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eikleknesundelnes · 2 years ago
Fra innsiden av egget er verden utenfor blot passerende lyder, farger og vibrationer - inntrykk som flyter over til inntrykk. En stille refleksjon over tiden som passerer i isolasjon. I karantene i England oppleves verden utenfor huset som uendelig og ugjennomtrengelig, separert fra selvet gjennom ett usynlig membran. Jeg er fuglen i egget, i venten på verden. Instruksjoner: Til telefon: Finn en mørk og intim krok i hjemmet, ett hjørne, under ett bord. sett på hodetelefoner Spill av film Til projector: Koble sammen laptop og projector, legg deg ned på gulvet, hold projektoren i fanget, projiser opp i taket. Lyden kan avspilles over hodetelefoner eller høgtalere.
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kucaodcarapa · 5 months ago
čarape šarene Britanska maloprodaja pretrpjela je najveći godišnji pad od svibnja ovog mjeseca
čarape šarene Britanska maloprodaja pretrpjela je najveći godišnji pad od svibnja ovog mjeseca, prema anketi objavljenoj u utorak, koja sugerira da najnovija karantina uzima veliki danak u mnogim trgovinama.
Bilanca maloprodaje Konfederacije britanske industrije, koja od trgovaca traži usporedbu prodaje s prošlom godinom, pala je na -50 u siječnju s -3 u prosincu, ispod svih predviđanja u anketi Reutersa među ekonomistima.
"Budući da će karantina vjerojatno ostati na snazi ​​u kratkom roku, trgovci očekuju da će se ta slabost nastaviti", rekao je ekonomist CBI-ja Ben Jones.
Izgledi za maloprodaju u veljači bili su -47, najniži od srpnja.
Iako je veliki udio trgovaca prijavio pad prodaje, CBI je rekao da očekuje da će stvarni pad biti mnogo manji nego u prvom zatvaranju 2020.
Maloprodaja je bila relativno svijetla točka za britansko gospodarstvo, smanjivala se mnogo manje od šireg gospodarstva jer su kupci trošili više na namirnice i stvari kako bi poboljšali svoj životni prostor tijekom karantene.
Internetska prodaja je procvjetala, ali mnogi trgovci na velikim ulicama imaju problema, posebno trgovine odjećom.
jeftine čarape od bambusovih vlakana CBI je priopćio da želi da ministar financija Rishi Sunak produži izuzeće od poreza na imovinu za trgovce koji nisu bitni i koji su se morali zatvoriti u sklopu posljednjeg zatvaranja, koje je počelo 5. siječnja.
David Milliken; Urednik: Andy Bruce
čarape šarene Britanska maloprodaja pretrpjela je najveći godišnji pad od svibnja ovog mjeseca
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opgpereglin-blog · 9 months ago
8 biljaka za privlačenje divljih životinja natrag u vaš vrt Dok svijet počinje otvarati oči prema globalnom smanjenju divljih životinja i hitnoj potrebi za poboljšanjem staništa divljih životinja, mnogi od nas se pitaju što mogu učiniti da pomognu i umiru od želje da daju svoj doprinos. Tijekom karantene, vrijeme ... #Vrtlarenje #Životinjeikukciuvrtu
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seooptimizacija · 2 years ago
YouTube značajke
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Nove značajke koje je YouTube pokrenuo za kreatore videozapisa
YouTube značajke su ne tako davno značajno proširene mogućnostima. Svi smo svjesni činjenice da se u ovoj eri stalnog razvoja tehnologije stvari ažuriraju u tren oka. Sve što je potrebno u svakodnevnom životu, od namirnica, odjeće, nekretnina, lijekova do luksuznih stvari, lako se može nabaviti putem interneta. Internet je postao jedna od najosnovnijih životnih potreba svakoga, bilo djeteta ili odrasle osobe. Internet se pokazao kao izuzetna blagodat, posebno u ovoj velikoj pandemiji. U kojoj su Google, YouTube i platforme društvenih medija postale njihovo rajsko prebivalište. Ljudi koji su izgubili posao zbog recesije ili nisu mogli ići na posao zbog globalne karantene pokrenuli su mala poduzeća online. Postoji više platformi koje su malim i domaćim robnim markama i tvrtkama dale prilike za rast diljem svijeta. Ljudi koji nisu ni pripadali poslovnoj klasi uspjeli su nekako prokopati ovo polje i trenutno im dobro ide. YouTube je jedna takva blagodat jer je videosadržaj ono čemu većina ljudi podlegne kada im je dosadno. YouTube je oduvijek bio mjesto na kojem su ljudi mogli dobiti neograničenu