#Anti lou ferigno Jr.
Did it occur to you LFJ might just be tired, or not part of the specific joke or conversation that was happening? It seems kinda weird to try to analyze it and make wild speculation about people’s motives or friendships based on a couple short videos.
@dubiousculturalartifact Is that you, LFJr.? 😅
If it's you, then you can explain how you felt that day and tell everyone how joining in the fun would have been too devastating for you. Otherwise, if you're not and you're one of his rando stans then it's really funny how you're upset over something as simple as HIS demeanor in three seperate BTS videos because the evidence is right there. No one can deny he wasn't happy but earlier in the season he was happy and joking around with Kenny. So let's get this straight... you're upset because he sat there like a statue and he wouldn't interact with Kenny, Oliver and Ryan during filming of the final episodes. Did I get it right? 🤣😂
[My original post.]
It seems like you're hurting for him or something since you're acting like someone stating the obvious about his actions in three different BTS videos was too much for you to handle. GTFOH with that BS please because he's the one who sat there like he couldn't be bothered to interact with the main characters when he's the one playing a PLOT DEVICE CHARACTER.
Have you considered he was acting unusually sad since he couldn't charge any of his stans (it wouldn't be a surprise if you're one of the ones who freely gave him your money) $145 to appear on "Cameo" so he can LIE and make up another ridiculous headcanon about how T*mmy was all deep in thought and preparing for the scene where he literally had one line that was negative and uncaring towards Buck? It costs nothing for anyone to smile and participate with people they claim to enjoy working with especially when he's out here begging his stans to help him become a main character. It's not a good look for him when those who were around him were having a good time and he just sat there staring into oblivion.
Furthermore, there wasn't any wild speculation included in my post so you should go back and reread it for reading comprehension purposes since it seems like that's a skill set you're lacking. So, you should brush up on it and learn how to comprehend a post before you come into my inbox or anyone else's stating he may have had a bad day. You weren't there and neither was I, therefore no one but him and those who were present that day know what happened so get off your LFJr. defense squad spiral and reread what I posted.
I stated it was interesting how he wasn't joking around like he had been earlier in the season and how he looked like he would rather be somewhere else. NOT ONCE DID I SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE! That was you projecting onto him because the evidence proved he wasn't acting the same way when he thought his role could be extended into something more than what it was originally intended.
It's so funny how all of you LFJr. defenders get yourselves tied all up in knots when a simple aspect of the way someone acted is pointed out. I'll be so glad when he's gone off the show and hopefully, you and all his other stans can move on.
FYI, the quote below is what I included in my original post word for word so before you go into someone else's inbox trying to defend him, maybe you should try reading what the OP included again because the evidence speaks for itself and you're the one who looks and sounds ridiculous.
"It's unclear why he's changed from joking to not joking but Kenny likes to have fun, he's the comedian of the group so it's just interesting to see LFJ be anti-social all of a sudden."
Oh and for clarification purposes, the word "unclear" is defined as "uncertain about something" which is NOT NEGATIVE.
Have a nice day LFJr.! Oops I mean LFJr. stan.
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