#kanna mama
roninreverie ยท 2 years
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Since everyone is really into Galizia and Venus this week in my notes, I thought I'd share some reference pages I made for them a while back. Just for a little extra trivia! ๐Ÿ˜‰
**Side note: I still don't really know which sea turtle Venus is or her age, so feel free to speculate. I am kind of leaning towards oldest sibling and Kemp Ridley, but ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ any is good.
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waterfire1848 ยท 2 years
Hama: What did I tell you about lying?
Hakoda: It only works on mom.
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larz-barz ยท 4 months
hereโ€™s my official tumblr family post๐Ÿ˜Ž
my amazing platonic wife: @kimetsu-chan
my amazing child: @night-mince0
my other amazing child: @gyutarowritings
my amazing mama: @slayfics
my other amazing mama: @snowmist-hashira
my other other amazing mama: @rosalinastan1
my amazing older sibling: @bottlecapsandotherthings
my amazing platonic spouse: @aceofstars0
the amazing alien living in the basement: @floofgryph/@cypriathus
my amazing sister: @demonslayerdoodles
the amazing pet wolf that randomly appears and disappears: @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira
the amazing, weird older cousin who lives very far away: @pulim-v
my other amazing sister: @zenitsustherapist
my other other amazing sister: @axolotl321
my amazing, mischievous sister: @pinkwisteria
my amazing, little sister: @miyaito-kanna
my amazing, studious, younger sibling: @iincogneeto
my amazing, anime addicted cousin: @phantom-soul-101
my amazing, silly cousin: @blueberrypie20
the amazing auntie who spoils all the children and does nothing if she doesn't want to: @muichirosboba
my amazing child: @michikatsutsugikunigirly
my amazing child: @laskarinachan
if you wanna be added lmk here or in an ask and say what you wanna be>:3
tagging: @bottlecapsandotherthings @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @kimetsu-chan @shycroissanti @slayfics @night-mince0 @zenitsustherapist @frostburn-shoto @floofgryph @pulim-v
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scryarchives ยท 1 year
๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐ ๐ข๐ซ๐ฅ ๐จ๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐›๐ฅ๐จ๐œ๐ค - ๐ฃ๐š๐ข๐ฆ๐ž ๐ซ๐ž๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌ
it's been almost a month since the whole "Victoria Kord Blue Beetle Fiasco", and Jaime has loads to sort out, especially since the new neighbour might not be what she says she is...
masterlist | next !
โ€“ pairings: jaime reyes x oc
โ€“ย warning: fluff, canon divergent, blue beetle movie spoilers
โ€“ย author's note: after watching the blue beetle movie, I've been so down bad for jaime reyes i had to make a one-shot series for him. disclaimer: i'm not of Hispanic descent and i have don't know casual terms spoken, so do correct me if im wrong!
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The sun's heat beat down on the hot sand, heat waves radiating off the ground from the high temperature. A winding tarmac road lay between the plains, and a little vehicle sped down it, emptiness surrounding them.
โ€œMama, how much longer until we get toโ€ฆ Palmera City?โ€ The woman drawled, picking up a pamphlet in her right hand, and pulling her wireless headphones down with the other.
โ€œWe're pretty much there, Drea,โ€ A woman replied, hands on the steering while and eyes trained on the road. โ€œWeโ€™re almost there.โ€
โ€œWhy canโ€™t I just fly there myself? You and Amma can take the car. Iโ€™m twenty Ma, not five,โ€ Drea huffed, neatening out her ruffled ebony waves. โ€œYou taught me how to fly when I was ten, anyways.โ€
โ€œKanna, you donโ€™t even know where Palmera City is,โ€ Another woman turned her head in the passengerโ€™s seat to face her daughter in the back. โ€œAnd you donโ€™t know where the house is.โ€
โ€œI do know where it is, El Paso Street, Palmera City.โ€
โ€œWhich house then? And you only knew Palmera City from the pamphlet,โ€ The woman driving chuckled. โ€œBesides, donโ€™t you like spending time with your mamas?โ€
Drea said nothing in return, grumbling and pulling her headphones back over her ears, blasting her music at almost full volume.
โ€œShe grew up too fast,โ€ The other passenger sighed, her hand on her forehead. โ€œWhen did she become twenty? Remind me, please.โ€
โ€œShe turned twenty almost two days ago, aแน‰pu,โ€ The driver grinned. โ€œDid you forget that she almost set the house on fire when we told her about the move?โ€
โ€œPlease, donโ€™t remind me, Zara,โ€ Anika sighed at her wifeโ€™s entertainment. โ€œIโ€™m still drained from all of the mess I had to clean up after.โ€
โ€œNika, weโ€™re moving, new people, new sights to see, and new opportunities for a good life for you and me. For our family,โ€ Zara, the driver, smiled softly. One of her hands slipped off the driverโ€™s wheel, encasing itself around Anikaโ€™s smaller hand.
โ€œBesides, Drea needs a job, something that can keep her steady until she finds out what she wants to do,โ€ She shrugged. โ€œAnd Palmera City might have everything she needs.โ€
โ€œโ€˜Might haveโ€™ are the keywords.โ€ Anikaโ€™s worried eyes met Zaraโ€™s calm ones. โ€œIf it doesnโ€™t? Then what? Sheโ€™ll just, what, fly alone to a new place?โ€
โ€œProbably. But thatโ€™s okay, I was her age when I came here, and I needed something new. Something different. And then I met you, and I felt love for the first time,โ€ She winked, her wife flushing.
โ€œOh stop it you, focus on driving!โ€
โ€œAlright, alright. But you get my point, right?โ€
โ€œYeahโ€ฆ I do."
โ€œUntil that happens, if that ever happens, weโ€™ll be just fine.โ€
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โ€œHermano,โ€ Milagro huffed, her hands forearm deep in water as she held a plate in her hands, holding it up to her brother, who was staring out the window in curiosity.
โ€œJaime,โ€ She called out once more, her brother still unresponsive, the girlโ€™s patience snapping. โ€œEarth to Jaime Reyes!โ€
Jaime jumped slightly, taking the plate, gaze focused back on the window while muttering apologies to his younger sister.
โ€œSorry, sorry,โ€ He wrapped the plate with the cloth in his hands hurriedly.
โ€œWhatโ€™s got you so distracted?โ€ Milagro frowned, peering over his shoulder to see a moving truck parked outside their house. More accurately, in front of the empty house across the road from them.
โ€œOh, new neighbours,โ€ She nodded, taking another soapy plate to rinse off from her mother.ย 
โ€œI wonder what theyโ€™ll be like,โ€ Bianca Reyes hummed, handing Milagro another plate.
โ€œItโ€™s about time someone moved in that house,โ€ Milagro chirped. โ€œThat house has been empty for as long as I can remember."
"That's not true," Jaime glanced at his sister. "Mrs. Diaz lived there for a while before her son moved out."
"Oh yeahโ€ฆ But that was still ages ago. So my statement still counts."
Jaime playfully rolled his eyes, a smile faint on his face. Glancing over, Milagro questioned her brother teasingly.
"Why are you staring there so much, anyways? Did you see Jenny?" She wiggled her eyebrows.
"What? No, no. We're just friends," He huffed.
"Sure you are."
"No, look. Khaji-Da scanned their moving stuffโ€”"
"Woah! Boundaries, hermano!"
"Exactly! But she did it somehow and she warned me about them."
"What? Is she saying that they're villains? Like Jenny's crazy aunt?" The girl beside Jaime placed a hand on her hip. "C'mon, they're new neighbours, how bad can they be?"
"Pretty bad," Khaji-Da chimed in Jaime's head, her host glaring.
The rest of the day proceeded to be uneventful. After dishwashing and tidying up after lunch, Jaime hadn't done much other than trying to find work or helping his mother around the house.
Occasionally, Nana would come around for a drink while taking a break from her sewing, and Milagro soon joined Jaime in his room, the two job-hunting together. Uncle Rudy wasโ€ฆ well, somewhere working on "an upgrade for the truck Jenny had gifted", according to him.
If he could, Jaime would have described the atmosphere as "chill and somewhat productive".
His mind drifted from the list of temporary jobs he could apply for on the site he sat on to the whole "Blue Beetle Fiasco" over a month ago. To the friend he hoped would be something more, until she, in the nicest way possible, tried to turn him down.
"Jaime, you're thinking about Jennifer again."
Instantly, he shook his head, trying to refocus his attention.
"Nope, nope. I'm completely focused. See? I can qualify for aโ€ฆ" He narrowed his eyes, reading the word his pointer was aimed at. "Chiropractor? What, noโ€”"
"You need to move on, Jaime. The positive is that Jennifer is still your friend. You have more responsibilities."
"Yeah, and I'm doing it with Mili," Jaime then looked around him, wondering why his sister's questioning and prying hadn't begun.
"Milagro had left to get a drink, while you were busy 'looking for jobs'," Khaji-Da chimed in, rubbing in her point before her host could ask.
"Thank you, Khaji," Jaime huffed sarcastically. "How long has she been gone for?"
"Ten minutes."
"That long?"
"You were deep in thought."
"Got it," He grumbled, pushing himself off of his bed to find his job-hunting partner. "Mili!"
He called out his sister's name, hoping to find her peering around a corner in response, but was returned with nothing, not even a single quip.
