#khr ramblings
zoroara · 3 months
Thinking about Squalo, thinking about how one of his greatest achievements, a two day straight fight of skill against another master, is only ever said as a quick thing, not even mentioned by him, not brought up again. How his next greatest ones, the 100 fights are only glossed over, only mentioned in the smallest bits. We never get to see much of these fights. We only see the match that was thrown really. He fought against vindice members lasting as well as Xanxus did in the fight despite his exhaustion, though it's only a short before and after we get to see this.
I think about the fact that whenever he does get the spotlight when he does go against someone strong, in a pivotal battle. He loses.
Vs Yamamoto, loses his first sword fight in who knows how long, then eaten by a shark.
Vs Zakuro, loses even more of the arm he had lost his hand on and is caught in an explosion.
Vs Jaegar, doesn't even manage to last more than a page before he's punched through the chest.
I think about the fact that even when it isn't as bad as nearly killing him, it's still a loss.
Vs the kids in the first time, does seem like a win, but then you remember he was fooled and returned with fake rings.
Vs shimon, he and the rest of the Varia are stopped in a single move by Adelheid.
Vs Enma he failed to command his squad to seize victory when he could have by taking a boss watch.
Vs Hibari and Fon, the moment Fon comes out he's soon out, much sooner than Xanxus or Mammon.
I think about the fact that whenever Xanxus needed him, Squalo was unable to do anything. That he had to watch it happen. Or at least hear it.
In the coup, he had to listen while half conscious as Xanxus fought the ninth, and eventually, as he got frozen.
In the sky battle, he had to watch again from a wheelchair while the same thing as 8 years ago, when they had just gotten Xanxus back, happened again.
In the final fight against the wreaths and ghost, he wasn't able to do anything but be held up by Dino.
But in the fight against Jaegar, he had to watch Xanxus' arm get cut off, but there, he finally had his chance to do something before it got worse. Only to buy mere seconds before it did.
Then I think, about the fact, that despite it all. His determination and pride still shine brightly. He never gave up despite all of this, and he continues forward unshaken. Even though he keeps failing, even though his roster of fights doesn't seem impressive by the lens we're given, he knows what he's worth, what he's capable of. Even in these pivotal fights being failures, it's just something to make up for later. He's filled with spite and vengeance but he never thinks poorly of himself. He doesn't need reassurance after the fight. He is focused and simply picks back up where he was once he can.
I think, this is admirable. The unshakable confidence he has in himself. I'd say it's a curiosity that his flame output isn't higher, but at the same time it isn't. His ring can only handle so much in it after all, and despite that, he still did negate Zakuro's flame output to protect the kids long enough to escape. Zakuro's Millefiore ring that was limitless much like the Vongola.
It's a shame that we never got an important fight with him where he won since his introduction. But honestly, even with this, where some see futility(and admittedly I do too at time) It's impressive that he continued to fight and argue that he was still going to stand as close to the top as he could be. No matter what the world threw at him.
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dreamieparadise · 4 months
I have it SO in my head that Gokudera LOVES talking about his s/o like crazy but it's hard to do that with his besties because Yamamoto is private and Tsuna is shy and so eventually he will turn to the women to gush about the love of his life. I'm talking real teehee. "Where did you have your first kiss?", "first time!?" Type of talk. I also think Hana and Haru EAT THAT UP with him, and he has a good time because they reciprocate. Kyoko is super shy, so she hangs back and listens. She feels like she'd get super embarrassed just talking about wanting to hold her s/o's hand so talking about kissing and sex is SO off the table!! Chrome is also listening and hanging back because she doesn't feel the need to comment but if asked she'd answer.
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I need to draw the scene with them honestly...but less looking at the screen and more like that one Amano art.
Meanwhile Yamamoto and Tsuna are together like:
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rebo-chan · 4 months
Something I was thinking about lately is Tsuna's daddy issues. Specifically this frame.
