#kang seunghun
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✦ Nome do personagem: Kang Seunghun. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Matthew - Zerobaseone. ✦ Data de nascimento: 28/01/2000. ✦ Idade: 24 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Focado, atencioso e dedicado. ✦ Defeitos: Inseguro, desconfiado e hesitante. ✦ Moradia: Tartaros. ✦ Ocupação: Suporte técnico de videogames. ✦ Bluesky: @TT00KS ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: É tranquilo. Apesar de frequentemente ficar acordado até tarde jogando Seunghun é bem silencioso, raramente fica sem seus fones de ouvido mesmo dentro de casa e recebe pouca gente. É solícito quando pedem favores a ele, mas raramente costuma pedir algo.
TW's na bio: revelação forçada da sexualidade, menção à homofobia, bullying e drogas. Biografia:
Desde muito pequeno Seunghun já sentia uma desconexão das pessoas; sua imensa timidez dificultava a sociabilidade e até certa idade não tinha nenhum amigo. Nenhum. Também não ajudava o fato de que, por algum motivo, as crianças na escola viviam implicando com ele, excluindo da convivência. Felizmente, com o passar do tempo, ele foi aprendendo a ignorar isso até o ponto em que simplesmente não podia ligar menos. Isso porque o garoto desenvolveu um hobby, que logo virava uma grande paixão: video games.
E não só gostava, o garoto também era bom nisso! Passava o dia todo jogando e, assim, ia aos poucos conhecendo pessoas, fazendo amigos e, consequentemente, se encontrando, criando uma identidade própria. Durante toda sua pré-adolescência e adolescência sua vida era quase que inteiramente virtual; achava ótimo poder explorar um mundo novo, fantasioso, sem aquelas pessoas que pegavam no seu pé. Sobretudo quando se tratava do seu jogo favorito: League of Legends.
E acabou que o tempo gasto não foi todo em vão! Bem novo, aos 14 anos, o garoto já era um jogador de alto nível dentro do sistema de ranking interno do jogo, conhecido na comunidade como Savage Kang (ou, simplesmente, savk), e não demorou para que ele começasse a jogar campeonatos pequenos, regionais, em times locais. Não era grande coisa. Até dava pra tirar um dinheirinho, mas a melhor parte era poder chamar atenção dos grandes: jogadores famosos, patrocinadores, times gigantes. Quem quer que olhasse para o rapaz ele ficaria satisfeito, se isso lhe desse oportunidades melhores. E deu! Em pouco tempo, já aos 17, jogava entre os maiores, num dos times mais reconhecidos do mundo todo!
Mas nem tudo são flores, né? Numa indústria tão grande, competitiva e lucrativa como essa, não importava o esforço tremendo que Seunghun aplicava no esporte, nada que ele fizesse parecia ser suficiente. Os louros, por melhor que fossem, não compensavam o estresse e a pressão envolvidos na profissão, sem contar as críticas com relação a sua aparência, que, mentalmente, o faziam voltar para a época da escola. Uma coisa era fato, porém: o rapaz não dava a devida atenção para sua saúde, fosse física ou mental, e assim, no quinto ano de sua carreira como atleta profissional, tomou a grande decisão: aquele seria seu último. A parte engraçada é que, por coincidência ou não, foi nesse mesmo ano que ele atingiu o pico da sua carreira, vencendo o campeonato mundial de LoL.
Agora aposentado e com o troféu na prateleira, “Savk” podia enfim viver para si próprio, passando a cuidar melhor da sua saúde. Mas é claro que não iria parar de jogar, né? E por que não trabalhar com isso?! A vida de streamer era bem diferente da de atleta, mas as diferenças eram todas positivas para o seu estilo de vida atual! Sua rotina era muito mais leve e ele tinha mais tempo para se cuidar, e aos poucos, com o autocuidado, veio também o pouco de autoestima que conseguiu criar, uma vez que se via pela primeira vez na vida satisfeito com seu corpo e mente.
A descoberta de sua sexualidade foi bem precoce, mas ele não tinha a autoconfiança necessária para se relacionar com alguém, ainda mais se esse alguém fosse outro garoto. Quando criou esse senso, porém, passou a viver uma vida mais livre; ainda era pouco sociável, ainda preferia ficar em casa, mas se deixava viver, ter experiências novas, conhecer pessoas e “namorar”. Ele se aceitava, mas ainda não estava pronto para se abrir para o mundo. O problema é que tem coisas na vida que não dá pra controlar, né?
Como ele ia saber que seu roommate, que também considerava um de seus melhores amigos, era secretamente um grande homofóbico? A merda aconteceu num fim de semana em que Seunghun acreditava que ficaria sozinho, por causa de uma viagem do outro rapaz. Convidou, assim, um “amigo” para sua casa. Os dois estavam sentadinhos no sofá, numa boa, vendo um filminho e trocando carícias, quando foram surpreendidos com o colega que voltava para casa, “flagrando” a cena. Só isso. Dois rapazes vendo filme e sendo carinhosos um com o outro.
Na hora, o silêncio tornou a situação apenas desagradável, mas teria sido tudo perfeito se ficasse daquela forma. Poucas horas depois via seu celular bombardeando de notificações, demorando um pouco para entender que não só sua sexualidade havia sido exposta na internet, mas junto dela foram destiladas um monte de mentiras sem cabimento, desde que o garoto era promíscuo até acusações de uso de drogas, lícitas e ilícitas, coisa que nunca fez. Poucos foram os que ficaram do lado de Savage nessa, e mesmo assim, a mentalidade do rapaz não era mais a mesma.
A história de Seunghun pode ser facilmente dividida em “antes e depois”. A apunhalada que levou teve sequelas tão intensas em sua cabeça que este definitivamente é o episódio mais marcante da vida do garoto, sendo um divisor de águas. Qualquer senso de autoestima e autoconfiança que havia criado morreu ali. Perdeu parcerias, patrocínios e, principalmente, teve sua imagem suja por causa de mentiras. E esse nem era o pior; a pior parte era ter o público fiel, que jurava que iria lhe apoiar para sempre, virando as costas para si e acreditando na primeira pessoa que veio falar absurdos dele por aí. Foi devastador.
Com a saúde mental bastante mutilada, num ato de pura impulsividade, mas numa necessidade de autopreservação, o garoto decidiu buscar abrigo no único lugar físico em que conseguiu sentir paz alguma vez na vida, um lugar que costumava visitar com a família quando era criança: a ilha de Udo, parte do arquipélago de Jeju. Só de pensar no local sentia seu cérebro formigar com memórias afetivas, desde o cheirinho da brisa que vem do mar à massagem que a areia da praia fazia em seus pés, na época em que era apenas um garotinho e nenhum desses problemas poderia lhe afetar. Talvez seja por isso que tenha buscado novamente o local, por se sentir como um garotinho indefeso que só queria mesmo se esconder debaixo das asinhas dos pais — embora estes sejam muito rígidos para lhe dar qualquer abrigo. Pegou uma parte de suas roupas, todas suas economias e, claro, não podia deixar para trás seu computador, e foi, de mala e cuia, sem passagem de volta, por tempo indeterminado para aquele paraíso em forma de ilha. Um “período sabático”, por assim dizer.
