#kevin dobson
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geniefrancis · 5 months ago
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badmovieihave · 1 year ago
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Bad movie I have Midway 1976
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tscsunlover · 5 months ago
got my rainbow crate all for the game books! Im gonna add the bonus chapters here for anyone who didn’t buy the books cause they were EXPENSIVE
links aren’t working for some reason and you can only add ten pictures to a post so i’m gonna add the next two books in reposts
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joejhang · 6 months ago
does nora rlly expect me to believe that andrew minyard is a misogynist his only friends are:
neil "some of the strongest people i've known are women" josten
renee walker, a born-again lesbian woman who can kick his ass
kevin "queen of exy" day
betsy dobson, a woman and his mother figure and his psychiatrist
david wymack who broke fox tradition by recruiting three women into his team and made dan captain in the face of all the criticism
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lily-s-world · 5 months ago
Wymack was ready to propose to Kayleigh, but choose to leave to not overstep Kayleigh boundaries. Wymack called Kayleigh to know if Kevin was his and was ready to be a dad, but she said no so Wymack let it go. He sees Kayleigh everytime he looks at Kevin.
Betsy developed an unnoticed way to call Andrew's attention when he is going anxious and trying to hurt himself. That way he stops and nobody notices.
Andrew accepted joining PSU because it was Aaron's opportunity to study medicine and became the doctor their mother couldn't believe he could be.
Aaron was able to see through Andrew's denial about his feelings for Neil. Because he knew his brother ticks, expressions and mannerisms better than he let it show.
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weralika · 3 months ago
are we gonna talk about Andrew using his eidetic memory to draw something?? like he doodles in his notebook during lectures and it's the most fucking accurate sketch of a gothic building you've ever seen? like babe you do have a hobby, Neil just doesn't know about it, does he?
do you have a secret sketchbook hidden under your mattress that's filled with drawings of Renee's smile or Kevin's broken hand? do you memorize every one of Neil's scars to make a map of them in your book? are you gonna reveal that secret and show Neil your stupid drawings?
does Nicky miss his boyfriend so much that once he finds a rough sketch of Eric between the sheets of his book? it's fucking creepy till he finds the note saying 'a.j.m. used him as a reference'
does Kevin look surprised, when you pass him a piece of paper, not knowing yet that you made a research about his mother to draw her as perfect as you can?
does Aaron smile when you give him a drawing of his stupid girlfriend or he silently folds it into his wallet and strides away?
does Bee starts to collect your doodles of insects that you make during your sessions? can Wymack hold back his tears when he finds a portrait of Seth Gordon on his desk, knowing who has the access to his study and a fucking huge warm and loving heart under the layers of not giving a fuck about life? you tell me.
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tankuare · 2 months ago
Nora said that she knows who dies first between Neil and Andrew and I am BEGGING her never to release that information for my own mental health
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mini-minish · 5 months ago
🦊 Andrew Minyard Animatic. an andrewmatic if u will. heed warnings yo
Characters from the All for the game series by @korakos 🦊
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foxesscramble · 3 months ago
in honor of the holidays here's some foxes and co going home for the holidays (set sometime in the future)
Somewhere in Wisconsin:
Matt Boyd just won his last game before their winter break officially started.
Dan and Matt make their rounds to say goodbye to everyone as the team dispersed to various cities.
They head out and grab a taxi, making a quick stop by their house to grab their luggage.
They’re headed home for the holidays.
Back to where their family was gathering.
Back to South Carolina.
They were unbelievably excited to see everyone.
They had a secret that they were finally telling the foxes when they got them all together.
Dan cradled her growing belly
Somewhere in Colorado:
Renee compiled a list of care advice for her neighbor who is petsitting for her while she’s in South Carolina.
It’s a hefty list and Renee is once again grateful for her kind, elderly neighbor who had volunteered herself immediately after hearing Renee was going to be traveling.
She made her rounds saying goodbye to all her pets before grabbing her suitcase and keys and heading to the door.
She sent a text to Allison to let her know she was about to hit the road.
Text sent she said one last goodbye at the door before locking up behind her.
South Carolina, here we come.
Somewhere in New York:
Allison carefully packed her clothes into her bag.
Had she possibly packed too much for her two-week trip? Probably, but she hasn’t seen anyone in a while, and she likes to look good.
Allison checked her phone for the time before grabbing her suitcases and putting them by the door.
