inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
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i am doing... a bad thing...
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
Are you the writer of Monachopsis? It's fantastic
yep, thatโ€™s me! that storyโ€™s been my baby for four years now, so thank you very much !! ^^
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
coeurresonne replied to your post: coeurresonne replied to your post: ...
[ shatter voice ] MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD,,,
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
coeurresonne replied to your post: UK HATTER IS A PRECIOUS DARLING BBY AND I LOVE HER...
okay missย โ€œi set up a blog based solely on a snippet of one song and some reviewsโ€ BUT SHATTER IS STILL GOING TO ADOPT HER
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
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โ€œYouโ€™re like a candy bar: half sweet and half nuts.โ€ The comment comes unprompted, but is spoken with the utmost solemnity as though he truly means this. Of course, the smirk curling lips indicates anything but sincerity. He canโ€™t keep himself from doing it, though. If you canโ€™t use terrible pick-up lines on this day then when can you?ย 
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โœ‚ย @inlookingglassย ย โ–Œ STARTER CALL
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โ€œAnd youโ€™re like a cat: very bad at metaphors.โ€ Aย  pause, and a lofty toss of her head, and then she adds gravely,ย โ€œIf Iโ€™m any sort of sweet at all, Iโ€™m a jam tartโ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“bitter beneath the sugar, and usually quite poisonous. ...And, for your information, Iโ€™m not โ€˜half nuts,โ€™ Iโ€™m entirely mad.ย Thatโ€™s how it works.โ€
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
lies down
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
Cora realized, a little later than she would choose to admit, that the girl already hadย whatever it was she needed to cast some sort of spell. This was not a use of ink that Cora had encountered in all her years. Typically spells were written on scrolls, in books, to be utilized outside of oneself. This was clearly something different.
For a moment she realized she may have been hasty in burning the book- there may have been knowledge in there of power she did not have, power she could later use. But she had chosen to make this girl an enemy rather than an ally, and it was far too late to change course now.ย 
Besides, a challenge had been issued. The girl seemed to think Cora could not stop her, and that ignorance must be corrected. Cora narrowed her eyes, accepting the challenge. There was a tree across the street- its branches would do just fine. Cora didnโ€™t say a word as the bark began to move, stretching outwards towards the girl. She smiled, and waited a moment.ย 
When the branches had nearly reached their target, she chose to speak.
โ€œOh, but that isnโ€™t nearlyย as much fun,โ€ Cora said as the wooden bindings reached their target, wrapping tightly around the girlโ€™s ankles and wrists. With a clench of her own fist, the branches strengthened their grip, splinters piercing skin.
โ€œDonโ€™t make me hurt you, dear,โ€ Cora sneered, tone dripping with honeyed sarcasm. โ€œI would soย hate to do you harm.โ€
A hiss escaped between Hatterโ€™s teeth as branches wound around her limbs. Her fist closed convulsively around the tuning fork, muffling its sound and quieting the vibrations in her head. If her captor came just a few steps closer, if Hatter could throw the tuning fork against the sidewalk with sufficient forceโ€ฆ Oh, sheโ€™d teach the witch a thing or two about doing harm.
But the distance was wrong and the branches held her fast, no matter how defiantly she struggled against them. Stronger than the creeping vines of a tulgey treeโ€”although their bark has nothing on the tulgey vineโ€™s teeth.
Panting, heart slamming in her chest, Hatter went still for a moment, considering her options. She might be able to move swiftly enough to wrench her legs out of their boots, and with feet planted on solid ground, rip her arms freeโ€ฆ But the witch would surely catch her again.
Neutralize the magic first, then. She yanked her left arm. against the restraints, grimacing as the bark scraped against her bare skin. Ink was the Protocolโ€™s preferred conduit, but blood would serve in a pinch, and if she could reach into the magic animating the branches and cut the lines of intentโ€ฆ Well, in theory the branches would simply collapse.
โ€œโ€ฆYou know,โ€ she said, grunting as she yanked against the branches again,ย โ€œIโ€™ve killed bandersnatches with my bare hands. Iโ€™ve faced down monsters the likes of which you could only dream of,ย and Iโ€™ve interceded with the Queen of Hearts on behalf of traitors.โ€ย Hatter can feel skin beginning to tear around the worst splinters. Almost there.ย โ€œYou donโ€™t frighten me.โ€
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
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like look at this crap.ย 
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what the fuck
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if my suspicion is correct and thatโ€™s fucking morris lurking in the background with BUNNY EARS on his head i will personally hunt down grace smart and punch her in the face
the costumes for uk!wonderland are soโ€ฆ bad.
likeย โ€œthis looks like a half-assed high school productionโ€ bad
likeย โ€œhas grace smart ever heard of texture? or thematic coherence?โ€ bad
likeย โ€œiโ€™m not expecting hilferty but could you at least tryโ€ bad
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
the costumes for uk!wonderland are so... bad.
