#kanijar the courageous
sonicasura · 1 year
Does Draal comfort Kanjigar during a panic attack like Perrito did for Puss in the Last Wish?
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Yup. Draal couldn't leave anyone like that especially his own father. Even the mightiest warriors such as Kanijar the Courageous will break down under extreme distress. It's best to have someone there to help you through it.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
Eyes of a Monster
The Trollhunter Kanijar finds a very gruesome sight and the smell of a human whelp missing from the carnage. Even madness can claw its way into an innocent child.
Connected with the 'To Become Maddening AU! Warnings for: Heavy Gore, Blood, and Attempted Abduction. You've been warned!
"In these lands, it's kill or be killed. You can never turn back once you take a life./The blood will stain your hands as the madness sinks its claws, child./Yes! YES! Show Clown that little buddy has the eyes of a monster!/Do what comes natural or die, squirt. Pull the damn trigger!"
They had gotten reports of strange stone monsters near the California borders. It was natural for Sector 49-B to investigate once pictures cropped up on the internet. They had found a den of beasts within a cave in the forest, two adults and five juveniles. Stone for skin and moss like material for fur.
Adults put up one hell of a fight with a few casualties but the creatures were restrained. Their colorful forms now ensnare in energy bindings while the chloroform in the muzzles sedate them. Unfortunately the juveniles immediately scatter in the initial assault.
Colonel Kubritz ordered a live bag in and tag. The bodies would be dealt with once all the creatures were caught. It should've been an easy task thanks to their advance state of the art technology. A foolish notion as no one realized a real monster was on the hunt.
It was another lively night for the citizens of Trollmarket. Various trolls enjoying a drink whilst they trade tales at the bar, Bagdwella's normal conflict against gnomes, and even the rare few were sparring. A normality that instantly shatter when a loud roar tore through the entire market.
"READY THE HEALERS! WE HAVE INJURED TROLLS!" The harsh howl belonging to none other than Kanijar the Courageous, the current Trollhunter and protector of Trollkind. His large armored frame carefully support two limping trolls as their five whelps follow behind.
The children had little scratches but were otherwise fine. Same couldn't be said for their parents though. Scorch marks wrapped around the arms, legs, and face from those 'magic bindings', the father had his right horn plus his left tusk broken, the mother now missing a chunk of her back while both horns were cut in half.
The sight had instantly brought a large crowd as multiple trolls went to escort the family to the Heartstone. Yet, none noticed the look in Kanijar's eyes. One of haunting dread as he recall the incident on his way to Vendel.
It had been a simple request at first. A Trollmarket citizen was worried about their cousin's family at the borders and ask him to check on them. What Kanijar stumble upon on his way there wasn't a peaceful forest. No, what found was a battlefield full of blood.
Human bodies in the dozens scattered haphazardly like a macabre mural. Torn limbs hung off the tree branches, split open corpses had their organs strewn across the ground, vultures ate away at the exposed fresh pinkish brain matter outta open or smashed skulls, and blood had flood the soil in large crimson pools. Kanijar cringe at the heavy scent of iron that overtaken the clean forest air.
They were all soldiers from the broken weapons and shredded uniforms, most likely hunters as the Trollhunter saw multiple human transports the further he went. Every tire been slashed to pieces while some were missing their engines. A few corpses hung limply from the blood stained upholstery and seats.
Kanijar has seen the horrors of war over his long life yet... There was something about this that made his gut twist in knots. A scent hidden underneath all this blood and death. It was familiar but he couldn't put a finger on it.
Kanijar took a small pouch from the hammer space in his armor and took out a small perfectly cut pietersite. "This should the reveal the truth." He then inserted the stone into his armor where the Amulet of Daylight laid.
It's crystalline blue face burn a bright light blue as Kanijar's helmet visor slid down. The bloodbath around him instantly broke apart like glass with once dead soldiers in strange puffy yellow suits now standing on guard. Both adult trolls laid on the ground snared by bright green magic shackles.
At least 10 soldiers were prepping the unconscious parents for transport. Some were on the hunt for the missing whelps from what Kanijar can gather since one hunter was using a "walkie talkie". All of it reminded the Trollhunter about the ancient conflict his people had with humans.
