#kazumi kakizaki
smbhax · 2 years
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Illustrations by manga artist Kazumi Kakizaki.
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trioxina245 · 1 year
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The artwork of Double Dragon II used on NES cartridges, by Kazumi Kakizaki
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studio-hirune · 5 years
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2020 .02.12 sketches
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shinjinrui · 6 years
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かきざき和美 - Kazumi Kakizaki
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game-levels · 8 years
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Thinking over what games to add to my top 5 NES games and I saw a picture for double dragon 2 and it got me thinking, wasn’t there a censorship issue over this?
The first image is by Kazumi Kakizaki (かきざき和美). It was used for Arcade flyers in Japan and America  and also for the famicom box art. 
The second image shows the Arcade side art. A similar design but a bit different. Interesting to note the game was licensed in the US by romstar. They also did some interesting artwork for Ghost’n Goblins. I digress...
I added the third image which is a better version I found of the second
The release for the famicom and NES plays a little differently to the arcade and as you can see from the forth image there was some censorship for the US and European releases. (PAL version shown) The main three differences being Marian’s top is a much darker red. Her skirt has been edited and the female antagonist has had her abdomen coloured so it appears less like she is wearing only a bra.
While looking for NES box images it is interesting to note I found a magazine advertisement with no censorship, another with the buttocks straightened out which looked weird due to the shading. I also found a poster  the same as the censored version. All of these had the bottom of the image cropped.
The fifth image shows the artwork used for all the Virgin home ports. It is like they said “Less clothes! We want less clothes!” These home ports were more like the arcade version as was the Megadrive port which came out a little later. 
There was also a PC-Engine release that was a graphics update of the famicom version. Interestingly both these later versions only came out in Japan and used the artwork that was more familiar there based on the first image.
I recommend these 3 videos. 
A TV commercial. Animated to magically look like the box art at the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bha48BdfzQw
A critique of all the double dragon box art. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaDgPmFXVD4 Around 14:43 for this particular box.
A subtitled playthrough of the PC Engine version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgDb-clhL9g Those running legs. Too funny!
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purple-reign18 · 7 years
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Mahou-Sensei Negima! OP 1 - 6 Single - Happy Material & Final OP ED Special
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ala-alba · 7 years
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Negima Volumes 15 & 16 Re-release Covers Revealed!
​If you aren't familiar with the re-releases, many of the volumes from the Negima manga are getting new editions, featuring brand new covers with the new UQ Holder art style. ​On these covers, we find reporter-extraordinaire, Kazumi Asakura, and the brains behind the "reverse Hikaru Genji" tactic, Misa Kakizaki! These volumes will be released July 7th! Wow! I have to say, it's a bit surprising to see Kakizaki, so who ends up next is anyone's guess.
Did you guess correctly? Have an idea who might appear next time? Also, be sure to check out our Negima/UQ Holder fansite!
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macorion · 7 years
Setahun lalu, akibat hal yang cukup disayangkan, aku gagal merilis artikel ini. Sebelumnya aku menulis tentang pendapatku tentang Halloween, yang juga menyangkut hal kontroversial tahun lalu. Sure setiap orang boleh punya pendapat berbeda tentang festival tahunan ini, dan kali ini konsepnya beda.
Bagaimana jika member Sakamichi dikelompokkan ke dalam houses dari hantu-hantu terkenal sepanjang Halloween? 9 hantu paling terkenal dalam sejarah Halloween.
House of Zombies
Manusia yang telah mati dan dihidupkan kembali, tak memiliki kesadaran atau pikiran, dan hanya tertarik pada satu hal; daging segar manusia. Native dari Haiti, dimana mereka adalah korban dari voodoo. Lebih tepatnya, mereka diguna-guna agar mati suri dan hidup kembali untuk diperjualbelikan sebagai budak.
Kisah tentang perbudakan zombie ini masih ada sampai abad 20, dan tidak sedikit dari para zombie ini yang kembali sadar dari voodoo karena sihir yang mengikat mereka terlepas. Contoh paling terkenal adalah Clairvius Narcisse, yang menjadi perdebatan hingga saat ini.
