#kanabiveil 01
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wldrose · 6 months ago
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"Tch, where's the boys when I need 'em?" Maybe she shouldn't have gone shopping like this on her own, but to be fair she really needed more decorations for her room! Had to throw some things out and put new things in!
Maybe she'll call Vash Or Wolfwood? Clicking her tongue, she drops her bags with a huff and leans back. "Euuugh, my BAaaaaaaaack!" And a small satisfying pop can be heard. It certainly must have felt good with how she sighed with contempt, "Fuck yeah."
Sniffing, she pulls out her phone and hums as she scrolls through the lists of names. "Mmm, Wolfwood's got a motorcycle." Looking down at the amount she's splurged on...yeeeah.
Maybe she can just SUCK IT UP. It wasn't that much further! A train ride wasn't bad!
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cladinivcry · 6 months ago
"WHOO! That was fun!" Quite frankly, the first part of it all was a fun time. They got to play around in the dream sequence AND got to go to a ball! It was in the second part when they got swallowed up by some hungry whale that things took a bad turn.
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"Now that that's over it kinda sucks that our powers aren't completely back again. Damn."
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grandlance · 5 months ago
Quirinus had never been in a situation where he was most certainly trapped before- he'd always been able to break free in the past- be it in battle to return to those who needed him, or to simply gain the upper hand when his brother had him pinned down ⎛ the boys raised by wolves, their mother watching closely as they learned to fight and live, as they grew claws and fangs as the children of the gods ⎠ or to overcome the impossible odds of Chaos- but in this place, he had no way of simply vanishing and appearing elsewhere. And with a companion, he wouldn't dare.
It could be worse, speaks the youth at his side, and the Supreme Deity laughs, low and warm- ❝ It is better to have company in such times, I would agree, ❞
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❝ I suppose this is simply meant as a bit of excitement? I will admit, I am unfamiliar with traveling like this- ❞ Because he's used to simply going where he pleased. He misses the weight of the golden wings- best not to think of that, now! He wonders if his companion is nervous- two hours is a rather long time to be stuck in such a small space ⎛ and thankfully, he still has the faint glow of his divine light- if worse comes to worse, he could just take off the sleeves he wore. Perhaps it wouldn't do as much as he wished, but as a Grand Servant, wasn't he meant to exist to push back the darkness? ⎠
❝ Perhaps we could've met under less startling circumstances, but the sentiment is returned. I am Quirinus. ❞ It's lighthearted, because he's learned that it's better to be like that- to help others feel calm, too. He's learned well from his life as a king, after all! ❝ And your name? ❞
crack !
there's a sickening snap, and a dull groan. for a moment does the elevator stagger uncomfortably in place, as if it is hoarsely wheezing its dying breath upon its two inhabitants.
oh. that doesn't sound good at all.
kei stands, and he waits. and waits. and waits. but the elevator shaft remains as it was, and the two progress no deeper down their travels. for a second, the elevator music seems to be their only respite.
kei remains as he is, a little longer, staring at the panel blankly.
until he no longer can, as the speaker crackles to life - ' we're sorry ! the elevator has broken down ! you will be rescued in approximately . . . two hours ! '.
see, kei has a whole guy in his head who he can hang out with. he's all set for this. and so, he calmly leans against the wall, before slinking onto the floor.
eventually does he speak to the stranger before him.
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"it's not great. but it really could be worse," they could have plummeted to the ground, so this is a win. and if the lights go out, kei glows! what could go wrong! "well . . . it's nice to meet you. hello."
he seems to have accepted the situation, and thus, seems mostly content with it.
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elfcast · 6 months ago
✲ "You look hungry. Do you want these?" It seemed like Marcille was doing a nice thing, offering someone younger than herself a bag of kettlecorn chips coated with cheese that was basically full. But she had bought them, tried them, and didn't like them. She was doing her best to get rid of them without throwing them out since that would be a waste.
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"There's nothing wrong with them, so it isn't like you need to be suspicious or anything!" She probably wouldn't have even sounded suspicious if not for saying that!
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uwps001 · 6 months ago
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"If you fall in, I'm not getting you out." The warning doesn't hold much, really. Constantine wouldn't just let some poor kid fall into the hole, but he also would rather the teenager be careful, really.
"Heard that you just come back if you fell."
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manifcst · 6 months ago
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WHEN THE FIRST TRACES OF NIGHT start to leave the sky, Jedediah is nowhere near close enough to shelter and he knows it.
If you had asked him just few days ago to describe the museum he might've chose the word prison. It was home, too, sure it was; a home he couldn't ever leave, though. The place was plenty big enough for him but there was always something stifling, something claustrophobic about knowing that your entire existence was meant to be spent under just one roof. Unlike many of his counterparts Jedediah holds no memories of a life before awakening, no memory of seeing the stars for himself, and doggonnit, he'd wanted to.