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Like that's such a loaded thing to think about. He's got so much resentment built up. Obviously, there's no direct connection to any of Tsuna's issues made but I think a few fun things can be said from this. In general, Tsuna clearly didn't have a father figure in his life which sorta results in him leaning on Reborn pretty often. Tsuna doesn't have a very stable self-esteem with him going from confident to "Aah, Gokuderas going to become disillusioned with me now that all my flaws have been pointed out." GOKUDERA. His FIRST SUBORDINATE. The guy who literally has been LOYAL FROM DAY ONE. Not that we consider them canon, but this happens also during the filler arcs where Daemon points out that Tsuna's not worth following to Gokudera and it seems to make Tsuna a little antsy. He DOES NOT THINK THE PEOPLE HE LOVES ARE GOING TO STAY WITH HIM, THIS IS LITERALLY RUINING MY LIFE. What Daddy Issues DO TO A MF. But that's a post for another day. But okay, back to Reborn, Reborn proves himself to be immovable from Tsuna's life. The story points out that Tsuna very much has two fathers. The one who won't leave and the one who is always gone. Tsuna really leans on Reborn throughout the series. "Reborn, what do I do?" Is a common thing he says, until Reborn is literally swept away from him against his will in Future arc where he's forced to think that he's half a person in Reborns absence. Meanwhile, we have Iemitsu who Tsuna has resentment built up towards, does not respect, and is forced to acknowledge in order to win his fight. Throughout the rainbow arc battle, they try to point out that Iemitsu is trying to teach Tsuna something here and unless I'm confused (someone feel free to tell me?) it's not really clear WHAT that is. And I've always thought that was neat, because it's obviously coming from Tsuna's inability to respect Iemitsu enough to want to learn anything from him. Yet when Reborn comes in, hell he doesn't even recognize him in his Adult form, but he politely listens and takes his advice seriously. In the grand scheme of the series, Reborn is a good teacher and father figure in his life. When Tsuna is made to feel like that he can't do anything in Reborn's absence during Future, Reborn takes a step back in that arc and lets him learn to survive without his guidance. (Notice how the training almost entirely disappears after Future.) He lets him learn how to be a person without him, only stepping in to help when Tsuna really needs it. When he's unable to light his flame, with Spanner, or when he's freaking out about the Irie reveal, the list really goes on. There's a scene I recall I believe when Yuni asks to join their group, Tsuna still turns to ask Reborn what to do, and Reborn redirects him by asking him what he wants to do. That it was his call as a boss. And Tsuna ends up making the decision to help her off his own accord.
It's with Reborn's guidance that Tsuna ends up learning to be his own person, it's this guidance that allows him to make the decision and gather everyone on his own accord when it was Reborn's turn to be shaky and give up. Where Tsuna tells him that he's got this under control, without his guidance. To just watch him. "you've always knew I could win before." It's this arc where Reborn's pride in Tsuna shines. Multiple times. "Surprise me again, Tsuna." And he does. It's in Reborn's second absence where Tsuna feels himself get shaky again, feels the old feelings of poor self image crop up, that Reborn comes back. Because Reborn is not Iemitsu, and he wasn't someone who left him in that house alone forever. Because he's still young and has much to learn before he's ready to do this on his own. It's at this he feels a little embarrassed about how glad he is that Reborn came back, but then recalls the "mean words" that Reborn said before leaving. It's here that Reborn tells him it's a good thing he hasn't changed much. Another sliver of guidance that Tsuna takes in from the figure in his life that won't leave him alone in that house.
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gelataisa · 6 months
Forever obsessed with a 10 years bazooka mishap that bring a tyl xanxus into the present during a party at villa vongola. he is clearly about to have sex (fortunately he only has his shirt open) and has what clearly is a wedding ring on his finger.
everyone is disbelieved and squalo looks like hes about to explode
xanxus is clearly annoyed yet somewhat amused. he probably revels in seeing his father embarassed by his everything. to everyone's surprises he scolds, in this order, the entire tenth gen for not teaching the fucking child anything apparently, and lambo himself for not being more responsible and behaving during an event like that
squalo once again freaks out (VOI!! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THAT TURNED YOU LIKE THIS) and the look xanxus gives him is so amused- yet poignant. the most attentive observers could be led to believe that there is also some fondness, yet they disergard the thought immediately
you know fish, theres this thing called 'being almost 40 years old', you might get to hear it some day
squalo's answer is lost in the smoke that appears right after
present xanxus is far less amused and calm upon his return
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myrmyrtheorca · 4 months
Happy thoughts that keep me going:
- Squalo being genuinely happy and relaxed, smiling from his heart (not his usual smirk of superiority, a sincere beaming expression);
- Xanxus looking out from his office windows to watch the fireflies down in the Varia gardens before going to bed;
- Yamamoto and Tsuna having videogame nights where Tsuna tries to teach Yams a new fighting game and Yams wins by the rule of "beginner's luck" despite Tsuna knowing all his main's combos;
- Bianchi crocheting mittens for Chrome because after noticing she gets her hands cold easily;
- Chrome being too scared of using said mittens because she doesn't want to ruin them;
-Kikyo checking up on Daisy, Bluebell and Zakuro's health because none of them trust medical doctors enough and he has to go with each of them whenever there's blood work to do.
