#kbtbb season 7
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lemmelynn · 3 years ago
Ota Kisaki [Season 7] | Sweet Chapel, Spicy Kiss
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years ago
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Season 7
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Sweet Chapel, Spicy Kiss Part 1 & Part 2
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Sweet Chapel, Spicy Kiss Epilogue
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bmpmp3 · 6 years ago
In the end it turns out you were Eisuke Ichinomiya the whole time.
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tres-spades-hotel · 5 years ago
Master Post
Here’s a master post of all my works and other posts! Enjoy!
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1) Christmas Child (Eisuke Ichinomiya)
· Part 1
· Part 2
· Part 3
· Part 4
· Part 5
· Part 6
2) Dozens of Children (Eisuke Ichinomiya)
· Part 1
· Part 2
3) A Wife’s Duty (Eisuke Ichinomiya)
· Part 1: Car Accident
· Part 2: Should Have Stopped You
· Part 3: Bullet Wound
· Part 4: Touch (Smut)
4) Fake (Original) (KBTBB)
· Chapter 1, Part 1 – New Found Revenge
· Chapter 1, Part 2 – New Accommodation
5) Fake (Remake) (KBTBB)
· Fake Remake Announcement
· Chapter 1 – A Disaster After Another, Part 1
· Chapter 1 – A Disaster After Another, Part 2
· Chapter 1 – A Disaster After Another, Part 3
6) Becoming the Perfect Father (Eisuke Ichinomiya)
· Part I – Making Time for You
· Part II – Kiki’s Heirship, A Backstory of Memories
7) A King on Earth (SCM)
· Part 1
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Drabbles/Independent Stories:
· Motivation  
· Love At Its Peak
· Still Falling For You
· Watch
· Still Falling For You BONUS
· Then & Now
· Confirmation
· Picnic in a Field of Flowers
· A Whole Lifetime
· Speech
· Top 10 Things That I Love About You
· 600+ Follower Special
· Unspoken Words
· Candy-Floss (Otome Fanatics Server Christmas Competition Entry 2019)
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Analysis & Other Posts:
· New Seasons, New Suits!
· Baba was Dumped… But He Still Has Ota!
· Peas are his Weakness
· You Fell for the Paradox, Huh?
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Keep Me By Your Side
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the-voltage-diaries · 5 years ago
tbh I think eisuke is better than Taki because he has more of a character development, wouldn't you agree?
Hey there, anon! Lmao that’s a kind of a controversial question you’ve asked me haha
Disclaimer: What’s written below is my own humble opinion, it’s not meant to hate on, or disregard, or disrespect anyone intentionally.
I’m going to have to say I disagree. And by saying I disagree, I am not, in the least bit, trying to state the counter: that Taki is better than Eisuke. If someone said that, I’d disagree then too. And that’s because of one simple reason, that Taki and Eisuke are two separate individuals with very, very different personalities and it’s wrong to compare them on the basis of character development, according to me. 
Here’s why:
1. Statue vs Rust Now, here’s a way to look at it. Eisuke’s character development is like making a statue, whereas Taki’s is like removing the rust. When it comes to Eisuke, his character development starts at a point where he doesn’t even know half the human emotions that exist, like love, care, affection, et cetera. He doesn’t invest his time in them because he’s never felt much of them, and the MC, over a period of time, has to make him understand what those emotions mean and how important they are. He gets introduced to a world he never knew, in a sense. That’s precisely why Eisuke has so much scope for development, too. In a metaphorical sense, it’s like the KBTBB MC meets a stone Eisuke and over a period of time, and after putting in tonnes of affection, hard work, and care, sculpts him into a beautiful statue. She slowly works on the intricate details and makes him into who he is now. Now, if you look at Taki, the scope for his character development is limited in this sense (I’ll elaborate on that in a bit). With him, it’s like polishing the rust off of something. When it comes to his story line, he is very different in terms of knowing emotions as compared to Eisuke because he has already felt emotions like love, care, affection, et cetera. In his teenage years, he was a very charming and kind individual who knew those feelings well. But, due to the misunderstanding with MC and the debt situation, he felt like those emotions aren’t meant to be felt, that they are a hindrance. He purposefully chose to mask over what he felt because he knew the price of letting them out. Here, MC’s task was to remove that facade, and she made him realise it’s okay to feel those feelings. It was like removing a thick layer of rust to allow his inner self to shine through. In simpler terms, it’s like letting something which was already there come up to the surface, instead of shaping it from scratch, like what happens with Eisuke.
Even if you look at their MS’, you’ll notice that Eisuke, by the end of his MS is still pretty bland whereas Taki has more of a feel to him. He smiles more, he’s more honest, and it’s like bringing a teenage Taki back.
2. Varying Scopes Eisuke’s stories are more about him coming to terms with his emotions and realizing he feels things which he didn’t even know he felt. More like, Eisuke’s story line’s central theme, in most cases, is working on his character development from an emotional point of view. It focuses on how Eisuke feels, and grows that into something more. Whereas with Taki, his stories aren’t about his character development with respect to feeling new emotions and dealing with them. His character development is linked to coming to terms with his past and allowing himself to feel what he denied feeling for so many years. That’s one reason why you won’t find a lot with Taki in terms of his emotional development with respect to feeling new things.
