#katana-chan finally appears in this one!
Look at how my tears ricochet.
(or the unoverse fic)
(part 2)
(the MuSan is less subtle and more tragic because hell yeah, but it still could be seen as platonic since the plot is focus on the angst and not on the romance at all)
(also some background HanKisa if you squint it)
(link to ao3, in case someone prefers to read it there)
Introduction and Part 1 here. Read it before for this to make sense!
I want to dedicate this chapter to @souyaddiction because your post of this morning gave me the hype to finally sit down and end it because it was half-done for more than a month. So thanks, really. your words meant a lot! (and for the rest of you, don't hesitate to comment on the fics you like, it will make an author so damn happy 💜)
Also, a song for this chapter, courtesy of @just-sp-in-inginthevoid and their amazing Sanzu playlist!
Warnings: Angst and hurt/no comfort. Sanzu is having another mental breakdown (once for chapter, seems like a good ratio I guess?🤔). Mental health issues and a lot of self-hate because lil gremlin is not having a good time. I promise the ending will be bittersweet and have some hope on it (but not for Sanzu, sorry blorbo!)
MANGA SPOILERS! (Sanzu's mind it's a big manga spoiler)
Notes: Okay, I know I said it would change POV between Kisaki and Sanzu, but I don't know how to write Kisaki, his mind is a total mystery for me. So...this is Sanzu's POV again because thank god he's a stalker and I could fit all the plot just with his point of view. I don't feel too confident with the part of Kisaki's dialogue, but I did my best, I hope he doesn't sound OoC! (also, the thought on Kisaki and Hanma belong to Sanzu, not me, I love my HanKisa weirdos)
Next chapter will be the last one, yuhuuuu! Stay tunned 💜
'This are his intrusive thoughts' and 'This are his regular thoughts'! I was trying to show how broken his mind already is and this seemed like the best way in my head of showing it, I hope it makes sense :)
Also, I did that game with the names again because I love it. I used "Haruchiyo" when he feels more vulnerable, more emotional. And "Sanzu" when he's trying to hide this vulnerability or more close to the edge, to becoming that deranged Sanzu that we saw in Kanto Manji and Bonten.
(Same for "Mucho" and "Muto", since is Sanzu's pov the first one is used in more affectionate moments)
(English is not my first language, so be nice please 🙈)
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To be honest, Sanzu is bored. He's plan was pretty simple: following Kisaki around until he discovers something he can use. It's also really easy to do it, at least for him. He's too used to being a shadow, to not being looked twice. Something that used to be painful but plays in his favor when he needs to spy on someone. 'Sure, keep lying to yourself, you love being nothing more than a mere shadow for everyone. Always so easy to ignore.'
After more than two weeks of doing this, the most interesting thing that happened was when Kisaki managed to make Hanma a new captain in Toman, pulling off an alliance that apparently impressed some of the other captains. Haruchiyo felt a punch in his gut at this, as if this decision was the same as spitting on Baji's memory. But he shut up, even if he couldn't understand why Mikey did this, at the end of the day, who was he to question the king's decisions?
If Mikey had asked Sanzu about this, he would've said it was a terrible idea. But he didn't, no one asked him, so he just kept his opinion for himself. 'No one ever asks you anything that actually matters, right? Because they don't trust you.' 'That's not true, Baji trusted me. That's why I'm doing this, I can't let him down.'
His own thoughts are starting to go out of control (again) and Sanzu is sure that the cause is this tedium. 'Do something, fucker! Plan a murder, plot some evil shit or whatever!' But no, Kisaki just keeps doing the same routine almost every freaking day (at least that allows him to still keep an eye on Mikey, since Kisaki actually goes to class, that bastard it's so boring). He tries to distract himself wondering why on Earth Hanma looks so amused around the boy with glasses, like he was in some kind of circus. 'What a freak, he genuinely likes spending time with that fucker'.
To be honest, Sanzu actually learned some important things spying on Kisaki. Like how he never locks his window at night, giving Hanma the freedom to sneak in and out of his room. The scarred boy felt like Christmas came earlier the day he discovered that, a maniacal grin under his mask.
He also learned that Kisaki was panicking after the stunt that Baji pulled on him. Haruchiyo loves knowing that Baji left such a big mark, a force of nature until the very end. But that's not all, Kisaki is scared. He doesn't want to deal with another one of Mikey's childhood friends wreaking havoc on his plans. So, apparently, Sanzu is next in line.
Not that Sanzu is complaining (at all). It makes his job easier, actually. No need to be worried about collateral damage if he's the target. The only thing he has to do, is discovering how Kisaki is going to try to put him out of the picture. Once he knows, he'll find a way to mess with that plan and kill the bastard. No middle points, he's not going to risk it (Baji is already dead, he can't risk it).
'Maybe his plan is killing me from boredom. And it's working.' He almost laughs out loud with this thought, but Hanma and Kisaki are close now, he has to keep it quite. Shrinking himself further into the shadows of the alley, Sanzu tries to sharpen his hearing.
“You've been talking for ages about how you're going to take down the 5th Division vice-captain, but you still didn't tell me exactly how. C'mon Kisaki, don't be mean, you know my curiosity is piqued!”
Hanma speaks so loud that it's quite easy to hear, always acting like he was on a theater. Unfortunately, the other boy is more cautious, so he's unable to grasp everything.
“...Toman's traitor. He'll be the key... he should arrive in a few minutes. Be a good pawn and stop whining.”
The taller boy grins at that, but Sanzu is not really paying attention to their weird dynamic anymore, his efforts are finally paying off. And it's better than he imagined, he's going to be able to uncover a traitor in Toman!
If it weren't for the fact that he's being sneaky, Sanzu would jump from excitement right now. Obviously, it would be much better if there wasn't a snake within the gang, but one of the many things he learned from his captain, is that there is always going to be scabs. That's why the task of the 5th Division is to purge them.
So yes, maybe Sanzu shouldn't be this happy about this. 'You definitely shouldn't, are you glad of having to kill someone else?' He ignores his stupid brain, because he knows that's not it. He isn't glad with the idea of having to do that. He doesn't want to become a murderer, he just wants to protect Mikey. And he's willing to pay the cost.
But that's not it. Not all, at least. He's about to find a traitor all on his own, without any type of help (well, with Baji's help to be fair). Haruchiyo is going to prove his value to his captain, he's going to show how useful he can be. He's sure that Mucho will look at him with a delighted smile on his face, that he'll compliment his skills and his hard work.
Yes, that's it. He'll protect Mikey, he'll honor Baji's last will and he'll make his captain proud of him. Mucho will see that he's more than a wild animal that needed to be tamed. His captain will see that he's worthy, he's certain of it. And Haruchiyo will finally be able to believe it, to feel like more than just a nuisance. 'Are you really worthy?' 'Yes, I am. I'm going to be after this.'
The minutes seem to be passing slower until, finally, the three boys catch the sound of someone approaching them. Sanzu makes sure again they can't see him, trying to be one with the darkness that surrounds him. Until the person arrives and he almost stumbles against the wall from the shock. What is his captain doing here? 'Maybe he knows? Maybe he discovered what this two were planning. Yeah, it has to be that!'
He feels a excitement through his body at the idea that they can take Kisaki down together. Like it should be. But something inside his brain is telling him to wait, to evaluate the situation before. 'You say it yourself, you can't risk it. Are you gonna bet Mikey's life on Muto?' Sanzu shakes his head and decides to listen. 'Just in case, right?'
The 5th division captain stamps Kisaki against the wall, fury flowing on his eyes, keeping Hanma away with the other hand.
“What makes you think you have any right to call me here, Kisaki?” The voice is calm but harsh at the same time.
The boy with glasses just laugh and puts his hands up, showing a false submission and calming his lap dog with a gesture.
“Calm down, Muto, I just wanted a few words with you. We have a friend in common, don't we?”
Sanzu ears perk up with this, unsure of what he should think of that. But his captain seems to understand, because he loosens his grip, allowing the bastard to be free.
“Izana.” Muto only grumbles one word, but it's enough for Kisaki to show a satisfied smile on his hideous face.
“I knew we could understand each other. Now that we clear out the issue of your loyalty, there something... Some one, in the middle of the way to crush Mikey like Izana wants, isn't it?”
Muto just clenches his fits, his knuckles getting almost white. But he doesn't deny the words, he doesn't deny that he is... A traitor? 'No, he can't be. No. No' 'Are you sure? He looks like one. Still happy about it?' 'Shut up, he can't be. He can't.'
“Would you kill for Izana, Muto?” Kisaki's voice feels like a poison, rotting away everything Haruchiyo used to know about his captain.
“What do you want exactly? I don't have time for your little games, go to the point.”
“Sanzu. Your vice-captain is too close to Mikey, knows to much. He could jeopardize Izana's plans to isolate Mikey. Sanzu must go, is that simple.”
A fist punches the wall, right next to Kisaki's face. The boy flinches for a second, but keep his composure.
“That simple? No. I know Sanzu, he's loyal to me, he isn't going to do shit without orders.”
The scarred boy wants to laugh at the irony, they both thought they knew each other so well, didn't they? And they were both wrong. So, so wrong.
“Oh, really? Do you think Sanzu would still follow you around once you betray Mikey?” His voice gives off a false sweetness. “After what you saw in that funeral?”
Muto just purses his lips at that, almost like it the first time he has to confront this fact. That he can't have everything.
“I see you understand now. Don't worry, I'm merciful, I'll let you a few days to think about it.”
This are the last words that Haruchiyo is able to comprehend, his mind, his whole world, seems to be spinning out of control. He tries to stabilize his own body leaning against the wall, feeling too dizzy, ends up slipping to the ground. He's shaking, not realizing how much time has passed, but the others are no longer in his sight anymore.
Taking off his mask, he throws up, feeling sick. 'This is too much, this can't be...Mucho... I trusted him.' 'Did you? You kept so many secrets from him, didn't you?' 'Because I promised to Shinichiro, that's different!'
Haruchiyo just wants to scream, to bang his head against the wall, to disappear swallowed by the shadows of the alley. He can't even go back home. 'What home? The one you share with that damn impostor?' But he should, he should pull himself together or he'll compromise his plan.
A pair of dark eyes come to his mind, a reminder of why he's doing all of this. 'Mikey. I can't fail him. He's the only one that matters, Muto can burn in hell.' 'Are you going to be the one sending him there? Can you really do that? After everything he gave you?'
Sanzu steadies his own breathe, trying to focus on his mission, on what he knows it's the right thing to do. He's finally able to start walking, the breeze of the night helping him to come back to reality. 'Yes, I can do it. The only thing he gave me was lies, it means nothing. It never meant anything, anyway.'
He can hear that annoying voice inside his brain laughing at him and oh, he hates it so much, he hates his own brain so fucking much. 'That's it, then? You'll just keep the lies going on, use him to get to Kisaki and kill them both?' 'Yes.' 'And how far will you go with your lies? Are you going to snuggle against him in bed tonight? To ask him for affection like a desperate puppy like you always do?'
He stops on his track at that, unsure of how to handle it, if he'll be able to pretend like this tonight. Maybe he doesn't need to, it wouldn't be the first time that he spends the night out, his captain never asked too much questions before. That's it, he can just sleep in one of his old hidings and think carefully about how to get rid of those two bastards. Face Muto tomorrow, prepare himself before.
'I'm going to use that fucking betrayer to get to Kisaki, they'll regret trying to stab Mikey's back. I'm going to make sure of that.' Sanzu smirks cruelly with this thought, savoring the idea. The punishment. He'll be the one imparting justice in the king's name. And he'll enjoy it, it doesn't matter who receives the penalty. They should've known better. His captain should've known better. 'You should've known better than trust him too.'
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When the morning comes, Muto is not in their small apartment. He seems to just left, most of his things aren't there. A shoji board and and old leather jacket that Haruchiyo used to steal from him seem to be the only important possessions his captain left behind. 'Coward, he's a damn coward.'
Sanzu is burning in rage, a renewed feeling of betrayal growing inside of him, staining and corrupting his already broken mind. 'What are you going to do now? You were too weak to face him when you had the chance and he ran away. You failed. Again.' 'No, I didn't, I still know how to get to Kisaki. No more waiting.'
The place feels suffocating without Muto's calm presence, but it doesn't matter, he knows exactly what he needs to take from his own room.
In the middle of the night, a silent shadow climbs until he's manages to sneak through the unlocked window. Stepping inside, he waits until his eyes get used to the darkness of the room.
“Hanma?” A sleepy voice asks with a not-so-subtle insecurity lingering in it.
“Wrong answer, fucker.” Sanzu snickers, before slamming Kisaki's head with the hilt of his katana, knocking the boy unconscious.
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ta-ni-ya · 9 months
(It’s about time I finally do this)
Name: Taniya
Nickname: Niya
Age: 16+
Birthday: 28 April
Fav colour: pink >:3
Pronouns: she/her
If you’ve seen my posts, you can already tell I’m an artist and I do original character designs and sometimes use references- I also draw my mutuals :D
I’m Indian idk if that was necessary to know but still anyways lol-
Also I haven’t revealed this but I’m still in school ;-; I never really got a reason to tell but this kinda explains my break right?
I love cats. That’s it.
I love sleeping so much but my schedule is messed up because of it that’s why I don’t have any fixed time to post because I be sleeping during the day and being awake at night sometimes 😭🤡 (I’m not sure if I got insomnia bro-)
I also have this habit of adding emojis everywhere so don’t mind me- I just like expressing myself with emojis
Also- I have a habit of saying ‘lol’ a lot ;~;
I also might share some random stuff about me? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I also draw my own oc’s (so far I’ve made from demon slayer, Tokyo Revengers and, mha and one piece)
I originally made an account on tumblr just to read stuff but I eventually decided why not post my own stuff? And I’ve made a lot of friends now :)
My lovely mutuals 🥰:
There’s more but I’ve reached the tag limit 💀
Appreciation post
(Please lemme know if I missed someone ;-;)
Some of my moot’s ocs that I’m a huge simp for:
Kansatoki Hikari 🙈💚
@persuasionhero / @slayfics
Catilina alexandrovich 🥹🫶🏻
Hiroyuki kajiwara 👀🩵
Takahiro shinkirou 🤭🥰
Anywaysss here’s my oc:
Demon slayer oc (shipped with Sanemi shinazugawa)- ♡
Her backstory- ☆
More about her appearance- ♥︎ •
More info- ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Facts- ♤
Her animation!- ♧
Katana design- ○
Sanekiri- *
Modern au- <3
Voice claim- ●
A series with @kiyokatokito’s oc
Demon slayer oc 2 (shipped with takahiro shinkirou) - ♡
Voice claim- ●
Tokyo revengers oc (shipped with Shinichiro sano)- ♡
More about her appearance- ♥︎ •
One piece oc (shipped with no one)- ♡
More about her appearance- ♥︎ • °
Her backstory- ☆
Facts- ♤
My hero academia oc(s) (shipped with each other)- ♡ ♡
Ship name- Haruki
Voice claim- ●
Voice claim- ●
A random oc (shipped with @tokito-dulya20’s oc catilina alexandrovich and @muitsuri’s oc katarina)- ♡
Ship name- catrinelle
Them all together
I also have 3 rp blogs:
Lol I think that’s all for now? I might update later if I have more to add ig ^^
Thank you for reading this-
Here have head pats:
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65 notes · View notes
typingatlightspeed · 25 days
TF2 Fanfic - The Extreme Path Chapter 4
Spy witnesses the Makai family's threats firsthand, and with no doubt left in his mind, has to reconcile with the fact that a promise made to him almost forty years ago was being broken. Yoko is horrified about this revelation of Spy's past, and poor Sniper, Scout, and Kazuhiro are caught in the crossfire. Good news, however, the team's final member has arrived, and man oh man is he immediately gunning for the team's gunman.
Ao3 Link! Part of Monstrous Intent!
I promise I didn't mean to rip off a major plot point of Ryu Ga Gotoku/Yakuza 1, it just ended up happening that way! o-o Also warning for domestic violence, as well as murder but this is ostensibly a TF2 fic so murder is part and parcel yanno?
Yamamori Ryokan, Izumisano, Osaka, Japan. June 6th, 1970.
The crash of splintering wood woke Spy with a start. He heard men yelling, and sprung to his feet. Snatching his balisong and watch from beneath his pillow, he tore out of his room in his underwear, skidding barefoot to a halt in the lobby, where Yoko stood. Her hands were clenched into fists as she watched Kazuhiro charge outside with a wooden practice katana clutched in one hand.
"They're back again. Those Makai family assholes."
Spy made to follow Kazuhiro out, but was stopped by Yoko's hand on his bare shoulder. He turned to see her holding one of the yukata from the rack behind her, and looked down at himself. "Ah, yes. Merci."
A loud crack filled the air as wood shattered and broke, creaking as the sign for the ryokan toppled over, its supports broken yet again. A burly hibagon, an ape-man covered in shaggy black fur and wearing a suit with an ornate lapel pin, hefted his sledgehammer up over his shoulder, laughing at the destruction he'd wrought.
"Oi, Aniki! Looks like you got the bird-man's attention," called a man with white cat ears and a long black and white tail that split into a Y-shape, standing beside a car that had been haphazardly parked halfway up the walkway from the road. He was a nekomata, and he too wore a suit with a lapel pin, and a gold chain around his neck, shown by the open buttons of his garish purple shirt.
"Looks like I did," the hibagon replied with a chuckle, turning to stare down Kazuhiro as he approached, practice sword in hand. He widened his eyes. "Decide to pay up yet?"
"Get off of our property, or I will throw you off," Kazuhiro threatened, bringing the sword to bear.
The hibagon bristled. "See, that worked last time: your little samurai routine. But this time you're a little outnumbered." He motioned to the car, and two more thugs, both human in appearance, climbed out, grinning. They were dressed similarly, all glaring with wide eyes, looking wild and eager to fight.
Kazuhiro held his ground, his face stern.
"You got two options, tengu. Either you pay up, or we beat your ass and burn this cute little onsen to the ground while we carry off your woman." He dropped the sledgehammer down to just above the ground, ready to bring it to bear.
"You'd have to fight her first. May as well cut your own throat and save yourself the trouble," Kazuhiro countered with a smirk. "I'm out here to be the nice one."
"Don't think the whole nice approach is workin' for you, bud."
A knife pressed to the hibagon's throat, and in a puff of smoke, Spy decloaked, wearing the shape of his Frenchman self. "Oh good. I hate the nice approach."
"Aniki!" the nekomata yelled, holding back from charging forward as Spy forced the hibagon to turn, giving him line of sight to everyone involved. He snarled, fangs on display. "Who the fuck is this white boy?"
"I'm the guardian kami of this spring," Spy snorted, holding the knife closer, cutting through a chunk of fur to press the blade to skin. His eyes flickered to the pin on the thug's lapel, taking in its details before returning to the nekomata.
"Real fuckin' funny," the hibagon grunted. He dropped the sledgehammer and looked to Kazuhiro. "You think hirin' muscle's gonna help you? We know what you are, and some hired goon ain't gonna save you from your customers findin' out. You got 'til the end of the week to pay up, or Captain Nagoshi's making sure all of Osaka knows what you two are."
"You're makin' an awful lotta threats for a guy with a knife to his throat," Spy hummed, smirking.
"You gonna murder me on the doorstep of this ryokan? Sure that'd be great for business."
"Nobody would miss a lowlife chinpira like you."
"You talk a lotta shit for a foreigner."
"You talk a lotta shit for a dead man."
"Stop!" Kazuhiro called, looking pleadingly to Spy. "If we kill the messenger, do you think they're going to hold back on exposing us?"
Spy scoffed and pulled the knife away, shoving the yakuza thug away with an annoyed, "Tch."
Rubbing at his throat, the hibagon backed up to the car, nodding to his companions, who all climbed back in. "Friday," he growled. He stalked over and got in, slamming the door loudly. The car backed sloppily out onto the road, knocking over a jizo statue on its way and crushing a lantern, and sped off down the mountain road from whence it came.
Spy sagged. "Sorry."
"Don't be," Kazuhiro replied, sighing as he beheld his re-broken sign. "They would've beaten me bloody if you hadn't showed up."
"I'm surprised Yoko wasn't out here backin' you up."
"I don't want her dealing with them if I can avoid it," Kazuhiro reasoned. "Unlike you, she wouldn't have moved the knife."
Spy flipped his knife closed and shifted back to Shigeru. "That's true. Either way, I got a look at those lapel pins. No mistake, that really is the Makai family. Which doesn't make any sense."
"Why not?"
"Because Patriarch Ugaki swore an oath to me that the family would never touch the Morimoto foxes."
Sōemonchō, Chūō-ku, Osaka, Japan. April, 1932.
"Are you serious? This is fuckin' bullshit!"
The clacking of gambling tokens and clattering of dice filled the smoky room of the little gambling hall. Tucked away in a side alley, it was a large, mostly unadorned room with old-fashioned decor, a wall with a sliding door separating it from the back of the house. Upon the tatami floor sat a host of gamblers sitting across from a few dealers running cho-han, shaking dice in small baskets and upending them in games of guessing evens or odds. An angry young man dressed in an ill-fitting suit jumped to his feet, pointing accusatorily at the dealer in front of him.
"This game's rigged! No way it's han five rolls in a row!"
"Sir, please be seated if you wish to continue to play," the dealer—a pretty young woman dressed in a kimono—asked, lifting the dice between her fingers and dropping them back into the basket.
"The fuck you mean 'sit down'?" the young man barked, leaning in angrily, towering over the seated woman. "I want back all the money you fucks stole from me!"
"Sir." The dealer looked past him and flashed a hand sign, then looked back up to him. "Sir, I understand losing is difficult, but I must ask that you calm down. You're making a scene."
"Makin' a scene?! Good! You're straight-up fleecin' me!" Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a pocket knife, flipping it open to a chorus of gasps and the thumping scramble of other patrons moving away. "I oughtta cut your tongue out for takin' to me like that!"
The dealer stared at him, looking exhausted.
The wet thump of impact interrupted any further threats, as the man fell to the ground in a heap, his knife clattering to the floor beside him. Behind him, Shigeru tucked his blackjack back into his pocket and smoothed out his jacket, which bore a lapel pin showing the Makai family crest. He took a drag from his cigarette. "Dipshit."
"Thank you, Morimoto-han," the dealer said, bowing.
"Don't worry 'bout it," Shigeru replied, stepping over the unconscious patron and past the line of dealers. He slid open a door behind them and poked his head into a room with a low table, where a group of men in finely-tailored suits were seated on the floor around it, sharing sake and chatting. "Captain Ugaki?"
A slim man with a wide nose, rounded eyes, and close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair lifted his head, smiling slightly at the sight of him. "What's up, Morimoto-chan?"
"Guy out here makin' a ruckus, drew a knife. He's takin' a nap right now. Should I take the trash out or should I make sure it's properly disposed of?"
Captain Ugaki shook his head with a laugh. "Just toss the asshole in the street. Take his wallet as a warning shot. If he decides to start shit with the family again we'll put the boots to him."
"On it, Oyaji," Shigeru said, slipping out and sliding the door closed.
Yamamori Ryokan, Izumisano, Osaka, Japan. June 6th, 1970.
The sliding glass doors to the ryokan were locked. A pair of sliding wooden doors were locked in front of them. The broken sign still laid in the rock garden beside the path. In the lobby, the phone rang unanswered.
On the second floor of the main building, in Yoko and Kazuhiro's small apartment, the team sat on the living room floor around a short, square table. A sake cup rested in front of each person, a small jug at the middle of the table.
Yoko stared at Spy, not breaking eye-contact as she slugged back her sake and set the cup on the table, clacking it loudly.
Spy picked up the jug and refilled her cup.
Yoko's brows furrowed, and drank her cup again, clacking it down a little louder.
"Yo-chan..." Kazuhiro started, but was silenced as Yoko held a finger up to shush him, not sparing him a glance. She kept her eyes firmly on her brother.
Spy refilled her cup again. Yoko drank it in a single gulp and slammed the cup onto the table, rattling the other cups, making Scout, Sniper, and Kazuhiro jump.
"So tell me, Shigeru. What the fuck were you thinking?" Yoko barked, tails lashing in annoyance.
"It was after I got into espionage, but before the war. The guy I was working for had been blackmailed by someone on the extreme path—"
"Don't use their words for themselves. They're fucking yakuza."
"You're awful venemous about them considering how much crime you've done yourself over the years."
"There's a difference."
Spy scoffed and continued. "The blackmailer was in the Makai family. Guy name of Daito Shigeki. So I came back over to get into the family to get close to him."
"Using your real name?"
"Not at first. I was goin' by Sawamura Kazuma at the time. Turned out Daito wasn't just blackmailin' foreigners who did business with the clan. He was a mole in the family, workin' on a plan to assassinate the family captain, Ugaki Goro. My employer just wanted Daito dead. The family, once I gave them a small mountain of evidence I'd gathered over a year, made that happen. But to prove all of that to Captain Ugaki, I had to play my hand about bein' undercover. Captain was so grateful anyway he made us sworn brothers, and asked if I'd stay in the family." Spy shrugged. "The Makai family targeted youkai businesses and interests, both to keep 'em as turf and to keep human families from causin' 'em trouble. The protection money was in exchange for actual protection, for the most part. Still extortion, but they at least walked the talk. So I stuck around, 'cause I knew bein' a kitsune named Morimoto on their payroll might put other kitsune named Morimoto on their radar. So if I were in the family, I could keep 'em away from anythin' you and Ken-chan might be up to."
"Don't play like you did this for our sakes."
"At first? No. Once I realized I'd fucked up royally by being exposed? Believe what you want, but I'm tellin' you that's why I stuck around."
"How long were you with them?"
"Two more years. Then it all went to shit. The patriarch, Kanda, was dating Captain Ugaki's sister, Rie. Always on the bubble of not treatin' her good, but nobody saw nothin', and even if we did, what could we say to the patriarch? But we all got the feelin'. He didn't put much respect in his mouth when he talked to her. Well one day they had it out, and he ended up hittin' her somewhere you could see it. And her brother found out."
"What'd he do?"
Sōemonchō, Chūō-ku, Osaka, Japan. April, 1934.
Everyone had heard the screaming. By the time Shigeru had arrived, he could hear police sirens in the distance. Drawing himself up, he charged up the stairs to Ugaki Rie's apartment, his guts drawn tight.
The door was ajar, the frame broken by forced entry. Splinters of wood were everywhere. He could hear a woman sobbing. Steeling himself, Shigeru pushed the door slowly open and crept inside into the darkened, single-room apartment.
Moonlight shone in from the balcony, reflecting off of a darkened puddle on the wood floor, silver-white on shadow-blackened crimson. A woman, Ugaki's sister Rie, was curled up against the side of the kitchen cabinets, holding her knees to her chest and crying. Her skirt was ripped, her hair a mess. In the middle of the room lay the body of Patriarch Kanda, dead. Deep, ragged gouges covered his body, slashed by claw and fang, his throat torn open. Hunched over him, a man-shaped otter youkai—a kawauso—knelt, blood dripping from his claws and soaking his suit.
Shigeru stopped, choked on his own breath, barely croaking out, "Captain..."
The kawauso turned, blood splattering his face, and slowly shifted into human shape, agony creasing his tear-stained features. "Morimoto-chan..."
"Captain, what—"
"I... I couldn't stop myself. When Rie called me, said he was yellin', gettin' violent, that he hit her before and she was afraid he was gonna do worse this time..." Ugaki shook his head, looking down at his hands, "I snapped. I ran the whole way here, and ripped his fuckin' throat out. I... I'm sorry, kyodai."
The sirens grew closer. "Sorry?"
"That you're gonna have to deal with a patriarch like Lieutenant Nagoshi. If the family don't just dissolve."
"The family ain't dissolvin'; what're you talkin' about?"
"The patriarch's dead. Ain't no way I ain't goin' down for this, Morimoto-chan. If the cops don't get me, the clan will. Patricide..."
Shigeru knelt beside Ugaki and looked down to the lifeless body of Kanda on the floor. "No." He shook his head. This was his sworn brother, defending his family. He'd have done the same or worse if Yoko had been in Rie's position. Panic welled in his heart as he realized the decision he'd already made, with absolutely zero deliberation. He slammed his hands down into the puddle of blood and began to wipe it on himself, soaking his hands in it, smearing it on his arms, his face, his suit.
"What the hell are you doin'?" Ugaki barked, grabbing hold of Shigeru's wrists.
"My duty as your sworn brother. The family needs you. Rie-san needs you. And you know there's not a prison that can hold me. You need to run, before the cops get here. Get to the river, ditch those clothes. Lay low, and get back to the family." He dug in his jacket pocket, pulling out a large pearl, about the size of a tennis ball. It glowed softly, subtly, barely lighting the hand that held it, and he handed it to Ugaki. "Hide this somewhere I'll expect. I'll need it once I break out."