Particularly the fleshbags that saw trolls as toys or at worst; experiments. The dark thought was instantly torn apart in seconds when he felt it. An intense wave of pure unfiltered killing intent. There were few things that pietersite could translate through the Trollhunter's amulet than just view past events.
One example is how dangerous a particular threat is in the form of killing intent. The best way for Kanijar to describe is like weighted stone slabs. Heavier it feels, the deadlier the opposition. And right now the Trollhunter felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back.
*BANG* Kanijar froze as the yellow suited soldier on the walkie talkie fell dead, what was once a head now blown into pieces. "What the hell?!?" He barely caught the dark blur run past the hunters handling the unconscious trolls. Their bodies exploded outwards as slices of viscera paint the trees and their unassuming comrades.
'So fast! I need to readjust the pietersite or else I won't see the assailant!' Kanijar turn one of the hands on Amulet, the scene around him slowing down in time for him to see it. On top the tallest tree was a lone figure.
Their body cover by a thick long black coat adorn by midnight blue stripes that resemble claws from the sides, shoulders and arm sleeves. Pitch black slightly puffy pants held onto a thick belt, obsidian heavy duty boots which had metal soles, black fingerless gloves with spike knuckles.
Their face hidden by a midnight blue face mask, long forest green scarf flutter around their neck, midnight blue hood that held false horns and black goggles which bear emerald green lens shone ominously in the moonlight cover their head.
In the left hand was a human contraption called a gun, a Desert Eagle from what his peculiar intel will later tell him. The right is a katana with a dragon head on the hilt and strange lettering on the blade(means 'Crush, Destroy, Kill.' in Thai.) What had Kanijar concerned had been the figure's frame.
It was too small and scrawny to be a troll. Changeling didn't fit right either as their peculiar frames still had some troll like bulk. Humans couldn't move that fast nor have such precise power. It then hit Kanijar like a truck.
The scent that had been obscured under all the blood and viscera. One quite familiar despite the centuries of time gone by. He couldn't forget what his son Draal will always be to him. "By Deya's Grace... it's a whelp."
"Up in the trees!!" Every soldier aimed their weapons at the young whelp assailant. Like a Stalking from above, the small fighter dove down from their perch... And utter hell was unleashed.
One second the whelp was on the tree top and the next they were right in one soldier's. Desert Eagle aimed 5 inches away from their larger opponent's head. Whelp didn't hesitate to pull the trigger as the metal bullet pierce the black visor akin to paper.
The death was enough to jolt the Hunters into firing their more advanced blasters at the attacker. Kanijar merely watch the whelp use the body as a spring board to launch themselves forwards. Small lithe form weave past every deadly blast of emerald energy like a serpent.
The child's blade split multiple shots in half with a simple swipe almost if it was child's play. Sword met yellow fabric covered flesh in seconds as the whelp plunge it right through the heart. To add further insult, they flung the body forward like a makeshift shield.
Emerald blasts tore through the carcass spreading blood and chunks of meat everywhere. Yet the whelp was the only one unfazed as they use the distraction to fire multiple rounds. Kanijar couldn't help but feel ill seeing the massacre continues.
It was crystal clear that the whelp had been taught to fight this way. A calculated killer whose strikes were as ferocious as they were lethal. Every bullet's aim was to shatter heads and hearts. Their blade swung to cleave flesh but also bone without fail.
An assassin as brutal as the Pale Lady's Champion Angor Rot. Something that filled Kanijar with righteous fury than just horror. No whelp should fight like this. The realm of battle wasn't made for them but seasoned warriors who chose this path.
Kanijar nearly lunge forward into the illusion when one Hunter had manage to catch the whelp. They went to restrain them only for the small assailant to pull aside their face mask. Moonlight shone on a mutilated pudgy face of a human.
Their mouth was torn so badly that large razor sharp teeth, bloody gums, to even meaty cheek flesh could be seen, the lower jaw replaced by a metal jaw akin to a bear trap. Kanijar watch as the whelp viciously bit into their captor's neck. A loud feminine scream fell dead when the whelp tore out their throat in seconds.
