#key: marth
eternaspacic · 2 years
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xe/they key lime agender transneutral femme bi preferring men flag!
please credit me if you use!
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Jo are you trying to make sense of the Tekke scene again even though you know it hurts your heart and makes you crazy?
Put Pawn in Frankincense DOWN and go back to work.
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keikaru · 2 years
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While I agree crests and holy blood are pretty similar, they do have some key differences:
Major holy blood produces a brand on the skin of the bearer, and the process of inheriting said blood is purely based on parentage. Crests are also super interesting because they play a similar role, but can be inherited from parentage, as well as blood transfusions and *checks notes* killing and consuming the blood of a crest bearer. Granted no one in Jugdral killed a god because their relationship with them is a lot different to say the least without igniting more 3H discussion, and as far as I know no one killed and ate someone with holy blood.
In my mind, Fodlan exists in the same universe as Archanea, but it’s either a Fates DLC type deal where Archanea’s stories were so long ago they’re myths/legends today, or they’re set before marth’s games, Sothis is truly a progenitor for divine dragons, and post game whatever survivors move there and 3H’s events become myths/legends to Archanea, *OR*, they’re set around the same time and they’ve had contact with each other at least once; any one of those could make sense really, and my proof here is one culture had to steal the names of the Archanean Regalia weapons from one another and it’s funny for me to wonder who came up with them first
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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terabyteturtle · 11 months
Fighter #09 - Luigi
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- Luigi’s kinda scared of portrait paintings. He hates going past the 'Everyone Is Here' mural in the first floor hallway because he feels like Sora’s eyes are following him.
- He usually gets put on laundry duty. The laundry machines in the mansion are super high-tech with tons of random settings, so when Luigi first saw them, he got really confused. He nearly blew up the dryer twice trying to figure out which button started the wash.
- A history buff, Luigi has read every historical book he could find in the library.
- Back in the day, Luigi actually developed and sold his own energy drink. It was an instant hit, but then Waluigi convinced him to take a bad deal and he lost the rights to everything.
- His favorite chore to do around the mansion is vacuuming. He's had plenty of experience with a vacuum from both practical and impractical standpoints.
- He gets flustered when someone compliments him, especially if that someone is Daisy.
- Luigi is, without a doubt, the king of belly flops.
- He has a hidden talent for modeling. 
- He’s honestly surprised by how many fans he has. He thought Mario would get all the attention (not that he minds, he usually doesn’t like being in the spotlight anyway).
- Luigi still gets scared easily, but he’s built up a stronger fear tolerance thanks to the multiple haunted locations he's been in.
- He was bullied back in high school, but now those bullies look up to him.
- Roy ruthlessly teases him all the time, but it's all in good nature.
- He prefers his birthdays to be celebrated in a low-key way, but living in Smash Mansion makes that impossible.
- He used to have severe arachnophobia. Once, Roy captured a spider and dangled it in front of Luigi's face to freak him out. It worked, but it worked a little too well. Luigi jumped so high from being scared that his head hit the ceiling. He had to stay in bed for a couple days afterward. Roy ordered him some pizza as an apology. Since then, Luigi was able to overcome his fear of spiders.
- This poor guy has a lot of nightmares, as well as some confusing dreams. One of his strangest ones was of Incineroar chasing him on a treadmill. He has no idea what that was about.
- He takes melatonin gummies every night.
- Luigi sleepwalks a lot and usually wakes up to find himself outside.
- He formed a drama club with Robin, Chrom, Lucina, Hero, Zelda, Byleth, Marth, and Rosalina. They invited a couple more fighters to join, but those are still pending. They get together every week and perform plays with each other. They're really enthusiastic about it; they have homemade costumes and everything.
- He has a bowtie collection. Each one is for a different occasion, some of which are extremely specific. One of his favorites is a green one with white polka dots, which is worn only for eating pizza on a Thursday.
- Luigi is better at pinball than Waluigi. The scrawny villain refuses to admit it, but it's true.
- For their first date, Luigi and Daisy went strawberry picking.
- Luigi is a menace with a water gun during the summertime. Seriously, this dude has a sniper shot.
- He gets sunburns easily and could probably burn in fluorescent lighting if he tried hard enough. One time, Ridley wanted to be mean and see how long it took for him to get a sunburn. When Luigi wasn't looking, he snatched his sunscreen. It only took about ten minutes for Luigi to become as red as a lobster. Ridley was quite literally rolling on the floor, howling with laughter. For the rest of that week, he couldn't pass Luigi in the hallway without snickering.
- Luigi has sensitive skin, so he uses special soaps, creams, and lotions that are nice and delicate. All of them are scented with tea tree oil.