"Your hoshitama? Shigeru, no..."
"Look, I discovered my sworn brother's sister was bein' brutalized, and I went to take matters into my own hands before the family even found out. I—I'm a new swear-up. Kasuga Akira." Shigeru shifted his face to something generic, an everyman who didn't stand out, and looked to Rie. "Rie-san? Do you hear that? My name is Kasuga, and I came here to defend you! Your brother had no idea!"
Sniffling, Rie nodded, eyes blackened and swollen nearly shut, her nose bloody. Shigeru looked back down to Kanda's corpse and snarled. Being mauled was too easy a death for what he deserved.
Ugaki nodded, clearly unable to change his subordinate's mind. "Fine, okay. I'll get you an identity, a-and I'll lawyer you up and make sure you don't hang. But you better get outta prison like you said."
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, a sad smile crossed Shigeru's lips. "Just promise me somethin'."
Shigeru leveled a severe glare at his captain. "The family never touches the Morimoto foxes."
Ugaki took Shigeru's hand and clasped it tightly. "I swear you this oath. Nobody touches the Morimoto foxes."
Satisfied, Shigeru gave his hand a squeeze, then released him. "Thank you, kyodai. Now go! Get outta here before the cops show up!" With a wave of his hand and a flash of magic, he pushed an invisibility spell onto his captain and shoved him away, staring at the empty air as his unseen sworn brother took flight, his footsteps retreating until sirens drowned them out.
Looking back down at Kanda, Shigeru let his hands slip into claws, and gave the son of a bitch one last gouge for good measure.
Yamamori Ryokan, Izumisano, Osaka, Japan. June 6th, 1970.
"You went to PRISON for them?!" Yoko yelled, slamming her hands on the table and pitching up onto her knees. The other cups on the table clattered, and Kazuhiro recoiled in shock. Sniper and Scout shared a nervous look, while Spy remained nonplussed.
"For three months. Their security was a joke. Captain Ugaki hid my hoshitama on the roof of the family office, which I took and left without contact. I was back in Paris before the season changed."
"Then what is the point? Yo-chan, the amount of morally suspect shit I've done in my life, both before and after leavin' Japan the first time would turn your fur white."
"If my fur were white then I'd be able to get a job workin' for Inari-okami and I wouldn't be here puttin' up with your bullshit!"
"She's awful mad," Scout mumbled, leaning in to Sniper. "Should we..." he jerked his thumb over his shoulder, wordlessly suggesting an exit.
Sniper nodded, and looked to Kazuhiro, who made eye contact and slowly nodded in agreement. Each slugged back their sake and quietly made their egress.
"She's a spitfire," Sniper muttered as the three descended the stairs into the ryokan proper, the 'staff only' door at its bottom left open.
"Like gettin' yelled at by Ma. Same kinda attitude, like 'is this the time I finally push 'er over the edge an' she stabs me?'"
"Yo-chan is often more calm," Kazuhiro replied, his English hesitant, and thickly-accented. "She hate yakuza."
"I mean, can't say I blame 'er," Scout replied, carefully hopping down the last step to avoid scuffing the hardwood with his hooves. "They keep rollin' in an' wreckin' 'er shit. If I built all this up by hand I'd wanna light the fuckers on fire too."
Scout winced as a tirade he couldn't understand echoed down the stairs in Spy's voice. "You think they're gonna be okay?"
"I think they will. Lot of emotion," Kazuhiro assured him, looking nervously back the way they'd come.
"Tadaima!"called a man's voice from the entryway, startling all three men.
Kazuhiro dashed through the lobby, sliding to a halt on his socks as he saw a man dressed in a business suit stepping out of his shoes and onto the hardwood floor, both doors closed behind him. "Kenji-san! How did you get in here?"
Sniper and Scout trotted in after Kazuhiro, eyes on the newcomer. He was about Scout's height, but broader, athletically built even under the concealing lines of his navy suit, which bore a lapel pin in the shape of a rounded sunflower with a balance scale at its centre. His face was narrow and clean-shaven, with golden-brown eyes and an aquiline nose. His short salt-and-pepper hair was parted to one side. From his backside, three orange tails trailed, the white at their tips more pronounced than Spy's and Yoko's. He had a duffel slung around his torso, with one hand resting on the strap.
"Well I knocked for about ten minutes, then just gave up and picked the locks. Don't worry; I locked up behind me. You know, if you're expecting visitors, you should really be listening for them to arrive," the man, Kenji, explained with a chuckle. He looked to the foreigners, lifting an eyebrow, tensing and almost-instantly relaxing the moment he saw Scout's antlers and cervine legs. "You have guests?"
"Oh, these are friends of Shigeru-san, from his work in America."
"Of course Shige-chan surrounds himself with gorgeous men," Kenji snorted.
"He's a man of taste. This is Mun—"
Kenji surged forward and offered Sniper a handshake and bow together, his eyes roving the taller man, checking him out without any attempt at concealing it. "Morimoto Kenji, a pleasure to meet you," he said in English, flashing him a winning smile, complete with fangs.
Sniper smiled in return, taking his hand for a hearty shake and bowing in addition, making sure to make an obvious show of appraising him in return. "Mundy," he replied. When Kenji released him, he gestured to Scout. "And this is Scout."
"Nice to meet you," Kenji offered, affording Scout a far less lacivious but still pleasantly flirty handshake and bow combination.
"Yeah, right back atcha," Scout replied with a wink, glad he was willing to talk to him rather than just let Sniper translate. "Your English is real good!"
"Thank you," Kenji chuckled, releasing Scout. "I don't speak as many languages as Shige-chan, but I like to think I'm no slouch. And in my line of work, it's more helpful than you'd expect."
"Whatcha you do for a livin'?"
"I'm a defense attorney," Kenji chirped proudly, tapping his lapel pin. "I specialize in representing youkai in court, since we have differing needs compared to humans." He looked to Kazuhiro. "Speakin' of youkai, where are Shige-chan and Yo-chan? I brought some sweets from the city."
"Upstairs. It seems Shigeru-san has a more... intimate knowledge of the situation than any of us had thought."
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
Playing hard to get
Geto x Fem reader
Warnings: Just Geto being a slight dickhead
From the clouds that decorated the morning sky, you had sensed that today would not be the best of ones and even so you still tried to remain positive.
Even when you went to class that morning and greeted your classmates you remained positive.
When sensei Yaga said you would be doing your mission that would promote you to a level 1 sorcerer you still remained positive, no matter how shot your nerves were for having to exorcise a special grade curse.
And you remained positive even when he told you that you would be monitored by a special grade sorcerer, even if you weren't sure which sorcerer it would be. Praying that it would be one from the Kyoto school as you heard they were much more lenient with recommendations.
Even now as you stood infront of the Yotsuya Oiwa Inari shrine you remained positive, and you told yourself no matter how hard the mission would get you'd keep the positive attitude till the end even if you didn't get promoted today.
All this positivity you were radiating kept the smile on your face, a smile that was now slipping into a frown as all the positive drained as none other than Geto Suguru appeared.
"Hey (Y/N)-chan, I've come to watch you fail" he said with a chuckle.
And now what ever positivity that kept you going was all but gone, and you should've taken the cloud from this morning as a warning sign to prepare you for the worst day of your life.
Facing a special grade curse was no longer the issue, rather it being Geto, the man you despised more than any curse or curse user on this earth.
"Why the sulken frown (Y/N)-chan. Have you already given up on your mission"
He was taunting you again.
Something you had grown accustomed to ever since you joined Jujutsu Tech. When you were first introduced to your classmates you thought they were rather welcoming group of individuals, from Gojo's loud greeting of standing up and shaking your hand so hard that you flew side to side, to Shoko's kind and soft gaze as she welcomed you and when your eyes locked onto Getos you had hoped that the cute boy with the tied back hair would give you just an equally warm welcome but instead you were met with a remark that made you want to rip his man bun straight from his head.
And just from opening his mouth the cute boy aesthetic he gave off was gone.
"Wow I guess we just letting anyone into Jujutsu Tech these days"
And ever from the first day of meeting your exchanges had been anything but friendly, the two of you were in constant combat with each other trying to see who was the better sorcerer, who had the best technique or even who had the best hair. Unluckily for you Geto was given the special user title much faster than you had expected and now here you were having him moderate your mission.
"Go on (Y/N)-chan, I don't have whole day"
You gave him a look that would be able to turn Medusa into stone, as you grabbed your katana and trudged on.
"Your stomping like that will scare the curse away"
"Well if my stomping doesn't then your loud mouth will" you said as you finally spoke back as you continued walking throughout the shrine.
Geto was about to give back another snarky remark but before he could you had pulled your katana out, probably sensing the curse near.
You began concentrating, as you sensed the curse engery moving closer and closer. You sensed a curse energy behind you, quickly swinging your katana to the back as your span your body around as quickly as you could.
Your katana was met between two pinched fingers instead of a curse.
"You know maybe if you learnt to swing that thing better, Gojo would like you back" Geto said as he released the katana causing you to slightly move back.
"Can you just shut-up for like two seconds, I was so close to sensing the curse and then you ruined it and who even said I like Gojo" you replied back closing your eyes as you began using your technique to sense the curse.
Geto let out a quiet laugh at your reply, watching as you concentrated away. He always did find you cute from your first day in Jujutsu Tech. Unlike Gojo, Geto wasn't quite well versed in the language of love and so when the feelings of a crush began to form he had no other way but to insult you to gain your attention.
'Any attention is good attention' was the main driving thought that caused Geto to continue to spew remarks at you. He knew there was no other way to get your attention and that's why when Principal Yaga had asked between him and Gojo who would moderate your mission, he was so quick to answer.
"You sense it yet princess or does daddy need to help"
That was your final straw for the day, you didn't care about a promotion anymore. You swung yourself around as quick as you could, with a scowl plastering your face.
"Ooh Kinky, I like it" Geto said as he looked down at your aggrevated expression that he found so cute.
"You know what, Daddy. If you don't shut your trap I'm gonna take this Katana and swew you from your ass straight up to your mouth" you barked out to him.
You looked up at him, looking at his stupid face that had that stupid demeaning smirk on it, that was just itching to be smacked off of his smug face, and you were sure to do it, as you began coming closer nearly closing the space between the two of you.
"You know Geto I really wanna sma-"
"(Y/N) watch out" was all you head as you were flung behind him, as Geto lunged forward to the curse that seemingly appeared out of thin air. To distracted by your pickering to even sense its presence.
You quickly stood up from the floor you were thrown down to. There was no way in that you were going to let Geto steal this moment from you. Quickly you lunged forward with your katana attempting to attack the curse that Geto was now busy fighting.
"(Y/N)-chan, go stand behind me, or your going to get killed" he shouted.
"No this is my mission, you aren't even supposed to be helping me"
"Can you stop being so stubborn. I'm not going to let the girl I love get killed by a stupid special grade curse"
Geto soon realized the words he let slip out, as his faced turned red and he hoped you hadn't heard it.
And sure enough you had, from the moment the words hit your ears you were stunned, you were now frozen on the spot.
Geto quickly exorcised the special grade curse as you watched from behind and even when he was done he refused to turn around and be met with your figure that probably had a confused cute expression.
"So you love me?" Was all you said as you starred at Geto's back.
Geto now turned around, face bright red as he took his right hand to rub behind his neck.
"I never said that" he fake laughed out.
"But you just did" you said still stunned by his confession.
"Fine I do" Geto said dropping the act, and admitting to his confession.
"I really love you (Y/N)-chan, and that's why I'm kind of a dick to you. I'm not smooth with the ladies like Gojo and I thought if I was kinda mean to you I'd get your attention and i mean it's working, I love having your attention and I-"
Without even realizing it Geto hadn't noticed that you had walked over to his rambling self. Placing a soft kiss on his lips to finally shut him up.
"I kinda like you to, Geto"
I hope you like it
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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imtouchestarved · 11 months
Chapter four
It's been weeks since the two last saw each other, but for them, it felt like years. They found themselves wishing to have a little chat or to be called to another meeting by the master again. (Y/n) didn't like that. She doesn't like to be dependent on someone, but she couldn't lie to herself that she found his company pleasant.
Since the last time they met, everytime her crow had a new message for her, she wished it was from him. But it never was. She wasn't mad, of course, she knew the responsibility of being a demon slayer.
Until one time it did.
Just when she finished her last mission, her crow appeared and sat on her shoulder. She thought it was going to say her next destination, but instead, she noticed a small white strap on his leg.
She tilted her head and carefully took it off, petted the crow and sent it to his way. She watched it fly and then opened the letter while moving to a shaded place to cover her from the penetrating sun.
Dear (Y/n) (L/n),
Pardon me for suddenly contacting you without a notice. I just longed to hear your voice again, and I hope you did, too. If you're not busy, I hope you won't mind spending a little of your free time with me and the rest of the hashira, who wish to get to know you.
Meet me in front of the butterfly mansion, summon your crow, and it will lead you towards it.
Yours, Rengoku Kyojuro.
"He really gives off a different vibe when he writes.." her lips curved into a soft grin, and she stifled a chuckle.
She started to set off when suddenly, she felt dizzy and leaned against the wall while closing her eyes, waiting for her head to stop spinning.
When she felt better, she summoned her crow and went to her way.
It was close to midnight when she got to her destination. It was cold, and she was tired. As he promised, Rengoku waited in front of the mansion, along with Shinobu.
"Ah! It's nice to see you again, (L/n)-chan! How have you been?" Shinobu asked as she clapped her hands tenderly. "I've been fine," (Y/n) replied. "I hope you did well too."
Shinobu smiled and nodded, "I did, indeed! Now let's get inside, shall we? Everyone is waiting!" She walked away while humming to herself.
In her absence, (Y/n) looked at Rengoku, who towered over her. The corners of his lips formed a big smile as he stared at her in awe. "It's nice to see you again!" He called as he fidgeting with the hilt of his katana nervously. She forgot how loud he is.
"It sure is nice to see you again, too. Am I the last to arrive? How embarrassing.." she sighed as she hugged herself. "Worry not, Tengen have yet to arrive! Along with sanemi!" He crossed his arms as always.
She couldn't help but feel relieved, the last thing she wants as a new hashira is to embarrass herself. "Good to hear.." she replied.
They both stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
"S-shall we go inside, then?" The girl laughed nervously, trying to break the ice. Rengoku nodded as he started to make his way towards the entrance. "Good decision, follow me!"
It was warm inside. All the hashira sat in a circle around a wooden table, some chatting, some listening. Shinobu sat beside Mitsuri, who was currently chatting with obanai, who sat across her.
As soon as the Mitsuri saw her, she waved her arms in the air while squealing happily. "(Y/n)-chan, you're finally hereeee!"
As her response to her bubbly reaction, a small chuckle escaped (Y/n)'s lips. Mitsuri patted the empty sit next to her as an invitation to sit next to her and Shinobu. She looked at Rengoku, who nodded, signaling her to go.
As soon as she sat next to the girls, Mitsuri started to bomb her with questions. "(Y/n)-chan, is it okay if I call you (Y/n)? How have you been? I love your braid. It's so pretty! As you can see, I like to braid my hair too! Are you hungry? I am! What's your favorite food? Mine is-"
Shinobu cut her mid sentence, "Mitsuri-san, clam down. You totally confused the poor woman." She said she tried not to laugh, so did everyone else.
"Oh! My apologies! I guess I'm just so excited for another girl hashira. too many boys if you ask me." At the last sentence, she tried to whisper, failing of cours.
(Y/n) couldn't hide her laughter any longer, "pffft- Hahaha!!" She put her hand on her mouth, trying to stop, but she failed miserably. The situation was simply hilarious! Everyone in the room went silent as she laughed, which made her stop and look around her, embarrassed. "My apologies." She blurted and hid her face behind her hands.
Suddenly, Mitsuri burst into laughter. "You have such a pretty laugh, (Y/n)! Don't hide it!"
As a response, (Y/n) blushed and mumbled a quick thank you.
Soon after, Tengen and sanemi joined the group. They all ate and laughed. 'It feels nice..' (Y/n) thought. As she scanned the room, her gaze fell on the on the flame hashira. Maybe she was just tired, but now that she thought about it, he was very good-looking. From his wide shoulders to his strong arms. She quickly shook her head before he will notice her staring at him, 'What's wrong with me?' She sighed.
Suddenly, Tengen stood up and put one of his feet on his table to catch everyone's attention. "Look what i brought!" He yelled as he waved at a small unlabeled glass-made bottle. Its content is clear. "Just something to lighten up the mood even more!" He sat down and poured the strange liquid into small cups.
The smell was so unpleasant, it was bitter and tingled in her nose. "Mitsuri-san, is that alcohol?" (Y/n) asked the girl, watching her as she chugged the drink without a thought. "Yes! The taste is horrible, but it helps you feel at ease! Do you need help with drinking it?"
(Y/n) looked at the alcohol with disgust, although it seemed really unappealing, she wanted to try it. "No, it's okay. If I just chug it will be easier, right?
Mitsuri nodded, and (Y/n) took a deep breath before shoving it all in. "Ugh, it really does taste horrible.." she covered her mouth.
After that, everything became hazy.
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New Life by Damin74PL
Anime » Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Rated: M, English, Romance & Adventure, Boruto U., OC, Words: 15k+, Favs: 7, Follows: 5, Published: Mar 28 Updated: May 25
2Chapter 1: Prologue
Somewhere outside the village, Borushiki fought with Kawaki, who was on the second level of Karma, in addition to having Isshiki's doujutsu in his left eye. Kawaki fired a few black rods at Borushiki, Borushiki avoided them without any problems, suddenly Kawaki approached him from behind, changing his hand.
Borushiki crossed his fingers creating a clone in front of him, with which he covered himself, then jumped back
-The stubborn bastard
Kawaki created several black cubes over Borushiki, which he dropped on him. Borushiki tried to avoid them, while Kawaki ran to Boruto and stabbed him right through. At this point, Naruto appeared in the scene in sage mode, who was surprised to see Kawaki piercing Borushiki.
-Kawaki, what's that supposed to mean?
-I did what I thought
Boruto fell to the ground, the horn protruding from his head disappeared and Karma returned to her original state, the Hokage immediately ran to his dying son.
-You are pathetic man, but I can't let you die ...-said Momoshiki, sticking his hand to his vessel
Moments later, Boruto's body began to shine bright light until it soon disappeared
-Momoshiki, what did you do? - Code, who watched the fight from stealth, thought
After Momoshiki did something to Boruto to save him, the teenager's body disappeared and a moment later appeared in some clearing, the wound made by Kawaki healed but the scar remained, Boruto was still unconscious. Soon an old man was passing by, who when he noticed Boruto immediately approached him.
-And what are you doing boy in such a place, get up or you'll catch a cold
Seeing how Boruto did not react, the man decided to take him to him, a few moments later they reached a place resembling some dojo
"Grandpa, you're finally back," said the young girl
She was no more than fourteen, short black hair, and a white kimono
-Good morning Sayori-chan, forgive me, but it took me a while.
Only after a while Sayori noticed Boruto.
-What is this kid?
-You shouldn't say that, he's the same age. Going back to your question, I found him lying unconscious in a clearing so I decided to take him with me
-Although you know that I love you Grandpa, but your heart is too soft, you shouldn't take any other kid and take him to your house, what if he's dangerous?
- Believe me, Sayori-chan knows people like no one and I know that this boy is a good person deep down.
"Do as you see fit, just don't blame me later for not warning you," she said as she walked away
The man carried Boruto to one of the rooms where he had left him
2Chapter 2: 1
Boruto finally regained consciousness, the first thing he saw was that he was in some strange room
-Where am I, the last thing I remember is the fight with Kawaki?
The blonde without thinking left the room and began to walk around the unknown house, soon he heard a noise, looking to the side saw the ajar door, Boruto, curious, approached and looked through the gap and saw Sayori, who was training a katana fight with a man
-You do better Sayori-chan, but you are still far from perfect - commented the grandfather
"I know this, but at all costs I will become the best fighter who will even surpass you."
At this point, the old man noticed Boruto
- You know it's not nice to peek at other people
Sayori immediately turned to the door - What are you doing here?
-I heard a noise coming from here and decided to check what was going on
-As you can see, Sayori-chan is training katana fighting
-I saw, you are amazing.
-It is obvious.
-And my name is Boruto, nice to meet you - he said pointing his hand towards the girl
-How dare you stick your hand out to me - Sayori grabbed Boruto's hand and threw him over her, hitting the floor
-ITAAAAAAAA what I just wanted to say to you
"Forgive me, but Sayori-chan is distrustful of new people, especially boys."
-What do girls prefer?
Hearing this, a tick mark appeared on Sayori's forehead. - YOU MORON! - She screamed kicking Boruto out of the dojo
After a while, Boruto returned to the dojo in pain
-Forgive my granddaughter's behavior, but she is tough
-I noticed it
-My name is Tatsuro and I am the owner of this dojo, tell Boruto-kun what were you doing in the forest alone and why were you unconscious?
Genin thought for a moment how to answer the question, he couldn't say he was in a fight
-Hehehe about that, I trained and maybe exaggerated a bit
-You and training, and what can someone like you train? - Sayori sneered
-Sayori-chan doesn't make fun of someone's interest. Say what are you training?
-Mainly taijutsu.
-I understand, so you prefer hand fighting, and if you say I would train you in kenjutsu.
-Grandpa! You're not serious, are you?
"Calm down Sayori-chan, he wants him to train with us, please respect that.
-So like Boruto, do you agree?
-I have nowhere to go, so good.
- I'm glad, I believe that the two of you will get along with time
2Chapter 3: 2
In Konoha, after fighting Cod and returning to the village, Kawaki was guarded at every turn by an ANBU squad.
-So Kawaki did it? -Sasuke asked
-This, in addition, I have no idea but he had Karma again and, to make matters worse, he awakened the power of Isshiki - Naruto explained
-And you let someone like that walk freely in the village? He is dangerous
-I am not that stupid, the ANBU unit keeps an eye on him all the time, if they notice something disturbing in his behavior, they should immediately let me know. It is enough for Hinata and Himiwari to turn away from him after they found out that he killed Boruto, to prevent unnecessary situations, I got him a new apartment.
-You are still so naive in spite of the years
Meanwhile, somewhere in an unknown place was Code, accompanied by Eida
-So you're saying Kawaki killed Boruto?
-Not completely...
-What do you mean?
-After some time, I noticed how Boruto's body shines and his wound is instantly regenerating, then something strange happened and he disappeared. Momoshiki probably has something to do with it. However, now Boruto is one hundred percent Otsutsuki which makes him the perfect food for Juubi.
-The question of his whereabouts remains
"It has probably been sent to another dimension, it will take me some time to locate it
-Get up Boruto, Grandpa told me to wake you up!
Having received no signal from Boruto, Sayori decided to enter the room and was surprised to see an empty room
-Where could that idiot go so early?
Sayori started looking for the genin all over the dojo, unable to find it, went outside and noticed Boruto sitting in a meditation position.
-What is he meditating?
Sayori, seeing an excellent opportunity, took the first stone and threw it towards the blonde. Black-haired girl smiled, thinking that she would hit him, but her eyes widened seeing how he grabbed the stone from that point, not even looking away
-Nice try
-How did you do it, you didn't even look back?
-It wasn't hard to feel your presence, never mind what you want?
-Grandpa told me to move you because we're going to be late for school.
"Yes Boruto, you are underage boys your age must go to school," explained Tatsuro
Boruto, not wanting to argue, decided to grant Tatsuro's request and together Sayori went to school. After completing the initial formalities, the director showed Boruto his new class
2Chapter 4: 3
Boruto was sitting bored in his new class, he didn't even notice when he fell asleep, only the hitting of the book on his desk woke him up
-Uzumaki-kun, I understand that you are new here, but you should realize that during lessons you don't sleep.- the teacher said irritably
"Yeah, yeah, sorry," said the blonde casually
"What a moron," Sayori mentally commented
After about two hours, the classes were over, Boruto felt like this time was dragging on forever
- Finally, the end of this ordeal, I think I'd rather fight Otsutsuki than face education in this dimension ...
Boruto and Sayori returned to the dojo
-And how was your first day of school, Boruto-kun?
-It's a pity to talk, I was bored like never before
-Hehehe, I could have guessed, well go change and in a moment I see you in the hall.
A moment passed before Boruto and Sayori dressed in training clothes (white two piece tied with a black belt) They both took wooden katanas
- It will only be a friendly sparring, I want Boruto-kun to see how you fight kenjutsu.
Sayori and Boruto nodded as a sign that they understood
-No blondie try to move your katana to my throat, but don't take it personally if you fail
-I will wipe that smirk off your face, dattebas! - Boruto said squeezing the katana and throwing himself at the girl
When the blonde tried to attack Sayori, she blocked the attack with her katana and a second later knocked the katana from Boruto's hands and then pushed him to the ground, putting hers to Boruto's throat.
-You see, you'll never come close to my level
-Damn it...
"There is still a long way to go, Boruto-kun," said Tatsuro
They both trained until late in the evening, when it was the middle of the night, Boruto went to drink some water as he was walking through a room belonging to Sayori he heard a sob, using the ajar door he approached them
-Mother ... Father ...
Hearing these words, Boruto narrowed his eyes, realizing that something terrible must have happened in her life.
Next day...
Boruto led Sayori to a clearing outside the town
-Why are we here?
-You can take off your mask
Sayori shuddered for a moment at what Boruto said
-A mask, I don't know what you're talking about?
-You will never use your full potential if you keep hiding behind her. I don't know what but something bad must have happened in your life, so not wanting to become weak and useless, you put on a mask to make you seem like a strong girl, until you admit it you will never become really strong - Boruto stated
Boruto closed his eyes for a moment and then replied - It's true, I don't know what it's like to lose your parents ... but maybe you don't know it, but I lost a friend, he died sacrificing himself for me
Sayori's eyes widened at Boruto's reply
5: 4
Team 7 was in the fight against Deepa, Boruto with Karma activated attacked the enemy, Deepa grabbed him by the neck without any problems and then stabbed the blonde in the ground, when he was about to do him after Sarada appeared
-Leave him!
Deepa, without even looking at her, threw Sarada a kick in the stomach, Boruto used this moment to jump up, but Deepa was not going to let him attack and fired a shockwave from his hand.
-Shit, I didn't manage to avoid the attack ...
Suddenly, through Boruto, Mitsuki appeared, covering him by taking the attack on himself
-Luckily, I made it
After receiving Deepa's attack, Mitsuki's body began to disintegrate.
-Why did you do it, why did you sacrifice yourself for me?
-Because I couldn't let you die ...
[End of Memories]
-I was weak, actually I am still promised to become stronger to prevent this situation again, in which someone will have to sacrifice to protect me. When I managed to defeat Deepa, I only felt emptiness, I thought that after avenging Mitsuki, I would feel better, but it was only worse ... I'm telling you not to make the same mistake as I did.
Sayori was surprised by Boruto's story - Boruto, who are you exactly?
When Boruto was about to answer, a man suddenly landed in the clearing (dressed in a black coat, had red spiky hair, and strange horns sticking out of his forehead) - Finally I found you chakra user.
Boruto's eyes widened at that
-What is he talking about Boruto?
-Who are you bastard and what do you want from me?
-My name is Keisuke and my boss told me to move you.
-I'm not going anywhere with you. Sayori, go back to the dojo.
-What, but what are you up to?
- I'll explain later, now go!
Sayori, seeing the serious expression on Boruto's face, decided to obey him, but not quite, because instead of going to the dojo, she hid behind one of the trees, watching what Boruto was going to do.
-Okay, now that she's gone I can fight. Kage Bushin No Jutsu!
Boruto created a few of his clones with which he launched an attack on Keisuke, he only smiled and began destroying the clones one by one, while the original popped up forming a Rasengan in his hand and tried to attack from above, but Keisuke grabbed Boruto's hand and with a kick to the stomach he threw him a long distance
-The boss was right, you are indeed a shinobi
-Shinobi? - Sayori repeated
-I don't know what your boss is talking about or how you know about me, but I think I'll have to fight you seriously. - Boruto said activating Karma
The mark on his hand unfolded along the hand, all the way to the eye
-Who are you really, Boruto? - Sayori thought, surprised
2Chapter 6: 5
Boruto with the activated Karma rushed to Keisuke, he failed to react and Boruto was already in front of him and a blow to the jaw knocked him into the air
-Is much faster?
Boruto immediately appeared behind him and with a half turn kicked Keisuke in the back sending him a long distance
"It will be more difficult than I thought, then I will be forced to use my demonic power."
Keisuke unleashed his full power, a dark aura surrounded his body, demonic wings sprouted from his back and the horns on his forehead grew larger
-Who the hell are you?
-My name is Keisuke, the future lord of demons - he replied, starting to attack, firing a series of missiles
Boruto tried to avoid everyone, and while he was busy with it, Keisuke appeared behind him, creating a demonic spear of energy in his hand, which he was about to pierce Boruto through.