3. History does repeat itself With Eisuke and MC, it’s important to note that they didn’t know each other at all prior to that fateful meeting at the hotel lobby. They probably hadn’t even talked much and their relationship started from square one. So it’s kind of understandable why Eisuke would still keep his walls up for a LONG time. It takes a while for Eisuke and MC to work through obstacles and establish a degree of trust between them with respect to each other. Whereas with Taki, MC and him already share a history. They were high school sweethearts and Taki and MC both know what the other person was like, and can decipher from a mere few moments that neither of them has changed much over the years, except for having a higher wall around them, owing to their experiences with life in the past. Once Taki and MC realise who the other is, it’s a little bit of awkwardness before they both allow themselves to settle in and be comfortable around each other (even banter a lot lol), because they essentially do know the other person well. Because of that, there’s already a certain degree of trust established between Taki and MC right from the middle of his MS Season 1. That, in turn, leaves less of character development in terms of his relationship with MC when it comes to Taki.
4. Family Backgrounds It’s also important to look at how different their backgrounds are. Eisuke hails from a reputable family, and was adopted into a super rich family as a kid too. He has always dealt with two-faced people and has always had a much more luxurious life from the start. What I’m trying to say is, Eisuke’s not bothered to concern himself with emotions from the very beginning because that’s what’s been ingrained into him from his childhood. Also, because he’s been ultra rich from the start, the MC has more work to do when it comes to making him realise money ain’t everything, my guy. Now with Taki, he has very humble origins. He came from a very normal family, and knows what it’s like to live with just enough money (not being ultra rich, I mean). He was a very normal guy in high school with a very warm group of friends, an incredible girlfriend who he was in love with and a very humble life. His attachment to money came with the debt, when he realised as long as you have money, you have power and as long as you have power, you have everything. MC’s task here was to take him back to his teenage days and make him understand that sometimes, it’s the less expensive things which give you more happiness. 
5. Old Habits Die Hard Now, let’s look at their interactions with the MC. If you’ve noticed, Eisuke is very... hm, how should I put it... non-slangy + formal in the way he speaks. To make more sense of this, Eisuke is very proper when he speaks, and he doesn’t use a lot of phrases like “Man, you’re...” or “God, that was....”. And that’s because it’s been ingrained into him. Eisuke’s vocabulary is very prim and proper and non-slangy because that’s what he’s been taught since childhood. It makes him seem more like a robot, in a sense in the very beginning, in my opinion. Gives him a less relatable vibe, basically (and I mean no hate). Whereas if you look at Taki’s stories, he often uses a lot of phrases like, “God, you’re cute.” or “Man, that was something.” and that’s mainly just his high school, boy next door self showing its form. It makes him more relatable and human in my opinion, and those slangs are what show the reader that yes, the Teenage Taki still exists in there.
6. Won’t Lose You As stated previously, Eisuke hadn’t even known the MC exists till they met in the hotel lobby in the prologue. So when Eisuke and MC start dating, it’s with a perspective of “Okay, now she is my girlfriend.”, which doesn’t allow Eisuke to be very open about his feelings from the start. In case you’re confused, hang in there and let me explain Taki’s side to help you understand better. Now, Taki is MC’s ex. Someone who was very in love with her. Still is. He knows what it’s like to lose the MC, for he had already lost her once, and would do anything and everything to NOT lose her again. Thus, he is relatively more open with his emotions. He let’s her know how much he loves her, values her, cares for her, because he doesn’t want to let her go again, ever.
7. Okay, Let’s Be Direct Eisuke is a very “actions speak louder than words” person. He isn’t very open with his emotions, heck he doesn’t even say “i love you” till MC demands it out of him lmao. He is very indirect in terms of expressing what he feels for the MC, even in his later stories, and it takes time for him to come to terms with the word “love”, in general. If you look at Taki, he has been very direct from the start. Even in high school when he confessed to MC he went “I like you.” and in his MS when MC asked him why he kissed her, he said “Because I love you.” right on her face. He has always been direct with expressing himself, so that leaves a much smaller scope when it comes to him coming to terms with feelings like love and care, et cetera.
8. Different Premises Now, this might be the last point I touch upon. The thing is, both KBTBB and KoP are set in VERY different themes. In KBTBB, the MC is a normal person with a fulfilling life, she gets sold in the auctions, meets the auction managers and her journey starts from there. In KBTBB, MC has to mainly deal with the stress that comes with throwing herself into the dangerous life Eisuke and the other lead, and apart from that her life doesn’t really have much of an angst. In the sense, that none of the action managers have to actually deal with the MC and her emotions, per say. In KoP, the MC goes through a divorce which basically leaves her mentally shattered. She self-doubts and and constantly keeps worrying about what did she do wrong which made things end up the way they did. Here, while the KoP guy and and MC fall in love, it’s also about helping MC realise what happened was not her fault entirely. It’s about connecting deeper, much deeper, on an emotional level with the MC, which gives Taki a sort of a head start when it comes to character development in terms of bonding with the MC. ... I hope that made sense lol
That was a LONG response, not gonna lie, and I’m so sorry for being late with this! But, I hope I was successful in showing you my side of things on this debate. 
