#katz MacPherson
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Super proud of the Narancia doodle tbh. Idk what else to say lol, still going in and out of my depression but it's becoming a little manageable, even if it's still not the best. Buuut yeah I've also been writing more :3
#cage-cat#the living tombstone#the walten files#team fortress 2#gravity falls#oc#original series#original character#josef and Sauer#twf#jojo's bizarre adventure#avatar the last airbender#atla#tf2#tf2 medic#jjba stand oc#Revenga System of a Down#atla sokka#Jack Walten#drunk guy tlt#Mabel Pines#soos ramirez#Jotaro Kujo#narancia ghirga#traditional art#katz MacPherson#Quinn Lolan#Jasper MacPherson
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Thinking Through Interfaces, a syllabus
*That looks enlightening.
Co-taught by Zed Adams (Philosophy) and Shannon Mattern (Media Studies)
Tuesdays 4:00 - 5:50pm | 6 East 16th St #1003
Interfaces are everywhere and nowhere. They pervade our lives, mediating our interactions with one another, technology, and the world. But their very pervasiveness also makes them invisible. In this seminar, we expose the hidden lives of interfaces, illuminating not just what they are and how they work, but also how they shape our lives, for better and worse. We also discuss a number of pressing social and political issues, such as why we are quick to adopt some interfaces (e.g., smartphones and social media platforms), but reluctant to embrace others (e.g., new voting machines and Google Glass).
With a few exceptions, all readings will be made available on our class website, at http://www.wordsinspace.net/interfaces/2019/. We’ll provide everyone with a copy of Tom Mullaney’s The Chinese Typewriter and David Parisi’s Archaeologies of Touch.
What is an interface?
How are interfaces differentiated?
Can an interface become a part of our mind?
Do interfaces shape what we use them to do?
What are the limits of interfaces: what problems do they not help us solve?
Nelson Goodman, “The Theory of Notation” (Chapter Four), Languages of Art (Hackett, 1976): 127-173.
Florian Cramer and Matthew Fuller, “Interface” in Software Studies, ed., Matthew Fuller (MIT Press, 2008): 149-53.
Johanna Drucker, “Interface and Interpretation” and “Designing Graphic Interpretation” in Graphesis: Visual Forms of Knowledge Production (Harvard University Press, 2014): 138-97.
Shannon Mattern, “Mission Control: A History of the Urban Dashboard,” Places Journal (March 2015).
Shannon Mattern, “Things that Beep: A Brief History of Product Sound Design,” Avant (August 2018).
We encourage you to think, too, about how interfaces might embody different cultures and ideologies. Consider, for example, feminist interfaces or indigenous interfaces -- or interfaces that embody universal, accessible design. You'll find some relevant resources in the modules at the end of this syllabus, and we'll explore many of these themes as part of our case studies throughout the semester.
In-Class Workshop (second half of class): small-group interface critiques
Christian Ulrich Andersen and Soren Bro Pold, eds., Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond the Buttons (Aarhus University Press, 2011).
Martijn de Waal, The City as Interface: How New Media Are Changing the City (nai010, 2014).
Johanna Drucker, “Humanities Approach to Interface Theory,” Culture Machine 12 (2011).
Johanna Drucker, “Performative Materiality and Theoretical Approaches to Interface,” Digital Humanities Quarterly 7:1 (2013).
Florian Hadler and Joachim Haupt, “Towards a Critique of Interfaces” in Interface Critique, eds., Florian Hadler and Joachim Haupt (Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2016): 7-16.
John Haugeland, “Representational Genera” in Having Thought: Essays in the Metaphysics of Mind, ed. Haugeland (Harvard Univ Press, 1992): 171-206.
Branden Hookway, Interface (MIT Press, 2014)
Interface Critique (journal).
Steven Johnson, Interface Culture (Basic Books, 1999)
Matthew Katz, “Analog Representations and Their Users,” Synthese 193: 3 (June 2015): 851-871.
Kimon Keramidas, The Interface Experience - A User’s Guide (Bard Graduate Center, 2015).
Shannon Mattern, “Interfacing Urban Intelligence,” Places Journal (April 2014).
Don Norman, The Design of Everyday Things (Basic Books, 2013).
Mitchell Whitelaw, “Generous Interfaces for Digital Cultural Collections,” Digital Humanities Quarterly 9:1 (2015).
Jeff Johnson, Designing with the Mind in Mind (Morgan Kauffmann, 2014).
Our first case study is the QWERTY keyboard. This case raises fundamental questions about why interfaces are adopted in the first place, the extent to which their original designs constrain how they are subsequently used, and how particular linguistic politics and epistemologies are embodied in our interfaces.
Andy Clark, Chapters One through Three, and Ten, Being There: Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again (MIT Press, 1998): 11-69 and 193-218.
S. J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis, “The Fable of the Keys,” The Journal of Law & Economics 33:1 (1990): 1-25.
Thomas S. Mullaney, The Chinese Typewriter: A History (MIT Press, 2017): Chapter 1, 35-74; Chapter 4, 161-93; Chapter 6, 237-53 (up through “How Ancient China Missed…”; and Chapter 7, 283-8 (through “China’s First ‘Model Typist’”).
Kim Sterelny, “Minds: Extended or Scaffolded?” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9:4 (2010): 465-481.
See Marcin Wichary’s forthcoming book about the global history of keyboards, as well as his research newsletters.
4-5pm: Skype TBD
Louise Barrett, Beyond the Brain (Princeton University Press, 2015).
Andy Clark and David Chalmers, “The Extended Mind,” Analysis 58:1 (1998): 7-19.
Friedrich A. Kittler, Gramophone, Film, Typewriter, trans. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young and Michael Wutz (Stanford University Press, 1986).
Lisa Gitelman, Scripts, Grooves, and Writing Machines: Representing Technology in the Edison Era (Stanford University Press, 1999).
John Haugeland, “Mind Embodied and Embedded,” Having Thought (Harvard University Press, 1998): 207-237.
Richard Heersmink, "A taxonomy of cognitive artifacts: function, information, and categories." Review of philosophy and psychology 4.3 (2013): 465-481.
Richard Heersmink, "The Metaphysics of Cognitive Artefacts," Philosophical Explorations 19.1 (2016): 78-93.
Neil M. Kay, “Rerun the Tape of History and QWERTY Always Wins,” Research Policy 42:6-7 (2013): 1175-85.
Prince McLean, “Inside the Multitouch FingerWorks Tech in Apple’s Tablet,” Apple Insider (January 23, 2010).
Jan Noyes, “QWERTY - The Immoral Keyboard,” Computing & Control Engineering Journal 9:3 (1998): 117-22.
Kim Sterelny, The Evolved Apprentice: How Evolution Made Humans Unique (MIT Press, 2012).
Cassie Werber, “The Future of Typing Doesn’t Involve a Keyboard,” Quartz (November 23, 2018).