"Mili?" Jaime frowned at the lack of noise in his home.
"Nana? Uncle Rudy?"
Seeing that no one was responding, Jaime narrowed his eyes, his mind darting to the worst-case scenario.
"Khaji, can you scan or locate where my family is?"
"Your motherโ€”"
"Jaime! There you are!" Bianca cut Jaime off, her son relieved to see that she was alright.
"โ€”is right here."
"Thank you for theโ€ฆ status, Khaji," He whispered before smiling, letting out a sigh. "Mama, where's everyone?"
"They're outside, greeting the new neighbours!" She furrowed her brows, a smile still gracing her lips. "I thought Mili told you? Oh, I'll talk to her about it later, come come! Let's meet the neighbours, yes?"
She grabbed Jaime's upper arm, rushing out to meet up with the rest of the family.
"Jaime, meet Mrs Tlatilpa, and her daughter, Alejandra!" Bianca smiled.
Jaime smiled over at who he assumed was Alejandra, as she did look quite a bit younger than the woman beside her.
Taking in her appearance, he noticed that she almost looked Hispanic, like him, though her skin was slightly darker. Her hair remained wavy and was a dark shade of brown, pretty much black if he hadn't noticed it against the sunlight. If he looked close enough, he noticed that she had a few strands of braids tied together here and there.
She tilted her head as her wireless headphones covered in vibrant stickers were plastered all over, covering the brand's logo, and it seemed like stars โ€” he noticed a few hand-sewn ones on her baggy jeans โ€” seemed to be her favourite pattern.
Triangle earrings glinted in the light as her dark brown eyes watched him in curiosity. If he looked close enough, he could almost see sparks of redโ€”
"You're staring, Jaime."
He flinched from Khaji-Da's comment, holding his hand out to shake hands, the woman across from him doing the same.
"Reyes, my name's Jaime Reyes," He nodded, putting on his best smile.
"Alejandra Tlatilpa. But you can call me Drea," She nodded respectfully before switching her glance to his shoes. "Cool shoes."
"Ah, uhm thanks. Not my favourite pair, but they serve their purpose," He chuckled, almost sadly as he remembered the fate of his now-incinerated favoured shoes.
"She's dangerous," Khaji-Da pointed out, Jaime's brows furrowing.
"What? No way," Jaime muttered, Drea, blinking in confusion.
"I'm sorry?" She questioned for clarification.
"No, sorry, I uhmโ€ฆ just a habit of mine, I talk. To myself," He quickly responded, his smile turning awkward.
"Right," She pointed a finger, nodding once more. "Got it. Don't worry about it, we all have our habits."
"Look at the two of you getting along!" Mrs Tlatilpa grinned. "Kanna, why don't you go get Mama? I'm sure she'd love to meet new people."
"Yeah, sure," Drea chirped, smiling one last time at Jaime. "See you around."
"So, your wife?" Bianca questioned, her eyes curious.
"Ah yes, it's a long story," Anika laughed nervously.
"No, no worries! In fact, would your family like to join us for tea?"
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gif by @rob-pattinson
taglist: @mooncleaver < comment/dm me if you'd like to be on the taglist! >
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marymary-diva17 ยท 7 months
My little water bender
kataran and reader
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The moon and ocean spirits had not only blessed you with a wonderful life in the southern water tribe. They had also given you a wonderful husband and two children as well. It seems like all your wishing to the spirts had finally been answered, and you love the life you have. Your daughter had become the third blessing in your life and blessing you love so dearly.
Y/n " should I make seaweed noddles, smoked arctic hen legs, or salmon jerky ... there many thing I could make"
????? " mom " you had heard your name getting called you soon saw katara running into the room.
y/n " hey sweetie now what you got in rush"
katara " mom I have you show you the cool new trick I have done"
y/n " sure honey show me"
katara " no mom I can't show you in here we have to go outside"
y/n " okay" katara soon grabbed your hands and soon walked you towards some water.
katara " you have to see what I can do mama it will be amazing"
y/n " okay" you had smiled as katara started moving her hands and arms around, as the water started moving. You had looked at her as she was water bending your daughter is a water bender, he had been able to make a small bubble of water.
katara " see mom I can do this I have never seen anyone do this before"
y/n " sweetie you are a water bender"
katara " waterbender"
y/n " yes sweetie water benders are people who can bend water into anyone, our sister nation has many of them you are water bender"
katara " yeah" katara had become very happy as she soon dropped the water, as she ran towards you making you smile.
hakoda " hey" you and katara soon saw hakoda and sokka coming home after a hunting trip.
katara " dad you need to see what I can do" katara had ran to her father with a bright smile on her face, she soon stood near a pile of snow and had waved her hands over it forming a snowball.
Hakoda โ€œ wow sweetie this is amazingโ€
Sokka โ€œ wait you can do magic now no fairโ€
katara โ€œ it not magic mom calls it water bendingโ€
????? โ€œ your mother is rightโ€ the family of four soon looked and saw kanna standing there, she was smiling as well.
Kanna โ€œ there havenโ€™t been many water benders bender here for many years, you have a special gift my daughterโ€
katara โ€œ really gran granโ€
hakoda โ€œ your gran gran never lies sweetieโ€
y/n โ€œ hakoda it seems like both of our kids are special Sokka with his boomerang and Katara, with her waterbendingโ€
hakoda โ€œ yes the spirts have blessed us well havenโ€™t theyโ€
y/n โ€œ yes they haveโ€
Katara โ€œ can I work more on my water bending o please pretty pleaseโ€
hakoda โ€œ yes you can honey but you will have to be careful, you are still very youngโ€ katara had nodded her head she was very happy. Over time katara will start mastering more of her water bending, but it felt like she wanted more from her life.
Many years later
Katara โ€œ mom are you sure you want me and Sokka to leave with aangโ€
y/n โ€œ sweetie you should go help aang master water bending and learn as wellโ€
katara โ€œ you will be all alone hereโ€
y/n โ€œ i will have gran gran and the rest of the trio be here to keep my company, yes your father has left for the war but now it time for you and Sokka to go and explore the world โ€ฆ along woth saving it as wellโ€
katara โ€œ yes mom โ€œ
y/n โ€œ I will miss you my little waterbender โ€ฆ you are no longer little but you will still be my water benderโ€
katara โ€œ i will miss you to momโ€ but we will come home I promise thatโ€
y/n โ€œ i know now go my dear daughterโ€ Katara had hugged you one last time, before she took off on appa with her brother and aang. You are happy for your daughter and you know she will do well, and one day will be an amazing water bender as well.
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beanieman ยท 10 months
which characters do you think the yttd cast would kin?
Sara Chidouin - Clementine (TWDG Season 4 and 2 in particular.)
Joe Tazuna - Noel (Witches Heart)
Gin Ibushi - Tara (Baldurs Gate 3)
Keiji Shinogi - Bojack Horseman (Bojack Horseman)
Alice Yabusame - Mirabel (Encanto)
Reko Yabusame - Vi (Arcane)
Nao Egokoro - Max Caulfield (Life Is Strange)
Kazumi Mishima - That One Professor In Most Horror Movies That Somehow Knows Very Plot Relevant Information About A Murder That Took Place In 1898 (Most Horror Movies)
Q-taro Burgerberg - Ronald McDonald (Mcdonlads)
Kai Satou - Mama (Cooking Mama)
Kanna Kizuchi - Prim Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Shin Tsukimi - Sou Hiyori (YTTD)
Ranmaru Kageyama - Jason Dean (Heathers)
Naomichi Kurumada - Alice Yabusame (YTTD)
Anzu Kinashi - Todd (Bojack Horseman)
Mai Tsurugi - I Couldn't Choose A Specific One But She Has "Ace Attorney Witness" Character Vibes (Ace Attorney)
Shunsuke Hayasaka - Just Some Guy (He's the embodiment of Ohio so I don't know what part of his characterization to draw off of here.)
Hinako Mishuku - The Real Hinako (YTTD)
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sereia1313 ยท 1 month
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For @crescent-dreams' Fandom Creation Night (April 2024).
Summary: All Kanna wants is to see her Papa's smile, but he keeps going on playdates with people who don't want to play withย her. Hopefully, the dark-haired woman with the pretty eyes will be different.
Read on Ao3 and FFnet.
Sneak Peek
Kanna sighed as Papa's shoulders slumped again, a frown forming between his eyebrows as he ended the phone call. She'd grown accustomed to reading his facial expressions, though she didn't understand why he put up with so many people who made him mad.
She wished she could remember what he was like when her parents were still around. She'd long since started referring to Sesshoumaru as her father; it was just easier that way, forย bothย of them. It wasn't hard to convince others they were father and daughter; they both had pale blonde hair, liked to keep their clothes clean, and didn't express themselves openly. But it had been years since she'd seen him smileโ€”reallyย smile.
Mama and Daddy had gone on a mini vacation, opting to fly instead of take the train. They'd wanted to take Kanna with them, but school had started, and they couldn't afford to go during peak times. Uncle Sesshoumaru had offered to look after her, telling Mama to enjoy herself and to bring Kanna back a new sibling. Kanna had asked which stores babies came from and if she could choose the type herself, causing her mother to turn as red as her eyes.