-It's over
The blonde could not do anything and was pierced right through, then fell to the ground
-Don't worry, I didn't kill you, the boss needs you alive.
To Keisuke's surprise, Boruto's body turned into a puff of smoke
-What? Where is the real one?
The stone behind Keisuke turned into a real Boruto, the blonde immediately created a Rasengan in his hand
-Take that Rasengan!
The demon was unable to do anything and was hit by an attack that knocked him back a long distance
"Maybe you won this time, but it's not over yet," he said, disappearing
After Keisuke disappeared, Boruto deactivated Karma and then he moved towards the Dojo, seeing that Sayori immediately ran there, the blonde decided to rest after the fight so he went to the hot spring. Sayori decided to use this moment and sneaked into Uzumaki's room wanting to learn something from him, at the beginning she did not find anything special, but when she started his clothes, Kunai and a few shuriken fell out of his pants.
-This weapon, I'm sure I've seen something like that before ... Well, the same weapons are used by ninja.
Moments later, Sayori saw something from under the pillow, when she looked there, she saw Konoha's armband.
-And what's this?
She didn't have much time to think as she heard footsteps coming, not wanting to be caught, she quickly left everything as it was before jumping out the window just seconds before Boruto entered the room.
- Strange, I don't remember leaving the window open
2Chapter 7: 6
Keisuke returned to his hideout, someone was waiting for him there was a man not much older than him (he had black hair pulled upwards, dressed in a black coat) the man was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed at his chest
- What did you come back so soon, and where is that brat? Wait don't say he kicked your ass hahahahahahahaha. You are so pathetic, Vera-sama should have sent me instead of such a loser.
-Kazuro ... Shut up.
-He because what will you do to me?
-Come on both of you!
Suddenly, a female voice rang out, Keisuke and Kazuro immediately stood to attention, a female figure appeared in the shadows.
-You disappointed me Keisuke ...
-Vera-sama, please forgive me and give me a second chance, I promise I will bring this kid.
Vera raised her hand and at that moment a mark appeared on Keisuke's neck that spread throughout his body, the demon fell to his knees, screaming in pain
- You ignored your goal, you realize that this whole Boruto, and more precisely his power, is necessary for us to break this seal and implement the demon lord's plan.
-GHRAAAAAAA I remember this ... if the venerable gives me a second chance, she promises not to fail
Vera lowered her hand, causing Keisuke's pain to subside and the marks fading away.
- This time I will forgive you, the next time you will go with Kazuro to see how the entrusted missions are performed, did you understand?
-Hai. he replied rather reluctantly
Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke appeared in Toneri's palace
-Why did you call us here? - the Hokage asked
"Because I managed to locate Boruto," he replied, surprising the two friends
-Wait is Boruto alive?
- Yes, the problem is, he was transferred to another world.
"If that's true, then thanks to my Rinnengan I should be able to find him," replied Sasuke
-I'm afraid your Rinnengan won't get there
-So what are we doing? - Naruto asked
-Give me a few days, I know a way to open the portal, but it will take me some time
-I see.
At the same time, Boruto returned to the dojo after another boring day at school, their relationship had improved since their last conversation with Sayori.
-I came back Oji-chan, ne why is the town so dressed up and so many stalls?
-Oh don't you know, every year in our town there is a special Festival in honor of the goddesses?
-The goddesses?
-The legend has it that in the past the world was attacked by demons, and to stop them an amazing power was needed, such power had three women who people called goddesses, after they dealt with these demons and saved the world.
-Wow interesting.
-Do you know if you can go with Sayori to this festival?
- What? I don't think that's the best idea?
-Why, I can see how your relationship has improved significantly.
At this point, Sayori entered the dojo
- What are you talking about?
8: 7
A few days later...
Boruto was in his room, wearing a black kimono
-Ehh, I can't believe Sayori agreed to come with me ...
-So what were you talking about?
-About that it would be worthwhile for you to go to the festival together.
-Well no problem.
Boruto's eyes widened at the black-haired girl's answer
-Can I hear you, you just agreed to come with me to the festival?
-Wash your ears if you're deaf
[End of Memories]
-Yeah, he's definitely up to something
At the same time, Sayori was also dressing up for the festival.
"This will be a great opportunity to find out who he really is" Sayori thought with a confident smirk
After about forty minutes, Boruto waited in front of the building for Sayori to leave. It happened a moment later, the sight of her deprived the former shinobi of speech, Sayori was wearing a beautiful purple kimono, her black hair was tied in a ponytail.
"Wow you look amazing," Boruto praised, making Sayori blush
-W ... come on
- And that's a surprise to you, I never thought I'd see her like this
-Let's better hurry
Boruto nodded and he and Sayori went to the festival
It took them a few minutes to get there, Boruto didn't notice Keisuke watching him from hiding
-He's moved away from the Dojo.
-Excellent, then we're slowly starting to act. Do you know what to do?
Boruto and Sayori started going from stall to stall taking part in various competitions
"Here's your reward, please," the man said, handing the former shinobi a bracelet.
-You know what, you take it, Sayori.
-You are sure about it, you got it?
-I don't like such trinkets very much
-In that case, thank you
They both went to eat and then Sayori led Boruto to a place where you could see the whole town.
- It's my favorite place, I used to come here often when I was younger. The fireworks show is about to start ... but I wanted to ask you something, who are you?
-He what are you talking about?
-I saw how you fought with that demon, and you used some strange skills
Boruto's eyes widened at that
-Oh shit so she saw me, I guess there's no point in lying to her. - he thought
Boruto was about to tell about himself but he was interrupted by the roar of the explosion
- What was that?
-It comes from where the dojo is
Boruto and Sayori immediately ran towards the dojo, the blonde had a bad feeling.
2Chapter 9: 8
Boruto and Sayori came to the dojo and were surprised to see them destroyed, after a while Kazuro came out of the flames carrying Sayori's grandfather.
The demon hurled towards their old man, Sayori immediately ran up to him
-We are finally meeting Boruto Uzumaki
- Judging by your looks, you must be familiar with this Keisuke.
-I wouldn't call him my friend.
-Sayori I will distract his attention, You take the old man to the hospital.
Sayori thought for a moment but nodded, taking her grandfather by the arm.
-Be careful
-Sure, go.
Before Sayori left, Boruto crossed his fingers, creating several of his clones, and they went in different directions with them.
-You really think you're acting with such tricks? - Kazuro said, putting his hand up and forming energy
Then he fired chains of energy that directly hit all of Uzumaki's clones. Fortunately, Boruto managed to move away from the city, but Keisuke was waiting for him there, who attacked Genin with full power.
"So you came back as well," he said, activating Karma
Boruto dodged the demon's blow without any problems, but at that moment Kazuro appeared behind him
"Got you," Kazuro said, putting his hand to the genin's back
- What, when does he?
Boruto failed to do anything when Kazuro released his energy creating a powerful explosion
Boruto popped out of the smoke throwing Kimono back
-It's good that I had my clothes underneath it
"Let's take care of him together," Keisuke said
-No, you just have to watch and learn, I'll take care of him.
Kazuro in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Boruto and punched him in the stomach, making the blonde spit blood when Boruto was about to hit the demon, he grabbed his hand to throw him into the air.
-He's stronger than Keisuke.
Kazuro in the blink of an eye appeared over Boruto and from his knee he punched the blonde in the back knocking him to the ground creating a crater in it.
- What is or is all you can do, I was expecting more from you.
- If I could use the power with which I defeated Deepa again.
Kazuro walked over to Boruto grabbing him by the hair and lifting him up, then kicked him off his knee in the stomach.
-I will beat you unconscious and then I will take you to our boss
Kazuro started kicking Boruto lying on the ground, at this time Sayori managed to take his grandfather to the hospital, after leaving him under the care of a doctor, she returned to the remains of what was left from the dojo, after a while she managed to find the sword
-It's about time I finally use it, Grandpa
-I think it's time to go back.
When Kazuro was about to take Boruto, he was unexpectedly knocked back by the shockwave
- What's going on? - the surprised demon asked
Boruto started to rise, his body was surrounded by a bright aura, his hair rose upwards, becoming more pointed and his pupils disappeared, electric discharges appeared around his body.
"His power has grown significantly," commented Keisuke
10: 9
-Mitsuki, hey Mitsuki!
Seeing how, after being hit by Deepy, Mitsuki's body crumbled, Boruto fell into a frenzy, his Karma began to glow blue, the body was surrounded by an aura of the same color with electric discharges, which turned white after a while, pupils in his eyes disappeared, hair rose to the mountains becoming more pointed
-I'll kill you!
[End of Memories]
Kazuro created several energy balls in front of him, which he sent towards Boruto, before they hit him, the blonde disappeared from his sight.
-Behind you! Keisuke warned
Boruto in the blink of an eye appeared behind Kazuro, barely turned and got a powerful punch in the face and was thrown back a long distance. Keisuke created a demonic spear of energy that he threw at Boruto, the blonde stood as if nothing but waiting for the spear to reach him, but when it got close enough, Boruto grabbed it so he turned and threw it towards its creator. Keisuke jumped into the air avoiding his own attack, but Boruto immediately appeared behind him and elbowed the demon in the neck, knocking him to the ground
"His power is incomparable to the power he fought with me back then," Keisuke said, trying to get up
- Don't underestimate me, worm.
Kazuro accumulated a golden ball of energy in his hand, which grew larger with each passing moment, when it reached the right size, the demon threw it towards the former shinobi
-I wonder how will you deal with something like this?
Boruto stuck his hand towards the attack, which he absorbed a second later
The blonde in the blink of an eye appeared in front of Kazuro and punched him in the stomach, making the demon curl up spitting purple blood, then Boruto grabbed him by the shoulders with both hands, then kicked him from his knee in the chin, and finally he created a Rasengan and punched him by throwing back a lot. distance. Keisuke tried to attack Boruto from behind, he sensed him without any problems dodging his blow, then grabbed his leg and threw him over himself, hitting him on the ground
-Damn you
- He doesn't like to admit it, but we'll have to do it to defeat this brat
- This is the last thing I would like to do, but we have no other choice
Kazuro and Keisuke stood facing each other and tapped their hands, then began to turn at an incredibly fast pace, soon a bright light flashed and where Kazuro and Keisuke were standing a few seconds ago, now one figure was standing.
"It's about time to finish this game," the figure said in a double voice
11: 10
Keisuke and Kazuro merge together to form a new character. Boruto moved to attack, Keizuro stood as if nothing smiling and then knocked the blond throwing him away at a considerable distance, then the demon appeared behind him and grabbed Boruto by the neck and threw him to the ground. A mysterious, hooded figure watched the entire fight from hiding
-Hmm should I intervene?
Keizuro did not let Boruto get up and fired a powerful demonic beam which, when it hit the target, caused a huge explosion. Moments later the smoke cleared, revealing Boruto barely standing on his feet, the aura around him disappeared, his hair fell and Karma returned to her original state
- Shit, is this my limit when it comes to that power?
-You spoiled us a lot of blood, but it's over. He said moving on Boruto
When he was about to attack him with his demonic hand, Sayori appeared in front of him, blocking Keizuro's attack with her sword.
-Sayori, what the hell are you doing here, you were supposed to stay with your grandpa!
- I couldn't let you fight this thing by yourself
Keizuro jumped back - Another worthless worm has arrived
- This is not the time to play the heroine, run away from here you have no chance with him.
Keizuro rushed towards the girl trying to kill her.
-Mother, Father, please give me strength.
Suddenly Sayori's body glowed, her sword turned golden, Sayori made a slash with one wave, Keizuro didn't even realize when he lost his arm
"That girl," the hooded man commented
- What the hell?
Sayori's energy has even spread to where Vera is staying
-What's up, what's that power?
Looking at the demon lord statue, she noticed her eyes glowing red
Keizuro fired a missile at Sayori, she created a strong gust of wind with the swing of her sword, which neutralized the demon's attack and threw him into the air, Sayori, preventing him from making another move, immediately rushed at him. During this time, Boruto got up and tried to create clones, but failed.
-May it, I have too little chakra ...
Sayori appeared behind Keizuro and with one swing of the sword she cut off one of his demonic horns - This time I didn't hit exactly, but I won't make the same mistake a second time
- Don't be so confident
Keizuro released a large amount of his demonic energy which was thrown back by the black-haired girl
Then he knocked her to the ground with one blow
-Breathe, snot!
Keizuro fired several demonic energy bolts before they flew back to Sayori, Boruto shielded her, raising his guard and taking attacks on himself.
After that, the genin had to kneel and his hands fell limply
-Let it, I can't move my hands too much ...
- It's over, first I'll kill this girl and then I'll take you to my boss.
- Don't think I'll let you do that, you bastard.
Keizuro lunged at the teenagers, but suddenly received a kick from someone and flew a few meters to the side.
12: 11
A man appeared on the battlefield (he had medium-length brown hair, dressed in a gray jacket under which he wore a dark sweatshirt, and also trousers of the same color)
-Someone are you and how dare you interfere with my mission
"My name is Seiro and I cannot allow this beautiful place to be destroyed any more
-Hahahaha you really think that an ordinary person can do something to me.
"You should get out of here, you have no idea who you're dealing with," warned Boruto
-Boruto, right? Sit still and leave it to me. It's been a long time since I've fought someone powerful, hope I don't lose my practice.
Seiro began to release his power when he did so around his body a stream of air was raised lifting stones and scraps of earth, after a while the whole area began to shake
"What a strong overwhelming feeling, no wonder Sayori passed out, what kind of dude?" Boruto thought
"I don't know who you are, but I won't let you interfere," Keizuro said, firing a bolt of energy.
In response to his attack, Seiro smiled as he extended his hand to the supervisor's attack, then clenched it into fists as he did the demon's attack as if it dissolved into thin air.
- What?
-Your attack was so weak that I was able to neutralize it without any problems.
"Don't think that since you've managed to deal with my attack, it will change anything," said the demon, starting to attack
Before Keizuro could reach Seiro, Seiro disappeared from sight
- Where is he?
A second later the man appeared under the demon and punched him in the stomach knocking into the air, then Seiro's hand surrounded some glow, then he drew a symbol in front of him, then this symbol appeared on Keizuro's body
- What's going on, can't I move?
-I managed to paralyze you thanks to my spell, you can see when I touched your body I left my signature as if to say it, thanks to which I could cast my spell regardless of the distance between us
-Damn you
-It's time to end this fight. Seiro put his dominant hand towards the demon, communicating a ball of energy in it, and with his other hand he grabbed the wrist area - Kazenuri! - fired a powerful shockwave, which when it hit Keizuro completely destroyed him
-Hey kid, are you okay?
-No, except that my hands are slightly damaged hehehe, never mind I have to take her somewhere.
-I see
Seiro picked up the unconscious Sayori and together with Boruto went to the hospital, while the blonde was being treated by the nurse, Seiro waited outside, after a moment a hooded man appeared outside the window, watching the fight.
-I thought you wouldn't come, I was about to intervene
-Forgive forgive, but my work consumed me a little hehehehe ... More importantly, you felt the power of this girl?
-Yes, she can use the divine sword without any problems, there is no doubt that she is the reincarnation of one of the goddesses
-I'm gonna take this kid with me, he needs to know what he's gonna be dealing with in the future
-Okay, I keep researching and keep an eye on this girl.
2Chapter 13: 12
"Looks like Keisuke and Kazuro have failed," Vera said to a hologram of some figure standing in the shadows
-It's okay, actually Boruto's power isn't necessary to break the seal.
-How is it?
"Have you heard of the three goddesses who ended a war ages ago and took possession of the demon lord?"
-It turned out that a girl lives on earth, who is a reincarnation of one of them, the other two probably also, but their powers have not been activated yet.
-So what are we doing?
-In three years, when the solar eclipse comes, the seal imprisoning the demon lord will be the weakest, then even the power of one goddess will be enough to break the seal, but for this you will need the blood of someone outside the human race, Boruto to be exact.
"What's wrong with him, looks like an ordinary person?"
"Apparently, in fact, he is one hundred percent Otsutsuki, killing him with the vengeance of my older brother, thereby helping to free the demon lord."
-I understand, then he will make all preparations until then.
"Good," he said, then vanished
Somewhere else on the throne sat the true figure of the hologram, she was dressed in a white cloak, the sun's rays blocked the view of his face
-Soon brother, we will meet again ...
Meanwhile, Boruto woke up, suddenly felt like he was being carried by someone
-He where am I?
-You finally woke up kid.
-Seiro-san. What are you doing?
-I decided to take you with me to prepare you for your destiny
Seiro, noticing a nice clearing with a lake, decided to take a short break, then explained to Boruto what would happen in three years.
-So you say that the boss of these demons is trying to resurrect the demon lord and to do that she needs the power of the goddesses?
- Exactly, if it happens, we will face another war, in the worst case the end of the world, we must prevent it at all costs. Therefore, I will help teach you to control your power.
-Power, wait how do you know?
-Because I saw something else, I also come from another world, but with the difference that instead of chakra I use magic
-How did it happen that you landed in this world?
Seiro closed his eyes for a moment and sighed
"I sacrificed myself to save the world," he replied, surprising the genin
14: 13
Seiro and Boruto reached some city
-Before we start training, your hands must regenerate first - he said pointing to Boruto's bandaged hands
- How annoying it is, accepting that attack on myself was not the most sensible decision, at least thanks to this I protected Sayori, by the way I wonder what she was doing.
-Come on Boruto, we need to find some accommodation.
-Hai, I'm coming
Meanwhile, Sayori regained consciousness, the first thing she noticed was that she was in the hospital room.
-I can see that you've finally woken up, Sayori-chan
-Grandpa, where is Boruto?
Tatsuro just sighed and then put his hand on his granddaughter's shoulder and said - I'm sorry to say, but Boruto-kun has left the village
Sayori's eyes widened at this. "How did he go, where did he go?"
-He was given a top secret assignment, he decided not to tell you anything so as not to upset you
Sayori tightened her hands on the sheet - He did not do it well ... this idiot did not even say goodbye to me
Meanwhile, Seiro and Boruto reached some pub
-Well let's come in for a while, I'm so thirsty
"Hey, I'm too young, I can't drink alcohol yet," Boruto said
- You are not of this world, so you are not bound by the laws here
-You're probably right
Boruto didn't say anything anymore and he and Seiro went inside
Moments later, Boruto drank some sake tinctures
-Hehehehe you were right it's really good hihihi now I understand why adults like to drink it so much
-You must be a bit of exaggeration for your first time, it's okay to drink but you shouldn't overdo it.
-O come on hahahaha, nothing will happen if he drinks a little more
-Yare, Yare. Tell Boruto what is most important to you?
-The most important?
- What do you care most about in your life?
-Hmm my friends and family, I think.
- What?
- For every guy the most important thing should be making a harem, so it's the goal of each of us to be surrounded by a lot of beautiful women hahahahaha, you know, if I fail to build my own harem in life, I will leave this task to you.
"Harem, but I'm not even interested in girls that way, let alone my own harem."
-Because you are still young and stupid, but with time you will start to see the beauty of women and before you know it, you will be surrounded by them.
Seiro did not finish talking and Boruto's head fell on the table - Heheh and he fell asleep, I said that you have to be able to drink
2Chapter 15: 14
Boruto sat on some throne, dressed in white robes like members of the Otsutsuki clan
-Where the hell am I, and why am I dressed like Otsutsuki?
Suddenly several women appeared in front of him.
-Boruto-sama, I have prepared my own hamburger, please - one of the women said
"Wow looks amazing," said Boruto while taking the burger, "Mmm, and it tastes amazing too."
The second girl put her breasts against his shoulder
-We are here to meet all your Boruto-sama needs
Another girl sat down on his lap so that her breasts were as high as the face of the blonde, another one pressed hers to the other shoulder
-We were rude today, we deserve the punishment Bo-ru-to sama
Boruto's face was getting redder and redder from his nose, and the situation worsened when the girls started taking off their clothes.
-Girls stop it ...
-What happened Boruto-sama, you look nervous let us take care of it - one of the girls said hugging Boruto's face against her breast
At this point, Boruto woke up sweating
-Gosh what a dream, and it's all because of Seiro and yesterday's conversation about Harem, where is he by the way?
Looking around the room, Boruto only noticed a piece of paper lying on the table
"Sorry, Boruto, today I will not help you with training, I had a very important thing so I'll be back in the evening"
-Sure, what should I do now?
Boruto, having nothing better to do, decided to explore the city, having no idea that some character was following him from hiding.
"So this is all Boruto-kun, quite sweet," said a girlish voice
As Boruto was walking like that, he heard a scream, without thinking he ran in that direction, after reaching the place he saw an armed man who threatened some old man
- I'll tell you the last time, where do you have that stone?
- Don't think I'll tell you
"In that case, say goodbye to your daughter," he said, pointing the blade towards the girl
As he was about to cut it, Boruto appeared between them, blocking the attack with his kunai.
-You like to challenge defenseless people, maybe you will try someone equal to yourself
-You brat, you will soon be just a corpse
The man withdrew his sword and was about to pierce Boruto, he jumped up and then with a half turn he kicked the opponent in the face, throwing him back a long distance, the villagers were shocked to see it.
-I'll kill you.
The man lunged at Boruto, he only smiled and when he was about to punch the genin, Boruto disappeared from his sight appearing behind him and knocked him out with one blow to the neck.
-Take him somewhere and lock him up
The cops took care of the attacker, and the old man approached Boruto.
-Thank you boy for your help.
-It's okay, so what the bastard wanted from you guys.
-You look trustworthy, so let me tell you, he came for the Xonitr stone.
16: 15
-What is this Xonitr crystal? - Boruto asked
-You see, a few years ago our city was dependent on the capital, everything was there, including the power plant. With time, the greedy leader of the capital announced that he would significantly increase the price of electricity, so that we could barely make ends meet, but some two years ago a crystal fell not far from our city, which turned out to be a powerful source of energy, so we decided to become independent from the capital. When rumors spread that we had this crystal, many people had a taste for it, and our city was attacked for it on many occasions.
-I see.
Suddenly Boruto was approached by the girl he had saved, now he could take a close look at her (she had long light hair, brown eyes, wearing a white T-shirt and a light skirt)
-Thank you, my name is Asumi.
-You don't have to thank. I'm Boruto
-Boruto-kun as you saved my daughter, you can stay with us as long as you like, you don't have to worry about costs.
- Really, I think I'll take your offer.
"Then let me show you the city," Asumi said happily, pulling Boruto's hand
On the roof of one of the buildings, a certain girl was still watching Boruto
- It's starting to get interesting
Asumi showed Boruto around every special place in this city
-Wow do you have to know this city really well?
-Yes, from an early age my father often took me for a walk around the city, I was fascinated by how he told the story of this place.
-I see
Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a rumbling in the belly of the blonde, causing Asumi to burst out laughing
- Looks like you're hungry, come show you one of the best restaurants in town
Asumi led Boruto to the restaurant, when the blonde tried that food he was in cloud nine
-Wow, I've never had anything this good, dattebasa.
-I did
While Boruto was enjoying the delicious food of the local restaurant, the guard took the attacker whom the blonde defeated and locked him in a cell.
-What are you doing here, set me free?
-Are you so stupid or are you just pretending, do you really want everyone to figure it out?
- What are you planning?
-The chief ordered me to join in case you screw up.
"If it weren't for this brat, we'd already have this crystal."
-You had your chance but you wasted it, this time I'm moving on with my plan. He announced leaving the arrest
17: 16
Boruto was just going to the hotel, when he noticed how Teyuro was going with the guard to some place, having a bad feeling, the blonde decided to follow them, a moment later they reached the place where this crystal is located
"Your information turned out to be incorrect, as you can see with the crystal, everything is fine," said the old man
The man pushed him and walked over to the crystal taking it away
-Fujiro, what's that supposed to mean?
-You are so naive, I only pretended to be a guard all the time to find out about the place where the crystal is stored, now that I have it I can take it to the venerable Hayaro
Teyuro's eyes widened at the name, as Fujiro was about to run away against him, Boruto appeared.
0 notes
lilac-5ky · 2 years
Killing Butterflies (Part 6: Save me, Save you)
A/N: No, I haven’t been listening to WJSN on repeat. But you know, this song kinda reminds me of the way reader-chan sees Takasugi-kun and I got inspired! This chapter gets very uhm dark and sad. It's even more angsty than the previous one and it lowkey ends on a cliffhanger, but I feel like with this I've reached the half of this fanfic. The way I see it now, I should be able to wrap this story up within four more chapters so aye, there's that.
Warning: Violence, blood, decapitation and all that jazz. Heavy emotional damage too.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7
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(yes, i mourned a lot in sa arc, but shinsuke in this arc surpassed himself, h o l y s h i t he looked so f i n e)
There needs to be no war for there to be a battlefield, you realized as you paced through the never-ending maze of corridors. A single spark was all it ever took for conflict to arise, turning man against man, or man against Amanto, in this case. Between the vicious space pirates and the terrorists that captured you, there was no discerning friend from foe, no side for you to choose. You didn’t fit in with either. This was never your war to fight.
With every clang of the blade, another body fell beneath your feet, destined to drown in a crimson pool of its own blood. They were all the same. Squirming and cursing across the floor like worms. Even when their lives were coming to an end, even when the light within their darkened orbs was fading away, hatred kept on stirring in them, refusing to be extinguished.
Was this how your eyes also looked?
Other than the pits of fire that delved within, there was something else residing in their pitiful gaze. They were pleading, begging for you to put an end to their agony, yet you couldn’t let your blade be sullied with the blood of another. Once it got a taste of his, there was no going back. Only Takasugi was the one who could sate such vile desire.
You kept on dragging your feet aimlessly without lingering anywhere for too long. You passed more enemies than you could count, encountering skirmish after skirmish, but even so, no one appeared particularly interested in crossing blades with you. If anything, they seemed to be completely unaware of your presence as if you were a ghost; a ghost passing among ghosts to be. Perhaps that’s for the best. No one should be able to stand in your way.
At last, you entered a wider area, presumably the bridge of the vessel. The sound was much louder here and so was the foul scent of blood. This was where the real battle escalated, you noted as you leaned against the banister, glancing down at what appeared to be the majority of the Kiheitai’s manpower.
Some of the swordsmen appeared vaguely familiar, men you’d seen lying around the ship whenever that obnoxious blonde escorted you to the ladies room. A man with broad shoulders and a jagged scar along his chin, another one with fox-like features and ghostly complexion, and then, finally, the teal-haired samurai from the day at the docks.
It was too early for you to judge who was winning and who was losing, let alone from up there, though you could tell that with him on Takasugi’s side, victory was certain. The man possessed a fighting style unlike anything you’d previously seen. Rather than using a katana, he fought with the aid of his shamisen, an instrument of death in his hands.
Every time he tugged at its strings, one deadly crescendo unleashed after the other, a flurry of invisible threads that cut through the bodies of his enemies with unparalleled poise.
The way he fought was cruel. Distinct and masterful, but cruel.
“Shinsuke, did we really need to mix it up with those guys? Brains isn’t the only thing they are lacking, I daresay,” he spoke, his voice crystal clear amidst the clamor.
“You think so? If you ask me they make up for excellent practice dummies.” A voice you knew all too well replied in an amused tone.
Even when your attention was previously monopolized by the man known as Kawakami Bansai, you found taking your eyes off of Takasugi impossible.
Back then and right now, he always shone the brightest in the eye of the cyclone. It was as if he was meant for this, as if his hands were made with the sole purpose of carrying a sword. No such thing as reservation hindered his strikes. One by one, the enemy troops met their demise, mere blocks of tofu for his sword to slice. Still, no slaying seemed enough to quench the insatiable blood thirst in his eye.
You wondered how someone could be foolish enough to oppose his will. He was on a completely another level; a dangerous man with nothing to lose, one whose skill was honed to utter perfection. Yet there you were, with your fingers ghosting over the hilt of your sword, entertaining the idea of drawing it.
Your enemy is right there. He is right in front of your eyes. You should strike him now, now when his attention is divided between the Amanto. Now is the time, right here, right now.
The more you egged yourself on, the harder it was for your legs to move. Even with a sword in hand, even with such an opportunity manifesting out of nowhere, you were hesitant to jump into action, meekly watching from the sidelines.
Come to think of it, this wasn’t much different from what happened on that day either.
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Would you be mine then?
There was no telling how much of what happened last night was reality, or just another figment of your wild imagination. Had Takasugi really spoken such words to you, or were you projecting your heart’s undisclosed desires onto him? That couldn’t be it, right? Especially when you could still feel his fingers lingering upon your skin, when his voice tingled through your ears all night long.
It was real, you decided. It was definitely real. Takasugi had grown every last bit fond of you, as you were of him.
Throughout the meeting, you failed to participate in small talk or any other conversation topic your father and your guests touched upon. An occasional nod here, a forced chuckle there, was the sole evidence of your attendance. Your body may have been present, but your mind was on him and him only. The way his figure basked in the moonlight, the way your idol glinted in his eye, the way his lips curled up right after saying those words to you.
