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pixiefeatherkw3 · 2 months ago
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(based on this idea I had with the MTT)
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a-whispering-echo · 9 months ago
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Killer rn:
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goosewithagun · 6 months ago
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god who let this guy in amiright fellas
draw time: 17 minutes
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Theo has been shadow travelling... again. This time, he ends up in Elysium. He's got to admit, it's kind of pretty there. But it's still not where he had hoped to go. Well, at least he won't encounter any monsters... right? He goes to sit down somewhere until he can regain the energy to shadow travel out of here, until he sees some guy staring at him... which, understandable. He's alive and in Elysium, it's a strange sight. He thinks nothing of it and just sits down on the ground by a rock.
//ehehehehehe he's about to get Marcus Aurelius'd
[Marcus has to admit he's never once seen someone so young in elysium. it's definitely curious,and he's never turned down an opportunity to find something out.]
ave, qui es?
[the young boy looks,, peculiar that's for sure. youthful but covered in scars. wearing barbarian clothing he's never seen before.]
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redwolfstabs · 8 months ago
billy trying to be a dad to tara hcs pls?!?! with the help of sam's convincing ofc hehe
I genuinely love thinking about this. Omg. Ofc ofc ofc sweet Tara MREOW
Tara and Billy father/daughter dynamic head canons for my Tara 🩵 [definitely not influenced by Sam, who would say such a thing??]
Okay, as I stated in my team loomis post: Billy initially didn’t want to be a dad to Tara. Tara wasn’t his, he didn’t see a reason to try with her. BUT, after seeing her and Sam being close and after overhearing their conversations about certain things, Billy came to the conclusion that it would probably be best to be a dad to Tara as well.
He’s a hardass with Sam, but with Tara, he’s mostly laid back in a way. He’ll worry about Tara and everything, but they don’t bicker as much as he does with Sam.
NOW, at the beginning Tara somewhat avoids Billy. She’s not scared of him or anything, but she doesn’t know how she feels in all honesty. She wants to be with Sam, and Sam is with Billy, but she’s very cautious.
Billy takes note on the cautious attitude from Tara, and he slowly involves her into conversation he has with Sam. Small example:
Billy:*Talking to Sam about something from his past* Sam:*Listening* Tara:*Walks into the room* Sam!- oh.. hi Billy:*Looking at Tara* …Hey Tara, need something? Tara:Not really.. just wanted to remind Sam of something. Billy:Ahh,, well, We’re talking about how highschool was for me, wanna know about it? Tara:..Sure, yeah- okay-
I feel like Tara would make more of an effort to actually let Billy get close after he starts his therapy. Because it helps her realize that yes, he is making an effort and yes, he does care.
Just like with Sam, Billy tends to be way too protective of Tara. Tara makes new friends? Billy has to ‘inspect’ them. Tara gets a partner? Billy also intimidates them.
[ik you ship tamber so this is personally for you teehee] Billy is very 50/50 about Amber being around Tara. While he does try to be the “protective but still laid back” kind of dad to her, when Amber is around it’s a different story. It’s always “Door stays open.” “No, Amber cannot stay for dinner.” “Tara, don’t you have college homework to work on instead?” “Tara, I just don’t see why she needs to be around so much.” He is NOT homophobic, he just gets the worst of vibes from Amber. [does he eventually let it go because Tara is happy? …yes, but Tara can’t know that]
Tara would remind Billy to take his medication everyday because she would be used to reminding Sam, and Tara knows they both forget a little too easily.
This one actually goes for Sam and Tara and I just thought of it omg- Billy keeps track of their cycles, so a few days before it starts he goes out and gets everything they might need. Like medicine, their favorite drinks and snacks, things of the like
To go with the one previously, I like to think Tara has a special blanket she cuddles up with when her cycle starts, but it has to be freshly washed and really warm and fluffy when she gets it, and Billy has learned this and starts washing it for her. Crazy thing is? He’s figured out how to time it almost perfectly so when it’s done in the drier, Tara goes and gets it so it’s EXTRA warm.
Billy will also kill for Tara if she asked. It’s his love language apparently.
Billy will absolutely give Tara anything she wants, but, he only does the at when Sam’s around. Call him crazy- he wants to mess with Sam in the process [playfully, of course.]
Billy loves taking Tara out shopping. He just loves being with her and sam, but also, he loves seeing the different ways Tara will style herself. [don't tell Sam, but Billy absolutely thinks sam needs a lesson or two in style]
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skywalking-through-life · 10 months ago
what ship do you hate most?
LOL, oh my anonymous friend, I wondered if anyone was going to ask me this. I'm going to try to answer without opening a can of worms about my opinions that I don't know if I'm brave enough to crack open, but we'll see where this goes. This answer - even more than usual - is probably going to be long.
I don't hate any ships.
I know that some folks may not believe me, but I genuinely, 100%, I do not. And will not!
