dcont · 3 months
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I have redrawn my big girl Again :_D Now I believe that she has jet altmode more
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randomshenaniganery · 7 months
Commissions Open
Lineart Icon : 10$ Bust : 15$ Halfbody : 20$ Fullbody : 30$
Coloured Icon : 25$ Bust : 40$ Halfbody : 55$ Fullbody : 75-90$ Fullybody + background: 150$-180$ Paypal only, turn around time around 5-7 days
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don't mind kayoo i was too busy to draw the dragon he was on so he's in the void
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guiajapao · 2 years
Festival da Flor de Ameixa de Kaore
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scrivenger-grimgar · 1 year
i like viewing the p5 protag as autistic (along with yusuke and futaba), but he specifically has difficulty speaking. he can speak, but he tends to do so in short bursts; thats not the extent of his speaking ability, just the articulated part. the dialogue options chosen ingame are spoken like a neurotypical, but its very short and precise, deliberate, and it takes a lot of his social spoons to do. when with people he's comfortable with (the thieves, chihaya, sojiro, shinya, kaoru, lavenza) his speech changes. its longer sentences than before, but his words are slurred together, he takes out grammatical points to put only the bare minimum, and its very quiet, almost mumbled.
maybe turns into mayb, goodnight becomes nigh, its good to see you becomes 'sgood tsee ye.
even the thieves names change when he says them.
'taba, ryuj, makot, 'usuke, har, ang, mogan, gor, sumre, 'nkich, and 'phia. shaya, s'jiro, shin'aa, kaor, venz.
everyone has a Joker certified slurred name. its a sign of affection! he's comfy with you!
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ink-shoes-and-paper · 11 days
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Its the GRANNND opening. Messa Kaore Devlyn-Boba is a 23 year old entrepreneur living her best life in Ciudad. Finally living the dream of opening up her own diner just biking distance from her cute little flat.
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On her walk home from work one day Messa got a message from a "wealthy" man on social bunny. Now usually she ignores these types of things but he wanted to meet right down the street and I mean...who couldn't use a sugar daddy. Messa was hesitant when she arrive but the HANDSOME wealthy man, names Jesse Rickey showered her in attention and gifts just as promised. It was almost to good to be true. After their date ended Messa floated home having sweet dreams of the handsome man wondering if she would ever hear from him again.
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After a hard day at the diner and having to fire her hostess Messa was so glad that Jesse hit her up and asked her on another date. She rushed home to decompress, and gather herself hoping maybe her and Jesse could take it a step further tonight so she could release some of her pent up stress. Then she met Mr. Rickey at the arcade. They were having a blast but after one too many drinks and a few to many off jokes Mr. Rickey decided to end the date and head home, much to Messa's dismay she would NOT be getting no cuddy tonight.
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Messa returned to her apartment full of pent up energy and went to bed early...fully prepared to wake up early, cook breakfast, and invite Jesse over for breakfast, and "breakfast" and she did just that. Jesse far exceeded her expectations leaving her wanting more.
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Messa and Jesse became a major thing even with the distance between them. His main residence being in Chestnut Ridge and her being in Ciudad he made many trips just to date her out for a night on the town. The began hanging out so much they began to make friends and a couple without even being an official couple. These two couple not keep their hands off each other and Messa started wondering if maybe she had found her soul mate until...
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Prayer of Crowns translation.
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from Ahmad Al-Buni's Fountain of Wisdom book. It is used as a closure or a thanksgiving in the end of each working to empower it.  you can say this prayer 12 times or 48 times or 144 times.
Original Arabic is posted below the English one. 
Conclusion of any work/Prayer of the Crowns
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Oh God,Ya Bashmech Bashmech, Tha-Alahoma Shaytaion O God, whose commands are absolute, to whom belongs the most beautiful names, the supreme attributes, the joy, the light, and the splendor.
Oh God Ya Dano Malchuthu Domutho Da’amun, Who is praised boundlessly, praised by every tongue, and mentioned in all of time.
Oh God, Ya Haithu Maymon Arqish Dan Elyon Oh God, The one whose importance precedes everyone, there is no one but you before him, O God.
