the last time you cleaned this?” she calls to him, hand shielding her eyes as she squints towards the sun, watching as john b and jj continue towards the chateau, stomping the dead grass as kie and pope follow not too far behind.
“ew.” kie comments off handedly, face scrunching up in disgust as she notices the state of it. “uh, few months back?” john b calls back nonchalantly, ignoring jj’s comment of “dude, more like a ‘few years’.”
“haven’t had time to get ‘round to it yet.” he shrugs, spinning back around and traipsing up the wooden steps with the two other pogue boys on his trail. she rolls her eyes, plan already forming in her head as she slings her backpack over her shoulder and jogs to catch up with kie.
half an hour or so later, the boys are lounging on the porch with some beers, the early evening sunset casting a comfortable and calm energy over the group, so mellow they hadn’t even really noticed the absence of the girls until now.
the sloshing of water and grunts of struggle are heard before they’re seen, emerging from around the back of the chateau with buckets filled with water, adorned in the tiniest bikini the boys had possibly ever seen.
“this is gonna be a job n’ a half.” she sighs, panting as she places two heavy books on the ground next to the van, kie nodding along with her? hands on her hips as she catches her breath.
“oh my god john b, how do you even let it get this bad?” kie mumbles as she unravels the hose from the tap at the side of the house, both girls not picking up on all three boys stunned expressions.
“what’s goin’ on here?” john b drawls with a lazy smirk, eyes shamelessly trained on the both of them as the other two ogle in silence.
“what’s it look like, douchebag?” she sighs, grabbing the hose from kie and beginning to hose down the roof as kie goes for the sponges and soap.
“looks like you’re washing the twinkie.” pope answers for you dumbly, eyes wide and cheeks noticeably flushed as he stares straight ahead at the van. both of your eyebrows furrow in confusion but neither of you comment, focusing on sudding up the sponges in your grip.
jj chuckles dryly, taking a long swig of his beer, leaning back in his chair and placing his hands behind head. “sit back and enjoy the show, bro.” he grins, giving pope a brotherly pat on the shoulder, a silent plea to get him to ease up a little, eyes still ogling your ass as you scrub at a particularly stubborn spot.
“see the shit we do for you, john b?” you sigh, walking around to the bonnet as you dip your sponge into the bucket of water, tits almost spilling out of the thin material as you scrub at the volkswagen symbol until you can see your face in it.
“actively seein’ it.” he nods flirting, causing you to look at him with a sideways smirk, flipping all three boys off collectively when jj playfully lets out a low whistle. “you’re such pervs.” kie sighs, crouched down as she scrubs at the metal above the wheels, eyes flicking from your smooth thighs to the van.
of course you knew they were loving it, but you loved the chase, even if you’d never admit it. so of course you continued, noticing ever little look from kiara, every time jj adjusted the way he was sitting, every time pope cleared his throat nervously, and every time you caught john b shamelessly ogling when he thought you weren’t looking.
so, yeah. sudding up your tits and shaking your body a little exaggeratedly to get a rise out of them wasn’t exactly accidental. after all, little teasing never hurt nobody.
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humblequestvinyl · 2 years
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SUMMARY: when it becomes jj and y/n daughters fifth birthday, the two take a trip back down memory lane, remembering the 9 months before their daughter was born.
inspired by hummingbird by maren morris
cw: mentions of pregnancy, jj’s dad, abuse, and swearing.
lowercase is intentional! wordcount: 2.1k
a/n: this song is so so so sweet :( one of my absolute favs from HQ. also we’re three away from a new writing series?? #IAMEMOTIONAL
y/n’s head whipped around the corner, before seeing her four year old daughter come barreling through the door, and ran straight into her arms, “you’ll never believe what dada and i did today!”
“what did you and dad do today?”y/n asked, before juliette beamed with absolute joy, “we went and saw uncle jb!” y/n’s face went into a surprised look, seeing jj out of the corner of her eye, “without me?!”
“dada had to pick up my birthday present for tomorrow!”juliette giggled, before wiggling out of her moms arms, and running down the hall, leaving y/n and jj standing there, looking at each other.
looking at jj, y/n could see the same boy that he was when the two were young kids, having one of their own almost five years ago.
“this can’t be happening.”
the 18 year old girl whispered, standing over not one, not two, but five positive pregnancy tests, causing a 19 year old jj to come barreling into the bathroom. the two stood next two each other, staring at the tests, wondering how much their lives were about to change. 
how could one beer turn into two best friends standing in the bathroom at the chateau, looking at positive pregnancy tests, with both not being able to wrap their head around it.
“they aren’t-”y/n cut jj off mid sentence, knowing exactly what he was going to say, “yes jj they are real.”
the two looked at each other, with a silent knowing that everything was about to change. jj quickly wrapped up the girl into a hug, one she quickly reciprocated back, knowing how dizzying and panicking this situation was about to be for the two.
“we’re going to be parents.”
tightly gripping onto jj’s hand, y/n laid on the examination table, as her obgyn pressed the doppler to her stomach, and the sound of a heartbeat immediately filled the room, causing y/n to look over at jj, with her mouth slightly ajar.
“and there it is.”dr.meyer smiled, looking at the two teens, “a strong one too.”
“are they growing okay?”jj quickly asked, and dr.meyer nodded, “perfectly.”
“can we get photos?”y/n softly questioned, and the dr nodded, before pressing a few buttons on the machine. soon enough, the heartbeat stopped as the doppler was removed, and photos were handed to the two pogues.
“make sure you schedule an appointment for this time next month.”dr.meyers reminded the two before they left, and y/n sent her a soft smile before nodding. stopping by the front desk, the girl made an appointment, and the two left, heading back to the chateau.
the entire drive back was content, with music playing softly in the background, and soon enough the two were back to the chateau, with nobody else in sight. walking inside hand in hand, y/n glanced around, trying to see if anyone was around, before jj took the two into the spare bedroom, and the two were grinning ear to ear as y/n pulled the sonogram pictures out of her sweatshirt pocket.
“i can’t believe i’m carrying a tiny human.”y/n spoke softly in case any of the pogues came into the chateau, due to the two of them not telling anyone yet.
“i am so unbelievably proud of you.”jj mumbled against her skin as he tucked his head into the crook of her neck, looking at the photos with her, “the strongest girl i know.”
smiling down at the blonde, she kissed his forehead, before the two continued to look at the photos with admiration.
“you know we can’t stay here for much longer right?”
jj looked over at y/n who sat on the bed scrolling through baby name websites, “what do you mean n/n?”
“the chateau can barely fit john b and the rest of our friends. i can guarantee you it will not fit a little maybank.”she brought up, and jj hummed, knowing she was right, “plus im pretty sure if we bring in a crib without them knowing it’ll raise some questions.”
“and that you are right.”jj mumbled, before flopping down next to her, “you got any ideas?”
“yeah. that little house down the road thats for rent.”she mentioned, causing jj to raise an eyebrow, “we can talk with the relator about it.”
“and we could paint hummingbirds room with little trees, and put all the decor we can afford in there.”y/n continued on, trying to completely sell the idea to jj.
“princess you had me sold when you said that it was down the road.”jj grinned, causing y/n to burst out giggling, getting excited over how many ideas the two were going to have for their child’s room.
“i can’t wait.”
“okay, i think that’s it.”
john b placed the final box down in the new house as all the pogues stood around, and sarah asked the burning question, “hey, is there a certain reason why you guys just moved suddenly?”
“yes actually!”y/n exclaimed, before rushing towards the door, “stay here!”
quickly running out towards the car that the two had bought a few months back, the h/c girl grabbed the unmarked bags, and raced back inside before jj helped the girl hand them out to the rest of the pogues.
y/n and jj watched as the pogues opened up the bags, before kie and sarah’s lit up, “no way!”
y/n nodded before the girls started screaming, and pope grinned before high fiving jj, “i’m gonna be an uncle!”
“can i tell them?”jj looked down at y/n, asking for permission to reveal something that only the two had known. y/n nodded, knowing how excited the four were about to be.
“her name is gonna be juliette callie maybank.”
“its a girl?!”kie yelled, and the two laughed, before kie wrapped y/n in a hug, and the two squealed with joy, “i'm going to have a niece!” so much joy filled the room as the pogues were overjoyed for the two, so excited for jj to be a girl dad, almost as much as he was.
“we have to go shopping soon for her room!”sarah gasped, causing the two girls to look at her, “can you imagine how many clothes and little boots we can get for her!”
“that is definitely a day the three of us are setting up the nursery.”john b spoke up, causing all the pogues to laugh.
little jc was about to be so loved.
“are you excited to be a dad?”
jj looked over at john b as the two were building juliettes crib, and jj nodded with a small smile on his face, “surprisingly yeah.”
