#kayla taylor
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hopeinthebox · 1 year ago
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What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months ago
Could you please make a story where Illyana Rasputin meets Reader's (Male Reader) human parents and Y/N's little sister plays with her?
Illyana Rasputin x Wolverine!Reader
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This was a big step for you. An even bigger step for her. Illyana was nervous to say the least. She was meeting your family after all.
Illyana didn’t have the best experience with the word family and yet here you were inviting her and driving her to meet your family in the Canadian countryside.
“What is your parents like?” Illy asked, her thick Russian accent melting thru.
“Dad’s a little gruff. Mom’s the softer side one. And then there’s my little sister Laura.” You chuckled, “it can be a lot but…it’s home to me”
Illyana couldn’t believe how lucky she turned out to be. You were originally sent to the Hospital as a mole. Someone to find out the secrets, escape and report back to Xavier. But you and Illy met and fell head over heels in love. Sure it was bad in the hospital but now there was only good times ahead for you.
You pull your car to a stop outside of your family’s cabin home. A little five year old girl came running out as you and Illy exited the vehicle.
“(Y/N)!!!” The little girl you call your sister shouted happily
“Laura!” You scooped up the little gal in your arms and hugged her tight. Illy couldn’t help but smile, so much love in so little time.
“This is my girlfriend, Illyana. You can call her Illy” you whispered to your sister.
“Illy. Hi” the young girl smiled “I’m Laura. Laura Howlett”
“It is nice to meet you-“ she couldn’t even finish it without the little girl hugging her tight.
Your mom and dad came out of the house. Your father was a gruff looking lumberjack of a man with mutton chops and a sturdy muscular frame. Your mom was a smaller frame with brunette hair and kind eyes to match.
Your mom quietly gestures for your dad to put out his cigar.
“Sorry” he mutters as he puts out his cigar.
“Mom. Dad. It’s great seeing you again.” You hug them both tight.
“Welcome home, sweetheart” your mom hugs you tight.
“Hey bub” your father chuckles as he gives you a hug too.
Illyana cautiously walks up to your parents, little Laura clinging to her hip.
“Mom, Dad,” you explain, “this is Illyana. She’s my girlfriend”
“Hello” illy offers a small shy smile.
Your mom gently shakes her hand and hugs her, “Kayla. Kayla Howlett. You’ve already met our little honey badger Laura”
The little girl giggles. Your father shakes her hand too.
“James Logan Howlett” your father smiles, “nice to meet you Illy”
Illyana couldn’t help but find herself easing a little bit. Your family was everything she had hoped for. You were all loving and supportive of each other.
She couldn’t help but chuckle when you and your father went out into the front yard to wrestle.
“Try not to hurt each other!” Your mom gently warned you both.
“Kayla, it’s fine” your father exclaimed as you and him stripped off your shirts. “(Y/N) is a chip off the old block”
You and your father ready yourselves. You give Illyana a little wink. She couldn’t help but blush.
You and your father pop out your silver, razor sharp claws. You give each other knowing and playful battle looks before charging at each other. The two Wolverines.
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small-spanish-face · 2 months ago
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im back with textposts. Theyre not Ace Attorney (i gotta find all the ones ive made to post them) so in the meantime have these.
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destinyyy05 · 2 months ago
Begin Again by Taylor Swift has me on a chokehold, so I did this teehee
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vivziepoparchives · 1 month ago
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A visual representation of Viv's character creation process posted to her deviantart June 24, 2011.
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fuckingyrs · 10 months ago
The sound of a body throwing itself onto one of the infirmary cots echoed through the mostly empty room, followed closely behind with a dramatic, but melodic sigh. “Can I say something mean?” 
“Probably not in front of the baby.”
Will groaned, looking up from his pile of patient reports he had been sorting for the past… year. “I hardly think eleven still counts as being a baby.”
Lee, who had been refilling first aid kits for the past two hours, contemplated this for a moment. “Maybe, but that’s besides the point. I’m six years older than you. You’ll always be a baby.”
“I’m going to say something mean. Will, cover your ears.”
“I’m not covering my ears, Taylor. Unlike you, I’m working right now and I need my hands.”
