#keqing x male reader
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contentloadingandstuff · 11 months ago
Discovering Your Past - Eula & Keqing x Male!Reader
In which they find out you were abused by your ex.
CW: Mentions of past trauma - physical abuse and SA. Modern AU. A/N: My fics are getting longer recently. I wonder if you guys mind?
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Injuries are a natural part of life. 
A scraped knee, a concussion, a sprained or broken limb - all creatures will have to endure these hardships one way or another. And, as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Each wound leaves a scar, each fight or accident is a lesson for the future on what to do or avoid. 
What about those on the other end? Most feel regret about hurting others, are forced to do it or are convinced of their actions' justified nature. Yet among those are some starkly different cases. People who enjoy causing pain, be it physical or mental. And, undoubtedly, she was one of them. 
Fate had it that your heart longed for her. She was a beauty, benign and friendly, whose charms worked on you without fail. She pushed, she pulled, slowly dragging you into her web. Your mind was too clouded with feelings to notice just how badly she trapped you. Like a spider she wrapped you in silky touches and words of affection like in a cocoon, and you were completely oblivious to your situation. And that she was - an apex predator, an effortless liar and natural manipulator. She stoked the flames of family conflicts, estranging you from your loved ones. Friends? She gave you a simple choice - it's me or them. You were coaxed into signing off your house under her name, as she encouraged you to do with many of your belongings, until you had nothing. Time and time again she pulled your strings through your heart, backing you into a corner. Alone. Unable to escape. Without anyone to turn to, anywhere to get away. 
When your eyes opened at last, nobody was there to hear you scream. 
Years. It took you two whole years to escape her clutches, two years of cruelty hidden behind a veil of love. With only the clothes on your back and some Mora in your pocket, you set off to another nation. There, you found a new home, and a new love. Sweet, caring and warm. 
But wounds of the past cannot be hidden forever. 
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You push the door behind you, closing it with an accidently loud thud. Eula kicks off her high heels and enters the hall, placing down her bag and taking her jacket off. You put yours on the hanger and move to take hers, but she sends you a sharp look and walks past you, doing it herself. 
The silence is tense. You know what you did. 
“Honey, listen. I know I shouldn't have started that discussion-” You try to speak, but she turns around and cuts you off. 
“Yes, you shouldn't have.” 
Her eyes send daggers towards you. Your heart aches at the sight of your lover so full of anger, all because of you. Her family wasn't easy to interact with. Her choice of career made her the pariah of the line, but after she married you, the relations seemingly normalized enough to make them liveable. Seemingly. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn't have. I mustn't do that ever again. I promise I won't.” You raise your open hands, as if showing you're unarmed. What was supposed to calm her down just irritates her. 
She scoffs and approaches you. “I say you are an intelligent man, but times like these are when I doubt it. What's so hard to understand in ‘my family isn't normal and the less you interact with them the better’?”
She's right. Eula has told you time and time again that the opinions her father, mother, grandparents, uncles and aunts hold are final. Nothing will change them, they won't ever back down. They are egomaniacal with a tendency to bring those around them down to elevate themselves. And yet, there's something drawing you to them, something natural that tells you that they can be a source of warmth. 
Because that's how things are supposed to be. A family should love each other, be united and supportive instead of polarized and hateful. Something in your soul doesn't seem to understand that you can't find any support in her side of the family. 
“I know, Eula. I try to-”
“Then your ‘trying’ is not enough!” Her voice elevates further. There is something building in your chest. The pressure crawls from your heart up through your throat, rotting itself inside your neck. A choking feeling. 
“Y/N, you shouldn't talk to them! Never, ever. You know how it ends, don't you? They bring you down, they hurt and belittle you. And you know that, don't you?” 
Her eyes are narrowed. She speaks louder now, her words coming from a place of compassion and love rather than hostility. Your mind, however, is focused on something else. 
Something familiar. 
Her tone picks up, and so does your heartbeat. She's almost screaming now. 
“Sorry, dear, but are you masochistic? Or just stupid?! I will have vengeance!”
Your hyper focused eyes spot movement. Her hand goes upwards, your chest sinking. Body stiffening, you turn your head down and sideways, exposing your cheek. 
Just as she taught you. 
Fighting back was pointless. 
You deserve it. 
You hold your breath. 
The blow doesn't connect. You hear the sounds of a barefoot step. You crack your eyes open. You see Eula has taken a step back, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. She blinks a few times and pulls her hand back towards her body. 
“Not t-that kind of vengeance.” Eula barely mumbles the words out in pure confusion. She shakes her head in disbelief, her gaze leaving you and dropping to the floor. “Never. I w-would never-”
You spring back to life, as if a grave threat or danger just vanished. 
“No no no, it's alright, honey. I just got a little scared of you, haha. It's fine, really!” You smile sheepishly, shame crawling under your skin. On reflex or out of habit, you rub your cheek. “Maybe I really am stupid, for being scared and all, you know?”
She takes a slow step closer. Her voice is far quieter than mere seconds ago, now down from a scream to a whisper.
 “No. Don't call yourself that. My… My emotions got the better of me, honey. I’m sorry.” Eula’s voice composes, worry furrowing her brow as she stretches out her arm towards you, this time taking care to do it slowly. “May I…?”
You smile and nod, letting the palm of her hand connect to your cheek. Her touch is gentle, fingers tracing your skin with utmost care. 
Your skin is so soft, so smooth, familiar. Her heart clenches, her mind holding no doubt about your reaction. You are not someone easily scared, nor are you particularly fearful of harm. Something, somebody…
“Who was it?” Her hand trails down smoothly, coming to rest on your shoulder. “Who hurt you?”
You shake your head. “What? What do you mean? Nobody, I’m fine-”
“I said…” She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “... who hurt you?” 
At an instant, the thoughts in your mind already form into a rebuttal, a measly attempt to cover the truth. But you know better than that. Eula isn't that stupid. 
You sigh, trying to figure out what to say. Seeing your hesitation, she places both of her arms on your shoulders, her eyes focusing on yours. Within her beautiful irises fading from deep purple to light yellow you find a steadiness worthy of a captain, but also a lover. 
“You don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, honey.” She speaks softly, stroking your skin in calming circles. “I just need to know if justice has been served, or some additional, very particular and very severe vengeance needs to be added to my to-do list.”
“My ex-girlfriend is… She’s no longer a threat, alright?” You close the distance between you and Eula and embrace her. Your lover secures her arms around you right away, providing you with just the comfort you seek. “I just don’t want to go back to those days. They’re over and I just want to focus on you… On somebody that actually loves me. Somebody that doesn’t scream at me for no reason, belittles and insults me, and…”
Your voice trails off. Images and sensations rush through your memory. Every insult, every impact weighs on your voice, trapping it beneath the torrent of nightmarish memories. Eua squeezes you tighter. 
“Shh. Don’t think about it now, sweetie. You're here, safe in my arms. I promise to be your shield. However…”
Eula's characteristic pout forms on her face. 
“For not telling me about this, I will have vengeance.”
“That was a little shameful for me-” She cuts you off. 
“Silence. My retribution is nigh. For your transgression, I shall cuddle you and feed you ice cream while subjecting you to the terror of your favorite movie.” She narrows her eyes theatrically before gently, but firmly grabbing a hold of your wrist. “You cannot escape now.”
You smile in horror. 
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The screen flashes with a jump scare as a curtain is moved aside. A disfigured monstrosity covered in black goo and rags opens its jaw to reveal a set of sharp, but surprisingly pristine teeth.
“Brains!” Its voice is clearly augmented in some way, deep and a little echoing. 
The punk screams at this sight but before he can do anything, the zombie grabs his head with its skeletal hands and bites down. The rest of the group squeals. The man's head is cracked open like an egg, filling the undead's mouth with fake blood and flesh-like props. 
“Oh my…” Keqing can't help but gasp a little, her arms tightening around your chest slightly. “That's a lot of jaw force…”
As the zombie digs into the man's brain, a joke comes to your mind. 
“He's not going to extract a lot of brain from him, is he?” 
In response, Keqing chuckles a little. “Yeah. But at least he is also quite brave. If not for him, that girl would have been the meal instead.”
“True, true.”
The movie continues. The female lead escapes the locker she was trapped in moments ago as her friend is being devoured. Another character throws an empty bucket of paint at the creature, making it fall back, before raising up and exclaiming joyously: 
“More brains!”
The kids scream and run away. Keqing, as much as she finds the movie interesting, can't help but recall one scene in particular. 
A smirk settles on her delicate features. “So… How's the movie? Do you like it?”
You nod vigorously. “Of course! It's a classic that I wanted to watch for a long time now, but never got around to that. And I can confidently say that I regret not watching it earlier. It's a lot of fun.”
Keqing hums in understanding. Her fingers, one of them brandishing a beautiful and intricate golden ring, slowly move up onto your leg. 
“Did you enjoy any scene in particular, honey?” Your eyes follow her hand as it moves up, each finger making a slow, deliberate step. 
Just a glance at her slight blush and sly smirk is enough to make you catch on, making your cheeks heat up as well. You gulp. 
“Well…” You start, but Keqing places a finger on your lips, silencing you. 
“Aw, sweetie~ I know full well how you were eyeing that girl. Your thoughts were betrayed by much more than just your stare.”
Her hands move up, sliding underneath your shirt and caressing your exposed chest. You feel her desire through her movements, careful, seductive, yet impatient at the same time. A little shiver of excitement crawls through your body. 
“Honestly, Y/N, I can't blame you. That redhead was quite a beauty, after all. ”
Her hands clench over your body as she rolls to sit on your lap, her eyes, twinkling with desire, pointed right at you. Keqing sends you a wink. Your hands settle on her buttocks. 