Darren Wershler-Henry, The Iron Whim: A Fragmented History of Typewriting (Cornell University Press, 2007).
H. P. Grice, “Some Remarks About the Senses,” in Analytical Philosophy, First Series, ed. R. J. Butler (OUP Press, 1962): 248-268. Reprinted in F. MacPherson (ed), The Senses (OUP Press, 2011): 83-101.
Matthew Fulkerson, “Rethinking the Senses and Their Interactions: The Case for Sensory Pluralism,” Frontiers in Psychology (December 10, 2014).
Rachel Plotnick, “Setting the Stage,” in Power Button: A History of Pleasure, Panic, and the Politics of Pushing (MIT Press, 2018): 3-16.
Rachel Plotnick, “Force, Flatness, and Touch Without Feeling: Thinking Historically About Haptics and Buttons,” New Media and Society 19:10 (2017): 1632-52.
David Parisi, Archaeologies of Touch: Interfacing with Haptics from Electricity to Computing (University of Minnesota Press, 2017): Introduction, 1-40; Chapter 3, 151-212; and Chapter 4, 213-264.
4-5pm: Skype with Dave Parisi
Sandy Isenstadt, “At the Flip of a Switch,” Places Journal (September 2018).
Mathias Fuchs, Moisés Mañas, and Georg Russegger, “Ludic Interfaces,” in Exploring Videogames: Culture, Design and Identity, eds., Nick Webber and Daniel Riha (Interdisciplinary-Net Press): 31-40.
Matthew Fulkerson, The First Sense: A Philosophical Study of Human Touch (MIT Press, 2013).
Gerard Goggin, “Disability and Haptic Mobile Media,” New Media & Society 19:10 (2017): 1563-80.
Kim Knight, “Wearable Interfaces, Networked Bodies, and Feminist Interfaces,” MLA Commons (2018).
Brian Merchant, The One Device: The Secret History of the iPhone (Little, Brown, 2017).
Stephen Monteiro, The Fabric of Interface: Mobile Media, Design, and Gender (MIT Press, 2017).
David Parisi, “Games Interfaces as Bodily Techniques,” Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education, ed. Richard Ferdig (IGI Global): 111-126.
David Parisi, Mark Paterson, and Jason Edward Arches, eds., “Haptic Media” Special Issue, New Media & Society 19:10 (October 2017).
Rachel Plotnick, “At the Interface: The Case of the Electric Push Button, 1880-1923,” Technology and Culture 53:4 (October 2012): 815-45.
Share your final project and presentation proposal with Zed and Shannon. See “Assignments” for more detail.
Individual meetings to discuss presentations and final projects
WEEK 9: MARCH 26: History of Vocal Interfaces (Zed away)
Mara Mills, “Media and Prosthesis: The Vocoder, the Artificial Larynx, and the History of Signal Processing,” Qui Parle 21:1 (Fall/Winter 2012): 107-49.
Danielle Van Jaarsveld and Winifred Poster, “Call Centers: Emotional Labor Over the Phone,” in Emotional Labor in the 21st Century: Diverse Perspectives on Emotion Regulation at Work, ed. Alicia Grandey, Jim Diefendorff, and Deborah Rupp (LEA Press, 2012): 153-73.
Confirm the assigned text for your presentation: send to Shannon and Zed a complete Chicago-style citation and either a high-quality pdf or a link to the online resource before class today, so we can update our class website with everyone’s material.
WEEK 10: APRIL 2: Contemporary Vocal Interfaces
Adelheid Voshkul, “Humans, Machines, and Conversations: An Ethnographic Study of the Making of Automatic Speech Recognition Technologies,” Social Studies of Science 34:3 (2004).
Andrea L. Guzman, “Voices in and of the Machine: Source Orientation Toward Mobile Virtual Assistants,” Computers in Human Behavior (2018).
Halcyon M. Lawrence and Lauren Neefe, “When I Talk to Siri,” Flash Readings 4 (September 6, 2017) {podcast: 10:14}.
Halcyon M. Lawrence, “Inauthentically Speaking: Speech Technology, Accent Bias and Digital Imperialism,” SIGCIS, Computer History Museum, March 2017 {video: 1:26 > 17:16}
Lauren McCarthy, LAUREN. A human smart home intelligence (review press, too).
4-5pm: Skype with Halcyon M. Lawrence
Meryl Alper, Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality (MIT Press, 2017).
Michel Chion, Sound: An Acoulogical Treatise (Duke, 2016).
Karin Bijsterveld, “Dissecting Sound: Speaker Identification at the Stasi and Sonic Ways of Knowing,” Hearing Modernity (2018).
Trevor Cox, Now You’re Talking: The Story of Human Communication from the Neanderthals to Artificial Intelligence (Counterpoint, 2018).
Brian Dumaine, “It Might Get Loud: Inside Silicon Valley’s Battle to Own Voice Tech,” Fortune (October 24, 2018).
Larry Greenemeier, “Alexa, How Do We Take Our Relationship to the Next Level?” Scientific American (April 26, 2018).
Jason Kincaid, “A Brief History of ASR,” descript (July 12, 2018).
Halcyon M. Lawrence, “Siri Disciplines,” in Your Computer is on Fire, eds., Marie Hicks, Ben Peters, Kavita Philips and Tom Mullaney (MIT Press, forthcoming 2019).
Halcyon Lawrence and Lauren Neefe, “Siri’s Progeny: Voice and the Future of Interaction Design,” Georgia Tech, Fall 2016.
Xiaochang Li and Mara Mills, “Vocal Features: From Voice Identification to Speech Recognition by Machine,” Technology and Culture (forthcoming 2019).
Luke Munn, “Alexa and the Intersectional Interface,” _Angles (June 2018).
Quynh N. Nguyen, Ahn Ta, and Victor Prybutok, “An Integrated Model of Voice-User Interface Continuance Intention: The Gender Effect,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2018).
Winifred Poster, “Sound Bites, Sentiments, and Accents: Digitizing Communicative Labor in the Era of Global Outsourcing,” in digitalSTS: A Field Guide for Science & Technology Studies, eds., David Ribes and Janet Vertesi (Princeton University Press, forthcoming April 2019).
Winifred Poster, “The Virtual Receptionist with a Human Touch: Opposing Pressures of Digital Automation and Outsourcing in Interactive Services” in Invisible Labor: Hidden Work in the Contemporary World, eds. Marion G. Crain, Winifred R. Poster, and Miriam A. Cherry (University of California Press, 2016): 87-111.
Thom Scott-Phillips, Speaking our Minds: Why Human Communication is Different, and How Language Evolved to Make it Special (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
Craig S. Smith, “Alexa and Siri Can Hear This Hidden Command. You Can’t,” New York Times (May 10, 2018).
Dave Tompkins, How to Wreck a Nice Beach: The Vocoder from World War II to Hip-Hop, The Machine Speaks (Stop Smiling Books, 2011).
Mickey Vallee, “Biometrics, Affect, Autoaffection and the Phenomenological Voice,” Subjectivity 11:2 (2018): 161-76.
Bruce N. Walker and Michael A. Nees, “Theory of Sonification” in The Sonification Handbook, eds. Thomas Hermann, Andy Hunt, and John G. Neuhoff (Logos Publishing, 2011).
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Doodles. Last couple days have been shit but whatvwr.
#steven universe#josef and sauer#tf2#team fortress 2#marble hornets#cage-cat#sanrio#cinnamoroll#spider verse#hobie brown#spider punk#su spinel#pearl su#narancia ghirga#tf2 medic#jack walten#ghaccio#alex kralie#jay merrick#josef saroyan#Katz MacPherson#josef x katz#sabrina x thyme#scout tf2#art#id in alt text
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Some doodles :3

