#katsuki bakugu x reader
tokeposts · 2 days
pairing. bakuguo, izuku, shinso x fem!reader
warnings. so many typos omg, cussing, hints of jealousy
genre. fluff, humor
note. imma be so fr i just wanted an excuse to write longing/nervous izuku he's so fucking cute
When one too many drinks leads to a (drunk) confession or two.
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@beckixwsm @bun-raine @jkovlr
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lightseoul · 1 year
cw. gn!reader, depressed reader (but this doesn't rlly discuss themes of depression), pro-hero!katsuki, established relationship, aged-up
word count. 0.6k words
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It was his words, the way they lingered in the air—making it even harder to breathe, that brought you to finally, finally tilt your head up and look at him.
But it was his face, and every bit of raw emotion written all over it, that destroyed and led your walls crumbling down.
“Say something, Y/N. Please.”
You look at the wall clock again, unable to handle his gaze.
Bakugou takes a cautious step closer. Your breath hitches despite all efforts in steeling yourself, only watching him as he reluctantly reaches for your hand, only to pull back regrettably in seconds.
How did everything come to this?
“Sorry. I just—” He starts, stumbling with his words. You can’t believe what you’ve reduced him to. “—I just need you to tell me what I can do to help.”
“This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” you mumble to yourself.
At that, Bakugou’s eyebrows furrow even more. You sigh, darting your eyes away from him, exhausted.
Of this conversation.
Of hiding from him.
Of everything.
“I already told you, Kats,” you shake your head, “it’s not your job to fix me.”
“So, what?” he spits back, the all-too-familiar anger finally bleeding into his tone. “Are you saying I should just fucking leave you to go through all this alone until this swallows you up completely?”
“Yes,” you exclaim exasperatedly. And on that note, one emotion of his becomes finally clear enough for you to identify.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Some twisted part of you—the part that wants Bakugou to keep on fighting—wishes he’d bark out another response.
Another rebuttal.
Another retort.
Anything to prove you wrong.
But it doesn’t come.
When you look up again from your clenched fists, Bakugou’s head is bowed in what looks so much like defeat.
And despite him being the most strong-willed person you know, his shoulders are sagging in what you can only assume is frustration.
Hell, you’d be equally frustrated as well, but you weren’t at the receiving end, and your end was a whole different story—one you just can’t brush aside despite your tendency to suppress all personal, unwanted feelings.
When he finally lifts his head to face you, his eyes are bloodshot.
“I love you, Y/N,” he starts, voice uncharacteristically quiet. “And I’ve been the damn luckiest person alive to be in love with you.”
He reaches out and takes both of your hands in his.
You don’t break away from his grasp.
“So you have to give me a chance to take this in and plan how to get through this with you.”
“But that’s the thing, Katsuki,” you smile, willing the tears to stay where they are. “I love you, and I just can’t sit back and watch myself drag you down with me.”
You clench your eyes closed, finally letting the tears fall down.
“You deserve better than that.”
At that, Bakugou opens his mouth to protest, but before he can say something in retaliation, you withdraw your hands from the warmth of his calloused yet oh-so-familiar ones, and dash for the door.
You hear his broken voice call out your name, but you don’t dare look back.
I’m doing this for him, you chant in your head as you run, turning another block, and then another, getting further away from your shared apartment.
And the person you would’ve wanted to keep on calling ‘home’.
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a/n. fun fact: i was going thru my files and found this WIP which i wrote at 16 for another fandom. i edited it a bit and made it sound like bakugou and here we are lmao
tagging. @katsukis1wife @rinalou @loverboyrin @brunnetteiwik
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sipsteainanxiety · 3 years
part one
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currently thinking about just how much bakugou katsuki was in love with you.
he was always there for you, constantly by your side, making sure you were happy and healthy. he would wake up early in the mornings to prepare breakfast and lunch for the both of you, irritably ensuring that you were well fed before you would go off to start your day. at the door, he would kiss your forehead and fuss over your messy clothes, your half-awakened state, always with this analytical look in his eyes as he deemed you fit to face the world by his standards.
he would wait for you whenever he finished his evening patrols, making sure to walk you home after one of your work shifts. he constantly had one of his arms either around your shoulders or on the small of your back, the touch reassuring to both himself and to you. he’d always put up a front when you were out in public, an unreadable—albeit calm—look on his face whenever you would walk about. he would tug you gently out of the way of passerbys on the streets as you’d ramble on about your day, making sure you wouldn’t run into anyone or anything.
he always had an eye on you, ensuring that you were within his line of sight. if you were both at an event, and you were away from him, he would constantly be stealing glances over at you, making sure you were okay. he liked to hover a lot too, standing right next to you or behind you, a prickly shadow of your own. he’d get defensive if you ever pointed it out though, but you didn’t mind. it was his own way of showing just how cautious he was when it came to your safety—especially since he was a pro hero.
it was the way he paid attention to the littlest of details, surprising you with things that even you sometimes weren’t aware of. he was able to read you like a book, always knowledgeable of how you were feeling or if there was anything you needed. you’d noticed a while ago that he was content to simply observe, quietly picking up on your emotions and addressing them in the way he knew best. his abilities to read people so well had him two steps ahead of you at all times, constantly aware of what you truly needed at any given moment.
and in the quiet of night, when it was just the two of you in your shared bedroom, he would simply hold you. no words exchanged, no idle conversation. all he would do is hold you within his arms, pressing you against himself as though he could shield you from all the dangers of this quirk-saturated world. when he thought you were sound asleep, he would press a light kiss to your forehead, something that always made you smile a bit into the wrinkles of his shirt.
it was just so obvious that bakugou katsuki was simply and utterly in love with you.
so when he came up to you one night in the dark of your living room, saying that you deserved better than him, you were speechless.
“katsuki,” you said gently, looking at the way he had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his grey sweats. his shoulders were tensed up in a way that made your heart sink, his head of spiky ash-blond hair turned away from you as he stared off to the side. his jaw tensed as you took a step closer. “i don’t—”
“you deserve someone… someone like shitty hair or…. or fuckin’ deku,” he interrupted you in a voice so low, so quiet you thought you hadn’t heard anything at all. “someone who can…” he trailed off, and it was then that you noticed just how exhausted he looked. how defeated, in the small space of your apartment, as though a small gust of air could sweep him far, far away.
“katsuki,” you repeated again, but this time, you took those few steps closer to him. you raised up a hand and placed it on his cheek, gently turning his head so that he could just look at you.
there was a moment where he tensed even further, a moment where you thought he would resist your touch. but he eventually met your eyes with his own brilliant crimson ones, looking at you as though a single word from your mouth could strike him down.