“i just don’t want her to have to go through what i did with luke.”jj brought up, screwing in a piece, “i wanna be there for her, i want her to trust me enough to come to me with anything without being worried if she’s gonna have the shit beat out of her.”
“jj you are nothing like luke.”john b reassured him, before tossing a piece over to him, “you saying you don’t want to abandon her just shows how much better you are than him.”
“thanks man.”jj told him, before the two heard honking outside, and they walked out, seeing the three girls and pope unloading two cars filled with bags. “holy shit.”john b laughed, seeing jj’s face fall knowing how much they would have to put away later.
“we’re back!”sarah announced, before y/n hopped out, with her baby bump finally showing, “help us out please!”
“what in gods name did you guys buy?”john b asked as jj wrapped y/n in a side hug, and both kie and sarah grinned, “clothes, blankets and toys!”
“but this much for a newborn?”pope questioned, and kie grabbed a few bags from the car, “it leads little maybank all the way up to 24 months old!”
“you’re kidding me.”jj gave them a ‘are you serious’ look, and the three nodded, “she’s set for the first two years!”
“i’m just-”jj cut himself off by shaking his head, and pressing a kiss to y/n’s, figuring how tired she was from standing most of the day.
“how much of the nursery did you guys get done?”y/n asked as the six walked into the maybank household, and jj lead the girl to the room.
“everything but the crib.”he grinned, and y/n looked up at him with such joy, “thank you jj.”
“little miss jc is gonna be so freaking loved.”
“jj can you hurry up! we’re going to be late for the photo shoot!”
“alright, alright i'm coming.”jj ran down the stairs, dressed in a white button up and some jeans. a wide grin spread across his face as he saw y/n dressed in a white dress, one they knew both opened up at the stomach.
“its less than five minutes away, we will be fine i promise you.”jj pressed a kiss to the girls head, before they were out the door and heading towards the destination. “i know but i want to get our photos before sunset.”
“and we will, i promise.”he reassured her, and sooner than they knew it, they had pulled up to the location, with the sandy beach ahead of them, revealing the icy blue ocean. maybe having a maternity photoshoot in the middle of april wasn't a great idea, but the two wanted them before they got all ramped up with fixing everything.
meeting up with their photographer masey, the two did the photoshoot without a hitch, before y/n headed into the freezing water, wanting to finish up the photoshoot quickly due to both the sun setting, and the temperatures dipping. 
as soon as they were finished, jj wrapped y/n up tightly in a blanket, making sure to keep both her and jc warm. after the two had thanked their photographer, the two headed into the car, seeing the sun had now almost fully set.
“do you wanna stop by the wreck to see kie and grab some food?”jj asked, and a wide smile spread across y/n’s face as she nodded.
“i’d like nothing more than that right now and so would jc.”
“do you wanna hold her?”
jj looked over at y/n who had just woken up from a four hour nap, and she smiled seeing him holding their daughter. june 19th, six pounds, eight ounces and she was four weeks early. the two were absolutely ecstatic at her arrival, and so were her aunts and uncles. y/n nodded, before slowly sitting up, and jj carefully placed the girl into her mothers arms. 
a wide smile immediately spread across y/n’s face as her daughter grabbed onto her index finger with all she had, making sure not to let go.
“she’s going to have your e/c eyes.”jj mentioned as he sat next to his two girls, looking down at the newest edition, “and definitely your kindness.”
“she is definitely going to have your charm thats for sure.”y/n fired back, causing the two to laugh slightly as juliette moved slightly in y/n’s arms. it was silent in the room for awhile (besides the obvious noise of machines), and the two sat there, soaking up time before y/n spoke up after awhile.
jj looked at her, slightly confused before y/n looked at him back, “it was my nickname for jc before we had decided a name for her.”
a wide smile graced jj’s lips, before they looked back down at jc, admiring the girl with so much love.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
PLS send me asks with blurb requests bc i would love to write some minis that we all would love to read thank you <3
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henqtic · 3 years
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— characters included : rafe cameron, sarah cameron, kiara carrera, jj maybank, john b. rutledge, topper thornton, pope heyward.
— masterlist ; taglist form ; request works
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( word count: 159 )
alright so rafe is very ... rafe ?? 
anyways, he gives if he stayed in college, frat boy who only cares about the full kegs at the party in some random mansion, dancing under strobe lights, drunk off of laughing too much and the way your body was moving against his like their weren't other people around at all — not that any of them cared enough to take their eyes off of the people they were already directed to 
so with him, i'm thinking the most basic white boy that wants to see his girlfriend ( barely ) dressed up — let’s think doctor who lost his stethoscope before the night even started, madly in love with the nurse falling to his feet 
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( word count: 108 )
i see sarah as wanting to keep it pretty basic and cute with the halloween costumes — obviously, she has more than enough money to go out and buy something elaborate with flashing lights and special effect scars but she didn’t exactly feel like putting the whole effort in after helping wheezie with all of hers every year
so, she’s forcing you into a short dress with cheep ears and a drawn on nose and whiskers — or some wings from party city with an ungodly amount of body glitter so that she could be tinkerbell and you could be iridessa, silvermist, vidia ( whichever fairy you like most ) 
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( word count: 162 )
i can kind of see kie in the same sorta category as sarah with the whole preferring to dress basic instead of going on all out despite the money at hand but with her, she’s more of an ‘it’s a predictable costume but it’s cool that we’re doing it’ type …
so with her, i could totally see something where you dress up as dead / zombie cheerleaders — ripped uniforms , fake blood coming from scars on your forehead and limbs , bits of dirt from having to rise from the grave and claw through the ground all on your own just so that you could find your way back to each other in the afterlife 
messy hair made to look like you put too much hair spray and let it sit too for long ( it did actually , october thirtieth was a terrible day filled with teasing from the rest of pogues because you looked straight from a bad hair day in the 80’s )
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( word count: 101 )
i don’t know why but something about jj screams vampires — i can just envision the whole thing in my head, the cliche costume get up with the old fashioned clothing designs — weird frills, black, whites and, reds, contacts for added dramatic effect, painfully obvious fake fangs and of course, the fake blood which looked ( and was ) strawberry jelly. 
oh and you definitely use the excuse of “just staying in the halloween spirit” and “playing the role” to make out while everyone else is off trick or treating, playing a game or doing anything other than eating each other's faces. 
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( word count: 161 )
okay so john b is a dumb bitch — let’s be honest
one night you were laying on his room floor a week before halloween, the slightest bit of tipsy from stealing some of his fathers beer but only to the point where you were both giggling like fools and not throwing up everywhere
the topic of costumes came up and how neither of you had yours yet so then the great idea popped up into your head to do a cheesy couples ones since you were … a cheesy couple that got made fun of at the multiple pet names that you made for each other ( majority not making any sort of sense ) 
so i’m seeing santa clause and one of his eleves ( john b. being the elf ) — it was a dumb decision on your part to not check the bags or recipes after getting it and trusting your drunken selves to get the “best halloween costumes ever seen”
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( word count: 120 )
okay so topper is a basic bitch — let’s be honest
he’s put no effort into a halloween costume since last year of middle school when he deemed himself as “too cool” for it and that dressing up was for little kids. but at the sound of your voice practically begging him to just do a matching costume with you once just for this year — he couldn’t bring himself to say no
so now you’re roaming the streets in matching pink bunny onesies, topped off with the plastic nose you had bought along with it — deciding that if you just had to match, it had to be something subtle like this where he could easily say you just had the pajamas laying around
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( word count: 101 )
pope is one of the cheesiest people ever ( extremely affectionate ) — so he’s definitely going with one of those more stereotypical couples/best friends costumes out there without even letting you give any input …
so you’re going out as a box of cereal and him with a fake oversized knife with glue as a replacement to milk and plastic fruit loops dripping off of it
he alone sorta made sense but if you went to a house by yourself you’d get a scrunch of eyebrows and have to explain that you didn’t just go as a damaged box of cereal 
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🎃—!! @pogueslandia @jemimah-b99 @wlfstxr @darklingbrekksov @lieswithoutfairytales @a-bolanos @amourslover @vinniehcker @nehireerdogan @canibeoneofthepogues @clearbolts @urskaa @i-love-scott-mccall @wolfstar-lb @jellyddog @velqvet @velvetcloxds @candiedfruits @pinkcloxds @wrongilbert @lieswithoutfairytales @badbussylol​ @a-bolanos​@drewstarkeysbitchh @SupernaturallyDC @victoriadeangeliswifey​ @nehireerdogan @clearbolts​ @joeybslut​ @enchqnting​ @iwannafeelallthatloveandemotion 
to be tagged in future outer banks works and other fandoms i write for, fill out this form <3
or follow @henqticstudy and turn on notifications (works just like a taglist would) <3
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milkiane · 3 years
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drivers license
» 'cause you said forever now i drive alone past your street.
