#khmer music
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metalhead-brainrot · 1 year ago
So the Cambodian psychedelic rock band is called Dengue Fever, a blend of 60s British psych with Khmer folk music. Here's my favorite album of theirs.
I appreciate OP educating others about music around the world, but to say that "Cambodia got really into Psychedelic Rock" is not the whole story. In the 1960s, the pop rock of the West was very influential in the Cambodian music scene, and you had artists like Ros Serey Sothea who got famous for blending Western rock with Khmer folk music. Similar music scenes existed in other nations; somewhat famously Iran and Afghanistan had lots of syncretic culture with the West.
This cultural interchange ended abruptly in Cambodia with the rise of the Khmer Rouge, a violent and autocratic Communist state. Because they weaponized Khmer nationalism, the Khmer Rouge looked down on influences from other cultures particularly those from political opponents in the Cold War (i.e. U.K. and U.S.A.). Much of the once-popular music was destroyed (those few tapes that remained are now valuable collector items), along with the artists themselves. I won't discuss in details the rumors of Sothea's disappearance, they can be found in the Wikipedia article I linked above. Like many other victims of Pol Pot's regime, the only known truth is that she is yet another desaparecida.
It's no accident that Dengue Fever combines 60s psych rock with Cambodian folk vocals; it's a love letter to a bygone past, a music scene that was incredibly influential and then ripped from world culture.
I recommend listening to the surviving recordings of Ros Sereysothea's work, especially if you enjoy Dengue Fever. Interestingly enough, one of Sothea's tracks is immortalized as the sample to the track Books of War by OMEGAH RED, featuring MF DOOM and RZA, some of my favorite rappers.
Every once in a while a new music genre gets invented and people from all different countries are like this slaps we got to start doing that and combine it with our own music styles and that's beautiful
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sonicandvisualsurprises · 9 months ago
1967 - Wanted to reblog this from @soundgramnar but the music file isn't available anymore.
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amphibifish · 30 days ago
need to listen to more khmer music
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appleep1ee · 2 months ago
5 Lady Cows - The Cambodian Space Project
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 5 months ago
tuesday again 9/24/2024
you might be wondering “is my dear friend tumblr user girlfriendsofthegalaxy still unemployed?” the answer is yes. take this cat off my hands please i don’t think he’s causing the unemployment but he certainly isn’t helping
via Wendy @dying-suffering-french-stalkers, Huoy Meas' ប្រគល់ក្ដឞស្នេហ៍មកខ្ញុំវិញ. figuring out what this incredibly zippy Cambodian rock song is named and what it's about was really difficult bc spotify is a bane upon this earth and won't let you fucking copy-paste and OCR was not working on the Khmer script. i ended up listening to the first couple seconds of each of her songs on apple music, and finally figured out this roughly translates to Give Me Back My Love and is about begging a fuckboy for closure.
via the spotify discover weekly, Night Club's Pretty Girls Do Ugly Things. all Night Club's songs sound the same so if you like one, great news! i had this song on for a full gregorian hour bc, i am only a tiny bit ashamed to say, i was storyboarding a The Man With No Name fancam to this. i think it would go pretty hard.
Smoke you like a cigarette Choke you like a lariat Fatalistic tourniquet Do you want more?
thank you mackintosh.
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i did not Adore any of these comics from the library. i sort of enjoyed Night of the Ghoul, a one-volume TPB by Scott Snyder and Francesco Francavilla. i think ive blogged about this before but every once in a while i'll get a bee in my bonnet to read some horror comics even though i am a giant baby about horror movies.
Night of the Ghoul is about how you can't save your dad from PTSD but also about a lost horror film and also about the extremely dad behavior of tracking down every scrap of info about an auteur. there's also a monster.
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the subtle art changes from present day to the remains of the film to the non-film flashbacks are well done, imo. the cover screams mignola but the inside pages are really fun pulp nonsense. i love a piece of genre writing that rolls around and delights in being a piece of genre writing.
im doing my level best not to get sucked into tiktok but i DO love watching this lady revive antique nail polish and look for dupes for shades from like the 20s. she found an almost exact dupe for a shade produced during wwii which is crazy insane to me!!!
The Asphalt Jungle (1950, dir. Huston), it's a very painterly heist noir. i even like Sterling Hayden in one of the more prominent roles, even though i think he generally has the appeal of undercooked dough.
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much like Fritz Lang's M, it presents the criminal element of the city as its own class with its own reputation and reference systems. it got in some trouble with the censors for having a VERY clearly laid out heist plan and execution. it's also got the babiest Marilyn Monroe in one of her earliest roles
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this was such a gloriously messy movie. everyone is such a fucking mess. this woman only known as Doll is heartbreakingly, head over heels in love with Sterling Hayden's character. she's a little flighty and bumbling and silly, but determined! they're constantly orbiting the gravitational weight of her desire for this man and desire for a real life with this man. and that's just one subplot! she has maybe five minutes total screentime! she should have gotten a supporting actress oscar!!! everyone acted their fucking hearts out and it was so much fun to watch!
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monument valley is in the netflix games library this month (i don't actually know what their liscencing agreements would even look like, they and the studios they worked with were very tightlipped about that when they were rolling this out three years ago) but i assume it's going to be on the service for a while. i have never played this game, which makes me feel a little bit like a bad gamer. you can tell it's ten years old from some of the color and texture choices, but WOW did literally everyone take inspiration from this game.