It's only now, snatched away from the place, that he starts to wonder if maybe his judgment towards it was a little undeserving. It's a harsh truth to realize that the fresh air and open space and stars come with a hefty price tag: there ain't no roof out here, nothing to keep him from crumbling to dust when the first rays of sunlight hit in the morning the way he knows they're about to. Jed can't even be sure that particular little quirk of the tablet still holds true here, but he sure as heck isn't gonna stand around to find out.
( For one, Octavius wouldn't know what to do without him. )
It's a painful thing, swallowing his pride enough to run right on up to the first stranger he sees on the street, whistling and waving his hat in a demand for attention ( he tells himself that getting caught in the sun would be more painful; it only makes him feel slightly better about the whole thing ).
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"Heyo, Stretch! Yeah, you!" He waves a hand in a get down here sort of gesture, but doesn't actually wait for the other to get any closer to eye level ( he don't got time for that ). "Give a cowpoke a lift, would ya? I'm runnin' outta time down here!"
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invitetruth · 5 months ago
color theory
Yu's nearly convinced the entire world has gone grey, until he finally spots another person—someone who is decidedly not monochrome, instead entirely a shade of blue. It's probably time to try and find some answers.
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"Hello," He approaches. "I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know anything about...this?" Yu vaguely gestures, since there's not really an adequate way to fully describe this situation, nor how empty he suddenly feels inside. It's unnerving. "I thought everything had lost its color, but it seems like that's just me."
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lmitless · 6 months ago
"Nahobino. Nice," he says, and flashes him a thumbs up. He laughs a little as he leans back, chest towards the sky and hands moving to his lower back as he stretches. "You're pretty sharp, aren't you? But don't worry, I'm not a threat to you."
He widens his legs and squats down, turning his body left and right, then reaches down to his toes. "Give me like... ten seconds, and then I'll be ready to go."
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He straightens and takes in a deep breath. Revealing one's technique always strengthens it -- and Satoru has always felt secure enough in his own skills to not be worried about any potential drawbacks.
Arrogant thing.
It's clear cursed energy is not as abundant here. Could it have to do with the hole that this kid was keeping him from? Even as he draws his power to the surface of his skin he feels it weaken, as if it were something that he had to ration.
to determine the maximum output of his cursed energy, satoru gojo needs to do the following equation to figure out the instantaneous rate of change: where the independent variable, x = limit of his neutral technique and dependent variable, y = cursed energy he is able to use, in order to figure out the ratio of an infinitesimal change in the output: y = f(x) ∴ f(x) = (df/dx)(a)
... or. Maybe it would be better to push his limit.
"Hey, what do you know about the concept of infinity?"
yuzuru had taught him the importance of a name. the fact gojo had handed him his so willingly was a sound indicator that he was at least somewhat friendly.
but yuzuru had taught him that names are precious things. each and every one holds weight, don't they? and though it is merely tradition to address by the last name anyway, kei speaks it with purpose.
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"gojo. okay," he nods. "my name... amemura. you can call me nahobino. it's what most people do."
"he appears to be rather unique in abilities, even in this state," aogami mentions. it is only something kei can hear, yes, but heard nonetheless. "it would be wise to get to know him, to an extent."
hand taps on ( his own ! ) ear, and he nods to himself.
"gravity, or some kind of force propelling," kei muses aloud. "it's unlikely that you're an average person. is that right ?"
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togabcy · 6 months ago
❛ . . I wasn't technically born either. ❜ The more he says out loud , the stranger and stranger it sounds. Though , there isn't truly any good way to explain that you're a Museum exhibit brought to life. But he hasn't really got any other choice , does he ? There's strange beings from all walks of life here , he's certain there has to be stranger than him around.
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❛ A cosplayer ? No , no. ❜ He's heard the term once or twice. That's what one of the old ladies called them on the bus. He's still not quite sure what it entails. ❛ I . . I'm a Museum exhibit. Specifically a diorama of Ancient Rome. Hence - ❜ He gestures to himself. ❛ I have memories of Rome ―― but they're very vague. Because I never lived there. I'm not even supposed to alive , really. ❜
His favorite fact. A hand rests on his chin thoughtfully. ❛ There was a point in time where they had to stop taking taxes because the Roman treasury was so filled with gold that they couldn't store any more. Not exactly the most exciting fact , but it's quite interesting. ❜
an answer is an answer, and kei was happy to receive them.
from what the world had become ( in all its melted, decayed and frankly ruined glory ), one could tell him that history had repeated itself in the form of romes revival in the modern age and he would likely take little persuading. though he knows this not to be the case, it was not as strange to hear that a legionary was born and raised from manhattan.
still, it left him with questions.
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"that's important . . ." he needs something specifically ancient. but, maybe manhattan in this strangers world could serve as some form of ancient proxy. "how is a roman born in manhattan ?"
or . . . "ah," kei nods. "are you a cosplayer?"
he sees those around. popular past time, reasonably so. not really for him, but still an impressive hobby. "i guess i'd like to know what your favorite fact is, then."
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wldrose · 6 months ago
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Did he come her way to gloat about that? "Yeah, probably is the last one." Mm, yep, she looks and there are no other bikes. She isn't annoyed though. NOPE.
