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One of the things I love about exploring different aspects of religious and cultural traditions through books is that there is room for non-fiction as well. In Allison Ofanansky's "Harvest of Light" (2008), we get to learn about the olive harvest in Israel through a young girl's participation in her family's traditions, how olive oil is made, and how all of this connects to the Chanukah holiday. Illustrated with beautiful photographs by Eliyahu Alpern, it's a wonderful book for curious children of any background! ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #jewishnoodlenuts #noodlenutschanukah #harvestoflight #allisonofanansky #eliyahualpern #karbenpublishing #karben #oliveharvest #olives #oliveoil #israel #israelikids #menorahlighting #harvesttime #iteach123 #schoollibrary #iteachfirst #iteachsecond #homeschoolfamily https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JKCpnnDEX/?igshid=fkpq1s6m358o
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It’s #pubday for SIMCHAT TORAH IS COMING! by Tracy Newman and GRANDGHOST by Nancy Springer!!! Grab your copies today!!! . . . #simchattorahiscoming #tracynewman #karbenpublishing #simchattorah #grandghost #nancyspringer #severnhouse #bookstagram #summerreads #bookbirthday (at Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency)
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Sometimes the nicest way to learn about something new is more subtle than an overt lesson, such as an underlying theme in an enjoyable story. One of my favourite Chanukah read-alouds in this vein is Deborah Bodin Cohen and Shahar Kober's "Engineer Ari and the Hanukkah Mishap" (2011), part of a series of cute, train-centered holiday books (because what kid doesn't love trains?) by this great duo. In this one, Engineer Ari is on his way home for Chanukah, arms full of treats, when his train has a bit of a ... well, mishap. He is invited by a new Bedouin friend, Kalil, to pass the time waiting for assistance in Kalil's tent, drinking tea and beginning the holiday celebration together. It's a sweet story, with a lovely message of cross-cultural friendship. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #jewishnoodlenuts #noodlenutschanukah #deborahbodincohen #shaharkober #karben #karbenpublishing #engineerariandthehanukkahmishap #engineerari #interfaith #interfaithdialogue #interfaithharmony #bedouin #hannukah #iteachfirst #iteachsecond #iteachprimary #schoollibrary #abookaday #yeskidsbookstagram #jewishkids #jewishkidsbooks #dreidel https://www.instagram.com/p/B6G6lK9HeLD/?igshid=mpfilkaohfor
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Today's Chanukah story is a reminder that Jews came to North America from all over the world, often as refugees fleeing persecution. In the 18th century, Jews couldn't practice their religion openly in many countries without fear of forced conversion. Many of them hid their religion and practiced under threat of horrible punishment or even death. Eventually, some fled their homes, but even in their new lands the trauma remained. "Emanuel and the Hanukkah Rescue" (2012) by Heidi Smith Hyde and Jamel Akib, is the heartwarming story of Portuguese-Jewish immigrants to the whaling community of New Bedford, MA during that time, and how they overcame their fears to begin celebrating their holidays anew in the New World. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #jewishnoodlenuts #noodlenutschanukah #emanuelandthehanukkahrescue #heidismithhyde #jamelakib #karben #karbenpublishing #newbedford #newbedfordma #whaling #portuguesejews #religiouspersecution #religiousfreedom #chanukah #hanukkah #judaism #jewish #jewishhistory https://www.instagram.com/p/B58ddncnsNq/?igshid=1krtmluz9f0qa
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In the name of inclusion and diversity and an effort to expand cultural boundaries, today I'm celebrating #TravelThursday (which, okay, I may have just invented) with an adorable ode to one of my favourite places to visit... Sesame Street/Shalom Sesame's "Shalom Everybodeee! Grover's Adventures in Israel" (2016) by Tilda Balsley and Ellen Fischer, illustrated by Tom Leigh. Come along and explore this country that is so important to so many cultures with everyone's favourite old school Muppet, as he checks out an archaeological dig, tastes falafel (yum!), and even visits a Bedouin tent! More adventures await when you catch up with Grover... ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #shalomeverybodeee #groversadventuresinisrael #shalomeverybody #shalomsesame #rechovsumsum #sesamestreet #grover #tildabalsley #ellenfischer #tomleigh #karben #karbenpublishing #israelforkids #JewishNoodlenuts #LokshenNuts #jewishbooks #jewishpreschoolbooks #jewishkids #jewishlearning #jewishpreschoolideas #christianhomeschool https://www.instagram.com/p/B5I5jvlH4Tw/?igshid=1koomlcjgg7a7