Não queria mais saber de streams, de ser uma figura pública, de ter presença nas redes sociais ou centenas de milhares de seguidores. Queria agora se esconder dos olhares julgadores e ter a chance de viver um dia de cada vez, sentindo aquele vento limpo e refrescante que só Udo poderia lhe oferecer. E ali passou uma semana. Duas. Um mês. Dois. Três. No início, aquele seu amigo, o rapaz com quem foi “flagrado”, até ia visitá-lo com certa frequência, mas quando ele recebeu uma proposta irrecusável que mudaria completamente sua carreira, sair do país para buscar o sonho parecia algo que Seunghun não tinha direito de intervir, então apenas apoiou, mesmo arrasado pela ideia de que ficaria, de fato, sozinho.
Quando se deu conta já ia fazer um ano em que estava no local. No fundo ele sabia que não podia fugir dos problemas para sempre, mas certamente era bem mais confortável assim… Viver no meio do nada, uma vida tranquila e pacata, sem ser confrontado pelo que andavam falando ou pensando de si por aí, pela internet, mantendo contato apenas com quem realmente valia a pena. Era uma vida. Uma boa vida. Mas aquela não era a sua vida, não era a vida que queria ter. Mas Seunghun só conseguiu concluir isso quando foi obrigado, confrontado com a situação ao voltar para a casa dos pais para uma visita e ver como as coisas mudaram enquanto ele estava fora e ele não teve a oportunidade de ver. Seu pai, agora com a saúde bastante fragilizada, temia não ter mais tanto tempo pela frente, e qualquer ressalva que ele pudesse antes ter em relação às escolhas de vida e à orientação sexual de seu único filho agora pareciam tão pequenas e insignificantes.
Isso ajudou a abrir os olhos do rapaz, que finalmente conseguiu dar início ao seu processo de cura. Em pouco tempo já estava organizando as coisas para voltar à capital, indo morar no apartamento que comprou antes de todo aquele turbilhão acontecer, no Acropolis Complex. As feridas ainda estão abertas e ainda doem, e ele não tem planos de voltar a trabalhar com a sua imagem, pelo menos não tão cedo, mas ao menos Seunghun sente que está finalmente caminhando, fazendo progresso, depois de ficar quase um ano parado no tempo.
Mas a vida realmente não cansa de nos surpreender, e assim foi para Hun quando, depois apenas de alguns dias de mudança, recebeu notícias de seu velho amigo. Estava, assim como ele próprio, voltando para Seoul. Quando disse que não tinha ao certo para onde ir, o convite para morar junto veio quase que instantaneamente por parte de Kang, que deixou claro que Hajoon poderia viver consigo pelo tempo que precisasse. Estava aprendendo a levar a vida com mais leveza, menos ansiedade e expectativas. Agora seu único objetivo mesmo era tentar manter uma boa relação e não estragar tudo de novo com uma das únicas pessoas que demonstrou de fato se importar com ele.
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my biases (and wreckers) ⟡₊ ⊹
bold = bias italic = wrecker updated frequently because ults/semi ults are always changing + i stan new groups regularly !!
ult of ults ⟡₊ ⊹
onf ⋮ yuto ot5
verivery ⋮ gyehyeon yongseung
lucy ⋮ wonsang sangyeop
txt ⋮ taehyun hueningkai
ults ⟡₊ ⊹
astro ⋮ sanha minhyuk dongmin
&team ⋮ yuma k maki taki ej
victon ⋮ byungchan subin seungwoo
semi ults ⟡₊ ⊹
sf9 ⋮ youngkyun jaeyoon sanghyuk
the boyz ⋮ jacob changmin kevin
boynextdoor ⋮ ot6
ampers&one ⋮ seungmo ot6
stan ⟡₊ ⊹
seventeen ⋮ joshua seokmin chan minghao
zerobaseone ⋮ gunwook zhanghao
the kingdom ⋮ louis ivan
nct wish ⋮ daeyoung riku sion
wayv ⋮ ten kun
mcnd ⋮ minjae
n.flying ⋮ hweseung dongsung
day6 ⋮ wonpil
nomad ⋮ junho ot4
tws ⋮ kyungmin jihoon
nu'est ⋮ aaron minhyun baekho
casual stan ⟡₊ ⊹
riize ⋮ shotaro
nct dream ⋮ chenle
nct 127 ⋮ mark
cix ⋮ seunghun
ab6ix ⋮ daehwi
xdinary heroes ⋮ seungmin
p1harmony ⋮ jongseob jiung
wei ⋮ seokhwa
epex ⋮ yewang
nexz ⋮ sogeon
not in the fandom ⟡₊ ⊹
bts ⋮ hoseok jungkook
enhypen ⋮ jungwon riki
stray kids ⋮ seungmin
shinee ⋮ kibum
monsta x ⋮ i.m
hoppipolla ⋮ hyunsang
got7 ⋮ bambam
ateez ⋮ jongho
ghost9 ⋮ junhyung
pentagon ⋮ kino
exo ⋮ d.o
the rose ⋮ hajoon
oneus ⋮ hwanwoong
xikers ⋮ minjae
cravity ⋮ hyeongjun
girl groups ⟡₊ ⊹
oh my girl ⋮ seunghee arin hyojung
ive ⋮ yujin liz
billlie ⋮ siyoon tsuki
viviz ⋮ umji
mamamoo ⋮ ot4
++ others (iz*one, le sserafim, kiss of life, aespa, newjeans, nmixx, red velvet, xg, (g)i-dle, itzy, twice, snsd, gfriend etc)
soloists ⟡₊ ⊹
ha hyunsang (ult) ⋮ woodz (ult) ⋮ park jihoon (ult) ⋮ kim woojin (ult) ⋮ seo inguk ⋮ kim wooseok ⋮ hwang minhyun ⋮ baekho ⋮ gaho ⋮ eric nam ⋮ dean ⋮ han seungwoo ⋮ bambam ⋮ rocky ⋮ kang daniel ⋮ dpr ian ⋮ kino ⋮ jackson wang ⋮ taemin ⋮ key
yerin baek (ult) ⋮ seori ⋮ youha ⋮ iu ⋮ kim sejeong ⋮ lee chaeyeon ⋮ taeyeon ⋮ sunmi ⋮ bibi ⋮ heize ⋮ chungha
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1996.04.04 TV Times Magazine - Kang Wonrae, Koo Junyup (≈CLON) article
Scans credit: yours truly!