“But you see, my dear, you got me just a little too jealous to resist showing this handsome guy which girl his attention should be on~” Her hands shift to meet yours, fingers wrapping around your wrists. “So relax and let me have the spotlight~”
Your eyes widen as she hoists your arms off her and pins them to the wall above your head. You try to struggle away, but her grip is iron thanks to the additional strength provided by her Vision. An attempt to release your body from underneath hers fails as well. You're nervous - this never happened before. 
“Keqing, you're-” You start to say, but are interrupted by her right hand locking onto your throat. 
Your hands clench, eyes growing wide. You choke, any words of protest dying in your restricted windpipe. You look at Keqing, who smiles mischievously, completely oblivious to your discomfort. 
“What did I say? Bad boy!” She uses her other hand to pry yours off her choking arm. You relent, shocked and increasingly scared at her sudden roughness. “Now stay still, or you'll regret it~”
Tears form in your eyes as she leans and begins kissing and licking your cheek, adding small bites here and there. You close your eyes, not wanting to see what happens next. The feeling of her genuine affection recalls different images in your mind. The past and the present melt into one in your mind. 
As you lay helpless, Keqing continues loving you until her tongue hits an unusual note of salt on your skin. She pulls back and, upon seeing you crying, lets go of you right away. Her hands go to cover her mouth in an expression of pure horror. 
“I’m sorry! I’m… Oh Gods, I didn't mean to-!” 
You squirm away and, in response, Keqing jumps off of you. She reaches towards you, but ultimately stops herself. Shame, guilt and sadness light up her face, hidden behind her small hands. 
You wipe your eyes with your sleeve. By now your senses have returned. Her reaction brought you back at an instant. You get up and approach her. 
“Keqing, I'm sorry, nothing-” 
You're interrupted as she dashes past you. You can only call out to her as she runs to the bathroom and slams the door behind her. The sound of a lock turning halts your movements. 
You sigh and drop back down on the couch. The movie is still playing. Your ears pick up the sounds of soft sobbing from behind the bathroom doors. The heart tells you to get up, to talk to her, to knock down the door if need be, but the brain speaks with reason. She needs time, and you know it. It's better to let her calm down on her own. If you were to approach her now, she likely wouldn't speak to you, let alone open the door. 
Tears return to the corners of your eyes. Your heart aches at the sound of her pain. You can tell what she's thinking. That she's awful, dangerous, creepy, abusive. That it's all her fault. 
But the truth? She's not the problem. You are. 
The TV's noise irritates you. You turn it off and throw the remote across the room. Your head falls into your hands. 
How could you have done this to her? 
Why can't you just let go? 
Why are you so weak? 
A shaky sentence manages to make its way out of your lips. 
“It's all my fault.”
Deafening silence was all that filled the following hour when her crying died down. You went through every possibility of what would happen when the bathroom door would open. You planned what to tell her and how, you anticipated all of her possible reactions. You knew you couldn't fail again. You couldn't leave her in the dark and risk another incident like this. 
She shouldn't suffer because of me, you thought. It was your obligation to be transparent with your wife. Not like you weren't dying to apologize, to comfort her, to let her know it isn't her fault. But you were patient. 
When the door finally opened, Keqing looked abysmal. Her make-up was completely gone, first made running with tears, then washed away along with them. Her hair was a mess, not a trace of her usual prim and proper style left. Her eyes were red and barely open. 
You spoke gently. You hugged her, asking for a chance to explain yourself. She nodded wordlessly and you sat with her by the table. There, you told her everything. You told Keqing about your previous partner and about exactly what you suffered at her hands. Your wife was very quiet, but still nodded every now and then. From the shakiness of her voice when she spoke the few words in your conversation, you could tell she was stopping herself from bursting into tears again. Nonetheless, you continued until the story was told. 
“As such, Keqing, my wife, my love, the sun to my moon, none of what happened is your fault.” You continue, following the script you prepared in your mind. “It was my weakness and my inability to move on that caused all of this in the first place. For that, I’m… sorry. I truly am.”
She nods. Her eyes are focused on her hands, fingers fiddling with each other. Keqing slowly lifts her eyes to meet yours. You spot tears gathering on her features. 
“Why… I don't understand…” She starts, but upon realizing her instability, she sniffles and swallows the sadness weighing on her chest. “Why would you ever say that you're weak?” 
You sigh. “I should have moved on by now, but instead, I kept it with myself and now it hurt you as well. It is my pain and thus my responsibility to handle it.”
“No, n-no that's… How… How could someone such as you be weak?” She shakes her head. “You survived so much. So much pain, so much fear, so much hurt… And yet here you are, Y/N. Not only trusting another woman, a woman whom you not only married, but also allowed into your bed. I can't imagine myself doing something like that so quickly. You've moved on, honey. You regained the strength to trust and to love again. How can this be called anything but strong?”
You open your mouth to challenge her on this, but she acts first. 
Keqing breaches the gap between you and falls into your arms. Her body wraps around yours, holding onto you tightly. One of her hands travels to your cheek. 
“Y/N, you're strong. For having endured it, for having moved on, trusted again.” 
You drop your gaze. Perhaps she is right. Keqing gently lifts your cheek to direct your attention back at her. She smiles, her tearful eyes shining with boundless affection. 
“You're the strongest man I've ever known.”
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Thanks for reading!
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ioveaether · 11 months ago
𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙈𝙀 | social media au
𝙖𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 (not started yet)
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𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨: you and aether have been best friends for years now. in the beginning of your first year in teyvat academy he got in a relationship with a girl named keqing. you were really happy for them, until keqing started talking bad about you behind aether's back. with time you also realized that you have developed feelings for your best friend. will you tell him the truth or not?
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: social media au, modern au, uni/college au, best friends to lovers (with slow burn), angst(?)
𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨: aether x keqing, aether x reader, hu tao x lumine, scara x heizou, kazuha x xiao, venti x albedo, ayaka x yoimiya
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: slow updates, lots of cursing, gay jokes, kys/kms jokes, mentions of alcohol, suggestive, sideships, scara and mona are cousins, xiao, hu tao and ganyu are siblings, male reader (he/they pronouns)
𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: another taylor swift inspired smau? yes.
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dumbasses | smartasses + childe
Act I - "Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?"
Act II - "Been here all along, so why can't you see?"
Act III - "You belong with me"
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𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 (closed)
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yanderehsr · 1 year ago
Hii! My b-day was on 8th of oct but bc my parents were on vaccantion I had to delay my party to today. I have invited 9 people to come to my b day and nobody has showed up(not even my closest friends). Could I get this hc where reader is throwing a b-day party but nobody showed up? It can be with any chatacter from genshin or hsr u want! If not its alr dw! Hope it didnt happen to u too. Ty for reading my request!! <3
Happy late birthday😄, I haven't had a birthday party since I was 13, All I do is celebrate with my family, we watch a couple movies and eat cake, it's actually not too far away from my birthday now.
Anyways, Hope you'll enjoy😁
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Isolation
Bennett: Sadly enough no one came, or should I say unluckely enough. Maybe you should've thought twice about inviting him since all your friends that were supposed to come all had terrible accidents happen to them making them unable to celebrate your birthday.
The only one who shows up is Bennett, no matter how hurt or how many broken bones he has, he would never allow himself to miss out on your birthday. He feels a bit guilty tho, he isn't sure if he should tell you that what your friends went through were no accidents or results of his bad luck... maybe it's better to keep you in the dark.
"Happy Birthday, today is a day to celebrate isn't it?... Maybe you should cut the cake, I don't wanna imagine what bad luck would happen if I did it"
Keqing: She is the reason none of your friends wanna come, she either buys them off, threatens them or kills them off. She wants you isolated, she wants you to think of only her for only she should have room in your heart, and she thinks you will like her more if she is the only one showing up.
Keqing shows up with not only a present wrapped in way too expensive wrappings, but also cake and reservations to a really expensive resaurant, she wants to show you that you can depend on her, all you need to do is give up all of your freedom, she thinks that it's a fair price.
"Happy birthday, I hope you'll find this day well, I have made some reservations for us since it looks like no one else is coming"
Lynx: Introverted like she is, she would never miss your birthday, she doesn't understand why no one else wanna come to your birthday, well Pela was busy but no one else had any reasons to diss you.
Lynx will take you out to the snowy plains on your birthday, just you and her, she feels guilty about being happy that no one else was coming but brushes it aside, she wanna focus on you and only you, it is your birthday after all.
"I hope you have a happy birthday... since no one else is here, wanna spend the day with me"
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slickfordain · 2 years ago
fandom: Genshin Impact
Can you do one where they thought the reader would be a male but really the reader is a female. And when the reader is isekaid everyone treats her normally and then she meet childe and they fall in love. Then everyone finds out reader is the creator, and how everyone would react when they find out she is dating childe. Mostly the harbingers and the tsaritsa
 Some things might not have gone your way, I’m sorry if it isn’t to your liking
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Somewhat Yandere, leads to Childe / Tartaglia / Ajax x reader, female!reader, girly reader
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You weren’t really the one to speak during playing a game, but you were always willing to be on a call with your online best friend who you’d consider as your long lost twin. So here you are, trying to level up Keqing and Amber to level 70 in their character sheets.
Unknowingly, the characters are well aware. For both of your best friend’s world and yours. As you can see, SAGAU works for the two of you… With every other many people. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Your best friend chooses someone’s destiny, and so do you, and you both get mistaken as the creators. It’s not false because you and your best friend would technically know “everything”.
But the thing is, the characters cannot hear your voice. They can only feel your presence and aura. So you were anonymous, even your face. Nobody would impersonate you. If someone did, they would pity the said person— while the Archons will send a light threat towards them to stop it and snap out of it, giving them a second chance to willingly change their plans. And it always works, because the imposter never has the divine blood or powers. Realistically I don’t think the characters would blindly believe an imposter anyway, because how are they supposed to believe someone, if the divine is always controlling the traveler? Exactly. The divine hasn’t gone into Teyvat. Not just yet.