The child reclaimed their weapons and leapt so high into the air that not even the most agile Changeling could reach. For a split second, Kanijar saw a spot on their upper right chest shone a bright blood red. Then the remaining Hunters suddenly fell in various states of carnage with the child standing harmlessly at the center.
Heads crush to pieces, bodies torn so viciously that their organs were mincemeat, and everything else been made into useless scraps. There was no way the whelp could move so fast as the Trollhunter set the pietersite to its lowest speed. 'Did they stop time?'
It was the only plausible answer Kanijar could come up with. Just what he needed, a whelp assassin who can stop time. The Trollhunter watch as the child approach the unconscious trolls. In one clean swipe, their bindings were torn to pieces.
The whelp began to collect the broken stone fragments of the trolls and stuff them in a bag. Kanijar quietly follow their small visage as they drag the unconscious trolls back to their den. The whelps were all gathered there safely, all of them were scared until the human came back with their parents.
It was like a switch as the small assassin took out playing cards and began to perform simple card tricks. The human whelp had kept watch of the family whilst entertaining the frightened trolls until their parents awaken. Small bag with the broken troll flesh was left behind so they could be reattached by healers.
Once the adults began to regain consciousness, they immediately made their departure. Although the whelps were given a Queen of Hearts card before the human whelp left. Kanijar cut the pietersite's magic as he now had the answers about the family's current location.
The Trollhunter can only imagine Vendel's reaction to the news. A mutilated human whelp who wields time magic alongside the skills of a veteran assassin. Kanijar will have to ask his 'chair guy' for help on finding them, minus the gruesome details. He couldn't let the child continue like this as they still had their kind heart.
"Maybe Draal can keep watch of the human whelp while AAARRRGGHH tames their bloodlust. Once the family gets settled in, I'll ask if they can let me look over the playing card. The scent left on it would make the search easier."
Meanwhile at the outskirts of Arcadia, a certain young boy steadily walk towards the sleeping town. His bright blue eyes no longer hidden by green tinted goggles as his face mask hid the boy's gorey mouth. "I'm almost home, Mom and Toby."
And that's it. Trust me when I say Jim here is a little fucked up in the head. Only thing I can tell you is that the reason why happens the same time his face got terribly torn. This also goes for the supposed 'time stop' ability. A coup de grace so don't expect him to spam it.
Jim's outfit here is partly based on the concept art for Hank J. Wimbleton from the live action Madness Project Nexus trailer. The rest are here. I can imagine there are some weaponry and terms Kanijar isn't familiar with.
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I'll be drawing it later alongside Jim's scarred face. As for Sector 49-B, they'll be much more dangerous and sadistic than in canon. I'm talking about SCP Foundation levels of bad. This mainly stems from how brutal the Madness Combat side of this AU is.
You're mostly gonna see more gore in some chapters just like this drabble. Plus I'll be using some of the Trollhunter's novel material too than just the rating. You'll also see more usage on the Amulet's stone based magic. Pietersite is something used for investigation purposes as it can replay past events. How long depends on how perfectly cut the stone is.
With it, a Trollhunter can pause, slow down, or speed up interactions. Pietersite gives audio and visual details but also threat levels if the scene had been a battle. It reads how dangerous a potential threat is in the form of pressure with killing intent being the best to translate.
That troll family will be popping up later in the story too! I originally planned to kill the parents but decided against it. Trollmarket is practically gonna curb his bloodlust as he can't really do it anywhere else without being put in a mental asylum.
Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the madness as I'll see you back in Arcadia.
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sonicasura · 1 year
How does Jim use his Transformations to save Kanjigar from Bular that morning at the bridge?
Jim stolen a few extra large tarps and tossed it over the troll before he could fall into the sunlight. He was coming back as XLR8 after doing errands when our hero notices the scuffle. Kanijar did get some sunstains but overall is fully okay.
Jim had to coax the Trollhunter into retreating. Vendel, of course, scolded him for such foolishness. "Fighting Bular near sunrise?! You are lucky the shapeshifter was in their 'Gale Painter' visage or else your son will be mourning over his idiotic father right now!"
This is enough to push Kanijar into reconciling with Draal than just boost his efforts on the shapeshifter's capture. Our spiky boi deserves some closure!
