mollie-mergal · 10 years
Six months baby! | Lollie
Mollie picked up a paintbrush and began to pain the word 'Nathan Mergal' on the wall of which was going to be the baby's nursery. A big smile began to grow on her lips as she took a step back, just to look at it better. To look at their son's name better.
Luke stood in the doorway of the room, leaning against the doorframe. He was silent for a moment, just watching her, a small smile on his lips. When she took a step back he approached her from behind, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his lips to her neck, before resting his chin on her shoulder. "What, you done already, beautiful?"
Mollie jumped a little when she felt two arms wrap around her, relaxing almost instantly after the kiss to her neck, before leaning gently into him. "I just wanted to see what it looked like written down. I like it." With a smile, she leaned her head to the side so she could look at him.
Luke smiled, directing his attention to the wall. "I like it. Right up there with yours as my favourite names."
Mollie smiled as she gently leaned her head against his as she looked back at the wall, her free hand resting on his arm. "My name is one of your favorites?"
Luke pressed another kiss to her cheek with a huge grin. "Mmhm. Kind of jumped way up with the last name change, you know."
Mollie laughed, her eyes closing briefly at the kiss to her cheek. "Well your name is one of my favourite names too. Just because it's yours."
Luke let his hands slip down a little further, resting on her bump. "What do you think, huh, Nathan? Is mommy a little biased?"
Mollie smiled with a nod as she looked down at her bump. "Mommy is incredibly biased. But not when she says how amazing daddy is."
Luke laughed, shaking his head. "No, that's exactly when she's incredibly biased. You'll see, bud."
Mollie turned her head to press a kiss to his cheek with a smile and a giggle. "Am not, when Nathan arrives you'll have another person to love you 24/7. I'm sure he'll tell you it too when he can talk."
Luke kind of scoffed, nodding his head. "Yeah, he better love me. Or I'll kick his ass."
Mollie scoffed back at him, shaking her head. "And I'll have to kick your ass for kicking his ass."
Luke frowned. "Okay, hey! It's parenting!"
Mollie smiled with another shake of her head. "Kicking ass isn't, it's mean." With the paint brush in hand, she lifted it and quickly dabbed a dot on the end of Luke's nose and then quickly ducked away from him.
Luke just kind of blinked, looking all dazed she actually put paint in him, before narrowing his eyes. "/Molls/." His tone was lightly threatening, and he hurriedly grabbed a paintbrush, dipping it in paint and turning towards her.
Mollie backed away slowly with a smile on her face, holding both hands up as if to surrender. "Is there any rule about not putting paint on pregnant women?"
Luke raised an eyebrow, amused. "Nope. And I wouldn't listen in this case even if there was."
Mollie gasped, playfully frowning before her expression turned into a pout. "But I love you..."
Luke smiled, taking a small step forward. "I love you too. Which is why I wanna do things with you. Like have paint on our faces..."
Mollie moved until she was backed up against the wall, scrunching her eyes shut. "Not too much though, you only have a little dot!"
Luke moved even closer, a huge grin on his face. "It feels like a pretty big dot to me..."
Mollie shook her head, opening one eye to peep at him. "It's not, it's teeny. Teeny tiny. Pinky promise."
Luke stopped just in front of her, eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah? Like-" He brushed a stroke across her cheek and jaw, smirking. "-that?"
Mollie held her eyes shut again, frowning at the feeling of the brush against her cheek. "We can't be friends anymore."
Luke chuckled, looking at her with a satisfied expression on his face. "Friends? That's what we are? And what does that ring on your finger mean, then?" He laughed, brushing another stroke across her other cheek to match the first. "I think it looks good."
Mollie opened her eyes again, moving forwards to make two lines on each of his cheeks with her brush. "We're nothing now cause you're mean."
Luke smirked, instead dabbing another spot on her nose. "You just have me war paint, uh huh. /Now/ it's on, beautiful."
Mollie scrunched up her nose at the coldness, shacking her head. "No, this is just how they would mark available champions in old time. But you're mine so it's tough."
Luke raised his eyebrow again, cocking his head to the side. "And I thought you said we were nothing because I'm mean?"
Mollie shrugged a little, moving away to put the paintbrush down. "Fine, if we really are nothing I'll go..." She said with a long and dramatic sigh.
Luke immediately wrapped his arm around her waist, picking her up. "What was that?"
Mollie laughed, her arms snaking around his neck. "Watch the bump, handsome. Don't wanna squash baby Nathan."
Luke rolled his eyes. "Come on, don't you think I know that by now?" Still holding her with one arm, he spun her around, laughing.
Mollie smiled, resting her forehead against his as she laughed. "Okay, you show off. /My/ show off."
Luke puffed his chest out a bit, scoffing. "Whatever do you mean, beautiful?"
Mollie lifted her head a little to smile at him. "That I love you."
Luke stopped his movements, gently placing her feet back on the ground and leaning closer to her. "I love you, too."
Mollie smiled a little more gently, resting a hand on his neck. "--even when you're covered in paint."
Luke pressed his lips to her forehead, smiling. "That /you/ put there!"
Mollie laughed as her eyes closed at the kiss. "Well you look adorable, like my very own warrior."
Luke pulled back slightly so he could see her face. "I can do that. That sounds kind of awesome. I could totally be that."
Mollie smiled as her thumb gently stroked over his jawline. "Well you're kind of my everything so warrior can be part of the package deal."
Luke kissed her properly this time, softly. "Add it to my titles?"
Mollie kissed him back just as softly. "Along with husband, soul mate, best friend, favourite person ever, world's best kisser and cuddler? Gladly."
Luke smiled against her lips. "What, that's it?"
Mollie smiled as she slipped her hand from his neck into his hair. "Mmhm. You're not bad to look at either."
Luke held a hand over his heart, pretending to look wounded. "/Just/ not bad to look at?"
Mollie rested her free hand over his. "Okay, so you're incredibly handsome, incredibly sexy and a wonder to look at."
Luke grinned all huge again, standing up a little taller. "Much better. Much, much better."
Mollie smiled before leaning up to kiss him again. "Come on, let's get some colour in here before it gets too late to go out."
Luke kissed her back softly, before pulling away to salute her. "Yes ma'am. I'll grab the roller thing and start higher up?"
Mollie nodded as she moved to pick up a paintbrush. "Okay, I'll do around the door with a brush so it's neat and we can just go over it with the roller thing."
Luke picked up the roller, moving back over to her and kissing her softly one more time. "Mmhm. Better now." He winked, moving the roller into the paint and turning towards the wall.
Mollie smiled as he turned away. "Or you know, we could just spend the entire day kissing." With a shrug and a smile, she dipped her brush into the paint and began to paint around the door frame.
Luke laughed, looking at her over his shoulder. "I'm already too addicted, beautiful."
Mollie smiled to herself as she glanced over at him. "I'll get you later then."
Luke turned his attention back to the wall. "Is that a promise?"
Mollie nods a little as she continues to paint around the door. "Isn't it always?"
Luke shrugged, smiling to himself this time. "Just thought I'd ask."
Mollie moved onto her tiptoes to reach the top of the door as best as she could. "Would I ever turn down a kiss?"
Luke turned to look at her again, all amused at her trying to reach the top of the door. "Nah. But hey, you good, babe?"
Mollie tucked some hair behind her ear, nodding. "I'm fine, not gonna break in too because I'm reaching up. I'm pregnant, not dying." She said as she looked over her shoulder at him with a cheeky smile.
Luke pulled a face at her, still not turning back just yet. "Well I was /going/ to ask if you wanted a hand, but..."
Mollie moved away from the door, moving to dip her brush into the paint, patting Luke's bum on the way past. "Chivalry isn't dead I see."
Luke spun around to watch her with a dopey grin. "When was it ever dead with us, beautiful?"
Mollie smiled as she stood up, walking over to kiss his cheek lovingly. "Never, handsome."
Luke rested a hand on her waist, kissing her properly. "Mmmm. Mmhm. Didn't think so."
Mollie kissed him back with a smile on her lips. "Well, it's not dead until you kick my ass. It's a good thing you're hot."
Luke couldn't stop from laughing against her lips, pulling back and smiling still. "Good thing for me? Or you? Sucker for the guns, and and face, huh?" He stood up a little taller, puffing his chest out and flexing as he looked at her.
Mollie smiled at him brightly, resting a hand on his neck. "In a sucker for you in general actually. Thought you would know that by now."
Luke shrugged, the same expression still on his face. "Oh, I know. But you also know how much I like hearing it."
Mollie moved her hand from his neck to his upper arm, squeezing it slightly. "Well, just for the record? I am a /total/ sucker for the guns and the face. Two total extra benefits of loving you."
Luke couldn't hide the clearly satisfied, almost dorky expression on his face, even if he wanted to. "So basically. I'm sexy and we /both/ know it?"
Mollie laughed with a clear nod. "Basically, yeah. We both know it all too well."
Luke suddenly bent down, hooking his arms under her and picking her up, careful of the paint. "And you. You, too."
Mollie moved her arms to wrap around his neck, laughing softly. "Nah, I've got nothing on you."
Luke shook his head, kissing her cheek. "I think you've got more than you give yourself credit for. Always."
Mollie closed her eyes briefly while smiling brightly at the kiss to her cheek. "And I think-- no. I know I love you more than life it's self."
Luke pulled back, not moving his face too far away from hers and tilting his head to the side. "And if I love you more than life itself? What then?"
Mollie tilted her head in the same direction he did. "Then we better stay alive so we can keep loving each other forever and ever."
Luke pressed a kiss to her shoulder instead. "That sounds like a pretty solid plan to me. Don't know what the hell I'd do without you."
Mollie smiled softly before pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Good, because I'm going to love you forever. No matter what... You're mine and I'm yours."
Luke nuzzled his face lightly into her neck. "I'm never gonna get tired of that. Hearing that you're mine. Or of that ring. Or this..." He pressed his lips gently to the small scar, grinning.
Mollie smiled softly, leaning her head gently against his. "I'm never gonna get tired of you... Or knowing that you will never get tired of those things."
Luke shook his head. "Well of course I won't. How could I? I'm married to the most amazing woman in the world."
Mollie pulled her head back a little, moving one hand to lift his head. "I swear to god, I fall in love with you more and more every day. I don't know how I do it, but I do. It feels incredible. I just..." She paused with a smile. "I love you so much."
Luke leaned forward slightly to connect their lips in a soft kiss, speaking again after a few moments. "Sometimes I can't believe how long it took us to get together, you know?"
Mollie moved the hand that she used to lift his head to rest gently in his hair, kissing him back just as softly. "I know, it's crazy to think over a year ago we were just friends. But it's amazing. I wouldn't change a moment of it for the world though."
Luke tilted his head to the side slightly. "Oh yeah? Not even for a couple more years together that we basically just wasted?"
Mollie scrunched up her face a little. "Hey, we didn't waste anything... I was gone an entire year anyway, trying to sort myself out after what happened with my parents. If we had gotten together sooner who says it would have worked out? Maybe we wouldn't have been so close or so mature and it could have just fallen apart and ruined it all."
Luke bit his lip, brows furrowing almost thoughtfully. "True. Or I could've been there for you properly through all the stuff with your parents. We could've grown together, learned things together. All that stuff. Not that I don't like how we happened, God no. Sometimes I just...wonder, you know?"
Mollie softly smiled, moving her hand to rest gently on his cheek. "I know, but we can't change anything. As long as we are here, painting our son's nursery, covered in paint, with you holding me...I couldn't care less about anything else. This right here is perfect. It doesn't matter if it started a year ago or three years ago... I wouldn't change it and I wouldn't change you."
Luke lightly brushed his nose against hers, his face breaking out into a smile all over again. "I love you. So, so much."
Mollie her smile brightened as she hugged both her arms around his neck. "I love you too, my handsome husband. I don't know what I would do without you."
Luke pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek. "And remember what I've told you over and over again? That'll /never/ happen, beautiful."
Mollie closes her eyes for a brief second at the kiss to her cheek. "Good, because I kind of like you."
Luke pouted, still kind of nuzzled into her. "Just kind of?"
Mollie laughed softly, her eyes closing again. "Okay, I definitely like you."
Luke smiled against her skin. "Mmhm. That's better. Damn right."
Mollie smiled as she opened her eyes again. "Are we going to finish the room or stay like this? I'm totally fine with this."
Luke looked back and forth between her and the walls. "How about...We finish this layer and then go lay on the couch while it dries, then come back up? I'll make a fire and everything."
Mollie smiled brightly at his idea, nodding. "I like that idea. I'll even throw in a cuddle."
Luke grinned, shrugging non-chalantly. "Yeah? I may or may not have been hoping for that."
Mollie turned her head to kiss his cheek, smiling against his skin. "I know you like to cuddle, I love how not ashamed you are of it now."
Luke went to kiss her properly instead. "Mm-mm. Not with you. Never with you."
Mollie rested a hand on his neck as she kissed him softly. "Good. That makes me really happy."
Luke finally placed her feet gently on the ground. "So, painting, hmm?"
Mollie moved her hands to his shoulders once her feet touched the ground. "Mmhm. Painting then we get to snuggle."
Luke kissed her nose quickly. "Better hurry up on that painting, then."
Mollie smiled as she moved and picked up her paint brush again. "I'm going, I'm going!"
Luke lightly tapped her bump as he passed, grinning to himself and continuing to paint.
Mollie laughed softly to herself. "You adorable nerd you."
Luke glanced over his shoulder at her. "Nerd? What inspired that!"
Mollie smiled to herself as she looked over her shoulder at him before her face quickly dropped. "...woah."
Mollie gently pressed a kiss to his lips before resting her forehead against his. "Good, I'm kind of addicted to you too. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get to wake up to you every day, looking as cute and sexy as you do."
Luke slid his arms fully around her waist, locking his fingers against her lower back. "Mmm. Well, you're gonna be waking up to me forever. Remember?"
Mollie smiled as she pulled her head back to smile at him. "You have no idea how happy that makes me, seriously. Waking up to you and going to sleep with you are my favourite times of the day. ...and that's not just cause I /love/ sleeping."
Luke made a small sound of protest when she pulled her head back. "Let's play the game where we show how much we love each other instead of tell. Mmhm."
Mollie frowned playfully at him. "Or how about we play the game where we get dressed and go paint our son's nursery?"
Luke immediately pouted, eyes widening. "Molls, /please/ please please don't do that to me."
Mollie shook her head before she leaned down to softly kiss him. "I wouldn't. Unlike /someone/."
Luke scoffed, pretending to be slightly offended. "I'm not doing anything! Pants are off and all, mmhm."
Mollie laughed faintly, shaking her head. "Pants are off and all, hm? Well mine too."
Luke grinned, looking relieved. "Well /what/ a coincidence." He started tracing patterns on her waist again, unable to resist speaking before reconnecting their lips. "Also? Big fan of what pregnancy's done to your boobs. Just so you know."
Mollie laughed against his lips, pulling back just slightly to look at him. "Oh really? Well they will only get bigger when the baby comes. You know that, right?"
Luke pretended to shrug casually. "Really? Well, good on me, then. Really, really good on me."
Mollie cleared her throat. "And what about me?"
Luke laughed leaning up and pressing a kiss to her jaw. "Good on you, too. Mmhm. You've done good, too."
Mollie shook her head a little. "Kisses on the lips please. But good? Just good?"
Luke gave her a quick, proper kiss instead, smiling. "Okay, /great/ job with the boobs. Better?"
Mollie smiled against his lips. "Much better, I do grow them myself you know."
Luke raised both eyebrows. "Wait, you /do/?" He faked a gasp, teasing. "Point is. Great, great, /great/ boobs."
Mollie smiled as she looked down at her chest. "Thanks, I'm quite proud you know."
Luke smirked, flipping them over so he was hovering over her again. "/Now/, can we please continue?"
Mollie smiled innocently at him, stroking her thumb over his cheek. "Continue what?"
Luke frowned, shaking his head. "What happened to no teasing?"
Mollie shrugged her shoulders a little. "Who's teasing, handsome?"
Luke struggled not to roll his eyes. "/You/, and you know it."
Mollie gasped, looking a little hurt. "But I'm not going anything... I'm here, half naked. How am I teasing?"
Luke made his voice slightly higher, imitating her. "'Continue what?' Who said that, hmm?"
Mollie held her lips together to try and hold back a laugh. "Cute voice."
Luke puffed out his chest a bit. "Thank you. I do try. Got you pretty spot on, huh?"
Mollie shook her head, putting on a deeper voice. "No, too high pitched to be me."
Luke lowered his own voice. "And this is me?"
Mollie rested both hands either side of his neck. "I like it when your voice is all husky. It's really sexy."
Luke lifted his head slightly, smirking again. "Oh yeah?"
Mollie nodded a little. "Mmhm, then again I love all of you."
Luke smiled, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. "What else do you like, though? Hmm?"
Mollie laughed faintly, closing her eyes. "I like the way you nuzzle into my neck, how warm and soft your skin is, that look on your face when you just wake up... Just you."
Luke pressing a soft kiss to her skin, his stubble lightly brushing against her. "You find all that /sexy/?"
Mollie shook her head. "You asked what else I like."
Luke smiled. "Alright, alright. Let's hear the sexy thing, then."
Mollie hummed as she thought about for a moment. "Your smile, when you stretch and you're obviously trying to draw attention to your arms, when you bite your lip... When you just got out of the shower, when I watch you play football."
Luke let the grin slowly spread even wider across his face. "I like hearing this kind of list."