Thanks a lot for the ask! <3
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aqvarius · 5 years ago
kbtbb has 15 seasons?? well they kept postponing the wedding with the wedding license getting stolen and amnesia shenanigans (i only read the description) so it's not surprising? tbh, out of the top titles it seems that kbtbb (+kop? idk i just read the desc and it seems so heavy on drama) is the easiest to filler? even in im the work projects in every season is related to the lis.
no i think 15 seasons is hyperbolic haha, it’s like 6 or 7 seasons so they do have more content than hlitf despite being... less popular....... 🙃 but anyway i think it’s bc there’s literally no natural storyline progression from the premise since it’s so out there. like... what’s the natural progression from “i fell in love with my buyer after being human trafficked”? so they can literally do whatever they want with the stories without needing to think about any realistic/organic setting progression bc the premise is super unrealistic and inorganic. i think an anon and i have discussed this somewhere else but we found kbtbb to not really concern itself with the mc’s life development outside of her relationship so basically they have free reign to do anything. i think that’s why every season just carts them off to a new country with no problems bc (1) it’s not like the mc has a job or life outside of tres spades/the love interests and as far as i’m aware, she doesn’t get any sort of genuine career advancement on her own and (2) there’s nowhere else for the story to go if they just stay in japan. so since her whole life basically revolves around her romantic relationship AND the premise doesn’t lend itself to realism, they don’t need to centre the plotline around real life or career and can do a whole bunch of wacky and zany things with the characters to test their relationship in different ways. i think that’s why they get all the AU substories and all the wild drama even in main routes bc there’s nothing realistic or organic that naturally comes out of a human trafficking romance premise haha (except like... issues around grooming and stockholm syndrome which is a route they’re obviously they’re not going to take bc this is about ~fantasy love~ not realism). and let’s be real, i don’t think kbtbb fans play it bc they want a realistic/relateable romance story that tackles real life issues haha
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Is that a wedding ring on Ota’s finger???
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スイートルームで悪戯なキス・Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Season 7
木崎桜汰・Ota Kisaki
婚前の悪夢編 前編 婚前の悪夢編 後編 婚前の悪夢編エピローグ
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leoamber66 · 5 years ago
Hey... Who is Yukari? Moment, which one is pregnant with Mc or Yukari?🤔 from KBTBB?
Hey there anon! To answer your question, Yukari is Eisuke's little sister! They were separated when Eisuke was 7 and she was introduced in Eisuke's Season 1 Sequel where they reunited! Right now it's S6, and Yukari is (well was) pregnant and gave birth to a cute little girl :)
Ahaha I just realized you could have been confused because of the names. The MC (well mine) is named Yuki and Eisuke's little sister is Yukari.
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juvellita · 6 years ago
Yosuke as Yandere
Now that I read all his main, season 2, and substory, I am even more convinced that yosuke is fit(?) for yandere. Of course, just like kbtbb, mc is the reason why Yosuke can't go far as much as he might be wanting to. MC's happiness is Yosuke's first priority. Whenever yosuke sees MC cry, he doesn't know how to act (which is cute af). Here are some of his traits that I saw, which i thought might be fit 'yandere' behavior.
1. Stalking MC (any way possible)
In season 1 bonus story, he goes through websites that MC bookmarked, and buys her the item that she wanted. With the way mc spoke of that situation, I got the feeling that Yosuke does those kind of things a lot.
2. Taking picture of MC when she is sleeping
In last episode of his season 1 ms POV, it shows a scene where he snaps a pic of MC while she is sleeping. He claims that he took it bcs MC looked way too cute in her sleep. (Of course he hides it from mc) I can imagine him sneaking pictures of mc every now and then.
3. Threatens MC's 'enemy'
When MC's ex-husband starts threatening mc and Yosuke through texting and phone calls, Yosuke not only hire people to stalk him, he also threatens her ex that he will 'erase' his existence.
4. 24/7 hip to hip with MC
He does NOT want to separate with MC. He is always attached to MC whenever possible.
5. 'She isn't yours!'
In season 2 epilogue, he gets extremely jealous of Shun because he also got to try mc's cooking. Later on, he claims that mc should never cook for anyone but him.Not only that, when Shun corners mc in the kitchen, it pisses Yosuke out.
6. 'Cute' MC
He would always call mc 'cute', along with other compliments. This guy doesn't have any problem complimenting MC, much to mc's satisfaction. I can just imagine him sitting next to MC and complimenting her all day.
7. Don't touch MC.
His temper grows short when he sees someone trying to lay hands on her. In season 2 epilogue, he slaps shun's hands away everytime he try to touch mc.
