#kay’s writing updates
kayedium-writes · 24 days
The hiatus is over!
All's Fair in Love & Politics - Ch. 20!
United States Senator Padmé Amidala has her eyes set on the presidency. After altercation in the Senate causes a media disaster though, she's forced to return to Boston for her summer. Back in her old neighborhood, her life is once again intertwined with her ex, Anakin Skywalker, after more than a decade apart. For years, she'd focused completely on her career, and duty to her constituents. Now, she wonders if that's all her life has to offer, or if it's possible to 'have it all' including another shot at love.
Chapter preview:
She, regretfully, left Anakin in Boston two days ago and as soon as she touched down, ‘the swamp’ awaited her again.
She should’ve known things were going too well with her perfect getaway. The audacity to think she could have it all, have it in private, and cherish something for one, solitary goddamn moment before it was all blown to hell… And now there were a mix of headlines, flooding the newsstands she’d been pretending didn’t exist. The internet articles plastered her face all over them like she was a celebrity and not a fucking US Senator. And as if her being a senator meant she wasn’t entitled to have a life that didn’t involve standing on the floor in chambers!
This had to be one of the few times in her life she wished to be living in a different decade. Or galaxy.
Chapter 20 is up now, and you can read it here on AO3!
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madmutts · 1 year
Facing Fears: Lapse Arc.
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Angelo sniffles and huffs to himself as he sits just outside the lair. He feels shame for crying yet again, but he simply couldn't hold it in. With his hoodie draped over his lap, he scrubs away tears with a sleeve. The turtle grumbles to himself, "Just.. jus go in…"
He has to go home eventually. His brothers will find out whether he wants them to or not… Angelo takes a deep, shaky breath, then stands up on wobbly legs. He uses the wall to support himself, dragging his feet as he steps through the entryway to the lair. It's quiet… Angelo can feel anxiety spike inside his chest.
He barely makes it halfway to his train car when he hears a voice from behind, making him freeze.
"Angie! Where've you been?" It's Lee. And he doesn't sound happy… Angelo's hands shake. "You were supposed to text one of us every hour, you-"
The box turtle holds his breath when Lee cuts himself off. He can feel him step closer, and Angelo shrinks in on himself a little, still not having turned to face his brother.
"Mikey… Why do you smell like that..?"
When the younger turtle finally takes in air, it's shaky. He blinks away the sting of tears, only turning further away from Lee. "I.. I don.. know wh. what you're.. you're talkin about…"
Lee's stern tone makes Angelo tense further, and he whimpers, those tears blurring his vision. It's only when his older brother is just a step away that he speaks again, his voice small and timid. "I'm sorry… I don't-.. I d-d-..."
The hand not gripping his hoodie and mask raises to his face, covering his eyes as he grimaces. He hates crying so much like this… He feels childish.
Angelo flinches when a hand lands on his shell, and he looks up at Lee, whose face holds a… worried expression. Not mad. Just.. concerned. And that makes Angelo cry harder. Why isn't he mad? He should be very mad.
"Oh, Angie…" Lee mutters, brows creasing and arm going around his little brother to pull him against his plastron. He leans down to rest his beak against Angelo's head. The younger turtle hiccups and whines, crying against his brother's stupid shirt.
"I'm sorry… I'm-.. I tried. I was- they-" Angelo lets out a small irritated groan, face scrunched up. Why is it so fucking hard to just talk? "I tried. so hard. n-not to.. I- hh.."
Lee gently shushes him, rubbing his hand along the younger turtle's shell. "Slow down, little brother… Take it easy."
The box turtle clings tightly to his older brother, his hoodie and mask abandoned on the subway floor. "I didn't want to- I-.. I don't wanna.. b-be like this anymore.. I-"
With a quiet shush, the slider nuzzles his beak against Angelo's head. "I know. I know, Angie…"
Muffled hiccups and sobs leave the smaller turtle, his babbling quieted by the hand on his shell and soft words from his brother.