Mollie opened her eyes again. "You would. But if it makes you happy, I'm happy."
Luke pressed another kiss to the same spot. "You can't /possibly/ be happy with /every/ single thing that makes me happy..."
Mollie turned her head to try and look at him. "Why not?"
Mollie left the chat 23 days ago
Luke shrugged, not moving from his position. "Because. I really like tackling people in football. And shooting games. Does that make you happy?"
Mollie smiled as she pressed a kiss to his head. "I would if I /could/ tackle people and I like shooting games, you and Ryan just don't let me play."
Luke lifted his head, raising one eyebrow. "You like shooting games? I'm sorry, is my wife secretly into Halo and I genuinely had no idea?"
Mollie laughed quietly as his expression, raising a hand to run through his hair. "Yes, she is."
Luke just looked at her, before kissing her again. "Marry me?"
Mollie couldn't help but laugh again, this time against his lips as she kissed him back. "I already did."
Luke mumbled against her lips. "You're.../perfect/."
Mollie shook her head as she pulled back to look at him. "I'm not, but you are. We are. ....our son is too."
Luke shook his head right back at her. "Our son is, yes. But I'm only agreeing to listen about me if you agree that you are. Because you are."
Mollie leaned up to gently press her lips against his. "Then can we agree that you are perfect for me and I am perfect for you?"
Luke pretends to take his time to think it over, before finally nodding. "...Yeah. Yeah, alright. Okay."
Mollie smiled, running her fingers through his hair. "I love you. Unconditionally."
Luke leaned closer, his lips hovering just above hers. "I love /you/. You know I do."
Mollie can't contain the smile on her lips growing a little more, moving so her lips just brush against his. "I do and I love it."
Luke smiled right back at her. "/Now/, Mrs. Mergal. What do you say we make sweet sweet love all night?" He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly, kissing the corner of her mouth.
Mollie laughed softly, turning her head to kiss his lips properly. "I like that idea. I like it a lot actually."
Luke grinned against her lips. "Still too late to go for twins?"
Mollie giggled as she placed her hands on his neck, giving him several sweet, short kisses. "Worth a try."
Luke rested his hands on her hips, rolling them over again so he was holding her on top of him. "So glad you agree."
Mollie pouted a little when he rolled them over, sitting up with her legs either side of him. "Baby, watch the bump. I can't lay on you like that anymore."
Luke raised his eyebrows, looking up at her. "Can you uh...sit?"
Mollie leaned down to lightly peck his lips. "Well you just rolled us over so I couldn't help but be laying down."
Luke looked at her apologetically, pulling a bit of a face. "Fuck, sorry. I'll be more careful? Promise."
Mollie smiled softly at him, shaking her head as she rested her hands either side of his head. "You're always careful, it's just easy to forget. Believe me, I sometimes go to lay on my stomach until I realize I can't."
Luke leaned up slightly reconnect their lips. "I'll pay better attention though. Mmhm."
Mollie rested a hand gently on his neck. "We always pay pretty good attention to each other anyway."
Luke slid his hand from her waist up her side, to rest on her shoulder, lightly tugging her bra strap down. "I think we should remind each other of that."
Mollie smiled against his lips. "I think we should." She whispered against his lips as she continued to kiss him while reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra and took it off.
Luke grinned against her lips as soon as her bra was off, lightly running his hands up and down her sides, starting to kiss down her jawline.
Mollie pressed her hips slightly against his as she titled her head at the feeling of his lips on her jawline. "I love you."
Luke continued kissing down her jaw, mumbling repeatedly. "I love /you/. Love...you."
Mollie sighed softly, moving her hips subconsciously against his again. "Love your lips."
Luke groaned against her skin, tightening his grip on her hips when she moved. "Love your....you...."
Mollie turned her head to connect their lips, one of her hands resting on his check while her fingers lightly traced over the skin. "Love your you too, handsome."
Luke slid his arm fully around her, kind of holding her there so that he could roll his hips up against her.
Mollie whimpered softly against his lips, pressing her hips against his. "Teasing...is bad."
Luke smiled against her lips, pressing a chaste kiss to them instead. "Not...Teasing. Just...trying to feel you."
Mollie smiled with a slight shake of her head. "Mmhm. It still feels like teasing."
Luke pulled his head away slightly, eyes searching hers. "Well then what do /you/ want it to /feel/ like...?"
Mollie looked down at him, rubbing her lips together subconsciously. With the hand on his chest, she grazed her fingers down his stomach, under the waistband of his boxers and wrapped it around his length. "Something like that?"
Luke watched her carefully, eyes dark, before they closed and rolled to the back of his head at her touch, his hips pressing up. "/Jesus/."
Mollie smiled softly, dipping her head to press her lips to his neck as she moved so she was crouching over him rather than sitting. "I thought you might like that." She continued to gently press kisses to his neck as her hand slowly started to move up and down his length.
Luke automatically tilted his head to the side, grip on her tightening slightly. "Babe, that's....God, that feels..." He broke off, shaking his head and mumbling.
Mollie smiled against the skin of his neck, drifting her kisses up towards his ear as she moved her hand faster. "I love you..."
Luke made a sound that resembled more of a muffled groan, his hips raising against slightly in time with her movements.
Mollie pressed kisses to his cheek before lifting her head to look at him while her hand kept going.
Luke finally opened his mouth to get actual words out, although he was clearly struggling. "Babe...Babe I...I'm not gonna last if you..."
Mollie slowly pulled her hand away, resting both hands on his stomach as she pressed a kiss to his chest. "Thinking of me? You're always so thoughtful."
Luke let out a heavy sigh when she finally pulled her hand away, squeezing his eyes shut and opening them again to look at her. "...Mmhm. That's me."
Mollie laughed faintly before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. "I love you."
Luke kissed her back softly, his face slowly breaking out into a smile. "Love you too. Now, let's get you some action, yeah?"
Mollie smiled against his lips as a small giggle escaped her. "Action? Careful before I swoon."
Luke wiggled his eyebrows as he looked up at her. "Get you some loving? Better?"
Mollie laughed with a small nod. "I guess a little better."
Luke kissed her again quickly. "Alright, well then. What's the easiest way for us to do this, huh? Do you wanna stay where you are, on top? Or will we be fine the normal way?"
Mollie smiled as she sat up a little. "Any way you want to, handsome."
Luke shook his head slightly. "No, you tell me which way you'll feel the most comfortable. And you know, feel /really/ good."
Mollie chewed on her lip while she thought. "I don't know, Mr expert. Sit up, back against the back of the couch." She said as she moved from over him so she was sat on the edge on the couch.
Luke chuckled, lifting his hips to tug his boxers off and then sitting where she pointed out. He reached over to tug lightly on the waistband of her underwear, grinning wider. "Your turn."
Mollie stood up, slipping off the remainder of her underwear. "You're cheeky, you're lucky you're cute." With a smile, she moved to straddle his lap. "And handsome... Kind of sexy too."
Luke held his hands out to reach for her, fingers curving around her waist once she straddled his lap. "We both know it's more than /just/ kind of."
Mollie smiled as she rested her hands on his shoulders, thumbs stroking the skin. "You're right, we do. You're super sexy."
Luke tilted his head to the side. "For being naked, with a husband under you who'd do just about anything for some loving, you talk a lot, you know that?"
Mollie leaned forward to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth with a small laugh. "Well you do always call me a tease."
Luke pouted at her when she didn't kiss him properly. "Well that's because you /are/..."
Mollie rested her hands on his neck to trap his gaze. "I do it out of love." With a smile, she pressed her lips against his, hovering slightly above him.
Luke groaned at how close she was, pressing his lips to her jaw again. "Molls, /please/..."
Mollie smiled slightly with a nod, biting down on her lip. "Mmhm, okay." After moving one hand into his hair, still biting her lip, she lowered herself onto him before letting out a shaky breath. "..it's been a while."
Luke hissed between his teeth, moving his mouth to her shoulder and nodding, tightening his grip on her waist. "But /God/ you still feel...You always feel..."
Mollie leaned her body close to his, gasping quietly as she shifted to get comfortable. "Just...hold me?"
Luke nodded his head immediately. "Always." He hesitated, not moving just yet. "Are you...okay?"
Mollie smiled slightly, moving her head back to try and make eye contact with him. "Perfect..." She whispered before finally starting to move.
Luke made some sort of sound that resembled a muffled groan, grip on her hips tightening to guide her movements.
Mollie ran her fingers through his hair, moving her other hand to his shoulder to keep her balance as she picked up a steady pace.
Luke lifted his head in an attempt to make eye contact with her again, leaning forward to try and connect their lips.
Mollie instantly kissed him back, her breathing picking up slightly as her pace did also. "I love you." She whispered against his lips.
Luke mumbled an 'I love you' back to her, pressing his hips up slightly in time with her movements, his head tilting back.
Mollie moaned softly when he pressed his hips up, moving her lips to kiss down his jawline.
Luke smiled when she moaned, rolling his hips up with a bit more force.
Mollie rolled her hips back against his, sucking gently as she kissed his neck, moving herself on his length quicker.
Luke slid his hands lightly up and down her sides, biting his lip to hold back a groan. "How do you...Does it feel...?"
Mollie lifted her head again to look at him. "/God/! Amazing, I.... Just... Perfect."
Luke grinned, holding onto her firmer so that he could move her on his length without her having to do too much work. "Is that...easier...?"
Mollie smiled as she bit down on her lip. "Always wanting to be in control, hm?"
Luke didn't even bother hiding the smirk. "You /know/ I like being in control. Especially...like this. Getting reactions from you.
Mollie ran her fingers through his hair again, leaning to press a light kiss to his lips. "Wel it looks like I'm in charge for now." She said with a slight smirk, rolling her hips against his quickly.
Luke opened his mouth to protest, before groaning when she moved her hips against his. "And you...love it...apparently..."
Mollie shook her head as snaked an arm around his neck, rolling her hips against his once again with a hitching breath. "I love /you/ definitely."
Luke moved his lips to her neck, hands moving across her skin, struggling to find some way to be closer to her.
Mollie closed her eyes as she sighed, leaning her body into his as she started to move again.
Luke repeatedly moved his lips up and down her neck, sucking softly and leaving a mark, before mumbling against her skin, a pleading tone to his voice. "Molls can I...flip...us...?"
Mollie moaned softly at his sucking at her neck, eventually nodding. "Mmhm. Do it...please."
Luke immediately used his supernatural speed to flip them over, resting her more on the edge of the couch so that he wouldn't continuously bump against her stomach. And then he pushed into her again, lips on her neck once more, groaning at the feeling.
Mollie giggled softly as he flipped them over, smiling up at him as she bent her legs at the knee to rest against his sides, moaning louder this time. "Luke... You're... Perfect."
Luke shook his head, lips travelling towards her collarbone. "/You're/...Perfect. ...Do you know...how much I've missed...this?"
Mollie nodded her head before her head tilted back for a second. "Believe me, I know... Just kiss me."
Luke sucked on her collarbone softly, kissing back up her neck, before connecting their lips, increasing the speed of his thrusts.
Mollie wrapped a leg around his waist, kissing him back with a moan against his lips, trying to deepen the kiss. "Oh...my god." She mumbled against his lips as a hand slid into his hair.
Luke moved one hand down to her leg, holding it to him and pushing it further up so that the angle would change slightly. "Feel...good...?"
Mollie couldn't fight the sudden gasp when he pushed her leg up further. "Mmhm. But...does it for you?..."
Luke thrusted into her a bit harder, lips hovering above hers. "You /always/ feel....so...so good..."
Mollie moved her head up slightly to brush her lips against his as her hips rolled against his before she could stop herself. "...promise?"
Luke ghosted his lips across hers again, voice weak and just nodding as he kept up his movements. "...Mmhm."
Mollie rested her hands on his back, gasping and digging her nails slightly into his skin. "Oh my /god/, Luke. I--" gets cut off, tilting her head back.
Luke connected their lips, attempting to stifle her moan, but instead groaning himself when she digs her nails into his skin. "Fuck...Molls..."
Mollie kissed him back, her his subconsciously bucking into his as her breathing suddenly quickened. "Luke, I'm gon- I can't-" pulling her lips away from his slightly to catch a breath, she cried out as her orgasm hit her.
Luke automatically, on instinct, moved his lips down to her collarbone, pressing an open mouthed kiss there and groaning against her skin feeling her tighten around him. "M...olls..." He barely breathed out her name, his own hips bucking as his orgasm hit, weakly coming down from it.
Mollie sighed loudly as she leaned her head back to take a breath. "I really had been... /too/ long." She continued to breath heavily, tilting her head back to look at him with a lazy smile.
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
Snow Angels | Luke & Mollie.
Mollie stood in their suite as she pulled her coat on, zipping it up as she looked out of the window at the snow. "It's so beautiful.." She muttered to herself as she slipped her scarf around her neck.
Luke pulled a jacket on, tugging at his zipper all irritated for a bit before finally getting it, and then adjusting his collar. When she spoke he glanced over at her with a smile, speaking and clearly not referring to outside at all. "Yup. She is."
Mollie looked over her shoulder at him, a soft smile appearing on her lips. "I was talking about the snow.." She said while gesturing one hand to the window. "It's beautiful."
Luke shook his head, going over to her and wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. "And I was talking about you. You're beautiful."
Mollie leaned into him gently, her eyes watching the snow fall heavily past the window. "Can you believe it was just short of a year ago when we were here as two separate people?"
Luke smiled, kissing her cheek this time. "You mean when I started the ultimate wooing of you?"
Mollie laughed softly as she turned her head to look at him. "That was you 'wooing' me?"
Luke scrunched up his nose, nodding after a minute. "I mean...I did, right?"
Mollie turned around to face him, wrapping her arms around his middle. "You swept me right off my feet, I didn't even know what hit me."
Luke kissed her nose, laughing. "I think it was that /amazing/ first date."
Mollie smiled as she scrunched up her nose. "I thought it was a perfect first date, we didn't stop laughing all night."
Luke grinned all huge just at the memory, nodding his head. "Yeah, and remember how crazy nervous I was?"
Mollie pressed a kiss to his cheek, lingering her lips with a smile. "Mmhm, I do. Now look at you...not a nerve in sight."
Luke shook his head. "Not about that, anyways. Now I just worry about you."
Mollie shook her head back at him, giving him a smile. "But you don't need to, I'm a big girl you know."
Luke raised both eyebrows. "Asking me not to worry about you is like asking me not to breathe. I always worry about you. Especially now with the baby."
Mollie removed her arms from around him, resting her hands on his chest. "Well I kind of like you breathing, so I'm not gonna ask you to do that." She smiled. "How about I worry about the baby and you worry about not slipping in the snow. Okay?"
Luke rested his hands over hers, cocking his head to the side. "How about I worry about you both /and/ not slipping in the snow?"
Mollie turned her hands over so that she could hold his hands. "How about you kiss me before I get all emotional over how perfect you are?"
Luke threaded their fingers, tugging her closer even closer and kissing her softly. "This is for how perfect you are. Just so you know."
Mollie held onto his hands as she was tugged closer, a smile on her lips while she returned the kiss, her eyes remaining closed for a moment after. "Perfect or perfect for you? Because the second one sounds like something I want to be."
Luke smiled against her lips. "Perfect in just about every single way? How's that?"
Mollie shook her head, trying to fight off the growing smile on her lips. "Oh, we're talking about you now? Well then yes. Yes you are."
Luke pulled back slightly, still smiling, and shook his head. "Stop stealing tricks from my book."
Mollie laughed as she kissed him again, pulling back to smile him after a moment. "Are you saying you don't like when I learn from you?"
Luke bent down, scooping her up into his arms bridal style. "I'm saying I'll have to maintain certain tricks only I can do. Like this."
Mollie giggled as soon as he bent down, wrapping an arm around his neck as she smiled brightly at him. "Well you're right, I don't think I'm quite strong enough to carry you like this."
Luke puffed out his chest as best as he could. "I like when you call me strong."
Mollie smiled at him, her fingers playing with the back of his hair. "Good, 'cause you are. You're my handsome, strong, brave, smart, sexy, superman of a husband. Who I love very much."
Luke practically beamed at her. "If you wanted to keep going, I wouldn't stop you, you know..."
Mollie rested a hand on his neck as she smiled at his expression. "I'd rather do this.." Her voice drifted off as she leaned her head in to kiss him softly.
Luke kissed her back instantly, his grip on her tightening as an automatic reaction. "Mmm. I like this."
Mollie smiled against his lips as she kept the kiss for a little longer before pulling her head back. "I like you."
Luke made a small noise of protest, eyes still closed. "I /love/ you."
Mollie rested her head against his, closing her eyes. "I loove you too."
Luke kissed her quickly again. "So am I carrying you out of here or what?"
Mollie laughed softly. "You can if you want to.."
Luke grinned, shrugging. "Well I could. Light as a feather, remember?"
Mollie shook her head with a smile. "Mmmhm. One day I'm gonna be too heavy for you and you're gonna hurt yourself."
Luke couldn't help but scoff, raising an eyebrow. "That will /never/ happen. I'd bet on it."
Mollie smiled as she pressed a loving kiss to his cheek. "Let's go for a walk then."
Luke adjusted the position he was holding her in his arms. "Like this or do you wanna walk-walk?"
Mollie wrapped both arms around his neck. "You can carry me out of the room and then I'll walk once we get outside."
Luke balanced her on one arm, using his other to salute her. "Yes ma'am. Will do." He held her properly again, heading for the door.