Member di house ini adalah member yang cenderung tidak menonjol, karena sifat alami sebagai pengikut. Tapi jelas tidak selalu, yang lebih terlihat adalah mereka menonjol karena keadaan yang membuat begitu. Untungnya karena sifat dasar ini pula, mereka bisa mengontrol keadaan itu.
Kawago Hina, Saito Asuka, Hori Miona, Terada Ranze, Sakaguchi Tamami, Koike Minami, Nagasawa Nanako, Ushio Sarina, Hamagishi Hiyori
House of Vampires
Lebih umum dikenal sebagai Count Dracula, atau Vlad the Impaler. Makhluk yang hidup dengan menghisap darah manusia bahkan hewan sekalipun. Bisa merubah wujud dari kelelawar atau kabut, memiliki kemampuan untuk memanipulasi pikiran korbannya. Kelemahan vampir antara lain cermin, bawang putih, salib, dan cahaya matahari.
Asal-usul vampire tidaklah jelas, meski kemungkinan besar digunakan sebagai simbologi dari kematian. Di abad pertengahan, pemburuan vampir banyak dilakukan di Eropa, setelah terjadi banyak kematian misterius yang sebenarnya diakibatkan oleh wabah penyakit.
Mereka di house ini adalah mereka yang memiliki kebiasaan aneh, nocturnal, but never argued with their strength. Sama seperti vampire, mereka cenderung aktif secara individu, tapi bukan berarti mereka tidak memiliki solidaritas.
Ikuta Erika,  Takayama Kazumi, Ito Junna, Iwamoto Renka, Umezawa Minami, Imaizumi Yui, Shida Manaka, Kakizaki Memi, Tomita Suzuka
House of Werewolves
Jelas bukan spesies yang suka ngilerin member, tapi makhluk mitologi asli. Manusia yang dikutuk menjadi serigala tiap saat bulan purnama, sejarah werewolves ada sejak abad pertengahan. Dan sampai kini, 80% petani Rusia percaya akan werewolves. Saat bulan purnama, mereka bertransformasi dari manusia menjadi werewolves.
Untuk menjadi werewolves, syaratnya antara lain lahir sebagai anak ketujuh dengan ayah yang juga anak ketujuh, atau di tanggal 24 Desember. Dengan kekuatan diatas manusia, dan target makanan mereka, manusia bisa mengalahkan makhluk berbulu ini dengan panah perak atau peluru perak, satu-satunya kelemahan werewolf.
Sebagai werewolves, maka member yang ada di house ini memiliki kekuatan besar. Kekuatan sebagai persona idol maupun kekuatan di fandom. Cenderung diam dan tidak menarik sebelum berada di panggung, dan siap menggebrak saat kesempatan datang. Panah perak untuk mereka? Biasanya mengarah ke resitensi.
Kawamura Mahiro, Nishino Nanase, Ito Karin, Oozono Momoko, Suzumoto Miyu, Hirate Yurina, Sasaki Mirei, Kosaka Nao
House of Mummies
Pharaoh yang dipercaya akan menjadi Osiris kini dikenang sebagai mayat diawetkan yang dibalut linen, salah satu tokoh utama dalam kisah horor abad 20. The original zombies, karena mumifikasi sudah ada jauh sebelum zombie menjadi terkenal di Haiti. Konsepnya sama, mumi akan bangkit setelah kematian karena itu tubuh mereka harus diawetkan agar bisa bereinkarnasi.
Selama ribuan tahun mumifikasi ada sebagai bagian tak terpisahkan dari kebudayaan Mesir. Namun di berbagai belahan dunia, sebenarnya juga ada mumifikasi meski prosesnya tidak semengerikan bangsa Mesir. Di dunia modern, masih ada mumifikasi meski dengan proses berbeda, paling jelas adalah embalment seperti Vladimir Lenin.
