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baskingintheinsanity · 8 years ago
Who’s Gonna Pay For This?
A Karamel Drabble
A/n: I started this before the finale, but I’m editing it and posting it as fast as I can now because I think we could all use some humor and fluff after that heart-breaking goodbye scene. Message me or review with any suggestions or comments you want me to hear!...or Read. I’m not as proud of this as some of my other things. I think I could have made it better, but I hope you all enjoy anyway. I’m probably doing some real karamel smut next because I’m horny. Anybody have some good kink ideas?
Alex sat down at her desk that morning, taking a sip of coffee to blow away the cobwebs. J’onn had asked her to come in early and review the security tapes; he had been paranoid since the threat of a white Martian attack. Not that she could blame him. But getting to work at six a.m. to watch blank tapes wasn’t exactly her idea of a great morning, or anyone’s for that matter. She briefly glanced at her cell to see a sweet text from Maggie.
Kick ass at work today, Danvers. I’ll make up for the early morning tonight with your favourite ice cream.-Maggie
               She smiled at the encouragement from her girlfriend. Just talking to Maggie always made her feel a little better, somehow a little more energetic and relaxed at the same time. She let a small smile lift her lips as she logged onto her DEO computer, finding the files of last night’s security tapes. Another agent had monitored all the security cam footage until everyone left last night at eight. That meant she had about ten hours of new footage to scan over. Yipee. She better be getting a bonus soon for this.
               She started the first tape and inevitably stared at a blank screen, speeding up the video so that it wouldn’t take all day to get through. She switched her attention to the footage of the dorm rooms to see if any of their more civil alien residents had done anything interesting last night. See, the DEO agents would often run across alien refugees in the street, struggling in one way or another. They offered them a place to live at the DEO and gave them lessons in earth culture and how to keep themselves safe. They stayed there until they could safely acclimate to National City or wherever they wanted to go on their own. Maybe she’d get to see one of the Hellgrammites they’d brought in last week shapeshift. J’onn had told her that they do that sometimes when they’re bored.  
               Nope. Nada. Not one resident was doing anything remotely interes-….Alex Danvers cut off her thought process as she saw a naked blond woman throw her head back, seated on top of an equally naked DEO resident. Her eyes widened as she slowed the footage tor regular speed, trying to see more closely. The woman had her back turned to the camera, but something about the shape of the man’s face was familiar. She zoomed in the video just a little and her jaw dropped, recognizing the man as Mon-El…Oooh she shouldn’t be watching this. She paused the video and was just about to cancel out when she remembered that Kara seemed to have been showing signs of feelings for this Daxamite lately. And there he was….getting flat out RIDDEN by another woman. How did he even get a random woman into the DEO? Oh that jackass was in for it.
               She reluctantly pressed play one more time-she planned to rewind the video to see how he got the woman into his dorms. But right before she could press the rewind button, the woman angled her face towards camera inadvertently as she moaned. Alex grimaced at the very personal sound until something horrible dawned on her. She was staring at her little sister’s face. The woman in the video, riding Mon El like a cowgirl, was….Kara???
               She made an embarrassingly girly sound of terror and slammed the off button on her computer. But can you really blame her?
               Alex sat in her chair for a few seconds, completely in shock, debating if J’onn would agree to mind wipe her if she asked…Deciding that it was unlikely, she closed her eyes and pressed her fist to her eyelids, trying to scrub the images out.
Well…she thought, after a few minutes of accepting the horror, At least he wasn’t with another woman…
Oh this is not how she wanted to spend her morning. Not at all. But being a good big sister meant looking out for Kara. And her logical agent mind was telling her that after…all of that, Kara would likely fall asleep and….Alex checked the live footage of Mon-El’s dorm room and yep-they were both asleep in Mon El’s bed. Butt naked. Joy.
She reluctantly got up from her standard, spinny office chair and left the room, heading down the hall to wake up Kara before J’onn and the others came in and the most embarrassing day of Kara’s life commenced. As uncomfortable as the whole thing made her, she didn’t want her sister to suffer through that.
So with the bravery of a true warrior, the very professional DEO agent and doctorate carrying woman knocked on the door of the dorms and waited for her naked sister to wake up and disentangle herself from her boyfriend’s arms…She couldn’t believe this was her life. It was so…normal. Seeing as how she was used to fighting psychopaths and alien monsters every week, this was almost a refreshing change of pace. Almost.
Kara’s first conscious thought was that she didn’t think she’d ever felt more comfortable. Except for, maybe, that time when there’d been some kind of solar eclipse and she managed to catch a cold. Eliza had made her tomato soup and grilled cheese, then tucked her into bed after she had watched cartoons all day. She felt so safe at the time, with her adoptive family watching over her. It was one of her first memories of feeling accepted and loved at the Danver’s home. It was the first time it truly felt like HER home.
It was a similar feeling now, except with a little more of a mature tinge to it. She kept her eyes closed, but she could feel one of Mon El’s arms wrapped around her waist and his other hand holding hers over her chest. She squeezed his fingers and sighed, taking a moment to just snooze and relax. As Supergirl, moments to herself where she had nothing at all to worry about was not something she received off.
Damn, Mon-El, why are you so hot? She thought. And no, she didn’t mean hot as in physically attractive, although…that was true. She meant his arms around her were so warm that she’d be sweating if she were human. She’d slept and snuggled in the same bed as Alex when they were kids and she was not this warm. Maybe it was a guy thing? Being toasty when they sleep? She’d have to ask Alex or Lena-someone with more experience sleeping in the same bed as a man.  
But still, his weight by her back felt good, solid. He wasn’t holding her down like he was restricting her. Rather, feeling him beside her-behind her-anchored her in her own strength somehow. She knew she wasn’t alone now, in a way she had always been alone before. Sure, she had great friends and great family, but they weren’t…her perfect partner. They didn’t understand her pain at losing her people or the awkwardness that stems from living on a foreign planet. Their bodies didn’t fit hers the way his dad, like a puzzle, as corny as it sounds. He could go into battle by her side and watch her back, literally.
But he also challenged her; he told her when she was being self-righteous or arrogant, but in a way where she still knew that he thought the world of her. He didn’t make things easy for her all the time, but that’s not what a relationship is. You don’t always get along and agree on every little thing. You fight. You bicker. You listen to each other and make up. That pattern, the pattern of a normal relationship, made her feel….not human, but like she fitted in.
Her entire life, she’d had to struggle to fit in anywhere. She has the Danvers and she’s always considered them her family. She loves them more than she does herself. But even with them, at the very beginning, she had to work to get used to being in their family, to doing things the way they did. When she first started school, she had to hide parts of herself so the other children would accept her. When she applied for jobs, like at Catco, she had to earn her place. She never just…fell naturally into place somewhere. Until Mon-El.
Being with him was just…easy. They’ve already had rough patches and there are bound to be more in their future, but even the arguing feels natural. Like its her role. Like it’s her job to yell at him and smack his arm when he’s being selfish and egotistical. And in return for inspiring him to be better, he makes her feel like she’s priceless, like he could search the stars and never find someone more amazing.
She opened her eyes, just a little bit, to peak at him as he slept. She could hear his heart beating, steady and slow. His face was completely relaxed and he looked younger when he was like this, almost boyish. Like all his worries had slipped away. There was a small smile on his lips, like he was dreaming about getting everything he’d ever wanted. She made a mental note to ask what his dreams were about once he woke up.
Kara’s little glass bubble of happiness shattered when she heard a knock at the door. She was shocked at herself for not having heard the footsteps leading up to the knock. She shot up from bed, standing by Mon-El’s still sleeping form and looked down at herself-naked. Ok, can’t answer the door like that. She looked around frantically for something to throw on and found her tank top and jeans from the night before. Her blouse was ripped to pieces, but this would do. She quickly slipped on what clothes had survived her night and super-sped to the door.
Her face went as red as her cape when she carefully peaked the door open and saw her adoptive sister’s face, looking just a tad judgy.
“Oh,” she grinned, forcing a smile along with some uncomfortable laughter,” Hi Alex!…what are you doing here so early? Wait…it is early, isn’t it?” She had been very tired after last night’s activities and she wasn’t exactly sure how long she had slept.
“Oh nothing,” she tilted her head nonchalantly, “I just came to politely ask you to, next time, refrain from having sex in view of the security cameras.” Alex Danvers had to press her lips together firmly and bite her tongue to keep from breaking out in embarrassed laughter.
Kara’s face immediately scrunched in on itself, nose crinkled like a bunny as she peaked open one eye, “Gah, the cameras….shoot….so you…you saw…” she trailed off and made a vague gesture to up and down her body. Alex had lived with Kara long enough to translate her verbal diarahea and awkward nonsensical gestures.
The older woman smirked, “I’d forgotten you had that birthmark on your-“
“Ok! So you saw everything. Uhm…”
Alex only nodded, “I’ll delete the footage. Don’t worry.”
Kara let out a deeply relieved sigh and gave her sister a half smile, “Thank you.  I owe you big time. Like chocolate ice cream and movie marathon. You are seriously the best.”
“Well, of course. But I expect to hear full details on your first time during that movie night.”
“Yes ma’am,” Kara looked over her shoulder and peeked back at the sleeping Mon-El behind her. She couldn’t help but smile, “I’m just gonna go back to bed and...enjoy this a little more,” she blushed, “…is anyone else here?”
“No-we’re not technically open yet. I came in earlier to review security footage. You’re safe.”
“Thank you!” Kara hugs her sister, eternally grateful and turns around to walk back to bed.
Before Alex closes the door though, she calls to Kara, “You might wanna put makeup on that hickey before you officially clock in this morning.”
Mon-El smiled as he started to wake up, remnants of his dream still playing through his mind. Him and Kara were in bed at her apartment, sunlight filtering through the blinds to land on her back. In his dream, he had been kissing at her neck, trying to wake her up.
