#kaspar thorne
a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
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No scarier words have ever been spoken
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choices-ceri · 1 year
(cause I'm bored and I can)
1. Marguerite
obviously. Goes without saying
2. Lydea
Queen. Icon. Slay. Sorry I didn't like you to begin with. Thanks for not back stabbing us. God save the queen and that
3. Astrid
Now..... Anyone who kills their girlfriends homophobic ex needs to be top 3. She would have been 2nd but she called my pores greasy. I ain't having that.
4. Sebastyan
He was rude, mean and kinda creepy at the start. But they did my guy so dirty with the story. Bro did NOT deserve being isolated, back stabbed and murdered all in one day. I feel dreadful. Sorry Bas, I hope the next life's better to you.
5. Emika
Non binary solidarity.
6. Kaspar
Creep, but also an icon in a way.
7. Vasili
No cereal for HIM ever again
8. Patryck
You know you have to be a right d##khead to be ranked beneath the serial killer of the family.
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thosehallowedhalls · 8 months
Babysitting the Demonic Duo
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Book: Crimes of Passion (Post Book 2)
Pairing: Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Emma Rose)
Rating: General
Summary: Trystan and Emma are roped into keeping an eye on Kaspar and Emika for the day. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Word count: 891
A/N: It turns out that Kaspar and Emika are ridiculously fun to write. Who knew? This is my entry for @choicesflashfics, week #68. Prompt: “I need you to remember that you love me.” -> “What did you do?”
@choicesjanuary2024 Day 9, Survival
Babysitting the Demonic Duo
She’s going to kill Trystan. The man may be the love of her life, but he’s the reason she’s in this situation in the first place.
Emma thought that apart from Trystan and Marguerite, her life was now blessedly Thorne-free. But now. Now she’s stuck with Kaspar and Emika. For an entire day.
This is a breakup-worthy offense if she ever saw one.
His sheepish smile was her first clue that something was afoot, but she told herself she was being paranoid. After all, love or not, even she doesn’t know the meaning of each and every one of his smiles.
But then he spoke.
“I need you to remember that you love me.”
“What did you do?”
“Hypothetically, I might have accidentally promised Lydea to keep an eye on Kaspar and Emika next Saturday.”
“You what?”
“Apparently, the twins have decided to come over for New York Fashion Week. Lydea’s concerned they will cause some sort of international incident.”
“Yeah, because they absolutely will.”
“That’s what I told her, and I helpfully suggested that she send someone to babysit them.”
“How was I supposed to know that she’d rope me in? I’ve been replaying that conversation in my mind, and I still don’t know when I lost the upper hand.”
“It’s Lydea. You never had the upper hand.”
“I mean, fair, but ouch.” He gave her his best puppy eyes, and damn if she wasn’t affected. “You won’t let me take them on alone, will you?”
Emma groaned. “For the record, I’m going to throw this in your face every time we argue for the next five years.”
He laughed and kissed her soundly. “Deal.”
So now here she is. Babysitting a pair of narcissistic twins with a penchant for theft and bullying.
“Aren’t you going to show us your apartment, dear brother?” Kaspar says when they meet at the airport.
“I am rather attached to everything in it, so no,” Trystan deadpans.
Kaspar puts a hand to his chest. “You wound me.”
“As if Trystan has anything worth stealing,” Emika says with a sniff. “If he furnished the place with American brands, we'll be better off preserving our sense of sight.”
As it happens, Trystan’s furniture is from all around the world, with quite a few antiques thrown into the mix. But far be it from Emma to contradict them.
“Is there anywhere in particular you wanted to go while you’re here?” She asks instead.
“Yes!” Kaspar says. “The Calloway Museum!”
“Fine, but we need to set some ground rules first.”
“Meaning this is a strictly look and don’t touch situation. You’re not taking anything home with you.”
“But…” His face falls. “Then what’s the point?”
She and Trystan exchange a look. She hopes her eyebrow raise says ‘he’s your brother, you deal with it.’ Apparently it does, because he sighs and steps forward.
“Kaspar. Historically, you’re a terrible art thief. Do you really want to deal with Mother and Lydea when you’re inevitably caught and arrested?”
Kaspar gives the most long-suffering sigh known to man. Record-breaking, probably. “I suppose not.” Then his eyes brighten. “Will you show us where you found the lovely Sonja?”
Emika rolls their eyes. “We’re not going on a murder tour.”
“Excuse me. I don’t complain about you wanting to sit in a stuffy room and eviscerate runway models.”
“Because you’re planning to go home with at least one of them.”
Emma prays for patience. “We’re not showing you where we found Sonja, and that’s final. Is there anything else you want to see?”
“Oh! Your agency!”
“I want to see where you work!”
“I’ve never known anyone with a job before! A poor person job, I mean, not something like politics or modeling.”
