#kbtbb ask
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neerons · 1 month ago
Requesting Soryu Oh or Kuranosuke Kiba please. But only if you want to. You can decide what to draw of him. :)
Thank you for your patience! I have been busy and had a hard time figuring out what to draw with Soryu, but I figured doing something that's sort of angsty would change a bit from what we usually see
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I didn't do lineart and jumped straight into simple coloring to gain time. I wish I could have done a better job, but I hope you'll like it!
Thank you for your request ❤
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eikouxd · 7 months ago
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♤♡ Ask a Bidder: The Mushroom of Time: Angelic Slacker ◇♧ Thank you for being patient. I hope you enjoy the next part of this Ask. ( ^ω^ ). Thank you all for encouraging words when I was going through a hard time. I read everyone's messages, reblogs and comments on my last small comic and motivated me to draw again. Thank you.
Previous Comic
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voltagefangirl19 · 2 years ago
*Bidders chilling out and randomly talking in the lounge when MC enters to clean*
Mamoru: I sleep with a pistol under my pillow in case someone attacks me in my sleep
Baba: a gun? That's boring, I have a gun and a combat knife I stole from a rich guy once
MC: both of you are pathetic
Ota: what do you sleep with, then?
MC *completely deadpan*: Soryu.
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huntertheblackwolf · 3 months ago
Are you going to continue the story The Morning After? Kissed by the baddest bidder. Please do, I would love to know what happens next
I am and will! I just have trouble at times since I put off this story and have to reread my work. Also, I tend to delete some parts, but then put them back together.
Thank you so much for the ask and I am so sorry for not replying immediately. I didn't see this until I finally logged in my Tumblr. 😳
Happy to tell you though, that I will be updating my story this week at the latest! (Hopefully) ((Watch out for chapter 13 though👀)
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eisukevint · 2 years ago
Since you’re an Eisuke girlie I’m just wondering if you’ve seen that tumblr post where Eisuke supposedly has feelings for mc no matter who’s route you choose
yeth ive see that MANY times actually. idk if ive ever talked about this before but imo he doesn’t actually genuinely have feelings for mc in routes other than this. like idk i think he cares for her platonically? maybe in soryu’s route he does harbour some feelings, at least from what i read but there IS one ota story where he does ask mc to sleep with him and i think that was just out of curiosity (she ends up rejecting him). there’s also another story in which eisuke straight up offers to take care of her mc and her child with mamoru if something ever happens to him. so yeah, he may or may not have the feels, guess we’ll never know. tbh if there’s anyone that has feelings for mc in ever route, ITS PROBABLY BABA LMAO. IM SORRY YOU JUST ASKED AN INNOCENT QUESTION I TURNED IT INTO A FULL RANT SHSHDHSBSH
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bmpmp3 · 1 year ago
nononono youre right you were so right about all the mcs and i loved every second of it
you dearest anonymous asker. you and everyone else you ever encouraged me about all this
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we were always so so correct about it all..... we were RIGHT
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flatsuke · 1 year ago
Hi question
Do you still write for kbtbb? Or stopped?
Hey, there!
I think I've moved on from the KBTBB fandom, so I don't think I'll be writing any new KBTBB fics any time soon :'(
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otastoothbrush · 29 days ago
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mc when she was up for auction
anyway…. might be active again? HOPEFULLY! i’ve been spending my money on mflk and not kbtbb how could i :o ??? might post some mflk stuff but dw kbtbb is still gonna be posted. i like a lot of voltage stories i was always just been more into kbtbb! okay anyway sorry for the hiatus! 2024 was ass but we’re up!! also my messages don’t work? soo go to my ask box and ask me anything! i might get to it :) (i have 20 posts in the making😭)
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booklin · 2 years ago
Bidders x Preg! Fem! reader
Fandom: KBTBB
Rating: E-10
Genre: Fluff
Tws: Pregnancy
Notes: If I throw this in as a scene in one of my books and you happen to notice.. NO YOU DIDNT
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Baby Files
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You and the bidders had been dating for quite a while, things had gone smoothly. Sure, there were ups and downs but that’s with any relationship. All and all, things were calm. Except… they weren’t. Not anymore. Despite how much you shamed yourself, you couldn’t stop eating sweets. You had to have a sweet with every meal. Considering you rarely ate sweets, always self conscious about gaining weight, everyone was taken aback. In fact, their looks were causing so much paranoia you stopped eating anywhere near them. Only eating sweets in your room now, they didn’t fail to notice your other new habits, such as sleeping and becoming stressed over everything. Lately, your work ethic has been terrible, constantly falling asleep. Even your boss couldn’t keep covering for you anymore, alerting Eisuke.