In reality, they were barely fitting on his cot in the DEO, but she was in his arms as he woke up and that’s all he cared about. He tucked a piece of her wayward blond hair behind her ear, not knowing if she was awake or not. He heard her release a sigh and felt her press herself back against him.
“Good morning,” she mumbled into his arm, which she was using as a pillow.
As her backside pressed against him, he realized what effect his dream had had on his body. He groaned and wrapped his free arm around her waist from behind her, “Kara, please. Have mercy.”
The woman giggled and turned her face slightly to look at him, “What? I’m just enjoying waking up like this.”
He shook his head, amused at how innocent she was, “Yes, but you’re also causing a rather painful problem for me.”
“What?” her eyebrows crinkled in confusion until she felt the hardness pressing against her ass, “Oh…” she flushed, a flash of heat running through her body from head to toe, “But all I did was cuddle into you.”
He chuckled and looked away from her eyes as he admitted, “I may have been having an adult dream about you before I woke up.”
“Oh!” she grinned, strangely happy this morning, “I was going to ask you what you were dreaming about-you were smiling in your sleep earlier.”
He smirked wickedly and pushed his erection further into her back, “I was dreaming about kissing every inch of your skin, over and over, for the rest of my life.”
She turned over onto her other side, facing him and putting a hand on his cheek, “Pretty words, pretty boy.”
He smiled sweetly at her and leaned in to kiss her nose, “I just want you to know how grateful I am that you let me have you this way, that you chose me. I want you to know how long and how much I’ve wanted this. You are everything, Kara.”
Kara froze, completely unused to having someone pour their hearts out to her that way, to having someone appreciate her for her so genuinely. He made her feel so…precious. And so alive. But she didn’t know how to word it; she wasn’t ready to confess her full feelings to him yet. So instead, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and decided to just show him how she felt. She grinned at him as she pulled him in for a kiss, a little aggressively, tugging on his hair. He growled playfully from the back of his throat and started peppering kisses down her neck.
“Mm,” he smiled against her skin, “You smell like vanilla you know?”
She giggled, his nose tickling her throat, “I know. It’s my body lotion.”
He titled his head to look up into her eyes, crappy fluorescent lights of the dorms shining in the blue somehow, “I like it,” he grins and kisses her nose, “Don’t change it, please. It makes me think of you, makes me think of…”
“Home?” he breathed softly, stroking his cheek.
His smile widened by a thousand watts and he nodded, wrapping his arms around her tighter, “Yep.”
He leaned his body weight into her and started playfully nipping at her collarbone. Just being around her roused something in him, like something in his chest was swelling. He didn’t really know how to deal with the emotions. Fully realizing what Kara meant to him always left him feeling overwhelmed, nervous, and a little breathless. He just wanted to kiss her forever.
“Good,” she smiled cheesily, her nose crinkling in the way it does when she’s not faking anything.
She pushed him to his back and swung a leg over him, straddling his waist. She smirked at the taken aback look on his face. She leaned down and kissed him deeply, swiping her tongue past his lips and sliding her hands down his back. He moaned and pulled her hips down onto his, his need for her growing faster than he knew what to do with. He flicked his tongue, licking the roof of her mouth in the way that he learned last night made her sigh and relax her body into him.
She let out a quiet, adorably satisfied sound and gripped his shoulders a little too harshly, probably bruising him just a tad.
“Excuse me, kids,” Alex’s voice came on over the intercom, “I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from kissy face on camera. I already have enough footage to delete.”
Mon-El’s eyes went comically wide as he heard the voice come over the loud speakers, “…Your sister…can see us?”
Kara laughed nervously and itched behind her ear, “Um yeah-we never destroyed those cameras. Did I forget to mention that?”
His eyebrows shot up as he nodded slowly, trying not to be amused, “Uh…yes, you did.”
Kara let out a breath and bit her lip, sliding off of his lap, “Sorry. She came in earlier while you were asleep. She said she’d delete the security cam footage for us. So that’s one less thing to worry about.”
Mon-El let out a laugh of disbelief and rested his head in his hands, rubbing his face, “Yep. That’s great.”
Kara’s brows furrowed in concern, picking up on his agitation, rubbing his shoulder, “Is something wrong?”
Mon-El shook his head and raised his head to meet her eyes, “No, nothing, just…how do I put this delicately in English…male problem?” he subtly glanced down to his crotch then back up to her.
Kara would bet a hundred dollars Alex was watching from the security room and laughing. She would be right.
“Oh,” Kara grimaced sympathetically, seeing his issue, “I-uhm, sorry, I…caused that.”
Her cheeks were red. She was still sort of shy dealing with this stuff; she had never been in this type of situation. Waking up with a man, with man body parts doing…what they do in the morning.
Luckily for her, said man found her awkwardness very cute.
“Don’t ever be sorry, Kara,” he smiled at her, shaking his head like she was being silly. He pulled her close and gave her a sweet kiss, “It just means I care about you and love being close to you. I do wish there was something we could do about it, but…camera…” he pointed at the camera in the corner and waved, “Hey, Alex.”
The sound of Alex clearing her throat came on over the speaker, “Mon, El. Good morning. What’s up?”
Kara had never seen someone glare at a security camera before Mon-El did in that moment, “Not funny.”
Kara fought to contain her chuckles, “…it was a little funny?” she held up two fingers an inch apart and smiled at him.
“Mm,” he hummed in irritation and laid back down, “Not when you’re the one frustrated. Come here. Let me hold you some more.”
Kara couldn’t hold back the smile at his request. She laid back down beside him and let him pull her in so their bodies were pressed as close together as possible. She couldn’t help but teasingly rub her backside against his erection, loving the pained growly moan that erupted from his throat when she did.
“Kara,” he warned, stroking her arm softly, “Do that again and I will take you in full view of the camera and your sister.”
She flushed happily, heat rushing from her cheeks to her core to her toes. She nodded and sighed out a ‘sorry’ before she rolled over to look at him.
She looked up at his steely eyes and kissed his chin, “You’re getting stubble,” she noted before nuzzling her head down in his chest.
He chuckled and stroked her hair, closing his eyes, “I lost my razor.”
She said nothing as he ran his hands up and down her back soothingly.
“Oh, that reminds me,” he yawned, possibly more comfortable than he’d ever been, “Can you give me a haircut tomorrow with the laser vision?”
“Mhm, sure,” she mumbled and smiled right before she fell back to sleep.
From the security room, Alex was happy to see that her sister had finally found someone she could be disgustingly domestic with.
At promptly 10:02  a.m, director J’onn J’onzz was walking through the DEO main control room, checking for any updates. He got a brief summary from agent Schott, regarding the new upgrade to Mon-El’s suit he was working on. He was enabling it to be lead-proof, but it was still in the testing phase. He checked with Alex to make sure that all the security camera footage was free of possible signs of invaders. She had assured him that there was absolutely nothing of note on the footage, although she had a strange smile on her face as she said it.
“Call Supergirl to come in. I want her to train some new recruits,” he told Alex, “But tell her to be softer this time, please. I don’t need more broken trainees.”
“Yes sir,” Alex nodded.
The director looked back to the resident tech wiz and questioned, “Has Mon-El checked in yet this morning? We should go over the specs of his new gear with him.”
“No, not yet, sir. He should be in the dorms, though. He checked in last night at eight,” Winn noted as he scanned the records on his screen.
“That’s odd. He’s supposed to check in at 9…” J’onn frowned, a little suspicious. It might surprise several people, but the Daxamite was usually very punctual at work. He’d never checked in more than two minutes late before.
As J’onn was speaking, Winn had opened the security camera footage for the dorms, tuning in to Mon-El’s room. His eyes widened as he took in the chunks of concrete missing from the walls, the lockers half-way knocked over, and the…clothes strewn around the room? He finally focused on Mon-El’s bed and saw two figures curled up around each other….Oh shit. He sat there in shock for a minute, at catching two of his friends half-naked in bed, before he realized that he could under no circumstances let J’onn see that. He had to protect his best friend after all.
“What is-“ Winn quickly exited out of the camera feed as J’onn came over his shoulder.
“Nothing, sir! He’s just sleeping. Must have overslept.”
J’onn’s eyes narrowed in doubt before he started confidently striding towards the dorms. “I don’t know what you’re trying to hide, Mr. Schott, but I can just walk in there and check for myself.”
After making the short journey to the residents’ dorms, J’onn threw open the door to Mon-El’s room. He didn’t know what expected to be making Mon-El late, but he was most definitely not anticipating seeing a bare Supergirl laid on top of him. If that hadn’t been enough to shock his system, his eyes widened when he took in the damage they’d done to the room around him. Oh, he very much did not want to know how any of this happened.
Feeling the anger start to build up within him, J’on slammed the door closed. At the rather loud sound of the door closing, Kara quickly shot awake, sitting up in bed. Her eyes met J’onn’s and for once in her life, she was grateful that she wasn’t human. It meant she never had to have awkward moments like this with her father figure catching her in bed with a boy. Until today.
“J’onn…if we can just get-“
Mon-El started to stir at all the commotion; he was half awake as he groaned and he rolled over in bed, stuffing his face into his pillow. How helpful, Kara thought, unable to not find how deeply he sleeps a little bit endearing.
J’onn held up one hand as a sign for Kara to stop protesting and simply be quiet, “I am going to turn around and walk out of here. I will pretend this never happened. I will dock both you and Mon-El’s next paycheck in order to pay for these repairs. You will fix the damage to this room within the next two days and we will never speak of this again. Agreed?”
               Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, Dana happened to walk by the open dorm door as J’onn scolded the two. She walked by, paused, then back-tracked. She tilted her head to see into the room subtly and noticed Mon-El’s shirtless self. She smirked to herself and looked at J’onn, “If this is a proposal for Mon-El’s super suit, I support.”