Kang Wonrae & Koo Junyup
We were born with the mission to revitalize dance music
[Tomorrow's star] Tak2Jun2's Koo Junyup and Park Mikyung's partner Kang Wonrae have come together, but their group name hasn't been decided. The two are well-known dance machines who hope to hear the words "you were born to do dance music." Coverage: Lee Gyeong-hui
"I can't say that we're a new group—it'd be more accurate to say we've been apart."
Just as the rumors said, Koo Junyeop and Kang Wonrae, who are so in sync it's like they're one singer, have formed a group and are preparing an album. Koo Junyup, all too known from Tak2Jun2, and Kang Wonrae, who brought fun to Park Mikyung's "Eve's Warning" performances as her partner, are already well-known dance machines. No, now it would be right to call them rappers.
"Solo singers can adapt easily to stages on TV shows, but it's hard for groups to coordinate. We can say we're sure we've overcome that difficulty. We're especially proud of our skill in improvised performances."
The two, whose goal is to hear that "they were born with the mission to revitalize dance music," are highly confident in their music.
Proud of their skill of improvised performances
Their group name hasn't been set yet. They plan to release their album in early May. The reason they're being revealed to the world so early is to publicize themselves after they've gotten all the fame they can get.
Koo and Kang's team-up can't be ignored. Their characters can't be something the music industry wouldn't worry about. Furthermore, with their album releasing under Line Production, they've become part of the "royal family" alongside Shin Seunghun, Noise, and Park Mikyung. Fans already know that Kang Wonrae was in Line, but Koo Junyup first came in about 1 year ago. An art school alum, Koo also designed the album covers of his peers. The covers he's designed include Park Mikyung's 2nd album, Kim Gunmo's 3rd album, DJ DOC's 2nd album, and Kim Jungmin's 2nd album. These were all hit albums, but they also drew attention for their unique designs. Kang Wonrae choreographed for all of the "Line family", including Kim Gunmo. Their chronicle of star-related stories is never ending.
The two first met in high school, both attending Gyeonggi High. Although they only became classmates in senior year, they both majored art in college.
While Koo Junyup never loses when it comes to dance, Kang Wonrae has a longer history with the art. To borrow Koo Junyup's words, he's "amazing." Kang first decided he would become a dancer in 6th grade. He picked dance up while his older brother researched through watching TV, and made his brother, who now works as an interior designer, quit dance.
Let's tell an interesting story about Kang Wonrae's family. This story also appeared on a TV quiz show last year.
"Kang Wonrae's older brother is named Kang Wondo. What is his younger sister's name?" (Someone answered "Kang Wonsoong"[1] and got suspected of having an IQ lower than 50. It definitely wasn't a TV Times reporter.)
The answer is Kang Wonmi. Kang Wonrae's father, who recently retired from his position as director of a car company, really loved music. Kang Wondo, Kang Wonrae, Kang Wonmi. The answer clears itself up if you take "Won" out from their names. Doremi. But because he couldn't find a Chinese character with the sound "re", he changed it to "rae". Surprisingly, not many get the answer right.
Want to be received as "cool dance music"
The new style that Koo and Kang profess is dance music that incorporates Miami rap. They're thinking of taking a casual approach without too many bells and whistles. As for their outfits, they're planning to go for a free style. Definitely no uniforms. The group's lyrics are close to "wholesome music,"[2] and their music has an exciting, cumbia-style rhythm.
There is a song in their album, though not the title track, that starts with "the frog can't remember when he was a tadpole, the loach muddies the clear water." It was made to show off Kang and Koo's individual colors. Kim Chang-hwan, known as a hit-maker, directed the whole album. Kang Wonrae and Koo Junyup explained their music with one sentence:
"I think rather than just being good songs, it will be received as 'cool dance music'."
Translator's notes (marked with small-script numbers in the text)
Wonsoong = short for "wonsoongi (원숭이)", the Korean word for "monkey".
"Wholesome music" refers to songs that had to be put on the end of Korean LPs from the 70s to 80s, which Urimalsaem describes as "songs that can be sung by anyone, regardless of age or gender." As the name implies, these songs usually have wholesome lyrics that promote "enlightening" ideals.
#1st gen kpop#1st generation kpop#old school k-pop#clon#kang wonrae#koo junyup#tv times#tv타임스#클론#��원래#구준엽
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Build Up episode 3: Jay versus Wumuti
Hello and welcome back to my Build Up episode recaps! In the previous post, we saw Seunghun from CIX and Neon go up against former member of Romeo, Ma Jaekyung, and “student who likes ballads,” Yoon Inhwan. In this one, Bitsaeon from M.O.N.T. and Jay go up against Wumuti and Kang Hayoon. Yes, that’s right, it’s a Boys Planet face off! Let’s do this!
As the guys come up onstage, the judges notice that both teams chose Western pop songs to cover -- specifically, songs by Charlie Puth and Harry Styles.
The judges react specifically to Jay and Bitsaeon’s coordinating outfits.
OMG. The s w e a t e r s. Yes. This is what I want. MORE SWEATERS.
They introduce themselves by singing their team name -- Sweet and Salty -- to the tune of Beethoven’s Fifth symphony. You know -- dun dun dun DUN.
Bitsaeon, left, claims he’s the sweet one and Jay says he’s the salty one, then they do some aegyo.
At first glance, it looked like Wumuti and Hayoon are wearing white button downs, but no, on closer inspection, they are wearing….
They introduce themselves as “Golden Boys/Voice” (saying the words in English). Since “Voice” and “Boys” sound almost identical with a Korean accent, I’m not sure which one they actually mean, but I think it’s a play on words at least. Wumuti says he’s “sexy and soft voiced.” I’ll leave that to you, the viewer, to agree or disagree with. Hayoon has a “unique” voice.
We’re reminded that Jay did very well in the first round, and go into a flashback to their time in the Rival Choosing Platform Area (RCPA), which is frightening not just because it’s surrounded by terrifying blurs….
.. but also because it’s where your fate is determined!
But no one seems to want to challenge them.
Jay mentions that he’s worked with Bitsaeon a lot, and we see this amazing old footage of younger Bitsaeon and Jay with Different Hair:
As I mentioned in my initial write up, Jay was part of a program to add more members to Bitsaeon’s group M.O.N.T., which wanted to have a sort of open-member concept kind of like NCT, I think. Although that never really worked out in terms of Jay actually joining, I assumed it would have meant that Jay and Bitsaeon would have gotten to know each other, and yep, I was right.
Since no one will step up to the RCPA, Jay and Bitsaeon are allowed to choose a rival, and chose a pop vocalist team to make the match up appropriate. Side note: I’m going to just call Bitsaeon “Bit”, ok, gang?
Jay mentions that he’s known Wumuti for five years. I also mentioned that in my write up that this is their third reality show in a row together.
Wumuti says he’s the hyung in this relationship, and Jay puts his arm around Bit, who is older than both of them, as if to say “I have a better hyung now!” I don’t like this. Ok.