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this is the platonic ideal of a phone game. i get why everyone went insane about it and there was a brief boom of geometry-based puzzle mobile games. it is MUCH much harder now to get people to pay money to play a game that has a planned endpoint and planned number of levels, so netflix is a good home for it.
i was often frustrated but always delighted. the level below involves making something happening that made me genuinely gasp out loud in glee. well worth the annoyance of downloading the netflix app and scrolling through the poorly labeled and poorly sorted carousel of games.
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great retrospective, a bit about how you need to have tiny teams go off and just kind of fuck around and bring weird stuff back, and a lot about how they actually designed the levels
The end result had a pixel-perfect axonometric aesthetic that not only went hard on its references to Dutch master artist and printmaker Maurits Cornelis Escher, but also dug deep into classic video game design, going right back to early arcade machines and 8-bit titles. Each of the ten levels is like a piece of fine furniture, built with invisible dovetail joints and inlaid with marquetry, stuffed with secret compartments and little design flourishes. Gray cites the world of theatre and stage design, as well as graphics, as important keystones in the way the levels were constructed. ‘Ken would always talk about flower arranging, and how you frame a silhouette of a level on the screen,’ he says.
update on the Phantom Menace fabric: pinked the raw edges and threw it in the laundry again with a very large quantity of vinegar. 50% poly was too high for it to really do anything, which is interesting. it didn’t lessen the seam edge effects either, which is a little annoying bc the seams were so gigantic and that’s a good chunk of fabric to lose. i am going to buy a camp shirt pattern at some point when i have money again but for now it goes in The Box
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also! thrifted a pack of o-rings for jars for a dollar and finally put my grains etc in my pretty jars. they’re going to live in the pantry but today they live out on the countertop
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atlaculture · 1 year ago
Not ATLA-related, but I just wanted to bring some attention to the band YÄȘN YÄȘN. They're a Dutch band that takes inspiration from the psychedelic rock of East and Southeast Asia from the 60s and 70s. As someone who grew up listening to Khmer rock, I think their music is a really good example of cultural appreciation. I also think they're a good entry point into the genre as a whole, as their modern production values are a lot more approachable than the gritty mid-20th century recordings that influenced them.
If you guys like their sound, I might share more Asian psychedelic rock on this blog.
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xomakara · 11 days ago
get to know your mutuals | tag game
thanks for tagging me @aaagustd & @beomcoups 💚
what's the origin of your blog title? ↠ It's part of my name. I'm not telling you what it is lol.
favorite fandoms: ↠ First a Beauty (Beast) and forever a Light (Highlight). NCTzen (NCT), Atiny (Ateez), Melody (BTOB) and many more lol.
OTP(s)/shipname: ↠ Johnny x Me | Jaehyun x Me | Yunho x Me | Gikwang x Me | Hyunsik x Me | the list goes on and on (Linda being forever delusional)
favorite color: ↠ all shades of green. occasionally reds and pinks lolol
favorite game: ↠ At the moment Coral Island and Love and Deepspace (please talk to me about Xavier). My forever favorites are the Final Fantasy series and the Suikoden series (impatiently waiting for Suiko 1 & 2 remaster).
song stuck in your head: ↠ No One Like You by Scorpions. I got my taste in 80's rock from my momma.
weirdest habit/trait? ↠ IDK to be honest. I think everything I do is weird LOL
hobbies: ↠ reading, writing, gaming, fishing/camping, watching true crime and commentaries, listening to music, I'm also a coverist (look at my pinned post for my cover yt channel lolol)
if you work, what's your profession? ↠ I'm a purchasing agent for a steel distribution company
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be? ↠ A lazy fart. Jokes aside, I wanted to be a software engineer/game developer when I was younger but idk when that changed. Somewhere along the line, I just thought Business was a good idea and look at me now, working a corporate job lol
something you're good at: ↠ I talk to much so I'm a good yapper. But i'm an equally good listener too! I'm also a go-to for advice and comfort.
something you're bad at: ↠ math and now look at me working with numbers everyday at work.
something you love: ↠ writing, my family (majority of the time), MY DOGGOS, the amazing friends I made as a writer, kpop, anime, asian dramas, being a lazy fart.
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: ↠ Where my paranormal and true crime girlies at?
something you hate: ↠ the cold, shitty people in general, laundry, sometimes my family (mainly my younger sisters), sometimes my job
something you collect: ↠ wigs (I suffer from hair loss sooooooo), makeup, kpop albums, random electronics for some odd reason, purses, manga
something you forget: ↠ I'm old. I forget a lot of things. What's my name again?
what's your love language? ↠ words of reassurance and acts of affirmation
favorite movie/show: ↠ Too many to count. BUTTTTTTT Supernatural all the way.
favorite food: ↠ No favorite. I just love food LOL
favorite animal: ↠ MY DOGGOS, cats, fish, bunnies
are you musical? ↠ I was in choir back in middle school and high school. I still (occasionally) cover kpop songs when I have the time. I'm a decent singer (I think so) lol
what were you like as a child? ↠ I'm the oldest of 5 (1 brother, 3 sisters) and was expected to be the responsible eldest sister and help take care of the siblings. I rebelled during high school lolol
favorite subject at school? ↠ history, art, english
least favorite subject? ↠ MATH
what's your best character trait? ↠ I guess I'm a good listener. I'm told that I'm like a mother-hen lol
what's your worst character trait? ↠ not slowing down. I rush into things (mostly work projects) and tend to not think about the future impacts.