zabavu i informacije. Pa, dobra vijest ovdje je da je YouTube pokrenuo 4 nove značajke za dobrobit video kreatora. Koji zarađuju za život putem YouTubea. Raspravljajmo detaljno o ovim nevjerojatnim novim značajkama kako biste ih mogli iskoristiti.Online status vaše publike - YouTube značajke Po prvi put ikada, YouTube kreatorima daje pristup podacima koji im omogućuju da znaju kada je njihova publika online. Ovi će podaci točno odrediti u koje je sate tijekom tjedna publika kanala najaktivnija. YouTube preporučuje korištenje ovih podataka za određivanje najboljeg vremena za emitiranje prijenosa uživo. Kanali također mogu odlučiti zakazati objavljivanje videozapisa kada je većina njihove publike online.Filtrirajte neprikladne komentare Prethodno izborna postavka za zadržavanje neprikladnih komentara za pregled sada će biti uključena prema zadanim postavkama. Ova postavka pomaže kreatorima da upravljaju velikim brojem svojih komentara i poboljšaju kvalitetu razgovora na svom kanalu. Kreatori će vidjeti poruku u YouTube studiju kada se postavka omogući za njihov kanal. Postavka je već dostupna svim kanalima i može se uključiti ili isključiti u bilo kojem trenutku. Kada je značajka "zadrži neprikladne komentare za pregled" prvi put pokrenuta, kanali s uključenom postavkom doživjeli su pad od 75% u broju označenih komentara. Tijekom protekle dvije godine otkako je značajka pokrenuta, bilo je timova koji su se usredotočili na njezino proširenje na 13 jezika, kao i na poboljšanje njezine točnosti.Zakazivanje objava u zajednici Mogućnost zakazivanja objava u zajednici sada je dostupna u glavnoj web aplikaciji za stolna računala. Ova značajka omogućuje kreatorima da unaprijed naprave nacrte objava u zajednici i navedu budući datum objavljivanja. YouTube naglašava da sluša povratne informacije kreatora jer je ovo bila jako tražena značajka.Video poglavlja To omogućuje kreatorima da svoje videozapise raščlane na različita poglavlja kroz koja gledatelj može skakati. Read the full article
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theladysilvermoon · 4 years ago
10 Facts about Andreas "TIX" Haukeland from Norway:
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article from wiwiblogs
01: International song writer:
As well as being a performer in his own right, TIX is also an established songwriter for other artists. Most famously, he was part of the team behind American singer Ava Max’s hit 2018 single “Sweet But Psycho”. TIX also co-wrote Flo Rida’s sporty 2017 single “Game Time”.
02: Tourette syndrome:
Otherwise known as Andreas Haukeland, TIX has been open about having Tourette syndrome and OCD. His stage name comes from a childhood nickname that referenced the involuntary tic movements he experiences as part of Tourette syndrome. It’s also why he wears his trademark sunglasses — to help disguise the tic movements he sometimes experiences with his eyes. Being open about his Tourette syndrome and OCD has also been helpful for his fans dealing with similar issues. TIX said, “Even if I only get one message from a parent saying their child is doing better because of me, I know I’m doing something right.”
03: Party Music:
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Anyone who has seen the hit Norwegian teen drama series SKAM will know about Norway’s Russ party culture. TIX got his start in the mid-2010s making music that would be the soundtrack to wild Russ parties. His debut single was the controversial “SJEIKEN 2015”, which sang the dubious praises of drinking heavily and shagging. However, TIX has since reflected a lot on his Russ phase and said he accepts that, in retrospect, he should have “used other words and phrases” in the songs. He also accepts his position as someone with influence, and said “I am now in a position where I can do a lot of good for people through my music and message – that is what I intend to focus on in the future.”
04: Paradise Hotel:
In 2019, TIX was a VIP participant in the Norwegian edition of the popular reality romance show Paradise Hotel. He also penned the theme song for that year’s series. The song, “Kaller på deg”, was a hit in Norway and reached No.1 in the singles chart.