“Okay, I think we can all agree Y/n has been acting strange.” The others nod to Baba’s concern. “She’s been eating sweets everyday. I asked the Chef.” Soryu adds, causing Eisuke to chime in. “And she’s been avoiding us. What could be wrong?” They weren’t sure, and putting their heads together didn’t seem to come closer to finding answers. You were frightened by this new change as well. What could be wrong with you? “Maybe you’re pregnant?” Your friend says after listening thoughtfully to you worries, then laughs. Though, you weren’t laughing. “Pregnant?” You repeat, spacing out at the thought.
Immediately, you rush out of the cafe, leaving your friend behind. What if it’s true? It would explain the cravings. And emotions. And tiredness. And now, a new symptom to add. Throwing up when worried. What a nice cherry on top. Despite not wanting to believe it, you, reluctantly, go to a pharmacy. In disguise, wearing sunglasses, a hoodie, wig, and everything else to keep your identity undetected. Then you grab a test and ask to be rung up in a strained whisper. After discreetly exiting, you shove the box in your pocket before sprinting back to your apartment. You have been spending a lot of time there lately. With what’s been going on, staying away from them, as not to explode or do anything else embarrassing was a must.
Anxiously, you rip the box open then, after drinking plenty of water, go into the bathroom. Shaking the whole time, you nervously wait for the results. Two lines… your heart drops, and so does the pent up emotions inside you. Sobbing your eyes out, you fail to notice the knocking at your door. “Y/n? Are you in there? We want to talk.” Nothing, yet the door was locked. They had a bad feeling, after debating on whether your privacy was more important than safety, Baba agreed to pick the lock. Though, Soryu is impatient, deciding to break the door instead. “Y/n, are you here?” They hear a distressed cry suddenly come to a halt. “I- I’m fine-!” Your voice shakes, barely coherent, it was hard to hide. “Y/n, are you okay?” Ota asks, taking a seat next to where the sobs came from, the bathroom.
“Yes…” Your voice becomes quiet, sniffling any residue onto the tissue. “Can we talk?” Shaking your head, you remember they can’t see you and manage another reply. “I don’t want to.” You hear a small sigh, the voice getting close. “Y/n, we just want to know what’s wrong. We’re all worried about you.” At the moment, you were tied between embarrassment and wanting comfort. Was it worth them seeing you like this? A mess? About to side against it, something in you that yearns for their touch breaks loose. Without giving it a second thought, you open the door before you could change your mind. That sight was shocking to see, on their part. A teary eyed, broken down, head hung, nose running, messy hair partner, appearing miserable as she runs out to hug the first person her hands reach.
Rambling incoherently, you sob some more, this time into Soryu’s button down shirt. “We can’t understand you when you talk like that.” Going on, though everything is heard in more of a whine, he manages to make out a few words, however not enough to piece together what’s wrong. “Why don’t we take some deep breaths?” Baba suggests, his tone gentle and face softened. Facing towards him, you quickly turn away, shaking your head no. “Y/n, come on, I know you can do it. I’ll do it with you.” Without hesitation, he begins taking deep breaths and eventually you repeat after him. Steadying yourself, you’re finally able to say all at once, “You’re going to hate me! I’m going to have to raise our kid alone and I’m not going to have enough money to support us, then we’ll be sleeping in a box on the street, eating out of a trash can, and drinking water from some old guys sweaty socks! Please don’t leave me.”
You become worked up, sobbing once more, while you shake Soryu’s body back and forth, continuing to plead. “Wait, what?” Eisuke says, shocked at both the scenario you’ve come up with and the news. “You’re pregnant?” You stop crying long enough to shake your head yes, then immediately begin again. “Woah woah, it’s okay.” Soryu says, rubbing your back. About to pick you up, Eisuke snatches you away, being the one to pick you up instead. “Baby, it’s fine. We’re not highschool boys, we wouldn’t leave you because you’re pregnant.” Ota nods before saying “And how would you end up homeless?” He laughs lightly, “It just wouldn’t happen.” Finally starting to calm down, you sniffle, rubbing your teary eyes before saying “Because I’ve been doing bad at work, and now you’re going to fire me.” Looking at Eisuke, he shakes his head. “I wouldn’t fire you without reason, and even then I would take care of you. Technically, you don’t need a job. You were the one insistent on keeping yours.”
