#keith: there are lots of things i don't know okay. i don't even know my social security number. i just ask shiro
klanced · 1 year
keith: what do you MEAN
lance: keith, he’s not just IN 30 seconds to mars he literally IS 30 seconds to mars. he’s the lead singer.
keith: THAT’S JARED LETO???????
hunk: dude... i’m so sorry :(
pidge: how did you not know this? isn’t 30 seconds literally one of your favorite bands??
keith: pidge i can literally trace half of your music library to youtube anime amvs, do NOT fucking start with me.
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mystic-writings · 12 days
closing time | robin buckley
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PAIRING — robin buckley x fem!reader
SUMMARY — robin has a crush on you. what happens when you're locked in keith's office after the store closes?
WARNINGS — fluff, banter, love confessions, mentions of panic/anxiety & season three
WORD COUNT — 2,353
NOTES — something short and sweet for my beloved robin!! i hope y'all enjoy and don't forget to leave feedback please! also, this was very loosely inspired by sparks fly by taylor swift
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Robin Buckley was utterly, helplessly, in love. 
There was no denying it anymore; Robin was completely in love with you. She would light up every time you walked into class; her heart stopped every time you smiled at her, and spluttered back to life when you’d say her name. Her mind ran away from her every time you shared a shift at the video store, full of daydreams of what you and her would even do if you dated, only to be shut down by the brutal fear of rejection. 
 But you didn’t know that.
As far as Robin Buckley was aware, you only thought of her as your anxious, rambling friend who, more often than not, spent her shifts making fun of your co-worker Steve and his almost inexplicable lack of game. 
Most of the time that she was around you, Robin was forced to ‘act normal’, as if she’d ever done that before. It usually resulted in useless rambles about something weird she’d read about, like gingivitis or how most of the backdrop scenes from Star Wars were actually just still paintings. But you usually seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say, and that took some of the uncomfortable anxiety away. And sometimes, you’d even laugh. A genuine one, too, and it would make Robin’s day.
Tonight was a lot like that. It was Friday, and the typical customer buzz around the store was enough to keep you, Robin, and Steve occupied for a while. But by 9pm, the clientele died out, and the three of you were behind the counter playing a round of Crazy 8s. 
“Hah!” Robin said, slamming her palm to the pile of cards. She pulled it back to reveal an 8 of clubs, a proud smile on her face. “Suck it, Steve! Last card,” she huffed, leaning on the counter as you and Steve stared expectantly at her. “Oh, right. And it’s hearts now.”
Steve huffed, glancing at his cards before taking one from the pick-up pile. “Dick move, Buckley.”
“Dick face, Harrington.”
“What does that even mean?” You asked, looking at yours before placing a 3 on the pile. 
Robin just shrugged, her lips forming a smirk as she placed her final card down. “I win!” 
“Alright, I’m out,” Steve huffed, tossing his cards on the pile. You couldn’t help the overwhelming amount of clubs he had, causing you to stifle a giggle. “See you losers tomorrow.” 
“Good luck with that, Steve, ‘cause I won’t be here.” You mentioned, scooping the cards into your hands. “Mom’s taking me to Indianapolis for some family thing. Had to cancel my morning shift, which means…” 
Steve, who had been retrieving his jacket and car keys from under the counter, turned back with what you could only describe as a look of horror painted on his face. “No,” 
“Yep,” you said, popping the ‘p’.
“No! You can’t do this to me, Y/n!” 
“I already did, Steve.” You began shuffling the cards. 
“But Keith always smells like eggs in the mornings! And he hates me,” Steve whined. “I can’t believe you.” 
“Sorry,” you shrugged half-heartedly. “Can’t un-cancel my shift now, Keith’ll be pissed if I call him this late.” 
Robin scoffed, arms folded across her chest as she watched you shuffle the cards intently. “No, he won’t. He’s practically in love with you.” 
You shuddered at the thought. “Ew, gross. Please never say those words to me again, Robin. I beg of you. I think I’ll die, or… contract something if I think about it for more than 30 seconds.” 
“Okay, okay, I’ve gotta get outta here,” Steve said, spinning his keys on his finger. “See you weirdos later.” 
You and Robin shouted farewells as he exited the store, the bell ringing, signifying his departure. Glancing up at Robin from your focus on the deck of cards, you asked, “Another round?” 
The girl nodded, a shaky exhale leaving her lips. You were closing together, and while it wasn’t uncommon, time alone with you was something Robin treasured. And the way you looked up at her through your eyelashes… Robin was going to be combating the butterflies in her stomach all night, it seemed. 
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The next hour seemed to fly by with no issues. 
No customers came by after Steve left, so you and Robin played cards and watched a movie on the big TV hanging from the ceiling until your watch beeped, signalling 10pm — closing time. 
The pair of you worked in tandem, one of you counting the cash and working out what the deposit would be while the other made sure that everything looked nice and that the return carts were empty — of course they were, Steve had done them long before he left. 
Disaster struck when you went into Keith’s office to finish closing for the night. 
The analog clock on Keith’s desk read 10:18pm when you passed it, Robin just behind you. All that was left was to write up the deposit in an email and send it to the regional inbox. It was a delicate procedure, to say the least, but with Robin reading everything out to you as you typed it up made things a lot easier. 
“You got that?” Robin asked, hopping off the desk beside you. 
You glanced at her, fingers typing away. “Yeah, Robin, I think I can remember how many five dollar bills were put in the deposit envelope.”
Robin snorted beside you, the already-open safe door creaking as she pulled it. Slipping the envelope inside, along with the deposit slip, she shut the door with a loud clang, causing you to flinch slightly. 
“And…” you pressed a few final buttons on the keyboard, the computer trilling as the email finished sending. “We’re off! Let’s shut this place down and get the hell out of here.”
“As if I’d actually want to stay,” Robin grimaced as you powered down the computer. “This place smells like…” Robin sniffed the air, her face scrunching further. “Cheetos and B.O.” 
You giggled, pushing the chair into the desk. “Gross,” 
Robin made her way to the office door, a giddy smile on her face. “What? I’m right! It’s like Keith doesn’t know what air freshener is. Or a shower.”
She pulled on the door, her smile falling as she twisted the knob. 
“What? Robin, what is it?” 
“I— I don’t know,” Robin twisted the doorknob again, pulling the door toward her, to no avail. She twisted again, frantically, panic setting into her gut. “I think it’s locked!” 
“No,” you nearly gasped. “It can’t be locked!” 
“Okay, well, I’m turning the doorknob and it’s not moving, so…!” Robin said, voice shaking as she turned to look back at you. 
“Let me try, Robin. Maybe it’s just stuck.” You suggested. Robin relented, stepping to the side as you grasped the cool metal. You twisted and pulled, your movements growing frustrated and frantic as you realised that the door wasn’t stuck — you were, in fact, locked in. “Damn it!” You exclaimed, kicking the door. “I can’t believe this,” 
Robin’s hands flew to her hair, grasping at her scalp as she tried to calm herself down. She watched you begin to pace, chewing on your thumbnail, thinking of something, anything you could do to get yourselves out of this office. 
You were suddenly beginning to feel cramped, like the walls were closing in on you. But you took a breath, eyes scanning the room, landing on the phone conveniently placed on Keith’s desk. “Ha!” 
Robin watched you rush to the other side of the desk, picking up the receiver and beginning to dial a number. “Are you calling the police?”
“The police?” You scrunched up your nose, holding the receiver to your ear. “No, that’s stupid. I’m calling Steve.” 
“Calling the police when we’re locked in a room with no way out is stupid?” Robin scoffed, taking up your previous state of pacing. 
The phone rang in your ear as you sat down on the chair. “Of course it is, Robin. Steve has a set of keys, and there’s pretty much a guarantee that no one’s going to answer a Friday night call. They’re all out busting parties and pulling over drunk drivers. They’re gonna put us on the back burner. But Steve won’t. Besides, he’s not doing anything tonight, his date cancelled on him this morning.” 
Robin barely acknowledged your words, mind running wild with the thoughts running through her head. Steve would help, of course he would. Ever since Starcourt, he knew how much Robin hated being stuck somewhere with no way to get out. She just hoped he’d get here quickly. Being stuck in a room with no real way out was one thing, but being stuck in a room with the girl you’re practically in love with was something entirely different. 
“Steve!” You practically shouted with joy.
“Jesus,” Steve groaned. “Tone it down, please! What’s up?”
You huffed, leaning back in Keith’s chair. “Look, Robin and I locked ourselves in the office, somehow, and we need you to come by with your keys and let us out.” Steve sighed on the other line. “Pretty please? I’ll buy you Burger King on Sunday.” 
“Fine. But I’m taking my sweet time getting there. I’m on the other side of town, if you even care to know.” 
“I know where you live, Steve.” You rolled your eyes. “Just hurry up. I think Robin’s losing her mind in here.”
“When is she not losing her mind?” 
“Steve,” you warned, sighing a farewell as he hung up on you. “Okay, he’ll be here soon. I think.” 
“God,” Robin groaned, palms pressed to her forehead. “My mom’s gonna kill me. My cousins are coming into town for the week and I’m supposed to clean tomorrow and instead I’m stuck here, in a room that smells like death, where I’ll probably actually die! Of, like, dehydration or starvation or something meanwhile my cousin Evan is happily sitting on my mom’s couch eating cookies or something!” 
“Starvation?” You asked yourself as you stood from the chair. “Robin, it’ll be fine. Steve’s on his way,” 
The girl barely acknowledged you, still pacing, arms flying around as she spoke. “And, by the way, starvation? A really painful way to die! It hurts, Y/n, a lot. Or, at least, that’s what I’ve read, but who am I to judge! I mean, I’ve never starved to death before! Not until now, at least!” 
You sighed, stepping in Robin’s path, making sure to grab her shoulders firmly, eyes locked onto hers. “Robin,” you said, eyebrows raised as the girl fell silent. “Steve should be here anytime soon. We won’t starve to death. All we have to do is wait out the half an hour before he gets here, max. We’ll be fine.” 
Robin’s eyebrows cinched before she shook her head. “But what if something bad happens, Y/n? Then what are we gonna do? We’ll die! And I can’t die! I haven’t seen Evan since I was 9! He lives in Pennsylvania! Hershey, Pennsylvania! Do you have any idea how far that is?”
“It’s, like, an 8 hour drive, Robin,” you said, voice quiet. Your eyes stayed locked on hers, watching the anxiety swim through her green irises. It was like you could see the gears turning, clicking and grinding to form more anxious thoughts for her to spew out in a breathless panic. 
“Not to mention the smell in here! It’s horrible! I mean, seriously, could Keith not afford a fan, or-or some sort of air freshener! And the windows! They’re so small, and they barely open, and—” 
Robin’s words ceased when you pulled her forward, crashing your lips onto hers. Her muscles tensed for a moment, eyes wide, until she realised you were kissing her. You were kissing her. Robin barely had the time to kiss you back, to place her hands gingerly on your waist before you were pulling back, sucking in air. 
“What was that for?” Robin asked, voice squeaking. 