“listen to me,” you whispered as you brought up your other hand so you could cup his smooth face within your palms. he leaned only slightly into your touch, a man starved for contact. “i love you. got it? you. not kiri. not anyone else. you. and i always will.”
his lips trembled minutely, eyes staring at you so widely. so openly. his adam’s apple bobbed and you traced the lines of his cheekbones with your thumbs. “i can’t—”
“bakugou katsuki, you listen to me and you listen to me good,” you stated firmly, no longer messing around as you looked up at him with a frown. “i love you. what don’t you get? there is no other person in the world i’d rather be with. i don’t know what brought these thoughts to you, but i want you to know that i’ll always always want you. no one else.”
and the way he looked at you then—like you were his everything—the way his expression softened, then crumpled, told you everything you needed to know. as though a switch had flicked, he sunk down into your embrace, gently tapping his forehead against yours as he nearly sagged all his weight onto your smaller frame. you held him close, held him tight, murmuring gentle nothings into his ear as you dragged him over to sink down onto the nearest sofa.
maybe it would take some time for him to accept that he deserved the happiness you brought to him. maybe he would never truly believe you. but you were going to remind him each and every day that he was worthy. that he was all you ever wanted and more.
to you, bakugou katsuki was enough.
he was enough.
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h0rnyshakespeare · 3 years
Safe Space
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Mentions of panic attacks, insecurities, self-deprecation, swearing caz Bakugou
A/N: This was a purely self-indulgent oneshot idea, if you are going through something like this please talk to someone, remember to take care of yourself because you deserve it<3 you are beautiful, strong and amazing and I am so so proud of how far you've come. Now onto the fic :)
“Hey babe, you alright?” you barely heard your boyfriend outside your door as you tried to keep yourself sane. The panic attacks had been happening for a few days now, and while you did well in hiding them, you should have known Katsuki would notice in no time. You tried to suppress it long enough to tell him you were fine, but instead a sob escaped your mouth, making you cringe at the sound. You hoped to yourself that he did not hear, when he announced, “I’m coming in, Y/N,” confirming your worst fears. You wanted to say or do anything to prevent him from seeing you like this, but your body would not comply. All you could do was hug your knees tightly to your chest, burying your head into them. You knew you were doing the wrong thing, that you were supposed to be focusing on breathing, not hiding, but-
“Hey. I want you to look up at me, ok?”
You heard his voice, firm and reassuring, causing you to do as he said. You saw the beautiful shades of red that were his eyes, Katsuki’s eyes, when you realized, you were not alone. “Katsuki…?” you gasped softly due to the lack of air in your lungs. He squeezed your hands tightly, since when was he holding them? “Shh baby, I’m here. I want you to focus on me, alright? Now watch my breathing, and see if you can follow me,” he said, proceeding to take deep breaths, holding each for a few seconds before letting them out slowly, making sure you were doing the same. “Ok, now I want you to tell me five things you see around you. Could you do that for me?” he asked gently, a stark contrast to his normal tone of speaking. “Uhh… um, I see you? And uh, I see the bedframe, the teddy bear you got me, the closet and the mirro-” you caught your breath. The mirror. Oh, how you hated it. It was the way you saw all your insecurities, how ugly you were, it was always the trigger-
“Hey, hey, baby look at me,” you heard his voice again, pulling you out of the dark void of thoughts circling in your head. His hands moved from yours to your face, his thumbs caressing you softly. “You did a great job baby, I just need you to look at me now, alright? Just listen to my voice and calm down.” You listened, your breathing slowly becoming normal, your heartbeat slowing down and becoming regular. Once he saw you calming down, he asked, “Are you ok with me touching y-?” before you interrupted him mid-sentence by hugging him, tears streaming freely down your face.
“I-I’m sorry you had to see that,” you said, crying into his shoulder, getting his sweater all wet. “I’m not doing it for attention or anything, I swear, and you weren’t supposed to see me all pathetic, I’m so sorry I wasted your time over something like this, it was supposed to stop after a few days-” “Y/N,” Katsuki spoke, cutting you off mid-ramble. “How long has this been happening?” You sniffed and let go of him, looking away in shame as you played with your hands. “About a week.” “A week?” Katsuki said in disbelief. You were suffering like this for a week and did not say anything? “Why didn’t you tell me?” You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment. “Because the reason I’m getting them is stupid,” you said, looking anywhere but him. Katsuki frowned. “Y/N, I don’t care how stupid you think the reason is, you’re gonna tell me now, dumbass. And if you really think this is a waste of my time or that you’re pathetic, you’re wrong.” You sighed, rubbing your sore eyes.
“Fine. Uh… today it was the mirror,” you mumbled. “Dumbass, you’re gonna have to speak up for me to hear you.” “The mirror,” you said, looking at him. He looked confused, of course he would, he was gorgeous, he did not need to fear an inanimate object. “What about it? Wait, babe, you- you really don’t think about yourself like that, right?” It was amazing how vocal he was being, Katsuki was usually more of an actions-over-words kinda guy. You shrugged. “I don’t really know what to tell you, Katsuki. It’s disappointing, really. I’m overreacting over something so insignificant.” “Argh, you’re really stupid sometimes, you know?” You smiled. “I’m aware, Aizawa sensei told me my grades have been slipping.” Katsuki was surprised, he did not think you would say something so self-deprecating in response.
“Babe, you know what I mean… I’m talking about how you feel about yourself.” “Ah, well, not like it matters. It’ll pass eventually, right? I don’t know, I just can’t help but feel so… weak about the whole thing,” you sighed. “Shitty woman, of course you’re not weak,” Katsuki frowned. “But I am! Look at me, I’m practically drowning in self-pity even though I don’t want to be! I’m sorry you have someone like me as your girlfriend, Katsuki, I just… I feel like such a disappointment to everyone around me. Everyone’s quirks and grades are developing so much, I feel like I’m falling behind.”
Your boyfriend sat in front of you, trying to take everything in. He understood how you felt about feeling like you were not up to standard in class, and he felt frustrated that he did not notice sooner. “Y/N, I know these thoughts don’t vanish overnight, and I- I’m not that great with my words either, but you’re not- you’re not what you think of yourself, and don’t apologize for being my girlfriend, I love you dammit! I know your standards are high for yourself, but don’t let it hurt you. You’re more than enough, dumbass, ya hear me?” You giggled at the nickname, nodding your head. “You clearly don’t see how far you’ve come, Y/N. Your quirk has been improving so much, I- I know I don’t say this but you’re a pretty hard opponent to beat. And about your grades, we could- I don’t know, study together or something?” he paused, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “Aww, is someone blushing?” you teased at his expression.
“Shut up. Anyway, regarding your appearance, fuck beauty standards. Fuck the mirror. You’re so fucking beautiful, you got that? I don’t say that enough, I know, but you’re- you’re really fucking pretty, you hear me?” You rubbed your arm. “I- I don’t really feel that way though, I’m sorry…” Katsuki sighed and opened his arms, motioning for you to come closer. You complied, snuggling into them, feeling his warmth and smelling his familiar caramel scent. “Like I said, it takes time. It’s ok, you don’t have to apologize, shitty woman,” he said as he wrapped his arms around you. “Whenever you need to talk or need help, I’m right here. Got it dumbass?” You turned in his lap to face him, your hands wrapping around his neck. “Thank you, Katsuki, I love you.” “Idiot,” he said, placing a soft kiss on your lips before whispering, “I love you too.”