On one hand, she might have to exorcise the office when they’re safely out of the country. On the other, they could recruit Mafalda and Luke to help keep them in line.
“Fine. But you keep your hands to yourself.”
Kaspar actually bounces in place. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”
Famous last words.
In the last 45 minutes, Kaspar has already tried to steal Eleanor’s mask (her own fault for answering truthfully when he asked what it was) and Emika has attempted to sabotage three separate ongoing cases.
Emma gestures to Trystan to meet her at the door. “How much longer until we can dump them at the fashion show venue?”
“Another six hours.”
“I want to break up. Go away and take the demonic duo with you.”
Trystan loops his arms around her waist with a grin. “You know you love me.”
“I love you. Bonnie and Clyde over there weren’t part of the deal.”
“Technically, they were. They’re my siblings after all.” He raises his eyebrows playfully. “Aren’t you lucky you wound up with the best Thorne?”
“I’m telling Marguerite you said that.” But she leans her head against his chest, soothed by the sound of his heartbeat. She will deny this if asked, but the truth is that she’ll put up with a dozen Kaspars and Emikas for him.
Ah, well. She’s already taken down three killers. Surely she can survive six more hours with the terrible twosome?
“Will you put that mask down!” Luke exclaims from the office.
Scratch that. She’ll be throwing this in Trystan’s face for ten years.
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gaiuskamilah · 3 months
anyway. tonight's Thornecest Thoughts because i've been reading (🥸). thorslev (1965) writes that brother-sister/sibling incest symbolizes 1) a character's alienation from society and 2) their "narcissistic sensibility, or more philosophically speaking, his predilection for solipsism." sibling incest is seen as a rejection of the laws of state and of commonly held conventions as well as the societal alienation that comes afterward as a result (the laws are constructed, they are not "natural"). it can also be read as the character's preoccupation with the self, their love only for themself and seeing the world as only between them and their sibling—there is no world outside of them.
viewing kaspar/emika in this is obvious; both are alienated from various societies as per their dossiers, both are vain and only self-interested, and their shared strong fear of separation. the only people they clearly respect within the family are each other.
you could also view vasili/bas this way, though their in-text incestuous subtext is less overt than kaspar/emika. theirs is limited only to the narration and dialogue surrounding bas' murder. still, the elements are there—vasili and bas are denied a chance at the throne because of man-made laws that warrant their exclusion. this exclusion makes them bitter and makes them truly respect only each other, a preoccupation with their own perceived righteousness, especially compared to trystan.
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My money is still on Kaspar (and maybe Emika too). Adding to the post above:
K&E were the only ones with an alibi that isn't air tight. They were in E's room. Their alibi is each other.
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The twins are the only ones who still use the secret tunnels
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The knife had Twin snakes and I'm a hoe who loves symbolism when I read and write
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Finally, what was this about?
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Huh? Am I missing something here?
Anyway, this has been my unhinged theory Part 2
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saintfourr · 1 year
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i made these three images and i have no regrets.
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choicesbookclub · 1 year
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Crimes of Passion II : A Look Back
First week with no new Crimes of Passion, how are you doing???
I know the book club for COP 2 is over but I have a few wrap up questions that I thought I'd share ❤️
Question(s) of the Week: 
Will you be replaying Crimes of Passion II? [Vote Here]
How long would you like me to keep accepting/reblogging COPII entries? [Vote Here]
Who is your favorite Thorne sibling (not Trystan)? [Vote Here]
Which Thorne would YOU have WANTed to be the killer if it was your choice? [Vote Here]
After a week of processing things, how do you feel? Has your opinions on the last chapter(s) changed? Has your opinions on the overall story changed?
How did you find book two compared to book one?
What did you like best about book two?
If you could change one thing about book two, what would it be?
Does Astrid deserve her own book? (the only answer is yes.. j/k)
What are you hoping to see in book three?
Do you have any HCs for your Trystan and detective now that they're back in NY?
And lastly... how did you enjoy your Book Club experience? What did you like? Is there something you want me to continue in future clubs? anything you think I should discontinue, change, or add?
Thank you all for joining the COP2 book club! I am truly grateful to everyone who participated. Thanks for making it a wonderful experience! ❤️❤️❤️
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korgbelmont · 1 year
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What if we didn't have to solve a fucking murder but instead have an entire book of MC bonding with their creepy, deranged in-laws?
