#kerfuffle interrogation
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marronbunnie · 2 years ago
9, 23, 26, 30 :3
HI!!!!!! :3
9. What are your file name conventions
i usually draw on ipad so i don't even name them HSIDVHWOEFI whatever the default procreate and medibang names are ... on pc though it's usually the subject's name spelt incorrectly i.e. jyoosh, josh, jyushey, juice, etc...
23. Do you use different layer modes
YES DARKEN LAYERS MY BELOVED i use them soooooo much theyre so good for touchups for me in particular who tends to accidentally start with really desaturated colours and gradually darkens/saturates them as i work on it lol... otherwise i'm not huge on multiply or the other usual suspects just bc it doesn't work super well with my palettes, if i start from grayscale i'll usually use just use gradient maps and wing it from there but occasionally i will throw a hue layer over the top at the end of a piece if the colours don't look very harmonised
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
i don't really think i draw anything with enough story or symbolism for it to be interpreted in any way other than "wow! nice!" SDKJVN but i'm not a huge shipper so sometimes when i draw two charas for funsies and get ship tags i'm like huh... this reads as ship art? which i don't mind but it's just like an oh. i guess so! kind of moment
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
TBH... nothing in particular i think the social media netizens have been very kind to me over the past few years and a lot of the things i post get a lot of love so i'm very grateful ;w;...
if anyone wants to check something underrated out though they should take a peek at this CHUUOKU AU ZINE I PARTICIPATED IN which is really awesome and is only one order away from the first stretch goal!!!!!!!! I DREW JIRO AND JYUSHI TOGETHER FOR IT BTW!!!!!!!!
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gorbalsvampire · 7 months ago
𝖃𝕴𝕴𝕴 𝕿𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝕱𝖊𝖚𝖉𝖆𝖑 𝕭𝖔𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖆
𝔄𝔠𝔱 ℑℑ, 𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢 𝔦𝔳
Our story was not set to continue. Then it was. Then it wasn't again. It's been a rough week and half my roof has been rebuilt and I have had one interview out of one hundred applications and aaaagh.
Nevertheless, we stay silly. This was a blinder of a session.
CW: this session featured numerous arachnids, violence against women, and violence against ghouls.
At first, I thought I only had Alzbeta and Theodericus tonight, so we started with a Memoriam. I wanted to go back to Alzbeta's Embrace; I wanted her to know/remember/discover a little more about her sire, and his involvement in the mysteries of Kupala, and potentially to interrogate the Cobweb a little and ask it what the hell is going on?
Six opted to really push this one and attempt all three questions. The Memoriam roll was a pass, but barely, and faced with six Willpower damage or Stains to take, Six took the devil's bargain - no damage, but an immediate drop in Humanity as Alzbeta relived the moment she was trying to forget.
So here's Alzbeta, trying to induce a religious ecstasy; starving herself, aggravating her Beast, naked before the altar and crawling with spiders, praying and praying as she tries to remember. And then there's Alzbeta, as she was a decade ago, after sunset on All Souls' Day, exhausted from three days of commemorative prayer and comforting words, under a hunter's moon and with a killer migraine. Was this really how it happened? Regardless, she heard some kerfuffle in the street, punctuated by horrid, unsteady laughter, and went to investigate. A Carmelite friar, apparently in the process of being forcibly removed from the convent and its environs, being butted by the butts of halberds and - is Sister Berta there? Was Berta with the order then? Is it her speaking, or Archbishop Geza... was there something about Geza, something she needed to remember? Something about habits rent open, a man's hands, bearing down on a pale body before the altar, and blood... Is this really how it happens? In any case, she took the friar under her care - the man had clearly been on the road for weeks, and he was burbling and chortling horribly, averting his face from the stained glass windows. Yet when he spoke to Alzbeta - when she asked him questions - he was immediately lucid. Compellingly so. Even as the spikes and sparks of migraine flared in her mind, Frater Octavio told her what he had seen in Carpathia, what dwelled beneath the world with the mountains as its spine, what spread itself everywhere its children walked, what had reached one long tendril even as far as Prague... its threshold onto the world. He had to warn the world. He had fled. West. Always into the West. He had to warn the world. They bonded, over their torments, and Octavio, for his sins and hers, knowing it was not yet time and he still had work to do... he offered her relief. Relief from the agony of suffering alone. Alzbeta felt her blood rush out, and the world rush in. No Malkavian is alone. All Malkavians know all Malkavians. The Blood flows from fracture to fracture. Malkavians are not insane. Malkavians are simply trying to live with each other, in the knowledge that their thoughts are not all their own. In that moment, she says, she truly found God. This is how it happened.
What a moment. Heartstoppingly good RP from Six. Matched my energy wonderfully. I got very carried away doing Octavio's laugh - Malkavians always do this to me, I have to be really careful about playing them, I get immersed.
Anyway. I'd been planning to explore Theodericus' feeding grounds at last, but another player had now arrived, and I was able to proceed with what had been the plan for last week, when I also knew I wouldn't have Marsillius and needed a short plotline for the other three. I want everyone there for Vysehrad.
Mariam needed justice for the theft of rabbi Zachary's silverware - from his house while his dead body was still warm for G-d's sake! Infuriating. Unable to trace Serena, who was off with her Prince doing Court Business, she rallied Alzbeta and Theodericus, because a Ventrue can solve Ventrue problems and this ghoul's master is an alleged Ventrue, and because Christians let nuns get away with everything, apparently. Mariam was also very hungry, and regretting not eating the thief Jacob when she killed him...
Our trio proceeded to the King's Arms, the new-fangled "inn" at the top of the Lesser Quarter by the River. There, alas, they were intercepted by the alewife's master brewer: Ardan, the Warlock, the unctuous Tremere who so admires Alzbeta.
He made it creepy. Very, extremely creepy. There was some back and forth of social conflict 'twixt him and Theodericus as the young Ventrue attempted to pull rank (Willpower becoming somewhat exhausted on both fronts), and Ardan insisted that while he had to be a gracious host they had to be gracious guests. They were at an impasse, until Alzbeta stepped in and informed him that one, what she had to say was for Count Orsi and Count Orsi alone, and two, she would pray for Ardan that he be rid of these lustful ambitions, for they would never be fulfilled.
Defeated, the Warlock confessed that he had coveted Alzbeta a lot longer than she thought. He had a mind to Embrace her, seeing in her a potential and beautiful apprentice and companion, but he was refused permission - and then some mooncalf of a Malkavian had done the deed first! Unpermitted! Unsanctioned! Unrepentant!
Ardan retreated, not happy about being humiliated on his own ground, and he has now declared nemesis against Theodericus as well (two dot Adversary for him and Mariam).
Up two flights of stairs, which took Ardan's aging ghoul Unonna some time to climb, the coterie was introduced to Katya. She did passingly resemble Serena - dark hair, slender figure, good cheekbones - although Serena doesn't generally dress with so much bodice. Her master, Count Orsi, was a strange one; the velvet and mink of nobility in his dress, but the hands and countenance of a man no stranger to hard graft. A hooked ring upon his thumb, and a sovereign seal Theodericus recognised: this man was a Nymphus of the Mithraic Cult, and Theodericus outranked him.