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05: Four Number One Singles:
TIX hit No.1 in the Norwegian singles chart in 2019 with his debut solo single “Jeg vil ikke leve” (I don't wanna live). He has also had No.1 singles with his Paradise Hotel song “Kaller på deg” (Calling for you), his lockdown “Karantene” (Qurantine) and the Norwegian version of his eurovision 2021 song "Ut av mørket" (Fallen Angel).
06: Mental Health Issues:
TIX openly talks about the mental health issues he has faced in recent years. He has spoken about feeling isolated and anxious while hiding behind the confident rock star persona of TIX. But he is determined to no longer hide, being more open in both his music and his public life. TIX recently said, “I made it my mission that instead of trying to fit in, I would put mental health on the agenda”. In turn, TIX has been praised by Norwegian mental health experts for speaking out about his issues.
07: Lucky Dice:
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Viewers may have spotted the giant golden dice TIX wore at the grand final of Melodi Grand Prix. All sides of the dice showed a single dot. This was a reference to the reaction towards TIX from Norwegian music reviewers who had rated “Fallen Angel” only one out of six dice. One reviewer even declared he would “eat TIX’s headband” if the song won MGP. TIX turned the low rating into a piece of bling that brought him good luck. After TIX won Melodi Grand Prix, the critic who bashed him was forced to eat a trademark TIX headband live on TV.
08: Most Streamed artist in Norway 2020:
TIX’s music is super popular in Norway. Last year he was the most-streamed artist in Norway, proving more popular than international pop icons such as The Weeknd, Juice WRLD, Billie Eilish, Justin Bieber and Eminem, and fellow Norwegian stars Kygo, Alan Walker and Astrid S. Even Ava Max couldn’t beat the might of TIX!
09: Norwegian Idol:
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Last year, TIX put his expertise as a hitmaker to work and joined the judges’ panel on the Norwegian version of Idol. Sitting alongside Tshawe Baqwa of Madcon and music journalist Silje Larsen Borgan, TIX helped mentor the acts competing in the 11th edition of the popular talent show.
10: Artist of the Year 2020:
In 2021 TIX won The Norwegian Grammy Artist of the Year 2020. After years of work in headwinds among critics, TIX from Norway has been widely praised for his efforts as an artist. His two songs "Karantene" (Qurantine) and his Paradise Hotel song “Kaller på deg” (Calling for you) was nominated for song of the year, and his songs had been streamed more than 70 million times in 2020, making him the most played musician in Norway.
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poetencollins · 4 years ago
🌙Dikt om karantene, dødsangst, ensomhet og hvor veien fører etter festens ende🌙
☠𝕺𝖒 𝕴𝖐𝖐𝖊 𝕷𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖊𝖗 𝖁𝖎 𝕯ø𝖉 𝖀𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖊𝖙𝖙 ☠
🖤Ute på spotify og alle andre streaming platforma 🖤
// poem about quarantine, fear, loneliness and where the road takes you after the party ends out on streaming
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trondheimimmigrant · 5 years ago
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Dag 8 av karantene og jeg har laget et skjerf.
Jeg brukt en tømmerhytte (log cabin) teknique på en strikke vevstol.
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faithambr · 5 years ago
(Author’s Note: Enjoy Part II! Sorry for the brief historical inaccuracies.)
Part I Here
Part II under the cut
For the next few days both Anna and Kristoff were able to manage the farm on their own. From Kristoff fixing up the barn to Anna rewashing all of their linens. “It’ll prevent the sickness from getting to us.” Anna would always tell her husband whenever she was hanging up their linens on the line.
“Sure thing feistypants.” her husband would reply back.
“Maybe when the sickness passes through,” Anna continued while she was finishing up with their laundry, “we can invite the Wilder’s over.”
“Alright.” her husband replies as he made his way to her.
“And maybe I can show Laura Mary’s new bonnet.” Anna smiles proudly, making her husband chuckle.
“Mary has a new bonnet?”
“Why yes she does.” Anna rolls her eyes playfully as she grabbed the basket with little Mary in it. 
“Well then great.” her husband had coughed while they both were heading on back into their home. “Guess she’ll like it then.”
“Kristoff,” Anna gave her husband a concerned look, “are you alright?”
“I’ll be fine.” her husband replies back. “Just need to rest.” 
“Rest then,” Anna began as she was making her way around their home, “you’ve been at it with that barn all day.”
“Thank you, dear.” her husband coughs out as he mad his way to their bed.