Are there ships I don't understand, or don't find appealing, or find disturbing? Yes, very much so! I personally am usually squicked out by ships that are incestuous, ships between an adult and a child, ships where there is a clear and dangerous lack of consent, and ships that are shipped because the person doing the shipping wants to 'punish' or bash one of the characters, so they ship them with whoever will give them the worst time. I have very little patience for stories where the people in the ships cheat on or betray one another in some way as a feature of the relationship, and tend to roll my eyes when I see people use them to vent their feelings about other people's ships. I don't like ships that feel one-dimensional, and I don't tend to like ships absent passion.
But while all of that might annoy or baffle me, dislike of certain pairings or tropes isn't hate, and is small potatoes compared to what I see as a MUCH larger issue.
And that - what I DO hate - isn't any particular ship, but the culture of extreme, sometimes violent, often thoughtless and self-centered emotionalism that (unfortunately) has always been a part of shipping. Ship wars, pro vs anti ship discourse, and the idea that our feelings about the fictional characters we love and hate should somehow translate to how we - REAL HUMAN BEINGS - treat each other; all of this worries me deeply because in this I see the REAL evils of the REAL world bleeding into fictional ones. Hate is a powerful emotion, and to see it applied to real people because of fictional interests? I abhor that - and all it has historically led to - in my very soul.
Whenever I hear about people getting death threats in their inbox for liking/not liking/not having the correct opinions about a ship, whether 'problematic' or otherwise, I genuinely feel sick to my stomach. I understand loving something so much you want to defend it against any perceived attack; I understand thinking something is so evil that it needs to be spoken up against. But I do not, and never have, understood how and why so many folks apply that deep seated anger to FICTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS. Our world is a beautiful and terrible place, and is so wide and complex - wider than the margins of any book, or the frames of any film. Surely we can better spend our passions out there, on the thousands of issues that deserve our attention, our care, and our hearts, rather than in here, on each other, over things that do NOT matter at the end of all things?
And so the end - the ultimate, the core - of this issue for me is this: hating a ship, or participating in ship discourse of some kind, would require me to let fictional worlds have access to my anger, no, to my real, roaring RAGE; to the messy parts of myself and my complicated relationship to the real world that I come into fictional worlds to write myself free of. And I just don't believe there is a place for that kind of vitriol in spaces that are, for me, meant to be joyful and liberative.
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mothnoodle · 10 months ago
I just wanna say.
hello Every Single Trans Person. actually no.
hello Trans People That I (for one reason or another) Do Not Like.
You have the right to exist and be happy. regardless of who does or doesnt like you (including me.)
dislike of a person doesnt justify SHIT.
have a good day, i guess.
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kcuf-ad · 2 years ago
Out of all Teams from Konoha, Team 10 is the only one I have 0 problems with.
Like we have this single dad adopting the oldest son from a shitty clan that acts all hot shit, but is just a cinnamon roll, a daughter that is just done with him and her little brother and this youngest son that looks at his dad with massive adoration.
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avixthecat · 8 months ago
i hope you guys know i love you i think i dont say it enough @lemonne-12 @griffynsghost hahaha this should send you both notifications you cant escape my gratitude for you guys being my friend
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xiaosonlybeloved · 2 years ago
You were sitting on the edge of your bed - but unintentionally - because a certain someone made you sit there.
This certain someone is staring at you with his amber-eyes right now.
But why did you sat there unintentionally? What did you do that he made you sit here?
Earlier; he saw you working on your desk without any break - one hour and a half long.
He told you to take at least one break just for your health - but you didn't listen.
Xiao saw no other use and dragged you to the bedroom by your wrist, sitting you down on the bed.
And now.. your boyfriend is standing right infront of you, his arms crossed. His face looking as unreadable as ever. You couldn't guess what he was thinking - nor feeling - right now.
The silence has been broken by Xiaos voice.
"Listen.. mortal being.", he began - but he immediately cleared his throat.
"Listen. My sparkle.", he corrected himself, his eyes still fixated on you.
"I don't want you to overwork or overdo yourself."
He came closer towards you.
".. when I see you like this.. I don't feel good. Not at all."
Even closer.
"I don't want to see you like this."
He is getting on his knees, one hand raising your head up by your chin - the other one on your knee, stroking it.
Xiao looked aside, avoiding eye contact.
".. Because you are important to me.", he turned his gaze back to you.
A light blush spreading on both of his cheeks.
"And that is because I.. I really love you. So, will you rest with me? Even for a bit, Skylia?"
~ 💐
Vi. You cant send me smth like this when im just about to sleep.... hsbdhdhdhdndh
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beecha · 6 months ago
if you like tired emotionally exhausted gremlin sized viet with them thighs then hi
is me /jk
do you think you are someone’s type?
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listen-to-the-inner-walrus · 7 months ago
Love it when Rolling Stone puts out an article about the 25 most influential internet creators and I've only heard of 7 of them
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months ago
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He's never happy
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thatonedudeinthecorner · 7 months ago
Grunkle Stan is WHAT
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I don’t know where the original meme is even from but it GETS ME EVERY TIME
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night-rain-or-smth · 2 years ago
Ummm.. sweetheart you know i haven't been working for months...... are you felling alright?
Hi honey how was your day at the gaslighting factory?
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