“Oh,” Taylor dragged, a taunt evident in her voice, "someone's grumpy.”
“He’s mad I put him on infirmary duty during arts and crafts.”
“Will, you aren’t good at arts and crafts.” Lee slapped her arm. “And you like working in the infirmary, you are constantly taking my shifts. It’s why I love you.”
Lee slapped her arm again. “Taylor, what the heck.”
Taylor groaned, “Fuck. Just say fuck. I’m begging you.”
“That’s besides the point. I had it with Cecil. We were going to finish our board game.” Will turned to Lee, pointing an accusing finger at him, “You knew this.”
Lee let out a long-suffering sigh and Will almost felt bad for causing a fuss, but really, Lee brought this upon himself. “Taylor, stop pawning off your shifts to Will. Will, stop letting Taylor’s pawn off her shifts to you. Also: I’m sorry about arts and crafts. The last few days have been hectic and I needed your help. I’ll make sure to not schedule you over arts and crafts next week.”
“I’m going to be home next week! Mama is picking me up, remember?”
Lee had the decency to look ashamed when he said, “Heck. I forgot. I’m sorry, Will.”
Taylor got up from her self-designated cot and walked over to Will, ruffling his hair once she was close enough. “I’ll take over the rest of your shift, buddy. You go have fun.”
Will shook his head, “No, it’s okay. I’m already here. Arts and crafts is half-way done anyway. We wouldn’t be able to finish.”
“If you’re sure,” Taylor sighed as she pressed a kiss to his forehead and Will let out a cry of protest because he could feel the lipstick stain there. He tried rubbing it away with his fingers but by the look on Lee’s face and the snickers Taylor was making behind him, he only made it worse.
Lee graciously handed Will a wipe before glaring at their sister. “Taylor, what are you even doing here?”
“I think I made that pretty obvious when I threw myself onto a bed and stated I was gonna say something mean. I came to gossip.”
“You should be at archery right now.”
“Mike was being a piss-baby. He wouldn’t let Josh and I try to hit one another. What’s the point of being in advanced archery if you can’t shoot at your brother? Moving targets!”
“So you left?”
“Yep. I found Silena and she offered to do my nails before I came by.”
Lee pinched the bridge of his nose in a way that resembled an old man at the end of his rope. Will suppressed a giggle at his brother’s anguish as Lee said, “You can’t do that.”
“Do what? My nails?”
“Leave Michael like that.”
“Why? He’s not in charge of me.”
“But I am. And he’s my second in command, so yes he is.”
Taylor groaned, flopping back onto her cot. “One, he’s like three weeks older than me, unfair. And two, none of that is important right now. What is important is that our father was here and didn’t say hi to any of us. Who does that?”
“Our father, apparently.”
Taylor flipped Lee off, showing off her new manicure. It was baby pink, like her lipstick, with a little sun in the center. “He gives those kids a ride, none of them his, and has the audacity to leave before saying hi? Hell, Will over here has never met him. He has time to bring a group of kids to camp, but can’t spare a lousy minute to check in on us? And I can’t say this to Michael or he’ll claim I’m “on the other side”.” Taylor sighed, a faraway look in her eyes. Will had only seen this look on her face a few times before: every time Luke was mentioned. “I’m just tired of feeling abandoned and I’m sick of feeling like it’s bad to think that.”
Lee stepped towards her, a soft, “Tay–” passing through his lips, before she sat up and shook herself out of her stupor.
“Instead of saying hi, he just causes chaos and disappears! He brings Percy back, which is never a good sign. Thalia is driving the sun chariot, and crashes it! Oh, and he brought that new weird kid that keeps bombarding everyone with questions.”
Will saw through the change of topic, and Lee clearly had to as well, but he allowed it to happen. He slapped her on the arm for the third time, “He’s not weird. He’s, like, eight. The kid is just excited. You were excited about camp once upon a time.”
Taylor turned to Will, jerking her head at Lee, “I think he’s finally lost it. When have I ever been excited by anything ever?”
Will grinned, “Yesterday, you beat Madi at Josh’s song quiz and you danced around the cabin for ten minutes.”