Sebagai orang penting saat mati, dan setelah kematian menjadi lebih penting, member yang ada di house ini cenderung memiliki kedudukan istimewa sebagai member yang mendapat push cukup berlebih. Meski hasil akhirnya tidak selalu baik, posisi mereka cenderung masih under the radar bagi mayoritas fans.
Shiraishi Mai, Matsumura Sayuri, Yamashita Mizuki, Sugai Yuuka, Watanabe Rika, Nagahama Neru, Kato Shiho, Matsuda Konoka, Watanabe Miho
House of Witches
Termasuk di dalamnya Circe yang ditemui Ulysses dalam petualangannya dan Druid yang umum disalahpahami sebagai kaum yang mengetahui fungsi asli dari Stonehenge. Asal-usul kata witches adalah Wicca, yang dipercaya berasal dari Jerman. Sepanjang sejarah, perburuan penyihir tertulis dengan tinta merah.
Banyak teori konspirasi soal ini, termasuk pop culture yang banyak menggunakannya. Tapi yang jelas, keberadaan penyihir tidak bisa diabaikan begitu saja. Baru di akhir abad 20, image penyihir menjadi lebih modern lewat pop culture seperti Harry Potter dan Lord of The Rings.
Setelah penyihir menjadi lebih modern, stereotype akan nenek sihir juga hilang. Banyak karakter penyihir modern yang lebih flirty & bitchy. Mungkin karena asosiasi dengan setan, makanya penyihir lebih menggoda iman. Nah, dari sini saja sudah jelas kan siapa saja yang ada di house of witches?
Akimoto Manatsu, Eto Misa, Nakada Kana Higuchi Hina, Sagara Iori, Shinuchi Mai, Yoda Yuki, Yonetani Nanami, Watanabe Risa, Saito Kyoko, Miyata Manamo
House of Ghosts
Sejarah tentang hantu sudah ada selama manusia memahami bahwa ada jiwa di dalam raga, dan kemana jiwa itu akan pergi setelah kematian. Beberapa mengatakan hantu adalah jejak jiwa yang tertinggal di bumi, atau tidak bisa pergi ke alam baka karena ada urusan yang belum terselesaikan, atau sekedar jalan-jalan ke bumi dari alam lain.
Beberapa hantu sanggup merasuki pikiran manusia, bahkan membimbing mereka ke kematian. Pop culture pun mengipasi kisah tentang hantu, meski sampai saat ini kita masih terbagi ke kelompok yang percaya dan skeptik akan keberadaan hantu di sekitar kita.
Sama seperti hantu, member di house ini cenderung tidak terlihat. Dalam artian keberadaan mereka seperti antara ada dan tiada. Yah, member-member yang masih hanya menjadi “penggembira” saja, karena secara performance ataupun variety masih kesulitan untuk “menampakkan” diri.
Saito Chiharu, Saito Yuri, Yamazaki Rena, Sato Kaede, Yoshida Ayano Christie, Uemura Rina, Sato Shiori, Takamoto Ayaka, Higashimura Mei, Kawata Hina
House of Pumpkins
Jack-o-Lantern, simbol dari Halloween, si kepala labu dengan senyum mengerikan. Menurut cerita rakyat Irlandia mengatakan Jack adalah ‘jiwa yang ditolak masuk surga ataupun neraka’ akibat sebuah perjanjian agar tak masuk neraka yang dimenangkan dari iblis dan tak bisa masuk surga setelah mati setelah melalui hidup penuh dosa dan minuman.
Sejak saat itu Jack berkelana mencari tempat peristirahatan terakhirnya. Karena itulah, orang-orang mengukir Jack-o-Lantern untuk mengusir Jack dan jiwa-jiwa yang tersesat. Awalnya bukan labu yang digunakan untuk mengukir Jack-o-Lantern melainkan lobak, labu baru digunakan setelah Halloween populer di Amerika.
