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satanzayoru25341 · 1 year ago
This is probably the later events
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kids these days…
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spideychelleforever · 2 years ago
Peter during Homecoming: *rocks his head after looking at himself in the mirror, causing all his freshly showered curls to bounce around happily*
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MJ during Homecoming: I want to be his so bad it’s just not fair
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spooky-month-archive · 8 months ago
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Sr Pelo's inspirations for Father Gregor and the plot of the episode.
'I based his personality from " The Perfectionist" from Courage the cowardly dog, the teacher to be specific. At the beginning of the production, Gregor was build to be more judgmental and strict with the kids, but after talking to friends about experiences and what "The Perfectionist" episode really means I changed him to be strict but thoughtful I guess?? He would rather help the kids after knowing why they are like that then throwing them boiling water!'
'The episode was based on 2 main movies, "The Exorcist" and "The Rite", both movies are about exorcisms and a character with a weak hope (in the case of SM:HS Gregor is meant to be Order and the kids are Chaos)'
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sciderman · 7 months ago
sci i had no idea about your donald duck hyperfixation and now i am SO curious how did it come to be, what do you like about him, etc etc please rant to us
oh man! it was pretty simple - i, as you may have noticed, really like comics. buuut i was sick of marvel during my notorious hiatus of 2017 - i was hating pretty much everything they were putting out, and was in a sour mood over sm:h, just - i was sick to death of marvel.
but. buuut... i really like comics. and actually, i kind of already just had a bit of a baseline interest in ducks. i travel around europe a lot, and i always see duck comics stocking the shelves - one time i went to a second hand book market in berlin and found loads of worn-out issues of the ducks, and they cost like, pennies, so i picked them up because i just - i adore the art. it's so appealing and just - it makes me happy.
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i just think they're neat!!!
so i started this habit of buying duck books in different languages from all the european countries i travel to. i have books in french, in german, in danish – i just really like ducks. i always looked for them in english but - really, they're kind of difficult to find in london. they're not popular in the uk. i remember a frustrating few years of my life, any time i'd enter a comic book shop in london i'd ask "you have any duck?" and no. they never had any duck. i wasn't ever committed enough to look online or anything, but for years and years and years i'd always wanted to read the duck comics. and i was determined that ONCE i found a book in english, in an english book shop, i finally would start.
eventually - finally! i happened upon a copy of don rosa's the life and times of scrooge mcduck - in english!! at a comic store in soho and i snapped it up immediately. i ate through the whole thing in one sitting and just - fell in love. i adore scrooge - his defining trait is that he's stingy but - otherwise he's fearless and adventurous and - well, tougher than the toughies, smarter than the smarties. donald too, his defining trait is his anger but - he's so good-hearted and family-centric and - ruagh. i love both of them - both of them having defining traits that are typically negative but - redeemed by all of their other wonderful traits that make them endearing and loveable. it's surprisingly complex, i think - and it makes for a really entertaining read in that - they're imperfect little guys. and you adore them anyway.
it filled the void in my heart and - i found that i just enjoyed the duck comics much more than i ever did the marvel comics - just - i don't know, they're whimsical and cheerful and - so easy to read, from the way they're panelled. they're designed to be accessible for everyone. marvel comics can be a nightmare, but the duck comics are just a delight. the ducks were my detox from the hell that was marvel, and they kept my love for comics alive!
i've gotten lucky in being able to find a lot more comics printed in english but - never in london, no sir. i get lucky and sometimes find english prints in other european countries so - a lot of my european friends know, when i come to visit them, there will have to be a Duck Detour at some point. i don't come home without duck.
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fieldsofview · 1 year ago
Just finished the final edit of ch 2 of SM:H and I really want to just post it bc I'm excited but I'm TRYING to stick to a schedule Anyway, ch 2 will be posted on Oct 1 and in the meantime I'm getting started on the rough draft for ch 6
Y'all aren't ready
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milesgmorales · 3 years ago
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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) → Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
“I wore this t-shirt in Spider-Man: No Way Home and Spider-Man: Far From Home [Spider-Man: Homecoming]. I made a point that I wanted to keep the same costume because it used to really annoy me in films when characters have, like, new wardrobes for every film — and Peter Parker’s not wealthy.” - Tom Holland
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parkerpete · 3 years ago
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Spider-Man: Homecoming | Spider-Man: No Way Home
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thomaslefteyebrow · 3 years ago
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please don’t ever become a stranger who’s laugh i could recognize anywhere.
a moodboard for how peter tries to move on from mj but he finds himself staring at his phone waiting for her midnight calls, walking past the shitty diner she works at, and wondering who she now draws in her sketchbook instead of him.
moodboard masterlist
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momentofmemory · 5 years ago
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you'll never stop me.
—the amazing spider-man (issue #270)
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milesgmorales-archive · 5 years ago
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#does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes
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spideycentral · 5 years ago
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Spider-Man: Homecoming // Spider-Man: Far from Home
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spideychelleforever · 2 years ago
Peter: Remember what you were saying about what if there were multiple me’s for you to have from the multiverse? And not like Peter-Two or Peter-Three, but like exact duplicates of me?
MJ: *fans herself a little* Y-yes why
Peter: Somebody suggested *clears throat* like what if there were multiple you’s and like they.. you know
MJ: huh
Peter: I mean.. more you is always good
MJ: It is?
Peter: Yep but.. like if that ever happened I wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with obviously
MJ: That’s fair and I appreciate it
MJ: I don’t know what the correct response here is but I feel like I may not take that too well if we met multiple me’s
Peter: Why?