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pairings: kiara carerra x reader
summary: after getting your drivers license, the first thing you do is pass by your past lover’s house and reminisce all the memories and heartbreaks.
warnings: profanities
word count: 1812
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“well, here it is, kie,” you mumbled, staring at your new shiny license, “i did it…”
you covered your eyes from the blinding sun as you looked up, “if only you were here with me and i’m not just some idiot who’s still hung up with her ex... talking to herself.”
you walked towards your car, pausing on your steps before you could open the door. you stared at your reflection. you swallowed the lump in your throat, looking at your own reflection through the tinted window.
“get in, y/n!” kiara rolled down the car window, her beaming smile peeking through the small space, “this car isn’t gonna drive itself!”
driving away from the dmv, you pressed on shuffle play on a collaborative playlist you and kie made. you let yourself aimlessly drive around the outer banks.
“aren’t you excited? i mean, after you get your license, you’ll be able to drive up to my house!” she grinned, grabbing another fry from your plate, “i don’t need to drive all the way to your house, at 4 am, just because you want some cuddles again.”
you scoffed in false offense, throwing a fry on her face, “that was one time!”
you took in a shaky breath, cursing yourself for getting overwhelmed with your emotions again. you rolled down your windows, letting the wind hit your face as the music blasted off your speakers. blinking away the tears that blurred your vision.
you checked your rearview mirror, making sure that the shift stick is in the right place, you carefully drove in reverse. tongue poking out in concentration.
once you’ve successfully parallel parked, you switch the car off and squealed, laughing alongside with kie, who has the biggest smile on her face, “you did it, babe! you didn’t kill anyone,”
“shut up,” you grinned, pulling her into a sweet kiss.
“i love you,” she stole a few more kisses before settling back in her seat.
“i love you more.”
how could you ever love someone else?
you knew that the both of you weren’t perfect. you’ve had your downs just as much as you had your ups, but the two of you were in love. sickly. you didn’t know what happened, and honestly, you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
one second you were on top of the world, and the next you were at rock bottom.
you’ve never felt so in love with a person before, and you were sure that kiara did, too, but your mind brought you back to the last time you saw her at the beach. she had the biggest grin on her face as she surfed the waves. you couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that she was doing okay without you.
she was on top of the world, and you were at rock bottom.
a honk from the car behind you snapped you out of your thoughts. you sniffed, wiping your tears away as you ignored the curses they yelled at you. you pressed on the gas, realizing you were below the speed limit.
you and kiara were on top of the hood of her car, soft music playing from the speakers. it was deep into the night, you had a blanket on top of the both of you as you stargazed. your head was leaning against her shoulder, her hand fiddling with your hair.
“you know i love you, right?” you whispered, a small smile adorning your lips.
she returned your smile, planting a chaste kiss on your nose, “mhm, i love you more than words can describe.”
“s’just you and i,”
you let out a choked sob as you looked back at the memory, taking in a shaky breath as you tried to compose yourself. you momentarily looked to your right as you passed by her house, her bay window was open, and you could see her reading a book with a bored look on her face.
she promised forever and now you drive alone past her street.
rafe flopped beside you on your bed, making you bounce slightly. you groaned into your pillow, shoving your hand on his face, “go away, i don’t want you here.”
he scrunched his face up and licked your hand.
you shot up as soon as his tongue touched your palm, and stared at him in disgust as you wiped it on his polo, “you fucking dick,”
he continued laughing at you, completely forgetting what he was supposed to do in the first place. you pushed him off the bed and buried yourself under the sheets.
topper sighed as he approached you, tugging the blankets down as he stroked your hair, “c’mon, y/n/n, it’s been weeks already, and we missed hanging out with you.”
“yeah,” rafe agreed, running a hand through his tousled hair, “ogling at chicks isn’t the same without you.”
kelce snorted as you threw a pillow at rafe, “s’true though, y/n.”
you pout your lips, trying to keep your tears at bay as you look at your ceiling that adorned a number of glow-in-the-dark stars, “i just miss her, y’know?”
they all let out dejected sighs, having heard of how much you’ve missed the brunette pogue. but the thing is, you kinda feel sorry for them. thankful that they’re always there for you, even if they have to comfort you after every ugly sob, but still sorry that they’ll never know kie the way that you do.
you stood up, slipping on your sneakers and grabbing your keys, “i’m going out for a drive,”
the boys shared a look of disappointment, their initial plan of bringing you out for a date went down the drain as they watched you drive off.
as you got in the car, you closed your eyes for a bit, taking in a deep breath before starting the engine and pictured that you were driving home to her.
before you could even stop yourself, you made the right twist and turns to the familiar streets to kiara’s house. you stopped a few houses before hers, eyeing the volkswagen twinkie in front of you.
you watched as she went out the front door, laughing as she jumped into the twinkie. you sighed, driving away before them, the blasting music from their van lulling down as you drove farther.
“i love you,”
“for forever and always.”
she said forever and now you drive alone past her street, tears sliding down your cheeks.
you stopped at the sight of the red light glaring at you, harshly rubbing at your eyes to wipe out the tears. you leaned your head against the headrest, banging against it repeatedly.
you racked through your brain for any possible places you could get your mind off of things, but all you could think of is all the places that you used to go with her. the both of you have been to every niche and alcove imaginable.
you glanced as the seconds counted down until the green light. your eyes fleeted towards the sidewalks, watching as two teenagers started goofing off, reminding you so much of how it used to be, laughing over all the noise of the traffic.
you sighed, running a hand through your hair as you pressed on the gas. you know that you were far through with whatever you had, but you couldn’t help but feel so blue.
because you still fucking love her.
you were on a hill you and kiara once claimed as yours, a blanket sprawled across the grass as you munched on the chips you had in your car. you were watching as the sun began to set, the hues of pink, orange, and yellow mixing over the canvas of the sky.
you took in a deep breath, letting your eyes flutter shut as the wind caressed your cheeks. you listened to the waves crashing onto the shore, sounds of children laughing, and teenagers having fun.
and for the first time in a while, everything felt perfect again.
you swore that you would’ve gotten a whiplash with how fast your head turned, you swallowed the lump on your throat, composing yourself before standing up to confront her.
you sent her a small smile, “hey,”
“hi,” she nodded in confusion, “what are you doing here?”
you purse your lips, looking back at the view you’ve been admiring before turning back to her, “just needed a break from the world,”
she hummed, rocking on the heels of her sneakers, “how’ve you been?”
“good,” you nodded, “okay, i- just hanging in there, y’know?”
“that’s great… well, i’ll see you around,” kie smiled before turning on her heels and walking away, just like how she did before.
“wait-” you blurted out before you could even stop yourself. you scrunched up your face before looking back up at her, “did you- did you even care?”
her face faltered for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed as she turned to look at you, “what?”
“did you even care?” you repeated, glancing up at the darkening sky before looking back at the person you fell in love with, “about me, about us?”
kiara blinked at you, letting your question sink in. she nodded slowly, “yes,”
“i mean,” you let out a humorless laugh, “i knew we weren’t perfect, but i’ve never felt this way for no one,”
“i just- i just don’t know how you could be so okay after all of that. after falling in love, having each other by our sides every single day, and then breaking everything off like none of it ever mattered,” you bit your cheek as you blinked away the tears, “i don’t know how you could act like i didn’t just give you my heart to break.”
she pursed her lips, tears starting to form in her eyes. this was the reason why she immediately left after breaking up with you. she never wanted to see you be in pain because of her. she never wanted to see your eyes that were always full of joy, slowly get filled with hurt because of her.
“i got my license, by the way,” you sniffed, grabbing your wallet to retrieve it, momentarily glancing at the photo of you and her on display, “but i guess that doesn’t matter as well because i don’t think you ever meant anything you’ve ever said,”
kiara stared at your picture, her heart clenching at the sight of your smile, something she hasn’t seen in weeks.
“cause you said forever, now i drive alone past your street,” you looked at her one more time, before grabbing your things on the floor.
“you said forever, kie,” your voice cracked, letting the tears fall in sync with hers, “and now that i’ve finally snapped back into the harsh reality, i realized that there’s no such thing as forever.”
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claireunoia · 2 years
[10:45] kiara carrera ˖⋆࿐໋₊
you felt good about yourself, about everything as you rose up from laying down on the bed. hands pulling up the sheets of the bed that belonged to john b up and around the exposed area of your chest. the sheepish smile on your face held nothing but adoration as you stared at kiara who was currently getting back dressed.
“that was… amazing, kie” you spoke up softly, your delicate expression dropping a bit when all you received from the curly head girl was a short and low “mhm” kiara pulled the straps of her tank top up and around her shoulders before walking up to the mirror of the room, fixing her hair and touching up her face.