You give a small smile, thinking about the memories when you first began dating. Suddenly, a hand ruffles your hair, looking at the culprit, Mamoru gives a small smile back before sighing. Then, running a hand through his hair, he shakes his head. “Just relax kid, we’re not goin’ anywhere and you’re not in trouble.” The support was all you needed to calm down, shaking your head to acknowledge you heard Mamoru. “If anything, I’m glad you’re not upset with us.” Baba says, to which you look surprised. “Why would I be upset? If anything I’m ecstatic. We’re having a baby! I hope they look like one of you. They’re sure to be beautiful.” Thinking about it more, finally done crying altogether, you show them the pregnancy test. “We should make the gender a surprise! Do you think they’d like bears? Or are bears too scary? Maybe ducks? Oh, I know! Cats! Wait, what if we make their room ocean themed?”
Going on about the endless possibilities with clothes, room design, and how great parents you would be, Eisuke sets you down. “We have to get parenting books! What type of parents should we be? We could be intense, strict, free-range, french, or-!” You just keep going on, and they intently listen to every word, the smile never leaving their face. After that they had you take time off of work, you finally weren’t as embarrassed to eat sweets around them, they were always kissing, holding, or hugging you, saying how much they loved you. Baba loves rubbing your belly while you sleep, and together they get you anything and everything you could ask for. Eisuke is no longer brutally honest about how he thinks you look. He’ll tell you if something looks better than other outfits, but never critiques such as “it makes you look fat.” Overall, they all turned into soft, loving boyfriends who are always worried about you and the baby.
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full-of-obsessions-blog · 1 month ago
Sold to the Enemy prologue and ch 1
Hey guys. This is actually my first real post on tumblr, but its really because I miss kbtbb fandom activity. I know its been like 10 years since its release, and from my end, it looks like it is dying....but this is like the first time I've checked up on it since like 6 years. The fandom always has a place in my heart, so looking at the quietness of it all is kinda of breaking my heart, since I relooked at my own fanfics of it, and felt the motivation to rewrite what middle school me wrote. I figured why not just post it, because I had only written it in school originally for my friends to read, but we lost touch over time due to life. So, I really hope someone out there enjoys this as much as I do, and that I can somewhat relive what it was like back then with the craziness and love it was back then. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Oh, and I will be updating AO3 more frequently since from my understanding, its better for fanfics instead of tumblr? So please let me know if you want updates here as well?
“Alright, I got the maid disguises here. I am not going to ask, and I am going to forget this ever happened,”  I said to my friend Ainsley.  
My friend Ainsley had asked me to get some maid outfits that match the ones used at the Tres Spade Hotel and Casino. Normally, this is a weird request, but she was insistent, and to quote, “I have an eye for these things.” 
I rolled my eyes and turned away to leave Ainsley’s house, but she pulled me back. 
“Hanh, these are perfect.” 
“Are you sure they are perfect, because apparently you don’t have an eye for these things.” 
“I am choosing to ignore that sass, because I have one small, small favor,” Ainsley goes as her mouth widens into a smile. “We are going undercover at that hotel and casino,” she said while giving me jazz hands. 
“That sounds horrible. Why do you think I just have casual time to kill, by maybe breaking the law?”
“First of all, you will not be breaking the law, because you’ll be working under me. And second-”
“Let me stop you there. That already sounds horrible.”
Ainsley shushes me before covering my mouth with her hands.
“I am just a fantastic friend who is trying to help you. Didn’t you say that you were in a writer’s block with your new mystery novel? Apparently, the hotel and casino is a prime place for you to do some research about the novel,” Ainsley said while bumping shoulders with me. 
“You know that sounds like, oh its go commit a murder, but its for research purposes. That's ridiculous.” 
“You know what’s ridiculous, you agreeing with no hesitation when I said come with me to Japan. I didn’t have to give you an excuse.” 
“Well, there’s a prime difference.”
“And what’s that?” 
“It’s not a crime to go to Japan.” 
Ainsley rolls her eyes. 
“Why do you even need me to go with you?” 
“.. Because I’m lonely.” I looked at her dead in the face. 
“I need a reward. Just because I love you, but give me a hell of a good reason, on top of a guaranteed level of immunity.” 
“Girl, you know I gotchu. How about I cover all your dinner expenses this week while we are here?”
“How about you cover all of them?”
“You know I am not made of money.” 