There's a long moment of Lee just holding Angelo, standing in the middle of the lair. But eventually, Lee leans away a bit to look down at the box turtle. "Hey.. let's get you to bed, ok? We can.. talk about this later. When you're not… like this."
Angelo just sniffles, nodding against Lee's chest. The slider bends down to pick up that orange hoodie, then gives Angelo a pat on the shell. He guides his wobbly brother to his train car, trying to be as gentle as he can as he nudges Angelo into bed. The box turtle feels so heavy with exhaustion, sighing as he finally lays down under his soft sheets.
Lee tucks his little brother in. As he goes to stand, he feels a tug on his shirt. "Stay.. please.."
He gives Angelo a small nod, and sits back down at the edge of his bed. "Yeah.. ok."
He watches as Angelo easily gets comfortable and very quickly falls asleep. After a long moment of silence, he looks over at the doorway, seeing their other two brothers standing there. Tello has his arms crossed, and Raphie needs to bend over to even see inside. They all share an expression.
"...We can talk in the kitchen."
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narumi-gens · 4 months
Triptych | "You left me alone."
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Chisaki Kai x f!Reader
summary: Your life is nothing more than a triptych, a work of art in three parts with each panel depicting a distinct period — a beginning, a middle, an end. And in the triptych that is your life, the central figure has always been Chisaki Kai.
chapter warnings: 18+ minors/blank/ageless blogs dni, yandere, angst, imprisonment, emotional manipulation, emotional/psychological abuse, depression, reader stops eating, codependency, abandonment issues
notes: this is from a non-chronological series so the parts can be read in any order (or on their own). shoutout to the anon who asked me a very long time ago when their "husband" (triptych) was "coming home from war" (unofficial hiatus). he's back, bb!
words: 1.5k
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The End
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It’s hard to gauge time in the darkness. With no window to keep track of whether it’s day or night, the only way to track the passage of time is by the three daily meals that are left for you by a masked and silent guard. When you were first locked away, it was easy to count the meals and thus the days.
But as the days and the darkness and the isolation stretch on, your grasp on reality begins to slip. It’s difficult in the blackness to tell if your eyes are open or closed — if you’re sleeping or if you’re awake. Is this meal the first of the day or the second? Maybe it’s the third. 
The longer you spend in this room, in this cell, the more you can feel the life slowly draining from you. Eventually, you stop eating, your appetite fading altogether along with your will to keep fighting. 
Your faceless, nameless guard brings you a meal, only to take away an untouched one. You don’t know how long this goes on for. All you know is it doesn’t take long for your body to feel as fragile as your mind. 
Until one day, when the door to your prison opens and the figure holding a tray and standing in the doorway, backlit by the light from the hallway — the only light you ever see anymore — isn’t your usual guard. 
Despite the way your heart races at the sight of someone new, someone familiar, you remain still, too tired and weak to move even if you wanted to. All you can do is look at him with eyes squinting from the sudden brightness. 
“You’re not eating,” Kurono points out needlessly from the doorway. You can’t help but wonder if you’re dreaming. How long has it been since you’ve heard a voice other than the one in your head?
You watch in a daze as he walks toward you and sets the tray down on the table beside the twin-sized bed that you’ve been curled up in since you were first put here. The scent of your lunch, or maybe it’s dinner, reaches your nose and while your stomach reacts with a deep pang of hunger, you still feel no real appetite to actually eat what Kurono has brought you. 
You glance at the tray and see a shallow bowl on top. It must be a broth, something easy to digest after days — has it been days? — of eating nothing. When you look back at Kurono, you find that his head is tilted down in your direction. With his mask covering the entirety of his face, you can only assume that he’s turned his attention fully to you. 
There’s an unfamiliar sense of longing deep down inside of you. You wish he would take off the stupid mask. You’re desperate to see another person’s face.
“How-” you’re cut off by a small cough, your throat dry and scratchy, unused to speaking after so long spent alone in the dark. “How long have I been here?”
