sajirah · 1 year
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Katsurou Yamanaka, my favorite character from EmptySurface’s amazing fic Hear the Silence.
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Cape of Spirits: #1
Katsurou: What do you guys eat your cereal with?
Flayvus: Is this a trick question?
Katsurou: No…
Jinsei: You probably eat cereal with water and insist there’s nothing wrong with it.
Kanae: You guys eat cereal with liquids?? Nerds. Try plasma instead for once losers.
Jinsei: Eh, it tastes like brussels sprouts though…
Kanae: Well that’s your opinion and I respect but I still know it’s completely shitty of an opinion and fuck you, you cinnamon toast motherfucker.
Jinsei: I genuinely don’t even have a response to being called a “cinnamon toast motherfucker”.
Katsurou: Well, looks like things are heating up in the food fandom.
Flayvus: Heating up as in I’m gonna set a bitch on fire for starting this. How about you huh?
Katsurou: I eat it straight out of the box without any liquid. I love how sugary and unhealthy it is.
Jinsei: You live… for now
Nine: I’ve heard to try mixing it with pasta.
Jinsei: You. Run.
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pumpkincentaur · 5 months
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bringing him back from the dead to chuck him in the torment nexus once again
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rivalkieran · 1 year
fellas is it gay to be haunted by the ghost of your lost childhood/the embodiment of your nostalgia yearning to go back. of which happens to take the appearance of your missing childhood friend
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
@tabletbound​ / smol katsu starter
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Ah, yes. Babysitting a life-sucking revenant slug while Hiroko went to sojourn with Arceus over something-or-other. This is definitely how he expected his day to be going.
Ahem. “So. Er. ...You’re undead.” Astute observation, Katsu. What a brilliant way to open a discussion.
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svfttachi · 1 year
can you do fluff of itachi where y/n or s/o is pregnant.<3<3
WC ━ 1.2k
TYPE ━ fem!reader, modern au
TW ━ mother's day is celebrated, references to reader as "mommy", pregnancy
✎ this was a super cute, but super short, oneshot that just came to mind. i'm aware it is a mother's day type of oneshot, and it would have been better if i started this one sooner, but it's whatever. i hope everyone had a wonderful mother's day, and to those who struggle with the day, i hope life gets easier for you.
───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────
CLATTERING of pots, pans, and plates originating from the kitchen can be heard all the way across the quaint home and in the master bedroom. Waking up to the empty presence beside you in the bed wasn’t a new concept ever since you had your first child. Your child, a four year old boy, took after his father’s ability to rise earlier in the morning, so the father-son duo would usually be wide awake before you. So much like a normal morning it was, you rose from your slumber and achingly sat up straight. Your arms stretched out into the air, allowing the muscles in your back to relax a little.
With the added weight to your body, it began to put a strain on your lower back muscles, and every morning for the past seven months, you would wake up with a uniquely pleasant ache in your back. Just as you were about to get out of bed, your ears caught the sound of your husband hushing your giggling son from outside of the bedroom. A smile came to your face as you decided to sit and wait for what’s to come.
Just as you expected, the door opened inward, allowing you to face your husband and your four year old son. What you didn’t expect, however, was the large tray of scrumptious breakfast food in their hands. Itachi stood behind your son, Katsurou, taking care of holding up most of the weight of the tray.
“What is all this for?” you asked with a shocked expression on your face. Itachi carefully placed the tray over your covered legs and picked up Katsurou to sit him next to you. Immediately after being placed on your bed, you felt his tiny arms wrap around your body, and his head relaxed on top of your protruding belly. You instantly reciprocated the motion and brought your adorable son closer to you. “Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy!” he exclaimed, burying his face deeper into your stomach.
You giggled and looked up at Itachi who walked up to your side. He leaned down to place a kiss on your temple, mumbling the same phrase to you, “Happy Mother’s Day, Y/N.”
“Aw, you guys didn’t have to do all of this,” you said, looking down at the delicious assortment of food on the tray.
