#katherine reads big dragon
sugarbabywenkexing · 2 years
So I forgot that I was still in the middle of the vibrator-stuck-up-Yai's-ass part of Big Dragon, but now they're fucking with it still up there and I'm medically concerned
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 7 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Six
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 3,2k
Warnings | +18, yandere themes, blood, unusual and dangerous use of a knife, revenge, violence, explicit and dirty language, this is not for minors.
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! In this chapter there will be a slight change for MC, I hope you will enjoy the chapter, let me know what you think! 💜
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @dragons-flare, @m00njinnie, @seokjins-luigi, @pjmsneverland, @jimincrystal, @ajkwww, @ungodlyjoon, @hecateslittlewitchling, @namjoonsbuspass, @darkuni63, @xicanacorpse
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - Previous - Next
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"How is she?"
The dark-haired boy lifted his eyes to Seokjin, who was staring at him with his hands in his pockets, still dressed smartly and wearing perfectly polished-toed shoes.
"They stitched her up and now they're giving her an IV, she's lost too much blood," was Jimin's laconic reply, who was leaning against the wall of the waiting room pondering what to do.
They were in a private clinic, there was no danger of awkward questions; it belonged to a cousin of Seokjin's. That was where they went when they urgently needed a doctor.
"And what are you going to do with Ester?"
"I was just about to talk about her," he broke off from the wall, "She's one of your girls, but she disrespected me, Jin."
"You don't want to kill her," Seokjin said, although it was clear from his tone that he wasn't all that interested, but Jimin shook his head and the man relaxed his shoulders; every woman present at the Dark Moon was a big, juicy source of income.
"I want to teach her what respect is for me and my orders, I won't allow just any whore to challenge a decision of mine," he said harshly.
"You're right, besides it might stir up the others to do the same in case there are further jealousies" he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, irritated, "All right, instruct her" he gave his consent and made to turn on his heels and leave, but Jimin blocked him.
"I'll take her."
"How?" he had heard perfectly well, but he wanted to push him to be more detailed.
"You made me a proposition and this is my last answer, I'll take her."
Because the Dark Moon was a den of snakes and she would only be safe in his arms.
"I'll prepare the bow, then," smiled Jin, Jimin snorted, smiling faintly.
Then she saw him leave and his smile faded, he had a score to settle with Ester and it didn't take him long to return to the Dark Moon, Namjoon greeted him with a look of understanding.
"Hanon locked her in her room, all she did was scream and throw objects everywhere."
Just the thought of such a scene irritated the man.
"I'll give her a good reason to scream if she cares that much," he hissed, Namjoon nodded, knowing his friend, he would not go lightly.
When he entered the room that had seen better days, Jimin found a mad woman inside, messy locks fell across her red, furious face, and broken and bruised objects were scattered everywhere, victims of Ester's rage.
The woman stopped only at the sight of the man stuck on the threshold watching her; Jimin's expression was indecipherable, but his eyes were harder than ice, a detail that made the young woman's lips tighten.
Jimin took two steps inside the bedroom, closing the door behind him, turned the key already in the lock slowly, and a boulder dropped on her stomach.
"Jimin..." the nasal voice because of the hysterical crying and the punch she had received sounded whiny, which did not faze him.
"Ester" dropped the key into one of his pockets and gave it his undivided attention, "Tell me, Ester.... That stupid scene, what do you think it would have led to?"
The girl swallowed, suddenly frozen.
"I asked you nicely to take care of her, to explain things to her," continued Jimin calmly, "And instead you send her to the hospital," he chuckled without amusement.
Ester did not know what to say, she felt only cruel satisfaction in knowing that Y/N's condition was so critical as to require qualified medical attention.
The bitch had to be punished, she thought.
"How do you explain this?"
"I'm yours," asserted the woman simply, "You shouldn't have let her take my place, who is she? You don't even know her, she doesn't know what you like in bed, and even if she did she wouldn't be able to satisfy you, you've been looking for me all along," she growled through tears, Jimin raised an amused eyebrow.
Perhaps Y/N did not know what he liked in bed, but for what little he had had her, she had managed to give him an unforgettable blowjob; Ester's jealousy amused and irritated him at the same time.
Ester could claim to be his, but he certainly did not belong to her.
"I don't know how true that can be," the man crossed his legs, "You say you're mine, but I've seen you satisfy many other men before and after me...besides, who says I've only ever sought you out?" he asked with a smile, remembering vividly that he had had sex with countless other women. The fact that at the Dark Moon he had chosen Ester as his favorite had been totally random; everyone had chosen a girl and he had done the same, choosing one of the prettiest and best. He didn't think that this would make her head swell.
"You've come back to me now," remarked the woman, giving no sign of having listened to a single word Jimin said, blatantly pretending.
The boy remained impassive a few moments before opening his legs slightly.
"Come here," he patted his own powerful thigh wrapped in tight dark pants, Ester remained interdicted and guarded, making the boy snort, "Don't make me repeat myself," he hissed.
The woman took a few steps in his direction, when she saw that Jimin had no strange intentions she became braver, even going so far as to sit on the man who waited patiently for her.
"Lively little girl," he smiled sweetly, arranging a few strands behind her ear, Ester's heart beat inexorably, enchanted by the heavenly vision that was Jimin, "Repeat to me what you told me at first."
As if bewitched by the boy's charm, Ester repeated his words once more, "I am yours..." Jimin nodded, leaving a kiss on the woman's neck.
"Again, Ester," the woman threw her head back under the tender strokes of Jimin's tongue along her skin, inside she exulted in lust.
"I'm yours...!" she moaned when her intimacy came in contact with Jimin's cock, she felt the tip press against her core through the tight fabric, Ester shuddered at the idea of being able to enjoy that rapturous hardness once more and vibrated excitedly when Jimin pushed her against the bed, straddling her body.
"Say it again and again..." he whispered hoarsely, touching the intimacy of the young woman, who arched her back at the contact, thrusting her hips against his hand, which crossed the barrier of her dress to tickle her clit directly.
Long moans dispersed through the room, Ester not holding back from letting everyone know what was going on in there, as if to prove that Jimin never intended to punish her, that she would always remain his favorite.
That is, until Jimin's fingers were replaced by something icy, smooth, and hard that penetrated her slit.
She had not even noticed that the boy had retrieved the object, nor did she know where he got it from or what it was.
Maybe it was-
"Stop moving like a bitch in heat," Jimin ordered her, Ester frowned, she was about to cum, why would she stop-, "Stop if you don't want me to slice you, Ester" was his final warning.
"Jimin, what-"
"Go ahead, say again that you're mine-until you yourself realize the bullshit you keep babbling," he hissed, scrutinizing her cruelly with a derisive smile, his hand made the object penetrate deeper, which caused Ester to squint.
Jimin's words confused her-what game was he playing? And most importantly...
"What do you have in your hand, Jimin?"
"Are you referring to the thing you're sucking up so easily? Hmm... in my opinion you can get there," he said vaguely getting no answer, he huffed, "Come on... you always asked me to give it to you, which is impossible given the rules here at the Dark Moon," he chuckled, holding the base tightly.
At those words Ester blanched.
The switchblade that Jimin always carried with him.
"Jimin... this is a joke, isn't it?" she asked tensely, the boy replied by pressing the knife handle harder against her walls, just a simple gesture and the blade would snap like a spring.
"A whore without a pussy would be worthless," reasoned Jimin, there Ester had confirmation that the man was serious, she began to tremble and break into a cold sweat.
If before pleasure was the only thing she felt, now terror had encompassed every fiber of her body.
"Jimin, please..." she cried tremblingly, but the boy shushed her.
"Your arrogance has always disgusted me, Ester.... but your disobedience is the worst thing about you, I've always let it go because it was pleasurable to fuck you, but now I can't see what attracted me to you anymore," he spat, "Do you want it fast or slow?" he asked mellifluously, smiling fearfully.
Ester quickly denied with her head, she was a lake of tears and unrestrained sobs, "Don't! I-I won't give you any more trouble, I swear, I swear!" she screamed breathlessly, unable to move her body because of the terror she was feeling.
The man after a few moments moved away, withdrawing his weapon accordingly, Ester relaxed slightly before she felt a hissing sound cleave the air and something liquid dripping from one of her cheeks.
Wide-eyed she brought a trembling hand to her face and with a horrible foreboding saw blood, she was breathless when she realized what had happened.
Jimin watched uninterestedly as the woman's despair, her face scarred, ran to the mirror to ascertain her condition, he saw her collapse on her own knees amid sobs and cries, the only thing he felt was annoyance at that scene which he said was ridiculous. She had touched Y/N's face, he had done the same to hers. Permanently.
"You'll be able to satisfy clients with perversions like that, too, aren't you happy?"
He walked out of the room as he entered it, meeting Namjoon's gaze.
"I hope you haven’t damaged it too much."
Jimin shrugged, "Clients care about what's between her legs, she was unsightly even before," Namjoon rolled his eyes.
"I'll go get someone to treat her, she's screaming more than before," he hissed holding the bridge of his nose tightly between two fingers.
Jimin patted him twice before heading out of the brothel, ready to finish the job he had started.
The man cast a glance at the woman sitting in the back seat, she was still dazed from the medication that prevented her from feeling pain, she stood staring out of the tinted windows.
A large medical patch covered her entire cheek, just as a bandage wrapped her head tightly and securely.
At her side Taehyung made sure she did not attempt any strange moves; the boy was dressed in casual clothes unlike the young woman who was wearing only pajamas and slippers.
It was nighttime, Jimin had made sure to pick her up in a safe time frame for everyone so as not to raise even the slightest doubt.
"Where do you think I'm taking you?" broke the silence Jimin, Y/N barely lifted her head.
"To the Dark Moon, that's where I belong, isn't it?" she replied apathetically, a slow smile lapped the young male's face.
"You got it wrong this time, honey," he said, leaving her interjected.
"What do you mean?"
"I found a better use for you," he chuckled, almost breathing in the fear of the poor girl, who upset cast a glance at Taehyung.
She hadn't known him long, but in the clinic when she was surrounded by doctors, he had given her the impression that he was a calm and lucid man, or so she thought, although she remembered perfectly well that if Jimin wasn't there, then Taehyung himself would be there to give her that "checkup."
"Calm down, kitten, if he wanted to hurt you, he would have already done so, right?" he affirmed, instantly procuring a glare of lightning from Y/N.
"He did hurt me," she huffed inviperately, squeezing herself into her seat.
Jimin looked at her from the mirror, studying the woman's emaciated contours, her lips tightened into a line were a sign of her strange inner turmoil.
He did not want to get to the point of hurting her again, yet the way he had been raised left no room for pity, if she tried any bullshit he would pay for every single consequence.
After a few kilometers the car stopped in front of a seemingly very luxurious apartment establishment, a garage opened up for them and Jimin wasted no time in getting in, Taehyung on the other hand did not lose sight of every corner of the street, although from the angelic faces they remained gentlemen of the underworld. Seokjin as already specified had his hands full just about everywhere, dealing not only in his brothel - a source of more than excellent income - but also in dealing and often murder for hire.
There were not exactly a few of their enemies.
Y/N squared off with a bad feeling the other cars present-where had they taken her?
