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elana92 · 4 years ago
Keep pushing, even when your brain your brain is telling you’re everything is going wrong.
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de-employment-solutions · 4 years ago
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#SaturdayFunny #DEEMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS #supportsmallbusiness #alwaysdoyourbest #keeppushingthrough #findyourjob #allhustlenoluck #motivation #disability #diversity #inclusion #inspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/CRJny7CNNgs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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omnimuscle · 3 years ago
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Wayback Wednesday 2011/2012 This was one of the very first pictures taken after I decided to get my first apartment by myself after some troubling times my dog 🐕 dying, having a real bad break up only after moving states for this person and becoming homeless for a short period. I suffer from Depression and isolation at times but I am a fighter, always have been always will be. (OMG it's Taylor) Taylor Nightingale and weightlifting/bodybuilding have been my main focus ever since. Pets 🐱 and Lifting Both things have saved my life many times over and way before this time as well One never knows what there capable of until they push through 💪💪💜 #blackstonelabs_official #blackstonelabs_legion @omnimuscle_bodybuilding #petsofinstagram #calico #blueeyes #unconditionallove #OMNIMODE #liftheavyliftoften #grateful #keeppushingthrough #nolimits (at Fargo, North Dakota) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3zBzNs6RQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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s2etcinc2021 · 3 years ago
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Your Opinion The Only One That Matters #silencethehaters #keeppushingthrough #liveyourdreamsafrica #livelifetothefullest💯 #moivation #dontlistentothedoubt #youcandoitfam #dontgiveuphope #keepfighting💪 #yougotthis💪 #isupportyou #igotyouchallenge #keepfaithalive #wedontquit #weearnit #positiveresultsonly #positiveresult #resultsarepositive #wearepositive https://www.instagram.com/p/CWzVSOErvs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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essiflynn · 3 years ago
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I often feel that many folks are held back because they’re afraid of judgment. Judgment that they should have already been eating healthy. Judgment that they should’ve already been exercising. Judgment that they weren’t doing a lot of things right for a very long time. And I hope that that message never comes across with me. Nobody is perfect 100% of the time. No matter what they say. We’re all human and we all stumble and have low places in our life. Sometimes those low places go on for a very long time. That’s life on planet earth unfortunately. So please know that with every post I make and every story I tell, my intention is to share encouragement of things that have helped me in my journey in hopes that they might also help you and yours. Your journey will be different from everyone else’s just like mine is. And sometimes things that work for some people don’t work for other people. But don’t be discouraged. Keep pushing forward! Keep loving yourself! And keep showing up for yourself! The future you, will thank you. 💕 ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #behealthywithme #embraceyourjourney #gardynreview #healthyhome #healthyliving #judgementfree #judgementfreezone #keepgoing #keepmovingforward #keeppushingthrough #lifeishard #lifeishardsometimes #livinglifeonmyownterms #makelifebetter #makelifebetterathome #makelifebettertogether #makinglifeeasier #motivationalquotes #quotesdaily #showupeveryday #showupforyou #showupforyourself #youtubereviewer #youtubereviews #changeyourlifechangeyourmindset #findyourway #getbetterforyou #youareworthit #liveyourbestlifetoday #selfcareisnotselfish (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0ghEnJXTy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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volleyballblogger01 · 3 years ago
Bad Refs):
If you have a bad ref there's really nothing you can do but play your best. You will have to keep your composure and stay mentally strong. It's hard but being an athlete is hard too. You'll have to overcome this. My personal bad ref challenge was at a volleyball qualifier in Atlanta, Georgia. It was my 14's season and my team was not mentally strong only a select few of our team was mentally strong. Our ref called everything on us and nothing on the other team. We lost the first set bad. The second set same ref called everything bad n us but we were able to pull it out of there by making it obvious we weren't doing anything wrong...we won. The ref got yelled at and switched out. We won the third set easily without the ref calling everything on us. A bad ref doesn't always determine the game. Most of the time you do, and when they do determine the game..take the graceful L and work harder.