This was a series of Messy Criticals. Mariam picked up the Hunger compulsion in the first round of social conflict with Katya, accusing her of the receipt of goods stolen from the Jews - before Orsi had even been introduced to everyone! Rude! Theodericus had pushed his Willpower to breaking point and was now running with a Dominance compulsion, not about to back down now that there was a Ventrue of whom he was unequivocally the boss, and he insisted that the story was true.
Orsi surprised everyone by believing this. He had received a gift of some fine antique silverware from his dear Katya, the pride of his collection; he had not known it was stolen. His honour had been brought into question? She had made an enemy of the Nosferatu in Josefov? She had not told him the truth about these goods? She had had discourse with thieves while he was at court? Punishment for Katya! Punishment for wicked ghoul who makes trouble for her master!
Weeping, shaking, Katya opened her mouth as she was bidden, and the hook sank deep, but oh no - the smell of blood in the air pushed Mariam to the very edge of Hunger frenzy, and her audible growl suggested something more... apposite to Orsi. He shoved Katya into Mariam's arms, and did not bother to remove the hooked ring from her tongue; with blood welling up in her throat, the choking girl was too much temptation for Mariam to resist, and she drank.
Mariam would have killed her, had Theodericus not been there to intervene - to seize her by the scruff of the neck and plead moderation. Death, he said, was too much for her. A hiss, and a snarl, and an acceptance, and Katya was dropped. Still dying from blood loss - but not bleeding her last into Mariam's now-acquiescent Beast.
Orsi returned the stolen silver, and bade them leave. He intended to Embrace Katya - to ensure she lived, that she might learn, and live unspeaking, that she might not lie. Alzbeta gave extreme unction (stop that sniggering at the back), and the coterie departed.
Safely away from the King's Arms, Mariam paused a moment. Took Theodericus' hands in hers. Thanked him, for being her restraint, and for his help; and Alzbeta, for hers. They're good people.
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byenycfm · 5 months ago
S2E01 Part 0ne - Beacon Of Hope
Where: The Upper Bay When: March 21st, 12pm Who: The Rescue Teams
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The neighborhood may be quiet but it's not empty. Step one foot outside of the Wexley and you'll know it: A shadow that moves out of view just before you turn your head, the sensation of eyes peering out from behind broken windows. Thanks to Jeremiah Rose we now know those eyes belonged to scouts from the Long Island raider group. They'd claimed everything past the East river as their territory, nesting in the expanse and preying on what few survivors that still lived. When the military blew the bridges out of NYC they'd effectively cut off Long Island as a result; only it had been too late, those escaping New York already bringing the virus en mass. There was no where to go but towards the coast, where the military eventually fire bombed on day three in attempts to prevent further spread. The raiders had been content to leave the Wexley alone for the time being. They had the supplies they needed and there were other places to hunt survivors for.. entertainment. But Jeremiah Rose wasn't content with a friendly send-off. He had to go and kick the hornet's nest. A few raiders shadowed him back to the Wexley, Roman crossing paths with one and killing him while the other made it back to base. The raiders have been biding their time and waiting for the right moment to strike back when it just so happened to fall into their lap. If they played their cards right they could have everything--the ship, the wexley, and their revenge. With knowledge provided by Jeremiah, Sada Vang has begun making her own moves, attempting to broker a deal with the raiders in return for later favors.
@sadavang has had an invite accepted from the Raider for negotiations, though it's almost certainly a trap. She hopes to make a trade for the survivors safe passage by offering up drugs and weapons from her personal stash... and promise of more for their loyalty to her. // While some of the Raider 'leaders' decide to accept the offer, others aren't willing to negotiate. A gun fight ensues and Sada barely escapes the infighting she purposefully fuels between the raiders who had stayed behind at their base, returning quietly to where she'd left the back door latch stuck open.
@jeremiah-rose and @viesanders are to take the raft and bring gas to the yacht in order to bring it further into the bay, as close to the Wexley as possible. // Jeremiah and Eric make it to the yacht and prepare to refuel and set sail but something seems... off. After a few minutes of exploring they find Roman beaten and bloodied on the floor of the master bedroom and he is able to give them a moments notice of the trap before the yacht's cabin goes up in flames. After surviving the explosion in the cabin, the group is able to sneak up on a raider checking the wreckage. They subdue and decide to interrogate him on the damaged but still floating yacht as the fire spreads and fireworks explode overhead.
@survivalxofxthexfittest(Oscar), @ashton-ryder and @rioreeve are to cause a distraction with fireworks intended for the Wexley's New Years celebration and deal with any raiders they find in the area. // While surveilling the area in preparation for the distraction the team discovers the raiders have already offloaded the ship, and they watch the explosion on the yacht from the shore. They see three survivors being led away at gun point by a dozen raiders. The team decides to carry on their plan and set off the fireworks, hoping the chaos gives everyone a chance to escape. It is up to the muns to decide how many raiders are killed in the kerfuffle, but all the NPC's MUST be recued. These include, Roman's ex wife, the yacht's captain and chef.
The Rescue Team's objectives are written out above, as well as a brief summary of what happens during them. Please feel free to do with this as you all like. If you'd like an event channel on the discord just let Admin N know and she'll get on that asap!
Due to Thanksgiving in Canada for Admin N, the start date of the event will be pushed back to Tuesday Oct 15th. Please try and wrap up all non-event threads by then as they will be paused for the duration of the event.
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Musical References in the Cuphead AU
Something I've been thinking about since I first started animating this AU MONTHS ago was how to go about writing the music. Now, I fucking love jazz, but bro I cannot come up with an entire jazz song in Kris Maddigan's style for a fangame, I am WAY too inexperienced.
Epiphany: musical easter eggs, references, and guides.
For each character, I have a BUNCH of song references. They're either gonna cameo in the song, aid the vibe, or be a general structure for me to follow. Each song also has at least one Cuphead song, and that's the overall vibe I'm going for with their numbers. Each song is here for a reason, and 10 points to whoever can guess some of these lol.
If you're confused as to why a song is on here, send me an ask :)
Tommy Likes Mean People (fan song)
A Night in Tunisia (if nothing else, definitely the vibes of this one)
The BeyBlade Theme
Silent Hill 2 Dog Ending / Dogsong (Undertale)
Amalgam (Undertale)
Twin Peaks Theme
Half Life 2 Radio Theme (Gman's Theme)
Bootlegger Boogie (Cuphead DLC OST)
Botanic Panic (Cuphead OST)
There's Nothing There (Main theme) (Aquacycle)
"I did have a wife, but they took her in the divorce" (Cruel Angel's Thesis from Evangelion) (Midi version)
Music to Soothe the Savage Snake Plant
The Fallen Child (THE DRUMS)
Super Punch-Out! Menu Theme
A CYBER'S WORLD? (Deltarune OST)
Clip Joint Calamity (Cuphead OST)
Carnival Kerfuffle (Cuphead OST)
Shin Megami Tensei IV OST - Black Market (interrogation scene)
Dr Feel-Good (Mötley Crüe)
Welcome to the Jungle (Guns n Roses)
Thunderstruck (AC/DC)
Moonbase Alpha (aeiou)
Tubes (the fan song)
Music to Soothe the Savage Snake Plant
SolusLunes - Endless Space
Witch Theme (Left 4 Dead)
Fiery Frolic (Cuphead OST)
Junkyard Jive (Cuphead OST)
Passport Guardian (its3oe)
Gordon's Haste (fan song)
The Villain You Wanted (fan song)
Bohan the Raven King (Heavenly Sword OST)
At Doom's Gate ("this is a receipt.")