They'd all laughed, leaving Kanna to think she'd missed out on a good joke. Mama had patted her head, telling her evenย sheย didn't get to pick what kind of sibling she'd get, but they'd work on getting her one soon. Uncle had held her close at the airport, both waving until they couldn't see the plane anymore.
It wasn't until the next day that Uncle received the first phone call that made him sad, body tensing as the person on the other end informed him Mama and Daddy's flight hadn't landed properly. They were both sad for a long time, sleeping in the same bed until she stopped crying at night.
Uncle had never cried, but Kanna had held onto his neck as she reminded him that he still had someone who loved him. He'd been against her calling her Papa, but Kanna had merely shrugged, telling her that Mama and Daddy had loved her most, and Uncle loved her second, so why shouldn't she call him that?
Daddy was Daddy. Papa was Papa. She knew the difference.
Papaย had hugged her after that, but he was still frowning. He claimed it was a happy frown, but Kanna was sure he was lying. Who frowned when they were happy?
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nerdycafe ยท 1 year
Farewell For Now, (Y/N) ... The Heiwa Lily
๐™ผ๐šž๐š•๐š๐š’ ๐š™๐šŠ๐š›๐š ๐šœ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šข โžข ๐š‚๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šž๐šœ: ๐š„๐š—๐š๐š’๐š—๐š’๐šœ๐š‘๐šŽ๐š
๐™ฒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š™๐š๐šŽ๐š›๐šœ โžข 1 โ—‰ 8
๐š†๐šŠ๐š›๐š—๐š’๐š—๐š๐šœ ๐šž๐š™๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ๐šœ ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐šŽ๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š‘ ๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š™๐š๐šŽ๐š›, ๐š‹๐šŽ ๐šœ๐šž๐š›๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜ ๐š›๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š ๐š‹๐šŽ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šŽ ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š—๐š๐š’๐š—๐šž๐š’๐š—๐š.
โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€เณ‹แƒฆ ๐ŸŒบ แƒฆเณ‹โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
โ-*- ๐“๐ข๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž ๐Ž๐Ÿ ๐’๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ -*- *.โ˜ฝ .* | Inuyasha x Half-Demon! Adoptive Mother Readerโž
โ-*-๐–๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ-*- โ€ขยฐโ€ขโš ๏ธโ€ขยฐโ€ข | Noneโž
โ-*-๐‘๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐ -*- เฎ“เน‘โ™กเน‘เฎ“ | Mature โž
โ-*-๐…๐š๐ง๐๐จ๐ฆ-*- โ€โ—‹โ€ | Inuyasha โž
โ-*-๐๐š๐ข๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ-*- สšโ™กษž | Sango โ™ฅ๏ธŽ Miroku _ Inuyasha โ™ฅ๏ธŽ Kagome _ Inuyasha โ™ฅ๏ธŽ Kikyo _ Koga โ™ก Kagome _ Kikyo โ™ก Narakuโž
โ™ฅ๏ธŽ Romantic
โ™ก One-sided
โ-*-๐‚๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ-*-โ€ขโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ€ข Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Koga, Ginta, Hakkukau, Kikyo, Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, Naraku, Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, Kohaku, Izayoi, Toga, Iyameโž
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เผถโ€ขโ”ˆโ”ˆโ›งโ”ˆโ™› แŽฌฮแŽซฯดแŽฝ อฒแŽปแŽฌ ีอฒฯดแŽกแŽฝ โ™›โ”ˆโ›งโ”ˆโ”ˆโ€ขเผถ
Sesshomaru left an hour before the sun rise, he didnโ€™t speak to you much, he just taunted Inuyasha, railing him up as he did so. It was a lovely little reunion while it lasted. You didnโ€™t speak much, just happy to hear their harmless banters. Once the sun came up, you and Inuyasha returned to your demon forms. Inuyasha rolled out his shoulders, loosening them up. โ€œThat damn Sesshomaru. That asshole teased me the whole night, giving me a hard time, Iโ€™d like to see him try me now.โ€ He said before he cracked his fingers, flexing his claws.
You sighed as you strolled past him, you were in the hut, making the fire and getting the cauldron hot so that you could make some rice. Inuyasha caught up to you with a few quick steps, he fell in line behind you his hands tucked in his sleeves as he stared down at you curiously. โ€œWhere are you going?โ€ He asked as he arched a brow at you. You smiled before you looked back at him. โ€œIโ€™m going hunting, I feel like itโ€™s time for more meat.โ€ You said, his face brighten with a smile. โ€œAlright!! What are we gonna catch huh? Rabbit? Deer? Goat? A pig?โ€ He excitedly asked.
You laughed at his excitement before you looked back forward. โ€œWhatever you can catch, although a deer would be nice. Itโ€™ll most defiantly feed everyone, and weโ€™ll even have some leftovers too!!โ€ You said as you walked into the forest, Inuyasha wasnโ€™t far behind. He smirked, a cocky gleam in his eyes. โ€œThen itโ€™s settled, Iโ€™ll catch the biggest deer youโ€™ve ever seen.โ€ He said in a confident tone. You lightly laughed. โ€œIโ€™m sure you will, dear.โ€ You said fondly. You looked up at the sky, memories of the times from when Inuyasha was a young boy.
You could still hear his little laughter ringing out through the forest as he hunted down small rabbits. The sound of his little voice screaming โ€œLOOK, MAMA!!โ€ As he confidently showed you his capture of two rabbits. Your smile softened and you looked back at the trees ahead of you. โ€˜So many memories.โ€™ You thought. You both walked a little further before Inuyasha suddenly quicken his pace and he rounded in front of you making you stop. You looked up at him curiously. โ€œWhat is it, Inuyasha?โ€ You asked him.
He stared down at you for a moment before he turned around and crouched down in front of you. You stared down at him in confusion. โ€œGet on my backโ€ฆ itโ€™ll be faster this way.โ€ He explained, he never looked at you as he spoke. You stared a little longer before you smiled, you gently placed your hands on his shoulders. โ€œNow, Iโ€™m a little heavy, okay? I donโ€™t wanna strain you.โ€ You said. Inuyasha huffed in annoyance. โ€œYouโ€™re not that heavy!! Besides youโ€™re small anyways.โ€ He said in an annoyed voice. You smiled at his words, but you nearly yelped when he suddenly stood up. His arms under your legs pulled them to his waist.
โ€œBesidesโ€ฆ I never got to do this...โ€ He said in a soft voice as he began walking. Your eyes widen before they softened once more and you placed your cheek against his shoulder. You both continued on in silence, his words ringing memories. โ€œOne day, mama, Iโ€™m gonna be strong enough to carry you through the woods.โ€ Came Inuyashaโ€™s small voice. โ€œOh? Why is that?โ€ You amusingly asked. His little cocky laugh made your heart hum. โ€œBecause I donโ€™t want you to be tired when you get home. One day, Iโ€™m going to be strong for the both of us.โ€ He promised.
Your grip on his shoulders tightened and you smiled fondly to yourself. โ€œYou remembered, Inuyasha?โ€ You questioned in a gentle voice. โ€œYour sweet little promise?โ€ You questioned once more. He stayed silent a little longer before he softly replied. โ€œYeah, how could I?โ€ He questioned. โ€œIt was something I held onto for years, I wasnโ€™t kidding when I said that...โ€ He said in a serious voice. You listened to him, letting him speak. โ€œI was going to get strong for us, so that I could protect you, Mom.โ€ He said. Your eyes closed as you held onto his shoulders tighter. You both walked silently for a moment before you spoke softly as you both vanished into the forest. โ€œThank you, Inuyasha.โ€ You said in a grateful voice.
A few days have gone by, and it was unfortunately time for Inuyasha and his friends to part ways. You all stood outside in front of the hut, the group stood in the pathway while you stood in front of the hut. You smiled sweetly at them all, you were happy to meet them all. โ€œNow you all travel safely now, okay?โ€ You said in a motherly voice. They all smiled at you. โ€œWill do, and you keep yourself safe too okay?โ€ Sango said in a kind voice. Kirara was on her shoulder and she meowed as if to agree with Sango. โ€œYes, please do keep yourself safe.โ€ Miroku chimed in. โ€œYeah!! Weโ€™ll be sure to come by and visit too!!โ€ Shippo happily said, he was settled on Kagomeโ€™s shoulder, his sweet little smile never ceases to make your smile stop.
โ€œI would happily let you all in. Please do visit, I would love to have you all in my home again.โ€ You said. Their smiles seemed to brighten at your words. โ€œThank you so much for everything, weโ€™re extremely grateful,โ€ Kagome said in a sweet voice. You smiled at her sweetly. โ€œYouโ€™re all so welcomeโ€ฆ Inuyasha.โ€ You called his name. He blinked in question, but he spoke up. โ€œMโ€™eah?โ€ He questioned. โ€œMake sure you come by and visit me more often, and take good care of your friends, especially this young lady here. You take good care of her young man, do you hear me?โ€ You scolded him as you pointed your finger at him, you lightly scowled at him and your eyes set on his.
He seemed shocked by your words as he leaned back from you. โ€œI said, do you hear me, young man?โ€ You sternly said as you stepped up towards him and you pulled his ear. โ€œOW! OW! OW! I HEARD YOU!! I HEARD YOU!!โ€ He shouted in pain. Your stern look never let up. โ€œI want you to promise me that youโ€™ll look after her properly.โ€ You said once more. โ€œI WILL!! I WILL!! NOW LET ME GO!!โ€ He shouted his promise angrily. Your stern stare slightly let up and you smiled. โ€œGood.โ€ You said in a much more happier voice as you let his ear go, he immediately stepped back from you as he rubbed his ear. Everyone stared on in amusement as they watched you lecture Inuyasha.