Easily, you could tell it took them all morning to make the food look and smell delectable. The tray held various types of food. On the big plate in the center of the tray, a stack of two pancakes sat with a decorated smiley face using strawberries as the eyes and blueberries as the mouth. They went further than that by adding strings of vanilla cream in a way to express your hair, even if it wasn’t the same color. Beside this plate was a small cup of maple syrup and a mug of hot chocolate with large marshmallows since you decided it's best to avoid caffeine during your pregnancy. Off to the side, there was another plate consisting of your favorite flavor of yogurt and two pieces of toast with butter on the side.
All of the thought that went into making this breakfast and the excitement in your son’s eyes was enough to make you grow emotional. You’d say it was the pregnancy hormones that were making you act in such a way, yet you were just grateful to have such a thoughtful and beautiful family beside you.
When your son’s dark orbs spotted the smallest of tears forming your eyes, his face turned from excited to concern in an instant. Katsuro sat up from your embrace and quickly went to wipe away your tears from your eyes. “Why are you sad, Mommy? I thought you liked breakfast like this,” he asked in his innocent, worried tone.
Itachi chuckled along with you at how clueless Katsuro was. You quickly reassured your child with a hand to his soft, raven locks that mimicked his father’s hair. “I’m not sad, Katsuro. I’m just so happy that I have you and your father that I started to cry. You did a wonderful job in making breakfast. I love you, so much, my sweet boy,” you responded.
“I love you, too, Mommy!” he exclaimed, throwing his arms around you again.
Itachi rested his hand on your shoulder to catch your attention. Once your eyes landed on his, a smile came to his face as well, adoring the beauty that is his family. “Enjoy your breakfast. I’m going to clean the mess that is the kitchen,” Itachi said in a loving tone, “I love you.”
“I love you, too, ‘Tachi.”
He pressed another gentle kiss to your head before taking his leave from the bedroom. Once the door was closed, you looked down at the food with your hands rubbing one another, trying to decide what to take a bite into first.
You began to feel a sudden poke at your arm, so your head turned to look down at your son who was looking up at you with his exaggerated, rounded orbs. It was his way of asking you for something, and just as you predicted, he spoke up, “Can I have a bite?”
A laugh escaped from your mouth as you nodded, “Of course. How else can I finish all of this food?”
Katsuro threw his hands in the air as a sign of victory before getting comfortable next to you. The two of you enjoyed the silence and ate together.
Halfway through the pancakes, you looked down at Katsuro as he started talking, “I can’t wait to meet my baby brother. Mommy, do you think I’ll be a good older brother?” His big, round eyes peered up at you in curiosity.
“I think… that you’d be a great older brother to your baby brother. Why do you ask?” you questioned. Katsuro sighed and shook his head, “I’m scared that he’s not going to like me or that he’ll take all of Daddy’s time from me. But I want to be best friends with him, Mommy.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that, Sweetie. You know why I think you’d be a great brother to your baby brother? It’s because you go all the way with surprises like this one. I wasn’t expecting you to do all of this for me, but I still feel amazing to have such a wonderful son like you to make me feel special every single day. I just know that you’ll do the same for your brother, as well,” you explained.
At that point, Katsuro began to cry as well. “I can’t wait to see him,” he mumbled through his tears of happiness. You brought your arms around his small body, keeping him close to you as you whispered, “Me too, Katsuro.”
From outside the room, Itachi stood with his back leaned against the wall beside the cracked open door. His arms were crossed over his chest, and a smile was printed on his thin, pinkish lips. Itachi heard everything that you and Katsuro talked about, and it made him gush at the conversation. He always knew that you’d be a great mother to your shared kids, and it shows in this conversation.
He, too, couldn’t wait to see his baby son come to the world, nor could he wait to see the look on Katsuro’s face when he gets to hold him for the very first time.
───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────
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navigation ✧. ┊ gen. masterlist ✧. ┊ itachi writings
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emptysurface · 1 year
HtS Poll!