Everything about your brief encounter was enough to tempt you into giving everything up for him. Even when you’d failed to stand up against Harumi, your newfound conviction wouldn’t let you back down. There is no reason for your dreams to remain as such anymore. All you had to do was say yes, all you had to do was choose him, and he’d be yours.
The thought alone was exhilarating, preventing you from getting a wink of sleep all night long. You couldn’t wait for your morning class, eager to give your answer to his question. The only thing standing in your way now was the night, but even she’d be subdued come daylight.
The minute you felt the first rays of the morning sun graze your skin, you flew out of bed, sliding into your training attire within seconds. You took a look in the mirror, stealing a glance at the girl inside. Unlike the dolled-up yet gloomy girl you’d found staring back at you last night, this one, be it a less fancy variant, looked happy. Her expression had shifted to that of utter joy, her eyes smiling along with her lips. She truly was happy. Much happier than she, much happier than you’d ever been.
Once you managed to tame your bed-hair, making sure that you were at the very least presentable, you rushed towards the front door, carefully avoiding every obstacle and servant, until you rammed into something unexpected. More like someone, you realized, as you exchanged looks with none other than your father.
“I’m so sorry!” You exclaimed, fully aware of how much he disliked you prancing around like a horse.
To quote Harumi, “Such behavior was unsightly for a girl of your lineage”. Or something along those lines.
Rather than scolding you, an exuberant sound spilled from his lips as he managed to regain his balance.
“Oh, Y/N, you seem to be in such great spirits that you nearly knocked this old man down.” He cackled, holding onto his stomach with one hand. “My daughter, what’s gotten you this excited?”
“N-nothing in particular, father! I’m just really looking forward to meeting with Shin—, Takasugi,” you corrected “for my class. I’ve improved a lot, you should know.”
“So I hear. Takasugi informed me of your progress.” He did? “As expected of someone who carries our family’s blood. Both your father and your late grandfather-”
“Were swordsmen of impeccable skill before becoming Bakufu officials, yes, I am familiar with the story.” You interrupted, finishing his sentence for him.
The last thing you needed was to be caught in another of his endless lectures when Takasugi awaited you.
“Could I possibly be excused now? I’m already late for class as it is.”
“I am afraid there will be no class today, Y/N. But fret not, I did not come here to spoil the mood.” He paused, revealing a letter from within his sleeves.
The scribing was dense enough for you to get lost in the words, but the wisteria sigil at the bottom of the paper spoke volumes of its own.
“We received an official proposal this morning,” he continued, “it looks as if you made quite an impression on Isamu-dono. As soon as the preparations allow it, you are to wed his son.”
Somehow, your father’s sudden visitation caused you more pain than any of Takasugi’s hits had inflicted on your body. All happy thoughts dissolved into mist, fading into the rain of your eyes. How could this happen? Why was it that when you finally had the chance to be happy, you were forced to watch it slip away?
“Y/N? Did you not hear what I just said?” He asked, though all you could do was nod. That, and preventing yourself from tearing this letter into shreds.
“Then why do you appear so dejected?”
“Because,” you mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper. "Because Kaworu is not the one I want to marry.”
“What was that?” Your father asked with a forced chuckle. “Forgive your old man, age’s finally getting to my ears. What was it that you just said?”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you took a deep breath. You wouldn’t let your words be drowned by your tears.
“I said I can’t do that. I can’t marry Kaworu.” Here goes nothing. “I don’t mean to offend House Fujiwara, nor stand in the way of our clan’s future, but there is no way for me to possibly accept this proposal, not when my heart’s been already claimed by someone else.”
Looking at the letter one last time, you returned it to him.
“Father, that man,” you smiled ever so softly at the image of Takasugi “he is greater than any other individual I’ve met in my entire life.
I admit, at first, I wanted nothing more than to possess him. He fascinated me in ways no one else has, moved me in ways I never imagined to be moved. But after sharing my joys and my sorrows with him, after I glanced at his soul, I’m afraid I was the one who got possessed by him, though I don’t regret it. I don’t see myself standing at another man’s side when he exists. I could never possibly do that. He is the one for me, and I’m unashamed to say that I love him. I really do.”
Your eyes burned full of conviction, believing in every single word you’d uttered. Takasugi was undoubtedly the only one capable of bringing you such happiness. Even if you had to oppose your own family, even if you had to turn against the whole world, you wouldn’t hesitate to do so if that meant seeing another of his beautiful smiles. He was the light in your life, and you could only hope to be a spark of hope in his.
Stillness befell the room as your words slowly sank in. The air grew heavier with your father’s expression shifting to a rather grim one. His otherwise gentle smile gave way to a nearly vicious grimace, with his eyes creasing into a level, yet dark look that all but suited him.
There was something deeply unsettling about the way he bore his eyes into yours. No matter how strict your father could be, this was your first time seeing him like this, a sight that was enough to freeze the blood in your veins.
“Y/N, my darling daughter.” He brought his hand to your shoulder, your instinct ushering you to flinch away. “You are young and there is so much that you don’t know regarding the workings of this world, but make no mistake. Each of us has a role to play, a duty to uphold regardless of the cost. Though you may fail to understand it at the moment, someone of our status should and must only look at those of equal standing. This is how you preserve your legacy and protect what’s rightfully yours in this filth named society. This is how you keep moving forward.”
Bestowing you with a sickly smile, the claws of his fingers dug into your skin, pressing against one of your bruises so hard that you had no choice but to wince in anguish.
“The way to the top can be lonely, Y/N. I’m well aware of that. Keeping a pet close for the sake of comfort and solace is understandable. After all, pets can be useful and, more often than not, are great assets for people like us. Showing affection or rewarding them isn’t unheard of, but at the end of the day, make no mistake to consider a pet your equal. A pet, no matter the company it offers, will always remain a pet.”
He lowered his head so that you were eye to-eye, the pressure on your shoulder significantly increasing.
“Now, if a pet stops being of use, or even worse, if a pet starts being a nuisance by standing in your way, do you know what must be done?”
Unable to think of an answer to his question, you shook your head negatively. All you wanted was to be released from his clutches.
“We put them down.” He cooed in your ear. “Did I make myself clear?”
With his baleful disposition and the pain he was causing you, there was no way for you to think straight. Could this demon that borrowed his voice and features really be your father? The loving and hard-working father who did his best to fill a role meant for two in your life? The father who made sure you never missed a thing, who tended to your every need without you having to ask? This impostor surely couldn’t be him, right?
“Now, how about a trip to the stores? With the big day coming up, I’m sure you could use a new dress for the occasion.” Fishing a pouch out of his kimono, he forced you to hold it between both palms. “After all, you’ll be marrying into such a renowned house. It’s only right for your appearance to reflect that.”
By the time his grip loosened up, it felt as if a piece of you was forcefully taken away. The weight of his hand traveled all the way to your neck, causing your breathing to falter. Even when he’d left the room, there seemed to be no end to the light tremor of your limbs. For the first time in your life, you were truly terrified. Not as much for your own life, as you were for his.
Though you hadn’t done as much as to reveal the identity of the man you loved, and your father never explicitly spoke his name either, you couldn’t help but think that he somehow knew. Was it because a part of you actually felt guilty about going against his wishes to the point of growing paranoid? Or was it that he’d actually heard something through the grapevine?
No matter how much you tried, you failed to wrap your mind around your father’s spiteful threats. You’d never given anyone reason to badmouth you and had never been caught in any particularly indecent scenarios with Takasugi. Unless…
“Lady, where is is that you are going?” Harumi’s voice rung razor-sharp in your ear, providing you with the answer you failed to reach on your own.
She was the only one who could’ve done this, you realized. The only one who knew of the way you looked at him, the only one who’d caught you messing around the other day. She’d even gone as far as to give you a warning about what would happen if you caused a scene, yet she ratted you out despite your complying. It was all her fault.
Ignoring her calls, you walked outside the door, marching down the gate without doing as much as look her way. All these years you thought she was your sole ally in this household, but even she’d turn her back on you. There was no one you could trust, not her and certainly not your father. The dream you thought you could live had given way to a nightmare, one neither you, nor him would be able to escape unscathed.
You kept on moving without sparing her a single word, without even noticing Takasugi staring at you from afar. All you wanted was to get away from everything, and funnily enough, your father had provided you with the perfect excuse to do so.
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Unlike your previous visit to the city, this time you didn’t mean to find your way. There was no real destination for you to reach. All you could do was move forward, passing through the various stores without giving them a second look. Your sole reason for being there might have been to purchase a dress for the wedding, though that was about the last of your priorities.
None of the kimonos in the displays managed to capture your attention. They all looked the same; dull and colorless. Even if you tried to convince yourself that you were window shopping for a different occasion, the pouch residing within your clothes served as a reminder of what had transpired earlier, a heavy load that you wanted to dispose of.
After a while of aimlessly walking around, you felt your own stomach rumbling. Storming off without having a single bite for breakfast wasn’t the brightest idea. Maybe it’s for the best. Maybe if you skipped eating all day long, you could actually die and escape, though a day of starvation wasn’t capable of achieving that. And, if you’re being honest, death wasn’t in your immediate plans.
Eventually, your steps brought you before a dango selling vendor, the very same vendor you’d visited with Takasugi. A little more than half a year had gone by since, yet the man tending to the stall seemed to recognize you, ushering you to walk closer.
“Good to see you again!” He greeted you with a friendly smile.
“You remember me…?”
“It’s not every day that you meet someone who’s never tried nor heard of a dango in this day and age, miss. You shared the same look of excitement with our younger customers.” He went on, handing three skewers to a man beside you.
“If my memory isn’t giving out, you were with a samurai last time?”
“That’s right… though I doubt we’ll be coming back together.” You said, failing to hide your resentment.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but if he’s unable to join, then perhaps it’d be nice of you to bring some to him. I’m certain that samurai would appreciate the gesture coming from such a refined young lady.” He paused, shifting his attention to another customer. “That would be five coins! Have a good day!”
Would he really appreciate it if you offered him something so insignificant when you couldn’t give yourself to him?
“Pops, how many dangos can I buy with these?” You asked, placing the pouch on the counter.
The man peeked through its contents before turning to face you in astonishment.
“Miss, I’m afraid I don’t have enough dango to match the sum you are offering. This amounts to more than my entire business does. I could never possibly accept it.” The man replied, pushing the bag towards you.
“I insist. Even if you can’t give me my money’s worth now, I’ll be sure to visit again. You can pay me back then. Dango seems like a worthwhile investment to me, especially when it’s as delicious as yours. Please take it.”
After a lot of back and forth, the man hesitantly accepted, trading the coins for a bag full of skewers. Though it weighed more than the pouch, you felt significantly lighter than you did before.
Unsure of where to go next, you moved along the sidewalk until you faded into an empty alleyway. Usually, you did your best to avoid such places, but at the time, you wished to find a place quiet enough for you to eat your lunch, away from the busy life of the streets, and certainly away from the lively crowd. Besides, eating one of your most favorite snacks ought to cheer you up, right?
“This will do.” You exclaimed once you took a seat on the steps of a nightclub, setting the bag on your lap.
At least till night falls, no one should be coming to disturb you. For the time being, you are completely on your own.
Bringing a skewer to your lips, you began munching on it, though you couldn’t bring yourself to actually enjoy it. Much to your disappointment, the dango lacked flavor, tasting like absolute nothing. First the dresses, now the dango. Little by little, the world seemed to be losing its appeal, turning into a bland and hollow environment, devoid of interest or meaning.
But then again, you realized that it wasn’t really the world’s fault. It was because of your own disposition. It was all because of you.
How did your life end up being so miserable? You wondered, tossing the half-eaten skewer back inside the bag and setting it to the side. You’d never missed a single thing, yet now it felt as if you were left with nothing at all. Wealth and status meant so little when they were the very binds that kept you confined in this cage you so desperately wanted to break out of.
Saying yes to this marriage would be the first step to a life of endless torment, but if you kept at it, there was always a chance things would take a turn for the worse. Was it really worth endangering his life over a silly love story? Just like you did, he must also have his own aspirations to see through. Whether he felt the same way about you or not, you didn’t want to be the one to stand in the way of his dreams, let alone in the way of his life.
That’s right. They really are silly, your feelings for him, that is. It was only an infatuation. He was simply the first guy you’d approached, the first one to make your heart beat faster, the first one to be your friend. There was no real value in that, really. You never really liked him anyway. This was just another spoiled girl’s whim. You’d probably lose all interest in him the second he offered himself to you. That’s how unimportant this whole thing was. Come tomorrow, you’d open your eyes and set your sights on something new, something that actually matters.
It sounded like a plan, but for now, you couldn’t see past your nose, your vision being all blurry and hazy. It’s just rain, you thought with a sorrowful smile as you gazed into the spotless sky.
“Silly me, I shouldn’t have left the house without an umbrella.”
Slowly, the teardrops that clouded your eyes began to overflow, staining the sleeves of your kimono as you buried your face in them. The rain grew stronger with each sob, erratic whimpers that resembled thunder strikes. It was so cruel and unfair. This stupid heart just wouldn’t stop yearning and breaking for him. Even when you were trying your best to erase him, all you wanted to do was see him.
Suddenly, a pair of feet manifested before you, joined by another and then another. Rubbing your eyelids against the fabric, your eyes danced between the three men. They were all in their late thirties, sporting a fairly ordinary attire, with the sole exception being that of the swords attached to their hips.
“What do we have here?” The man to the far right said, leaning towards you.
“Why the long face, miss?” The one to the left nudged at the bag with the edge of his sandal. “And look at all that dango… mind if we share?”
You pulled the bag out of their reach, shoving it behind your back. These guys seemed like bad news. A random band of brothers wouldn’t so carelessly be carrying swords in broad daylight, unless they had vile intentions.
“Boss, looks like we caught ourselves a good one. Check the crest. Isn’t this the Tsugaru brat?” The first guy spoke, attempting to get a closer look at your shoulders.
“I’ll be damned if it isn’t!”
“Missie, care to accompany us someplace better? An empty alleyway can be dangerous for a girl your status.” The guy in the middle, presumably their leader, suggested with an eerie smile.
“I’d rather not.” You responded, discreetly flexing your fingers towards your sword.
“Pardon my manners. You must have thought of this as an invitation, but in reality,” the leader paused to offer you a glimpse at his blade “,my ranking doesn’t allow for such courtesies. Get on your feet while I’m still asking nicely.”
Wrapping your fingers around the hilt, you hesitated to stand up. You’d heard of Jouishishi attacking Bakufu officials and their families, but to actually experience it was something else. If you followed them, then who knows what would become of you? But then again, you weren’t unarmed. For better or worse, after all this time of training with Takasugi, you’d like to think that you had a few tricks up your sleeve. Whether you could take on all these guys by yourself or not, there was only one way to find out.
Pretending as if you’d complied, you rose to your feet only to turn against him, slashing through the man’s face with a rapid strike. It wasn’t enough to kill him, though it was enough to send him flying to the ground. With a shriek, the man brought both hands to his nose, attempting to cover the wound. His lackeys exchanged quick glances before throwing themselves at you, each attempting to get hold of your shoulders. You waved your sword in their direction, though neither seemed particularly intimidated. They weren’t scared in the slightest.
While you were trying to figure out what the best course of action in this situation was, their boss managed to regain his composure. His left eye was shut, blood dripping from the gash all the way to his chin and clothes, painting a hideous expression on his features.
Unlike the other two, he didn’t hesitate to unsheathe his sword, attempting a strike at you the moment he got back on his feet. A loud clang followed when the man hit the banister, barely missing as you dodged to the side. Just when you thought you escaped him, two pairs of hands dived forward, capturing both of your shoulders while you writhed, desperate to get out of their grasp.
“Too bad, missie. Too bad.” Sneering, the man grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked it upwards. “I’d really consider returning you to your nest, but now it looks like only your head will make it back.”
With their claws not faltering one bit, and the man’s sword nicking at your neck, you couldn’t help but wonder whether this was actually your end. A wasted life that’d only just begun.
There were so many things you wished to do, so many things you wished to say that’d remain unheard. Even in your final moments, you couldn’t forsake his image. You longed to see him one last time, though that was out of the question now. It’s fine. Perhaps this was for the best. He wouldn’t get to see how pathetic you were, you thought as you closed your eyes, accepting your fate, one that wouldn’t come just yet.
The swift sound of a blade cutting through the wind forced your eyes open. Where the man’s head once stood, blood spewed out of his severed neck as if it were a spring. His now lifeless body fell to the side with a thump, revealing a dark silhouette from behind, one that you couldn’t bring yourself to face. Your gaze remained frozen upon the gruesome sight, your pupils flickering between the man’s detached torso and head. Only a minute ago he was hurling threats at you, and now, there he was, dismantled as if he was no more than a toy.
Stepping amidst the crimson puddle, the figure sent the man’s head spiraling towards the other two men, who, in return, let go of you completely. You hadn’t even caught a glimpse of his face, though you needn’t need to look to know who the executioner was. His voice was enough to give away his identity.
“And who’ll be the recipient of this head?”
“Y-you! Takasugi Sh-” One of the men uttered right before getting impaled by Takasugi’s blade.
“Wrong.” Takasugi grunted, retracting his sword. “What about you?” He turned to the third man. “You have an answer for me?”
The remaining Joui rebel was a shivering mess that could barely stand by himself, let alone answer Takasugi’s question. His darkened eyes constantly darted between the corpses of his comrades in terror.
“Where should I send these to?” Takasugi prompted, pointing at the bodies and then the man’s chest with the silver tip.
“I won’t be asking again.”
“Ten-Tengudou!” He coaxed in a pathetic tone.
“Tengudou… I see.���
“You’ve heard of us?” A glimmer of hope glinted in his eyes, only to fade away right after.
“I haven’t… but then again, I feel no need to acquaint myself with such scum.”
With a sneer, Takasugi pierced through the man’s chest, forcing him onto his knees.
“You can join your friends in hell. See how far comradeship will get you there.” And with that, he pulled his sword out, shaking the blood off, and then returning it to its sheath.
You remained huddled near the ground all the while Takasugi dealt with the men, too stunned to neither aid him nor react. One moment you thought you were a goner, and the next one, he’d come to your rescue. Did your wish reach his ears? The short answer was no, but the sudden change in your behavior was a surefire sign that something was wrong, a sign that he, fortunately, chose to follow.
Once he was done inspecting the surrounding area, lest other members of their facton lurked in the shadows, Takasugi helped you up. The blood underneath had flowed all the way to the main street as if it were a river. There was so much of it, threatening to drag you in its depths.
Though you didn’t want to admit it, the sheer brutality with which he tore through these men had managed to startle you. This was the first time you’d seen him in action, fighting an actual enemy, despite not crossing blades with either of them. Up until that point, you’d never considered the possibility of him being someone capable of such atrocity, yet perhaps he was just as dangerous as they were.
Rather than speaking a word to you, Takasugi let out a deep sigh as he claimed your face with his palms, the sleeves of his yukata dropping over his fingers. Even then, you found yourself averting your eyes from his, though as he wiped the blood off your cheeks, you had no choice but to ease into his touch.
The way he held you was so tender, yet the look in his eye contradicted his gestures. You’d never seen him like this, not even when you’d defamed his precious yakult bottle. Was it rage, or was it worry? You couldn’t tell, but then again, you lacked the courage to ask him. All you wanted to do was go home. Home with him.
Taking a step back, he stripped off his haori, offering it to you instead. At first, you were unsure as to why he did that, but once he wrapped it around your shoulders, you understood his reasoning. Bright flowers of scarlet sprawled across the yellow of your kimono, a leftover from the bloodshed. Though he didn’t seem to care enough to dispose of the bodies, he was considerate enough to not let you walk around adorning their blood.
Nuzzling your nose deep into the fabric, you started to gradually relax. The haori was slightly bigger than the one you were used to wearing, but it carried his scent, the kind of scent that made you feel safe. Perhaps when he was around, that’s all you needed to feel at home.
“Follow me.”
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For the first time in a while, your tongue was tied in his presence. Even when you knew that Takasugi did what he had to do in order to protect you, there was no way for you to get the man’s stare out of your head. His face was imprinted behind your eyelids, flashing in your memory whenever you blinked.
You couldn’t help but think that the only reason these men died was because of you. If you hadn’t been so careless as to leave without any attendants, if you hadn’t slipped in that back alley, if you hadn’t been so weak as to let him interfere, then they wouldn’t have lost their lives. Jouishishi or not, they were samurai just like he was, and somehow have him be the one to act as their executioner, heavied you with guilt.
Other than asking you to follow him, Takasugi hadn’t spoken a single word to you. It was as if you’d gone back to the time when he disregarded your presence, though the reason behind his silence was far more intimate than before. Just like you blamed yourself for the entire incident, he blamed himself for you. If he’d turned you down, if he hadn’t taught you how to hold a sword, then you wouldn’t have dreamt of picking a fight with these guys, and you wouldn’t have knocked on death’s door.
He was enraged not so much by your actions as he was by his own incompetence in keeping you out of harm’s way.
With the two of you having none other than yourselves to blame, you kept on walking until you found yourselves standing outside the house. You thought about how you should thank him for all he did, though he was the first to break the silence in a way that made you forget all about showing gratitude.
“I resign.” Takasugi spat in a dry tone.
“You resign…?”
“I have no intention to keep on teaching an insolent brat who knows no danger.”
“But Shinsuke, I—”
“You almost got killed today!” He howled, his voice loud enough to scare a couple of birds away.
“If I was a minute late… no,” he shook his head, “if I wasn’t there in the first place, you heard what would have happened. You think men who’ve lost everything to war care enough to spare the life of a little girl? All they see is the hatred and the pain, the death and the destruction of everything they held dear. While you were busy playing house with your dolls, they had to watch as the Bakufu and the entire world turned their backs against them, leaving them to fend off the Amanto all by themselves.”
His knuckles were clenched into a pair of balled fists while he talked, almost as if he was accusing you of a crime you never committed. Those things he described, you could tell they were events he got to experience first-hand. You could feel the anguish behind his every word, as if simply discussing them brought him back to the hellhole he so desperately crawled out of.
You tried to comfort him, but it was of no use. He wasn’t done lashing out.
" Y/N, do you really think there’s a place for useless words such as ‘mercy’ in their vocabulary, let alone when it comes to someone as privileged as you? To them, the blood of their comrades and their families stains your hands as much as it stains your father’s. All they can spare for the likes of you is resentment. Nothing less, nothing more.”
“Is that how you also see me?” You asked in a quiet voice as you lowered your head.
The kind of girl he described wasn’t far from the girl you used to be, but that wasn’t the case anymore. You wanted him to know that. You wanted to prove to him how much you’d changed because of him, yet that was exactly the reason why he was now baring his teeth at you. As long as you remain a coward who knows her place, then you won’t be endangered. As long as you stray off his path, he won’t have a reason to walk over your corpse.
“All I see is a spoiled little girl who plays with toys too dangerous than she can handle.” He answered, refusing to face you. “Forget everything I taught you and go back to your dollhouse. Your hands were never meant to hold a sword to begin with.”
Hearing his words caused you far greater pain than your father managed this morning. All this time of trying your hardest to make Takasugi acknowledge you, of getting him to finally look at you the way you looked at him, only for everything to fall apart. If it were for him, you’d make sure to find a way of dealing with both your father’s wrath and the forceful marriage agreement. But if that someone didn’t love you back, if that someone was repulsed by the mere sight of you, what was there left for you to do?
Even as you watched him march towards the front door, you couldn’t bear to watch him slip away. Your fingers latched onto his sleeves, anchoring him down with every last bit of conviction you had left.
Had he turned around, he’d be able to see the tears you’d tried to hide away from him, your eyes mourning for everything the two of you could’ve been. Though not even he was strong enough to face the eyes of a girl whose heart he broke so cruelly.
His final resort was to place his calloused hands upon yours, pondering whether to keep you close or push you further away.
“I’ve had my fair share of watching people die. I refuse to be a witness to your death.” Takasugi said in a gentler voice as he shook your hands off him, leaving you to pick up your pieces on your own.
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Watching him rip the Amanto pirates apart certainly brought back memories, the kind of memories you’d conveniently buried in the depths of your mind. Was the man in front of you the one who’d robbed you of your only family, or was he the same boy who jumped into action just to save you? The images of both flashed before your eyes as he fervently fought off the enemies, confusing you even further.
If you wanted to save me, if you didn’t want to watch me die, then why did you make it so that I’d die a little bit inside every single day that followed? Why didn’t you let my misery end back then? Just who are you already?
Gritting your teeth together, you let out a sharp exhale.
It doesn’t matter anymore. Such misery shall come to an end now.
At last, you unsheathed your sword, your eyes fixated on him as you climbed down the stairs. The aliens around him had all but decreased, every one of them as dedicated to take the Kiheitai’s general down as you were. This really was a golden opportunity.
Once you stood on the same level he was, you glanced around. Jumping at him from the front would be your worst bet. He’d see you coming from miles away. If you went from behind, then his second-in-command would get to you first. All that was left was the sides, your best chance being to mingle with the Amanto and go for the killing blow.
Walking along the railing, an Amanto soldier caught your eye. Unlike most of his fellow comrades —who mindlessly jumped into action with their swords and fists—, he was holding onto a pistol, one he aimed at none other than Takasugi. Firing a bullet from this range probably wouldn’t find its target, though it wasn’t impossible. With the quick work Takasugi made of them, it wouldn’t take long until the field was clear enough for the man to take a successful shot.
Your eyes darted between the two men in uncertainty. Your enemy undoubtedly was the man who ravaged his way through your life, whose sword left nothing but destruction in its wake. Your enemy was Takasugi Shinsuke, the man whose name your blade called out to reach, yet why was it that instead of pointing it at him, you were directing it at the gunslinger? Why was it that your feet were moving on their own?
That’s right. I never had the chance to thank you, but now, that debt will be paid. This is the final kindness I have left for you, Shinsuke.
Before you knew it, your sword impaled the man’s back, his dark jacket growing darker around the rip. A thud echoed as the gun dropped from his hands onto the ground, the man’s body following suit with your blade nailing him down.
You dropped to your knees, taking a look at his face. Both his eyes were frozen, his pupils dilated from the shock. At the sight of you, his lips parted, only for his head to roll to the side. His chest was heaving no longer, you realized. He was gone. A swing of your weapon was all it took to claim his life. It was that easy. So ridiculously easy.
Retracting your sword, you rose to your feet without breaking eye contact. This man must have had a family of his own. A woman and kids of his own, people to call his friends and comrades, people to mourn him, people who would mourn him because of you, because you chose to kill a murderer in order to save another by becoming one yourself. What kind of foul trick was fate playing on you?
“You still haven’t learned to watch your back.”
A blade passed by your side, finding its target right behind you. For a moment, you’d forgotten all about the on-going battle. Even when everyone seemed unaware of you before, that changed after you killed that man. Along with your sword, you’d managed to draw the attention of just about every Amanto on board.
The hollow sound of a body dropping to the floor forced you to turn around, finding yet another pool of blood sprawling beneath your feet.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Takasugi asked, retrieving his blade. “This isn’t your battle to fight.”
“Saving a bastard samurai from the humiliation of dying to an Amanto minion.” You talked back to him, raising your sword over your chest. “Make no mistake, Takasugi. Your life is mine to claim and until that moment comes, I won’t let anyone cut you first.”
Parting his lips as if he had to say something, Takasugi let out a muffled sound. Even when a little less than a dozen of pirates pointed their weapons at him, he was chuckling. With his own sword in hand, he assumed a fighting position, turning his back against you.
“Oi, Y/N.” He spoke, flashing a grin behind the silver. “Your strike against that vermin was enough to kill him. Just like you didn’t hesitate now, don’t hesitate when it comes to my head either.”
There it was, another opportunity for you to put an end to this, though, oddly, you didn’ consider taking advantage of it. Instead, you caught yourself smiling at the sight of your opponents approaching, knowing that your worst enemy had your back.
“I won’t.”
Fighting side by side with him, was the last thing you would have expected to happen when he visited your cell this morning, yet there you were, trying your best to hold your own. The more hits you blocked, the more you were able to return, slowly easing into the rush of the battle. Just like he suggested, you let go of your reservations. You weren’t striking for the sake of killing. You were simply striving to defend yourself and keep the Amanto off his rear while he did the majority of the killing.
So this was the life he’d chosen for himself. A life full of bloodshed and betrayal, a life with his enemies outnumbering his friends, if he had any to begin with. A lonely path with no way out, the very same path you’d chosen for yourself in the name of revenge. Still, he was right, was he not? From the moment you joined this fight, you hadn’t heard a single whisper in your brain. Though it wasn’t his blood that you spilled, you felt surprisingly tranquil, finding even the slightest of enjoyment in all this.