You only smiled. “I really needed you to stop talking.” You joked, a hesitant hand reaching up to brush some of Robin’s hair from her face. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to do that for, like, 6 months.” 
“Oh,” Robin said, nodding briefly before she smiled, cheeks burning red. “Can you do it again?” 
You smiled wide, nodding ecstatically before placing your hands on Robin’s neck, pulling her closer so that you could kiss her again. 
It was slower this time, a test of the waters as you both melted into one another’s touch. A delicate kiss, one that said a lot more than either of you could find the words for. Robin’s fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, her mind barely comprehending what was happening right now. 
The rest of the world seemed to fall away at that moment, so much so that neither of you paid attention to the soundscape around you, failing to hear the sound of keys jingling in the lock — the door to the office squealing as it opened, and the subsequent screams of Steve Harrington. 
“What the hell, guys!” Steve screamed, covering his eyes as you and Robin jumped away from one another, lips swollen and cheeks burning. “I leave you by yourselves for an hour and a half and you’ve got your tongues down each other’s throats!” 
“Thanks, Steve,” you said, sheepish as you took Robin’s hand, leading her past his gobsmacked form. 
“You owe me a hell of a lot more than just Burger King for making me see that.” 
“Sure thing!” You called out as you and Robin slung your bags over your shoulders.
“Thank you, dingus!” Robin shouted over her shoulder, smiling wide at Steve, following you out of the store.
You huffed a laugh and smiled at Robin, swinging your hands as you grabbed your keys from your pocket. “Want a ride home?”
“Sure,” Robin smiled, relishing the feeling of your hand in hers. She made sure to keep it there during the entire drive to her house, and as often as she could after that, too.
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forever taglist: @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @heliads
robin buckley taglist: @sunshine-daisies-library (open!)
taglist form here!
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
The Truth of the Matter
A four part miniseries
@wonderland-girl143-blog @gregre369 @420-hun
Part One
Part Two
Robin poured over the book that Eddie had bought at the Flea Market. She was reading it rather intensely. She looked up at Eddie.
"You said you bought this at a Flea Market?" Robin asked.
"Actually, it was free. There was this woman selling only this. I thought it was strange, especially when she wouldn't sell it until I came up. She said, "This is for you," and gave it to me," Eddie said. "I tried going back the next weekend, but she was gone, and no one ever heard of her."
"That is. . .odd," Dustin said.
"Well, everything else is in English, but the spells are in Latin," Robin said.
"No, they were all in English. I read English," Eddie said.
"Uh, Eddie, you weren't speaking in English when you said the spell," Lucas said.
"I wasn't?" He asked.
"No," Dustin, Mike, and Lucas said.
"Why are you still glaring at me, Michael?" Robin asked. "I almost punched you, but I didn't. . . Anyway, it says here that only people with Wiccan blood can automatically translate the spells in their head and perform them."
"Wait, does this mean that I'm a witch?" Eddie asked.
"Holy shit! This is the COOOLEST!" Eddie yelled.
"Hey, maybe you can use your powers to help Steve find his parents," Dustin said.
"Oh, shit, that's right. . .Harrington was kidnapped," Eddie winced and whirled around. "Sorry, man."
Steve had plopped down on Eddie's throne and leaned back against it as he crossed his legs. He was staring straight ahead, looking at nothing. Eddie tried to ignore how good he looked in that chair and also the fact that he wanted to untangle his legs to sit down in his lap. His face looked troubled, so Eddie easily pushed those thoughts away.
"You okay, man?" Eddie asked.
"Steve?" Robin asked.
"Shit! Robin, who's at the store?!" Steve asked, sitting up.
"I closed the store and hitched a ride with a customer. Keith is going to be pissed but I thought you were being murdered," Robin said. "Anyway, more important things to focus on here, babe. Are you okay?"
"Well, my parents aren't my parents, which I kind of always thought, but I didn't think they kidnapped me. Do you think they might have killed my real parents?" Steve asked.
"I don't know, but we're going to fucking find out because you look like a goddamn kicked puppy and the way you're inflating your eyes like that is killing me," Eddie said as he ripped the book out of Robin's hands.
"We're just going to ignore a lot of the secrets that Steve spilled, right?" Dustin asked.
"Even the sex dream about - " Lucas started to say.
"Yes, because that's my fucking sister and Will's brother!" Mike exclaimed.
"Ah, the sex dream. Did you mention the clown sitting in the corner watching while it made balloon animals?" Robin asked.
"No!" Steve scowled. "Fucking clowns."
"Did you really touch Steve’s dick?" Dustin asked Robin.
"Yes, and my lesbianism is still very much intact," Robin said. "Thank God."
"I thought we weren't going to talk about this!" Mike yelled.
"Mike's such a prude. He's afraid to talk about sex even though we're all sentient walking water bags made of sex and flesh," Dustin said.
"Okay. Now, you just made me uncomfortable. Never describe it like that again," Eddie said.
Dustin gave him a toothy grin, and he smiled softly before looking back at the book.
"What are we going to do if my parents are like dead or on the other side of the world?" Steve asked.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, Steve," Dustin said.
"You want to know, don't you?" Robin asked.
"Yeah. . .yeah, I guess," Steve said softly. "I guess it's the feeling that I don't know what to expect here that's overwhelming me. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for really good parents."
"That makes sense," Robin said softly. "I'm sure it'll work out."
"I can't believe Eddie's allowing you to sit in his chair," Mike said. "No one sits there except for him."
"It's cause he's pretty," Eddie said without looking up, and Steve giggled. "Hey, I found it! Steve, get your gorgeous ass in the circle and take off your shirt. Oh, you also need a blank piece of paper."
"Does it really need me to take off my shirt?" Steve asked.
"Yes it does," Eddie said seriously.
Dustin looked over his shoulder, frowned, and opened his mouth to say something. Eddie quickly put his arm around him and pulled his face to his chest, cooing at him. Steve looked doubtfully at him for a moment before getting up off the chair and pulling off his shirt. Dustin shoved Eddie away, scowling at him. Eddie grinned at Steve as he moved back into the circle with a sheet of paper. Eddie relit the candles and got the others to stand around Steve.
"Am I good?" Steve asked.
"Hold on, you need to be a little bit more even," Eddie frowned.
He placed his hands on Steve’s hips and moved him slightly.
"I think you're just finding any excuse to touch me," Steve smirked.
"Who? Me?" Eddie asked innocently.
"If I look in the book, it's not going to say I need to be shirtless, is it?" He asked.
Eddie smirked and moved his hands to Steve’s stomach. He dragged his fingertips up, moving softly over his skin. Steve shuddered. He rested his hands on his pecs for a moment before moving them to his shoulders.
"On your knees, big boy," Eddie said as he pushed him to his knees.
"I just want to remind you that there are children in the room, and one of them is me!" Robin yelled and Eddie jumped.
"What were we doing?" He asked as he blinked a lot.
"Oh my God! Finding Steve’s parents!" Dustin shrieked. "Have your way with our babysitter later!"
"You act like it's my fault!" Eddie exclaimed. "Tell Steve to stop being so pretty!"
"Steve! Stop it!"
"I can't help it! It just naturally happens," Steve smirked.
"Well, since you're not human, I guess you could say it's SUPERnatural," Robin said.
Robin and Steve giggled before high fiving each other. Dustin sighed.
"Steve, do you want to find your parents or not?" Dustin asked.
"Not if you're going to have that attitude," Steve scowled.
"It's his tone, right?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, let's get this done before our kid has a conniption," Steve said.
"He's really eager to meet his grandparents," Eddie cackled.
"Oh, now, you're in on the joke?" Dustin asked as Mike and Lucas laughed.
"Yeah," Steve and Eddie said.
Eddie opened the book and began to chant. The lights flickered, and the flames from the candles shot up in the air. Wind whipped around the room as Eddie continued to say the spell. Steve twitched and then shook before falling backward. He started shrieking in pain as the paper fell from his hands.
"Eddie! Stop! Stop! STOP! SOMETHING'S WRONG!" Lucas yelled.
Eddie stopped the chant, and as soon as he did, Steve stopped screaming.
"My back, my back. . .something's on my back," Steve said.
Eddie shut the book and rushed so quickly to get to him that he ended up sliding across the floor on his knees. He turned Steve over to find a painful looking rune flaring up in the middle of his back.
"What the fuck is that?" Mike asked.
Eddie opened the book and began flipping through the pages, cursing as he did so. Meanwhile, he had Steve’s head in his lap, blinking up at him.
"Okay, it says here that it's some sort of rune of protection. . . Against fae. . .you know, fairies. . .a witch placed it on you," Eddie said. "Well, that's fucked. . . No wonder your parents couldn't find you. . .well, let's see if we can't get this fucker off of you. . . Shit, I hope I can do this. . .it says I need to be related to the witch who placed the rune on you."
Eddie took one hand off the book and began stroking Steve’s hair. He muttered something, and the page turned. He did that quite a few times as he read.
"Eddie, what did you say to the book?" Mike asked.
"Oh, I said,"Turn the page." I guess I was speaking in Latin again," Eddie said.
"That's so cool," Dustin muttered.
"Okay. . .getting this rune off is going to hurt a lot. . .do you want to do this?" Eddie asked Steve.
"I'm used to a little pain. Bring it," Steve said.
"Okay, sit up," Eddie said and pulled a knife out of his pocket.
Steve sat up, putting himself on his knees again. Eddie sat behind him and muttered something else. The spellbook floated in front of him, and he opened the knife. Eddie sighed and hesitated before placing a kiss on Steve’s shoulders blade.
"Is that part of the spell?" Steve asked.
"No, it's just going to fucking hurt a lot. It's basically me cutting it out. . .so, yeah. . .sorry, so, so, so sorry," Eddie said.
He muttered another spell as he looked at the book and held the knife over a flame, letting it get hot. He chanted for a moment, and the flames flared up around the blade. Eddie hovered the blade above the rune and started to say the spell as he moved the knife as though he was actually cutting it off. Steve let out an inhuman shriek, his yells bouncing off the walls. The wind picked up, the flames grew higher, and the lights above them exploded as Eddie continued to chant. Tears rolled down Steve’s cheek as he threw his head back. Finally, Eddie stopped, and Steve collapsed in relief.
"Shit, that did hurt," Steve said, and he paused when he didn't get a response. "Eddie?"
Steve turned around and found Eddie still sitting on his knees. Blood was pouring out of his nose. He swayed and fell backward. Steve moved over to him and cradled him in his arms.
"Eddie?" He asked.
"There was a suggestion in the book to not overdo it. I was just like. . .fuck it, I can do it. I'm fine, I'm fine. . .I just need someone's lips on mine," Eddie said and closed his eyes, puckering his lips.
"Alright, I'll just go find Principal Higgins, shall I?" Dustin asked, peering over Steve’s shoulder.
"I'm up, I'm up!" Eddie sat up quickly. "Oh, too fast! Sleepy. . ."
He pressed his cheek against Steve’s chest and closed his eyes again. His snores filled the room.