I've been wanting to do this since polls first were rolled out, so buckle down. If you're here bc of HtS, then which one of my OCs is your favourite (other than Kyo, I guess, heh)?
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s-pendragon7 · 4 months
WIP Intro:
Fruit of the Heart
🍎 Genre tags: Fantasy, mythology, monsters, magic
🍎 Other tags: Throuple, asexual character(s), blood, found family, politics, folklore, 3rd person pov
🍎 Status: First draft in progress
🍎 Tldr: for the record, if there’s a silly goofy but normal lady living in the forest with cannibalistic trees, she is NOT in fact a silly goofy normal lady. Also, monster-fucking without the fucking. Sort of.
🍎 WIP Tags: wip: FOTH, wip: Fruit of the Heart, Fruit of the Heart, FOTH
Summary: When Katsurou is nearly killed and saved by the odd Xenia and witnesses the community she created, he gets thrown into world he never could have dreamed of. At the same time, Rian is on a quest, and believes Xenia to be the key to all the answers he seeks.
🍎 Cast:
🍏 Xenia: the dumbass who lives in the woods everyone is afraid of
🍏 Akuma Katsurou: the chaotic bisexual with wings
🍏 Rian Sidhe: a genius when he’s not with the other two numbskulls. Then he’s just as dumb.
Lmk if you want to be on a tag list!
Taglist: @thelaughingstag
Bad PPT Pres
100th Word: Invaded
1000th Word: Spasmed
2500th Word: Everywhere
5000th Word: Faster
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chaosmarines · 4 months
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So I'm working on this worldbuilding project that's like this weird fuck-ass fantasy thing. It's kind of urban fantasy not in the "there's werewolves and vampires and shit" way but in more of a Final Fantasy XV kind of way. Pic is of a Katsur HCA-1560, a popular model of cargo mobile in Santa Mul, the largest continent in the Southern hemisphere of the world. HCA meaning "Heavy Cargo Automobile" and the 1560 being the year of its manufacture. Katsur Automotive Manufacturing is the company that built the mobile. This truck is completely irrelevant to what the story is about, but I ran a one-shot set in this world using the Troika! system and this truck was part of it, and so I drew it.
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luckcycler · 1 year
hello yes i just want to say i adore Katsurou with all my heart and wish only the best for him
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my favorite nervous wreck of a man <3
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sajirah · 3 months
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Kyo, Kou, Isshun, Katsurou, and Spider from the fanfic Hear the Silence by Empty Surface.
I can’t believe I never posted all of these together, but better late than never I guess.
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avatars-and-personas · 6 months
Odd. It seems that a blog's been made for us.
Why us three though?
I'm not even an Avatar anymore. That's the only thing I would have had in common with you.
Well. We can figure that out later.
My name is Twila. She/Her. I am Avatar of Evresnroei, Ohliretimrxnthlaan. I have a Persona. Tilly. I'm Chosen of Heatran. My tag is "avatar of evresnroei"
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My name is Shimada Katsurou. He/Him. I am Avatar of Tmyrak, Vutros Ominir Anriouhin. My Persona is Guanyin, and she's not suited for combat. I'm also Chosen of Terapagos, and I live in Kanto. My tag is "avatar of tmyrak"
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My name is Isohiri Enruus. He/Him. I was Avatar of Solas, Vuratehlosathisohitrii. But then I found myself in another world, completely cut off from kriith. I do not have a Persona like the others do, but I am. Part Eldritch, in a way. I currently reside in Alola. My tag is "avatar of solas", though it doesn't fit anymore...
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Get Chosen Idiot✅
A Storm Is Brewing✅
Terastal Reclamation☑
Eye Of The Storm✅
Theatre of Vainglory✅
Arcana Reversed☑
Memorials and Protection☑
Green Check means the Arc is over. Grey Check means it's in progress in some form.
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rivalkieran · 2 months
WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION CHEREN ok so cheren katsurou -> cheren qui tran. hes vietnamese 1.5 gen immigrant now. I blasted him.