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? ↠ get more sleep lololol
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? ↠ I would say during the Khmer Rouge regime because of the stories of my grandma being a hero to the villagers. But then again, I don't want to live through that sad time and every day, i tell my parents that I love them and don't take them for granted.
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): ↠ you in my arms (series) by @sluttyten, your gentle hands by @yourlocaljonghoe, and many other fics that I can't name off the top of my head
tagging: @wooahaeproductions @shadowkoo @lovetaroandtaemin @heechwe @unholywriters @yourlocaljonghoe @acupoftaewithsomesuga @rems-writing @itsnotmydejavu @sweetinsaniiity @yoonguurt @kwanisms @desirehorizon and whoever wants to do it 💚
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salvadorbonaparte · 2 years ago
Rules: shuffle your "on repeat" playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @yovelknell
Getting Closer - Billy Joel
Willenlos - Westernhagen
Cha Cha Cha - KÀÀrijÀ
Allentown - Billy Joel
Dance The Night - Dua Lipa
Sax Rohmer #1 - The Mountain Goats
Atlantic City - Bruce Springsteen
A Matter of Trust - Billy Joel
Proud Mary - The Cambodian Space Project
To Pouli - Nana Mouskouri
@thebreakfastgenie (hey look I'm in my The Bridge phase) @orangealleycat @onekisstotakewithme @sarduy @blue-ravens @tealingual @doctorparmak @bluescreening @bibi-blogsberg @profiterole-reads and everyone else who feels like sharing some music :)
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spectromagic · 2 months ago
A Lord Huron secret santa fic for @ancientnames! Warnings for drug use & overdose, alluding to an abusive relationship, mentions of death, poor formatting & taking creative liberty with LH lyrics and lore for this. I loved getting to explore Frankie Lou & Lady Moonbeam - I hope you enjoy reading this!
War has always loomed in over her head. When her family sent her away to America, it was to escape it. Finding a path in America had been a war of its own, one where she never felt talented enough to rise up above Whispering Pines with her music. It had thrusted her right into the arms of a man who became her beginning as well as her end, and Frankie knew after her first taste of Vide Noir that there was never any turning back. She had once foolishly thought that he could win all the little battles and she could still win the war, but she had learned quickly that a man with that sharp of a tongue just oozed charm and was likely to win everything he set his sights on conquering.
Even her.
He had won her favor so easily the night they met when he had spoken to her in Khmer. She had been so excited to earn his favor and get a job in his club. Now that same place that once held so much promise now felt like a cage. There was no escape. Every night she would perform, only to wind up being strung out on Vide Noir and traveling the cosmos for the next eight to ten hours. Francine Lu is lost among the stars. All that's left is Frankie Lou and all of her heartbreak at not being able to go back to the night they met so she could prevent herself from making one mistake after another.
Day in and day out, she wore her heart on her microphone, belting out soulful tunes that would lure in all kinds of people who could never lay claim to her. Even after Zozo had decided she was no longer of use to him personally, he never let her go. He had gotten her hooked on the drugs she had helped push to others, he built his empire on her back and now her sweat and tears kept her the gatekeeper of his attention. If pretty young things came in looking to sing, they went through her. If foolish teenagers from area gangs decided they'd get in over their heads and try to get in on the lucrative Vide Noir business? They were supposed to go through her at the club. She was willing to do whatever it took to keep her supply steady and her place secure.
She was a shadow of the girl she had once been, and the love she thought she had once been able to earn was no longer an option to her. Frankie had been placed in the same level of the mythological figures Z'Oiseau was obsessed with. She was his own personal Janus, one foot in her past even as she looks to the future she can never have. Though sometimes she felt more like a Cerberus guarding his underworld and keeping all the poor souls who were hooked on his particular brand of astral darkness from escaping back to the world of the living. Being regulated to a liminal deity in a madman's personal canon of mythology was miserable, but at least she felt she controlled the transition from the unknown to the familiar.
And maybe that was why she kept her bond with Tarbell so strong. He was the only one who could see through all that bullshit and call it as it really was. Frankie Lou stood a chance of making it out of the war on her humanity as long as she clung hold of people who made her feel alive, as long as she kept familiarity close to her heart. That could explain her current fascination with a young woman who had started frequenting the club. Not to drink, not to dabble in Vide Noir. Lady Moonbeam was a businesswoman of sorts who spoke in fortunes and had a smile that rivaled the brightness of every star in the sky. Frankie could still remember the night they met, and wished every single day they could go back to it so she could relive it over and over again.
Being used was something she was used to, and she assumed that was all Moonbeam's frequent appearance in the club was. There were worse things than being used to get information. But the initial attempts to get information about Zozo out of her led to genuine conversations. And eventually trust was earned, and Frankie learned about Moonbeam's connections to an area gang called the World Enders. They were her friends, the younger woman insisted, and Frankie didn't care one bit about the conflict of interest. It was nice to have someone to talk to who genuinely saw and heard her, and even better to have someone who inspired her to find herself again.