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fandomimaginestrash · 7 years ago
Safe - Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Part 6)
Summary: Soulmate AU where one of your closest friends, Peter Parker is hiding something from you, but a selfless act as the masked hero Spider-Man forces him to reveal himself.
A/N: And we are back! Happy Star Wars Day, here is some Marvel content 😂
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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“This is not how I wanted to see him again” you thought. “Okay, breathe Y/N, let’s focus on getting out of here and then I can find out who he is”. There was a loud bang. You closed your eyes and held your breath.
“Is everyone okay?” You heard an all too familiar voice say. It was a voice you knew, yet couldn’t quite place. Opening your eyes, he was standing across from you. “Are you alright?” He asked again.
“Yeah,” you let out the huge puff of air you had been holding in your lungs. “Yeah, I’m alright. Thank you! You saved my life, again.”
“Just doing my job!” He assured you before turning to leave.
“Wait!” You called after him. He turned back towards you. “Who are you?” You asked in a hushed voice.
He took a moment, deciding if he should tell you or not. “I’m your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man!” He beamed before shooting off.
“Okay, what the hell was that?” Your friend asked. For just a moment, you had completely forgotten they were even there.
“I’ve no idea” you whispered.
The rest of the weekend had passed in the blink of an eye and before you knew it, you were back in school. You had been daydreaming about that day when the bell rang to signal class was starting. It snapped you back into reality. You headed to your classroom and took your seat. The second you sat down, the daydreaming started again.
“Y/N?” Called the teacher. Attendance was being taken and you were not paying attention.
“Y/N, I would appreciate it if you could answer when I call your name.” He said rather sternly.
“Hey, Y/N” said a voice that pulled you back.
“Oh, sorry, here” you said, answering the teacher. Turning to look at the person next to you, you realised it was Peter. Your mind began to race. You were slowly starting to piece everything together.
The rest of the class was spent with you trying to figure out if your suspicions could be true, or if you were just going mad.
“Hey, Peter?” You touched his arm. He looked at your hand gripping his jumper and then to your face.
“What’s up?” He asked.
Your eyes scanned his face. “Never mind,” you whispered. “It’s stupid anyway” you pulled your hand away from his arm.
“No, seriously, what is it?” He asked again. This time he took your hand in his.
“Remember the other week when something was going on and I didn’t want to talk to you about it?”
He nodded, seemingly hurt by the memory.
“Well, the reason I didn’t want to talk about it is because…” you sighed, this was harder than you thought it was going to be. You had always had feelings for Peter that you had hidden deep down, not wanting to ruin the friendship you had. Unlike Peter, who had always made his feelings quite clear. “I don’t even know if I believe in this shit, but I got my Soulmate mark.” You looked down at the table.
“What, that’s amazing. Why wouldn’t you want to tell me that?”
You looked at him apologetically, hoping he would understand. He did.
“My Soulmate is Spider-Man” you whispered. His eyes had met yours and they were conflicted. Of course, he already knew this, but he couldn’t let you know that. Could he?
Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you @farfromjustordinary​ @brazilian-unicorn @terrible-terrible-blog @1dforeverandalwaysfan @heyyyyitsanie @tmrhollandkay @millies-art-blog @shakespeare-and-shenanigans @t-hollandd @tater-totts-hp @spidey-pal @terrainhead @star-incandescent @deni-gonzalez @courtneychicken @crankynewt @karamelblobber @melodythesaltshaker @mynicknameisroses [As always, if you want to be tagged please let me know!]
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gooddame · 7 years ago
Get to know me tag
Get to know me!!!
I was tagged by the awesome @igetcarriedawaywithyou a week go and I’m sorry I’m so slow with these but I love doing them!
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
1. Nickname: Jenny
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Leo
4. Height: 5'3
5. Time: 5:37
6. Birthday: 8/03
7. Favourite band(s): The All-American Rejects, Super Junior, Backstreet Boys, Bon Jovi, The Outfield, The Doors, Chicago, Paramore, Duelo, La Mafia, Intocable, The Wallflowers, Hinder there’s a lot…
8. Favourite solo artist(s): Pink, Gwen Stefani, Enrique Iglesias, Eve, Selena, Eminem, Bonnie Tyler, Ed Sheeran, this is hard…
9. Song stuck in my head: Let’s hear it for the boy - Deneice Williams
10. Last movie watched: Clueless
11. Last show watched: Fuller house
12. When did I create my blog: September 11th, 2011
13. What do I post: more like reblog, klaroline, other otps and things that strike my fancy. Some writing and oversharing.
14. Last thing I googled: slime 12 pk
15. Do you have other blogs: nope
16. Do you get asks: not often.
17. Why did you choose your url: I thought I was being clever and honest. There was a Blood Ties phase as well.
18. Following: 228
19. Followers: 999
20. Favourite color(s): Blue, Pink, Black
21. Average hours of sleep: 9 or 4
22. Lucky number: 8
23. Instruments: Nope
24. What am I wearing: Gray top and jean shorts
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 4
26. Dream job: Coffee and book store owner
27. Dream trip: Take me anywhere, I’m not a great traveler but I enjoy new places and new discoveries.
28. Favourite food: I’m so easy for a good cheeseburger but the potatoes will seal the deal. That or a chile relleno, refried beans and orange rice.
29. Nationality: Mexican-American
30. Favourite song now: I’m like a walking juke box, this is hard. If I had to pick? I cried yesterday listening to Raise Your Glass by Pink
Tagging: @kickassfu , @livingdeadblondequeen , @lilbreck , @austennerdita2533 , @strongbeautifulfulloflight , @michelle–blogs , @misssophiachase , @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg , @blueberrygold , @lynyrdwrites , @accidental-rambler , @thetourguidebarbie , @cupcakemolotov , @tardis-23 , @geeky-greek , @karamelblobber , @denielapple , @honestgrins , @ashleigh-jewitt-xx and @eternityofklaroline
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agent-spidey · 7 years ago
New Rules 2
Title: New Rules 2
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Can you do something with tom or Peter based on the song new rules by dua lipa? It would be great if you could 😘💖
Word count: 904
A/N: I tried a different format so it would be easier to read, let me know what you guys think. Also sorry this is A LOT shorter than the first one, ENJOY!
Warnings: Angst
Part 1
Also I lost my tag list for New Rules (Which wasn’t added to the first part) so if you were added to it before please send me an ask saying so or message me, thanks x (Update; I found some people from my old list but if I didn't add you below please message me)
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Ignoring Peter became routine for you.
walking to class with earbuds in to drown out his voice, asking to switch seats in classes to get away from him, eating your lunch in a hidden corner of the library and taking a different subway home from school.
Of course, Ned was worried about Peter and you. He just wanted everything to go back to how it was.
Your guys’ annual movie and Thai night was now short a person and trio study Tuesday became duo study Tuesday. 
Ned was heartbroken and he told you often how much he missed Peter and you together.
“Ned I told you already I’m not going to trio Tuesday.” 
you sighed closing your locker and rolling your eyes at your friend. 
“I know but,” 
Ned stopped mid-sentence, his eyes wide as he turned and left you. 
“Ned?!” you called after him “What the hell?”
you muttered tightening your backpack strap. You turned to make your way out of school when your eyes caught with those familiar brown ones and your breath hitched in your throat.
you could see the sadness well in his soft brown eyes the more you stared. You shook your head slightly when his figure started growing toward you. 
“Y/N please, we need to talk.” 
you felt your feet move from under you before your brain could comprehend a reply. You quickly headed out the door of Midtown High and down the street until you couldn't hear Peters’ voice call out to you anymore. You were seriously done with him and he needed to know that.
A couple of hours had passed, you had found yourself at an old park you used to visit when you were younger.
The sun had started to set about 10 minutes ago. Or at least that’s when you noticed it starting to get darker out. You sighed getting up off the small swing set you had found yourself on, grabbed your bag and started heading back to your apartment building.
It’s about a 20-minute walk so not too far, and hoping Peter was studying with Ned so you wouldn’t run into him in the small elevator of the building.
You were lost in thought as you began to walk across the street, not realizing the crosswalk sign was still red.
You heard the screech of tires, a loud blaring honk and a flash of headlights.
You stopped mid-step, snapped your head up head. You felt like a deer.
helpless and scared.
But, like in slow-motion, you felt yourself being lifted off the ground with a hand wrapped tightly around your waist. The wind blew through your Y/H/C hair. You saw pass by until you and your savior stopped on a rooftop of a skyscraper. 
“Ar-are you okay?” your hero spoke a bit out of breath. 
You could feel your whole body trembling, finally, you looked up from your feet and shook your head slightly sideways. You couldn’t get any words out. You were still in shock and your hero, Spider-man could sense that.
“Would-uh-do you-why don’t-let’s,” the masked man stumbled on his words. 
“Do you think you could stay?” you muttered under your breath interrupting him. 
His small hand gestures he was making stopped suddenly. you panicked slightly when seeing his mask eye widen.
“I-uh just feel safer.” 
He nodded slowly and you both plopped down on the building’s roof. 
“If you don’t mind me asking,” Spider-man paused letting out a small puff of breath,
“What are you doing out so late?”
“Well, Mr. Spider-man,” you sighed feeling the shock of you kiss with death slowly drain form you.
“First off, it’s not very late.” you rolled your eyes,
“And second, I was just trying to clear my head.” 
The masked hero laughed.
“You can just call me spidey and something tells me there’s a little more there than your giving off.” the hero’s full attention was now on you and only you.
you cocked your eyebrow, folding your arms. Suddenly feeling all the previous shock replaced by confidence. 
“Well, ‘Spidey’, I just barely met you and you’re trying to learn my story?”