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sonicasura · 1 year
How does Kanjigar officially meet the "shape-shifter" A.K.A Jim, discovering that he's not only human but a teenager?
Jim got cornered by a few cats as Grey Matter and Kanijar happen to be a patrol. For how this occurs, he basically went through his own version of the episode where Ben was stuck in said form. He picks up the Galvan only for the watch to finally timeout so the Trollhunter didn't expect to be a holding a human by the scruff of his shirt. Kanijar nearly had a stroke right there.
The mysterious shapeshifter who been looking over the town as of late is a human whelp! He was instantly taken to Trollmarket which leads to Toby and Claire breaking in to get him out. All three had to persuade Vendel and Kanijar that they'll willing come back since a kid going missing would put everyone topside on high alert.
Kinda like a trust exercise as mandatory visits later become optional. A situation like this never happened before so the troll side are trying to be safe than sorry when it comes to everyone's safety.
To Save The Deadly, For Everyone's Safety, Kanijar's Favorites
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sonicasura · 7 months
Hello, I hope you are well, I have a question for you, it would be peculiar that Kanjigar (alive) was trapped on the islands and one of them would be Starfall Island where he would discover that Gaylen's core is located and there is something more powerful than the core, the master emerald and would look for a way to free his friends and family from the limbo of the void and discover the secrets of the ancient civilization greater than the Akiridians and about the chaos emeralds accompanied by fialkov koco?
I'm doing quite fine. You raised a very interesting idea. It will be chaotic as Kanijar and ancient unknown technology is bound to have something explode. What would come of it this though as no plan survives contact.
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sonicasura · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes for the Ben 10 Trollhunters Crossover
Young One: Unthinkable! So you can turn into all sorts of different aliens and Trolls?!😃
Jim: That's right👍
Young One: So what's your strongest form?
Jim: Mm, each alien and Troll has its own strengths and weaknesses. I guess physically Humungousaur is the strongest, but most of the time I like using Diamondhead.
Young One: So he's your favorite alien?
Jim: I guess so, sometimes.
Young One: So whose your favorite Troll?
Blinky, Draal, Aaaarrrgh,and even Kanjigar: 🤨
Jim: Oh, um, how about I show you Feedback 😅
Jim shall never answer that question. He ain't starting a competition for favorite troll forms. Lol
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sonicasura · 1 year
Whose Kanjigars favorite alien and Troll form of Jim's?
For favorite alien, I have to say Gravattack. The ability to control gravity is quite mystifying especially with how Jim uses it. Kanijar can remember the many difficult rescue missions or clean up that such a power would easily solved.
For favorite troll, it's Crystalback. This is mainly from how close Draal and Jim are whenever said form is involved. I bet there been thoughts about giving his son a younger sibling to bond with multiple times. His duties alongside the threat of Gunmar just made it turn bitter. Kanijar still has some patching up to do before he thinks about another whelp.
Crystalback does give him hope. A sign of good tidings as the Trollhunter watches the two boys get into antics you only expect from siblings. That includes dragging dear old dad into the insanity.
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sonicasura · 1 year
What's Barbara's reaction to finding out that Jim wasn't really kidnapped by Zombozo but that Kanjigar had placed him under "house arrest" in Trollmarket ?
She eeriely went silent before taking Jim down to Trollmarket with her. Every single troll stood still as they can feel the seething rage that radiated from this single human woman except for Kanijar. He look so confused when Barbara went up to him.
Only for it become shock as she grabbed his nose ring, pull the troll down until they made eye contact and proceed to scold for at least two hours. Barbara made herself the most terrifying visitor to ever come down into Trollmarket. EVERYONE believes she could berate Gunmar so badly he be weeping in the corner like a whelp who just got caught with their paw in the sock bag.
It became an unspoken rule to never piss her off.
Kanijar: *puts Jim under Trollmarket house arrest*
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sonicasura · 1 year
Would Merlin try to have Kanjigar, his Trollhunter, standoff against Jim?
Telling him Jim was potentially a danger.