Some time later, Bit and Jay unfold a nice folding table in a gray room with partitioned walls, put on a pair of almost matching fleece jackets, and pretend to talk strategy so that the camera can record them choosing the song they probably already chose off-camera much earlier. But it’s a pretty great scene.
Jay and Bit say, “I think they’ll choose to do a female song.”
Smash cut to Hayoon and Wumuti in a different gray room with a much nicer table, who are in fact saying,
… “What if we do a female song? Like, maybe something by Ariana Grande?”
Cut back to Jay and Bit: “I bet they’d choose something by Ariana Grande.”
Back to Wumuti, who says, “I think Jay will want to do something by his role model, Bruno Mars.”
Cut back to Jay, saying, “I want to do a Bruno Mars song.”
Wumuti says he’s known Jay for five years, and they know a little too much about each other. We see a shot of Baby Jay and Baby Wu.
“Two kids with the same kpop dream met”
I kind of get it -- when you are living in a place where you don’t speak the language that well, if you meet someone else who isn’t from that place, you kind of end up hanging out a lot. It happened to me when I was working for a royal family in an Arab country. I’ve had a weird life so far, my chingoos.
They decide on Dangerously by Charlie Puth, because it’s high pitch, high risk, high reward. Bit says he really wants the “killing part” with the one high pitched “I love you!” standing out with a vocal “scratch.”
I wonder, says I, I says, I wonder if they’re going to show us that part three or four times?????
Here’s the link to the performance without reaction.
My thoughts:
First off, really good song choice. It’s catchy, but it wasn’t a mega hit like “Attention” or “We Don’t Talk Any More.” It’s emotional, kind of sexy, with lots of opportunities to show off vocal skills. Really, perfect song choice.
Jay, again, was just amazing. His vocal color is obviously gorgeous, but he also seems to have worked out his issues with pitch and nasality. His adlibs and little growls add to the song appropriately. He was occasionally slightly screetchy, but it worked in the context of this song. His little mannerisms do slightly remind me of Dana Carvey’s “Choppin’ Broccoli” bit, but I guess in a hyper-regimented, always pre-planned world of Kpop, that kind of thing is to be expected.
Working with Jay is a blessing and a curse. His voice is so impossibly pretty that it makes it likely that you’ll win the challenge, but it also means that anyone else’s voice is going to sound worse in comparison. And that’s what happened to Bitsaeon here.
Bitsaeon’s voice is lovely, with good agility and a well-developed upper mix. He also pronounces the English really well -- possibly Jay gave him some tips. I don’t love the tone of his falsetto, and he also could get a little shrieky sometimes, but he’s never pitchy or nasal. As good as he was -- and he was really good! -- he just doesn’t have quite as pretty of a voice as Jay does. But I mean, almost no one does.
Their voices blend together well and the harmonies they worked out sounded great.
The MNET edit for all these songs always seems to be about emphasizing how good everyone is, and this one is no exception.
So, fun fact: I watched the performance itself while I was traveling for work. I have Youtube premium so I can download videos, and I downloaded as many ep3 videos as I could to try to get a head start on this episode. When I saw Jay doing the whole “growl then fall backward like you’re spent” part of the song, I was like -- I bet in the MNET edit, they show that part like, five times. They were pretty restrained though and only showed two of his parts twice each. I mean, they also showed the judges jumping to their feet and hugging each other so there was that. They also did an instant replay of Bit hitting a super high note, so that was good.
Looks like most of the judges stayed on their feet for the whole last third of the performance.
When they’re done, the judges give them a standing ovation and the guys backstage wonder if their low score will be 100.
The score is revealed:
Baekho, Solar, and Jaehwan gave it a 100, and the low score from Eunkwang was 97. That means that the other judges gave 98s and 99s.
It’s… pretty wild. How on earth can Wumuti and Kang Hayoon beat this? They decide to just sing their song and not worry about it.
Dahee asks the judges for feedback. Baekho said he felt like he was just watching a concert -- nothing to judge. And Jay’s voice is so catchy, it’s good regardless of personal preference. We’re reminded of those parts that got the instant replays.
Jaehwan says he wants to be a CEO and recruit artists like them. Dahee asks, why not actually them instead of just artists like them? And he says, hey, I can’t right now, I just got a full time job finally, I can barely take care of myself!
VCG gives some love to Bit, which is nice to see. He really did great -- I really do love his upper mix.
Seungkwan from Seventeen says, “I learned. I was humbled and even jealous. That’s how overwhelming your stage was. You did a great job. Thank you.”
Up next, it’s the other team, who come out calmly as if they didn’t just see their competitors get three perfect scores.
Wumuti says he’s known Jay for five years, and that Jay is so good it made him and Hayoon even better.
We flashback to episode one and see Wumuti hearing Hayoon’s voice for the first time and just loving it.
Sure, he did approach Gwangseok first, but Hayoon is who he really wanted. Wumuti says he wants to give a shocking performance, a song with bold colors and extreme details.
We see Wumuti and Hayoon rehearsing in some sort of place with t-shirts and art and merch…?
I tried to search for info on this stuff but didn’t find anything, so if you have light to shed, please do!
They spent a while picking the right song, which I think is smart. There’s another team that we’ll see in episode 4 that I kind of think chose their song too quickly -- we’ll get to them. But they ultimately decide on Harry Styles’ Falling.
Hayoon says he thinks a lot of people could empathize with the lyrics, and Wumuti feels like it relates to him and his struggles to debut.
Look at that gray and black s w e a t e r.
They’re rehearsing so hard they levitate!
The performance begins, and the judges wish them luck.
Full version without reactions
My thoughts:
I like Wumuti so much as a person -- I think he’s charming and I really like his optimistic, hard working attitude toward life. Also, I generally really like his singing voice, which is sweet with a nice bit of texture. His occasional belts are strong and lovely. That said, I think his voice can sometimes be a little nasal and he might need to work a little bit on his breath control, as sometimes he runs out of breath on a line or two. Regardless of those slight issues, I think this was a lovely performance, both vocally and emotionally.
I find myself kind of on the fence about Kang Hayoon’s voice. Sometimes the vocal color and stylistic choices are so overwhelming and affected that it’s a bit too much for me. But I think this was my favorite performance of his. He toned down the nasality and let what I think might be his “real voice” shine through. He did occasionally get a bit shrill on some of his louder belts -- a bit challenging to listen to, for me, like a tiny bit nails-on-the-chalkboard. Overall, though, I did really enjoy this performance.
I know it’s weird to say for someone who recaps competitive reality shows, but competition isn’t my favorite part of all this, and I wish I could just say that both performances were good in their own way without taking a stance on which performance was better. But I also know that part of what I’m doing here is giving my opinions. So for me, I just enjoyed Jay and Bitsaeon’s a tiny bit more. There were a few notes that sounded a tiny bit off for me in this. But they were both great and I enjoyed them both a lot.
The MNET edit continues the theme of just falling all over itself to say how good Kang Hayoon is, and sometimes I wonder if I’m the only person who doesn’t think he’s the obvious best vocalist on the show? Not saying he’s bad, just that a lot of people on this show are as good or possible a bit better than him. Tons of talent on this show!