“um, i’ve been meaning to ask you—“
“no, y/n” the abrupt irruption of kie cutting you off made you frown, your confused eyes quickly finding her buzzed ones in the mirror.
“if you’re going to say some cheesy shit like asking me out the answer is no, y/n you know what we just did wasn’t about feelings. we were just having some fun”
and at the moment it was like your whole entire world came crashing down right on top of you. almost instantly your eyes glistened, face almost pitifully changing into a saddening expression as you continued to watch the girl a few feet ahead of you move around like your heart didn’t just shattered at the fact your long time crush didn’t like you back like you did.
“w—what? kie i don’t understand, we just-“
“we just had sex. yeah, i was horny and you were there desperate for my attention. doesn’t mean i wanna be with you, because i don’t. cmon, y/n don’t be stupid” you were truly, truly shocked and frozen as the words left kiara’s mouth. your lips involuntarily started wobbling as your face began twisting into one of intense agony, trying your hardest not to let the thick tears that sat impatiently on your lash line fall down and stream. you’ve never looked so vulnerable ever before.
kiara heard your muffled sobs and turned to look at you with a sigh exiting her. her brown eyes red from her high, hair messily placed in a bun. she ran a hand over her face before huffing “next time remind me to just go and fuck jj, i don’t have time for all of this”
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obxsummer · 2 years
AHHHH SL EXCIFED FOR MORE GHOST OF YOU! I had an idea where it’s before JJ rescues her and John b is like where’s my sister and they are all kind of quiet and they tell him what’s been happening and she’s stuck there at the Cameron’s and stuff with whatever details you want to include!
let's do it, blurb time baby
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The hype of arriving back in OBX after the adventure in Charleston was invigorating. John B couldn’t believe he was actually standing in front of his house in one piece, alive, after everything that happened. He was so glad to be home, to be back with you and all of your friends. 
Standing in front of the chateau, John B could tell something was weird. He was already confused why you weren’t in Charleston with the rest of the Pogues but the site of the dark house sent a chill down his spine. Even if you were at work when they left, you always left the porch light on. No matter what. 
“Where’s Y/N?”
His question silenced the group as they hesitated to answer him. He turned towards his best friends, the worry in his chest escalating with each heavy minute. “Where’s Y/N? Where’s my sister?” He repeated to coax an answer out of them.
“John B…” Kie mumbled his name, unsure of what exactly to say. I mean, how do you tell someone who just came back from supposed death that their only family remaining is being held captive by two murderers. 
“JJ?” John B looked towards the blond in question, knowing he would answer if Kiara didn’t. 
The Maybank boy let out a small wince when his name was called. He knew he would have to tell John B at some point what happened after the ship disappeared in the ocean waves, but he was grieving and to be honest, JJ was exhausted. He had lost two of his best friends since childhood within the same day. He had felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders for so long and seeing John B lifted a ton of that, but the load doubled with the question directed at him. 
“Um,” JJ took a deep breath. He avoided having to recount the night that you were taken from his arms. You probably hated him, shit, he hated himself for letting you just go back without any kind of fight, but at the time, he thought it was the best option. 
Since then, JJ, Kie, and Pope had barely given up trying to see you. It was hard to get near the Camerons, especially after their added defense from the public eye. JJ knew something was wrong. He always did, but they had to figure out the best course of action on what to do next. Now that John B was here, JJ felt like they had a fighting chance.
“She’s… with the Camerons still,” He finally answered. The dread on John B’s face was evident as the words sunk in. His sister, his baby sister who he swore to take care of and protect after their dad disappeared, was with the man who tried to kill him. The man who killed their father. 
“She’s at my house?” Sarah’s voice cracked with the question, fear instilling itself in her chest as she thought of you, alone, with her dad and brother. She could only hope Wheezie was there to provide you some sort of comfort in the chaos. 
JJ nodded slowly, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “We haven’t seen her since the night you guys dipped into the ocean.”
“But we’re close!” Pope interjected with a positive outlook. “And actually, now that Sarah’s here, we might have a shot at this.” He turned towards Kiara and JJ with a hopeful expression. It was true, they had a plan ready to go but it would need some reinforcement. 
“Let’s do it. Now,” Sarah was pushing John B through the front door of the chateau in seconds, guilt gnawing at her for how out of control this all was that her boyfriend’s sibling was dragged into it.
John B felt warm with comfort at the sight of his childhood home, cleaned up as you would’ve left it. You were always up his ass about doing better and watching out for both of you. Now, it was his turn to care for you.
He easily noticed the papers scattered across the counter with different layouts of the Camerons’ house including all entry points, windows, and lights. “What the hell…”
“I did some digging.” Kiara admitted with a shrug. “Sarah, if you can show us where the cameras are, that’s all we need. JJ can go in and get her tonight.”
John B turned to face his girlfriend, a pinch of nerves running through his body if she would want to, if she was able to. Sarah gave a determined nod, pulling the papers from under John B’s fingers as she grabbed a pen. “Let’s get her back.”
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maybankswhore · 3 years
a couple of swifties ✿ jj maybank.
summary: adjusting to life without john b was hard. even harder for jj. with a new job, starting school again, and losing his bestfriend, jj often lost the point of life— but you’re always there to remind him of it. ❪ with the help of taylor swit, of course. ❫
warnings: none. just fluff.
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jj seemed to be restless most days. he worked so hard all day, just to come home and toss and turn all night. you knew he was tired but he couldn’t get his brain to just shut off and relax.
you had the LED’s in your room set to blue, a color jj always picked out. his sandy blonde hair was sprawled messily on your lap as you leaned on the headboard of your bed. his eyes scanned his phone, playing a game you only saw him play every once in awhile.
it started off with a simple hum.
you watched jj play his game intently and absentmindedly, the song 22 by taylor swift popped up in your mind. a soft smile made its way onto your face as you began humming the tune of it, slightly moving your head side to side as you did.
immediately jj caught on to the song, and found himself humming along with you unknowingly. as his fingers played aimlessly on his phone screen, he began murmuring the lyrics. “it feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters, make fun of our exes—”
the sound of his voice caught you off guard. the sound was quiet and you almost didn’t catch it. you wouldn’t have, if hadn’t been for his head to start bobbing to the beat. “for breakfast at midnight, to fall in love with strangers, ah-ah.”
giggling at jj’s singing, you slipped yourself in the song, hoping he wouldn’t stop. “yeah we’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. it’s miserable and magical, oh yeah.”
hearing you sing with him caused jj’s lips to twitch upwards. he tossed his phone aside and sat up, looking at you with kind eyes. “tonight’s the night we forget about the deadlines— it’s time.”
you grinned and bobbed your head harsher this time, allowing yourself to dance freely. jj giggled, and stood up, shimming around the room. “I DON’T ABOUT YOU, BUT I’M FEELLING 22! EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT IF YOU KEEP ME NEXT TO YOUUU.”
jj’s eyes screwed shut as he shamelessly belted out the lyrics, happiness now painting his once solemn face. you enjoyed seeing jj like that. you hadn’t in a while. you climbed yourself out of the bed, and matched his energy, swinging your arms around carefully as the two of you belted out the lyrics to the infamous taylor swift song. his hand found yours, twirling you around while giggling like a kid on christmas, cheeks flushed and his hair a wild mess.
the two of you probably seemed like complete and utter dorks from the outside looking in, but neither of you cared.
as the song came to a close, you both fell onto your bed breathlessly. a cheesy smile on his face as he turned his head and looked at you. “a couple that are swifties together— stay together, baby.” he smirked.
you laughed, the corners of your mouth wrinkling. “as it should be, j.”
the two of you found joy that night. joy that only 22 by taylor swift could bring.
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daisysliv · 3 years
touch | jj maybank
word count: 4516
pairing: jj maybank x fem!oc
summary: in which jj convinces her to tell the pogues about what happens at home
warnings: mentions of physical, sexual (implied but not explicitly mentioned), and verbal abuse, angst, swearing, underage drinking, jj being protective (bc that needs its own tag), bit of fluff at the end
notes: this was going to be an x reader but just before i began writing it, i decided to do an oc just to switch it up a bit. and this is my first obx fic!! been kinda obsessed with the show lately, like i was last year, but just a little more. i hope you enjoy it!
side note: in this fic, i mention a lot about abuse but i don't go too far into detail with it. however, if you don't feel like you're comfortable enough to read it, you can scroll away. its also not fully edited so im sorry for any mistakes!
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Touch was something that didn’t come easy to the strawberry blonde; she always flinched away whenever somebody got too close or raised their hands too high near her. Nobody ever noticed, which never bothered her because she didn’t want to risk burdening anyone with her problems. She didn’t want to bother her friends when they already had so much going on in their lives.