Merlin gets a polite 'Fuck You' from Kanijar if he even dares try to manipulate the Trollhunter. Jim saved him and was a huge help to his people. He does use the Omnitrix for minor pranks but overall been treating the item respectively.
Merlin hasn't done shit. The wizard been sleeping while a lot of people thought he was a myth or dead. How many more people would suffer under Gunmar's constant threat? If Kanijar perished then who ends up with the Amulet of Daylight and the huge responsibility it holds?
He didn't ask to be the Trollhunter just like Jim didn't in canon. There's a difference between a casualty of war and a casualty by negligence/arrogance. Merlin already showed where he lays after the Malware incident. Kanijar ain't having none of that.
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sonicasura · 11 months
Hello, how are you? I hope you are well and I have a question for you. It would be sad if Kanjigar has been revived. Do you think he has psychological problems, such as distancing himself from Draal just to protect him, but he left horrible traumas and even if he has been revived, Kanjigar can recover. the time lost but his traumas torment him but draal, jim and the rest of his family do everything possible to heal kanjigar and try to fix his traumas that live in his heart?
I'm doing fine.
Kanijar is gonna have issues considering not only did he die but his treatment of Draal hurt his son a lot. The former Trollhunter will also try to hide his issues so confrontation is needed. Before he can fully learn to with his trauma, Kanijar's bad habits of avoiding help needs to be handled.
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sonicasura · 1 year
When does Kanjigar figure out that there's a spy in Trollmarket? When he or Jim are put on trial?
What's his reaction to learn it was cracks?
Jim is put on trial while Kanijar gathers info about whose responsible. He was honestly sadden to such a betrayal. Gunmar isn't someone who fully honor his word and whatever stakes are worthless in the end.
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sonicasura · 1 year
What's Draal reaction after Oanjigar gets the Mark? Does he worry for his father?
Draal is one of the individuals who came to Kanijar'a rescue so he witnessed his dad trying to keep what little composure he had. Our spikey boi escorted the older troll to somewhere private since the Trollhunter prefer that no one see the inevitable panic attack. Draal did his best to comfort his father.
It'll take awhile for Kanijar become mentally ready to fight Angor Rot again.
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sonicasura · 1 year
In your Ben 10 Trollhunters Crossover, does Angor Rot end up giving the Mark to Kanjigar?
How does Kanjigar feel when he realizes he can't rely on Daylight anymore without it being turned on him?
Yup. This particular confrontation later leads to the fight where Jim unlocks Magicka. This is one of the times that Kanijar had to reign in his fear before it would become a weakness. He'd wonder how Angor fell so many Trollhunters but to experience it?
That took a lot of mental strength just to not freeze. Canon Jim was lucky cause Kanijar had much longer to understand and witness his predecessors' capability.
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sonicasura · 1 year
In the Fountain of Youth episode, does Kanjigar turn into a whelp? How is he like in that age?
Kanijar got de-aged to the same point that Grandpa Max was, basically a young troll. Let's just say the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. Young Kanijar acts so similar to Draal that Jim doesn't know what to think.
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sonicasura · 1 year
In the canon events, Merlin convinces Jim he had to become stronger to beat Gunmar do he creates a potion to make him full troll.
In the Ben 10 Crossover, that won't be the case but does Merlin still try to do some questionable things to make Kanjigar "ready" to fight Gunmar?
A few times but Kanijar doubted he could trust Merlin from what he seen and how the wizard interacts with Jim. Plus this troll can't be manipulated so easily. Overall, Merlin doesn't get his way.
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sonicasura · 1 year
Hello, I have a question for you, and yes, Kanjigar is also my favorite troll, it would be very cute and wonderful if Kanjigar would be Jim's real father and be an exemplary, athletic, muscular and affectionate father and take care of his children with all his heart and besides, never distance yourself from them and give them the proper training for when one day kanjigar retires as a trollhunter and spends more time with his children and wife barbara? oh and besides kanjigar hates James for abandoning jim and besides James is the stepfather and kanjigar is jim's true loving father?
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oh and also be a great big brother to unkar since from little young kanjigar to take care of baby unkar as if it were his own son?
Honestly he would be a better dad for Jim albeit quite awkward at the start. Family can be more than just blood after all
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