And Venti would personally see this as a mock towards the divine, so most of his threats are violent, because he knew how it was to impersonate someone. But it’s different for him. He gets to slip away because he had no choice. The Archons and Celestia knew that, leaving him be and not hunting him down. They’re not that crazy.
People can change for the better, that’s why they don’t kill imposters unless the imposters go too far with it. They learned that because you like bullying some people too, much to their notice whenever they feel your anger and sarcasm— despite not hearing you…. But you can be sweet and gentle as well.
At this point they thought you were a male, because you seem rather strong and brave to go against a boss with such little leveled artifacts… Yet somehow you still won, and now you’re leveling up for the battle with Signora doesn’t know, mind you.
But that’s when things happen, with you teleporting into Teyvat in an accident, not knowing what was going on and what was happening. You just knew, you were totally screwed because you ended up in Teyvat.
And you ended up meeting Childe, being quite startled by him once he had shown up, with his hydro weapon in hand before realizing you were just an innocent bystander.
That’s where it began.
Now, you’re not quite one to trust Childe because uhm……. Yeah. But, if you show him some respect like how Yoimiya did in her voicelines, you might as well give it a try to befriend him. So that’s where it lead to, you being a listener as Childe was questioning where did you come from and why did you wear such… Weirdly unique clothing.
You lied to him. Telling you were originally from Liyue, but then got kidnapped by some crazy hoarders and mixed their clothes together to create your outfit. Childe was surprised, thrilled and told you how much of a genius you were, but you just went by being humble and told him you weren’t. Haha. He didn’t believe that bullshit, because you were an absolute genius… And to think you survived those damn hoarders.
The friendship grew out, that the news about you spread like a wildfire… Though, everyone treated you normally, while the Fatuis had no absolute care about you. They would canonly, for SAGAU of the reader hid their identity (without knowing), could care for absolutely nothing. Not even the wanderer would care for you, unless he has seen how much you’re such a genuine friend.
Yeah. That’s exactly how it ended up into… You see, when you spent your time so much in Liyue being so silent and so polite— nodding and just trying to help people out, it eventually lead every commissions (That didn’t involve fighting) to you. You were now the new “traveler” everyone could rely on.
And everyone just simply adored you, even Ying’er and those people who sold things around Liyue. Yanfei was even going to book in a house for you, pitying about your life and was horrified about how many years you’ve been stuck with a bunch of hoarders. Once she sees them, she will give them a piece of her mind in the name of the law.
This attracted other nations… And the more nations tried communicating with you, the more they realized how much pure bright aura you had spread throughout the entire Teyvat world. And much to say the least, the traveler Lumine was so grateful you existed— because she’s now becoming less tired! You’re helping her out!
Everyone was so extremely fond of you, adoring every bit of your habits and movements, gazing at you like a hawk whenever you slept around. Because you’re lazy, and weak. You’re not strong or badass, but that was quite fine with them because they didn’t expect much. Why would you want to fight anyway? You think fighting is cringe when you do it, and find yourself comfortable doing makeup and being just— cozy.
You stayed in Teyvat, thinking this was just all a sweet shifting possibility, thinking you’ll wake up by the next morning. Wheezing and laughing every-time someone tried flirting with you, but got scolded by another.. And you managed to somehow get the Archons to speak to you first. Without doing anything.
You were a peaceful lazy tired gem, who just happens to be a normal civilian in Teyvat. You just wanted to do makeup in peace.
Childe was in love, not much to your surprises… Having deeper conversations with you inside your bedroom on your bed, having a sleepover under the fairy lights, talking about deep things. It eventually lead you two to open up, for the very first time ever since you two grew to be friends.
You were still nice and kind, not saying much about yourself which made Childe just— frown. He wanted to get to know you more, and urged you to continue on. Might’ve slipped up that he was in love with you, and since you thought that this was still yourself shifting into Teyvat— you approved of his confession.
How did the entire Teyvat react to this? Hah. They didn’t know actually… The wanderer might be suspicious of how close you and Childe were but, he thought you two were just best friends— so he finds every possibility to annoy Childe whenever he hugs your waist and sticks his tongue out at Childe, because you couldn’t see due to the hug. The wanderer saw you as an important friend he could’ve ever caught on with… A friend who saw his importance.
Heizou and Kazuha would even try sending you bouquet of (Favorite flower), telling you you are beautiful everyday. Everyone just… Seemingly saw you as their important best friend. It’s because they worshipped their God who hadn’t been… On for an odd while. They worried, feeling their hearts pounding and throbbing so quickly they felt like the need to burn their skin to melt themselves, and then kill and crush people. Why wasn’t their God back?
Please divine God come back.
You even notice how weird they acted every time they hung out with you, seeing them on their knees in front of a faceless statue… That was portioned like a male body, making you raise an eyebrow. Was this another Archon? An Archon you never knew about?
No… He must be more greater than an Archon… Why would the Archons bow down like this…? Unless, you’ve ended up into one of those weird fan fictions where there’s a divine God…
But luckily it “wasn’t” you~ And it was a male God, so you were fine, right?? You continued dating Childe who completely left the phase of praying to the divine. Oh, no, don’t get him wrong! He appreciates his God and everything…
The way he got so emotionally close to you, made him choose you over the divine. He would kill the divine if it meant to have such a loving calm quiet person like you. That’s how much Childe likes you. You’re not special, but the fuck does he care about that for? You eat, sleep, laze around, and have this weird “artifact” on your hands, but remove it whenever you pamper him with kisses as he gives you the princess treatment. He’s so whipped for you, down bad.
And the afternoon continued on like usual. You were just asleep, seated down, head on the table above your arms while Ayato and Ayaka were simply so happy going to Liyue to know you! You were such a fun person, having dark jokes— Which uh, Cyno quite loved but, other than that you were harmless, just pretty normal which was refreshing for them… And they were always loyal to their divine, no doubt, they’re just squeezing you into the loyalty because… You were just a stunning best friend they could’ve asked for.
With everyone around the table talking and chattering, with Childe sitting so close to you as well with Wanderer, glaring at one another… Xiangling and Thoma accidentally dropped the knife from the tray, hitting your skin that you barely even felt, but woke up because it felt like a bug hitting your skin. Your body slightly flinched, but you didn’t scream or cry, your tired pretty eyes gazing confused at everyone. They looked horrified until…
Something leaked out of your skin, much to your surprise when you noticed there was— not gold— but pink blood running down, trickling slowly to the floor. It was said that gold was the divine’s original blood, but if it was pink, it’s the reincarnation of the divine…
The Archons had wide eyes, their skin going pale before they all stood up with shaky and heavy breaths, their hearts clenching while the entire planet of Teyvat fell into silence.
“… Uhm, you guys oka��”
“Y-You’re the divine?! The divine was a girl?!”
The yelling of Thoma startled the living shit out of you, as you stared at him baffled. You have never seen that man yelling so much before… Before noticing him and Xiangling trembling on their knees, their tears trickling out with absolute fear and regret. Guilt.
“P-Please let us treat you our divine! Barbara!!”
Jean had called out for her sister, who immediately ran towards you but… You just took the knife out?????? As if it didn’t do absolute shit to you?????????1?1?1?1?1?1????
Barbara swore she was about to faint. The true power of the divine was so strong, that not even a knife simply destroyed your mood. But it scared everyone, with Venti crying his eyes out, bawling before he grabs your wounded area and looked like he was going to murder someone.
Everyone was speechless. Childe was speechless. After all this time, he was dating the said God he had gone away from praying… Oh… Oh if you knew that he stopped, he was scared you were going to give him some punishment, an execution. Childe wouldn’t blame you, he would never.
“Guys… I’m just tired… Also this is just a scratch real- oh, now I heal—”
You somehow activated your regeneration ability, fascinating most who has seen it with their own eyes by now. And to say the least, they weren’t going to be happy by now that you started talking to Childe, by saying….
“Oh, thank you for the napkin darling.”
“Y-Your- I— uhm… Y-You’re welcome hon…! Ahah… I… You’re… Wow…”
Childe wouldn’t… Stop stuttering around you? Darling? Hon?! What was this all about?! The table was trying to process all this information, and before they could even say anything… You had gotten up to leave.
Childe is absolutely dying.
Because when it comes to the news spreading to Snezhnaya, the Tsaritsa is angry at Childe. Enraged that he dared to date her “feminine wifey”. The doctor and the fallen Angel will work together once more to get you, as Arlecchino and Pantalone struck a deal with one another with a handshake.
They will get you. They didn’t care before and they were blind by then, so now, let them take full care of you.
Do you still think this is yourself shifting into Teyvat, [Name]?