Mollie smiled warmly at him before reaching out an arm to open the door. "Team work."
Luke slipped out of the door, turning to close it behind them. "Mmmhm. Teamwork."
Mollie pressed kisses too his cheek over and over again. "We're such a good team."
Luke chuckled, trying to move his head away as he walked. "Moooolls. You tickle, remember?"
Mollie smiled as she rested her hand on the cheek that was furthest from her. "My hair isn't touching you, I'm just kissing yooooou."
Luke scrunched his face up, laughing. "It is so!"
Mollie pulls her hair back, kissing his cheek again. "I love yooou. Woah-" Suddenly jumps a little, staring blanky away.
Luke goes to laugh, before his eyes widen in panic. "What? What happened? Are you okay? Molls? What is it?"
Mollie kind of looks like she's seen a ghost, resting a hand on her stomach, before looking at Luke. "....Baby just wriggled."
Luke just looked at her, eyebrows shooting up. "Wha-What?"
Mollie looked at him blankly before down to her stomach. "It wasn't like a kick, but he wriggled. He's wriggling. I can't feel it from my hand but...he just is."
Luke looked down at her stomach, back up at her face, and repeated the motion another three times before speaking. "I...Wriggling? Like just...just moving?"
Mollie nodded slowly. "I..Yeah. He's moving, he can actually move. Luke, he's really in there." Her eyes visibly start to water as she looks at him again. "We're really getting a baby."
Luke turned his head to just look at her stomach. "Will I...can I feel it? Or is it just...can you just feel it?"
Mollie shrugged her shoulders a little. "It's only a little bit, I don't know... It's not like he's kicking me so I'm not sure."
Luke still didn't take his eyes off of her stomach. "But he's moving? He's-He's really...moving?"
Mollie holds a hand over her mouth as a tear runs down her cheek, nodding. "He's really moving."
Luke finally looked up at her, immediately balancing her in one arm and using his other hand to brush away her tear. "Heyheyhey, what's the matter?"
Mollie dropped her hand to show him that was smiling, sniffling. "Nothing, I'm just so happy."
Luke smiled almost in relief. "So you're crying? Babe..."
Mollie smiled bashfully, wiping her eyes. "Happy tears, they're happy tears."
Luke let out a dry little chuckle, kissing her forehead. "Kinda overwhelmed for a second?"
Mollie closed her eyes, leaning into the kiss on her forehead slightly. "Very overwhelmed."
Luke smiled, not moving his lips far away from her forehead. "That's our baby. You and me. We made that."
Mollie smiled softly, keeping her eyes close. "He's really real, we're gonna have a real family Luke..."
Luke let out a small laugh. "I know, beautiful. And he's already perfect."
Mollie opens her eyes again finally, smiling at him. "It's kind of scary...but now it feels so real."
Luke shook his head slightly, looking at her. "It's you and me, remember? We got this. We'll figure it all out and everything."
Mollie nodded a little before leaning forward to kiss him softly. "I don't know if I could do it without you so that's like music to my ears."
Luke kissed her back just as softly, slowly lowering her feet to the ground. "I'd never make you do that. Okay?"
Mollie didn't let go of him until her feet were on the ground, even then her hands still rested on his arms. "Okay. I also think he was wriggling to say he loves you too by the way."
Luke laughed, resting a hand gently on her stomach, as if hoping to feel something, before closing his eyes and focusing on the heartbeat instead. "He better love me. Or I'll kick his ass."
Mollie gasped, resting her hand over his. "Threatening my son, that's not very nice!" Pouts at him even with his eyes closed.
Luke opened his eyes, looking at her with a grin. "I'm educating him from an early age!"
Mollie shook her head, snaking an arm around his neck, kissing him softly. "Well don't, educate me instead on how to walk on snow without falling."
Luke slipped his hands around to rest on her waist, eyes closing again as he kissed her back. "Keep kissing me like that and I'll do whatever you say."
Mollie laughed gently, kissing him again but holding it for longer this time. "That's all it takes? A kiss and you'll do whatever I say?"
Luke nodded his head, eyes still closed. "Mmm. Mmhm. As long as it's these kisses and not just fast ones. I'd ask you to take your top off but we're in public, so."
Mollie smiled with a shake of her head. "And it's freezing so I think I'll keep my clothes on, thank you. Now let's gooo!" She smiled excitedly, removing her arm from around his neck, taking one of his hands.
Luke rolled his eyes over-exaggeratedly, before chuckling and lacing their fingers together. "Alright, alright. I'm coming, beautiful."
Mollie lifted their hands to kiss the back of his with a smile, leading the way through the lodge and to the lobby. "I can feel the cold already."
Luke moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her and forcing her to pretty much waddle instead. "Here, I'll share my hotness."
Mollie laughed as she waddled towards the doors. "You're so kind and considerate..."
Luke leaned his head forward, pressing a very sloppy kiss to her cheek. "Glad you appreciate it, mmhm."
Mollie scrunched up her face at the kiss to her cheek, before pulling his arms free from around her and running out the doors, away from him.
Luke spluttered, calling out after her. "Molls! Oh, come on! Where are you going?"
Mollie laughed as she ran out into the snow, sliding a little as she went. "Walking in a winter wonderland! You coming?"
Luke ran after her after shaking his head, grinning. "Hey, careful! Don't hurt yourself!"
Mollie scooped some snow into her hands, throwing it in the air. "I woont!"
Luke jogged after her, reaching for her when he was close enough. "I'll save you if you're about to, no worries."
Mollie turned around to face him with a smile. "Oh yeah? And I'd probably just drag you down with me."
Luke tilted his head to the side, taking a slow step towards her. "Oh come on. Give yourself some credit."
Mollie smiled cheekily, taking a slow step towards him. "I meant on purpose."
Luke tucked his hands into his pockets, watching her with an eyebrow raised. "Well that's mean."
Mollie rested her hands in front of her, smiling innocently at him. "Me? No, I'm the sweetest."
Luke let a smile slowly slip onto his face. "Oh yeah? Are you /really/?"
Mollie nodded proudly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I am, especially to you."
Luke scrunched up his nose, shaking his head. "Nah, you bully me."
Mollie gasped, moving right up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I do not. I love you more than anything."
Luke went to go rest his hands on her waist, hesitating and hovering them just over instead. "How much is more than anything?"
Mollie pouted a little when he didn't rest his hands on her waist. "More than you love pizza."
Luke faked a gasp. "Is that even possible?"
Mollie gasped back at him before laughing. "It is and I do."
Luke finally rested his hands on her waist. "You're gonna have to prove to me how that's possible, babe..."
Mollie shrugged her shoulders a little, leaning into him. "But you can't probe love, you can only show it." And with that, she smiled before pressing a kiss to his lips.
Luke closed his eyes, hands sliding around her waist to pull her against him, kissing her back. "Mmm. I like showing."
Mollie: PROVE-
Mollie laughed faintly, smiling as she pulled her head back. "Oh I know you do, handsome."
Luke shook his head, leaning forward to kiss her again. "Uh uh. More showing."
Mollie tried to fight the urge to laugh as she kissed him again, going slightly on her toes.
Luke kept their lips connected, bending down to pick her up, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist as his hands rested under her bum. "This is a good walk. Mmhm."
Mollie giggled against his lips as she felt her feet lift off the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist, while holding on by her arms that were around his neck. "Hardly a walk."
Luke shrugged, entire face lighting up with her giggle. "Mmm. It is for me."
Mollie smiled as she kissed him softly again. "I'm going to get fat if you carry me everywhere."
Luke shook his head. "You would never." After a moment, he added on a secondary thought. "Besides. You're perfect to me always, so. I can deal."
Mollie smiled at him, her fingers playing with the back of his hair. "Oh yeah? Well, you're perfect to me too. In every way."
Luke kissed her quickly. "Mmm. Good. Now that that's covered. Where am I walking to? Pick a direction."
Mollie kissed him back with a smile. "Weeell, the idea was that we just walk together. Not you walk and I get carried like I'm the queen."
Luke let a large grin spread across his face. "You're /my/ queen?"
Mollie had a bright smile slowly growing on her lips, before leaning in to kiss him, holding it for a moment. "I do love you."
Luke still had his eyes closed when she pulled back, nodding all dopey. "I love /you/."
Mollie pressed another long and loving kiss to his cheek, before pressing a second kiss to his lips. "Not as much as I love /you/."
Luke shook his head. "We can go back and forth on this all day, you know that, right?"
Mollie just smiled at him with a nod. "I'm okay with that."
Luke laughed lightly. "Of course you are."
Mollie smiled as she gently kissed his nose. "You can put me down now, handsome."
Luke slowly placed her back down on the ground, nodding. "All good?"
Mollie slipped her hands to his shoulders as she unwrapped her legs from around his waist, nodding once her feel touched the ground. "All good. Now, shall we?" She asked with a smile, taking a step back as she held a hand out to him.
Luke took her hand, lacing their fingers together and lifting them up so that he could kiss the back of her hand. "Mmhm."
Mollie smiled at him as she started to walk, tugging his hand a little to get him to follow her. "I like when we go for a walk and it's just the two of us."
Luke jogged forward a couple of steps so that he was next to her, squeezing her hand gently. "I like anything when it's just the two of us, if I'm being honest."
Mollie rested her free hand on his upper hand so she was walking close to his side, smiling to herself. "Me too. Since you're my favourite person and all."
Luke tucked his free hand into his pocket, turning his head to the side to kiss her head. "You always find a way to make me crazy happy, you know that?"
Mollie subconsciously leaned into the kiss, smiling contently. "That's all I want to do. You deserve to be happy more than anyone I know and I'd like to be the reason why."
Luke smiled, looking forward again as they continued to walk. "You are. Every day of my life, you are."
Mollie turned her head for a brief second to smile at him before looking forward again. "Remember the last time we were here, when I tried to "read you"?" She asked with a soft laugh. "I told you that you were going to be happy."
Luke nodded immediately, the smile on his face growing. "Of course I do. When I asked you if you felt like looking at the view with me? Couldn't decide if that was more gorgeous, or you, and that's when I knew I was fucked." He laughed, shrugging. "But yeah, you did. Ever think you'd be the reason why?"
Mollie felt her cheeks blushing, looking down at her feet for a brief second, before watching where she was walking again. "Well I really wanted to kiss you again that night, just wasn't sure if it was a casual thing or not." She said with a smile, stroking her thumb on the back of his hand. "Nope, not even for a second. But I couldn't be happier that I am the reason."
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
I'll Be Okay | Luke & Mollie.
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Mollie was pacing up and down just in the doorway of the hospital as she waited for Luke to arrive. Her mind was full of thoughts but at the same time she was too numb to think properly. After her pacing continued for five minutes, she finally moved outside and sat down on a bench, staring blankly at the ground as she waited; almost as if she was in a trance.
Luke pretty much bolted out of his car as soon as he pulled into the hospital parking lot. All of his senses were on high alert, and as soon as he caught sight of Mollie he sprinted towards her. "Molls!"
Mollie remained in silence with her eyes fixed on the ground until she heard her name being called. Looking over, she got up as soon as she saw Luke, began to walk towards him before her pace quickened, falling into his arms instantly once she was close enough.
Luke didn't even hesitate, reaching for her and pulling her into his arms. For a moment he didn't say anything, just holding her to him. He didn't even pay attention to anything besides the feel of her physically - of knowing she was okay. "Hey hey hey. Are you okay? Are you sure?"
Mollie held onto him as soon as she was close enough, her head resting on his shoulder as her breathing turned a little shaky. Since what happened Mollie had been very numb and very isolated. Even the doctors had a hard time talking to her, which was odd for Mollie. It was like all of her emotions were suddenly unlocked now that Luke was with her and she began to sob. "I'm okay.." She said between the tears as her body leaned into the comfort of his.
Luke immediately tightened his grip on her, shaking his head and rubbing her back. "Molls. Hey, Molls. I've got you, okay? Shhh...I've got you. It's gonna be okay. Whatever it is. I'm here." It was only then that he picked up on the fact that she didn't smell like herself. There was a strong smokey smell on her, her hair in particular, and he had no idea what it was a result of. But it made him frown, his mind immediately wandering to every possible explanation.
Mollie couldn't stop her body from shaking slightly out of both fear and anger as she held her eyes shut, trying to control her breathing and calm herself down. She stayed this way for around three/four minutes before she lifted her head to look at him. "It was stupid, I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry." She shook her head as the tears continued to fall down her cheeks.
Luke shook his head, his brow furrowed, and unravelled his arms from around her only to take her face in his hands. He gently brushed her cheeks in an attempt to wipe away the tears. "Don't say that. Hey, don't say that. You're not stupid. Don't -- Shh. It's all okay, alright? You're fine. You're safe."
Mollie shook her head again as her hands still held onto him. "But I am and it's not okay. I shouldn't have gone, I should've realized it was a trap and not gone." Vocalizing what had happened only made the tears in her eyes fall even more, her head dropping in shame, as her hands left his body and covered her face.
Luke looked at her almost blankly, his stomach turning. "A trap?" He reached for her hands, trying to tug them away from her face. "Hey, look at me. Talk to me."
Mollie let him move her hands from her face, holding onto his tightly. "The people who bought my old house, that family, they were the ones who-- They--.." She couldn't even say it, her voice just gave in after ever attempt she made.
Luke wanted to help, he wanted to fix it all somehow. But at this point he still didn't really have a handle on what exactly had happened. And while he felt awful for continuing to push her, he didn't know how to appropriately give her what she needed just yet. "They...?"
Mollie looked him in the eyes, almost pleading for him to realize so she wouldn't have to say it. "The killed my mom and dad." The pain at even just saying it was clearly evident in her face, quickly shaking her head again.
Luke felt awful as soon as the words left her mouth. His eyebrows shot up and he shook his head. "Molls..." He didn't know what to say - what could possibly be the right thing to say to that? So instead he pulled her back into his arms, pressing kisses repeatedly to her hair.
Mollie fit right back into his arms again, her arms wrapped around his middle, as she hugged him tightly. "I was suppose to be in the house the first time, so they came back for me. ...I was so stupid, something could have happened to our baby."
Luke was going to be sick. He was sure of it, one hundred percent. He hated, absolutely hated, the idea of anyone even attempting to lay a finger on Mollie, or their son. "Are you-What? It's not your fault. God Molls, it's not your fault how can you...No, you...No. It's not. I...Fuck it, /I/ should have been with you."
Mollie felt absolutely broken, she knew she probably looked it too. It just felt strange that she hadn't broken down in hours and it finally came out when Luke was there. "Don't... Don't you dare blame yourself. I went alone by choice I just..." Her voice fell silent again, her body leaning into his again. "...I think I killed them." Her voice was almost silent, full of fear and disgust with herself, her body trembling.
Luke fell silent again, swallowing the lump in his throat. "What...?" That in itself didn't make sense in his head. He didn't know much about the situation - he still only knew the few things she had vocalized. "Hey, what happened? How did...? What happened?"
Mollie looked him in the eye as she analysed the look on his face, expecting to see a look of disappointment or disgust at any moment. "I-I don't know, I didn't touch them. I didn't even move my hands... But there was a fire and I was afraid and he was tormenting me!" She was clearly getting more and more worked up the more she spoke about it. "I'm scared, Luke."
Luke took her face in his hands the moment her voice started changing. He kissed her forehead, before meeting her gaze again. "Hey, don't be scared. I'm right here, okay? I'll keep you safe, I promise. Just...Fire? You smell like smoke I just-what exactly happened? How did you...How did you get into a fire, how did they...? Just tell me exactly what happened and we'll figure it out, okay?"
Mollie closed her eyes for a moment, trying to steady her breathing. "The call I got, about there being something there that belonged to me? It was a trap. I went and the mom told me i could just go inside and whatever it was was in the basement, but before I even went down I could see that it was on fire. I didn't actually go down, but someone pushed me inside and locked the door." Her eyes opened again, looking into his, as she let out a shaky breath. "I felt like I was going to pass out from the smoke but then I some how...blew the door open and fell to the floor. That's when they started talking about my mom and dad and this teenage kid threw me into the wall. He came at me, like to hit me, but I some how threw him down into the basement. ...I never saw him come out."
Luke just looked at her as she spoke, the sick feeling in his stomach only getting worse. "Locked you in...with a fire...? Threw...you...? Tried-Tried to hit you...?" While he felt sick, after heading each of those things there was another part of him that was angrier and angrier. How could anyone even think about laying a hand on Mollie? He pulled back from her hastily to rest a hand briefly on her stomach, as if looking for comfort that their baby was still there. And then he reached for her - her face, her waist, her forehead, her arms. Any part of her that he could reach, he attempted to check for any cut or sigh of bruising, or anything abnormal. "Did they /hurt/ you? At all, are you hurt? I don't care how minor it is...Just - How's your head? And your temperature? Dizziness? Any pain, anywhere?"
Mollie tried to lean into his touch but he kept moving his hands to different parts of her body, instead she rubbed her lips together and shook her head slightly. "I'm okay, just a little headache. The doctor said it's slight concussion and I've had some pretty bad trauma. But I feel absolutely fine... I am fine. 100% fine"
Luke still attempted to look her over as best as he could, the uneasiness still ever present. "Are you sure? Positive?" He hesitated, before asking another question, his voice strained. "And what happened after the thing with the kid? Where were the mom and dad? What did they look like? How did you get out? What happened to the house?" He knew he was asking an overload of questions, but he just so desperately wanted to understand the entire situation. To help out appropriately, to know she was going to be okay, and to try and figure out what the hell his next step would be.
