#kenny: ryans filming with oliver
catdadeddie · 4 months
Ryan and Oliver were filming this the day that Kenny did that live, and they were all being silly 🥺
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buckaroo627 · 4 months
9-1-1 last few days of filming via allisoncarrrr Instagram reel
Ryan and Oliver, +++
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Oliver, Ryan, Peter, Kenny, Aisha, Anirudh, +++ more from reel
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911bts · 5 months
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Fans with the Oliver, Ryan, and Kenny from filming today + an autograph that Ryan signed for them
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
The bt fandom is absolutely having a melt down of scary proportions
They had and posted a 4 hour Oliver stark Lashing video meeting just absolutely saying the most disgusting and horrible things about him because of last night and for not liking Lou
They are going through all of the pages Ryan follows on Instagram and looking for any post they can say is problematic and saying Ryan personally thinks and believes it and is responsible for them just because he follows the page.
They have been dragging Kenny’s name over some Paris convention that removed Lou’s name from a poll after learning about the issues he’s caused. And dragging Ryan into it even though the entire convention had nothing to do with 911. It was about swat.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Aisha is their next target at this rate.
I wish I could say I'm surprised by any of this but I'm not. I honestly think it's going to get worse with some of them once they realize B/T isn't going to be the big endgame ship they thought it was and even more so when they realize Buddie is happening.
I really think our fandom needs to try our best to distance ourselves from them. I'm talking about the more fanatical abusive people in their fandom. We really need to stop engaging with them. It just makes our fandom look bad and they're not worth the effort. They want to be pissed off because they saw Buck kiss a guy twice and think that meant they were soulmates let them but don't fall for the bait when they say something offensive online. I've been really guilty of that myself even making posts with their content trying to show how bad they've been but it's only been giving them attention so I'm trying to refocus on what matters.
I genuinely feel like this is going to be the season Buddie goes canon. I mean I don't know for certain 100% (I don't work for the show) but everything seems to be lining up that way. It's a really exciting time for our fandom and our ship and the show and we all should be focused on that and not some ship that won't even matter all that much soon.
Oh also about Ryan.
Putting this under the cut cause it got long.
The B*mmy's can say whatever the want about him but what happened was his ex fiance used the n word in some old tweets. When they were brought up and she was called out (after Ryan was on 911) he tried to defend her. But later issued multiple apologies :
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At the time Oliver and Aisha were clearly upset about this because both of them put out tweets and there's other stuff that was going on behind the scenes to indicate Ryan had a falling out with them. But he's clearly worked to repair the damage because since then he's been a guest at Aisha's wedding and has spent a lot of time with the cast outside of work.
As for him being anti-vaxx or Republican, as those are other things the B*mmy's try to claim about him, I'm not even sure where they get some of that from. I think one of it was because he shared something about Covid from Joe Rogan (during Covid) but a lot of people were scared and confused during that time and there was tons of misinformation going around. The idea that celebrities are immune to that just because they're rich and famous is just ignorant. Also show me where he's shared other vaccine and or health related misinformation because sharing one thing during a really confusing time doesn't make him an antivaxxer.
Also during Covid no one could film on the show without getting vaccinated (this is why Rockmond Dunbar was fired he refused). And since Ryan was a big part of s3 and s4 he clearly was vaccinated. If Ryan was as staunchly antivaxx as B*mmy's make him out to be he would have left the show before getting vaccinated. He's a more well known actor than Rockmond he could have found work elsewhere.
They try to use accounts he's following on insta as proof he's far right but I haven't seen any that are blatantly far right. We also don't know when he started following these accounts or who followed them. His ex could have used his account to follow people when they were still together. I'm also following a ton of accounts on my insta that I don't even remember or interact with anymore this could be the case for Ryan since to my knowledge they haven't found likes by him just that he's following.
One of the accounts in particular they're using as a gotcha for Ryan is this one:
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Ryan is following them but I haven't seen any posts of theirs he's liked. It looks like an account about home schooling and living off the land but they do have at least one transphobic post I've seen (about pronouns). Here's the thing though immediately when you look at the front page of their account they aren't marketing themselves as anti lgbtq. Ryan is not responsible for what they're posting. And given all of their other content he likely started following them for one reason and didn't know about their more transphobic views. It's also unrealistic to assume that a busy actor is on social media 24/7 monitoring every single thing that the accounts they follow are posting. If that was an obvious alt-right anti trans account I could understand but it's just not the gotcha B*mmy's are trying to make it out to be.