8. Better not upset mc in any way(past, present, future)
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So how far will this guy go to 'protect' mc? Again, similar situation with kbtbb, Yosuke tries not to pull any dark tricks to protect mc, because he knows mc will not like it. But under the assumption that MC do not mind, he will pull any kind of tricks to protect MC.
One common way for him to eliminate someone from hurting MC, is to 'erase' them. This term wasn't clearly defined in season 2, but who knows what would happen once he 'erases' the guy's existence(possible death). He won't even send warnings. He will just immediately erase them (in season 2 POV, he only sends warning to mc's ex, bcs he knew mc will be not happy if he got rid of him on the spot). Yosuke won't even tell mc about it. KoP mc is usually sharper than kbtbb mc, so she might catch on that there is something wrong, but Yosuke will probably sweet talk her out of it.
Really just do all 'dark' work behind mc's back, and be extra affectionate with MC, so she understands that she only needs Yosuke.
If I were to pull out his 'yandere' trait even more, I can see him using the same method if anyone tries to take MC away from him(especially if mc already expressed her frustration). He will do all dirty work behind, before the guy has a chance to face mc.
Same thing if someone makes mc cry. Although, with crying, he might actually send out a warning first before taking it to action.
He will never ever yell at or upset mc. In the end, all he wants to do is spoil her.
He isn't really a type to 'trap' mc in his condominium, but he will send someone to check on MC so she is safe when she is out. He will try his best to be next to mc to protect her though.
Goes through MC's phone/diary/computer/etc, anything that contains info about MC, and keeps those info in his secret place for future research.
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hungnitan · 6 years ago
Some PLOTHOLE That Still Left in Kei Soejima Story
After read Kei’s ms and his PoV I think his story intentionally or unintentionally leave TOO MANY plothole that makes him the most misterious out of those three main characters (I’m not talking about Boss here since his ms isn’t avaliable now).
So after discussed with someone for sooooo many hours, I think this post is needed for someone who still not or think to read his story.
It’s truth his ms isn’t about romance like otoge must do and trigger everywhere, but his story have good writing skill that makes you sometimes forgot that you’re reading otome stories and doesn’t hold a punch on choosing it’s word (well, some triggered word explicitly tell though)
Okay, into the plothole, I going to pointed some of it more like joke or unimportant enough to see. I start from the most important :
(All screenshot here are self recorded one)
1. This one NEVER got touched, HIS NATIONALITY !!!
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Voltage even bother to give us ??? on his nationality, so I think there something suspicious here.
With he’s using *pure Japanese Name, there’s no way he doesn’t have snippet Japanese blood, while he’s have blond hair, it’s pretty sure too that one of his parents is British. His friend too like Kazuomi and Yuzuru (I’m not include Luke here, as they’re just an acquaintance) are Japanese... Even so then again why bother to give us unknown nationality ?
From my point of think this gonna be exposed deeply on later story, I think when Kei getting his humane emotion back
*I mean pure here, using kanji not katagana or hiragana while if foreigner change their name, it’s still have some katakana or hiragana on it 
2. This one more like unimportant things, still on picture above, I think the different colour answer on his interview are LIES !!! 
Well, for last answer you gonna know the answer after read his ms (and to be honest, his first answer too sounds lie to me) but THIRD ANSWER... I must say, it’s blatant lie, after read his story, you will know he’s DON’T KNOW NORMAL WAY TO LOVE SOMEONE PLUS HE’S VERY DOMINANT TO THE POINT HE CAN BREAK SOMEONE ON PROCESS...
3. There’s no preview for Kei ms if you follow campaign information of Love365
Usually Voltage put 3 episodes for MK next character release like buying Kazuomi all cgs will get you preview for Yuzuru main story.
Why ? It’s because Kei’s first 3 episode will mislead reader. I know most characters 3 episodes doesn’t do much to know him, but his ms what we called VERY MISLEADING !! Tbh, if I just read his 3 episode, I will think of him as very observant gentleman prince in different world that giving us mysterious vibe and finish.
4. Unimportant things, but looked at this one :
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I know how annoying to sleep while having a mirror beside you (especially gigantic one), so my guess is one, this how he relieve himself after having his daily bad dream, you know it’s like reminded that you’re here, in your bedroom not in church...
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and second one, I think it’s for his kinky hobbies, like makes someone feels arouse after being watch or watch themself doing kinky play~ XD
But these two never get explained more in his ms, so let’s just wait on his epilogue or other stories XD
5. Scenes in Tres Spades with Luke
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It’s alright if you read one of KBTBB characters especially Luke route, but for everyone that don’t know Luke this one bring up some question, like what’s that man doing that even revealing his job as doctor will bring trouble ? Plus even when mc asked him where they meet, Luke kinda pondering his answer...
It’s true those two relationships kinda intriguing, but without more explanations beside from his PoV I think everyone can guesses much about what happened to those two but it doesn’t hurt to give KeiLuke more interaction later~
6. I already said this on previous post, but after EAC doing everything pretty flashy things to catch Kei and mc after Allan Clark’s party I think it ended flatly
Like wow you just reveal Kei name and face plus mc agent name on world, but you didn’t do anything after that... they can do for example, chasing after them to church while it’s pretty obvious Kei last destination will be there !!! Plus it doesn’t strike me if Boss pitying on mc especially Kei...