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hopeswriting · 2 months
i miss when i was writing khr meta on the regular and being unwell about it on here with you guys. i think i like having the time and energy to be chronically online actually
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Thinking about Tsuna having normal little boy interests. Thinking about Little Tsuna watching old videos of stunt men and falling in love. Thinking about little Tsuna going further and further back because he wants to see more and he has pretty unlimited internet access. Thinking about little Tsuna finding a stunt man in all stunning purple and declaring him his hero. Thinking about little Tsuna playing pretend and declaring he’s the “Great Skull-sama”.
Thinking about the arcobaleno cursed in the bodies of their preteen selves. Thinking about Skull wandering like he always does, just drifting from one place to the next, untethered and distant with nothing but a motorcycle and Oodaku to call his own.
Thinking about Skull hearing a little voice claim his name through tears and moving before he can think about it.
(It’s not hard, even for him, to recognize the little Sky. It’s not like they did a very good job at hiding him even with his flames locked away.)
Skull steps in and chases the bullies off and Tsuna takes one look at his hair and makeup before shrieking and trying to tackle him in a hug. (He can’t remember the last time someone was excited to see him. Before the pacifier certainly. Before he was pulled from the world he knew, from his territory and told to find his way in a whole new life that didn’t make sense with a body that no one would take seriously. (He hadn’t been much older when he was cursed, just shy of his nineteenth birthday if he remembers correctly, but at least he was considered an adult in most cultures.))
Tsuna drags him home and Skull? He takes one look at Tsuna’s mother’s vacant eyes and the bruises poorly hidden by Tsuna’s jacket from kids just like the ones he had driven away earlier and decides he can stay a while, if only to protect the forgotten spare of a bloodline. A task that only gets more complicated when it becomes apparent that his little Sky wont stay forgotten or a spare forever.
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jjellysoo · 5 months
Wooo I stayed up way too late again and I can hear birds chirping whoops BUT I’m having Thoughts so:
As much as 398 closes out Xanxus’ character arc it also brings Squalo’s complex over not being able to save him in the Cradle and again in the Sky Battle full circle. He’s finally physically able to protect his Boss, and when given the opportunity he does it like it’s second nature (because it is!), so quickly that he’s dead by the time Xanxus’ arm hits the ground. It isn’t coincidence that the first time he can sacrifice himself is also the first time Xanxus doesn’t want him to. Their development is so intertwined oh just shoot me LMAO
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eeriehowl · 5 months
the way bel found a family that actually loves him, despite how they may all act on the outside, while rasiel was met with individuals who would let him be eliminated for their ends in a heartbeat. say what you want about varia not caring for each other, they don't actually feel that way. they have each other's back in the end. xanxus is there to kill rasiel when bel couldn't. he did not do it for bel's sake, but he was actually there to follow up on the havoc rasiel was raining down. rasiel? rasiel had no one to fall back on. not a soul was going to help him against xanxus' wrath.
after being introduced to rasiel and having him reveal how much he belittled bel, how he was allegedly constantly rubbing in his face that he was better than him, it's beautiful karma to see bel not being alone anymore. he's not the 8 year old kid that had no one to rely on except himself. he has a family.
what's especially heart wrenching about knowing their backstory properly is that you find out why bel acts the way he does. suddenly, we are told that rasiel's treatment of him is the source of so much of what makes up bel as a person. it clicks. i still most often see people thinking of bel as conceited, but i really don't see that. not with the context of him looking completely blank when rasiel says that he was always better, no smile, no retort.