"Get her out," ordered Jimin, Taehyung opened his door first and going around he allowed the woman to get out as well, holding her firmly by the arm, not only to prevent her from escaping - she had nowhere to go given the enclosed space they were in - but also because he was unsure of her strength, the young woman in fact was unsteady on her own legs.
Out of the corner of his eye Jimin noticed that Taehyung was about to take her in his arms, which inexplicably irritated him. He knew that his friend had no interest in the girl, but that did not stop him from harshly jerking the other away from her to take her personally in his arms stunning not only Taehyung, but Y/N herself, who tried to shrink as much as possible under his dark gaze. The man's grip was firm, but she felt herself falling into the arms of her tormentor.
"Where are you taking me?" she asked with a knot in her throat; Jimin did not answer immediately.
First he climbed stairs that led them to a larger door, from that opened a long, dimly lit hallway and then more stairs to climb until they reached a landing with an elevator.
When they entered and the doors closed he finally spoke.
"You are in your new home."
A thousand questions poured into Y/N's head, confused and agitated. Had she been sold? So, is this how it was going to end?
She had basically ended up like her sister, she thought sorrowfully, regretting several times the absurd idea of looking for a similar job to support herself.
"More to the point, you are in your new home, yours and Jimin's," Taehyung chuckled, as the elevator doors opened to show a series of numbered, digitally locking doors.
Taehyung typed a code on the keypad on the door with the number 7, which opened with a soft, almost imperceptible click.
The first thing the woman saw was a spacious, modern living room with an L-shaped sofa of soft dark leather that drew all the attention to itself.
"What does that mean?"
Jimin made a sign to his friend, who understood instantly. He wanted to be alone with Y/N.
"I'm off, see you soon kitten," he greeted her before disappearing, carefully closing the door behind him, the resulting sound no longer sounding so soft to Y/N's ears.
She felt she was being teased.
"What does that mean?" she repeated more somberly, Jimin took a seat on the sofa, crossing his legs in a pose that screamed elegance and power.
"I bought you, that's what it means."
It was a lie, Seokjin had made a gift of her to Jimin, but the latter with that statement tried to give himself an intimidating aura, buying a person after all was not something everyday, one had to be a powerful and influential person to do so, the man wanted her to feel fear in his presence.
She was stunned, "Why would you do that? You hate me, you find me useless! Is this another way to torture me?" she hissed with tears in her eyes, "You made me lose everything, what more do you want from me?"
She was broken.
She had run away from a monster to save her sister, but she had lost her and had been humiliated in more ways than one by Jimin and his former lover, if she could have ended it to avoid more suffering she would have taken the chance.
"I don't hate you, silly," sighed Jimin as he took off his jacket, "You irritate me with your stubborn attitude, but I don't hate you...it's other people I reserve my poison for, it's precious, it's the fuel that gets me going, my beautiful girl" he got up from his seat to go pour himself a few shots of vanilla rum, the crystal mini bar displayed his small but expensive collection of drinks, they were mostly classic brands, Jimin must have been an experienced drinker.
He sipped slowly from his glass, the plump, glossy lips matched perfectly with the transparent rim, soaking up the amber liquid, the piercing tapped lightly against the crystalline surface. Y/N imagined the sinful taste they had, wondered why she had not met him in his angel form, why she was given the devil, after the hell she had already been accustomed to.
"And then..." he continued, "I wouldn't let you stay at the Dark Moon a minute longer, I've already told you that but maybe it's better to refresh your memory," he murmured as he approached, the girl took small steps back, nothing compared to the male's two strides, "I won't let any other man get his hands on you, I want you and consequently you belong to me," he said casting a languid glance at the woman's lips.
"And what will you do in case you get tired of me?" she provoked him.
Jimin's eyes darkened, "What should I do with a stupid little girl like you?" he asked, not answering her question.
Neither of them would have liked the answer.
He took a lock of her soft hair in his fingers, bringing it to his nose he inhaled its light fragrance, the hospital had turned the girl off. He decided to leave her alone for the time being, she needed to recover, and from her thin, depressed appearance he guessed it would take quite some time.
"Here is a room with a bathroom for you, you will also find clean clothes, you may go," he turned away from her, who resumed breathing normally. Jimin was lethal and she feared it was not for one simple reason.
It may have sounded absurd, but no matter how much her instincts screamed at her to escape from the clutches of that monster, a much darker part of her could not stop pointing out its bewitching and sinful aspect.
Hers was a desire that had to be kept silent and hidden inside the closet because it was shameful and sick.
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Katherine Luann Morrow
☆★-> // SOA Masterlist// <-★☆
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All posts where Katherine appears:
(each can be read as a stand alone or as a series, and I will do my best to keep them listed here in chronological order)
♡ Fun and Responsibility
♡ Princess Band-aids Can Fix Broken Hearts
♡ Muffin Dragon and Blue Bunny (new)
♡ Hopscotch Headache
♡ Too Young For Boys
♡ Freedom and Florals
♡ Boxes and Orange Juice
♡ Flower Crowns
♡ Flower Crowns Pt.2
Daughter to Clay and Gemma
There is a 14 year age gap between her and Jax she was born a year after JT died 👀
Works as an assistant to the town florist Mrs Miller she is very stern and disapproving of the club and their activities.
Mrs Miller and the florists v
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Her parents, Jax, and all of the club are very protective of her she doesn't hang around the club house much outside of lockdowns and charity events.
She has her own apartment on the quieter side of town, which she has turned into her own cosy sanctuary, and occasionally used as a place for an outer chartermember to lay their head, wash their clothes, catch a shower and some food as they only have 2 dorm rooms at the club.
(As I think that's what the family members of the club would do its just expected of them I think, and as she is the daughter of a founding member and the president anyone who stays are very respectful)
Her apartment inspo:
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Chibbs, Bobby, Tig, Otto, and Piney are like her Uncles as they watched her grow up from a baby and often watched her when her parents asked.
Out of all the other club members, excluding her dad and brother, she is closer to Juice as when he was prospecting he was told to help her move out into her apartment and whenever the florists had a big order she'd often borrow the club van and he'd be the one to drop it off and stay for a chat.
If you have any questions or want to request a scenario about Katherine, feel free to put them in my ask box. I'll do my best to answer them as quickly as I can.
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redgoldsparks · 6 months
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March Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 4 by Ryoko Kui
I'm reading these books so fast I can barely remember which parts of the plot happened in which volume but know that I am still having a great time!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 5 by Ryoko Kui
Oh, this story has taken a darker turn, and also just introduced a whole bunch more characters. Will I be able to keep track of them all? I hope so!
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb, read by Anne Flosnik 
Unfortunately, this is definitely the weakest Robin Hobb book I've read so far. I was expecting to like it less than the glorious, 5-star previous trilogy, but I actually think I'm going to skip the rest of the Rain Wild Chronicles and read summaries online to get to the next Fitz books. This book follows five main POV characters. This works fairly well for the first half, when the characters are all in different physical locations. However once all of the characters meet up, we start getting the same scene from multiple different POVs, which feels extremely repetitive. Also, almost EVERY SCENE includes a flashback, often a lengthy flashback, sometimes to something that happened only the previous day and could have been told as present-moment action. This writing choice baffled me. It's something I can't remember struggling with in any of Hobb's previous books, but by the end it was driving me up a wall. The book also moved very slowly; the stakes feel lower, and the character far less emotionally true than in the two Fitz trilogies. Disappointing, but I will keep moving forward towards the next part of the series I want to read.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 6 by Ryoko Kui
Damn, a lot of characters get murdered in this volume! Good thing almost everyone who dies in the dungeon can be revived. Also, very excited to finally meet the cat ninja I've been seeing fan art of since before I even started the series :3
Delicious in Dungeon vol 7 by Ryoko Kui
I am still completely caught up in this series. I love the glimpse of Senshi's past revealed in this volume, and the lore of the dungeon that is still being revealed. There was a line in here about how the dungeon leaves you alone if you don't ask much of it, but that if you have strong desires it throws even more obstacles into your way. Our heroes have such big goals right now, but they're marching ahead regardless!
School Trip by Jerry Craft 
A satisfying new installment in the New Kid series from funny, talented, charming Jerry Craft! I appreciated how this volume started to complicate some of the students who had been left a bit one-dimensional in previous books. Several people stood up to and called out a bully; new friendships were built; and Jordan Banks left Paris even more inspired than ever to follow his dreams of becoming an artist. This series has a lot of jokes, but also a lot of heart!
A Frog in Fall (and Later On) by Linnea Sterte 
Minor frog is less than a year old, and is dismayed when winter begins to steal all of the light and warmth from his world. Instead of bunking down safely with his mentor to wait for spring, he sets out on a journey with two vagabond toads passing by on a quest to make it all the way to the tropics. They tramp through the Japanese countryside, encountering tree spirits, new friends, dangers, and views the likes of which minor frog had never even imagined. This is a gorgeous book; every page worth pouring over, an economy of line and detail building a beautiful and mysterious world of talking animals and miniature packaged foods. Made me want to draw.
Dark Rise by CS Pacat read by Christian Coulson 
In 1820s London, orphaned Will tries to earn enough as a dockworker to survive- and evade the killers pursuing him. Violet dresses in her half-brother's clothes and sneaks onto a ship in the Thames to watch a man be branded with his master's mark. Katherine excitedly anticipates her engagement to one of London's richest and most mysterious lords; his gallantry nearly makes up for the fact that he's twice her age. And in the bowels of one of that lord's ships, James tortures a man for information. All of these characters are 16 or 17 years old, but all of them are tangled in an ancient conflict between the Light and the Dark which stretches back into an age of magic before history. This is CS Pacat's YA fantasy debut, and it contains a lot of tropes very familiar to both YA and high fantasy- there are shades of both Tolkien and Rowling in this. Its fast-paced and action-packed, but especially in the first third of the story, the characters all felt fairly thin. None of them have quirks, hobbies, career hopes, relationships outside of immediate family, school, or work; or much more than a brief sketch of past. It took until the mid-way point for what I consider Pacat's major strengths as a writer to emerge: intense, homoerotic interpersonal sparring between characters operating under major power imbalances. Every scene in which the seductive, manipulative, powerful evil gay faced off against the good boy chosen one crackled with energy. Unfortunately, there were only four of these scenes in the whole book. It ends on a cliff-hanger, because of course it does, with a tempting set up for book two; but that doesn't entirely excuse the fact that the first 50% felt like set up. I will definitely keep reading, but long-time Pacat fans should take note that this is toned down version of what I expected based on Captive Prince.
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls (re-read before event)
What an accomplishment! I savored every page of Feeding Ghosts, absolutely floored by the labor and courage that went into the writing of this book. The inking is gorgeous, the history is clear, digestible, and devastating. This book threads the line between honesty and compassion in a way that I appreciate so much in any memoir, but especially one dealing with family. Hulls lays out the story of three generations of women starting with her grandmother, Sun Yi, a Shanghai journalist who faced intense persecution during the rise of Communism in China, who penned a popular and scandalous memoir and then suffered a mental breakdown. This left her only daughter, Rose, a student at an elite boarding school with no parental figures and no other family to lean on. Eventually Rose earned a scholarship to an American university and in the end moved her mother into her California home. Sun Yi haunted that home during the author's own childhood. The unexamined trauma and codependency of Sun Yi and Rose drove the author to the extreme edges of the Earth, seeking freedom from their ghosts. But in the end, she stopped running from her family history and turned, instead, to face it. Shelve this book with Maus, Fun Home, Persepolis and The Best We Could Do. Re-read it for a second time and got even more out of it on a second pass.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 8 by Ryoko Kui
Laios and company realize that their encounter with changling mushroom rings had more consequences than they'd realized- its the body swap episode! This visual humor is contrasted against increasing dangers from both above and below, as nastier monsters and political machinations begin to close in on our heroic adventuring party. I'm now over halfway through this series and almost feel like I should start reading it more slowly to savor it, but I'll probably just keep devouring it instead.
Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Luen Yang and Leuyen Pham
High school senior Val grew up knowing her family was unlucky in love; for generations, relationships in her family have ended in heartbreak. Her childhood love of Valentines Day ends with a shocking family revelation and what feels like the beginning of a curse. Then her Vietnamese grandmother sweeps her off to a Lunar New Year celebration in downtown Oakland and a pair of cute lion dancer boys catch her eye. Could one of them break the spell on her heart? This story offers a classic and satisfying rom-com, with Val torn between an outgoing, rich, but flaky boy and a broody, shy, loyal one. The story takes several kdrama style twists and includes ghosts, saints, red envelopes, confessions, fights, reunions, tears, and kisses. For a comic, its wordy; the pages are dense with small panels and thick with dialogue, but also illustrated with such warm, humor, and realism. I really liked that the story included as much of Val's relationship with her family and best friend as romance. And the lion dancing scenes practically leap off the page with color and energy!
Witch Hat Atelier vol 10 by Kamome Shirahama
This series remains as visually stunning as ever but I'm struggling with how every single book expands the cast. There are so many characters now that I don't care about that much, and have trouble remembering from volume to volume. I wish the story line would stick more closely to Coco, her classmates, and their main mentors!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 9 by Ryoko Kui
Oh the stories are all converging! The savior at the bottom of the dungeon is probably a demon! Ituzumi saves the day! I am still having a great time reading this series.
A Dowry of Blood by ST Gibson read by Abby Craden 
A short, very queer, very poly retelling of Dracula focusing on his coven of enthralled lovers. I liked the way the book breezed through history, as the dysfunctional little family moved from one major European city to the next, with snatched moments of glittering joy interwoven with violence and plague. The story is fairly simple, and has a happier ending than I expected, or honestly think the characters deserved.
City of Dragons by Robin Hobb
I DNFed the previous book in this series and just read a summary online before skipping ahead to this one. I think that was a very good choice for me. This third one was more engaging and a bit more action packed, with some cool discoveries about the city of Kelsingra and the nature of Elderlings. But the Rain Wild Chronicles as a whole do not stand up to the quality of the Farseer books. There are so many POV characters that a few of them get only two or three scenes in this whole book. I don't feel that I deeply know any of these characters; while at the same time watching Hobb pair them off at an extraordinary rate- in the last book five sets of characters got together and in this book an additional two couples are developing feelings for each other. Between this and a kidnapping, a birth, a murder, and a lot of blackmail, this series feels like a soap opera.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 10 by Ryoko Kui
Almost two TPKs in this volume, yikes!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 11 by Ryoko Kui
You know shit's getting serious when the character who has been the series main villain up until now is partially devoured by a different, worse villain. Exciting changes coming to this dungeon under it's new lord and master!
Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall and Lisa Sterle
When Becca gets invited to sit with the popular girl clique at her new high school, she's thrilled. But the friendship turns bloody and complicated when she learns that her new friends are actually werewolves who need to kill and feed on a human once a month. If she joins them, Becca will gain superhuman strength and a pack; she'll never have to fear a male predator again, because she will be a predator herself. I loved the queer rep and the twist on werewolf lore; I wish it had been a little longer and more developed. Give me multi-page transformations sequences!
Delicious in Dungeon vol 12 by Ryoko Kui
I love seeing all these plot lines come together! Building towards a wild climax.
Delicious in Dungeon vol 13 by Ryoko Kui
I went out and *bought* vol 13 of this series because my library didn't have it yet, that's how hooked I am. And now I have to wait until JULY for the final volume! (But also, thank goodness I didn't get into this series any sooner or I'd have a much longer wait).
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bloody-wonder · 3 months
mid-year book tag
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1. Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2024? i have read so many good ones this year but no particular one stands out to me as The Best so i'll name top 5 instead (in the order i read them in): a thousand stitches, doctrine of labyrinths, in other lands, big swiss, my brilliant friend - so, quite a range of genres and tones, as usual :)
2. Best Sequel You’ve Read So Far in 2024? the virtu is definitely my favorite part of doctrine of labyrinths and the tropic of serpents, the second book in the memoirs of lady trent, was just a perfect historical fantasy adventure novel - it's like if jane austen wrote indiana jones except it's also a nature documentary about dragons. last but not least, empire of the damned which came out in march solidified jay kristoff's empire of the vampire as my favorite vampire book series. you might have heard me screaming about it from the rooftops. all three of these sequels, i find, are even better than the previous book in their respective series.
3. New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want To? i'm saving kj charles' death in the spires for the fall since it's a spooky campus murder mystery (i think?) and i also want to read apostles of mercy and so finish lindsay ellis' sci fi series (which i have lost interest in somewhat tbh but i'm nothing if not a completionist lol). i was curious about the familiar but the reviews i've seen don't look too promising so i'm probably not going to prioritize it.
4. Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2024? i'm looking forward to kj charles' new romance book, the duke at hazard, as well as the new evander mills mystery, rough pages, but the piece of fiction i'm anticipating the most is actually the radioapple southern gothic au by my favorite fanfic author reminiscentbells. she's going to write the whole thing this summer and start posting in september - i'm so excitedddd😱
5. Biggest Disappointment? emily wilde's encyclopaedia of faeries is the book equivalent of a ghoul wearing the skin of your beloved. i wasn't a fan of a deadly education either😒 was very excited to read gaywyck but the expectations of "jane eyre but gay" which the cover of that book gave me were unfortunately not met🤷‍♀️
6. Biggest Surprise? i didn't think i might be into extreme horror and neither did i fancy myself a sally rooney girlie so i was quite surprised that i liked her conversations with friends as well as the sluts by dennis cooper. will definitely read more from both authors next year. an even bigger surprise however was solitaire which i picked up on a whim after tori came out as ace in the last heartstopper volume. i have a complicated relationship with alice oseman's books mostly due to the fact that i'm years past the target demographic age but still feel compelled to read them bc it seems they're the only mainstream books with prominent aro/ace rep out there. so i didn't expect much and was astonished to discover that tori spring is like looking at a mirror reflection of my 18yo self - uncanny in a fun way. ig i shouldn't be so surprised this turned out to be my favorite oseman book since it's the one with the most mixed reviews lol people like to hate a depressed teenage girl😬
7. Favorite New Author? i have devoured doctrine of labyrinths and the cemeteries of amalo in february so now i can safely say sarah monette aka katherine addison is one of my favorite authors. each of her series has a different tone but there are consistent themes of real or magical disability and non amatonormative relationships which are explored in creative ways throughout her stories. i also like her worldbuilding quite a bit, especially the naming systems and fantasy terminology. i read more books by celeste ng as well as by vale aida - both are likely to become favorite authors too. in the latter's case - provided she writes a sequel to hostis. if not, i shall never forgive her😅
8. Newest Favorite Character? okay this is just impossible to narrow down! first of all, liathe from empire of the damned bc i want her Gender: wearing a porcelain mask and a splendid crimson coat, formally bowing to her adversaries before she beats the shit out of them with her blood sword, referring to herself by the royal we and hissing every time she speaks - character of all time material right there. behold my beautiful girl who has done nothing wrong!🥰
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(official illustrations by bon orthwick)
secondly, elliot schafer bc he's the most obnoxious prickly boy in other lands and yet everyone wants him carnally lol. i adore his internal monologue - probably the best i've read in ya. his dialogue too tbh - his cutting repartee game is off the charts. honestly, he's just my favorite type of character: a mean bisexual gremlin who scolds people so creatively that they fall in love with him on the spot. what more can you ask.
finally, i have to mention that to my great surprise i liked mildmay more than felix harrowgate🤯 idk felix is this cunty traumatized savant which is a character archetype i'm used to liking so it was a safe bet. the opposites attract sidekick or love interest of such a character is usually not my cup of tea but mildmay is the exception that proves the rule ig. mostly it's bc of his unusual manner of speaking with those funny slang turns of phrase and just generally the contrast between his expressive internal monologue and his reserved demeanor. as a result, he easily rivals felix as the most interesting guy in the book. such excellent character work! taking my hat off to monette🎩
9. Newest Fictional Crush? i reserve this question for that special kind of obsession only a very particular character can inspire and this year it's alastor from hazbin hotel. which, i know, is not a book but i have read so much alastor fanfic in the last few months that he's basically like a book character to me at this point lol
💕Best Ship💕 elliot schafer and luke sunborn are very cute. i don't usually go for cute but here we are. especially after reading that short story from luke's pov i realized i just need more of these two together😌 felix and mildmay with their unholy magic bdsm union - need i say more? forbidden ship that watered my crops. last but not least, i'm currently trudging through the realm of the elderings bc of fitz and the fool and as of assassin's quest it finally started paying off: i'm being queerbaited and asking for more🥲
10. Book That Made You Cry? a thousand stitches is such a wholesome cozy book and it made me cry multiple times the way that a nostalgic movie from childhood can make you cry sometimes. especially the pug scene😭 the scenes of thara celehar walking the corn maze in the cemeteries of amalo made me cry a lot too. the symbolic depths addison is able to achieve with the labyrinth motif, the exploration of grief and forgiveness and letting go - unparalleled🤌
11. Book That Made You Happy? a thousand stitches made me happy! especially the pug scene!!😅 honestly it was like watching a disney movie back when they were good except also more relatable bc atwater's characters read neurodivergent and aspec-coded to me. love how she maintains that the kiss of true love that breaks the faerie curse doesn't have to be romantic. re-reading the three musketeers made me very happy too - it's one of my top 10 favorite books of all time and i was kinda nervous i might not like it as much as an adult. well the joke's on me bc now i can confirm it's one of the best books ever written😊 reading in other lands and big swiss cheered me up a lot too bc they're just so damn funney😄
12. Favorite Book Adaptation You Saw This Year? haven't seen a lot of adaptations so ig dune part two wins by default. twas a fine movie. the wheel of time is also a nice show in my opinion but i didn't read the source material so idk how good it is adaptation-wise🤷‍♀️
13. Favorite Review You’ve Written This Year? my favorite ones are probably the ones i wrote about the three musketeers and in other lands but i think i also wrote some good critical/negative reviews of the mask of mirrors and of the vorkosigan books i read this year (1 2 3)
14. Most Beautiful Cover? behold the cover of the voyage of the basilisk!🤩 i want to frame it and hang it on my wall so that i can gaze at it adoringly and connect with my inner ishmael
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(art by todd lockwood)
i also like this vintage romance cover of gaywyck and the uk covers of the farseer trilogy. it's a shame that the books are not as good as the covers led me to believe. especially in the case of gaywyck - this cover is Such A Vibe! but alas
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15. What Books Do You Need To Read By The End of The Year? in terms of series i want to finish the memoirs of lady trent, read one more witcher book, at least a couple vampire chronicles and then reread swordspoint and hopefully complete that series too. other fantasy i want to get to at last is fire & blood and the hands of the emperor - both are big and intimidating tho. for my classics challenge i need to finish a couple of tomes i'm reading slowly throughout the year and then also read the name of the rose. american psycho and mona awad's bunny have been on my tbr for ages - maybe i'll finally read them this fall. and i also want to finish reading kj charles' backlist bc the completionism drive is stronger than the fear of having no kj charles to read lol
i never do things a normal amount - every time i take up new media i go all in. so i had a musicals phase, a movies phase, a tv show phase - each lasting a few years and then i barely watched any of these once the phase ended. which is why i've been wondering if my current Book Phase is about to wrap up soon but, given how many books i managed to read since january, it sure doesn't seem that way. instead, it feels like the more i read the better i am at finding books that i'm likely to enjoy - which leads to more reading. and i cannot complain about that tbh😁📚
tagging @magpiefngrl @doh-rae-me @oliviermiraarmstrongs @fugitoidkry @pinkasrenzo @counterwiddershins @figuringthengsout @sugarbabywenkexing @fandomreferencepending @venndaai @weirdsociology @sixappleseeds @theodoradove
please tell me what you've been reading this year (if you want)! one can't have too many book recs👀
goodreads │ old mid year tags 2020 2021 2022 2023
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fearthefluff · 2 years
Fantasy Romance Recommendations Pt.1
I'm a big fan of Fantasy Romance books but I've noticed that a lot of recommendations lists have the same books over and over again. Nothing against Sarah J Maas, Jennifer Armentrout and Holly Black, but I have read their books already and I'm looking for new suggestions. And thus, I decided to make my own little list (with help from @housebaylor and @shirewalker). Maybe it will help someone somewhere. XD ***Some of the books listed here are not Romance novels officially but all have romance and have HFN or HEA endings Fantasy Romances The Fallen Empire Trilogy by Grace Draven The Kraelian Empire has ruled with an iron fist for centuries, its grip unyielding until the power of three women, and the men devoted to them, break it.
