#kengo moriyama
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allfortheslay25 · 5 months ago
wait I need to check something draw Nathan wesninski again I need to check something
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Does this count?
Scarlet Wedding Goretober wip (based on the Unequal Marriage by Vasili Pukirev)
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noirsloth · 7 months ago
Me: celebrating the confirmation of the trilogy
Also me: quietly hoping that Nora is ready to burn the Moriyama empire to the ground on the next 2 books
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kevjeanday · 2 months ago
For some reason I had convinced myself Kevin was present when Renee said she was getting Jean (I thought he was the one who said she wouldn’t get into Evermore)
Turns out he didn’t know until the next day.
I know he most likely would have had the same reaction but now I’m picturing him going with Renee….
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cultpastorkevin · 1 year ago
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sunriseabram · 1 year ago
Yes. Riko was an abuser. Nobody can deny that he hurt, sexually abused and tormented people physically and emotionally.
Yes. Riko was abused. He was hit by Tetsuji when he got things wrong, conditioned to believe that he had to be the best or his life wasn't worth living. He was abandoned by his father because he was second born, ignored by his big brother, and not even congratulated after he tried everything to gain their approval.
Yes. He hurt Jean out of anger. He used Jean as an object because that is all he had ever been to his father and family. He was a way to make money, but his father never saw him as anything more than that. It allowed him to feel powerful and in control of someone when everything else in his life was out of his control.
Yes. He flips after his father dies. Of course, he does. When you've worked your entire life to be acknowledged, spending thousands upon thousands of hours training to win, winning trophies, doing sponsorships, raising great chunks of money for the family, only for your father to die before even showing an ounce of pride for you? Of course, he flips. Jean just happens to be there, someone he knows he can hurt and get away with. Someone less than him at the bottom of the food chain. Perhaps the only person who sees the anger for what it truly is: failure. And Riko doesn't like that.
Yes. He hurt Kevin out of jealousy. Riko grew up in a world where failure was unacceptable. Failure meant pain, death and suffering. Exy was all Riko had and all he ever had. He couldn't stand to be second best because second best is all he had ever been. He would not be second in the one thing he was meant to be the king of. He hurt Kevin out of jealousy, and was beaten to an inch of his life for it.
Yes. He grew up sheltered. Riko was groomed to be a star by Tetsuji. He was groomed and exploited for money by the only person who had ever looked at him and seen something. He lost his mother. His father didn't care about him. He had nobody. He lived underground in the nest for most of his life and played exy every single day for most of his childhood. He probably had no friends his own age until Kevin came along. There was nobody who understood what Riko was going through.
Yes. Riko hurt Andrew. He had Andrew hurt as another power trip. It was to show he had great power and could do what he wanted with it. He had no boundaries. Throughout the series, Riko is shown to be insecure. He craves power and acknowledgement and wants to prove he has a place in the mafia family next to his brother.
Yes. Riko is more complex than a simple villain. He is self-destructive and works to the bone to try and be worth something. He uses anger to cover up his blatant abandonment issues. He is never and will never be enough. And if he can't be enough, then nobody else can. Nobody can take his place.
He is scared of Kevin, frightened of Neil, terrified of Andrew. He is constantly trying to stop his precarious tower from tumbling in the only way he knows how.
If all his mistakes were punished with pain, disappointment and anger, how can he know any different? He doesn't know the world really and hasn't experienced it outside his little box of stardom. He doesn't know what is 'normal.' For him, failing means getting beaten. Failure means losing his status. Failing means falling from power. It always has.
No. Just because Riko was abused and groomed does not mean that his abusive behaviours were justified. He chose to become an abuser, despite everything he had suffered.
No. He wasn't born evil. He is horrible - don't get me wrong - but he shouldn't just be cast off as coming out of the womb with horns and a tail. He was shaped by his experiences, negative and positive. We all are.
Riko thought beating people into submission would show his power and prove his worth to his family. In the end, it resulted in his downfall.
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rikomoriyama01 · 2 years ago
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Parasocial Relationship
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siriusblackisdead · 1 year ago
Kevin literally learned french for Jean. If anyone ever tells me that Kevjean isnt real im gonna commit.