Ya Harmitha Dahilion Metatron, the one who faces fell for; the one voices were sincere toward; the one who puts the courageous to shame.
O God Rahekshu Ahlaqon, whose eternal light basks the creations of his heavens and earth. Your Divine light is full of joy, splendour and radiance.
Oh God Ya Harmuth Arkhem Arkhemon Most Gracious, the Most Merciful who filled everything with Justice, Mercy, and Blessings.
Ya Ahia Shra Hia(Ehieh Asher Ehieh) Adonai A’sabbaot(Sabaoth?)  A’sabbaoton, O Eternal Sustainer, Destroyer of lives, who is established in heaven, earth, and in creation by his order.
Oh God Absher Asma Asma’on , Who is illuminated by his light, the creatures of his heavens and his decaying earth, for his light is illuminating and joyful.
Oh Yamlia’otho  Amliecha Malchon Who reigned by his Glory, conquered by his strength, irrepressible omnipotence; One that no one can oppose.
Oh Go Ya-Alaim Arid Ara’a, Justice of everything that they weigh. Everything that is visible and invisible. Omniscient; Knower of hearts.
Oh God Ya-mashmich Mashichatha Muthlamo’an ,Who grants any command; and if he so desires, he would just say “So Be It”, and it shall be.
This Prayer has many characteristics, many of which bring benefits, and banish harm, By reciting these prayers and carrying it with you. The only conditions before reciting these are purity in clothing, body and prayer space.
It is said to be the prayer of Metatron; the Kings of Heavenly and Infernal spirits, above and below.
بعد الفراغ من كل عملية تأثير عظيم في سرعة الاجابة ونفاذ الغرض وهي أن تقول

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اللهم
يابشمخ بشمخ ذا الاهاموا شيطيئون يا الله النافذ أمره الذي له الاسماء الحسنى والصفات العليا والبهجة والضياء والنور والبهاء
اللهم يادانوا ملخوثوا دموثوا دائمون الذي هو مسبح في كل مكان وممدوح بكل لسان ومذكور في كل أوان وزمان .
اللهم يا حيثو ميمون أرقش دان عليون الذي سبقت أوليته قبل كل قبل فلا قبل الا وأنت قبله
اللهم يارحميثا دهليلون ميططرون الذي عنت له الوجوه وخشعت له الأصوات وذلت الشمخ الباذخات
اللهم رخشيشوا أحلاقون الذي استضاء بنوره أهل سمواته وأرضه الخامدة بنوره كل ذي ضياء وبهجة ونور
اللهم يارحموث أرخيم أرخيمون الرحمن الرحيم الذي ملأ كل شيء عدله ورحمته وكرمه .
اللهم ياأهيا شراهيا أدوناى أصباؤت أصباتون الذي هو الحي القيوم الموتى ومميت الاحياء الذي قامت السموات والارض والخلق بأمره
اللهم أشبر أسما أسماؤن الذي استضاءت بنوره أهل سمواته وارضه الخامدة لنوره كل ضياء وبهجة
اللهم يامليعوثا أمليخا ملخون الذي ملك بعزته وقهر بجبروته واستأثر بقدرته وغلب بقوته فلا شيء يقاومه
اللهم يا الام أرعد أرعى يزنون العالم بكل شيء كان أو يكون الذي لايغيب عليه الغيوب ولا ما تخفى الصدور .
اللهم يامشمخ مشخيثا مثلامئون الذي أمره اذا أراد شيئا ان يقول له كن فيكون
ولها مخصوصها خواص كثيرة من جلب المنافع ودفع المضار تلاوة وحملا ولكن بشرط الطهارة ثوبا وبدنا ومكانا وقيل انها تسبيح السيد ميططرون الحاكم على أملاك الارواح علويها وسفليها
Different Version:
This version is taken from Al-Zalitani’s notebook/kashkol. It has a magic square that you can use during the morning and evening prayer.