The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden Vasya Petrovna is a young woman gifted with the Sight which allows her to see spirits who inhabits the world. The arrival of Christianity spells trouble for her and the world of the spirits at large. This story has her rebel against her fate as a woman in medieval Russia, go on a great adventure and meet amazing characters.  One of my favourite.
Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher A subversive take on Fairytales! After years of seeing her sisters suffer at the hands of an abusive prince, Marra―the shy, convent-raised, third-born daughter―has finally realized that no one is coming to their rescue. No one, except for Marra herself.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.  It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night. Celia and Marco's beautiful story of challenges, love and magic. Beautiful haunting magic. Radiance by Grace Draven Two people brought together by the trappings of duty and politics will discover they are destined for each other, even as the powers of a hostile kingdom scheme to tear them apart. The Bird and The Sword by Amy Harmon Magic is forbidden and gifted people are sentenced to death. Lark, a voiceless young woman, has a gift she must keep hidden. The day her mother was killed, she told lark's father she wouldn’t speak again, and she told him if Lark's died, he would die too. Then she predicted the king would trade his soul and lose his son to the sky. A Fate of Wrath and Flame by K.A. Tucker Portal Fantasy! Gifted thief Romeria is transported into another world into the body of a treacherous princess. Romeria is plunged into a startling realm of opposing thrones, warring elven, and elemental magic she cannot begin to fathom. Only read the first book so far Married to Magic Trilogy by Elise Kova Shared Universe, Fantasy Romance, Stand Alone Novels About Young Women and their Unexpected Romances with Magical Men Rhapsodic by Laura Thalassa Callypso Lillis is a siren with a very big problem, one that stretches up her arm and far into her past. For the last seven years she’s been collecting a bracelet of black beads up her wrist, magical IOUs for favors she’s received. Everyone knows that if you need a favor, you go to the Bargainer and everyone knows that sooner or later he always collects. Only read the first book Promise of Darkness by Bec McMaster Princess. Tribute. Sacrifice. Is she the one prophesied to unite two warring Fae courts? Or the one bound to destroy them? If you like S.J.Maas you might like this YA Fantasy Romances Uprooted by Naomi Novik Agnieszka lives in a quiet village bordering a corrupted Wood. Her people rely on the cold, driven wizard known only as the Dragon to keep its powers at bay. But he demands a terrible price for his help: one young woman handed over to serve him for ten years, a fate almost as terrible as falling to the Wood. Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik Multiple POVs fairytale Miryem gains a reputation for being able to turn silver into gold. When an ill-advised boast draws the attention of the king of the Staryk--grim fey creatures who seem more ice than flesh--Miryem's fate, and that of two kingdoms, will be forever altered. The Girl who fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh Mina's people believe the Sea God, once their protector, now curses them with death and despair. In an attempt to appease him, each year a beautiful maiden is thrown into the sea to serve as the Sea God’s bride, in the hopes that one day the “true bride” will be chosen and end the suffering. An Enchantment of Raven by Margaret Rogerson With a flick of her paintbrush, Isobel creates stunning portraits for a dangerous set of clients: the fair folk. But when she receives her first royal patron—Rook, the autumn prince—Isobel makes a deadly mistake. She paints mortal sorrow in his eyes, a weakness that could cost him his throne, and even his life. Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson Elisabeth was raised in a magical library where dark magical grimoire are kept. She hopes to become a Warden whos job is protecting the Kingdom from their powers. Then an act of sabotage releases the library’s most dangerous grimoire. Elisabeth’s desperate intervention implicates her in the crime, and she is torn from her home to face justice in the capital. Shielded by Katlynn Flanders Hidden Princess, arranged marriage, yearning! A kingdom ravaged by war, and the princess who might be the key to saving not only those closest to her, but the kingdom itself, if she reveals the very secret that could destroy her. Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater Ever since she was cursed by a faerie, Theodora Ettings has had no sense of fear or embarrassment - a condition which makes her prone to accidental scandal. Dora hopes to be a quiet, sensible wallflower during the London Season - but when the strange, handsome and utterly uncouth Lord Sorcier discovers her condition, she is instead drawn into dangerous and peculiar faerie affairs. A Crown of Wishes by Rosha Chokshi Book 2 of a series. A captured princess and a wise prince team up and to win the Tournament of Wishes, a competition held in a mythical city where the Lord of Wealth promises a wish to the victor. ****Part 2: Urban Fantasy recs to follow.****
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13 Books Tag Game
Way back in April I was tagged in this by @materassassino and I've had it saved in my drafts ever since, determined to Actually Do It instead of spacing out as I so often do with tag games despite enjoying them greatly.
1) The last book I read
I think the last book I finished reading was A House With Good Bones, by T. Kingfisher--an excellent haunted house novel, although not my favorite.
2) A book I recommend
Lud-In-The-Mist, by Hope Mirlees, an extraordinarily dreamy novel from 1926 which I read first in college. It's about fairies and a town that's supposedly forgotten them, and it's simple and fun and often very funny. Or, if you'd rather read something more solidly grounded in reality, I really love The Cunning Man, by Robertson Davies. Davies is a favorite author of mine in general, but The Cunning Man is I think his best.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down
I mean, there's a lot of those, but most recently I think it was The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison. I loved it so much that when I finished it I immediately ducked out of my home office to return it to the library and get out the next one, The Grief of Stones, and then I loved that one a lot as well, and now I anxiously await the next one, The Tomb of Dragons, which I think is coming out next February?
Around that same time I also read Just Like Home, by Sarah Gailey, which I was similarly unable to put down. That one is another haunted house book, and it's very much horror and it's about parental abuse and sometimes it gets very creepy, so do be warned.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more)
Oh good heavens. I've read a lot of books twice or more; I love to re-read. Apart from my repeated re-readings of every Narnia book, Sabriel, a good deal of David Eddings...I think the best example I have is The Iron Dragon's Daughter, by Michael Swanwick. I read it for the first time when I was twelve, which is way too young to be readng that book, and I've re-read it every three or four years since then.
5) A book on my TBR
Lots of things, but most recently we picked up a copy of Ursula Le Guin's essay collection The Language of the Night because Rudo wanted me to read the title essay, and I'm going to do so once I've finished one of the books I'm currently reading.
6) A book I’ve put down
Titus Groan, by Mervyn Peake, several times. Someday I am determined to read all of Gormenghast, but it just hasn't caught me right yet. This is fine, sometimes I make a couple of false starts before I can really get into a book--it took me at least three tries to read The Worm Ouroboros, for example.
7) A book on my wish list
Frillions of books on there, so we'll go with something I specifically want in hard copy. Recently Rudo and I have been going through Tubi's "New to Who" collection of classic Doctor Who serials, and we both fell horrendously in love with Seven, who's lovely. We especially enjoyed Remembrance of the Daleks, and I found out that not only did the Ben Aaronovitch, the writer of the serial, actually get to do the novelization, it was printed a while ago in an absolutely beautiful hardcover alongside Prisoner of the Daleks by Trevor Baxendale. Obviously I want to read the novel, but I also want that specific edition, just because it looks so pretty.
8) A favorite book from childhood
Many such, I was and still am a big reader! Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce was a frequent re-read, and one that I still love.
9) A book you would give to a friend
Which friend? For what occasion? I give lots of books to lots of friends for lots of reasons! But if we're saying, generally, "what's a book I'd hand to someone and beg them to read it," I'll go with Little, Big, by John Crowley. It's incredible.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own
I have a bunch of poetry collections but I think my favorite is a little cheap Dover collection of Gerard Manley Hopkins. "The Windhover" is so good that I want to eat it.
11) A nonfiction book you own
A Burglar's Guide to the City, by Geoff Manaugh--a book about architecture, but from the perspective of how criminals, burglars especially, interact with buildings.
12) What are you currently reading
Thousand Autumns volume 5 by Meng Xi Shi, Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz by Garth Nix, Lord Seventh by priest, volume 3 of Dangerous Convenience Store, and I got a bit distracted in the middle of Riddle-Master, which is the omnibus edition of Patricia McKillip's Riddle-Master trilogy, but I'll get back to it.
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Everything. Try me.
I will tag @calyxcurl, @travelingneuritis, @ardatli, and @tsunflowers! But please don't feel pressured!
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aniron48 · 5 months
Thank you for the tag, @stinastar and @cicerfics! 💜
Last song: "Queen of the Slipstream" by Van Morrison. Such a good one!
Favourite colour: Probably one of the various shades of teal. Like Cicer, I'm a pretty big fan of blues and greens generally!
Currently watching: The last season of "The Good Place." I deeply appreciate what a thoughtful, funny, and ultimately kind show it is--highly recommend.
Savoury/sweet/spicy: Why not all three??? 😂 If I had to choose, though--spicy for sure. 🌶️
Relationship status: Married. I met my wife in our law school's human rights clinic. She literally carried my books home from school one day. 😍
Current obsession: In terms of fandom, it's still CraigBond!/00q; the Knives Out movies; and The Old Guard. W/r/t non-fandom obsessions, I am currently reading a bunch of nonfiction on the Lavender Scare and could go on about it for a not inconsiderable length of time.
Last thing you googled: Probably the expected publication date of The Tomb of Dragons by Katherine Addison. If you have not read The Goblin Emperor and the associated Cemeteries of Amalo trilogy, you are missing out!