You then walked towards him and you engulfed him into a hug, your arms wrapped around his shoulders making him hunch over. He stared at you in slight shock and confusion before his eyes softened. โ€œI mean it, Inuyasha. I want you to visit me more often, I want you to bring your friends too. I want you to stay safe out there, and continue getting stronger. Stay kindhearted and do try to talk with your brother more.โ€ You said as you rubbed his back. His hands gently embraced you, before he tightened his hold on you. โ€œI promise, Momโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll do all of those things and moreโ€ฆ except for that last part.โ€ He irritably said.
You lightly chuckled before you pulled away and he did the same. Your hands remained on his shoulders and his on your waist. โ€œI know, but at least try, dear.โ€ You said as you whipped some invisible dust from his cheek. You pulled back from him and he did the same. โ€œIโ€™ll try, but no promise can be made.โ€ He said as he placed his hands on his sleeves. You shook your head, knowing that he will try, but not anytime soon.
โ€œUntil next time, you all travel safely now.โ€ You said, they all smiled once more as they all turned to walk away. They waved back at you as they made their way down the path and you waved back at them. You stopped waving when their figures became small and you stayed there at the door to your hut, waiting for them to vanish down the hill. Once they did you stayed there a little longer before your eyes soften and your smile became fond The sun was high in the sky and the birds were chirping. โ€œDid you wish to come speak to me, Sesshomaru?โ€ You asked
There was no movement, no response, but you knew he was there, and your patients was well worth the wait. The sound of grass crunching under slow steps sounded from behind you, but you never turned around. You listened to him walk towards you through the grass, and you heard when he stepped on the dirt. He continued walking to you before he stopped a few feet behind you. You both stood there in silence for a moment before you spoke. โ€œSesshomaru, Iโ€™m shocked that you came out this early in the day.โ€ You spoke in an even tone.
He didnโ€™t respond to your words. โ€œAre you here to ask me something? Or are you just here to speak?โ€ You asked curious about his sudden visitation. โ€œI wish to know the answer to something.โ€ He finally spoke. Your eyes gleamed in a knowing light, as you figured thatโ€™s why he came. You finally turned towards him, your kind smile never leaving. โ€œWhat answers do you need from me?โ€ You asked. He stayed silent for a moment before he spoke. โ€œThe Heiwa Lily.โ€ He said. You grew curious about his statement. โ€œWhat is it that you wish to know about them?โ€ You asked, as your hands came to lay together in front of your legs.
He answered. โ€œYou said that they only absorb demonic emotions, however, you never explained their importance.โ€ He said. You gave him a sweet smile, genuinely happy that he even decided to stay just to ask you this question. You wanted to remind him that you wouldโ€™ve, had he and his little brother not got into a little argument, but you didnโ€™t want to hurt his pride. โ€œThe Heiwa Lily is a flower that can be used in war.โ€ You said. His eyes lightened with enlightenment. โ€œThey were used to drain rivaling clans of their demon's energies, in turn, the opposing clan will take the stored energy and absorb it for their own usage." You explained, he soaked in your words thinking of what you said. โ€œThey have another purpose, do they not?โ€ He asked. You smiled.
โ€œPerceptive as always, Sesshomaru.โ€ You complimented him, he didnโ€™t react to your words and you continued. โ€œThey did have another purpose, they were also used to speak to the dead.โ€ You explained. His eyes seemed to lighten. โ€œThe dead?โ€ He asked. You nodded. โ€œThe Heiwa Lily could be used to speak to dead demons. They were usually used to speak to messengers and prisoners who were slaughtered. And very rarely, to speak to loved ones.โ€ You further explained. He blinked in confusion before he seemed to gather his thoughts.
โ€œWhat was the purpose for you to gather those flowers?โ€ He asked. You gave him a sad smile, and his brow twitched at the sight of it. โ€œI was gathering them, because I wanted to speak to Toga, and maybe even perhaps Kudagitsune.โ€ You sadly said. Sesshomaru observed you for a moment before he spoke. โ€œYou wish to use the lily, yet you were a human, do you mourn so deeply till sense leaves you?โ€ He asked. His tone was condescending, but his eyes seemed soft, almost like he felt sorry for you. You smiled at him, you held no anger toward his words.
โ€œNo, my senses never left, but I do gather them on the night of the new moon, so that I can pray to them.โ€ You said fondly. โ€œPray?โ€ He asked. โ€œLast I checked, they were demonic flowers, demons donโ€™t respond to prayers.โ€ He said coldly. You kept your same sweet smile. โ€œI know, but I still do it anyways. I hope that they can hear me from the other world, even though I know they canโ€™t. But, itโ€™s the only form of communication that I have with them.โ€ You said, your hands came up to your heart and you held them tight to your chest.
โ€œI wish to speak to them, Sesshomaru, I wish to tell them of you and Inuyasha. About how far my sweet boys have come since they were alive.โ€ You spoke, your voice held pure honesty, they caused Sesshomaruโ€™s eyes to widen. He stared at you for a moment, before he slightly scoffed. โ€œYouโ€™re a fool.โ€ He said. You smiled at him. โ€œI know I am, and I will accept that as a part of me. But what of you, Sesshomaru?โ€ You asked him. He eyed you in curiosity.
โ€œExplain.โ€ He ordered. You chuckled at him and his gaze narrowed. โ€œYouโ€™re still my sweet little Sesshomaru. Prideful and just as cocky as ever.โ€ You said as you smiled fondly at him. He didnโ€™t say anything, meaning that he wasnโ€™t doubting your words. โ€œBut, youโ€™ve also gained compassion and humbleness. It makes me shiver with pride at how far youโ€™ve come, Sesshomaru.โ€ You said. His brows twitched before he turned away from you. โ€œDonโ€™t speak so familiar with me, you are a lowly caretaker, know your place.โ€ He coldly said before he walked away.
You stared at him, watching as he stalked off into the woods. โ€œYou say that, yet you always come to check on me. You speak coldly yet your eyes stayed warm. You and I both know, and you run from that.โ€ You spoke aloud to yourself, as you watched his figure vanish into the trees. You stood there a while longer before you walked into your home.
In the trees, far from where Sesshomaru vanished, was Kagura. She smirked to herself in success as she chuckled. โ€œSo, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both have a motherly bond with this woman, do they?โ€ She said to herself. Her brain seemed to be turning gears before her smirk widen โ€œNaraku would be most pleased with my little discovery.โ€ She said, before she plucked a feather from her hair and she threw it into the air, and she vanished with a whirlwind of leaves.
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sometimesbrave ยท 9 months
read chapter 1: here
warnings: alcohol, death
(Italics are Telugu dialogue, brackets have translation to English)
March 1986
"While I'm far away from you my baby
I know it's hard for you my baby
Because it's hard for me my baby
And The darkest hour is just before dawn"
- Dedicated to the One I Love by The Mamas and the Papas
Varadha drank alcohol for the first time on 20th March, 1986. He had his reasons. No Aai. No Deva. No Baba. No one cares. Nothing matters. And tomorrow was 21st March.
Varadha found whiskey bottles in Baba's office. He drank half of a bottle and it burned his throat. But after a while everything felt more peaceful. The constant noise in his brain was very distant.
He saw a young child running fast through the rooms, giggling, hiding behind doors and tables. He thought it was Baachi.
"Vara, kanna. Agaraa, parigethaku!!" ("Vara, love. Please stop running!!"), his mother called out. She was annoyed but she wasn't mad. So, Vara figured he can make her chase him for a few more minutes.
"Vachi kotha battalu vesko, kanna"("Put on these new clothes, my love"), Aai requested. "Bangarukonda, kadha?"("You are a mountain of gold, right?"), she cooed. She didn't speak for a little while. Vara realised his mother stopped following him. He tiptoed back to the hall and his mother caught him by surprise. She was tickling him, saying, "Patteskunna, Patteskunna, Rakshasudini"("I caught you, I caught you, monster"). Vara turned around laughing and hugged his mother. Aai's belly grew more and more everyday and she is now caressing her belly even in her sleep.
Varadha watched his younger self and his mother from afar not wanting to sully the purity of this memory. Aai looked so beautiful. He was unable to recall what festival they were celebrating.ย 
His mother finally finished dressing Vara in festive clothes which were very itchy and not black and cool like his father's clothes. She was dressed in a violet pattu saree. She was sparkling in her gold jewellery. Aai was not listening to his stories about dinosaurs who eat leaves in the forest. How he is making this clever connection that dinosaurs are big, long necked goats.
"Aai, nuvvu vinatle, nenu cheppanu po!"("Aai, you are not listening. I won't tell you"), Vara dismissed his mother.
"Sorry raa kanna, nuvvu thvaraga thayaaru aipothe nenu nee katha vini, chappatlu kodatha Sarena? Neeku kotha katha kuda cheptha"("Sorry my love. If you get ready fastly, I will listen to your story and clap for you, okay? I will also tell you a new story"), Aai said as she kissed his cheek.