"I guess we'll take him back to my place," Steve said and picked him up.
Robin pulled out a tissue and wiped Eddie's nose.
"Hey, Steve?"
"Your tits are still out, you slut."
"Right. Thanks, Robin."
When Eddie woke up, he found himself in a very ugly room. Plaid walls, plaid curtains, plaid sheets. . .Eddie screamed. He screamed louder at the single car poster hanging on the wall. . .it was all so sad. Steve burst into the room, wielding a bat with nails.
"Steve, where the hell am I?" Eddie asked.
"My house and my room," Steve said.
"Oh my God, this is your room? This is hell, Steve," Eddie said in horror.
"Well, my parents like everything neat," Steve said.
"You mean, your kidnappers," Eddie corrected.
"Right," Steve frowned. "Come on, let's get something in you."
"Hell yeah!" Eddie exclaimed and started unbuttoning his pants.
"What are you doing? I was talking about food. There's pizza downstairs," Steve said.
"Yeah, that's what I was talking about," Eddie said quickly. "I was just unbuttoning them to make room for the pizza."
"Right," Steve smirked. "As much as I would love to do that with you, some secrets should remain secret. I do not want the kids to know that I'm a screamer. Let's go, sweet cheeks."
Steve slapped his ass and Eddie cursed.
"I hate you!"
"No, you don't!"
Dustin immediately threw his arms around Eddie the minute he walked into the kitchen. Steve smiled softly at the sight of them and ruffled his hair.
"You scared the shit out of us, man," Dustin said. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Just needed some rest," Eddie grinned. "What time is it?"
"Almost midnight. Are you going to do the location spell again?" Mike asked.
"He just woke up, Mike. Let's get some food in him first," Steve sighed.
"After I eat," Eddie said, snapping his fingers at him.
Sitting down to eat, Eddie spent the majority of the meal laughing with the kids and playing with what he thought was Steve’s leg under the table. It had been Robin's.
"You could have told me!" Eddie hissed.
"Then it wouldn't have been funny," Robin replied.
They gathered in the living room and pushed the furniture out of the way to create the circle. Eddie knelt in front of Steve this time, the book floating beside them, and the piece of paper on the floor.
"You don't have to do this, you know," Steve said.
"I kind of do. . .I judged you harshly before. . .because you're a jock and because of the assholes who's bothered us in the past. I used to think that since you had a big house and a fancy car that you had it easy. I used to mock you mercilessly in Hellfire, and that wasn't right of me to do that," Eddie said. "Not all jocks are bad."
"Well, no one is perfect," Steve said. "This is a lot even for all of that. Thank you, you're a good man."
"I mean, so are you," Eddie said, blushing. "I'm still an asshole though."
"Yeah, that's true," Steve said with a grin.
Steve cupped the back of his neck and pulled him for a kiss. It was short and sweet. When Steve pulled away, Eddie let out a soft giggle.
"I am loving this," Dustin grinned and then frowned. "But also, gross."
"Yeah, kids never like it when their parents kiss," Robin said, and Dustin sighed loudly.
Grinning, Eddie performed the spells without any problems. Words appeared on the paper. One of them was an address in Indianapolis, and one of them was a plot number for the cemetery in Hawkins.
"Well, shit, I guess one of my parents is dead," Steve frowned.
"Sorry, Steve," Dustin said quietly.
"We don't have to do it tonight, but we can check out the cemetery whenever you want to," Robin said.
"I'm curious now, and at least, I'll get one answer tonight," Steve said. "Although, going at night seems like a bad idea."
"Don't be a chicken shit, Steve, let's do it," Dustin grinned.
So, now, here they were. . .at night. . .in a fucking graveyard. They had flashlights, and Steve made sure to bring his trusty bat. Meanwhile, Robin made sure to bring a thermos full of hot cocoa that she was currently sharing with the boys in front of them. Eddie was walking beside Steve, swinging his arms and letting his hand brush up against Steve’s.
"So, was that kiss just a one-time thing, or are you planning on doing it again?" Eddie asked.
"I definitely want to do it again. . . Would that be okay?" Steve asked.
"Definitely," Eddie grinned and then paused. "You said back in the drama room that you'd always be in love with Nancy Wheeler."
"Well, yeah, a part of me, anyways. There's just so much history there, and she's just so. . . Nancy. She's beautiful, and she cares so much about people. She's willing to put it all on the line for her friends and for her family. She's the bravest person that I have ever met. I don't regret falling in love with her. . . But I regret that I didn't get to know her best friend and I wish I could have been there for her when she needed me the most. I know what happened to Barb wasn't our fault, but I still can't help feeling guilty. I think there's always going to be that connection between us," Steve said.
"I know that Barb died, and she was Wheeler's best friend, but isn't it that Brenner's guys fault? The one Dustin told me about?" Eddie asked. "Why would you feel guilty?"
"Well, it was the first time that Nancy and I had sex together. While that was going on in my house, Barb was being dragged into the Upside Down and . . . Well, you know. . ." Steve said.
"Holy fucking shit. . .yeah, I could see how that could mess you both up," Eddie said.
"Yeah. . .it's pathetic, I know. . ." Steve said.
"No, man, it's not. You're not pining after her, you love her, and you accept the fact that you're not going to be together. I can see why either of you would want to hold onto the good parts of your relationship. You all have been through so much shit and if you guys can come through it all while still having love in your hearts. . . It's amazing," Eddie said.
"Yeah," Steve smiled and paused. "Have you ever been in love?"
"I've come close. I think at the time, we both had stars in our eyes, and all we saw when we looked at each other were plane tickets out of town. In the end, I couldn't leave town, but she could have, and after everything she did for me, I couldn't go with her. I wish I had done it better, but yeah, I pushed her away so she wouldn't come back," Eddie said.
"Damn, you white fanged her?" Steve asked.
"I mean, I guess you could call it that," Eddie said. "You know White Fang?"
"Yeah, it's not my favorite," he said and paused. "I wish things had gone better with. . ."
"Paige," Eddie said.
"Paige," Steve said.
"I wish things had gone better with Nancy," Eddie replied.
"Yeah," he said softly.
"You like women, too?" Steve asked.
"Yeah," he replied. "It took me a while to realize that I liked men at all or that I was even flirting with them. According to my best friend, Ronnie, it's not exactly very straight of me to go on rants about jocks' sweaty muscles."
"Was I in one of those rants?" Steve asked as he stopped and turned to Eddie.
He pulled Eddie into his arms, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"You were very prominent," Eddie said bashfully.
"Maybe you didn't hate me at all," Steve said, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe you just had a type."
Eddie kissed him, and Steve smiled against his lips. Eddie wrapped his arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, moaning into his mouth.
Eddie growled as he broke the kiss and Steve bit his lip to keep from laughing.
"FOUND IT!" Lucas yelled.
"I don't think they understand the word subtle," Steve sighed. "Although, neither do you, so they're definitely yours."
"Were there doubts?" Eddie asked with a dramatic gasp.
Steve smiled softly at him, grabbed his hand, and laced their fingers together before pulling him in the direction of the kids. When they got to them, Robin and the kids were whispering together.
"There's no fucking way!" Mike exclaimed. "He never had kids!"
"That you know of. I imagine that it was probably painful to talk about your son getting kidnapped and being unable to find him in your own hometown," Dustin said.
"What? What is it?" Steve asked.
"Are we even sure it's the right plot?" Mike asked.
"Yes!" Dustin and Lucas exclaimed.
Steve moved towards the gravestone and shined his flashlight on it.
Part Three
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otomehoneyybearr · 1 month
The Day I Made a Friend
Book of memories Chapter 3
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch4 | My First Dorayaki
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Kagari: "You're weird."
Keith: "Huh?"
After the training—Keith, who had been rubbing his red eyes, tilted his head at Kagari's words.
Kagari: "You cry every day from the training. It's me who's making you cry."
Kagari: "So why do you keep talking to me?"
Kagari: "Most people would hate someone who puts them through unpleasant things, right?"
Keith: "Do you think you're doing something unpleasant to me?"
Kagari: "No."
Kagari: "But… crying means you're either in pain, sad, or scared."
Kagari: "I'm the one making you feel that way, right?"
Keith: "That's not it. I'm crying because of my own inadequacies."
Keith: "When I think about how I could have done better or how I made the same mistake again,"
Keith: "it feels like my chest is being squeezed, and the tears just come out."
Keith: "So I don't think you're the one making me cry. Actually, I'm really grateful to you."
Kagari: "Grateful?"
Keith: "You've put a lot of thought into these training regimens for someone like me."
Keith: "When I don't get it right, you teach me over and over again, staying with me until sunset."
Keith: "…You're the first teacher who's ever paid this much attention to me. There's no way I could hate you."
Keith: "If anything, I'm the one who should be disliked, for being so hopeless and crying all the time."
Kagari: "I don't dislike you. So don't cry."
Keith: "Oh, sorry… thank you."
Kagari wiped Keith’s tears vigorously with his sleeve, as if cleaning a window. Though it made Keith's eyes even redder, he smiled a little shyly.
Keith: "…Did it bother you when I talked to you?"
Kagari: "…"
Kagari: "I don't know."
Kagari: "…But it wasn’t unpleasant."
Keith: "...! Then, can I keep talking to you until you go back to Kogyoku?"
Kagari: "…Sure, I don't mind."
Keith: "R-really!?"
Keith smiled brightly, like a flower blooming, making Kagari take a step back. He unconsciously shook his fluffy olive-colored hair, expressing his joy with his whole body.
Keith: "I don’t often get the chance to talk to someone my age, so I'm really happy. Thank you, Sir!"
Kagari: "…Yeah."
Keith: "Hey, Sir. Can we talk for 10 minutes, or even just 1 minute? Is that okay?"
Kagari: "…Talk as much as you want."
Keith: "R-really? What should I start with?"
Keith: "I want to know about your favorite things, your brother, the types of cherry blossoms, what you usually do, and…"
Kagari: "I'll answer your questions… But drop the Sir.'"
Kagari: "We’re not training right now."
Keith: "Prince Kagari."
Kagari: "No ‘Prince’ either."
Keith: "Then… Kagari?"
Kagari nodded, causing Keith’s smile to become even brighter for some reason.
Kagari, having never experienced such a genuine smile directed at him, took another step back, looking at Keith with a puzzled expression.
Keith: "It feels like I've made a friend."
Kagari: "A friend?"
Keith: "Yeah. Just changing how I call you makes it feel like we've gotten a lot closer..."
Keith: "Oh, but when I say closer, I mean like the relationship between Kogyoku and Jade has increased a bit..."
Keith: "No, I know it’s presumptuous of me to think I could be friends with you!"
Keith: "I just thought that if we could be friends, it would make me really happy, so I kind of wished for it..."
Kagari: "...A friend."
While Keith nervously waved his hands around, Kagari murmured the word as if trying to get used to it, like he was hearing it for the first time.
Kagari: "...Being friends is fine."
Keith: "......"
Keith: "R-really? You'll be friends with someone like me?"
Kagari: "I don’t go back on my word."