Kurono stays silent, refusing to answer your question. Against your will, tears begin to blur your vision from how much it hurts to be ignored by someone you know so well after having been locked away by yourself for so long. You must look pitiful because he softly sighs.
“You need to eat,” he says and even through your haze, you can hear his weariness. 
You wonder if he’s truly concerned or if he’s just tired of the irritable mood that Kai has surely been in since he put you here. But as you continue to stare up at him, you decide that it isn’t a fair assumption. For as long as you’ve known Kurono, whatever’s important to Kai is important to him. 
And apparently, there’s nothing of greater importance to him than you. Except for one thing…
“E-Eri,” you breathe out, a new type of desperation taking hold. “How’s Eri? Is she safe? Is she okay?”
They’re all stupid questions. Of course she isn’t safe. Of course she isn’t okay. She won’t be safe until you can take her far, far away from the Hassaikai and Kai. 
“If you don’t eat, Eri will be the one to pay.” The words are Kai’s even if they’re coming from Kurono, and they cut just the same.
Your next question escapes you before you’re even able to fully process it.
“Where’s Kai?” you rasp and you should feel embarrassed. You should feel ashamed for asking after the man who’s torturing a little girl, who incapacitated your father, who locked you away in the dark for what must have been weeks by this point. 
You should feel ashamed for asking after the man who’s been quietly controlling you and isolating you and manipulating you for your whole life. 
But you’re just so lonely. You would give anything to be free of the darkness.
Right now, you want nothing more than to see Kai, and the realization has a single tear finally escaping your eye and rolling across the bridge of your nose
“Kurono,” you weakly plead with a pathetic sniffle when he doesn’t answer you. “Hari…Where’s Kai?”
The use of his given name seems to soften his stony demeanor because he gives another quiet sigh.
“Eat,” he says, gentler this time, but you’re already beginning to spiral. The small hint of kindness he’s shown you, even when it’s dripping with pity, is too much for you to handle when you’ve been isolated and alone for so long.
“Please, tell him I don’t want to be here anymore,” you cry. You squeeze your eyes shut in a futile attempt to hold back your tears as the pillow beneath you quickly turns wet. “Tell him I’m sorry.”
The feeling of a warm hand on the side of your head has you opening your eyes back up to find Kurono now kneeling down at your bedside. His mask is held in his other hand, allowing you to see the slight frown on his lips as he watches you cry.
“You’ll feel better if you eat something,” he assures you and you want to protest, to continue to waste away into nothingness, but you remember Eri. 
Eri, who’s suffering, who’s being tortured, who will pay the price should you keep refusing to eat, who will truly have no one on her side if you disappear.
And so, after looking up at Kurono for a long moment, you weakly nod. It’s his steady hand that helps you sit up, holding you carefully but firmly when you feel lightheaded. Once he seems to think you’re no longer at risk of collapsing back onto the bed, he releases you to bring the tray to your side. 
Then, as if you’re nothing more than a child, he raises the bowl and brings a small spoonful of the broth to your chapped lips for you to sip. Anger bubbles in your stomach and you feel the urge to shove away the spoon, the bowl, and Kurono for the infantilizing behavior. 
The anger is almost a relief, letting you know that you’re capable of feeling something, anything, other than despair. But again, you think of Eri and swallow the broth without complaint. Just as you do when he gives you another spoonful and then another, eating what you’re given until you’re full, which admittedly doesn’t take too long. 
He gives you a soft smile before putting his mask back on, picking up the tray, and leaving you alone in the darkness once more. He doesn’t visit again, but the meals continue to show up on their usual schedule, three times a day, evolving from broths to more nutritious food once your stomach can handle something more. 
But one day — you’re not sure how many days later — instead of waking up to a meal, you open your eyes to find Kai sitting on the edge of your bed, patiently watching you. 
There’s a part of you that thinks you’re imagining his presence, or that maybe it’s a dream, until he places a glove-free hand on your cheek. His touch is achingly familiar and you’re overcome with self-loathing at how much comfort it provides you.