Spider-man was now crossing his arms,
“At least take me to dinner first.” 
you smirked feeling a warm blush rise to your cheeks.
your head jerked to the side staring with wide eyes at the man.
“uh-wha-wait what?” your eyebrows creased lightly focusing your view out on the city now. you could see out of your peripheral vision your hero stiffened at your reaction.
“I mean thanks for the offer.” 
you let out a long breath, “But I’m kinda trying to get over someone, plus,” you looked back to the man sitting next to you, his masked eyes already connected with yours.
“I don’t even know who you are.”
Spidey’s head dropped slightly, looking at his lap before answer you.
“You’re right,” He paused turning his body towards yours,
“but maybe we can get to know each other, you can guess who I am and I can guess who you’re getting over?” 
Your heart started to beat faster in your chest, Spider-man wants to actually get to know me?
“Oh, what the hell sure.” 
you smiled trying to cover the redness starting to fill up your cheeks. 
“I mean it could be fun knowing ‘the Spider-man’ personally.” 
your heart melted when you heard the man’s beautiful laugh fill your ears. Now, what am I getting myself into? 
(If you want to be apart of any tags with my imagines/fanfics please either send me an ask or private message me) 
Permanent tag:@tomllholland ,@manyfandomstohandle , @superheros-and-books , @jor-da-na , @ferls212 , @laryssa-the-jedi , @bubbles2428 , @sylviestars , @jun-gle-cruise , @soccerstud2004 , @spideythewebsitter , @superwholocked221 , @eabha-no , @quokkatrash,
New Rules tag:@dreaxs , @karamelblobber , @slythergirlimagines , @shineecharisma , @vanessly , @andreuskystuff , @the-flash-45 , @divisionlunar 
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spacyparker · 8 years ago
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Request : “If you’re still taking requests could you do 27 and 33 with Tom?”
   + “Hey can you do a fic with #5 and #10 from your prompt list where Tom is the reader’s hubby and away on a press tour or something and she realized that she’s pregnant so she starts wearing his shirts he left bc she doesn’t was the media to find out before him?“ @karamelblobber 
+ “ooh prompt 10 with Tom?“
»  “Does he know about the baby ?“
»  “You’re paying a small price compared with what she’s going through.”
»  "Is that my shirt?“
Characters : Tom Holland x reader
Word count : 1.9k
A/N : I know one of the prompts is missing but its only because I will put it in part 2 (if you guys want one I mean ???). This is my longer imagine so far and it’s 1:00am and I’m tired so sorry if that’s kind of shit ! I hope you like it though !!! Don’t hesitate to send me asks or come talk to me, requests are still open. THANKS LOVE YOU
Keeping a secret was hard for you, especially when you were the only one knowing it, not having anyone to talk with about it. The more the days passed, the more you were desperate. And also the more your secret was becoming visible. You were expecting a baby, and it weight heavily on your cosncience. Hiding it to Tom was really hard, he had the right to know since he obviously was the father, but it just always felt like the wrong time to finally spill it. He was away for a couple of months now and you promised yourself you'd wait him to come back to you to tell him the great news.
You took a deep breathe before opening the front door. Going outside was always such a hard thing, you were always worried about what the paparazzi would get on their photos, a gust of wind and a good angle and your baby bump would be exposed in a few seconds. That's why you wore Tom's shirts since few weeks, it was large enough to not reveal your new curves. If he heard the news from magazines and not you, you didn't know how he would react. You knew it would be some sort of treason.
Paps' flashes were focused on you and you could barely see the way to your car. You tried your best not to put your hand on your belly, it was a reflex you started having since you knew you were pregnant, but doing it in front of these vultures was breaking your cover. You made it to your car, hoping none of the paparazzi got a revealing photo. Then you went to work all stressed as always.
Few hours after you came home from your day, ready to go to sleep and wrapped in your sheets, the reason of your stress called you on Skype. Tom's face appeared on the screen and you immediately smiled knowing it was hard for him to take time for you during his press tour.
“Hello darling.” He smiled at you and directly his dark circles became more visible. Your heart broke seeing him so tired, but his morning voice gave you goosebumps and the only thing you wanted was to wrap him in your arms to take a nap. “I thought I could say hi since I have few minutes before going back to work. How was your day, love ?”
You two were married for few months now, and you'd still blush each time he'd give you cute nicknames. “I worked all day, nothing interesting. Tell me about your days, they might be so much more exciting than mine.”
You saw Tom shrugged, his eyes focused on his screen seemed to read something. “Yes, I love learning about new cultures, but I hate that you're not here to learn with me.” You were going to respond but he cut you before you could. “Is that my shirt ?”
You instantly frowned. “Uhm, sorry what ?”
“There are pictures of you leaving the house. You look stunning but I look better in this shirt, sorry not sorry babe.” He giggled. Actually, his heart was warmed up by the fact you were wearing his stuff. He wasn't used to it, you only wore his clothes as pajamas, when no one was looking at you but him. Seeing you out in his shirt made him proud, and he was glad you did so. People wouldn't forget you were his.
You blushed, forced to lie. Well, it wasn't all a lie, because you felt that way, there were just some parts of the truth hidden in what you told him. “I've been missing you so much I wanted to have your smell wherever I'd go...”
Tom suddenly pouted. “Give me my shirt back you thief.” He joked. “The world needs to see how better I wear it.”
You laughed at him being such a little dork. You loved him, especially when he was starting to act like that. He seemed so vulnerable and childish. The man you fell in love with. “I love you even if you think you're better than me.” You admitted.
“I love you too. And... I already need to go. I'm glad I saw your face, darling. Can't wait to come back home !” He sent you kissed, and after new “I love you”s he hung up.
The day after, you took a deep breathe before opening the door. It was for sure a daily routine you couldn't wait to end. But now wasn't the time. Not having to go to work today, you decided to go on your yoga class. You joined the club few weeks ago, thinking you were stressing too much and knowing it wasn't good for the baby. When you'd found this class specialized for pregnant women, you didn't hesitate.
This lessons helped you very much, and if you could you'd go every day. You felt good there, not thinking about the reactions of everyone when they'd find out, plus you made some friends, which you were lacking of lately. Every woman was inspiring, with their own stories. It was really supportive to meet them once a week. You couldn't handle alone all of the stress you were getting from being pregnant, always asking yourself when to tell Tom since you didn't want him to worry about you and the baby while he was away. Anyways having a baby was the next step of your relation, you both never seriously talked about this before, you just jnew Tom wanted some kids, it wasn't surprising since he was from a happy loving big family. It was just that you were still young, he was always travelling for his work and you weren't sure you could take care of thebaby all by yourself.
You took care of keeping your secret in front of the paparazzi and reached your yoga class, saying hello to your friends and already feeling relaxed just by being there. 2 hours after you were home again, searching baby stuff on your laptop.
A Holland was on your screen again, but this time it was Nikki on your phone. You took it as it started vibrating.
“Y/N ! I heard the news ! Why didn't you tell me about it you secretive little thing !” You froze, there was no way she was talking about something else than your pregnancy, right ? “Congratulations sweetie ! I'm going to be a grandma thanks to you ! Oh my God, I just can't wait ! How long have you been keeping the secret ?!”
“What the... Where.. Where did you see that ?” Your voice was shaking of terror. If Nikki saw it, then the entire world could see it, including your dear hubby. “It can't be possible, you kidding right ? Please tell me you're kidding Nikki it can't be real !”
A silence took place between the two of you. You didn't mean to explain anything, Tom's mother immediately understood what was going on. “Does he know about the baby... ?”
“I'm so sorry Nikki.” Tears started falling down your cheeks. You told her everything, you told her the truth you were so afraid to admit to the world. Nikki didn't hesitate, she drove straight to your apartment as soon as she knew, glad she didn't call Tom first.
“I just couldn't tell him. You know how he is, he would... Nikki, I'm so sorry. It just never felt like the right time, I wanted him to be home, rested.” You couldn't stop crying, your hormones making matters worse. You were feeling like it was the end of the world. “He would have been worried, and now he's going to be both worried and mad at me ! I fucked up real bad, there's no way I can fix it !” “Well he's going to be a father, I hope he has the right priorities and will be more concerned about that than the fact you hid the truth from him.” Nikki's hand was on your shoulder, rubbing it to comfort you. She'd sometimes hug you, making you cry even more. She ws such a sweetheart, but you knew deep down she was mad at you too.
“He's so tired Nikki, I swear there's no way I can do well. He's all grumpy these days.”
“Anyways I'm here for you honey, if you need anything just ask. Thanks for carrying my grandchild, Y/N.” You nodded, and soon she left.
It didn't take long before your phone started vibrating again. You were in your bed, wrapped around your sheets, crying to death, but you managed to grab your phone. Without any surprise, it was Tom. You picked up the phone, shaking. Did he know ?
“Hey babe.” His voice seemed a little bith harsh than usual. Something was totally going up in his mind. “Is this for real ?” Your heartbeat suddenly stopped. “Are you really pregnant ?” He insisted on the last word, you could tell he was mad, and you figured he was creasing his nose while talking to you, trying not to explode.
“Tom.. Tom please listen I-”
“Listen to what, Y/N ?!” He cut you, understanding the rumor was true. “You lying to me again ? It's not the first time you hide such important things from me ! Haven't I told you to stop already ? I'm concerned ! I'm so fucking concerned, but it always looks like you put me off the important stuff when I'm away.”
It was hard to hear him say those things to you, acting like you didn't care about his opinion or like he wasn't anything to you. “Tom, darling...” Your voice was as shaking as your hands. You were so scared, scared of him being too mad he'd leave you. “I just wanted you to stay focus on your job...”
“And I wished I could have been here for my fucking baby ! Now tell me who knew.” Strict, he was so strict. You could tell your behaviour touched him deeply, his heart was broken because of you, because of your choices. Were you a bad person ?