Lady Moonbeam's appearances started as sporadic, never so frequent that anyone would recognize her. But oh, of course Frankie did. Those visits became more and more common, to the point where all she had to do was glance up in the chorus of Love Like Ghosts and she'd see that beautiful, familiar face watching her from the same seat every time. That comforting familiarity eventually ended in an invitation to her dressing room. That first visit had been simple and sweet, two women full of secrets attempting to navigate a growing attraction that neither of them fully understood how to make sense of.
It was during one of her sets where she was crooning The Night We Met and her eyes met Moonbeam's across the room that Frankie realized she was in deep. This wasn't just an innocent flirtation. This was something more, a genuine connection that had led to an intense attraction. That night, the visit to her dressing room ended in their first kiss. And oh, that first kiss had quickly escalated to so much more. It had been so funny that night how a knock on the door had led to them both scrambling to get their clothes and hurrying to make themselves look presentable before the club manager could come in to escort Frankie back for her nightly hit to keep her compliant.
Frankie had been with other women before. She wasn't new to being attracted to a pretty face. Moonbeam on the other hand, was newly out and just dipping her toes into experiencing intimacy with the same sex. In some ways, she knew that it was dangerous to get involved with someone when she was bound to be their first love. Not that she would ever admit it out loud, not even to Moonbeam herself. That secret would always be Frankie's to keep near and dear to her own heart, though it must have been so ridiculously obvious.
Tonight's set had been intentionally short, just to give them more time together in her dressing room. It was Moonbeam who suggested slipping away unnoticed, and although Frankie knew that wouldn't be truly possible she pretended that it would be just fine. After all, why would Z'Oiseau care that she had found someone? The relationship he had once had with her was long since over. He had discarded her and left her trapped in his club, a songbird he would never truly set free. Maybe sneaking out to Moonbeam's car to drive out to the docks and hide away in the backseat felt like an act of defiance. Frankie knew she'd go back, she couldn't leave the Vide Noir behind. No matter how much she wished she had never met her dealer, she knew she wasn't strong enough to give up the drug he supplied her with. She would walk through hell and back before she gave up the feeling of obliterating time and space.
"I want a part of you that no one can claim," Moonbeam whispered in her ear as they laid together in the back seat. Frankie's eyes watched the fogged windows as she tried to laugh off that request.
"I'm afraid that's just not possible." Teasing felt cheap, and Frankie wanted to do right by this woman. She was so fearless, so confident. She admired her bravery and her light, and wanted to kindle it so it stayed as bright as it could for as long as possible. Eventually she'd do something to dampen Moonbeam's warmth, but she hoped it wouldn't be tonight.
"You don't have to act like that. Like I'm one of the men that wants to use you."
Frankie dryly chuckled, knowing she had been called out. "Oh sweetling, you want me to give you something to feel you're not wasting your time. You want something that's going to cut straight to your heart, when you haven't even told me your real name."
And she supposed she could do that. After all, she hadn't shared her real name either. She had come to care for Moonbeam, and she wanted to have happiness even though she knew it would be short lived. Everything on Earth was fleeting, and if the balancer had it their way, she'd be gone sooner than later as punishment for everything she had done to put Vide Noir out on the streets and into the hands of innocent people.
"I want you to have this," she murmured thoughtfully, reaching into the top of her dress to pull out the ever present pendant she wears on a gold chain. Z'Oiseau had given it to her so long ago, back when he first charmed her. That emerald star had once felt like a promise of prosperity. Now she recognized it as a collar, a tether that kept her chained to him as soon as she accepted it and marked herself as belonging to him.
"The one from your album cover? But you've never taken this off."
That perceptive comment made Frankie smile sadly, and she quickly removed the necklace to place it in Moonbeam's hands. When it's just held there palm up, Frankie closes her lover's fingers around it to signal that it's hers now.
"And that's the part of me that no one else can claim. All my hopes and dreams are in there. It's my heart, you know. And now it's in your hands. I'm giving you my heart. Now if anything happens and we can't see one another any longer, you'll always know you have it. Come what may, in the end, you promise me you'll keep that safe."
Honestly, she felt naked without that necklace on. Her emerald star was her guiding light, something that helped her feel less lost when she was traversing the stars on Vide Noir. Without it, she may never find her way back. But she knew that would be what was best not only for Moonbeam and her safety now that they were close, but everyone else too. Anyone that tried to get close to her wound up missing. Frankie wasn't stupid enough to pretend she didn't know they were black brained and lost to the world. Just because no one had said something directly to her face didn't mean that word hadn't already gotten back that she had run off with someone.
The second Z'Oiseau knew she was a willing participant and had an interest in Moonbeam, she'd go missing too. It was for the best that she give her that necklace and put some distance there. She thought that even though it went unspoken, Moonbeam knew it too. As good as this was, as close as they had become, it couldn't continue. Not only was it unsafe, they were both aware Vide Noir had its claws in Frankie and she didn't want it to let her go.
She thought of that night often in her final days that turned into her last weeks. In order to put up a barrier between her and Moonbeam she found some handsome young man to be her very public paramour. Moonbeam's visits became less frequent, and Frankie noted with satisfaction that their last visit was strictly business. They talked about the World Enders and her friendship with Alex Redmayne, about clients that visited her fortune telling popup. Frankie listened with a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that she left the physical manifestation of her heart and soul in good hands.