Varadha was listening in on this conversation and he was trying to recall what story his mother had told him later. He hated that he doesn't remember it anymore.
Now Aai and Vara sat on the sofa in the hall. Vara was safely tucked beside his mother and fell asleep.
Varadha looked at his younger self and envy bubbled inside him.
"Appudu ikkadike vasthavu raa, kanna, nuvvu" ("You always arrive here only, my love"), Aai said chuckling. Varadha shifted his gaze from his younger self to his mother. She was looking at him with such loving eyes.
"Eroju tharavatha manchi rojulu levu, Aai" ("There are no good days after this, Aai"), Varadha teared up.
"Baachi ippudu ilane unnada?" ("Does Baachi look like this, now?"), she asked curiously, threading her fingers through Vara's hair.
"Inka podugu" ("He is taller"), he replied.
"Anukunna" ("Thought so"), she said and beckoned him to sit beside her.
Varadha sat beside his mother to her left and rested his head on her shoulder.
Tears fell from his eyes and stained her golden blouse.
"Enni rojulu ayipoindhi kanna nuvvu vachi, kaani naaku antha thelusu. Sariga thinatam ledhu, padukovatledhu. Ippudu thagatam kuda" ("It has been so many days since you came here. But, I know everything. You are not eating properly. You are not sleeping properly. Now, you are drinking too"), she listed and whacked his head.
Varadha rubbed the back of his head to soften her blow.
"Repu Nanna raaka pothe, Nene karyakramam cheyali. Naaku cheyalani ledhu, Aai" ("If Father doesn't come tomorrow, I have to perform the rites. I don't want to do them, Aai"), Varadha admitted. Six years ago, his mother passed after giving birth to Baachi. Every year, his father performs Pinda Pradhaana ritual to honour Aai's memory on 21st March.
"Mee Nanna vastharu, Varadha. Maa madhyana unna Prema appatiki vuntundhi. Nuvvu kangaru padaku" ("Your father will come, Varadha. The love between him and I will always be there. Don't worry"), Aai reassured.
There was a knock on the door. His mother turned to him and hugged him fiercely. Varadha caressed her belly as she kissed him on the forehead.
"Naaku vellalani ledhu" ("I don't want to go"), Varadha said, gasping suddenly.
There was another knock on the door.
"Aaa, vasthunna" ("I am coming"), Aai shouted.
"Nenu kuda akkadiki vellatam ledhu, kanna. Nenu appudu neethone untanu" ("I am also not going anywhere, my love. I will always be with you, I promise"), she whispered into his ear.
He got up from the sofa and walked away from her. She picked up sleeping Vara into her arms and opened the door. His father was standing, smiling at the door in his black shirt and grey kurta. He took Vara from her arms and hugged her. He was talking to her but Varadha couldn't hear him. Everything was muted. He fell back into a dark room and felt breathless.
He woke up, gasping for air. After drinking some water, he fell back asleep immediately wishing he would get the same dream again.
Today was Baachi's birthday. For the past five years, on this day, Varadha and Baachi sat beside their father, as he dutifully completed the Pinda Pradhaana ritual in Devi Matha temple. This year, Varadha was unsure whether his father would come due to their fractured relationship.
To his relief, his father came and completed the ritual. When the three of them had to take a dip in the temple pond, Baachi got scared of getting into the water. Varadha comforted Baachi as his father watched from afar. He carried Baachi on his back and took a dip in the water.
His father's entourage was ready to leave after he put on some dry clothes. His father's assistant took Varadha to his father. His father spoke in a steady voice, "Baba and the drivers will be released from prison today."
Varadha's knees started to shake.
Raja Mannar continued,
"Malli naa maata thappithe, naa koduku vani kuda choodanu, ardha maiyindha? Gelichaanu Ani anukoku. Idhi nee Aai kosam chestunna. Nee kosam kadhu. Edho oka roju, Dhaara pellam Inka koduku dhorukuthaaru. Vallu dhorikinappudu, nee Kalla mundhe vallani champutha, Sarena?"
("If you cross me again, I will not even consider that you are my son. Don't think that you have won. I am doing this for your mother. Not for you. One day, Dhaara's wife and son will be captured. When they are captured, I will kill them while you watch, okay?")
His father's eyes were burning. There was no love there. If there was any love, it was so shattered and twisted in his grief over his wife'sย  death and the loss of this future of a happy family that was gone with her.
As soon as his father left, Varadha's knees gave out. He fell to the ground, crying and shaking. Baachi stood before him and said, "Endhuku, Anna, edusthunnav? Aai ki manam edisthe nacchadhu kadha, edavaku."("Why are you crying, brother? Aai doesn't like it when we cry, so, don't cry") He said it with such conviction that it made Varadha chuckle. He got up and took Baachi's hand.
"Baba eroju sayanthram intiki vasthaaru, manam emi chesi pedadham Baba thinadaaniki" ("Baba will come home by today evening. What dishes should we cook for him to eat?"), Varadha asked. Baachi chattered on listing all his favourite food items that he was sure Baba will also like to eat.
tags: @deadloverscity, @ghostdriftexistence @sambaridli, @rambheem-is-real, @sinistergooseberries, @vardhamannartitties, @moonnpaww, @literariyumi, @sana2410, @varadevaficrecs
Go read @sinistergooseberries amazing fic here which gave me the idea to write the some of the dialogue in Telugu and then translate to English
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nspwriteups ยท 1 year
Maayaiya Sol (Vanmozhi Two-Shot)
A/N: my very first Collab and the first of many with @thatacademic. Thanks @arachneofthoughts for the idea of Arulmozhi's every confusion disappearing the moment he sees Vanathi's Rakshasa Mamane dance ๐Ÿ˜‚ Happy reading everyone.
"Come Thambi, we were waiting for you," Arulmozhi smiled at his Akka's words and seated himself in the settee next to Vanthiyathevan, acknowledging the latter with a nod and then turned his attention to the person sitting opposite to him, next to Kundavai. Vanathi felt his gaze on her and looked up, smiling wholeheartedly and was happy to see the gesture returned, so much so that she almost missed Kundavai telling her something.ย 
"....will you, Vanathi?"ย 
She stared at Kundavai, bewildered as to what conversation she was being a part of.ย 
"Forgive me Akka, I missed what you were saying," she said with an apologetic smile.
"In which world were you immersed in, Kanne? " Kundavai asked rhetorically while sending a quick glance at her Thambi. " As I was saying, the poojari from the local temple came to see me in the morning. There is going to be a mahapooja for the presiding Krishna deity in the temple and he asked me to be a part of the celebrations. Maybe you can come with me, Vanathi?"ย 
Vanathi nodded her head.
"I would like to make a suggestion, Devi," Vanthiyathevan chimed in. " Since every Samantha king from all over the Chola Kingdom will be present there, how about we present a spectacle for them on behalf of the empire? It will simply be beautiful, not only will everyone be aware of Chola Samrajya's boldness but also its elegance and grandeur."ย 
"That's a wonderful idea! " Kundavai joined in and soon they were talking of the various performances they could organize, so engrossed in their conversation that Arulmozhi wondered whether they were aware of his and Vanathi's presence.ย 
" I know what I want to see. A certain Ilavarasi enacting Lord Krishna," Kundavai said teasingly.
โ€œAkka!โ€ Vanathi blushed, forcing herself to not peer at Arulmozhiโ€™s reaction to his sisterโ€™s statement.ย 
"Ah yes, I remember that. That was when I first met you two. And also the first time I realised I have a penchant for acting" Vanthiyathevan said, proud of his own praise. " Kodumbalur Ilavarasi was exceptional as Maya Kanna.โ€
ย Vanathi was overwhelmed by the compliments, and she shyly gazed at the ground, not noticing Arulmozhiโ€™s gaze find her in that same second.
Arulmozhi continued looking at all the three faces, though his main vision was a shy Vanathi, his surprise growing, as he watched this conversation like a spectator.ย 
"Maya Kannana?"
He knew his elder sister had caught the curiosity in his tone, if her indulgent smile was any indication.
"Yes my dear Thambi. My Uyir Thozhi was truly beautiful in that role and Patti was extremely proud and happy with her performance, as was the entire audience," Kundavai said
"Yes Ilavarase, you once asked why we call each other Maya Kanna and Rakshasa Mama occasionally, this is the reason," Vanthiyathevan replied. โ€œWe ended up dancing together.โ€
Arulmozhi glanced at Vanathi who was still blushing and smiling at all of them. He has heard of Vanathi's talent in music and dance, courtesy of his Akka mentioning it several times during every and any conversation, but he has never seen her dance in person. And now that he has heard even more about it,causing his curiosity to reach its peak. Added to it, the fact that even Vanthiyathevan has seen and danced along with her? He hated to admit it, but he suddenly felt a flash of envy inside him.ย 
How did Vanthiyathevan get to dance with Vanathi when he had never even seen her perform?
โ€œMaya Kannane, did you also learn the song for it?โ€ Vanthiyathevan now, completely enthused about his idea.