Oh Allah Ya Shamech Dalahano Shaytithon
 Ya Dano Malchuthu Wa Di-Yam-nun 
Ya Kaor-Aish Ar’itoch Lachof 
Ya Dahmotho Archa Archim Archimon 
Ya Haithmo Maithon Hanon Manon 
Ya Shaych-thim Razich Arfech Dargelion 
Ya Ahia Shra-heya Adonai Asba’ot Asba’ton 
Ya Dahmitha Dahlilon Ela-he Metatron 
Ya Noor Boreq Argech Arashessh Lagathon Lagbon Na’shon Lafshoon 
Ya Basheera Shar wa Shamih Ashmaghen Ashga Ashgon  Ya Malchuthu Malich Malcha Malicha Malchon 
Ya Alam Alim Ar’a Ergha Argha Kaznoon 
Ma Shamech Shamechitha Mashlamon 
when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is! Oh God make all of your kingdom and angels subject unto me with the mysteries of these names. 
اللهم يا شمخ دالاهانو شيطيثون
 يادانو ملخوثو ديمنون
 ياكورعيش ارعيشطوخ لاخوف
 يادهموثوا ارخا ارخيم ارخيمون
 يا حيثمو ميثون حنون منون
 يا شيخوثيم رازيش  ارفش دارغليون
 يا أهيا شراهيا ادوناي اصباؤت اصباؤتون 
يا دهميثا دهليلون إله ميططرون
 يا نور بورق ارغش ارعشيش لغثون لغبون نعشون لفشون
 يا بشيرا شر و شمح  اشماغاً اشغا اشغون يا  ملخوثو مالخ  ملخى مليخا ملخون 
يا علام عالم ارعى إرغا أرغى كزنون
 ماشمخ شمخيثا مشلامون 
الذي اذا اراد شياً  ان يقول له كن فيكون  اللهم سخر لي الملك والملكوت  بسر هذه الاسماء 
(another version of Prayer of Crowns in next page)
Sheikh Al-Somomi Version ( I use this version )
Basmech Dala Hamo Shaytithon
Dano Malchuthu Daimonin
Kaoraish Ara’shtrich Lachon
Dahmoth Archa Archim Archimon
Thiochaim Azich Arqish Dar-Alion
Haythumuu Mythuu Ahyun Minun
Ahya Sharahya Adonai Asbaoth Sabra-tun 
Dihmitha Dahlilun 'iilah Metatron
Noor Bawariq A’reish Arghshish Lagah-shun
Shabira Shro wa Asmaikh Ash-ba Ashba’on 
Malkuth Malich Malch Malecha Malchun
Alam Alim Arghil Arghi Arghun Thirnun Kazanun Shamkh Shamkhithan Mishlamun
بشمخ دالا هامو شيطيثون
دانو ملخوثو ديمنون
كورعش ارعيشطرخ لاخون
دهموث ارخا ارخم ارخيمون
ثيوخيم ازيش ارقش دارعليون
حيثموا ميثوا احيون منون
اهيا شراهيا ادوناي اصباؤت صبارتون
دهميثا دهليلون إله ميططرون
نور بورق ارعيش ارغشيش لغشون 
شبيرا شرو اسمخ اشبا اشبونّ
ملكوت مالخ ملخ مليخا مالخون
علام عالم ارغل ارغي ارغون  ثرنون كزنون شمخ شمخيثا مشلامون
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jazda-iga · 23 days
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weirdgayenby · 8 months
Inspired once again by the awesomeness of @opia-jpg 's polish Jurgen Leitner rant I bring to you the Jurgen leitner rant in maori
Porangi Porangi JURGEIN LEITNER GOD DAMN FOOL PUKAPUKA KOHI PUKAPUKA KAI PUKA KAI KIore OLD BASTARD SHITHEAD IDIOT AVATAR O TE wahine kairau nui rawa atu i roto i te Circus ka kata ki waho o te taone nui o te kaupoi whaea a JURGEIN LEITNER
KATI TE WHAKATAHI KI AKU I TE KORERO AU MO JURGEIN LEITENER E INOI ana ahau ki a ia he aha te tini o ana pukapuka karekau he aha i whakatau ai ia ki te kaiaka, ka mohio ki te whakatiki noa kua mate kua mate he tangata poauau. I runga i a au karekau ano i roto i te ruuma kare rawa i kite i te kanohi o tenei tangata, ka mohio au kei a ia nga pahau kino rawa atu i te ao.