- Waluigi keeps trying to steal his girl. Bro thinks that if he just gives her a rose and a flashy smile, she'll fall head over heels with him. He believes that he has what the kids call "W Rizz". Luigi's secretly jealous because he thinks Waluigi has more charm than he does. Because of this, he’s kinda scared that Daisy will leave him, but in reality, he has nothing to worry about—Daisy loves this adorable dork. Besides, Waluigi's the type of guy to actually like the scent of Axe Body Spray. Him and Wario both.
- Inuit kisses (nose nuzzles) and boops on the nose are Luigi and Daisy's primary forms of affection.
- Mario constantly has to remind him that Diddy Kong is DK's nephew, not his son.
- He and Mario used to be paper boys when they were younger. Whenever Luigi sees a newspaper, he gets nostalgic.
- He cries every time he watches a sad movie.
- Luigi ate a bad shroom outside once and had the weirdest trip ever. He honestly doesn't remember much about it other than that it was weird. Diddy Kong found him lying outside muttering something about a big, black tumbleweed coming to take his soul.
- He can pop his shoulder out of his socket at will.
- He can also make fart noises with his armpit. Mario's been jealous of this since the third grade.
- Whenever he greets somebody, he uses finger guns.
- Whenever he takes a shower, he blasts music and quietly sings along.
- Bewear is his buddy. Luigi wants to hug him so badly, but doesn't want to get his spine crushed.
- He dropkicked Wario once for insulting Daisy. After that, he kept Daisy's name out of his mouth for good.
- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the Luigi’s Mansion main theme from Ultimate. This went from a tune he sang when he was scared to a song he plays when he's about to get crafty on the battlefield.
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xrd · 2 months
This is obvious because Izuka is the key illustrator for new myster but he's so good at drawing Marth
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thedivergingpaths · 1 year
Time is Not Linear
Lucina and the other children are split apart further than they could have imagined, but they still do their damnest to make a good timeline.
Lucina and Laurent are the only ones who make it - Laurent is still thrust five years prior to Chrom and Robin finding each other, ans he hides in the desert, and Lucina emerges as Marth with the Risen invasion.
But the pair begin to see traces of their friends in an already altered timeline.
Cynthia was flung far into the past, further than the rise of the Grimleal, but after Grima's released. To the current citizens of Ylisse and surrounding kingdoms, she is a fable.
Oh, she hunted for the dark dragon, to find who he was ensnaring. She never did, but she was remembered fondly through song and story, and she was a tale of hope to sleeping children.
Inigo landed in Valm a couple of decades before Lucina lands in the past. Ylisse has not invaded Plegia - this invasion is still a few years away - and Valm has not yet been re-consolidated under the conqueror Walhart.
Inigo finds his way into Walhart's inner circle, creating a Valm that is strong but not on a tenuous thread of fracturing and being blinded by the Grimleal. Inigo had Walhart's ear - Walhart knows Validar is a threat who is bringing Grima back.
The Grimleal murdered Inigo a couple years before Lucina landed. Laurent is distraught they missed him, because Laurent could have tried to find any others (and gods, his feelings get worse when they discover the fates of other comrades).
But Inigo created a Walhart willing to be an ally to Ylisse, to Chrom and Robin, in the shadow of a coming monster.
But there are more travelers, more children missing. Where have they gone?
Not all were flung far enough into the past to be on the same path as Lucina. Lucina barely made it to the right timeline, because their lives have splintered the coming future.
Owain landed in a peaceful Ylisse, where he is but a baby without dreams of heroism. He takes the name Odin, and bears the burden of prophecy.
The Grimleal start tearing apart the world with Risen and their workings to fully revive Grima, but there is a hero who knows what they want. A hero who will do anything to prevent the dark future.
His story branches on its own. He is alone. He never finds his family and comrades - and they never learn he is the past and the future. Odin is a name remembered forever when the ashes settle and flowers grow again, however.
Yarne is flung far enough back that there are other Taguel, and he has a choice. He could join them, and possibly die when his mother is a sole survivor of a genocide. It could be peaceful for a time. Or he could hide with his head in the sand, away from Taguel and people. This is a crueler time to be a Taguel, after all.
Yarne could also decide to save his people. He could be brave like his friends have encouraged him to be. He could do it - for the honor of Taguel, for his own pride, and to show his mother long gone he can be a brave rabbit boy.
Lucina and Laurent are dancing around Ylisse in preparation to fight Grima, and Valm has sworn to fight the Grimleal on Ylisse’s - Chrom and co’s - side when a small but mighty army appears made entirely of rabbit Taguel. Yarne could not save his mother’s nest, and Panne had believed she was alone in the world, but Yarne emerges a man leading an army of Taguel ready to defend the Exalt with their lives.
Yarne weeps when he sees Laurent and Lucina, and they embrace him. There is still a chance to find their other friends - they can do it together.
They can kill Grima once and for all.