Everyone listening is very quiet, listening. When they’re done, there’s a moment of silence as people kind of wallow in the feeling, and then the judges all stand up. And Wumuti is crying! He explains that he felt like he was singing the words to a mirror, to the Wumuti who keeps running toward his dream of debut.
“If one day, the stage doesn’t need someone like me anymore, what should I do then?”
The judges try to vote, but they’re kind of overwhelmed.
The votes come in, and… commercial break!!!... the votes are revealed!
Everyone gave a 100 except for Eunkwang, who gave a 98, and Baekho, who must have given a 99. We can tell that this is a 697 point performance. Wow.
I feel bad for Jay and Bitsaeon. They got a higher score than almost anyone else but they’re still going to be up for elimination. This show is awful, isn’t it? Sigh.
Everyone teases Eunkwang about his “low score” of 98, and then we get some feedback.
VCG says he wished he had known back on Boys Planet how good of a singer Wumuti actually is, especially if he sits down and sings. Hey, VCG, *I* noticed it even in Zoom, when Wumuti’s awesome “LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION BABY!” right before Haruto’s dance break really was a highlight. Anyway, VCG says he’s glad Wumuti is on this show so that he can really show his vocals.
They also heap a lot of praise on Hayoon, saying he’s a genius.
Jaehwan says, "I want to give you all the compliments of the world." Aww! That's great.
Seungkwan says it was his first time awarding 100 points, and mentions that it was at least partly because they showed their mettle to pull off such a good performance right after the previous team.
Eunkwang says he deducted one point for each so that they don’t get too egotistical.
When the judges are done giving their feedback, Dahee brings back Jay and Bit to find out the winner, although it’s obvious if you pay attention to the numbers at all.
The guys exchange hugs. The judges say that there aren’t any losers here, but Jay and Bit lose, 693 to 697.
Wumuti thanks the judges for their kind words, and then thanks Jay and Bit for motivating them to work harder. Jay looks completely unbothered -- I think voting is going to decide who stays and who goes, and if so, I think Jay knows that he’s going to stay. Jay and Wumuti tease each other a bit and it really doesn’t seem like there’s any hard feelings.
Emotionally, I can’t help but be glad that Wumuti got the win because I think he really needed it psychologically, but I still enjoyed the first performance a little more. I really don’t want to lose Bitsaeon either. Maybe we won’t? We’ll see, I guess.
Then we get a bit of a teaser for the next performance. Looks like the next episode will begin with Seokhwa from WEi and Woong from AB6IX going up against the two trainees, Ji Yeonwoo and Jeong Yunseo.
Finally, we get the current standings (as of episode 3).
For each one, I’ll either list their home group or something about them to help you remember who they are. Those who are already known to be in danger due to losing their 2 vs 2 mission so far are in bold. Those who are already safe will be in italics. Everyone else hasn’t gone yet.
Jay Chang (Boys Planet)
A.C.E.’s Lee Donghun
Wumuti (Boys Planet)
CIX’s Seunghun
WEi’s Kang Seokhwa
Pentagon’s Yeo One
Up10tion’s Lee Hwanhee
AB6IX’s Jeon Woong
Park Jeup (sang Sherlock)
Vanner’s Taehwan
Just B’s Geonu
KNK’s Jeong Inseong
M.O.N.T.’s Bitsaeon
Up10tion’s Sunyoul
BDC’s Hong Seongjun
Neon (sang Hmm-cheat)
Kang Hayoon (sang Falling)
Just B’s Bain (orange hair)
Fave1’s Hyukjin (red suit)
Jung Soomin (from Chicago)
Lee Gwang Suk (the model)
Hong Sung Won (that ombre sweater)
Park Joo Hee (top tier from Tomboy)
Kim Min Seo (low tier in Beautiful)
Kim Seo Hyung (low tier in Shall I love You…)
NewKidd’s Lee Min Wook (that weird blue vest thing)
Kim Sung Jung (leaping lizard)
Lim Sang Hyun (top tier in Beautiful)
Choi Su Hwan (Decalcomanie/Sherlock)
Hwang Inhyuk (Fragile people yellow sweater)
Yoon Inhwan (the student who loves ballads)
Taewoo (unique voice in Beautiful)
Ma Jaekyung (partnered with Yoon Inhwan for Take Me Back…)
Jo Hwanji (the soldier)
Choi Ha Ram (top tier in Breath)
Jeong Yun Seo (trainee, sang Beautiful, wasn’t nervous)
Ji Yeonwoo (forgot words in Decalcomanie)
Kwon Euibin (the robotic guy)
Former Day6 Lim Jun Hyeok (sang Breath)
Jang Intae (sang Every Moment of You)
So, that's the end of the recap and the end of episode 3, so I maintain my status of being only two episode behind.
I'll see you in the next one, chingoos, dongsaengs, friends, oppas and unnies. Take care until then!
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Gif packs
Project status:
"Gun" Atthaphan Phusawat: The Three Gentlebros (1/18)
Hwang Hyunjin: Stay m/v + shooting (1/2)
Kim Jisoo: Stay m/v + shooting (1/2)
Kim Seungmin: Ex m/v + shooting (1/2)
"Love" Pattranite Limpatiyakorn: Bad buddy: the series (1/12)
"Tay" Tawan Vihokratana: The Three Gentlebros (1/18)
Yang Jeongin: Ex m/v + shooting (1/2)
Bang Chan: Ex m/v + shooting (1/2)
Current projects:
Shin Hye-sun: Angel's last mission: love
"Ohm" Pawat Chittsawangdee: Bad Buddy: the series
Fukushi Sota: Hoshi Kara Kita Anata
"Nanon" Korapat Kirdpan: Bad Buddy: the series
Kim Myung-soo: Angel's last mission: love
Luke Ishikawa Plowden: Three Gentlebros
Park Ji-hoon: Weak Hero Class 1
Hong Kyung: Weak Hero Class 1
"Bright" Vachirawit Chiva-aree: Astrophile
"Mai" Davika Hoorne: Astrophile
"Off" Jumpol Adulkittiporn: Astrophile
Lalisa Manoban: Stay m/v
Jennie Kim: Stay m/v
Park Chaeyoung "Rosé": Stay m/v
Han Jisung: Ex m/v
Lee Sung Kyung: Sh**ting stars
Upcoming packs:
Lee Jaehyun in A to Boyz Hyunjae ver.