Tagging @samanthahirr, @dude-watchin-with-the-brontes, @sweetbabyangels, @mr-iskender, @foxsoulcourt and anyone else who would like to participate!
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crows-junk-pile · 1 year
So..... Ever After High Au. I have this idea and I can't get it out of my head so I'm making it. Also if you've read "The Fairytale Au" then a lot of who's the hermits parents are should sound familiar, if you haven't you should read it it's really good
Here's what everybody is :
Edit : changed somethings
Lizzie : Cheshire Cat
Grian : Little Red Riding Hood(and the big bad wolf)
Pearl : Robin Hood
Ren : The Big Bad Wolf(and red riding hood)
Scott : Either the Snow Queen or Kay(from the snow queen)
Tango : Red Shoes Girl
Jimmy : Little Mermaid
Scar : Puss in Boots
Evil X : Dark Fairy(from sleeping beauty)
Zed,Doc : the Billy Goats gruff
Keralis : Alice in Wonderland
X : Fairy Godmother
Shubble : Either The Wicked Witch of the East,West or the Candy Witch
Katherine : Prince Charming or The Swan Princess
Wels : Sleeping Beauty
Etho : Rumplestiltskin
Iskall,Joel : Jack(jack and the beanstalk)
Joe : Ethire someone from wonderland,a narrator(somehow he's corporeal) or beauty(from beauty and the beast,i got this from the fairy tale au)
False : Queen of Hearts or Prince Charming
Cleo : Geppetto
Xoroth(he's not corrupted don't worry) : Evil Queen
Stress : idk suggestions needed
Joey : Captain Hook
Bdubs : The Princess from princess and the pea or thumbelina
Cub : King Midas (once again I'm taking it from the fairytale au)
Jevin : The Genie(more fairytale au stuff)
Sausage : idk suggestions needed
Beef : Golden Goose(jack and the beanstalk,more fairytale au)
Xb : Ugly Duckling(fairytale au)
Impulse : Some kind of dragon(ie: the dragon from st.george,hydra), suggestions needed
Gem,Fwip : suggestions needed
Pix : Brothers Grimm(?,suggestions needed)
Oli : Pided Piper
Hypno : Rapunzel (stolen from fairytale au)
Mumbo : Magic Mirror( from snow white,stolen from fairy tale au)
TFC : suggestions needed,teacher at EAH
BigB : Candy Witch(?,suggestions needed )
Martyn : suggestions needed
Skizz : suggestions needed
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siriannatan · 2 years
Arranged Rearrangements - chapter 1/?
It was supposed to be a one-shot as I said in an earlier post but things happen and now it'll be longer. We'll see how long.
AO3 link for anyone who prefers to read there.
Mythland Great Winter Ball was probably the most boring from the wide selection of the events fWhip has to attend. He wished Mythland wasn't as closely connected to Grimlands as it is, he really did but their empires were probably the closest among the Wither Alliance. And all that for one, simple and incredibly annoying reason - since before either of them was born fWhip has been engaged to Sausage, the current king of Mythland. And yes, he could technically recall the whole thing, being the Count of Grimlands and the leader of the Alliance but his advisors always got annoyed whenever he mentioned it. Mostly worried about what Mythland's council would get their king to do... Not that Sausage liked the whole engagement himself.
And has been ignoring fWhip for the past four hours and did not think to have any blood available for the vampire. Was he planning to starve him to death or have a rampaging starved vampire crash the party? fWhip was not about to check that so he set off to find a member of the Mythland's council and say he was not feeling well and going home. 
Not that he had any intention of going home.
"But..." the councilman tried to keep the count at the party once fWhip said his piece. And glanced where Sausage was laughing loudly with some of the younger nobles. Completely ignoring his responsibilities. 
"I'm sure he won't mind," fWhip grinned, restraining a sigh and with a polite bow left the ballroom and instantly went to the gardens. He was not running into any more councilmen, nobles and advisors Sausage kept in his far too big court.
The gardens were nice. Quiet and pleasantly cool to the undead count after that stuffy and boring party. He would much rather be stuck at one of Katherine's parties and fey parties were known for being incredibly boring. With a sigh, he let his wings out and flew not to Grimlands but to... Rivendell. If he had any luck Scott was still awake and reading in one of many rooms in the castle. Much better company than Sausage and his constant ignoring of fWhip unless he annoyed the Cod Father and needed help... Ugh.
His relationship with the elven king, known for being neutral and staying out of conflicts - maybe unless they involved a certain forest elf his brother eloped with... - was a strict secret only the two of them knew about. fWhip's council of course had their suspicions about it with how often fWhip came home with snow still in his hair and looking more nourished than his usual diet of blood bags and animal blood let him be. But they were smart enough to not question a vampire that could easily kill all of them. Or an elf able to swing a blade at least as long as he was tall. A runic blade but fWhip was impressed anyway every time he saw Scott with it.
Speaking of, as fWhip closed in on Rivendell and the castle only one window was lit up. The drawing room window, with a balcony about big enough for fWhip to land comfortably. Once he landed he dusted a bit of snow that settled from the gentle snowfall on his shoulders and hair and knocked, least he scare Scott.
The elven king did not make him wait long and opened the door with a smirk tugging on his lips. "Shouldn't you be in Mythland, enjoying a party?" he asked but let the Count in.
"It was even more boring than those usually are," fWhip sighed and as soon as Scott closed the door pulled the elf into a hug. "I really should just cancel the damn engagement. Ignore what my damn council thinks about it..." he mumbled into Scott's hair. It was so nice and soft and slightly curly and always smelled so nice. He really wished he could keep the elf like this forever. And it wasn't the dragon part of his brain talking.
Scott giggled at it. It was rare either of them could just relax and not care about manners and decorum. "Tell me about it?" Scott asked, freeing himself from the hug and pulled fWhip to the mess of blankets on one of the couches. Where he was before fWhip knocked. "Or would you rather listen to me talk about the complicated history of our ancestors?" he added at the pained expression that crossed fWhip's face. "And let you bite me, I'm guessing Sausage did not feed you."
fWhip sighed, falling onto and relaxing into the couch. Thank you elves and your love for comfort. "I was there for four hours and he barely even looked at me... I really don't want to talk about it..."
"It's okay," Scott smiled, settling close next to fWhip. And worked his right sleeve open. Even his more casual evening relaxing clothes had many buttons and golden embroidery. "You do look good in dress clothes if it makes you feel better. Really handsome," he smiled and gently pulled the vampire into a short soft kiss. And offered him his wrists after pulling back. 
"You're the handsome one," fWhip protested and pressed a kiss to Scott's wrist. "And you're not even dressing up... And you don't need people to help you get dressed," he added before biting down. Scott's gasp followed by a quiet moan had him smirking around the bite. He always did his best to be gentle with Scott whenever the elf offered him his blood and Scott was nice and gentle to him in return. Offering a shoulder to lean on and listening to his complaints. He really wished he could be engaged to Scott instead...
"Are you sure it's enough?" Scott asked when fWhip pulled back and kissed the already slowly healing bite mark. 
"Yeas, I have blood at home, don't worry about it that much," fWhip chuckled and kissed the elf once more.
"I know you do but I also know my blood is better for you," the elf huffed. "Anyway, I found out why Rivendell is no longer part of the Wither Alliance."
fWhip hummed in response, leaning back and pulling Scott into his lap. He'd hold him like this until the elf fell asleep, carry him to his bed, stay with him a bit and then go back home. As unfortunate as it was they both had empires to run and could not have a lazy morning, not with how their relationship was.
"Yes, my grandfather insulted your great-grandfather by marrying him to my mother and not your grandfather. I have their angry letters," he chuckled, leaning into fWhip as if he was a pile of his comfiest pillows.
"Was the engagement completely called off?" fWhip asked a bit curious. Could it mean... no. 
"Well, I can't talk about Grimlands law by by our law... I'm technically engaged to you now," Scott giggled. "I wonder what your advisors would say about that since it was technically agreed first."
fWhip was a bit shocked and pretty sure his council would be more than happy to have him marry Scott instead. They always told him to be nice to Scott in case Rivendell ever wanted to rejoin the Alliance. And if they saw those letters and whatever Scott has on the engagement... They would be overjoyed. And Sausage would be happy to not have to stand next to fWhip on any official occasions. 
"I think they would be interested. They like you more than Sausage..." fWhip chuckled.
"Meaning I can go by tomorrow to ask them for your hand by the elven law?" Scott grinned.
"Sure, my council should not have issues with an impromptu meeting... I'm pretty sure they already figured out where I run off to escape having to hang out with Sausage," he shrugged and patted Scott's back when the elf yawned. "Should we move you to bed?" he offered and Scott nodded, clinging closer so fWhip carried him to the royal bedroom. 
By the time he reached his huge and filled about a third of the way with fluffy pillows and warm blankets, Scott was pretty much too asleep to change on his own so fWhip helped him and tucked him in. "Stay with me?" the elf asked, barely still awake, weakly pulling at fWhip's sleeve. "Just a little longer?" he added and fWhip sighed. There was no way he could say no to Scott's pretty eyes.
"I always stay a bit after you fall asleep," he smiled and sat at the edge of the bed. "Now get your sleep snowflake, tomorrow's gonna be busy," he added while gently petting Scott's hair. "I'll see you at my mansion," he hummed as Scott slowly drifted to sleep.
He stayed by Scott's side, watching his calm slumber with some envy before he decided it was time to face his council. Likely waiting for him. Already informed he ran away from Sausage's party. Very displeased even if it was Sausage that insulted him... he really hoped the prospect of a close alliance with Rivendell would get them excited.
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 months
WE ARE SO BACK once again, with a theme day too! Can you guess what it is?