Last week of band camp, Monday I had no meltdown and Tuesday I had a small overstimulation crying fit but I was able to manage it really quickly so it wasn't able to ruin my day! Today is paint day in band camp and I'm gonna do some Marble Hornets-centric paint, might share it to some friends once I finish it
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :3
#cage-cat#the living tombstone#marble Hornets#blood in the bayou#deltarune#jojo's bizarre adventure#jjba#original series#oc#original character#Josef and Sauer#jotaro kujo#rust tlt#kian stone#spamton#Autumn Toussaint#Clove Salvador#drunk guy tlt#jay merrick#Jasmine Saroyan#Josef's mom JaS#Katz MacPherson#doodle dump#traditional art#id in alt text#image described#image description in alt
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Thank you Camellia for tagging me this was super fun!
I decided to try to make my character Katz Macpherson, a major character in Josef and Sauer. It isn't 100% correct but it has the important stuff right
So the poor souls who I'm tagging is @ghos-tea @counterattacker and @ghostie-p-fan Alright hydrate and have a good day :)
Picrew chain? 👀
No pressure tagging, a few of my friends! Everyone join in! @useless-space-rock-lesbians @elle-cosmic-chaos @queercoded-disney-villain @rat-in-rainboots @your-local-hurt-comfort-junkie-1 @hey-its-puddlesock @jinxedbrain @nerdasaurus1200 @majorabbey @elferlasting
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Big art dump (click on some for full image + better quality)