โ€œShe helped write it, Vanthiyare,โ€ Kundavai said proudly, patting a blushing Vanathiโ€™s head affectionately. Arulmozhi raised an eyebrow, now intrigued beyond comprehension. He had always known that Vanathi was very talented, but he had not expected her to have helped write a song completely.ย 
โ€œAkka, you and Patti were the main writers. I just helped a little,โ€ Vanathi said bashfully, meaning every word that came out of her.ย 
โ€œIt is your generous spirit that makes you say so, Kanne,โ€ Kundavai shone in the light of pride that she had in Vanathi, reflecting like lamps in her orbs, stunning Vanthiyathevan again.
โ€œAkka, how can I dance like that?โ€ Vanathi shied, continuing. โ€œThe original dance was for celebrating the birth of Bhagavan Krishna at Pazhayarai.โ€
โ€œIt was. But Vanthiyar is right. We do need to express the elegance of Chozha Naadu, and you are the crown jewel, Kanne,โ€ Kundavai said gently.ย 
โ€œBut Akkaโ€ฆโ€
Arulmozhi could see the reluctance on Vanathโ€™s face to perform, and though he did not know why she did not want to perform, he wanted to make an attempt to get her to perform. If she still refuses, he will let the matter lie.ย 
โ€œI think that would be great,โ€ stated Arulmozhi calmly, though he could feel his heart beat fast at the thought of seeing her dance.
Vanathi looked at Arulmozhi,her eyes widening. Her main reason for not wanting to dance was to ensure Ponniyin Selvan knew she was not trying to catch his attention with her skills, but only with her heart.ย 
โ€œAkka has praised your skills heavily, Devi,โ€ Arulmozhi continued, pouring his earnestness into words. โ€œSo much so that my curiosity has been aroused. Please consider performing.โ€
Vanathi blushed, bending her head down before looking at Arulmozhi again, nodding shyly.
โ€œI will dance. I only request Vanthiyar to also join me.โ€
Vanathi stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her clothes for the thousandth time. She knew she looked beautiful in her Maya Kannan avatar, with the blue and pink robes, the bejewelled belt and necklace and other ornaments and above all the big Jasmine garland and the peacock feather tucked in the pink turban on her head. But what will Ponniyin Selvan think? Will he love her look? Or will he also mock her like Kundavai's other companions who take pleasure in teasing her? But then the rational part of her brain awakened. Why am I thinking so much? I am just going to pretend he is not there, that this is Janmashtami celebrations again with Kundavai Akka and Patti watching me and Vanthiyathevan dancing with me as Kamsa Mama. Yes. Otherwise I'll faint for sure. Oh Krishna! Watch over me.ย 
As Vanathi was immersed in her thoughts and prayers, Kundavai came in. " Kanne, why are you already in your outfit?" Kundavai asked confused.
" Akka, I was just trying it out" Vanathi turned around to face her Uyir Thozi
"Don't worry Vanathi. I'm sure he won't be able to take his eyes off you" Kundavai said teasingly and both of them giggled. " Now change quickly Kanne, there are some young girls who have arrived from the neighborhood to join your performance. Let us go and see them"
Arulmozhi walked along the corridor, to any other onlooker it might seem the Ilavarase was supervising the ongoing activities for the Pooja. But his eyes were actually searching for the Kodumbalur Kula Vilakk. Where has she gone? A little far off he saw Vanthiyathevan standing in the balcony, leaning on the railing and looking down, a dreamy look in his face.ย 
"Vanthiyar" Arulmozhi called "What are you looking at?" Vanthiyathevan simply brought his index finger to his lips as an indicator to not make a sound and pointed down.ย 
Below them, Kundavai and Vanathi were playing with the little girls who have come to join her performance. Kundavai was seated with some girls around her and one sitting on her lap watching Vanathiย  showing some dance mudras to another group of girls who were trying to imitate her. Arulmozhi smiled at the sight. It was truly heartwarming to see his Akka and her Sakhi so happy.ย 
"Beautiful" he heard himself remark
"She truly is" Vanthiyathevan said. Arulmozhi glanced at him and followed his line of vision. It was clear Vanthiyathevan eyes directly fell upon only Kundavai who was laughing with the girls and looking proudly at Vanathi. Arulmozhi cleared his throat and that seemed to make Vanthiyathevan snap out of his dream world. " Ummm..I meant they are looking very beautiful Ilavarase, and I'm sure the programme is going to be a success as well. I was just wondering who my Rakshasa minions would be. The last time, the minions I got were adamant in turning my head the other way whenever I tried to look at Iliya Piratti" he said with a huff of annoyance.ย 
Arulmozhi smiled and resumed looking at the gathering below, particularly the dancing diva in the centre of the group. It is said that Krishna was known as manmohan (winner of hearts) .And it seems this girl has already won his heart before donning the Krishna costume.
The event Arulmozhi was waiting for was nearing, and he found himself excited for the day, wanting to see Vanathi sing and dance. He had also not seen her much, which did frustrate him a little, as he had gotten used to seeing her with Kundavai often.ย 
He did understand that she had chosen to also take over the organization of everything, including the other dramas that will be presented.ย 
But he wanted, no, needed to see her.
As he wandered around the palace, wondering how he would accomplish meeting her, he heard the faint sound of her sweet voice.ย 
Without any compunctions, he took off in that direction, needing to see Vanathi at least once. He came upon the open corridor, and spotted the clothes before he saw her.
Vanathi stood in light blue, her eyes quickly moving across all the garments in front of her, the seamstress smiling patiently.ย 
โ€œAmmai, do you have a more mustard colour for the children? I think the bright yellow will clash with the open space, as we are not dancing under trees for it to contrast,โ€ Vanathi said, pursuing the garments. She held up a colour with a smile. โ€œLike this one, Ammai.โ€ย 
โ€œI do, Ilavarasi. Should I use that for the children then?โ€ย 
โ€œPlease do. They are meant to bring the Ilaya Piratti at the start of the program as a sign of the one who has organized everything,โ€ Vanathi said smiling.ย 
โ€œYes Devi. Are you still wearing the same robes you did for the Krishna Jayanthi festival?โ€ย 
โ€œI am Ammai. Akka has a couple additions she wanted to try out, but all of that is within my own sarees,โ€ smiled Vanathi. โ€œI am trying to reduce your work, not add to it.โ€ย 
Arulmozhi had to smile at this interaction, Vanathiโ€™s natural kindness was one of the things that made him feel she was right for him.ย 
โ€œWe are blessed to work with you and Ilaya Piratti, Ilavarasi,โ€ said the seamstress, her eyes and tone so genuine that Arulmozhi was curious as to what else Vanathi had done.ย 
โ€œIt is all the blessing of Periya Piratti, Ammai,โ€ Vanathi demurred. โ€œIf those are chosen, and we have fixed the Shakuntala drama clothes, we are done, Ammai. Will you be there for it?โ€
โ€œOf course, Ilavarasi. None would miss your dancing and singing, it is a double treat for us,โ€ said the seamstress, making Arulmozhi think that it was for him too.
โ€œAmmai, it is all Ilaya Pirattiโ€™s teachings.โ€
โ€œAnd your acceptance of it, Devi. You and the Ilaya Piratti are like the body and shadow, always together, and always one in everything you do.โ€
Vanathi smiled and blushed, helping the seamstress with her things, despite the latter protesting. Arulmozhiโ€™s heart both thudded and melted at the natural compassion that flowed in her, his love shining like the Sun, the dynasty he descended from.ย 
The next morningย 
The mandap in the temple was decorated as an open stage for the festivities. As Arulmozhi reached, the audiences were filling in, seating themselves in front of the stage. There wereย  seats placed on a podium behind them reserved for the royal family. He greeted his Patti who was already seated and sat beside her. He looked around, expecting to see Kundavai, Vanthiyathevan or even Vanathi..no his Maya Kannan. But to say he was disappointed to see noone around was an understatement.ย 
"Kanne, are you looking for someone?" He heard his paatti ask him.ย 
" Yes paatti. I am looking for Akka and Vanthiyar" he said, still wondering where they have gone.
"Only Akka and Vanthiyar?" He looked at his Paatti at her retort, smiling sheepishly.ย 
Just then the little girls who are performing in the spectacle started arriving on stage, receiving the applause of the audience. He saw the girls get into their arrangement but still failed to see the main dancer. Where is she? Has something happened to her? His curiosity was now replaced with concern. The next minute he heard a flute playing and saw the audience gasping and pointing upwards. He also looked up and widened his eyes at the sight as the song performance started.ย 
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @thatacademic @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai @rang-lo . @willkatfanfromasia @thelekhikawrites @thegleamingmoon @deafeningflowercat @yehsahihai @whippersnappersbookworm @itsfookingloosah @gemsmusings @chiyaanvikram @elvenladysakura . @matka-kulfi . @madatdisney @bumblebeeskywalker @vahnithedreamer @nkarti @dosai-maavu @utterlynotperfect @winter-birds @happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore @rapunzels-stuff @celestesinsight @mairablue @rationalelderberry @existenceiswhateven @arachneofthoughts
Will be continued in the next part
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sweetbottletops ยท 1 year
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What's this casual cool happening in her school get up? Staying out with her school friends? Not wanting Uncle Joe up in her business?
Mitsuki's genres are blurring.
In case it wasn't clear enough, the rizz was adopted from Kanna, period, and the anxiety inherited from the Koga side.
Joe, please. She's 17-ish. That debilitating social awkwardness was so last week year.