Morgan appears, amnesiac and from another, darker timeline. They join the fight, and Robin begins to plan how to end Grima once and for all. Robin may also be amnesiac, but they know in their bones they are the key to Grima’s awakening and Grima’s slumber. Even if it is just one timeline, one place in the greater universe, Robin could turn the key the other way.
(In secret, Naga confirms Robin’s musings, and they begin to plot behind Chrom’s back when the fire emblem is restored to glory).
When Grima revives with the soul of a future Robin, Lucina thinks the fight is over. When the future Robin releases three thralls to keep the army grounded during Grima’s flight, Lucina knows they have lost.
Kjelle, Gerome, and Severa are bound to Grima now. Chrom and Robin, and a select entourage go to fight Grima. Lucina leads the fight against her thralled friends, even as it breaks her heart.
Severa is the first brought down by Lucina’s sword. There is a moment of lucidity. Lucina had been convincing herself that they were Risen, they were dead and gone.
But they’re not, and Lucina just killed her friend.
“Thank you,” Severa sighs as she dies. Lucina stops in the fight.
What sort of future is worth doing this?
Kjelle is taken down in a pile of Taguel, and Yarne hears her last words. She begs to remembered for her strength, for her mother to know she didn’t choose this. Yarne holds her as she dies as herself.
Gerome goes to strike down Lucina, when Laurent brings him down with wind magic. Bones crack and shatter. Gerome’s body is tangled with Minerva the wyvern’s. His last words are not heard, but his face isn’t twisted in the pain Laurent would have expected for such a violent crash.
It is not peaceful but there is almost a satisfaction there. A release.
Grima falls from the sky. Robin turns to ash on the wind. The Grimleal fall apart.
Chrom, shoulders heavy, leads the world into a new era of light.
Yarne takes his new Taguel family and disappears into the woods. His mother and her human lover follow.
Laurent and Lucina disappear from the public eye, and then the historical records.
Nah reappears generations later to make sure history remembers what they sacrificed to bring down a monster once and for all. And then she disappears again, fading into her own myth.
Brady and Noire never fall out of the time stream. They clasped hands, and they are desperately afraid to let go. It may release them back into existence, or they will be alone in the endless fall.
They fall, and fall, and fall.
Check out my previous post, Macedon’s Twist of Fate, if you like these “what if” scenarios
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sendmyresignation · 5 months
In that case could you possibly compile an introductory list to what you would consider good black metal for someone coming more from hardcore (i also listen to some metal but nothing really specific as a genre)? Thank you for your previous answer
sorry this took so long anon! i wanted to really give some specific recs, especially considering you sound less familiar with the metal basics. hopefully you find some good stuff worth exploring!
first and foremost, i would recommend first wave black metal pretty wholeheartedly for punk/hardcore fanatics. First wave essentially refers to the 80s black metal that existed pre-scandinavian genre definition (which means its also less sketch, typically, though there are shitheads). This stuff is pretty nebulous, its defined mostly by "extremity" and genre mixing (stuff that existed on the outskirts of other genres, with different balances of black/death/thrash). A lot of it is influenced by thrash and punk + it was way underground so shares a lot of qualities with diy/shit production + was primarily made by teens and people who could barely play their instruments. some essentials:
Venom - Welcome to Hell (defining black metal influence even if the sound of black metal is unrecognizable now. punk influence in spades, if you like discharge you'll love this)
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark (if venom is what really codified Satanism in bm, then bathory did the same for vikings. this is probably The Classic first wave rec)
Slayer - Show No Mercy (barely counts here, but they rip off venom enough and this is impactful enough that if you haven't gotten to it, this is required listening)
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Sarcofago - INRI
Sodom - In the Sign of Evil (much more on the thrash side of first wave, Sodom was pushing enough boundaries that they've been incorporated into the first wave)
Bulldozer - The Day of Wrath (blackened thrash with a ton of venom/motorhead influence)
Mortuary Drape - All the Witches Dance
there's also a long tradition of black punk crossover. ultimately the genres have ideological similarities in terms of their philosophies surrounding music imo (not politically, obviously) and how it manifests as its own self-perpetuating diy culture. black/punk tends to also be less full of shitheads, which is nice
Devil Master - Satan Spits on the Children of Light
Melissa - Melissa
Truchlo Strzgi - Gwiezdny Demon
Gehennah - Hardrocker (tw for puke on the cover btw)
Wildspeaker - Spreading Adder (black and crust infusion here, rather than just punk)
Svalbard - When I Die, Will I Get Better? (technically my blackgaze rec, I think it's tempered significantly by the post-hardcore influence, it feels much more intense and varied)
in terms of true blue kvlt black metal, here's a nebulous collection of bands I'd suggest checking out since they're more along what i see hardcore heads gravitate towards and then you can dig deeper into their respective scenes/niches
Darkthrone (first couple classics have the greatest diy charm of the second wave imo. later work incorporates a lot of punk, they experiment with crust and trad and such)
Immortal (think the fact immortal seem very ridiculous and over the top makes them very endearing to people who otherwise dislike the self-serious nihilism of the second wave)
Rotting Christ
as a final note, I'll just mention Opera IX, Spectral Wound, Yaotl Mictlan, Valdrin, Tresspasser, Dawn's Reflection, Thantifaxath, and Marthe for some bands i really like that are less accessible for hardcore listeners (mainly use symphonic elements like synths and keys or are atmospheric in an opposite direction to blackgaze)
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2ofpentacles · 4 months
Zelkov's bond conversations
Yeah, I'm back with more character analysis of my fave. I've cherry picked snippets of the bond conversations that I personally felt were the most interesting and included my thoughts on them.