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undertheblu · 2 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Bakugou Katsuki/Shinsou Hitoshi Additional Tags: Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Dabi is a Todoroki (My Hero Academia), Past Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Protective Todoroki Shouto, Stalking, Past Rape/Non-con, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Rape/Non-con Elements, Dubious Consent, Eating Disorders, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Bakugou Katsuki has PTSD, Angst, Depression, Stockholm Syndrome, Age Difference, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Unhealthy Relationships Series: Part 2 of Submission Summary:
Seven years after being rescued from his life with the League of Villains, Katsuki is trying his best to live a normal life. Unfortunately, normal is not an option where Dabi is concerned.
Summaries…am I right?
Part 2 of A Little Salt for that Wound
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hcs:bakugou asking his s/o on a date
request: Can I get a scenario of Bakugou asking his s/o on a date?
aaaaaa this is cute uwuuuuu, I hope you enjoyed the hc! I made the bakusquad appear for a little too :D (i just realised you said s/o, in these hcs bakugou and reader aren’t dating yet!!)
tip jar ^^
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this is interesting to say the least
I don’t think Bakugou has ever had an s/o
let alone asked someone on a date
so he has no idea what the heck to do
but he doesn’t want to ask for help either
this brat just thinks he can do it himself without any help
spoiler alert: he can’t :)
he’s really trying to ask you on a date
his idea was to study with you and see it as a date
but in the process he basically just called you a dumbass
good job, bakugou
this doesn’t go unnoticed by the bakusquad
kaminari bursts out laughing
sero too
mina doesn’t even know what to say she’s just yelling
kirishima cringes and shakes his head
so yeah they will help their friend
even if he doesn’t want their help, they’ll do it
“I don’t need your help, morons.”
“...you do.”
so yeah
while kaminari really wants to take the piss out of bakugou and make him overdo it, mina really wants him to do well
so, they help him with some lines
tried making him smile
that was a bad idea
it was terrifying
“...yeah don’t ever do that again.”
Mina thought it would be cute if Bakugou wrote you a letter
Kaminari said he should buy chocolate and flowers
but honestly bakugou just wanted to get it over with
the next day at school
you luckily happen to be alone in the hallway
bakugou just walks up to you
“go on a date with me.”
it wasn’t a question, but his tone wasn’t that demanding either?
and you’re just kinda like ???
“i’ll be at the gate after school.”
that’s all
so you are h e l l a confused
but ofc you’ll go ;)
okay I wanna talk about the date itself too tbh so let’s  go
i’ve said this many times before
bakugou doesn’t half-ass a single thing
he had no idea what to do because of his lack of experience
and little did mina know bakugou was mentally taking notes when she spoke about what girls like and what she has heard you like too
so with that info he will go all out for this date
he’s got it all planned but not planned in a very tight schedule that seems stressful
but you can tell he put effort in it tho
he will be so so so nervous
poor boy is worried that he’ll activate his quirk by how sweaty his hands are getting
so please reassure that you at least like it
but if you just say you like it you bet he’s gonna do his best even more next time
idk if bakugou would kiss his crush on a first date
I don’t think it matters that much to him
and by that I mean he doesn’t just like somebody and ask them on a date, he really wants to get to know that person better etc and not just act all lovey-dovey
he wouldn’t mind some affection tho ;)))
also he’d walk you home 100%
if it’s late he will 100000%
“You’re tired and not as alert as usual, dumbass.”
nah he just wants to protect you uwu
and yeah
if you liked it he’ll definitely want to go on a date with you again
if not he will too and be even better than this time
who am I kidding he’d do that in both scenarios
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lemons-made-here · 5 years
Could we get some Dom! Bakugou headcanons please? I loved the Deku one! 💞
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(A/N): If you meant Dom!Reader and not Baku tell me, I’ll write those too. This gif gets me thirsty, so let’s get into it ;)
+Though he still snaps at just about everyone around him, Bakugou does have a soft spot for the important people in his life, including you, though he won’t show it
+Baku grew up with more of a tough love standpoint, but with your relationship, he’s gotta protect every aspect of you. You are his world, the light of his life, and you mean everything to him
+On rare occasions his soft side will come through in the bedroom, but even then its usually behind a mask
+Sex is filled with constant praises and adoration, even if hes plowing into you
+He will dawn the scratches and bite marks you give him with pride, because they’re his trophies, his reward for doing his job great
+He’s really intimate, almost always, actually just in smaller displays
+Bakugou will told you tight everyday before work, it doesn’t matter if he’s on patrol that day, he’ll always whisper a “I’ll come back, I promise,” with your head tucked under his chin
+Baku’s hand naturally fall to the small of your back whenever you two are out, your his, he’s yours and its his way of asserting his place in public
+Okay now to the kinky stuff
+Bakugou prefers giving oral rather than reciving, nothing pleases him more than the sounds that come out of your mouth, and how he can tear you apart with just his tongue
+He’ll leave bites, hickies, hand prints, bruises you name it, Katsuki has decorated your thighs with them
+Baku can drive you mad without even touching you, and have you begging. Sometimes he’s teasing, sometimes he’s honestly completely oblivious, its just the way he is
+Ride him and he’s all yours, call him sir and he’s ready to pound you into the wall
+Other ways to turn Kacchan on include: Wearing shorts, any shorts (He likes to grab and knead your ass, Bakugou’s an ass man, fight me), working out, stretching, ooh stretching, that one’s a doosie
+Baku put accidentally put stuff out of your reach in the kitchen, causing you to whine and reach with all your might, which leads to Katsuki coming up behind you, groin press to your ass, and getting it for you
+Which leads to you doing a little ~wiggle~ full aware of your combined position
+Then there’s active stretching, the way you can move and contort your body just gets him going
+Aftercare is a must for Bakugou, because every little thing will eat him from the inside out unless he’s one hundred and ten percent sure you know you are loved
+He’ll hold you for a bit, clean the two of you up and carry you to a bath or shower, leaving gentle kisses in his wake
Sorry this was short, I’m super sick and my finals dgaf, as always, my requests, taglist and inbox are always open!
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andypantsx3 · 2 years
incendiary | 2 | bakugou x reader
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pairing: Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
length: 4.3k of ~23k / 2nd of 8 chapters
summary: When you accidentally go viral in defense of quirkless people, an extremist group puts a target on your back. Pro hero Dynamight is the last person you want watching it.
tags: romance, enemies to lovers, sexual tension, light hurt/comfort
warnings: themes of discrimination (please see note in fic masterpost), canon typical violence, eventual smut, aged up characters
notes: A HUGE thank you to my sensitivity readers @cat-slippered​ and @darkenedniqhts​. They’re both incredible writers and lovely human beings, please check their fics out!! Please see my notes in the fic master post for more!