Whenever an enemy fell, you moved onto the next, not allowing yourself to feel sorry for their loss in the slightest. Glancing over at Takasugi, you could see him doing the same, tearing through them until only the two of you were left standing. His purple strands bore a dark red hue, his sword glistening in the same color. You wondered how you must be looking. Judging by the sticky feeling on your skin, you mustn’t look any better than he did.
Shaking the blood off his sword, Takasugi turned towards your direction. His expression had significantly softened up, the filth of his enemies not enough to sully his gentle features. Unlike back then, his eye didn’t resemble that of an executioner, rather that of a man who looked at the object of his affection.
His steps exuded confidence as he walked closer to you, your gazes fixed on one another. The revenge you sought, the crimes he committed, all faded away in instant as if the two of you were the only ones left in the room. “Can I really forgive you?” You caught your heart asking your mind. “Am I really stupid enough to trust this man a second time?”
Before you had the chance to answer these questions, his hand reached forward, spinning you around. An involuntary gasp evaded your lips, uncertain of what had just occurred. His fingers were clamped around your wrist, pressing your armed hand against your sides, with his second hand extended behind your back.
Just like before, the sound of a body falling echoed from behind, an enemy you hadn’t noticed attempting to cut you down when you weren’t looking.
Slowly, Takasugi loosened his grasp, pulling away from your body. You could have sworn his yukata was stained even further than it previously was, though you couldn’t be sure. What troubled you the most, was the squint of his eyes, his expression shifting to that of sudden hurt.
“I told you. I refuse to be a witness to your death.”
In an attempt to balance himself, Takasugi rested his weight upon the hilt of his katana, only to collapse seconds later.
“Ta-Takasugi?” You asked, your eyes widening up at the same time as his eyelids began to droop, the green slowly fading in the back of his skull.
“Quit playing games, this isn’t like you.” You chuckled awkwardly, towering over his fallen body. “It’s not as if this is enough to bring you down, is it-”
Upon noticing the gush of blood that poured out of his yukata, your legs gave out, sending you to your knees. A tear had ripped the fabric of his clothes in half, revealing a rather deep gash that sprawled across his torso. This couldn’t… this wasn’t, right?
Your eyes traveled upon his body, searching for another of his infamous glares in his face, expecting him to scoff at you for making such morbid assumptions, though nothing came out of his lips. He looked as if he were sleeping, an eerily serene expression carved in his features, with his head tilted to the side. This was definitely him sleeping, then why was he perfectly still? Why was his chest not heaving, why couldn’t you feel a pulse when your fingers wrapped around his wrist?
“Wake up. This isn’t the time nor the place to be sleeping.” You whispered, lightly shaking his shoulders.
No response.
“I said wake up!” You shook him again, yet he seemed adamant on not responding.
Was this not what you wanted? To see him drowning in a pool of his own blood? Did you not wish to see him close his eye once and for all, to have him pay for what he did to you? He is the reason you lost everything, he is the one who murdered your family in cold blood, why are you weeping over him? Why are you covering his wound with your hands, why are you calling out for him to wake up?
“Shinsuke, just please open your eye, you can’t… you can’t die here! No matter what, you can’t die, you have to stay alive!”
No matter how much you raised your voice, Takasugi didn’t react in the slightest. He was right there in front of you, except he wasn’t.
“We haven’t even settled the score between us.” You spelled in between hiccupped breaths.
The words were turning into lead within your throat, refusing to spill from your mouth as you started to choke on your tears. In the face of death, neither your supposed hatred nor your stupid vengeance mattered anymore, not when he wouldn’t be around to shield either. If he wasn’t around, then what was the meaning of it all? What was there left for you to live for?
He was the man who took everything away from you, but he was also the man you loved. It only hurt so much because of how much you loved him, because after all these years your only choice was to lie and deny it all. It was easier than admitting that after all that happened, you were still madly in love with the man responsible for your downfall. That day, you didn’t lose just your father. You also lost him and now you were about to lose him again, this time for good.
“Please, Shinsuke… You can’t leave me alone. Not you too, not again.”
As you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your tears streamed down his face and neck, hoping that they were enough to wipe away his sins along with your sorrow, hoping that your feeble embrace would be enough to keep him to life.
“Crying won’t help Shinsuke, I daresay. Let us handle things now.”
The voice of a man kept addressing you, yet you couldn’t snap out of it. Your hands wouldn’t stop reaching out to him, clinging onto his sleeves in an attempt to hold on, even when multiple pair of arms were yanking you away from him.
A gentler, be it firmer grasp landed on your shoulder once you were made to stand on your feet. The same voice kept talking to your ear, supposedly reassuring you, though that did nothing to erase your fears of this being the last time you’d ever get to see him.
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roscgcld · 4 years
GOJO SATORU || pain in the ass
request: gojo and reader are special grades and their parents want them to get married so they could make a strong generation for their family (she doesnt like this and she thinks it's stupid). in the first meeting, they went together to exorcise some curses in mountain (their family asked them to do it together so they can get along), she ignored him bc she thinks he is kind of asshole but gojo keeps teasing her (he thinks her reaction is cute and she looks hot and actually he likes her and thinks getting married with her doesnt sound so bad).
could you make it jsjjdks i keep imagining this in my head and i think it's cute if the reader started to catch feelings too...... btw your writings are amazing i really love them and thank you!!
note: AHAHAHA I LOVE THIS! I am so happy most of us agree that Gojo, as hot as he is, can be an asshole. But this one is v fluffy, and very cute! I tried to cut down on not making it too long cause not going to lie, I always love reading tropes like this! the “annoying-ass-to-kinda-cute’” sort of trope, and I love it cx but here you go babes! I definitely enjoyed writing something like this.
pronouns: she/her
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“Y/N, guess what?”
Y/N’s chopsticks came to a stop as she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath to brace herself before slowly bringing her eyes away from the meal before them; meeting her mother’s eyes head on. “What is it, Mother?” She asks the older woman hesitantly, unsure of how to respond when she saw the familiar glint in her eyes - immediately telling her that she was not going to like where the conversation was heading. “Remember how we talked about being in the main family? How, as the oldest child, you need to set an example for your siblings?”
“..yes?” Y/N’s voice was uncertain, which made her mother frown but she didn’t comment any further on it. “Well, your father and I met up with a family recently, who has a son around your age.” The older woman said just as an annoyed sigh was heard, the woman narrowing her eyes at her daughter who sets her chopsticks down quite loudly. “Mother, how many times have I told you that I don’t like this whole arranged marriage scheme you and Father have come up with.”
Before her mother can give her a response, her husband reaches over to grab her hand in his, giving her a soft look before he clears his throat loudly. “Everyone, would you give us a moment?” He asked as he glances over at the rest of his kids, who all gave their oldest sister a concerned glance before they started to make their way out of the room; their mother closing the door after them. Not without giving her husband another look, one that Y/N caught and had her blood boil a little in annoyance.
Once the shoji doors of the dining room were slid shut the older man lets out a soft sigh before he made his way towards his oldest, taking up the zabuton that his son had left empty by her side. Quietly he reaches out to take her hand in his, his rougher hands incasing her own ones that were roughen up by years of combat training; but there was still a certain softness and feminine touch to them. “Princess - you know your mother and I just want to look out for you.” He started off with a tired sigh, to which the younger woman just gave her father a look. “I know you don’t see marriage as a viable route. But you have to remember, not only are you a Special Grade sorcerer, you also come from a strong clan like ours.”
“Yes, yes, I know - but what does my marriage status have to do with this?” Y/N stresses with a frown as she looks over at her father once more. “You and I both know that the elders can be very old schooled. I mean - who still insist on marrying every of age person of as soon as possible?” She ranted with pure annoyance lacing her voice, the older man just listening to her complains with a soft smile. He can’t get upset at her - he himself went on a rant when he was first told of his own engagement during his teen years. “I know it’s sudden and against your wish, but can you entertain your old man once? One meeting, that is all I ask of you.”
At first his words was met with silence, but he just waited for her to slowly but surely give in. Which she did after a few more moments. “...just once.” She said with a tired sigh, causing the older man to chuckle before he leans over to kiss her on the head softly. “But if I don’t like him, I am never going to let you forget about this.” She stated simply as she looks over at her elderly father, who just smiles softly in return. “I am sure you’re going to enjoy his presence. He’s of your age, and a Special Grade sorcerer too. I am sure you two are going to get along just fine.”
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“I am going to murder his dumbass.”
To say Y/N was upset would be an understatement - there were clear waves of annoyance just radiating off the sorcerer. Today was the day she was supposed to meet with her ‘fiancé’ for the first time, and he was not giving her the best first impression. Not only is he half an hour late, he didn’t send anyone to give her a heads up either. So now she was just standing there, tapping her foot impatiently as she glanced at her watch once more. 
They were supposed to meet at the gates of a mountain temple to exorcise some curses that had started to appear around the temple. Hence why she stood by a traditional torii gate, her mood souring with each passing second. She glanced over at the monks who care for the temple and bow at them apologetically, to which they just gave her reassuring smiles and bow back softly as well. “I do apologies for my companion. Seems he still lacks the ability to read a clock.”
“How rude. And here I thought that you’d be excited to meet your future fiancé.” A teasing voice came from behind her, causing her to turn her narrowed eyes back to finally get a look at her fiancé - only to have her eyes widen when she realised just how tall the man was. She gave him a once over, noting his handsome features and white haired style upwards; and how his eyes were covered by a blindfold. He sported a soft grin which he thought might have tell her how apologetic he was, but it just causes her to get more irritated. “I do apologise for making you wait. I had a run in with some pesky curses along the way.”
For some reason Y/N did not believe his words, but she just rolled her eyes before she turned and made her way towards the torii gate, walking on the side like she was taught to do. Quietly she started to climb the stone steps up to the temple, not even caring if the man was following behind her. But she can tell from the footsteps that followed behind her, and soon he opened his mouth once more. “What? No introduction?”
“L/N Y/N.” She stated simply, her hand resting on the beautifully carved katana that rest on her hip as she started to glance about the wooded area; trying to see if she can sense any Curses near by. “Nice to meet you, Y/N-chan. My name is Goto Satoru.” The white haired shaman greeted back with a grin, to which the woman just lets out a soft hum, not necessarily paying attention to what he had just said. But Goto wasn’t deterred, walking a few steps behind her as he watches her walk before him. “You’re the oldest heir of the L/N clan?” 
“Unfortunately.” The woman replied back in annoyance, to which the taller male raises an eyebrow at her response. He can tell that in that sense, they can definitely relate - they were both heirs to clans who are so backwards thinking that they think that they need to find ‘the best matches’ for all of their available heirs. 
If he was being honest, Gojo had no intention of coming to arrange meeting. He wanted to blow it off with some lame excuse, or just flip off his elders when they ask. But something told him that he should just come for the sake of seeing which miserable soul was forced into the same position he was in. And if he was being honest, he doesn’t regret coming to the meeting that much anymore. “By the way, do you consider this to be our first date?”
“If it is, I can definitely say my low standards for the day just reached the floor.” She grumbled before she paused just underneath another torii gate, looking up at the Curse that was wrapped around one of the sides like a giant snake; hissing at them loudly. “How rude.” Gojo replied back with a pout, standing back and watching the woman unsheathes her katana, how she imbed her own Cursed Energy onto the blade; raising a curious brow at just how strong her Cursed Energy was.
Weirdly enough, he finds her not only interesting, but extremely hot. Who wouldn’t find a strong woman hot?
He watches her in silence as she sliced the air before her, the Curse letting out a loud cry of main as it was sliced up into pieces by invisible blades. But the woman didn’t cast the withering Curse another glance as she pushes forward. “Come on, let’s get this over with.” She sighs as she rest her katana over her shoulder, looking back at the man with an unamused look. Gojo instead grins before he follows behind the woman now getting more interested than he was before. “You know, I think you and I are going to get along well.”
“What a pain in the ass.” Was her only answer, causing his grin to widen as he hums to himself whilst following behind the clearly fuming woman. Yeah, he definitely doesn’t regret his decision to come now.
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It wasn’t the first time the both of them were forced to cross paths with one another.
With all that said and done, both Gojo and Y/N were definitely quite the duo. Both of them are Special Grades, and both of them work together almost flawlessly. Even though Gojo is considered ‘the strongest’, Y/N is the more polished and definitely more refined sorcerer; since she had taken her early training. Because of this they balance each other out quite nicely, making them quite the formidable duo. Due to this, they are scent to many missions together, forcing them to spend a lot of time with each other.
Y/N’s first impression on Gojo is that he doesn’t necessarily care about anyone or anything. Yet Y/N can tell that he cares for all of his students with his entire being, and is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that they get to experience their youth to the fullest extent. Besides that, he’s also someone who can try and make light no matter the situation. Even Y/N can admit that his snarky comments and sarcastic responses has made her let out a laugh or two.
It wasn’t just that - it was also how, even though they were forced into a union together unwillingly, he tries to make the most out of it. Not only does he show her around Tokyo, since she’s from a town in Kyoto Province - he also made it his own mission to show her all the fun restaurants and dessert cafes all over the city that he himself visits. He also goes out of his way to make sure that her elders are not bothering her too much about when the wedding is going to be. Gojo can tell that Y/N’s elders are pushing for this more than his are, so he did visit her clan’s home a few times to make sure that they weren’t pressuring her about marriage.
Along the way he has met her parents and her siblings, somehow managing to fit into her family unit in a short about of time. Whether it’s playing video games with her younger sister, or rough housing with her younger brother, even bonding with your parents over tea - there was no denying that he somehow manages to get along with everyone. It did make her heart flutter a little, since finding a man who is not only an ease to be around, but also makes the effort to get to know your parents is a rare gem to find. 
On days when they are both free, he would appear and drag her out of her home, begging for her to bring him around her hometown and to the Kyoto School for a visit. For the most part though, he just goes to the Kyoto branch so he can annoy  Utahime, who will turn to you with the most annoyed scowl on her face. “Out of all the men on this planet, you had to choose the white haired menace?” The woman would ask her junior with an unamused scowl, to which Y/N would just apologise wordlessly with a soft one of her own.
If she was being honest, she had no idea that the man she once found annoying become attractive; and was definitely not even sure when she started to fall for him. But she remembers the day when she realised that there was definitely something more she felt for him - it was family game night. Gojo, who had visited Kyoto to handle something, had dropped by with some takeout to share with your family. After a nice dinner, which was filled with laughter, Y/N sat down on the engawa of her family home; smiling softly at the sight of Gojo playing with her younger siblings.
Just the sight of the three of them bonding together, laughing and running around the courtyard that cause a warm feeling to travel through her entire person; a wider and much more sincere smile tugging against her lips. It was when a pair of crystalline blue eyes that seemed to almost glow in the night turn to face her, half hidden behind darkly tinted sunglasses as the owner grinned over at her with such child like happiness that it hit her like a truck.
“Holy shit, I’ve fallen for him.” She whispered quietly to herself as she continues to watch the oblivious trio before her, her cheeks warming the longer she watches him laugh and play with her siblings. If her past her sees her now, she might not be too proud at how they had decided to go against her number one rule - and that was not to fall for the man. 
Now she is never going to hear the end of this any time soon.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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vulpes-z3rda · 4 years
how you met them
a/n: how are we all feeling?? i apologise if the writing isn’t the best, its old content from my wattpad that i’m moving across!!
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Well, you met at the Final Selection. He was running through the wisteria flowers on the trees and had finally reached the end of it all. Before he could walk further into the opening, he walked right into someone. "Hey. Watch where you're walking, will you?" You grumbled, saddened by the loss of your friends in the forest. He gulped at your facial expression and rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment. "Ah, I'm sorry... I'm Tanjiro Kamado! It's nice to meet you..." He trailed off not knowing your name. You huffed and gave him a small smile. "Y/n... Y/n L/n! It's nice to meet you too Kamado-Kun!" He smiled and walked with you over to the twins that stood before you all to explain your swords. "I hope we work together L/n-Chan." Giggling you nodded. "Me too!" With that, the pair of you stood together, a sense of pride and happiness surrounding you both. "Hey, Kamado-Kun?" You said quietly. "Hmm? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned about you. "I promise to protect you and stay by your side!" You pledged with a wide smile. He chuckled and nodded. "I promise to do the same L/n-Chan."
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You both met at the butterfly estate. You had already become a demon hunter and was working under Rengoku. This is what attracted him to you originally. I mean Rengoku was strong so in his mind, you would be a worthy opponent to fight right? He was right about that, however, he could never get to ask. So he charged at you with his pig assault as he usually does. "Huh? What happened?" You asked in a daze as he'd made you hit your head rather harshly on the floor. "Fight me!!" He yelled as steam came out of his boar mask's nose. "Get off me, you idiot!!" You yelled as you pushed him off you and stood up dusting yourself off. That was until you froze and looked up at him in pure rage. "You... YOU RIPPED MY HAORI INOSUKE!!!! YOU DUMBASS!!" You screeched as you chased after him. "AHAHA!!! ARE YOU GONNA FIGHT ME NOW Y/N!?" He yelled back in near-psychotic joy. "Fight you? I'm gonna beat your ass, you damned idiot!!" You quietly threatened as you ran at him. "Rengoku? Shouldn't we stop this?" Tanjiro asked as he and Zenitsu stood beside him. "Hmmm, no. Let them teach young Inosuke a lesson."
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You were the baker's daughter at a village at the foot of a mountain a few miles east of the Demon Slayer Corps. For two weeks teens and children had been going missing, adults had started to go too. So naturally, people began to suspect a demon was behind the disappearances. Your village elder sent for some demon slayers to come and help but it was too late. "HELP! PLEASE, SOMEONE!!" You screamed as a demon had begun to chase you after killing your father. "No one is coming to help you, brat!" He screeched as he pinned you by the neck to the wall of a house. A flash of yellow flew past you and stopped to your left. "HEY! Get your hands off them!" A blonde boy yelled as he drew a sword out on the demon. "Ah, a slayer? This should be fun..." He smirked as he dropped you to the ground. Before he could even react, the blonde had sliced his head off. "Are you okay?" He asked with obvious tears in his eyes. "No.. my dad... he killed him!!" You wailed in pain. "Hey... come with me so we can protect you. My name is Zenitsu." He exclaimed trying to comfort you. You stood up and grabbed his hand. "I'm y/n... please don't leave me Zenitsu.." You whimpered, scared of anything and everything at that moment. "I wouldn't dream of it Y/n-Chan."
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You were a simple first aider at the Demon Corps who worked under Shinobu at the butterfly estate. At first, he gave you no attention. I'll be honest, he didn't even know who you were. That all changed when he was injured after a mission in a village that had more demons than anticipated. Aoi and Shinobu had forced him to go to you as you were one of the best aiders there. "Y/n? We have one more for you to help." Aoi sai giving you a slight smile. "Hmm? Ah, okay. Just place him on that bed there and I'll get right to it and help him." You stated blandly looking at them with dull e/c eyes. Despite this, upon seeing him, they lit up slightly. "You were injured on a mission right Tamioka-San?" You asked as you cleaned his cuts. He looked at you curiously and nodded. "How do you know my name?" He asked blandly. "It's my business to know everyone who Shinobu works alongside so I can welcome them if I need to. I'm Y/n L/n by the way." A small, unnoticeable chuckle left his lips as you bandaged his wounds. "Thank you L/n." You smiled at him and carried on. "I'm simply doing my job, there's no need to thank me."
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He was strolling through a random village in which he knew demons had been attacking continuously for a few days or so. The pained cries of devastated families were like music to his sinful ears. What can I say? He has lived for a thousand years and has come to enjoy killing humans and seeing them as less than worth sparing. Well... that was until he saw you. A particularly aggressive demon had trapped you in an alleyway. "Oh god... I'm going to die..." You whispered as the demon lifted his hand to hit you. Now he was just as confused as you must have been when he grabbed the demon and immediately snapped its head clean off. "Sir? How did you..." You looked up into his eyes and for some reason calmed down. Heaving out a sigh he helped you up and helped you. "Thank you for saving me... I'm Y/n L/n." He chuckled at the bluntness of your reply. "You're welcome. I'm... I'm Muzan." Smiling you kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Muzan.." A blush overcame his pale face and he smiled slightly. More to the point, he was surprised you hadn't recognised his name.
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You met him before everything when you were both kids and grew up together. However, when your father was killed by a demon, your mum took you away from everything and forced you to move in with her friend Ubuyashiki Kagaya. It wasn't until he became a demon slayer did you meet again. "Y-y/n? Is that you?" He asked looking at you, unsure of whether he had called the right person or not. "Huh? Genya?" You asked in confusion. "Why're you here? You know where you are right?" You asked with a small smile. "I'm a demon slayer... where did you go way back then?" He mumbled as he walked up to you and hugged you. Giggling you shook your head and hugged back. "My mum brought me here and I was trained to be a demon slayer. I'm a pillar alongside your brother!" The shock on his face was priceless as he stared at you in disbelief. "YOU'RE A PILLAR!?"
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"I need to get away from here..." You whispered as you ran, well tried to, away from the demon who was once your brother. "Y/n!? Come back, I only want a piece of you and then I'll let you go~" He tormented gaining on you. "NO!" You yelled before tripping on a tree root. "Oh no... no no no." The crazed and human meat starved demon stared at you hungrily. "There you are." He growled as you scooted away from him. "B/n... please... please don't do this!" You cried. "Well, why would I spare y-" You looked up to see his head cut off and rolling over the floor and a tall blonde man stood there with a katana. "Are you okay?" He asked holding a hand out to help you up. "He... My brother... I." Stuttering for a reply you looked up at him crying. "Please... please don't leave me..." You begged quickly standing up and gripping onto his haori. He gave a small chuckle and patted your head to try and comfort you. "I won't... I'm Kyojuro Rengoku." After introducing himself, you pulled away and looked up at him. "I'm y/n. y/n l/n."
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You were a demon much like Nezuko. You'd never eaten or harmed a human and wished to help them against Muzan and to make your situation better, it was Genya who brought you back to the Demon Slayer Corps. "Another one? Why are so many docile demons appearing??" Gyomei questioned as he stared at you. You smiled back at him and looked over to Genya. "What's gonna happen to me Genya?" The pillars looked on in shock, apart from Sanemi, and fussed over how you were able to talk. "Will you guys shut up? They're nothing amazing. Just another demon like that other one." He grumbled as he glared at you. Giggling you sauntered over to him. "Y/n? Don't annoy Sanemi..." Genya mumbled, being flustered about the demon he brought home annoying his brother. "I'm simply checking out something that's captured my interest!" A blush spread across the Wind Pillars face like an out of control wildfire. "Will you shut up? You're fucking annoying." You laughed and smiled tilting your head. "But I want to get to know you Sanemi-kun~" You teased and you smirked at him. "GENYA!! GET Y/N AWAY FROM ME BEFORE I HIT THEM!!" He shouted. "Sanemi!! Don't you dare!!" The pillars yelled as they held him back. "I'm going to like you a lot I think..." You said with a light blush.
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You met Mitsuri when she was on a mission with Obanai. You weren't the demon they were after but you know if they found you, they'd kill you. However, after seeing them fight and both become injured by the demon which has been terrorising the village you lived in, you decided you'd help them and heal their wounds. "You. You're a demon." Obanai glared at you after you had swiftly chopped the head of the demon off and turned to face them. "Yes. A demon that just helped you. I could've left you to suffer." You said as you kneeled beside Mitsuri and looked over her injuries. "Which ones hurt more?" You asked as you got ready to heal them. "These one do.." She whispered as she pointed to the deep scratches on her arm. "HEY! Get away from Mitsuri!!" Mitsuri told Obanai to calm down as a pink light surrounded her and her wounds healed rather quickly. "See Obanai? They helped me!" She exclaimed as she smiled at you. "You're another docile one... like the one that kid has." Obanai still glared as you turned to face him. "It's your turn. Let me help you." Reluctantly he allowed you to heal his wounds. "What's your name?" Mitsuri asked as you stood up and stretched. She smiled and walked closer to you, much to Obanai's dismay. "Y/n... y/n l/n." You answered as you went to turn and walk away. "Hey wait! You can come with us back to the Butterfly Estate! There's another demon there so you won't be alone and you can continue to help us!!" She exclaimed as she giggled at your confused expression. "Hmmm, I'd like that I think Mitsuri..." You said with a small smile. "Yayyyy!!! Come on!! Everyone is going to love you!!"
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tempenensis · 3 years
Sorry in advance, you might want to prepare brain bleach first.
AU of jjk x sailormoon (yeah they all wear the senshi uniform except for megumi)
Main Senshis
Yuuji is the ditzy protag who transforms into the pretty Cursed Sailor Senshi Sukuna by the power of the One Cursed Finger(tm). Student by day, Sukuna at night, he fights evil, cursed spirits, literally his mom and everyone else. He's on a quest to gather all the twenty pieces of Sukuna's middle fingers (and toss them into the volcano of Mount Doom) to upgrade into his final form Eternal Sailor Tora. He might be more intelligent than he looks.
Megumi is the mysterious Shikigami Delinquent Mask. His true identity is the lost prince of the (soon to vanish) Zenin Kingdom. Adept in manipulating shadows and friend to all disney animals, he is the moon to Yuuji's sun (too tooth-rotting ugh).
Nobara is Sailor Fire Rose and best friend of Yuuji and Megumi. Using her 1000-ton fire hammer, she wrecks terror in the heart of her every enemy and Yuuji whenever he dropped her shopping bags. Usually seen close to Sailor Makiroll in public.
Maki is Sailor Makiroll, exiled duke's daughter from the Zenin Kingdom with her twin sister Mai. Her herculean strength leaves no doubt to who's the pillar of the Sailor Senshis. May also be dating Sailor Fire Rose and Sailor Yomi at the same time.
Inumaki is Sailor Onigiri. Due to his unfortunate past, he can only speak in A VERY LOUD VOICE whereupon sometimes onigiri ingredients will appear in a giant shower and belt cursed spirits to death. Using his vocal talents, he is an essential support to the Sailor Senshis but also runs up a very high cost of cough syrups billed to Sailor Sensei-Skies (which noone cares). Sometimes pairs up with Sailor Panda as a tag team to irritate enemies and Sailor Fire Rose.
Todo is Sailor Brotha Haarto. He's a childhood friend of Yuuji and his self-proclaimed besto friendo. He may look like a thug but he has the heart of a 530,000 IQ genius. He is the strategist of the Sailor Senshis where enemies tend to underestimate him. The source of his powerhouse attacks come from his beloved idol Takada and helps to pave the way when his brains, sorry heart, couldn't.
Sailor Panda is Sailor Panda. Dun ask.
Guardian Senshis
Nanami is Sailor 7/3 Overtime. His dislike for his position and Sailor Sensei-Skies is well-known. His attack uses the Banana Cleaver of Exhausting Work and Obnoxious Bosses which quakes fear in the hearts (if they have one) of all and makes them sh*t in their pants (if they have a pair). Quietly cares for Yuuji's well-being.
Yuta is Sailor Yomi. His quiet and depressed appearance hides the fact he is stronger than even Sailor Makiroll (currently) and only loses to Sailor Sensei-Skies. When combined with his alter-ego Rika-chan which will appear after getting x9999 hits, he becomes nigh invincible in a one-hit KO using his Bone-Shattering Katana.
Gojo is Sailor Sensei-Skies. Has a extreme sweet tooth and the main cause of stress to all Sailor Senshis (except Yuuji). His only plus points are his long eyelashes, wealth and over-tight black t-shirt which are usually enough for his fans to overlook his personality (which is none). His limitless and infinite ability "Honoured One" has the potential to shatter the universe as we know it: "Megumi-chan has VI-YO-LIN lessons with me now". Currently grounded.
Geto is Sailor Salty. He's the unfortunate best friend (and unconfirmed boyfriend) of Sailor Sensei-Skies and suffers the brunt of the stress level he causes. His attack "Monkeys Be-gone" vacuums up the enemies in a tornado and stores them in Doraemon's pocket dimension to be used as fertiliser later. Currently missing. There are speculations that he ran away from home bcos of Gojo.
I'm very sorry, please accept my gift of brain bleach.
Oh my God, how long did you think of this, anon? Kudos!! I'M WHEEZING-- OH MY GOD, THIS IS HILARIOUS! MY STOMACH HURTS 🤣🤣🤣
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minthoneynbasil · 4 years
✨MC introduces memes to Devildom pt. 2✨
Note: Pure crack that's a result of my brain post-finals
Mammon: *humming and getting ready to go out*
Levi: *appears* MAAMMOONNN
Levi: Is that my limited edition Ruri-chan wearing the christmas outfit from the anime I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus but I was actually the mommy and Santa Claus is the senpai I've been crushing super hard on??
Levi: It is, isn't it??!
Mammon: Uh, Levi it's not what you think--
Levi: *takes out a katana* I won't hesitate bitch!