It was three weeks later that she turned up dead in the back seat of a parked car alongside her new boyfriend, the newspaper claiming a drug overdose brought on by a whirlwind romance the cause. Vide Noir was never once mentioned, which anyone who knew Frankie could say was bullshit. It wasn't just drugs, it was a forceful overdose on the most addictive substance the world had ever known. The trouble with being black brained was parts of you lingered out in space despite the body being incompatible with existing in reality. Without having that touchstone of her emerald star, she remained lost and constantly floating. Lost in a black void for all eternity. Her song was a satellite, reaching out for anyone that was out there and might listen to her tears.
A few months after her death, Moonbeam was listening to Alive From Whispering Pines after a particularly long night. Tubbs Tarbell's familiar voice twanged through the radio, and she felt her heart clutch in her chest as he brought up Frankie Lou. It sunk right down to her feet as the next caller sounded an awful lot like Frankie herself. It was only after the caller's words really sunk in that Moonbeam realized there was no one else it could be. She almost turned off the radio after that, but morbid curiosity kept her dialed in. About fifteen minutes later, Moonbeam was draped across her couch clutching that emerald star necklace in her hands.
"Oh Tubbs, where am I?”
The unmistakable voice of Frankie was marred by static, and all Moonbeam could do was hold the necklace tighter.
"Is there anybody out there?"
Tubbs tried to answer, but it was obvious that he was shaken by what he was hearing. Moonbeam refused to admit it to herself, but she was too. It was like Frankie's soul was still out there in a cosmic void, unable to be at rest because she didn't have her emerald star to guide her.
"I'm alone in this place. Is there anybody out there?"
A tear slipped down Moonbeam's cheek, and she was quick to wipe it away. As the broadcast ended early with pure static and something that sounded like haunting sobbing, she turned off her radio and set out into the night. It was late, but there was something that needed to be done. There weren't many nice areas down by the docks. But right by where they had parked her car only a month before was a small strip of grass. She crouched down on it and used her bare hands to dig up what she could. Deeper and deeper she dug, like she was making a grave. The emerald star was deposited down inside and buried, and Moonbeam felt like she had done what she could to give Frankie's soul peace.
A week or two later, she'd learn that Frankie's supposed favorite necklace was auctioned off after her death. It was some huge, decorative thing. Flashy and prominent as she wore it on stage almost every night. It had been purchased by a buyer who put it right into a safety deposit box. It left her wondering if she had ever truly known Frankie at all. Months later, when Moonbeam felt like she was ready to dig it up, she went back to uncover the Emerald Star. Thankfully, it hadn't been found by anyone else. In all the time she had it, she never had really examined it up close. She took it home to clean it up, and in the process she realized it wasn't just a pendant. It was a locket with an emerald on the outside.
Inside were two pictures. On the left side, an old tattered image of what must have been Frankie as a child with her parents. On the right, an image of the two of them taken in the dressing room. The picture of them is removed and examined up close, and Moonbeam noted the words penned on the back.
"Francine S. Lu's last love," she whispered, and laughed as she realized how cruel the Balancer could be. She didn't believe in things like fate, didn't believe in the afterlife. But it still felt like her first love had sent her a message from beyond.
The phone rang seconds later, and she set the pendant and pictures aside to go pick it up. Anyone calling this late had something important to say. It was Alex, asking her to keep an eye out for his younger brother Johnnie. No one had seen him in days. He wouldn't come out and say it, but it was obvious he was worried. She knew she needed to drop what she was doing and head out to help him. A final glance was spared at what remained of Francine Lu, and Moonbeam felt a sense of peace as she realized the fight for having a piece of Frankie that no one else could lay claim to was a war she had already won.
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amphibifish · 4 months ago
snaeha is actually really fire
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sparkyscissorhands · 2 months ago
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not rlly headcanons cause its my own damn sona lol but,, fun facts about it that i’ve been typing out the last couple of days. because i wanna share more about my sonas/inserts đŸ«¶
church is its own seperate character that has lore wayyy too detached from the movie source here LMAO but in selfship land church is a cringe fail loser like MEEE lalalala under read more cause there’s a lot
Church’s idea of a good first date was taking Edward to see Snakes on a Plane, and he fucking hated it
Its dream date is going to the Rainforest Cafe (Edward said no)
It’s obsessed with Shark Tank. It’s so obsessed that it comes up with its own pitches and will give them to whoever will listen to it, which happens to only be Edward. He has heard pitches for products such as my fitness enemy, rollercoaster insurance (it’s just a scam), and vitamin ketchup
Church’s favorite band of all time is FOB! Obviously. It also enjoys Cobra Starship, Panic! At The Disco, The Academy Is
, Three Days Grace, Midtown, BOYS LIKE GIRLS, blink-182, and more
Eventually, as the 2010s roll in, it gets more into scene music, starting with 3OH!3 and Hollywood Undead. Brokencyde and Breathe Coralina are big ones too
After getting a little too comfortable, it puts cut out photos of the members up on the walls. It has a shrine dedicated to Patrick Stump. Every time Edward wakes up, in the dark corner of the room, there’s just a shrine of Patrick Stump staring right back at him
It has a white and light blue budgie named Crystal Meth. It will only refer to her as her full name
Church gets offended and enraged if it gets called a string puppet or such things. It’s adamant that it’s a ROD puppet