Yoshi's Island (Benry's Castle)
Opera De Ossium (Boneworks OST)
Bombs For Throwing at You (Portal 2)
The Part Where He Kills You (Portal 2)
Baking the Wondertart (Cuphead DLC OST)
Upgrade Station (Team Fortress 2 OST)
Killer 7 - Heroic Deeds
Porkrind's Emporium (Cuphead OST)
More to be added, but yeah! :)
Now I just have to also do this for the world theme and the run and gun levels I told myself I wasn't gonna make. 🙃
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whumpbby · 2 years ago
My dude I'm here for it-___-
That's an amazing concept! Binghe conveniently missed the whole WWX kerfuffle while on his scholarship in the Abyss and now he's back and finds his shifu even more depressed and hurt???
What the fuck happened when he was gone?!
Don't worry, shifu, now that I'm back with a new amazing power and a masisve dick, I will take care of you-______-
I was also thinking of a situation where OG!Binghe gets disillusioned with his own world and starts travelling to other dimensions via the Xin Mo and, shit, there comes a time where something goes wrong. He hasn't reloaded via dual cultivation in a while and the sword starts pushing and Binghe gets into an early stage of qi devation... And something cracks. He wakes up in a new dimension - no Xin Mo in sight, weak, distressing short and slim... What the hell happened? His demon energy is almost depleted and his golden core is pulsing painfully. The air around him tastes wrong and the sky is a wrong colour and LB starts to realise that he's stranded somewhere else. He scrambles up and - oh, there's fire on the horizon.
He knows what it means, but he also knows where there is conflict, there are people. A side he can join. Someone to interrogate. He doesn't for a moment consider he could be in danger - he's the protagonist after all.
Well, not in this story. In this story he stumbles out of the forest into an open battle - people in red and white against people in gold and purple, and grey, - and only then it dawns on him he's swordless and can't pull on the power he has been relying on for decades and - the worst - he's at least a head shorter than everyone else!
It doesn't take long before his disheveled person catches attention of a warrior in red. (Was it his clothes? He was very obviously not affiliated, barely a dangerous sight, but he was also dressed in black...) He avoids a sword swipe by the skin of his teeth. His body is heavy, reactions slow, the burning camp suffocates his senses and his eyes have a hard time adjusting to the flares of light in the darkness. He's pathetic. He's angry. He feels like the weak, useless disciple again.
For the first time in decades, he feels fear.
He manages to escape the warrior, but that only puts him into a path of another. And another. He remembers his martial arts, but his arms are weak and his hits don't connect as they should. He has to adjust on the fly, has to start aiming carefully, into the pressure points, kicking knees and elbows, and forcing his hurting core into reinforcing his aching hands. His vision starts to narrow down into the white and red robes, into the sun crest, into the angry faces of cultivators wanting to cut him down. He didn't chose a side as much as the first enemy chose it for him.
He stumbles through the battlefield, looking for an exit, wading in the bloody mud, angry at his weakness, angry at his bad luck, angry at each wound making his body, angry at his fear...
He doesn't know how he manages to survive the onslaught, how he manages to cross the battlefield, but a moment comes when his knee twists painfully underneath him and he slips in the mud, landing on his hands... When did it start to rain? His skin feels numb, but he can hear thunder and see the flashes of light... Reflecting off the blade coming down on him, held by a warrior in red, and Binghe can't move fast enough, can't raise his hands, can't...
The hit doesn't land. Lightening strikes the cultivator like gods' wrath, dropping him down like a piece of smoking, trembling meat.
Before Binghe can gather his wits, there's a hand grasping harshly under his arm and pulling him up, a voice in his ear yelling at him to up, move, where if your sword?! He pulled up, pushed back, held harshly when his feet stumbled, and shoved behind a purple-clad back of a warrior vielding lightening in his hand.
Binghe stumbles, confused, angry. He's not a child! He's a demon emperor! He's not someone to be pulled back and protected!
He... doesn't know what to do ...he's never been the one who was protected... no one has ever...
....ever protected him.
You gonna tell me that teenage Luo Binghe, a known enjoyer of older, emotionally stilted men in power, wouldn't take one look at Jiang Cheng and decide that he needs to tap that?
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larrythefloridaman · 3 years ago
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idk why i made this. anyway cpuk tierlist based on which characters i think do or do not smoke weed and how much
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milesducemdominus · 4 years ago
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@forgedbyduty​ asked:  “I’m here- I’m here, now” - forgedbyduty (??? maybe?? if you want) MEME:  My muse had been kidnapped and tortured for the past week send “I’m here- I’m here, now” for your muse to save them.
Right under their noses. As if the weeks just passed had not been difficult enough, the very last thing they needed was another trial, another mass of difficulty presented. Within the confines of the city itself did they take him - his walk home obstructed by an unknown force and then an attack that left him no time to react. 
How awful it had been, too, to be constantly noted of the mass panic regarding his disappearance - newspapers thrown at him every morning, the idiotic laughs that came from those that had beaten him down, broken bones and attempted to draw information from him through absolutely ludicrous interrogation techniques. They (whoever they were-) used all variety of techniques to agitate him, to poke and prod sensitivities; any weapon was used, not merely violence. 
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How long he had been there he simply didn’t know, but with his wrists tightly bound with harsh rope and his person simply too weak and sleep deprived to drag himself up and make any attempts at escape. That was without acknowledging wounds and injuries; Aymeric was stuck and without any way to get himself out of the situation he simply had to wait - - wait and see if the trail that was barely left behind was discovered- a small hope. 
He’d had perhaps five minutes of sleep when he was woken once again, the agony of being denied rest hurting far more than any physical wounds for a moment. He could hear movement upstairs, a kerfuffle of some variety - violence; and then silence. Silence; then movement - down the stairs; bootsteps. 
The next he knew there were hands frantically attempting to undo the rope around his wrists, the soreness from broken skin; eyes slowly opening to raise upward to meet the concerned expression of a familiar face, albeit blurred. 
“...Artoirel?” Relief. Against all odds, he had been discovered- he’d be able to feel fresh air on his face, he’d be able to sleep - and indeed, the pull of such was strong when he leaned against the other for support. 
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dark7whiteseason1download · 4 years ago
Dark 7 White Season 1 Download 720p filmyzilla
Dark 7 White Season 1 Download 720p filmyzilla Web Series, Dark 7 White (2020) Season 1 Download Hindi HDRip 720p Complete Google Drive
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Dark 7 White ALTBalaji Crime | TV Series (2020– ) Stars: Sumeet Vyas, Nidhi Singh, Jatin Sarna Audio:  Hindi Quality : HDRip 720p
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Indian celebrity Sumeet Vyas is a favorite because of his characters in web series such as Permanent Roommates and Tripling.  He was last seen in Amazon Prime Video's Wakaalat in Home and Kubbra Sait, Sumeet Vyas, Nidhi Singh, and Gopal Datt in critical roles.  The Veere Di Wedding celebrity Sumeet Vyas is set to reunite with his next political thriller, Dark7White, the preview of this web series premiered a while back on November 5.  The celebrity shared his appearance on social websites that showed him playing the role of Yudhveer Singh, who's the youngest CM.