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mostlyvoid-partiallyflowers · 2 months ago
Hi Ember!!! Can I hear about cowboy andreil 👀
Hi Fever!! You absolutely can <333 I haven't actually posted any of it before and I haven't messed with it much since this summer but the concept is that Neil shows up on Wymack's ranch looking for work one day, nameless and mysterious, and Andrew falls for him. I think Kengo Moriyama is going to be a mining baron in Butte, Montana and then have Riko and Tetsuji run a bandit ring in Eastern MT.
WIP Wednesday 1/22/25 | Andreil Cowboy au
The thunderstorm came up out of nowhere, brushing across the plains from the distant peaks. They’d been out on the range with the cattle all day and hadn’t noticed the storm clouds rolling in until it was too late. Neil’s undershirt was sticking to his skin, his hair dripping with sweat. Andrew couldn’t keep his eyes off of him. Earlier in the day after everyone else had ridden off further afield, Neil had peeled off his plaid shirt and tied it to his saddle and spent the rest of the day in his undershirt, a thin white cotton tank top that clung to his skin and was practically see through with how much he’d been sweating. Andrew could see the evidence of unkind hands through the thin cotton, burns and scars and bad memories. He watched Neil’s mouth, with his chipped front tooth, and his lips parting around one of Andrew’s hand rolled cigarettes that he refused to share with anyone else. Andrew wanted, ached. 
Neil smirked at him, blowing smoke from between his teeth and Andrew watched that barely there almost dimple form on his cheek. Andrew wanted to kiss him there. The first time they’d kissed, Neil couldn’t put into words what he wanted, and Andrew had pushed him away, terrified he was manipulating, intruding on his space. Now, Neil was smirking like he knew what Andrew was thinking about. Knew what Andrew wanted.
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give me kardashian family drama between all the adult mafia people in their 20's. i'm talking, nathan, mary, kayleigh, stuart, even the moriyamas. there's a big mafia wedding and mary and kayleigh are drunk and close to fistfighting. the irish v british genes are strong. nathan is trying to torture someone but stuart keeps insisting his interrogation methods are better. kayleigh called mary a british cunt so mary spread the rumor that kayleigh slept with kengo. kengo is annoyed bc nathan got blood on the carpet and it's his cousins wedding. they're one big murder mafia friend group who all hate each other.
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captain-sunshine-11 · 4 months ago
quicks cws// riko being riko, very vague mentions of dr@ke, aftg The Kings Men spoilers
Riko Moriyama was supposed to be the best, at least he thought so. If he wasn't supposed to be, then why did he come from a wealthy and powerful family? Why was he the best Striker in the game? Why did all those under him bend to his will?
It was all because of him, because he was made for greatness. And if that meant people like Kevin Day, Nathaniel Wesninski, and Jean Moreau had to ride his coattails? So be it, as long as they know their place. Riko makes sure of that, even.
Really all that was left for him was to get ahold of his father's attention, then, he could truly call himself worthy of all the rest. The fame, his profound leadership skills, his title as King. Riko knew he was no Ichirou, but he knows he could be better. He could feel it in his bones. His stupid Uncle, Tetsuji, may easily fall in line; but, Riko won't. He knows—right?—he knows that he was meant for more than the celebrity status, that he should have a place beside Kengo. It would be an honorary placement for him, because then, he would mean more to his father as he made Kengo proud. Riko made his mark away from his father, and he did it all by himself. No Kevin or fucking Wesninski to thank, it was all him.
Not even Ichirou with his grooming to become the next Boss could accomplish that.
He found Nathaniel Wesninski, god dammit! He found the red-headed bastard hiding away after he ran from Riko's clutches all those years ago. The coward was back in Riko's trustworthy and rightful hands. And after he proved himself to Kevin all those months ago and got away with it, things were shaping up for him... and if some goalkeeper had to get a little roughed up for it? Why not. All a part of the fun, he supposed.
But then... Kengo died. His father was gone and suddenly all of this planning was pointless. Unacceptable. He was not to blame, but those doctors were. And if the family up there was worth anything, the doctors would have been dealt with by now. It is why he had to beat up Jean, you see? Because Riko's hands cannot be dirtied with noticeable people right now. So Jean would have to do.