Mammon: *shrieks*
(this has probably been done)
Baby Satan: *happily running while clutching something*
Lucifer: Oh? What do you have there, Satan?
Baby Satan: A knife!
Lucifer: NO-
Levi: *vlogging* Today, we're going to do the 'Pretending to put your dog on a diet challenge' on my brother
*doorbell rings*
Levi: And there's our order from Hell's Kitchen! Right on time
Levi: *arrives in the kitchen where Beel is waiting* Hey Beel! I got the food. You wanted the eight human world cheeseburgers and fries meal right?
Beel: *nods*
Levi: *takes out just one fry and slides it to Beel* There's your food
Levi: :)
Beel: *exits room without grabbing anything*
Levi: Oh, I guess it didn't work--
Beel: *comes back carrying a baseball bat*
Levi: *shrieks*
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
ShinoMitsu Week 2021 Day Three: (Fake/Secret Dating, Soulmate, Hobbies)
A/N: Here we are, the last time I’ll need to give this warning! This is the last part of the main storyline, everything else after this will be snippets from this AU safe for anyone to read. Enjoy! Word Count: 4,104
Mitsuri waited outside the gates of Sekirei Girls’ Academy, humming and rocking on her feet. It was obscenely early, but it was a price she was willing to pay if it meant being the first person to greet Shinobu on school grounds each morning.
Mitsuri was very happy. Ever since the surprise thunderstorm, she and Shinobu had grown much closer. Whenever Shinobu would spot her, she’d shoot Mitsuri the cutest little smile that made the older girl’s heart feel like it was going to explode! They talked more and even hung out outside of school on occasion, it was all Mitsuri had ever hoped for in pursuing a relationship with the cool, smart and beautiful Kochou Shinobu.
There was one thing that bothered her though, and that would be Shinobu’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge the strange bond between them. It hadn’t just been a product of the storm, they had experienced the visions a few more times since then. Usually, a specific touch or smell, even a sound could trigger an event and they’ve only gotten clearer since that rainy day.
From what Mitsuri gathered, she and Shinobu had been part of some kind of war if the uniforms and katanas were anything to go by. She didn’t really have many specific details beyond that. Many of the visions that came to her seemed to reflect whatever triggered them in the first place. Mitsuri had been researching the phenomenon in her spare time, but wasn’t making much progress on her own. She was sure if she could get Shinobu’s help on the matter they could actually find something, but as previously said, Shinobu wanted nothing to do with it. That didn’t mean Mitsuri was going to give up though.
“Good morning, Shinobu-chan!”  Mitsuri grinned and waved excitedly as Shinobu appeared in the distance.
“Good morning,” Shinobu answered once she was close enough to do so without yelling. Her lips were curled into that small smile that Mitsuri loved to see.
“What are you going to be practicing today, Shinobu?” Mitsuri asked, following her Kouhai to the track. Now that she had her foot in the door of Shinobu’s life, she was working on wiggling herself further in by spending all the time she could with her.
“My events next week are going to be the triple jump, high jump, one hundred meter dash, one hundred meter hurdles and the four hundred meter relay.” Shinobu recalled. “After I warm up I think I’ll start practicing my jumps and finish off with the sprints. I wanted to try pole vaulting, but Tomioka says I have to focus on my strengths now that the season is almost over. He’s such a killjoy.”
Mitsuri giggled. That was another part of Shinobu’s practices that she loved to watch. The shorter girl often sassed the coach or countered his teachings. It had worried Mitsuri at first, but quickly learned that it was simply their dynamic.
“There’s always next year, Shinobu! It’s sad I’m graduating this year, watching you practice is so fun. It’s too bad we didn’t become friends sooner, then you could have watched me during dance and volleyball season.” Mitsuri said wistfully.
“I’ve seen you do both many times.” Shinobu mumbled, a faint flush coloring her cheeks. “My sister was in both of those clubs as you may recall.”
“Yes! That’s true!” Mitsuri clapped before she thought about it a moment more and her face dropped. “But that means you’ve only seen me at my worst! I was only a first year back then and I wasn’t really good.”
“I remember, you fell a lot.” Shinobu snorted. Mitsuri covered her face and whined pitifully.
“But I didn’t stop going to meets and events even after Kanae graduated. You really improved over time.” Shinobu added shyly, keeping her eyes staring firmly ahead at the track where some other girls were already warming up.
“Aw, Shinobu!” Mitsuri cooed. She couldn’t stop herself from latching on to the shorter girl, pressing tightly into her side while Shinobu tried halfheartedly to shove her off.
The pair slowed their stride significantly as another vision past behind their eyes. A similar hug, but again with the strange uniforms and taking place in a grand garden that was growing steadily more familiar.
"Come on, I know you saw that." Mitsuri said once the feeling past and they began walking again.
"Saw what?" Shinobu feigned ignorance.
“Shinobu, when are you going to admit there is something supernatural going on here?”
“Never. It’s just absurd. I don’t believe in that kind of stuff.” Shinobu said, setting her bag on the bleachers.
“What do you mean? You love ghost stories and supernatural phenomena.” Mitsuri countered, sitting beside Shinobu’s belongings.
“I love telling scary stories precisely because I don’t believe in any of that junk. It’s funny to see how others react.”
“If you would help me with my research for just one night, I just know we could find something.”
“I’m sorry, Mitsuri. That just sounds like a waste of time,” Shinobu said, stretching her arms over her head before placing her hands back over her hips, “I’ve got to go warm up now.”
“No!” Mitsuri pouted.
Mitsuri snatched Shinobu, catching her off guard and making her fall into Mitsuri’s lap.
“Mitsuri,” Shinobu scolded quietly, “let go!”
“Not until you promise to help me research what’s going on between us! Just one day, please!” Mitsuri exclaimed, pressing her cheek snuggly between Shinobu’s shoulder blades as her strong arms held her firmly in place.
“Fine, fine! Just cut it out!” Shinobu snapped.
“Yes!” Mitsuri cheered. She gave Shinobu one last tight squeeze before letting her go. The Kouhai stood and shot a glare at the giddy girl before darting of onto the track. Her skin already flushed before her workout even began.
Mitsuri used the rest of her time organizing the research she already had so she could really optimize her time with Shinobu. It was a little difficult to stay on task however, when she could be watching Shinobu twist over the high jump pole or sprint and leap over hurdles like they weren’t even an obstacle. Needless to say, Mitsuri didn’t get as much work done as she could have.
They had set the research session for Saturday. Shinobu thought she could have gotten away with a couple of hours Friday night, but Mitsuri had shot down that idea quickly. She had finally coerced Shinobu into helping her and she wasn’t going to settle for a couple of hours, she wanted a whole day.
They decided to do their research at Shinobu’s since it was a more quiet and controlled space than Mitsuri’s house with all her rambunctious siblings running about.
Mitsuri arrived bright and early Saturday morning, beaming brighter than the sun. Shinobu answered the door with messy hair and squinty eyes. Clearly she hadn’t been expecting Mitsuri to already be here. It was only seven in the morning after all.
“What time did you wake up this morning? You live on the other side of town.” Shinobu asked. She sounded grumpy, but it was mostly because she herself had only woken up fifteen minutes ago.
“I couldn’t sleep at all Shinobu. I couldn’t stop thinking about how excited I was to spend the day with you!” Mitsuri said, giving off a glow that should not have been humanly possible for someone who hadn’t slept at all the night before.
“You’re insane.” Shinobu deadpanned whilst making room for Mitsuri to enter her home.
While Shinobu finished getting ready for the day, Mitsuri made herself at home in Shinobu’s room and set up her own workspace. With Kanae at her job and Kanao heading out later to stay over at a friend’s house, it would just be the two of them for a majority of the day. Mitsuri wasn’t sure why, but the thought made her heart beat faster.
“Alright,” Shinobu sighed, dropping onto her futon beside Mitsuri, “what do you have so far?”
Mitsuri turned to face Shinobu and smiled. Gone was the cute, tousled bed hair, now tucked neatly into place, but the giant hoodie and athletic shorts she had been wearing when she had answered the door remained unchanged.
“You really like wearing giant sweatshirts, don’t you Shinobu?” Mitsuri had said instead with a light giggle.
“I get cold.” She stated simply.
“But you’re wearing shorts. Wouldn’t it help if you wore something longer?” The older girl pointed out.
“Watch this,” Shinobu sat up further back on the futon, “I’m about to blow your mind.”
Shinobu lifted the hem of her hoodie and before Mitsuri could register and appreciate the newly exposed skin it was quickly gone again as Shinobu’s knees pressed against her chest and the large hoodie was thrown back into place, encompassing all of Shinobu’s legs, making her look like a lumpy egg with a human head.
Mitsuri blanked for a moment, taking in Shinobu’s form for a few moments before laughing heartily. Shinobu laughed too, although more subdued. She had gotten just the reaction she was hoping for.
“What a problem solver, Shinobu-chan,” Mitsuri wiped a tear from her eye, “when you get a boyfriend you’re going to steal all of his hoodies, aren’t you?”
Shinobu winced a bit at the insinuation, instead of giving Mitsuri a real answer she hummed noncommittally, making Mitsuri tilt her head curiously.
Then a thought crossed Mitsuri’s mind that chilled her to the core, did Shinobu already have a boyfriend? She was so beautiful and amazing, had someone already claimed her heart? She lurched forward, startling Shinobu by balancing her weight over Shinobu’s knees, still hidden beneath the blanket like sweatshirt.
“Do you have a boyfriend, Shinobu?” She squeaked, her face mere centimeters away from the other’s.
“What? No!” Shinobu denied, blush crawling its way up her neck from their proximity.
“You promise? You don’t have to hide from me Shinobu, I’ll be your number one supporter!”
“I don’t have a boyfriend, Mitsuri. I never will so just drop it, okay?” Shinobu said, attempting to push Mitsuri out of her personal space.
“What do you mean, never?” Mitsuri was flabbergasted. Did Shinobu think that as pretty and charming as she was, she couldn’t get any boy she wanted? Now instead of relieved that Shinobu didn’t have a boyfriend, she was upset that Shinobu thought she would never have one. “You are beautiful Shinobu, and so smart and dedicated! Don’t give up, you’ll find the right boy for you and if they don’t treat you right they don’t deserve you! Just like you told me, right?”
“Mitsuri, stop.” Shinobu warned, running a hand through her hair.
“But it’s true! You could have any boy you want Shinobu.”
“I don’t want a boy!” Shinobu finally yelled, exasperated. “I don’t want a boy.” She said again this time in a more even tone, jerking her head away from Mitsuri.
“Don’t want a... oh!” Mitsuri clapped her hands together, “Do you want a girlfriend to share your hoodies with then?”
Though her head was turned, Mitsuri watched in amazement as Shinobu’s ears turned red before her very eyes. After a moment of silence, it was clear Shinobu was tongue tied.
“You do!” Mitsuri yelled, wiggling excitedly, “This is great, we can talk about what girls we think are cute together sometime. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
“...What?” Shinobu peaked over her shoulder at Mitsuri.
“Well you know me, Shinobu. I like a lot of different people. It’ll be fun to see where we might overlap.” Mitsuri said as if it was obvious, no big deal. Unfortunately for her, her own idea didn’t make her feel much better. For some reason the idea of Shinobu sharing what other girls she found attractive made her feel anxious.
“No, I didn’t know that. I’ve only ever heard you talk about boys.” Shinobu said, distracting Mitsuri.
“Oh, well, now you know I guess.” Mitsuri shrugged with a smile, her face still hovering painfully close to Shinobu.
Shinobu could just about die.
A knock on the door saves her, and she calls Kanao in. The younger girl has her backpack on and a sleeping bag roll hugged against her chest.
“Nezuko and her mom are here to pick me up.” She said, staring between the two older girls and wondering why her sister appeared so flustered.
“Okay, do you have everything?” Shinobu got up from her futon, happy for an excuse to step away from Mitsuri and her honey sweet scent.
“Yes.” Kanao answered with a nod.
“And how are you getting home tomorrow?” Shinobu asked.
“Aoi said her dad would drop me off.”
“Alright, call or text if you need anything. If you want to come home early Kanae will pick you up at anytime, okay?” Shinobu reminded. Since their parents were often away, Shinobu and Kanae had basically been Kanao’s primary caretakers ever since she was adopted. It was a little hard at times for Shinobu to remember that Kanao wasn’t so little anymore.
“I remember, see you tomorrow, Nee-san.”
“See you tomorrow.”
Kanao turned, rounded the corner and with a quiet closing and locking of a door, she was gone.
Shinobu cleared her throat and turned back to Mitsuri, who had watched the interaction with hearts in her eyes.
“So, are we ever going to get into your, ‘research’ or are we just going to sit here and do nothing all day?” Shinobu crossed her arms, her eyes not quite meeting Mitsuri’s as she was still embarrassed from earlier.
That seemed to jolt Mitsuri out of her musings and the older girl quickly finished setting up and filled Shinobu in on what she had so far.
“So basically,” Shinobu leaned her back against the wall, “you have nothing.”
“That’s not true!” Mitsuri pouted, leaning closer to Shinobu to shove her laptop in the younger girl’s face, “Did you read this article about telepathic dream links and dimensional rifts?”
“Just hearing you say that aloud makes my brain want to melt.” Shinobu snorted.
“Take this seriously Shinobu. You promised you’d try today.” Mitsuri pleaded.
“You’re right,” Shinobu sighed, taking the laptop from Mitsuri’s hands to place it on her own lap, “sorry.”
“You’re forgiven. Now, how can we find out what’s going on with us?”
“Well, let’s type... connected vision experiences, and see if we find something similar and go from there.” Shinobu tapped the enter key and the relevant links popped up on the search engine.
Articles, websites and message boards yielded very little the first hour or so. Then they got really serious. Shinobu got out her own laptop so they could broaden their search. Occasionally they would share an interesting or just down right insane tidbit of information but largely nothing came up that sounded like what they were experiencing.
After awhile, Mitsuri noticed that Shinobu had gone quiet and seemed to be reading something rather intently. Excited, Mitsuri knocked shoulders with her.
“Did you find something good, Shinobu?” She asked.
“Ah, no. Sorry.” Shinobu quickly rebuffed. “I was reading an article about a new species of butterfly.”
“Aw, Shinobu! Stay on task here, come on!” Mitsuri scolded as best she could, but she was just too sweet for her words to have much bite.
“A break wouldn’t hurt, would it? Aren’t you hungry? I’ll order a delivery for whatever you want.” Shinobu enticed.
Now how could Mitsuri say no to that? Especially since her stomach had just then decided to speak for her with a low rumble.
“Food sounds great!” Mitsuri said, easily giving in.
“What do you want?” Shinobu asked, getting up.
“Mochi!” Mitsuri cheered.
“And?” Shinobu laughed.
“Tempura and miso! No wait, oden! No wait, ramen? Yakitori?” Mitsuri rubbed her temples, a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek. This was an important decision!
“Pick a couple of things we can get at the same restaurant and anything you wanted that we didn’t get, we can make for dinner, okay?” Shinobu suggested after watching Mitsuri struggle for a minute.
“Really Shinobu? You’re the best!” Mitsuri praised.
They came up with a list and Shinobu ordered from the restaurant before going to the kitchen to make sure they had the ingredients they needed for dinner, leaving Mitsuri to continue their research.
Mitsuri was thinking of a new phrase to put in her search bar when Shinobu’s laptop caught her eye, still open and waiting for its owner to return. With a light hum, she set her own laptop aside, replacing it with Shinobu’s. Shinobu was right, a little break would be fine and she really wanted to see what this new butterfly looked like.
Mitsuri scrolled back to the top of the page, letting out a disappointed huff as there were no pictures. She scoured for the name of the butterfly to look it up herself, but the words she scanned gave her more questions than answers.
Words and phrases of past lives and tragedy, rebirth and second chances. An uncommon phenomenon. Mitsuri decided to reread from the beginning with complete focus.
A few minutes later, Shinobu reentered the room, looking down at her phone as she finished typing out a grocery list.
“Hey, we’re short on a few things. I’m just going to pop by the convenience store down the street. Do you want to come?”
“Why did you lie?” Mitsuri frowned at Shinobu instead, causing the other to whip her head up from her phone.
“Wha—“ Shinobu cut herself off as soon as she saw her laptop in Mitsuri’s grasp. “Oh Mitsuri, I just— it’s one article. It doesn’t mean anything...“
“Doesn’t mean anything... Shinobu, this is us to a T!” Mitsuri shot her arms up above her head, “We’re soulmates!”
“Mitsuri,” Shinobu tried to de-escalate, “you can’t believe everything you read, I didn’t find anything else about the subject. It’s just one story and—“
“It’s so detailed. The visions Koyuki and Hakuji shared, they aren’t so different from how our own come to us,” Mitsuri laid back against the futon with a light groan, covering her eyes. “To think we experienced some tragic end in our past lives, and the visions were so we could find each other and try falling in love again. It’s a lot to take in.”
Mitsuri let out a big breath of air and then remembered that she was still hurt that Shinobu had lied to her and sat back up.
“So why did you lie, Shinobu? Do you,” her voice got quieter, “do you not like me?”
“I do like you, don’t be ridiculous. I was just, I don’t know...” Shinobu huffed, walking over to her fish tank to watch the little colorful fish swim about. An excuse to not have to look at Mitsuri’s sad face.
“Is it because of my hair or maybe, because I eat a lot? Because I’m too clingy?” Mitsuri thought aloud, making Shinobu immediately turn back and stalk over to her.
Mitsuri yelped as Shinobu pushed her back against the futon and hovered over her, eyes dark with great sincerity as she poked Mitsuri squarely in the chest.
“You stop that right now.” Shinobu warned quietly. “There is not one part of you that I don’t like,” She changed her position to sit beside Mitsuri and looked down at the floor,
“...I was just, nervous I guess. I didn’t know how you would react. If you would think I was trying to take advantage of you or you would want to be with me just because of what one story had to say. If we did become a, a couple, I would hope it would because we are genuinely happy with each other and not because we may have known each other in another life.”
Mitsuri sat back up again and nodded vigorously, wrapping up Shinobu in a side hug with her head resting on her shoulder.
“I’ve liked you for a long time. Ever since I saw you running at the sports festival last year, I thought you were really cool and pretty. You made my heart leap back then before I even knew your name. Even without our shared visions or the possibility of the existence of soulmates, I would still want to be with you.” Mitsuri spoke, her words heartfelt, and Shinobu knew it.
“Until now, I didn’t let myself really think about asking you to be my girlfriend because, well, you know what I’ve told you of my track record with dating. They would always end up leaving. I didn’t want you to leave too.”
“I wouldn’t.” Shinobu said sternly, crossing her arms beneath Mitsuri’s side hug, making the older girl giggle and bury her head further into Shinobu’s neck. “Those guys were all assholes.”
“This is why I was so worried you might have already been dating someone, you’re just so expressive and— ahh! I just like you a lot!” Mitsuri nuzzled.
“I like you too.” Shinobu mumbled but she was full of sincerity. She freed one of her arms so she could pat Mitsuri affectionately on her back before clearing her throat.
“So do you, would you, like to go on a date sometime? Not because we might be soulmates or whatever, but because you would genuinely like to regardless?” She asked.
Mitsuri squealed and shook Shinobu in her arms, “Yes! Yes, I’d really like to do that. Do you mean it? Do you want to?”
“Yeah, I do. —Hey!”
Mitsuri pulled Shinobu back down on the futon with her, still hugging her close. Wisteria clung to her nose the longer she stayed close and she didn’t want to leave. Mitsuri grinned into Shinobu’s shoulder as she felt arms finally wrap around her.
“What a weird, amazing day, hm?” Mitsuri breathed through a relaxed sigh.
“Tell me about it.” Shinobu sighed in return though she sounded more spent than relaxed. She wasn’t accustomed to sharing such gooey emotions like this. Honestly, she felt lucky Mitsuri had the patience to bear with her.
“Aren’t you glad I made you do this research with me now?”
“Mm, probably would have just been a lot less work for you to just as me out instead while you had me trapped.” Shinobu responded cheekily, earning a light slap on the arm.
“Now, as much as I’d love to lay here, the food should be here in less than twenty minutes and I’d really like to grab those groceries before the delivery person gets here. Are you coming?”
“Are you kidding? I’ll never leave your side again!” Mitsuri said, shifting her body upwards a bit so she could show Shinobu her very serious, yet extremely cute and hardly intimidating, expression.
“Oh dear, what have I done.” Shinobu couldn’t help but smile. Hesitantly she caressed Mitsuri’s cheek and she melted instantly under her touch.
Before they could leave, Shinobu said she had to change her sweatshirt first and Mitsuri lightly poked fun at her, but in all honesty it would have been like Shinobu was wearing a Snuggie out in public with how big that hoodie was.
Shoes on, they walked down the street to their destination. Surprisingly, their conversation on the way felt normal as if nothing had really changed and that felt good. Mitsuri nervously brushed knuckles with Shinobu a few times and the younger girl easily took her hand in her own. They both quieted for a moment and smiled to themselves, enjoying the small, but not insignificant, act of intimacy.
They got the ingredients they needed with added snacks and managed to just barely beat the delivery person home with a couple minutes to spare. They put away the groceries and set up lunch in the living room because Mitsuri insisted on eating under the kotatsu even though the chills of winter had long since past. Shinobu was happy to indulge her anyway and offered to put a movie on to watch while they ate. They picked one and sat together, steadily migrating closer until they were leaning on each other.
Before long, Shinobu heard Mitsuri’s breathing change and realized that the other girl had gone quiet.
“Missed sleep finally caught up to you, did it?” Shinobu whispered fondly.
She pulled Mitsuri further into herself and she snuggled in. Shinobu paused the movie, having a feeling that Mitsuri would want to finish it later, and turned on a show she would usually watch herself while playing idly with Mitsuri’s hair.
She’d never admit it, but maybe, just maybe, there was something to all that soulmate business because it felt like she had waited a lifetime to hold her like this without another care in the world.
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screensirenfic · 2 years
A Curse In Your Name - Chapter 32 - Home Run
“Hey;  Getou-Kun..?”
Called out Satoru as he caught a Curse that was easily ten times his size by the arm; his brunette partner pausing from wiping some blood from his eyes that she was pretty sure wasn’t his.
“Batter up..!”
Grinned Satoru as he swung the Curse round by its arm like a pendulum, releasing his hold at the last second to send it barrelling towards Getou.
And even with ten tonnes of Curse hurtling at him, Getou didn’t flinch; just raised his sword like a baseball bat and swung, cleaving deep into Curse’s stomach so it had no choice but to hold on less it’s guts come out.
Screamed the Curse; blood pulsing from its deep stomach wound and spurting through its fingertips; it’s densely muscled form practically shaking from pain and exhaustion as it collapsed to its knees on the forest floor.
“I think that classes as a home run; don’t you Mika-Chan?”
Asked Satoru, a wide smirk on his cocky face; the boy having been playing hot potato with them for the past twenty minutes with the Curse playing the part of the ball.
“I don’t think you guys really understand the concept of baseball…”
Replied Mikasama; this really not the time or place to explain the intricacies of the innings and outings of America’s favourite pastime.
Still; the Curse was all but done for, the sheer amount of blood lost over their battle enough to bathe the Sea of Trees in red as Getou and Satoru slowly cut the Curse down to size, limb by limb.
Now it was left shaking and heaving, the sight almost pitiful to behold as a once powerful and terrifying Curse slowly bled out into the underbrush like a gutted pig.
“So Satoru-Chan; you wanna do the honours..?”
Asked Getou fondly, holding his blade out for the boy to take and put an end to the beast’s misery, only for Mikasama to intercept it.
“No… I’ll do it…”
She replied, redrawing her blood soaked blade from its sheath as she stepped forward, raising her sword up high above its back.
She grunted as she thrust the sword down with as much force as she could muster; the blade slicing clean through its chest and straight out the other side until it hit the dirt; the thin steel of her katana embedding itself in the earth below.
Squealed the Curse; letting out one last dying cry as blood spilled from its open mouth, it’s eyes growing still and glassy as it finally fell limp.
“There… it’s dead…”
Said Mikasama, pulling the sword out from the Curse’s corpse, it’s blade now tinged a horrible sickly black from the Curse’s blood.
“Nice going Mika-Chan..!”
Praised Satoru, the blonde coming over to squeeze her into an awkward one-armed hug as she fruitlessly tried to clean the blood from her blade on the Curse’s back.
“Your first real kill! How’d it feel? Good; right..?”
He continued to ask; his blood-soaked uniform staining her own as she continued to stare down blankly at the slowly disintegrating Curse.
“It felt…”
She began, trying to summarise the emptiness she felt staring down at that pitiful beast, and yet being unable to find the words.
Satoru seemed almost excited by the slaughter; his impossibly wide grin looking scarily feral beneath the blood smeared across his pale skin and white hair.
Even Getou appeared completely relaxed, a soft half smile on his face as he gently rubbed at the coagulated splatter that marred his delicate cheekbones as if it was no more than sweat.
How could this be normal for them?!
How could they get up every morning knowing they may have to murder something by their own hands, and keep smiling like it didn’t even matter?!
Maybe it didn’t…
Maybe these Curses, whatever they might’ve once been, were now nothing but shells of their former beings; soulless puppets of humanity’s baser sins that deserved to be punished and eradicated..?
Regardless, Curse or not, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be okay with that…
She finally answered with resolute finality; the word the only one that felt right, even as Satoru and Getou celebrated beside her; her closest friends showing the true monster that lay just below the surface of every Jujutsu Sorcerer.
She said, her mind so busy trying to work out a plan to save Nobara and the kid both, that she only only now remembered the pink-haired boy who’d been trailing behind her.
He replied, as Mikasama began to pace the room, working out which wall would lead on to where Nobara and the Curse stood at a stalemate; a child’s life hanging in the balance beneath a Cursed claw.
“Can you punch through that wall?!”
She asked, already knowing the kid was strong. Maybe not Satoru level strong, but strong enough.
“Well; I think so, but why..?”
He asked with a shrug, yet he was already getting into position; the boy clearly better at following orders than the rest of her students.
“Good. Then do it.”
She said, watching and waiting as the boy reeled back his punch ready for a hit, his fist hurtling forwards with more force than should be possible for any human.
Yelled Yuji; his fist busting through the concrete like it was mere drywall; the entire structure coming down in one go.
“Dammnit! Ahah! - Did I miss?!
Coughed Yuji; the dust from the destroyed wall settling after its unscheduled demolition as he tried to spy if he’d been successful in his sneak attack.
“Nope; you did just fine…”
Replied Mikasama; the bust wall not having succeeded in killing the Curse, but providing just enough of a distraction for her to dive through the hole, snatching the child from its clutches and tackling him into safety.
“Yuji; now!”
She yelled, cueing the kid to put Slaughterdemon to good use as he swiped it forwards in an ambitious slash.
The Curse screamed as the blade missed its torso; Yuji’s inexperience with a blade meaning he only managed to catch its arm, slicing its hand clean off.
“Damn! He’s getting away!”
Cried Yuji as the Curse attempted to make a hasty exit via the boarded up window; it’s round, fuzzy body providing optimum protection for it to jump through the glass unscathed.
“Not on my watch! Yuji; give me that arm!”
Demanded Nobara; pointing towards where the bloody trail leading from the Curse ended, the severed hand of the Curse still twitching with life.
Yelled Yujj, snatching up the hand and throwing it towards Nobara; the girl catching it in hand before holding it out in front of her.
“Straw doll technique…”
She muttered, pulling out a hammer and nails before bracing them over the arm ominously.
She finished just as she slammed the hammer down on the nail, the entire arm disintegrating on impact as somewhere outside, the Curse let out a deafening scream.
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kanri-tea · 3 years
Demon Slayer! AU (Part 1 - The Beginning)
Ramuda and Jakurai are tossed into a strange new world, but at least they have each other. Things are peaceful at first, but not all happiness lasts.
“I’m heading out!”
“Be careful,” Ramuda hears Jakurai call out from the depths of the clinic, no doubt busy with another patient. The pattering of footsteps could be heard as children raced around the wooden hut, snow crunching under their feet.
“Are you going to the village today?”
“Ehh? I want to go too!”
Ramuda laughed as the Hanako and Takeo whined. It was almost New Years, so going down and selling charcoal to earn some more money so that everyone could eat to their heart’s content wasn’t a bad idea. Even though Jakurai received many donations throughout the year, even his saintly attitude and charity to every ill and injured person couldn’t keep everyone fed.
“No, none of you can walk as fast as Ramuda. He can’t pull the cart today, so you can’t rest while he gives you a ride,” Suzumi, another live-in patient at the clinic, sighs. The man was still lecturing Hanako and Takeo when Ramuda leaves, waving his goodbyes, but well, that was old man Suzumi for you.
As Ramuda walked down the snowy mountain, his mind drifted. How many years has it been? Five years? Wow, time really has flown bye, he thinks. And it’s probably been even longer for Jakurai. It’s strange, to be stuck in the past with only Jakurai.