Yeah I forgot to transfer the IDs from insta to here so that's why I didn't post here a lot sorry 😭 Also sorry it's not the most diverse? I mean I technically have some variety but I could've done more lol. Then again mental health issues have been acting up so maybe I should be a little nicer to myself.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#the living tombstone#Josef and Sauer#oc#original series#my hero academia#mha#blood in the bayou#jrwi bitb#marble hornets#digital art#traditional art#mei hatsume#aoyama yuuga#iida tenya#mha shinsou#the Walten files#Jack Walten#Samantha 'Sam' Dansaeghwa#Katz MacPherson#Taylor Marble Hornets#jessica locke#Jessica Locke x Taylor#Armstrong tlt#timothy rand#Rand bitb#DrunkMusic [TLT SHIP]#drunk guy tlt#Wiw Guy#cage-cat#Joaquin Rodriguez
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Art dump part 1, I'll be posting another one

I've been needing to post for literally ages sorry lol
I got busy with school since it started, and writing image descriptions takes a minute lol. But what matters is I got them done ^^
Edit: forgot to add tags 😭
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#cage-cat#the living tombstone#drunk guy tlt#tf2#steven universe#josef and sauer#atla#twf#the walten files#avatar the last airbender#pokemon#deltarune#jevil deltarune#Aziraphale 'Azi' Vega#Katara#spy tf2#su peridot#Katz MacPherson#Josef Stauber#katara alta#hit the snooze girl#Armstrong tlt#Clove Salvador#Minora Takashi#toph beifong#Mimikyu#sprigatito#felix kranken#tw smoking
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Some art + photo I took trying to be aesthetic
Kinda hoping that today my GAD isn't bad lol, but I'm not counting on it too much. But I am very proud of these pages, they're very nice and cool. Also the photo is Fall out Boy lyrics and are in the bathroom of my school 🤭
Also idk if I forgot anyone in the tags but if I did, I ran out of tags lol
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#josef and sauer#the living tombstone#ghost and pals#the walten files#cage-cat#aesthetic photo#fall out boy lyrics#christopher pierre#distortionist#susan woodings#twf susan#Katz MacPherson#oc#original series#original character#tesla tlt#deltarune#chainsaw man#the owl house#tf2#spider verse#Steven Universe#su peridot#spamton#power csm#angel devil#pyro tf2#Sauer JaS#luz noceda#spider punk
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Pride doodles Day 24: Katz MacPherson
He's a silly lil autistic demiromantic asexual boyo and I love him
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#cage-cat#original series#oc#original character#josef and sauer#lgbt#pride month 2023#demiromantic#asexual#katz jas#katz macpherson#my art#digital art#comfort character
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Big art dump (also happy autism awareness month!)