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theaubreygilla · 3 years ago
LIFE UPDATE: Moving out of my home, Moving in, and Getting a Masters Degree
It has probably been years since I last wrote. So many things have happened! I graduated from uni in 2019, worked for a brief period of time, studied and took the board exam for Psychometricians, and PASSED ✨Not long after, I got a job (my current job), the pandemic started, and I MOVED IN WITH THE LOML! It was everything I envisioned it to be. Making breakfast, cooking, working out together and lots of downtime with each other. Although we obviously get days where we get annoyed with each other, I'm so happy to be stuck with this weirdo. I really wouldn't have it any other way.
I also came out to my dad on Christmas last year, which was pretty chaotic for a while. Good thing we're past that! Fast forward to today, I'm nearing the end of my first term as a 1st-year graduate student ❤ and I'm stressed as ush. It's getting difficult to manage both work and school.
What gets me through is thinking that in a few months or 1 year from now, I'll be in a different place. The things I used to stress over were little things now that I think about it. So it's gonna be alright. I'm gonna be alright.
That's it for now—I need to work on my finals paper :)
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nickihiraoka · 4 years ago
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You ever just wake up and go “nah, not today”? That was yesterday for me. On Friday night I planned out what Saturday would look like for me. I had every intention to wake up, work out, finish my laundry, clean my room, etc. I managed to finish my laundry but the working out and room cleaning definitely didn’t happen. 🤦🏽‍♀️ It hit about 4pm and I said… “I’ll just take a nap and work out at 5pm.” That nap lasted half an hour more than it should’ve, and I woke up around 5:30 thinking… GURL, you better get up and workout. I thought to myself, you’re not going to lose this belly by laying in bed and doing nothing. Sooo.. I got up, changed, and headed downstairs to get that workout in. 🥴 • Moral of the story - time has a tendency of getting away from you, and it literally stops for NO ONE. It goes hand in hand with my last post - if you want something bad enough, TAKE WHATS YOURS. 🙃 • When your day is done, ask yourself - what have I accomplished? No achievement is too little, the small victories count too. Strive for greatness, thrive to be the best in everything you do. YOU GOT THIS. 💕 • • • #whatwillyoudo #howwillyoupushthrough #onedayatatime #mentalhealthjourney #mentalhealthawareness #fitnessjourney #wellnessjourney #fueledbyherbalife #justkeepswimming #keeppushingthrough https://www.instagram.com/p/CSUriuKJAyu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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d-o-s144 · 4 years ago
Saying I will “TRY” opens the door for failure.
Committing to “DO” closes the door to giving up!
There’s power in the tongue 🗣
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russellandpaulette · 4 years ago
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The emotional 😭 roller coaster 🎢 we go through on every family hikes 🤦🏽‍♀️ #swipeleft⬅️⬅️⬅️ and enjoy my family 3 miles hike this morning 😅 and everyone be asking why I don’t take my kids on group hikes 😆 this is a few reasons why? Enjoy my family drama, just know that at the end of every situation as long as you push through to the end you’ll enjoy the beauty 🥰 your beginnings may be rough, but your endings if you stick to it will be well rewarded 🙏🏼 #paulettefitlifestyle #hikingwithkidsisawesome #hikingtogether #nevergiveuponyourself #keeppushingthrough #hikingadventures👣🧗🏼‍♀️🏔🌤 (at Honolulu, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/COEOzBfBfW_/?igshid=16lh0oytrn4pt
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de-employment-solutions · 5 years ago
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5 Reasons Job Seekers Have More Power Than They Realize | Glassdoor Career experts explain why job seekers everywhere are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your dream job or career in 2020. https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/5-reasons-job-seekers-have-more-power-than-they-realize/ . . . . . . . . . . . #DEEMPLOYMENTSOLUTIONS #AllHustleNoLuck #SupportSmallBusiness #JobInterview #ResumeWriter #CareerCoach #AlwaysDoYourBest #YouAreEnough #KeepPushingThrough #FindYourJob #Resume #ThinkBig #BetOnYourself #LetsGetThisMoney #LetsNetwork #KeepShining https://www.instagram.com/p/B7DyJzrpKCg/?igshid=15uequrjf5k4i