Better they explain this one (brief one are fine too) on Lover Obsurace
7. This one is the very important point and have the MOST plothole. KEI’S PAST !!!
It’s already obvious that Kei involved in child abused and it’s really a deep one ! With his memory kinda vague (and I can’t blame him), there’s soooo many plothole on those story...
Like this one :
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I really in deep discussion with someone about this one ! With Kei himself doesn’t really remember what’s happened after he know that his friend died and before church burned, so we’re have so many guesses like :
- Kei snapped when he know his friend died or think he will into same situations if things keep up like that, so he set the church on fire and escaped
- Someone sane enough to help him but get killed on process and he/she set the church on fine before died
- Those dirty people fight over the right of Kei ownerships, then kill each other and accidentally burned the church (but seems this one is least possible)
8. I can’t called this one as plothole, so let’s just say character development. Kei relationships with mc isn’t romantic one, more like possessiveness
With Kei’s past, it’s impossible (for now) to love someone in normal manners, so his love always based on dominance, bind, tie her up etc. While on his ms plus pov doesn’t explained much about Kei mc love progress, I can’t blame Voltage if their relationships sounds so platonic. But what I want to blame is just what makes them fall in love to each others ? Tbh I don’t see anything except when mc give Kei list of auctioner member and everytime mc looked at his eyes then pitying him but that one sounds too forced for me.
Aside from those progress, I don’t think Kei will get his senses of emotion soon so he still trying to get feels of it or express those feelings with his kinky play. Well, the later sounds more realistic and fortunately his mc moreless M so maybe it’s fine XD
While on real life it’s nearly impossible to “heal someone mental disorder with true love” but then again this is otome game~ so I’m not discussing about this one
From these soo many plothole I really hope much on his development and that his writer will expose all of these in his ms kind of writing skills...
I just hoping that Kei stories can still get going until MassKiss more than two season (I mean discontinued bc of too many triggered and sensitive things on it)
And don’t worry, I just want to write these long review because my feelings still hurting inside~
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lemmelynn · 3 years ago
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Sweetheart, no :(
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years ago
S7 Sweet Chapel, Spicy Kiss (Part 1 & Part 2) Spoiler imagen in Eisuke Ichinomiya
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flatsuke · 6 years ago
Who are your sexy voltage men recs? NONparty pls - seeing jealousy is nice too...
Hey! After thinking about it for a while, here’s what I got so far, and I put a score on each to gauge how “sexy” they are and how jealous they get lmao (this is all my opinion, though):
Soji Okita (EOSCOL) (Sexy 9/10, Jealousy 7/10)
Recommended stories: Season 1 MS and POV (probably one of the best MS I’ve played), Love’s Maelstrom
Kyohei Rikudoh (SITS) (Sexy 10/10, Jealousy 5/10)
Recommended stories: Season 1 MS and POV, My Mr. Jealousy: Kyohei
Eisuke Ichinomiya (KBTBB) (Sexy 10/10. Jealousy 10/10)
Recommended stories: Any POV story, Bound in Love: Eisuke, Sultry Arabian Nights: Eisuke, A Flaming Hot Christmas Night
Leon (SCM) (Sexy 9/10, Jealousy 10/10)
Recommended stories: Any POV story, Because I Adore You, If You Were a Goddess
Ryoichi Hirose (SITSC) (Sexy 9/10, Jealousy 5/10)
Recommended stories: Season 1 MS
This is all I have so far! I think you can tell that I have a type lmao. I tend to think oresama/teases are sexy, so there you have it!
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otomequeen · 7 years ago
Transfer Nightmare
This post ended up a lot longer that I intended. I needed to rant and get it off my chest, otherwise it would fester and get into my land of slumber. I would have nightmares about it and I just want peaceful sleep. 
For those of you that know I’m trying to restore my transfer data on Kissed by the Baddest Bidder. (make sure the stories I’ve purchased don’t ask me to buy them again) So I can take all of them to Love 365. 
Also a information nugget that some may or may not know, transfer data wasn’t a thing until I wanna say mid 2016. Because when it became announced I went through all my apps and sent the transfer data to myself and the earliest dates start somewhere in 2016. Before they got all cool and hip with emails and passwords, they used to send you two numbers. Well numbers with letters mixed in with them. Something like
App ID: 3kfc49df03kd Sub ID: 33kgfd9xzn3
Note those aren’t real. I literally just pushed keys at the same time on the keyboard. They are just examples of that it looked like
So the idea behind transfer ID is that if you don’t play the game for a while you can put in your id and get all your shit back. Which is cool. I never really worried about progress, I would always reread the stories to read the stories and get cgs back. But it was nice having the backup for my purchases. 