Series founder ALTBalaji has shown great rigor and consistency in researching generalized randy behavior, whatever the circumstance.  A series that's allegedly about palace intrigue and the power dynamics involving a group of buddies is reduced into a series of poorly decorated bedroom romps along with jejune banter.
The series could be streamed on the internet on OTT programs AltBalaji and Zee5.  The trailer has been lost on November 5.   The trailer demonstrates that the protagonist has been killed, and there are 5-6 suspects for his murder. The spin would be to discover who the accused is atop numerous suspects.  Dark 7 white could also showcase Nidhi Singh and Sumeet Vyas within an onscreen couple following their powerful web series Permanent Roommates and Wakaalat From Home.  Have a peek at the preview of this series that's all set to launch on November 24th.
The series is titled Dark 7 White, which provides us a clue to the number of suspects.  They all are out of Yudhveer's social circle.  They comprise his girlfriends (Yudhveer is a more-the-merrier kind ) and a homosexual couple.  This group of frenemies was abused and used by Yudhveer, a family scion who continues to act like the princely states have not been abolished.  Democracy is a fantasy, snarls that this self-declared prince.
Dark 7 White Season 1 Download 720p filmyzilla
In ALTBalaji's most up-to-date poll of sleaze, Rajasthan's newest chief minister gets the smallest stint in office. He is murdered in the opening moments.
There are just two adults in the room.  In India, Sumeet Vyas is arguably among the first stars of this emerging web series scene, is cast against type as evil incarnate.   As a politician, he's clean-shaven and contributed to excellent white clothing -- about the magnitude of personality shading.  Nevertheless, Vyas seems to have a swell period of swaggering, kissing and swearing. The 10-episode series, adapted from Shweta Brijpuria's publication Dark White, has been streamed on Zee5.  Mohinder Pratap Singh and Mayuri Roychoudhary have composed the version.  
Dark 7 White (2020) Season 1 Download Hindi HDRip Google Drive
Instead of vacating the world, Yudhveer Singh (Sumeet Vyas) hangs around both in the kind of flashbacks and a voiceover that provides a snarky comment on the investigation into his murder.  Who could be behind the premature passing of the smug, smooth kid of privilege?
Another grown-up is that the policeman is investigating the kerfuffle.  Jatin Sarna plays with Abhimanyu Singh, the burly officer that has the challenging job of interrogating the suspects and digging up dirt on Yudhveer.  Sarna seems to possess a twinkle in his eye so frequently, but we perhaps imagine things.
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owl-elementary · 7 years ago
Pezberry - "I'm pretty sure I love you more than you love me."
It started as a fight over the remote. It was a rainy Saturday afternoon - one of the few they’d had off in weeks. Beyond the weather being terrible, Santana and Rachel were way too tired to do anything. So they’d decided they were going to have a Netflix and chill day. And somewhere between Chopped and Criminal Minds, there was a kerfuffle.
“We are not watching Steven Universe for the 85th time, Santana!”
“Oh, because your obsession with Charmed is any better?”
And then it was war. Rachel attacked first, bopping Santana with a pillow; after which, Santana countered by tossing a few marshmallows at her girlfriend. This led to a five minute pillow-tickle fight, remote control lying forgotten amongst the pillows and blankets.
Santana settled down on top of Rachel, nuzzling her neck when both were too tired to continue the battle. “I love you, you nutcase.”
“I love you more.”
“Impossible. I’m pretty sure I love you more than you love me,” Santana retorted.
Rachel rolled her eyes and switched the TV back to Charmed.
It started with a question. It caught Santana completely by surprise, actually. She’d been agonizing over whether or not to propose to Rachel for months, and Rachel had beaten her to the punch. For Santana, it couldn’t have been better - even if it did feel a little out of the blue. Rachel had driven them to one of the big arcades, where a bunch of their college friends, plus Quinn and Kurt, had met them. They’d split up into teams for laser tag, with the objective of reaching the middle and stealing the other team’s flag first.
But when Santana got to the middle, Rachel was there - with the words “Will you marry me?” spray-painted on the black wall behind her.
Santana took about seven shots to the chest, since Rachel’s team was watching from strategic places, but she didn’t care.
“Yes!” she shouted, laughing.
Rachel slipped a fake glowing ring onto her finger. “You get the real one later, gorgeous. I love you.”
Santana’s jacket buzzed again as someone shot her. “I love you more.”
Rachel’s jacket buzzed as Santana’s team arrived on the scene. “I’m pretty sure I love you more than you love me.”
And, for once, Santana let her have it.
It started with a tabloid article. And normally neither of them paid much attention to those. There had been an article about Rachel actually being a 52 year old performance artist from Greece. There had been the fake sex tape where the assholes tried to pass it off as Santana with a few different women. The problem with that one was that they’d forgotten that Santana had a multitude of very distinctive tattoos. Her fans had a field day laughing at the video on Twitter.
Usually they didn’t pay attention. But Rachel couldn’t shake this one.
“You can’t be serious,” Santana whispered. “You can’t possibly think I did this.”
Rachel couldn’t look at her. She shrugged. “It’s not like you haven’t done this before -”
“Rachel! That was before we were even dating! There is literally nothing going on between me and Quinn,” Santana said, tossing the paper down. The picture on the front page was of the two of them leaving the Conrad Hotel in the morning. “We had breakfast, for god’s sake! She had a shitty day the day before, and we were messaging each other, and I joked about craving pancakes. She told me they have great pancakes for brunch, so I met her, and then we went shopping. You can check my Instagram if you don’t believe me.”
“I want to believe you,” Rachel said. “I just…”
“You just think I would actually cheat on you with Quinn.” Santana stood and grabbed her gym bag.
“Santana, you can’t just leave! We need to talk about this!”
“No…you want to keep interrogating me to feel better about your insecurities around Quinn,” Santana said. “And I know why you have them, and that I’m partially to blame, but I’ve spent years trying to make it up to you. And apparently it’s not enough.”
“I just want us to be happy together,” Rachel said. “It feels like we don’t even talk anymore and…I don’t know, I guess I just thought maybe that’s because you were -”
“Cheating with Quinn? No, it’s because you’re never home to talk. And when you’re gone, I have maybe five minutes per week with you on the phone before you’re rushing off to your next gig or interview or whatever. You haven’t even let me come with you these last few movies you’ve shot. But I am for damn sure not cheating on you. Not with Quinn, or anyone else.”
“I’m sorry,” Rachel said softly. “I love you.”
Santana shook her head. “I’m pretty sure I love you more than you love me.”
It started with an awards show. Santana had called Kendrick - Kurt’s boyfriend - over to watch with her. In past years, she knew they’d always host a party for Rachel’s awards. Her own parties were more low-key - authors don’t have award shows.
“Does she know?” Kendrick asked, putting a hand on Santana’s shoulder.