“You’re welcome.” Anna smiles while she was preparing their supper.
“Now your father would just love to have some of that pie again.” she whispered to little Mary as she was starting up their supper. “Well that can wait. He needs to eat something much more healthier than that.”
A simple giggle from Mary was all that Anna could get.
“But according to your father,” Anna smiles back at the little angel as she began to chop up some vegetables, “a pie would be considered healthy.”
A tiny hand had reached out for her mother’s attention.
“Now you little one,” Anna lets out with a coo, “Mama’s gonna make sure that you eat healthy so you can be strong just like your papa.”
A happy clap from Mary was her response.
“Soon you’ll love my cooking.” Anna whispers while she was lightly seasoning the vegetables with some salt. “Just like how your papa does.”
A small coo was all that Anna could hear from little Mary.
“Well now, I’d best get back to my cooking then.” Anna continues as she was making her rounds for their supper. “Lord knows how much your father would like to eat, tonight.”
For the rest of the night, Anna had managed to cook the supper and care for their daughter. Normally Anna would have Kristoff watch over Mary while she was cooking, but he seemed to more tired than ever. Maybe he was really tired. she thought as she watched her husband sleep that night. I mean he did work really hard on the barn these past few days. After she was finally able to gather her thoughts, she was soon able fall fast asleep, not knowing what may lay ahead. 
The next morning 
Ah what a beautiful morning. Anna thought as she slowly was lifting herself from her side of the bed. 
“Good morning Kristoff.” Anna whispers to her husband.
A long groan was all that she got from her husband.
“Kristoff?” Anna lets out with a shaky breath, as she felt her husband’s forehead and cheeks. “You’re burning up with fever!”
“Anna” her husband lets out with a hoarse cough. “Anna.”
Oh no! Anna had thought. Above all people, please God not him!
Her heart sank at the thought of her husband being sick as she quickly got out of bed. “I’ve got to get the doctor!” she whispered while she was fixing up her hair into a messy bun.
“Kristoff needs to get better.” she whispers while she was dressing up their little girl. “He has to get better.”
“Anna.” her husband croaks out just before Anna had left.
“I’ll be back Kristoff with Dr. Ingalls,” she shouts back as she raced on out the door, “or Dr. Baker which ever one will be, my love!”
Now where could they be? Anna had thought while she was able to see a familiar face on down the road.
“Dr. Baker! Dr. Baker!” Anna had called out in hopes for a reply from the buggy down the road. “Please hurry!”
“What is it Anna?” the old doctor had replied back as he stopped his buggy in front of her.
“It’s my husband,” Anna answers with a scared look her face, “he’s fallen ill.”
“With fever and chills?” the doctor replies back.
“Yes.” she answers while she was rocking her little Mary in her arms.
“Well we’d better get going then.” Dr, Baker sighs in defeat as he quickly got on out of his buggy. “Dr. Ingalls has already set up the church as a hospital for the sick.”
“Oh dear.” Anna whispers as she held her daughter close to her heart.
“Now Anna,” the doctor continues, “I’ll be needing you to ride him on into town.”
“Yes Dr. Baker.” Ana answers. “Right this way.”
“Thank you, Anna.” the old doctor responds as they both had made their way into the home. “Why hello Kristoff.”
“Hey Doc.” Kristoff lets out with a croak, making Anna tear up a bit.
“Now Kristoff,” the doctor smiles while he was examining Kristoff, “how do you feel?”
“Burning up, sweaty.” Kristoff had answered while he was coughing away.
“I see.” the doctor continues as he was finishing up with his examination. “Anna...”
“Yes doctor?” Anna gave the doctor a concerned look. 
“Help me get him into the wagon.” the doctor states.
“Yes.” Anna nods in agreement as she began to help get her husband on up from bed.
A simple little cry from Mary had caused Anna to stop.
“Oh Mary,” Anna sighs in defeat, while she was helping Kristoff on to one of the doctor’s shoulders, “don’t you fret, now. Papa’s going to be alright.”
“Anna,” the doctor huffs just before him and Kristoff had left the door, “take care of her here. She’ll be needing you.”
“And my husband needs me too.” Anna replies back as she held Mary close to her chest. “I’m going with you.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes I am.” Anna insists. “I’ll send word for my sister Elsa from Mankato to come out and take care of her. By telegram.”
“Anna.” the doctor continues.