Keith: "W-wow...!"
Kagari: "!"
Keith grabbed Kagari's hands with a speed rarely seen even during training, shaking them vigorously.
The unexpected strength made Kagari's body sway.
Keith: "Thank you, it feels like a dream."
Keith: "Can I still think of you as a friend tomorrow?"
Kagari: "...? Of course."
Keith let out a small sigh of relief and, as if he had remembered something, took Kagari's hand and led him somewhere.
Keith: "Kagari, there's a place I'd like to take you to."
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They arrived at the kitchen.
Keith reached into a shelf and pulled out an item he had hidden, presenting it to Kagari.
Kagari: "This is…"
Keith: "It's called dorayaki, right?"
Keith: "I found it while I was out in town today and bought it."
Keith: "I thought it would be nice to celebrate becoming friends by eating them together."
Keith: "There's smooth red bean paste and chunky red bean paste, even though the taste is the same. Which one would you like, Kagari?"
Kagari: "..."
Keith: "Kagari?"
Though Keith called his name, Kagari didn’t move a muscle and just stared at the dorayaki being offered to him.
His gaze didn't seem to be one of indecision between the two types of bean paste, but it was enough to make Keith anxious.
Keith: "Maybe you don’t like these… I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before buying it."
Keith: "I got excited about trying Kogyoku’s sweets and forgot something important… I’m such an idiot."
Keith: "Wait, I have other things I bought, so you can choose from those—"
Kagari: "No."
Prev | Next
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youtubesweirduncles · 1 month
Hello, and welcome to 'Thoughts on the Try Guys streaming platform thing', by basically the only remaining try guys dedicated account on Tumblr (I think (Also ignore I haven't changed my pfp after the controversy))
So, as I've said before, I think the guys really managed this very well when you compare today's video with Watcher's announcement from a few weeks back. They seem to be using the new streaming service as a fancier Patreon that you can subscribe to if you like the content and want more of it, plus the exclusive vids or extra stuff, but it doesn't seem like it's meant to replace the channel and leave the people who can't afford it behind. They are offering a lot of new shows, many of which they teased on the youtube channel. The little pilots were used not only to give us a taste of what 2nd Try will be like but also introduced the new cast members! (I guess it's apropiate now to call Johnny Cakes, Kwesi, Marissa and rest as Try Guys too?). I'm so so happy to see them now as main talent; they helped carry the new era of the channel for the last year and a half and deserve the recognition.
Hooowever, I will say this.
I feel like the way they are handling this transition (and, let's be frank, the reaction from the audience) would not have been the same without the Watcher TV announcement and its fallout.
In case you don't know: Zach and Keith told us there would be a BIG announcement around this time of year way back in December. In early May (I think) watcher announced their own streaming service and literally everybody hated it. In mid-may, on a random Wednesday, the try guys channel just? don't post anything? and it seems like a very last minute decision to not post a video when they have posted videos every Wednesday for years? And now, a week later, they announce their own streaming service (with a video that references Watcher's announcement, so we know it was filmed after that was posted).
We can only guess, of course. Nothing is confirmed. But it really seems like they were going, if not the same, a very similar route that Watcher was. This is why I struggle to give them that much credit for offering a better deal that the Ghoul boys did, since I don't think they would've taken the same decisions a month ago. I want to think they are good guys who understand that most people can't afford to pay for this and they wouldn't put ALL their content behind a pay wall. But if you asked me a moth ago, I would have told you that Ryan and Shane were incapable of that too.
So I guess I'm not sure how to feel lol.
(Also I know many watcher fans are kinda mad that the try guys are getting a better response that Watcher did and also that Keith and Zach referenced the Watcher.tv vid because they think it was shady.
Calm down. They're literally friends. I bet they know what's okay to joke about and what isn't. I even bet they spoke about this in the last few weeks. Calm. Down)
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Space wolf
Pairing | Keith Kogane x reader
Summary | Keith brings home a wolf, cat person!reader is not happy
Warnings | cringe worthy fluff
Words | 1.5k
Notes | I’m not used to writing fluff so I’m sorry if it’s bad lol. I made this in November and it’s been done for a while and I’m trying to get over my fear of posting my fics lmao
Ao3 link | <3
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“What the fuck is that?” Was the first thing you asked when you finally returned to the castle. You were on a mission with the blade, so you weren’t there when he arrived. 
“It’s my wolf.” Keith smiled, petting its head. “His name is Kosmo.”
“Why do you have a wolf??” 
“Is this her?” The woman standing next to him gave him a knowing smile. Keith blushed and introduced you to her before turning back to you. 
“This is my mom, Krolia.” He told his mom about you? No, don't be silly… He probably told her about everyone on the team. 
“It’s really nice to meet you.” You smiled, trying to act normal after Keith just came back and all of a sudden had a mom and wolf. Speaking of…
“Why do you have a wolf?” You whisper yelled at him. Krolia excused but neither of you acknowledged her.  
“We found him! What was I supposed to do? Leave him?” You stared at him with wide eyes. 
“Yes!” You said in disbelief and he looked at you like you were crazy. “It’s a wolf-“
“First of all, don’t call him “it.’” You rolled your eyes. “Second of all, it’s okay for you to adopt an animal but not me?” 
“That’s different.” 
“Princess is a dignified, intelligent, actually useful cat. That,” You pointed at the furry beast sitting obediently by his side, “is a wolf. Not even a dog- a wolf!” 
“Kosmo is a thousand times more useful than Princess!” He touched Kosmo and all of a sudden they were both standing right in front of you. You tried taking a step back but he wrapped his arm around you and put his hand on your lower back, pulling you into him. 
You gasped and stared at him wide eyed. Partly because of what the wolf just did but mostly because Keith was different. You didn’t notice at first that he was even taller than you now, or that he just seemed to be bigger in general. You put your hands on his chest to ground yourself. Yep. Definitely bigger. 
“I missed you.” He said before leaning in to kiss you. You snaked your hands up to grab his hair and the back of his neck. His other hand reached up to grab your hip. You pulled back but stayed close to him. 
“It hasn’t been that long.” You laughed breathlessly.  
“It has for me.” This time, when he leaned down, he put his head next to yours and wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you. You tightened your arms around him. 
“How long?” You asked quietly.
“Two years.” That made you pull back just enough to look at him. 
“What? Where were you?” 
“Quantum abyss. Long story.” You frowned, running your hands through his hair and lightly scratching his head. 
“I’m sorry.” You wanted to know more, but knew he’d tell you when he’s ready. 
“Don’t be. I missed you a lot, but it was nice being able to get to know Krolia more.” He gave you a small smile. 
“I can’t believe you found her.” You smiled back at him. 
“Wait so you’re- you’re half Galra?” Your eyes widened at the realization. He did not look half Galra. You probably would’ve guessed maybe ⅛ Galra? But not half. You moved his hair out of the way to look at his ear then moved his lips to check his teeth. 
“What are you doing?” He chuckled. 
“You don’t look half Galra. I would ask if you’re sure she’s your mom but she looks exactly like you. It’s kinda freaky actually.” 
“She does?” 
“I’m serious, you guys look almost identical. Like if you were full Galra and a girl, that’s what you would look like. Don’t worry though, milfs aren’t my type.” You said teasingly and he pouted. God he’s adorable.
“I only have eyes for one Galra Kogane.” You smiled at him, playing with his hair again. “Spoiler alert: it’s you.” He smiled sheepishly and looked down. 
“I really missed you.” He hugged you again. After a beat he pulled away and gave you another kiss. 
He managed to convince you to let Kosmo meet Princess. That’s how you found yourself walking to your room, Keith beside you and Kosmo trailing behind him. You opened the door and Princess ran up to Keith. He picked her up and scratched her head a bit, listening to her purr. 
“I missed you too.” He chuckled when she started trying to rub her head on his face. “Kosmo, stay.” He waited outside the door while you sat on your bed with Keith and Princess. You gave each other a nervous look before he called for Kosmo. 
Princess immediately became hostile, jumping off Keith and hiding behind you. You just hoped that she’d calm down enough to sense that you didn’t see him as a threat. You don’t really know why, or how it happened, but you have a similar bond with your cat as Allura does with the mice. 
You turned around on the bed and put her in your lap, hiding her from Kosmo who was getting curious and starting to move closer. You closed your eyes and lightly pet her head, trying to let her feel your emotions toward the wolf. She was like this with Keith at first too, and it didn’t help that he was apprehensive about her also. 
You felt her start to calm down and become more curious rather than scared. She stood up on her back legs, resting her front paws on your chest, and peered over your shoulder to investigate. 
Keith had Kosmo sit, so the only movement was his panting and his tail sweeping across the floor. 
“It’s okay.” You whispered and she dropped down into your lap then started walking toward the space on the bed between you and Keith. Kosmo leaned forward as far as he could without getting up and Princess flinched back. When she realized he was only sniffing and not trying to attack she moved closer and sniffed him as well. 
“This is going a lot better than I thought it would.” Keith whispered to you. 
“Good thing too. Cause if they hate each other, Princess isn’t the one to go. Seniority and all that.” You whispered back, lightheartedly. Out of the corner of your eye you watched Princess jump to the floor. 
“I hate to break it to you… but if we’re going by seniority, Kosmo and I aren’t the ones leaving.” He leaned into your space and gave you a small smirk. You narrowed your eyes at him. 
You lunged at him, pushing him back on the bed until you were laying on top of him. He immediately started laughing alongside you and fighting back. He got you on your back and you started tickling him so he grabbed your wrists and held them down. Both of your laughter died down until you were just breathing heavily and smiling like idiots. A sudden weight being dropped on top of him, making him fall onto you, forced a breath out of you. 
“Ow…” You watched as Kosmo fell off of Keith until he was laying next to you, panting and ready to play. You gave him a faux glare. 
“I’ll let it slide this time, wolf. But if it happens again, especially if we’re in the middle of something, you will be banned from this room.” You tried to keep the serious expression on your face but broke out into a fit of laughter when Kosmo responded by tilting his head and looking at Keith. 
“She’ll warm up to you soon, don’t worry.” Keith whispered and Kosmo seemed content with that answer. He yawned and then put his head down on your arm. 
“He better not drool on me.” You said when he closed his eyes. There was a beat of silence and you looked at Keith who had a guilty expression. 
“He’s kind of a drooler… sorry.” 
“Remind me why I let you and the cosmic wolf in my room again? Let alone on my bed.” 
“Because you love me.” He smiled, releasing one of your wrists to tuck your hair behind your ear. “And by extension, him too.” He added and you scoffed. 
“Is that so?” 
“Yep.” He rested his chin on your chest and you brought your free hand to his hair, playing with it and scratching his head. He closed his eyes and he- 
He started purring.
You had to check to make sure it wasn’t just Princess but she was laying down on the other side of the room and you could feel the vibrations on your chest. 
“I do love you.” You whispered. “And I guess, maybe, the space beast too.” 
“You know you can just call him Kosmo.” He turned his head so his cheek was on your chest now. He was still laying on top of you and even if he crushed you to death, you wouldn’t even consider moving. Kind of like when your cat lays on you. 