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
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Revised NPC Headcanon; Inoue Katsurou, Hiroko’s head retainer / right hand man.
Katsurou, roughly two years Hiroko’s senior, is from a family that has served the Azai for several generations. Following his father’s death during the Dragnor Invasion of Aurora, Osamu took him under his wing, meaning he grew up in very close proximity to Hiro. They’re extremely close as a result; you’d be hard pressed to find someone Hiroko trusts more. (She also usually refers to him as “Katsu,” rather than Katsurou; he, in turn, calls her “Hiro,” though only in private. In any public capacity, he refers to her by much more formal terms.)
Significantly, Katsurou is disabled. He injured his left leg as a child, leading to lasting muscle damage. (Unfortunately, Ransei doesn’t exactly have the robust medical system that most modernized regions do.) He regularly uses a cane to facilitate his walking. Without it, he tends to experience pain in his leg when he puts weight on it for any extended period of time. Because of this, in battle, he prefers to be mounted; he typically rides a sawsbuck in combat.
Katsu is proficient with a sword, though his preferred weapon is the bow. Additionally, in spite of being Auroran, his perfect link is in fact (Hisuian) Decidueye. (Possibly inherited from his mother, who was from Greenleaf.) However, Katsu did not fight for much of the war - instead, Hiroko entrusted him with overseeing matters in Ignis and Aurora in her stead. He only fought in the battles in Ignis, Yaksha, Dragnor, and the Infinite Tower.
Katsu is loyal to a fault. Like, will take a bullet for Hiroko loyal. (Partially because, let’s face it. This boy is fuckin whipped. He has it bad for Hiro. But also because Osamu and Hiroko have always been nothing but good to him, and he feels an obligation to return the favor. They’re his family.)
Though I typically don’t mention him in most threads, he does accompany Hiroko abroad when she travels. Usually he does his own thing, but is typically somewhere nearby, as well as basically on speed dial should Hiroko need anything. He is her retainer, after all.
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oathofmoonlight · 1 year
meta: relationships
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It's safe to say that Kaguya is... not super keen about pursing any sort of relationships in whatever world(s) she ends up in. Nothing serious, anyway. She likes to joke that her love life is just as cursed as she is, considering her two biggest relationships... well, they're complicated.
The first was Katsurou, a long-time friend and one of Kaguya's original teammates, before the downfall of the order. Katsuro was a samurai (fighter, samurai subclass) and one of Kaguya's best friends. They had a long history together and you could basically consider them high school sweethearts. He was the last surviving member of their original party after the curse struck. Kaguya wanted them to go off together in search of a way to lift the curse, while Katsurou... having all his friends and family die around him made him less inclined. He tried to convince Kaguya to give up and abandon the adventuring life instead, where they might be able to live more safely. Kaguya was not so keen on this idea, and to put it simply. They didn't part on the best of terms. (Both of them wound up regretting this.) Three years later, after a lot of very unsuccessful efforts to lift the curse, Kaguya tried to locate him again in the hope of finding some help and maybe also apologizing for some of the shit she'd said when they last parted. She found out pretty quickly thereafter that: 1. he had also been searching for her; 2. he was dead, and; 3. his soul had been stolen and turned into a monster controlled by one of the phantasms. She ended up having to kill said monster, so it's safe to say that particular relationship ended quite poorly.
The second was Phoebus (fighter, echo knight), and the whole thing was immensely more complicated, mainly due to the fact that there's some time bullshit involved. They were initially less friends and more rivals. And also kind of couldn't stand one another, at least initially. But they were brought together by a mutual friend and did respect one another's skills, so... somewhat friendly rivalry? Or that was the case until an extremely complicated series of events that I do not have time to explain resulted in him going to the dark side, getting killed, and all memory of him being erased from the current timeline, after which he was replaced with a version of himself from another timeline. Like I said, immensely complicated. But in that world, Phoebus and Kaguya had a much less contentious relationship. One might even call them friends. So, being re-introduced to Phoebus for what she thought was the first time, they hit it off much better this time. Albeit with some awkwardness, considering this Phoebus had a Kaguya in his original timeline who this Kaguya was not, and Kaguya had a very detailed journal of her travels that mentioned Phoebus before, but... in a far less positive light. Nonetheless, they were kind of in a relationship - insofar as the adventuring lifestyle would allow - until the point at which they had to part ways, as Kaguya's quest for answers was taking her in a different direction. Still, being that they were adventurers, they both assumed they would reunite again in the near-ish future, because adventurers tend to run in smaller circles than you would think. They were correct, but not in a good way. Turns out Phoebus was a Phantasm and went dark side, again. And thus Kaguya had to kill another of her exes.