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💉 I will test my gorey-writing skills next time
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kisscara · 2 years ago
O9. his way of thanks [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
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the president of the decorating committee, keqing, makes her way to the front of the classroom. "okay, everyone. let's start planning on what we're going to do for this year's school festival. by the end of today's class, we should have our application submitted to the student council. any ideas?"
yoimiya excitedly proposes, "what about a maid café?" keqing smiles, "i don't know if the guys would be up to wearing those outfits." yoimiya pouts in response, "they could be butlers!" hu tao sputters, "that's boring. you know what we should do? a haunted house."
xingqiu glances at the brunette, "that does seem like your forte, hu tao." ayaka coyly suggests with a tilt of her head, "maybe a drama performance?" keqing uses a piece of chalk to list down the possible options on the board. yoimiya yelps, "why didn't you add the maid café idea!?"
scaramouche is sitting a seat away from you, watching you scribble little drawings on the corner of your desk. his pretty blue eyes deeply analyze your actions. everything you do is just so fascinating to him. "president, could you help us out?" keqing queries.
heizou nudges scaramouche, although it isn't enough to snap the male out of his trance. he hisses, "hey, scaramouche!" scaramouche mumbles, "drawing..."
keqing repeats in a confused state, "drawing?" heizou nervously laughs, "ha-ha, i think what he's trying to say is... ah, maybe we should do an art exhibition!" keqing hums, "interesting intake. any opposing of that idea?"
scaramouche finally gets back to the present and looks at heizou, who gives him a deadpan expression. "i just saved your ass! what caught your attention?" heizou whisper-shouts, scolding his friend. scaramouche glances back at you, where you still seem to be occupied with drawing little animals.
heizou teases him in a lilting tone, "of course."
after heizou leans towards his left side to tell xiao about it, the bell signals the end of class. scaramouche immediately stands up from his desk and goes to where venti's sitting. "hey, give me my headphones. you borrowed them long enough," scaramouche seethes. venti exclaims in return, "no way, the sound quality is so nice!"
the shorter male snatches the headset from him and venti frowns. "fine, i already know it's because you can't last a single day without listening to their drum solos." venti's playful whisper throws scaramouche off.
his complexion goes beet red as he places the headphones around his neck. kazuha lightly laughs, "your face says it all, scaramouche." scaramouche is bound to throw another snarky insult while leaving for the next class, however a tug at his sleeve stops him short.
he turns his head and raises his brow in confusion. "oh, (name). do you need anything?" scaramouche queries, trying to avoid your gaze as discreetly as possible. in the background, venti mocks him, "do you need anything?" scaramouche could clearly hear xiao, heizou and aether quietly chuckling.
"well, no, but yun jin told me to give this to you since she wants you to hear how much potential our band has." you hold out a cd in its case, covered in mostly black but with the unmistakenable, classic and iconic dark blue 5O5 graphics.
"she figured that if you did research on some of our past releases, you wouldn't have found our unreleased songs unless you went to our live performance. these are our most recents and we hope that it meets your standards," you politely say, arm sore from sticking out with the cd in your hand.
you didn't percieve the way he clenched his jaw in excitement, the way sparkles appeared in his eyes and the way he pursed his lips to restrain himself from smiling. "i'll... i'll see if i have any time to listen to it after class," scaramouche mutters. he ends up taking it from you and speed-walking out of the classroom.
xiao steps forward and gives you a few pats on the shoulder. "don't worry, that's his way of thanking you."
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @esquevl @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @idontwantoeatspicy
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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explicitred · 2 years ago
Pantalone's wallet is MY wallet
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June 18, Post 14 of the "30 Days Fanfic Event"
Pantalone x Male Reader
Modern au?? I need more primos :c (even though i have 7k+ primos saved up, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH) second highest voted in Dottore's Headcanons poll
Pantalone and Baizhu though, sus 🤔
What?? ahahahah. YOU’RE POOR IN GENSHIN??
Worry not, this smiling banker man will pay :D
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the massive amount of primogems coming your way to gamble more on genshin impact 😎
Sighing in frustration, you looked at your C20 Keqing. 
“I swear this cat lady has a crush on me, she’s been coming to me for 20 times in a row.”
Boredly looking at her splash art, you clicked on the screen, the next thing being The Bell.
(mm, yes. my favorite.)
After clicking again, the screen returned back to the summoning page. 159 Primogems left?! The pain. 
Suddenly, Pantalone’s head peeks out above your chair, cutely curious about what you were doing and playing.
“Oh? You have… 159 of this star currency?” He spoke in a hushed tone, “Do you possibly think that’s enough for the beloved of Regrator, dearest?”
Cue the spending and drowning in 1m+ primogems
We eat, shower, and shi primogems. it's a good time.
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robilover · 9 months ago
even if I mostly do SFW fics/headcanons/thirsts/blurbs, you must be 18+.
what I write can either be platonic or romantic.
I can do nsfw/suggestive posts, please read at your own risk.
I do fem!reader by default, but if you want gn!reader or afab!gn!reader, I can still do them! I do not do male!reader, though.
this is an LGBTQ+ safe space and is mostly a wlw/sapphic blog. therefore, strictly NO homophobia, transphobia, or anything that relates to hate to the LGBTQ+.
strictly NO incest, extreme kinks, pedophilia, etc etc.
please be respectful and kind in the asks and comments. I do not tolerate mean behavior.
if you request, please specify the gender or else I might just leave it in my inbox for a while.
I can do poly; character x reader x character. just specify if you want it separately or a poly hc or something.
additional rules are here. + here.
masterlist is under the cut together with the character list!
🪽 For NSFW:
I mostly do dom!character/top!character x sub!reader/bottom!reader.
I don’t mind doing top!reader but I actually just prefer being bottom (sorry guys💔)
again, NO extreme kinks (such as p!ss kink) and weird fetishes.
you are homophobic, transphobic, or anything related to that.
you are a hater of genshin, hsr, or wuwa.
you are racist.
you fetishize wlw/women or have weird fetishes in general.
🪽 Character List (female characters):
colored ones are favorites/who I can (mostly) write for!
I will be updating this either way, so..
Genshin Impact
Jean, Lisa, Fischl, Mona, Rosaria, Eula, Noelle, Sucrose
Beidou, Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Yanfei, Shenhe, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Yelan, Xianyun
Kamisato Ayaka, Naganohara Yoimiya, Raiden Shogun/Ei, Kujou Sara, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Yae Miko, Kuki Shinobu, Kirara
Candace, Nilou, Nahida (platonic), Layla, Faruzan, Dehya
Lynette, Charlotte, Furina, Navia, Chevreuse, Chiori, Arlecchino, Clorinde
Columbina, La Signora
Honkai Star Rail (HSR)
Astral Express:
Stelle, Himeko, March 7th
Stellaron Hunters:
Kafka, Silver Wolf, Firefly
Herta Space Station:
Herta, Asta, Ruan Mei
Bronya, Seele, Serval, Natasha
Xianzhou Alliance:
Tingyun, Sushang, Qingque, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Guinaifen, Hanya, Xueyi
Interastral Peace Corporation (IPC):
Topaz, Jade
Robin, Sparkle, Black Swan
Wuthering Waves (WUWA)
Female Rover, Yangyang, Baizhi, Chixia, Danjin, Jianxin, Sanhua, Jinhsi, Yinlin, Changli
Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)
Victoria Housekeeping:
Alexandrina Sebastiane (Rina), Ellen Joe
Cunning Hares:
Nicole Demara, Anby Demara, Nekomiya Mana (Nekomata)
Belobog Heavy Industries:
Grace Howard
Sons of Calydon:
Burnice White, Caesar King,
Criminal Investigation Special Response Team (PubSec):
Zhu Yuan, Jane Doe
Obol Squad:
Soldier 11
Section 6:
Hoshimi Miyabi
these are subjected to change. I will add the masterlist as soon as I get motivated to do so.
🪽 Masterlist:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
Zenless Zone Zero
My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia
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katsuyuswritings · 2 years ago
— ᕦ kei ᕤ —
a lonely writer who has a few friends. asking for mutuals, also an employed attorney and has no social life 💗
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— MALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
male; aether, dainslief, kaeya, diluc, albedo, venti, bennett, razor, mika, zhongli, chongyun, xingqiu, xiao, baizhu, tartaglia, itto, gorou, kazuha, heizou, ayato, thoma, alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno, capitano, dottore, pantalone, scaramouche/wanderer, lyney, neuvillette, freminet, wriosthley
naruto uzumaki/namikaze, sasuke uchiha, kakashi hatake, iruka umino, kotetsu, izumo, asuma sarutobi, sai yamanaka, shikamaru nara, choji akamichi, aburame shino, kiba inuzuka, kankuro, gaara, itachi uchiha, kisame, sasori, deidara, kakuzu, hidan, orochimaru, kabuto, jiraiya, minato namikaze, neji hyuga, zetsu, zabuza, haku yuki, suigetsu, juuga, maito gai, boruto uzumaki, mitsuki
saiki kusuo, kaidou shun, aren kuboyasu, toritsuka reita, nendou riki, hairo kineshi, makoto teruhashi
denji, aki, angel devil, shark devil (that's literally all)
aifuyo hime/yuzuki, renyue yuzuki, kōhaku hayashi, eijiro yuzuki, aoi hime, anh hyu, eugene hyu, feng xiang
— FEMALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
female: amber, fischl, noelle, mona, jean, lisa, eula, klee, barbara, xiangling, xinyan, yunjin, ganyu, keqing, shenhe, ningguang, beidou, qiqi, yaoyao, kuki, kujou sara, yae miko, raiden ei/shogun, raiden makoto, kokomi, ayaka, sayu, yoimiya, faruzan, layla, nilou, dori, dehya, candace, dunyarzad, focalors, navia, lynette, yuelin, tsaritsa, la signora, sandrone, arlecchino, columbina, raiden makoto
sakura haruno/uchiha, hinata hyuga/uzumaki, karin uzumaki, konan, kurenai sarutobi, hanabi hyuga, ino yamanaka, tsunade senju, temari nara, tenten, anko mitarashi, kushina uzumaki/namikaze, guren (mommy), himawari uzumaki, sarada uchiha
kokomi teruhashi, chiyo yumehara/teruhashi, kuriko/kusuko saiki, aiura mikoto, rifuta imu, mera chisato
power, makima, yuro, himeno
katsuyu yuzuki/hime, chiyo hime, shinkkami ayakemi-sanjin (teiko), kohari hayashi, mina noshiro, maikka yue, yan xiang
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— ᕤ can request ᕦ —
smut, suggestive, angst and fluff
aged up characters smut/suggestive
child!reader x parent!character or vise versa
song related storyline
ships and oc x reader
— ᕦ can't request ᕤ —
minor character smut
oc x canon (I have my reasons)
weird shit like armpit kink and others (I don't wanna name them 😨)
Also I know most of y'all are minors... You can't hide from me
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saeskiss · 2 years ago
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kazuha x fem!reader. 1.9k wc. 5/6/23. part 1! part 3!
you’re drunk, and you’re ready to make stupid mistakes, and kazuha thinks you’re even irresistible than you usually are.  