Mollie swallowed harshly as she brought her hands up to wipe under her eyes without a care for her makeup that was now nonexistent. If she was going to go on with the story she just needed a second, to collect herself and to even remember what happened. Ideally she was trying to block it out. "After that I ran for the door, but I didn't reach it before the dad grabbed me by my hair and dragged me up the stairs, he must have been pouring gasoline behind us or some kind of flammable liquid because it smelt really strong..." It was then that her dry cheeks were flooded by tears at just the thought of what happened next. "He pushed me into the room that was my mom and dad's room then went on to tell me how that was the room where they were when they died, what they were doing and said something about me being pregnant was 'two for the price of one'." Both of Mollie's hands rested over her stomach in a way as if to protect the baby from something. "When he lit the fire I was pretty sure that was it, that we three were gonna die there and then. Before I could do anything to him he wrestled me the the floor, that must have been when I hit my head and had my hands pinned down. I don't know how and I don't know why but that's when he just... He just fell off me. I don't remember getting out of the house and it's all just a blur after that."
Luke felt something almost possessive lurch inside of him. His grip on her was slightly firmer and he moved his hand away to clench it into a fist. He didn't /want/ to be seeing red, but he knew he was on the verge of it. Someone had hurt her. Physically and emotionally. And threatened her. And their baby. "If he's not dead, if they're not dead, I'll kill them myself." The words were growled under his breath, and he didn't even realize he had said them out loud. "And then the paramedics came...?" That he knew he said, trying to keep the edge out of his voice.
Mollie nodded a little, hating the fact that her words had gotten him in the angry state he was in. "That's the only thing I remember after that, a paramedic coming over to check on me. I just... watched the house burn I guess." Without saying anything else, she moved to hug her arms around his middle again and buried her face into his neck, desperate for comfort and the feeling of safety that he always gave her.
Luke knew he was still tense, and all he could think to do at the time was wrap his arms around her. He held her firmly against him, kissing her head. "How long have you been here for?" It was his voice that weakened first. "I should've been here. And I should've gone with you. I...I'm supposed to take care of you..."
Mollie stayed in his warmth for a moment longer, letting out a shaky sigh before daring to finally lift her head again. "Can we go home or do you have to go back to work? I'm okay with just a car ride with you right now I just...want to get out of here. Away from this hospital."
Luke immediately shook his head. "Don't worry about work. I'm gonna take you home. And heat up soup or something. Get you blankets, you can lie in bed or on the couch. I'm not leaving you. Not for anything." His voice was quiet, determined, and he sighed frustratedly after a minute. "...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't here."
Mollie shook her head, resting a hand on his neck as her eyes wondered over his entire face. It suddenly hit her that if she had died today she would never have gotten to see his face again, or felt him hold her, or kiss him. All things that maybe she had gotten too used to and took for granted just a little. But that's normal, you don't expect to go out and not come home at the end of the day. But right now, she was thinking about how much she really did appreciate him, everything about him, and even cracked a very small smile before pressing her lips against his briefly. "Stop. I'm just glad I get to see your handsome face."
Luke looked down, his voice weak. "But I'm supposed to take care of you. I promised you, I promised your dad....and I almost lost you. Both you and our son because I didn't...I just should've been there. I didn't protect you, and I don't know what the hell I would've done if anything had happened to you." Slowly, as he spoke, he reached for her hands, linking their fingers.
Mollie shook her head again, there was no way she would let him beat himself up over this. "And you do... It wasn't your fault, it was mine. I was stupid enough to go and you can't follow me 24/7... Please, just stop blaming yourself. I won't let you blame yourself."
Luke just looked at her, shrugging helplessly. "I'm just...Still. I'm still sorry." There was another short silence before he tensed again. "You mentioned the two guys, but the mother...? What happened to her?"
Mollie sighed quietly as she dropped her head. "I don't know, she left before I even got inside. Can we drop it now?"
Luke turned in the direction of the car, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close, pressing a kiss to her head. "Yeah. I'm sorry. Don't worry, okay? I'll take care of it."
Mollie wrapped both of her arms around his middle as she leaned into his side. "There isn't anything to take care of... I just want to go home, relax, and forget everything that happened."
Luke ducked his head a bit as they walked, mumbling as his grip on her tightened. "I don't like the thought of someone still out there who wants to hurt you. Either one of you." As they got to the car, he opened the door for her, but before she could get in he pulled her into a kiss, pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. "God, I'm so glad you're okay."
Mollie didn't say anything as they walked, she just didn't have the effort to fight over this. Especially not with Luke. She went to get into the car once they reached it, a little surprised when he kissed her but kissed him back in an instant. "Kind of makes you realise what you really have, hm? I know it has with me."
Luke nodded, kissing her forehead softly. "Sorry I just...sorry." He stepped back a bit, to let her get into the car. "Yeah...I...I love you, okay?"
Mollie gave him a timid smile, shaking her head a little, as she stepped up to him again and pressed the most lingering and loving kiss that she could to his cheek. "I love you too, don't ever think any different." After that she got into the car and sighed as she leaned into the comfort of the seat. She was gonna be sore tomorrow.
Luke got into the driver's seat, still tense, and automatically reached for her hand. "You want me to run you a bath when we get home? You can sit in it while I heat up soup if you want. Or tea? Or did you want me to grab takeout from somewhere? I can get the fire going too..."
Mollie held onto his hand in return, lacing her fingers between his. "Could-- Would you.. Would you sit with me while I melt in the bath? I want to hear about your day since you know about mine."
Luke squeezed her hand gently, nodding his head. "Of course I'll sit with you. You sure you wanna subject yourself to that, though? It'll be anything but interesting..."
Mollie smiled slightly at him, lifting their hands to kiss the back of his hand. "I just want to hear about it, or just anything. ...I could sit and talk to you about the most least interesting thing in the world, all night, and I would be okay with that."
Luke glanced at her while driving, giving her his own weak smile. "Hey, then sure. Whatever you want, okay?"
Mollie kept her eyes focused on their hands, stroking her thumb over the back of his. "Just you. Always just you, that's all I want."
Luke flipped his signal on, checking his mirrors before switching lanes. "And I'm not going anywhere. No way I'm leaving you alone, alright?"
Mollie finally turned her gaze to his face. "Gosh, keep talking like that and I might even want to marry you and have your babies. Oh. Wait.. I already did that."
Luke looked back at her when they stopped at a light. "In the /process/ of having my babies, you mean."
Mollie nodded with a 'mm' sound as she looked down at her stomach. "Yeah, I'm still working on this one."
Luke cracked a wider smile. "Well you're doing a damn good job. ...And pregnancy has never looked so good on anyone."
Mollie continued to look at her stomach, tilting her head a little bit. "But it doesn't feel like I'm /doing/ anything, that's the thing. Like he's just hitching a ride for nine months but I can't actually do anything for him."
Luke shook his head. "You're taking care of yourself. Eating well, random habits of yours you've changed, the amount of strain you put on yourself. By taking care of yourself, you're taking care of him. Sure, hitching a ride. But you're making sure it's a comfortable and safe one."
Mollie looked back at him again after a moment, her free hand resting on her stomach. "But you're helping too... You're taking care of me too and in turn taking care of baby Nathan."
Luke glanced down at her stomach, the smile still on his face. "I hope so. I mean, not much I can do if you're the pregnant one. But as long as you're both happy and healthy, then I'm happy."
Mollie kept her eyes on his face, her thumb stroking his hand again. "You know, I still can't find any words to thank you for everything you've done for me. Even without trying you're the biggest comfort in my life and...I'd do anything for you. I love you so much."
Luke hurriedly shook his head as he turned onto their street. "You don't need to thank me. Ever. Okay, Molls? I wouldn't have it any other way. I just wish I could actually hang around with you always."
Mollie shook her head a little. "But I want to thank you, I just don't know how... I wish you could hang around with me always too. It's been a while since we spent an entire day just the two of us."
Luke nodded, clearing his throat. "It has been. But you're about to get a hell of a lot of me over the next couple of days. Like I said...I'm not leaving your side."
Mollie nodded as she leaned her head over onto his shoulder. "I'm okay with that, but what about work? And college stuff? You can't just put your life on hold for me."
Luke pulled into the driveway, turning the car off but not undoing his seatbelt just yet, resting his hand on the steering wheel and kissing the top of her head. "I can take a couple of days off from work. I can get notes from people for college stuff. It doesn't matter. /You/ matter."
Mollie removed her hand from her stomach to undo her seatbelt before slowly lifting her head from his shoulder. "...A few days, that's it. You can't have anymore time off after that okay? But it'll be nice to spend some more time with you. ...I guess." She smiled, opening the door as she got out of the car carefully.
Luke shrugged his shoulders. "Or we'll just see how we're feeling after a few days and then decide." He spoke so nonchalantly, getting out of the car himself and hurrying over to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Hey, you good?"
Mollie leaned into him a little as she nodded. "Just a little light headed, that's all." She said as she gave him a faint smile. "I'm fine."
Luke paused, pulling back from her slightly. "Well now I can do /this/..." He scooped her up bridal style, as usual, and moved in the direction of the front door. "Problem solved, then. Right?"
Mollie laughed kind of faintly when he scooped her up, her arms wrapping around his neck as she gave him a tired smile. "Win win situation?"
Luke nodded his head, repeating her words. "Win-win situation." He fumbled for a minute between balancing her and getting his keys out, but he managed, pushing open the door as the puppies immediately ran towards them. "Almost forgot I have two other bodyguards helping me out, too."
Mollie smiled brightly for the first time at the sight of the two dogs. "They're not bodyguards, they're babies. Hey guys."
Luke shook his head, closing the door behind them and carrying her over to the couch, as the puppies followed at his heels. "/Bella/ is a baby. Jackson? Not so much. Not anymore."
Mollie watched over his shoulder as he carried her, smiling at the two dogs who followed. "But he's still my baby. You know he's one tomorrow?"
Luke gently put her down on the couch, kissing her forehead before reaching for a blanket. "He is?"
Mollie nodded as she leaned into the couch, Jackson instantly jumping up beside her. "He is, aren't you baby boy?" She said as she raised a hand and tickled behind Jackson's ear.
Luke draped the blanket over her, before picking up Bella and placing her on the couch as well. "Did you want tea or something to eat before the bath, or...?"
Mollie looked up at Luke as she ran a hand through her messy hair. "How about a cuddle?"
Luke chuckled softly. "From me or the dogs?"
Mollie hummed as if she was thinking about it for a second, looking between him and the two dogs. "Both?"
Luke raised both eyebrows. "And here I thought I had a bit more of a pull than the dogs."
Mollie shook her head a little quicker than she should have. "You do, you do. I just thought we could cuddle as a family now and then I can have you to myself later?"
Luke smiled, moving to crawl onto the couch next to her. "I was /kidding/, beautiful. Ten minutes though, okay? And then a bath. Because you'll feel good after a bath."
Mollie couldn't help but smile, moving the blanket to cover him up too. "You're already beginning to sound like a dad, you know that?"
Luke reached for her, constantly craving that closeness. "Oh? How so?"
Mollie shuffled into his side, her legs leaning against his. "Telling me that I only have ten minutes to cuddle and then I have to have a bath. I like it, it's cute."
Luke pressed a lingering kiss to her temple. "I'm trying to take /care/ of you. Not be cute."
Mollie leaned into the kiss, closing her eyes. "I still think it's cute, also very manly and prince charming like."
Luke smiled against her skin. "Trying to butter me up for some reason?"
Mollie rested a hand on his stomach as she sighed contently. "Me? Noo, never. I just love you. That's all."
Luke kissed her temple again. "I love you more. ...And bath in seven minutes."
Mollie laughs faintly, leaning into him a little more. "Shh, stop timing me and love me."
Luke nuzzled against her, nodding his head and murmuring softly. "I /always/ love you."
Mollie started to trace shaped over the fabric of his shirt with her finger. "And I always love you too. All I've done all day was just wanting to be with you."
Luke closed his eyes. "Well, now you have me. For days, remember?"
Mollie sighed contently, cracking a smile as Bella started to climb over them. "How about forever?"
Luke kissed her forehead instead. "Forever with no work or school? Sounds good to me."
Mollie finally opened her eyes again, tilting her head to look at him. She then didn't say anything, not a word. Instead she just looked at him and raised a hand to rest on his neck, a thumb gently stroking over his cheek.
Luke opened his own eyes, pulling back slightly and looking down at her. "What?"
Mollie smiled faintly at him when he opened his eyes. "I'm just thinking... I could have not come home today and I'm just thinking how glad I am that I did. That you're here with me."
Luke leaned his head down just slightly, pressing his lips to hers softly. "I love you."
Mollie returned her kiss just as softly, closing her eyes. "And I love you. More and more every day."
Luke pulled away only to kiss her nose, over both of her eyes, and her forehead. "Well that makes two of us."
Mollie didn't open her eyes until the kisses stopped, smiling gently at him. "You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that."
Luke moved his face back just slightly, so that there was only a small space separating theirs. "Oh?"
Mollie nodded ever so slightly with a small smile. "Yeah. I just...I like the feeling of being loved by you. It's my favorite feeling."
Luke kissed her again, just as softly. "Well what if I promise that feeling will never go away, hmm? Because I'm always, /always/ going to love you."
Mollie kept her hand at the side of his neck as she returned the kiss again, her thumb gently stroking over his cheek. "Even when I do stupid things? ...Even if I hurt people?"
Luke met her gaze, still keeping their faces close, his brow furrowed. "...Molls. Hey, you didn't mean to. And you didn't do anything stupid."
Mollie pressed her lips together as she looked into his eyes. "But I hurt someone. I just... It doesn't matter who they were, they were someone's family. I don't believe in the whole an eye for an eye thing."
Luke shook his head, taking her face in his hands. "But you didn't set out with the intention of hurting anyone. You were protecting yourself. You were protecting our baby. And if you hadn't done something to stop them, they would have hurt both of you. They could have killed both of you."
Mollie shook her head a little as her eyes stayed locked on his. "I didn't do it for me. I only did it for our baby."
Luke frowned, speaking slowly. "...So if you weren't pregnant, you would've let them kill you?"
Mollie pulled her gave away. "I didn't say that... I wouldn't have let anyone do anything, just maybe had more drive to get away."
Luke tried to hold her gaze still, reaching for her hand with one of his. "Hey...Would you listen to me? You can't beat yourself up for this. It was self-defence. And I know you'd never mean to hurt anyone. But that doesn't mean that what you did was wrong, okay?"
Mollie looked at him again, her lip trembling ever so slightly. "I'm sorry, it's just-- I'm so sorry okay."
Luke shook his head, swallowing the lump in his throat. "What? Hey, hey, hey. Why're you apologizing?"
Mollie sniffled a little. "I don't want to disappoint you. Or make you think differently about me."
Luke brushed some hair out of her face, his own voice weak. "Huh? No, no, no. You will never, /ever/ disappoint me, okay? I'm proud of you for how strong you were. And I'd never think differently about you, either. I know you, Molls. Okay? I know you. And I'm on your side, I-I'm always on your side."
Mollie trailed her eyes over his face as she got a little year once again. When he stopped talking she nodded before saying, "I'm always on your side too." Despite her voice sounding broken she snuggled into his side even more, her face burying into his neck; she was almost childlike by this point.
Luke pulled his arms back only to reach for her waist, pulling her onto his lap. "C'mere." His voice was soft, and he held her to him, turning his head slightly to kiss her temple, one hand rubbing her back gently.
Mollie rested her head on his shoulder after being pulled onto his lap, her hand resting on his hand as her fingers played with the hem of his shirt. "Sorry I'm so clingy. ...I just love being near you."
Luke pressed a kiss to her head, shaking his head as best as he could with the position they were in. "I'd never complain, you know that. I love you. So, so much."
Mollie started to cry silently as her body relaxed into the heat and comfort of his. "I love you too. I've not been able to cry all day and now it's just...all coming out now that you're here."
Luke held her tighter to him, continuously pressing kisses into her hair. "You can cry. It's okay to cry. I've got you, okay? It's gonna be okay."
Mollie nuzzled into his neck, pressing a kiss to the skin there before taking a deep breath. "Thank you, handsome. For everything."
Luke closed his eyes, sighing heavily. "Don't thank me. Nowhere else I'd rather be."
Mollie fell into silence for a while, finally bringing a hand up to wipe her eyes. "I should probably get that bath now."
Luke moved an arm from around her, using his thumb to brush away a stray tear. "Only if you want to right now. I'll carry you up to bed while I make it if you want."
Mollie smiled faintly as he brushed a stray tear away, her eyes closing briefly. "I think I just want to bath. I smell life fire still and just feel.../dirty/."
Luke nodded, unravelling their bodies and scooping her up into his arms, carrying her towards the stairs. "So I'll get you in the bath, want me to bring you tea then while you just chill? Or anything to drink?"
Mollie wrapped her arms around his neck when she was scooped up before she was even able to protest. "I'd like it if you would sit and talk to me? About anything other than what happened."
Luke kissed her cheek, making his way up the stairs. "Alright. I can do that."
Mollie begins to play with the back of his hair. "You're the best. I mean it, you're my absolute favorite person in the world."
Luke smiled, placing her down gently so her feet touched the floor first when they were inside their bedroom. "Funny, because you're my favourite person in the world, too." He took her hand, lacing their fingers together and tugging her towards the bathroom, where he went to turn the water on.