A Bond: Zelkov: The loss of my family left me with an emptiness that not even *revenge* was able to fill. Marth: I know that loss, and the emptiness that follows it, exceptionally well. Zelkov: Fighting for Princess Ivy gives me *relief.* Thank you for giving me the strength to do so. Marth: No need to thank me. I only hope that your feelings of emptiness end with the war.
This one reiterates some key points from his supports. His emptiness and the fact that fighting for Ivy gives him a sense of purpose.
—— A Bond: Sigurd: My son, Seliph, fought to avenge my death, but our foe considered his own actions to be just. Zelkov: I often wonder if it is the *same* with the man who killed my father. Sigurd: Moral truth is not simple or objective. We each have our own view of what is right and wrong. Zelkov: Your empathy is *humbling.* I see now why they call you the holy knight.
This one is super interesting to me. I believe it’s the only time he specifically mentions his father and you see him here wondering what the man who killed him was thinking. Did he believe that he was right? Were the bandits starving and desperate? My takeaway from this is that Zelkov isn’t sure that his own actions (of killing all the bandits) were just.
—— B Bond: Zelkov: Our training begins now, Roy. It ends only when my body *collapses* from exhaustion. Roy: I like your dedication, but there’s no need to go that far in practice. Taking breaks is important.
He is serious about everything he does. A lot of his more boring bond conversations are the Emblems telling him to take a break.
—— B Bond: Leif: Perhaps you could teach me how to make medicine. It would be useful for me to know. Zelkov: Absolutely not. Making medicine is my *role.* What would I do if you replaced me?
This gives you the impression that he feels like his worth is tied up in how useful he can be.
—— C Bond: Zelkov: You grew up on the open plains, did you not? It must have been *fatally* boring. Lyn: Not at all, actually. Nomads lead exciting lives. There’s always something going on.
With anyone else “fatally boring” would be an exaggeration, but with him you get the feeling that it’s a little too literal… I think the absolute worst torture for Zelkov would be boredom.
—— B Bond: Edelgard: I’m glad you work hard for Princess Ivy’s sake, but be sure to take care of yourself as well. Zelkov: My duty *preoccupies* me. That is all the care I require.
He spends all his time taking care of others (specifically Ivy), not himself which would be why he looks pretty rough. I think it ties into his low self worth.
—— C Bond: Zelkov: You seem to be a *precocious* young Emblem. I look forward to working with you. Tiki: Young? I’m over a thousand years old, you know! B Bond: Zelkov: Behold this soothing *emerald* candle. I crafted it with you in mind. Tiki: Ooo, it’s so pretty! Can we light it right now? A Bond: Zelkov: Old *nightmares* preclude me from proper sleep. I only dare to nap. Tiki: I used to have lots of nightmares too. I was scared to go to sleep alone. Zelkov: Not even the *innocent* are immune to such trauma, it would seem. I am sorry to hear that. Tiki: Don’t be. I’m much better now. With so many friends around, I never worry about bad dreams!
You can see the difference in how he acts with Emblems he considers children. He’s so sweet and empathetic with Tiki (where he can be kind of rude and cold with adults) and even brings her a gift.
—— C Bond Zelkov: You have amassed much power for your age, but do you ever simply *enjoy* your youth? Veronica: I am preparing to rule an empire. I have no time for childish things. B Bond Zelkov: I have heard that you enjoy the *aroma* of a fine black tea. How does this suit you? Veronica: It does smell lovely. You are a man of many talents.
A Bond Zelkov: What do you see, Veronica, when you turn your *mind’s eye* toward the future? Veronica: The future? I struggle to fathom so much as tomorrow. What about you? Zelkov: I seek to become *absorbed* by my pursuits precisely to avoid contemplating such a thing. Veronica: Then let us focus simply on preserving this state of affairs. I am glad to have you with me.
Again you can see him being caring towards someone he sees as a child. He takes an interest in her feelings and again brings a gift.
—— A Bond Zelkov: The thought of *failure* fills me with dread. Do you have any similar fears, I wonder? Camilla: Fear will only find you when you’re alone. That is why companionship is so important. Camilla: Our friends protect us, guide us when we lose our way. I’m happy to do that for you, Zelkov. Zelkov: Your *perspective* on this matter is fascinating. Thank you for the insight… and the kind words.
