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razorblade180 · 8 months ago
Kuki:Look at this dude. He comes into my apartment, eats my food, and now he’s napping like a king on my couch. The absolute nerve I tell ya. *lays next to him*
Itto:*puts arm around her*
Kazuha:You don’t seem too bothered by it.
Kuki:Course not. I’m Queen. *closes eyes*
Yoimiya:I want what they have.
Kazuha:Should I visit your place more often?
Yoimiya:My dad owns a sword.
Kazuha:All kings must do battle.
Yoimiya:Do not fight my dad!
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vertigospirit · 2 years ago
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kazumiya doodle
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thousandsarrows · 2 years ago
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shixige · 1 year ago
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Kazumiya Redraw 🫶🫶
Its messy as hell, but i just wanted to finish this drawing before i draw other stuff.
I also just dont know how shade so yeah 👍
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This is the old drawing ☆ made it back in March 28 2023, so 7? Months difference 🎉
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litfever · 2 years ago
❧ fic masterlist
welcome! here are my fics.
i post them on ao3 under the pseudonym daintyfleur and i mostly write modern/college aus about ittosara and huxiao from the video game genshin impact. this list will be organized chronologically.
genshin impact
love makes mockeries of men
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-04-17 word count: 948 rating: teen and up summary: love makes mockeries of men (but, just this once, he'll allow it)
only the moon could love the sun (the way i love you)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-05-22 word count: 337 rating: general audiences summary: he makes her soft—unbelievably so.
keep your friends close (and people who are terrible for your rationality closer)
pairing: kaeya/rosaria date published: 2021-06-05 word count: 411 rating: teen and up summary: "You're welcome, Rosaria darling." She will murder this man.
abstruse (see also: my love for you)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-06-11 word count: 4,060 rating: teen and up summary: A chuckle rises in her chest. She can feel the way it reverberates inside of her, warming her as his kiss has.
unwavering devotion (decidedly so)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-07-08 word count: 732 rating: teen and up summary: Xiao swears time stops when Hu Tao’s lips meet his.
when we meet again (infallibly)
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-07-11 word count: 3,801 rating: teen and up summary: The air whistles an eerie tune. She laughs a nervous laugh and turns around slowly, placing her hands behind her head because she didn’t know what to do with them. A spark of recognition ignites in her brain. She curses herself out, it was a day of bad decisions (and apparently bad thoughts), and it might cost her her life.
my heart is a canvas (free for you to paint with the colors of your affection)
pairing: kamisato ayaka/thoma date published: 2021-08-04 word count: 2,317 rating: teen and up summary: You see, art as an elective course seemed like a good idea five months ago.
the rain drew daggers on my skin (and you held me as i wept in pain)
pairing: kaedehara kazuha & yoimiya, kazuha/yoimiya date published: 2021-08-09 word count: 751 rating: general audiences summary: The rain has always been relentless in Inazuma.
underneath the stars (but somehow, on top of the world)
pairing: albedo/sucrose date published: 2021-08-29 word count: 2,090 rating: general audiences summary: In the list of all the things that she would never expect to happen, Albedo Kreideprinz picking her up out of the blue was probably at number one.
sorry, i'm a little chai
pairing: hu tao/xiao | alatus date published: 2021-09-28 word count: 734 rating: teen and up summary: He stores away that little bit into his memory, for what? He’s not sure. It isn’t like they’ll ever see each other again.
tolerated (only by you)
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2021-10-13 word count: 10,253 rating: teen and up summary: “I’m going to wipe the floor with you.” Please do, his inner voice said.
beginning, middle, end
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2022-07-01 word count: 15,775 rating: teen and up summary: Itto and Sara are rival editors who have to co-edit a book.
it drives you crazy, getting old
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2022-10-11 word count: 2,910 rating: teen and up summary: Itto, Sara, and the stars. The stars, Sara, and Itto.