“Kai?” you breathe, tears of relief blurring your vision. His thumb gently brushes away the first one that escapes. Your own hand comes up to cover his where it cups your cheek, desperately and pathetically clinging onto him in a wordless plea for him not to let you go. 
“You said you’d never leave me alone, but you did,” you start to cry. “You left me alone.”
He lets you weep, his thumb continuing to swipe away the tears that he can catch with a touch that both burns and soothes. He offers no explanation or words of consolation, silently and calmly watching as you fall apart before him. 
It’s only when your sobs have started to die down that he encourages you to look back up at him with his touch.
“I’m here, aren’t I?” he finally asks.
All you can do is move closer to him so you can bury your face in his lap as a fresh wave of tears comes over you. 
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kayjaywrites · 9 days
Like Bugs in a Rug UPDATE:
Should I be trying to focus on the next chapter of Like Bugs in a Rug? ABSOLUTELY. I’ve already written 3,100+ words for it!!
Am I currently 1200 words into writing a Bratty! VaguelyToxic!Reader x BratTamer!Azriel one shot where Az says the “you know I love you right? Cause I’m about to fuck you like I don’t” trope? YES, YES I AM WRITING THAT. Is this one shot inspired by shut up and drive by Rihanna?
….yes, also yes.
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emloafs · 29 days
i chose chaos today and dropped chapter 12 of im wanting it back (my amnesia trope binary boyfriends fanfic)
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i hope all who read enjoy <3
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teabiscs · 7 months
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Idk. maybe I’m back. Maybe I’m not. Maybe it’s Maybelline.
My Valentine’s Day drawing I never finished.
Trying a different brush for lining and rendering. Maybe one day I’ll find a style I like that I can do.
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puffballwarrior-blog · 3 months
Hello, this is my first time seeing your blog.
I love the concept of Spectral Dreams and I'm glad to see another Yo-Kai Watch fan in 2024.
If I may ask, who or what inspired you to make this AU?
Hi! Thank you!!
It all started when I joined this small corner of the Kirby community called the Magoverse that made a Discord server that had all their alternate versions of Magolor interacting with one another. They let me in despite not having a version of Magolor myself at the time and I've made some really good friends in that small section of the community.
I was on a call with @pastille-pain and I believe he said something like "Does anyone remember Yo-Kai Watch?"
I, being a long-time fan of the series since 2015, immediately jumped at the topic and showed him and the other people in the call all of my old toys and games. Someone said that there should be a Magolor based on Yo-Kai Watch, and I was the one to do it as I was and still am the biggest fan of the series. So I made Magonyan!
I then decided that I should add more Yo-Kai based on Kirby characters to this AU and it all came together to make Spectral Dreams later on.
Honestly, I have Pastille to thank for a lot of the AU since he's made a handful of the characters and helped with a lot of story stuff I have planned already.
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ageless-aislynn · 10 months
I finished the third chapter of "Recreation," yay!
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Yeah, just the third chapter, not the whole fic or anything, but look at the date of the last update:
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So this has been in the works for perilously close to a year and a half? 👀I think that deserves a tiny celebration, especially considering how long I've been struggling with writer's block.
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John's probably wondering when "15 Minutes," his reader fic, is going to get updated, then. Welp, Chief, you're up next, so let's keep our fingers crossed, hm?
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At least this one updated in this same year, so that's something, right?
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(Uh-oh, I'm not sure if my Spartans are buying what I'm trying to sell here, meep! 👀😉)
Now, fortunately, I have the next GIF manip ready for Kai's reader fic but I didn't get a chance to make anything for "15 Minutes" before my computer parted ways with making GIFs. 😭 So I'll have to either use something more generic for "15 Minutes," not add a GIF or wait to add one until I can make them again. I dunno, we'll see. I actually want to get at least the 2 next chapters roughly written out for "15 Minutes" before I post chapter 7 because we're about to hit a very large cliffhanger and I don't want to risk having to wait a long time before resolving it. 🤞😣🤞
"Recreation," though, is going to get its next chapter posted as soon as I'm done with the editing. This chapter is super-sized, almost as big as the first 2 together 😳 but I'd say that should be fine after such a long gap between updates, right? 🤷‍♀️
Okay, just wanted to share some good news for once! 🤗🤗🤗
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chemical-processes · 5 months
Not-Yet-Written Fic Game
Was tagged by @byrambles (thank you for tagging me!) To post about some of the fics I plan on writing in the near (ish) future
The second sequel to Broken Roots (Title pending)
to pick up with the aftermath of Twisted Tongue. Bit of a transition fic with Tim healing from the GSW and Damian still pissed about Talia. Set before Dick takes the boys back to Gotham.