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Sunday evening marks the beginning of Sukkot, one of the three most significant holidays of the Jewish religious year, and a huge part of celebrating is the construction and use of a sukkah. A sukkah is a temporary shelter with a roof open to the night sky that is meant to recall the shelters that the Israelites built in the desert during their exodus. Often decorated with seasonal fruits and vegetables and colourful artwork, it's a wonderful autumn tradition. 🍎🍏🍎 "Tamar's Sukkah" (1988) by Ellie Gellman is a beautiful, simple book with a retro feel, about a little girl decorating her family's sukkah with the help of friends from the neighbourhood. Originally illustrated by Shauna Mooney Kawasaki, and reissued in 2015 with updated artwork by Katherine Janus Kahn, it's a perfect introduction for any young child to this fall holiday. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #tamarssukkah #elliegellman #shaunamooneykawasaki #katherinejanuskahn #karben #karbenpublishing #pjlibrary #sukkot #sukkoth #sukkah #sukkahparty #sukkahdecor #highholidays #jewishholiday #jewishholidays #jewish #jewishchildren #jewishkids #jewishbooks #jewishpreschoolbooks #jewishpreschoolideas #jewishlearning #jewishpreschool #judaismforkids #cultureforkids #jewishchildrensbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B3h1Ln4njJ6/?igshid=z549ba4u8jsq
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Sundown this evening marks the start of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, probably the most important day of the Jewish Year, when we fast, reflect on our transgressions, and ask forgiveness of those we have wronged in the last year. The concept of atonement and apology is such an important one to any society, and something we often struggle to explain to kids. One of the most beautiful books I've seen on the subject is Jacqueline Jules's "The Hardest Word: A Yom Kippur Story" (2000). It tells the tale of the Ziz, a beautiful but clumsy mythical bird, who is sent by G-d on a quest to learn "the hardest word"...and learns that sometimes the most difficult thing to say isn't the biggest or most complicated, but the one that requires that we humble ourselves and take responsibility. The book is beautifully illustrated in colourful detail by Katherine Janus Kahn; and while G-d is mentioned in the story it isn't so much a "religious story" as a lovely fable, accessible to almost anyone. ✨✨✨ Noodlenuts would like to wish any of our followers who celebrate Yom Kippur a safe and healthy fast and a wonderful New Year. G'mar chatimah tovah! ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #bookstagraminthe6ix #thehardestword #ayomkippurstory #jacquelinejules #katherinejanuskahn #karben #karbenpublishing #yomkippur #dayofatonement #gmarchatimatova #fastday #sayingsorry #highholidays #yomtov #yontef #jewishbooks #jewishlearning #jewishkidsbooks #jewishchildrensbooks #jewishkids #jewishholidays #jewishchildren #jewishkids #childrensjudaica #judaicaforkids #judaism https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XqBGDHLbA/?igshid=1eihqgdzy0kzz
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We all know how I love clever wordplay! Well, tomorrow night marks the start of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It's the most solemn and arguably the most important day of the Jewish Year, when we fast, reflect upon the last year and mistakes we've made or people we've hurt, and ask forgiveness to begin anew for the year to come. "Talia and the Very YUM Kippur" (2015) is a fabulous book for explaining this day to kids. Author Linda Elovitz Marshall takes a key misunderstanding--that of the difference between break[ing]-fast and breakfast--and plays with it, as young Talia helps her grandmother prepare for the holiday, and slowly learns that joy is not only about celebration, but also about meaningful reconnection with those we love. A gentle, lovely introduction for ANY child, with adorable pictures by Francesca Assirelli, to an important Jewish holy day. ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #TaliaandTheVeryYumKippur #lindaelovitzmarshall #francescaassirelli #karben #karbenpublishing #yomtov #yomkippur #breakingthefast #gmarchatimatova #highholidays #jewishhighholidays #jewishholidays #jewishkids #jewishchildren #jewishbooks #jewishpicturebooks #jewishkidsbooks #jewishchildrensbooks #intergenerational #intergenerationalstories #grandparentsandgrandkids #diversebooksforkids #weneeddiversebooks #ReadWithRiver_food https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VNvlLnAPS/?igshid=uqsew8mfve8e