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2023-06-07 chapter count: 3/3 word count: 13,270 rating: mature summary: She’s right. She usually is. It would have ended the same.
here is my heart (i know you can stomach it)
pairing: arataki itto/kujou sara date published: 2023-07-08 word count: 4,059 rating: general audiences summary: She is Sara Kujou, and she is seventeen and sparkling, and starting the rest of her life.
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allhellbreaksloosesthings · 2 years ago
Kazuha: Hi
Yoimiya: Hi!
Kazuha: God you're so hot.
Yoimiya: What?
Kazuha: (Ó//ࡇ// Ò// )
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burnxngslash · 2 years ago
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unprompted / accepting / @ofhope​
"Hey, Kazuha," if the samurai's lap wasn't deemed a seat, Yoimiya hadn't gotten the memo -- contented, her knees locked on either side of his, she looped her arms 'round his neck. "I've got a couple nicknames I wanna' run by you! My maple leaf, my sunlight..." nosing the apple of his cheek, she grinned mischievously. "My warrior, my crackle pop, my soul - that's more poetic though, huh? Hmm... how's about," a kiss to the bridge of his nose. "I juuuust call you mine? That okay?"
Not necessarily a part of the nsfw prompts, but --
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He spent the night at his beloved again, these days he would be seen helping her father with whatever preparations he would require, other times he would be with his beloved. Learning the art of her trade, because it’s never too late to learn something new and it was a passion of hers. He felt those little moments would help him learn so much about her, and archons he’s learned so much. There was beauty in what she does but they were also surrounded by dangers that only proved to make him worry over her well-being even more.
However, on this day he’s given some time of reprieve. Perhaps later he would travel towards the wilderness and train with his word, hmm or perhaps not because his sensitive senses caught familiar pitter patters along the earth. He felt the vibrations and caught the rather familiar scent of both sulfur and perfume. Then before he knew it his lap had been occupied by his shining star. Oh how adorable was she right now? Deciding on what to call him huh. “All interesting names I assure you, I do adore ‘mine’. However, now that you’ve mentioned it..I suppose I have something that I’d like to call you too.”
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The wandering samurai spoke leaning forward, the tip of his nose rubbing against her own. “I’d like to call you ‘My Home’ if that’s quite alright with you. Only with you does my frail heart hold any strength. Never have I experience this kind of peace..let alone within the land that’s brought me many hardships. However, those hardships led me on the path that would one day lead me to you, it led me home. Not the land or the walls that surround us, but you Yoimiya.”
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dawn0 · 1 year ago
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burnxngslash · 2 years ago
Oh..clever, he definitely had to listen rather carefully to the influx of words that left her lips, granted one did not even need to hear the words that were leaving her lips because Kazuha could feel what she says, their hearts were one after all and given that tone she was obviously worried about his health, impressed and proud that he would look out for his fellow man but CONCERNED that one day he just might bite off more than he could chew. It’s been awhile since Kazuha had ever felt such genuine worry for his safety.
Wait no, that was a lie, after having joined the Crux fleet he realized what it was like to be among familiy once again and Captain Beidou herself was like the older sister he never once thought he would yearn for. Then there was the Tarveler: Aether. A stranger from the stars who empathized with his plight the moment Kazuha shared his tale, the blond reminded him so much of his fallen friend. Then there were the others he’s met through his travels, Liyue Harbor, Mondstadt and even Fontaine..so yes he knew what it was like to be loved.
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But to this extent, that was alien and it was great. Something he did not want to end, nor did he want to worry her because he can empathize with her. The moment she was done talking, Kazuha did the one thing he knew he could do that would ensure her that he will be safer for much longer, in fact it’s something he called his get-out-of-trouble play. “I promise, as the sun shine during the day I will ensure my own safety when protecting another.”
His fingers gently captures her chin and pulls her close only for him to lay a chaste kiss right on her lips. “Would you forgive a careless and slightly crippled wanderer for worrying you? I am after all at your mercy.”