“How about I throw in lunch along with the dinner.” My eyes squinted, before I slowly stretched out my hand to shake on it. Ainsley’s mouth just widens. 
“Unless we die of course.”
Chapter 1
“Honestly, I don’t know how you managed to get us into the hotel,” I hissed to Ainsley as I followed her into the bathroom. 
“I am impressed with myself,” she responded as she started putting on a wig. I blinked at her. 
“Where’s mine?” 
“You don’t need one. You’re already Asian so you will fit in. I’m a full fledged blonde, so I need this brown wig to fit in a little.”
“I am trying to think that you dragged me into this mess so that I can basically do your work for you! You already stand like a head taller than most Japanese women, with your American genes!” 
“Well, that won’t make me stand out much, because today is the IVC, the International VIP Convention. So there’s quite a bit that isn’t Japanese, so some of the staff isn’t Japanese to help deal with the larger volume of important guests. And the best part is, as long as you speak a decent amount of Japanese and a whole lot of English, you should be fine,” she ends in a sing-song voice, and grabbed my arm to drag me out of the bathroom with her. 
“Hey! You two newbies! Quit slacking off and go help the others at the party!” shouted a girl who had her light brown hair in a ponytail. 
“Yeah! Go help!” shouted two twin girls with curly pigtails at the first girl’s sides. 
I could feel Ainsley’s hands tighten around my arm, before I decided to be the one dragging her away this time. 
“Aren’t you the detective here! You’re going to blow your own cover!” I hissed at her. 
“They won’t miss 3 useless chicks!” 
“Don’t be silly! I don’t feel like being deported and banned from Japan! And you still haven’t covered my meals yet.” 
“You’re right.” I looked at her in shock. 
“Why did you give up so easily?”
“Since this is a pretty big party basically, I can easily pour red wine or something that stains pretty badly on their outfit. I’m sure they would be overjoyed to have to miss out on the biggest party in Japan right now.” Before I could convince her otherwise, a man started to approach us. 
“Hey ladies, how about you get some room service for me? I got money. A big tip for the service,” he started. 
“Haha, you’re funny. How about no for an answer,” Ainsley responded. 
“What?! Don’t you know who I am! I can pay you 5 million dollars!” 
I jumped in before Ainsley actually gets us arrested.
“I am sorry. We don’t offer those kinds of services here.”
“You’re cuter, baby. How about we ignore your friend and you can come give some room service?” I could feel Ainsley tensing up. 
“Get out of the way, lowlifes,” a voice growled from behind. 
“And why the f-” Ainsley whipped around and I noticed who it was. I slapped my hand on Ainsley’s mouth, with my other hand on her arm, and yanked her away. 
“I am so sorry, sir!” I shouted while bowing my head, and rushing to have Ainsley do the same while she was in my arms. 
“M-me too, Mr. Ichinomiya!” the other man shouted shortly after me. 
All I heard from then was a huff, before Mr. Ichinomiya walked past us with his latest groupie of overdramatic women. Seeing how this put a temporary separation from the other guy, I pulled Ainsley into another empty hallway. Ainsley was actually very patient and waited until we were further away from that situation before hissing to me, “What the hell was that for?!” My brows furrowed together. 
“Ainsley, do you not get, like, some file with your so-called mission or assignment before you go undercover?” 
“Do I look stupid to you? What’s the point of looking at all the fine details, because you have to be genuine to be undercover so they don’t catch you. And if you get caught, well you don’t know anything anyways, so that is just protecting you.” 
I was sure my jaw dropped at hearing that.
“I think I am going to die,” I muttered, and Ainsley heard that. 
“Then die, why bother telling me,” Ainsley said and shoved me to the wall before running off.
“I think I am actively losing brain cells,” I muttered before running off after her. 
“You are insane-” I started once I caught up, although I only caught up to her after she stopped all of a sudden.
“Shush!” she went before slapping her hands on my mouth.  
I was thinking that I was going to get deported back to the states because I decided to murder an idiot. 
“Do you see what I am seeing?” Ainsley said, gesturing towards a door that was cracked out just a little bit. I looked inside to see a large conference room, but what made this one different from normal ones, was how the table was littered with rifles on them, and various other handguns. And there were other men all in suits in the room, exchanging many briefcases of cash to each other. They were speaking in hushed tones, so I could barely make out what they were saying. I did make out some things, but it sounded Chinese to me, and my beginner Chinese from that owl language learning app only taught me to say, “I like to eat apples,” and there was nothing like that in this conversation. 