He opened his eyes to look at you before saying, “I love you too.” You smiled and he closed his eyes again, continuing purring. 
“You better not drool on me either.” You could feel him smile against your chest. 
“No promises.” 
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Alright I need to write something 'bout Lance because I haven't yet, and that is not ok. (Though it still has Keith in it... oops.)
This is one of my favorite headcannons.
When people are sad, Lance uses pet names.
Like full-on lovey nicknames.
A few weeks ago he found Hunk sitting in the corner of the kitchen with his head hidden in his knees. That absolutely COULD NOT stand.
"Aw baby, what's wrong? Do you need a hug, love?" he said, and immediately got crushed in Hunk's arms. (Cuz they're wholesome beans)
And it's not just him. He once accidentally yelled, "You good Darling?" from across the room to Shiro when he was thrown into a wall during training. Yeah, that took some explaining. (But it was kind of worth it to see the flaming blush across Shiro's cheeks.)
Anyway, the planet they are currently orbiting is a lot like Earth, and the homesickness is getting to everyone.
But Lance is still shocked when he hears soft sniffling coming from Keith's room. Keith of all people. Mr. Lone Wolf™!
He quickly puts in the door code that he knows for completely not-stalkerish reasons.
Keith looks up at him from his bed with teary eyes. He rubbed at them aggressively when he sees Lance.
"What are you doing here Lance? Does Allura need us?" His voice cracks terribly.
"Cariño! Are you okay? Never mind don't answer that, you're obviously not."
Without warning, Lance wraps his strong arms around Keith. His heart swells with adoration when Keith buries his head in Lance's shoulder. Of course, being the oblivious idiot he is, he does not notice Keith's flaming blush.
He gives in to the urge to touch Keith's hair and ends up rhythmically gliding his hand through it. They stay like that for a couple hours. (Keith may or may not have fallen asleep, and who was Lance to disturb him?)
They both silently agree to pretend the whole thing never happened.
A few months later and they are now on a diplomacy mission. The planet they are on is home to the Kragzots. They are giant neon-pink glow worms with faces. Lance has to do breathing exercises to keep his laughter from bursting out.
Their host, an alien named Vav'eol, is a... how can Lance say this nicely? He's a turd. Not literally of course, but he on everybody's nerves right now. Even Hunk has a grimace on his face whenever the pig-colored alien speaks.
Keith of course is absolutely shaking with anger.
1 hour into the stifling meeting and Vav'eol decides to comment on Shiro's arm. "Well I'm grateful and all that for you lot being here, but I'm not sure if you're trustworthy seeing as that one was reckless enough to lose an arm. How do you even manage to do that?" he scrutinizes.
Shiro opens his mouth to respond, but before he can the screeching of a chair interrupts him. They all turn to see Keith stand ramrod straight with fury etched into his face.
"Say that again you dirt-eating piggish son of a BI-"
He is interrupted (quite rudely) by warm arms wrapped around him.
"Come on babe, we're supposed to be peaceful right now. Calm down, hun."
Keith relaxes slightly, but still breathes heavily into Lance's neck.
"...Are they dating?" Vav'eol interrupts.
"I wish," both Shiro and Pidge sigh at the same time.
The hugging boys turn red as tomatoes.
Ew. Dialogue. That was painful. But the vision had to be fulfilled.
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onthepyre · 10 months
Steve's life is going to fall apart, he thinks.
Dustin's away at summer camp, Nancy's left for college two weeks early. He has a late shift at six, a house to return to that's emptier than usual, and a funeral to attend at eleven sharp tomorrow morning. His mother is writing a eulogy and his father is cold and pale in a box in some back room of the funeral home. He can't get the image out of his head.
At half past five, he shakes himself out of the stupor he's been sitting in. It's been at least twenty minutes since he's last moved, but really, who knows — all he's aware of is his aching back and the sharp pain in his neck from the hunched position he'd assumed at the kitchen table. Steve's car keys have left an imprint on his hand. He'd forgotten he was holding them. The Family Video vest is in his car, tossed haphazardly over the dash, and he shrugs it on over his gray polo before he pulls out of the driveway. Robin's house isn't far, something he's glad for. Less time he has to spend alone. Maybe she won't notice how tired he looks in the quickly dimming light.
She does. It's Robin, after all. Steve can't hide much from her.
"Hey, Stevie," she says as she slides into the passenger seat. Her voice is gentle, the way she might speak to an injured cat. "How are you doing?"
"It’s pretty bad," he tells her, and it feels like he's confessing to a crime. "I didn't get out of bed until, like, two hours ago and I still want to go back to sleep."
"Yeah?" she asks. He can tell she isn't sure what else to say.
"I'm really sorry. I know that's pretty much the least helpful, most generic thing I could say, but I mean it. I can’t imagine how… how hard it must be."
There's a long pause. Steve starts thinking they're just going to drive in silence for the rest of the time, which is weird, especially for Robin. It makes him want to cry, sort of — that she, of all people, can't find anything to say to him. Inadvertently, he grips the wheel tighter.
"We'll close early," she says finally, timid in a way she usually isn't. "Keith can suck my dick, I don't care. He'll get over it. And we'll go get ice cream, if you want, and then I'll come stay over. If that's alright."
"Yeah," Steve answers, and God, there are tears in his eyes. "That would be great." He's careful not to let his voice catch.
"I'm thinking 8:00 — we'll start shutting down at 7:30 and be out by a quarter past. Then we've got almost an hour until Dairy Queen closes, unless you want to go somewhere else?" Out of the corner of his eye, Steve can see Robin twisting one of the rings on her left hand. Like a gut-punch, he knows it's the shitty tin band, the one he'd gotten out of a quarter machine at the arcade and fake-proposed to her with. She hadn't taken it off since that day.
Steve pulls into the parking lot, and turns to her once he's parked the car. She's still fiddling with the ring, so he reaches over to take her hand.
"Rob, listen," he says. "I'm not gonna fall apart. I'll be okay." He can tell that they both know it isn't true.
"You don't have to be," she tells him, and through slightly blurry vision, Steve can tell she's tearing up, too. "You can fall apart, it's all right. We'll put you back together. I'll be here the whole time."
Steve isn't sure why it's a problem, but he needs to make sure Robin doesn't see him cry. He gets out of the car and turns away. He can hear her, four feet away, doing the same.
The shift, short as it is, passes slowly and in relative quiet. Robin feels too far away, but the little bit of stability they've found since getting out of the car is fragile, winding between them like a spiderweb. If Steve reaches out, he'll break it.
They follow her schedule exactly, locking the door behind them at 8:15 — two hours before they're supposed to. Steve isn't one to get worked up about things like this, but he's even less worried than he usually would be. Nobody ever comes in on Thursday nights. The only people that will know are him and Robin.
"So, Dairy Queen?" she asks as she opens the door. "Or do you want to go somewhere else?"
"Dairy Queen is fine," he tells her. Nothing will really make him feel better, he thinks, but ice cream can't hurt.
The drive isn't long, but it feels like it. Steve can hardly stand whatever version of Robin this is, the one that's treating him like he's about to crumble at any second. She's right, but that's part of the reason it's getting to him so much. If the silence was unfounded, it wouldn't hurt so bad.
She insists on paying, and Steve almost can't stomach the sweetness of the Oreos. Robin gets M&Ms so he can pick at hers, too.
"So, how's band been going?" Steve asks, just to break the quiet.
Robin tilts her head a little. There's pity in her eyes.
"Pretty good," she says slowly. "The directors always get super uptight around concert season, so that's starting to kick in. We just got our last piece. It's this stupid hard classical thing — Stravinsky, I think — fuckin' Russians. It would be awesome, though, if we could play it right."
This is the Robin he knows. Fuckin' Russians, he thinks. It makes him smile.
"That's great. What's it about?"
"Oh, I have no idea," Robin says with a grin. "It’s from the Firebird, and it has something to do with hell, and it's impossible to play."
"I'll have to come to the concert." Steve holds her eye for a second, but when it goes on too long and her smile shifts to an expression of sympathy, he turns his gaze down into his blizzard.
"Steve…" she starts, but she leaves it there, reaching across the table.
"Can we go?" He squeezes her hand and she does the same.
"Yeah, of course. Come on, we can go straight to sleep if you want."
They do — or they try to. As soon as they're home and settled, Robin in a pair of shorts she'd left there and one of Steve's old shirts, Steve much the same, they spread out blankets on the floor of his room and try to sleep. Robin's presence is a comfort, but not enough for Steve to get the coffin out of his head.
"Can you talk?" Steve asks, rolling over in his bed to face her in the dark. "About anything you want, I don't care. Just say something. Ramble."
She reaches up to put a hand on the bed, and he places his on top.
"I love you," Robin begins. "The other day, I learned that a quarter of the world's population has tuberculosis. Well, not has, like they're sick with it, but they have the bacteria in them. That's insane. Tuberculosis is up there with rabies for me, you know? There's a new outbreak of it that's resistant to the treatments, and I know it's not likely we'd get it here in Hawkins, but man, it would suck so much. Especially if it was one of those drug resistant strains. We'd end up sad little waifs like in the Victorian era and we'd die a slow death and there would be nothing they could do."
"I love you," Steve responds. "Can you come up here, Rob?"
"Yeah, for sure."
Robin stands up and climbs into bed next to him. He can make out the shape of her, squinting at him. Neither moves for a moment.
"How are you holding up?" she asks.
Only then, in the darkness, does Steve let himself fall apart.
It comes on slowly, but he knows it's coming as soon as she asks. He can't speak around the lump in his throat, so he just sits there fighting tears until she reaches out and pulls him into her chest. He breaks then. He sobs in Robin's arms for a while as she rubs his back and whispers reassurances to him. He feels like a little kid.
"Sorry," he gets out as it starts to die down.
"Shh." She buries her face in his hair. "Don't. It's alright. I'm not going anywhere, Stevie. This is what I'm here for."
Steve is hit with another wave of tears, this time a mixture of grief and gratitude. Robin, true to her word, stays. She holds him tighter still as he clutches her like she's the only thing keeping him tethered.
"I love you," she says under her breath. "I love you. It's alright. I'm here. I love you. I've got you. I love you."
She keeps going like that endlessly, quietly, into the top of Steve's head. Only when the sobs have slowed to sniffles does Robin stop, and even then, she keeps running her hands across his back, occasionally punctuated by a kiss pressed to his hair. There, cradled like a toddler against her chest, Steve starts to put himself back together. They fall asleep like that, intertwined, at home.
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was scrolling on pinterest and found this thread and i want to add on to this thread, and add on my two cents
thread by @mustlovelance
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i personally think you are 100% correct.