Kim Young Dae in Sh**ting stars
Perth Tanapon Sukumpantanasan in Never let me go
Pond Naravit Lertratkosum in Never let me go
Chimon Wachirawit Ruangwiwat in Never let me go
Park Sojin in Sh**ting Stars
Lee Jung Shin in Sh**ting Stars
Im Changkyun in Overdrive m/v
Selena Gomez in Boyfriend m/v
"James" Supamongkon Wongwisut in Bed Friend the series
"Net" Siraphop Manithikhun in Bed Friend the series
Vanessa Hudgens: Inside Vanessa Hudgens's L.A. Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest
"First" Kanaphan Puitrakul in Only friends the series
"Khaotung" Thanawat Rattanakitpaisarn in Only friends the series
"Force" Jiratchapong Srisang in Only friends the series
"Neo" Trai Nimtawat in Only friends the series
"Kitty" Chicha Amatayakul in AUG Cover Shoot Behind the scences
Yoon Hyunsuk in Wave m/v
Lee Byounggon "BX" in Wave m/v
Kim Seunghun in Wave m/v
Kim Yonghee in Wave m/v
Bae Jinyoung in Wave m/v
Lee Chaemin in Pertama kali di variety show | Fun-Staurant | KBS WORLD TV 230626
Upcoming series:
Reborn Rich
유기견 보호센터 첫 방문기
Kiss of Life - Shhh m/v
Hailee Steinfeld - Vogue makeup
Win Metawin - Closer m/v
BAE173 - Fifty-fifty m/v
Potential FC:
Lee Dong-wook
Matthew Daddario
Manu Rios
Lily Collins
Lee Sang-yeon
Abigail Cowen
Noah Centineo
Lee Jae-wook
Park Seo-joon
Krystal Jung
Im Siwan
Minnie Mills
Joong Archen
Jeon Jeong-guk
Go Minsi
Choi Yeonjun
Arón Piper
Kang Minhyuk
Kim Younghoon
Nam Yoonsu
Liza Soberano
Saint Paramee
An Yujin
Hou Minghao
Park Sung Hoon
Maris Racal
Bie Thassapak Hsu
Yang Yang
Becky G
Kim Chaewon
Jane Ramida
Emeraude Toubia
Kaylee Kaneshiro
Choi Byungchan
Jang Ki-yong
Kathryn Newton
Margot Robbie
Yokohama Ryusei
Lee Joon
Jung Wooyoung
Lee Juyeon
Jeong Eunji
Felix Mallard
Cha Eunwoo
Earth Pirapat
Lee Ji Eun "IU"
Pavel Phoom
Park Sung Hoon (II)
Kim Namjoon "RM"
Yoo Taeyang
Lee Donghun
Kim Jiwoong
Xiao Zhan
Ricky Shen
Wang Ziyi
Park Junhee
Song Kang
Barcode Tinnasit
Kim Woosung
Lizeth Selene
Felip Jhon Suson
Lizge Cömert
Kim Yohan
#gif pack#gif packs#roleplay help#thai fc#korean fc#japanese fc#kdrama#tdrama#jdrama#kpop packs#plans
7 notes
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korean mwfc for a rich male character?
como não temos idade, vou sugerir rapazes de diversas faixas etárias, espero que algum deles seja do agrado.
park sunghoon (enhypen, 2002)
lee dongmin/cha eunwoo (astro, 1997)
song kang (ator, 1994)
kim seokwoo/rowoon (ator, 1996)
kim mingyu (seventeen, 1997)
lee seokmin/dk (seventeen, 1997)
hwang hyunjin (stray kids, 2000)
oh sehun (exo, 1994)
kim junmyeon/suho (exo, 1991)
yoon jeonghan (seventeen, 1995)
choi beomgyu (txt, 2001)
choi yeonjun (txt, 1999)
kim taehyung (bts, 1995)
jung yunoh/jaehyun (nct, 1997)
kim dongyoung (nct, 1996)
lee jeno (nct, 2000)
lee dohyun (ator, 1995)
jung haein (ator, 1988)
jung sungchan (riize, 2001)
chae hyungwon (monsta x, 1994)
kim seunghun (cix e b.d.u., 1999)
bae jinyoung (ex cix, 2000)
lee minhyuk (btob, 1990)
kim seungmin (stray kids, 2000)
lee minho/lee know (stray kids, 1998)
lee juyeon (the boyz, 1997)
lee jaehyun/hyunjae (the boyz, 1997)
lee sangyeon (the boyz, 1996)
choi chanhee/new (the boyz, 1998)
kim jiwoong (zerobaseone, 1998)
sung hanbin (zerobaseone, 2001)
lee heeseung (enhypen, 2000)
yang honseok (pentagon, 1994)
jung wooseok (pentagon, 1998)
yeo changgu/yeoone (pentagon, 1996)
byeon wooseok (ator, 1991)
park bogum (ator, 1993)
nam joohyuk (ator, 1994)
ong seungwu (ator, 1995)
lee jaewook (ator, 1998)
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ artms ]⠀ jeon heejin ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ artms ]⠀ choi yerim (choerry) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ bts ]⠀ min yoongi (suga) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ bts ]⠀ kim taehyung (v) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ cix ]⠀ kim seunghun ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ got7 ]⠀ mark tuan ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ kiss of life ]⠀ anatchaya suputhipong (natty) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ le sserafim ]⠀ kim chaewon ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ monsta x ]⠀ im changkyun (i.m) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ monsta x ]⠀ son hyunwoo (shownu) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ mamamoo ]⠀ jung wheein ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ purple kiss ]⠀ park sujin (swan) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ purple kiss ]⠀ jang eunseong (dosie) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ red velvet ]⠀ kang seulgi ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ seventeen ]⠀ yoon jeonghan ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ seventeen ]⠀ jeon wonwoo ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ seventeen ]⠀ choi seungcheol (s.coups) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ soloist ]⠀ kim hanbin (b.i) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ soloist ]⠀ seo soojin ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ soloist ]⠀ lee sunmi ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ twice ]⠀ sana minatozaki ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ the rose ]⠀ kim woosung (sammy) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ the boyz ]⠀ lee jaehyun (hyunjae) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ the boyz ]⠀ bae joonyoung (jacob) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ wjsn ]⠀ kim jiyeon (bona) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀[ wjsn ]⠀ son juyeon (eunseo)
✦ ⠀ ⋮ ⠀ available .ᐟ these claims have been released and are available to be mused. please submit an application or send us an ask to reserve with the muse's first and last name (and any stage name, if applicable), their group/occupation, a public password (can be anything), and a private password of your favorite color.
0 notes
these muses went a little too far over the moon. if you are interested in joining us, please send us a reservation through our askbox in 24 hours or apply here now.