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Kanna missed all of Mitsuki's issues the last six years. On the one hand, Joe's lived in instincts do count... On the other hand, Mitsuki could benefit from an adult that hasn't seen her be a complete hot mess for years and just sees her as she's wanting to be seen right now. Kanna runs a lot cooler than Joe too.
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"Besides, Aya-chan's there too." For a while now I've felt like Kanna is actually on Team Aya now that's she's had a chance to catch up with Mitsuki more and saw things for herself. I don't think she'd force the same spit up scenario that happened to her and Joe on them. More on that later.
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Trying not to do a Joe-mama joke here, but Joe is really not used to Mitsuki choosing something like this for herself and he's not dealing with the change. TBF, she's not used to it either. *BLUSH*
After something like this they're probably used to her coming home as soon and she could get away, drained of energy, Joe treating her to something nice, ending the night comatose with her headphones in bed. Now that she did some typical teenager thing and seems fine he's feeling the tectonic shift.
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Mitsuki has her happy green eyes going in overdrive.
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*head pat* Kanna is a cool cat.
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She called Kanna to check in. Not Joe. And she wants to keep secrets. She's speedrunning her youth. LOL
Mitsuki finding a confidant that is carrying around less of her baggage than Joe might be a good when it comes to talking about some things. Specifically girl things. She's been aware of how much of a burden stuff has been on Joe, since she was really little, and is somewhat passively choosing some independence via the person who hasn't seen her at her worst. And at her age that's not a terrible thing.
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Kanna first saw Mitsuki again after six years when she was having one of her best nights. She's where she's comfortable. She's got her girl with her (Kanna clocked that right away). She comes off really confident. It's nice to have that be someone's latest impression even if they find out some of the other things later.
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I think her "get Joe to America through Mitsuki" fell on it's face out of the gate and she already sensed it when she saw them.
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Game recognizes game.
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She follows it up with their Girl's Day Out. Where Aya was on the forefront of Mitsuki's mind and she stepped out to spontaneously call her. Mitsuki isn't dreaming of America even it had been Joe's back in the day.
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Kanna is vetting her.
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Setting Aya up for a reaction with the classic "she's been talking about you..." Allowing the "ex gf" misunderstanding to sink in for a few seconds.
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The "so cute" was Kanna's POV. Aya has passed all of the tests.
Bringing it back to this chapter: When Joe is having his anxiety scenarios about Mitsuki she's quick to say not to worry because she has Aya with her. And to me Mitsuki deciding to call Kanna about her social choices she's probably the one most up to date on how that relationship is going and that's her was conclusion.
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thereader-radhika ยท 1 year
3- Uncharacteristic Behaviours
Parts 1 , 2
It was midnight but it looked like morning due to the light of all lamps that were lit in and around the temple. Floral garlands of several colours decorated its walls and pillars. Cool breeze from the nearby river blew into the temple but the lamps miraculously stayed intact. Vallavarayan Vanthiyathevan gazed into the temple as he heard a sweet song.
Aazhi mazhai kanna! Onrum nee kai karavel Aazhiyul pukku mugarnndhu kodaarththeri Oozhimudalvan uruvam pol mei karuthu Paazhiyan tholudai Padmanabhan kaiyil ...
Some old women danced before the idol of Muraleedharan, holding flower garlands. Has he gotten so old that young beauties won't grace him even in his dreams? He closed his eyes and slowly massaged his aching neck. The women or the decorations were nowhere to be seen when he looked again.
A abstruse fear gripped his heart as he walked away, so he decided to go back. But a garland made of white lotus buds was floating against the current of the river. How is this possible? It stopped floating and sunk into the bottom of the river as Vanthiyathevan stood there transfixed. Then the dancers' prayers were answered and the rain drenched him.
No, it was his nephew, the crown prince, who poured a pot of water on him.
". . . Ravikulamanikyam, Mummudi Chola devar, Kandhaloor Salai Kalamarutta Keralanthakan, Pandiya Kula Sani, Cholendrasimhan, Korajakesari, Tribhuvanachakravartiย Konerinmaikondan Raja Raja-devar . . . "
Mama's and his titles were too announced as the royal entourage entered the captured palace. Appa squirmed as he heard the name 'Maduranthakar' again and again. Who asked paatti to name him after her runaway son? Young Maduranthakan still doubted if this was an elaborate prank they all pulled on him. How could a Pandya king grow up as the Chola emperor's son?
Appa asked mama to deal with the officials and ordered Madu not to disturb him unless it is an emergency before retiring to some chambers he claimed for himself. He pretended not to care but mama's nightmares have scared him too. Could this be a vision about impeding heavy rains and flooding? If it rains now, it will affect the movement of their reinforcements and supplies.
Madu entered his father's room and sat beside him. Why isn't he talking to the soldiers and commanders and cheering them up as usual? Is he upset about the the other Maduranthakan?
"Are you alright, appa?"
"I am. Give me a quick update on today's developments".
"Half of the aabathudavigal have escaped with the women and a prince who might lay claim to the throne. Velakkara padai met an old woman at the eastern boundary of the palace complex asking for 'Ponniyin Selvan'. People here really hate us but don't worry. Mama has written to athai to send reinforcements and supplies. I suggest a system of food - rationing until they calm down and more supplies arrive".
"Old woman?"
Maduranthakan was already regretting reporting it. It reminded him of the Singala Nachiyar who saved appa in his youth. Her story was so sad and unsettling. He stopped talking to girls after learning about her death. Hasn't Poonguzhali paatti too said that these girls have the bad habit of building castles in the air if handsome men treat them nicely? Though he isn't that handsome, what if they catch unnecessary feelings for him?
"Bring her here. No, it is impossible. I will order rationing until we secure our holdings. Don't mention a word to your mama. These aabathudavigal manage to do it every damn time".
What has come over his usually calm and composed appa? He might not be used to people turning against him but they will overcome this. Madu had no idea how to deal with this situation but what will the common soldiers think if their emperor is flustered like this?
"You are rambling, appa. Everything will be fine".
A strange expression appeared on appa's face. He looked naughty like the times when they used to sneak away from amma and athai and go on small adventures with mama.
"My son, it is the logistics and supplies that win wars. I have sent Aprameyan to take account of the food and grain reserves. Further orders will be issued on the basis of his report. You too assist him and learn to make such calculations. If I want any help from you, I will send for you".
If Maduranthakan had any doubts, they were quickly dispelled. Now he was sure that Appa is definitely up to some mischief. Does he expect him to make the list of rice and vegetables in the kitchen? He will show him!
โ€ŒMaduranthakan is the son of Vanathi and Arulmozhi. He would later take the name Rajendran. He is 14/15 years old in this fic.
โ€ŒAprameyan is a general of Rajarajan.
Part 4
@willkatfanfromasia @sakhiiii @sampigehoovu @sambaridli @sowlspace @favcolourrvibgior @ambidextrousarcher
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vishnavishivaa ยท 1 year
1- An Invitation to Pazhayarai (Ennavale)
Prologue link:ย https://www.tumblr.com/harinishivaa/718575281936498688/ennavale?source=share
โ€œIlavarase, Idaya Piratti is calling for you,โ€ the voice of one of the mahouts of Tanjavur, the capital of the Chozhas, reached Arulmozhiโ€™s ears. The Prince was patting the trunk of Gajendra, one of the elephants he commonly rode on, pacifying the animal about his having to go. He could not disobey an order from his mother.ย 
โ€œMikka nandri,โ€ he smiled at the mahout named Murugan, before taking his leave of all the elephants, cutting into the palace with shortcuts only he and his siblings knew well.ย 
He sped through the routes, curious, for his mother rarely called him when he was busy with the elephants, knowing that it was one of the few times he actually got to relax. Maybe some letter had come from his elder brother? Or had Sembiyan Patti had sent some new story on Parameshvara from Thirunallam?ย 
Maybe some news from Pazhayarai, the capital where the women usually lived, where even his elder sister Kundavai stayed?
He frowned mildly when he thought of Kundavai; not due to his elder sister, never, but due to the rumours that had started flying about his supposed marriage to a Princess amidst the sitrarasugal of the Chozha empire. He knew Periya Velar Mama very well, and was ever grateful to Mama for teaching him the art of warfare, having trained him and Aditha Anna personally. He also knew that Mama genuinely adored him, and maybe that is why he felt that Arumozhi had to marry his niece.ย 
Vanathi, was that not her name?
He ignored the shivers that wanted to creep up his body, deciding to keep his senses carefully controlled, and strolled into his fatherโ€™s chambers, knowing well that his mother would be there at that time of the day.ย 
โ€œThandaiye! Thaaye!โ€ย 
He called out to them, touching their feet and hugging his mother, whose gentle caresses to his hair would end soon, for his sister had ordered him to go to Lanka and rally their troops in the already happening war against Raja Mahindan.ย 
โ€œVaa, Kanna,โ€ Vanavan Madeviโ€™s soothing voice relaxed the burning nerves that had awakened within Arulmozhi, the wish to serve his country very strong within him. His motherโ€™s gentleness contrasted with the disturbance Arulmozhi had felt when he thought of marriage.ย 
โ€œAmma, you sent for me? Naan thangalukku edhavadhu seyya venduma? (Is there anything I need to do for you, Amma?)โ€ he asked, smiling when she patted his cheek smilingly, her bright brown eyes everything that he loved in the world, a gentle, motherly fire that only protected her children.ย 
โ€œKanna, a letter has come from Kundavai. We thought you would like to hear about what she has to say,โ€ Vanavan Madevi smiled, seeing the way her son lit up at the thought of hearing about his elder sister.ย 
โ€œHow is Akka doing, Amma? Why has she not come to Tanjai yet? She has not even taken a step away from Pazhayarai for the past nine months. How is this fair?โ€ Arulmozhi asked, talkative amidst his dear family, though silent and in control outside the circle of his parents and siblings.ย 
โ€œKanna, your Akka is busy with the Princesses she is training,โ€ smiled Vanavan Madevi, a knowing smile entering her face, making Arulmozhi frown.