✧ make-out sesh, suggestive, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, kazuha brings you as his plus one to his mom’s second wedding, alcohol consumption, mentions of groping. (not kazuha doing it). based on taylor swift’s song “dress”. ooc kazuha (maybe???) 
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“kazuuuuuuuuuhaaaa.” his name comes out as a slur, the familiar feeling of domesticity fills up kazuha’s heart, and as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he enjoys this side of you that you’re sharing with him.
sure, you’ve been drunk before and especially in kazuha’s presence but this time it was different. 
much more different from the other three big instances that you were drunk in front of him. 
the first instance was when you guys had first started university together and you were so happy that you guys had both gotten accepted into the same university, (you had silently prayed to the moon every night hoping that the universe would be on your side) and it did end up being on your side. you had gotten a little too excited and rushed to kazuha’s house carrying some of your mom’s wine to celebrate another couple of years with him hoping that you guys could tell each other about the feelings you guys had shared with each other for the longest time. 
and soon you and kazuha discovered that your alcohol tolerance wasn’t high. at all. 
this was a big problem for him. especially when you turned the legal age to properly and actually drink. 
you weren’t such a big fan of parties and kazuha knew this. you didn’t like loud noises and crowded rooms because they were absolutely suffocating. and trying to scare off strangers that were trying to grope you wasn’t exactly your most favorite thing. but this wouldn’t completely stop you from going out and having a little fun with your other friends. (yes, you have other friends besides kazuha, surprise surprise.) 
and this especially wasn’t going to stop beidou from dragging you to go attend ningguang’s parties that she would throw every now and then. (the second biggest and most common occurrence) this doesn’t happen commonly but when it does it brings misfortune for the white-haired male. these situations always ended up with you extremely drunk (you frequently participated in beidou’s drinking competitions even though you guys were both lightweights) (how chaotic and idiotic for the both of you) and keqing giving kazuha a call for him to come and bring you back to his house so that you could sober up. although what did happen was that kazuha would bring you back dead asleep and you would wake up in the morning with a huge headache and both you and kazuha would call in sick for your classes and you would stay snuggled up on his couch catching up on your favorite tv shows while he goes the store to buy you some painkillers. 
the third and his favorite drunk instance with you was when you had seen kazuha with a girl you had never seen him with before and usually, you would’ve taken this as kazuha being a friendly person because he was, much more friendly than you were that’s for sure but this time it was different. or maybe it wasn’t. 
you don’t know what it was in you but something in your heart burned more than the chugging of tequila. you went home and dropped beidou a call and opened your alcohol cabinet (many of the bottles were gifts from ningguang or your parents or kazuha’s parents) and you had downed a whole bottle in the span of two minutes, the sound of your cries could probably be heard by the whole floor, hell maybe the whole apartment. when beidou had arrived she was in shock to see the bad state you were in. after a rough twenty minutes beidou realized that she really couldn’t deal with someone who was drunk when she had an important exam so her last and only resort was to call the only person that you’ve ever really had feelings for. and she knew that kazuha would be able to take of you better than anyone else, but she wasn’t going to mention it because she was afraid the tears would turn into a full-on sob session. 
kazuha shows up at your door with the same reaction as beidou because a couple of hours ago you guys were planning to meet up at a coffee shop to study together even though you guys were majoring in two different subjects, you guys thought the presence of each other would be comforting but then you had canceled on him to study with beidou? he really didn’t understand.
if the white-haired male was going to be really honest, he was kind of frustrated. not at you, but more of himself. it wasn’t a date or anything so he had no right to be upset but here he was. upset that you had canceled plans with him to hang out with someone else. and to be honest, he could’ve drank with you. he doesn’t know why you chose beidou.
but let’s just say that this story ends with a heated make-out session on your island stools in your kitchen and you having a huge hangover the next day not remembering anything that had happened yesterday which had kazuha defeated, desperate for another try. because c’mon, you stole his first kiss and his first make-out session all in one night.  
but that’s enough stories about the past times you had been under the influence. 
back to the current situation that kazuha was worrying about: you getting tipsy over two measly shots that his mother had offered during the dinner that only gave effect after a good 10 minutes and here you were in your hotel room that his mom had booked for the two of you. it was pretty obvious she knew what was going on. and maybe this was all apart of her plan. 
“y/n.” he deadpans, staring at you who has been sitting on the ground next to the bed for the last ten minutes with your head rested onto the bed. “get up from the ground.” he lowers himself to be on the same level as you.
“nooooo. i don’t want to go.” you cross your arms, with a scowl on your face, hearing a sigh from the white-haired male.
a moment of silence passes by before he sighs again, “i’m tired.” your grin starts to turn into a frown.
“come on. get onto the bed. or i’ll carry you bridal style onto the bed.” he says, grabbing one of your arms attempting to get you laying on the bed so he could get a glass of water for you so you could start to sober up.
you squeal as he picks you up from your spot on the ground and carries you onto the bed tickling you making you giggle. 
you get up from your laying position on the bed which makes kazuha groan with his failed attempt to try and get water to sober you up while you lie in bed patiently waiting for him to come back. which was quite literally impossible with you being under the influence. 
“kazuha.” you get serious this time and he stops his whining and complaining to face you and have an intoxicated conversation with you with just you as the one intoxicated and him not so much. 
“what is it y/n?” and the sweet sound of your name makes your heart beat faster and it makes you riskier. it makes you want to do things to kazuha that you wouldn’t normally do if it wasn’t for your inebriation. 
you come closer to his face and your guys’ eyes meet. kazuha tries to stay focus and tries to calm his heart down as much as he can so you can’t hear it because its embarrassing having this big of a schoolgirl crush on someone he’s known since he was in diapers. 
and it’s especially embarrassing on how much anticipation he has in this very moment; you’re unpredictable. and god he wishes he knew what was going on in your head right now because he can’t stop himself from thinking about things that would never happen in a million years. 
“you’re so pretty you know that?” you cup his face waiting for his response but all you’re met with is a flushed face and a frustrated sigh from kazuha.
he doesn’t know much longer he can hold it all in. 
hold in the urge from wanting to kiss you all over again, because god seeing you in that pretty tight white dress is making him go insane. he says a simple, “thank you.” in response. 
“can i kiss you?” you ask him and he doesn’t know what to say because he shouldn’t say no, and he knows he should say no, but he would do absolutely anything to kiss you one more time. but this wasn’t right. 
this was the second time that he would be doing this. taking advantage of you while you were drunk. 
but your scent was so addicting and he couldn’t get enough of it and he was yearning for the touch of your soft lips against his so he nods reluctantly.  
and he knows it’s wrong, and he knows he’ll apologize in the morning this time and confront the fact that he made a mistake doing this with you. 
but as soon as your lips crash, he never wants the sweet taste of peppermint from your chapstick mixed with the raging taste of alcohol to leave his mouth and he starts to not regret the decision he made so much. your lips were so insanely soft against his, your movements are slow yet so intense making kazuha yearn for more. he wanted more. he took a breath of your enthralling scent, your perfume was mixed with strawberries and mint. it was addicting and it sent his head spinning, butterflies emerging in his stomach as you smile into his kiss. you start to move slowly on his lap, his hands traveling down to your thighs. you to let out a whimper at the sudden gesture and that was more than enough for him to get a wake up call and realize what he was doing wrong. 
he pulls away, lips swollen and rough breaths are the only sound being heard in the room for a couple of seconds.
“i can’t. i’m sorry. i’m taking advantage of you and it’s wrong.” he stops with you still sitting on his lap your hands drop to your side.
you frown. “i’m sorry. we can do this when you’re sober. i promise.” he gently caresses your cheek, coming close to your face, his lips lightly touching your forehead.
“okay.” you finally give in and respond, “but can you do me one more thing?” he groans once more, at this point he’s afraid of your requests because if you plead him to do anything he will oblige and you have so much power over him and he is frightened by how much power you have over him. 
“one more kiss? please?” 
oh, kill kazuha right now. you just pleaded and there was no way he was going to decline. 
“mkay.” he uses both of his hands to grip your waist as your lips meet, the exciting sensation rushing through his body and making kazuha’s head spin, wanting more, but he pulls away because he’s well aware of how many boundaries he’s overstepped today. 
“is that it?” you nod, your eyes meet again and the white-haired male is about to explode with how much tension was in the room now and he knew he had to do something to stop himself from doing anything more stupid.
“come on. let’s get you in bed and let me grab you a glass of water.” 
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©saeskiss 2023
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ilyuan · 1 year ago
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౨ৎ cw. platonic. venti x reader. you are traveller but not lumine/aether. i used a website that summarizes the entire mond archon quest because i completely forget what happened LMFAOO. spoilers to fontaine archon quest, lmk if i missed anything <3
౨ৎ summary. you met venti by getting stuck into the mysterious world called teyvat. the only downside is that you were going to potentially leave everything behind if you wanted to leave this place so desperately.
౨ৎ wc. 1,689
after you, [name], the so-called fearless adventurer, got trapped within an odd situation with your now best friend venti, you never thought things would be the same.
...well, to start off, yes, you have gone through many adventures and met countless people, but this time, you found someone you believed was worthy of your time.
when you first got to teyvat, you've tried many different scenarios and thoughts rummaging through your mind but you couldn't fathom the idea that you were practically stuck here forever.
before you met venti, you met your side companion, paimon.
after the tragic run-through with that... lady, who somewhat reminded you of the small companion next to you, you couldn't help but stare at venti in agony.
quickly, he sensed something was off, and turned his head towards you, meeting your sorrowful eyes.
"it's..." you begin to speak, "it's just that, i've been wondering where you have been all my life."