Sebagai simbol Halloween, maka mereka yang masuk di house ini adalah golongan member yang paling mudah dikenali fans, baik internal maupun eksternal. Wandering soul Jack juga menjadi karakter penting, dimana mereka seperti terlihat akan kesulitan begitu lepas dari Nogi, which is all members face.
Ito Marika, Inoue Sayuri, Wakatsuki Yumi, Watanabe Miria, Kubo Shiori, Habu Mizuho, Moriya Akane, Sasaki Kumi, Kanemura Miku
House of Frankensteins
Monster ciptaan Victor Frankenstein, karya Mary Shelley lewat novel best seller pada abad 19 ini langsung menjadi teror mimpi buruk bagi dunia sejak saat itu. Literatur sci-fi pertama dalam sejarah karena mengisahkan lebih dari sekedar fantasi menjadi “pekerjaan di laboratorium”
Memberi kehidupan pada benda mati lewat eksperimen dan electricity, apa yang akan kau katakan jika kubilang eskperimen untuk membuat Frankenstein masih berjalan hingga saat ini? Ya, para ilmuwan berusaha menjadikan Frankenstein nyata untuk menyingkap sedikit rahasia kehidupan.
Karakteristik utama dari member di house ini adalah loner. Sama seperti Frankenstein yang kesepian, member yang terpilih disini cenderung lebih suka sendiri ketimbang beramai-ramai. Atau mereka yang struggle dengan eksistensi mereka di grup. Bisa dibilang mereka masih belum menemukan jati dirinya.
Nakamoto Himeka, Hoshino Minami, Suzuki Ayane, Sasaki Kotoko, Nakamura Reno, Ishimori Nijika, Kobayashi Yui, Kageyama Yuuka, Takase Mana, Nibu Akari
House of Goblins
Mischievous, little Goblin menjadi karakter populer untuk Halloween terutama untuk trick or treat. Digambarkan sebagai makhluk dengan sihir sejenis fairy & demon, dengan karakteristik diantara keduanya. Goblin secara umum dilihat sebagai biang kekacauan.
Mereka juga bisa dikatakan sangat tertarik pada harta, dan karena ini sering digambarkan sebagai tokoh antagonis dalam literatur. Berada di house ini berarti member yang terpilih adalah mereka yang menjadi badut di grup, atau lebih mudahnya, variety member.
Sifat kekanak-kanakan juga menjadi karakteristik utama, terkadang “semau gue” dan lepas, karena itu cukup sering juga memancing anti. Mereka juga cenderung pesimis, dalam artian jika tindakan mereka backfired, mereka akan memikirkannya sebagai refleksi.
Ikoma Rina, Sakurai Reika, Noujo Ami, Wada Maaya, Kitano Hinako, Ito Riria, Mukai Hazuki, Ozeki Rika, Oda Nana, Saito Fuyuka, Harada Aoi, Iguchi Mao
Take Our Poll
Bagaimana, punya pendapat sendiri tentang pengelompokan member berdasarkan monster-monster paling terkenal di Halloween? Share your thoughts.
All images used is credited to it’s respective owners
Halloween eve Setahun lalu, akibat hal yang cukup disayangkan, aku gagal merilis artikel ini. Sebelumnya aku menulis tentang pendapatku tentang…
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yasukuansoni · 8 years
Winter poll analysis - Part 1 (extras only)
Winter 2016/17 poll Analysis (part 1) I wasn't planning on releasing these as the first part of the analysis but since Nogizaka are announcing their new senbatsu this week I rushed it ahead of the other pieces. They're all the parts that pertain to future senbatsu, including building Senbatsu, Centre hopefuls, and Predictions for 2017. These will receive some changes as the rest of the analysis is completed and published. Future Senbatsu Respondents were asked to make their own senbatsu. They were asked which members should stay and which should be added. With the option to choose none for each of the senbatsu members, unders/hiragana and, in Nogizaka’s case, new members. Asking “which senbatsu members should stay” is more difficult and time consuming for respondents (sorry for that) but it helps keep the scores consistent with the other questions and keeps the polls positive rather than negative. Senbatsu were formed 3 ways. The first is a pure popularity contest, the second and third take into account how much rotation the respondents asked for by analysing how many “unders” the average respondent choose to add, etc. 1st: the n number of members who received the most votes. Where n is the senbatsu size of the previous single (19 for Nogi or 21 for Keyaki). 2nd: for each group (senbatsu, unders, new members) find the average number of members chosen n1 n2 and n3. Add the highest scoring n1 of senbatsu members, and so-on. Answers of “none” are kept, adding zeroes to the total, reducing the averages for each group. 3rd: the same as the 2nd method, but removing “none”s to decrease the totals and increase the averages, just to see the results.