when bel lets down his guard with lussuria in the manga interview, he is extremely dismissive throughout. he is in no way excited to talk about himself. he even says that he doesn't want to stand out too much at the end section of one of the volumes where characters comment on fanart. this kind of humble comment doesn't exactly fit the way people around him tend to view his vanity. bel's desperation while fighting as soon as he bleeds also seems like...more than just flashbacks to that fateful night that he killed rasiel. it's like the inferiority complex he must have built up kicking in, he has to win, he has to get validation that he can win. he can't keep losing like he did repeatedly to rasiel in the past. again, i have to emphasize that rasiel says that bel was always worse than him and bel does not speak out. the one who everyone would see as egotistical does not say a word to defend himself. just silence. not even a hint of annoyance. this all sounds like i'm just taking things from canon and making a headcanon through that (which is fine), but then you realize that bel's only dislike listed on his "vongola 77" character page is himself. bel calling himself a genius & making his royalty a statement is sometimes simply just for mischief, a funny excuse he likes to throw around, and other times a cover. maybe a few times, he actually believes it. when he succeeds.
on the other hand, rasiel fully believes that he is better than everyone else. i have no doubt about that. even when bel won once, he still thinks bel is inferior. that bel is trash in comparison to himself. but in the end, he got destroyed by bel's boss who labels *him* trash. throwing that straight at his ego.
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discendia · 1 month
I'm remembering that we had a Xanxified? Takeshi singing in one of the concerts just because he was silly during recordings and rehearsals imitating Xanxus and it became such a thing™ that Xanxus' VA asked him to perform one of his songs, and I still love it.
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lixenn · 3 months
Sharing one good thing that happened today:
I requested and he delivered. A true comrade 🫡
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zoroara · 2 years
Okay so I was thinking about this scene in the anime again.
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now, the reason I was thinking about this is not currently important you’re gonna find out in a few days.
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and as you can see here, it’s very much the same thing in the manga, BUT. when we go back to Xanxus, he’s turned around.
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more importantly his feet are now sitting on the table that he originally was facing towards during the fight with Rasiel. So I thought initially it was a continuation error.
and then I looked more closely.
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Xanxus has motion lines on him. and that Chair has fucking scraping movements on it’s legs. IT  DOESN’T HAVE WHEELS. So not only is XANXUS FORCIBLY MOVING THIS HUGE CHAIR WITH JUST HIS LEGS.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
With the fact that Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, is from Italy, i’m surprised there’s no KHR x PJO crossover yet.
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stepswowdsen · 29 days
【KHR】 XanLena ❤️💜🔥🪷
I drew sketches of Xanxus and Selena recently!
Xanxus ❤️🍷🔥
New (2024)
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Old (2023)
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Xanxus wearing áo dài ("Long dress"), a type of Vietnamese traditional clothing
I think my art style is improving nicely! The way I draw faces is getting more refined
I'll redraw the hair later. I just sketched this quickly for now.
Cuz I was just thinking about how I wanted to draw XanLena together more
I have a XanLena art idea in my head... Just need to get started with actually drawing it
Did a quick colour test today. I'll draw the rest later.
I wanna do a big XanLena piece eventually... And also matching XanLena in traditional Vietnamese clothing 🥰💞
Selena (Liên) 💜🪷
Recent sketches I did of my KHR OC, Selena (Liên)
My wife and her NB swag~ 💜🖤🤍💛
Her Vietnamese name is Liên, which is the Sino-Viet word for "Lotus" 🪷
Selena's Names:
English name: Nguyễn Selena (グエン・セリナ)
Vietnamese name: Nguyễn Nguyệt Vân Liên (阮月雲蓮)
Japanese alias name: Gen Suzuha (阮月雲蓮)
New (2024)
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Old (2023)
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I resketched Selena's hair recently 💜
I resketched these quickly so it's not as refined but I'm still experimenting/trying to decide how I want Selena's hair to be drawn, whether I want to keep the curls in the back or not.
I feel like her ponytail is pretty iconic to her design. So if Selena got a TYL (10 Years Later) design, then I'd just add a bun on top of the ponytail
Didn't redraw everything yet but just updated this for now
I redrew the bow and it has better lines but I prefer how pointy the shape of the OG bow was so I'll just combine the two eventually. I just wanted to get the new Selena down
Though both are nice! I just like how the shapes/silhouette of the hair are generally clearer and cleaner now
Oh and I'll make the silhouette of the ponytail more wavy like the 1st one
XanLena Chibis (2023)
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This is pretty old so I'd like to redraw it but I still think it's cute ^^
I rambled more about XanLena and Selena in a previous ramble post.
I'll put it under the cut!
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akkivee · 9 months
since the stage has a 2nd gen in cast it made me revisit who i think could be leaders of a 2nd gen hypmic cast based on connections to current leaders lol
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myrmyrtheorca · 4 months
as promised. 🩵
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