"awh! don't get all sappy on me now," venti loudly exclaims, his light-teal orbs widening and getting so up close to you for what ever reason.
you ran through hills, ran over hills, more plains than hills, honestly.
but you still couldn't fathom that the boy next to you has grown so fond of you...
outside the knights' headquarters, you found yourself with your small companion next to you while exploring the plains of the area you found yourself in.
quickly, you caught a glimpse of the green male who was currently running from you even though you told him you both weren't racing anymore.
furthermore, after about what seemed like thirty minutes or so, you noticed him running in front of the goth grand hotel.
"venti, seriously," you exclaimed, turning your head up a little to emphasize your annoyance even more.
“take this, please?” you sigh, handing him an envelope that sealed your heart’s content for your travel through this… world.
jeez, you got sleep paralysis again.
here you were, your mind not functioning probably after having just defeated one of the first harbingers so far.
you’ve experienced much less than this.
you’ve fought cicin mages, basically a nightmare.
never again.
however, just as you were waking up, your vision faded into a vignette.
you tried to get up, you can’t even fathom how the jade chamber already broke.
what made it even worse is that ningguang allowed you to stay in her jade chamber for a certain period of time because you had practically no where to stay for the time being throughout your trip of liyue.
however, after hours of convincing, you finally got keqing to allow you to stay with her and ganyu until then.
…well, until then, you’d already had been able to call liyue your home.
your weary mind still wasn’t functioning.
after months and almost years, you were finally in fontaine.
you were so out of breath from running to the latest trial to attend with neuvillette for a couple of days.
“according to the oratrice mecanique d’analyse cardinale,” neuvillette spoke, “laurence is…” he pauses once more, “…guilty.”
you noticed how his breath was shaky.
you also knew he was the type of judge to absolutely despise performing trials that led into executions.
however, you couldn’t help but think back to your era in mondstadt.
basically, if venti found someone committing a terrible crime, he would barely even do anything about it then run over to you to tell you all about what he saw.
“so… did you do anything about it?” you asked, raising a brow.
“well…” he pauses, “yes, but i couldn’t catch up to them.”
“…you have the ability to glide faster than anyone, what do you mean you couldn’t catch up to them?”
back to the present however, neuvillette was saying your name multiple times, trying to get you to activate the oratrice.
all of a sudden, you felt something nudge at your leg, which appeared to be his unnecessarily very loud cane.
“wha-!?” you yelped.
“sorry, yeah,” you sighed, finally activating the oratrice after neuvillette tried to get your attention for the past thirty minutes.
finally, the evening time.
you were resting in your dorm in the fortress, writing incoherent words onto the sheet in front of you because of how tired you were.
“it’s been over 100 years now,” you wrote onto the sheet of paper, trying to get your handwriting to be readable.
you were a traveler who defeated many bosses and enemies.
however, what always wandered through your mind was the day when rosalyne was defeated.
you still think back to the time you witnessed your green bard best friend getting knocked to the ground by her.
you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
…and also the time when venti couldn’t control his dragon.
"one day, i'll come back," you continue writing, your hand softly drifting across the paper, some of the ink getting onto the side of your palm.
little did you know is that venti thought you already passed mortal life.
however, he was moving through and trying to get over you.
a decade later.
"the water here is quite... different," mona spoke out to you, her head turned down, her reflection right in front of her.
"what do you mean?" you turn to her, raising a brow.
"what i mean is that... you know the prophecy, yes?" she asked, her hand on her hip. "what... prophecy?"
"well, according to my scryglass and the people of fontaine's predictions, i feel as if you will not be able to make it out alive," mona speaks, her voice quieting down a little to not alert the other people where you two were standing, "unless you come back to mondstadt with me, that is," she whispered.
that's when your heart skipped a beat.
your mind drifted back to the time you once entered teyvat to be dragged towards mondstadt, your home town, practically.
not only that, but the most important part about mondstadt for you was... what was his name again?
fontaine was now your home town.
you could barely remember anything that happened back in the nation of anemo.
"are you not from fontaine, mona?" you suddenly blurt out, to which she has gotten caught off guard from.
"well, yes, i am, but..." she pauses, "this place is dangerous, to say the least," she continues, "wriothesley had already told you about the primordial sea water, yes?"
"but... furina..." you sigh.
"she'll be okay," mona quickly replies.
"how do you know?"
mona rolls her eyes at you.
after the prophecy was claimed false, you couldn't help but sigh again.
but why were you sighing?
"did you want to leave this place so bad, huh?" mona crosses her arms.
"wha- no!" you widen your eyes at her.
she giggles, "well, you have not seen that one guy in more than a century."
"who?" you asked.
"wait for me here," she smirks at you.
after a couple minutes, mona was right in front of you once more.
her overly enlarged scryglass made a 'thump' sound when she placed it front of your dormitory's bed.
"i will predict the past."
after a while, you suddenly heard mona let out a small gasp.
"what happened now?" you tease.
"a lot of people think you're..."
"...not here anymore."
"not... here anymore?" you ask in confusion, the abrupt silence for a couple minutes making you more worried than you were supposed to be, "mona..."
"well, in other words, your bard has not been receiving your little messages."
"what messa-"
"the messages you wrote ten years ago." she interrupts you.
"...didn't even let me finish."
"that's your concern, [name]?" she purses her lips, "seriously?" she rummages through your dormitory for a couple minutes before coming to a halt. "[name]," she finally speaks, "let me give you a hint."
"would you like to visit your once beloved nation once more?" she turns to you.
"well... teyvat is practically my home now, so i don't think so, no," you reply, not completely knowing what she means.
"when are you going to realize?"
"today's the day of your release," wriothesley begins.
"you are aware that i was just doing this for an investigation, right?" you reply, trying not to laugh.
"i know, i'm just letting you know," he smirks.
that's when a plan popped up into mona's head.
you could practically see the lightbulb forming on her head like the cartoon shows, her eyes lighting up, widening.
"what is it now?" you stood up, standing in front of mona who still had her scryglass in front of her.
to say she was obsessed with it was an understatement.
"you're going to be able to see your friend real soon," she speaks, "and it's all because of me, so thank me later!"
she was more enthusiastic than usual, you have barely ever seen a time where mona was not as sassy as she was.
"but didn't you say he thinks that i'm not in teyvat anymore?" you asked, your mind forming into confusion.
"yes, but that's the surprise for you."
today was the day.
mona was... dazzling you up to say the least.
after having gotten out of your disgusting prison uniform, you felt rejuvenated.
in other words, mona was more excited than you were!
ah, here you were.
your... home.
you have never felt so nervous but excited at the same time.
it's been centuries since you have seen this smug bastard.
the one that- oh!
venti screamed.
your downturned head looked up quickly, to see the little guy right over the line of your personal space, to which he was inspecting you very closely as if you were something he has never seen before.
"uhm?" you clear your throat, backing up a little before venti smirked and embraced you into a hug.
after a few minutes- well, twenty minutes i should say, venti finally spoke.
"hi," he smirked once more.
...he was still the same little bastard like he was centuries ago.
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost my works on other platforms pleek <3
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wrightingwithalex · 4 months ago
Hello everyone!
My name is Alex, but people also call me Lex, Lexi, Lexus... Whatever at this point LMAO. I'm not new to tumblr, but I am new to posting on it. I don't really know how all of this works yet so bear with me!
Just to give you a heads-up, I'm really good at English, but it still isn't my first language, so if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, don't mind it.
So, I'm a writer, and my content is going to be character x reader 99% of the time. What I was thinking is that you guys send me requests for characters and scenarios you want me to write about (of course, as long as they are a character I know of) because my inspiration has been very lacking lately 💀. I will now give a list of all the characters I write for, as well as some rules for when you send asks.
As of right now, I'm not writing anything because I really don't feel like it 😭.
By the way, if you want to remain anonymous, you can claim emoji's so that I know who you are!
Ace Attorney -> any character within the Phoenix Wright trilogy (Ace Attorney, Justice For All, Trials and Tribulations) 'cause those are the only games I've played so far
Sally Face -> Sal, Larry, Ash
Resident Evil -> Leon, Ada, Carlos, Ethan, Claire
Brooklyn 99 -> Jake, Amy, Rosa, Charles
Hunter x Hunter -> Kurapika
Minecraft Story Mode -> Jesse (male and female), Lukas, Petra
The Last of Us -> Ellie, Joel, Dina, Abby
Five Nights at Freddy's (movie) -> Mike, Vanessa, Steve Raglan/William Afton
Inside job -> Reagan, Brett
Arcane -> Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn, Mel, Victor, Sevika
Assassination Classroom –> Karma
Genshin Impact –> Albedo, Alhaitham, Arlecchino, Ayaka, Ayato, Childe, Clorinde, Cyno, Eula, Furina, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Itto, Jean, Kazuha, Keqing, Kokomi, Lyney, Mona, Navia, Neuvillette, Nilou, Raiden, Shenhe, Tighnari, Venti, Wanderer, Wriothesley, Xianyun, Yae Miko, Yelan, Yoimiya, Zhongli, Beidou, Bennett (nothing more than a kiss 'cause he's a minor), Candace, Charlotte, Fischl (nothing more than a kiss 'cause she's a minor), Gaming, Gorou, Heizou, Kaeya, Kuki Shinobu, Lisa, Lynette, Ningguang, Noelle, Rosaria, Kujou Sara, Sucrose, Thoma
mostly fem!reader and gn!reader –> female characters will be with fem!reader by default (gn!reader only if you request it), male characters are with gn!reader by default (fem!reader only if you request it)
smut -> kissing yes, anything more than that no; I still feel awkward writing it, let alone uploading it LOL
male!reader (sorry :C)
non-con and dub-con -> I believe in consent
pregnancy trope
extreme age gap -> anything more than a 15 year age difference is a no
Minors can interact, since I'm not writing any smut!