ki te pirangi au ki te eke ki te rangi ka kii mai te atua, ko nga jurgein leitners e tatari ana ki roto ka mimi au ki nga waewae o te atua mo te take kotahi kia whakahokia ki raro.
ki te whai ahau ki te korero a jurgein leitner ki te korero takitahi i tetahi kupu i runga i te reo i roto i te podcast ehara i te mea ka kati noa ahau i te ripa ka mukua e ahau taku tohu tohu me te titiro ano i te katoa o nga raupapa mo te wheako ka taea te peke i nga mea katoa. nga wa e whakahuatia ana, e ora ana ranei
Kaore au i te mohio he aha ahau i kino ai ki a ia. ka kohia e ia nga pukapuka engari he porangi noa ahau na te mea kei te riri ahau
He pai ake tana korero ki muri ki te whakamaarama mena he tangata whai rawa ia he kaiwhaiwhai ki te creepypasta me te hiahia ki te putanga irl ill go ham
He pai ake te pukapuka kia patu ia i tetahi tangata ki te kore ia e mahi
nga waahanga kaore ano mo ia. i whakahua noa he aha te mea e kiia ana ko tana whare pukapuka ka ngaro ahau
kei hea a jurgein leitner mena kei te ora tonu ia ka tino hiahia ahau kia kaua ia
koroua kirikiri
ill punch Leitner me ana koiwi koroua ngoikore pouri ka marara noa iho i raro i taku ringa mīti nui, a ka memeha noa kia waiho ra ano ko te pukapuka whakamutunga ka mau ki runga i a ia i nga wa katoa ko te taitara Now You Fucked Up in old yiddish
Im not breathing im hyperventilation at this point
Ko taku tumanako ka tukuna he ra mo te wa i mate ai a jurgen ka mate ranei kia taea e au te whakamaumahara ki taku waea
ia ra kotahi i te tau ka kite ahau ka mahi i nga mea katoa engari ko te mihi ki te tangata nana nei te tini o nga pukapuka pono.
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the-sky-queen · 8 months
(more Sonic of Mars. :D)
Sonic risked a peak around the rock and cringed. The black and red thing was hideous. Immensely tall, four arms, no nose, and curved horns on the sides of its head all combined to make it look quite intimidating. The creature then began to speak in a language Sonic had never heard before in his life.
“Kaor!” the thing called, shedding his various weapons in an attempt to lure Sonic into a false sense of security. “Kaor.”
Their gazes met and Sonic considered trying to run again.
At the slightest movement from him, the creature cried out. “Jah mu tet! Satav . . .” He crept closer, arms spread wide. “Satav. Jah mu tet.”
This thing wasn’t going to let Sonic go. He might as well increase his chances of survival by giving himself over willingly. Slowly, he stepped out from behind the rock, hands raised above his head.
“Alright, you got me,” he said. “I surrender. Don’t kill me.”
The creature paused, tilting his head in curiosity as his ruby red eyes burned into the hedgehog. It seemed the black warrior had finally realized they didn’t speak the same language at all. Regaining his composure, the creature smiled a wicked smile full of knife-like teeth. He brought two of his fists to his chest with a dull whapping sound.
It was Sonic’s turn to stare in confusion. “Jeddak?”
The creature nodded eagerly. “Shadow Shaddas!”
“Shadow?” Was that this creature’s name?
‘Shadow’ nodded. He then pointed towards Sonic with two hands.
Oh. This was introductions then?
. . . Okay.
Sonic brought his hand up in a salute - it seemed this guy was important, so that was probably appropriate. “Captain Sonic the Hedgehog. Virginia.”
“Vir . . . gin-ya . . . ?” Shadow said awkwardly. His eyes suddenly brightened in understanding. “Virginia!”
Wait. Did Shadow think . . . ?
Sonic shook his head. “No. My name is Sonic the Hedgehog. I’m from Virginia. Understand?”