“He’s my husband.” Anna counter backs with such insistence in her voice. “They’re my family.”
“Alright,” the doctor began while he was hitching up the team, “I tell you what I’ll send word to Elsa in Mankato. Then when she gets here, you can care for your husband at the church.”
“That seems fair to me.” Anna nods in agreement. “She works in the telegram office there. So she’ll be here within the day, the moment she gets it.”
“Alright.” the doctor sighs in defeat as he got up on to the wagon. “Now take care of that little one for now.”
“Will do.” Anna had answered just before the doctor had left. “See you the day after tomorrow Kristoff.”
“Anna.” was all that her husband could whisper as Anna watched her husband be carried away.
“Oh Kristoff.” she whispered with her heart tearing at the seams. “Please be well, my love.”
A week later
“There, there.” Anna had whispered while she was wiping away the sweat from the little girl’s forehead. “Easy child, your mother will be back soon.”
“Alright.” the little girl croaks. “May I have some water Mrs. Bjorgman.”
“Why yes, Elizabeth.” Anna answers as she poured some water into a small tin cup. “Here.”
“Thank you.” Elizabeth whispers just before she had closed her eyes.
“You’re welcome.” Anna replies back as she got up from the makeshift pallets on the church floor. “Now you rest easy.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Anna.” Dr. Ingalls had called out for her.
“Yes Dr. Ingalls.” she answers as she made her way to the front of the church room.
“Are you alright?” he asks her.
“Just a little tired, but I’ll manage.” Anna answers as a matter of factually. “I should go on and check on Kristoff.”
“You go on and do that.” the doctor nods in agreement while Anna was making her way to her husband.
“Anna,” her husband whispers just as Anna placed a cool cloth on his forehead, “feistypants.”
“Yes.” Anna cooed while she was wiping away the sweat from her husband’s brow, “I’m here. Now you rest dear.”
“Anna,” her husband lets out with a hoarse cough, “shouldn’t you be with Mary?”
“Mary’s with Elsa.” she answers with a sigh. “Remember I told you. Elsa is here to care for Mary, so I can take care of you.”
“No but’s.” Anna had insisted. “Now you get some rest, I’ll be right here caring for you.”
“Kristoff,” Anna continues as she placed the blanket covers up to her husband’s neck, “you need your rest. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Oh Lord. she thought while she was adjusting the shawl around her slender shoulders. When is this going to end? 
Her heart was breaking at the thought of the sickness spreading, as she watched one of the doctors examine little Elizabeth. She knew that little Elizabeth wouldn’t live for much longer, yet she didn’t even want to say a word to the family. She felt worried sick over her dear husband, while she was changing the cloth with a fresh new one. You have to get better. she thought with tears pricking from her eyes. You just have to. 
Her mind was screaming at the possibility of losing her husband, while her heart was telling her no. She couldn’t stand the idea of losing her husband. She knew that her husband would most likely at death’s door, yet her heart was telling her that there’s a glimmer of hope. A hope for her husband to recover and get back to their normal lives. Oh how I would love for him to come home soon. she thought just as she felt a slight touch on her shoulder. 
“Anna.” a voice had whispered, followed by two small steps right next to her.
“Oh hi Laura.” Anna whispers back.
“How’s he doing?” Laura asks as she placed a hand on Anna’s shoulder.
“He’s fine,” Anna answers with tears streaming down her cheeks, “but I’m...”
“I know, I know.” Laura had sighed in defeat as she pulled Anna into a comforting embrace. “Shhh...”
Oh Laura,” Anna sobs uncontrollably, “I’ve never been through this before. I’ve never seen anyone so sick in my entire life.”
“Hey there,” her friend cooed, “this sickness will pass. Almanzo and Olaf should be back any day now with the medicine.”
“Oh right.” Anna nods in agreement. “How’s Jenny doing?”
“She’s alright,” Laura answers making Anna feel a little bit better, “just like your husband.”
“I’m just waiting for his fever to break.” Anna lets out with a smile through her tears. “That’s when I’ll know it’s over.”
“I understand.” Laura nods in agreement. “Same here for me.”
“Well all we can do is pray.” Anna began as she lets go of her friend. “Pray that this will pass. Pray that they’ll be here soon with the medicine.”
“And pray the sickness will go away.” Laura adds as she began to help Anna tend to Kristoff.