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Action rhymes and fingerplays are such a fun way to develop early literacy and motor skills with toddlers! This week, the Read With River Book Club is focused on ACTION; and since we're also in the middle of the Jewish High Holidays, I thought it would be a great time to pull Jacqueline Jules's "Clap and Count! Action Rhymes for the Jewish Year"(2000) off my bookshelf to share. This lovely, colourful book, illustrated by Sally Springer, has clapping games, action rhymes and more, all based on Jewish holidays and traditions, and all with simple visual instructions for parents. A beautiful introduction to the basics of Jewish life for busy toddlers! ⚫ Join in on the fun this week with the hashtag #ReadWithRiver_action, and check out more great choices by: @readwithriver @toddlers.who.read @inclusivestorytime @noodlenuts_classics @bookoholicmom @_mybookaddiction_ @thetinyactivists @sharing.the.shelf @astoryaday @ivyslibrary @bodkinandroo @houstonlibraryfinds @mrswalkerreads @communication.blooms @talesofkids @littledailylibrarian ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #bookstagraminthe6ix #clapandcount #actionrhymesforthejewishyear #jacquelinejules #sallyspringer #karben #karbenpublishing #actionrhymes #fingerplay #clappinggames #jewishbooks #jewishpreschoolbooks #jewishpreschoolideas #jewishholidays #shabbat #roshhashanah #highholidays #jewishchildren #jewishchildrensbooks #jewishpicturebooks #diversebooksforkids #diversebooks #diversityinkidsbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VHajGHzgf/?igshid=ppmel96e6hy6
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On the upcoming Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, we traditionally eat apples dipped in honey to start the year off sweetly. Thinking of that, and with the holiday starting Sunday evening, today I'm sharing "The Apple Tree's Discovery" (2012) by Peninnah Schram and Rachayl Eckstein Davis. Beautifully illustrated in autumn colours by Wendy W. Lee, it tells the story of a little apple tree who longs to have stars in its branches like the great oaks that surround it. And while the apple tree's conversations with G-d may be most comfortable for those with a faith-based background, I really believe that the greater theme of learning to appreciate what we are and what we have is something that everyone can appreciate. 🍎🍏🍯 ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #bookstagraminthe6ix #theappletreesdiscovery #peninnahschram #rachaylecksteindavis #wendywlee #wendylee #karben #karbenpublishing #roshhashana #roshhashanah #appletree #applesandhoney #conversationswithgod #learningtoappreciatethelittlethings #lovewhatyouhave #lovewhoyouare #jewishbooks #jewishpicturebooks #jewishpreschoolbooks #jewishkidsbooks #jewishkids #judaismforkids #highholidays #yomtov #chagim #jewishholidaybooks #jewishbooksforkids https://www.instagram.com/p/B24qN7LHj19/?igshid=fovgor9beglr
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Starting fresh! Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins this Sunday evening. One of the simplest, most beautiful traditions we have for celebrating the new year is tashlich, where we walk to a body of running water and toss in breadcrumbs, which represent our sins of the previous year, washing away to begin anew and strive to do better this year. 🍂🍂🍂 "Tashlich at Turtle Rock" (2010) by Susan Schnur and Anna Schnur-Fishman, explores this deeply meaningful tradition, along with ways that a family might expand upon it, to include remembrances of the past year and hopes for the one to come. There is also a great note at the back of the book explaining some of the differences in observance of the tradition by those of varying levels of orthodoxy. Alex Steele-Morgan's autumn-coloured illustrations capture the beauty of this time of year, and the feeling of that reflective time outdoors at the holidays. A beautiful introduction to a lovely tradition. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #bookstagraminthe6ix #tashlichatturtlerock #susanschnur #annashnurfishman #alexsteelemorgan #karben #karbenpublishing #tashlich #roshhashanah #roshhashana #jewishnewyear #jewishtradition #jewishtraditions #yontef #yomtov #jewishholiday #jewishholidays #jewishbooks #jewishpicturebooks #jewishpreschoolbooks #jewishlearning #judaicakids #judaismforkids #jewishkidsbooks #jewishchildrensbooks #jewishkidsfiction #jewishkids https://www.instagram.com/p/B21ytaWnOBB/?igshid=bmpxw0lie189
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Tu B'Shevat is here! Make sure to check out Tracy Newman's newest release TU B'SHEVAT IS COMING! . . . #tubshevat #tracynewman #karbenpublishing #jewishholiday #trees #planting #bookstagram (at Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency)
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