John B had lost his dad at sea only a few months ago and was still dealing with the aftermath of that, Pope was trying for a merit scholarship, Kiara fighting with her parents nearly all the time because they didn’t like her hanging out with boys all the time, and JJ was dealing with the aftermath of his own abusive father. He never talked about it but the girl knew the signs and saw through his lies of getting into ‘fights’ with some Kooks whenever he showed up with cuts and bruises. It was no shocker when nobody noticed in the group when Serephina showed up wincing every time she moved.
She entered the chateau, John B’s house, and joined the group in the living room. Kiara looked at the girl with a smile and passed her the joint that was held between her index finger and thumb. Serephina took it wearing a similar smile, brought the joint to her lips, and inhaled deeply, enjoying the feeling of the smoke gathering in the back of her throat. Serephina held the smoke in for a few seconds while she passed it back to Kiara and exhaled, watching the puff of smoke float in the air before evaporating into nothing.
“Serephina Joseph, you made it! Was thinking you weren’t going to come.” The owner of the house smiled brightly when he saw the girl on the couch next to Kiara. “After all, we hadn't seen you all week.”
“Late morning,” The redhead shrugged, wincing at the pain that shot through her arm at the motion. Serephina wasn’t technically lying. She had a late morning which resulted in her not doing the morning chores she needed to do before her parents woke up. She always woke up at five, two hours before her parents woke up, and cleaned up around the house but that morning, her alarm hadn’t gone off and she woke up to the sound of her dad shouting as his footsteps echoed loudly on the stairs. The strawberry blonde attempted to sneak out the window before he reached her room, but she had gotten out of the bed too slowly and before she could move towards her window, her dad had slammed open the door.
His face had been beet red with anger when he grabbed her by her forearm, so hard she wouldn't be surprised if bruises showed up later, and dragged her down the stairs, not caring that she was tripping over her own feet as she stumbled behind the older man.
“Shut up!” He shouted, throwing her on the floor when he reached the bottom of the steps. “What the fuck is this mess? Huh? Couldn't you get off your ass and do something for once?”
Serephina groaned in pain when her shoulder hit the corner of the wall and the back of her head hit the floor, mentally hoping it wouldn't leave a bump.
“I'm sorry, I… My alarm didn't-”
“Quit making excuses, Phina, and get off the damn floor.” She heard her mother's condescending voice behind her. Serephina hated that tone because it meant she was truly in for it later when the older woman got home from work. “Clean it up. Now.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Quickly standing up from the floor, she moved towards the living room to pick up the discarded beer bottles her father had drank the previous night.
“I get off at midnight tonight. I expect you to be waiting on the couch when I return.” Her mom glared at the young girl, her normal light green eyes darkened. “Words, Serephina. I don't have all damn day.”
“I will be.” With a sick smile and a nod, the woman picked up her bag, then was out the door, leaving her with her father. Fear settled in the pit of her stomach, but she pushed it aside to continue to clean up. His eyes burned into her skin, his gaze following every movement she made. “Uhm… do you have a curfew for me today?”
She looked at her dad, his hazel eyes still on her and sly smirk on his lips, making her feel sick. “7:30.” He answered and turned on his heel to walk back up the stairs. When he was out of sight and she heard the pipes squeal to indicate he’s in the shower, she rushed to the sink, turned on the faucet, and threw up whatever was in her stomach from the day before.
“Seph!” A voice shouted, startling the strawberry blonde out of her thoughts and causing her to jump at the loud noise. She looked around and gathered her bearings, remembering that she was safe, she's with her best friends.
She first met Pope in the fifth grade and he introduced her to JJ, then John B, and finally, Kiara. They were quick to accept the girl into the group. Kiara was ecstatic to not be the only girl in the group and claimed the strawberry blonde to be her best friend. The two girls were inseparable, hanging out on their own, away from the boys until something happened in eighth grade that resulted in Serephina taking a step back from her and the group.
Eighth grade had been the year her parents got physical with their abuse. It was purely emotional until something in her dad snapped and he got physical. She had bruises covering her waist, arms, and face, along with a busted lip. To hide it until they faded, which took longer than she thought, she stopped hanging out with the Pogues and avoided them at all costs.
She didn't want them to see the bruises.
She couldn't let them see.
“Where’d you go?” It was JJ’s voice that spoke this time, his tone soft, and a hand resting on her thigh, which she cringed away from, the memory of that morning still playing in her head.
“Just in my head.” She answered after a couple of seconds passed, swallowing the bile that had risen in her throat while thinking about that morning.
“Are you sure? Talk to me.” He was whispering now and his body angled towards her so the others wouldn't hear him. Recently the two have been getting closer, almost as close as Kie and she had been when she first joined the group. He knew her like the back of his hand, with a few exceptions of the things she didn't want him to know, and she knew him. She would like to say she knew more than John B, but with how long the boys have known each other, she doubted it.
“I'm fine, J.” Serephina whispered, looking at the blonde, giving him a reassuring smile. “I have to be home by 7:30, so what's the plan for today?” She asks the group.
“Swimming down by the marsh is the plan, so I hope you're wearing a suit,” Pope said from the kitchen, opening a bag of chips. “Also, tell your parents to fuck off with that curfew thing!”
“Yeah, that's not happening unless I want to be murdered.” She joked, the group chuckled in response except for JJ, who looked at the girl with concern as she stood. “However, I'm not wearing one at the moment but there's one in my bag.”
“Go put it on then.”
“Damn, Kie, be more aggressive, why don't ya.”
Grabbing her bag that she had thrown on the floor when she arrived, the strawberry blonde walked to the guest bathroom to change.
“Who wants the last beer?” Pope asked, holding up a cold bottle of beer that had been sitting in the cooler. They had been out on the marsh for a few hours. The sun was blazing, causing a sheen of sweat to coat his dark skin. When nobody answered, he took that as a sign that nobody wanted it and placed it back in the cooler, taking the free spot next to Kie.
Serephina pulled off her overshirt, revealing her lilac bikini top, and leaned back, forgetting the dark reddish-purple bruises in the shape of fingers on her porcelain skin as she did. “Oh, my God. Seph, what happened to your arm?” John B asked, worry laced with his tone.
Panic shot through the girl’s body as she racked her brain for an excuse she could use to explain it away. “Holy shit, who manhandled you?” Kiara lifted her sunglasses off her eyes to get a better look.
“Had a little run-in with… with Rafe on my way to the chateau. He was in a pissy mood coming back from Barry’s.” She lied easily, her heart dropping to her stomach. She hated lying to them but she couldn’t tell them the real truth. They had enough going on. If they found out what happened at home, they’d lose it and she didn’t want that. She didn’t want to risk them getting into any kind of trouble, even if it meant continuing to put up with her parents.
Feeling eyes on her, she turned and locked eyes on the blonde across from her. His brows were knitted together in concentration, his mouth moving but no sound coming out, and his bright blue eyes focused on her arm. He looked up to meet her gaze, and she saw a look in his eyes that she knew all too well because she once wore that look when she finally pieced together all of JJ’s lies about his cuts and bruises. “I’m going to go for a swim.” She announced and stood up, slipping off her sandals and stood on the edge of the boat. “Anyone want to join?”
“I will.” JJ stood and jumped into the water without a second thought. Serephina followed a few moments later after one last look at the group. “Seph, come over here.”
Swimming over to the blonde, she pushed back the wet hair that covered her face. “J, don’t say anything, please.” Were the first words she spoke when she reached her best friend. She knew he knew and there was no point in trying to beat around the bush. “You can’t… you can’t say anything.”
“Serephina, I’m not going to just sit back and-”
“JJ, please!” She cut him off, desperation laced in her words. He couldn’t tell them, she couldn’t let him even try to tell them. “J, please. It’s really nothing, anyway.”
“I used to say that same thing and it got worse. So bad you connected the dots so easily and told the group and you all helped me. Why can't I do the same for you?”
“Because they have enough going on, J! I can't—won't—add another burden onto them.” Serephina looks back at the boat, seeing her friends laughing at something John B was doing. Looking up at the sky, she realized the sun was setting, and panic flooded her body. “Fuck, what time is it? Kie! What time is it?”
“Five minutes to seven!” She shouted and the strawberry blonde froze. It was a twenty-eight-minute walk back to her place, but the boat was ten minutes away from the dock. She wouldn't make it.
“No, no, no. Damn it.”
“I have to get home, but it's going to take too long. Oh, fuck.”
“Seph, what’s gonna happen if you get home late?” She went quiet and looked away. She knew exactly what was going to happen, and it made her sick. “Hey, look at me. What's going to happen?”
“I can't tell you.”
“You can. I'm not going to pressure you but if you don't tell me, I'm going to try my hardest to get you to stay here.”