I’m an android user, and using google play if you purchased something and it asks you to buy it again and you click purchase. It will go black for a second as I assume it looks through your order history, and if you have already purchased it you can continue on your merry way without paying for anything else. I know that tech isn’t 100% full proof. So even through I didn’t care about my progress within the games, I cared about the purchases and got those transfer ID’s ready.
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder was released overseas in February of 2014. Cool. New game, sprites where you get their back, awesome. I try not to get super far into a game because I want to dip my toe into all the characters in all the games. I’m not made of money, so I stick to season 1 stuff. Main stories of course, pov if they have them. I’m not huge into epilogues, and rarely go into sequel territory. So between the day is was released and right now, after going through my history, I own 14 routes and 6 sub stories. If you are doing the math, and I can see how many epilogues/mains/etc there are. It’s roughly $60.00. 
Now that doesn’t seem like a large number. I could get food for a week with that amount. But it’s been small amounts that have been accumulated over the span of almost 4 years. And I’m ok with that. I planned my money and decided I have a few extra dollars here and there to spend each month and that’s exactly what I did. 
So Love 365 comes out, and you can now transfer all your shit from the stand alone apps to the super app. Cool. This will free up space on my memory card, all for it. But when I opened KBTBB none of my purchases were there. Guess it’s been a while since I’ve opened the app. Fair enough, I mean I moved half way across the world twice in the span of 7 months. I’ve been pretty busy I haven’t played much of anything. But putting in the transfer ID they had sent me wasn’t working. I kept getting an error message. I tried typing it in slowly, I tried seeing if maybe I was reading some of the zeros as ‘o’ and vice versa. I copied and pasted it in directly and it wouldn’t budge. So what do I do, obviously I send an email. I don’t want to lose my shit. 
And I know voltage has a bad rep for their customer service. I get that it’s a large company. I’m honestly impressed that I generally got a reply within a day. But instead of going, ‘huh, that’s odd. I don’t know why your code that we provided you isn’t working. Maybe there is a bug preventing it, lets see what we can do to fix it.’ They decided to go with. 
Dear , Thank you for contacting us. Same title apps can transfer your data from old app. Please take a look following steps: 1.) Go on the old app TOP page and tap news button 2.) There is a banner says "How to Transfer Data to Love 365" so tap it 3.) You can find your token IDs so please copy it 4.) Go to Love 365, you can find "Transfer from old apps" button on Start page or Transfer page as well *Please note that Token ID can be used only once. Also before use it, please make sure to restore your ALL purchases otherwise you will lose them. Please feel free to contact us again if we can be of any assistance.
I mean alright. I guess they are getting a lot of emails about transferring to love 365, and in my initial email they just saw the word transfer and assumed it was about that. So I replied along the lines of. ‘sorry no, that’s not what I meant. I want to get my transfer data back before I moved to 365 so I don’t lose any of my purchases’
I got a mixed response. Because for those that remember KBTBB didn’t have that coin system. It used to be old fashioned like the rest of them. So first they gave me a solution for if I made purchases with the coins. Which I appreciated the information. And then they told me that they really couldn’t do much about if it was before the system change. I would have to send them screenshots of my order history, showing proof I purchased stories and they would give them to me through the system. Manually. I don’t know how that end works. 
Alright fine. I’m okay with that. I had to do with with lovestruck and castaway love’s adventure because that just wasn’t working for me either. Not a stranger to extra work I opened up my history to hit a small problem. Looking on my computer I found that I couldn’t go further into my order history beyond January 2015. Now if you remember the game came out in February 2014. So on my laptop I couldn’t prove that I purchased anything between February 2014-January 2015. I sent the screenshots I could get and told them the same thing. The response was we can only give you what we see, which was 2 sub stories.
There was no way I was going to settle for that. There had to be something. Anything that would work. I tried sending them my transfer info sent to me from the game when I registered to see if they could use that. Didn’t really get a response from that idea. So at this point I’m trying anything. Remember how I was looking on my laptop through my order history. I don’t know why but I decided to try my phone, or maybe my laptop was in the other room and I just wanted to mess around with settings to see if I could go further. Either way I ended up on my phone through my history and it went back! 
Kinda. Even though it went back far enough and I could screenshot everything, it doesn’t show prices. Everything before January 2015 just has a big old 0 as the price. Great. Now I’m worried they are going to think I’ve edited an order history to fake receipts to get these routes. In the hopes they don’t think I’m trying to scam them I take a screenshot of where you can see this change take place. The top have shows prices next to everything and the bottom half shows 0.00. I also explained that in the email in hopes that it all goes well. 
I felt a small wave of relief when it looked like everything was going to be ok. I got an email saying they gave me the stories and if I was missing any just send them the name and a receipt of purchase and they will get them to me. That’s wonderful news. I mean I hate making people work more than they have to, but something wasn’t working right and I didn’t want to lose anything. They could understand that, right?
I checked the app to find that nothing has changed. Then I thought maybe they just meant the games where you can see the prices. So I went to the sub story section and they weren’t there either. Which is kind of what prompted this rant, and a few other things that have been slowly building. 