Ok so first thing was just some art I did for autism awareness month because this sort of thing means a lot to me. These are all just headcanons (except Kayz and Cain but that's cause they're my ocs and canonically) so if yoy wanna hear more about them don't be afraid to send an ask!
Next page I'm actually super proud of, and Khalil is just so fun to color omg omg! Also the Geist and Khalil one was fun to draw. The ship art too once I got the sketch done.
Third thing was just some sketches I wanted to do, I accidentally made Jack's skin tone a little dark (I use Rose beige but used brick brown by accident- oops) but I think it still turned out good. Also the Orange addison is slaying that pose
Next 3 things was an art project for school. We had to make (or remake) album covers or music posters, so I decided to create a theoretical Tesla album! It turned out pretty good, could've done better on the shading tho.
Then there's some sketches for an au where Drunk Guy gets Hanahaki disease! I'm still messing with it but can talk about it if you wanna hear ^^
Then I drew Spamton because I love him and I needed comfort that day really badly.
Then final thing I redrew a scene from entry 61 because I was feeling bad lol.
Also I'm doing better now for people worried.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
Jack Walten (The Walten Files) <3
Sophie Walten (The Walten Files)
Zero_One (The Living Tombstone)
Hit the snooze girl (the living tombstone)
Jay Merrick (Marble Hornets)
Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
Claire (Jack Stauber's Opal)
Yellow Guy (Don't hug me I'm scared)
Katz Macpherson (Josef and Sauer)
Cain Sephtis (Josef and Sauer)
Tim Wright (Marble Hornets) <3
Khalil (The living tombstone oc)
Geist (The Living Tombstone)
Drunk guy (The living tombstone) <3
Wiw guy (The Living Tombstone)
Orange Addison (deltarune)
Unnamed tlt ocs (same species as DG, which in my hc is mostly human but having some tombsona in them, not enough to make much of a difference tho)
Tesla (The living tombstone)
The entirety of the tlt cast on the back part
Spamton (Deltarune) <3
#tf2#deltarune#dhmis#team fortress 2#jack stauber's opal#the living tombstone#the walten files#marble hornets#josef and sauer#original series#oc#original character#autism awareness#spamton#jack walten#sophie walten#tf2 engineer#tlt zero one#hit the snooze girl#cain sephtis#katz macpherson#mh tim wright#mh jay merrick#Wiw guy#drunk guy tlt#drunk guy x wiw guy#geist tlt#cage-cat#dhmis yellow guy#jack stauber's opal claire
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Art dump ft. Shrignold and his beloved skittles

Been a moment since I've done one of these! I've I've needing to post this for 2 days now and i finally got to it. First one is in the title of the post, I plan on drawing more of this because I think it's funny. Second one is Susie and Amethyst because they're both real rebellious chicks. Third one is Scout getting interrogated but he isn't saying anything and is real smug. Idk, just felt like it. Forth thing is Azi because they're stronger than I'll ever be probably. Fith one is happy Katz because I though I should draw him smiling for once. Maybe someone's letting him indulge in his special interest of retro video games? Then the last one is a butterfree that committed tax evasion.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#dhmis#deltarune#su#steven universe#pokemon#tf2#team fortress 2#don't hug me I'm scared#original series#josef and sauer#original character#oc#katz jas#katz macpherson#Azi JaS#Aziraphale 'Azi' Vega#butterfree#pokemon butterfree#dhmis shrignold#shrignold the butterfly#deltarune susie#susie deltarune#Amethyst#su amethyst#tf2 scout#scout tf2#cage-cat
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Small art dump