“I think she’s guessed,” Santana said. “She just doesn’t care.”
“S…come on…”
Santana said nothing as she watched her soon-to-be-ex-wife smile and accept her latest award. It hadn’t been the reason, but it was the last straw. And Santana didn’t even really blame Rachel. When she looked back on their relationship - falling together in college, the blitz proposal, years of them pulling away from each other - all of it led up to this. Led to Rachel not wanting Santana by her side anymore. And when Rachel had told her she wanted to move to LA…well, this was Santana’s final act of love in their marriage. She wouldn’t make Rachel be the bad guy - not ever. She’d filed the divorce papers, and she’d be gone when Rachel got back.
“Santana…you know I can’t let you stay by yourself, right?” Kendrick asked. “Kurt would kill me.”
“It’s okay,” she said. “I’ve got my bags packed.” She stood and left the envelope on the kitchen counter. Inside were the papers, and a letter:
I’m doing this for us. I know there are still so many things you want to do in life, and that I don’t fit into the equation. So I’m letting you go - no hard feelings. I get it - I’m pretty sure I’ve always loved you more than you loved me.
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marronbunnie · 2 years ago
I had to take this pic Instantly (you captured jyushi's magnificent look perfectly 😭💝💝)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
WDFKJJOEHOJNFER HES SO CUTE IM GONNA CRYYYYYY I LOVE MOCHIS SO DEARLY... this might be the ask of all time thank you...
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shazyloren · 7 years ago
The Dragon Club: Chapter 46 - Gates and Doorsteps
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12018519/chapters/28942101
Daenerys was woken up from her sleep on the plane as it began its descent back into King's Landing international airport. She gathered her hand luggage and waited for her ears to do the unceremonious pop before breathing easier. Her trip was over and it was back into reality she went. She'd had such a wonderful time in Sri Lanka that she was sad to see it over, even if she was anxious to see Jon when he got back tomorrow.
She should've been home already but there was a lightening storm making her plane delayed. And just because Jon's flight came in tomorrow it did not mean she would see him straight away, he would be jet lagged and in need of sleep. At the slight mention of sleep, her mind went to a place it did not need to go while on a plane. So she pushed it back into the recesses of her mind.
Baggage claim and security was a doddle and before she knew it they could see Duty Free and the skyline of King's landing beyond that. Home. She was happy to be home. However until she stepped outside of the terminal, she was still on holiday. She also gained the signal back on her phone, meaning she'd be bombarded with messages any day now. And as if she was magic, as they left the airport she was indeed bombarded by a bunch of messages and missed calls, from her brother Rhaegar of all people. This had her really worried something bad has happened she called him back as soon as they were in the taxi on the way to the apartment on the other side of town.
It wasn't long until he answered, two rings precisely. "Hello? Daenerys? Thank god!"
"What's the matter, Rae?" Daenerys could hear the panic in his voice and the crying of Elia in the background. It wasn't good, whatever had happened. "Rae, it's okay, calm and tell me what's going on?"
"Fucking mother, that's what. She was suppose to be looking after Rani and Aggy this evening but she's got into a huge argument with Rani, over what I don't know and so Rani walked out of their house and now she won't answer her phone and I have no clue where she could be!" He sounded furious, Daenerys didn't know who with more, Rani for walking out or mother for causing her to. Probably the latter, Rani had never done something this stupid before.
"Okay, you've checked with Jeyne's mother that's she's not gone there? She lives not too far from Mum and Dad" Daenerys offered.
"She's not there that was the first place I thought of. Are you home, she might be coming to you!"
"I'm in a taxi on my way home, I just got off the plane from Sri Lanka" Daenerys say as Jorah starts logging into the security camera's surrounding the apartment from his tablet. The connection is poor so he has trouble loading.
"I thought you'd be home yesterday?" Rae was more fretful than Daenerys had ever heard him sound.
"Flight delay, there was a storm. Give us a minute, Jorah is logging into my security cameras to see if we can pick her up on them. I don't know if she will be there yet. If she is walking it could be ages before she arrives, if she'd coming to me that is" Daenerys was worried for her niece. It was when the internet finally worked and he hooked into the cameras that his phone rang. Daenerys made out the name, Daario. "Hold on, Rae, Daario's phoning he might know something"
Hello, Daario" Jorah spoke, the two phone conversations happening simultaneously. Jorah sighed, in relief. "Thank the gods"
"Where is she?" Dany demanded.
"At your, she turned up outside the door and Daario let her in. She's eating ice-cream as we speak" Daenerys felt relief wash through her body. She was a silly girl for running away, she needed to find out what was the cause of it firstly. She relayed the information back to Rhaegar.
"Tell her when you get home she's in big trouble!" She snapped down the phone.
"Rhaegar, she's a 15 year old girl going through puberty, let me speak to her. This could be the beginning of her anti-parent phase, you remember mine, don't you?" Daenerys said to try and alleviate the situation. Rhaegar grunted. "Just let me get home, I'm not far off now, let me speak to her and see what the problem is. then if she's good, I'll call you and you can come and get her"
"Daenerys she just wandered off without telling anyone where she was going!" He shouted.
"Have you met mother? That's very understandable given who she is" Daenerys shouted just as ferociously. "Let me speak to her, there's a reason she's gone to my apartment"
That was the end of the conversation, Daenerys hung up the phone and stared out of the window. Valyrian building was rising high in the clouds as she did. It was nice to be home, but had her first few minute back on home soil have to start with an interrogation of a fifteen year old? Only this family is bonkers enough where my mother has driven Rani to do this. She generally gets on with Granny Targs, which is more than Daenerys ever has. But mother had been in a strange place the last few months, he disapproval of Jon being one reason why.
Jorah was still on the phone with Daario, getting up to speed with everything that had happened. They hadn't seen the culprit anymore, which was worrying to Daenerys. What if he was waiting to strike while she was at home? While she had Rani at the apartment? She expressed these concerns to Jora but he promised everything would be sorted. He's never let her down yet so there was no reason for him to start doing now.
She breathed a little easier, welcoming her apartment which had now come into view. Knowing her niece was safe on the other side of those walls, she felt a small smile as the familiarity of it all overwhelmed her. Jorah even sighed beside her contently, he was too happy to be out of the heat and home. Before they entered her underground parking, she tweeted a small 'touch down, home sweet home!'. Feeling the time difference she was sleepy too, she was glad they arrived in the evening time meaning she could pretty much go straight to bed once he got Rani sorted.
As the taxi came to a stop in Daenerys' parking space, she climbed out of the car quickly and made to her lift straight away. Jorah paid the taxi and he left once the bags were out the boot. He joined Daenerys in the lift and they went up. "I might kill her so hold me back"
"You won't, you're cool Aunt Dany remember?" Jorah laughed.