That Walker Bitch might have taken Jean from the Nest but there was no way he wouldn't get Jean back. He was Riko Moriyama dammit. A Moriyama, and if he had to make Ichirou look at him now, so be it. They were brothers, like Kevin and he were. Brothers stick together even after little lessons he had to teach. Brothers didn't leave each other behind, they had to crawl back to each other eventually.
In fact, if Riko finally meets Ichirou, then he must have an explanation that kept them apart. Then nothing would stop him from the recognition he deserves.
The last minute of the game is a blur, but he remembers the burning rage in his chest—"I'd ask you how it feels, but I guess you've always known how it feels to be second–you worthless piece of shit!"—And for once he thinks that he should have put down this dog back at Evermore. Obviously, the Wesninski's could not be tamed. Why didn't Ichirou see that? Riko did. He certainly does now, standing above Nathaniel who wrongly wears that #10. Kevin and Nathaniel getting their marks removed was a poor choice he will make them regret later. Well, Kevin. Because he could barely feel his arms, but he knows his heavy racquet is headed for Nathaniel's incorrigible grin.
Somehow he is on the ground next and he can feel nothing except for a profound angry pain in his arm and throat.
The next couple hours, is nothing. It washes all past Riko as he tries to string together a coherent thought, but the pain killers haven't kicked in yet and he is being forced to the East Tower.
And–oh god–is that Ichirou? Riko isn't an idiot, so he refuses to reach out for his brother first. He is King, he won't resolve himself to that low of a gesture. Riko doesn't know why Nathaniel is here, but it hardly matters when Ichirou is coming to him, like Riko knew he would.
His Uncle leaned forward, submitting, but Riko knew he wouldn't have to. This was his brother. Tetsuji was worthless to Kengo, but if Riko just got to talk to Ichirou—
His brother crouches in front of him, and Riko thinks this is his chance. He starts to talk and meet Ichirou's eyes but then his brother holds his head in his palm. It was a gesture that not even Kevin had ever given him. Riko was right, his chance-
The last thing Riko Moriyama sees is the cold stare of another brother that failed him.
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pip3dream · 4 days ago
can someone please tell me where it was stated that Kengo orchestrated Kayleigh’s death
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noirsloth · 6 months ago
I can imagine how at some point Nathan Wesninski kidnapped some poor writer and made them write down his biography. Did they publish it as fiction after his death? Or they had guts and pull out real names and shit? Have they waited for a trial to add details from Neil? Have they published it purely from their perspective as a kidnapped victim? Or have they played a card of a villain that was misunderstood? Did Nathan tell them about Moriyama?
Yeah, maybe he’s lost a leg or something, but at least he’s set for life with the money from this book adaptation.
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scholliski · 1 year ago
do you think anyone ever starts making connections between Kayleigh’s car crash and tetsuji? I can’t imagine that no questions are raised once he is fired for abuse and running a cult years after his best friend happens to die in a car accident that leaves the exy fortune and Kevin day solely to him…
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year ago
Its being insane over Riko Moriyama hours. Guys, he wasn’t even murdered because he was an abuser. The whooole establishing reason for Kevin leaving and kickstarting the Foxes against the Ravens was because Riko was an abusive fuck and they didn’t even kill Riko for that reason. He was killed because as the Ravens lost, Kevin and Jean left, Riko ultimately became a dangerous liability. They killed him because he became worthless to them.
In the end, after all of that, Riko doesnt die as an abuser. He dies because he’s an abused child nobody cares about enough to keep. Again, a pet, a golden goose, nearly a similar thing to what Riko saw Jean and Kevin as, only with the twisted emotions removed.
Riko’s death being ruled a suicide cements it. The coronors were manipulated by the Yakuza. The public know nothing. He was murdered by his older cousin and nobody cared. The true masterminds behind most of it–Kengo, Tetsuji, Ichirou, they get away with it.
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broken-heart-raven-queen · 1 year ago
You know what I'm thinking about now??
Kayleigh Day and her ties with the Moriyama mafia. Because there's no way that she just met Tetsuji one day and created a sport that became famous world wide and it was pure luck.
I bet se was into some sketchy business too and maybe Wymack knew about this... ohhh the posibilities.
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advluv4life · 9 months ago
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