I’m slowly losing my patients. I have tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. Lots of changes, I’m sure lots of people are getting a hold of them all the time for different things. They are a big company after all, and I feel that the international market’s is low on their priority list. As far as happiness, customer service, not screwing us over by making us repurchase apps like Seduced in the Sleepless City (let’s all agree that was a hot mess. I can’t wait for round two when pirates join in) 
But for an app to glitch, and bug out with an error message that a code provided by the game doesn’t work. And then telling me it’s not the game, and they will only restore some of my purchases, and then not even restore those purchases saying they already have. That’s really pushing it for me. 
I sent an email with a full list of routes I have purchased, copies of my order history that show it (maybe they couldn’t read the names?), copies of my otome id email folder, showing emails from other games, and then from KBTBB. I provided my game name, my device information, the email linked to my account. Everything is now in their corner and depending on the response I really might just lose it. 
I don’t want to cut my losses but I feel like I’m talking to a wall. Nothing is getting through and I keep getting the same repeated copied and paste replies back. I don’t know what else to do other than give up if this turns up nothing. No way in hell will I be purchases routes I’ve already paid for again, so it might be it for me and the bidders. 
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reitakayanagi · 7 years ago
Tagged by @beshoo-220 , thank you 😘
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 some amazing followers/people you’d like to get know better
Rules: put your music on shuffle, list the first ten songs, and tag 10 people
20 Questions:
Nicknames: Cez, Cel, and Cess
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 177.8 cm
Orientation: ???
Nationality: Filipino
Favorite Fruit: Melon, Strawberries, Mango, and Blueberries
Favorite Season: Spring,Autumn, and Winter
Favorite Book: The Gay Who Stole my Boyfriend
Favorite Flower: White Rose, Wisteria, Sakura, Ume, and Lavender
Favorite Scent: I love the smell of ocean and cherry blossoms but when it comes to perfumes I like the mild scented ones.
Favorite Color: Matte Black, Scarlet Red, Purple, and White
Favorite Animal: Cat and Dog
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Coffee and Tea
Cat or Dog Person: both :)
Favorite Fictional Characters: Kyohei Rikudoh, and Iori Enjo (SITS); Mamoru Kishi, Soryu Oh, Shuichi Hishikura, and Mitsunari Baba (KBTBB); Hyogo Kaga, and Jin Namba (HLITF); Shinichi Kagari, Hidetaka Sera, and Rikiya Mononobe (ASA) to name a few xD
# of blankets you sleep with: only 1 but there are times I don’t use my blanket.
Dream Trip: as long as it’s away from the city
Blog Created: 2016
# of followers: 600+ ‘ thank you for my followers love lots 💕💕
Random Fact: I can’t concentrate for a day when I didn’t drink coffee even once. I’m taller than my older brother *sobs*. I’m currently taking my 2nd course in college and planning to take another one 😂 I’m on my last year in college. Former Intern at Airport Immig-Interpol.
Ten Songs:
1. Fujita Maiko - Only One
2. One Ok Rock - We Are (Japanese Version)
3. Fergie - Save it til Morning
4. CNCO, Little Mix - Reggaeton Lento
5. G-Eazy, Kehlani - Good Life
6. Pitbull, J Balvin ft. Camila Cabello - Hey Ma (Spanish Version)
7. Little Mix - Secret Love Song
8. AKIRA - Aoki Tsuki Michite
9. Gabrielle Aplin - Through the Ages
10. Unlimits - Cascade
Tagging @pinkitty-22, @surroundedbyrichanddangerousmen, @cherrymousse, @diannascribes, @midorismiles, @gotta-love-voltage, @speakfearlessly1989, @heysayjeskuh and @scorpioslover 
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hotcocosharing · 8 years ago
Lose To Win Chapter 7: Stress Release (Soryu/Reader Smut)
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 7: Stress Release Fandom: Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Her Love In The Force Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mystery? MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Ishigami, Soma, Ayumu, Namba, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota, Kirisawa Summary: Soryu’s POV: his reaction after hearing Mika says I love you to Kaga, what better way to get her out of the mobster’s mind by banging our reader’s character- @tsuki-tsundere  Sorry love, I know he’s not your top option, I swear you will (well your character) will have her fun with your choice of Voltage man, I will make that happen too ;) Background: Another 6 months later, she was back at the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order)
Notes: Focusing on plot and details in this series, second smut so far and man, Soryu’s smut is the best kind, ENJOY
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★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Chapter 1: The Reunion Chapter 2: RSVP Chapter 3: Recharge Chapter 4: Welcome Back Chapter 5: Decision Of A Lifetime Chapter 6: Our Story
Chapter 7: Stress Release
Soryu’s POV
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Arriving at an exclusive rooftop party in Seasons Hotel, I’m surround by dozens of fancy and beautiful guests, laughing and mingling. Glancing down at the empty glass in my hand and wondering why can’t I get Mika out of my head. Drinks, I need more drinks. I head over to the bar for a stronger drink but a young woman bumps into me on the way.