“J, please. I have to go.” Serephina squeezes her eyes shut for a long moment and turns to swim back to the boat but is still by a hand on her wrist. She flinched at the sudden contact but didn't pull away. She was safe with him. His touch sent warmth through her body and let her know she was safe with him, that she would always be safe with him. He would never do anything that would hurt her and she knew it; she trusted him. “JJ-”
“I won't let you go back to that house, baby. Not if they're going to hurt you.”
“Are you two coming or what? Seph needs to hurry and get home.” John B called out from the boat as he started it up. JJ looked at her with pleading eyes and she could see the fear hidden behind them. He was scared to let her go just as she had been when she first found out about him.
She remembered the moment she connected the dots. She had been lying in the hammock at the chateau listening to JJ explain why he had shown up with a busted lip and black eye. He explained he got into a fight with some Kooks, not naming names like he usually would. She was staring at him, her eyes focused on his hand that she noticed twitched whenever he lied. Nobody else, not even John B, seemed to pick up on that tell, but she did. He was lying, and she knew he was. He wasn't getting into some random Kooks every few days. He wasn't straining his wrist or ankle by crashing his bike—though that was possible with how he rode the damn thing. But no, it wasn't either of those things. She knew the excuses like the back of her hand. She's been giving them since the middle of eighth grade.
“Full of shit.” She muttered without thinking, her eyes traveling up to his face, his bright blue eyes staring back at her.
JJ had told her how his dad sometimes lashed out but assured her nothing was wrong when she asked if he had ever physically hurt him earlier that week when she cleaned up a cut under his left eye; his twitching hand gave away his lies. JJ showed up a few days later with a bust lip and black eye after being MIA for days was enough for her to connect the dots.
His dad was physically hurting him.
“What?” Kiara had been the one to ask, sitting up on the hammock, but Serephina had ignored her, her green eyes locked on JJ’s. “Seph?”
“Don't.” JJ pleaded softly.
He knew she knew. She was smart and was always the one to piece things together first in the group, so it was no surprise to him she noticed first.
“He didn't get into a fight with a Kook.”
“Serephina.” He warned, but she didn't listen.
“His dad did this. All those times he said he got into a fight or crashed his bike? He lied.”
“Is… is that true?” Pope asked the blonde.
Once the whole group knew, JJ snapped. He broke down and Serephina shocked everyone by holding him close. She let him cry into her chest until he couldn't anymore and when he tried to go home? She refused to let him go.
She couldn't—wouldn't—let him go back to that house, knowing his dad could be waiting for him to beat him up just for the fun of it.
“I won't let him hurt you again.”
“You can't stop it, Seph, okay? It happens, and it's not even anything to worry about.”
“You're full of shit and you know it. You go MIA for days and then show up practically covered in cuts and bruises. I won't risk losing you. Please just stay with John B for a while. Please.” She pleaded, her eyes glossed over with unshed tears, and her hand intertwined with his fingers, refusing to let go. The thought of letting go right now scared her.
“Alright, hey, alright. Don't cry, you're too pretty for that.”
“Shut up. Just come back inside.”
“Seph, please.” Snapping back to reality at the sound of his voice, she sighed. “Stay with John B—or Kie, for a few days, okay? You turn eighteen on Saturday and then we're getting you out of there.”
“It's not that easy, JJ.”
“I know it isn't, just humor me then.” He cracked a small smile, his eyes pleading.
“Okay, alright. Let's go talk to the others then.”
The two swim back towards the boat and, with the help of Kie and Pope, are pulled back in. “What took so long?” Kie questioned, passing Serephina a towel since it was getting cold.
“John B, you can turn off the boat. I need to tell you guys something.” The girl spoke nervously, sitting back down in her previous spot. She heard John B twist the key, shutting off the boat with ease and joined the group in the small cockpit. They all looked at her expectantly and JJ nodded his head, silently telling her it was okay to tell them. “I can't go home. My parents aren't good people. They used to be but I guess I was some obstacle in their life, and in my father's words, I was some mistake that they should've gotten rid of. The… the abuse used to be purely emotional, nothing physical until eighth grade.” She paused and looked at her best friends, all of them wearing a similar expression of shock.
They couldn't believe the words the girl was saying. Her parents had always seemed so nice when the teens would see them out and about. But they supposed nothing was as it seemed nowadays.
“It got physical at the beginning of eighth grade, it's why I distanced myself for a while and missed so much school. The bruises were everywhere. My dad went a little crazy, I guess you could say. My mom stayed with the emotional torment, but… he didn't. He just kept getting worse, and he still is. The point here is, I got in trouble this morning because my alarm didn't wake me up two hours before they did, which means I didn't clean up the downstairs and they were not happy. My dad wanted me home at 7:30, which is earlier than normal for him, even on a good day, and it scares me because the last time he wanted me home early, I was limping for a few days and not because… because he beat me.” Tears were slipping from her eyes, leaving behind stains where they trailed down her cheek. They all froze at the implication behind her words.
JJ reached out and locked his hand in with hers. She let out a shaky breath at the contact, warmth spreading through her body. His touch seemed to keep her grounded and calm as she explained what happened at home when she left the group.
“If I go home tonight, especially if I show up late, which is likely considering how long it takes to get there and the time, I don't know what he's going to do. And my mom wants me awake and waiting for her when she gets home at midnight and I don't know what she has planned, but I know it's not good. So, I'm wondering, if I could stay with one of you?”
Kiara was the first to speak. Tears lined her eyes. “You can stay with me.” Her voice was soft and broken, clearly distraught by the words her best friend had just spoken. “Seph, how- why did- God, I'm so sorry.”
“Kie, if you cry, I might not stop.”
“Can I hug you, please?” She asks, hesitating to move a little closer to the strawberry blonde.
“Yeah, just not for long. I'm still working on the touching thing,” Serephina removed her hand from the blondes to wrap her arms around the dark-haired girl, not caring that she was still soaking wet from the water. “Pope, don't even think about announcing a group hug.” She joked, her arms still wrapped around Kiara, the girl's touch comforting.
“Then hurry and finish this so I can hug you myself.”
Pulling away from Kiara, she moved over to Pope, her arms wrapping around his bare torso. “You're all sweaty.” She wrinkled her nose as if to say he also stunk.
“Are you sure it's not you?” Pope chuckled, his own arms circling the girl’s shoulders, holding her close. She had always been like a sister to him since meeting her and hearing all those things broke his heart. All he wanted to do was hide her away and protect her, but he couldn't do the best he could do was hold her close for a few moments.
“Po, release.” She mumbled after a minute, reluctant to let go of him herself because she felt safer than she's ever felt in a long time.
“Right. Sorry.”
“No, it's okay. I feel safe, safer than ever when you guys hug me, but John B is being quiet and I want to see why.” She whispered so only Pope could hear her. He nodded with a smile and moved out of the way so she could go over to John B. The man with brunette hair and sun-kissed highlights was staring at her, his tears remained unshed but made his eyes glossy. “Hey, come here.”
John B let her circle her arms around his waist and took a few seconds to compose himself so his arms could circle her shoulders and hold her close. “I'm sorry I didn't see it before. I shouldn't have ignored all the signs, but I was too scared to admit that another one of my best friends was being hurt by the people supposed to protect them.”
“It's okay, JB. I don't blame you for ignoring it, I would've if I was in your shoes.”
“No, you wouldn't. You are the one who called JJ out on his bullshit.” He reminded you.
“Good point, but let's not focus on that, okay? Let's just get back to having fun today,” Serephina pulls herself out of his grips and turns to the group. “I'm sorry for not telling you guys sooner. I didn't want to add more stress onto you.”
“You wouldn't have. We're best friends, Serephina, and we protect each other. We help each other and we don't keep secrets from one another, so let's all promise, again, that we won't keep secrets.” JJ stood next to the strawberry blonde, a hand resting on the small of her back, sensing that his touch kept her grounded during all this.
“No more secrets.” They all promised.
Once all seriousness of the situation was out of the way, they headed back to the chateau and talked about whatever came to mind. After a couple of hours, Pope, John B, and Kiara left to go get some food from the Wreck since John B hadn’t gone shopping, leaving JJ and Serephina lying in the hammock outside.
“Hey, thanks for making me tell the others. I think it’ll do good.” She whispered, breaking the silence between them. JJ sat up and reached for her hand. She let him grab it and intertwine their fingers, still surprised by how comforting and grounding his touch was.
“Yeah, of course. Couldn't stand to see you in pain anymore. I always thought that when you showed up wincing in pain, you had fallen on your way here, given how clumsy you can be. But today when I saw those marks on your arm, I knew something else was wrong and then I thought about how quickly you were able to figure out what was going on with me and it all just kind of clicked.” He explained, turning their hands so the back of her hand was facing up and used his free hand to trace random figures.