“No one. It was only about me, Tom please, honey, don't be mad at me. Please I wanted to tell you myself, I didn't want it to happen this way.” Begging was the only think you could do now.
“I can't believe you hid it from me, Y/N ! You lied to me, you could have told me so many times but you prefered lying, again and again ! Seriously, Y/N, fuck you, you really ruined it all this time !”
You whined. What did he mean by that ? Was he leaving you ? You wouldn't be surprised if so, you felt like all you deserved was to be left. “Thomas, I'm sorry, I'm sorry !” You couldn't just let him go after that. “I'll make it up to you, please my love, please, I'll take the next plane si we can meet !”
There was silence before Tom talked again. “I don't want to see you right now.” Then he suddenly hanged up.
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spider-quackson · 8 years ago
Like it's Real (3/3) Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom and Y/N are childhood best friends. So when Tom’s publicist told him to fake-date someone, Y/N seems to be the best choice. But will it stay fake, or will true feelings start to blossom?
Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: Hi again! We reached the of this series. Thank you so much for the love and support, I can’t believe that I reached 200+ in a week. You guys are the best❤️. If you would like to be tagged just leave an ask or a comment.
Part 1
Part 2
Tom Holland and Y/N L/N Dating?
Tom Holland was seen yesterday holding hands with Y/N L/N, his best friends in a café and sharing kisses while eating ice cream.
You smiled looking at the pictures of you and Tom laughing in the café, and kissing near the ice cream truck. It’s your first fake date with Tom and it was perfect. Just like all the other fake dates were.
Tom Holland confirms Dating Rumors of Him and Y/N L/N
Putting down the article, you sigh heavily . It’s been four weeks since the your first date. And that means your contract has run out. In a few days, you’ll have to stage a break up with Tom. And honestly, you’re dreading it.
Tom Holland and Y/N L/N, Best Friends to Lovers
Out of all the articles of you and Tom that you’ve printed, this is probably your favorite. You love the picture on the headline. It’s taken on the day you went on a picnic with Tom. You’re both gazing into each other’s eyes like there’s nobody else in earth but you and him.
With the loving smiles and the sunset illuminating your faces, you look good together. You and Tom looked genuinely in love. Like it’s real.
You’re thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell ringing. You quickly shoved all the articles under you laptop on the coffee table, before getting the door.
“Hey love,” Tom greeted making your insides melt.
“Hi Tom! What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry for not calling beforehand. It’s just that my publicist thinks that it’s time to post another picture on instagram. I can always leave if your busy though,” he explained.
Chuckling, you pulled him in. “Don’t be silly, you know I have nothing to do for summer. I’m bored out of my mind. What pose should we do for the picture?“ you asked plopping down on the sofa.
Taking a seat beside you he answered, “I was thinking that we should be having a movie night, and I’ll be taking a picture of you laying on my lap,”
“Oh sure that would be cute,” you agreed, trying to sound nonchalant despite the fact that he’s asking you to lay on his lap.
“What should we watch? I’ve ordered pizza, It’ll be here soon,”
“We should watch Spider-man: Homecoming” you suggested excitedly, already leaping up to play the movie.
“Again? Y/N we’ve watched this 10 times already,” He looked at you incredulously.
“Wrong. We’ve watched this 12 times, and watching it for the 13th time wouldn’t hurt anyone. Besides, my lovely boyfriend is in it and I want to see his great acting,“ you teased him, sitting back down on the sofa.
“Well if you put it like that, I wouldn’t mind,” he said surpressing a laugh. “Come here, lay your head on my lap, I’m taking the picture,”
Tom pats his lap as invitation. You can feel your heart racing as you rest your head on his lap. You turned your body towards the tv, hiding your red face from him.
“I’m so glad that our fake relationship doesn’t change anything between us,”
If only he knew
A clicking sound went off. “Perfect,” Tom exclaimed before reaching over you to put his phone on the coffee table.
Being this close to him, you could smell his cologne. You couldn’t concentrate on the movie with him pressed onto your body. What’s taking him so long anyway?
“Y/N, what’s all this?”
Looking up at him you noticed that he’s holding the artciles you have printed out. You sat up quickly and glanced at your laptop on the coffee table. Sure enough, he took the articles.
“I-I, only wanted to see how we’ve been doing and if it’s believable,” you lied. You obviously printed it out to look at the pictures. But you can’t tell him that.
“I can assure you that,” he chuckled, going through the papers before stopping at an article. “Especially in this. Y/N, we look so in love,” Tom smiled, showing the article to you.
It’s your favorite article. The one with the picture of the picnic date. You took it from him and observe the picture once more.
“We do look good together don’t we? Even though it’s fake,” you pointed out.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Tom whispered.
You heart stopped. Snapping your head to Tom you stuttered, “W-what?”
“It doesn’t have to be fake. Y/N, I-I like you. This month with you made me realize that this is what I want. That I want you,”
Looking deeply into your eyes, he continued, “Since the first date, I felt the spark. Y/N, all my actions, hugs and kisses, they were never fake. All my feelings for you Y/N, have never been fake. It’s real.
“Y/N tell me, how about you? Were your actions, and kisses real? Are your feelings for me real?” He questioned, nervously looking into your eyes.
You smiled at him, “Yes Tom, it’s real,” you confessed before capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.
Tags : @i-dream-of-taxes @harrysbbby @peterparkersayingmrstark @rosaetum  @5-seconds-of-sarcasmm @purpleshowers @seargantbcky @sarcasmismyonlyweaponofdefense @sugarshai @siennarossi @kawaiianime03 @karamelblobber @dreaxs @parker—peter @naturesmyreligion @t0mholland @enjandthebarricadeboys @charleenethequeen @spideysbitch @jelllyfiiish @holly192 @jessiedangerous @allison0609 @juggiexreader
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soldierstark · 8 years ago
Double Take | Part 3 | PETER PARKER X READER
Description: After Peter visits the reader as Spiderman and finds out that she likes him, he and Ned start to devise a plan on how he'll make his move... with the unwanted help of Michelle.
Author's Note: If you're a writer, check out my Writing Contest and enter if you'd like to. This is the last part of Double Take and to those of you who've read this series through, thank you for the support! It means the world to me.
Word Count: 1602
Part 1 | Part 2
Ned almost had a heart attack when he looked up from his newest Lego set and saw his friend decked out in his Spiderman suit, staring at him through his window. Putting on a hand over his heart to soothe his rapid heart rate, Ned stood up off of the floor and unlocked the window.
“You are never gonna guess what (Y/N) just said to me,” Peter said giddily as he crawled through the window. He jumped onto the floor silently and took his mask off, taking a seat on Ned’s bed.
“I’m guessing your talk with her went well,” he replied sitting back down on the floor, tending to his Lego set. Ned took note of Peter’s permanent grin and the redness that adorned his cheeks.
Peter looked down at his hands, playing with his mask. “It did.”
“Care to elaborate?” Ned asked looking up at his friend.
“She told me that she likes me,” Peter divulged looking up from his lap. “Well she told Spiderman that she likes Peter, but same thing.”
Ned nodded his head and leaned backwards onto his hands. “Alright, now it’s time for step two.”
Peter’s face went from one of happiness to one of confusion. "Step what now?” he asked raising an eyebrow.
“You know… step 2. Step 1 was to figure out if (Y/N) liked you back so you could get over your fear of rejection and step 2 is the important step. The one where you make a move,” Ned explained casually.
Peter groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. “Dam I forgot about that part.”
“How could you? That’s literally the whole reason why I told you to talk to (Y/N) as Spiderman dude.”
“It just slipped my mind,” Peter replied sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders. “I’ll figu- what are you doing?”
Peter watched confused as Ned placed his phone in between them, the sound of a phone ringing filled the bedroom. “I’m calling in reinforcements,” Ned said simply.
Peter quirked an eyebrow. “Who?” he asked, genuinely curious.
Right as Ned opened his mouth to speak, the ringing stopped and a familiar voice rang out dryly. “What up nerd.”
It was Michelle.
“Hey Michelle, I need to ask you some questions,” Ned stated smiling deviously at Peter who was shaking his head frantically.
She was quiet for a moment. “Regarding what?”
More silence. “What about her?” Michelle asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice.
“Ned hang up,” Peter whisper-yelled, trying to be quiet enough that Michelle couldn’t hear him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t.
“Peter?” Michelle asked confused. He clamped his mouth shut with wide eyes, not replying. “Peter you dumb hoe, I heard your voice stop pretending you’re not there.”
Peter threw his head back with a groan while Ned chuckled. “You’ve been exposed bro.”
“Oh shut up Ned this was your idea not mine,” Peter said rolling his eyes.
“I’m just trying to help you!”
“Help with what Ned? I’m so confused as to wh-“
“Boys!” Michelle yelled over the phone, shutting them up. “Can we please get on with it? Ned, what did you want to ask me?”
“Well,” he trailed off looking at Peter. “Now that Peter’s presence is known, he can ask the questions.”
Peter stood up off the bed and sat across from Ned so he was closer to the phone. “Dammit Ned, I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“About step 2!” Ned yelped in frustration.
“How is Michelle supposed to help with step 2?”
“She’s (Y/N)’s best girlfriend she’ll give you advice.”
“Advice on what?”
“On how to do it. Duh.”
"Just ask me the dam questions,” Michelle burst out, starting to get annoyed
Ned cleared his throat. “So it has come to my attention recently that our friend Peter here has like, the biggest crush on (Y/N).”
“Ned!” Peter whined while Michelle laughed.
“Oh my god are you serious?” she asked surprised.
Ned nodded his head but realized Michelle couldn’t see them. “I know right? I was kinda shocked too. Anyway, Peter’s ready to make a move but he doesn’t really know how…”
“And this concerns me how?” Michelle asked.