"I try to be" She laughed. The lifts opened and they were greeted by Daario at the end of the hall in his suit. He smiled brightly when Daenerys turned up but she only nodded in return and launched the door open. "Rani? RANI!" There was a small kerfuffle and a clapping of feet on the floor as she appeared in the lobby with a sheepish expression on her face. Instantly Daenerys softened, unable to be mad at her. She crossed to where she stood and enveloped her into a large embrace. "Don't ever do that to us again"
"'m sorry, Auntie Daenerys. But Grammy Targs can be so... so... gaaaaah!" She exclaimed, pulling her hair into her fists. Daenerys nodded agreeing. She took Rani to the lounge where they sat on the sofa. Jorah was off home now as it was Daario's night shift now. Qhono was resting, it was his day off as he'd done loads of days ina  row while they'd been away. Jorah bid goodbye and left, leaving Daenerys to grill her niece.
"So i've just go home from Sri Lanka to an abundance of messages and missed calls from your father. Why did you run out of Grans house?" Daenerys asked nicely. "You can tell me anything, I'm cool Aunt remember. I'm not as strange as Uncle Viserys or as laidback as our Uncle Oberyn. Talk to me"
"There's... this dance at school" She started. Daenerys knew where this was going already. Boy trouble. She didn't say anything.
"Okay" She just nodded.
"And there's this boy I really like, Tommen Baratheon" Daenerys knew of him, he was Tyrion's nephew. Weird how her niece goes to school with him she thought. "He asked me to the dance, it's just a summer dance at the end of the school year"
"Let me guess, she said you couldn't go?" Daenerys raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, but it' not up to her. It's my choice. And Tommen is really sweet" Rani folded her arms. In the light of Daenery's living room her caramel skin glew brightly. Her eyebrows were pruned and her hair was done nicely. She was growing up, and it was that, which Daenerys thought might be the root of the problem with her mother.
"Some boys, are not as nice as they initially seem. I know that from experience" Daenerys spoke. "But they're not all bad eggs"
"She said he would disappoint me and that my tears were not worth being spilled over him"
"That's just silly. No one would ever date anyone if that were the case" Daenerys thought about how to go about her next sentence. "Do you know, that Grammy targs doesn't like Jon?"
"Is she mental?" Rani asked shocked. "Jon's so cool though!"
"He is indeed, a very good man too. They are hard to come by, but she's like this with me too. And I'm still trying to get her to see how stupid she's being. But unfortunately it's with no avail at the moment" Daenerys was getting through to her. "If you like this boy now, you go to this dance, and you dance your socks off and you celebrate finishing the school year together. If it comes to it that he is a rotten egg, which I do not know, then it's a lesson learned. But you cannot grow as a person without these experiences"
"Why does Grammy Targs not like Jon?" She was still confused on that one.
"It's a protective thing, it comes with being a mother. When I was... younger, I was with someone who hurt me. And since then, she's never let me out of her sight, until one day I had enough. And told her I was my own person to make my own mistakes. We've never seen eye to eye since. She has the Targaryen stubborn trait. She will come around eventually"
"So I should go with Tommen?" Rani asked.
"Absolutely" Daenerys chuckled. "Next time, don't run off at night"
"I won't" She laughed. "God it sounds so stupid, ran off because my grandmother doesn't want me dancing with a boy. How did I even contemplate this?"
"Rhaella will make you do crazy things"
They sat and ate some ice-cream after that and Dany texted her brother saying she was okay and everything was sorted, but that she'd be having words with mother in the morning. She also asked if Rani could stay over for the rest of the weekend as it was Friday night. Daenerys could do with the company if Jon doesn't come round. Rhaegar agreed and so Rani went to bed in the spare bedroom leaving Daenerys to collapse on her own bed, seeing Jon playing on her mind the last thing she thinks of as she falls into deep slumber.
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this-darkness-light · 8 years ago
Pretzal the Swamp Wyrm
Pairing: Samifer Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Word count: 1,921
Summary: Sam’s new Bad Dragon toy comes in the mail. Lucifer and Castiel find it first. Surprisingly SFW! Wow, I can write something that’s not porn LOL.
Tags/warnings: spnrareshipcc, Sam/Lucifer, Samifer, humor, sex toys, implied bottom!Lucifer, implied top!Sam, established relationship, Lucifer in the bunker, some mild OOCness, coarse language
Tagging: @rareshipcreationschallenge
Link to the toy:
Sam sighs, closing the large book of lore he’s been reading for way too long and squishes his eyes with his fingers until gold, red, and green fireworks erupt behind his eyelids. It kind of relieves the pressure of staring at dusty old pages for hours and hours and hours. All by himself. Because of course Dean would never sit his ass in an actual chair and read an actual book in the actual library and actually help Sam when he’s off doing whatever he’s doing, wherever he’s doing it.
Loud gurgling fills the library. Sam snaps his eyes open and jerks his head around, reaching for his knife as he mentally shuffles through every creature and monster and mean supernatural thingy that makes gurgley noises and might possibly be invisible. He comes up with nothing. Then the gurgle comes back, louder and accompanied by a pang in his gut, and Sam realizes sheepishly that it’s his own stomach, which is apparently so empty it’s started gnawing on his spine and groaning in agony. 
Massaging his middle, Sam turns back to the book. He could seriously use a break. Besides, the research is going nowhere. If he has to spend one more second squinting at faint, decades-old handwriting and decipher what it means just to find out it means nothing useful, his eyes are going to explode and dribble down his face in thick globs of white goo.
Deciding that it can wait for some other time, or some other day, or some other…never…(never sounds good), Sam accidentally-on-purposefully forgets to mark his place before slamming the book shut and cramming it back on the shelf and hauling ass out of the library like there’s a posse of clowns on his six.
He’s almost to the kitchen, visions of salads and protein smoothies and other healthy snacks dancing in his head, when he hears the voices of angels.
“You know more about these human things, Castiel. What do you think it is?” Lucifer asks.
“I do not know,” Castiel says solemnly, like he’s pronouncing a death sentence on a condemned prisoner. “Let us inspect it together.”
Sam pauses just outside the entrance and smiles softly to himself. It’s so good to hear them getting along, acting like brothers. Castiel was naturally on edge after Lucifer showed up at the bunker, dehydrated and half-starved and Graceless, but by no means human. But now that Lucifer is back inside Nick and is apparently there to stay, he and Castiel have slowly mended their brotherly relationship and have been getting along better than Sam ever expected.
Hell, Sam and Lucifer have been getting along better than Sam expected. Like, way better. Explaining that to Dean had been fun. For some reason he didn’t buy their “we just sorta fell into the bed at the same time and whoops! we fucked, huh, how ’bout that” story. But Sam’s pretty sure Dean will be having nightmares for the rest of his life about walking in on his little brother pounding literal actual Satan into the mattress, so. Silver linings and all that.
Something vaguely plastic-y crinkles in kitchen, drawing Sam from his thoughts. Two deep hums of analytical curiosity follow.
“It is very long,” Castiel observes.
“And thick,” Lucifer adds.
Sam smirks to himself. Whatever it is, both angels are probably doing that angel head tilt of confusion thing. He can see it now.
“It is also quite bendy,” Castiel says.
And then Sam’s research-fried brain adds all three together and comes up with ‘oh shit.’
He practically leaps inside to see Castiel thwacking the tip of Sam’s new Bad Dragon toy, Pretzal the Swamp Worm, back and forth like some kind of demented metronome.