First is of Cain and Katz. Despite them both being major characters in Joeef and Sauer, idk how their relationship will be (maybe a little strained at first but eases up to a mutual friendship turned bromance?)
Second is an incomplete drawing of Orel because he's my favorite Christian boy who I can actually relate to about my religion.
Third is female Nidoran because I'm trying to shiny hunt it and failing miserably
Forth is some JackMary art because they're cutest couple fight me
Then finally is toy bonnie and withered bonnie
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day:)
#Josef and Sauer#pokemon#moral orel#twf#the walten files#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#katz macpherson#katz jas#cain sephtis#cain jas#orel puppington#nidoran#nidoran female#pokemon nidoran#jack walten#rosemary walten#jackmary#withered bonnie#toy bonnie#fnaf toy bonnie#fnaf withered bonnie#cage-cat#taditional art
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Art dump but it's mainly Shrignold

Also I drew Katz again since I've been messing with Josef and Sauer again. The second picture though is crossover of Shrignold and the Grandpa.
I personally love to hate on Shrignold. Like, he's so annoying, and awful, but that's his charm! I need conflicts within a story, even if it's just my crossover series ideas.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#jack stauber's opal#dhmis#don't hug me i'm scared#shrignold the butterfly#dhmis shrignold#grandpa jack stauber's opal#grandpa opal#crossover#Jas#josef and sauer#katz Macpherson#katz JaS#original series#original character#oc#cage-cat
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Art dump

Most of it is either Josef and Sauer related, but there's se stuff of myself (one with one of my besties and the other one with my trauma monster), Tomohiro from a silent voice, Spamton because we love him, and the last thing is something I did in art class for a project that I'm really proud of. Sorry I haven't been posting much, mental health has still been really wonky and I don't think posting 24/7 would he good for my health, so my therapist and irl friends have been helping me out.
But recently I started watching Fullmetal alchemist so expect me to reblog that stuff soon! I love Hughes, he's my favorite in the show.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day
#cage-cat#josef and sauer#deltarune#persona#a silent voice#tomohiro nagatsuka#art project for art class#trauma monster#josef stauber jas#katz macpherson#katz jas#Spamton
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Jack Walten and my Josef and Sauer character Katz Macpherson

Here's the Jack art first. I like the first one especially personally

And here is Katz! Probably watching shenanigans at that time and is just not reacting strongly. I love drawing him. I had some Distortionist art I was making but never finished it so maybe I'll finish it tomorrow.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#the walten files#twf#jack walten#original series#original character#Katz Macpherson#oc#josef and sauer#cage-cat#Jack Walten is so fun to doodle hes such a comfort aaahh <3
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Art dump, also
Happy autism awareness month!!!!

First is some autism awareness art (there's two in this post) with my headcanon of Claire having autism, and wanted to do Spamton being supportive.

Next is Mirror Man and Spamton

Next is of my original characters in my series Josef and Sauer, Josef (on the left) being supportive of Katz (on the right). If you wanna see more of my Josef and Sauer series just let me know because I'd love sharing it some!

Speaking of Josef and Sauer, here's a doodle of height comparison of one character, Cain Sephtis, right is normal and left is when he forced fused himself with two spirits (I'll explain to a different post)

Demoman in a flower crown

Jeff/SHOP guy in a flower crown (headcanon is thay he and Mirror Man are brothers and I wanna make wholesome art eith that)

Next is Toph because Toph

Next is of Toy Chica and Spinel because they seem like a nice friendship

Then you get Raslei our beloved

And last but not least you get Squirtle because Squirtle!
Anyway thanks for reading, remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
#deltarune#jack stauber's opal#pokemon#atla#fnaf#su#original series#Josef and Sauer#Ralsei#jack stauber's opal mirror man#spamton g spamton#spamton#squirtle#pokemon squirtle#kanto#starter pokemon#Josef Stauber#Katz Macpherson#friendship#autism awareness#autism#toy chica#five nights at freddy's#mirror man#mirror man opal#claire opal#claire#jeff#shop a pop opera#cage-cat
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