Kayla Beardslee: "Beautiful Things" evokes a desperate, heartfelt plea to a higher power that I, too, often find myself asking when the things I treasure are under threat: that is, Jesus Christ, how do we keep letting men get away with this? [2]
Taylor Alatorre: So much for "Thy will be done," I guess. "Thy will be done, as long as it means I get to keep this hot piece by my side" just doesn't carry the same moral or lyrical weight. Boone's hairless hair metal wailing may bring to mind the nu-glam crossover smash "Lips of an Angel," but even a pro-adultery power ballad with that title manages to avoid being as theologically challenged as this one. Anyway, religion talk over. This is a gawky, lumbering Frankensong whose body is grafted together from the three or four types of rawk music that are allowed on pop radio this decade, and the only reason the score isn't lower is that I'm constitutionally incapable of going below a [2] on a song that prominently features palm-muted guitar. [2]
Julian Axelrod: I didn't know anything about Benson Boone's backstory until I read TSJ Legend Katherine St. Asaph's writeup in Stereogum, but suddenly "Beautiful Things" made perfect sense as an audio origin story. You can hear the American Idol also-ran in the earnest six-string swell of the verses; the Imagine Dragons protege in the pained wails of the chorus; and the years in the TikTok trenches in the way he strings together several 30-second snippets into a semi-coherent whole. I had no idea he was a rollerblader until two days ago, but if you told me this song blew up soundtracking inline skate tricks I would absolutely believe you. [5]
Joshua Lu: It's easy to write this sudden chart-topper off immediately when you see the words "TikTok" and American Idol in Benson Boone's biography, and the familiarity of every component of "Beautiful Things" doesn't help its case. Rarely, however, does a Big Explosive Chorus actually feel earned — Ryan Tedder has been trying to create that exact climax for over a decade — and the ease with which Boone slides into that emotional outpouring tingles my brain. [6]
Jeffrey Brister: Definitely not the most distinctive song, but there’s something in the execution. "Beautiful Things" has momentum: always pushing forward, anchored around Boone’s capable vocal performance. It drops out at the right moment and then absolutely EXPLODES in the chorus. It's like an ideal version of the vaguely bluesy folky hoot-stomp music of the early- to mid-10’s.  [7]
Rachel Saywitz: A mishmash of all our worst musical impulses from the 2010s: Ed Sheeran’s melodramatic pop lilt, Imagine Dragons’ overprocessed and underbaked rage, being inspired by Jon Bellion. I’d have a bit more fondness for “Beautiful Things” if it fully leaned into the Christian hard rock that its hefty chorus pulls from, but Boone’s melodies are already much too drab. Add any more weight, and the cliff he’s standing on would crumble instantly. [3]
Katherine St. Asaph: I kind of like this! Seldom does someone unmarried come off as this much of a Wife Guy. [6]
Isabel Cole: The verses are fine, I guess, but the chorus is so unpleasantly shrill that it zooms right past anxious and even beyond desperate, all the way into the realm of the guy who will physically block the door to keep you from leaving. [2]
Aaron Bergstrom: I have spent far too much time trying to parse these lyrics, and I am no closer to unlocking Benson Boone's theory of relationships, personal or supernatural. There's a simple chauvinist reading here: girls are "things," lacking in agency, given to men by God. Then again, chauvinism requires a belief in male superiority, and Boone seems to ascribe even less agency to himself. His mindset is something akin to learned helplessness: these "things" may be taken from him on the capricious whims of forces wholly outside his control. It's not exactly Calvinist, as the future is still in flux, but there is nothing he can do to win or lose God's favor. In the later verses, Boone gestures at acceptance: the idea that peace and sanity will come when he stops trying to exert his will in relation to the "things" is vaguely Taoist. Of course, this is immediately undone by the theatrical outburst of a chorus, pleading simultaneously with a girl who can't help him and a God who won't, and we're right back where we started. So "Beautiful Things" is either a studied meditation on the human mind's ability to entertain multiple contradictory thoughts at the same time, or it's a lazy, jumbled mess of a song that I have now spent more time thinking about than Benson Boone ever did. [2]
Nortey Dowuona: The first verse is bland, unobjectionable pablum of the Noah Kahan variety, then the pre-chorus is a slimy plea for her continued presence. Then, apropos of nothing, Boone pleads to God not to take the beautiful things he has. He can't grasp the fears that make him believe he could lose his girlfriend, parents, fragile sense of self -- he just pleads with an imaginary figure to hold onto the very real relationships he has, which he refers to as things. Things are cupboards, chairs, chips -- creations of those who need them to be fed, to rest, to store food and clothes and sentimental trinkets. They can be beautiful, but they cannot be taken away by a God, simply forgotten or destroyed by people. Boone's plea, which feels more like a demand, feels shrill and weak, unable to carry the sentiments it is supposed to express. The blustery, frustrated delivery of the chorus is appealing but feels out of nowhere -- Boone is plaintive, even ruminating as the first verse trickles forth. The second verse is more compact, but its brevity sucks the power of the second chorus, since we are launched into a bellow after a whisper: unsettling and irritating, rather then engrossing and emboldening. The inability of Boone and producer/engineer Evan Blair to properly capture this despair forces mixing engineer Serban Ghenea to make certain leveling and processing choices to Boone's voice and the piano that further sabotage the song due to the failings upstream. But ultimately, unlike some other folks here, I don't hold this against Benson and his team. Grappling with the unending despair that comes with being a human being, then finding reasons in the relationships you have with your parental figures/romantic/platonic partners to not succumb, then fearing the loss of these relationships plunging you even deeper into that despair, is difficult. Many a songwriter has failed to convey these emotions. And failing to convey them is painful, but it is not worth any vitriol. [4]
Alfred Soto: He's cuddly, and he doesn't care who knows it. Take his beautiful things and he gets mad. Or "mad." I believe the rage like I believe the second half's rock freak-out, i.e. not at all. All is not lost: he's got passion, can leverage the sincerity, and, best, has good hair.  [5]
Brad Shoup: Boone's divebombs on the chorus are so post-grunge, it's like he's regifting a heart-shaped box. He's certainly not desperate enough to hold my interest, nor to distinguish his voice from any host of TV-soul mushmouths. [4]
Dave Moore: I instinctively shuddered when this started, but then the Adam Lambert glam whoa-oa-oas came in and I remembered, and even sort of missed, the important role of American Idol in the pop schlock ecosystem (Boone auditioned but withdrew). I guess AmIdol is like college now -- why take on the debt when you've already got a job lined up? Anyway, I can tell this guy must already be or at some point will be enormous because I immediately thought of three family members I should send this song to. [5]
Ian Mathers: I always knew there'd come a point where I felt like an old and out-of-touch curmudgeon when it comes to pop music. I hoped with the optimism of youth that it wouldn't happen, but c'mon: why would I be the exception? It is profoundly disappointing that when it came, it was a lot less "I cannot understand these radical new genres, sounds, thoughts, emotions that are happening around me" and a lot more "can I please opt out of hearing generic pop/rock for as long as people are going to sing like this, it is profoundly annoying." [3]
Andrew Karpan: Despite his repeated, bleating agitated, sadboynumeta-framed requests to the contrary, someone really should take “all the beautiful things” away from this evil, short-mustached man.  [2]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Really interesting as a piece of work without ever being "pleasant" or "good to listen to." The verses feel like a calculated attempt to write one's first song, all of the obvious plainspokenness and gee-shucks invocations of the almighty lined up with a clean execution that actual first songs tend to lack. The chorus is something else entirely, a rootsy stab at the soulful dubstep pop moment of about a decade ago. "Beautiful Things" is a puzzle with only unsatisfying conclusions, all of its choices together amounting to nothing much at all. [3]
Leah Isobel: Gormless. [2]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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sugarbabywenkexing · 2 years
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Mangkorn: *has anal sex with Yai without lube*
Yai: That was bad sex
Mangkorn: *shocked pikachu*
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 7 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Three
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 2,6k
Warnings | +18, Coarse and explicit language, sexual insinuations, humiliation, prostitution, angst, smut noncon, non-consensual touch, forced blowjob (Jimin is not the one forcing her), Jimin is driven by hatred, this is not for minors!
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | The third chapter of Dark Moon has arrived! There will be more and more explicit details in the story that are not suitable for minors, remember this is a yandere story!
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @dragons-flare, @m00njinnie, @seokjins-luigi, @pjmsneverland, @jimincrystal , @ajkwww, @ungodlyjoon, @hecateslittlewitchling
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That day the girl finished arranging her new clothes in the closet, she thought back to Ester, now she understood that such an asshole attitude, even if she still did not share it. She had recently arrived and had in no way tried to attract that bastard's attention, if that woman had lost her place as "favorite" it was certainly not her fault. And if she had to be honest, she found Ester to have horrible taste in men, how could anyone want to belong to that beast? She recalled Jimin's mocking eyes with disgust and thought back to his fingers mercilessly rummaging through her intimacy, a shiver shook her. No, that guy would never even lay a finger on her again, she would rather fight to the death.
Far more different thoughts crossed Jimin's mind. He had not thought twice about dumping her in his personal room at the Dark Moon, sending Ester away unceremoniously. He had found the hatred in Y/N's eyes delightful when he had played with her a bit and Ester on the other hand was now an old toy for him. "Is the newcomer already to your liking?" Jimin turned to Jin, they were all gathered at the big table of a high-class restaurant and one hundred percent sure, no one would ever know about their dinner there, the manager was a close friend of Seokjin's. "Actually, I haven't tried it yet," he stretched lazily, crossing his legs, "But it looks interesting." "What about Ester?" asked Taehyung, intrigued, at which Jimin rolled his eyes. "It's not for me anymore, you know how I am, I get tired easily," he replied with a grimace, his friend laughed. "So you won't be offended if I have a ride with her," said a voice ahead, Yoongi was grinning felinely, Jimin raised an eyebrow.
"You've always had a chance to take a ride, even more than one, I remind you that she kept opening her legs for many other men as well," he said sarcastically, Yoongi moved his hand as if to chase away an annoying insect. "You are my friend, I could never touch your stuff without permission." "But last time I found you with your cock in Mirin's throat, or am I mistaken?" asked Taehyung with annoyance, a roar of laughter erupted, Yoongi did not deny it. "Man, it's not my fault that your favorite is among the horniest in the Dark Moon." Taehyung's face at first irritated, relaxed into a wry smile, "Indeed, I chose her for that." Hoseok briefly spat the wine he was sipping onto the table, even Namjoon shook his head with amusement. Seokjin, unlike them, did not take his eyes off Jimin. "And will you allow me to take a ride on your new prey as well?" Jin's question left him unprepared for a few moments, was he okay with it? He wondered, and a strange discomfort in his chest intensified as he reflected on those words. Everyone stared at him waiting for an answer, but the boy was unimpressed, his firm expression unchanged. "She's still one of your girls, Jin," he smiled, "Who am I to forbid you?" The chatter at the table resumed, everyone went back to his own business, and Jimin's smile faded little by little as he continued to think about those words over and over again.
Hanon entered her room without bothering to knock, found her in front of the mirror ready for that night. Y/N had been forced to wear an evening gown with a light fabric, the deep blue color would have suited her, if the dress itself had not had a neckline so deep that it reached her navel. She felt naked, dirty, and the falling straps on her arms did not help the discomfort the girl was feeling. "Oh! You're ready, I thought I'd have a harder time convincing you," she said cheerfully, Y/N lowered her gaze mortified, she still cared too much about her life to risk a deadly ride in the Han River and this demolished her more, another woman with more pride and self-love would have gotten herself killed, she was just a coward. "But..." Hanon squared her with a critical eye, "Something is missing." She joined her in front of the mirror and retrieved from the bag of expensive makeup she had been provided with a lipstick, and not just any lipstick, it was red as sin. "You have to put this on" Hanon chirped not giving her time to retort, she took care of it herself to pass it over lips of the younger girl, "Well, you know...clients like it when you make a mess" Y/N immediately flinched, what little she had managed to swallow at lunch was coming back down her throat.
"How can you talk so easily about such a thing?" she hissed, disgusted by the older woman who seemed more than willing to make her irresistible to those pigs. It was as if she was more than willingly selling her out; she could not bear it. Hanon huffed, closing her lipstick quietly; after all, she had managed to put it on anyway. "I'm sorry, sometimes I forget you're new, I've opened my legs so many times - and not just those - that I consider this to be normal," she pointed around the room, most likely referring to the Dark Moon in general. "I don't want this to become normal for me," Y/N shook her head nervously, but Hanon was unimpressed. "If you want it to become bearable, you're going to have to make it normal, and I don't want to come across as the bitch who has no heart and doesn't understand you, but believe me... I'm the only one right now who wants what's good for you, the others can't stand newbies, and you're not Ester's favorite person right now, maybe you never will be for obvious reasons, so just accept it," she explained harshly, before giving her a key, "Room 508, you will wait there for your first customer and smile, asking him what he wants to start with or if he would like to relax with some soju first."