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
I love Crimes of Passion a normal amount...I totally didn't have an intense dream mourning Sebastyan (because I loved him a normal amount) and the dream didn't end with me playing with Kaspar's hair (it just looks so thick and silky and I want to touch it!)...so as you can see...a normal amount of love for the Thorne siblings.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 11 months
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Why, you jealous or sm 👀
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Their sibling bond was actually pretty wholesome, and that’s one of the only times I will refer to the Thornes as wholesome Imao
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Honey it’s a miracle nobody found out about your secret relationship. For a prince and private detective, they’re not good at being subtle are they? 😭
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The duality of Marguerite Thorne. Also, poor Mags 😭 first she was kidnapped and then she has to find out her own brother killed her other brother LET HER REST PLS
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She has the BEST comedic timing I just know she and MC would have been such iconic no-nonsense duo in another life. Like an AU where she was exiled instead of Trystan or sm
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choices-ceri · 6 months
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Tag yourself. I'm a mean bisexual
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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This entire family is disgusting. They may as well be on the GOP debate stage tonight. Sorry. Not sorry.
"... I wanted to see how it turned out." YOU TWO TESTIFIED AGAINST HIM!!!!
"They held no true value" says the creepy ass who pulled the garotte from Nadya's neck
I'd like to punt-kick Emika off the Empire State Building - I'd pay mad diamonds for that.
As to Kaspar, I'll need a Drakovian-level punishment for him.
Spoiler below.....
Best plot development YET!
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gaiuskamilah · 3 months
Naw because idk what was going on with Emika and Kaspar but it wasn’t normal that’s for sure
another thornecest truther 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 but for real it was not normal at all. they're so attached to each other, both dossiers saying they have a "particular weakness" for the other, going as far as too kill for each other, having a secret language and code that only they understand.. they are not normal. the fact that they're twins too just makes me raise an eyebrow even more. reminds me of so many other incestuous twins..
i need to replay crimes 2 but with the book taking so many cues from the gothic genre (i mean stuff like wuthering heights, jane eyre, flowers in the attic, crimson peak, etc., i once posted about how the thornes are gothic and someone said addams family and i ctfu) re: the story revolving around inheritance, family secrets (especially the cracking of and decay of the institution of the family), their fuckass dark as hell castle, then kaspar/emika twincest honestly just fits right in lol.
also not to say that the other thorne siblings haven't faced exclusion (trystan and astrid come to mind) but the twins' dossier specifically saying how emika and kaspar were blacklisted by "90% of fashion houses in europe" and "former member of international syndicate / sold out by anonymous member" respectively, both shunned by society, just makes me think...
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Crimes of Passion 2: The Killer Thorne
Or my unhinged theory so far
I am positive my opinion will change as more information is revealed. Also, this is all gut feeling for now. Oh and finally, I take those red letters to heart.
So when the lovely @choicesbookclub asked which Thorne is involved in Juliana's death, the majority voted Sebastyan. And as I said. That's too obvious.
I voted Kaspar.
Here is why:
First, some context to how my mind got there.
When MC and Trystan walk in on the NYPD's investigation of the missing tiara, the officers are convinced they have the culprit.
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(Taken from YT because I didn't take screenshots when I played. Cameron= MC)
This confuses Trystan and MC
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The officers don't say anything else since Thompson angrily pulls them and mutters about compromising the investigation.
But my question is why did they think Bird? What evidence did they find? They have to have found something to think Bird. Or a bird.
I found that so interesting since when we played as Juliana minutes earlier, she was pulled from Trystan's side by a bird call she recognized as the person harassing her.
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I'm not saying Bird did it but the connection bird —> bird call is hard to ignore.
Back to Kaspar.
In all this, Trystan brings up their brother Kaspar who once stole the Queen's jewels. As someone who loves to study the way other writers write, it was interesting to me that this one brother was brought up so early in the story. Not only in passing like the rest of Trystan's siblings (except for Marguerite and Lydea). The writers gave us some information about someone we haven't even met yet. I think that's intentional and important.
Also, Kaspar's name was in red.
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That stuck with me. I don't think any of the other siblings we haven't met yet's names have been in red before (I could be wrong).
What we know about Kaspar is
He is younger than Trystan
He stole the jewels and got banned from the queen's country as a result
He is impulsive
But charming (avoids consequences as a result)
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It's also interesting that Trystan was the one who found the stolen jewels and returned them. So much so that the queen trusts Trystan enough to contact them when they go missing again. All while Kaspar is banned from her country.
Idk idk
Could that create resentment from Kaspar towards Trystan?
In summary:
Chapter 1 tells us the NYPD thought Bird had stolen the jewels but we never found out why
Kaspar has a past connection to those jewels
Kaspar is also presented with some importance by the writers. I think that's intentional.
Juliana hears a bird call from her murderer, one that could quite literally be their calling card because she recognizes it
I'm 2.2 Trystan compares Kaspar to a magpie (See edit below/ credit to magpie anon)
All of these are connected in my mind but I'm missing puzzle pieces
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A brilliant, wonderful, fantastic anon pointed out that the bird/Kaspar symbolism continues when Trystan compares him to a magpie in 2.2
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Credit to this anon for this connection! ❤️
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