“Yes.” Anna had nodded in agreement as she continued on caring for her husband. “Now you go on and take care of Jenny.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well yes.” Anna whispers while she was wiping the sweat from her husband’s brow.
“Alright.” Laura lets out with a smile as began to care for her niece Jenny nearby. “I’m here for you if you need me.”
“Thank you.” Anna smiles back at her dear friend. “For everything.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Anna,” her husband lets out with a whisper, followed by a harsh cough, “water.”
“Here.” Anna whispers back as she poured a cup of cold water from the tin pot. “Now drink all of it, ya hear.”
“Yes.” was all that she could hear from her husband.
“Now you need to rest, Kristoff.” she continued. “Doctor’s orders.”
“Yes feistypants.” her husband replies back, making Anna feel much better.
I love you, Kristoff. she thought as she watched her husband fall fast asleep. Please get better.
Little did she know that things will get better. 
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svendbergdotcom · 3 years ago
Da Chuck Norris fikk korona...
Da Chuck Norris fikk korona…
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Ispijanje čaja s familijom za vrijeme #korona #karantene na #Slatina, #Opatija w/ @julijanaks & @kvenic (@re_nata_boutique)... 🌞 --- #jebeškoronu #koronavirus #laž #sloboda #kulturaživljenja #liburnija #kvarner #biserjadrana #opatijobajna #cosanostra #familiasacra #glupafaca #čaj #zdravlje #zdravživot https://www.instagram.com/p/CASIHpjl64W/?igshid=o1lpi45d50eg
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vitaminx-no · 5 years ago
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Det mest unike og intelligente immunforsvaret finner du i din egen kropp. Selve immunsystemet består av organer, proteiner, vevstyper og celler. Denne forsvarslinjen beskytter oss mot bakterier, sopp, infeksjoner og virus. Menneskekroppen er et paradis for en rekke mikrober og vi er helt avhengige av et sterkt immunforsvar for å hindre at de trenger seg inn i kroppen vår. Her finner du kosttilskudd og helsekost som kan bidra for å styrke kroppens eget forsvar. Husk at ingenting er bedre for immunforsvaret enn et sunt og godt kosthold. Hvert minutt hver dag kjemper vi med en usynlig, uendelig horde inntrengere som ønsker å gjøre kroppene til sitt nye hjem. Disse mikroskopiske militantene holdes i sjakk, dag inn og dag ut, av immunforsvaret vårt, kroppens første forsvarslinje mot disse uønskede mikrober. I likhet med høyt trente spesialstyrker er medlemmene av immunforsvaret ditt alltid forberedt på å distribuere med et øyeblikks varsel, klare til hensynsløst å oppsøke og minimere trusler mot kroppen din. Immunsystemet består av et ekstremt komplekst, høyt integrert nettverk av celler, vev, organer og signalmekanismer, og gir kroppene våre muligheten til å identifisere og målrette uønskede organiske og uorganiske materialer. I likhet med mange kroppssystemer blir immunforsvaret vårt mindre effektivt når vi eldes på grunn av en rekke faktorer som stress fra hverdagen, et dårlig kosthold, livsstilsvalg, miljøgifter og mer. For å kontinuerlig operere med topp effektivitet, trenger immunsystemet ditt en rekke næringsstoffer og andre sunne stoffer. Noen av disse næringsstoffene hjelper til med å støtte normal, sunn immunforsvaret funksjon gjennom hele livet, og andre kan hjelpe med sesongens immunforsvar. I denne kategorien har vi samlet helsekost og kosttilskudd som kan hjelpe kroppen med å styrke immunforsvaret. Du finner produktene med link i bio. #immunforsvar #kosttilskudd #corona #karantene #vitaminxno https://www.instagram.com/p/B-nG2B1pMqw/?igshid=2hsv1ggea4da
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verespenge · 4 years ago
Nem gondoltam volna, hogy ennyire betegesen hianyozni fogsz de hat tévedtem
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meetmylonelyway · 5 years ago
Látni akarom
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lonelysoul235 · 4 years ago
Szarul viselem ezt a bezártságot.
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poetencollins · 4 years ago
Jeg er Redd
dikt om korona, dødsangst og frykten for fremtiden. 
Ute på poesi kanalen nå <3 
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dangel-here · 4 years ago
Azt hiszik,hogy karanténban lenni nehéz volt.Igen,az volt.De visszamenni az iskolába,még nehezebb lesz.
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