Nogizaka 17th – simple senbatsu 1. Ikuta Erika (228) 2. Nishino Nanase (225) 3. Shiraishi Mai (219) 4. Saito Asuka (205) 5. Sakurai Reika (203) 6. Eto Misa (196) 7. Wakatsuki Yumi (194) 8. Hori Miona (190) 9. Takayama Kazumi (189) 10. Ikoma Rina (172) 11. Akimoto Manatsu (168) 12. Terada Ranze (167) 13. Nakamoto Himeka (154) 14. Matsumura Sayuri (154) 15. Hoshino Minami (152) 16. Inoue Sayuri (129) 17. Ito Marika (113) 18. Kitano Hinako (113) 19. Watanabe Miria (94) There’s not much change here. Shinuchi Mai is the only drop, excluding Hashimoto Nanami, and Terada Ranze and Watanabe Miria are added in their place. This method does not take into account how many members were hoped for in the new senbatsu, and it is unlikely the actual 17th senbatsu will have 19 members. Nogizaka 17th – complex senbatsu 1. Ikuta Erika (228) 2. Nishino Nanase (225) 3. Shiraishi Mai (219) 4. Saito Asuka (205) 5. Sakurai Reika (203) 6. Eto Misa (196) 7. Wakatsuki Yumi (194) 8. Hori Miona (190) 9. Takayama Kazumi (189) 10. Ikoma Rina (172) 11. Akimoto Manatsu (168) 12. Terada Ranze (167) 13. Nakamoto Himeka (154) 14. Watanabe Miria (94) 15. Higuchi Hina (81) 16. Kawamura Mahiro (68) 17. Yamashita Mizuki (63) The responses had an average of 12 members kept from senbatsu, 4 from unders and one the 3rd gens, resulting in this senbatsu. If answers of “none” were removed, there would be an average of 2 members from the 3rd generation and Ozono Momoko (61) would take the 18th spot. The other groups would not be notably affected. Keyakizaka 4th – simple senbatsu 1. Hirate Yurina (195) 2. Imaizumi Yui (193) 3. Sugai Yuuka (187) 4. Watanabe Risa (187) 5. Shida Manaka (184) 6. Watanabe Rika (183) 7. Moriya Akane (177) 8. Nagahama Neru (177) 9. Kobayashi Yui (175) 10. Suzumoto Miyu (167) 11. Koike Minami (165) 12. Uemura Rina (152) 13. Nagasawa Nanako (144) 14. Habu Mizuho (144) 15. Yonetani Nanami (144) 16. Satou Shiori (140) 17. Harada Aoi (128) 18. Ozeki Rika (121) 19. Ishimori Nijika (117) 20. Oda Nana (117) 21. Saito Fuyuka (112) This senbatsu is made of the top 21 members (emulating the senbatsu size of the previous single) and features zero changes. But the respondents did show, including “none” votes, respondents wanted one member from Keyakizaka added, thus: Keyakizaka 4th – complex senbatsu 1. Hirate Yurina (195) 2. Imaizumi Yui (193) 3. Sugai Yuuka (187) 4. Watanabe Risa (187) 5. Shida Manaka (184) 6. Watanabe Rika (183) 7. Moriya Akane (177) 8. Nagahama Neru (177) 9. Kobayashi Yui (175) 10. Suzumoto Miyu (167) 11. Koike Minami (165) 12. Uemura Rina (152) 13. Nagasawa Nanako (144) 14. Habu Mizuho (144) 15. Yonetani Nanami (144) 16. Kakizaki Memi (69) This includes the top 15 senbatsu members (the average amount chosen) and the top Hiragana member (by average votes with nones, included, the score was just 5 votes away from rounding up to 2). Keyakizaka 4th – Complex senbatsu without nones 1. Hirate Yurina (195) 2. Imaizumi Yui (193) 3. Sugai Yuuka (187) 4. Watanabe Risa (187) 5. Shida Manaka (184) 6. Watanabe Rika (183) 7. Moriya Akane (177) 8. Nagahama Neru (177) 9. Kobayashi Yui (175) 10. Suzumoto Miyu (167) 11. Koike Minami (165) 12. Uemura Rina (152) 13. Nagasawa Nanako (144) 14. Habu Mizuho (144) 15. Yonetani Nanami (144) 16. Satou Shiori (140) 17. Kakizaki Memi (69) 18. Kato Shiho (51) 19. Saito Kyoko (47) “None” votes had