“This is definitely a smuggling jackpot. Imma join them!” Ainsley tried to rush into the room, before I yanked her back. I didn’t feel like dying just yet.
“I do not want to d-” I began to hiss at her, before I felt hand yank me back into a wall next to the door. It did take quite a bit of wind from me, but my adrenaline had me looking straight across to the person that had yanked me back. I stared at a blue tie, before my eyes traveled up to meet some gray-blue eyes with furrowed eyebrows that were not happy to see me. 
“You and your friend have 30 seconds to disappear or you two disappear off the face of the Earth permanently.” 
“Listen here, you-” it didn’t take long for Ainsley to respond, but I wasn’t waiting for her to finish her thought. 
I grabbed her arm again and just ran for it. It wasn’t until we passed multiple corridors and down multiple hallways before I stopped. My adrenaline was wearing out, and I was hunched, panting for more air. 
“Hanh, do you know how you just screwed me over! That was Soryu Oh! The biggest deal in the Triads right now! And rumors had it that he was breaking into the Yakuzu world! Do you know-”
“And you were just about to join that world!”
“No, infiltrate.” Ainsley corrected me, emphasizing the word “infiltrate.”
“Not because you thought it was fun?” I glared at her. 
“I think you’re focusing on the wrong things, but Imma prove it to you,” Ainsley said as she           turned around to break into another sprint, only to run into a man with wavy orange hair. 
“Oh, I am so sorry,” the man said as he held onto Ainsley to make sure she wasn’t completely off balance. The man did look familiar to me, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Although I watched as Ainsley’s eyes widened, “Oh my- you’re Ota Kisaki! The one known as the angelic artist. Can I have an autograph!” 
He smiled brightly, revealing why he got the title of the Angelic Artist if it was based on looks alone. As alarm bells were going off in my mind, Ota said something strange, “Oh my, I didn’t expect there to be two Alices in wonderland today.” 
“They say that those creative people were always loose in the head,” Ainsley said as we watched Ota go away. 
“You know what. I am so tired of this already,” I said, throwing my hands in the air in exasperation.
“I am going to go back to our hotel room. I am going to take a long nap, and then I am going to enjoy the rest of my time in Ja-,” I was yelling at her as I went to the door, thinking it was taking me closer to the exit. In my own frustration with Ainsley, I opened the door a little too hard, having it hit the wall and shaking the things in it. It was like slow motion as I watched an expensive looking vase fall. 
“Ooh- maybe you add that anime experience with that vase in that host club anime you were watching on the plane to your Japan experience “ Ainsley said as I turned around to glare at her. But maybe my blood pressure had risen so much, because then I blacked out. 
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dealerlin · 11 months ago
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about me
i go by Dealer Lin • i’m gender fluid • she/him/they • bisexual • 19 years old • majoring in chemical engineering • working • black & asian • i write dark romance, yandere, mafia, enemies to lovers +
my personal accounts are @linphile & @booklin
this is a 17+ account for non-nsfw and 18+ for nsfw, please have your age in your bio or be ready to give me your age because i will message. ageless and under 17 blogs DO NOT INTERACT
i don’t write for pedophilia, scat & vomit play, character x character, oc x character, and possibly others, if you’re not sure just ask. i do write for just about anything else, yes including smut lol
please be following me to send a request, since i find it rude to ask someone to write your vision for free and not even be willing to support them with a simple click
open / closed
inbox: 4 asks
fandoms i write for
• original characters
• kbtbb
• other otome game
• haikyuu
• jujutsu kaisen
• attack on titan
• bungou stray dogs
• my hero academia
• hunter x hunter
• bower gang (IT)
• obscure manga/anime characters
kbtbb : click here
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neerons · 4 months ago
Heyyy I just wanted to ask if you have a youtube channel or if u had uploaded "a baddest first night eisuke" somwhere? I don't wanna bother u but Ive been looking for it since it came out. Thankss
Hey ❤
I do have a YouTube channel where I upload my recordings of the stories I buy, including this story, however it's only for my private use and cannot be accessed or found publicly.
Since it's one of the newer stories, it'd be hard to find it now. If you can, it'd definitely be better to buy it and support the works of the writers, artists, and the company as a whole so it doesn't collapse due to a lack of money from players who upload paid stories for hundreds of others to read for free.
If you can't buy, I'm sure people somewhere on discord servers have it uploaded privately and are willing to share the story via a link, so you can ask around and look
I'm sorry I can't help out more
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leastdatablebracket · 1 year ago
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Propaganda under the cut!