Peter raised a finger, signaling to Ned that he’ll speak. “I just need some advice. Okay? I have no idea how to go about this and Ned seems to think that you’ll be able to tell me how to ask her out.”
“You want me to tell you how to ask (Y/N) out?” she asked for clarification.
Peter shrugged his shoulders. “Yea pretty much.”
Michelle sighed. “Peter, (Y/N) is one of your best friends too. You know her just as well as I do. I really don’t think you need my help.”
“Well I think I do.”
He sighed. “Alright fine. I’ll just ask her. Simple, easy, cool, nonchalant.”
“You’re not being cool or nonchalant,” Ned chuckled with a mocking tone.
“Leave him alone Ned!” Michelle said, trying to stifle her laughter. “Peter’s just a little nervous.”
“Dam straight I am. Now I just have to figure when to ask her,” Peter said resting his chin in his hand.
Ned shrugged his shoulders. “Just do it after school tomorrow.”
Peter shook his head. “If I wait that long I’ll chicken out. I’ll do it before school tomorrow. The sooner the better.”
It was silent for a second, the only sound to be heard was the faint shuffling and whispering noises coming from the phone on the floor. Peter and Ned looked at each other for a brief moment then back at the phone.
“Michelle?” Peter asked.
More shuffling. “I’m here. I’m here,” she answered quickly.
“Who were you talking too?” Ned inquired.
No answer, only silence. “Peter…”
“What would you say if I told you that you could ask (Y/N) out right now?”
Peter laughed nervously, still slightly confused. “I’d say that’s impossible because she’s nowhere near me at this moment.”
“That may be true but…” Michelle trailed off. The phone once again went void of words, only shuffling and faint whispering.
“But what Michelle?”
More shuffling and whispering until the sound of someone clearing their throat came out of Ned’s phone. “Hey Pete,” the new voice said, it became inherently obvious who it was.
Peter’s jaw dropped. “(Y/N)?”
“How long have you been with Michelle?”
“Long enough to hear the entire conversation.”
Peter looked up at Ned is disbelief who raised his hands up in surrender. “I had no clue dude. Honest.”
With a groan Peter quickly picked up the phone up off of the floor. “See ya in school tomorrow! Gotta go!” he said with a nervous laugh then pressed the end call button.
“Well I was not expecting that,” Ned mumbled to himself.
    “Oh good, you showed up,” Ned chuckled as he saw Peter approach his locker. He shut the metal door and twisted the lock so it was locked.
Peter continued to walk until he was about 3 feet from Ned. “It’s not like I can avoid this. I mean, (Y/N) knows I like her and I know that she likes me. I honestly don’t know why I freaked out yesterday, I was going to ask her out anyway. She just found out in a less than ideal way,” he said shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.
Ned leaned his shoulder against the locker next to his friend. “I didn’t expect you to be so calm about this,” he admitted, raising an eyebrow.
Peter smiled. “Well I hate to break it to ya Ned, but I’m cool, calm, collected, and very pu-…” He stopped mid-sentence, Peter’s eyes focused on something over Ned’s left shoulder.
Ned turned around on his heels, only to see (Y/N) walking down the hallway poised with confidence and self-assurance. The complete opposite of his friend Peter, who was staring at her with what could only be described as love sickness.
(Y/N)’s (Y/H/C) hair bounced behind her as she flashed a smile at the friends she passed in the hallway. Her (Y/E/C) eyes sparkled in amusement as she stopped in front of Ned and Peter, her gaze zeroing in on the latter.
“Hey Peter,” she greeted simply with a devious grin. (Y/N) then turned her head to look at the other boy when she received no response. “Hey Ned. Having a good morning?”
Ned chuckled and looked between his two friends. “I am now. This is just so entertaining.”
She gave him a half-hearted glare then rolled her eyes, looking back at Peter who was still staring at her in silence.  “Do you want to say something Pete?” she asked slowly with a devious grin. “Or I don’t know, ask me something?”
“I, uh, um, aft- um I uh,” Peter stuttered out with wide eyes.
“This is sad bro. Even for you. What happened to I’m cool, calm, and collected?” Ned asked trying to stifle his laughter.
Peter’s cheeks went red. “Ned!” he yelped sharply, clearly embarrassed.
“Oh for fucks sake,” (Y/N) grumbled, grabbing onto Peter’s shoulders.
Ned watched in surprise and slight amusement as she brought her lips down to Peter’s, kissing him full on the lips. He almost cooed at the sight of his two best friends sharing a sweet kiss, though it only lasted a second.
(Y/N) pulled away, not looking super frazzled unlike Peter who was touching his lips with widened pupils. She gave Peter a smile and readjusted her backpack on her shoulders.
“Yes Peter… I’ll go out with you.”
@torasshu-sama @letsunalivethem
​​ @probleforfuturetech @soccerstud004   
@jesterrose1213 @lamia-maizat @lostqueen1613
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fortheavengers · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @phoenixelectra thank you so much!
-Post the rules
-Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
-Write 11 questions of your own
-Tag 11 people.
Originally posted by hellomadelene
1) Which movies are on your watchlist?
  Um I don’t have an official watchlist, but I would say movies I’ve been wanting to watch have been La La Land and Baby Driver
2) Favorite actor/actress?
So many haha, all the chrises (including Wood of course), Colin O’Donoghue, Jennifer Morrison, Emma Stone, Robert Downey Jr., Michael J. Fox, Grant Gustin....that’s all I’m going to list for now because there are way to many
3) Show you wish it gets cancelled?
I’m not really one to be malicious towards shows since my chosen career is to work on them, but I would say The Big Bang Theory. It’s been on way too long and truly isn’t funny and it’s show has gone stale. 
Also Once Upon a Time. Once upon a time it was my favorite show (haha) but there have been way too many plots brought up only to get dropped and with a lot of main actors gone it feels like its time to end
4) Book(s) you wish gets turned into a movie/tv show?
I don’t know about this one, I would say Percy Jackson because they messed it up so bad with the movies they made
5) Movie to be released soon you can’t wait to watch?
6) If you could shapeshift into any other person for one day, who would you turn into and why?
I don’t know, probably one of my favorite actresses so I could see what it would be like to be them
7) Choose: London or Paris or LA or NYC?
I go to NYC a lot so I would say LA definitely since I want to live there someday
8) Movie series you were obsessed with as a kid?
Back to the Future. I would watch them so much and I still do
9) Favorite food?
Strawberries! If it is a meal, then probably beef stew, if it’s dessert than either apple or pumpkin pie
10) If you were to learn another language, which would it be?
I know a little bit of French from taking it in school for years. I would love to be fluent in Spanish! I’m learning it through duolingo, but I want to be fluent. It’s just such a beautiful language and so many people speak it that it would be helpful to know 
My 11 Questions for the tagged:
1. If you could only go on one vacation where would you go and why? 
2. What is your favorite movie of all time?
3. When you’re sad what is your go to song/movie/show?
4.  What is your dream career?
5. What is a skill you wish you had?
6. What is your favorite skill you possess? 
7. Who is your dream celebrity date?
8. What is your favorite Disney movie?
9. Where have you traveled?
10. What is your favorite holiday?
11. What is your favorite animal?
Tagging: @emarasmoak, @thoughtsfromaclutteredbrain @queenkaramel @kelbottumbles @karamelblobber and anyone else who would love to play!
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rileywrites-parker · 8 years ago
So, I was tagged by @in-love-with-5sosss You da best. Thinks for thanking of me!
1st RULE: tag 9 people (I tagged 10 because.)
2nd RULE: bold the statements that are true
@livluvspiderboy @idjitsunited @the-peterparker @lunastarwatcher @spidermanpiederman @kararanae23 @betweenstarsandsuns @quack-dad @dej-okay @karamelblobber
i am 5′7 or taller
i am dark skinned
i wear glasses
i have at least one tattoo
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair
i have short hair (ish)
my abs are somewhat defined
i have or had braces
i have small feet
i love meeting new people
people tell me i’m funny
helping others is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges
i am playfully rude with people i know well
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it
there is something i would change about my personality
i’m mentally stable
i can sing well
i can play an instrument
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well
i have a good memory
i’m good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for one minute
i have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling (Dude, you lookin’ at the lunch room champ.)
i know how to cook three meals from scratch
i can throw a proper punch
i can sleep 8 hours uninterrupted
i enjoy reading
i’m on a sports team at my school  or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week
i binge watch series regularly
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing
fandoms are my number 1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss
i have had alcohol
i’ve scored the winning goal in a sports game
i have been rejected or rejected someone who was interested in me
i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one siting
i have been to an overnight advent
i have been in a taxi
i have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have had my heart broken
i have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
i’m in a relationship
i have a crush on somebody i know
i have a crush on a celebrity
i have been in at least three relationships
i have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year
i have had feelings for a friend
i have never loved someone
i have at least one person i consider my best friend
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i live in the usa
i have lost someone special
i suffer/have suffered from mental illness (And here is where I say: if ANY of you needs to talk about something, I will always listen.)
there is snow right now where i live
i have hung out with a friend in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 CD’S
i share my room with someone
i have breakdanced before
i know a person named jamie
i have had a teacher with a last name that is hard to pronounce
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to a song on repeat right now
i have punched someone in the last week
i wax/shave my body hair
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone (Friggin’ seven times.)
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what i want to do with my life
i speak at least two languages
i have made a friend in the past year
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letstrysomefanfic · 8 years ago
it should be up in either a few hours or tomorrow (depending if i fall asleep or not lol) so if anyone wants to be tagged in it when it comes out let me know, i’ll be more than glad to do so!!
here’s a lil’ shneak peek heehee:
Ned turned to you, his voice dropping into a more serious tone. “I think you need to face this head on, you know? Confront it. Confront him. Well maybe not confront him, but at least talk to him—”
“Honestly, Ned. I think I’m just gonna feel a whole lot shittier if I do that.”