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Kim Minjeong (Winter) of Aespa
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀kim Hanbin (B.I) of Solo
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Lee Minho (Lee Know) of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Yugyeom of GOT7
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Jiwoong of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Eric Sohn of The Boyz
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Sana Minatozaki of Twice
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Park Sunghoon of Enhypen
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Kang Seulgi of Red Velvet
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Hwang Hyunjin of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Seunghun (Marc) of Cix
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Ten Lee of Wayv
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Choi Beomgyu of TXT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Jeong Yunho of Ateez
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Bae Joohyun (Irene) of Red Velvet
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Lee byounggon (BX) of Cix
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Yu Jimin (Karina) of Aespa
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Seok Matthew of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Sun Hanbin of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Kang Yeosang of Ateez
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Choi Yerim (Choerry) of Artms
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Zhang Hao of Zerobaseone
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Song Yuqi of (G)I-DLE
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Jennie (Jennie) of Blackpink
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Donghan of WEi
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Jeon Heejin of Artms
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Dongyoung (Doyoung) of NCT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Lee Yongbok (Felix) of Stray Kids
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Hwang Yeji of Itzy
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Yang Jungwon of Enhypen
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Choi Soobin of TXT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Lee Juyeon of The Boyz
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Na Jeamin of NCT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kazuha Nakamura of Le sserafim
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Im Changkyun (I.M) of Monsta X
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Bambam of GOT7
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kang Taehyun of TXT
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀ Park Wonbin of RIIZE
﹒◞⠀ ୨୧⠀ ⠀Kim Taeyeon of SNSD
0 notes
Build Up: Final One
- oh shiz, this episode is 2 hours?? I hate watching live shows, but at least my babies Seunghun & Jeup are in it. - awwww, somebodys Umma's there crying already! - Bain looks good with that hair - why does my baby Donghun just never have clothes that fit? - mf'ing like :30min in and NOTHING HAS HAPPENEDDDDD WATERFIRE V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) 2 > 2 > 6 > 6 > x ( V12: Wumuti (24) (Solo?) 8 > 6 > 7 > 6 > x ( V7: Kang Hayoon (20) (Loud) 7 > 5 > 5 > 2 > x ( V17: Choi Suhwan (22) (X101) 3 > 4 > 7 > 9 > x - for me, Suhwan > Wumuti >> Sunyoul >>>> Hayoon. - Hayoon's voice doesn't blend and I don't like that at all. it's jarring in a gross way. - it was fine and the song was fine. Like 6/7. - ew. Jaehwan. I would not bang you with those long ass nails like that. why dont stylists catch that kind of shit? PARTNERS V34: Park Jeup (30) (Imfact) 8 > 10 > 8 > 8 > x ( V20: Lee Donghun (30) (A.C.E.) 6 > 10 > 8 > 7 > x ( V3: Bain (22) (JUST B) 9 > 6 > 6 > 7 > x (orange hair) V11: Jeon Woong (26) (AB6IX) 3 > 4 >4 > 5 > x ( - UHHHHHHHHHHH, can you imagine Jeup as a casual cafe worker? Looking all sexy like that? pssssht. - but also that breaks my heart. Imfact deserved so much better. - in fact, so does A.C.E. (and CIX) - hahahah, Jeup saying "Jesus Christ" like that will never get old - also, I like when Jeup gets comfortable enough to be loud and goofy. I wish we got to see more of that in the programme. - again. WHY BAEKHO? get Bumzu up in there. Baekho ain't it. - Bain, baby. It's kinda hard to empathize with you wanting to debut with this team sooooo bad when you're currently on a world tour. - this isn't a good song.... - SO. Lets debut Jeup and Donghun, then lets debut Chan and Jun from ACE - OH! there's junnie! in the glasses. Also the Ab6ix kids I don't know and BX and Channie! - these subs are awful. WTF is Solar saying to them?? HUN-MIN-JAY-BIT V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) - 8.5 > 8 > 10 > 5 > x ( V36: Bitsaeon (28) (M.O.N.T) 5.5 > 3 > 10 > 5 > x ( V1: Seunghun (24) (CIX) 4 > X > 7.5 > 8 > x ( V39: Kim Minseo (21) (nothing) 4 > 4 > 5 > 6 > x ( - haaaaaaa! they showed Solar's shit for the producer example but not the Jaehwan song! - ighhhhhh, Seunghun grinning at Eunkwang like that! - Eunkwang just makes shit fun! asking them all individually. - Jay Chang is SUCH a fuck boii. - fuck you Jay Chang's voice. like damn. And fuck your foundation that's too light. - we only half way through and they're done singing. WTF we gonna do for the 2nd half? - the fuck did Jay randomly punch Minseo for? - oh look! Yonghee next to BX! - haaaa! poor Suhwan! Jeup did him dirty!!! but not really, Jeup's pretty pure, so I get him scheming. Like with the tea. He didn't want the camera time, he genuinely wanted to try the healthy tea. - Wumuti "doesn't want attention" psssssht! - okay, his little gay look before he answers his question is adorable. that feels real. - Jeup said "I'm not an easy person to be friends with" fuck. where is that one homie who did the personality things for the kids on The unit. I'd looooove that. https://theunit-mbti.tumblr.com/post/170622967698/the-unit-mbti-jeup-mbti - Suhwan seems like such a sweetie though! I guess he's a dick in real life! - awwwwwwwwwww, I want more truth or dare! - omg, it took me until the 2nd card to figure out why they have a "random" cut out of Bain just chilling there. - idk what the fuck Jeups laughing at, but I love his "ha hah ahha ha" laugh. omfg. - awww, Jay actually looks nervous when homegirl announces the results! - I want the moms to have labels. "Jeups Mom" If that's her with his sign, she doesn't have a wedding ring?? - as much as I want this for Seunghun and to see more of Jay, and even though I 100% want this for Donghun. I WANT THIS FOR Jeup MOST! :'( - Jay Chang crying FOR REAL! awwww! - Seunghun's like just chillin! ha! - Seunghun telling Jay to say it in english. Smart man!
yay BDU! stan Jeup though!