It’s currently stuck in Florida, but it originates from Kentucky. It gets made fun of a lot for that
It loves birds a lot. It knows more about birds than you do, and it will tell you that
It has a very low pain tolerance. Church freaks out in any scenario where it seems like its going to get hurt
It also knows way more about puppetry than you do. Because it’s an actual puppet
Church is freaked out by hand puppets. The hands should not go up there for a puppet. That’s so cruel

It has a sister who is a priest because of course it does. She fucking hates it. It has tried to get over it, but Edward fucking hates her (the only individual he actively is a hater towards) if Church won’t
Got arrested in Georgia twice some years back
Church doesn’t have any ears. Instead, it has two holes on the sides of its head. Like a lizard, like Edward once (unknowingly) cruelly described. It’s not a lizard :(
It says phrases such as “hey everypuppet” and “you know what really pulls my strings” despite NOT even being a string puppet
Church knows some Latin. Enough to form full sentences and to carry a conversation in it for the most part. It also knows a minor bit of Khmer but not enough to carry a conversation. Its dad forgot to teach it that
It has a habit of picking at the rim of its eye sockets when it doesn’t know what to do with its hands. If it accidentally pokes too deep, it hurts REALLY bad
Its favorite movies include Puppet Master (first four), Snakes on a Plane, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, Pinocchio’s Revenge, The 400 Blows, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Slugs, and Frankenhooker
It eats everything whole. Like a snake. It has choked on many things several times, and Edward has to help it spit it out sometimes like it’s some cat
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aloneandforsakenbyfateandbyman · 6 months ago
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When 28-year old B-movie star and photojournalist Sean Flynn disappeared on April 6, 1970, his mother left his apartment untouched for over 20 years in hopes her son would someday return.
He was the son of Errol Flynn and the French actress Lili Damita, yet unlike his father, he was less of a hellraiser and more soft-spoken and introverted, but had an obsession with danger and thrill-seeking just the same.
Sean’s Parisian apartment on the Champs ÉlysĂ©es was sealed by his mother to preserve his memory and remained a time capsule of the 60s until it was opened up after the death of Lili in 1994.
The walls were plastered with images of counterculture figures such as Jimi Hendrix, Che Guevara, and Ho Chi Minh, pictures of Sean travelling around the world as well as skydiving and hunting, copious amounts of taxidermy, a miniature of the Zaca (his father Errol Flynn’s yacht), expensive camera equipment, books, rolls of undeveloped film, psychedelic-patterned ties, unopened mail, and snappy clothing.
Sun Day magazine described the apartment as a “weird mixture of 60s flower power and very gruesome souvenirs” from his stint as a game hunter in Africa.
After moving to Europe to start an acting career and recording a music album, Sean grew bored and went to Vietnam in 1966 to risk his life by becoming a combat photojournalist. His images were published around the world and he helped save an Australian platoon from being blown up by a mine, as well as numerous other brave acts.
Yet Sean’s bravado would cost him dearly when he and fellow journalist Dana Stone disappeared in 1970 after being kidnapped at a military checkpoint near Phnom Penh, Cambodia, after which they were most likely held captive for years and then killed by the Khmer Rouge in 1973.
His mother Lili Damita spent millions of dollars and the rest of her life desperately searching for her son, but it was of no use. Sean’s tragic fate remains a hazy mystery to this day.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 month ago
Object permanence
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Picks and Shovels is a new, standalone technothriller starring Marty Hench, my two-fisted, hard-fighting, tech-scam-busting forensic accountant. You can pre-order it on my latest Kickstarter, which features a brilliant audiobook read by Wil Wheaton.
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#15yrsago Londoners: Mass photography event in Trafalgar Square today! I’m a photographer, not a terrorist https://www.flickr.com/photos/doctorow/tags/phnat
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Check out my Kickstarter to pre-order copies of my next novel, Picks and Shovels!
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noona96n · 1 year ago
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
no worries, im happy to answer. and, if i happened to already answer sth, I'll link u to it.
so, fav medias... hmm...
book(s): the radiant emperor duology
ik it just came out and was only recently finished (like, finished Sept 2023 lol) so this is probably bias speaking but i am extremely taken by She Who Became the Sun and He Who Drowned the World, these books are fckn phenomenal. the gender-fuckery, the exploration of gender and sexual performances, the hidden message of embracing ourselves in all our ugliness and 'deficiency' and making a place for ourselves and ppl like us when others shun us. these books are just!!!
documentaries: immortal egypt (Joanne Fletcher)
i really really love documentaries and this mini series hold a special place in my heart bcs i love history and I've always been fascinated by egypt and Joanne's enthusiasm is just so joyous and infectious, i love it. i put this on repeat in the background when i was doing my graduation project in 2018 lol yea, just me listening to egyptian docu while working my ass off on AutoCAD lol
anime: sarusuberi/miss hokusai
idk how to explain but there's just a quality to this animated film that got me going... like, i adore howl's moving castle but miss hokusai is sth else. it's so peaceful but also deeply profound and visceral somehow.
tv series: aircrash investigation
i love planes, i love the Concorde in particular, but it has nth to do with how cool planes are but with how child-me saw riding planes as a thing that only ppl with money could do. it evolved from there.
i also love mysteries and aircrash investigation is both lol
i remember watching it on tv when i was an adolescent and i was fascinated with the mystery and problem-solving of it all ever since.