@emojit @5-seconds-of-sarcasmm @littlemisscaptainfandom @emily-ily2 @insert-a-cool-username-here @walkers-imagine @littlefrota @a-typical-antisocial-fangirl @rosewaterjules @bigbangt1963 @thefandomshavethepolicebox @emrysaaryn @karamelblobber @smollittlebean @parkthepeter  @hailey-a-s @tomhollandisdaddy2003 @emilypkuzu @greenpaladin5
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kelbottumbles · 8 years ago
Seasons Change: Chapter 1
The long-delayed sequel to Mating Season! Ok, I'm sorry this took so long! Life, right? Anyways, I'm back in the game and I worked SO hard on this, and along with @contygold86 's help I'm​ REALLY happy with how this story has turned out. We have so much detail planned, and I'm trying to be as true to the characters as possible. There is a lot of story to come, so this will be longer than Mating Season was. And I apologize in advance for how long chapter 1 was! But I had a chapter summary and I had to get to all of it, and I didn't want to skimp on the details.
I hope you guys love it :) Please leave feedback! This is a TOTALLY new direction for the story and I'm dying to hear what you think.
Tagging a few who I know were waiting! @emarasmoak @shuckin-minho @karamelblobber @lostin-the-desert @ships-sailing-in-the-night @sweet-karamel @juliakaze
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spacyparker · 7 years ago
Unborn part 2
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Request : “If you’re still taking requests could you do 27 and 33 with Tom?”
  + “Hey can you do a fic with #5 and #10 from your prompt list where Tom is the reader’s hubby and away on a press tour or something and she realized that she’s pregnant so she starts wearing his shirts he left bc she doesn’t was the media to find out before him?“ @karamelblobber
+ “ooh prompt 10 with Tom?“
»  “Does he know about the baby ?“ part one
»  “You’re paying a small price compared with what she’s going through.”
»  "Is that my shirt?“ part one
Characters : Tom Holland x pregnant!reader
Word count : 3.3k
A/N : Ok IVE FINALLY FINISHED IT OMG !!!! You don’t need to have read part one to read it but if you want to check part one. I took like a whole week to write it wtf, I hope you’ll love it, and don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought of this !!! Love you all, thanks for reading me !
His jaw clenched and he couldn't hear anything around him, even his bestfriend yelling at him to calm down. Tom couldn't believe his ears, he couldn't believe you lied to him again, you were always pushing him out of your life when he was away, you never told him about the important things as if he wasn't concerned. He remembered this time there was a flood and you had to live for a few days at your parents' house, you took care of the incident all by yourself never mentioning it to him. He was upset this time. Like the many other times.
“Fuck it Tom, you're not focusing on what's really important there.” Harrison groaned. The blonde boy couldn't believe it either, but he couldn't believe how his best friend was reacting to the news. Tom was going to be a father, his wife was pregnant, their dream was coming true, and all he could think about was the fact she waited to tell him ? “You know what, I'm outta this. I'm sorry for Y/N.”
Tom was raging out, if Harrison was against him then everyone else would be, but he didn't understand why they weren't standing by his side. He was the one being lied to, he was the one being the fool. “Fuck off !” He yelled at Harrison even if he had already left the hotel room. Tom punched the wall with his fist, his knuckles whiter than ever after he hit it. All his blood seemed to have gotten to his head, he was red, red of too much anger.
Tom was just tired of you lying to him, he knew deep down you didn't tell him most of the important stuff you had to go through because you didn't want him to worry while he was away and already too stressed, but he was your husband after all, away or not. Maybe it was also because when you told him everything, he would ask his mother to come check on you, or his brothers, and as much as you loved his family, it was overwhelming to feel that assisted.
Hearing the punch in the wall Tom just had done, his eternal co-star Robert entered the room furrowing his brows. “What the hell kiddo ? This isn't your lovely house, this isn't yours, you can't do what you want.” He took his fist in his hand but Tom quicky pulled it away. He didn't want people to talk to him, or tell him he was overreacting, he needed to break everything around him, make the room as messy as his mind was.
“Oh please, take care of your own business.” He groaned between his teeth, turning his heels.
But Robert wasn't willing to let him get away, he grabbed Tom's shoulder and made him turn to him once more, his jaw now also clenched. Robert walked closer to the father-to-be making him step back until he was caught up between the legend and the wall. “You're my business, you always have been. Don't make it like you only take advantage of it when it's for good reasons. Now you calm down, and you stay polite. It's not because you're an adult now you can talk to people the way you want.”
Tom knew how it was wrong from him to have talked to Robert this way, but he couldn't help himself. When he was angry, nothing remained under his control, he was mean to everyone and didn't care being an absolute asshole. He looked away, still being pulled to the wall by the Iron Man who looked intimidating. “She's pregnant. She didn't even tell me.” Tom mood suddenly changed once these words fell off his mouth. Of course he was still angry, but his bottom lip started to shiver and he tried his best not to start crying. “I sould have been aware, Robert. I'm deeply concerned. It's my baby.”
Harrison was back in the room, leaning against the door, he shared a worried look with Robert, and they both nodded. Without a word, they both knew what the other one had in mind. “You need to take a break and go home, Thomas.”
Tom's heart broke hearing his full name coming from his best friend's lips. He never called him that, never. “I can't take a break, I'm Spider-Man.” Robert let go of Tom and he directly went to sit on his bed. “I'm tired of being away.”
Robert shook his head, the kid was being really selfish there. “You’re paying a small price compared with what she’s going through.” Tom nodded, making them think he finally understood. “Take a break, I'll arrange everything with the directors.” And soon he was being driven to the airport.
The flight allowed Tom taking some time to think. He couldn't get his mind off you and the big news, he wondered if he was really overreacting as Harrison and Robert were thinking. His head was a bomb ready to explode at any minute now, it refused to shut off. If he decided to open his social medias, he would be flooded by the newspapers articles, and all his fans freaking out about him being a father, or not having told them. Everyone knew how Tom was the master of telling everything to them, he'd make an instalive with a friend or you, and announce all he could. “Hey guys, I broke my nose.” “Yop fam, I'm filming Spider-Man 4.” “Guys, meet Hayley, Harrison's girlfriend.” “Well hello guys, Y/N has burned the chicken so we're going out.” Everything, fucking everything.
On his phone were also many, many notifications from you. After a few radio silence, you tried again to reach him, you wanted to talk to him to explain yourself again and again, not stopping until he'd understand why you did what you did. He never picked up. Tom's mom also called him a few times, but still he didn't picked up, he knew what it was all about, he knew she discovered it too. He felt dumber, everyone knew about the pregnancy before him : his fans, his family... Tom had always wanted to surprise everyone with such a big news, he had organized a plan in his head for it.
He would have invited his whole family for dinner, with Harrison but he was obviously part of the family since the beginning. Tom would have prepared his father's favorite scotch , his mom favorite's plate, the twins' favorite dessert, and ice cream for Paddy. He would have made a toast before the dessert, raising his hand with a glass of champagne, the bubbles of the adult dinners. “Mom, dad. You parenting had always making me want to start a family. You loved us so much I wanted to experience it myself, and I couldn't be happier that the woman I'm going to have a family with is Y/N. And I'd like to thank you for everything that you have both done for me, for each one of us actually. You're the best family I know, and I'm now picking up the torch, since, well... Y/N's pregnant.”
Tom groaned at this thought. His first child, their first grandchild, and it was spilled out this way. What about the romantic ways of living, what about the non exposed life he wanted to have ? He clenched his fists again. A few more hours before landing in London, God. He sighed seing his lockscreen, a photo of you and he, of course, cuddling. He remembered Harry taking that picture, standing by a fire a couple months ago in your backyard. It was a lovely memory, where no one dropped the steaks into the flames, and you all played music and sang. Far away from the pressure you were all living with, happiness wrapping everyone.
Tom turned his head and looked at the sky through the window. It was blue, unlike is grey mind. Under was those unknowns, he wondered how many of them had pregnant wives, how many of them were living away from their family, how many of them were alone. “Fuck !” He mumbled, and the mother sitting beside him furrowed her eyebrows, hoping her son didn't hear the swear word. Tom pinched his lips, was he already a bad father ? “I'm sorry...” He murmured looking down.
It took a few hours to finally arrive to London, and Tom had called his mom to pick him up and drive him home. The first thing he did when he finally saw her was crying. “Mom !” He yelled running into her arms. He suddenly was the little boy, again, the teenager who had no real strenght to face life without getting help. Nothing else came through his mouth after this simple word, and Nikki took it from here.
“I know baby...” Her fingers were going through his fresh cut curls, she put her head on his shoulder, a calm voice accompanying her moves. “It's not the end of the world, darling. It's nothing. You know how she is, you know she didn't mean bad.” He nodded as a response. “You want to go see her ? I mean, I'm not forcing you, you go when you're ready, but you go anyways.”
The new little boy pulled out his mother's arms from his neck and rubbed his swollen eyes full of tears. “I want to see dad, and the guys before.”
In the car, there was no sound, no voice talking, just the radio playing some songs sometimes way too happy for Tom's mood. He was looking outside at the landscape, urban life, trying not to think of you, but there were no way he could nail it. No way.
Once home, everything remained silent however everyone was home, they were all standing in the living room, staring at Tom. They waited for him to say something, but he didn't. He couldn't. So Dom took the talk. “I'm happy you're home, son.”
And he couldn't help but start to cry again. Sam was the first one to run to him, wrapping his body around his arms. When was the last time he had seen him in such a bad state ? “Fuck Tom, I'm going to be an uncle, you'll be a father. You should be proud of you.”
“Things are not that simple, buddy.” He sighed, pulling his tears off.