0 notes
2023 story recap
Just the traditional yearly statistics regarding the stories I’ve published this year. 💖
In 2023:
✨ I’ve published around 130600 words worth of stories
✨ I’ve written for 13 different bands (including 2 soloists)
✨ 10 out of these artists were ones I’ve already written for in previous years: CIX; ONEUS; NCT; THE BOYZ; ATEEZ; ENHYPEN; Woodz; TXT; P1Harmony, WEi
✨ 3 out of these artists were ones I haven’t written for before: Cravity; EPEX; Kang Daniel
✨ I’ve published 28 stories in total
✨ I’ve received 1450 notes on these stories in total
✨ The most published stories were written for CIX (5); P1Harmony (4); WEi (3)
✨ The most published stories for an individual member (2 stories per member) were written for Seunghun (CIX), Keeho (P1Harmony), Jinyoung (CIX), Theo (P1Harmony), Serim (Cravity), the rest were 1 story per member
✨ The longest stories I’ve published were: enchanted (19.7k) ft. NCT's Mark; you're my fireflower (14.7k) ft. CIX's Seunghun; never forever (11.8k) ft. CIX's Jinyoung
✨ The most popular stories were love roulette (279 notes) ft. P1Harmony's Jiung, Keeho, Theo; love & hate (238 notes) ft. THE BOYZ's Sunwoo; enchanted (144 notes) ft. NCT's Mark
Thank you all so much for all the love and support that you’ve been giving these stories in the past year! I’m always grateful for all your kind words, reblogs and screamings in the tags. They mean the world to me. 💖
Honestly, the notes on my stories are down by around 500 this year despite writing almost as much as last year, but I'm not sad. I wrote for smaller fandoms a lot in this past year because lesser known groups and smaller Tumblr reader fandoms deserve as many stories as others. I'm glad to have catered to such fandoms, and I will continue to do so because I've never been one who wrote for solely one artist or for popularity. I'm a multifandom writer, so you can expect a lot of different kinds of stories for a lot of different kinds of artists next year as well. 🥰
A few plans I have for 2024 in terms of writing (from the zillion ones I already have sitting in my ideas docs):
finishing my requests for my request event (3 out of 9 are left)
spin-off for 'enchanted' with prince!Hendery
I have two story ideas for Serim, and I really want to write at least one of them
continue with the magical kingdom series for CIX (spin-offs to 'you're my fireflower' and 'never forever')
the spin-offs for 'how to cross the line' for Sunghoon and for Jay
Here’s to many more stories and ideas in 2024! Stay safe, everyone! 💖
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oops .ᐟ we have some expired seats .ᐟ
park chaeyoung choi seungcheol kim mingyu choi soobin choi yeonjun han sohee jung jaehyun kim jennie kim jisoo park jiwon jung sungchan park wonbin kang taehyun kim jiwoong kim jongin lee felix lee minho kim minjeong min yoongi park jimin kim seokjin kim taehyung mori koyuki jeon somi choi taeyang lee byonggon kim seunghun bae jinyoung kim yonghee yoon hyunsuk johnny suh kwon eunbi
are now free spots again .ᐟ
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roh sujin. 23 años. guitarrista de una banda indie. fc: kim seunghun
kang taehun. 27 años. barista en un café de gatos. fc: shin jaemin
huh minyeol. 18 años. estudiante en una escuela de idols. fc: song hyeongjun
yori amagi. 25 años. youtuber de viajes. fc: momose sunohara * puede interactuar con face claims 3d
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hello freya, ryujin&rosé bros anon here ! :) in fact, my ocs are half-sisters so the male fcs would be either ryujin or rosé's full sibling and the other's half-brother. so i guess you don't have to make two separate lists?? (so for the age range 96-02 it could be applicable for any suggestion.) thank u very much & i hope it's more clear like that ♡
🧚♀️ . . . FREYA IS HERE !
Hey there ! Below the cut are TWENTY TWO ( 22 ) possible half brothers for Rosé and Ryujin ! Due to age range issues ( around 4 to 5 years is my limit ), I have made the list from '97 to '01 . Everyone is Korean ! The italicized ones just indicate my personal favorites, so there's no need to pay mind to it ! I hope I found the ones to your liking !
NCT's Jung Yoonoh ( Jaehyun ) ! ( 1997 )
Golden Child's Lee Jangjun ! ( 1997 )
ASTRO's Lee Dongmin ( Cha Eunwoo ) ! ( 1997 )
OnlyOneOf's Lee Taeyeob ( Yoojung ) ! ( 1997 )
The Boyz's Kim Younghoon ! ( 1997 )
BTS' Jeon Jeongguk ( Jungkook ) ! ( 1997 )
The Boyz's Lee Jaehyun ( Hyunjae ) ! ( 1997 )
GOT7's Kim Yugyeom ! ( 1997 )
Stray Kids' Lee Minho ( Lee Know ) ! ( 1998 )
WEi's Yoo Yongha ! ( 1999 )
SEVENTEEN's Lee Chan ( Dino ) ! ( 1999 )
CIX's Kim Seunghun ! ( 1999 )
OnlyOneOf's Lee Yongsoo ( Mill ) ! ( 1999 )
ATEEZ's Kang Yeosang ! ( 1999 )
DKB's Yang Heechan ! ( 1999 )
TEMPEST's Ahn Hyeongseop ! ( 1999 )
Stray Kids' Seo Changbin ! ( 1999 )
CIX's Kim Yonghee ! ( 2000 )
NCT's Lee Jeno ! ( 2000 )
Golden Child's Choi Bomin ! ( 2000 )
TO1's Kim Jeyou ( J.You ) ! ( 2000 )
CRAVITY's Ham Wonjin ! ( 2001 )
#🧚♀️ lead me to the faerie soiree » ( asks )#another 2 month old ask i finally answered 😭😭#🧚♀️ lead me to the faerie soiree » ( face claims )
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the accepted muses have 48 hours to add the following accounts : admin and activity check. message us if you have any requests or issues.
ㅡ actress kang hyewon ╱ little
ㅡ blackpink’s jennie kim ╱ camellia
ㅡ bts’ jeon jungkook ╱ swan
ㅡ cix’ kim seunghun ╱ GP
ㅡ fromis9′s park jiwon ╱ lesser man
ㅡ monsta x’s im changkyun (i.m) ╱ drowning
ㅡ nct’s mark lee ╱ miku
ㅡ stray kids’ seo changbin ╱ goldfish
ㅡ twice’s sana minatozaki ╱ kraft
ㅡ txt’s choi yeonjun ╱ ivy
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Masculinos: I.M (Monsta X), Kun, Doyoung, Ten, Xiaojun, Jaehyun, Mark, Jaemin (NCT), Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi (SVT), Rowoon, Taeyang (SF9), Woodz (Solo), Eric, Sangyeon, New, Kevin, Sunwoo (The Boyz), Yohan, Donghan (WEI), Eunwoo (Astro), Bangchan, Hyunjin (SKZ), Wooseok (Pentagon), B.I (Solo), San, Seonghwa (Ateez), Kim Jiwoong, Ricky (ZB1), Seunghun, Hyunsik, Jinyoung (CIX) Keeho, Intak (P1Harmony), Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu (TXT), Jake, Sunghoon, Heesung (Enhypen), Lee Dohyun (Ator), Song Kang (Ator), Choi Hyunwook (Ator), Jaewon (Solo)
Femininos: Jisoo, Rosé (BLACKPINK), Jiyeon, Luda, Dayoung (WJSN), Momo, Jihyo, Mina, Tzuyu (TWICE), Yeeun (solo), Saerom, Hayoung, Jiheon (fromis_9), Miyeon, Minnie, Yuqi ((G)-IDLE), Chaehyun, Dayeon (KEP1ER), Sakura, Chaewon, Yunjin, Kazuha (LESSERAFIM), Yuri, Hyewon, Minju, Eunbi (solos, ex-IZONE), Gaeul, Yujin, Wonyoung, Rei (IVE) Suhyeon, Haram (BILLIE), Seulgi, Yeri (Red Velvet), Yeojin, Yves, Olivia Hye (LOONA), Heejin, Jinsoul, KimLip, Choerry (ARTMS), Sullyoon, Haewon (NMIXX), Hanni, Minji (NewJeans), Ryu Sujeong (LOVELYZ).
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