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titangym · 5 years ago
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9 am - #bandoyoga with @the_one_and_only_ivo_boykov 10 am - #fight2fitness with @danielavinesar 11 am - #muaythai with @the_one_and_only_ivo_boykov 12 pm - #kravmaga with @aoz1114 #titangymchicago #sundayfunday #motivationiskey #keeppushingthrough #trainhard #neverstop #neversettle (at Titan Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0xH_8jE-g/?igshid=10jix1kw1yq8p
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tiag · 5 years ago
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Lots of laughs and shenanigans this weekend! -a little bit of furniture was bought -awesome Saturday backyard lunch with some truly wonderful friends! -Brads parents 50th wedding anniversary with some epic surf n turf dinner and some backyard country fun! -bonfire with some of my favourite people -and of course #charliebear all day every day! This coming week will be a different one than I’ve had in over a year but just gotta keep pushing through and keep myself grounded and focused. #igotthis • • • #weekendscomingtoanend #onechaptercloses #keeppushingthrough #headabovewater #weekendfun #happyanniversaryronandmaureen #backyardfun #countrylife #monkeybars #swings #backflips #attempts #lotsoflaughs #bonfire #campfire #workfriends #reunited #summer2020 #july2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRQP0QlFBgcOLF4GwLhDMCXclxi4SUKkC-2-k0/?igshid=16bvqp7vr0gj3
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fabuloustorture · 5 years ago
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Hello my sweet friends! I feel like we all became one big online group of friends and I’m so thankful for that! ❤️ I appreciate your support and some of yours sweet uplifting messages when things are not so bright! You all are amazing and I love this community sooo much😘❤️ Anyway, swipe to see the results after 5-7days using this whitening toothpaste! Today I’m running deal 1 tube of this amazing toothpaste together with your favorite tanning gel ONLY $39 😘Say, yay!!! Normally just the tanning gel is $35 itself and today it’s a bundle of these two! Waayy cheaper then whitening strips and this toothpaste actually works! I swear by it!! All my friends have nothing then GREAT things to say about this toothpaste! And the tanning gel? Tanning gel went viral and sold out in two weeks! Take advantage of this deal ladies! Message me privately if you are interested getting this bundle for yourself or someone as a gift 💝 As always thank you all so much for supporting me and my family! I’ll also add SALE link to my bio😘 #supportsmallbusiness #supportfriends #supportfriendsbusinesses #destinflorida #destinbeach #loveyouallsomuch #begratefulforthelittlethings #whiteningtoothpaste #whiteningthatworks #glowinthebottle #sunrightinstaglow #nuskin #sunlesstanninggel #popularbeautyproducts #mom #everydaynecessities #lookgoodforless #dontgiveuponyourself #keeppushingthrough #positivemindset #lookattheresults #sale #tryitonceloveitforever (at Crab Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBpfs-Yg6lm/?igshid=1614fow38yzu9
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djessicarealtor · 5 years ago
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Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm! ⠀⠀ Maybe you’re measuring success wrong. It was never about money, status, likes, fame or whatever else we use to measure it nowadays. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #ipreview #mondaymantra #mondaythoughts #workofgod #mindblown🤯 #dontrushme #trustingtheprocess #slowlybutsurely💪 #keeppushingthrough #failagainandagainuntilyousucceed #notgivingupnotgoingdown (at Downtown Fort Lauderdale) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBML3deDoFl/?igshid=1kjpbyhmpbuju
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katkrogcrafts · 5 years ago
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hope everyone is staying busy. I've been knitting on a car seat blanket. I'm almost done. my shop is still 15% off dont miss out. www.etsy.com/shop/katkrogcrafts #keepingbusy #busyhands #idlehandsarebad #staybusy #stayhome #allformykids #workingmom #etsyseller #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallshops #autism #workingtomove #shoppingsmall #neverquit #keeppushingthrough #keepbusyandhappy #success #positivevibes #staypositive #nevergiveup https://www.instagram.com/p/B-tBtbKJEFP/?igshid=57pyy8a0fhz
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