likeย โ€œthis looks like a half-assed high school productionโ€ bad
likeย โ€œhas grace smart ever heard of texture? or thematic coherence?โ€ bad
likeย โ€œiโ€™m not expecting hilferty but could you at least tryโ€ bad
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
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| ย  ย & โ˜ฝ ย  ๐Ÿพ ย  โ˜พ not exactly ย a fan of the unfamiliar.ย  considering century ย  ย after centuryย  had been spent learning the waysย  of the world & itsโ€™ inhabitants, ย lore told of more ย  but barely showed it. ย  ย  ย  ย  โ€œ well someone spent wayย  ย  ย  too much time with theirย  ย  ย  sewing machine today โ€”-ย โ€œย 
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ย  ย  ย  ย โ€œ and someone has no ย  ย  ย  appreciation for craft. โ€
a glare. ย  no such thing as too much time with a machine ย โ€” ย at least notย  until the eyes get blurry. ย  & anyway, the hat ย  ย ( returned now to her head with an irate flourish ) ย is hand-sewn.
ย  ย  ย  โ€œ perhaps iโ€™ll turn you into ย  ย  ย a hat next, hm? teach you ย  ย  ย the real value of millinery art. โ€
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  an agonized hissโ€”โ€“ hands fly to his ears, to protect from the ASSAULT, but the damage is done. it is far too late & he feels much more than the simple two letter word should make him feel. face twists, the resounding THRUMMING in his ears.
( why do people not understand the beauty of a WHISPER ? )
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  โ pardon me, i didnโ€™t mean to offend ? โž ย  itโ€™s phrased as a question, though he doesnโ€™t intend it: heโ€™s just not sure WHAT he did wrong. but if itโ€™ll prevent another shout, heโ€™ll apologize a hundred more times.
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย โ whether you MEANT or DIDNโ€™T MEAN is irrelevant. you DID !ย โž ย  morris makes no effort to lower his voice; he, unlike this blithering fool, has no qualms about causing offense. &ย shouting is a good, comfortable volume, one he wonโ€™t easily relinquish.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  he leans closer and adds, in triumphant tones, ย ย โ and, if you really DIDNโ€™T MEAN to offend, you wouldnโ€™t have said anything in the first place ! ย  so THERE.ย โž
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
Cora scoffed, rolling her eyes. There was no alternativeย to a fact. Someoneโ€™s misconception of an event did not make it true.ย โ€œAnd if I told you I thought I was a purple elephant with silver wings, would that make it true simply because I believed it? Donโ€™t be ridiculous.โ€
A lie was a lie, and to believe otherwise was utter nonsense. Though Cora knew damn well it was fruitless to argue with a Wonderlander. The whole lot of them were out of their stupid little minds.ย 
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โ€œYouโ€™re entirely mad, though I suppose you know that. You people are very easy for a despot to control. I suppose youโ€™d believe what ever lies some tyrant spouted at you, wouldnโ€™t you? Perhaps a ruler would shout that thousandsย had come to praise them, when in reality it was a small circle of loyalists. But that wouldnโ€™t matter to you, would it? Youโ€™d still believe the lie. That, my dear, is madness.โ€
โ€œPurple elephants donโ€™t exist,โ€ Hatter said, grinning.ย โ€œBut you can believe anything you like, soโ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“if you were adamant about thinking yourself to be a purple elephant, winged or otherwiseโ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“I might have to believe that you believed, in spite of evidence to the contrary, that you were one after all.โ€
It was a matter of logic, not madness. Hatter couldnโ€™t understand what was so difficult about it; people believed plenty of things without any factual basis, and when people claimed to believe in something, it saved a lot of time and effort to simply take them at their word. Each person was a master on the subject of their own mind, after all.
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โ€œOur Queen of Hearts never lied; she was far too stupid. If she said thousands had turned out to sing her praises, we all understood it to mean that she was a very poor mathematician. Meanwhile if I wanted to claim attendances in the thousands, I wouldโ€™ve taken whatever steps were necessary to ensure that there were thousands of people in the first place. Not that I would haveโ€“โ€“โ€“โ€“half the allure of the Tea Party was its exclusivity.โ€
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
i look like an actual skeleton jesus
tonight iโ€™m finally gonna seeย the zombie film i was in last year
&ย apparently i am ย โ€˜ really scary โ€™
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
i showed up but the sound mix is wrong so you can't hear my dialogue i am outraged
tonight iโ€™m finally gonna seeย the zombie film i was in last year
&ย apparently i am ย โ€˜ really scary โ€™
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inlookingglass-archived ยท 8 years
update: this is TRIPPY AS FUCK
tonight iโ€™m finally gonna seeย the zombie film i was in last year
&ย apparently i am ย โ€˜ really scary โ€™
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