a bigger effect on Keyaki’s senbatsu and removing them added one Kanji member and two Hiragana members. While this very undemocratically ignores the wishes of the fans who voted to add no Hiragana members to the next single’s senbatsu, I wanted to do it as a thought exercise, mostly because Keyaki’s senbatsu was so small with them. Centre According to the votes above, Ikuta Erika and Hirate Yurina are the main centre choices. As they are the most popular members, this should surprise no one. But this question didn’t ask about who should be the centre, and how votes change when that is brought up is a very interesting aspect of the CH question. Generally, the responses do match well with popularity, but they’re far from 1:1. Who fans would like to see centre a single in 2017 (so could be 3 or more centres): Nogizaka Ikuta Erika took first, by far. With 56.6% of fans giving her a vote, that’s enough to justify two solo centres. Shiraishi Mai (3rd) got 33.8%, Hori Miona (3rd) 26.1%, Nishino Nanase (4th) 25.4% and Eto Misa (5th) 23.5%. Despite competing for first in the popularity questions, Nishino loses points here likely due to having the 2nd most centre songs in Nogizaka, though her scores have been rising as she hasn’t taken the role for over a year now. Saito Asuka (18.4%, ties for 6th with Sakurai Reika) also has less points than her popularity otherwise suggests, likely due to being the only member remaining in the group for the 17th single onward who centred a single last year. Other notable scores include 8th through 10th: Takayama Kazumi, Ikoma Rina and Wakatsuki Yumi. Despite never being in senbatsu Terada Ranze got votes from 11% of respondents, managing 11th place, and all 3rd gens got at least one vote, with 13.8% of respondents giving at least one vote to a 3rd gen. Out of these Yamashita Mizuki’s airdrop has the most support with 5.1%. Keyakizaka Hirate Yurina is a clear first, but not as clear as her popularity would suggest, with only 42.3% of respondents picking her. 2nd is Imaizumi Yui (34.6%), neck-and-neck with Nagahama Neru (34.1%). The only real competitor with these three is Sugai Yuuka (30.9%). Shida Manaka and Kobayashi Yui tie for 5th with 24.4% followed closely by Moriya Akane with 24%. Even the highest ranking new Hiragana member, Kakizaki Memi (4.5%) doesn’t have much support for an airdrop. It’s still difficult to see Keyakizaka being centred by anyone but Hirate, but there is support for passing the baton to other popular members. Predictions Poll respondents believe we will see a 2017 like this: Nogizaka Nogizaka singles will be centred by Ikuta Erika (62.1%), Nishino Nanase (56.1%) and Shiraishi Mai (54.4%). Possibly also Saito Asuka (28.3%) and Hori Miona (21.6%). Nogizaka will reach 1,035,000 in Oricon sales (using mathematical weighting. With just the median answer it is between 950k and 1m). Yamashita Mizuki (42.2%) Ozono Momoko (41%) and Yoda Yuki (32.3%) will be promoted. Kubo Shiori (23.15%) and Ito Riria (19.1%) also have good chances but they rank after “none” (30.3%). 