Mollie followed him into the bathroom, her arms hugging around his waist while his back was to her. "I think you should take your shirt off too. You know, just encase I get self conscious."
Luke reached for some of the bubble bath stuff, turning his head to look at her as best as he could and smiling. "Oh yeah? Are you sure you don't want to just objectify me, Mrs. Mergal?"
Mollie shook her head as she looked back at him. "Objectify you? Noo. I love you au natural, is that not a good thing? Wouldn't that mean I love you a lot more than I would if I made you wear clothes all the time?"
Luke chuckled, running hand through his hair and letting the water continue to run. "You /make/ me wear clothes, hmm?"
Mollie shook her head again, this time as she pulled her own t-shirt over head. "Never mind, you're being awkward."
Luke fully laughed, holding his hands up in defence. "Alright, alright. I'll stop. Promise."
Mollie slipped off her shoes and jeans, a disgusted look on her face at the sight of her obviously dirty skin compared to areas which were covered.
Luke crouched down, directing his attention towards finishing making up the bath. "Hey beautiful, I think it's good?"
Mollie ran a hand through her hair before she leaned over to dip her hand into the water. "It's perfect." She sighed, leaning down to press a loving kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, handsome." Once she finished getting undressed, she got into the bath one foot at a time and hugged her knees close as the water ran over her skin, sighing of relief.
Luke hovered a hand behind the small of her back as she got in, ready to steady her just in case. When she finally was in, he sat on the edge of the tub, smiling at her. "Is it alright?"
Mollie nodded a little with a small smile. "It's perfect, thank you." She was genuinely so greatful for this, even if all he had done was run the water. She was just so relieved to feel her body cleaning off and calming down. With anorther sigh, she straightened her body out and lay back with her head on the side of the bath, holding one hand out to him. "I have a pretty view too."
Mollie shook her head, sinking down into the water a little move, closing her eyes. "Fine, never mind."
Luke leaned down to that he could kiss her head. "Just, you enjoy the bath. And I'll hold you as soon as you're out. Sound alright?"
Mollie sighs quietly. "I think I might just sleep when I get out... My head is hurting still."
Luke started playing with her fingers. "Then I'll sit with you until you fall asleep? Hold you if you want." He spoke firmly, nodding his head. "Are you sure you don't even want something small to eat, though?"
Mollie opened her eyes again to look at him. "I honestly don't think I could eat, I might just throw it up. I still feel gross."
Luke gave her a small smile, nodding his head. "Alright, just...If you feel like trying even toast for both of you let me know okay?" He squeezed her hand. "I'll stay with you all night, though. Promise."
Mollie sat up again, running a hand through her hair. "You don't have to you know. If you wanna go watch TV, eat or play video games... That's okay."
Luke shook his head instantly. "What I want is to be wherever you are."
Mollie looked at their hands, stroking her thumb over the back of his hand. "Careful or I might end up pulling you in."
Luke leaned forward, over the edge of the tub, so that he could kiss her softly. "I love you."
Mollie looked at him again as he began to lean over, kissing him back just as softly, before whispering "I love you too." Even with their lips parted, her eyes remained closed.
Luke listed his free hand to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, kissing her nose and then her forehead.
Mollie rubbed her lips together subconsciously before finally opening her eyes and looked up at him. "I really will pull you in with me soon."
Luke smiled, brushing his lips against her forehead one more time. "I'm gonna take that as a form of a compliment."
Mollie smiled a little with a small nod. "It is." Teaching for the soap, she began to clean her body off, making sure her skin was free of any trace of what had happened earlier. "I still smell of it."
Luke held his hand out, nodding at the soap. "Let me."
Mollie handed the soap over to him, running water over her skin. "I just feel dirty."
Luke started massaging the soap into her skin, kneading her shoulders gently first. "This feel okay?"
Mollie closed her eyes as she purred softly. "Mm, mmhm. That's okay. Definitely okay."
Luke moved his hands down her arms, smiling. "Good. Anything I can do for you is perfect."
Mollie looked up at him again. "You're too good to me. You know that I would do the same for you, right?"
Luke shook his head, leaning down to kiss her when she looked up at him. "I know. Just let me take care of you."
Mollie kissed him back, trying to hold it longer before he pulled away. "You're not just taking care of me though. There's baby Mergal in here too."
Luke smiled softly at her. "Then let me take care of /both/ of you."
Mollie smiled gently at him. "Only if you let me repay you."
Luke tilted his head to the side. "And how do you propose we make that happen?"
Mollie shrugged her shoulders a little. "I could...pay you in kisses."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? How many?"
Mollie thinks about it for a second. "How many would you like?"
Luke furrowed his brows, thinking it through. "Do I really have to pick a set number?"
Mollie shook her head as she ran a hand through her damp hair again. "Not if you don't want to."
Luke smiled again, nodding. "I'm good with an infinite amount."
Mollie smiled as she leaned up to kiss him before holding her breath and sinking under the bubble filled water.
Luke kept his eyes closed for a few extra seconds, looking down at her and letting his hand trail under the water.
Mollie stayed under the water for at least a minute before coming up, laughing, running her hands through her hair. "I've never held my breath for that long before."
Luke started sitting up a bit and frowning as he looked down at her, relaxing once she sat up again. "Well you scared me for a minute there."
Mollie ran her hands through her hair again. "I just love the water... And I needed to wet my hair so."
Luke cocked his head to the side. "Really, you love water? Never would've guessed." He gestured towards the shampoo. "Want me to help out with that, too?"
Mollie shook her head as she splashed a little water at him with a smile, picking up the shampoo. "I've got it."
Luke just dodged away from the splash, shaking his head and holding his hand out. "Trick question. Let me. Please?"
Mollie put the shampoo bottle into his hand. "But you have to do it good or my hair will be gross still. And get it all out after."
Luke put a hand over his heart. "What, no faith in me?!"
Mollie shook her head quickly. "Nope, I have all the faith in the world in you. Promise."
Luke laughed. "Then /trust me/, beautiful." He put some shampoo in his hand, starting to massage it into her hair.
Mollie closed her eyes, hugging her knees to her chest once again. "I do love it when my hair gets played with." Subconsciously, she was slowly starting to slip into a childhood state of mind. The fact she was being so well taken care off was odd to her now, but so amazingly comforting.
Luke shifted slightly to press a kiss to her forehead and avoid the shampoo, smiling. "Good. Then just relax, alright?"
Mollie shook her head a little bit. "You're too good to me, I don't know how I got you. Way too good."
Luke shook his head immediately after she did. "Shh, beautiful."
Mollie smiled, opening her eyes to look at him. "I love you, handsome."
Luke continued massaging the shampoo into her hair, smiling broadly. "I love /you/, gorgeous."
Mollie closed her eyes with a content smile on her lips. "I'm gonna marry you one day, Luke Mergal."
0 notes
mollie-mergal · 10 years
Oh... I guess I was just wishful thinking that you might change your mind.
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8 hours sleep?
I still have all my things packed away in storage— I sold the apartment. Leaving wasn’t just an idea.
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— it’s reality.
11 notes · View notes
mollie-mergal · 10 years
To infinity and beyond | Luke & Mollie.
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Mollie skipped downstairs with the ice cream in hand, the two dogs following her like body guards, and went straight into the living room. "Honey I'm hoome," she sang with a smile as she sat down on the couch.
Luke leaned back on the couch, feet up on the coffee table. Hearing her coming downstairs he smiled to himself, purposely looking straight ahead. "Babe, shh. Sportscentre." He tried to maintain an even expression before eventually grinning, looking over at her. "Kidding. Get your cute ass over here."
Mollie hit his arm with a pillow before he grinned, putting the tub of ice cream on the coffee table. "I should hope you're kidding too." She moved up to sit beside him, putting her legs up and over his. "How's my gorgeous husband doing?"
Luke couldn't help lightly chuckling, leaning across to kiss her cheek lightly as she put the ice cream on the coffee table. "Or what, you'll kick my ass?" He teased, reaching for the remote and turning the volume all the way down before looking at her. "Amazing, now that his insanely beautiful wife is with him."
Mollie smiles instantly when he turned the volume on the TV all the way down. It was the smallest thing, but never had she seen him mute any form of sports for anyone. "Can I just say how much I love you?" She asked as she leaned in to kiss him softly. "Because I do. Baby loves you too."
Luke relaxed back into the couch, cocking his head to the side with a small, half smile when she spoke. "What brought all that love on all of the sudden?"
Mollie gasped, putting a hand on her chest. "Me? I always love you.. Maybe I should go and take the puppies and ice cream back upstairs where my love is appreciated."
Luke immediately reached for her, pulling her closer and scoffing. "And who appreciates you upstairs? The bed?"
Mollie shook her head, nestling into his side. "The puppies. The bed could appreciate me." Turning her head away, she looked over at the TV. "So what are we watching?"
Luke wrapped his arm around her, kissing the side of her head. "Do you /want/ to watch Sportscentre with me?"
Mollie rested a hand on his stomach as she got comfortable, her head resting on his shoulder. "I do. What have I missed?"
Luke pulled her a bit closer, gesturing to the TV. "It's just a recap of last night's games. I wanted to see what happened with hockey. There's a 49ers game on tonight, so they're doing the pre-game stuff when this ends."
Mollie reached for the remote and turned up the volume again, settling into his side as before. "Is it the game against the Cardinals? The 49ers should've won the Superbowl, I had a bet on them too."
Luke grinned when she turned the volume back up, kissing her head again. "You had a bet? Since when do you bet on sports!"
Mollie laughed faintly, leaning her head on his shoulder again. "It was a bet with Annabel. She never came to collect though so it's her loss."
Luke kind of let his other arm slip around her, resting his hand gently and briefly on her stomach. "Speaking of bets. My mom has fifty on our baby being a girl."
Mollie instantly smiles to herself but tries to hide it by biting down on her lip. "Oh? She does? That's...interesting." Keeps her eyes on the TV while her smile only grows bigger.
Luke kept his gaze on the TV, nodding and shrugging. "Yeah, she's set on your genes prevailing or something." He smiled, arms around her moving as he trailed his fingers lightly up and down her arm. "She's planned this kid out entirely, I swear."
Mollie smiled as she glanced at him before looking back at the TV again. "I was scared she wouldn't be happy to be honest, but I'm glad shes as with it as we are. I love your mom to pieces." Her fingers lightly tracing over the fabric of his shirt on his stomach.
Luke brushed his lips gently against her forehead when she turned to look at him, nodding. "She adores you. And she's already sent me links to a million different clothes and cribs and everything in between."
Mollie turned her head to look up at him properly this time, a soft smile on her lips. "What do you want the baby to be? Don't worry, they can't hear you." She said as she moved both hands as if she was covering the baby's ears. "Okay, go."
Luke reached to then the volume down a bit again, laughing lightly. "Molls, I don't care what our baby is. If it's a boy I'll teach him everything about sports and girls, and if it's a girl she'll be my little princess and I'll kick anyone's ass who looks at her the wrong way." He grinned as he spoke, nodding decisively.
Mollie smiled at him as she removed her hands, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. "But.. What if it's a boy and he's not into girls? Can I teach him everything about boys instead?"
Luke raised an eyebrow. "...As long as I still get to teach him sports, I guess?"
Mollie nodded with a smile. "He'd be my little prince regardless anyway." With a smile, she rested a hand over her stomach, her thumb stroking over her shirt.
Luke leaned into her slightly. "Unless it's daddy's little princess." He spoke innocently, hand trailing towards her stomach and resting over her hand.
Mollie moved her thumb so she could stroke his hand, her eyes just trailing over his face. "Until then it's just you and me, no little princess or prince."
Luke kissed her softly once, kissing her nose and then kissing her again. "I love being with you, so I have no problem with that. You're the best thing in my life. Don't ever forget that okay?"
Mollie smiled as she returned both kisses softly, her eyes opening with a delay. "And I would be completely fine with it just being us forever.. By us I mean be it you and me or you, me and baby Mergal. Just no outsiders because they aren't as cool."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "And what kind of outsiders would you be talking about?"
Mollie gave him an innocent smile. "Just other people. I barely talk to Bel anymore anyway, so I guess she counts too."
Luke frowned, nodding once. "Did something happen?"
Mollie leaned her head back onto his shoulder again, shaking her head a little. "No, we've just..drifted I suppose."
Luke hesitated momentarily. "...I'm sorry."
Mollie frowned, lifting her head again to look at him. "Sorry? Why are you sorry? It isn't your fault."
Luke looked down at her. "Maybe not, but she's supposed to be your best friend, right? So I'm sorry you guys haven't been close recently."
Mollie nodded once, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "We are, but she's just different now."
Luke reached for her hand. "How? Or do you not really wanna talk about it?"
Mollie held onto his hand, her gaze dropping to their hands. "She just doesn't seem to have it in her to be genuinely happy for me, for us. It's selfish but that bothers me. It's since she became a vampire."
Luke spoke slowly, squeezing her hand gently. "About the baby? Or...everything...?"
Mollie lifted their hands to she could press her lips to the back of his hand before resting their hands against her cheek out of comfort. "Everything. Which hurts because I've never been this happy and she makes me feel like I'm not allowed to be."
Luke shifted his hand slightly so that he could stroke her cheek with his thumb. "You're allowed to be. Totally. I love you, okay?"
Mollie smiled softly at him before closing her eyes contently. "I love you too, more than anything. You're the reason why I'm so happy."
Luke smiled, kissing her forehead gently. "Funny. /You're/ the reason /I'm/ so happy."
Mollie opened her eyes again to look at him, a smile still on her lips. "I don't even know what I would do without you.. You're perfect."
Luke shook his head, before tilting it to the side. "Sorry, are we talking about you?"
Mollie shook her head back at him. "Let me rephrase that, you're perfect for me and to me. In every way."
Luke laughed. "Yes, yes you are perfect for me and to me. In every way."
Mollie shook her head, burying her face into his neck. "When baby comes, they'll be stealing all of your cuddles so I need to make up for it. Don't mind me."
Luke moved his hand off of her stomach, running it lightly through her hair instead. "You're adorable, you know that?"
Mollie smiles as she presses a kiss to his neck. "I'm just making the most of it while I still have you to myself"
Luke closed his eyes, shaking his head. "You'll always have me to yourself. Baby or not. When they come, you'll /both/ be my number one."
Mollie smiles against his skin, pressing another kiss there. "Okaay, I'll try not to get jealous of our adorably beautiful baby."
Luke couldn't help but laugh again, head shaking ever so slightly. "Yeah, I'd like to /see/ you get jealous of our baby. You'll be too head over heels in love yourself."
Mollie put her legs over his again, lifting her head again. "I know, I can't wait for our morning cuddles with our liiittle baby."
Luke grinned. "Yeah, good luck getting me to class when the baby's here. Ever." He nodded towards her stomach. "Your bump's slightly bigger, yeah?"
Mollie shook her head quickly. "No, you can't start skipping classes... You need them." At his gesture to her stomach, she rested a hand over it. "Yeah.. It only looks like I just had dinner though."
Luke shot her a look. "I /need/ to be with you and our baby." He moved his hand to rest over hers. "I think it looks perfect."
Mollie chewed the inside of her cheek as she looked back at him. "But not too much time. Paternity leave is only like..two weeks." She linked her fingers with his, smiling again. "At least we know it's not just lunch. It's our baby --" She quickly stopped herself before she slipped up, giggling quietly.
Luke raised both eyebrows, suddenly grinning. "Wait, I actually get paternity leave?" He lifted their hands to kiss her softly, before groaning. "You're awful, you know that? It's hard not knowing, you're killing me."
Mollie laughed softly at his expression, shaking her head. "Yeah, you get time off to take care of me! I can get a year I think.. But I don't know yet." She said softly, taking both of his hands and resting them on her stomach. "What do you 'feel' like it is?"
Luke let the dopey grin spread across his features, nodding enthusiastically. "And I will do! That's so sick, I didn't know /I/ got time off." He looked down at her stomach. "You just want me to guess?"
Mollie presses a kiss to his cheek, smiling at his adorable expression. "Good, no being lazy when I'm hurting!" She keeps her eyes on him, nodding a little. "What does your gut tell you?"
Luke frowned. "How will you be hurting? Won't the baby be out and then everything's good?" He hesitated, shaking his head. "I...don't know? I don't know."
Mollie smiles softer at him this time. "Not exactly. See, having a baby hurts. A /lot/. Some people need stitches." She said, clearly a little scared of the idea. Once he hesitated she took his hands and put them on her boobs instead. "And what are they? Does your gut tell you that?" With an amused look.
Luke just looked at her, eyes widening. "Like...down there?" He was clearly uncomfortable with the idea, shaking his head before smirking stupidly at what she did next. "Uh...the most fantastic boobs to ever exist?"
Mollie nodded with a wince at just the thought, shuddering. "Yeah, it's gonna hurt." As soon as he smirk she laughed, removing his hand and holding them instead. "They're gonna get bigger you know... Kind of have already, just by a little."
Luke opened and closed his mouth, eventually just shaking his head. "Yeah, no. I'm not down for that." He almost pouted when she removed her hands, before laughing. "You /seriously/ think I didn't notice?"
Mollie laughed faintly. "Me either, but I have no choice!" She raises an eyebrow at what he said next. "How did you notice when they're only bigger by a little?"
Luke spluttered. "Yeah, but-but how-but I..." Eventually he just pulled a face. "I'm very observant? ...They're your /boobs/. Of course I notice."
Mollie just laughed with a shake of her head, a hand resting on her chest. "Well my boobs and I are flattered you noticed."
