#kazuhisa kiriyama
smahell · 3 months
so the obey me boys aren't going to AX this year..
to absolutely nobody's surprise. yes solmare, you take away one of the most anticipated events for AX for obey me fans (at least for me; I need more fan content!)
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but what I'm genuinely excited about, though I'm unable to go is..
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now THIS is what i'm interested in. a new youtube audio drama project by ntt solmare: Ex and Bee: Nightfall's Coven; a mystery-centered audio drama with a dash of the dark arts and occult! am I excited just by that premise? from the little sneak peaks posted on twitter, which is the bare minimum, it's just enough to hype me up for this, yes. finally something else that might be solmare's legacy other than weird luke art and bad representation.
y'know what makes me even more excited.
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look who's having a video appearance. heh. heheheh.
are they recycling VAs? yes. do I care? not at all. get that bag, Kada-san.
i genuinely think this project will be well received by those who do recognize it. with its more mature, somber theming, perhaps darker tone than obey me, it seems to still be catering to that same 16-24 age group but more to those who may be interested in psychological horror, sci-fi and true crime (aka, autistic people like me).
there's not much information i could dig from the internet about whoever else is working on the project, but i fear that the series will be reduced to 'obey me's lesser step-brother', and won't reach (enough of) its target audience, and then be completely discontinued out of nowhere after a year due to 'funding issues" (aka, not enough popularity, and daddy solmare wanting to spend his big bucks in silly dating sim game and their shitty 3D model concerts around the world (Japan and the US)).
[which is one of the reasons why i made this post. i do NOT want this project to flop just because of its relations to obey me and under funding.]
i think Ex and Bee deserves a chance its own separate fanbase from obey me... even though one of the main selling points was "hey guys!! you remember these guys??? they're gonna be here!!! please recognize them!! give us money!!!" and all that other corporate greed blabber that you don't hear from the social media managers.
conclusion: (army general voice) i want YOU to attend this panel if you are going to AX, and if you aren't, i want YOU to hype this shit up when more information comes out!1!!
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reblogs-are-the-love · 2 months
I apologize for using the Obey Me tags, but I just want this post to reach the bigger audience.
So Solmare is releasing a new otome-vampire-mystery audio drama, with main characters being voiced by none other than:
Satoshi Kada (Levi),
Shinya Sumi (Satan)
and Kazuhisa Kiriyama (Raphael)
and potentially other OM cast (I think the voice of the police dispatcher was Takuhei Yamamoto, so Diavolo himself, unless it was someone else with similiar voice).
The artstyle and the format is really well done so far, and I cannot wait to see more. Though, I will leave the links to the stuff that are available to us right now, so you can be the judge of it yourself.
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This one also might be more darker than the game about our seven himbos and the rest. Naturally, let's hope Solmare won't give it the same treatment in the future like their gacha golden child.
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Nonetheless, what boggles is that is not as advertised as Obey Me, which kinda makes me sad, since I am all for seeing my favourite vas in other projects. The only thing, from what I recall could be a part of marketing was a panel and booth at AX2024.
My point being, go and follow Ex and Bee (if you are interested in vampires and such), in that way Solmare will see that we do want and love mature driven or young-adult/teen oriented media, plus that would be our form of supporting the vas as well.
Taglist: because I am a menace.
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dailyraphael · 2 months
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day 27! im so delighted by bee being voiced by Kazuhisa Kiriyama as well, i had to draw them together hehe
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akemii14 · 17 days
'Raphael got the most beautiful voice in Obey me, when he sing, but he never sing!'
Making him not singing is a crime, Solmare! And yes, this is his voice actor. He deserves a lot of attention because he is SOOOO underated.
Kazuhisa Kiriyama, the voice of Raphael from Obey me.
The first one is literally him singing from the beginning till the end. (I don't understand why it says 'ft')
While the second one makes me flying! What the hecc!? I know it's just cover, but COME ON!!!
I love Raphael and a big fans of his v.a. If I'm not wrong, Kazuhisa is younger than Onishi Satoshi (Belphegor v.a)
Hopefully nothing bad happened to him. I really want to support him so Solmare makes him sing someday. I will spend all my soul only for my baby Raphi to sing!😭😭😭
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lilirot · 3 months
NTT Solmare is putting out a new Youtube voice Drama called Ex and Bee - Nightfall's Coven and it has some of the Obey Me VA's in it. Satoshi Kada (Leviathan), Shinya Sumi (Satan), and Kazuhisa Kiriyama (Raphael). It's a mystery series set around a detective agency. There isn't much more information then that other then they're (the VAs) gonna be at Anime Expo doing a panel on it.
edit: Oh right the twitter: https://x.com/EXandB_Official
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