Shadow grinned, pointing to Sonic again. “Virginia.”
Sonic blinked with a sigh. This was gonna be a long experience getting home.
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irawhiti · 1 year
taihemarua? kāo, kāo. he taihematoru ahau. he tāne me wahine me tētahi mea hōu katoa ahau. ngā atua kāhore e mōhio he aha ahau engari kaore rātou e pai [PATUA E TE RAUUIRA AHAU
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
you must talk about hikakao...... ooooo y ou want to so bad ............
I DO I REALLY DO BUT IDK WHAT TO SAY .......... hmm well actually I have a Few thoughts. I was thinking abt kaoru bc i am always thinking abt him sadly, and something i think a lot of people fail to realize is kaoru is actually quite selfish in his own right. a lot of people (and even myself in certain instances) portray kaoru as being exceedingly selfless or having no self esteem, which i dont think is necessarily the case, at least not straight-forwardly. Like, Kaoru is pretty far from selfless when it comes to others, it really is only like that with Hikaru. even then, he is only "selfless" when he deems it beneficial for his brother. for example, giving up haruhi so hikaru can spend more time with her because it would help hikaru grow as a person. but in that same regard, Kaoru is really selfish and self-centered in that he thinks he is sooo much smarter than his brother. like, he thinks he has it All Figured Out and thus only his vision of the future and what is "good" and "bad" could possibly be the "right" one. Cuz of this way of thinking, thinking he knows things everyone else doesn't and he "sees everything for what it is" (cough carriage cough) means he not so subtly dictates what HE feels hikaru should/shouldn't be doing. like he wants hikaru to grow up and move on not because it is genuinely the best thing for hikaru, but because KAORU thinks it's the best thing for hikaru, and so he is going to push hikaru in that direction without hikaru's consent bc kaoru thinks he knows what's best for his brother more than hikaru himself knows. which brings me to another interesting point, kaoru is EXTREMELY possessive. we all talk about how possessive hikaru is (cuz he is) but kaoru is arguably a lot more creepy about it bc with hikaru he makes his intentions blatantly clear (he's kinda surface level honestly) while kaoru's doing all these calculations and actions with hidden motivations to micromanage his own brother. kinda fuckin weird when you think about it. of course he's doing this bc he thinks it's helping hikaru or w/e. but i can't help but see a twisted level of irony in the fact that kaoru fears hikaru leaving him, and so his solution to this issue seems to be....proving HIMSELF to be the catalysis in hikaru leaving him (aka nudging him along the path of independence) like idk maybe it gives him a feeling of control or fulfillment.
which actually ties into another point ive been thinking about; i do think a lot, a LOT of kaoru's actions and fears (COUGH THE CARRIAGE COUGH) tie into him feeling like he has no control over anything. Fearing his friends leaving him, his brother leaving him, like this guy acts like he has no control over anything and i can't blame him. ouran, for being primary a comedy, does give some rather insightful depictions on different types of dysfunctional families and how it affects the children in them, with the hitachiin household's brand of dysfunctional being child neglect. I can't blame kaoru for feeling like everything's out of control or unstable in his life when he never had a stable life to begin with. i mean, not having any sort of parental figure in your life WILL make everything feel uncertain and loose. and then the only semi-qualified parental figure ended up betraying both the twins' trust and ditching them. i can eeeeasily see how this would forever instill a sense of lacking direction and control in kaoru's life, pushed further by the fact that he's gotten it into his head somehow that hikaru is more important than himself (not a manga fan personally but kaoru does legit flat out say in the manga, according to the wiki, that "hikaru is more important" than himself. so.)
and like. if you're a guy who's ONLY stable thing in his whole life has been his twin brother who he feels inferior to, and is slowly "realizing" that that very brother is going to "have to move on" one day? no yeah i can TOTALLY see kaoru adopting this very, very controlling mindset of "helping hikaru" to grow up just to feel like he has control in this otherwise hopeless situation for him. honestly it's really fucking interesting to think about and i have no clue if the author intended for it to go this deep but damn.....i love his fucked up brain.