Ota Kisaki
He literally treats MC like a dog, and also they meet when he buys her in a black market auction
the tiniest defense of ota from kbtbb ALL but like three of the ro’s do buy you off the black market (it’s a team effort bc humans aren’t meant to be sold in the black market hotel ring ackshually 🤓 so the whole team pools together to buy you 💀 [and eisuke runs the damn thing which is objectively worse]) also one of the ro’s who doesn’t buy you is a black market doctor who’s obsessed w ur bones, and ur kids from other routes?, like *loves* ur collar bones and it’s weird. the other two are like. an accountant or some shit and a clown
Shuu Iwamine
This damn partridge kills you CONSTANTLY, regardless if you romance him or not. One of them is literally at the START of the school year, he beheads you then uses your head to pilot this grotesque horror movie android thing! Completely unprompted, you can just die immediately! Horrible school doctor material, even worse boyfriend material, but alas, he's my favorite character.
[hatobf spoilers and also gore / violence kind of ?] he literally kills the mc in both of his endings, and in the true route he uses her best friend to kill her . and chops her body up and puts them in boxes to his student . and he puts her brain in a strange scarecrow machine . its insane hes so undateable man <//3
Decapitates protagonist and puts her head in a jar. Kills multiple other characters. Just generally an unpleasant person . My favorite character btw
He hates your species, sees you more as a science experiment than a romantic partner, and also kills you in his ending. Plus he has just, the worst attitude about the whole thing.
Bad End with him the government takes you out. "Good" end with him he cuts off your head, sticks it in a jar, and talks to it while on the run from the government. (Spoilers for hatoful BBL) True End of the whole game that ties up all the characters' stories, he kills you again but this time sends your head to your childhood best friend and takes your brain out to make basically robo-frankenstein. Was also an adult when the MC was a young child, and is the school nurse at MC's high-school. He's also a partridge. 
Literal birderer (bird murderer) 
It also turns out the (unrequited?) love of his life was the father of the MC's childhood friend. AND HE DOESN'T PULL ANY OF THIS SHIT WITH HIM. HE EVEN BECOMES A SLIGHTLY BETTER PERSON FOR HIM IN HOLIDAY STAR. It even turns out that everything thing he did in the true route of Hatoful Boyfriend was to fulfill a promise he made to that man on his deathbed (ALTHOUGHT RYOUTA'S FATHER NEVER ASKS HIM TO COMMIT ANY MURDERS, FATBIRD JUST THINKS MURDERS ARE A GREAT SOLUTION TO MANY PROBLEMS). So like, he's not just a murderous sadistic partridge who is also kind of a dick. He could not be one. Just NOT FOR YOU. OR ANYONE ELSE. JUST THIS ONE SPECIFIC PIGEON.
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otomefoxystar · 2 years ago
i’ve been having baby fever so i’m wondering if this request is okay: a reader who’s usually concerned about their weight and eats conscientiously but when they start eating sweets randomly all day everyday no one can figure out why but he kinda has an idea so they go to ask the reader to take a pregnancy test and she starts crying because she thinks he thinks she’s fat? and then he’s like no- i think your pregnant
for fandom kbtbb and any of the boys would be cool! genre maybe fluffy fluff fluff? 🥹
Hey Softnest!!! I’m so sorry this took so long, I’ve been super busy lately. I got it done though, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it. Pregnancy fics are one of my favs to write.
Thanks for requesting !
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jasmine-otome · 2 years ago
KBTBB Switch: Soryu S2 Twist of Fate Walkthrough
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This walkthrough is intended for the Switch port of KBTBB.
Key: Happy Ending Good Ending Masterlist
Episode 1:
“Every day is so fun.” ”It’s the same as it was in Japan.” ”It’s a secret.”
Talk to the dog. ”He likes me already!” ”He could be a guard dog.”
Episode 2:
“I’m managing okay.” ”It’s rewarding.” ”It’s difficult.”
“Let’s go.” ”How about delivery?” ”I’ll cook.”
Episode 3:
“Yes.” ”It’s not a big deal.” ”You must have the wrong person.”
“If you don’t want to talk about it…” ”I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.” Change the subject.
Episode 4:
“Just wondering why.” ”No, I’m happy.” ”It’s just unusual.”
Send him pics of Jasmine. Make him go to sleep early tonight. Take care of him when he gets home.