Keith isn't good with words. but he has his moments where he says the right things. although people always act like Keith is a badass or an asshole (he is at times lol), he is also extremely awkward and struggles with interaction.
he means well, a lot of the time, but he just sometimes tends to say things that are either unintentionally rude in context, like how you pointed out here
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the pep-talk he gave Lance was inadequate because he didn't realize that Lance isn't as secure (in himself and his abilities) as he makes himself out to be. part of this falls on Lance too, as he should communicate that he is insecure, but while others might offer comforting words, Keith struggles with it.
transcript of the conversation between Lance and Keith in S3 Ep6 "Tailing a Comet"
Lance: Hey, man. I just wanted to talk with you because...well, because I've been worrying about something.
Keith: Must really be bothering you if you're coming to talk to me.
Lance: Well, I mean, you're the leader now, right?
Keith: I guess.
the most interesting thing to note here is that Keith tried to be light-hearted, and it made Lance seemingly more insecure. Keith is also dealing with his own insecurities in his position and that shows here too. he tries to hide it with aloofness, but you can just feel him hestating in his small confirmation to being leader.
Lance: I've been doing some math. With Shiro back, that makes six paladins, but there are only five lions. And if I'm right, that's one paladin too many.
Keith: Solid math.
Lance: Look, when Shiro takes over the Black Lion, you're going to want your Red Lion back. If I get a lion, I'd have to take Blue from Allura. But she's progressed a lot faster than any of us did. She might even be able to unlock powers we don't know of.
Keith: That's true.
Keith is being logical, and honest, but i don't blame Lance for him being upset at this. it is upsetting to hear someone agree with you when you're insecure already. that is basically what Keith did here, even if it wasn't his intention to.
Lance: So maybe the best thing I can do for the team is step aside.
Keith: What are you talking about?
Lance: This isn't a participation game. This is war. And you want your best soldiers on the front lines.
Keith: Stop worrying about who flies what and just focus on your missions. Things will work themselves out.
Keith, in this moment, is literally blind-sided by this statement from Lance. his expression shifted from neutral to shock. he was genuinely confused about the fact Lance even thought about stepping aside. even his reaction to Lance's comment "you want your best soldiers on the front lines" is logical, and therefore comes over as rude. he is telling Lance to stop worrying about wether he is good enough or not, because he thinks he shouldn't have to tell him that he is a valued member, as literally his right-hand.
Lance: Okay. Thanks.
Keith: And, Lance...leave the math to Pidge.
Lance thanks Keith but it isn't really sincere, mostly because Keith didn't really help. Lance needed validation and comfort, but instead he got logic and misplaced light-heartedness.
neither did anything wrong, but the communication didn't land. Keith didn't really realize Lance was feeling insecure and Lance went to the wrong person for this conversation lol.
feel free to share your opinions :D
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lil-melody-moon · 22 days
Hello dear 👋🏻👋🏻 how its going? Has your uni situation got better? For this weekend question:
Since your big love towards drummers (you know about Lars, Nicko, Keith, Bonham ecc...) I was wondering, can you describe whats so special about them? Like in terms of ability, style, and the personal influence that they had on you😄 and why so you like that instrument so much? you can make a list of your favourites if you want❤️
(Hope that this is clear🫣)
It's going somehow good, I could rest this weekend, like yay! After two weeks of constant working!
The uni situation got better, I have the worst week behind me, but I still have two big tests and then exams *sobs*
*looks at the question* Oh God girl, you are up for a motherfucking essay...
Okay, I will tackle it this way. I will first answer on the question why I like drums so much.
This is a very simple story. My only real and first experience with music was in preschool. We had those music lessons with one older teacher, she was a very nice, older woman. We either had dancing, singing or playing with instruments, the third being most rare. I know I once or twice got my tiny hands on a simple drum, a tiny one, but I loved playing it. I didn't want to give it away, I wanted to drum - was so sad when I couldn't get it tho, but I was so glad for those two times! I remember I told my mom about it, I probably was hoping that she will catch the hint that hey, I love that instrument, can I drum? But that didn't happen and here I am, grinning like an idiot whenever I see a drum set - my friend, who works in choir sends me pics if she sees a drum set or the big big drum the ones used in orchestra (gosh I love the big BOOM of them, aaaaa!). I have that one dream and it's being able to somehow play the drums one day - if I don't find anyone, which is very likely, I'll keep living with parents, get a job in the next year, try to find a place for eventual drum set and buy it, later wondering how the fuck should I carry it around XD
And now to the drummers! I think I'll make a list of like 10 drummers and try to describe them - I will show their drum sets, of course I will show those beauties!
No. 10 - Lars Ulrich
I don't listen to Metallica at all right now, but I can't just ignore the guy, even when I heard Metallica after listening to The Who and was like: "Damn, Lars, you ain't nothing special" XD So he's always closing up the list, because I have to mention him. He was the one who made me notice drumming once more, I'll say even more, the one who made me realize that I like to hear drums. I heard him play back in 2009, so I was 11 years old and you know, you kind of don't realize a lot of things at this age, but damn does the drumming in "All Nightmare Long" kicked me in my face. Soft drumming just to make it FUCKING LOUD, not the fastest of his, but very powerful and most of all, it's louder than that fucking guitar, like yes, this is how it's suppose to be guys! But the favorite stays and will stay for all eternity, fucking "Dyers Eve". Rough drumming at the beginning, long intro, drumming slowing down just to go FUCKING NUTS THE REST OF THE WAY. I actually listen to the song I'll mention and now I'm listening to Dyers Even and I can hear those two bass drums and like only now I realize how someone else influenced my style. Here's the beauty Lars plays on:
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No. 9 - Rick Allen
A very fresh drummer on this list. I've never wasn't a fan of Def Leppard, but I've finally gave them a fair chance thanks to @jimmysdragonsuit13 and I have to admit, I was wrong about them on so many levels. "Bringin' On The Heartbreak" changed it all. Drumming in this one is soft, but it still has that power Rick has in his arms while playing. See, I like when there is heard that power in hitting the drums when drummer plays. When there's power, the drumming sounds so good that I can actually lay down and fly away on a cloud, not noticing it. I have a soft spot for rhythmical guys - that's why someone is very high on the list - and Rick fills that spot just right. Plus, you know? "Switch 625" exists and if that ain't the true beauty of Rick's drumming then I don't know what is. Plus, he still slays with one arm - he sounds better than 99% of modern drummers, no I don't regret saying that. He had no influence on me, but he convinced me to the band, good for him XD And the beauty he plays on:
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No. 8 - Dave Grohol
New one as well, @radioroger presented him to me again, after I forgot Nirvana existed. Then dad wanted them on his phone again and I listened and I was like: "I hear John fucking Bonham in his style" and I wasn't mistaken! Bonzo was the biggest influence for Dave and God bless for that, because Dave sounds amazing. Powerful, quick whenever he has to, the drums are the lead instrument - LIKE THEY SHOULD BE - and they're just fucking loud. His style is also very heavy, but once you get in the rhythm you just flow. The best example of his drumming for me is "Radio Friendly Unit Shifter". It's aggressive, rhythmical, very Bonzo like and I love it (the boom-boom on the bass drums <3)! No major influence, but I do remember hearing Nirvana once in a while and I already loved his drumming when I was younger. "In Bloom" being the song that convinced me to Nirvana years ago. And the beauty he plays on:
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No. 7 - Jordi
I will sound very typical there, but he's new on the list, because I've never paid much attention to Slipknot in the first place. I was pushed away from them because of the clothing, but I once watched a music playlist on tv and they've played "Duality" and let me tell you, the first fucking thing when I heard Jordi's drumming was "Wait, I HEAR MOON IN THIS" and damn was I not disappointed - also guessed the influence. I've went on Spotify, listened to them and discovered "Psychosocial" and damn did my mind was fucking blown to pieces. I mean, the intro is tame for them, then soft drumming and then it's just pure aggression on drums and the power on them, omfg, mixed with the bass drums, like yes, this is how drummers should fucking play AND THE DRUMS ARE LOUDER THAN THE REST, LIKE DOUBLE YES. Not any influence, but like, I listen to Slipknot just because of Jordi. Also look at this beast of a drumset:
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No. 6 - Cozy Powell
This guy is a madman on drums. This guy is a wonderful drummer and I can listen to him all the fucking time, this should be enough, but I will say more! We are going in the territory where I can't unglue my eyes when I see the drummer and damn is Cozy a candy to my eye when I can see him play. The way he seemed to fly on his drumset is impossible to describe and "A Light In The Black" only proves my point. Not only rhythmical, but talented to the point of composing his own songs and slaying every single one I heard so far. I'll say even more. If not Cozy, Rainbow wouldn't sound as good as it does. Seriously, the song I've linked is purely driven by Cozy's insane drumming. Not a major influence this guy, but I've discovered Rainbow and then Deep Purple thanks to him. I still like Rainbow more - Cozy, duh and Dio on vocals, no one can fucking beat that - and Cozy is somehow special to me. I think he was one of the first drummers that made me look at 70s music more seriously. And the beauty he played on:
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No. 5 - Ringo Starr
Now this is the guy I mentioned earlier, that he is so high above while being a rhythmical drummer only. Now where do I start with him... Okay, maybe first of all, I'll start with this, I'll just talk about "Yellow Submarine" XD I was in a very dark place in my life a few years ago you know. Parents were painting walls in the living room, playing music and the tv station played this song. While it has a very simple drumming, I was drawn to it immediately. Asking who is it playing and all. This song actually saved my life back then, then I forgot about it and then I gave The Beatles a chance. Once I heard this song I started crying, happy that I've found the baby of a song that I've cherished so much. Then I saw the drummer and then it all went down that hill! I was listening to their records almost chronologically, until I've watched "Help!" and heard the song. You won't believe it, the small drumming part between verse and chorus was the few seconds that made me go "Ringo's GOOD". His drumming is extremely catchy, rhythmical to the point of him being the click himself, plus when I see him drumming it's just a festival of pure joy for me. He just fucking dances while playing, it's so good, you just see he has the best of fun on the drums, like, you can't have a better example of a drummer having fun in the 60s while being categorized by me as rhythmical drummer. Not a major influence, but he made a path for me to someone with the help of another drummer who will be on the list. The sweet drumset of his:
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He did and still does so freaking much on this baby!
No. 4 - Buddy Rich
That guy is really really REALLY out of this list. I heard him by total accident while browsing youtube and I suddenly saw an old video of a drummer and then this:
11 minutes of pure, amazing, skilled beyond belief drumming. You have to see and hear it by yourself, it's impossible to describe what Buddy does on this freaking instrument while having such a tiny set. It's magic, pure pure magic. Not an influence at all, but I can see that he might be my starting point on to the jazz music, because if I have to find such amazing drummers likr him there, I might as well start listening to jazz.