I'm not excusing that account or their transphobia btw. And I don't think anyone should be following them just that there is nuance to a conversation like this. B/T stans try to say Ryan following this account is the same as Lou having posted an obvious racist post about Nicki Minaj's skin color is the same thing. It's not.
It's pretty hypocritical of them to say we should excuse Lou's old insta posts but yet we're going to hate on Ryan for accounts he's following but isn't even interacting with.
And again I don't know where B/T stans are getting that Ryan is a Republican. He's repeatedly posted anti Trump stuff:
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This is from 2016 ☝️and it's because Trump has repeatedly talked about deporting Mexican people.
And like everyone has the right to see feel however they want about what Ryan said in the past (especially bipoc people). But knowing that Ryan is no longer with his ex who I think wasn't the best influence in his life. Seeing him take accountability for what he said and did. Seeing the cast forgive him. That's all enough for me to continue to be a fan of his.
B*mmy stans don't have to like him but they don't get to keep attacking him for stuff he's done in the past. Lou on the other hand has never apologized for his insta stuff even when called out about them. You'll also never get me to believe he was hacked when he responded with that spitting on blind children thing on twitter. Plus him minimizing T*mmy's racism and homophobia down to teasing.
If Ryan was still doing messed up stuff I'd call him out too and expect others to do the same. The problem with B/T stans is no matter what Lou does they'll defend him. It's part of why they attack Ryan. They want to get the attention off of Lou. But they can't sit there and say how dare you defend a racist and then defend every single thing Lou did even just this year.
Sorry this got so long anon. I've just been seeing people (one account in particular) attacking Ryan on twitter recently and I'm so over it. If you made it down this far I love you forever. ❤️
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
Hi! So much has happened. Picking through different details to make sure this message is not repetitive because I know you have many many spies by now.
Firstly: the fake article. I cannot find who originally posted it. Only a screenshot from a BT mad about it. But apparently a Buddie made a fake post about a fake article about Lou quitting acting. They are very upset about it. It is ‘harassment’ apparently. People are offended that it cites mental health scare as the reason Lou would allegedly quit acting. As if BTs were not saying that Eddie should kill himself to mirror Ryan’s history of suicidality? Throwing stones from glass houses.
Here is the fake article screenshot. https://x.com/xfirepilot/status/1822790104525500839?s=46&t=i5gFcB_0q-6E5MZXiGtU_w
Secondly: Mark decided to lie about having ‘sources’ saying Lou is back on set this week. If he is not spotted… prepare for a full meltdown. They are CONVINCED this is the week. Especially because of the hangar. The longer they go without a sighting the more they lose it. They keep saying ‘quiet’ in hopes that it will make things happen (ie make Lou show up) which is kind of lame tbh. Taking all the fun out of the q word bit.
Thirdly: Happy birthday Peter! 9-1-1’s Instagram account posted a video of JLH + Oliver + Tracie + Ryan + Aisha + Kenny wishing him a happy birthday. Declan (Denny) also posted a photo of him and Peter. BTs are pretending that this is fine but are secretly losing it. Lou should be on set because of the hangar photo! Why is he not in that video! Why has he not posted about Peter’s birthday! But at the same time they are falling back once again on the ‘Lou is purposefully being hidden’ theory. Which is incompatible with their beliefs they will get a sighting this week.
Fourthly: one of them is saying a promo video will be released this week and promo photos the week after. I was not in the fandom in previous years but afaik this does not line up with past promo timelines? But correct me if I am wrong.
Fifthly: someone created a tumblr account called @killkinard and they are saying it is a death threat against Lou? Not Tommy? Very dramatic.
Sixthly: the subreddit drama… oh the subreddit drama. Okay. So. A BT shipper decided to make a new 9-1-1 subreddit because the main subreddit is way too Buddie focused. Complaining about anything to do with Tommy being downvoted on the main subreddit. So far the new subreddit has 35 members (as opposed to the 34170 members on the main reddit). So far half the posts on the new subreddit are transplanted from the main subreddit or the BT subreddit. Literally cross-posted. Makes sense that they do not like the main subreddit though. There was recently a post saying ‘why does Tommy get so much hate for being a bigot when half the main cast are cheaters’ uhhh because he is RACIST? And SEXIST? Honestly maybe it is a good thing they have that space now. Keep them contained away from the rest of us.