movie: the prince of egypt
it's a story about love; love that forgives, love that creates hate, love that divides.
drama: nirvana in fire (c-drama), beyond evil (k-drama), kluen cheewit (thai soap opera)
bl-specific: old fashion cupcake (anime AND manga)
the plot of these dramas is impeccable (tho kluen cheewit is extremely dramatic so pls beware lol), the character developments are fckn amazing, and what's even more important is the platonic relationships between the characters!!!
also, special shout-out to thai bl soap opera khun chai/to sir (with love) as well! the drama is off the charts, the characters are flawed & human & infinitely relatable & Tian & Yang's brotherhood is EVERYTHING
just one of the best bls out there and I've consumed A LOT of BLs/yaois... ALL SORT of em lol
the story is really grounded in reality, the plot is so mundane and relatable, the characters are mature but extremely flawed, and the art (in the case of manga) and the acting (in the case of the series) are amazing.
song: queen bee by vannda (contemporary music from my country)
i DO NOT agree with the lyrics AT ALL but i adore the melody. i absolutely love, love, LOVE how he blends traditional khmer music with the modern one. it's not a necessarily modern take but it's sth different. this artist is very good at blending the old w/ the new and i applaud him for that. his music is so pleasing the ear but the fkcn lyrics... urGH
well, a song of his with message that i completely agree with is time to rise with master Kong Nay... though the mixture is too in my face lol which is why i prefer queen bee
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noisecatcher · 14 days ago
Dim Locator (UK / AUS / DE / GR) is a band formed from the ashes of the legendary Berlin band Fatal Shore. The band comprises Phil Shoenfelt (vocals/guitar), Chris Hughes (drums/percussion), Baron Anastis (bass) and Daniel Plashues (guitar).
Phil Shoenfelt (UK) is an Englishman who has been living in Prague for many years. He is known for his work with bands such as Southern Cross (Prague), Fatal Shore (Berlin) and Khmer Rouge (New York), as well as for his cult novel "Junkie Love". Chris Hughes (AUS) is originally from Melbourne, but has lived and worked in Berlin for many years. He has played drums with Fatal Shore, Hugo Race & The True Spirit, Mick Harvey, These Immortal Souls, Alexander Hacke, Nina Hagen and many more. Baron Anastis (GR) lives between Berlin, Thessaloniki and London. In addition to his own band Erinyes, he has played and recorded with The Jacobites, Mark Stewart, Nikki Sudden, Phil Shoenfelt and Gabe Hammond. Daniel Plashues (DE) lives in Berlin and used to play in the experimental electronic band Lunar Lounge.
Dim Locator describe their music as "stripped down industrial psych-rock-blues". The band has an original and eclectic mix of influences, ranging from The Stooges, Beasts of Bourbon and The Birthday Party, to Pink Fairies, Hawkwind, Can and Neu.
Dim Locator - 'Touch' Wormhole (2013, Moloko+)
Dim Locator covering Rowland S. Howard's 'Dead Radio' Immortalised (2011, Fuego), also includes covers of Rowland S. Howard's 'Undone' and These Immortal Souls' 'I Ate the Knife' Vocals, guitar: Phil Shoenfelt Bass guitar: Dave Allen - former band member Drums: Chris Hughes Written by Rowland S. Howard
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From left to right: Phil Shoenfelt, Baron Anastis, Chris Hughes, Daniel Plashues.
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afterthegreatunknown · 1 year ago
List of Snicket-Verse Characters I headcanon as Asian Descent, Fully or Partly, with the One (1) Book Canonical Asian Character
The One (1) Book Canonical
Haruki [Murakami]: Japanese. Originally born in Kyoto in the Fushimi-ku ward, Haruki and his family moved to the City when he was six due to his father’s job (in the organization). When it comes to reading and writing Japanese, it isn’t as perfect as people assume, for Haruki spend more of his childhood reading and writing in English. Speaking Japanese though, Haruki can 100% do.
Headcanons Characters, ATWQ
Dashiell Qwerty: Chinese descent. Qwerty is an alias surname his family uses when out in the field for VFD. His real surname is Qiao, and whenever not in the field, volunteers call him Qiao. Or ‘Q’, if they can’t pronounce it. Dashiell has a technical middle name; his Chinese given name, Qiang. Dashiell is (was) only call Qiang by his parents.
Jackie’s Grandfather: Korean. Jackie’s grandfather full name in western order, is Pyong-ho Ahn, nickname in his youth as Moray. Phyong-ho used to manage Moray Wheels in the past in addition to racing, before retiring and allowing Jackie to take over. Phyong-ho by the present no longer goes by Moray, unless you’re a very close friend of his.
Jackie (Ahn): Korean descent. Jackie is really Jackie’s first name, though they do accept the Korean name their grandfather gave them: Jae-kyung. Jackie only answers to Jae-kyung if it’s spoken by their grandfather, their parents (now decease), and their aunt and uncle and cousin who lives in the City, finding it something special meant for family only.
The Talkie Brothers: Asian descent of different nationalities. Arthur Takei is of Japanese descent. Amit Sharma is of Indian descent. ‘Talkie Brothers’ came because many couldn’t pronounce Takei. They thought about going by “the Sherman Brothers” for some couldn’t pronounce Sharma correctly either, but that is used by a real pair of musically talent brothers.