She did one last walk-through to make sure she didn’t forget anything before turning all her lights off and grabbing her luggage.
She closed the door and locked it before making her way out of her apartment. 
She sent a text to Renee to let her know she was leaving and got in her car.
Somewhere in Germany:
“Nicky, Liebling, if you don’t get your ass down here we’re going to miss our flight!” 
Nicky swears as he collects his bags in a hurry, his feet pounding down the stairs of his and Erik’s apartment.
Germany had done Nicky a lot of good but he was undeniably excited to head back to the States.
Back to his family.
“I’m ready! I swear!” 
Erik laughed and herded him out the door.
They made it through the security check with 15 minutes to get to their boarding area.
They laughed as they ran through the airport, their luggage flipping and bumping into the back of their legs.
They were the last people on the plane, but they made it.
Nicky was going home.
Somewhere in California:
Kevin lugs both suitcases into the trunk of his car before he helps Amalia into the back seat and gets her buckled into her car seat.
They were driving all the way to South Carolina because Amalia had recently become deathly afraid of planes.
Settling in for the two-day drive, they'd barely made it 30 minutes into the trip before Amalia determined it had been a long time and it was time for snacks.
With a deep breath and a silent prayer to all things holy, Kevin pulled into a gas station to get snacks and have a bathroom break.
He knew the drive would be rough but 'Grandpa Coach' and 'Gran Abby', as Amalia had taken to calling her grandparents (maybe Kevin should have stopped calling them by name), would be more than willing to take Amalia when they got home.
Amalia spent the rest of the 36 hour drive rotating between excitably talking about seeing her aunts and uncles, singing the entire Frozen soundtrack at the top of her little 4 year old lungs, and sleeping.
Somewhere between Kansas and South Carolina:
"If you touch the stereo one more time, Josten, you're losing your hand."
Hands held over the console.
Hand kisses.
Smoke breaks.
Lots of snack breaks.
Neil gets fruit cups and Andrew gets candy.
Their cats joined them for the trip.
Sir sits in Neil's lap the entire ride but King gets the zoomies every 30 miles.
Andrew has to repeatedly remove him from his feet so he stops getting close to the pedals.
They call Bee halfway through the drive to make sure she’ll be there when they get there. She and Andrew chat while Neil takes a bathroom break.
When Neil comes back Andrew’s frame has relaxed a bit further. 
They were both excited to see everyone but that didn’t take away the anxiety of having that big of a group together again.
But the foxes were family and they couldn’t wait to see their family.
Somewhere in North Carolina:
"Okay, and you packed the girls' blankets?"
Katelyn and Aaron may resemble headless chickens trying to get their 13 month old twins together and ready.
Katelyn has been tasked with the girls' things and Aaron has been tasked with actually getting the girls in the car.
One of the twins is passed out in their car seat and the other is sobbing and throwing a fit.
Aaron is trying to calm her down and Katelyn is driving.
It took about an hour to get her to stop crying and when she did Aaron took a deep breath and fell back in his seat.
He rested his head back and closed his eyes, letting the quiet sounds of the road soothe him.
That calmness lasts for a good minute before Katelyn lets out a loud, FUCK!
"I forgot our suitcase!"
Somewhere in South Carolina:
Abby fluffs the decorative pillow for the hundredth time in the past ten minutes. 
She’s already vacuumed and swept every room in their house. She’s gotten all the spare bedrooms ready and taken out all of the blowup mattresses. Most of the kids were staying with them with the exception of those that had kids.
They hadn’t all been together in so long and it felt imperative that the house looked good for everyone.
Wymack came up behind her and gently took the pillow from her hands before setting it back on the couch.
“The place looks amazing, Abby.” 
Abby turned around and shot him a doubtful look.
Wymack laughed roughly and leaned forward to place a careful kiss to her forehead. 
“They’re just going to be happy to be here. I don’t think they’d care if it looked like a pigsty in here. Everything is okay, and you know why?” 
Abby leaned her weight against Wymack’s chest. “Why?”
Wymack pulled back slightly so he could send her a fond smile.
“Our kids are coming home."
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incorrectaftg · 3 months ago
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[hands you these] part 95
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booksydaisy · 11 months ago
Jean: I don't believe in therapy and some random shrink lady isn't gonna help.