2 (2.4) members will graduate, most likely to be Shiraishi Mai (42.2%), Eto Misa (30.6%) and Shinuchi Mai (24.8%). Following 'none' (16.3%) include Kawamura Mahiro (13.2%), Matsumura Sayuri (11.6%) and Nojo Ami (10.9%). The following are very unlikely (-2 to -1) unlikely (-1 to 0) likely (0 to 1) or very likely (1 to 2) for Nogizaka: 1.11 maintain/improve music quality 0.4 member has solo single/album debut 0.67 mainstream hit 1 a new centre 0.33 a new drama 0.17 a new variety show 0.93 a new contracted model 1.1 a new member gets a first photobook (other than Saito Asuka) 0.47 a new album 0.86 another 46-hours TV 0.44 a scandal free year 0.88 a Tokyo Dome performance 1.43 a return to Kouhaku -0.03 a 3rd gen centre airdrop -1.25 4th gen auditions Keyakizaka Hirate Yurina will centre again (72.7%). Imaizumi Yui (42.3%) and Nagahama Neru (42%) may centre but it’s unlikely for anyone else, except maybe Sugai Yuuka (24.5%). Keyakizaka will reach 620,000 in Oricon sales (median: 550-600k) Kakizaki Memi (47.8%) will be promoted this year (in some way). Kato Shiho (32.3%), Saito Kyoko (25.4%) are also seen as likely to be pushed but failed to outscore ‘none’ (32.8%). 0 (0.42) members will graduate this year but if any do, it would be Sato Shiori (7.2%) or Ishimori Nijika (5.3%). No others received notable scores. The following are very unlikely (-2 to -1) unlikely (-1 to 0) likely (0 to 1) or very likely (1 to 2) for Keyakizaka: 1.28 maintain/improve music quality -0.02 member has solo single/album debut 0.86 another mainstream hit 0.62 a new centre 0.57 a new drama 0.58 a new variety show 0.81 first contracted model 0.72 first photobook (group or solo) 0.08 first album 0.51 a scandal free year 0.87 a tour 0.98 a return to Kouhaku -0.4 a Hiragana centre other than Neru -0.98 new auditions Comments I personally think we're underestimating both groups' sales records but I'm not certain. Scores were very low for promoting Hiraganas but that can't really be blamed as we don't know what promoting them means, yet. I'm not expecting graduations from Keyaki but by the end of their second year 4 Nogizaka members graduated (Iwase Yumiko, Ando Mikumo, Kashiwa Yukina and Miyazawa Seira) so I'm not all that hopeful we'll get through a second year without even one. Regarding the predictions given a numerical value: Keyaki has more hopes for a new drama and variety show. By a big margin. I can see drama, as TokuDare was far better than Bemars (though more time has passed since Bemars). I'm not so certain about variety shows though. Nogizaka has more confidence for new photobooks than Keyaki for any (including a group one). I can understand why, as Nogizaka has been pumping out PB like clockwork recently. However, I am expecting a Keyakizaka photobook this year. Nogi had one in their second year. And their average age was 18.5. Keyaki's will be 19.5 if they follow the same time scale (next October). Neither is hopeful about a new album. I guess that's because Toumei na Iro (Nogi's first) took so long to release. However, if they use the same schedule as Sorezore no Isu, we could get a new Nogi album 4 singles (summer) or 72 weeks (October) after their 2nd album. And there's no reason to believe Keyaki will stick to Nogi's album release schedule. That said, I'm not ready to put money on either. (Maybe a little on Nogi) Finally, the scandal-free year predictions were so low! Where is your faith in your idols?! :P
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East (by manga artist Kazumi Kakizaki) vs West (US Amiga box version) art for Double Dragon II: The Revenge.
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