Seventhly and finally: someone said ‘I hope Lou posts a black and white picture Oliver takes of him on set’. They want Oliver and Lou to be Oliver and Ryan so bad oh my god. Not beating the Tommy/Eddie conflation allegations. Really all they ever do is steal from us. They have started calling Buddies ‘BDs’ now like we call them BTs. They are claiming Oliver’s new happy social media presence is a sign that he is filming with Lou. Everything we have or we say gets twisted and made about that man.
Anyways. I think it will be very funny if Lou does not show up this week. Especially because the hangar seems to be related to a Ryan and Kenny scene: https://x.com/buckleysbf/status/1823000264183271494?s=46&t=i5gFcB_0q-6E5MZXiGtU_w
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Hi love 🩵
I don't even know what to say. I'm just staring at my phone. They really can't tell actors apart from characters huh? And this is a lot. I did the see part of the fake article drama but didn't fully get it. They definitely just want Tommy to be Eddie. I can't believe they dropped the BoB thing, come on guys, you don't have to copy everything we do. I do expect them to continue to detach themselves from reality more if Lou doesn't show up soon, even with the whole "they're hiding him" fantasy they have going.
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lemotmo · 2 months
so i was thinking and let’s enter in the big IF world
so let’s say that buddie and henren are at madney’s for some kind of party/dinner, we saw ostark and rg in more “elegant” attire plus the ig story aisha shared with tracie, kenny and the kids
lfjr isn’t there, no? why hide him? 911 isn’t spiderman trying to hide the presence of tobey maguire and andrew scott, im not talking about reels like the one kenny does with the core 4 but like being in the background like it already happened like we saw gerrard actor
i don’t think they are going to film another scene at madney several days later to add him because it isn’t a solo scene between ostark and lfjr but with other characters so like they did with tracie (by calling her on set for that scene)
and what it’s making me even more sure about an off screen break up is the fact that they showed us buck invite him to his sister wedding after only one week so why don’t invite him to his sister place weeks after being together and since they claim this is the endgame season, they are going to live together say ily and proposal by the end of s8 isn’t strange????? lmao
i don’t know what i would prefer between an off screen break up or him being there but not as an integrated part of buck’s life
Hi Nonny!
While you're right that there's no point in hiding Lou, I'm not entirely convinced he wasn't there. To be honest, he could have been there. It's a big set, he could have been anywhere as they were in between filming. We didn't see JLH either, but I'm willing to bet she's there as well.
But whether or not he actually was there isn't really the point, is it? The fact of the matter is that the show chose Oliver and Ryan to shoot that fun little promo video that day. If Lou was actually there? It makes it even more apparent where the story is actually going. If he wasn't there, well... I'm sure no one really missed him. ;)
I wish I could say 'Yeah Nonny, you're right! It will definitely be an off screen break up,' but I won't just yet. The reason I'm so hesitant in awknowledging that Lou is gone for good is because I don't want people to get too sure about this theory, to the point that they'll be heavily disappointed when he does show up.
I want all of us to be in the mindset of 'it's possible he'll be back,' so we'll be able to just calmly nod and not care if he does happen to show up unexpectedly. We all know that if he does show up, it's temporary, but I need all of us to stay calm and almost have a non-reaction to his presence.
Why should we care about Tommy and waste time and energy worrying about whether or not he'll be there? He is literally a plot device character brought in for one purpose only. It'll only fuel the negativity in the fandom.
If we harnass all that energy to focus on positivity and to speculate about Eddie and Buddie's storyline instead, the fandom experience will be a much more enjoyable one.
As to what storyline I would prefer? Well, in a perfect world, I would have loved to see the whole BT story play out until their break up, intertwined with Eddie's storyline. It could have been very interesting. But as it is right now? I just want Lou/Tommy gone. I'm so tired of his fanbase.
Have a great day/evening/night Nonny!