Luke put him own hand on her chest. "I'll do that!" He puffed his own chest out. "As they should be! I'm a big fan, you know. Big, big fan."
Mollie looked down at his hand, laughing, before looking back to him. "I'm a pretty big fan of you too."
Luke shrugged innocently. "Just making sure they feel normal too, you know me."
Mollie raised an eyebrow at him. "Normal?"
Luke nodded, his expression even. "You know, like...good and stuff."
Mollie laughed faintly at what he was saying. "You're checking if my chest is good and stuff. And? Is it?"
Luke pulled one hand back, giving her a thumbs up. "Fantastic. Mmhm."
Mollie laughed again, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You give the best compliments."
Luke shook his head, leaning forward to kiss her properly. "I love you."
Mollie smiled as she returned the kiss. "That's actually the best compliment."
Luke suddenly has his entire face light up, as though realizing something. He shifted his position, moving his head so that his face was in front of her bump. "And I love /you/, kiddo."
Mollie laughed, leaning her head back against the couch. "Did you just remember the baby can hear you now?"
Luke looked up at her, bringing a finger to his lips. "Shhh, Molls. We're having father-child talk."
Mollie closes her eyes while her head is still back. "We have mother-*insert baby gender here* talks all the time. Mostly about you."
Luke pouted slightly as he looked at her. "Do you tell our baby mean secrets?"
Mollie smiled as she opened her eyes again, looking back at him. "No, I tell our baby how amazing their daddy is. The world is a scary place and I want them to be born knowing that they have a superhero for a daddy."
Luke laughed lightly, looking back down at her stomach. "Hey, kiddo? Your mommy's incredibly biased."
Mollie shakes her head, her eyes still on him. "Am not, he is on my side." Takes a pause before realizing what she said, slapping a hand over her mouth.
Mollie kissed him back as she returned a hand to his neck, resting back against he couch again as she moved the other leg so both were against his sides.
Luke rolled his hips gently, moving his mouth down to her neck and towards her chest.
Mollie smiled as her eyes remained shut, even after his lips pulled away from hers. "You have such soft lips. I'm jealous."
Luke shook his head. "Mine aren't anything compared to yours."
Mollie nodded, her fingers running through his hair. "They are. I love your lips."
Luke lifted his head. "Yeah? Well I love your lips. And your hands."
Mollie opened her eyes again to look at him. "So glad we have something in common."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Don't we have our stunning good looks in common too?"
Mollie smiles. "/You/ have stunning good looks."
Luke smirked. "/You/ do? Damn right you do."
Mollie shool her head quickly. "Stop twisting my words!" She yelled, cupping his face in her hands, before kissing him passionately.
Luke resisted the urge to laugh. "Sorry beautiful, what's true is true."
Mollie shook her head again, muttering against his lips."You're ruining the mood."
Luke immediately shook his head right back, smirking and slipping his hand lightly under the waistband of her panties. "Am I?"
Mollie nodded her head slightly, making an 'mmhm' sound. "You are. I don't even feel anything. Maybe we should just get dressed and watch TV."
Luke frowned. "Okay, /that/ is mean."
Mollie smiled, leaning to press kisses to his cheek, one eventually being pressed to the corner of his mouth. "I love you."
Luke just looked at her, still frowning. "I thought you said you felt nothing?
Mollie frowned back at him, more playfully. "I don't, other than your hand."
Luke bit his lip hard. "Do you love me?"
Mollie pointed at herself. "Me? More than anything. Minus our baby, you're pretty even."
Luke pouted. "But you're so mean to me. You /know/ one of the main things I take pride in is turning you on."
Mollie pouted back at him, pressing her lips to his. "You do turn me on. Of course you do, hence the--" as she motions to her stomach.
Luke followed her gaze. "Hence the stomach?" He kept his expression even, his words cheeky.
Mollie rolled her eyes with a shake of her head. "Hence the baby. /Our/ baby. /Our/ son."
Luke smiled finally, nuzzling into her neck. "Didn't we say I was gonna try and make it twins?" He asked, pressing his hips into her lightly.
Mollie laughed faintly with a smile. "There's that smile. I think you said you wanted to try and make it twins.. Even though it's probably too late now, we could still try?"
Luke lifted his head slightly so that his lips were just above hers. "Are you doubting my magic sperm, Mrs. Mergal?"
Mollie shook her head with a smile, resting a hand on his neck. "Would I ever? I do wish you'd give me some magical credit though."
Luke laughed. "Am I supposed to say your magical lady parts?"
Mollie frowned playfully at him with a pout. "Hey, my magical lady parts played a part in it too."
Luke brushed his hand lightly against her, nodding. "Mmm, and I /love/ your magical lady parts."
Mollie felt a smile slip onto her lips as his hand brushed against her, leaning up to press a light kiss to his lips. "And I /love/ all of you."
Luke immediately went to deepen the kiss. "I /love/ all of you, too. Your lady parts just needed appreciation, remember?"
Mollie smiled slightly against his lips, matching his efforts to deepen the kiss. "I think it worked."
Luke mumbled against her lips. "What...worked...?"
Mollie moved her other and to the opposite side of his neck, running her fingers into his hair."You...Just you. ...Always you."
Luke shuffled as he hovered over her, getting more comfortable in between her legs, keeping their lips connected. "You're so...damn...perfect...
Mollie moved one leg to wrap around his waist her hips lifting up against his. "Stop talking to yourself."
Luke smiled. "Now you sound like me. Even though you /know/ I'm talking about you."
Mollie smiled against his lips. "I don't, so shh. Stop talking to yourself."
Luke brushed his fingers against her again, moving her panties down further. "/Make me/."
Mollie laughed faintly, moving her hands down his side and tugging his boxers down slightly. "Stop you from talking? That'd be a miracle."
Luke smirked, slipping a finger into her. "Bet I can make you."
Mollie arches her back slightly, taking in a small breath. "Me..not talk? You married the wrong woman."
Luke slipped a second finger into her, moving them slowly. "Are you /challenging/ me?"
Mollie fought the urge to squirm underneath him, trailing her fingers down his stomach then her hand into his boxers, wrapping her hand around his length. "I think I am." She said with an innocent smile, starting to move her hand slowly but firmly.
Luke bit his lip hard to stop from hissing through his teeth when he felt her hand around him. He curled his fingers, wanting so badly to get a reaction from her first. "I /know/ you like this, Molls."
Mollie raised her hips slightly, letting out a breath as she placed her forehead against his. "I /know/ you just want to kill me."
Luke smiled, connected their lips and keeping up the movements of his fingers. "I'm just...trying to make you feel good."
Mollie rested her free hand on his neck, keeping up the movements of her other hand with as slight speed increase. "You../always/ make me feel good."
Luke kissed her again. "And if I...?" He sifted the position of his hand, his thumb pressing against her bundle of nerves.
Mollie tried to hold the kiss for as long as possible, eventually having to pull her mouth away slightly as a sigh escaped her. "Killing me." She said in a whisper, increasing the speed of her hand on his length.
Luke bucks against her hand, grinning when she sighs before closing his eyes. "You're...kind of doing the...same..."
Mollie leaned her head back for a second before looking at him while his eyes were closed. "Just kind of?" She asked in a soft tone, turning her head to press kisses to his neck.
Luke mumbled incoherently, nodding his head and turning it to connect their lips. "I love you."
Mollie smiled against his lips, returning the kiss while trying to deepen it a little. "I love you too."
Luke increased the speed of his fingers, letting her deepen the kiss. "You better."
Mollie removed her hand from his length, holding onto his arm instead. "...Stop." She said while trying to force back a whimper, keeping their lips connected still.
Luke laughed lightly, stilling his movements momentarily. "...I thought you liked it."
Mollie shook her head at his laughing, opening her eyes to look at him after pulling her lips away from his. "I'd rather be a whole lot closer to you than that."
Luke smiled. "God, I love the way you think."
Mollie moved both of her hands to rest on his neck gently. "Besides. It's no fun to christen the couch alone.."
Luke kissed her again. "Maybe we can...multiple times...tonight..."
Mollie smiled against his lips, stroking a thumb along his jawline. "Mmm, I like having you all...to myself."
Luke pulled his fingers out of her, encouraging her to lift her hips so he could tug her panties off. "I like having /you/...always."
Mollie tugged his boxers down a little more before lifting her hips up. "You do? Good thing too, us being married and all."
Luke tugged her panties off, shifting so that he could pull them full down her legs, kicking his own boxers off before crawling back on top of her. "I know. Stuck with me."
Mollie smiled up at him once he was on top of her again. "Yes I am. No one else I'd rather be stuck with either."
Luke kissed her softly. "Good. Because ripping someone's head off sounds like an awful lot of trouble to go to."
Mollie laughed softly against his lips as she returned the kiss just as softly, resting her hands on his sides, sliding them to his back. "Please don't rip anyone's head off.."
Luke grinned. "Can I snap their neck? Break their arm? You know, to anyone that is a pain in the ass when it comes to you."
Mollie laughed more clearly this time, shaking her head. "Well...all depends on what makes them a pain in the ass."
Luke pecked her lips quickly. "I would rip anyone's head off for you, beautiful."
Mollie smiles up at him, tilting her head slightly. "No one has ever said they'd kill someone for me before. As sweet as that is, please don't. Id die if you went to prison."
Luke looked down at her, chuckling. "We'll go on the run, then. That's romantic, right?"
Mollie leaned up to press a quick kiss to his lips as she laughed. "We could make it romantic."
Luke shifted against her. "You know what /else/ we could make romantic?"
Mollie smiled at him, biting her lips gently. "You say that like we don't /always/ make it romantic."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Well to be fair, sometimes all I'm thinking about is how gorgeous you are and how lucky I am."
Mollie rubbed her lips together while trying not to laugh a little. "/That/ is what you think about?"
Luke smirked. "...And how hot your moans and you saying my name are."
Mollie rolled her eyes playfully with a nod. "That sounds more like you."
Luke shrugged. "Well it is hot!"
Mollie smiled with a slight nod. "Well I think you're hot." She said in a hushed tone, leaning up to kiss him.
Luke grinned all huge. "What was that, babe? Didn't quite hear you."
Mollie pulled her lips away from his. "I said, I think you say that a lot."
Luke just leaned forward, kissing her again. "Liar. What did you say?"
Mollie turned her head before he could kiss her, a playful smile on her lips. "I said.." She paused, turning her head back to kiss his neck. "I. Think. You. Are. Hot." She presses a new kiss closer to his ear between words.
Luke groaned at her kisses. "/Molls/."
Mollie smiled against his skin, pressing another kiss by his ear. "I love you."
Luke bit his lip. "Are we gonna keep this up or should we get /in/-" He pressed his hips against her as he said it. "To something else?"
Mollie presses another kiss but to his cheek this time. "I'm just letting you know I love you. But yes." She replied as she shifted her hips against his. "Let's."
Luke moved his head so that he could meet her gaze, kissing her softly as he just brushed against her entrance. "I love you."
Mollie smiled softly as she kisses him back, stroking her thumb over his cheek. "And I love you. Husband."
Luke smiled against her lips, pushing into her and deepening the kiss at the same time.
Mollie inhaled as he pushed into her, sighing after she adjusts to him, her fingers slipping into his hair. "...so much."
Luke groaned at the feeling, before starting to move slowly. "Every time, this....you're.../perfec​t/..."
Mollie shifted slightly, lifting a leg higher at his side. "No. Stop. /We/ are. Takes two...remember?"
Luke moved one hand to take hold on her leg, keeping it firmly against his side. "...You feel....amazing, though..."
Mollie smiled against his lips, moving her hands lightly across his skin to rest on his back, rolling her hips against his. "Well so do...you. You are...amazing."
Luke trailed his lips down her jawline, groaning. "/Molls/."
Mollie sighed, her mouth staying open slightly and her eyes remaining closed. "I love you."
Luke mumbled against her skin. "I love /you/."
Mollie pulled her head back to connect their lips, rolling her hips against his, as she moans softly against his lips.
Mollie left the chat 28 hours ago
Luke pushed the leg that was against his side up further, so that he could push in at a deeper angle, smiling when she moaned.
Mollie arched her back slightly at the slight change in position, her muscles tightening around his length for a brief moment as she began to trail kisses along his jawline.
Luke tilted his head back with another groan at the feel of her tightening around him, however briefly. He hissed through clenched teeth, muttering her name again.
Mollie smiled against his skin, pressing a kiss to his neck, sucking lightly at the skin. "Mm, that's my name.." She whispered against his skin, her nails lightly trailing down his back.
Luke picked up the force of his thrusts as she spoke, mumbling. "God you're...killing me..."
Mollie let out a loud sigh when he picked up the force in his thrusts, her hands gripping at his back. "My /god/..Luke." She breathed out his name, moving her other leg to wrap around his waist.
Luke gave her a little satisfied smirk, imitating her words from earlier. "That's...my name..."
Mollie shook her head at him, biting her lip lightly for a brief second. "Shush. Being mean."
Luke connected their lips again. "Got it. Shushing. Just...moving."
Mollie smiled again, laughing faintly against his lips. "And..kissing."
Luke moved his lips back against hers. "Mmm. And kissing." His grip on her leg tightened at the words, and he increased the speed of his thrusts.
Mollie lightly nipped at his lip, tugging it lightly before kissing him again. As her hips rolled up into his, she deepened the kiss, her nails digging lightly into the skin of his back, moaning against his lips.
Luke let out a muffled groan against her lips when she duh her nails into his skin. "Fuck. Molls."
Mollie moves one hand up to his neck, sliding it slightly so her fingers could run into his hair, pulling her mouth away from his as her breathing picked up and her mouth opened and closed like she was going to say something but didn't, instead she just let out a whimper.
Luke sighed when she separated their lips, mouth on her neck. He sucked softly to leave a mark, before moving his lips over the scar by her collarbone. "My name...Say my name...."
Mollie rested her hands gently on his neck, smiling back at him. "This baby is making me love you more and more by the day. I hope you're ready for a whole lot of love, Mr. Mergal."
Luke leaned forward, kissing her softly. "If it's coming from you? Always."
Mollie kisses him back, her thumbs stroking over his jawline. "Always? Hmm, cause you're going to get it forever."
Luke smiled. "Can we make it longer than forever?"
Mollie laughed faintly. "What is longer than forever?"
Luke shrugged, ducking his head a little. "Infinity and beyond?"
Mollie smiled at him like he just said the cutest thing ever (cause he did), nodding. "To infinity and beyond!"
Luke grinned all huge, unable to resist nuzzling his face into her neck again. "You're...God, I don't even -- you're just...amazing."
Mollie giggled, tilting her head to rest against his, her hands moving onto his back again. "I've learnt I from the best. From you." She whispered, tracing 'Mergal' lightly on his back with her finger.
Luke sighed happily. "You keep talking like this and you'll get me turned on for round two."
Mollie smiled, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "Trying to be sweet is a turn on for you?"
Luke turned to look at her. "Being so damn in love with you is a turn on in general, actually."
Mollie leaned her forehead against his with a smile. "So you turn yourself on?"
Luke shrugged. "How about, everything about /you/ turns me on? And I just want to be as close to you as possible. And making you feel good. All the time."
Mollie smiled, stroking her fingers through his hair. "You always do, so mission accomplished."
Luke tilted his head to the side, teasing. "Are you just saying that because you're too tired for round two?"
Mollie narrowed her eyes at him playfully for a second. "Yes, I am. I'm going to fall asleep at any second."
Luke pouted. "Aww, Molls. Don't make me have sleep sex with you, that's weird."
Mollie scrunched up her nose. "Why the hell would you do that?! That's creepy..
Luke laughed, kissing her nose. "Your fault?" He paused, shaking his head. "Kidding. I'm /kidding/."
Mollie shook her head, scrunching up her nose. "You're gross."
Luke grinned. "But you maaaaarried me. You looooove me."
Mollie nodded "I dooo. Even when you're being gross and creepy."
Luke moved to rest his hands on her waist. "I get a free pass to be gross and creepy with you. Part of the marriage contract. Mmhm."
Mollie shook her head to object straight alway. "Nope! Cause you're not gross and creepy. You're pretty, which I'm very jealous about.
Luke frowned. "/Pretty/? Molls. No no no. /Sexy/. /Handsome/. /Superfuckinghot/. Something like that."
Mollie smiled at his expression, laughing very faintly. "You are my sexy, handsome, /superfuckinghot/ husband. ...but you are a little pretty." She said, holding up two fingers with a slight gap between them. "Sorry, baby."
Luke shook his head, shifting forward and biting her fingers. "Nope." His time was playful. "Nope nope noooope."
Mollie laughed as she pulled her fingers back. "Yes yes yees. You're perfect okay, no more arguing. Ever."
Luke scrunched up his nose. "Not as perfect as you. Stamped it, no erasing. /Now/ no more arguing." He grinned,leaning forward to kiss her before she could protest again.
Mollie kept her lips still when he kissed her, shaking her head. "Nope nope nope noooope."
Luke rolled his eyes, moving his mouth to her neck. "Moooolls. Come on. You know you wanna give in."
Mollie shook her head again, trying to resist a smile. "Stop trying to shush me. /You/ are my perfect husband and that is that."
Luke just nipped at her neck, moving down to her collarbone. "I'm older. Therefore I win by default."
Mollie laughed softly, closing her eyes. "Are we going off mental age here or?"
Luke sucked softly at her skin. "Don't be mean..."