“I know, I watched you piece it together earlier. Kept hoping you wouldn't call me out so instead of taking that chance, I went for a swim expecting you to follow and you did.”
“Thought about doing it the second it clicked but it would've made it harder to get you to open up about it so when you asked if anyone wanted to join you in the water, I saw my opportunity to call you out and took it.”
“Well, thanks for that. I don't know if I would've ever told any of you if that hadn't happened.” She scooted closer to the blonde, their faces mere inches away from each other. “What would I do without your dumbass?”
He chuckled before saying, “Live the most boring life.”
“Hmm, I suppose that's true.”
“You suppose? That's- You hurt my feelings, babe.” He placed a hand over his heart to exaggerate his point, making the girl roll her eyes, laughing at his stupidity. “You know you love me, don't even- don't even try to deny it.”
“Maybe I do, maybe I don't. You might never know.” She shrugged, making her face all serious, trying her hardest not to smile but failed quickly, a grin tugging on her lips. He always made it hard to keep a straight face near him. Being around him allowed her to drop all the walls she put up at home. He made her smile more than she thought possible. The blonde leaned in closer with a warm smile. “What?”
“Nothing, just… it's just your smile—your real smile, is something I haven’t seen in a while. It's as beautiful as ever.” His voice was soft, the moon shone in his face making his eyes glow, and his smile grew a bit. “Absolutely beautiful.” His eyes traced the structure of her face, memorizing every blemish, every wrinkle, and every curve.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her voice sounding breathless.
His tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”
She doesn't say anything, liking the feeling of him being close to her. The warmth radiating from his body was enough to calm her rapidly beating heart. At the feeling of his free hand cupping underneath her jaw, she closed her eyes and basked in the feeling of his breath fanning against her cheek. Serephina felt his lips brush against hers and a small whimper escaped from her throat.
Upon receiving that reaction from the girl, he pressed his lips against hers. She took a moment to respond but when she did, their lips moved in perfect sync, memorizing the feel and taste of each other. “So perfect,” He mumbled into her lips, breaking away to catch his breath.
“Kiss me again.” The blonde smiled, pressing his lips back on hers without thinking twice about it, his thumb caressing her cheekbone as he did.
Touch was something that didn’t come easy to the strawberry blonde but she could make an expectation for a few people. Mainly for him.
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notes: if you would like to request something from the prompt list, you can find it here, just be sure to add the numbers and if its angst or fluff! if you want to request something that is not on the list, go right ahead and send in the ask!
add yourself to my taglist!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it's crossed out that means i couldn't tag you )
@prettylittlemoonlight @drayshadow
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veryberryjelly · 3 years
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take care of my girl
pairing ; kiara carrera x reader
prompt ; “That cough sounds pretty bad.”
wc ; 0.6k
Living in north Carolina, it didn’t exactly get cold a whole lot, so getting a simple cold wasnt something a lot of people who lived there were used to. y/n had managed to go seventeen years without getting sick, but of course, the one day that she wants to spend out on the water with her friends and her girlfriend, is the day the world decides to have her bed ridden with the flu.
Who gets the flu in the middle of July?
She had sent a text to kiara, telling her that she wouldn’t be coming out on the boat today, leaving out the reason why to try and prevent her from worrying, and just telling her to have a nice time without her.
She managed to get out of bed and stand up straight long enough to have a shower and maybe feel a little better about herself. It helped for a little while, warming up her body and allowing her to breath properly, but when she started getting dizzy, she climbed out of the shower and practically stumbled into her bedroom.
She almost jumped out of her skin when she saw Kiara sat on the edge of her bed.
“ kie, what are you doing here? I told you to go out without me “ she spoke, holding the towel tighter around her body as she headed towards her closet to get some clean clothes to spend the rest of her day in bed in.
“ you didn’t answer me when I asked why you weren’t coming, I thought something was wrong…” she was cut off when y/n started coughing across the room, clutching her chest to try and ease the immense pain it was causing her. “ and clearly I was right. that cough sounds pretty bad, y/n. why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
After pulling a large tshirt and some pyjama shorts from her closet y/n sat down a few feet away from kiara on her bed.
“ I didn’t want you to worry, I wanted you to enjoy your day out. I knew that if I told you then you’d come over here and I didn’t want to get you sick “ she answered as she slid the tshirt over her head, only then lowering the towel from her body when she was properly dressed in her cotton shorts and a tshirt. it wasn’t like she was trying to hide from kiara on a count of them not having been intimate before, but she didn’t exactly like to change infront of people, even her girlfriend.
“ I was gonna worry no matter what, but I just wanted to come over and make sure you were okay. Now I’m gonna stay here and take care of my girl.” She shuffled a little closer and brushed a wet strand of hair from y/n’s face. “ okay?”
While reluctant, y/n knew she wasn’t going to be able to get rid of kiara even if she tried.
“okay. But don’t blame me if you get sick because you insisted on being so damn caring” y/n replied with a laugh and reached onto her bedside for a hair-tie to put her hair into a bun and get it off of her neck.
“ I won’t, now pick a movie, I’m gonna go and get some tea for us and then we can just stay here watching Netflix all day “ she leant over and pressed a kiss onto her warm forehead before standing up and walking out of the room, y/n’s eyes trailing after her with a look of pure admiration.
Just the fact that even when her girlfriend was sick, kiara still wanted to be there was incredibly heart-warming.
And y/n was there a week later when her girlfriend inevitably got sick, staying by her side until she felt better.
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rubiehart · 18 days
comment on this post if you wanna be added to my kinktober taglist! probably gonna be posting it later on in the week.
i’ll be posting all 31 days w 6-7 posts each for jj maybank, john b, pope heyward, sarah cameron and kiara carrera
tagging random moots don’t feel pressured: @am3ricanh0rrorwh0re @bnnyskirt @dollverine @echobx @ems-st @forstarkey @heybank @heartsforvin @heywardsdoll @juniebugg @kraekat29 @kraekat29recs @lustnluv @maybankslover @maybankswhore @maiiuelle @nemesyaaa @outermaybanks @obxologies @obaex @oceandriveab @princessmaybank @redhead1180 @sleepyjuice @venuslcver @weedforjj @xxbimbobunnyxx @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Okay it's like 1AM and I have a math and history exam tomorrow in the same day but whatever, can I ask for a kiara carrera x reader (female if possible) where reader is lesbian (and likes kiara) but is scared to come out cuz her family are this perfect family they are rich and and well known and readers parents are known to be perfect and so everyone expects reader to be smart top of the class talented and over all just perfect and they especially expect reader to be straight so she goes and dates JJ so people won't think less of her and kiara who has been crushing over reader for years now is really unhappy about it and she's all jealous and at first reader thinks it's cuz kiara likes JJ but later on kiara starts saying things to reader like "I bet we'd look good together don'tyou think so y/n?" And reader is all frustrated and blushy and she starts getting more touchy with reader and doing cute shit like comparing hand sizes just to piss JJ off and hoping reader might start liking her back (which reader already does) and well this ask has been long so that's pretty much it, could they like end up together too idk how I have no ideas, also can reader be like this outgoing soft bubbly girl that's always there for everyone cuz like my shyness could never bring me to even be outgoing or be there for people so here is where I escape that, also can reader be girly, that's all damn this is one long ask but um make sure you eat well and drink water, don't forget the water it's important and take care of yourself you're important too and I hope you have a wonderful morning/evening or night wherever you have. Ba byeee <3
don’t think i forgot you😭 i left it for last because i wanted to get every detail right, or try to. i hope you like it 🥲❤️ take care, babes😌
You’re a kook but just like Kiara, you hung out with pogues and felt like one too. Your parents were betty uptight and demanding. They wanted to be the family everyone would want. So, they asked for perfection. They demanded perfect grades, good etiquette, perfect talent, everything.
But you weren’t at all perfect. You’d been keeping a secret for some time and you never knew how you were going to say it, or even say it at all. You were gay, lesbian to be exact. How will you break to your parents that their “perfect daughter” was far from that?
All that brought you to date JJ, fake date him. He knew the whole truth and was all in when you presented your plan. The only thing was that not even the pogues knew you were gay or that you really liked Kiara.
You were all hanging out at the Chateau and you were sitting next to JJ as he explained something about C.H.U.D. to Pope. Kie walked in and immediately frowned after seeing you next to the blonde. No one knew it but she was crazy over you as well.
“Kie, you okay?” You asked feeling concerned as you watched her throw her bag on the dining table.
“Yeah.” She answers dryly and sat across from you. 
“Okay, JJ, that makes no sense.” Pope stood up, walking towards the small cooler to grab another beer. 
“What makes no sense?” You chuckled, pulling your feet up on the chair. 