Yoimiya threw out a few things - a whaaat, a huh?!, and a me?! - but ultimately, none of them stuck. After all, avoiding the inevitable was difficult whenever her own body was adorned in wrappings, some areas more tender than others. Stray sparks were a given, full-on explosions weren't as common, but after every other shift she would be sporting a new wound to call her own. It was a small price to pay to test out products, especially sparklers: if they were to be in the hands of children, she had to rid them of critical errors. For that, she would proudly showcase her every burn! ... Once they healed enough, anyway.
“Okaay, okaay, I miiight get a 'lil burnt every now and then. So, if you ever smell burnt Naku Weed, it's probably just me! And there's probably nothing to worry about!”
While she would've preferred the stroll to be without injury, this shared moment was short-lived, but sweet - like a Lavender Melon! Kazuha, she found, resembled that fruit a lot: sweet, resilient, sometimes hanging on a tree, sometimes sitting at its base... she laughs to herself then, thinking of a Lavender Melon decked out as the one and only Kazuha, scarf and all.
Creaking open the door, Yoimiya led him toward an area tucked in the innermost corner, seating stretching out from there, all the way toward the shop's window. Typically, it had a mix-mash of tools or miscellaneous supplies piled atop it, but blissfully something had moved Yoimiya to set about cleaning her workplace.
“You realllly don't wanna' get lectured, do you?” with Kazuha seated, Yoimiya stood before him, hands on her hips. “Alright then, I'll make it quick!”
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Inhaling deeply, she began.
“You'retotallycapableofmakingyourownjudgementandallofthatstuff, butsometimesIjustworryaboutyounotaskingforhelpawholelot,” as she spoke, Yoimiya moved objects around, looked above and underneath tables, cupboards, “Andit'sokaytonotwanttoputanyoneout, but - but - I'mworriedthat, worriedthat - I dunno', somedayyou'dgethurtandnottellmeand, and,” finally locating what she had sought, Yoimiya appears at his side again, plush pillow in-hand before lifting and stuffing it beneath his injured limb. “I don't like thinking of you laying around someplace, hurt, and with nobody to help you.”
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therosecrest · 2 months ago
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kazumiyas · 17 days ago
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he's got quite the tale to tell, I'm sure.
ALINA . . . . she . . . . (09) . . . . intj
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© kazumiyas 2025. hoyoverse fanfiction blog. affiliated with @stellaronhvnters
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razorblade180 · 17 days ago
A Dream
5.4 updates
Paimon:What another beautiful morning. Shall we-
Aether:*alchemist table*
Paimon:Uhhh, guys?
Aether:It is done.
Kazuha:*takes mask* I shall never forget this kindness. *walks away*
I once dreamed, a most beautiful dream. Where sparks danced and the light bathed us in joy. A dream I yearned for. A dream that ached. As moons passed and battles raged, I buckled. Dare I say, I fell, yet I never forgot. The roads I traveled were vast, yet familiar. Now I know why. Every step a took lead me right back to you; my beautiful dream. My North Star.
Kazuha:*drops to his knees* I dreamed of sparks bathed in joy. I dreamed of you, and the heights that were always reachable. At long last, I am awake.
Yoimiya:*dawns the mask* Yes we are, and it’s never felt more blinding.
Yoimiya:What a wonderful day!
Keqing:What have you done?
Aether:I’ve kept my promises.
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peachyblkdemonslayer · 20 days ago
Miyoko (and maybe a few other girls) in these dresses
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Finished a few of the girls took a mi ute cause something was going on with my tablet
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thousandsarrows · 2 years ago
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Morii - Kaedehara Kazuha and Yoimiya Fanfiction
Pairings: Kaedehara Kazuha and Nagonohara Yoimiya (Genshin Impact)
Summary: While docking at Liyue, Kazuha's shore leave was interrupted by a smuggled passenger aboard Alcor, the flagship of the Crux. That person turns out to be Yoimiya herself who trying to experience a yearly festival of Tevyat which happens in Liyue for the first time in 10 years, called Morii. Now as a partner in crime, Kazuha forcefully has to accompany Yoimiya whilst protecting her from Millelith, as she is currently one of the most wanted people in Liyue for disregarding the military force of Liyue. Which takes them on a journey and exploration of Liyue, a nation that they are not familiar with.