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sunglassesmish · 2 months
Same person who keeps updating you on the social media posts of the cast lol sorry clearly don’t have a life
But Lou liked Kenny’s recent post as well! I’m still going with Lou is on set especially to seems like they are filming causal clothes scenes (see Aisha’s stories)
I’m going to have para social behavior for a minute but Ryan is in Kenny’s videos a lot (I think he’s just more a extrovert compared to Oliver whose a little more introverted) but my point is I wouldn’t be surprised if Ryan, Lou, and Kenny haven’t hung out on hiatus. I think Ryan and Lou would really get a long just based off their personalities.
Thanks for always put up with me lol
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oh never stop updating me on this, i am LIVING for the fact he’s liking posts of them on set!!!!
i hope they’ve hung out because they’re obviously friends and i love that 🥰
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Did it occur to you LFJ might just be tired, or not part of the specific joke or conversation that was happening? It seems kinda weird to try to analyze it and make wild speculation about people’s motives or friendships based on a couple short videos.
@dubiousculturalartifact Is that you, LFJr.? 😅
If it's you, then you can explain how you felt that day and tell everyone how joining in the fun would have been too devastating for you. Otherwise, if you're not and you're one of his rando stans then it's really funny how you're upset over something as simple as HIS demeanor in three seperate BTS videos because the evidence is right there. No one can deny he wasn't happy but earlier in the season he was happy and joking around with Kenny. So let's get this straight... you're upset because he sat there like a statue and he wouldn't interact with Kenny, Oliver and Ryan during filming of the final episodes. Did I get it right? 🤣😂
[My original post.]
It seems like you're hurting for him or something since you're acting like someone stating the obvious about his actions in three different BTS videos was too much for you to handle. GTFOH with that BS please because he's the one who sat there like he couldn't be bothered to interact with the main characters when he's the one playing a PLOT DEVICE CHARACTER.
Have you considered he was acting unusually sad since he couldn't charge any of his stans (it wouldn't be a surprise if you're one of the ones who freely gave him your money) $145 to appear on "Cameo" so he can LIE and make up another ridiculous headcanon about how T*mmy was all deep in thought and preparing for the scene where he literally had one line that was negative and uncaring towards Buck? It costs nothing for anyone to smile and participate with people they claim to enjoy working with especially when he's out here begging his stans to help him become a main character. It's not a good look for him when those who were around him were having a good time and he just sat there staring into oblivion.
Furthermore, there wasn't any wild speculation included in my post so you should go back and reread it for reading comprehension purposes since it seems like that's a skill set you're lacking. So, you should brush up on it and learn how to comprehend a post before you come into my inbox or anyone else's stating he may have had a bad day. You weren't there and neither was I, therefore no one but him and those who were present that day know what happened so get off your LFJr. defense squad spiral and reread what I posted.
I stated it was interesting how he wasn't joking around like he had been earlier in the season and how he looked like he would rather be somewhere else. NOT ONCE DID I SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE! That was you projecting onto him because the evidence proved he wasn't acting the same way when he thought his role could be extended into something more than what it was originally intended.
It's so funny how all of you LFJr. defenders get yourselves tied all up in knots when a simple aspect of the way someone acted is pointed out. I'll be so glad when he's gone off the show and hopefully, you and all his other stans can move on.
FYI, the quote below is what I included in my original post word for word so before you go into someone else's inbox trying to defend him, maybe you should try reading what the OP included again because the evidence speaks for itself and you're the one who looks and sounds ridiculous.
"It's unclear why he's changed from joking to not joking but Kenny likes to have fun, he's the comedian of the group so it's just interesting to see LFJ be anti-social all of a sudden."
Oh and for clarification purposes, the word "unclear" is defined as "uncertain about something" which is NOT NEGATIVE.
Have a nice day LFJr.! Oops I mean LFJr. stan.
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catdadeddie · 2 months
The other comment I have to make on the people posting bts things is please stop assuming everything is for 911.
These people have lives outside of 911 and some of these jobs aren't exclusive to 911.
I've been biting my tongue because I don't wanna be a buzzkill but this Abbott crossover that people think is sure thing is far from.
The story that got posted on the Abbott set was posted by someone who works a role/job where they don't exclusively work for 911. (It might be their primary gig. Sometimes people in that job do work for just one show. But it is a role where depending on things you might be bouncing between shows). That same person is also an actor/actress outside of their normal job. And they posted walking past the Abbott set on the Warner Bros lot. It's not even implied they were working there that day.