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The ride to campus was painfully quiet.
Bakugou sat slumped across from you in the backseat of a police cruiser. His face was turned toward the window, and all you could see of him was his riot of golden hair, sticking up in all directions, like a hedgehog bristling in irritation. He was still, but the lines of his broad shoulders were tense, and his silence had a deliberate, sharp edge to it, as though it were a knife he was itching to thrust between your ribs.
You tried to watch the city outside your own window, but your eyes kept wandering back to him, still marveling over the fact that a real pro—one whose name and face you knew, even—was here with you. Much as he clearly didn’t want to be.
It was too strange to process. All of it felt surreal, as though you were immersed in some VR RP, rather than your own life. An RP based on idiotic events, on the fallout from a drunken mistake.
You nibbled at a fingernail, running over the events of last night again as you had seen them through the youtube video, wishing desperately you remembered more of what had happened. Wishing you understood how you had managed to set off someone as apparently as unhinged as Matsui—how the QRAs you’d yelled at were connected to him.
Had they known him personally—is that why he was taking things this far? Were they part of the same online groups? Was he just angry you’d made them look so stupid so publicly? Were publicly visible quirkless people always targeted like this, or had you just hit the jackpot?
Bakugou’s boot tapped impatiently on the floor, drawing your thoughts back to him.
What would it be like to be stuck in a safehouse with someone like Bakugou? What would it be like to be stuck in a safehouse at all, and how long would you be there? Was it anything like you’d seen in all those crime shows? And would Bakuguou actually protect you, or would he look the other way if Matsui really came knocking?
You couldn’t really get a proper read on Bakugou, on why he was so vehemently opposed to this job. It seemed almost personal, his resistance to guarding you. You wondered how much of it had to do with you, with any of his own prejudices against quirkless people.
It certainly seemed like it was grounded in your quirklessness. You couldn’t really think of how you were different from any of the other civilians he was employed to watch over.
You hadn’t settled on any answers as the cruiser approached campus, pulling into a parking space in front of your dorm.
“Alright, brat, let’s fucking get a move on,” Bakugou demanded, flinging his seatbelt off before the car had even come to a complete stop, and kicking open the door so violently you thought it might fly off its hinges. Several nearby freshmen startled, visibly alarmed.
“Okay, keep your shirt on,” you muttered. By the time you’d exited the car, Bakugou had pulled on a hat and sunglasses, the world’s least convincing attempt at disguising his features.
He clicked his tongue impatiently as you keyed into your dorm and signed him in at reception. The girl manning the desk didn’t even glance him over or ask for visitor ID—a flagrant violation of university policy that seemed to rank much lower in concern than the homework she had spread out on the table—and you were struck by the thought that Matsui probably could have signed himself into your dorm and walked straight up to your door with nary an obstacle.
Maybe the safehouse was for the best.
If Bakugou could be trusted, that was.
Bakugou followed you closely down the hall, a warm, impatient shadow at your back.
“You have five minutes, princess,” he growled as you unlocked your door, but your attention was immediately seized by the heap of blankets on your roommate’s bed flinging itself open.
“Y/N!” Megumi squealed, dumping herself out of bed. She was still in what appeared to be last night’s clothes, and her makeup was relatively intact, but stale, her eyelashes leaving crumbling flecks of black on her cheeks. She’d clearly come back from a very long evening and decided to nap off a hangover.
“Oh my god,” she said breathlessly. “They told me you got taken away by the police?! I saw the youtube video, and it has like millions of views, and people keep coming by to see you and I’ve had to tell like six different people to get lost, and—”
Her tirade guttered out, and her eyes raised to what was presumably the angry blonde mass behind you. “Holy shit, is that—”
“Now you have four minutes,” Bakugou spat from your doorway.
You cringed. “Hey Megumi. I, um, don’t have a ton of time to explain, so I’ll text you more after? They’re moving me to a safer spot because some rando online made a threat to the university. So I’ve gotta grab my clothes.” You heard the scrape of one of Bakugou’s boots on the tile of your dorm floor. “And this is, um, Dynamight. He’s…involved.”
You refused to name him as your glorified babysitter.
Megumi gaped, her eyes going even wider as they roved over the pro hero. “No way.”
You ducked out of her line of sight, moving quickly over to your bed, unearthing your ancient duffel from underneath. You quickly shook it free of its previous contents, some gym clothes, old pens, and a small mountain of granola bars dropping onto your bed. You scraped the contents of your bedside table inside, cramming in your phone charger, a stack of textbooks, and a fat handful of highlighters and pencils.
You heard the rustle of Megumi’s clothes as she straightened them, and the telltale flirty shift of her voice as she greeted Bakugou. “Wow, you’re like, way hotter in person.”
You stifled a laugh, enjoying the noise of displeasure Bakugou made. He was hotter in person, but also even more wildly irritating than you had expected. Probably even secretly a pro-quirk bigot, based on your assessments so far. Megumi would have her hands full with this one.
You let her antagonize him while you rifled around your room, unplugging your laptop and flinging it and your charger into the bag. You could feel Bakugou’s eyes on you, watching you from over the top of Megumi’s head, burning through your back as though a hole in your shoulder blade would make you move any faster.
You cringed when you went hunting for clothes, realizing that your small pile of undone laundry was in clear view from the doorway. Your lacy pink bra from last night crowned the pile where you had flung it off last night. You glanced back, horrified when the movement seemed to draw Bakugou’s more fixedly in your direction, his head tilting in obvious interest.
You couldn’t see his eyes behind the sunglasses, but you could only hope he hadn’t noticed anything specific before you hastily flung yourself in front of the pile, ripping the drawers of your dresser out so that they blocked his direct sightlines. Your face burned, and you quickly busied yourself packing more clothes.
Megumi’s enthusiastic chatter filled your dorm, happily oblivious to your shame-faced humiliation behind her—though it didn’t sound like Bakugou was engaging with her much. Before you closed your drawers, you kicked your desk chair in front of your laundry pile, hoping Bakugou wasn’t still watching, wouldn’t hone in on the strength of your embarrassment.
Eventually, you were satisfied you’d grabbed everything you’d need, and turned back to Bakugou and your roommate after one final sweep.
“I’ll, um, call you?” You said to Megumi.
She paused mid-tirade, reaching over and pulling you into a hug that smelled like stale tequila and the faintest whiff of Ralph Lauren Romance. “You’d better! And send pictures,” she said, eyeing Bakugou with interest again.
You had no idea what one did in a safehouse, but you couldn’t imagine Bakugou doing anything photo-worthy. Or anything normal, come to think of it. What was he going to do while you were all stuffed up in some random hole in the wall, scrabbling to finish up your final assignments?