A Duke Thomas & Harvey Dent casefic (also slight au) Duke's meta ability is a more focused future-sight.
Last Will and Testament
Justice League fic featuring Bruce dying on an alien planet and Hal Jordan being a reluctant diplomat. Dick as Robin for maximum angst. Ironing out the kinks with this one but I'm excited for it.
No Man's Land AU (Title pending)
The events of No Man's Land coupled with a no-capes AU (apocolypse fic. if i could get away with zombies i'd stick them in there). Been poking at the idea for a while now but the ~vibes~ are coalescing so maybe I'll finally get around to writing it
Post-DitF Bruce gets himself injured and is bedridden. A rogue nightmare decides to haunt him by taking the form of robin and blurring the line between dreaming and sleeping, trapping Bruce inside his own head with his memory of Jason. Of course Morpheus shows up to save the day.
I will tag @galaxythreads @motleyfam @quotidian-oblivion @salparadiselost and @miles2g0 no pressure to play :)
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iknowshocker · 6 days
the new snow patrol album is body slamming me into my kai parker feels tonight wow lmao
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kayedium-writes · 1 month
Til I Found You, Ch. 1!
The Mandalorian - Modern AU / Din Djarin x Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker could not be more down on his luck after a break up landed him at his sister's house for the foreseeable future while he figures out his life. And the almost-too-attractive teacher of his nephew definitely isn't going to cause a whole new wave of internal panic after Luke made a fool of himself meeting him.
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“Uncle Luke! Uncle Luke!” Ben yelled, waking Luke up just enough to see his nephew three seconds before the boy landed on his chest. He let out an ‘oof’ which only made Ben laugh before he curled to the side and wrestled his way out of Ben’s grip.
Mornings at the Solo house weren’t quite as peaceful as his used to be.
“All right, all right. I’m up!” Luke said, his voice muffled by the pillow he’d thrown his face back into.
Ben crawled over him and tried to pry the pillow away. “Nuh-uh!”
“Nuh-uh!” Ben planted his hands on Luke’s arm and gave him a playful shove. “Mama!”
It only took two footsteps on the creaking floorboards to make Luke shoot straight up in bed, hands raised—even if his vision was blurry from the bright lights in his newly opened eyes. “I’m up!”
His bed shifted again as his nephew giggled and ran across the room. Leia stood in the doorway, her hip cocked with a hand on it. Sometimes she really reminded him of their mom, except with a certain something about her that reminded him way too much of their dad. Then she had that look on her face Luke was trying to avoid.
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Chapter 1 of my brand new fic is up now, and you can read it here on AO3!
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karatekels · 1 year
Dark Desires October Masterlist
Once I finish Fresh Start, my next post will be on October 1st, and I'll be aiming to post 1 part of a fic EVERY DAY in October! Some of these are based on your requests; here's what you're in for! These aren't in any official order yet (with the exception of the last one, I think!), so if there's one you really want to see let me know! While I've currently planned for these fics to fill all 31 days of the month, if you have a creepy, dark idea feel free to submit a request! (If I don't get to it in October, I will eventually!) TW: Most of these are quite dark (because, y'know... Halloween), and some involve non-con, dub-con, or consensual non-consent. Specific warnings will of course be added to the fics as I update them.