Y/N sent down a knot in her throat, nodding. "What are the clients like?" she asked, unable to imagine what kind of men she would have to serve with her body. "They are ... clients, there are many kinds with very different positions, the most dangerous ones however are left to us mature, you don't really have to worry about that." After that Hanon escorted her to the room, letting her open it because, as she had said, she had to learn how to best juggle in there without the presence of the older woman. The room in question was average, so it did not have to be a high-ranking client, just wealthy enough, Hanon left her alone and she took to inspecting the room, ran a palm over the soft blankets and with a shuddering sigh lay down on top of them, she had been told that she had to make herself ready on the bed because clients preferred it that way. She waited for the man to arrive, trying to relax the muscles in her face and body; it was true, she was no longer a virgin. But it had always happened in one bleak way, she petrified and afraid, until she had made the decision to take her sister with her and run away, even changing her last name. He wanted to give his sister a better future, and now she had ended up like her older sister, if not worse. She gritted her teeth in guilt, she would never forgive herself and it was only fair, she did not deserve peace.
Jimin arrived at the lobby at that moment, let a girl take off his coat without so much as a glance at her, adjusted his shirt collar, and headed for the elevator. There he met Namjoon, who was going in his exact direction. The man inside the Dark Moon dealt with more boring matters, such as taking customer reservations or arranging meetings with associates, plus he himself took care of the girls' most urgent needs. In a sense, he could be seen as a kind of janitor in there. "Hey, Jimin," he greeted him, Jimin reciprocated with a gesture of his head, "Have you seen your beauty? It's been three days and you haven't told me anything, should I be worried?" he joked, the dark-haired boy raised an eyebrow. "No, I haven't seen her, Seokjin sent me elsewhere," it was true, Jin had filled him full of commitments, but only because he himself had asked him to make him do something, he didn't want to see the girl, there was something that made him stay away from her, a feeling... something that told him that if he saw her one more time, the unthinkable would happen and that scared him, "Why should you worry, anyway?" Namjoon lifted his shoulders, "She has her first client tonight, I wouldn't want to have someone on my hands who doesn't know her business."
That news blocked Jimin from saying anything else, his jaw stiffened and his breathing quickened due to the constantly racing pulse. "Who would this client be?" he asked instead, feigned detachment. Namjoon thought hard about what to say to him, but opted for the truth; he could not lie to him. "Choi Minho, he was looking for entertainment with something new and I proposed her to him, it's just business, Jimin." Namjoon saw Jimin snort through his nose, amused. He didn't like that reaction; when Jimin found something funny - and there was absolutely nothing to laugh at - it meant he was up to something. "Jimin..." he said in a serious tone. "The room number, Namjoon." "Seokjin needs him, he got engaged to a minister's daughter, such a connection is not to be missed, and the waters are calming down." The tension inside the elevator was palpable. Jimin hated Minho. Didn't he wear all those piercings for pure aesthetics, every single piece of metal covered micro scars that still stung the boy, that piece of shit had gone unpunished and now he wanted to fuck with his prey? "Namjoon, look at me," he hissed, "I will not let him or another member of his family find pleasure in here, in my territory, among my comrades, he is polluting my air and I will not tolerate him," he said harshly. The silver-haired boy let a sigh escape, "Seokjin will not be pleased."
"I will talk to Seokjin, I have a few things to say to him on the subject." "... The room is 508, don't make me regret telling you." When the elevator doors opened with a gentle ding, Jimin darted out, moving confidently through the corridors of the brothel, leaving Namjoon to scowl to himself, realizing with a few seconds delay that he had screwed up big time. "Shit." On the other hand, several girls immediately distanced themselves from the young man; Jimin did not enjoy much popularity. If his appearance was that of an angel, his practices had been invented by the devil himself. He looked up counting the room numbers with manic attention, he didn't know what he would do once he got there either, he just knew he didn't want Minho in that place, in that room. With her. 510, 509... 508. Reaching in front of the door he tried to open it, finding it obviously locked. He mentally imprecated, this was not going to take. He would have to get tough sooner than expected, then. He gave the door a mighty kick, followed by a second and then a third, the latter breaking the lock with a dull bang that allowed him to enter. He could have simply asked for a copy of the key, but he did not want to waste further time.
He thus found Minho with the zipper of his pants open, but with his clothes still on, was towering over Y/N, the girl was lying on the bed and staring at him with a blank expression, as if she had surrendered to what was to come. The now-open dress gave a wide view of her naked breasts, as well as showcasing the obvious and fresh bite marks that were now purplish, a motion of disgust invaded Jimin's stomach. "What the fuck do you want, Park Jimin?" asked visibly irritated Minho, who until a few seconds earlier had the clear intention of playing a little with the girl's still untouched mouth. Minho had to admit, Namjoon had given him the gift of a nice treat, but Jimin's presence had never been required. "I don't want anything from you at all," he emphasized, pointing to Y/N who, like an automaton, was watching the pierced man in front of the door almost as if she had not seen him.
When Minho had entered the room she had as if immobilized, she had simply done his bidding, he had told her to open the neckline of her dress and she had done so, he had bitten and sucked her skin and she had not said a single word, she was a sad little doll, little doll who would have even sucked his cock if Jimin had not come in by smashing the door with unheard of tranquility.
"Forget it, I paid to spend an evening with her, wait your turn," growled Minho, who could already feel his cock drooping in his pants because of that bastard.
"We also do refunds, you know?" he asked, clearly ironic, before changing his expression altogether, "Get out of here, Choi. You're contaminating my territory, sullying what belongs to me." "And you get out of my way, Park. I will not leave without finishing." The two hurled lightning bolts and thunderbolts from their eyes, then something shone in Jimin's, something the girl could not quite define, standing there motionless and nervously awaiting orders, she gazed fearfully at Jimin's sharp smile, who shifted his eyes to hers. "Did you hear that, cupcake? Get to work, Mr. Choi wants to start with the mouth?" he addressed the last question to the person concerned, who was unimpressed. "I have no problem getting it out in front of you," he hissed, before finally lowering his pants along with his boxers, Y/N felt dead, she would eventually do it. For a moment she had hoped, she had hoped that this monster would save her from such humiliation, but no, if possible he had only made that situation worse, because he would watch her being used as a soulless sleeve. She refused to look toward that pig's loose erection, her eyes were still on Jimin, who in return did not take his gaze off her.
The tense jaw testified to Jimin's true discontent, who felt his blood boil with rage when Minho forcefully grabbed the young woman's hair, forcing her with a stern, violent move to take her full length, Y/N widened her eyes horrified, gasping for air. "Keep still, you little slut! Show your boss how you make me come." Minho used the girl's mouth with unprecedented force, heedless of her shrill cries, his only thought at that moment was to fuck her, proving to Jimin that he could do nothing against him, even on his own turf. Jimin felt the bestial urge to kill the bastard, but another idea took shape. Minho was about to come when he heard the sound of a trigger ringing in the room. The barrel of Jimin's glock was pointed at his side, just waiting for a slight pressure on the trigger to release the lead that would surely take him down.
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savingthrcw · 1 year
Neria Surana
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real world fc: Katherine McNamara (none of the icons were made by me, so size may vary). I don't have videogame icons. Also I only played Dragon Age 2 once, with a mage Hawke, so I don't know all potential backstories and relationships well! Same with remembering the exact order of events and locations in DAI.
elf mage at the time of DAO, permanently magic-less after the last battle (see about) // never picked first, never the best friend, never the priority // anti-blood magic // anti Circle now, & templars in Circles & racists (against elves even if they are elves themselves) & most institutions if they come with a set of rules that you aren't meant to discuss, because she will want to discuss them, and this includes Grey Wardens rules too // pro-heroics and friendship and love and mabaris // if she's betrayed she won't forgive it nor let it go // she mostly uses fire and lightening magic plus her enchanted one-handed sword // pro-apostates if they aren't hurting anyone, pro mages, will leave nice templars alone if they aren't involved in oppression of mages, she won't be against anyone just because they are part of a specific category unless the category is inherently harmful //
Her story, so you can interact with Neria without having to plot: you can just read the bolded bits! When I mention a character it'll be implicit that 'if you play them disregard this because we'll build their relationship together'.
-she makes up lies about her family if she doesn't know you well, but: even if she was already six when she was brought to the Circle she doesn't remember anything before then. She knows something very wrong must have gone down. She's right.
-felt a daughter's love for Irving, and thought they had a mutual familial relationship going and found ways to spend time with him, looking up to him and searching for his approval. Unable to stand life trapped in a tower when so naturally intrigued by adventure and by the world outside, she had to build up their relationship in her head and lie to herself about how she felt, so that she'd endure it without going crazy. Which also meant blind-loyalty and faith in the Circle, and believing the world had her best interest in mind: if she couldn't go out, it meant she shouldn't. The Chantry and the templars must be right about everything unless Irving disagrees with something they were doing. -Despite this, when her friend Jowan asks for her help to escape with Lily, she doesn't go tell Irving but decides to help - because it's for love. She's a romantic and she longs for freedom, so of course she'll help him and have her own phylactery destroyed too, in the back of her mind she's not okay with templars being able to track her down. When Jowan betrays them using blood magic of all things, leaving her and Lily horrified, Irving immediately agrees she should be punished, just as if she were any other student. Because to him she is. That's when it all comes crashing down on her: she doesn't have a big family in the Circle, she doesn't have a father in Irving, she was betrayed and left behind by Jowan and Irving doesn't care, she may have her personality wiped too via Tranquility, given that she doesn't miss an occasion to fight with Greagoir and she's going to be blamed for aiding a blood mage, and it changes her. Because she has to admit that she brainwashed herself.
-when she joins the Wardens it's with pettiness, so she can slap it on Irving and Greagoir's faces too, but quickly it becomes about saving people. She does get immediately attached to Duncan (and Alistair) as well, deep down still trying to find out where her father-figure is supposed to be. When Loghain betrays them all, he signs his death sentence. She'll be relentless.
-in conversations she tries to be as nice as possible (to her companions) not just because "Friendship!" which is initially not even a goal anymore, but to keep people on her side because she needs them. This is why she may not show how much she disapproves of certain comments/beliefs from her companions: she doesn't like when Morrigan is unhappy to help other people they meet, she doesn't believe in the Maker but won't be harsh with Leiana about it (though she's not exactly close to her either), she doesn't like killing people but won't sound judgy when Zevran tries to figure out how she feels about it all, and the reason she gets far closer to him than she does to Morrigan is that he flirts a lot and pays her compliments, and that endeared him to her, so she ended up sharing way more conversations with him (despite that, she bought Morrigan's friendship with gifts, and still went to "kill" her mother for her). She's not too personally close to Oghren, but she does have drinks with him every now and then. She doesn't harden anyone and helps them in their personal missions.
-She's always laughing, joking around, and running towards adventure and towards saving people, repressing bad feelings and traumas while encouraging others to vent, accepts Alistair's decision that she should be in charge with some reluctance at first, but then it grows on her. She tries not to make any new enemies and is very diplomatic, and that makes all the more jarring how bitter, dark and rage-y she gets when Jowan (or the Circle) is involved: later she allows him to leave in Redcliffe -wanted him to help with the mess but he wouldn't, so she just wants him to leave her alone- though she's furious the entire time, goes into the fade to save Connor herself, finally leaves him to Teagan who imprisons him again.
