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On the upcoming Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, we traditionally eat apples dipped in honey to start the year off sweetly. Thinking of that, and with the holiday starting Sunday evening, today I'm sharing "The Apple Tree's Discovery" (2012) by Peninnah Schram and Rachayl Eckstein Davis. Beautifully illustrated in autumn colours by Wendy W. Lee, it tells the story of a little apple tree who longs to have stars in its branches like the great oaks that surround it. And while the apple tree's conversations with G-d may be most comfortable for those with a faith-based background, I really believe that the greater theme of learning to appreciate what we are and what we have is something that everyone can appreciate. ๐๐๐ฏ โซ โซ โซ #noodlenutskidsbooks #LokshenNuts #JewishNoodlenuts #bookstagraminthe6ix #theappletreesdiscovery #peninnahschram #rachaylecksteindavis #wendywlee #wendylee #karben #karbenpublishing #roshhashana #roshhashanah #appletree #applesandhoney #conversationswithgod #learningtoappreciatethelittlethings #lovewhatyouhave #lovewhoyouare #jewishbooks #jewishpicturebooks #jewishpreschoolbooks #jewishkidsbooks #jewishkids #judaismforkids #highholidays #yomtov #chagim #jewishholidaybooks #jewishbooksforkids https://www.instagram.com/p/B24qN7LHj19/?igshid=fovgor9beglr
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