You imagined him glaring idly at a wall with enough heat to bore through to the studs. He probably didn’t have any hobbies beyond looking as angry as possible, acting as angry as possible, and like, working out, probably also as angrily as possible.
“Get a fucking move on, princess,” Bakugou growled. A grip on the back of your shirt pulled you out of Megumi’s grasp, and you were shoved at the door.
“Nice to meet you, Dynamight!” Megumi called, “And Y/N, make good choices!” Like you were heading out on a date, instead of heading to a fucking safehouse. Like there were any choices to be made at all, anything normal about this situation in the first place.
You followed Bakugou back to the car, where he all but crowded you inside. Then the car was peeling away from your dorm, the last flash of normalcy disappearing outside your window as you pulled away from campus.
The thought unsettled you.
Bakugou was just as silent on this ride as the first. He ignored you to the best of his ability, glowering at the back of the driver’s head, like any moment he’d leap at the metal caging separating him from the officer, and blow him to pieces. You had the vaguest image of a caged tiger, pacing back and forth agitatedly.
You couldn’t get out of the car fast enough when the cruiser finally pulled onto a side street, the officer leaning back to wish you good luck. You spilled onto the sidewalk, eager to escape confinement with Bakugou.
The street you’d pulled onto looked like any other in the city, a mess of tall, skinny buildings, listing crookedly against one another like a gaggle of drunken friends. A tangle of power lines ran back and forth across the street, some caught up in the few, scraggly trees that lined the sidewalk. At the far end of the street, a fluorescent halo of light spilled onto the sidewalk from a neighborhood convenience store.
You watched longingly as the patrol car peeled back into the street, wishing you were still inside.
“Quit standin’ around slack jawed, brat,” Bakugou demanded, leading the way to an apartment building with a recently white-washed facade, sandwiched in between two older ones.
“This is a safehouse?” You asked as he keyed something into a pad at the entryway. It looked like any other apartment building in the city. For some reason, you had always imagined something more remote, more secure. A building constructed of concrete, steel and iron, like a war bunker or something.
“What, it’s not grand enough for you, princess?” Bakugou spat impatiently, ripping the door open with the same agitation you were beginning to sense he did everything.
“Just concerned whether it will be large enough for your inflated fucking ego,” you responded mulishly, a childish urge to push him over rising in you. He looked back at you, looking surprisingly intent.
“Anybody tell you you’ve got a mouth on you, princess?” He asked.
You hefted your duffle bag over your shoulder pointedly, scowling back up at him. “Anybody tell you?”
“I’m not the one with the target on my back,” he pronounced with a supercilious finality, turning to lead the way down the hall. You stared after him, mouth agape.
You felt like you’d just been pushed down into a sandbox, watching the perpetrator run off. The wild urge to chase after him and bite him welled up inside of you, as sudden as it was shocking. You hadn’t wanted to bite anyone since you were five years old.
“Not yet,” you finally muttered, stomping after him.
You wondered if it was too late to call Best Jeanist back up and request whoever that Monoma guy was that Bakugou had suggested instead. You weren’t even inside the safehouse yet and Bakugou’s bad attitude already had you crawling out of your own skin, dragging out all the worst, most childish parts of you.
Bakugou led you up a few flights of stairs and down a narrow hall with an ancient-looking olefin carpet, finally stopping before a door bearing a little nameplate that read 506 - Yukimura. It looked old, like it had hung on the door for some time.
“Pretty sure you’re not a Yukimura,” you said, watching him produce a key and unlock it.
“Pretty sure you’re not in charge,” he said. He slammed the door closed once you were through it, narrowly avoiding hitting you.
You startled, almost tripping over him in the genkan. You hastily stepped out of your shoes, moving out of the way as he unlaced his boots. Instead of flinging them anywhere, you watched as he angrily but neatly arranged them near the door. The movement was strangely domestic, a total surprise for someone with all the turbulent energy of a hurricane.
Then he stalked into the house, leaving you to trail behind him like a puppy at heel.
The apartment was small and slightly cramped, like almost any other in the city, but it had all the basic features you might have hoped for. Yellow wooden floors led down a short hall lined with storage into a small, neatly appointed kitchen with older cabinets but a shiny new fridge. The kitchen opened onto a common space, where a couch, a squashy blue chair and a couple of low tables were arranged facing a small TV, and a large pair of windows overlooked the street. Several dark-paneled doors led into what you thought must be bedrooms.
It didn’t look like anything fancy, but it looked well-stocked and well-cared for. And there was even a potted plant propped up against the window, a cheery green against the fading afternoon light.
“Your room’s on the left,” Bakugou grunted, pointing across the living room to where two doors were set into the wall.
The first door led to a bathroom, compact, but laid out smartly with plenty of shelf storage, leaving room enough for a full size shower and tub fringed with an ugly floral curtain. It looked like almost every residential bathroom you had ever seen, deeply unremarkable.
The second door let into a small room, with a full size bed crammed up against a tiny nightstand, with just enough room left over for a small dresser. The room was a cheery, buttery yellow, and the comforter on the bed looked thick and cozy. You liked it immediately, dumping your duffel over the covers with a weird sense of relief. You wanted to climb in and draw the covers over your head and pretend like none of this day had been anything more than a liquor-fueled dream.
The feeling of relief didn’t last long, however. When you emerged, Bakugou was waiting for you with arms crossed, one slender hip leaning against the kitchen counter. He’d shed his jacket, leaving him in the type of garden variety black muscle tank preferred by assholes everywhere. With his arms bared, you could see the definition in his biceps, and the taper from his broad shoulders to his trim waist much more clearly—an observation that immediately annoyed you.
Hopefully you wouldn’t be subjected to his presence for very long.
“Safehouse rules, princess,” Bakugou pronounced disdainfully. “One, you don’t leave the apartment without me. You don’t answer the door, don’t poke your nosy fucking face out the windows, and don’t talk to any of the neighbors when you come in and out.”
Irritation instantly wedged itself into your sense of comfort, splitting it uncomfortably, like a splinter under a nail. You felt your mouth press into a thin line but gestured for Bakugou to continue—it was likely these were actual safehouse rules, not his personal rules.
“Fine,” you said.
“Two, you don’t tell anyone where you are. Not your family, not your friends, not your annoying little roommate. You don’t put this address anywhere or order anything—groceries are already set up, and a contact at the police will be in touch once a day. You can tell them if you need anything different,” Bakugou said. His scarlet eyes flicked over you slowly.
You got the sense he was enjoying bossing you around like this, and you wished wildly that the roles were reversed. That you got to drape yourself all over the counter like God’s gift to man and snarl down into his terrified face.
His stupid, beautiful–ugh, but asshole and most probably quirkist face.
“Fine,” you said tightly, again.
“Three,” Bakugou said, “Stay out of my fucking way. I want to be here even less than you do, princess, so mind your fucking manners and leave me the fuck alone. This ain’t a babysitting service and I’m not gonna change your diaper.”