You see here how he’s a perfectionist. He wants the product of every one of his pursuits to be a masterpiece. And of course any failure in his main duty (protecting Ivy) would be disastrous.
—— A Bond: Zelkov: I have killed many people. So many, in fact, that I sometimes feel *violence* is all I am good for. Corrin: If that were true, you would be a fundamentally bad person. I don’t think that’s the case. Zelkov: Your words are comforting, but I am afraid that is *precisely* the kind of person I am. Corrin: You have your other pursuits, right? You’ve taught me so much about having passion.
He thinks he’s a bad person. In other supports he calls himself a wretch. He disregards all his positive aspects, believing that the only use he has is killing.
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theofficersacademy · 9 months
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2024 is here at last! The mod team wishes you health and fortune in the year to come.
Current Month in TOA: Verdant Rain Moon
Our first lore event of 2024 begins this month! It will begin at noon EST on January 1st and run until the beginning of February. Please wait until the event begins for the team announcements and more information.
Inventories are locked in according to what you signed up with. Signups for the event will not be reopening at this time.
If you missed it last month, TOA held a Secret Santa event! Everyone pulled through with some really cool gifts, have a look if you've not already!
Please don’t forget to leave feedback on our [feedback poll] for this month! If you have feedback during the course of the event, feel free to leave it whenever it crosses your mind, but we will have specific questions about it on February’s form.
On the topic of the feedback poll, we would like to remind everyone that the mods are all people too. Being passive aggressive and rude serves no one. Please also make sure that if you're calling our attention to a problem, that you're being specific about that problem (quoting/timestamping recent incidents, for example) and not just vaguely alluding to some situation that we have to sleuth out instead.
Important Updates
Starting from this month on, it is requested that all asks with claims in them wait a minimum of 48 hours before resending or asking a moderator if it went through unless you are sending a claim on the final day of an event prize period. This is separate from the 24-hour clause about application/reserve submissions.
Starting today, we will be requiring that all members use a google sheets tracker for keeping track of their stats. We understand that this transition will take time for existing members, however, so we will not be penalizing the lack of skill point trackers yet. We will be working on gathering templates for you to use, and will link these options to our application for future members to fill out. If you need help, please contact Mod Rai.
We've had some feedback this past year about muns repeatedly & rapidly swapping through muses, and would like to address it. We do not encourage people holding onto muses longer than they should if they aren't gelling with a character. However, it becomes a problem when someone is swapping through muses with exceeding frequency. Please think carefully before taking the plunge on a new muse, as frequent drops affect your partners, too. We have, over the past few months begun to - and will continue to - approach these muns with a one-month cooldown between swapping/picking up a new muse, if need be.
January Mun Birthdays: Sage (3rd), Key (6th), Grant (9th), Darcy (9th), Maddie (12th), Annie (12th), Sara (14th), Neffi (17th)
January Muse Birthdays: Bramimond (1st), Nils (1st), Altena (3rd), Ingrid (4th), Rhea (11th), Rolf (12th), Rosado (19th), F!Alear (20th), M!Alear (20th), Marth (21st), Selena (FE14) (21st)
First-year mun anniversaries this month: Ivy (1st)
Second-year mun anniversaries this month: Sage (14th), Alina (21st)
Third-year mun anniversaries this month:  Reddo (11th), Rua (15th)
First-year muse anniversaries this month: Chad (25th), Linus (29th)
Second-year muse anniversaries this month: Chrom (1st)
Third-year muse anniversaries this month: Maria (11th), F!Byleth (15th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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A genuine waste of opportunity I felt was present in the echo fighters, was not using them as an opportunity for character dumps.
Sakurai has spent a lot of time explaining the cool backdrop presences of characters in stages, and did it for most of the reveals for the DLC roster in Ultimate. And this is cool. It's a way to squeeze just a few more characters into the game considering everyone everywhere wants their faborite character in, and can say, at least tepidly, that they got in, or at least got a shout out in one of the biggest platform whisperers around.
One of the key aspects of the echo fighters is how they're.. well, the same guy, just kinda different, both in lore and gameplay. Lucina literally used Marth's name in disguise, Daisy is constantly compared to Peach as a mirror, and Richter is fundamentally the same character as Simon where it matters from a gameplay perspective.
But you know who else that applies to? Literally every other Belmont in the entire series' history. Sure, they use different sub weapons from time to time, they all have different personalities, but they're all people with a whip, a cross, an axe, and a massive haterection for the creatures of the night.
When characters have alternate characters occupying alternate costume slots, I think on this, and how it seems a waste to not do this for the echo fighters too, the character archetype explicitly stated to be a space filler for the game's code, or wherever it could apply frankly.