Mollie sighed quietly, shaking her head again, only slower this time. "Don't be leaving marks..."
Luke smirked, shaking his head slightly before sucking harder. "Do I win?"
Mollie lightly bit down on her lip, a hand resting on the back of his head, fingers tangled into his hair. "No. Never gonna win this one."
Luke moved his mouth to the other side of her neck, intent on leaving a second mark. "Are you...so sure...?"
Mollie tilted her head back slightly, moaning out of frustration. "Stoooop teasing me."
Luke chuckled lightly. "All you have to do is say I'm right...and I'll do whatever you want."
Mollie sighed as she shook her head. "No, cause I'm not perfect!"
Luke shifted towards her collarbone again, mouth on his way towards her chest. "You are...to me..."
Mollie moved a hand under his chin, lifting it for him to look at her. "Then stop teasing your pregnant wife. It's mean.!
Luke gave her a goofy grin when she lifted his chin. "So you agree, then. And how am I teasing, what do you want me to do, beautiful?"
Mollie shook her head, pouting at him. "You /know/ I don't agree. And I don't know, love me some how." After a second, she looked up and over to the door where she could hear scratching. "They probably think someone killed us... Or you killed me, which you did." She laughed, looking back to Luke with a cute smile.
Luke smirked. "You mean /make/ love to you somehow?" He nuzzled into her neck again, groaning at the sound of the dogs. "Can't I killed you again before we pay attention to them?"
Mollie laughed softly as she rested her head against his, smiling to herself. "Please don't kill me, I'd like to live to at least reach 21. And you know... There's that whole til death do you part clause."
Luke sighed. "Killing you with sex doesn't count though."
Mollie traced her fingers lightly on his back where the scratches were earlier, a smile still on her lips. "Well I wont say no to you killing me with sex." She replied softly before managing to slip herself from under him, grabbing his t-shirt and pulling it on. "But teasing you first is only fair if you're going to kill me." She smiled innocently, getting up and going to open the door, letting the dogs run into the room.
Luke grinned when she traced her fingers against the marks on his back, going to kiss her neck before basically collapsing on the couch face first and groaning when she slipped out from under him and opened the doors. "Mooooooooooolls." He didn't even move as Bella started trying to jump on the couch. "...There's a puppy trying to get on me and I'm naked."
Mollie laughed as she knelt down to kiss Jackson on the nose and stroke behind his ears, before she stood up again, throwing a blanket over him. "There, you're save from the scary puppy." She said with a smile, picking up the ice cream from the table. "I'm putting this in the freezer before it melts, want anything?" She asked as she left the room, running a hand through her messy hair to tame it.
Luke let out a small 'oof' as Bella finally jumped onto his back, scrunching up his face as she started to lick his neck and ear. "You. Naked. On top of me. That would be nice."
Mollie smiled to herself as she put the ice cream into the freezer, getting herself a drink of water, before putting out food and water for the two dogs. "Sorry, what was that!? I couldn't hear you from all the way in here..." Bringing the glass to her lips to take a sip, she walked back into the room, leaning on the door frame. "Think I'm going a little deaf."
Luke sighed as he heard her moving around, narrowing his eyes as he looked at her when she reappeared. "You. Naked. On top of me. That's what I want."
Mollie shook her head as she took another sip from her glass. "No please? That's not very polite, is it Jackson?" She looked over to the dog who was rolling about by the fire place.
Luke pretty much glared at her. "Can we /please/ have sex by the fireplace, so can you /please/ get over here and get on top of me and get naked?"
Mollie smiled over the rim of her glass, bring it to her lips once more. "Alright, Jackson, out boy." She said in a cheerful tone, gesturing out of the room for the dog to go. "Bella, you too sweet girl." Instead of just gesturing, she went over and picked Bella up as best she could, kissed her head and put her on the floor, watching as she followed Jackson and closed the doors again. "There. Happy now?"
Luke watched her movements through hooded eyes, shaking his head and reaching in her direction with grabby hands. "Now we're a quarter of the way there."
Mollie laughed lightly as she placed her glass down on the table. "Well roll over then, unless you want me to lay on your back?"
Luke rolled over with supernatural speed, all happy again. "Mmmm, c'mere."
Mollie couldn't help but smile at the expression on his face, moving to straggle his hips, leaning down so their faces could be close. "Have I told you how much I love you?"
Luke shook his head. "Not in the past seven minutes, no."
Mollie smiled as she lent her chin on his chest, gazing up at him. "I love you." She told him in a soft voice, before leaning her head to press a kiss to his chest.
Luke reached his hands forward, brushing her hair away from her face. "/I/ love /you/."
Mollie smiled at him once she lifted her head again. She didn't say anything at first, just looked at him in awe for a moment, taking everything in. "I still think it's amazing." She finally, giving him a soft smile. "Us.. That we're here."
Luke held her face gently between his hands. "What, together? Married? Pregnant?"
Mollie leaned her head gently to the side and into one of his hands, turning it slightly to kiss his hand. "All of the above. Like everything just fell into place perfectly."
Luke smiled softly at her when she kissed his hand. "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Even the hard...supernatural stuff. I don't care. Because I have you. And that's all worth it."
Mollie turned her head back to smile a him, her head still leaning into one of his hands. "The supernatural stuff makes it all worth while. If it weren't for that stuff, I don't even know if we would be together. The night you asked me to marry you it was the full moon.. Besides, you know I secretly like being able to take care of you after the full moon. Getting to cuddle you while you sleep, clean your cuts so they heal faster, bringing you tea, watching sports in bed together. I love every second of it because I get to be with you. The /real/ you."
Luke met her gaze, nodding. "And you know you're one of the only people that sees that, right? Molls, you're...the only person in the world that I one hundred percent trust."
Mollie placed a hand gently over her, nodding slightly. "And you're the only person I one hundred percent trust. I give my everything to you, without shame. You're my forever."
Luke leaned forward to kiss her softly. "You're my infinity and beyond. I'd do anything for you, in a heartbeat."
Mollie leaned up to meet his kiss just as softly. "'your infinity and beyond', I like that." She smiled, gently leaning her forehead against his. "You really are my everything. ..I wouldn't want to live in a world that didn't have you in it."
Luke shook his head immediately, frowning. "Hey, listen to me, alright? That'll never happen. I mean not only will I protect you from anything and everything in the world, but that includes stuff happening to me, okay? I promise. I love you so much, and I'd never let anything hurt you. Or our baby."
Mollie leaned up again to kiss him softly, only with more passion in this kiss. "You're already the most amazing daddy and our baby is no bigger than a peach."
Luke smiled against her lips. "It's /our/ peach, though. And he's perfect."
Mollie smiled as she brushed her nose against his. "Just like his daddy. /Perfect/."
Luke laughed lightly. "Just like his /mommy/, you mean. Without his mommy, his daddy would be totally lost."
Mollie turned her head and nestled it into his neck. "But without his daddy, his mommy wouldn't even be here. So nope. He's juuust like his daddy."
Luke sighed, frowning lightly. "Don't say that. I hate the idea of anything happening to you."
Mollie kept her head into his neck, pressing a gentle kiss to the skin. "But it's true, you saved my life. I'll never be able to thank you enough for it either."
Luke shook his head. "Well you literally saved my life. So I can never thank you enough for that either."
Mollie pressed another kiss to his cheek. "We do make quite a pair, don't we?"
Luke turned his head to connect their lips at the last second. "I'd like to think we're perfect."
Mollie smiles against his lips, resting her hand on his neck. "For each other? Yeah we are, even if it look us so long to realise it."
Luke nodded his head. "At least we didn't waste /too/ much time."
Mollie stroked her thumb over his jawline, smiling softly at him. "And I wouldn't change this for the world."
Luke relaxed into her touch, closing his eyes. "That makes two of us. I love you."
Mollie smiled as she leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. "I love you too, handsome."
Luke sighed happily, opening his eyes and tilting his head to the side. "Hey, let's go somewhere."
Mollie looked at him curiously. "Go where?"
Luke shrugged. "Anywhere. Even if it's just camping. You and me. And the baby."
Mollie smiled, moving her hand down to rest on his chest. "I really like the sound of that."
Luke ran a hand lightly through her hair. "And can we not tell anyone? Let's just...go. Not worry about anything else in the world."
Mollie sighed softly as his hand ran through her hair, closing her eyes. "I wasn't even going to suggest telling anyone. I like it when it's just us."
Luke repeated the motion with his hand, closing his own eyes again. "Me too. I mean, depending on where we go I guess we could bring the dogs. As long as it's our family, I'm happy."
Mollie began to trace a heart on his chesty lightly with her finger. "I like the camping idea. I've never camped anywhere out of my backyard before, there's another first."
Luke looked down at her, eyebrows raised. "Wait, really? Like, anywhere?"
Mollie opened her eyes again to look at him, smiling almost shyly. "Yeah... Overprotective parents and all."
Luke laughed, shaking his head. "What did they think would happen?! Well actually, sex against a tree can be /super/ fun..."
Mollie laughed, burying her face into his neck again. "Probably exactly that! But I don't wanna know what you've done against a tree, thank you."
Luke ran his hand through her hair again. "Babe. We could have sex against a tree."
Mollie sighed contently at his running his hand through her hair. "That sounds painful, splinters and all."
Luke smiled. "Don't pretend like you can't find a spell for some protective cover or something."
Mollie shook her head slightly, pressing a light kiss to his neck. "Not sure there is actually a 'protect my ass from getting splinters off a tree' spell."
Luke tilted his head down, pressing a kiss to hers. "I'll tape a blanket to the tree, then."
Mollie smiled at the kiss to her head. "Is that the only reason you want to get me out into the great outdoors? So we can have sex against a tree? Cause you know, we have walls here that will hurt a lot less."
Luke nuzzled his face into her hair. "If I only did things with you for sex, I really don't think this relationship would be working. ...But don't tease about the walls."
Mollie mumbled against his skin, "I wasn't teasing about the walls, handsome."
Luke suddenly lifted his head, all perked up. "Huh?"
Mollie laughed softly, looking up at him. "I wasn't teasing about the walls."
Luke hesitated. "You...What does that mean?"
Mollie smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "What do you think it means?"
Luke opened and closed his mouth a few times. "I'm gonna get /very/ excited /very/ fast, beautiful..."
Mollie laughed, leaning up to kiss him sweetly. "I love you, you know that?"
Luke almost sighed against her lips. "You're killing me..."
Mollie smiled against his lips before sitting up again, resting her hands on his stomach. "But I'm not trying to kill you."
Luke looked at her, giving her a weak smile. "But now my mind is wandering, see..."
Mollie traced light shapes with her finger over his stomach. "Then let it wander."
Luke bit his lip as her finger moved across his stomach. "To what, us against a uh...a wall?"
Mollie smiled as she leant down to kiss him softly. "If that's were you want it to wander to... Yes."
Luke groaned. "But /Molls/...That's like...A huge tease..."
Mollie shook her head, kissing his jaw instead. "It's not if you make it happen. /You/ wanted me on top of you, so here I am."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "And the naked thing..?"
Mollie lifted her head again to look at him, pulling the shirt she was wearing over head. "Excuse me for liking it when I wear your clothes."
Luke had a huge grin spread across his face. "Excuse me for liking it when you wear /nothing/."
Mollie laughed lightly, shaking her head. "I thought you liked me in your clothes too!"
Luke ran his hands lightly down her sides. "I love /you/."
Mollie shook her head, leaning down to kiss him softly. "Not as much as /I/ love /you/."
Luke moved his hands to rest comfortably on her waist. "Let's bet on that."
Mollie rested her hands lightly on his stomach. "Okay, what does the winner get?"
Luke smiled, leaning up slightly to kiss her bare shoulder. "The winner..." He moved his mouth to the crook of her neck. "...gets /whatever/..." He moved his mouth to her jaw, sucking softly. "...they want."
Mollie smiled to herself, giggling softly at the kiss to the crook of her neck. "And how exactly are we suppose to know who the winner is?"
Luke shrugged lightly. "I don't know...you're the more genius out of us two."
Mollie smiled at him, resting her hands on his shoulders to push him back down again. "I'm not sure there is a way to measure love. You just..have to have faith in it."
Luke went to kiss her again, groaning when he got pushed back down. "I'll have more faith if you do...something."
Mollie looked down at him, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "I'm a little offended you don't have faith to begin with."
Luke sighed, scrunching up his nose. "I do...I do just...Please do something, beautiful? It's literally the biggest tease in the world for you to just be chilling naked on top of me."
Mollie laughed faintly as she leaned down, kissing him softly, not moving her face far from his afterwards. "You wanted me to take the t-shirt off."
Luke tried to deepen the kiss before she pulled back, pulling another face. "I also want you against that wall. And then I want to carry you up to bed. And make love to you for the third time, so we fall asleep exhausted in each other's arms. /That's/ what I want."
Mollie rested her hand on his neck, her thumb stroking gently over his cheek, staying silent. Her eyes scanned his as a smile slowly grew on her lips before she kissed him again. "You have the most perfect ideas, I don't know where you get them."
Luke chuckled, kissing her back eagerly. "I just think it's your influence over me to be honest."
Mollie smiled against his lips. "Well I am a /really/ good influence on you."
Luke smiled right back at her. "Not gonna deny that..."
Mollie laughed softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "So glad we agree on something."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Didn't we agree on plans for the rest of the night?"
Mollie smiled against his skin. "We did, because I'm a good influence on you."
Luke went to sit up again. "/Well then/. Shall we?"
Mollie allowed him to sit up by sitting up herself, smiling as she got off of him. "We shall."
Luke reached for her as soon as she stood up. "And where are you...?" He didn't even finish the sentence, picking her up and going over to the wall, holding her up against it, all supernatural speedy.
Mollie giggled softly, holding onto him, as he moved them to the wall. "I really do love it when you do that." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, one hand playing with his hair, as she brought him in for a kiss.
Luke grinned at her giggle. "I love doing that. Just with you." Almost immediately, he deepened the kiss, slipping his hands underneath her to hold her up.
Mollie wrapped her legs fully around his waist, holding herself completely against him, while she couldn't help but smile against his lips with a quiet sigh.
Luke mumbled against her lips. "What're you...smiling at?"
Mollie smiled against his lips as she whispered back. "I just love you. ..A lot."
Luke shifted how he was holding her slightly, lifting her up just a bit. "Mmmm...And I love...you..."
Mollie pressed her hips against his as best she could, running her fingers through his hair again as one hand slides to his neck. "To infinity?"
Luke groaned when she pressed her hips to his. "...And beyond." He muttered, voice husky.
Mollie smiled again against his lips, trying to deepen to kiss even more so as she moaned softly against his lips.
Luke adjusted the position they were in one more time, so he was just brushing against her entrance. "Molls...Can I...?"
Mollie nodded as best as she could with her lips still connected to his, before moving to trail kisses along his jaw. "Please..."
Luke kind of lifted her up onto him, groaning and tilting his head back at the angle and the movement. "/Jesus/...."
Mollie moaned softly, her legs tightening around him for a moment as her body relaxed. "Think your legs can hold up?"
Luke moved his head forward, resting it against her shoulder briefly. "Give me some credit..." He let out one chuckle before groaning again as he moved.
Mollie snaked her arm around his neck, the other still on his shoulder as she sighed at the movement. "Just being..considerate."
Luke mumbled. "You...like this...is /super/ considerate..." He lifted her up this time, finding that movement significantly easier.
Mollie couldn't help but smile a little, pressing kissed to his neck before turning her head to kiss his lips. "Like..this?" She whispered against his lips as she started to move herself instead of him lifting her
Luke deepened the kiss immediately, trying to eagerly nod his head at the same time. "...Yes. God, yes."
Mollie smiled as she moved her hand from his shoulder to his neck, keeping up with her movements but rolling her hips every now and then.
Luke moved his mouth to her neck, trying not to moan. "Molls...You...My /god/ you feel amazing..."
Mollie sighed as he moved his mouth away from her's, her eyes remaining closed as she tilts her head back slightly.
Luke sucked softly just under the mark he had left before, moving one hand to her waist to guide her movements.
Mollie moaned quietly as he sucked at her neck, her hand moving back to his shoulder where it gripped slightly. "You..and those marks."
Luke smirked against her skin. "I love...them."
Mollie shook her head slightly. "You would." She locked her ankles together behind his back, so that she could pull herself closer into him.
Luke moved his mouth further down to her collarbone. "Can you...blame me? It means you're.../mine/." He growled the last word, still with a smirk.
Mollie sighed, her mouth staying open a little bit as she rolled her hips again, picking up her pace.
Luke pressed his hips up into her when she moved down on him, muttering her name.
Mollie rested her head against his, whispering by his ear. "You're just.../God/..perfect."
Luke closed his eyes at her breath on his ear, mumbling right back. "You.../You/ are perfect..."
Mollie pressed her hips to his as best as she could, taking all of him in before moving again. "You just feel /amazing/." She said breathlessly.
Luke opened and closed his mouth, no sound coming out when she took all of him in, before letting out almost a guttural groan. "Again.../Molls/ fuck...That feels..."
Mollie presses her hips to his again in the same way, her head tilting back slightly as she lets out a moan. "..Good?"
Luke nodded as best as he could, lifting his hand off of her waist to tangle in her hair and pull her towards him to connect their lips again.
Mollie deepens the kiss almost instantly, pressing her hips and chest against his before she moves again, running her fingers into his hair.