Ramuda hummed to himself. Maybe he should buy some fresh eggs – along with mochi of course – while he was in the village! After all, Jakurai always did like having eggs over rice with natto.
They’re facing another bitter and angry person with an illegal microphone. They’re always bitter and angry though, bitter at the changes in the world, angry at their own powerlessness. They’re one of many.
Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda, and Jakurai are together, coincidentally, when the man attacks them. They’re not particularly concerned, not at first. They’re known as the top hypnosis mic users for a reason. The Chuuoku is invested in them for a reason.
That quickly changes though when Ichiro disintegrates. And disintegrates he does, starting from his feet and slowly moving up until he’s just… gone. None of them know what’s going on, and by the time they realize what’s happening, Samatoki is already half-gone and Ramuda and Jakurai have already begun to disappear, grain-by-grain.
The perpetrator is laughing now, manically talking about his revenge plans about the Chuuoku, but none of them are listening. They’re frozen, confused and, while they might deny it, terrified.
The last thing they think, before they’re completely gone is: I don’t want to die.
“Well, if it isn’t Ramuda-chan!”
“You really came down on such a cold day? Good work, but you’ll catch a cold, and I’m sure the doctor won’t like that.”
“Oooi! I want to buy some charcoal!”
“Ah, Ramuda! Thanks for repairing my sliding door the other time.”
Ramuda took a deep breath, taking in the scents of the villagers. They’re as busy and energetic as usual, he thinks fondly. Maybe it’s stupid of him, but after so many years in the past and out of the Chuuoku’s control and in better health than he’d ever been, Ramuda couldn’t help but love listening and smelling how people lived and moved… Nah, it was probably the old man rubbing off of him. Eew, Jakurai germs.
“Aaahhh! Ramuda, I’m glad you’re here,” Ramuda turns towards the screaming man. Oof, looks like he pissed off the missus again.
“Can you tell who broke these dishes?! Please help me!”
As the man shoved the broken ceramic towards his face, Ramuda leaned forward to take a whiff. Cat, he thinks, and says as much.
By the time he finishes selling the charcoal, it was beginning to turn dark.
Jakurai’s going to fret again, Ramuda frowns as he makes his way back up the mountain.
“Hey Ramuda! Are you returning up the mountain? At this time? You can’t, it’s dangerous.”
“Huh? I’ll be fine, my nose can smell anything.”
“I’ll let you stay the night, so come. Turn back.”
“But –“
“Enough of that! Come here.”
“Ehh? Mister, what’s got you so scared,” Ramuda sighs, heading over to the hut. Geez, if it weren’t for the fact that Jakurai asked him to play nice with the villagers, he would’ve left Saburo in the dust ages ago.
“Demons will appear,” Saburo replies, with utmost seriousness. Ramuda could practically feel his eyes roll back into the sockets of his eyes. Ugh, every time he thought he was getting used to this place, someone’s always there to remind him that this was the early1900s and people were stupid. Seriously, demons of all things?
As Ramuda settled down for the night, half-heartedly listening to the man’s ramblings about demons, he wondered if the man was lonely. Having lived alone since his family died, Saburo must be pretty lonely. Maybe, Ramuda thinks before drifting off to sleep, he should bring some of the kids to visit next time. He’s sure Hanako and Takeo especially would love the opportunity to meet new people…
Everything is dark… It’s so cold…
He’s drifting, drifting slowly in an abyss of darkness.
Where am I?
What happened?
Ramuda couldn’t remember. Something about an illegal mic, he thinks.
He’s waking up, slowly, and when he does, there’s a familiar scent. Who is it?
“Ah. Good, you’re finally awake,” he hears. The voice is deep, yet gentle and soft, and oh so familiar.
Ramuda turns his head to the side, and then he r e m e m b e r s.
“Jakurai,” he tries to snarl, but his voice is hoarse. It comes out much higher pitched than he’d ever been able to pretend. What the hell?
“Amemura-kun,” the old man greets him, but Jakurai looks much, much younger than Ramuda had ever seen. There aren’t any wrinkles or signs of exhaustion and age that had clung onto Jakurai like a parasite.
“I found you drifting down a river,” the doctor explains quietly, “and I took you back here, to my clinic.”
“Tch,” Ramuda clicks his tongue, “who’d want you of all people to rescue me. Why d’ya have a clinic? Thought you worked at a hospital, or did’ya decide that you’re too good for them?”
Jakurai stills, head tilted, eyes scrutinizing Ramuda. He hates how it feels, the way Jakurai’s gaze seems to burn into him.
“… I see. I suppose you must’ve recently woken up,” Jakurai muses, “you should go back to sleep for now. Rest and recover.”
“Oi, you can’t just say that and not tell me what the hell’s going on!”
“Are you sure you want to know now?”
Ramuda gulped. This felt… serious? He nodded. His vision was starting to darken, sleep trying to pull him into its sweet embrace, but he wanted to know what the hell was going on first, especially with the old man.
“… The illegal microphone, I fear, has tossed us into the past. The Taisho era to be exact,” Jakurai informs him, “I don’t know what happened to Ichiro and Samatoki, but before I found you, I had assumed I was the only one here.”
Ramuda’s vision goes black, sleep pulling him under.
“No. Nononono –“
It’s Suzumi’s body that he sees first, blood soaking the white snow. Underneath the man is one of the kids – Tadashi, Ramuda thinks – and their bodies are cold to the touch and lifeless.
“What – How did this –“
It doesn’t take long for him to see the bloody and broken screen doors of the clinic and the many lifeless and bloody bodies littered on the ground.
Ramuda wanted to scream. What the hell? Suppressing the urge to vomit, he searched through the clinic, hoping to find signs of life.
Hanako, Takeo, Shigeru, Yamato, Sen, Tohru, Sora… The list just went on and on, all the various patients who had come to the clinic in hopes of being healed or saved were dead. The many people that Ramuda had come to love and care about in place of his posse were d e a d.
Jakurai, Ramuda finds though, is still warm. He’s covered in blood just like everyone else, but his breathing was shallow. If… maybe if Ramuda could move fast enough, Jakurai could be saved. Sure, the doctor in the village wasn’t as good as a doctor as Jakurai, but…
Ramuda would save him. He refused to let the stupid old man die too.
He moved quickly to travel back down the mountain, the cold chilling him to the bone and Jakurai’s body acting as a dead weight on his back.
How could such a thing happen? A bear? A bear that didn’t hibernate in the winter?
Fuck, Ramuda thinks, breathing hurts. The winter air was freezing his lung, but he had to move faster. He had to continue moving forward.
I won’t let you die, he thinks furiously, I’ll definitely save you, Jakurai.
He’s… tired. It’s nothing unusual, not particularly, but there’s something about this exhaustion that feels different to Jakurai this time though.
Hunger. There’s an aching sense of hunger in stomach, but why?
The demon! Oh… oh. They were all dead, weren’t they, Jakurai mourned internally. Once again, he was too powerless to protect anyone.
“ – hold it off! I – in you!”
Someone was speaking, but Jakurai couldn’t tell who or what was being said. Why was everything so muddy?
As if the world was trying to convey a message, Jakurai felt himself being flung back, slamming into a tree. He’s being pinned down again, but by who? And why? There’s screaming too, but Jakurai couldn’t make out anything. Why... Why were his senses so dulled? Where was Ramuda? Was he safe?
Jakurai’s vision snapped back into focus, just in time to watch as this strange man was pinning him down slam the handle of the katana (what the hell, a small part of his mind whispers, how the fuck does this kid have a katana) onto Ramuda’s back.
As Ramuda’s axe swung towards the man, Jakurai quickly spun into action, breaking free of the man’s hold, and making a grab for the fallen pink-haired boy.
Crouching in defensive position in front of Ramuda, Jakurai glared. He might not know what was happening, but he knew enough that this man could be a danger to himself, and more importantly, to Ramuda.
“I will not let you hurt him,” he tells him, voice hoarse and with a hint of growling for some odd reason.
He hears Ramuda cough, “Finally awake, you stupid old man? Took you long enough.”
Jakurai deigned not to respond, keeping the man within his vision. Ramuda had fallen unconscious, but how did he know this? Everything felt so much clearer and sharper now, his ears picking up even the smallest of footsteps of the critters in the forest to even Ramuda’s heartbeat.
“You,” Jakurai focused back on to the strange man, “Are you… protecting him?”
He doesn’t respond. Was this a trick? Of course he was protecting him. The man in front of him scrutinized them for a couple more seconds, neither party moving a muscle.
“I… I’m going to take a chance with you,” the man slowly says, “but if attack… I won’t hesitate to decapitate you.”
It took a couple seconds of silence, but as soon as Jakurai nodded back, the man turned around, facing a patch of bamboo. With movement faster than his eyes could follow, the man cut the bamboo into pieces.
“Here,” he motioned towards Jakurai. “Bite on this bamboo. It’ll be better than biting the insides of your mouth.”
At this, Jakurai finally noticed that he’d been biting hard enough to taste blood. That was not good. The gnawing hunger was starting to get stronger and stronger, but he now knew better than to fall prey to it. It was a hunger for the flesh of humans, a hunger that only demons had.
Taking the bamboo, Jakurai ripped a piece off his haori and laced it through the sides before securing it around his head and mouth. The bamboo would eventually start biting into his gums, Jakurai realized, but this would do for now. At least until Jakurai had time to meditate and get himself back under control.
“You must never bite anyone. You must never eat a human. If you do, I will cut you down. Do you understand?”
Jakurai pulled out of his thought. Reaching for the bamboo, he moved it aside to answer the man.
“Rest assured,” Jakurai quietly tells him, “My purpose is to serve humanity.”
The man looks startled at the answer, but Jakurai stays firm, light blue eyes never wavering from the man’s darker blue ones.
“My name is Tomioka Giyuu,” the newly named Tomioka tells him, “And when that boy wakes up, tell him to visit the elder named Urokodaki Sakonji living at the foot of the misty mountain. Tell him that I sent you.”
With that, Tomioka began to retreat, leaving Jakurai and the still unconscious Ramuda behind.
“Also, don’t go out in the sun,” Tomioka tells him as one last goodbye before disappearing from sight.
Jakurai let himself relax once the man was out of sight. God, what a mess. Everyone was dead now… And he was a demon? It seems that his original theory of being in the past might not be as accurate as he’d first thought…
But for now, it was time to bury the bodies. If this Urokodaki could help them, could inform them more about this strange world, then Jakurai would go. Ramuda will not be hurt, not by Jakurai, not by whatever dangers this world posed.
Jakurai refused to let another person die, not if he could save them.
Kind, Giyuu thinks to himself as he returns to report to Oyakata-sama. The purple-haired demon's eyes were kinder than any human he'd ever encounter, except for maybe Oyakata-sama. There was an air of kindness and charisma that the demon had that Giyuu had encountered only once before in his life.
It's strange, but Giyuu couldn't help but look forward to seeing what the duo would do. A demon who refused to eat people and a human who swore that he would turn the demon back into a human. Two impossibilities, yet here they were.
Sending them to his teacher was probably for the best. Urokodaki would train the boy to fight demons. The future, Giyuu thinks, might be pretty interesting.
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shishi-tls · 5 years
Kanroji Mitsuri’s Secrecy
Okay, here’s my surprise (and Christmas present) for everyone. This is chapter 3 of the second novel of Kimetsu no Yaiba (Kataha no Chō). Each chapter’s the story of one character, so it’s not like you missed part 1 and 2 of Mitsuri’s story.
I apologize it took double the time I thought it would take me, I honestly thought about giving up many times ohohoho. But hey, here you have it.
This is a mid-quality translation, I do believe it’s readable, but there’re some parts I didn’t give too much thought and left them as short or simple sentences. I tried, okay? 
This is a fantranslation, there could be mistranslations. Read at your own risk.
Also, typos, grammatical errors, whatever there is, just leave a relpy and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible. 
 Last thing: if you want to put this up on another website or translate it to another language you’re free to do so, BUT LET ME KNOW, OK?
One Winged Butterfly
Chapter 3: Kanroji Mitsuri’s Secrecy
The first time I met her I thought ‘wow, such a pretty girl’. 
Pure white skin and clear violet eyes; stunningly beautiful and delicate; kind and doesn’t discriminate anyone. 
But, can create things like poison to kill Demons. 
Strong and intelligent, cute, brave… a lovely girl.
I would be very happy if we could be friends. We are both girls, so there should be a lot of things we could talk about…
That’s why, when I heard about it, my head went blank and couldn’t think about anything.
“Kochō-sama’s parents were killed right before her eyes, and on top of that her sister  Kanae-sama too… dying in such a way…”
I didn’t know.
Shinobu-chan. I didn’t know.
“Well you see, I joined the Demon Slayer Corps to find a gentleman who would marry me for life. For a girl, it’s actually better someone who’s stronger than themselves, no? We want to be protected. Hey, Shinobu-chan, don’t you think so?”
If I’d known, I’d never said that.
Such a frivolous reason.
If I had known Shinobu-chan’s past, I wouldn’t have been able to say it.
Ah, how stupid of me. 
When I told her that, how did she feel?
She was a little startled, but then she answered with the smiling face she always has.
‘I see… Who knows. I’m sure Kanroji-san will find someone wonderful’.
It must have been really unpleasant and annoying, right? 
Did she think she didn’t want to be together with such a simpleton?
Hey, Shinobu-chan…
You see, I…
“Kanroji-san’s acting weird?”
Kochō Shinobu tilted her head to the side at her coworker who came so suddenly. 
They’re currently inside her office at the Butterfly Estate, where she –as the Insect Pillar– lives. This is a place where poison effective against Demons is developed and Slayers are treated or nursed after being wounded in battle. Therefore, most visitors are wounded people. 
However, her coworker Iguro Obanai came here without a single scratch and as soon as they met, he started to talk anxiously about the Love Pillar, Kanroji Mitsuri, with a serious face. 
“In what way is she acting weird?”
“Everything, she’s weird all around. You haven’t noticed?”
Iguro makes that question and looks at her as if accusing her for something.
As some sort of signal, the snake wrapped around Iguro’s neck sticks out its long tongue. It’s Kaburamaru, the Snake Pillar’s beloved snake.
“Hmm, well…”
Shinobu with the tip of her index finger softly traces around her upper lip. She tries to remember Kanroji’s behavior in the last Pillar meeting, however…
“Nothing in particular”.
“Just where do you have your eyes attached to?” Are those stupidly big eyes of yours blind? Or maybe just decoratives?”
After some nagging, Iguro made a big sigh. 
Shinobu stopped herself from speaking her thoughts out loud ‘unlike you, I don’t exchange letters with her frequently’ and just smiled and apologized.
“Oh my, I’m very sorry”.
Even though it’s daytime and Demons can’t move around, each Pillar should be very busy as they shoulder a lot of heavy responsibilities. However, he pushed all of those aside and came here, so he isn’t doing this just for show or on a whim. Despite his appearance, Iguro cares about his colleagues more than others. 
“It’s fine if they’re things you saw from your own scope, so could you please tell me what’s so strange about Kanroji-san?”
Once Shinobu asked again, Iguro nodded with an obedient look. 
And then…
“Just fifty”.
“Normally, she would eat a hundred of those dango sticks, but she only had fifty. You hear me? Just fifty. That Kanroji. Her favorite dangos.”
Being stared fixedly by his bloodshot eyes right in front of her, Shinobu unconsciously stepped back. Contrary to her, Iguro leaned forward. 
“Moreover, she replies coldly to my letters. Her letters are awfully plain and seem to be written to a stranger. Why? It’s weird. Anything and everything is weird.”
“Aoi, Iguro-san’s already leaving.”
Shinobu turned her back to Iguro, walked to the room’s door and said “Iguro-san, the exit is over there.”
“It’s not just that”.
Despite Shinobu’s sarcasm, Iguro kept talking. 
“In the last Pillar meeting, Kanroji didn’t even try to look at the eyes of any Pillar. And not only the Pillars’, Oyakata-sama’s too.”
Shinobu turned around with a surprised face.
Every Pillar respects and loves dearly Oyakata-sama –Ubuyashiki Kagaya–  from the bottom of their hearts. Mitsuri’s not the exception, she also cares about Oyakata-sama. As far as Shinobu knows, Mitsuri has never opposed his will and would even put him above everything else. It was certainly strange for someone like her to avert her eyes from Oyakata-sama . 
“And after that, Tokitō picked up a handkerchief she had dropped, but when he tried to talk to her she jumped high enough to reach the roof and ran away.”
“Yes, that seems strange”.
If Mitsuri was herself, her heart would have throbbed and expressed her gratitude honestly by saying ‘thank you, Muichirō-kun’.
“Was it then when you first noticed something strange on her behavior?”
“No, she was already acting weird 12 days before that.”
Shinobu was full of retorts at him answering immediately and with such detail, but that aside, this meant Mitsuri has been like this for nearly half a month. 
By all means, this was worrisome.
“There could be something wrong with her health. I’ll try to ask her indirectly, you think about something too. Got that, Kochō?”
After voicing everything he wanted to say and seeing Shinobu nod, he left the Estate. Shinobu, left alone in the examination room, sat down on the chair. There was no need for him to go all the way to visit her, he could’ve just wrote a letter and sent it with a crow. It’s quite charming that Iguro cares about Mitsuri to that extent, but…
“Good grief. When it comes to Kanroji-san, Iguro-san immediately becomes unreliable.”
Relaxing her body, Shinobu let out a short sigh. It came to her mind the cute face of the only other Pillar of her same gender, Kanroji Mitsuri. 
“Shinobu-chan, Shinobu-chan.”
She’s older than her, but has an innocent smile and becomes attached to others just like a kitty would. Thinking about the face that had crossed her mind, Shinobu gently narrowed her eyes.
Outside the windows, the wind blew against the cherry blossom trees and shaked its branches, now with only leaves left on them.
A thin and soft katana ran in a moonless night, almost as if it was alive.
“Breath of Love, First Style: Shivers of First Love!”
A greatly bended sword cuts a huge Demon up to pieces at lightning speed, its head rolled over the ground. 
Mitsuri exhaled slightly, for some reason she felt her body heavier than usual and her katana wasn’t cutting as sharp as it should. It was distressing, her head was like in a haze.
“Thank you… thank you very much!”
The couple she had saved was thanking her, the man was bowing his head over and over again while the shivering woman asked her
“Are… are you okay?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Well… You’re hurt…”
“Oh, no, I’m not…”
Mitsuri noticed the woman was looking at one of her cheeks and wiped it with the back of her left hand. There was blood on it. Seeing this, she finally understood she’d been injured.
“For our sake… because you protected us…”
“We’re really grateful, thank you so much…”
The woman apologized while crying and the man lowered his head once more. Mitsuri waved both of her hands flustered.
“Ah! Don’t worry about it! This is nothing at all, nothing! I’m sorry for making you frightened. But, I’m happy you’re both okay.”
Mitsuri smiled at them and the man was suddenly moved to tears.
“To tell you the truth, my wife’s actually pregnant.”
“Uh… really? You’re having a baby?”
Surprised, Mitsuri looks at the woman who finally shows a smile. Her cheeks which were wet with tears shyly transformed into a smile.
“Yes, the due date should be in around 3 months.”
Her belly did seem plump.
“I see, congratulations. Take care of your body.”
“We owe you our lives, thank you very much.”
The man says his thanks again and afterwards, the couple cuddled close together and disappeared into the night. 
Mitsuri, while watching them until they were out of sight, lifted her hand to her chest. 
Thump thump, her heart pounded. 
If that Demon’s attack had cut that woman’s belly instead of my cheek…
As soon as she imagined it, she found herself terrified.
That Demon wasn’t weak, but it wasn’t very strong too. If I had been myself, I’d have saved them without getting a single scratch.
(And everything would have ended well, without that pregnant woman making such a face…)
The wet night wind caressed her cheeks. Mitsuri gently ran her fingers over the wound.
There was almost no pain.
But she couldn’t help but feel like something very important was falling and spilling over from that opened wound.
Finishing her night round and exposed to the brilliant sunlight, Mitsuri dragged her heavy body through the city. 
She went in her favorite restaurant and ordered some tempura rice bowl, cold soba with dipping sauce, grilled fish with rice and miso soup.
It seemed quite a lot to eat as a breakfast, but for Mitsuri this amount was like a tenth of what she would usually eat. 
Shortly thereafter, tea was brought to her and she sipped it absentmindedly. 
She gave a sigh again. 
Since that time she became eager in disciplining herself and made sure to not have any superficial feelings towards anyone.
In short, she sealed away her love. She’d to give up finding someone who would marry her for life and committed herself to forbid her heart to flutter every day. 
However, it seemed like someone was mocking her because things that would make her heart flutter happened one after another. 
(I wonder why… it’s only at times like this… )
The timing was so bad that brought Misturi to the verge of tears. The last Pillar meeting was specially the worst. 
That day she and the Flame Pillar, Rengoku Kyōjurō, ended up at the same place by looking for a shelter from the rain and he told her “You’re going to catch a cold! Put this on, Kanroji!!”, covering her with his haori. She also saw an unexpected side of the Rock Pillar, Himejima Gyōmei, saying “Namu. Cats are cute…” while carrying in his arms a kitten. Then, she met by accident with the Wind Pillar, Shinazugawa Sanemi, just when he was feeding a stray puppy. On top of that, she spotted the Water Pillar, Tomioka Giyū, taking a nap in the open corridor and waking up with a sudden jerk. Moreover, she tripped but Uzui catched her in his arms before falling to the ground telling her “be careful, don’t go tripping so plainly.” And finally, Iguro inviting her to a newly opened udon shop.
Mitsuri was depressed because she had to suppress her heart from throbbing every time, but she just couldn’t help it. 
… In the end,
“Mitsuri, is something troubling you? If you don’t mind, you can talk to me.”
(I even made Oyakata-sama worry… and when I was leaving, Muichirō tried to tell me something but I just ran away.)
This is the worst.
I got too nervous around Shinobu and couldn’t even look at her face.
(What… am I doing?)
And the final blow: she got hurt while fighting an enemy who wasn’t even part of the Twelve Demon Moons.
Mitsuri dropped her shoulders dejected and restlessly ate her tempura rice bowl brought by the waitress.
(Is it really okay to keep on like this?)
Thinking absentmindedly, she dropped the tempura she had picked with her chopsticks into the bowl. Inside of it there was still more than two thirds of rice left. She should be hungry, but she didn’t feel like eating. In fact, everything she tried to eat was tasteless and felt like chewing sand. She hadn’t felt like this since her first marriage interview was broken off. 
“Kanroji-san, your body shape is the same as other people, but you’ve eight times more muscles than them. In other words, your muscle density is quite high.”
The one who told her this was none other than Shinobu.
“That’s why, you have to eat a lot. People who have more muscles have a higher basal metabolic rate. So please, do at least eat eight times more than a regular human does.”
“But, for a girl… to eat that much, um… won’t people be disgusted? won’t I be disliked?”
“You don’t have to forcibly stick with someone who would stop you from taking the nourishment you need. You should just do this to that kind of people.”
Saying that and keeping that lovely smile of hers, she made as though she was hitting someone with her fists.
“Geez, Shinobu-chan…”
Mitsuri had no idea how much those words and smile had saved her.
A few days after this exchange with Shinobu, Mitsuri went with Iguro to have some lunch. She timidly ordered what she wanted to eat. Iguro, who ate the least among the pillars, only asked for tea and something small to eat. In spite of Mitsuri’s fears, Iguro did not reproach Mitsuri for her gluttony, on the contrary, he insisted her ‘eat this too’ and ordered more food.
He was also the one who casually gave her those long striped socks without asking for anything in return when she was too embarrassed to use her uniform, which showed too much skin, and wasn’t able to burn it right in front of the tailor like Shinobu had done.
“Kanroji, so you were here after all.”
Mitsuri lifted her head in surprise at the sound of a familiar voice and saw the very face of the one she was thinking about just now.
She was taken aback by this.
“I, Iguro-san!? Why’re you here!?”
“I was looking for you to talk about something.”
As if it was the most natural thing to do, Iguro took the seat in front of Mitsuri and, for some reason, frowned deeply.
“Kanroji, what happened? That…”
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“Uh?”, without thinking, she looked down at her rice bowl flustered. 
“Did I drop some rice?”
Or was she eating sloppily? Oh no, did she have food on her face?
Mitsuri was getting really nervous, however Iguro had questioned her because of something entirely different.
His next words were colder than ice.
“Why is there a wound on your cheek?”
“Ah! This? This is from yesterday’s night round… I got careless and…”
As soon as she replied in a flurry, Iguro’s eyes became immediately slanted. 
Iguro was rather a cool-headed coworker, but seeing him for the first time making such a grim face made her break out in a cold sweat.
(He’s angry. He must be disappointed with me getting injured when I wasn’t even fighting one of the Twelve Moons. What should I do? Is he fed up with me?)
While Mitsuri was earnestly trying to make herself as small as possible, Iguro suddenly jumped to his feet.
“Where is it?”
Mitsuri could only shrug her shoulders as a reflex.
“Where’s that trash.”
“The trash that ruined your rosy cheeks.”
“Eh…ah, well…”
Mitsuri was about to answer him she had already beaten it, but Iguro interrupted her groaning with deep hatred. 
“That trash deserves certain death. I’ll go now and cut him into small pieces.”
Mitsuri stopped him in a hurry as he was already trying to leave the shop.
“W, Wait, Iguro-san! It’s already gone. Umm… You see, I cut its neck that same night… so…”
Finally coming to his senses, Iguro stopped his bloodlust and went back to sit in front of Mitsuri again. Then, he covered his forehead with a hand and apologized.
And muttered a few words very embarrassed.
“Me of all people…losing my mind in anger.”
(So, you were not angry with me…)
On the contrary, he was really worried about her.
She felt her heart slowly getting warmer.
Come to think of it, Iguro has been kind to her ever since she joined the Corps, he would help her whenever she was troubled with something. He, who would awkwardly address her
“There’s something troubling you, no?”
“If you’re okay with me, I’d like you to tell me.”
“I want to help you, Kanroji.”
Her chest tightened and her heart made a loud noise at his sincere voice and serious gaze, but at that instant, Shinobu’s face came to her mind.
“…!! I can’t!”
Mitsuri jumped to her feet and Iguro looked up at her dumbfounded. She couldn’t look at him in the eyes.
“I, I just remembered I have some stuff to do! Sorry. I’m leaving, okay?
Coming up somehow with those words, she thrust her money at the shopkeeper and almost tripped rushing out the shop.
(I’m sorry, Iguro-san! I’m so sorry.)
Even though you are worried about me.
Even though you want to help me.
But, that will only make my heart leap for him…
If that happened, instead of getting help, I would just get stuck in an awful situation. I can’t always rely on him. 
She left the shop as if she was running away from it. 
Several buildings away, she finally calmed down.
(This is something I have to do alone. I can’t rely on Iguro-san forever.)
She slapped her cheeks with both hands with energy.
However, the haze in her head wasn’t cleared in the least.
And then, a few days later— 
Mitsuri’s condition, instead of improving, only got worse day by day. It felt like she was extremely suffocated and her body was as heavy as lead. Maybe this was the reason behind not being able to use the Breath of Love properly. It was clear it has weakened. 
(I really wonder what’s wrong with me…)
Can I keep on as a Pillar like this?
In the end, I’ve only been feeling miserable and got a message from Shinobu to boot.
Please, come to the Butterfly Estate whenever it suits you.
Mitsuri would normally be happy with this kind of invitation, but this time it only troubled her even more.
(What would Shinobu-chan want from me?)
It’ll be too awkward to see her now… but I can't’ ignore her. 
Just when she had started to walk heavily towards the Butterfly Estate, she heard an “ah!” coming from behind her. 
“The Demon hunter… sis*?”  (nee-chan*)
She turned back at the perplexed voice.
“Yeah, I thought so! It’s sis!”
Some time ago, Mitsuri had saved a boy and his mother from a Demon. Today that boy was standing in front of her, with a smile in his tanned face.
“I’m glad. I’ve been looking you forever, sis.”
Mitsuri blinked her eyes.
“What is it? Some advice? Is something troubling you?”
Suddenly, the boy’s behaviour changed and became aware of his surroundings. Lowering his voice he told her:
“Actually, the restaurant where my mom works is close by.”
It seems he doesn’t want her mother to know about whatever he wants to tell me.
“Mom will get mad if she hears this.”
A mere child just talked as if he were a grown up man.
“Oh my….”
Holding back a laugh, Mitsuri decided to take him to her favorite teahouse which was some distance away from there.
Sitting right outside the teahouse, the boy happily stuffed his mouth with dangos.
“Have you been well? You’re all grown up! You’re a lot taller now.”
“I’m like 15cm taller since that time.”
“15cm. Boys surely grow up fast.”