We could have had every Belmont in the franchise in one convenient package whipping Captain Falcon in the dick. They could have stayed a separate slot too, since the differing quality between Richter and Simon is Richter's holy water flames are treated as an aura attack property and Simon's is treated as a fire property because of the color, and holy water has been blue in Castlevania for god knows how long (and I don't wanna check right now).
Maybe I'm just salty that we got Richter the pretty vampire and Simon instead of Simon and Leon the rage monster, but I can't help but feel that this was a wasted opportunity. Considering Sakurai's pride in squeezing in as many faces into Ultimate as he could as backdrops, I feel like this would have been thrice as impactful for about the same degree of space used up. I hope the next game uses the alternate costume/color mechanic to get jiggy with some references and shout outs for other characters, like Olimar gets.
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gorlygorlx3 · 5 months
Skullgirls Color Palettes
What I mean by this:
In Skullgirls…well Skullgirls Mobile but Skullgirls the Video Game as well , each character has a specific color palette that references a character from another franchise, which can be really cool if you figure it out!
Moonstruck <= Sailor Moon
Ogre Achiever <= Shrek
Harlequin <= Harley Quinn
Megalomaniac  <= Sans
Indomitable <= Makima
And that’s just a couple. There’s hundreds of more and all of them are great. So here’s all of mine.
(Reminder: This’ll go under the Guilty Gear/Soul Calibur Video Game AU, meaning that Sun & Moon are together as one.)
Loving Light (Original Colors)
Glamorous Benediction (Glamrock Freddy Colors)
Hell's Bells (Sammy Lawrence from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Dubious Duplicate (Double from Skullgirls)
​​​​​Unstoppable Apostle (Pit from Kid Icarus)
Judge & Jury (Judge Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Bishop, Skip, and Jump (The Bishop from Cuphead)
Ursa Minor (Gregory from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Martyr Matters (Marth from Fire Emblem)
Chosen Sheperd (The Lamb from Cult of The Lamb)
Bluebells (Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's)
 Rockette (Original Colors)
Holy Matrimony (Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear)
Maze Runner (Glamrock Chica Colors)
Pixie Cut (Filia from Skullgirls)
​​​​​Guns 'n Daisies (Daisy from Super Mario)
Throwback Thursday (Toy Chica from Five Nights at Freddy's 2)
Hidden Gems (Jem from Jem and the Holograms)
Iridescent Princess (Pearl from Splatoon 2)
Heartbreaker (Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Key Change (Sakura from Street Fighter)
Vandalized (Kimberly from Street Fighter)
Rolled Sleeves (Asuka from Tekken)
Starlet (Karen Aijo from Revue Starlight)
Bayou Blues (Original Colors)
Caught Dead (Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption)
Whistleblower (Louis from Princess and the Frog)
Sin-phony (Big Band from Skullgirls)
Leatherback (Montgomery Gator Colors)
Six Shells (Cassidy from Overwatch)
Nocture Crusader (Darkwing Duck from Darkwing Duck)
Bonechillin' Villain (Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear)
Jackpot (Dante from Devil May Cry)
Fiddle Di Die (Esther Winchester from Cuphead)
Rabbit's Foot (Glamrock Bonnie from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Ruin)
Blaze of Glory (Bowser from Super Mario)
Masked Motives (Zorro from Zorro)
Dimmed Lights (Original Colors)
Winning Smile (Roxanne Wolf Colors)
Platinum Grace (Lili from Tekken)
Toxicity (Poison from Street Fighter)
Number One (Cassie from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Ruin)
Eyes Up (Alice Angel from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Vicious Vixen (Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's)
Plucked Heartstrings (I-NO from Guilty Gear)
Black Thorns (Black Dahlia from Skullgirls)
Thick Water (Eliza from Skullgirls)
Hedonia (Anna Williams from Tekken)
Femme Fatality (Mehira from AFK Arena)
Poised Poison (Evil Queen from Snow White)
Gentlemen Preffered (Marilyn Monroe from Gentlemen Prefer Blonds)
Bat Burglar (Rouge the Bat from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sun & Moon
Opposite Attracted (Original Colors)
Goose Chase (Banjo & Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie)
Q&A (Answer from Guilty Gear)
Tethered Forever (A.B.A from Guilty Gear)
Lucky Shriek (Blanc & Noir from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE)
Kill the Lights (Sunnydrop & Moondrop Colors)
Viral Infection (Eddie Brock & Venom from Venom)
Otherside (Dr Facilier from Princess and the Frog)
Friendly Neighbor (Satsuki Kusakabe & Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro)
High Spirits (Chihiro & No Face from Spirited Away)
Equinox (Zato-1 from Guilty Gear)
Snake Eyes (King Dice & The Devil from Cuphead)
Radio Silent (Alastor from Hazbin Hotel)
Restless Nights (Bedman & Delilah from Guilty Gear)
Cartoon Violence (Henry Stein & the Ink Demon from Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Boom Boxer (Original Colors)
Nothing But Neon (Banjo & Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie)
Java Blast (Azucena from Tekken)
Mic Drop (Volume from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE)
Bad & Boozy (Spider Mobster from Cuphead)
Classically Trained (Music Man from Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizza Simulator)
Feline Groovy (Ms. Fortune from Skullgirls)
Lucky Feet (Lucky Chloe from Tekken)
Dance Battler (Dee Jay from Street Fighter)
 Off The Rails (Choo Choo Charles from Choo Choo Charles)
Spilled Tea (Muffet from Undertale)
Sonic Synergy: (Lucio from Overwatch)
Tidal Wave (Big Man from Splatoon)
Crimson Cunning (Original Colors)
Checkered Flag (Roxanne Wolf from Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Rushin' Roulette (Johnny from Guilty Gear)
Hell & Highwater (Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean)
Twin-Tailed Terror (Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Tempest (Mast from GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE) 
 Swimming with Fishes (Rottytops from Shantae)
Pillage Plundered (Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Stormy Weather (Umbrella from Skullgirls)
 Anchor Clanker (Popeye the Sailorman from Popeye the Sailorman)
Barnacle Boomer (Cap'n' Cuttlefish from Splatoon)
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iturbide · 1 year
Wait was the jugdral stuff in the same world as awakening???