MJ: Because they can get their own Peter. 😤
Peter: I like when you get a little clingy. It’s cute. 🤗❤️
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van-dyne · 5 years ago
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🔥Top Ten Hottest Tony Stark Looks 🔥 8. Soft Billionaire (Spider-Man: Homecoming) 6.1%
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sciderman · 9 months ago
ben anon here
i think mostly my interpretation was based off TASM movie,
after ben dies peter kind of goes of the rails. Like the whole reason he started to fight and catch criminals and get himself hurt etc. is because he no longer had ben.
when he becomes spider-man yes hes hunting bad people, theyre all criminals in different ways, but hes treating all of them like murders. even after he finds out they arent.
overall, peter acts very selfishly throughout the entire movie, but after ben dies his selfishness develops a certain animosity. he goes out constantly, stops talking to aunt may, atops talking to gwen, barely bothers to go home.
hes in his own head, hes grieving in a very seclusive way, neglecting how everyone else might feel, especially may.
TASM is a very realistic look at peter, is a very realistic interpretation of what a 17 dude might go through
man! i kind of discounted the tasm version, because not a lot of people use that as a point of reference (even though i do. i don't expect others to do the same.)
i think you're right - i think you're right that in the tasm films that peter is much more stricken by grief and it's presented in a much less grandiose way than other interpretations. it's actually something that i'm really disappointed about in the tasm film - it's like they were going to tell another story. they were going to commit to this story that might've devoted the entire film to peter's dealing with grief and seeking revenge and confronting the killer and deciding he's not going to become a killer himself and not letting anger and his vendetta motivate him - and that, you know, he has a responsibility with these powers yadda yadda yadda, but they drop the ball. they drop the plotline, clearly because the studio said "wait a second. where's the cgi villain? it's a spider-man movie. we need a cgi villain."
there COULD be something to say about how the lizard is similar to peter in that he lets loss motivate him, too. and peter shouldn't let loss motivate him,, yadda yadda, yeah. yeah. whatever. i see it. but most people don't see it because it's not something explored. i mean it's better handled than "you and are both working class guys"" spiel that vulture?? hits peter and the audience over the head with in sm:h because otherwise you probably wouldn't have noticed that's what they were getting at (because it was an afterthought!! an afterthought!! they thought it would give peter complexity but it DIDN'T`. it DOESN'T.) dr connors and peter in tasm do have that common drive. they're both angry because of something they lost. dr connors and his arm,, and peter and his uncle. it's not overt, but it's there, if you squint at it. they're motivated to take their anger out on innocent and/or semi-innocent people because of it. but i don't know - the film isn't very reflective on this, and you wouldn't notice that's what they're getting at unless you picked it apart.
i would've much rather the film commit to seeing peter's origin through without the aid of big cgi villain. let peter be his own antagonist. he keeps hunting until he finds ben's killer. that could easily fill the whole movie - but, i think there'd probably be a question of making peter likeable. boo. cowards. but it just results in the movie totally dropping an interesting plotline and not seeing it through and it never getting any resolution - we don't understand, really, what the turning point is for peter to abandon it entirely, except that... he got distracted by something more important, i guess. giant lizard. yeah. uncle ben who?
i guess there's the point that can be made that peter's unresolved feelings of loss created the villain of the movie. in that. peter looking to complete his parents research is what created the lizard. so. looking to resolve your feelings of loss and dwelling on the past is bad?? so thats why peter drops trying to find ben's killer?? except peter really doesn't learn that lesson because in the next movie he is still obsessed with unravelling the mystery of his parents. so.
maaybe the turning point is him taking responsibility?? he takes responsibility for creating the lizard. says it was his fault. he doesn't overtly take responsibility for bens death in the film. there's never a point where peter says "i'm abandoning the hunt for ben's killer because. actually it was my fault. and i should take responsibility for that" i don't know. but that would feel weak too. that's still a killer out there man. that's still a killer.
BUT. sorry to uncle ben but honestly. honestly. it's ben's fault. i don't think that guy would have killed anybody if ben didn't step in front of the guy's gun. the man was robbing a convenience store, come on. let the man take the, what, $200 or whatever. even the store cashier guy only looked mildly miffed that he'd been robbed. even peter thought "yeah. that guy is a jerk let him be robbed." and who knows. peter might have stepped in and helped if the cashier guy wasn't a jerk. but also - this peter parker isn't like other peter parkers - he hasn't been, i don't know, pursuing a wrestling career to like, really know if he'd win in a fight with a guy with a gun. i don't know. all of this to say that IT WAS NOT andrew garfields FAULT. and it was uncle bens fault. uncle ben stood in front of that guy's gun. i'd almost say it wasn't even the robber's fault at that point. "it's not my fault your honour he fell on my gun" and uncle ben didn't even do anything noble. he died over 15¢. if you're a civilian please do not jump in front of people's guns. you do not have a responsibility to do that !!
i'm getting a little off track here. man i'd script doctor the hell out of this movie, but yeah, the thing i'm obsessed with about this particular peter parker is how - the only thing that motivates him at all is loss or the fear of loss. he is grieving 24/7/365. he alienates the people in his life who care about him who are presently alive, because the idea of loss is rotating in his mind constantly. he alienates ben and may because he's obsessed with the loss of his parents, he alienates may because he's obsessed with hunting down ben's killer. he alienates gwen because he's obsessed with what captain stacy said, and how he died, and how he's afraid something will happen to gwen too. his brain will not let him see whats right in front of him and appreciate what's in front of him because he's obsessed over what he's lost or what he could lose.
in short, therapy for peter. therapy for 1000 years!!
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fieldsofview · 1 year ago
Just finished writing the rough draft for Ch 5 of SM:H and I think I broke my own heart alkdhsfalksjhflkj
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milesgmorales · 3 years ago
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Miles Morales references in the MCU
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