And there it was again. His unprofessionalism, founded in what were clearly deep-seated personal feelings. Feelings that positively dripped with disdain and disrespect–probably born of his prejudices.
A hot bolt of resentment shot through you. It’s not like you had asked for him by name! It’s not like you had wanted some asshole mucking around in what was already a charged situation!
Irritation boiled up in your veins and you opened your mouth before you could think better of it.
“You know, you’re awfully haughty and demanding. It really feels to me like you’re the princess,” you hissed through suddenly clenched teeth.
Bakugou’s face twisted first through surprise—and then something meaner, nastier, and the sight of it was like gasoline dumped on a fire. You hurried to cut him off before he could speak.
“No, whatever you think, I am the one with some fucking target on my back just because I think I deserve the same basic respect as everybody else,” you spat. “So I’m pretty sure I would much rather be here way less than you, considering someone is trying to kill me. But yeah, sure, one minor inconvenience to you at your job and that’s way worse. You’re right. I’ll just scramble out of your way like some meek little mouse, because it’s so hard for you, a pro hero, to be asked to protect somebody.”
Bakugou pushed off the counter and stepped forward into your space, a dark look crossing his handsome features. “You don’t fucking know anything, shitstick, and yet you’re mouthing off again. You wanna remind me how you got into this fucking mess again, princess?”
You had only gotten into this mess in the first place because some other assholes were mouthing off to you. But it seemed like Bakugou had glossed right over that part—like their actions were normal, maybe even justified. Like you were responsible for any of this, just because you had defended yourself against a bunch of polo-wearing dickheads.
Definitely a fucking quirkist.
Your jaw ached with the need to bite him again. “Oh I’m sorry, did I hurt your delicate feelings?” you spat back. “Maybe you should take your fucking quirk supremacist ass back to HQ and send me a hero who is actually competent and can handle their job.”
Bakugou’s eyes blazed. “Quirk supremacist?” He demanded hotly, looming over you more intently. “You don’t fucking know what you’re talking about.”
“Then by all means, enlighten me,” you said, throwing your hands up. “Why is this job so apparently hard for you? Isn’t it like your whole thing to go out and protect people every day? What makes this so different? All I can tell is that it has something to do with me being quirkless—that’s the only way I am different—so just admit it!”
Bakugou snarled, gripping you by the collar of your shirt, but he made no other move to touch you, said nothing to deny the accusation you had just lobbed at him. He just glared at you, daggers in his gaze. His silence spoke volumes.
“Aha!” You said, poking him in the chest. “I knew it! I knew you were exactly the same brand of asshole as this Matsui guy! I know, why don’t you just frigging quirk me into my next lifetime right the fuck now and have done with it!”
Bakugou’s fingers tightened in your shirt, and he exhaled heavily through his nose, his eyes never leaving yours. His teeth were gritted, so white and sharp in your vision. “You don’t know. What. You’re talking about.” He pronounced slowly. His tone was suddenly low, soft, dangerous.
The strange softening, a complete one-eighty from his earlier snarling rage, threw you for a loop. You hesitated, staring up at him. He said nothing else, staring back at you with a hot intensity that might have sent you stepping back, if his grip on your shirt had allowed it.
You could see your own confused face reflected in the dark of his pupils, see the flecks of deep purple in the red of his irises. You could even feel his exhale on your mouth and it occurred to you how close his face was to yours. You held still, like he was an animal that might bite if you made any sudden movements. His fingers twisted, the back of his clenched fist pressing into the skin at your collarbone. In the sudden silence, you could hear a door shut across the hall.
“Just,” Bakugou finally growled, “keep the hell out of my way.” His grip on your shirt relaxed and he stepped away, moving quickly to the door on the right of the living room. He ripped it open and slammed it shut with equal force, so loudly you thought people on the bottom floor must have been able to hear it.
You stared after him, shocked. When you had just enough thought to process what had just happened, you couldn’t help but stick your tongue out after him, reverted to the most absolutely grade school version of yourself. You spun on your heel and went to your own room, resisting the urge to slam the door just as loudly.
In the sudden quiet of your own space, you realized how harsh your breathing had become, coming quick and fast in enormous heaves of your chest. You threw yourself down on the bed, yanking the covers up around you. “Fucking dickhead,” you found yourself muttering, as you adjusted it around you. “Fucking quirk supremacist dickhead. Don’t know what I’m talking about?”
The room settled into silence around you, your huffing breath the only thing audible to your ears. Your gut churned with a swell of anger, hate, hurt and frustration.
Bakugou had no fucking business being such an asswipe. You had never met anyone as horrible, as infuriating. You burned with the need to march into his room and drag him over to the toilet, to stick his stupid fat head in and flush it right the hell down. And for that matter, you hoped Matsui broke in so you could shove him in there too. The pair of shit heads deserved it. You didn’t need a quirk to absolutely fucking lose it on them.
You stewed in your thoughts for a long time, until your room grew dark. You heard no sign of movement from Bakugou, even as the clock ticked into the late hours of the evening. The apartment stayed dark and silent, as though Bakugou had just evaporated into thin air.
Even with that thought in mind, you couldn’t summon the will power to go to the kitchen and investigate dinner options. You just lay on your bed, your thoughts gradually turning back to this whole mess you were in, running over the impossibility of your situation, the strangeness of everything that had happened to you today.
Around you, the air was so quiet and still, a stark change from the atmosphere of your dorm. In your building, someone was always slamming doors, running past, chatting at disrespectful volumes outside your door, screaming from somewhere in the lounge. Megumi, too, was always there, complaining about her homework facedown at her desk, or trying on six hundred outfits before a date, or chatting ten thousand miles a minute with a face mask on and a conditioner pack in her hair.
You hadn’t had quiet like this in a long time, and it barely even seemed like you were in the city anymore but for the yellow, halogen glow of the street lights through your curtain. It made you feel truly alone, unmoored, isolated from everyone and everything you knew. With only a man who hated you and everyone like you to rely on—if you even could rely on him at all.
Disturbed by the unbearable quiet and the bleakness of this thought, you gathered up your comforter and crept out to the living room. You deposited yourself on the couch and dug around for the remote, clicking on the TV. Some infomercial for a deeply complicated vegetable spiralizer flashed on, the noise and the mundanity washing over you in a wave of warm relief.
You curled up, rearranging your comforter over you. And eventually, exhausted, your mind still churning, you fell asleep.
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mosshead-lover · 4 years
The Act of LordE: Part-4
Wrecking Ball
〜Izuku & Bakugou x Reader
Summary: [y/n] moves to her dream city having abundant hopes. Her encounter with Katsuki Bakugou, sends unsettling ripples through her life. Determined to earn an apology for her boyfriend, Izuku Midoriya, she gets into a game with Katsuki. Will the game remain a simple game even at the stake of her love life?