Along with that, the main cast (confirmed Ryan, Kenny, and Oliver) were filming on the Fox Lot at the firehouse. They wouldn't be filming a crossover without them.
I'm not saying the crossover absolutely isn't happening. Abbott is doing a crossover with some mystery show this season. But that video is not proof it's 911.
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buckera · 3 months
I feel like ryan is right there with us sometimes because he does get excited about stuff and then it turns out to be a minor thing or nothing at all lmao He might be showing up all ripped just for tim to say yay but we're going a different way actually
yeah 😭😭
i mean that's showbiz but... yeah, i think if you look back on interviews from previous seasons, you'll find that it happens to all of them over and over again
when Oliver was talking about being excited to dwell into the bucktalia relationship people were sooo upset and like. there were no scripts written? there were no indepth discussions about where the next season was about to go? last time we saw Buck he was happy, starting a new relationship with Natalia, so ofc the actor couldn't quite just go "i'm sure they won't be together by the premiere" like be fore real lmao
and yk according to Ryan they get the scripts like 2 days prior to shooting tops, sometimes the night before... they have no idea what's actually gonna happen until they film it and even then, it could totally end up on the cutting board.
they don't actually know much more than us, which even though i'm sure they're used to it, must still be frustrating sometimes...
i do hope we'll get some more shirtless Eddie scenes out of it if nothing else... season 7 was doing pretty well on that front (now if we could just get Kenny and Oliver to participate as well)
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911bts · 2 months
Hey, thanks so much for this blog!! It’s so nice to see all these updates and stuff. Out of curiosity, which actors have been on set since filming started up again?
This helps me answer other questions in my inbox that I didn't know how to answer, actually. Thank you, anon.
Declan (Denny)
Askyler (Mara)
Jee Twins
Bryan (Josh)
Brian (Gerrard)
There's been no explicit Jennifer sightings, but they did film at dispatch and possibly madney's house (maybe multiple times), so she's probably just not been seen.
Angela hasn't been seen on set, but I saw someone talk about her being on set.
They've primarily filmed emergencies so far. They did some personal stuff earlier this week with Henren, Chimney (Madney?), the kids, maybe Buck and Eddie, too. And there was one other time they seemed to be filming at madney's house. I believe the rest that we're aware of has been firehouse/emergencies (unless something is slipping my mind).
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lenaboskow · 4 months
The fact that Kenny filmed that video with Oliver and Ryan during the ceremony and lfj was clearly just not at all involved with the rest of the cast. Like they were having a fun time and even though lfj was right there he just sat with a 😐 face and clearly the rest of the cast is entirely uninterested in interacting with him (which says a lot), and then he went on to make that cameo where he says that Buck and Tommy are “thriving” in the most unconvincing voice. Just horrible vibes from him all around, I hope they free Oliver from him soon
haha wait i just rb a previous post as you sent this, look at this!!
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why is he wearing the medal?? no one else is
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Am I the only one that finds it strange that Lou is never in group bts pictures. Apart from the medal ceremony pic and a couple that was taken with Aishia and Peter and the odd video by Kenny that’s it. Like we never see Oliver and/or Ryan in photos with him or sharing photos together on Instagram when filming and the last picture of Lou he’s filming in the hospital but he’s all on his own whilst the others are all taking group pictures at the same place.
Even Gerrards actor is in group pictures with the cast. Idk I find it odd. Could it be that he doesn’t do a lot of filming? Possibly 🤷‍♀️
That’s very interesting. I wonder if it means anything.