and rounding on a point i said earlier, about how i don't think kaoru necessarily has "low self-esteem" in the traditional sense, what i mean is I don't think kaoru is a "i hate myselffff" guy, i mean without reason. as it stands in canon, i dont think kaoru regularly thinks "i hate myself" or "im worthless" or shit like that. what i DO think he thinks is "hikaru is more important than me" (not better, which would be more subjective, but more important, like it's an objective hard fact) or "my friendships are time-sensitive" (in regards to the host club). And i think this IS low self-esteem, but it's a very passive and harder to detect form of it. Kaoru puts himself below Hikaru, not cuz he thinks he's less deserving than Hikaru, but because, intrinsically, Hikaru is just "more important" and that, whether Kaoru means to or not, is going to UNDOUBTEDLY shape how he thinks of himself since he's basing his own importance in comparison to somebody who is "more important". Likewise, his constant fear of losing his friends, again likely caused by his upbringing + some undiagnosed anxiety disorder, can easily lead into feeling worse about yourself since the ability to create and maintain friendships and connections is often tied to someone's sense of self-worth. (I mean, you've heard of how old cartoons or PSAs or whatever refer to bullies and other "low life" people as just unhappy people with "no friends" and the like. this is just a fucked up perception a lot of society holds, that having "no friends" is a red flag.)
All of this eeeeasily tells me kaoru will, if he hasn't already, develop some sort of depressive disorder or mindset, especially if he keeps pushing hikaru away from himself (at least before, he was simply "less important than hikaru". Because without the guy you're directly comparing yourself to constantly, you're no longer second best, you're just nothing.)
wow this got off topic from hikakao to just kaoru character study really quick. let me round things back.
it's no shock hikaru and kaoru's relationship is an odd one given everything they've been through, and it'd not be so odd either that this crippling co-dependence causes kaoru to view hikaru like a partner of sorts. In cases where he genuinely falls in love, or more aptly, realizes he wants Hikaru in other ways that are not-so family-friendly, this would cause huuuge issues to his already fragile mindset about how his world operates, and he'd be quickly suppressing these desires likely out of a worry for hurting hikaru in the process.
this is also where the selfish thing comes back into play, because what if it was HIKARU who initiated it first? He wants to take their relationship to the next level, he wants kaoru like this and he knows kaoru wants it too, but kaoru keeps saying no, we can't, it'll ruin everything, it'll hurt you...
like kaoru would have likely agreed if this was pre-episode 21 or whatever, but past that general time area, he becomes a lot more obsessive with this idea of "moving on" and so I think he'd turn Hikaru down out of the idea of "the greater good." and even if Hikaru insists he knows what he wants, what makes him happy, Kaoru would still say it's not like that, it won't ever be like that, they can't do this, and Hikaru would definitely be the only one able to get through to Kaoru, because 1 it's Hikaru and 2 he's blunt as hell, so he'd probably snap and be like "Stop being so selfish and making my own decisions for me! If you want us to be independent so bad, don't I at least get the freedom to make my own mistakes?"
bc like, I highly doubt Kaoru is even cognitively aware of his controlling behavior. He does the things he does because it feels like he has to. And he probably had no clue how insanely suffocating he was being until Hikaru said that.
fuckkk that's what i love so much about hikakao right there y know. yes i love their toxic codependent swag and how insanely, well, insane they are for each other. but the idea of them growing up, becoming independent but STILL choosing each other time and time again, this time not out of necessity but out of genuine choice just because they love each other that much?? fuckkk.........fuuuck.......... win. win.
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dcont · 5 months
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A-a-and it's Kaor again, pre-war and "the first part"-war reference, when she had a ground altmode. I decided that all my OCs need a reference because I'm too lazy to describe them in the fanfic to order commissions with them. One day I'll continue to draw memes with canon chars… I will… Jet-mode war reference with info about her on the link
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bonguri · 6 months
20240227 Shinsiro 7 by Bong Grit Via Flickr: いつまでも残したい景色。 @Kaore area, Shinsiro city, Aichi pref. (愛知県新城市 川売梅の里)
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (3-9 Mar 2024)
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😍 That Was the River, This Is the Sea (what_alchemy) - 44K, Kaysanova, no-powers academia AU, meet ugly, annoyances-to-fuckbuddies-to-lovers - this was really lovely. the emotions were so good & chewy - very real family dynamics with all that grief and anger and love, Joe's journey of not immediately recognizing his own feelings 'cause his so fixated on a specific vision. And the sex was hot hot hot. I really loved Nicky's unabashed scent fixation. Just 😍😍😍 all the way around.