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A/n: Gee. Sorry for the long gap. An exam I was supposed to take next month was moved up, got sick and much more. I wrote this in a hurry, was tryna get out of this shityy overthinking loop. Idk how it turned out. Lemme know. Okay? - Bau
Bakugou & [y/n] were at his house again. [y/n] had had a busy day. She had a bunch of deadlines to meet at the university and had to run errands for her boss at work. All she wanted to do was go straight home and collapse in bed. But, when Bakugou asked her to wait up, she did.
'What's another hour of work?'
she thought and followed him to his place.
Bakugou was arranging the pieces on the board, stealing glances of her whenever he could. He saw that the hickey had healed. He wondered if he should make another one or proceed with his elaborate plan. He had sure spent more time than he should have, on the order of his claims. While he was busy plotting, [y/n] held her hurting shoulder and winced in pain, sighing impatiently.
"Can't wait to lose again?"
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Bakugou smirked as he signaled her to make the first move. [y/n] was too tired to give a comeback, she'd rather spend her remnant energy on the game.
The game was shorter than the first one. [y/n]'s brain had given up long before and physically too, her facial expressions showed nothing but tiredness. She waited for Bakugu to claim his reward. Bakugou rose without uttering a single word and walked behind her. He set the timer and lazily threw the clock to her lap. He rested his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them softly. He bent down to get closer to [y/n]'s ears and whispered,
"I claim your shoulders."
Katsuki gently put pressure using his thumbs, making tiny circles, shifting a few times, to spot the knots.
"Oh yes! Right there!" [y/n] groaned as Kachan started massaging the most tensed area. Her head slightly touching his groin as she lifted it, giving in to the pleasures of the shoulder massage. Bakugou shifted, trying to dissolve the awkwardness. But, [y/n] had bearly noticed.
"Ummm...Yeah...More...More... Yeah!..Yeaaah..... That's it...Ummmm...Yess."
"Shut up, freak!" He finally blurts out in a loud voice, not able to contain it any longer.
[y/n] immediately slumps her mouth, realizing how noisy she had been.
I must have pissed him off
[y/n] thought. She wasn't wrong.
Katsuki was indeed pissed at how helpless he was with all the blood rushing through his cheeks and core. In his heart, which seemed to burst at any moment now, he knew. He knew he was hopelessly smitten by [y/n].
The alarm brought Katsuki back to reality. He quickly moved his hands away and went into the bathroom. He returned a few minutes later with two cans of energy drink.
"Here." He placed one in front of [y/n] and opened the other for himself as he sat down.
"Thank you." [y/n] casually says as she gulped down the energy drink.
Bakugou didn't respond until after his drink was over.
"One more."
"Play another game."
He almost commanded [y/n] as he wiped his mouth off with his hand and began arranging the pawns even before she could respond.
'Another massage perhaps?'
[y/n] had never been this optimistic, not since Katsuki entered her life, at least.
'How messed up are his stars today that he's being nice to me!'
She thought and nodded. Not that her approval mattered much at the moment.
Katsuki was less chatty during the game, He hardly even spoke. When he cornered [y/n]'s king. He looked up and claimed his prize.
Katsuki had thought long and hard. He knew she wasn't the kind who gave up easily. He had planned to torment [y/n] with every claim, leaving her wondering what he will do next. He had the beginner's luck but, when he used up his win to massage her sore shoulders, everything came crumbling down. He wasn't sure why he wanted to see her hurt when today, he couldn't stand the sight of her suffering and ran to comfort her.
'If I gonna suck at plucking one apple at a time, I might as well as shake the fuck out of the tree.'
[y/n] wasn't sure if she heard it right.
"My what now?" she squeaked.
"Your Goddamn legs."
Katsuki appeared annoyed to have to repeat his claim.
"Now hurry up." He said, patting his lap impatiently.
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Tag list: @nervousmentalityfox , @marvel-love-post @miraclecherryblossomsblog , @sssjuico10 , @fuzzzwald @omlbarnes, @spicy-therapist-mom
The Act of LordE : Masterlist
Bau’s Masterlist
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Hello! I really like your work and I was wondering if I could ask for a H/C or scenario, whatever you want, where reader has to go to vaccination and is really afraid of needles, so they ask their bf Bakugou or Todoroki (whoever you want, if you do both, it would be amazing) to go with them and hold their hand and other cheesy stuff? Thanks! Btw, I'm sorry if it's super long, It's my first time making a request 😅 plus english isn't my main language so.. anyways, thank you so much, you're lovely
your english is fine dear, no worries. Like this still escapes me because I’ve never been afraid of needles but I KNOW it’s a common fear? I’ll do my best :3 also get vaccinated it’s very important!
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He’ll never openly admit it, but he doesn’t really like needles either
Whenever he has to go to the dentist or get a shot, he just grits his teeth like a champ but he averts his gaze from the needle
He notices you’re super anxious and stressed one day, so of course he asks in his normal Bakugou fashion “The hell is wrong with you?”
You tell him you have to get a shot and you’re scared of needles and hate them and don’t want to go
Well he knows the importance of being vaccinated and even though he also dislikes needles, he convinces you not to skip the appointment
“Please, Katsuki…come with me?” He groans about it but eventually gives in
You grip his hand like a vice during the shot, he’s actually sort of impressed at how strong you are? 
“Stop crying it’s not that bad!” he says, avoiding looking at the needle himself
Your reaction is fairly dramatic, but he sticks by you and makes sure you don’t faint or anything
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Has no problems with needles, honestly. They don’t bother him at all
So when you say you have to get a shot and you’re scared of needles, he’s just sort of asks “Why?” 
He doesn’t invalidate your fear at all…and when you describe how you see needles and why you’re scared of them he understands and offers to go with you for the shot
Will calm you down while waiting for the doctor, holds your hand, rubs circles into your skin, etc.
During the shot you squeeze his hand super hard like…it almost hurts but he doesn’t say anything
Pats your hair reassuringly until it’s over. Observes what the doctor says and does for aftercare to help you out
Will probably suggest ice cream or going somewhere for a treat to cheer you up
If your arm gets sore at all, he’ll use his ice to numb it a bit
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Scenario: fem!reader loudly confessing to Bakugou in a crowded room
Request: Hi~ How about a scenario with Bakugou x female reader and she is muttering something quietly to him. Unable to make it out, he asks them to repeat it. A few more requested repeats later, she just ends up shouting "I LOVE YOU." in a crowded room.👉👈🌹
Personally I’d never ever be able to do this lmao but it’s  still super cute!! I hope you enjpy what  I made of it ^^
xxx Rainbow
If you enjoy what I write, you can buy me a coffee! ^^
word count: 1447
warnings: Some swearing, it’s bakugou welp
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“Come on, do it now!!” Uraraka whispered at Y/n as she pushed her friend in the angry blond’s direction. Bakugou was listening to Kirishima having a conversation with Kaminari, but he didn’t seem that interested.