Taylor gasped loud and dramatic, clutching at her chest as she fell back onto her cot, chestnut hair falling all over her face in her fall. “William! How dare you accuse me of such things!”
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zot3-flopped · 5 months ago
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This is grim. They should be able to say hello without madness ensuing.
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freshthoughts2020 · 26 days ago
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joesalw · 11 months ago
I absolutely feel for both Joe and Kayla (Travis’s ex). Joe isn’t a social media person, but Kayla is. That’s her job. You know she sees those comments Swifties make. (Even media in general. When all this was starting, there was a Chiefs fan being interviewed about TnT and he said “Well, I’m just glad he finally found a nice girl.” What wasn’t nice about Kayla? Huh? Say what you actually mean, dude!) She even made a post before TTPD dropped literally begging to be left alone. And, honestly, this whole situation reminds me of Meghan and Harry almost, expect Kayla doesn’t have Travis by her side to defend her against the harassment and “give up his place in line for the crown.” She’s literally on her own. It breaks my heart. I don’t want to wake up one morning to see it’s gone too far.
Yes omg I feel so bad for Kayla Nicole. Swifties have been so racist and disgusting towards her. You know for Joe it's better because he doesn’t read what people say about him, his ig comments are off. But kayla is a very online person and so she's reading the bunch of weird stuff these swifties are saying about her clothes, body, face and skin color like it genuinely makes me feel nauseous how horrible it is! And Joe also has his own separate fans like us who can clap back for the harassment, but idk if Kayla has her own and that makes it more unfair about the power imbalance. It’s so sick. She genuinely wants to be excluded from this drama but swifties are always under her comments showing their abnormal obsession.
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Sincerely fuck every swiftie who went out of their way to harass, be racist and ignorant to an ex because your favorite is with him now. Kayla hasn't done anything, all she's doing is minding her business yet y'all attack her for what? Y'all will be the same people screaming about empowering and respecting women and then turn around and harass someone because you're in a parasocial friendship with someone who doesn't know about your existence and you believe you owe her loyalty. You don't
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rickchung · 2 months ago
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Landman (prod. Taylor Sheridan).
Set in the West Texas oilfields, Paramount's trashy family drama about a high-ranking oil company fixer's dysfunctional personal and professional life mines so much entertainment from the specificity of the manic lifestyle it depicts. Billy Bob Thornton is all sorts of compelling as he centres an increasingly complicated set of interlocking conflicts surrounding the boom or bust nature of dealing almost exclusively with roughnecks and billionaires. So many random elements and wild character moments never fail to amuse despite the often scattered, breakneck pace of events.
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bookaddict24-7 · 6 months ago
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(New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (August 27th, 2024)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Releases:
The Sticky Note Manifesto of Aisha Agarwal by Ambika Vohra
Sunderworld, Vol. 1 by Ransom Riggs
Don't Let it Break Your Heart by Maggie Horne
Come Out, Come Out by Natalie C. Parker
Libertad by Bessie Flores Zaldivar
Bridge Across the Sky by Freeman Ng
Sync by Ellen Hopkins
Love is in the Hair by Gemma Cary
Our Shouts Echo by Jade Adia
Jupiter Rising by Gary D. Schmidt
Practical Rules for Cursed Witches by Kayla Cottingham
With Love, Echo Park by Laura Taylor Namey
Full Shift by Jennifer Dugan & Kristen Seaton
Twin Flames by Olivia Abtahi
One House Left by Vincent Ralph
Mysterious Ways by Wendy Wunder
Everything We Never Had by Randy Ribay
The Dreamers by Ryan Elizabeth Penske
Anomaly by Emma Lord
New Sequels:
The New Camelot (Emry Merlin #3) by Robyn Schneider
Fyrebirds (Nightbirds #2) by Kate J. Armstrong
Happy reading!
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 10 months ago
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sparks9793 · 7 months ago
This is why I don't leave the house - Chapter 7 - Sparks9793 - Paramore (Band) [Archive of Our Own]
Pick your player 🤭🤭
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innytoes · 1 year ago
Eff this, I should be at Build-a-Bear / Kayla and anyone
Okay but I was coming up for the plot of this and my brain rolled in your other prompt of 'I don't think pancakes are going to fix this. I think I need ice cream too. / Flynn ship of choice, romantic or platonic'
"Come join us at our summer job, Kayla, it will be fun, Kayla!" Kayla mocked as she flopped down on the too-hard mattress of her tiny bed in the Counselor's Cabin. "I just spent half an hour holding back a girl's hair while she puked because she ate two bags of sour gummy worms on a dare."