*a few moments later after he remembers that Betsy is therapist to Neil, Kevin and Andrew*
Jean: well I still don't believe in therapy but I low key respect her because no one else can deal with those difficult personalities and not go insane
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otdiaftg · 10 months ago
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The King's Men - Epilogue
Day: Saturday, April 27th / 28th* Time: 3:10 AM EST
Neil waits off to one side while the others file out, knowing Andrew will be the last to leave. Wymack knows better than to stick around and follows his Foxes down the hall. Andrew brings Neil's duffel to him. Neil takes it but drops it off to one side. Andrew studies it for a moment, then shrugs out of his own bag and puts a hand to the wall near Neil's head. "Your close calls are getting old," Andrew says. "I thought you knew how to run." Neil affects confusion. "I thought you told me to stop running." "Survival tip: no one likes a smart mouth." "Except you," Neil reminds him. A year ago Neil had been a scared nobody, hating himself for signing the Foxes' contract and counting down days until he moved in with Wymack. Tonight he is the starting striker for the first-ranked team in the NCAA. In two years he'll be captain, and in four he'll graduate from Palmetto State. Neil will find a professional team first and then fight tooth and nail to make the cut for Court. Neil can already imagine the weight of an Olympics medal around his neck. He doesn't even care what color it is so long as it is his. Better than that bright future is what he already has: a court that will always be home, a family who'll never give up on him, and Andrew, who for once hasn't wasted their time denying that this thing between them might actually mean something to both of them. Neil didn't even notice the silence at first, too distracted by his dizzying thoughts. Now he can't help but smile and pull Andrew in. This is everything he wanted, everything he needed, and Neil is never letting go.
Art commissioned and used with permission by the incredible @hamrikaa!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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codename-adler · 5 months ago
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Baby Pics pt. 3 (final part)
Kevin is being silent in the chat because he fell down some stairs while looking at Baby Aaron
Robin’s parents have religiously kept and cared for all her baby pictures from before she was kidnapped; this one is a few years before she was stolen.
one of the very few things Nicky left with when he got out of his parents’ house are his photo albums; he couldn’t bear leaving any trace of this kid in that house, and couldn’t keep letting his mother enter these phases of grief where she cried over page after page of baby Nicky.
though the internet is full with baby pictures of Kevin from tabloids, for the longest time he has no physical photographs of himself or his mom; when the Nest closed, he was finally handed back Kayleigh’s things that were rightfully his; that was truly an enormous moment of closure.
Aaron went through the effort of digging through the garbage in the attic of the Columbia house to find a semi decent picture; Nicky had some in his own albums, which he offered, but Aaron needed to do that himself, work though some shit.
Andrew told Bee what bullshit the Foxes were doing these days, then told her he knew who had some photos left of him here and there, then told her to make some calls if she was ever feeling bored of her life; because Neil asked; Bee managed to track down 10 photos from adoption agencies and foster families; Andrew chose that one because you can’t see his eyes (and he thinks he looks pretty cool).
Stuart sent over the one photo he has kept all these years, from a time Mary was able to visit London after having Neil; the full picture he cropped is below; only Andrew was shown Neil and his mom, Mary Hatford; the mom he lost, the mom he wants to remember.
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>> 21 next >>
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tscsunlover · 5 months ago
@exyandcigarettesmoke here’s some pictures of the books! let me know if you wanted to see anything else
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joejhang · 4 months ago
kevin and andrew are genuinely such fascinating characters to me because we have literally never gotten anything from their pov's yet they remain two of the most relevant, involved, important and main characters in this universe, but all we've really seen of them are them from other people's perspectives. like yes, we have them from the perspectives of the people who love and know them the best (jean, jeremy and wymack for kevin, aaron, bee, renee and neil for andrew) but we still don't/can't know them fully because we have genuinely never read anything from their perspective. isn't that just insane.
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jeanmoreausautismstickers · 5 months ago
my favorite part of aftg is how the mafia is just sorta there for the foxes who arent Neil and kevin (and kinda twins + Nicky but only bcs they're so closely related to kevneil)
like truly take Dan into account???
girl just wanted to play exy, she FINALLY got out of a bad situation, was allowed to play AND be captain. shes gotten shit for it but shes proven herself and now shes happy for the first time in her life
and then BAM the fucking MAFIA is after not one but TWO of her teammates??? and she just? has? to? deal?
insane I love it thank you Nora
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