“Yeah, look! He’s totally bored, this is your chance!” Ashido said excitedly as she bounced up and down. Y/n looked at her doubtfully. Was it really a good idea to confess to him now? If he rejected her, everyone from class 1-A would see it and it would be so embarrassing…
“Come on, Y/n, it’s just us here!” Momo said with a sweet smile.
“Besides, we can deal with them if anyone is mean to you.” Jirou said. That was true… But still, it was so scary to do..
“Y/n, I know it’s scary, but that’s the case with a lot of things. You can do it!” Uraraka encouraged Y/n again.
“Yes, and we are here to support you!” Tsuyu added.
“Well, I guess we never know what will happen if I don’t try, right?” Y/n said, to which all of the girls cheered.
“Good luck!” Hagakure cheered before Y/n took a deep breath and made her way towards her crush. She was more tense than ever, and as she got closer to him, all of her courage slowly but surely exited her body. Oh no, how was she going to do this?
As Y/n got closer, Kaminari noticed her and had a small smirk on his face when he saw the other girls of the class watching their friend. He had an idea of what was going on here now, and he was definitely going to give the two some alone time.
“Oh, hey Y/n!” Kaminari said, pretending that he had only seen her just now. Everyone’s attention turned to the girl, and what seemed to go over everyone’s  head was Bakugou’s gaze softening when he saw her smiling nervously. He still had a bit of a scowl on his face, but it was less evident than before.
“Hi guys!” she said, way cheerier and louder than she intended. Y/n slightly flinched, not expecting her voice to come out that way. Her gaze fell on Bakugou, and when their eyes locked she gulped.
“Uhm,” she looked at his friends. “C-can I talk to Bakugou alone please?” She asked carefully, nervously twiddling her fingers. Kaminari smirked and nodded.
“Of course! Hey Kiri, let’s  go to Sero over there.” Without waiting for a reply he pulled his friend away and left, leaving only Bakugou and Y/n now. She bit her lip and avoided eye contact with him for a while, until Bakugou broke the silence.
“What is it.” he said, his voice rough but not as loud as it usually tended to be. Y/n felt small, really really small right now. She lowered her gaze, staring at her feet.
“Bakugou, I like y-you.” She whispered. It was the first time she had ever said those word out loud, and now that she had said it, it felt like she was only falling harder.
“What?” Y/n looked back up at him wide-eyed. “I didn’t hear you, idiot. Say it again.” he aid with a small nod. Again?? Really? Oh goodness, she had to do it again…
“Did she do it?” Momo asked Jirou, who had her earphone in the wall. When she saw her facepalming, Momo knew it was not good.
“Yeah, but she pretty much whispered it. Bakugou asked her to repeat it.”
“Y/n….” Uraraka sighed as she shook her head.
Y/n still hadn’t said anything yet. She wasn’t sure if Bakugou actually didn’t hear it, or if he was messing around. But he wouldn’t do that to her, would he? The party was pretty crowded, so he probably just couldn’t hear what she said. But still, the feeling of annoyance was something Y/n couldn’t just push away.
“I like you, Bakugou.” Y/n repeated, a little louder this time. Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he leaned in a bit.
“Idiot, it’s crowded as hell here, speak up.” Was he serious? He really didn’t heart it again?? Y/n sighed softly, feeling irritated. Why did she do it now? Couldn’t she have waited until there were less people around?
“Oh my god,” Y/n sighed as she facepalmed. Without thinking. she spoke up again. “BAKUGOU, I LOVE YOU!!”
Everyone stopped. The girls gasped as they watched in awe, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero looked at Y/n wide eyed and the rest of the class did too. Oh…. That was a little too loud.. Y/n could feel her cheeks heat up and she quickly placed her hands on them to calm herself down.
Little did she know, that Bakugou’s reaction was pretty similar to hers. His cheeks were red and his eyes were the size of dinner plates right now. He definitely didn’t see that coming. He grunted and grabbed her hand, leaving the room after muttering “The fuck you lookin’ at?” at the class. Y/n’s blush darkened when she realised what the boy she had feelings for was doing. Where were they going?
“B-bakugou where are we going?” He didn’t reply as he walked down the hallway, which concerned her. Was he mad at her? Was he embarrassed by what she did? Of course he was….
Suddenly Bakugou stopped and turned around. Y/n didn’t notice it in time. so she accidentally bumped into his chest. She gasped and quickly took a step backwards, stuttering and profusely apologising for what had just happened.
“B-bakugou I’m so so sorry for what just happened. I wasn’t thinking and I know it definitely wasn’t the right time and I totally understand if you’re mad at me and I just really-”She stopped when suddenly Bakugou’s hands wrapped around her waist.
“What?...” she said, a lot quieter now as she stared at him on confusion. Bakuguou looked down at the girl, his eyes scanning her beautiful features. Her eyes had some softness in them, her cheeks were still rosy from what had just occurred, and her lips were slightly parted as she looked back at him in awe. Her hands were clasped together, she didn’t really know what to do, but Bakugou found that pretty damn adorable.
“You talk way too much.” Was all Bakugou said. He wanted to say he liked her back, he really did, but he found it extremely difficult to say the least. Bakugou was never one to express his emotions so openly to anyone. That’s  why he decided to do one thing which he knew would make the message clear.
Slowly, Bakugou leaned in. His gaze fell on Y/n’s soft lips, and that made her realise what was about to happen. She closed her eyes and leaned in as well, her heartbeat speeding up as each second passed. But she didn’t feel anything. She opened her eyes and looked at him questioningly.
“C-can I kiss you?” He whispered, his tone more gentle than it had ever been. His voice itself made Y/n weak in her knees. She wasn’t even able to say anything, so she just nodded eagerly. Bakugou couldn’t help but let out a quiet chuckle before pressing his lips against hers.
Before Y/n even realised what was happening, Bakugou pulled away from the kiss. Their faces were still inches apart, and Bakugou’s eyes were scanning her face with a tiny smile on his face.
“You better understand my answer to your confession now, dumbass.” He said, the nickname sounding lovingly, strangely enough.
“That was a maybe, right?” Y/n teased with a smirk, making him roll his eyes.
“Y/n, are you okay? I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t ha-OH MY!!” Y/n and Bakugou almost jumped at her voice but calmed down when they saw it was Uraraka. “So my plan did work, huh?” She asked smugly, making Bakugou roll his eyes, before pulling Y/n with him again. Uraraka laughed as she walked back towards where everyone else was.
“Just gimme some fuckin’ privacy, jeez.” he muttered, making Y/n giggle.
“She meant well, Bakugou.”
“Katsuki.” He corrected her, making her blush.
“O-okay, Katsuki.” She said and smiled softly, liking the way it sounded. Bakugou was glad that his back was facing Y/n now, because he was blushing yet again. The way she said his name was just too cute… Now the two were outside, and Y/n again had no idea where they were headed.
“We’re getting ice cream.” Bakugou said, as if he could read the girl’s mind.
“At 11pm?...”
“You don’t want ice cream?”
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