Oblivious to Sam’s presence, Lucifer watches Castiel with one arm crossed over his chest and his chin propped on the other fist. “May I try?” he asks, holding out his chin hand for the toy. Castiel graciously hands it over. Taking it gingerly from his younger brother, Lucifer tilts it so the shaft of the dildo is parallel with the ground, then shakes it, making the plastic dick do an obscene wobble-flap thing that has Sam blushing a bright tomato red.
Castiel watches Lucifer’s experimental gesture intently. “Hmm. Perhaps it goes back and forth?” Lucifer obliges him, thrusting the toy in the air, and now it’s officially time to put an end to Angel Brother Bonding Time.
“H-hey guys, um…where did you get that?” Sam asks, drawing the angels’ attention to himself.
“Hello, Sam,” Castiel says in that chewing-gravel voice at the same time Lucifer’s face brightens like a beam of sunlight breaking through overcast skies.
“Sammy!” he says. “Hey, do you happen to know what this is?” He gives the dildo a helpful waggle. As if Sam could possibly not know what he means by “this.”
“Uhh…” Shit. Sam reaches up and rubs the back of his neck.
“It came in a box with your name on it,” Castiel says, saving Sam from coming up with some reasonable and marginally believable crock of bullshit he can feed them.
“You were busy, so we opened it for you,” Lucifer says, looking like a proud kitten that has dropped a dead mouse at his human’s feet and is expecting praise.
Sam sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, acting like he’s frustrated when really he’s relieved to have such a convenient conversational re-direct. “We’ve talked about this, guys. If your name isn’t on the box…”
The angels exchange looks and then roll their eyes in tandem. “Don’t open it,” they chorus in flat, unenthusiastic voices.
“But we never get mail,” Lucifer says, sounding like the whiney hallucination incarnation of himself that haunted Sam’s every waking hour a few years back.
“We apologize for opening your mail to give ourselves the vicarious experience of receiving our own packages,” Castiel says, sounding genuinely apologetic. “But now that we have opened it, we would like to know what it is.”
Trust Castiel to hang onto the “what is it” question like a dog with a bone. Sam chews his bottom lip. “Um.” God. This situation can’t get any worse.
“Hey Sam,” Dean says, wandering in from wherever he was doing whatever he was doing that wasn’t helping Sam in the library.
Aaaand it officially got worse. Sam would like to die now, please.
“Got a minute? I wanted to —” But Sam doesn’t ever get to find out what Dean wanted, because at that moment he sees the dildo in Lucifer’s hands and his eyes and lips bug out in a picture perfect imitation of a goldfish.
Dean crooks a finger at the dildo. “What the fuck is that?” Lucifer ever so helpfully holds it up so Dean can get a better look at it. Never in his life has Sam wanted to bitchslap the Devil as much as he does in that moment. Dean jerks his head back in thinly disguised what-the-fuck, and Sam can hear the gears turning in his porn-addicted brother’s mind and knows he’ll figure out any second now.
Sam gives him the best puppy eyes he’s ever used on him, silently willing him to make like Elsa and let it go. No, Dean. No. Just shut up and don’t say anything, just shut up…
“Why do the angels have a dildo?”
Sam smacks his face with his palm. Of course Dean can’t just ever shut up. He should have known that.
“What’s a dildo?” Castiel and Lucifer ask at the same time, turning expectant, curious faces up at Dean.
Apparently even Dean Winchester can’t bring himself to explain sex toys to two of the holiest creatures in existence, even if one of them was technically once evil incarnate. “Uh, you wanna take this one Sam?”
Sam throws him an epic bitchface and flips him off just before two expectantly curious angel faces swivel his way, eyes bright with curiosity and expectation.
But Dean started this, and fuck if Sam isn’t gonna make him finish it.
“Oh no, Dean, you're doing a fantastic job all by yourself of ruining everything. Please, continue. You couldn't possibly make it any worse.”
The angels do a simultaneous head-tilt of confusion at Sam. He twirls a finger to indicate they should look to Dean for all the answers to life, the universe, and everything dildo related. They share a look and then turn back to Dean like a pair of synchronized swimmers trapped on dry land.
By now Sam should have known not to tempt Fate and declare that something couldn’t get worse than it it, because Dean very much makes it worse by explaining, in very graphic detail, exactly what dildos are for.
Castiel squints at the dildo like he doesn’t quite believe Dean’s explanation. “If I understand correctly, this is supposed to go inside one’s anal cavity?”
Dean pokes his tongue into his cheek and presses a fist to his mouth to hold back the laugh brewing in his eyes. Sam just glowers, because this is all just fantastic.
“Uh, yeah, Cas, that’s basically how it works,” Dean says in a strangled voice. Castiel nods slowly and continues staring at the toy like a cop sweating a suspect in the interrogation room.
And now Sam is Well and Truly Done. “Okay. Since we’ve all established that this is a dildo, and that it came in a box with my name on it, that means it’s my dildo. So hand it here.” He holds out his hand expectantly, just wanting this whole kerfuffle over with.
Dean snerks. “Dude, you bought a dildo? Why?”
Sam gives him a fake smile laced with heavy undertones of ‘I hate you.’ “Do you really want to know?” he asks in a syrupy sweet voice, looking pointedly at Lucifer and then back at Dean.
Dean blanches and gags. “Yeah, TMI Sam. C’mon Cas, let’s go…anywhere else but here.” Grabbing Castiel’s shoulder, Dean steers him out of the kitchen without giving him time to protest or ask why.
As soon as they’re gone Sam crosses his arms and turns to Lucifer, who’s scuffing his shoe on the floor and staring up at the ceiling like it’s the most fascinating thing he’s seen in his billions of years of existence.
Sighing, Sam takes the dildo from Lucifer’s unresisting hands. “Dude…this was supposed to be a surprise. It was for us, and now Dean knows about it and ugh...I'm never gonna hear the end of this.”
Lucifer winces and finally looks up at him with those big blue eyes of his. “Sorry?”
He looks so much like a five-year-old getting scolded for stealing a cookie right before dinner time that Sam just can’t stay mad at him.
Huffing to himself, he waggles the dildo at Lucifer like an admonishing finger. “You know what this means, right?”
Lucifer cants his head to the side. “What?”
Sam smirks at him and juts out his chin. “I’m gonna have to punish you for this.”
Lucifer blinks, then takes a step closer to Sam, licking his lips. “Well, I suppose I earned it,” he purrs.
Sam laughs. “Understatement.” Smiling, he holds out his hand. Lucifer takes it, and together they head for Sam’s bedroom to give Pretzal the Swamp Wyrm a proper welcome.
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manxfile84-blog · 6 years ago
This NYC celebrity hotspot has banned women from its bar for the craziest reason
A high-end Italian restaurant in New York where Beyoncé and Sarah Jessica Parker frequently dine has reportedly banned unaccompanied women from eating at the bar. The new rule came to light as creative executive Clementine Crawford, who has regularly eaten solo at the restaurant’s bar, found herself relegated to a table instead. When she asked why, she says she was told that a new company policy prohibited anyone from eating at the bar.
The Most Expensive Restaurant in Every State
But as Crawford recounted in an essay for Drugstore Culture, in that same moment she spotted a man eating alone at the bar. She wondered why she was “suddenly being treated so frostily.” Upon “further interrogation,” she wrote, the staff revealed to her “that the owner had ordered a crackdown on hookers: the free-range escorts who roamed the Upper East Side, hunting prey in his establishment.”