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pipebaby · 5 months
Kenny saying that Ryan and Oliver are filming scenes today....they could be smooching as we speak...as I type this even
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
hello gurl gg here
not only for gossip but for my opinion too
so i read what some anon wrote too and i have a different opinion i really think this reel was shared on purpose with a motif and i also think that they wanted him to see it
i love that some of you think about kenny, ostark and rg how this mature people when they are literally children; did you forget how ostark acted on twt, how he behaved when buck was with taylor, did you forget how he acted after 7x04 towards bt and his fans? did you forget how he was so pissed by rg that he had to put a fucking mask everytime he took a pic with him so he didn’t have to fake smile and also how he never touched him? kenny is maybe the most rascal and little demon of all them because he purposely made joke and reel in front of him and excluding him and then we have ryan who already was in pr jail who “live” constantly with them so i think he acted with a meaning and the meaning was making a statement
we joke saying how they have a burner but i think that they plenty know what that side think about them but mostly ryan how he is a dead beat transphobic father who isn’t loved by his child and should *** so i can understand why this is a petty act and not some accidental thing he did
also people tend to forget how kenny watched the cameo where lou dismisses tommy behavior so i think that they aren’t very happy with im not saying they hate him but they aren’t even ok with him
now gossip
this is the first time i miss the moment something hit them because i was at work so i had to close myself into the restroom and try to gather all info
it is a mess because while people like alyssa are straight ignoring what rg shared by trying to convince other bt how that hangar is tommy’s other ones like mark keep spreading the agenda that rg is a bad bad bad bad person and should *** while keep saying how lou is in season 8 even if people are dragging him for lying
also they are pissed at lou so fucking pissed because he is remaining silent while ostark and rg are dragging him down how dare him to not say anything while they are joking on him and the ship?????
also they are trying to keep contacting tim using the ones bt who are friends with him on fb but he left them on read for real like he read the message but he didn’t answer which is a new behavior for him since the answer to every one
maybe he understood what he did wrong in the first place
Hi love 🩷
I do agree what's happening is on purpose. I don't know how much they know, or how they feel about Lou, but between the reel that got deleted, Oliver's blocking spree, and this reel, yeah, they're making a statement, there's no denying that anymore. I am extremely curious about what they filmed this week, because something triggered this behavior for sure. They are fueling the fire. And they are making quite clear which side they're on.
I did notice it seems to be "everything is fine, that doesn't matter" or "Ryan is the root of all that's evil" and no in-between. And obviously they are one step away from turning on Lou, because why wouldn't they, right? I can't believe they are actually still trying to talk to Tim after that interview, like seriously, how dense can you be to still do it after he went on record talking poorly about fans dming him? And the fact that he's leaving them on read is HYSTERICAL. This is like watching a train wreck but the train is crashing because it feels like it over and over.
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lemotmo · 29 days
More on the Ravi stuff
Q. I didn't even think about budget cuts 😔
A. I mean the only reason FOX 'canceled' it was because of production cost. It was their highest rated show. It made absolutely no sense to cancel it until they mentioned how much the show cost to make. Their main cast is relatively large and they use major effects. Look at a show like Abbott Elementary for comparison. They have a relatively small main cast, they use essentially one location, and zero special effects. That's a cheap show to make. The bulk of their cost is their cast and crew. Now take 911. They have a larger main cast that includes Angela Bassett. A large cast that has been together the majority of their run. So you're paying Angela in a tier of her own, Jennifer and Pete in another tier. Then Oliver, Ryan, Aisha and Kenny. But given the longevity of the show and their places on the show Oliver, Ryan, Kenny and Aisha are not making less than $300,000 something an episode,and it's really probably closer to $400,000 something by now. That's just your cast. Now add the effects cost. Look at what we know so far about whatever the plane thing is to open this season. They had to pay to use the outside studio location, had to build part of a plane. It will definitely involve special effects of some kind. And on top of that their entire extended fire staff is on location. The 118, 133 and 217 are all involved. It's clearly massive. That's just for one maybe two episodes. They have 18 episodes this season. So if ABC said they had to cut cost somewhere where are they going to cut? They're not cutting a main. They are not dropping the effects or locations. They're not dropping the kids. That left the supporting cast. They're not going to cut Karen and Josh. So Ravi, Sue, Carla and company would be the cuts they'd choose to make. Now that doesn't save a ton of money but it's a start. We will probably see other cuts as well as the season goes on. It's a very expensive weekly production. Unfortunately cost cutting is a necessity. But again we don't really know anything for sure yet.
Thank you Nonny!
All of this is very interesting to read. I admit that I know little of the financial side of filming these shows. I knew it was very expensive, but this was still eye-opening to me.
In the end ABC is a business and businesses are in it to make money. They won't keep pumping money in a project that doesn't make a profit. Unfortunately that also means that some people might lose their jobs. 😕
But yeah, let's just wait for a while and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe he was just trolling us. 🤞🤞🤞
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