"Flynn had to break up a fight about who would be allowed to date Harry Styles once they made it big and they did not take it well when Flynn pointed out he was a thirty year old man and they were twelve," Julie said. She was equally flopped on her bed, but in the opposite direction, staring at the ceiling like she was regretting her life choices. "And a fourteen year old just nearly made me cry after I confiscated her vape."
"Fourteen year olds are vicious," Kayla agreed.
Sure, this 'pop star' camp was a pretty sweet gig. The environment was beautiful, they got to do what they loved, and they had copious amounts of free time when they handed the kids off to the boys - Willie and Reggie for more traditional camp stuff like horseback riding and archery, Alex for ballet where Kayla taught modern and hiphop dance, and Luke for songwriting.
Even though half the time Kayla stuck around at dance, Julie joined the songwriting workshops, and Flynn was always down to judge whatever weird games Willie or Reggie came up with for the kids.
And the kids were usually okay. Except for tonight. Maybe it was a full moon or something.
"Reggie just texted me that he and Luke had to put out a fire in one of the boys' cabins," Flynn reported. "And Willie heard something about them wanting to sneak out tonight and try and raid the girl's cabin, so he and Alex are driving into town to get some werewolf masks and gloves to patrol tonight."
"That'll be fun," Kayla said sagely. It would be a disaster, but that was a Willie and Alex problem.
"Why did we think this was a good idea again?" Flynn complained.
"The money," Kayla said.
"Looks good on college applications," Julie pointed out.
"Eff that, I should be at the club," Flynn whined.
"I should be at Build-A-Bear," Kayla sighed. Not as a summer job, mind you. She lasted like three days into her trial period before she accidentally exploded one of the bears by overfilling it and made a small child cry.
"Build-a-bear?" Julie asked, intrigued.
"It's my happy place," Kayla said. "You get to pick out something cute and soft and then see it come to life and dress it up in cute outfits and then you have something to hug." She stopped, realizing how uncool she sounded.
"Aw, now I want to go to Build-a-Bear," Julie whined.
"As soon as we have a day off, we're going, all three of us," Flynn declared. "But until then, let's raid the kitchen."
"Late night pancakes?" Kayla perked up. Julie's chocolate chip pancakes were legendary.
"I don't think pancakes are going to fix this," Flynn said. "I think I need ice cream too."
They were still halfway through a pint of the Good Stuff, hidden away behind some bags of peas in the big freezer, when the shrieks from near the boy's cabin started.
"We're going to need more ice cream," Julie groaned, as she looked out the window and saw lights coming on in all the cabins.
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zot3-flopped · 5 months ago
I mean are we surprised? Taylor has always been jealous even for situations she makes up in her own head. Lover‘s lyrics say that she fears whoever sees her boyfriend, wants him. She is deeply insecure and clearly turns into some sort of bridezilla whenever she has a boyfriend and that guy is around a single woman. She even is jealous over hee ex boyfriends getting into relationships or kissing another woman when they are broken up. Her for a short time disliking kendall jenner just to later get her into the squad. Her still being upset with honestly every ex she has ever had that is in a rs is weird af. The only one that she doesn‘t seem to be after is tom. Tho with rep tv i won‘t say much about it yet because we never know this psycho of a „songwriter“
Yes, there could easily be Vault tracks bashing Tom on there. Getaway Car is such a mean, ugly song. Imagine if someone wrote that song about Taylor!
The first verse is arrogant and cruel. Tayheartless brags 'I blew your mind' and then laughs about her own insincerity and how she deliberately misled Tom: 'but I didn't mean it and you didn't see it.'
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In the second verse she seems like a sadist, delighting in the hurt she caused: "It hit you like a shotgun shot to the heart.'
Also of note are the usual references to drinking alcohol. Sounds like she was drunk every day.
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