Mitsuri smiled with a wide grin. She had a younger brother around the same age as this boy and couldn’t help but see him in this child. 
“So? What did you want to talk with me?”
The boy gulped down the dangos and slowly opened his mouth.
“Y’know, I want to be a carpenter.”
“Oh, that’s good. Are you good at making things?”
“Yeah, kind of. My deceased dad was a carpenter.”
She wasn’t sure how to reply.
However, the boy was attentive to her and kept talking.
“It’s okay, my dad died 3 years ago already.”
He fixed his deep dark eyes on the sky.
“He got swept away by the river and drowned when he was building a bridge. He was a skillful carpenter, but he was a poor swimmer.”
“So that’s what happened…”
Mitsuri lightly bit her lower lip and looked at the boy’s tanned face.
Her mind strongly recalled his mother when she saved both, holding his son with large tears running down her face. Even now she remembered vividly how she kowtowed, bowing her head over and over again.
“Thank you so much for saving my son. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Now that she’d heard what had happened to the father, that memory became a heartrending one. 
“Because of that accident my mom won’t let me become a carpenter, it makes her remember about father. She says she wants me to become an apprentice and live in a haberdashery or kimono shop… but, I don’t want to become one of those. I want to be a carpenter.”
The boy tightened his grip of his hand and continued.
“I’m keeping it a secret from mom, I’m planning to become an apprentice of a boss who was an acquaintance of my father’s. Everything’s been arranged.”
“… Why are you telling this to me?”
Mitsuri asked him confused. They boy hesitated at first but then answered brusquely.
“‘Cuz, sis, you were super cool when you saved me and mom.”
She was extremely puzzled. At that time, she had just joined the Corps and was a lower ranked Slayer who only had her strength to boast, but wasn’t competent at all. She got cut all over and it took her a lot of time to chop off the Demon’s head. Anyways, she had been desperate. She hadn’t been in a state in which she should receive some flattery or even be called cool.
“But, y’know, I was really weak then! Like, I could only reach a lame victory and… I wasn’t cool in the sligh-”
“You were cool!!”
The boy shouted, cutting off her words.
“You fought with everything you got, for us, for complete strangers. Despite being a woman, you went so far as getting all battered… sis, you were cooler than anyone.”
The boy’s honest words pierced her heart.
Maybe because of his excitement, the boy’s earlobes were turning red as the sunset.
“Seeing you like that it made me think. I want to be like that too, doing what I really I want and be of help to others. I don’t want to give up or regret anything. That’s why, it doesn’t matter how much my mom cries for it, I’m going to become a carpenter and show everyone I can make a bridge that surpasses my father’s.”
“I was looking for you forever because I wanted to tell only sis about this. Okay then, thanks for the dangos.”
Saying that, they boy ran off. There wasn’t even time to call him out.
His back grew smaller and smaller until he dissapeared in the crowd. 
Mitsuri stared in a daze at the spot she last saw him…
“Kanroji-sama, thank you for visiting us. Shinobu-sama’s waiting for you.”
After arriving at the Butterfly Estate, Kanzaki Aoi guided her to the training area with a troubled face. Mitsuri tilted her head while trembling.
(Why at the training area?)
Just as the name implies, that place is a dojo where injured soldiers go through a training regiment to boost their recovery process and also where Shinobu trains herself and her Tsuguko. 
Mitsuri had visited the Butterly Estate before, but this was the first time she was called to the training grounds.
With a worried face, Aoi left her alone and she timidly opened the sliding door to the dojo.
“Umm… Shinobu-chan?”
“Hello, Kanroji-san.”
And there she was, at the center of the vast dojo. She was sitting with two bamboo swords at her side. However, she wasn’t smiling as usual. 
With a frosty look, she grabbed both swords, stood up and tossed one of the swords to Mitsuri.
She caught it with her hand reflexively.
Shinobu, still stone-faced asked her.
“Could I ask you for a match?”
Despite making a request, it seemed that Shinobu had no intention of listening to her answer as she readied her bamboo sword and pointed it towards Mitsuri.
“Eh?… Wha- Eh? Shinobu-chan?”
While Mitsuri was confused and not able to understand the situation, Shinobu gave her a sidelong glance and rushed in without making a sound. In the blink of an eye, she closed the distance between them and knocked the sword in Mitsuri’s hands off.
The low pitched sound of the sword hitting the floor resounded in the dojo.
“Just now—”
 Shinobu glanced sharply at Mitsuri who stood still and dumbfounded.
“You don’t even have half of your strength. If you were yourself, it wouldn’t have mattered how low your guard was, you’d have dodged that easily.”
“…Ah… Um…”
Shinobu’s voice had a strict tone, almost as if she was reproaching her. Mitsuri became flustered. 
“It looks like you can’t use the Breath of Love properly.”
“Th- that’s… Um…”
What she said was exactly correct and made Mitsuri more and more dispirited. 
Shinobu let out a soundless sigh and lowered her sword. She directed a chilly look to Mitsuri’s body.
“You look pale and your cheeks are hollow. You haven’t been eating enough to keep your muscles healthy, have you?
“I’m not strong as a swordswoman, however Kanroji-san’s different. What makes you an excellent swordswoman is your talent to use a longsword as it pleases you without worries, your incredible flexibility, the strength you got by birth and, above everything else, your overwhelming honesty. 
Mitsuri fell completely silent.
Shinobu addressed her emotionlessly.
“Why are you trying to make yourself weaker?”
Her heart jumped from the shock. 
She fearfully looked at Shinobu, who was already looking back at her. 
Mitsuri gulped, but the sound of it felt like another person had done it. 
If she was going to talk, now was the moment. 
(No… I can’t say it…. I just can’t.)
If she said it frankly, it would just hurt Shinobu. She would make her remember unpleasant and sad things— 
No, wrong. In truth, she was scared of saying it. Mitsuri was deceiving herself by thinking it was all for Shinobu’s sake, when it actually was for her own. She was too afraid of being hated by her precious friend if she confessed, of destroying their friendship and losing a friend.
Mitsuri casted her eyes downwards to avoid Shinobu’s eyes and squeezed her hands. 
(What should I do… Something else, I could tell her another rea-)
At the instant she thought that, a voice sounded in her ears.
— You were cool!!
Mitsuri lifted her head energetically. 
That boy told her she was cooler than anyone when she was still a novice. She had felt a huge relief and was happy they were alive. 
She’d thought she finally found a place where it was fine to stay, aside from her family.
Thank you.
It was actually Mitsuri the one who wanted to say those words. 
(I can’t….I mustn’t tell lies.)
If I do it, I won’t be able to stay here anymore.
I won’t be able to face Shinobu ever again.
(I have to tell her properly… my feelings.)
She shut her eyes tightly, then opened them and looked directly at Shinobu’s eyes.
“—Shinobu-chan, I…”
Just by saying those few words, her mouth went dry. She knew she was speaking in a shrill voice. 
“I… heard it…. from the Kakushi….about Shinobu-chan.”
Shinobu’d been watching her, still with a cold expression. Even now, there couldn’t be seen any change in her emotions. 
If she really had complete control of her emotions, just how much training did she go through to reach that?
A girl whose parents were slaughtered by Demons right before her eyes and whose beloved sister was snatched away too. 
The pain and sorrow almost made Mitsuri’s heart falter, but she eagerly fought them back.
“… I, was embarrassed at my reason to join the Corps… to find someone special and love… I felt sorry for Shinobu-chan. I thought I shouldn’t be like this, I needed to pull myself together… But,”
Sealing away her love made her surprisingly weak. The connection between her heart and the Breath of Love was deeper than she’d thought. 
“I finally got it now. I can’t do that. I have to become stronger being myself. If not, I won’t be able to protect anyone.”
She became afraid of being hated by those precious to her and as a result she neglected those she was supposed to protect. She unreasonably weakened the power and strength given to her by birth and tried to live in falsehood. All when she’d supposedly decided to live somewhere where lies were not needed and use this power granted by her parents to save as many people as she could… 
“This is me! This is Kanroji Mitsuri!! My heart leaps for many kinds of people, I eat a lot and I’m really strong! … But… I, I—”
“Shinobu-chan… I really love you, okay?”
Saying that and before she could close her mouth, Shinobu’s pure white throat started to move slightly.
“Aside from me, there’re a lot of members in the Corps who had their parents snatched away from them by Demons.”
Mitsuri’s heart throbbed in pain at her calm voice.
“Aoi, Sumi, Kiyo and Naho too. Their families were killed by Demons and had nowhere else to go, so they live here with me. 
Mitsuri was hanging her head again, but a soft voice reached her hears.
“However, me and those girls would never be jealous of your situation or loath you because of your reasons for joining the Corps. But, well, I was surprised at first when I heard it.”
Mitsuri heard a giggle slip out in the last sentence, she lifted her head in surprise and saw Shinobu with a smile playing on her lips. Their eyes met. 
With Shinobu’s cold expression gone, Mitsuri was warmly wrapped in with her usual gentle smile. 
“Everyone here harbors hatred and grief, and despite licking each other’s wound, we can’t move forward. For us, Kanroji-san’s cheerfulness and smile is what always saves us.”
“Shinobu… chan…”
In Shinobu’s eyes, she could see herself ready to burst into tears.
Her deep violet eyes looked the same as the first time they met, they were the most beautiful thing in the world. 
“So, please, don’t do things like lying to yourself. I really like you as you are.”
Unable to endure it, she clinged to Shinobu who was way smaller than herself. Lukewarm tears were shedded one after another. 
“I’m sorry for testing you like that.”
“No, it’s fine! Really fine… I was being stupid.”
Still clinging to her Mitsuri shook her head, tickling Shinobu and making her laugh. 
“Please, from now on you have to eat properly, okay?”
“Yeah, I will! I’ll eat a lot. And get stronger!”
“Iguro-san was worried too.”
And added a few more words in a whisper.
‘To the point of being a little overprotective.’
“Yeah, I’ll apologize to him too. And to Muichirō-kun… 
Mitsuri cried like a child and Shinobu softly patted her back with her small hand, in the same way one would do it to a baby. 
Then, she murmured.
“—To tell you the truth, I was always jealous. Jealous of your constitution.”
“If I too had muscles like you, if I was taller… Then…”
“Shinobu… chan?”
“I said too much, please forget it.”
She muttered in her arms.
What was she going to say after ‘then’?
Mitsuri felt like the words left unsaid were full of feelings strong enough to be heartbreaking, feelings which would rather burn down everything.
The only swordsman who can’t cut off a Demon’s head among all the Pillars. 
The body she was holding now felt so fleeting, or rather it was like a child’s, that it made her cry loudly once more.
She promised herself again.
That she’d live without making lies.
That she’d kill as many Demons as possible.
And she’d protect as many smiles and happiness as she could.
So that she can live proudly with her cherished friends in this precious place—. 
“Kanroji-san, why did you join the Demon Slayer Corps?”
“Uh? Me?”
In the corridor of Tecchikawahara’s mansion, Kamado Tanjirō asked her a question.
This boy, who joined the Corps to turn her sister back to a human, had fiery red eyes. They were really pretty.
He was looking at her straight into her eyes, it almost made her shrink back.
“It’s kinda embarrassing… Oh, what should I do. You wanna hear?”
Mitsuri fidgeted.
Nezuko, who through her Demon Blood Arts had shrunk her boy to the size of a child, looked up at her curiously. Mitsuri gently brushed her black hair. 
“You see…”
— Kanroji Mitsuri continued her story with a smile in her face.
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yukimoji · 4 years
My World: Part 1 ( Tanjiro Kamado x Reader )
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(a/n: hello! “my world” is a mini two part series! this was inspired after listening to some of my favorite opm songs on repeat lol. part 2 will be coming soon! hope you all enjoy!)
Part 1 I 2 I 3
Total words: 3937 words
Genre: Fluff
No manga spoilers
!!Slight mentions of Blood and Death!!
You've never really considered the possibility of true love coming to you all your life.
Growing up in a demon-infested world, life seemed to be fond of throwing you into hardships and struggle. Sure, some may argue that what breaks us makes us even stronger. However, every time you came face to face with a demon, all the horrors of the world would slap you in the face.
Life was rough, to be frank. Losing your family, the agony of training to death, and the endless amount of missions that never seemed to end. All this has taken a huge toll on you, as you become even more frustrated the longer you fight.
Even in the midst of those moments of uncertainty, you've seen rays of sunlight peeking through the dark and gloomy clouds. The way you watched children play around every time you visit a new location, the way laughter and joy was abundant despite the ever-growing threat, or even the way some people would cling to you to sing praises of gratitude after being rescued from a demon would always warm your heart.
These little bits of happiness can bring just the smallest of smiles to your face, and you were secretly hoping that maybe soon, you will also be happy and enjoy the warmth of love that would've had surrounded you without a care in the world.
But you could only hope, only dream. You can't stop fighting for even just a second.
Not when your life is still in the hands of danger. Not when there's a likelihood of a horrible and painful death looming over you.
You're not going to stop until you have avenged your family and the numerous deaths that Muzan Kibutsuji has inflicted upon humanity.
You've never really considered the possibility of true love coming to you all your life, but that seemed to have changed when you finally met him.
Tanjiro Kamado is a peculiar boy.
The first time you met him, you were sent on a mission at Mt. Natagumo with several other slayers. You were in a rough shape, after seeing how your comrades were turned against each other and were ruthlessly murdered in front of your very eyes. You couldn't move after being badly injured from a rouge katana stabbing you somewhere in your body. Pain and suffering was the only thing you could feel in that moment, and it seemed like your life had flashed before your eyes.
Minutes later, in front of you, a glimpse of a green and black checkered haori appeared. A boy wearing hanafuda-like earrings that seemed to twinkle and reflect the rays of moonlight with every slightest movement. He had Burgundy locks, which seemed to be swaying from the cool breeze, a red scar adorning his forehead, and a dashing pair of crimson eyes that gazed at you with such concern. 
The powerful emotion directed towards you seemed to have left you breathless.  The next thing you know, you've been taken away to a safe location where no one could hurt you.
"Stay here, okay? Don't move too much or you'll get even more hurt." His voice trailed off, holding you so delicately, as though you were about to fall apart at any moment. He looked worried, his nose wrinkled, and his lips was in a hard line when he saw how much you were in a horrible state. Then, looking at you, he smiled softly.
"I'm going to go now and find help, okay?" You could only nod and stare helplessly as he stood up and ran, presumably trying to find help.
And then, everything went dark.
You were in the Butterfly Estate's Ward the next time you saw him. Miraculously, as you were lying motionlessly in your safe position, the Kakushi came and got you all patched up. You were then taken to the Butterfly Estate to heal and rest.
But it seemed that recovery itself was a challenge.
You had a hard time sleeping, because a certain blonde-haired boy, whom you later learned to be named Zenitsu, kept screaming and whining to the poor girls who had given his medicine. Apparently, he was almost turned into a spider and the medicine was supposed to help him go back to his regular form.
You could just stare in disappointment at the ceiling. Zenitsu's eyes exploded up in tears as he proceeded to have a tantrum, leaving the poor butterfly girl sweating in front of him, not knowing what to do. If you weren't hurt and just mainly having a bad time, you'd have already smacked the guy for his childish behavior.
Laying after an empty bed besides you, the boy with the boar-head, Inosuke, did not seem fazed at all. But then, you also discovered that the poor soul had his throat crushed by a demon. You could only assume that he was also beyond tired to even deal with Zenitsu's antics.
"Please stop shouting, will you?" The butterfly girl spoke out, attempting to calm the aggressive boy down.
After what seemed like an eternity of wails, Aoi and a pair of Kakushi came into the ward, one of them carrying a very familiar boy behind his back.
Your eyes widened when you saw the boy who rescued you calling out to Zenitsu. You didn't even hear Aoi scolding Zenitsu, who was whimpering and trembling in his bed sheets. Aoi left the ward annoyed with a huff, and you just stared at the kind boy as he was put down on the floor and went on to have a conversation with Zenitsu.
Judging from their discussion, Zenitsu and the other boy appeared to be friends. Zenitsu started to ramble about how mean Aoi was, and the Burgundy hairy boy realized how small his friend had become. You could just look away when the snot started to spill out of the rowdy blonde's nose.
However, as soon as you turned away, Crimson eyes found your exhausted body lying a few beds away, and his eyes gleamed as he remembered you as the slayer he had rescued the night before. He sighed in relief, because you were still alive even after all those injuries.
He observed your form, and he picked up the scent of exhaustion coming from you. Who wouldn't be? He wondered. He was just glad that he managed to save you in time, after seeing how countless slayers were murdering each other, he's just happy that he managed to save one more life.
But apart from fatigue, he couldn't help but pick up the scent of resentment and sadness surrounding you. He came to understand that your friends and comrades were all gone, not to mention that you may have lost all of your family, too. If there's someone who can understand you, it's him, because he's also lost his family and his sister became a demon.
After cleaning up, it was his mission to befriend you at all costs. He went into the ward and took the bed next to you and Inosuke. Per usual, Zenitsu was already bawling, and Inosuke continued to be in a sour mood.
You, on the other hand, could only look at the ceiling with a dark shadow cast on your face that the hanafuda-clad slayer could only assume to have been irritation caused by his blonde partner. As he claimed his bed, he turned and grinned softly towards you.
"Hello!" He greeted enthusiastically.
You get startled and pulled out of your thoughts of murder, as you tilt your head only to be greeted by the bright expression of the boy next to you.
Jesus, this boy could rival the sun with the warm and inviting aura he had.
"I'm glad you're all right! My name is Tanjiro Kamado, what's yours?" he introduced himself happily, leaving you speechless as to how friendly and cheerful this boy was.
"...[ Y / N ]. [ Y / N ] [ L / N ]." You manage to blurt out. Tanjiro's eyes sparkled, and his smile grew even more.
"EHHHH??! SO THE PRETTY GIRL CAN TALK! AND HERE I THOUGHT I'M NEVER GOING TO HEAR HER WONDERFUL VOICE!" Zenitsu cries out in excitement, laughing and waving about to himself as a vein started to pop out from your neck.
"SHUT UP, MONITSU! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" Inosuke yelled out, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Zenitsu's face, effectively shutting him up.
Tanjiro could only chuckle nervously, as Inosuke grumbled in irritation and Zenitsu muttering out little whines after Inosuke's outburst.
"We're sorry about that, they're always like that." Tanjiro explained, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Anyway, what a pretty name! It's nice to meet you, [ Y / N ]- san! I hope we can friends!" He exclaimed happily.
You flush at his words and looked down in embarrassment, but then, you paled when realization hit you like a brick.
You never thanked him for saving you.
You whip your head towards the boy, your brows knitted together in determination.
"I never thanked you for saving me, Kamado-san! I am deeply grateful for your generosity! I owe you my life!" you proclaimed and bowed your head, leaving Tanjiro raising his hands in reassurance.
"Oh no, it's fine! Really!" He sweats, "And you can call me Tanjiro, you know!"
After that encounter, you seemed to have grown closer to the trio. During your time in the ward, you spent much of your time talking and joking around. After a while, Inosuke became arrogant and wild, which you discovered was his "natural" self. Often his attempts to pick fights bugs you to no end, and it doesn't stop there as Zenitsu has been even more irritating ever since you first spoke to the Burgundy-haired boy.
"[ Mispronounced Name ]!! I DARE YOU TO FIGHT ME RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!"
"[ Y / N ]- chan~! You look pretty today!"
"[ Y / N ]-chan, Inosuke is being mean to me again, can you please comfort me?"
"Why are you looking at my face like that, [Mispronounced Name]?!"
"You would marry me, right [ Y / N ]-chan?!"
You pass. No thanks.
As days go by, you and Tanjiro would grow even closer, as your friendship with him continued to grow. He was a very open friend. He's also sweet, caring, charming, not to mention he worries about others before he could even think about himself!
"Inosuke, do you want to eat more? Here! Have some of my Tempura!"
"Zenitsu, please, stop crying! You're getting the poor girls into unnecessary trouble!"
"Oh, you wanted to me to accompany you to Shinobu-san, [ Y / N ]? Sure! I'll be with you all the way!"
God, does this boy do bring a big smile on you face.
He would also tell stories of adventures, describing each event with such vivid detail. You could only listen in awe as he proceeded to tell you how hard he trained in order to join the Demon Slayer Corps.
You gazed in silence as you observed the Tanjiro's calloused hands. He must have endured and suffered so much, maybe even more so than you did. The boy just remained there, a tiny smile on his face as he proceeded to show his hands for you.
You gulp, and averted your gaze from his hands to make eye contact with him.
"It must have been really hard, huh?" You whispered, the corners of your mouth pulled down as you stared at the boy, an unreadable emotion present in your eyes.
Tanjiro only chuckled as he pulled his hands back.
"Yeah, it was really tough. But come to think of it, my hands are proof of all the hard work I've put into being a Demon Slayer. Sure, sometimes I felt like dying and even giving up, but the fact that I've reached where I am now just gives me the confidence to go even further to help those in need. " He explained.
He lifts his hand and glances at it. His eyes were filled with determination as he recalled why he had become a Demon Slayer in the first place. Confidence overtook his expression when he broke his eyes from his palm and smiled at you.
"My hands are a reminder that I will never stop fighting for the safety of humans. I will always protect them, so that they can never witness the kind of horrors that we as demon slayers have to go through."
Your praised his sense of selflessness. In this life full of hardships, it was rare to find somebody as genuine and kind like Tanjiro. It was a trait that you admired wholeheartedly. With him, it seemed like your whole world would light up because of the sheer amount of positivity he would radiate.
It seemed, for a moment, that your dark and cruel world had taken a turn. In the blink of an eye, you've been welcomed with smiles and snippets of joy every time you interact with the boys. Your laughter became more frequent, not a dull hour would pass by, as you would find yourself becoming more fond of the crimson-eyed slayer.
You'd get to learn more about Tanjiro and his history later on. The boy's face would always light up by the mention of his family, and he would still be fond telling stories of his memories of the time they were still alive. The guy's got five siblings! 5!
Now, you truly understood how much patience the boy had with his two companions. Hearing him talking about his family gave you a sad sense of longing, and soon enough, you also opened up to him about how you, too, had a family, and that they were also killed by demons.
You told him stories, memories that just seemed like scattered visions located on a distant shore. You'd feel the sides of your mouth pulling up, your solemn [E / C] eyes showing a nostalgic light in them. Tanjiro would laugh every time you mentioned how much of a rucus your siblings were, would smile at you with delight as you mentioned your everyday life, and would nod in agreement as you recalled of your love-filled memories that happened a long time ago.
It was nice to know, though, that you had someone who could relate to your loss of family.
Speaking of family, you also had the opportunity to meet Nezuko, the little demon sister of Tanjiro. You have to confess that the thought of a demon battling alongside a demon slayer made you laugh at first. There was a reason why you became a demon slayer, and that is to slay any demon you meet in order to protect human beings.
You've been in conflict with the situation for the first few days of getting to know Nezuko. Your instincts were screaming at you to get a sword and just kill her then and there, but you also realized she wasn't like any other demons. If Oyakata-sama seemed to approve of her presence, then maybe you might come to accept her as well.
Tanjiro has taken note of your behavior towards Nezuko, but he can't blame you. Your family was killed by demons, so you had every right to be suspicious of Nezuko. He was grateful, however, that you took restraint and tried to accommodate her, despite his keen sense of smell telling him that you're more than ready to put an end to her demon life.
It seemed like Nezuko also wanted to be your friend. During the nights where you can't sleep, you would always go to the rooftop and gaze at the starry sight above. Not long after you arrive, the demon girl would find you and she would sit beside you, accompanying you the whole time.
The first few times, you were tense towards her. As much as you respect Tanjiro and Oyakata-sama's wishes, her status as a demon still bothered you to no end. Nevertheless, you would just let her accompany her because you knew that she had no malicious intent towards you. She seemed to understand your conflicted feelings towards her, as she would just sit and stare at the sky the entire time the two of you would sit at the roof, never once trying to force you to interact with her.
However, one interaction made you view Nezuko in a whole different light.
You wake up in the middle of the night, whimpering, soaked in cold sweat. You've had another nightmare, a vivid flashback of your mangled family dead in your old home. You sighed softly, and you looked around the ward to see the trio still sleeping soundly. A few minutes pass, and you realized you couldn't fall asleep again right away.
You got out of bed stealthily, and you went to your sanctuary, where you would eventually meet the demon girl again for the hundredth time.
You sat down on the edge dejectedly when you arrived. You've had this same kind of nightmare too many times, but the sight of your family lying helplessly dead in their blood pool always gets to you. Your lower lip quivers, brows buried together as you try to fight back the tears threatening to spill out. You cover your face as you try to calm yourself down, but a hand pats your back to console you.
You're shaking when you turn your head and come face to face with Nezuko. Sadness clouded her eyes, little "mmhm"s coming out of her bamboo muzzle, as if she was trying to say it was all right;
"You're going to be all right."
You looked at her, and wondered, how could a demon look so human? Her hand on your back proceeded to caress you in a circular motion, her eyes held so much compassion and kindness that you almost forgot she was a demon.
But that doesn't matter anymore.
You broke out crying, warm, thick tears falling from your eyes. You hiccuped and sniffled, already racked up with sobs. Nezuko didn't waste any time and embraced you, and you embraced back almost instantly. Your cries echoed in the night sky, and you're weeping so hard that your tears are staining Nezuko's kimono. But the girl never stopped, and she just remained there and comforted you the whole time.
Once you finally calmed down, you sat there for a little longer, gazing up at the night sky. Nezuko was still sitting beside you, just like what she did when she spent time with you on the roof. You pulled your eyes away from the stars, and you gazed at Nezuko. She stared at the tranquility of the stars above and was happy with it. You're sighing softly, now feeling foolish to have ever doubt the girl.
The demon averts her gaze from the sky, and looks at you, her head tilting to the side slightly. Her rose-colored eyes flickering with concern. You gulp, and shamely looked down.
"I'm sorry. For ever doubting you. I guess you really are something special, huh?"  You apologized, a flush creeping up to your face as you looked down in embarrassment.
"Mmhm!" Nezuko just hummed, when you looked up to see that she was giving you a happy expression. She put her hand on top of your head and began to rub it in a reassuring manner. You could only just chuckle fondly at her actions.
When she pulled her hand back, it was your turn to pat on her head. Her eyes widened momentarily, before she let out a joyful noise, lifting both of her arms to victory. You chuckled at her adorable shenanigans as you continued to bond with the affectionate demon.
Little do you know, a pair of crimson red eyes gazed at both of you, watching you interact with Nezuko. Tanjiro felt a sense of satisfaction, seeing how much you seem to care for Nezuko now. But he couldn't help but feel a funny sensation in his chest. Seeing all of you happy and treating Nezuko like your own sister made him feel something.
He could only look in admiration as you laughed and played with Nezuko, his sister always happily reciprocating any little pleasant interaction you would have granted her. He smiled, seeing how happy you were and how you seemed to glow under the moonlight.
You looked absolutely beautiful.
Come to think about it, he grew rather fond of you these past few weeks. The way you would light up at a joke, the way you would scrunch up your face with irritation, and even the way where you would listen to him with such concentration when he's reminiscing about his family seemed to make him feel funny and warm all over. Your little actions and quirks had Tanjiro hooked, and with every little adorable action you do, it would make the burgundy-haired boy grow even fonder for you.
It also didn't help that when he found you at Mt. Natagumo, his initial thought was, well, that you looked very pretty. Although, he suppressed this thoughts towards you because, well, you were such in a rough state and he was beyond worried. It was not the time to be a Zenitsu when you were hurting so much!
Wait, pretty? Fondness? Affection???
Tanjiro looked away from the wonderful sight, and proceeded to run back to the ward. His face reddened and he put a hand on his chest. His heart was beating like crazy! He couldn't believe what he was feeling towards the [ H / C ]-haired girl!
As he arrived, he instantly covered his face with his blanket, trying to make sense of the warm, fuzzy feeling he would get every time he thought of you.
He couldn't help but think of your wonderful smile. God, how much he had grown to love your smile! And the way your eyes would flutter, the way you giggle at even the most ridiculous joke, and how you would just- ugh!
He could only cover his face with his hands in embarrassment as he proceeded to have sweet yet confusing thoughts about you. He felt he was going mad, and he's trying to make sense of his emotions towards you.
He realizes something in the midst of his breakdown. He recalls how the couples at Asakusa would intertwine with each other, how Kazumi cried out for his deceased fiance, and the memory of how his mother and father would look at each other with such devotion and tenderness while overlooking him and his siblings. The way all the couples portrayed themselves in his life reminded him of how he would think and feel about you.
He widened his eyes as a quick gasp escaped his lips. His face flushed more and more out from the revelation as he desperately tried to calm himself down from the intense surge of emotions overwhelming him.
And in that moment, it was clear.
That he, Tanjiro Kamado, now wished the whole world for [ Y / N ] [ L / N ].
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