-Sometimes her facade breaks and it's obvious that she is full of anger, especially when it comes to the Circle. Despite this, she's also sincerely attached to Wynne (because let's be honest, she's looking for a mother-figure too, she can't help herself, and generally listens to her wisdom except when it comes to her own choices in friendship and romance). She gets violent about elves being treated badly, will defend mages and apostates: after the Circle she doesn't believe in 'organized magic' anyway, "if they want to stay out of that prison, they should".
-There is a lot of being cute with Alistair regardless of where the relationship goes because she can't resist a Soft Boy [she's platonic with everyone by default] also confirms if he asks that she did have intimate encounters before. Or licked a lampost, as he put it. Not for love, but because why not. Surprisingly it's Zevran of all people who awakens her protective instincts the most, especially after he shares more of his life.
-She saves everyone in her path or tries to, which also means Stein and Shale are joining the team. She finds them hilarious most of the time, especially Shale, she never misses an opportunity to hear her opinion. She's not as close to Morrigan and Leiana because they both feel too extreme in their beliefs to her. Usually she takes Alistair, Wynne and Zevran out with her, the ones she's closest to (besides Shale, but for some reason they've decided they always have a four-people team when scouting so she can only take the other three, otherwise she'd always hang out with her too). Loves staying at camp, plays with her mabari "Dog" all the time. She'd die for her dog Dog. They are all allowed to notice she's repressing a lot while genuinely caring for them.
-while she encourages Alistair to become king, she respects he doesn't want to. Even so, she doesn't trust anyone in Loghain's family so in the end she convinces him to take the crown (any Alistair player can choose otherwise): if they are in a romantic relationship she'll be with him as his wife, and be in charge if he doesn't want to be, if they aren't then as an advisor who will do the job until he's ready. Anora is imprisoned if Neria has any say in it. Loghain is executed by Alistair. Her final (non canon) suggestion is to appoint a regent who will actually rule while they still live as Wardens, he can retire and be king later.
-There is a truce between Dalish and werewolves but only after Zathrian is convinced to sacrifice himself. She helps Bhelen in Orzammar (I have very few memories of this quest as I always try to get past it as quickly as possible, but I remember one important thing about the dwarfs-quests: she does help Dagna with her dream even if she warns her against the Circle). She saves the mages at the circle too and it's a bitter time, because as much as she'd like to agree with Cullen and kill them all 'just to be safe' she knows that's not the way. Speaking of which Cullen was someone she found cute, and she flirted playfully (only for him to run away) - she never realized he actually liked her (apparently she looked for affection in all the wrong places).
-Scenario A, automatic if she's the leader and you don't ask me for scenario B (below): while she's ready to die for the Cause and wants to kill the Archdemon herself after deciding that she won't force Alistair to sleep with Morrigan, she can't stand the fact that Alistair will sacrifice himself for her. Which is exactly what happens the first time around. After Alistair dies for her, she goes to an imprisoned Jowan, forcing him to send her back into the fade so she can get the right demon to help her change what happened, transferring her memories to her past self so she'll make a better choice; it's once again the night before the last fight, and this time around the ritual is performed. She strikes the Archdemon down herself. Both she and Jowan remember this. In exchange for such a monumental spell/curse, her magic is gone forever. She does have enchanted swords thanks to Sandal, whom she cares for very much, but she can't access her own magic. The demon who gave her the curse hopes she'll come back to accept the deal they offered: share her body so she can cast spells again, because no magic user can just cut off that part of themselves and not long to have it back. They underestimated the fact that she did it for love (be it romantic or familial), she didn't give up her magic to be accepted by others or because she thought it evil.
This canon divergence is because Neria's writer, me, had no idea Alistair would die, so she went back to an earlier save and changed things, and I wanted to reflect that. If you rather NOT accept this divergence please ask me for the SCENARIO B, which is also automatic if Neria is a follower: (she will convince Alistair to perform the ritual so they can both survive if she's the Hero), but later will lose access to her magic by making a deal with a demon to save a loved one's life: it can absolutely be your muse if you play someone who was in DAO, or by default it will be Zevran (if you play Zevran and you don't want this it will be Shale, and maybe that's also how she's turned back from Golem to human). She doesn't regret it one bit but it hurts like hell not to have a part of herself anymore. And she will take off without explaining anything to her friends, to deal.
-She now also remembers that the first time her magic showed was when the bad men came to the alienage to take her mother away, and her fire magic exploded. She blew up half the street and killed everyone else in the process, including her parents.
-There should be no reason why characters from DA2 can't bump into the Hero of Ferelden, though she's not publicizing herself as such and is re-learning how to be part of the world without magic. By default, for DAI characters, she was reached by a letter written by Leiana (or by Morrigan if you play Leiana) and showed up to give a hand but sort of incognito. It's been ten years, she has definitely learned how to fight without magic and more tricks from her former team. She was looking for a cure to the Callings around Thedas and was close when she thought she had reached her time, but Neria being Neria and anti-believing in what the Enstablishment says (in this case the Grey Wardens lore??) she waited and figured out it was fake. That also pushed her to return to Ferelden and check on Alistair first, then on this new Inquisition. She's not taking charge but she knows her reputation may help the Inquisitor in keeping people hopeful.
If she's a follower/companion she's found in Lothering after surviving Ostagar, taken there by a mage who found her unconscious; Duncan didn't have time to introduce her to the HoF but Alistair has likely seen her once or twice in passing, she hasn't been a Warden for long. But she needs to have had her Jowan storyline or a nearly identical one in which Irving is ready to have her punished for helping a friend who claimed not to be a blood mage but was lying, since it's vital to her development, so she's been saved by Duncan too; you can see what kind of advice she'd give by reading her choices here but she's all for saving people EVEN when they are pro/work in the Circle.
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I'm late bc life, but I saw those book asks and immediately hoped you'd rb so I can ask you #2
So like. You know you don't need an ask list to just. Ask me questions. Right?
2. Top 5 books of all time?
Oh, Jeez. I'm really bad at picking top favorites and I have very nuanced thoughts on a lot of things, so this is hard to just go, "Favorites. Just Favorites. Generically."
Let's. See what I can do for you here.
The Night Room, probably. I read it at a Formative Age (middle school), and it really stuck with me hard. It's extremely re-readable, accessible but really nuanced and subtle in a lot of ways. Has kind of a Breakfast Club-y cast in a lot of ways, which is fun. Contemporary spec fic (although it's from the 90s, so, uh, don't expect cell phones or too much internet). There's a lot of references to things, and I just really like that in fiction personally. There's a little delight and bonus to me when I can see from a book how well-read the author is. Also it's literally dedicated to "The Crews of the Starships Enterprise." It would be a fun book to mark up for a lit class, I think.
The Goblin Emperor. This one was the runner up for the Hugo the year The Three Body Problem won. I'm a big fan of Sarah Monette/Katherine Addison's writing. She has a doctorate in the English and is very well versed in the Classics ad Renaissance Drama and holy crap can you tell. It's not that she references these things when she's writing, but the nuanced way characters talk and the way the worlds she writes are builds are just so very rich and dense and full of life. I was first introduced to her via the Doctrine of Labyrinths books, which are...extremely, extremely dark, but the character voice shifts make me so so so envious God I wish I could write like that oh My God. The Goblin Emperor, however, is slightly lighter and much more hopeful fare, which is much more my style. It's still dense and rich, but is slightly less about trauma and more about the difficulties of governance.
A Friend for Dragon. This is a picture book. I don't care. It's fucking great. It's about friendship and loneliness and grief.
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard. Look, I like my books as "Applied Queer Theory following two soft, snarky dumbasses." It's great, okay? There's flaws, sure, but it hits me deep in my heart and soul.
Ah, hell. This has gotten very hard. I want to list a go-to Comfort Read, but I don't think I have one. I don't re-read much anymore (I did a lot when I was a kid, just because I didn't have all access to as many books as how fast I read). Also half my books are in boxes right now so I can't just glance at my bookcases. I keep thinking of a lot of books I really liked once upon a time but had an emotional breakup with. And then hemming over, "I thought this book was great, but is it favorite?" But after scrolling through Story Graph for sometime, I think I'll pick Trick of the Light for this one. I really enjoyed Rob Thurman until she vanished into the ether, and while I certainly have some over all criticisms of her writing, I always enjoyed reading it anyway. And Trick of the Light, I don't know, appealed to me in a way some of her other series didn't. Maybe it was Zeke and Griffin (it was almost certainly Zeke and Griffin).
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet John & Ruth Wolfe
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Their meeting felt like fate, and as hard as it is to believe, a cliché one at that. John was coming into a farmer’s market with crates filled with vegetables from his family’s garden when a young woman, head down reading a book, ran into him. The produce scattered on the floor, the woman apologized profusely at her mistake, and then drops to her knees to help him pick it up.
After that, they kept on running into each other. First at the store, then the laundry mat, and even on the sidewalk. They’d say a quick sorry, small talk for a bit before one or the other said they had to go.
One run-in, John had had enough of the small talk so he asked her on a date. Ruth agreed and that weekend, they went to the local diner. The first was such a great date that they went on many more before he officially asked her to be his girl.
The first year of college, Ruth and John struggled, him being in the Navy didn’t help. It was a long awaited leave that Leonard was created, they hadn’t planned for him, but that didn’t matter. A few months later John proposed to Ruth and that very night signed papers down at the courthouse.
After Leo, they tried for another, but had trouble conceiving, so it was pure luck when Quinn Penelope Wolfe was born. Quinn’s birth was difficult and hard on Ruth’s body, and the couple were told that they couldn’t have anymore. Two years after Quinn and a couple of miscarriages, they had another little girl, Rebecca Joslyn Wolfe.
John and Ruth knew that the neighbors had kids about the same age as their son, but with everything going on, they never met. That was until their eldest was six, middle was four, and the youngest one in a half.
Leo, as he liked to be called, met a girl on the playground who had gotten hurt and like his daddy taught him, helped her. It was the beginning of a beautiful and disastrous relationship.
As the years gone by, and Leonard talked about the Navy, as three generations of Wolfe men had done, Cricket started to pull away. Then, after he had been accepted and even had a reserved spot in basic, that’s when things really turned to shit.
John nor Ruth knew about the Pruitt’s taking their daughters’ letters and hiding them, it really upset the couple when they let Leo take the blame for their decision. John and Ruth encouraged their children to follow what they wanted, and not let others hold them back.
So it wasn’t very surprising to his parents when he decided to graduate early and go to basic. What they didn’t know, but learned later, was that the children had made a pact to graduate together. Ruth chewed him out for that, a man is only as trustworthy as he is honest.
When Leonard and his friend came to visit, Ruth and Katherine tried to stay out of it, but it was hard watching their children be so blind to what’s in front of them.
The mothers waited for the other women from both families to recruit them to the cause before they meddled. It mostly payed off in the end, because Leo & Cricket had finally said they loved each other, but of course her stupid son had to ruin the perfect moment.
After the big blow out, it took weeks, but both mothers convinced Duckie & Cricket to go visit San Diego, which ended up working well for both young women. Every once in a while both parents get a letter from their children and updates them on their lives in Fighter Town.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @switchbladedreamz @sweetlittlegingy
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