That's gonna be all from me for today. I'll update this list if I get a new show/game I'm interested in, or if there's a change in the rules. I look forward to your requests, and I can't wait to start writing them! xx
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contentloadingandstuff · 2 years ago
Dark Days - Keqing & Ganyu x Male!Reader
CW: Reader death, slight self harm, swearing, lots of grief and misery, modern AU.
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She woke up at six, exactly ten minutes before you, and jumped into the shower. When she was out, she fixed breakfast while her pretty husband was painfully dragging himself out of bed. You were grumpy, but she reminded you it's Friday with a kind, soft smile, while passing you a bowl of cereal. She said she will treat you tonight, and then jokingly fed you a spoon out of her portion. You took it with a big, goofy smile.
She put on her formal dress, and looked after your office suit as well. You could never properly tuck the shirt in. No, it doesn't matter that nobody will see it, she said. Rules are rules. She also helped you take control of your bad case of morning hair.
When she went to grab the car keys, you swiped them off before she could get them. They were in a cup on the kitchen shelf, and she had to go on tiptoes to get it. She tried getting them back, but your amazing genetics defeated her, so she settled for you to drive this time.
There was a lot of traffic, but waking up an hour earlier had its benefits. Soon enough you arrived at her workplace. She quickly got out of the car, grabbed her purse on the way out, and spared you a quick glance and a quick 'I love you'.
Just as she was about to enter the building, she heard the screech of tires forced against the road, followed by a loud crash. She instantly turned around. 
She saw a red van where your car stood, its hood bent and missing the front. Further up, with a trail of broken metal and plastic behind it was your vehicle. 
Or the remains of it. 
The sheer speed of the van pushed the car straight into a nearby building. The entire hood of the car was forced into the front seats by the impact. 
No chance of survival. 
Without thinking about her own safety, she discarded the purse and sped towards you. She had to do something, she had to try. Maybe by some miracle you-
A roughly human shaped mass of bloodied meat is what she saw. Only your left arm was intact, crushed off at the elbow by the bent car window. 
She tried to force open the door, to no avail. Even her Vision, the gift from the Gods, was useless. She couldn't rescue anything. Not a single piece.
Pieces. That's what was left of you. Those pieces talked to her this morning. Those pieces ate breakfast with her. Those pieces kissed her in the car before she left. 
Those pieces, this bloody pile of meat, was all that was left of her husband. 
Keqing's rational mind screamed out to her. The car could ignite, the fuel tank could explode, she could die. But it didn't matter. At that moment, she didn't care if she would live or not. 
Life without you was worse than death. In death, at least you could be together again. 
Tears ran out when 'you' were extracted from the wreckage, scooped up into a black bag, and wheeled away. Ningguang led her away before the media would show up, and drove her home without a word. 
She tried her best to stay composed, but the pain soon overwhelmed her. She never liked alcohol before, but soon enough the liquor closet, full of gifts you two received in the past, was emptied. Keqing cried, screamed, threw the bottles and everything else she had in sight. In a drunk haze, she covered or simply destroyed anything that reminded her of you. Your pictures were stashed away, your things were thrown into the trash, she couldn't. She couldn't bear to look at them. 
Why did you do this to her? 
Why did you have to love her so much? Why did you have to be so lovable? So dear and kind? You ignited her heart, but left it a desolate wasteland on your departure. She wished the two of you never met. She wished you'd never fallen in love, that she'd never fallen in love with you. You could be alive, if not for her. 
It's her fault. 
Keqing tried to destroy the Vision, this time in a frenzy. The Gods chose her, but still they tore her heart into pieces. Seemingly mocking her, the object remained intact, despite being crushed, slashed, trampled and thrown. 
At some point Keqing made the mistake of watching the news. Her shocked self, her desperate attempts at opening the car, the mental collapse. Everything was caught on the CCTV, because of course someone leaked the feed. 
Motherfuckers. Sons of bitches. Whores. Fuckers. Scum. Filth. Thrash. The alcohol loosened her lips and she screamed or cried out all those insults. She works so diligently for the society, she keeps everything in order, she rejects pleasure, only for them to not let her even fucking grieve in peace. 
When she was scrolling through the internet, mindless and exhausted from crying, she stumbled upon a certain article. Some trashy news website suggested that she wasn't fit for the job, since she didn't show up at work for the past few days. 
Maybe they were right. Keqing was eyeing the shards of glass more intently by the hour. 
Liyue without you is not a Liyue worth fighting for. 
She saw her own reflection in the jagged piece of a broken vodka bottle. Face red from drunkenness and tears, eyes bloodshot from sleep deprivation, hair messy and outfit dirty with liquor and sweat. 
Is that really what you would want her to look like? Would bleeding out here and now be a good way of honoring your memory? Countless times you’ve told her that if, for any reason, death would do you apart, you would live on for her. She appreciated that greatly. She believed that living for someone is far greater of a sacrifice than death in their name. 
And here she was, intoxicated, broken, considering slitting her wrists. This wasn’t a way to honor you, you who gave her all this love, all those memories to live with. You deserved better. 
She would live. For you. 
For now, however, she needed to talk to someone. Anyone. She wasn’t sure if her far-from-sober mind would stick to the promise she just made. Keqing wasn’t sure of what she was capable of. She needed help. 
Keqing wiped her eyes with her hand, and choked back a sob. She picked up her phone, unlocked it, and scrolled through the pages upon pages of missed calls. She selected one from Ningguang, and put the device to her ear. 
After a few signals, a familiar voice reached her ears. “Keqing! Are you still with us? By the Gods, you got me thinking you did something very foolish! Hello?”
Just hearing her voice was enough to bring tears to her eyes again, this time of relief. She smiled. In this world, beyond the four walls of her dark apartment, there were still others. Other people, friends, who could offer her a hand, who cared. Who saw beyond the cloud of despair she was suffocating in. She sniffed.
“Can y-you pick me u-up… please?”
“I’m on my way. Don’t even think of doing anything you will regret, do you understand?”
Keqing closed her eyes. “Y-yeah… I’ll s-stay. For h-him.”
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Liyue was a safe place. That's what Ganyu believed. 
The Milelith was in tip-top condition. They tracked and captured both petty and serious offenders without fail, week to week, month to month, year to year. Drug laws were strict, and the punishments were ruthless. Gun access was very limited. Sentences were just, quickly delivered, and merciless.
Liyue had no tolerance for crime, and the Qixing saw to that. 
Yet even the greatest justice system won't root out crime. You can try and try, but it is always there to some degree. Crime is hard to eliminate fully. Like weeds. 
It was a quiet night. You picked up Ganyu from work, and stopped by a grocery store. She went to buy some produce for tomorrow's breakfast, while you stayed in the car. She quickly returned with a bag filled with salad, radish, tomatoes and cucumbers. And a few bags of dried banana chips for you to enjoy this evening. 
When she walked out of the store, her eyes immediately spotted the man against the car window. He was talking incoherently, and you were responding with surprisingly calm answers. She placed down the bag, prepared a Cryo shard, and attracted his attention. 
A gunshot. The sound of broken glass. 
The man took off running, and Ganyu pursued him without thinking. He had no chance against her Adepti speed and stamina, and soon enough she pinned him down, freezing his hands to the sidewalk. She cried out for help, and soon enough someone approached her. They called the police, and Ganyu asked them to check up on you. When they returned, the police were already at the scene. 
The look they gave her was all she needed to know. 
Ganyu stiffly walked towards the grocery bag, picked it up, and went back home, all the while carefully avoiding looking at the scene. She felt… blank. Empty. Emotionless. Her brain was still processing what just occurred. 
Only when the door to your apartment closed did Ganyu surrender. She slid down to the floor, and wailed. 
Pain. Agony. Suffering. Grief. Sadness. Despair. Torture. Struggle. Sorrow. Misery. None of those words, in any human language, could describe what she was going through. 
Her phone rang non stop, but Ganyu didn’t want to speak to anybody. They couldn’t comfort her like you could. They couldn’t caress her horns, they couldn’t feed her like you did, they couldn’t cuddle her, they couldn’t boop her nose when she commented on her weight they couldn’t-
They weren’t you. 
All she wanted was to have you back. 
She tried. She tried to ride it out. She knew it would pass eventually. Ganyu tried to sleep it off and go back to her routine. She set the alarm clock, did her evening clean up, and cried herself to sleep, in vain. Just the coldness, the silence, the emptiness of your bed was enough to rip her soul to shreds. 
Every room was stuffy with her despair, every wall, ceiling, furniture piece and meter of floor was stained with tears. She was pulling her hair, she was biting her arms and hands, she was scratching at her skin, she was screaming, she wanted it to stop.
Ganyu was desperate. She didn’t want to think, she didn’t want to be able to remember. She raided the fridge, stuffing her face with everything she could find, no matter if vegetarian or not. She downed a handful of sleeping pills, and curled up on the couch. 
She couldn’t sleep in the bed. It smelled like you.
There was frequent knocking on the door that would wake her up. Her phone was still in the car when she left. Voices, many different, familiar. 
The monotone voice of Shenhe, now filled with concern. She offered to help her clean and cook food, or whatever she could to ease her pain. Ganyu screamed to be left alone. 
The grim voice of Ningguang, telling her that this isn’t a solution. That you wouldn’t want this to happen, for her to be left isolated and alone. Ganyu screamed for her to leave her be. 
The methodical voice of Keqing, monologuing about how she can’t fully comprehend her friend’s pain, but that she wants to help. Ganyu screamed that she only needed to be left in peace. 
Cloud Retainer pecked at every window. Her master stood on the balcony, trying to get Ganyu to talk with them, but she only heard the wailing of the Qiling in return. Her heart was bleeding as she could do nothing but watch as her daughter spiraled deeper and deeper into despair.