“Some C.H.U.D stuff babe. He’s completely hating on it. You know what, Pope? You just don’t have good taste.” JJ said, playing with her vape pen. 
“What do you mean I don’t have good taste?” 
“You don’t like C.H.U.D, man and it’s awesome. Right, babe?” The blonde said, tapping your thigh which caused you to nod and smile. 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Kie look down at her hands with a frown. And it took everything in you to not go up to her and kiss her. You stood up and walked over to the cooler, grabbing two beers. One for you and one for Kie. You sat down next to her, sipping from your beer as you stared at the boys. Her eyes burnt into you as she looked at you up and down. 
“I bet we’d look good together don’t you think so, Y/n?” Kie throwed her arm over your shoulder causing you to look at her and back at JJ. She wanted to make him jealous and make you all nervous. And she succeeded. 
“Um.. I-I think so.” You stuttered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“I’m gonna go inside.” JJ muttered.
“Wait, J-”
“Nah, forget it.” He said disappearing into the Chateau. 
That was one of the many times that Kie’s actions pissed JJ off. “Pissed him off”. He was only pretending of course which made it fun whenever you went to “see what was wrong” when in reality you guys laughed and planned your next move. 
A few days after, they were all hanging out at the marsh on the HMS. You were suntanning with Sarah and Kie on the boat as the boys swam around. The current topic was jewelry. There was a fancy kook party coming up and Sarah had invited all of you which led you to scrap for pretty pieces of jewelry. 
“I mean, you can wear my rings.” Kie suggested. 
“Nah, I don’t think so. Your hands are bigger than mine.” You groaned, sitting up to sip some water but instead your hand was pulled to your side as Kie placed both hands together. Her skin was soft against yours and the touch made your heart skip a beat. 
“Oh, it’s true. Your hands are so tiny.” Kiara chuckled, rubbing her thumb over your hand. At that moment, JJ was on the boat, water dripping from his hair as he cleared his throat causing you to yank your hand away from the pogue. 
“You know this is getting annoying, why don’t you tell her already?” JJ said abruptly causing your eyes to open wide in shock. 
“Tell me what?” Kie chuckled looking at you and back at the blonde. 
“Shut up, J.” You muttered with gritted teeth. 
“Just fucking tell her, Y/n.” The blonde said once again getting everyone’s attention. 
“Tell me what?!” 
“That Y/n likes you.” 
Silence filled the boat as everyone stared at you but your eyes were kept on the ground while tears ran down your cheeks. You wanted the marsh to just open and swallow you at that point. 
“Y/n?” Kie whispered causing you to look up at her. 
“Um... maybe we should leave you girls alone..” Sarah whispered and stood up, pulling JJ off the boat to go swim with the boys. 
“What JJ said, is that... was he telling the truth?” The pogue asked and you sniffled. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and nodded  before wiping tears away. 
“I’m sorry, I- I didn’t want you to find out this way.” You whispered and continued to cry, pulling your knees closer to your chest. 
A soft hand touched your knee, causing you look up to see Kiara. Her hand drifted to you jaw, softly grazing her fingers over your skin. And before you could speak, her soft lips were pressed against yours in a sweet kiss. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as your hand flew to cup her cheek, pulling her closer to you. The pogues hollered in joy as you separated from the kiss with bashful smiles. 
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humblequestvinyl · 2 years
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SUMMARY: no matter how much she’s tried, one she couldn’t even put a dent in, she can’t love him anymore!
inspired by i cant love you anymore by maren morris
cw: swearing, and tooth rotting fluff. both are 18+!
lowercase is intentional! word count: 0.6k
a/n: this was originally a john b blurb but i couldn’t stand the way it went so here we are!!! also four more left until the humble quest series is finished :’) [manifesting a hq deluxe!!!]
y/n grinned, watching as her sister karlie finished pinning back the girls hair into a half up half down hairdo, “who knew, moving to the outer banks six years ago would lead me right to here.”
“please, i remember the night after you met him you swore to make him yours.”karlie teased as their mom hooked the necklace around y/n’s neck, “you are a god damn mastermind.”
y/n laughed, before being handed dark blue, white and yellow flowers, “you ready bride to be?”
“yeah, i’m ready to become mrs.maybank.”
karlie nodded towards jj and y/n as the two stood in front of each other, with y/n in a long, white wedding dress, and flowers all threaded throughout her hair. the two had gotten karlie to be their officiant, not really wanting to spent the money on a priest.
jj grinned, nodding towards y/n to start, and the girl grinned, before pulling out her phone and pulling up her vows, “who knew, falling for a boy from the cut in outerbanks would lead me to here.”
“moving here six years ago, and running into you that one night on the beach would lead us to where we are right now, standing here saying our vows.”she grinned, seeing jj watch her with so much admiration and love, “you absolute love driving all the way to texas, and we all cannot forget you putting up with all of my ex’s over the years.”
“to deserve you my love, i don’t know what the hell i did.”
she heard the small crowd of people they had laugh, knowing exactly how jj had dealt with y/n’s crazy ex boyfriend who once drove all the way from texas just to try and get her back. that was the first night that she knew he had to be hers.
“you always bring me my daily morning coffee, blasting taylor swift while speeding down highway 12, and always watching me while i’m getting ready for work, trying to convince me to stay home.”she went on, watching as jj held back his laughter, “you always lighten up my heavy, and not to mention you’re fun even when you think your boring.”
 “and you still like me even when i’ve been a complete bitch to you.”
“and god! you’re so freaking good looking that sometimes it makes me sick!”y/n exclaimed, causing a laugh to escape jj’s lips, knowing she was completely right.
“as you always say, im the absolute angel to your devil, the pot to your kettle, and what we’ve got is working, the years we’ve been together have made it more that way.”she grinned, before looking at the end of what she had written, “heaven knows that i’ve attempted, and couldn’t even put a dent in it,”
“i can’t love you anymore than i do now.”
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
soft hours: making matching bracelets with kiara
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“ohhh yn!” kiara exclaimed singy-songy making you laugh. you turn your head and kiara plops herself down next to you in the sand. “i brought all of my jewelry making stuff. so, we could possibly be out here for hours”
“honestly that’s okay with me as long as i’m with you” you smile and she grins, kissing your shoulder before opening the box.
you started to drop the beads onto the string, leg over kiara’s as you were making her a bracelet. kiara kept peeking over and coping you, making a matching bracelet. you put your initial on the bracelet next to a heart, tying it up.
"all done" you turn to kiara and smile, holding out your hand and kiara gasped with a big smile. she leaned forward and kissed you softly, and you slid the bracelet on her wrist. you picked her arm up and kissed your initial on the bracelet.
"you are so cute, yn" she whispered and you smile, kiara handing out her bracelet that looked like yours. "now we'll be matching! matching girlfriend bracelets!" she beamed and slid it on your wrist, kissing it as well.
"should we make necklaces now?" you ask and she smirks, straddling your waist with her hand around your neck. "oh i like this necklace much better" you giggle and she laughs, kissing you as she pushed you back against your towel as you both laugh into one another's mouths.
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poguesholland · 3 years
Restless: Where you and JJ are best friends but you can’t fall asleep because you’re frustrated, and he helps you relax before confesssing your feelings to each other. 18+
Look At My...: You make so many Tiktok’s that JJ can't keep track anymore but he immediately reacts when he sees Kie and you making this Tiktok in front of the Pogues.
Missing Home: You ran away with your boyfriend, John B Routledge, after he was wrongfully convicted of murder. Both of you had been hiding out in Barbados for a year now, and you missed home a lot more than both of you expected.
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milkiane · 3 years
two a.m. facts; pogues
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request: pogues x reader group chat for the social media thingg pls
warnings: profanities, mentions of death // SMAU
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obx taglist: @maybanksslut @angelixcpixies @oldschoolkiddo @iwritesiriusly @natashxromanovfreads @nyxie75 @stylesyourmine @gabiatthedisco @taylathornton @bury-my-love-inthe-moondust @luvgallavich  @queen-asteria04 @aliyahsutherland @wolfstar-lb @mrs-cameron @golden-hoax @popeheywardzwifey @ilyjohnb @diverrdown @malfoylaufeysonweasley @ayleehweasleyobrien @xsamsharons @sweeterthansammy @softboydrew @jemimah-b99 @randomlimelightxxx @divanca2006 @l0verstyless @drewstarkeysbitchh @onlyamylee @goldengoddess @asimpwriter @father-violet @judayyyw @layazul @darklingbrekksov @in-my-body-bag @28cnn @whoeveniskendall @thisisntmeok @rafecameronn @i-love-scott-mccall @marvelsimps @writerlyrunlove @graysonbde @loverstyless @skyfallgazingstar @melwilson @evesbiggestf4n @sunnymaybank
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