🥰 The Anthropocene Reviewed (John Green, author & narrator) - collection of essays about human things in the world; really enjoyable & hopeful
😊 The Canterville Ghost (Oscar Wilde) - via Serial Reader app
😊 Two of a Kind, the Perfect Pair (stfustucky (iwillpaintasongforlou)) - 78K, shrunkyclunks, fake dating - stucky bookclub pick - enjoyable
😍 Play It Again (metisket) - 63K, EXCELLENT Teen Wolf multiverse fic
💖💖 +74K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the sound of you (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: steddie, 3K - short but super cute meet ugly
Accidental husbands… (darter_blue) - MCU: shrunkyclunks, 17K - - reread, a very delightful 'woke-up-married-in-vegas' fic
Ghosts (US) - s3, e4
D20: Adventuring Party - s3, e6-11
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Feasts & Families" (s7, e8)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Fight at the Museum" (s7, e9)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Nulla Dies Umquam Memori Vos Eximet Aevo" (s7, e10)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Let's Get Tiny" (s7, e11)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "The Battle of the Hot Dog Cart" (s7, e12)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Of Rats & Dragons" (s7, e13)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "History Checks and Lost Dex" (s7, e13)
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Vulture Clash" (s21, e9)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Emo People Meet at Panera" (s16, e9)
What Next: TBD - Google’s Scam Obituary Problem
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Oscars Guide: Original Song
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - What Happens to the Food You Try To Sneak into the Airport?
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Raquel Willis
Today, Explained - Why groceries are still so expensive
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - GALS Gone Wild
It's Been a Minute - 'The Harlem Renaissance' and what is Black art for?
Vibe Check - The Oscars Are My Super Bowl
Code Switch - This conspiracy theory about eating bugs is also about race
Short Wave - The Recent Glitch Threatening Voyager 1
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mr. Kaor’s Letters
Shedunnit - Lucy, Anthony and Anne
Films To Be Buried With - Ray Winstone
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Exploring the Abandoned with Blake Pfeil
99% Invisible #572 - WARNING: This Podcast Contains Chemicals Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer or Other Reproductive Harm
Today, Explained - Can Reddit survive going public?
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat #000 "This is Our Salad"
Consider This from NPR - Generations After The First Nuclear Test, Those Sickened Fight For Compensation
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2024 Oscars Preview And What's Making Us Happy
What Next: TBD - Why TikTok Went Silent
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Couple To Throuple
Dear Prudence - I Want People to Shut Up! Help!
Short Wave - The "Shocking" Tactic Electric Fish Use to Collectively Sense the World
You're Dead to Me - Emma of Normandy
It's Been a Minute - And the winner is… outrage? Plus, if the economy is good, why does it feel bad?
⭐ Worlds Beyond Number - The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One #1: The Open Door
Under the Influence - Buy-O-Pics: When Brands Become Movies
Les Misérables (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
Cats (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
Carly Rae Jepsen
Lord Of The Lost
Judas Priest
Women of Rock
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old-wolf1972 · 8 months
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I etahi wa ka pohehe koe, i roto i te wera o te waa katahi ka pouri koe ... engari i taua meneti kua whara koe i te tangata e arohaina ana e koe.
Tena pea ko te noho mokemoke te mea pai rawa atu.
Kare au e mohio me aha, tera pea ka mahia e au engari kaore au i te maia ki te whakatau.
- Te Tuia Pakau -
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kaoffee · 10 months
have u seen that one tiktok where this girl and her bf both like iced coffee but he gets hot coffee instead. so then she asks him why and it's so that she has something to drink when she gets too cold. kaor......................
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