โ€œWhat does that have to do with coming and visiting us, Amma?โ€
โ€œKanna, you do not know the ways of Chozha women yet. For either you or Aditha to choose a bride amidst the sitrarasugal, the Princesses need to be trained by the Ilaya Piratti, the Periya Piratti or the Idaya Piratti. As I am here with your father, Kundavai has taken over the training of the Princesses, and has written a lot of little stories she had experienced in their presence. Particularly close to Kundavai is the Kodumbalur Ilavarasi Vanathi, who Kundavai is constantly writing to me about,โ€ Vanavan Madevi said, smiling and continuing to pursue the letter. โ€œShe also says that she has finally found her uyir thozhi, and that she has never enjoyed herself in Pazhayarai as much as she is enjoying herself now, singing and dancing all day with her friends.โ€
Was Akka implying that the presence of the Kodumbalur Princess had changed her perspective so much that she now enjoyed her time in Pazhayarai rather than in Tanjai, playing politics? How was that possible? How can one girl change his adamant elder sisterโ€™s mind so much?
โ€œI know you are skeptical, and believe me, I too was at first, till Sembiyan Amma sent me a scroll about the same thing,โ€ Vanavan Madevi said, making Arulmozhi startled.ย 
โ€œPatti sent a similar message?โ€
He was surprised, for his Patti, being such a Shiva Bhakta, rarely spoke a lot, and whatever she spoke, it was filled with wisdom.ย 
โ€œShe did. Even she could not stop talking about the Kodumbalur Princess, stating her goodness, kindness and gentle behaviour with everyone. She even told me that she is training the Princess in thevarams, which, as you know, is a rare thing for Amma to do,โ€ Vanavan said. โ€œShe alsoโ€ฆโ€
Here his mother hesitated, and Arulmozhi raised his eyebrow at her, almost sure what she was going to say.ย 
โ€œShe as well as Kundavai believe that the Princess is a perfect match for youโ€ฆโ€
โ€œAmma, I do not want to discuss marriage now,โ€ he responded strongly, knowing this would have definitely come up one way or another in the scrolls. โ€œI have so much to accomplish, and so many things to achieve, why, I am going to Eezham soon. How can I think of marriage at such a time?โ€
โ€œKanna, I understand, but we do have to think about marriage anyway, right? Additionally, when Sembiyan Amma and Kundavai both get the same idea, you know they are going to push it, do you not?โ€
Arulmozhi nodded, sighing at the truth of his motherโ€™s words.ย 
โ€œI know Amma, but even thenโ€ฆโ€
โ€œKundavai has also asked you to come to Pazhayarai for some weeks before leaving for Eezham. She wants to send you off from there,โ€ Vanavan Madevi said, looking at her son, whose face brightened up again at the thought of visiting his sister.
โ€œIf Akka wants me there, I will go there Amma, if you and Thandhai are okay with it.โ€
Vanavan Madevi nodded, hugging her son gently. Arulmozhi hugged his mother back, ecstatic that his elder sister had finally called him to spend time with her, a little annoyed at this agenda of marriage his grandmother and sister were pushing, and quietly curious about the Princess two people he adored and revered were praising with such terms.ย 
I just write him as I perceive him!ย 
@vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @nspwriteups @whippersnappersbookworm @thirst4light @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @ambidextrousarcher @willkatfanfromasia @dr-scribbler @hollogramhallucination @chiyaanvikram @thegleamingmoon @dumdaradumdaradum @arachneofthoughts @celestesinsight Please tag your friends too!
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the-lone-huntress ยท 11 months
New choices for Kaede, Mama Higurashi, and Inukimi - thanks to @classysassy9791 for the suggestions โค๏ธ
Note: if you pick 'Other', I failed the entrance exam for the psychic friends network, so please specify in a comment who your vote is for. โœŒ๐Ÿป
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razzleanddazzledandysworld ยท 3 months
Giving all the dandyโ€™s world characters your turn to die characters they remind me of (except Shrimpo and Pebbles)
Razzle gives me Joe Tazuna vibes and Dazzle gives me Kanna Kizuchi vibes
Hehehehe Joe-mama
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marymary-diva17 ยท 7 months
My little solider
Sokka and reader
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The moon and ocean sprits had not only blessed you with, a wonder husband and tribe. They had also blessed you with a wonderful son, as much as you tried to give your son a normal and peaceful life. It seems like you had been proven wrong as war had come, and now life will never be the same for you and your children.
Sokka โ€œ mama Iโ€™m goingโ€
y/n โ€œ huh wait where are you going off to, donโ€™t you want to see you dad off one last timeโ€ you were keeping a fire going when Sokka had ran out of the house,today was sorrow day. As the man of the tribe will be leaving for while to help against the war against the fire nation.
katara โ€œ Mama sokka ran off with a sack and war paint on his face, I think he going to join dadโ€ you soon sighed as you looked at your daughter.
Y/n โ€œ kanna can you keep an eye on katara for meโ€
Kanna โ€œ sure but I saw Sokka running off to join my son and the othersโ€
y/n โ€œ yes it seems like he ready to be warrior at such a young ageโ€kanna had nodded her head and you soon went to go get sokka. You had been able to caught up as he was walking with Hokoda.
hakoda โ€œ it seems like you mama has come to speak with usโ€
Sokka โ€œ hey mamaโ€
y/n โ€œ hello my little warriorโ€
Hakoda โ€œ it seems like he wishes to join usโ€
Sokka โ€œ I want to come with you dad so I can help fight and protect youโ€
Hakoda โ€œ that is honorable my son but you canโ€™t come with us not yet, you are to young for war and I need you to stay hereโ€
Sokka โ€œ I want to help you fightโ€
hakoda โ€œ I need you to stay here and look after you mom, sister, and gran gran and helped them when Iโ€™m goneโ€
Y/n โ€œ I know you are strong and brave my son and you will make a fine warrior one day, when the time comesโ€
Sokka โ€œ โ€ฆโ€ฆ.โ€
Y/n โ€œ we are going to need brave warriors like you to help around the village, while the older man are away and hey maybe you can teach them some new tricks when they get backโ€
Hokoda โ€œ yes your mother is rightโ€
Sokka โ€œ Iโ€™m going to miss youโ€Sokka soon hugged his dad, and hokoda had hugged him back.
Hokoda โ€œ Iโ€™m going to miss you as well so much that it will hurt, but I know you will be good hereโ€
Sokka โ€œ yes dadโ€ you had given the two some space to talk a bit more, before hokoda and the man had left. You stood there watching as your son made his way back to you holding his bag.ย 
Y/n โ€œ Iโ€™m proud of you my little warriorโ€
Sokka โ€œ really mamaโ€
Y/n โ€œ yes one day you will become a great warrior and helping the world, it might take some time but I know it will happenโ€
Sokka โ€œ yes mamaโ€
Y/n โ€œ now come on letโ€™s get home hey maybe you can hunt some fish, for dinner tonightโ€
Sokka โ€œ okay and I will make sure to protect our familyโ€
Y/n โ€œ I know you willโ€ you and Sokka soon hugged each other, and soon walked back into the village together. Sokka will keep his oath to his father and protect the family and village until they came home, and he will keep the promise once he becomes older and his father left again.ย 
Many years later
sokka " well we have everything we will need aang"
aang " thank you both for coming with me"
katara " well it will be good to help you after all we have been through"
sokka " wait where is my club I need it"
y/n " here it this" your son and daughter soon looked back and saw your standing there, before you could say anything they soon rushed and hugged you.
sokka " mom we are ..."
y/n " I know I knew one day you both will leave home and go on your own journey, and I can't stop you all from leave"
katara " we promie we will come home and we will see dad as well"
y/n " I know you will here some food for you all even something for aang to ate as well"
aang " thank you y/n and I will make sure sokka and katara stay safe"
y/n " you stay safe as well all three of you" katara and went to go help aang back the remanding of their supplies onto Appa.
sokka " mom I know you I'm not going to war like dad and uncle bato"
y/n " no my son you are going on your own battle to bring peace to the world, you are no longer my little warrior anymore you are you own warrior now"
sokka " thank you mom"
y/n " now go out to the world and bring peace and hope while being brave and smart, look out for you sister and aang but let them grow as well and yourself as well my boy"
sokka " yes mom I promise I will bring everyone home and we will come home"
y/n " I know you will and you make your father and uncle proud" sokka soon hugged you one last time, the kids had also hugged gran gran as well. They soon took off on papa as you and everyone waved goodbye to them. You are happy for you children as they will go save the world but you still worry about them, you knew the spirits will watch over them and soon bring them home and the war will be over.
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