No. 3 - Stewart Copeland
Now here's an odd one! I knew The Police for a long time, dad loves them, mom hates them and I didn't have a lot of chances to really listen to them, until the previously mentioned tv station. They've, my dear, played "Roxanne" during my fresh The Who phase and I only needed to hear the first few second of drumming before the slight pause to love it immediately. Stewart is a very skilled guy, rhythmical, chaotic, he has the fun of his life on drums, has the power to make the drums sounds soft but also smash them to give that BOOM sound I love so much. He also has the same hold of left hand on the drumstick like Buddy Rich, which makes it very easy to make quick sounds. Also the way he can keep the speed throughout the entire song? I mean, listen to "Synchronicity I", this is a drumming masterpiece, everything so well played I fucking can't but scream when I hear it. Also he's a great composer and I was so happy to recognize Copeland when I've played Spyro games and heard the soundtrack. I also bought The Police concert on DVD lately and finally could see him on stage - he's so focused on his work and it gives wonderful results. I wish the camera was focused on him more, I would DIE to see him all the time on stage, his work on stage IS INSANE. Not any influence from him, he just passed along, pulled me by my ear and let me listen to him in peace XD And here the beauty of his:
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No. 2 - John Bonham
Now where the fuck do I start with him? I mean it almost seems like he came to me in the right time, in the right moment, literally wrapping his arm around my shoulders and saying: "I'll help ya with your troubles and will show you something" and it was also when I heard "In My Time Of Dying" as a whole for the first time in my life. I did listen to Led Zeppelin in chronological order, went nuts when I heard "Moby Dick", first drum solo I've heard in my life, but "In My Time Of Dying" convinced me that Bonzo is the guy for me in this band. The power in his arms is incredible, you can hear it in his playing, rhythmical, chaotic, you name it. He could go and play at insane speeds, and this song is a perfect example of John playing slowly, just to speed up and freaking thrash on the drums at the very end. He was a major influence for me, Led Zeppelin being the band that kind of started my obsession with music, "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" being the first song that really hit where it should. I also don't know what's it with the sound of his drumset, but you only have to listen to it for a while and you know it's this bear behind the drum kit, killing it in every second of the song. AND GOD DON'T LET ME START ABOUT LIVE VERSIONS OF MOBY DICK. I can blast this shit for full 30 minutes without a single fuck given, I love his playing so much. He made me love the raw sound of drums and also made me realize that drums should be on the first place in music, not a background noise that is creating rhythm for the band. No, that is fucking boring. You gotta made them SOUND good, you can't just sit and play the rhythm and use all of the power you have in your arms and legs to play them. I also think Bonzo caused my ears to become so used to drumming that I'm not bothered by how loud they are. And honestly good, because like I've already mentioned while talking about Ringo, John was the second guy who made a path for me to someone... For now, his beautiful drumset:
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No. 1 - Keith Moon
You knew he will be there, there couldn't be anyone else. Let's skip back to the story about the lonely drum at preschool I told you about. I kept the instrument dear to my heart, listening to various music, but there was a day when I've stepped into the living room when my mom was watching the original CSI series. I've stepped when the outro was playing and you know, 10 years old me was like "What is that? Can I stay?" and then I heard the intro. That day was the one that made me be obsessed with drumming. I heard Keith Moon drumming at that day and only now, when I started listening to them I've realized that this fucking drunkard is responsible for my drumming obsession. This was an instant impact, I loved the intro so much, along with the two others that I watched the series just to hear the music. Parents knew the band but they didn't play it to me, until I've discovered them again, and then again, and then in the last year for the last time, to become who I am now. An insane fucking loon about Keith Moon.
His drumming style is the base for me to look at other drummers. It's the most chaotic, artsy, insane, mad driven playing I adore with my whole soul and body. "Who Are You" being the first song I heard by The Who, still feeling very nostalgic for it. "Bell Boy" being the prime example for me how drums should sound like. Loud, insane, overtaking the whole fucking song, because this is the main instrument, bass, guitar and any other being the side ones, even the vocals being treated like a part of background noise that tries to overscream the drumming. Ya just listen to the part before the chorus - also sang by Keith - to hear how loud the drumming is, especially in the second part of the song.
Also his playing style. Mad, insane, all over the place, self taught, powerful, destructive even - those are the best qualities that a drummer can get. If a drummer can go to the drumset and destroy it with his playing power? Yes, that is what I'm talking about. Smash it to pieces because you have this much power in your arms and legs and you're giving it all.
And the path that I kept mentioning, led to him. John Bonham pulled me into older music, Ringo Starr convinced me to older music, then John took my hand and pushed me into Keith's direction, where I've found what I lost at childhood, so the most influential musician for me without who I'm a shell of myself.
And now, the beast of the beautiful drumset he had:
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Just my two cents about the Ned Fulmer situation
By the time you will be reading this some new development may have been made that could possibly change the outcome of what I currently know, but as of September 29, 2022 and the recent things that have been posted on tumblr in general I feel like I want to say a few things (and yes I know I broke my don't go to tumblr rule but learning the news from youtube, a platform notorious for clickbait titles I feel like tumblr was the platform to verify it while there was no mainstream news media outlet covering it).
Some background before you read this: I've been a Try guys fan since their Buzzfeed days and it was actually through Keith, Zach and Becky's eclipse video where they stay overnight in a fan's house that was allegedly haunted, that I discovered Shane and Ryan who I am now following for their Ghost files content as well as their Puppet History show. My bias among the Try guys was Keith because of our interests in musical theater, feeling like the one who has to find things other than our physical appearances to make up for it, and I just vibe with him a lot more (and our favorite color is blue). That's not to say I didn't like the other Try guys I also had moments wherein I vibed with them as well because I didn't like how the fandom's favorite moments was about Keith screaming during without a recipe for his loss. And having said that the member I least vibed with was with Ned, I probably only vibed with him because I've never tried mary jane before in my entire life but I have drank a lot of alcohol before. I also enjoyed it when he was more in actor mode, and was genuinely funny sometimes.
As with many things I consume on youtube, I tend to view youtubers as both performers and people. To messily quote Cristine from Simplynailogical "A balance of being authentic enough to be yourself but not too much because it's also a performance and you need to protect yourself from what you are outside of being a youtuber." Or something along those lines. I'm bringing this up because while I do have a parasocial relationship as a Try guys fan, I tend to not really care what they do outside of those videos because they are people too and they also deserve the privacy to actually live life and deal with issues in private. The only thing I really follow is their main youtube content, while occassionally watching some of YB's videos and those on the Second Try. And because we live in a capitalist system as of the moment, the Try Guys are in the business of producing content.
When I first watched the three recent videos, I'll be honest it wasn't until the most recent one "Try guys try stand up comedy" that I began to feel and notice Ned's absence. Unlike other people who follow them, I only exclusively follow them on Youtube, so when the new intro came without Ned, I thought it's because he was doing a side project or something else since I remember Eugene was absent for a long while before.
So I among many others who follow them was incredibly shocked to learn that a.) Ned cheated on Ariel; b.) He cheated on Ariel with Alex from the Food Babies; and c.) It happened at the start of this month (of September) and the recent videos were highly edited to remove them from it.
Do I feel shocked? Yes. Betrayed? Not as much as others because again I knowingly consume their content knowing that this is only what they've allowed to share about themselves and it's not their entire selves. As an example from the Try guys documentary, and in some of their more personal videos, Zach's persona of being the man child of the group is just that, a persona. His talents really shine when he's behind the camera and his film school education really shows and has brought some of my favorite videos on their channel. But even those are just some slices as to who he is as a person, it's not entirely who he is, and I'm okay with not knowing him in the same level that Maggie and their other friends know him as.
Does this mean I condone what Ned and Alex have done? NO. We don't live in a time of arranged marriages anymore (or at least the vast majority of us, I'm not sure about some parts of the earth) and if you marry for love as you claim to have done so, then there shouldn't be a reason for you to cheat from your spouse. Did the Try guys know before we knew of it and was their actions justified? From the perspective of a business (because again they are a business), yes their actions were justified in first keeping it to themselves to plan how to deal with the issue (including when the issue may come out to the public), do what needs to be done to prepare for what was to come and what their stance is based on their actions. Also you need to remember that Ned being fired from the company must have a grace period of some kind for them to be able to move forward without Ned who was part owner of the company and was essentially Alexandria's boss. No matter how friendly we see them on camera, the main Try guys are the bosses of their staff and there is a power imbalance there that has the potential for abuse, and opens them up for a potential sexual misconduct lawsuit. I don't know the laws in the U.S.A., but from what I have gleaned an employer - employee sexual relationship has so much room for abuse no matter how consensual Ned alleges it to be. This doesn't remove Alex from liability but no matter how you spin it, he is still the one controlling her means of livelihood. And if (BIG EMPHASIS ON IF) it turns out Alex was the one who initiated it, not only did she know that Ned was a very married man but because again since he controls her paycheck, she could abuse that relationship by potentially getting more than her fair share if not through the paycheck then by other benefits that may set a bad precedent for the rest of the staff. If it seems I'm analyzing this from the perspective of a lawyer, well guess what I'm a law student, I'm in training to do this.
Speaking of firing, people have rightly pointed out that the Try Guys have no legal ground to terminate Alex and I'm not sure if they plan on giving her a huge amount of money to leave as a settlement (I dont think their company is big enough to do that but then again I don't know the ins and outs of the company), or if she will be resigning soon because essentially all of the Try Staff we as the audience have seen have unfollowed her and Ned. But if you are going to base on firing her just because of the cheating incident, then that could open the company to a lawsuit for termination for something not work related. If you think this is a bullshit legal provision, then imagine this: Would you want to be fired if you were essentially coerced into doing something wrong but you can't because refusing could lead to dire consequences that are wrong but not illegal such as being assigned to do a job you don't like? This is what we're potentially dealing with here because of the power imbalance that is present.
I want to now tackle the worrying trend that I've observed from tumblr posts and maybe the internet community in general (I can only really speak from what I've seen on tumblr because I'm the most active here). Ariel has already issued a statement that they want to resolve their marital issues in private and we should respect that. As someone else has pointed out, she is still a.) A human being; b.) Uses the internet; and c.) Is one of the victims of this whole scandal. Roast Ned and Alex for what they've done, but don't add salt to a gaping wound by promoting posts from employees from Buzzfeed or ex- Buzzfeed employees who have taken this opportunity to simply smugly say "I knew he was trouble." When they were working with him. It's clear they are just using this scandal to chase clout and I've lost my respect for each one who has taken this opportunity to do so. If you knew he was trouble then why didn't you say anything to Ariel back when they were in Buzzfeed? You know the time before they had children. The most likely answer is that it was none of their business, or they brought it up with HR then nothing must have happened, or they didn't know who Ariel was or didn't take the initiative to go the extra mile to find her and inform her of her spouse being shady (this list is not exclusive). If they want to air their grievances then do it in your private chatrooms. Do it in a place wherein you 100% know Ariel is not going to be on. She's on twitter, she's going to see it, and in all honesty, if any dirt goes out about any one of them, I would support Ariel rubbing salt on their wound but from what I know she's too nice about it (Becky Habersberger will probably do it on her behalf).
As of this writing, there has been an update that the Trypod will be on October 6 addressing what we have learnt in these past 2 days. I'm hoping the best for Keith, Eugene, Zach, and the rest of the Try family. Ned and Alex have broken up so many precious relationships. The silver lining in this to repeat a quote frequently repeated by fellow fans is that the Triceratop has three horns and they are going to be fine. They just need to weather the storm, and I forgot who posted this but I agree with someone saying that these three have all distinct traits that make them stand out as individuals and as a part of a group. No matter what Ariel decides to do moving forward from this to protect their children, she'll have this fan's support.