Harry was the one who seemed the more mad at his brother. His jaw was clenched and he anxiously played with his fingers. “You're screwing everything again !” He admitted. Dom was willing to take the talk again but Harry wouldn't let him, he wasn't done. “She's done it for you, and you can't even understand that ! You're litterally all she has ! Do you know how alone she feels when you're gone, do you know how sad she becomes ? Sometimes you only see your own needs, she's your fucking wife !” Sam stepped back, letting Tom who looked down to what his brother said. It was harsh, but he knew Harry was right. “Do you know I check on her every week, to cheer her up, to let her know she's not useless ? You want me to sum you up her days ? She goes to work, then she comes home, she sleeps and everything starts again. I have to force her to go out with me, she's always so... empty. And she tells you nothing because she doesn't want you to worry, she wants you to fucking focus on your fucking job ! You can't even understand all this little things she does for you.”
Paddy didn't say anything, he left just after Harry's monologue. He didn't really want to publicly take a side on this war, he wanted everybody to be happy. He ran up the stairs and no one heard from him before the day after. Harry's face was red, meanwhile Sam was taken aback. “Hey, let him breathe a little, it's hard for both of them. When he's far from her, she's far from him too.” Sam tried to defend his older brother.
All Tom could do again was crying, it seemed he was perfect at the job recently, a little too much. “Stop it, don't fight ! I don't wanna provoke any family war.” He passed his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself but he exploded in a throb. “I don't know what I'm doing.” He finally admitted. “Everyone keeps yelling at me, they keep reminding me I'm the bad person. I don't wanna be the bad person.”
Dom got up and reached his son's shoulder putting his hand on it. He had tears in his eyes seeing his love crying. “If you wanna do good, Thomas, you need to go see her instead of staying here with us. It's between you two, we'll be here supporting whatever you'll decide.” Harry glanced at his father, he wouldn't support anything going against his ideas. No one answered, Tom nodded and Dom took him outside to drive him home.
You didn't know Tom was back in England, you didn't know he was on his way to see you, all you knew was he wasn't answering any text or phone call. You were on your bed, and you haven't eaten at midday, you couldn't. You knew it was bad, but you just had lost appetite. You closed your eyes hearing someone ringing at the door, you ddin't want to get up from your bed but you knew you had too, you needed to check who was there at least. But you hadn't reach the front door, you heard a key opening it. “I'm home.” Said a voice lightly. A very recognizable voice.
Your heart dropped, you ran to the hall and there he was, with red puffy eyes right through yours. “I thought... I-I thought you... You were in Ca-california.” You had trouble saying. Fuck, you wanted to go into him and cuddle for a hundred years, but you were afraid of how he would react. When he was angry, he didn't want any physical contact and would repulse your tryings.
“I'm home.” He repeated. He then put his keys on the dresser and pressed his lips together. He didn't really know what to say, but he knew he had to talk before you'd do it, or else he'd break and give up. “This was the one time too many.” Suddenly your heart seemed to want to get out of your chest, it was beating so fast cause you were afraid, afraid of what he would say next. “I can't- I can't bear it anymore, Y/N. You can't hide things from me, I need to be aware of these things as soon as possible, I need you to fucking consider me !” He took a pause, putting his hands over his face to rub his eyes. “I'm your husband, and we're together for better or for worse, remember that ?! You said 'I do', Y/N, you said 'I do', you know what that means ! That means we're supposed to be a team, that means you tell me everything, that means I have to be here for you !” The more he talked, the more he yelled. You haven't move from you spot, and you were now happy you didn't come close to him, even if he wasn't abusive when he was angry, you couldn't face anger. “Answer me, do you remember that ?!”
Tears were widely falling from your eyes you could barely see around you, blurred vision. You nodded, of course you remembered what being husband and wife meant, but sometimes life was tougher than you expected, sometimes it was hard to live alone having a travelling husband doing God knew what. “Y-yeah, Tom, I re-remember. I'm sorry, I-I know I should have to-told you but... It-it never felt like, like the right time.” You sobbed. He shook his head and clenched his jaw. “Tom, don't be mad, please honey, please, I just need a hug, I need support and love. I don't want to get into a fight.”
“And I needed you to be honest.” He walked past you and entered the bedroom, slamming the door and making you jump. What did you do, why did it seem like you had the super-power to create drama in your marriage.
You put your hand on your belly, it had already grown a little since the beginning of the pregnancy, and you liked this new baby bump. The only idea you got to calm Tom down was taking your, well or his, shirt off. There were already few stretch marks on your skin, so you also took off your pants for Tom to see it all. You went in the bedroom half naked, Tom immeditely raising his head to see you. He didn't pay attention at the changes of your body at first, too angry to think straight. “What ? You think we're going to clear it by having sex ? It's not happening, Y/N, you should put some clothes on.”
“No...” You answered, getting closer until you jumped on his lap. He went to get you off him but stopped when he understood, when he saw the magic happening in your body. His gaze was now fully focused on your belly, and he couldn't help but put his hand on it. His warm touch felt warm, home. It had been a long time since you last touched his skin, you missed it more than you thought. “Meet our baby, Tom. Say hi.” And he started crying again, but this time it wasn't from anger, nor sadness. This time, it was different, this time he understood what being a father was, he was able to be close to his child, almost touching him thanks to you. You put your arms around his neck. “Please, babe, forgive me.” You murmured. “I know... I know I'm not perfect, but I'm really trying my best. I don't wanna be a needy wife who can't male it without her husband, I know I fucked up real bad this time, more than I've ever had, but I'm really trying here, it's been hard without you.” One of your hands came to Tom's cheek and you started rubbing his cheek with your thumb. Your eyes locked on his, you both could feel all the mix of joy and sadness you shared, you felt connected again. “We're gonna have to talk about too many serious things, but the first one I want to talk about is me quiting so I can always be with you, what do you think ?”
He nodded, leaning in for a chaste kiss. His hand couldn't get away from your baby bump, and you were happy he seemed softer now he had seen it. “I love the idea, but I thought you didn't want to quit...”
You shrugged. “I changed my mind. Everything will be different, now. I'll come with you til the end of the pregnancy, but then I'll be forced to give birth in England, and stay here a while, newborns can't travel, and... And then when he or she will go to school... I mean, same, I won't be able to travel with you anymore. Let's take the few months we have left.”
Tom nodded, and kissed you once again, in a rougher manner. He couldn't admit it, but he was still heart broken, he realised that, in a few months, not only would he be away from his wife, but from his kid too. He already felt like he abandoned them. “I promise you Y/N, when our little love will be born, I'll work less, I'll be there for you.”
Then there was silence. In the room, it was just two parents-to-be sharing looks of love and complicity. After all this time separated, it felt like a reborn through the unborn.
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pwettypwita · 8 years ago
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I just finished reading Karamel Fanfiction HOLG The Saga written by @gldngrl7 for don’t-know-how-many times… And then as I stared at this photo… I couldn’t help but notice, ooh those long fingers….. 😍😍😍
@starcrossed-comets @kelbottumbles @hey-beautiful @highwaytothe7hells @fangirlintheforest @anaveragegirl15 @emarasmoak @breadrunnersofcakedom @juliality @karamelblobber oh wait, how come I forgot to tag you too sis @wizard-of-oz87 😂
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seasaltkaramel · 8 years ago
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better
Thanks @maia11lucero for the tag :) Relationship status: single and not ready to mingle :/ Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick (for these crusty lips hahaha) Last song I listened to: Rejects by 5 Seconds of Summer (my salty about college acceptances song :// jk pls accept me) Top 3 characters: Toph, Zuko, Kara Zor-El Top 3 ships: Karamel, Snowbarry, Bughead/Barchie/Beronica/Varchie (i ship everyone on that show whoops) Tagging: @marvelingsherlock @hello-myweirdblog @darlingdanvers @princessofdaxam @kaixparkers @emarasmoak @reddragonlilly7 @anaveragegirl15 @karamelblobber
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emarasmoak · 7 years ago
Agreed @valor-will-rise and @karamelblobber.
@madeunmexico @chelseaellie I also think that the Legion told a bunch of lies and half truths.
There is a lot that we don't know yet.
LoSH changed the timeline
I have just noticed that the Legion of Super-Heroes changed the timeline.
In their records there was only Reign but because of their intervention she is going to look for more World Killers.
I guess that that will make things more “interesting”.
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fortheavengers · 7 years ago
Tagged by: @thoughtsfromaclutteredbrain thank you so much!
Nickname: Court
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5'1
Last thing I googled: A store in the town I live to see if it was open
Favourite music artist: I really don’t have a favorite I love so many genres of music, I can’t choose
Last movie I saw: Big Hero 6
Why did I choose my URL: I picked it because I was entering the supergirl/karamel fandom and really loved it. I’m probably changing it soon but it will still be supergirl/karamel centric
Do I have any other blogs: nope
What did your last relationship teach you: it taught me that you need someone who is as equally into you and who cares about your well-being. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t respect you
Religious or spiritual: Religious
Favourite colour: Red
Average hours of sleep: Depends on my schedule. Sometimes 8 or more. Other days of the week 6 or less
Lucky number: I don’t have one 
Favourite character: So many! Clark Kent (Smallville), Stiles Stilinski (TW), Mon-el, Kara Zor-el (Supergirl), Barry Allen (Flash), Emma Swan, Killian Jones (OUaT), Jughead Jones (Riverdale), Steve Hale (Full House), Eric Matthews, Shawn Hunter (BMW), HG Wells (Time After Time)....there’s more to list I just can’t think
How many blankets do I sleep with: in the summer a comforter, In the winter up to 5
Dream Job: Director of tv and film, actress
Tagging: @emarasmoak, @mon-el-ofdaxam, @karamelblobber, @juliakaze, and anyone else who would like to!
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