“Sorry.” We both murmur.
She has a dazzling smile and she smells like Mika. “Need a refill?” I don’t know why I ask but I’ve done things I don’t normally do ever since Mika’s been in my life. Chatting to a random woman doesn’t seem that strange. Maybe it’s the drinks or maybe she’s easy to talk to or maybe I just crave for a listener, whatever it is, we end up talking for hours.
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“It’s getting late.” My eyes set on my watch, great. I stop thinking about Mika for three hours, that’s a first. The woman next to me puts her drinks down, she leans in and brushes my fingers lightly. I look up into each other’s eyes, she kisses me, fully and deeply with our eyes close, feeling her skin presses to mine and the bitter sweet taste of alcohol swirling around my tongue. After a moment, I pull away. “Sorry, I.. I don’t usually…”
She smiles with her fingers caressing my hand gently, “But it feels nice.” It does. It feels nice.
We end up at her suite in the Seasons Hotel. No matter, it’s just room with a bed, unnecessary furniture and paintings that nobody looks at. I couldn’t care less. All I want right now is to pin the alluring woman to the window and fuck her raw.
I push her inside eagerly, against the large window and slam my lips to hers, grabbing her ass and lift her up. She wraps her legs around my waist quickly, my clothed cock presses against her black lace dress. She jerks her hips, desperate for more friction. I grip her wrists and pin her to the window before kissing her neck, pulling down the zipper on the back of her dress. I quickly strip her and pull it off completely, she doesn’t even have a bra on. She leans against the window for support and flashes another alluring smile. I get on my knees, admiring the view as I tear her panties off and suck her inner thigh. Fuck, she smells good. She reminds me of Mika, I close my eyes and move up until my lips eventually taste her juice.
She gasps as I spread her folds and insert two fingers before sucking her clit. She squirms and bucks her hip with one hand slipping into my hair. “Oh yes!!!! Oh god, you’re good!! Ahhh!!” She moans, pushing my head closer. “More, ahhh….yes… that’s the spot.”
My mind suddenly draw back to the time when Eisuke eats Mika out, I suddenly stop and get up to undress myself.  The woman moans again at my naked form, she gently rubs herself as she watches me. “No touching.” I order and push her up against the window again, rubbing my dick right up against her dripping pussy. “God, you’re such a tease, Soryu.”
“Is there something you want?” I can’t help the grin that curls on my lips. “Say it.”
She licks my cheek flirtatiously then turns around with her breasts presses against the cool window, she looks behind her shoulder and the words come from her mouth becomes a curse. “Fuck me hard, daddy. As hard as possible, punish me daddy. Fill me up, I want you so bad daddy.”
I have lost myself once and hearing her words unleash all the stress and desire I keep deep inside. I thrust in, hard and fast. She throws her head back and screams. My hands cup her soft breasts and squeeze them roughly before my hands grip to her wrists tightly, pulling her back and forth in a rapid pace. My eyes lock on her reflection, her beautiful heaving breast bouncing in rhythm and her face screw up in pleasure as she awaits me to bring her to orgasm. “Oh god!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! Ahhhhh… Harder, daddy!!!! Fuck yes!!”
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I fuck her harder, just as she asks. Looking at her erotic face and imaging how Mika would look if I fuck her in the same position. She seems to enjoy her private time with Kaga the other day, they’re doing it against the window too. Would I ever get to do it with her? And just then at the penthouse, he has her pinned and they look like they’re having a moment. Would they be kissing if I open the door few seconds late?
She also says that three annoying words, she loves him? She turns to look at me before saying it to Kaga, is it her way to humiliate me? Hasn’t she played me enough?
“Hmmm…ahhh.. I’m… I’m.. cumm….”
I stop again and pull out, turn the woman around and shove her against the window with her back against the glass this time. I put her leg over my shoulder and slam back in, pulsing, ramming into her rough and fast. She screams particularly loud at an angle.
Why?! Why does Mika look at me first? She loves him? Does she mean she still love him or she loved him? They’re engaged and there’s obviously chemistry between them.
“Fuck!!! Oh.. daddy, fuck yes, god, daddy harder p…… please.. Yes yes yes yessssss!!!“ 
Her tone changes as my hand rub furiously at her clit, her hips jerk uncontrollably. "Fuckkkkkkk!!!!”
She moans loudly and almost falls as I pull out. I rest my head against her neck and listen to her compliment. “That was fucking incredible, da–ddy.” I can feel the smile on her face and look up for a quick kiss. “That’s the best sex of my life!!!”
Well, good for her. I still haven’t come yet. She stumbles towards the bed and I try to call her. “Chi…” Damnit, what’s her name again.
“Chiyo, just call me Chiyo.” She smiles and climbs on the bed.
“Well, Chiyo. I hope you are ready for more cuz I am not done with you yet.”
The woman gets on all four, turns to look at me and smirks, “Come punish me, daddy.”
And I’ll give it to her, fucks her over and over till I’m too tired to move. There will be no mercy, I’ll fuck her till Mika Hijikata is out of my head.
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