Paired with the loss of her closest friends and remaining family, Kaguya is... understandably averse to allowing herself to have any serious feelings for most people, romantic or otherwise.
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emptysurface · 5 months
Hi it might be spoilers or maybe even rude to ask and feel free to ignore this, but why is it so important to konoha that kyo goes through seduction training so young? Are they specifically hoping to recreate an agent with a similar profile to her mother? Within the anbu/assassination/seduction mission category, she certainly has desirable skill. Are they planing for genma to follow the blueprint when he becomes a ninja? Also why didn’t katsuro or kou like, protest the seduction training, especially at such a young age, or did they not have the power or what? Is it because she is a jounin and anbu? Could kyo reasonably refuse future seduction missions without consequences? Just seems odd that the girl that can’t be on birth control has to be the one doing seduction, unless it was a honeypot mission… and also i know it isn’t a bloodlimit, but wouldn’t konoha rather have kyo put her energy into stabilizing her clan??? Like she already is but you know, clan culture, knowledge, all that. Kinda also thinking about how kyo is in part parentified, helping raise genma, since she was eight years old and she is also solely responsible for teaching him poisons, while he gets a childhood, while she missed hers? Anyways love the fic, i’m always so heartbroken for kyo, she goes through such turmoil, and i feel like she doesnt need to deal with 90% of the drama that shows up in her life, but atleast there are always people she can hug to feel better. <3
I think this is based in a misunderstand about how I write seduction, tbh. I'm not aiming this solely at you, Anon, btw, but I do get quite a lot of comments similar to this, so it's been on my mind a lot.
Kyo isn't getting seduction training to become the next Spider/Utako. Kyo is never going to be a seduction specialist, she's not going to be sent out of the village to "seduce the enemy" so to speak.... I've also established that those kinds of missions are pretty rare to begin with.
Kyo is at her base an assassin. She's also a kunoichi. Kou and Katsurou both acknowledge, even if it's only silently, that there are aspects of their profession Kyo won't be able to escape. In the last while of HtS, we've seen Spider primarily use her seduction skills to... gather intel.
So what it comes down to is that Konoha (and, to some extent, the people responsible for Kyo) want her to get this training not so they can fling her at people to have sex with, but so that she can use these skills if it's ever needed in the field, to gather information, carry out an assassination, or to simply survive a terrible situation.
Her rank and her being ANBU are definitely a contributing factor, in a way, bc they influence what kinds of missions she's sent on etc.
So at the end of the day, I guess you could say Konoha isn't super invested in Kyo getting seduction training the way I think you meant it? But Kyo is an asset, and seduction training makes her more prepared to deal with hazards and obstacles in her profession, as well as makes her more vercatile when unexpected components pop up on mission.
And the truth of the society I am writing is that, frankly, it doesn't really matter if Kyo gets seduction training or not, to a lot of people, because just the simple fact that she is a kunoichi, most people will assume she has it.
so like she says in the story, she'd rather have the tools if she ever need them than the other way around.
I hope this answers your question in regards to the seduction, Anon!
Genma's career depends a lot on how he does once he graduates, his personal skills and talents, but yes, seduction training is highly likely to be in his future, too, tbh.
I don't know if I missed any questions, but. I'm glad you like my story? :) It's always nice to get to talk about it, hope you're having a good day, Anon!
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