P.S. If they should hire anyone so that they could have a four person group again, it should be filled in by Kylie Burke. She brings the right amount of being anxious yet eager to try in Ned's last video "Try guys try high diving." I don't vibe well with Kwesi since I sense he has an air of him making fun of the things to try rather than giving it an actual try.
Okay now back to my study hiatus.
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dualityvn · 10 months
In a letter cause I wouldn’t be able say this to his face-
Reasons (UT!) Keith should give me a chance based off the information I have which isn’t a lot
I can cook breakfast , take you lunch for work I know he most likely doesn’t work in retail anymore BUT STILL , make your favorite dinners cause you deserve good homemade meals.  Seraphina not only gets a mom, but a very lovely and loving caretaker She'll get princess treatment as she rightfully deserves honestly, she probably gets that treatment already but WE CAN DOUBLE IT, cause you both deserve nothing but the best!!
I can help with the plants I have to do extensive research on that but nonetheless I will do it just for him . I'll help with making you less stressed by running a bath , massages , making sure you're comfortable after work even if I have another shift. 
Or we can do something else to help you destress, like making love in the bedroom or my hands wrapped nicely around your cock , teasing you from how cute you look to how well you’re taking me-
Just treated like a (already spoiled ) prince.
I'll make sure to NOT get in your way and try MY hardest to make a good impression on your parents which I'm sure have a higher standard in ut au but I will succeed because I want you deeply I’ll even change my style of clothing it’s coquette and I really love that style BUT I WILL GO THERE FOR YOU- to match yours or please your parents if that’s even hinted at. 
Truthfully I’d do anything for you, I just want to see that pretty smile of your aimed at me, I want to hear that adorable laugh resonate through the whole house, I want to run my fingers through your hair while I listen to your sweet voice ramble about the things you love, how your eyes shine brighter when looking at Seraphina (sweet baby). I want to feel those lips against mine while we hold each other in a loving embrace. That’s what I want..
(okay, that's my confidence for the day-)
*clears throat* "I've read your letter. I must say, the last part is promising, but I'm not sure what you intended with the rest of it. Are you trying to get a boyfriend or applying for a position as my servant? As much as it delights me to hear how highly you think of me, I don't see how a relationship this unbalanced can work well. But since you've caught my eye, I'll agree to a few dates with you for a start." - UT!Keith
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Okay, okay, okay. I've been thinking about this for... a while-a while now and I know I mentioned before, but I didn't say why exactly!
(Work with me here, I'm, like, half awake writing this.)
Again, I think it would be wild if Itadori turned out to be Sukuna's reincarnation. You know, a reborn soul.
I know, I know. It's implied that Kenjaku created Itadori for the purpose of being Sukuna's vessel (I don't remember if it's ever been explicit that Kenjaku created Yuji for that purpose) so yeah, in a way to be his reincarnation. Now adding onto that, what if Kenjaku managed to somehow keep another piece of Sukuna's soul to turn Itadori into that full reincarnation? Knowing Kenjaku and anything can happen, hm? (Look, Kenjaku be having a lot of tricks up their sleeves, alright. This is the same story where a sword has a hand attached to it and a guy that swallows curses and uses them like damn... DUEL MONSTERS...)
Again, what if Yuuji Itadori isn't just Sukuna's vessel? But also his modern day reincarnation?
I say this because one of other anime/manga.
Wait, I know, what does YGO have to do with Jujutsu Kaisen, let alone Itadori being Sukuna's reincarnation? Is it because of the recent YGO reference in chapter 241?
Yes, partly!
It's because of that reference, the "trap card and Kenjaku looking like Bandit Keith" reference that I realized it is possible Gege Akatumi may have already been making references to YGO but for the sake of the story!
(There's also the scene in the anime where Gojo is holding a parody of the YGO crossover movie, Bonds Beyond Time, in episode 6. Also, I just think it's awesome that Megumi Ogata voices Yuta Okkotsu. Ogata is the voice actress of Yugi in YGO Season 0.)
I realized that JJK does share some similarities with YGO when it comes to their protagonists.
Both Yuji and Yugi are high school students raised by their grandfathers and have absent parents (I swear though that you do see Yugi's mom like once in the anime).
Both get possessed by an ancient spirit by coming in contact with a cursed item that houses a piece of that spirit. Said spirits are merciless and brutal (especially Sukuna and season 0 Yami, but in the second anime series Yami got better). Both spirits also hold a "King" title. You got the King of Curses and the King of Games. And they hold up to said titles. In their pasts, they backed up those titles.
Then there's Yuji and Yugi's hair. Yuji used to be a blond! So three hair colors? Black, blond and pink hair? (Yugi's is more magenta, I know.) When Sukuna and Yami take over, there's little differences, but the most notable be the eyes and hair slicking back (some of Yami's bangs are pushed back).
Yuji and Yugi even got similar names!
They also got to collect "pieces". Yuji - Sukuna's fingers, Yugi - Millennium Items.
There's also the thing with souls in both these stories.
That's all I can really think of!
Honestly, this post was written for fun and really, I won't say this is concrete and it's a "hard-core theory you must believe".
I just think it's crazy that there's similarities between JJK and YGO. Could be coincidence, could be Akatumi having fun. And I do think it would be kinda crazy that Yuji turned out to Sukuna's modern-day self.
And maybe I wrote this post as a first half to another... because again, I have thoughts and I like sharing my thoughts sometimes.
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onestormeynight · 29 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 🩵
Okay, I got this. And I need this cause the serotonin ain't tonin right now.
A good book that isn't disgustingly popular. I just picked up the Scythe trilogy by Neal Shusterman and it's my entire personality now. There is something about finding the hidden book gem and sharing it with your circle that is way more satisfying than picking up a book everyone and their brother recommended. BTW, if you've read it, I want to know what color your robes would be (i'd be a light gray) and who your patron historic is (I would be Scythe Stevie Nicks.)
Cats. All of the. Lazy, active, one brain cell, too smart, orange, black, calico, tabby. I love them all. Trust me, I will never tire of seeing your cat. I maintain my are cuter but I'm biased and it's not that deep.
Vivziepop. Look, if you haven't fallen down the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss rabbit hole, please come join me. It's great down here. It'll be a happy day in hell. Anything Alastor makes me swoon, I love that cannibal. I just want to hold Angel Dust and tell him it's gonna be okay. I wanna send Moxie and Millie to just handle the problem for him. I could listen to Husker (Keith David) read the phone book.
Coffee. I am one of those picky people. I get my beans within the week they were roasted, I grind them myself, I use a french press, I don't let the beans be ground for more than 30 seconds before the water hits them. I know I sound bougie, but I promise you I'ma make you a top 5 cup of coffee. Trust me.
People commenting on my story posts showing they read it. Look, I know a lot of people just throw a heart and I am not ungrateful for that. I love that, too. But when one of you takes the time to read the post and comment even just about their outfit, I love it. It makes my whole day. I'll read it three or four times, even if I can't respond in the moment.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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jovenshires · 8 months
im curious!!! how do you think other ships/pairings would react if the timeloop happened to them instead of shaymien 😳
OHHHH okay tysm for asking i LOVE this question!! im gonna put it under the cut for length's sake but here we go. im skipping some ships simply bc i don't think this works for every ship (like i cannot picture a courtivia time loop???) BUT everything i could picture below!
spommy: so a thing about me is that i love the time loop trope like. a lot. so spommy almost got this fic just by being them <3 i think... if either of them were to get time looped it'd be spencer 'feelings what feelings' agnew and it would take him. so. painfully. long. i think he doesn't even realize he's in love with tommy Before the loop starts and then just ends up spending the day with him over and over again and realizes 'oh. i think im falling in love with him.' i think the ONLY person he might tell he's stuck in a time loop is kiana, and that's after like. a couple weeks. the first few days he's assuming it's crazy deja vu, the fourth day he like checks himself into a hospital. by day five he's like. well fuck. and then he would try to fix it himself before cracking and telling kiana. and he would get Inventive with the ways he tried to solve it.
amangela: i think angela's gotta be the one to get stuck in the loop - she be gettin into situations and shit. this time loop would be a lot more lighthearted, so many more shenanigans. i think angelas telling EVERYONE she's stuck in this fucking time loop and amanda is Not listening tbh. chanse is also not listening. arasha is actively trying to help angela out tho so that's nice. i think the whole thing culminates with them fighting and it turning into a love confession but tbh thats how most amangela fics culminate in my mind
koah: imo noah has gotta be the one stuck here bc idk if keith could Physically Handle It. i really think he'd lose his marbles after like day 2. so noah it is! i think once again this is a lot more shenanigans-based, with a lesser twinge of sad pining on noah's end. like yes he's pining but he's silly! he's a goofball! i think he tells keith by day Three. and i don't think keith believes him i really don't. i think he has to prove it to him by telling him a bunch of shit that happens and then keith is like. alright fine. what do we do about it. they'll have to start dragging other people in who might know what they're doing. and then at the end when they get together and the loop ends they're like. that's it. that was the whole thing. fuckin lame.
kimney: i really think either of them would pine for the other in silence forever if they thought it'd make that person happy. so every option here is Sad. but i think the saddest and most fun option is: kimmy time loop! to watch her optimism slowly fade over time until she eventually breaks down and tells courtney! i think they would get together in that same loop where kimmy has a breakdown. like courtney realizes what's going on and offers to take care of her if kimmy will let her.
ianthony: ian time loop! ian time loop! ian's that mf who will pine and pine and pine AND who will try to fix the bs himself before he even Thinks about telling someone else. i think his story would go a lot like shayne's; taking notes, coming up with theories, trying different variables, etc. by the time he tells anthony... bro is a husk. i think anthony is a lot less likely to go based off of trust, and ian would think to prove it to him - tell him what's going to happen next and stuff. and then i think anthony would be. Completely fucking overwhelmed. like okay what do you Do if you're trapped in someone else's timeloop. i have no idea, do you? anyway i think anthony would panic a lot more than anybody else (relatable tbh)
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What about them? [same as the vox and lucifer ask]
(I can hear it too XD)
Okay, so, Angel Dust seems okay.
Seems the most... idk, civilian of the main cast?
Like, yeah, sure, he was a mobster... But as compared to Nifty or Sir Pen or Alastor or even Husk... He's the least interesting character in my opinion.
As for HUSK.
For those who don't know, Keith David, the voice actor for Husk, has acted in a lot of things. One of which is the Halo series as the elite Arbiter. MY FAVORITE (surviving) CHARACTER IN THE ENTIRETY OF HALO. (RIP Sergeant Johnson)
And, i'm not sure how good or bad this is... But I got the inspiration of wanting to be a bartender from Husk. Not solely cause of that character, more so that it got me thinking of the bartending profession as a whole through the interaction him and Angel have (and the whole meaning behind the song "loser baby" too lol)
So yea :3
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