Technically yes! There's actually a fair bit of overlap between the first few games in the series, to the point where Archanea, Jugdral, and Valentia are canonically part of the same world. The biggest link between them is actually Naga herself: she's a key figure in the lore of Archanea and Valentia as the source of the Falchion blades, and in Jugdral she joined with eleven other dragons to offer a blood pact and a holy weapon to mankind in order to oppose the Loptyrian Empire. So knowing that they're all in the same world, and Awakening directly ties itself to Shadow Dragon with the provenance of Falchion as Marth's blade and the presence of Tiki as a recruitable character, Awakening effectively takes place ~3,000 years after the events of Genealogy.
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I want the fe fandom to stop cannibalising itself :( what bothers me most of engage vs 3houses is how we know the game's story may not be the most complex but we're chill w it bc intsys is dangling marth in front of us like car keys. everyone has their fave game which is all good and stuff but I don't like the trashing of games that aren't their fave. we're a 33 year old franchise ffs just relax and enjoy the silly (occasionally horny) anime chess guys. it's not that deep.
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terabyteturtle · 1 year
Fighter #03 - Link
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- Link spends a lot of time outside doing archery practice. He sets up targets in tons of different spots and spends an hour or two shooting them.
- Sephiroth is very intrigued as to how the Sheikah Slate works. He's threatened Link numerous times in an attempt to get it for himself. When this happens, Cloud usually steps in and sticks up for him, to which Sephiroth says, "There's no point in trying to ward me off, Cloud. You know better than anyone that I always come back," (bro's like William Afton for real). At this stage, Master Hand has to take care of it.
- Link and Cloud are really good friends. They both understand what it's like to be constantly pursued by their greatest enemies. Ganondorf and Sephiroth just won't leave them alone.
- He really likes pinwheels for some reason. Villager made him a couple for his birthday and he could not have been happier.
- He always keeps his Ancient Arrows under lock and key. Hylia knows what will happen if someone got their hands on those.
- Wii Fit Trainer is his go-to gal for anxiety relief. Link's usually a calm guy, but when he gets anxious, it gets really bad. He's discovered that, during times like these, yoga helps him tremendously.
- He and Cloud secretly love watching Thundercats! Cloud has all of the episodes on DVD, so on their nights off, the two will binge-watch it in Cloud's room. Whoever's going grocery shopping for the week always buys TONS of popcorn in advance because these two would go through the entire stash otherwise.
- He's very good at slight-of-hand and is better at it than Mario. Ness and Lucas think this is super cool and always ask him to do coin tricks.
- When Link first saw the item rack, he was flabbergasted. Like they use Cuccos here? Seriously?! How is everyone still alive?! If that wasn't weird enough, there was an odd drone resembling a beetle that looked strangely familiar to him. Link's sure he's never seen it before, but for some reason, he just can't shake the feeling that he's connected to it somehow.
- When he first joined Smash, Link didn't recognize Ganondorf. He actually tried to have a normal conversation with him, but got completely ignored. When he told Zelda about it, she revealed that the rude man was actually Ganon. As soon as she said this, Link suddenly went into hero mode and tried attacking the Gerudo menace. Marth, Roy, and Ike all had to restrain him. 
- During his first few days in Smash, Link's anxiety levels were through the roof. Considering how many villains there were living in the same house, he had a very bad feeling about the whole thing. He kept waiting for something catastrophic to happen, but to his surprise, nothing did. After a few weeks, he began to calm down.