Luke held Jackson up over his head before pretty much cradling him in his arms. “You see, bud? I’m gonna win every time. Sorry.” He tickled underneath his chin, the puppy playfully nipping at his fingers, before Luke blew air in his face and laughed when he tried to duck his head to hide from it. “Every time. I’m gonna win.” As an afterthought he kissed Jackson’s head, before turning to Mollie. “You are such a sucker for them.”
Mollie tickled Bella’s tummy as she rolled around the floor, laughing at her when she tried to nip her fingers. Hearing Luke talk to her, she lifted her head and gave him a smile. “Why wouldn’t I be? They’re my family just as much as you are. Jackson got me through some tough times too so I owe him a lot.”
Luke walked over to her, still holding Jackson, who clearly wasn’t too comfortable in the position he was in. “They’ve got you /totally/ wrapped around their little paws, mmhm. Do you even see that?”
Mollie shrugged her shoulders with a smile still. “I do and I love it.” She said as she stood up again. “Now let Jackson go, he doesn’t like it.” Raising a hand to stroke Jackson’s head, she pouted slightly at the dog.
Luke shook his head, scrunching up his nose. “Not until I get a kiss so I know he won’t take you away from me.”
Mollie shook her head back at him with a laugh. “You’re scared the dog is going to take me away from you?”
Luke nodded, not even hesitating. “I want a kiss.”
Mollie rolled her eyes playfully, going on her tiptoes slightly so she can reach over Jackson, kissing Luke softly.
Luke kissed her back eagerly, trying to deepen it regardless of the dog squirming in between them.
Mollie laughed quietly as she pulled back. “Now put the puppy down and let’s eat.”
Luke heaved a huge sigh when she pulled back, finally lowering Jackson to the ground. “Okaaay. What’re we eating?”
Mollie smiled as she watched Jackson run off to play with Bella. “He’s gonna squish her one day. Hmm, I don’t know. What do you fancy?”
Luke looked at the puppies, before turning to her and shrugging. “Haven’t we been over this? I fancy /you/. Always.”
Mollie shook her head. “What do you fancy to /eat/?”
Luke let a smirk slowly spread across his features. “You?”
Mollie lightly hit his chest, crossing over the kitchen to look in the fridge. “Food wise!”
Luke came up behind her all supernatural speed-y, resting his hands on her waist and murmuring into her ear. “Every time you ask me what I want to eat, my answer will be you. Just so you know.”
Mollie laughed quietly once she felt him behind her, leaning back into him. “Well I’m thinking about actual food because I’m hungry.”
Luke sighed, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Mmm. Okay. Can we just make something super fast?”
Mollie leaned her head to the side against his with a smile on her lips. “Like what?”
Luke shrugged, turning his head to the side to press a kiss to her cheek. “Anything. Frozen food?”
Mollie leaned her cheek into the kiss, sighing softly. “But like whaat? We could just make sandwiches. Or order pizza.”
Luke raised both eyebrows. “Well now that’s a dilemma. Sandwiches are fast. Pizza is pizza.”
Mollie hummed in thought. “Oh! Do we have any frozen pizzas?”
Luke perked up. “We could check!”
Mollie smiled as she slipped out of his grasp to open the freezer. “Pizzaaa!” She yelled as she pulled out a frozen pizza, closing the door.
Luke jumped when she yelled, laughing. “Geez, you excited or something?”
Mollie laughed as she moved over to the over, touching the frozen box on his stomach as she passed him. “My stomach is about to eat it’s self. Let’s not forget I have to eat for two.”
Luke nodded. “Good idea. Get our kid into Italian before he’s even born.” He leaned back against the counter, arms folded across his chest. “So come on, no weird cravings or anything yet?”
Mollie opened the packaging, placed the pizza on a tray and put it into the oven and lit it. “Well.. I did wake up at 2am last night and made mac and cheese..”
Luke clearly looked surprised. “Wait, you did?”
Mollie nodded as she looked over at him. “Mmmhm, I did.”
Luke reached for her waist and tugged her against him. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
Mollie smiled when he tugged her against him, resting her hands on his arms. “Honestly? Because you look so adorable when you sleep, I didn’t want to disturb you.”
Luke pulled a face, shaking his head furiously. “Lalalalala, gonna pretend you didn’t say that word.”
Mollie smiled brightly, cupping his face in her hands. “Adorable. Adorable. You’re so adorable!”
Luke held her gaze for a moment before scooping her up and over his shoulder. “Nope. Nooope.”
Mollie laughed, trying to hold the shirt down. “Luuuuke! You’re squishing baby Mergal.”
Luke spun around, holding her securely on his shoulder. “Am not! He’s tough like his daddy.”
Mollie held onto his side with one hand. “Tough like his mommy you mean.”
Luke shook his head. “Nope.” He popped the ‘p’, marching through the kitchen. “Like his daddy. He’s on my side, I’ve decided.”
Mollie smacked her hand on his bum. “Then he’s going to be a softy like his mommy. He’ll believe in love, want to cuddle even when he starts school. It’ll be great!”
Luke stopped moving. “If you do that again, I’m totally gonna fart on your hand. And come, on! You’re gonna soft-ify him? He’ll get made fun of if he’s a wimp.”
Mollie scrunched up her face, wiping her hand on his back. “You’re gross. He’ll be my son, okay! I’m keeping him wrapped in bubble wrap and I don’t care what you say.”
Luke grinned. “You love me and we both know it. And for the record, he’s my son too! Don’t I get a say at all?”
Mollie tried to lift her head. “Of course you do, but I’m still gonna wrap him in bubble wrap.”
Luke rolled his eyes. “And I’ll teach him how to get out of it!”
Mollie shook her head. “Nope, I’m never going to get another baby. I wont let him get hurt. Ever.”
Luke frowned lightly. “Hey, hold up. We don’t know that. Don’t jinx it just yet.”
Mollie lifted her head again to look at the oven. “I meant from getting a scraped knee or something like that.”
Luke turned to look at the oven too. “I mean about another baby, though. …It could happen.”
Mollie went quiet for a second, chewing on her lip. “No…We do know that. Or I do. The nurse told me when you left the room cause you didn’t want to know the gender, this baby is literally a miracle.”
Luke finally lifted her off of his shoulder, placing her down in front of him, his expression unreadable. “…What?”
Mollie had a guilty look on her face, looking at him briefly before looking down at the floor, resting a hand on her stomach. “I told you he’s a miracle.”
Luke shook his head. “…And you didn’t tell me?”
Mollie kept her eyes down, licking her lips nervously. “I did tell you that he’s a miracle. It was just..to hard to say it exactly.”
Luke sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, but Molls. I just…Yeah. Kinda wish you had told me.”
Mollie shook her head slightly as she moved past him to open the oven and take the pizza out. “It was hard.”
Luke stood over by the counter, arms folded across his chest. “I know, but…don’t you think I kind of deserved to know?”
Mollie closed the over with her foot, turned it off and placed the pizza on a place. “And say what, how cute was that baby scan? Oh, by the way, we’re never gonna have another baby after this one because my body freaking sucks.”
Luke leaned back against the counter. “Will you stop doing that? Blaming it on yourself, it’s not like it’s your fault, and I hate you thinking that it is.”
Mollie shook her head as she just stared down at the counter. “Then who else’s fault is it? It’s sure not yours.”
Luke responded immediately. “It’s nobody’s. Hey, would you just - can you just look at me?” He closed the distance between them, taking her face in his hands and forcing her to look at him. “It’s nobody’s fault. But this is an ‘us’ thing. Together, okay? /We/ are going to work through it.”
Mollie turned reluctantly to face him, her eyes watching his to try and find any hint that he was just saying it to make her feel better. “But it is a me thing. I know you’re trying to make it an ‘us’ thing, but it is just me.”
Luke frowned even deeper, shaking his head again. “It is not. It’s completely out of your control, it’s completely out of both of our controls. And I’m not going to let you beat yourself up over something like that.”
Mollie went quiet for a moment before pressing a kiss to his cheek, resting her hands on his sides. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Luke still held her face in his hands, and kissed her softly immediately after she kissed his cheek. “I love you. Okay?”
Mollie kissed him back just as softly, a weak smile on her lips after. “I love you, too.”
Luke kissed her forehead right after, smiling weakly right back at her. “And hey, if this is our only baby? He’s gonna be the most kickass baby in the world. Promise.”
Mollie stroked her thumbs against the skin on his sides, her eyes closing briefly at the kiss to her forehead. “Just like his daddy.”
Luke brushed his lips against her eyelids when her eyes closed. “Just like his /mommy/.”
Mollie slipped her arms around his torso so that she was hugging him tightly instead. “Just like his /parents/.”
Luke chuckled, resting his face in her hair. “I can agree with that.”
Mollie buried her face into his neck, sighing softly. “I’m sorry.”
Luke rested his hand gently on the back of her head. “It’s okay. I just…no secrets, alright?”
Mollie gently shook her head. “It wasn’t a secret, I don’t keep secrets from you. Ever.”
Luke tilted his head to the side. “I know you don’t. I know.”
Mollie gently pressed a kiss to the skin on his neck. “…Want some pizza?”
Luke smiled, looking more like a smirk. “Can I eat it off of you?”
Mollie laughed into his neck, pressing another kiss before pulling her head back. “If you really want to, yes.”
Luke licked his lips. “Can I eat it off of you totally naked?”
Mollie pulled away to cut the pizza. “If that’s what you want.”
Luke raised an eyebrow. “Is that what /you/ want?”
Mollie smiled over her shoulder at him. “It is.”
Luke bit his lips, muttering. “God, you’re perfect.”
Mollie shook her head, picking up the plate once the pizza is cut into slices. “Shall we?”
Luke nodded eagerly. “Wherever you want. Let’s go.”
Mollie laughed softly with a shake of her head, going to walk out of the kitchen. “Oh, drinks?”
Luke turned towards the fridge. “What do you want?” He spoke almost hurriedly.
Mollie rubbed her lips together to hold in a laugh. “What do we have?”
Luke ducked his head to look in the fridge. “Non-alcoholic? Coke, Sprite, gingerale, orange juice, apple juice, milk, or water?”
Mollie hummed a second while she thought about it. “Sprite. Though it’s a shame we can’t celebrate us randomly with a bottle of wine anymore.”
Luke pulled out two cans of Sprite, closing the fridge. “Hey, about that…If you want me to stop drinking because you can’t…Do you want me to?”
Mollie frowned slightly at him, shaking her head. “No, don’t be silly. I mean…don’t go out every night to get wasted and leave me alone. But I don’t mind you drinking.”
Luke turned to look at her, holding her gaze. “You sure? Because I can, you know. No problem.”
Mollie gave him a smile, gesturing her head for him to follow before walking to the stairs. “I’m sure, handsome.”
Luke followed after her immediately, jogging so that he could reach her. “Okay, well. If you change your mind…”
Mollie laughed faintly as she went up the stairs. “I wont.. But I really do appreciate that you would do that for me. And I love you.”
Luke rested his hand on her lower back as she led the way upstairs. “I love /you/. Only person I’d do it for.”
Mollie smiled as she went into the bedroom, placing the plate on the bedside table then jumping backwards onto the bed. “And I really do love you so much for it. Wait… What’s that?” She lifts her head, starting to talk to her stomach. “Ooh, baby loves you too for it.”
Luke placed the two cans next to the plate of pizza, crawling onto the bed next to her. “Oh yeah?” He ducked his head to kiss her stomach. “Daddy loves you too, baby.” He moved up so that he could kiss her softly. “Mmm. And you, beautiful.”
Mollie watched him kiss her stomach with a smile on her face, kissing him back just as softly. “I like this, being able to just laze around with my soul mate all day, eat pizza, be weird together. Can we do this every day and just ignore the world?”
Luke brushed his nose against hers, connecting their lips again. “Sounds pretty damn perfect to me.” As an afterthought, he couldn’t help but add on. “Only if there’s amazing sex involved like today, too.”
Mollie smiled as she kissed him back for the second time, resting a hand on the back of his head. “I /guess/ I could agree to that.”
Luke scrunched up his nose. “You /guess/?”
Mollie gave him an innocent smile as she sat up. “I /know/”
Luke smiled, dipping his head to kiss her shoulder. “Mmm. Much better.”
Mollie smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning back to lay down and pulled him with her. “Fancy seeing you here.
Luke let his hands rest in either side of her head, almost caging her in and grinning. “Mmmm. /Hello/ there, beautiful.”
Mollie smiled up at him, reaching up slightly to brush her nose against his. “Hello to you too, handsome.”
Luke connected their lips in a soft kiss. “I like you like this.”
Mollie kissed him back just as softly, resting a hand on his neck lightly. “Like what?”
Luke spoke quietly, still keeping their faces close. “On the bed like this. Under me. And all smiles and stuff.”
Mollie smiled softly as she stroked her thump gently over his cheek. “Am I not always all smiles when under you?”
Luke couldn’t resist a small smirk. “Well actually. Sometimes you’re all flushed and moaning and stuff.”
Mollie shook her head quickly. “Trying to be cute over here!”
Luke laughed. “Sexy and cute both work!”
Mollie shook her head again, shuffling from under him and picked up the plate of pizza. “Well it’s eating time. Mollie and baby are starving.”
Luke sighed and moved off of her, reaching for a can of Sprite and opening it. “Yeah yeah yeah. Baby’s always starving.”
Mollie nodded almost proudly with a smile as she picked up a slice of pizza. “So is Mollie and we have no shame about it.”
Luke took a sip of the drink before offering it to her, reaching for a slice of pizza himself. “Mollie and baby are both adorable.”
Mollie smiled as she held out the plate to him, taking the drink to take a sip. “I know Luke doesn’t like me using the word, but so is Luke.”
Luke picked up a slice of pizza himself, looking up like he didn’t know where the voice came from. “Whoops, didn’t hear you babe. You said sexy though, right?”
Mollie shook her head as she took another sip of the drink before putting it on the bedside table. “Nope, I said hot actually.”
Luke nodded thoughtfully, taking a bite of the pizza. “Ah. Thought I might have mixed that up.”
Mollie smiled as she took a bite of her own pizza. “I still think you’re adorable. Don’t care what you say.”
Luke rolls his eyes. “Okay, but you’re only allowed to say that here, okay? When it’s just you and me.”
Mollie nudged him lightly with her elbow. “You know how to make me feel special.” She said with a smile, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
Luke chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ve had loads of practice.”
Mollie placed her pizza down on the plate, moving to kneel behind him, wrapping her arms around his upper arms, and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “But you really do, you make me feel like a million dollars.”
Luke relaxed when he felt her arms around him, leaning into her touch. “Good. That’s all I want to do.”
Mollie smiled, keeping her lips hovering over his shoulder. “I hope I make you feel half as good as you make me feel.”
Luke put his piece of pizza down, reaching for her hands that were wrapped around his shoulders. “You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world.”
Mollie pressed another gentle kiss to his shoulder. “It’s amazing, I’ve never seen you stop eating pizza for /anything/.
Luke lifted her hands to kiss her wrist gently. “You’re special, remember?”
Mollie smiled as she pressed a kiss to his head. “How special?”
Luke closed his eyes. “My favourite person in the whole entire world times infinity?”
Mollie moved her head to kiss his cheek, smiling against the skin, before she pressed a second kiss in the same place. “You’re my favorite person too.”
Luke smiled, leaning back into her again. “Times infinity?”
Mollie smiled as she brushed her lips against his cheek. “And beyond.”
Luke paused for a moment, before opening his eyes. “So uh. Pizza?”
Mollie laughed before moving away again. “Fine, pizza.” She said before she picked her slice back up.
Luke leaned over, taking a rather large bite of her slice instead of his. “Mmmm. That’s good.”
Mollie gasped, keeping her mouth open afterwards. “…So mean.” She said before smushing the rest of it in his face.
0 notes
mollie-mergal · 10 years
Why do you need to make the most of it?
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8 hours sleep?
Well I’m going to make the most of my time with baby Nathan so it’d be a pleasure.
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
I mean he doesn't gossip much, but he does a pretty good job of babbling and looking cute. Oh, crying too. He's good at that too.
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8 hours sleep?
Well it would be just extra cute girl time if baby Nathan joined us.
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
Of course, I could seriously use a girly hang out soon. Though it might have to be a girly hand out featuring baby Nathan if Luke's busy.
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8 hours sleep?
You know I’m only a call away if you do.. — even if it is to supply some wine and candles for a bath.
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
I think I'm good, the little man fell right to sleep after his dinner. But thank you, Aunt Bel.
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8 hours sleep?
Do you need any help from Aunt Bel?
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
8 hours sleep?
What does that mean?
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
Can we make a cake? Cake sounds good right now.
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Come on baby Mergal...
Okay— shit, okay! Don’t freak out.. do you want some cake? We could make a cake?
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
If you think I haven't been prepared for a few weeks now you don't know me. If you start to freak out I'm going to freak out and I really don't want to freak out. ..Oh my god, I'm freaking out.
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Come on baby Mergal...
I just— please let’s get you all prepared. Like a over night bag or something.
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
Home. I already spoke to a midwife, she said I don't need to be at the hospital until they are getting frequent and hurt. Don't look so worried, this baby aint shooting out just yet.
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Come on baby Mergal...
Oh god, okay. Where’s Luke?
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
Small ones, not very often. But yeah.
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Come on baby Mergal...
You’re having contractions?
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
These contractions tell me he'll be here sooner than that even.
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Come on baby Mergal...
It’ll come soon enough.
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mollie-mergal · 10 years
Come on baby Mergal...
I feel like today's going to be the day.
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