Episode 5:
Watch and see. Look at a book. Find an animal hospital.
“I have a boyfriend.” ”Are you lying?” ”I can’t.”
Episode 6:
“Nothing.” ”Nothing special.” ”A little trouble…”
Ask Soryu. Ask Ryosuke. Ask Baba.
Episode 7:
Tell the truth. Don’t say anything. Cover it up.
Call Soryu. Call home. Call the penthouse.
Episode 8:
Call the police. Call Soryu. Call home.
Episode 9:
“It’s a misunderstanding.” ”How is this for my own good?” ”Don’t you believe me?”
“I don’t want you to be in danger.” ”I trust that you’ll always protect me.” ”I’m used to it.”
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the-voltage-diaries · 5 years ago
tbh I think eisuke is better than Taki because he has more of a character development, wouldn't you agree?
Hey there, anon! Lmao that’s a kind of a controversial question you’ve asked me haha
Disclaimer: What’s written below is my own humble opinion, it’s not meant to hate on, or disregard, or disrespect anyone intentionally.
I’m going to have to say I disagree. And by saying I disagree, I am not, in the least bit, trying to state the counter: that Taki is better than Eisuke. If someone said that, I’d disagree then too. And that’s because of one simple reason, that Taki and Eisuke are two separate individuals with very, very different personalities and it’s wrong to compare them on the basis of character development, according to me. 
Here’s why:
1. Statue vs Rust Now, here’s a way to look at it. Eisuke’s character development is like making a statue, whereas Taki’s is like removing the rust. When it comes to Eisuke, his character development starts at a point where he doesn’t even know half the human emotions that exist, like love, care, affection, et cetera. He doesn’t invest his time in them because he’s never felt much of them, and the MC, over a period of time, has to make him understand what those emotions mean and how important they are. He gets introduced to a world he never knew, in a sense. That’s precisely why Eisuke has so much scope for development, too. In a metaphorical sense, it’s like the KBTBB MC meets a stone Eisuke and over a period of time, and after putting in tonnes of affection, hard work, and care, sculpts him into a beautiful statue. She slowly works on the intricate details and makes him into who he is now. Now, if you look at Taki, the scope for his character development is limited in this sense (I’ll elaborate on that in a bit). With him, it’s like polishing the rust off of something. When it comes to his story line, he is very different in terms of knowing emotions as compared to Eisuke because he has already felt emotions like love, care, affection, et cetera. In his teenage years, he was a very charming and kind individual who knew those feelings well. But, due to the misunderstanding with MC and the debt situation, he felt like those emotions aren’t meant to be felt, that they are a hindrance. He purposefully chose to mask over what he felt because he knew the price of letting them out. Here, MC’s task was to remove that facade, and she made him realise it’s okay to feel those feelings. It was like removing a thick layer of rust to allow his inner self to shine through. In simpler terms, it’s like letting something which was already there come up to the surface, instead of shaping it from scratch, like what happens with Eisuke.
Even if you look at their MS’, you’ll notice that Eisuke, by the end of his MS is still pretty bland whereas Taki has more of a feel to him. He smiles more, he’s more honest, and it’s like bringing a teenage Taki back.
2. Varying Scopes Eisuke’s stories are more about him coming to terms with his emotions and realizing he feels things which he didn’t even know he felt. More like, Eisuke’s story line’s central theme, in most cases, is working on his character development from an emotional point of view. It focuses on how Eisuke feels, and grows that into something more. Whereas with Taki, his stories aren’t about his character development with respect to feeling new emotions and dealing with them. His character development is linked to coming to terms with his past and allowing himself to feel what he denied feeling for so many years. That’s one reason why you won’t find a lot with Taki in terms of his emotional development with respect to feeling new things.
3. History does repeat itself With Eisuke and MC, it’s important to note that they didn’t know each other at all prior to that fateful meeting at the hotel lobby. They probably hadn’t even talked much and their relationship started from square one. So it’s kind of understandable why Eisuke would still keep his walls up for a LONG time. It takes a while for Eisuke and MC to work through obstacles and establish a degree of trust between them with respect to each other. Whereas with Taki, MC and him already share a history. They were high school sweethearts and Taki and MC both know what the other person was like, and can decipher from a mere few moments that neither of them has changed much over the years, except for having a higher wall around them, owing to their experiences with life in the past. Once Taki and MC realise who the other is, it’s a little bit of awkwardness before they both allow themselves to settle in and be comfortable around each other (even banter a lot lol), because they essentially do know the other person well. Because of that, there’s already a certain degree of trust established between Taki and MC right from the middle of his MS Season 1. That, in turn, leaves less of character development in terms of his relationship with MC when it comes to Taki.