Words: 48,219 Chapter: 12/12
Link to Fanfic: Archive of Our Own (AO3)
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ofhope · 7 months ago
Yoimiya was well-versed with his poetry, some of it seared into her very thoughts, cradled lovingly against her heart. Some of it flew over her head, unable to fully parse the landscapes in which he so freely spoke of, illustrated with words alone, but she was so very aware of what he said just then, aware enough to dust her cheeks, ears, neck in a bloom of pink.
“Ka-zu-ha, you can't have my kisses in place of a meal,” she laughed, nudging her way further; the perch of his chest sang so beautifully to her, how was she supposed to deny its soon-to-be comforts? “But, I suppose a treat doesn't replace a whole meal, does it?”
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Content, she leant her cheek against the reassurance of his palm, longing - albeit in her own mind, hushed - for it to, instead, be bare. Such was a boundary yet crossed, and one she wouldn't venture unless spoken about for a good while, knowing the nature of its bandaged history. Resting a single hand against his chest, Yoimiya breathed unsteadily, the proposal fanning her momentary shyness.
“You don't think Miss Beidou will catch us, do you?” the query was more breath than word, Yoimiya ghosting her lips over his own, teasing; loving. “I... probably should've thought of that earlier, huh.”
Said worry went uncared for in the end, Yoimiya's hand gliding upward to frame Kazuha's neck as she, at long last, sealed their lips together. Hopefully Miss Beidou was far too busy to fret over any of their ventures.
@scarlxtleaves, continued!
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sirhamburrger · 1 day ago
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✩ they collaborated multiple times over the various selection stages of the blue lock trainee program, eventually deciding to keep to just four members for the world tour stage of the selection.
✩ their vibe is very 1990s - 2000s rock, owing to y/n and reo's taste in music and corresponding playing styles. however, they're very versatile as a band because of their flexible musicalities.
✩ their touring setlist is a hodgepodge of rock/alt eras, with influences from green day, mcr, fall out boy, three days grace, arctic monkeys etc.
✩ their manager is british talent scout chris prince! he used to be part of a boy group, but has since gone solo.
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✩ the only remaining girl in the blue lock trainee program (the rest, unfortunately, didn't make it far before being eliminated.) ✩ does vocals with chigiri, and plays electric guitar if she's pressed to do so ✩ she was convinced (yes, chigiri groveled) to join their band because of nagi and chigiri's raw star power. she wasn't all that sure about reo at first, but he quickly grew on her
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✩ arguably has the best range out of all the vocalists in the program ✩ has vocal nodules, and has to be very, very careful not to damage his vocal cords further ✩ joined the band because he didn't want to go anywhere other than england. not just for the opportunities in the music scene there, but also for nagi and reo's undeniable talent
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✩ is the most reliable drummer you will meet (they call him the met-reo-nome.) ✩ half of their fans are only there for his biceps in those tight tank tops ✩ is the band's token mcr enjoyer, always has airpods in ✩ did NOT volunteer to be team leader. (nagi wouldn't do it, and prince wouldn't let y/n or chigiri do it, either.)
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✩ has the most messed up sleep schedule of anyone in blue lock ✩ is lowkey a musical genius?? he plays with his instinct and is really adaptable, which is what made chigiri want to join them in the first place ✩ met reo in high school, where they started making covers of rock songs (that’s how they got scouted)
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TAGLIST (OPEN): @narcjsistx, @nyxlai, @n0ah-hal00, @kawoala, @chuuyalvover, @ih8geography, @lorisheaven, @hqnge, @anqelkoz, @kokoscutie, @pookiei-bookie, @aswiftiechildofapollo, @definitelynotanalien, @kazumiyas, @lizbix, @arwawawa2, @1-800reki (reply to be added, dm to be removed!)
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bllk masterlist || general masterlist © sirhamburrger 2025
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