smbhax · 1 year
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Illustrations by manga artist Kazumi Kakizaki.
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shinjinrui · 6 years
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かきざき和美 - Kazumi Kakizaki
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tanefrun-blog · 7 years
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Here is a blessed image to brighten your Friday :3c
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exjade · 6 years
Blizzard: "But if we don't make plate armor on female characters contour every minute detail of their chests, behinds, thighs, etc, then players wouldn't know they're female!"
And yet, when they created Tarlna, 99% of players were sure he was female just based on his name, completely without regard to what he looked like or how he acted. And guess what else? No player felt the need to ridicule Tarlna, whom they thought was female, for not looking "classically feminine” or for not acting docile or seductive.
So no, Blizzard, you don't need to vary between making your females into complete sex objects— or into a caricature of "how hideous and horrible females are when they're not hot and sexy" (imp mothers, Therazane, etc)— or the extreme sugary cutsey behavior you gave female pandaren in obvious apology for the fact that they're very slightly chubby instead of anorexic— to make females acceptable to the gaming community. How about just making them, you know, normal creatures? 
It’s really just Bliz’s own misogynistic perceptions showing, not that of the player base.  
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