Crawford, director of special projects at branding firm Finch & Partners, didn’t identify the restaurant by name in her piece (provocatively titled “The night I was mistaken for a call girl”) but later confimred to Page Six that the eatery was Nello, a popular celebrity haunt on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.
The high-end staple, in business for over 25 years, touts its “accommodating” staff on its website and describes itself as an eatery “where art, fashion, politics, entertainment, aristocracy, and finance converge to create a world of urbane sophistication, genuine leisure and cosmopolitan chic on Madison Avenue.” The restaurant caused a kerfuffle in 2012 for reportedly dropping a surprise $275 white truffle charge on patrons at the end of their meal.
Thinking there was some misunderstanding, Crawford recounted in her essay, she asked to speak with the proprietor to clarify the situation. The globe-trotting exec (she splits her time between New York and London and is frequently photographed at charity functions) explained to the owner that she traveled for work alone and reminded him that she was a frequent patron of the establishment. His response was not what she expected. “He told me that he could run his business as he pleased,” she wrote. “And that I was no longer welcome to eat at the bar, only at a table.”
Crawford’s essay does not identify the owner she spoke with. The restaurant was named after co-owner Nello Balan, who reportedly still owns 50 percent of the eatery. But according to another Page Six report, Balan handed over control of the eatery in 2015 to his partner Thomas Makkos.
Apparently, this isn’t the first time a solo female has been turned away from the bar at Nello. When Crawford posted her story on Instagram, commenter @dina_ny wrote, “Yes had the same experience in Nello @clementineteniqua.”
Crawford, who has commented several times on women’s rights via social media, links her experience to a feminist issue. “All these years we have been battling for a room of one’s own,” she wrote. “And, little did we know it, but we are still fighting for a seat at the table (or bar, to be strictly accurate).”
Crawford’s reported woes are, unfortunately, nothing truly new. In the mid-20th century, women were often fully or partially excluded from restaurants where men would have lunch meetings because there was a belief that gossiping ladies ate slowly and would affect the men’s working lunches. It was also believed that many solo female bar patrons could be prostitutes. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1960s when women began to speak up about this biased practice and changes were made.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits restaurants from refusing service to patrons based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, but but some establishments continued to enforce discriminatory policies. In 1970, a federal court ruled that the century-old restaurant McSorley’s Old Ale House had to allow women for the first time after attorney Faith Seidenberg sued.
Nello did not respond to requests for comment from Page Six or The Daily Meal. It remains to be seen whether the popular eatery continues enforcing this policy. It could just be one of those secret things restaurants don’t want you to know.
Source: https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/nello-bans-solo-women-bar-report/011719
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nofomoartworld · 8 years ago
A Racially Charged Painting Causes Controversy in Congress | Last Week in Art
A lot went down this week in the weird and wild world of Art. Some things were more scandalous than others, some were just plain wacky—but all of them are worth knowing about. Without further ado:
+ A student's painting hung in a hallway in the House of Representatives has started a racially divisive kerfuffle amongst certain members of Congress. The painting depicts a confrontation between students and police on the streets of St. Louis after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. The drama continues unsettled.  [The New York Times]
+ Richard Prince publically denounced one of his instagram portraits of Ivanka Trump as a fake and then claimed to receive $36k from the president elect’s daughter. [Twitter]
+ Jeffrey Deitch is teaming up with Uniqlo to build an accessible art store inside their global flagship store in Soho. [Business of Fashion]
+ The city of Rome may start charging an entry fee to the Pantheon in 2018 to help fund maintenance of the landmark. [The Art Newspaper]
+ The International Center of Photography announced the winners of its 33rd annual Infinity Awards honoring achievements in photography and visual arts. [International Center of Photography]
+ German baking products manufacturer, Dr. Oetker, says it will return a Nazi-looted painting by Hans Thoma in their company collection to the heirs of Jewish art collector Hedwig Ullmann. [The Art Newspaper]
+ The Metropolitan Museum of Art announced on Wednesday that they will be delaying their plans to open a new $600 million wing devoted to contemporary and Modern art. [The New York Times]
+ Frieze announced a list of more than 190 galleries from 30 countries participating in this year’s fair in New York City which will run for four days rather than its traditional five. [Frieze]
+ A Joseph Beuys felt installation at the Neue Galerie in Kasse was devoured by moths. [Artnet News]
+ International art dealing magnet Guy Wildenstein, along with seven other defendants, has been cleared of tax fraud. [BBC]
+ Glasgow-based artist Cathy Wilkes has been awarded the Maria Lassnig Prize, a biennial award created to honor the work of mid-career artist. [FAD Magazine]
+ In wake of the release of their third studio album, hip hop duo Run the Jewels announced the launch of their new augmented reality app, ‘ARTJ.’ [YouTube]
+ Independent auction house, Phillips, kicks off 2017 with a private sales exhibition of 11 works by Gerhard Richter worth a total of $95 million. [Bloomberg]
+ George Lucas finally settled on LA’s Exposition Park as the location for his $1 billion Museum of Narrative Art, which will include Norman Rockwell paintings, Mad Magazine covers, photography, children's art, and Hollywood props from Star Wars. [NPR]
+ According to a financial disclosure report released on Wednesday, Trump’s nominee for Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, owns a $14.7 million de Kooning painting. He has also backed movies Suicide Squad, American Sniper and Mad Max: Fury Road. Who knew? [The Los Angeles Times]
+ The New York High Line is expanding the area of the park with a new space to house temporary art installations. [The Guardian]
+ Installation and performance artist Tania Bruguera was detained in Cuba and allegedly interrogated for six hours for no apparent reason. [Hyperallergic]
+ A report released by the Association of Art Museum Directors shows that art museums are increasingly dependent on the money of private donors. [AAMD]
Did we miss any pressing art world stories? Let us know in the comments below!
Studio Ghibli Is Getting Its Own TV Show: Last Week In Art
'America' Is a Solid Gold Toilet | Last Week in Art
Ai Weiwei Stands With Syrian Refugees: Last Week in Art
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marronbunnie · 1 year ago
hmm....do u think jyushi would use a flip phone.. much to think abt
ITS SO CUTE IN THEORY... but i feel like jyushi would not survive without a good camera T__T i don't think he would be an iphone user so my personal headcanon is like. a relatively recent samsung phone... or maybe best of both worlds with the samsung flip...??? i could definitely picture him with something trendy and cute like that...
i DO however think kuko would use a flip phone... in my head he uses something super super basic and sturdy and kind of old ... he seems like the type who wouldn't get a new phone until it was falling apart and all he really needs it to do is send messages and take calls... (but also ... knowing kuko... who knows what throwdowns his phone has accompanied him through...) but in one of jyushi's arb lines he mentions kuko sending him a funny sticker iirc...??? so whatever he has must have line on it LOL that is the only clue...
much to think about indeed........
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marronbunnie · 2 years ago
i love yr art so much.... smth abt the linework n the colouring n the style.... ahhh it's so good looking at it is very nice 💖💖💖
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anon...... i love you... you made my day thank you...
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