Beidou. Moon Carver. Madame Ping. Yanfei.  Mountain Shaper. Morax. Lumine. Chongyun. Xiangling. Yun Jin. Even Xiao tried. But she wouldn’t let them in. All she could think about, all she wanted was you. Your smile, your touch, your voice, your scent. Now gone, left to dwell in but her memories and lifeless pictures for all eternity. 
But they were persistent. They came daily. Xiao caused the wind to constantly rattle and wail against her windows. Cloud Retainer left bags of groceries on the balcony. They knocked and knocked and spoke and spoke until Ganyu could take it no longer. She burst out of the door and screamed “GET OUT!” at Shenhe. The woman didn’t budge, however, and instead embraced Ganyu. She whispered words of comfort as Ganyu’s legs gave in, exhausted from her sorrow, and the women sank to the floor, the Adeptus’ body trembling with agony. 
For the following few days, there wasn’t a moment when Ganyu was alone, not even during sleep. Shenhe cooked and cleaned, Zhongli brewed tea and rambled about history, Ningguang helped her clean and get herself in order, Xiao played the flute, Cloud Retainer told stories from her childhood, even managing to get Ganyu flustered instead of depressed for a few brief moments. 
The wounds would slowly heal, and Ganyu would be able to see sunlight again. 
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Thanks for reading!
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rainynightmoonlight · 1 year ago
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More about You | Genshin Impact x Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Celetsia's Divinity About you: About you | (You are here) About the family: About the family Prologue: Born from the stars | TBW Chapter 1: A child, the wolf, the dragon, and the god | TBW
WARNING: War and Death
Credit for picrew: Here
A/n: The picrew is just a reference and not what you exactly look like.
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Name: Y/n
Age: 6000+ years
Homeland: Uknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: H/L H/C hair, E/c Eyes, S/t Skin, L/c lips and Y/h tall
Personality: Sweet, Motherly, Kind, Understanding, Vengeful, Loving, Smart, Wise, Curious
Likes: Flowers, Butterflies, Taking care of kids, Helping others, Gardening, Baking, Learning new things.
Dislikes: Abuse, Bitter foods, Hurting others, Feeling vulnerable, Vane, His parents death.
Powers: Being able to control all elements, See other's dreams and enter them, see and speak to ghosts, seeing the future, flying
Other notes: Y/n was born along with the Seven Sovereigns, becoming an honorary dragon. He is able to form wings on his back to imitate dragon wings. Y/n has the power to see people's future, but it is just a brief vision, and it is always changing. Y/n forgot the powers he once had due to his mother hiding away his memories. His memories were hidden out of fear of his powers being used against him and being too dangerous for Y/n to handle on his own. Y/n see's ghosts and often helps those that want to move on. He also connects with them and brings a sense of happiness to lonely spirits. He is able to use the elements, but once he remembers his past. There is a reminence of the elemental power, but it isn't as strong as they used to be. Y/n knows all the gods, both before and after the Archon war and morns those that died during the war. He is often seen wearing a white two piece with a short crop top and a skirt, to resemble what his father once wore. It is mistaken that he is the ghost of Windrise because of his white apparel and his singing. Y/n wears more loose close that flow in the wind because of his brother and father.
Love interests:
Hu Tao
Yun Jin
Ei/Raiden Shogun
Yae Miko
Kujou Sara
The Tsaritsa
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shadowbunny1304 · 3 years ago
Imagine dragging Keqing to the arcade in a modern au because she seemed to focused on her work. She only came because you seemed so excited about it 😭
But then she ended up having fun with you and asking to have another date like this <3
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genshinfanboy · 4 years ago
A Cold Winter day.
[ Request: Hi, can I request a Keqing x male reader where it’s winter and they’re cuddling on her day-off?]
| Hello everyone. I will try my best. I hope I don't mess up Keqing's character I only know her personality from the main Archon quest. I will be doing an one-shot because you didn't specify. The two will also be at the beginning of a relationship. I hope both if these choices are alright. There will be a bit of spoilers for the Archon quest. Please feel free to change the pronouns to fit your own. I hope everyone enjoys.
Keqing x M! Reader.
Warning: spoiler for the main Archon quest.
It was the middle of winter. Snow was falling down all of Liyue. It was definitely a bit cold. (Y/N) had gone to one of the vendors of the harbor. He wanted to get his new girlfriend a necklace. He had saved a bit up from all of the commissions he had been doing. He knew Keqing was super stressed when dealing with the aftermath of the end of the Jade Palace. He found it cute how they started talking after she didn't believe how selfless he was. It has been a bit since he was last in Liyue. He wanted to introduce his sister to Keqing the moment he found her. Paimon was looking at the choices. "Ohh Paimon thinks you should get this one for Keqing!" She said pointing at a necklace made out of Core lapis. It looked really like a sign of status. The gem was big and had a gold like metal around it. "Isn't that a bit flashy Paimon? It doesn't seem like her style. Keqing has a more modest like sense of style." (Y/N) said. He looked at the options. He saw one that looked like a flower. "Paimon look at this necklace instead." He said pointing at it. "No way Paimon still thinks you should go with her suggestion!" She argued before they both heard someone calling (Y/N)'s name. He looked around and his face became red from a blush. He hoped it wasn't noticeable because of the could. He moved his scarf up a bit on his face. He walked over. "Hey Keqing!" He greeted with a wide smile. "Hello (Y/N). It's been awhile. You should've informed me so I could've planned some things to do on my day off. Next time inform me so we can plan more effectively. Would you like to spend the day together?" Keqing asked with a blush. He nods. His (e/c) eyes shining with joy. "Of course. Is it alright if I hold your hand as we walk?" He asked holding his hand out. He saw her reluctantly reach out and grab her hand. She was definitely cold to the touch. It made him want to wrap his arms around her and pull her into a tight hug. That would definitely upset and embarrass his girlfriend though. "Hey Keqing which of these necklaces would you choose?" Paimon said. She noticed her boyfriend pout at the flying companion. She walked over to look at necklaces. "I like the flower one. The Core Lapis one is a bit flashy. It would make me feel unapproachable. I want people to be able to speak their mind around me. Not to mention the size would get in the way at times. Why do you ask?" Keqing asked looking at Paimon.
She felt a bit of shifting next to her. She looked at her boyfriend and noticed him bringing out some mora. "I like to buy this necklace please." He said and gave her a shy smile. This made her face super red. She saw him grab the necklace. "Keqing may I put it on you?" (Y/N) said with a big grin. She hated how well his (h/c) hair framed his face perfectly and make his (e/c) eyes shine. She looked away with a dark blush and gave. a small nod. "I suppose but don't take too long." Keqing stated. (Y/N) gave a laugh her reaction was super cute. He also loved how flustered she got. He got behind her and put the necklace on. Once he hooked the clasp. He wrapped his arms around her. Her back was pressed against his chest because of the hug. He frowned at how cold she had felt. "Keqing let's go to Paimon and my inn room. I just was to cuddle." He said gently holding her close. He rested his head on the crook of her neck. She was definitely a blushing mess. "That would not be very productive even for a day off!" Keqing protested. "Please it's so cold in Liyue and I just want to hold you close and share our warmth. You don't have many days you do nothing. I also haven't seen you in awhile because I've been looking for my sister. Please indulge my selfish request." He begged. He looked over at her. He knew he was attracting a bit of attention from others. People were muttering about how cute they looked. They were surprised to see the Yuheng of the Qixing with her lover.
"Fine but stop hugging me like this you're drawing a lot of attention!" Keqing said super embarrassed. (Y/N) let go smiling brightly. He noticed her shaking a bit from the cold. He grabbed her hand and lead her to the room he was staying in. They took off the coats they were wear and sat down. Paimon had gone to spend some time with Xiangling. It was nice being just the two of them. Keqing had sat a bit away from her boyfriend which made him pout. He decided to wrap his arms around her. He pull her close to him before laying down with her in his arms. She was now resting on his chest a bit stiff. After a moment she relaxed she didn't know how long she'd be able stay still. "Your heart is racing. I can hear every time it beats." Keqing stated which made his heart speed up. "It must be because I have the most beautiful lady in my arms." (Y/N)said with a dorky grin. He gave a small chuckle at her reaction and kissed the top of her head. "You're lucky I love you." She mumbled with a dark blush. They laid there talking for hours. Keqing had spoken about some issues and what was going on in Liyue. While (Y/N) had told her all about his adventures. They talked late into the night shifting every once and awhile. By the time Paimon returned to the inn room she found the two asleep. Keqing in (Y/N)'s arms and her head resting on his chest.
|Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day or night. 
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lxkeeeee · 3 years ago
𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘀 | 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶 𝘅 𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗲! 𝗗𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗼 𝗔𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗻! 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 Masterlist!
◈ Nsfw, Angst, Fluff/Domestic Fluff
◈ Warning: Overstimulation, consensual sex, choking, BDSM, roleplay, petnames, degrading, praising, bodyworship, fast-pace romance, cheating, exhibitionism, bondage, dirty talk, nipple play, auralism and orgasm control. I think that's about it. Feel free to skip the nsfw/smut part because I'll put a warning before the scene happens. Anyways, enjoy!
Status: On-Going
Tumblr media
01 | Mr. Refreshing
02 | Sus
03 | Red, Blue and Purple
04 | Elite Ten
05 | Meraki
06 | Cordolium
07 | Wabi-Sabi
08 | Two Archons And A Chair, What Could Go Wrong?
09 | Reconnaissant
10 | Saudade
11 | Retrovaille
12 | Threat
13 | Liyue Squad Time
14 | I'd Like For You And I To Go Romancing
15 | Feel Like God [18+]
16 | Halcyon
17 | Coucher De Soleil
18 | Mon Cœur T'appartient
19 | I Am Done Waiting
20 | Beggin' [18+]
21 | Tired
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