- He loves taking walks in the forest. He has to keep his guard up though, or else he'll get stampeded by the Kongs when they go on their forest runs.
- Along with Villager and the other Links, he'll give advice to the others on how to maximize pocket space (all of them carry so much stuff, it's insane).
- If anyone ever needs extra sword polish, he's got them covered! There's a big supply of it in the weapon repair room, but Link has high-quality stuff from Hyrule.
- His favorite color is green. He kinda wishes the Zelda from his world made his tunic green instead of blue.
- To say the least, Link was very confused when he first met Zelda and the other Links. Zelda sat him down and explained to him that she, Link, and Ganon were all part of an endless reincarnation cycle. She told him that she was a past incarnation of the Zelda he knew from his world, Young Link and Toon Link were past incarnations of himself, and the Ganon he tried killing the other day was a past incarnation of Calamity Ganon. It explained why the Gerudo King was so cold toward him, and also why he felt strange connections to certain items. It took Link a while to process all of this at first, but was eventually able to wrap his head around it.
- He keeps a close eye on Ganondorf, no matter what. If the King of Darkness decides to pull something evil, Link feels it's his responsibility to deal with him.
- Link and the Fire Emblem fighters help maintain order within the mansion. If a fight breaks out, they're the first ones to stop it.
- He loves going to the stables! Young Link often joins him to take care of the horses.
- He's such a gentleman, always opening doors for people or letting them borrow his hood if the weather's unpleasant.
- Link has a lot of strange dreams, most of which he'll only tell Cloud about
- Sometimes, he follows Zelda around out of habit. She constantly has to remind him that he's free to do whatever he wants and she's fine on her own.
- He's constantly gets recognized by Assist Trophies from his past lives, which always makes him confused. Seeing Ghirahim for the first time was an absolute nightmare, and the first question that Midna asked him was "Can I have a wolfback ride?". Needless to say, it was awkward as hell.
- He likes feeding birds with Robin sometimes. Out of all the birds he's seen, egrets are his favorite.
- Once in a blue moon, it seems like his shadow takes on a mind of its own. No one, not even Cloud, believes him and sometimes, he doesn't sleep because of it. There was one night where he looked in the mirror and he could've sworn he saw red eyes staring at him from behind.
- Link and Cloud play fetch with Pikachu all the time.
- Link's always doing heroic poses, so the villains frequently mock him. 
- Dark Pit makes fun of the Master Sword a lot, calling it a giant glow-stick.
- He has the aim of a traditional Portuguese mother (meaning it's godly).
- Link has a really big heart. No, seriously, have you seen the size of his Heart Containers?
- Pit is taking archery classes from him. Dark Pit can ridicule Link all he wants, but the man is a really good teacher.
- Ganondorf makes at least one snide remark to him a day.
- He's a symbol of courage, and the younger fighters aspire to be as brave as him.
- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the main theme from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's a song that he knows completely, not something vaguely familiar from his past lives, and it fills him with courage and determination.
Note: It doesn't matter which Link you're talking about, they're all wonderful characters! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Next up, an intergalactic bounty hunter who's journeyed across numerous planets.
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calvatier · 7 months
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Been a while since I last drew Marth,,,black and white cus I low-key dont rly like the past colour scheme i had of him,,,changed up his hair to have a little more curliness to it and thats abt it...such a troubled man
if I rly can't figure his palette out I genuinely might make him gray/B&w cus it wouldn't be out of the ordinary
Ive been a little brain stupid lately and I need to brush up on skull knowledge instead of doing what I always do without thinking...i realised I was doing that for this doodle and it got me feeling very uncomfy cus my brain couldn't connect some dots but I did remember and figure it out at the end so it's fine for neow...🤝
Making him fully black and white might be kinda fire tho...cus Carrion (his ex lover) is also purely black and white monochrome and it'd be rly cool
I think in lore Half-Orcs/Orcs have a range from greenish to brown to grey skin so I don't think it would go against any lore rules 🤝🤝
I wish he appears earlier in the story tho because he turns out to be a huge mentor figure for Amias and that's such a cute thing to draw...but too bad, for the sake of story, he only turns up around the middle-late part of the story,,,but I rly like how he's introduced because he has a reason to aid the party and similar goals..
Ordell seeks a tome from Melchior who is the master of Carrion. Marth wants to free Carrion. Melchior isnt a good guy so Ordell is urged by Amias that they shld take him down as he gets the time to help ppl.
As they travel abt to ask for info, they bump into Marth and he obviously wants to get involved cus this is his chance to finally take on his ex-lover's oppressor.
After the whole fight and allat, Carrion decides not to follow Marth BC they've already strsyed too far and their mindset has been changed completely,,,they eventually join the cult and dropped some clues to their decision which ultimately leads Marth to join the party in pursuit of the cult.
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