Alice Lost, nee Takei: Japanese descent. The younger sister of Arthur Takei, Alice has a great talent of doing origami. She can make anything out of a piece of paper, but her specialty was making paper cranes. In fact, before her death, Alice was aiming to create 1,000, and had reached 1,000 exactly when the fire broke out at the Lost Arms.
Ornette Lost: Biracial. Japanese descent from her mother Alice, Irish descent from her father (Prosper immigrated to SBTS as a child with his parents). Ornette’s talent of (paper) sculptures came from watching her mother folding origami paper into cranes. Ornette feels connected to her mother when making origami cranes, and aims to fold 1,001 in her memory.
Headcanon Characters, ASOUE
Captain Widdershins: (French) Chinese Cambodian on Father’s side, and native Cambodian (Khmer) on Mother’s side. Widdershins does his best to feel connected to his former home country, be celebrating holidays that he can barely recall celebrating, making meals if the ingredients available, or speaking Khmer to himself and sometimes around Fiona. For that last one, Widdershins gave Fiona a Khmer [nick]name, though after an interaction with a volunteer, had Widdershins stopping it. Post-canon, he starts saying Fiona’s Khmer [nick]name again, usually when it's just the two of them.
Raymond ‘Q’ Quagmire: Chinese descent. Raymond is an adopted Quagmire due to his brother Dashiell’s death/murder. Raymond, like Dashiell, has a technical middle name that is his Chinese given name; Jiahao. However, for reasons, people assume Dashiell’s Chinese given name is Raymond’s, made worse because many had forgot Raymond and Dashiell are related.
Joan Quagmire [nee Morstan]: Chinese descent. Joan’s birth surname is Lau; Morstan is the surname of her adopted family. Two of Joan’s favorite games to play are Mahjong and Wei Qi (Go). While she’s not the best player of the latter, she’s brilliant in the former. Joan likes making her children (all together) play a game with her once a week; they never won.
Alex and Lindsey Morstan: Chinese descent. Being Joan’s triplet sisters, they were forced to play Mahjong and Wei Qi with her, with the latter being the game they’re best at. Alex and Lindsey are fonder of reading (translated) Chinese novels; Alex loves Journey to the West, while Lindsey enjoys Flowers in the Mirror.
Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley Quagmire: Chinese descent. Duncan, Isadora, and Quigley, pre and post canon, do their best to gain insight and feel connected to their identity, in their own ways. Duncan does it by researching Chinese history, particularly of the Chinese Dynasties (the Tang Dynasty is his favorite). Isadora does it by watching Chinese opera (she loves the costumes, and the singing style). Quigley does with the hands-on approach of preparing and cooking traditional Chinese dishes with help (parents and aunt pre-canon. Post-canon, Quigley get Hector or Widdershins’ help, sometimes the two adults together if needed).
Charles: Vietnamese descent. Charles’ full name is Charles Nguyen, the son of two Vietnamese people who lived half their lives in France before moving to the Land of Districts. Charles worked with his parents at their swanky restaurant, Nguyen Bistro; it serves traditional Vietnamese dishes as well as French dishes as an alternative. Charles took business (and cooking) classes to fully take over, but a mysterious fire that burned the restaurant and the apartment home, as well as killing his parents, changed his path.
Sir: Thai. An immigrant that came to the Land of Districts to escape his past, Sir found work at Lucky Smells Lumber Mill as a regular employee, before getting promoted to foreman. When the owner Smogface Wiley died, the mill was doom to close. However, Sir managed to get a trial run as boss, and later became the new permanent owner. Sir’s cousins working at the Mill is true; they’re the ones who made Sir escape his past in the first place. Sir had no qualms on the conditions they’re working, seeing how he survived it and worked his way upward (and maybe revenge).
(Regarding Sir’s unknown name, his first name at least, it’s Chalermchai. When he was a regular employee, Chalermchai was usually referred to or call by that didn’t require the foreman or anyone else to say his name. But when Chalermchai became foreman, people discover they were unable to say it, so Chalermchai became ‘Sir.’ Not many people call Sir by his first name nowadays. Charles says it, and even then, it’s rare.)
R, Duchess of Winnipeg: Biracial. Japanese descent from her father, Ryutaro (Second generation Japanese-Canadian), and French from her mother, Sabine (French from France and French Canadian). R is a naming pattern from her father’s family, for in Sabine’s family, no one ever had an ‘R’ name before (Sabine does have the alias of ‘Rhea’ though). R isn’t connected to her Japanese heritage as much as she likes; the most she knows of is Japanese theater, mainly Kabuki. The R engrave ring was something Sabine did herself, much to her mother (R’s Grand-Mùre Thea) disapproval, for Sabine wanted the ring to be special for R when she gets it.
R’s heir, Ramona Q, and the Q stands for Quach (Quách): She's the daughter of two Vietnamese refugees who were very good friends with R. They confided to R about the odd interactions Ramona had with her local librarian, leading to R telling them things to do to keep their daughter safe. When Ramona’s parents died in a fire, R decided to adopt Ramona to lessen VFD’s influence. R loves Ramona very much, being an honorary aunt to the girl before adopting her, and does her best to let Ramona be connected to her culture (clothing, music, food; food is most common and accessible one of all).
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