4. Family Backgrounds It’s also important to look at how different their backgrounds are. Eisuke hails from a reputable family, and was adopted into a super rich family as a kid too. He has always dealt with two-faced people and has always had a much more luxurious life from the start. What I’m trying to say is, Eisuke’s not bothered to concern himself with emotions from the very beginning because that’s what’s been ingrained into him from his childhood. Also, because he’s been ultra rich from the start, the MC has more work to do when it comes to making him realise money ain’t everything, my guy. Now with Taki, he has very humble origins. He came from a very normal family, and knows what it’s like to live with just enough money (not being ultra rich, I mean). He was a very normal guy in high school with a very warm group of friends, an incredible girlfriend who he was in love with and a very humble life. His attachment to money came with the debt, when he realised as long as you have money, you have power and as long as you have power, you have everything. MC’s task here was to take him back to his teenage days and make him understand that sometimes, it’s the less expensive things which give you more happiness. 
5. Old Habits Die Hard Now, let’s look at their interactions with the MC. If you’ve noticed, Eisuke is very... hm, how should I put it... non-slangy + formal in the way he speaks. To make more sense of this, Eisuke is very proper when he speaks, and he doesn’t use a lot of phrases like “Man, you’re...” or “God, that was....”. And that’s because it’s been ingrained into him. Eisuke’s vocabulary is very prim and proper and non-slangy because that’s what he’s been taught since childhood. It makes him seem more like a robot, in a sense in the very beginning, in my opinion. Gives him a less relatable vibe, basically (and I mean no hate). Whereas if you look at Taki’s stories, he often uses a lot of phrases like, “God, you’re cute.” or “Man, that was something.” and that’s mainly just his high school, boy next door self showing its form. It makes him more relatable and human in my opinion, and those slangs are what show the reader that yes, the Teenage Taki still exists in there.
6. Won’t Lose You As stated previously, Eisuke hadn’t even known the MC exists till they met in the hotel lobby in the prologue. So when Eisuke and MC start dating, it’s with a perspective of “Okay, now she is my girlfriend.”, which doesn’t allow Eisuke to be very open about his feelings from the start. In case you’re confused, hang in there and let me explain Taki’s side to help you understand better. Now, Taki is MC’s ex. Someone who was very in love with her. Still is. He knows what it’s like to lose the MC, for he had already lost her once, and would do anything and everything to NOT lose her again. Thus, he is relatively more open with his emotions. He let’s her know how much he loves her, values her, cares for her, because he doesn’t want to let her go again, ever.
7. Okay, Let’s Be Direct Eisuke is a very “actions speak louder than words” person. He isn’t very open with his emotions, heck he doesn’t even say “i love you” till MC demands it out of him lmao. He is very indirect in terms of expressing what he feels for the MC, even in his later stories, and it takes time for him to come to terms with the word “love”, in general. If you look at Taki, he has been very direct from the start. Even in high school when he confessed to MC he went “I like you.” and in his MS when MC asked him why he kissed her, he said “Because I love you.” right on her face. He has always been direct with expressing himself, so that leaves a much smaller scope when it comes to him coming to terms with feelings like love and care, et cetera.
8. Different Premises Now, this might be the last point I touch upon. The thing is, both KBTBB and KoP are set in VERY different themes. In KBTBB, the MC is a normal person with a fulfilling life, she gets sold in the auctions, meets the auction managers and her journey starts from there. In KBTBB, MC has to mainly deal with the stress that comes with throwing herself into the dangerous life Eisuke and the other lead, and apart from that her life doesn’t really have much of an angst. In the sense, that none of the action managers have to actually deal with the MC and her emotions, per say. In KoP, the MC goes through a divorce which basically leaves her mentally shattered. She self-doubts and and constantly keeps worrying about what did she do wrong which made things end up the way they did. Here, while the KoP guy and and MC fall in love, it’s also about helping MC realise what happened was not her fault entirely. It’s about connecting deeper, much deeper, on an emotional level with the MC, which gives Taki a sort of a head start when it comes to character development in terms of bonding with the MC. ... I hope that made sense lol
That was a LONG response, not gonna lie, and I’m so sorry for being late with this! But, I hope I was successful in showing you my side of things on this debate. 
Thanks a lot for the ask! <3
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