"Unjust Reward" (request from @terrysilv): Complete! Part 1 here! A dark non-con with KK3 Terry. Daniel warns Reader that Terry is nothing but trouble, and she tries to avoid him, but when she's being chased by a group of men she turns to Terry's dojo for help. He swoops in to save the day, but expects something in return...
"Disorderly Conduct": Complete! Part 1 here! A dark Reader x Cash fic. Reader is a cop who has been working at the same precinct as Cash for awhile, and gets the vibe that something is... off. Trusting her instinct, she follows him to an abandoned building one day and catches him in the act. Unfortunately, he also catches her, and keeps her as a hostage while he tries to figure out his next move. (Takes place before events of the movie) "Heirloom" (request from @hopes-handicrafts): Complete! Part 1 here! An enemies to lovers fic with Jan Valek. Reader is Jack Crow's daughter and a vamp-hunter-in-training. When Valek attacks the old Catholic school where the Black Cross of Berziers is kept and discovers Crow's daughter is a student, he kidnaps her and takes her with him, hoping that Jack will take the bait...
"Scream for Me": In Progress! Part 1 here! [Finished for DDO; Happy-go-lucky follow up to come... maybe] Part of the "Fresh Start" universe! A dark CK Terry x Reader fic. Reader makes the mistake of telling Terry that she can't believe he was ever scary, and certainly isn't that way anymore. Terry decides to teach her a lesson, hunting her in their own home until she admits that he is still very much something to fear...
"All's Fair" (request from @terrysilv): In Progress! Part 1 here! A dark KK3 Terry. Reader has been dating Terry for awhile, and he's been patient. When she surprises him with a date at their local funfair, he thinks she'll be willing to finally make their relationship physical. At the top of the ferris wheel, he makes his move...
"In Deep Water" (anonymous request): In Progress! Part 1 here! A dark non-con with Gus Travis. Reader is an undercover cop who has gotten in with Gus's gang to get the dirt on him and Malcolm. Gus gets wind of your deception and decides to punish you - for lying, for making him fall for you, for everything. "Clear as Mud": A dark non-con with KK3 Terry. Reader pushes Terry too far asking him about his time in the Vietnam War. He does his best to describe the fear of being stalked through the jungle, but doesn't feel like he's doing it justice, and decides to help her experience it for herself... "Solar Flare": The OC x Valek romance fic I've been babbling about for awhile! Rose is forcibly turned into a weapon by the Catholic Church to help them hunt down vampires, but their ritual goes wrong. Inexplicably drawn to Valek, Rose slowly falls for the world's first vampire as they struggle to stay alive and search for a cure together. "[Currently Untitled CK Terry is a Stalker]": CK Terry x Reader fic. Terry can't help himself; what started as innocent snooping around Cobra Kai's biggest obstacle for dominance of the Valley (Reader) has escalated into full on stalking. He can't keep himself from watching your every move, stealing into your home in the dead of night... wanting. But how far will he take things? "A Tale of Two Terrys: Masquerade": In this much anticipated sequel (well, I've been looking forward to writing more, anyway), CK Terry plans a masquerade at his and Reader's manor for Halloween. He's planned for a special guest to join them, but how long will it take reader to recognize them? And what do they plan on doing with her once she does?
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rainfallkai · 4 days
new theme :o cant waittt
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Slowly working on it, Tell ya when it's done >:3
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shipazia · 11 months
I just posted chapter 1 of my ninjago fanfiction! It was a Cole chapter— ghost duo will be real soon i promise. Anyways, please check it out 🙏🏻🥰
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tuttiwrites · 1 month
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Y’all ready for a big freaking chapter update? (Brought to you by my ancient Macbook where I write this behemoth in Microsoft Word)
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handgiven · 2 months
today, em went and visited a site of a forest fire and helped the first seedlings of life peek past the ashes. he could still smell the ash in the air, but with it also the wetness of soil, the fungi working away. he followed a butterfly for the better part of the afternoon (a cabbage white. english is so funny for that name.) come evening, he watered the plants on another side of the world, experiencing a week long drought. at the very end of the day, he helped a lost child find a way home.
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