"Is there any reason why you parked right by me though?" her own head tilts as she looks at him with her one good eye. "You're not about to be a gentleman and let me use the bike are you?" Hardly people were that nice, right?
walking was for those who didn't have skates. and thus, kei did not walk.
but skates were for ice only now, and thus, kei did not . . . skate!
but there are little joys. like bikes one can rent for the small cost of barely anything - even if the helmets are partially too small for him. of course kei straps it on, tight, lest he face aogamis chastising.
nahobino rings his bell, and stops before nobara. there is but one seat.
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head tilts to the side, and then to his small basket. it wouldn't work. "there's bikes. but i think i took the last one."
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lmitless · 6 months ago
Gojo looks down into the hole where the young man had kicked the rock. "Spirale, huh?" Not somewhere he's heard of, but that's fine. It's probably a domain of some kind, or another realm...
The boy seems to have a better handle on that, anyway. Instead of worrying about it, he takes a step back from the hole and casually puts his hands behind his head.
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"We should probably get each other's names, right? I'm Satoru Gojo."
Strange, a place where that name doesn't carry much weight at all.
there's something pushing him back. a gravitational force, scraping his iceblades against the ground and divoting them into the loose soil. keis hand is thus released from the stranger, left merely outstretched and glowing.
kei allows them to fall by his sides with a content nod. it doesn't seem like the man would act rashly.
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"spirale," comes his blunt response. "people from different worlds gather here. we don't have a say in it, and there's no real way to leave."
kicking a rock into the hole, it makes no noise. it's deep. "people try to escape through here . . . " a pause. "but they always come back. or so i've heard."
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elfcast · 4 months ago
✲ "Customary to negotiate over freebies?" If to get something free you had to make an entire proposition and win the other person over, then Marcille wasn't sure if anything would ever be worth it. Thankfully that wasn't the case, and this all just seemed to be some kind of big misunderstanding! Whew! She handed the snack over without much incident.
At least until he brought up negotiating with demons of all things. "Sorry... Negotiating with what now?" Demons very much existed in her world, and she'd been manipulated by one in the past. "The demons that feed on your desires? Those kinds of demons?" They were extremely dangerous!
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"And wouldn't that imply I thought you were a demon? You're just a kid..." Unless he knew something that she didn't. "You're... not a demon, right?"
hm.... an okay response. the one he desired the least, but some do prefer neutrality over siding with anything certain.
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"you want me to accept your offer, right?" kei speaks after a moments thought. "its customary that we negotiate, but . . ."
she looks like she's getting anxious. maybe it's best to drop the fun. one day kei will have the joy of a demon negotiation, but that day is not today. accompanied by a curt nod, he takes the snack.
"thank you," is how he eventually relents, sifting through his bag before neatly placing it amidst the compartmentalized books and pens. highly organized, it was no doubt that kei greatly preferred his ' ducks in order ', so to speak. "i'll accept it."
at that, he points one finger into the air as if to count. "demon negotiations. if you want a demon to join your side, you offer them something. then, they ask you a specific question. depending on how you respond, they'll join you or react in other ways."
if not for the bluntness weaving through his tone, he'd have almost sounded sheepish. "i had thought you wanted to try it with me. i was a bit excited. sorry."
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lmitless · 6 months ago
"My ribs would be fine," he says, patting them as if to make a point. His expression might be a playful one, but he's calculating inside his head.
He actively channels his neutral technique to create a barrier between himself and this stranger, though the purpose is not self defense. It's mathematical curiosity -- can he push this person away, and will it exhaust him?
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He laughs a little and changes the subject. "Hey, do you know where we are?" He takes a look around, pretending to survey the entire area. Strange. "Because this definitely does not feel like anywhere I've been before."
kei realizes what he's doing. it's not a grand idea to hold a stranger in such a manner the moment you meet them, but last resorts are last resorts.
( were he a different nahobino, one who made alternate decisions, perhaps he'd have let him jump. survival of the fittest, and whatnot. )
( but he stays as he does, in holy light and the nurturing gaze of angels. a lawful being, albeit, tentatively so. to what end is the path he walks truly righteous ? would it be a grand idea to just let him fall ? he'd come back, but . . . )
( oh well. )
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"your ribs would shatter. i don't think that's a great idea," kei relinquishes his grip ever so slightly. not entirely so, but enough to hopefully give gojo some breathing space. "... i'm sorry, but i can't let you jump. forgive me."
he casts a look around. it's plenty dead. also, the stranger seems to have a screw or four loose. "just watch a documentary on it."
at that, he tugs on his clothes.
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elfcast · 5 months ago
✲ "Join me? Negotiation?" Marcille's head was spinning after taking in all that the boy had to say. She can't say she had ever heard responses like that to being offered free food before. She definitely would never have responded like this. Why did he respond to her offer with a question? Why was she suddenly on her toes? She'd just wanted to unload a snack she didn't like!
"Education is important, but building relationships with your peers is important too! You can say "both" is wrong, but one or the other is far too cruel to the students!" She valued her time at the magic academy, but if she'd never engaged with her peers and made friends then she never would've met Falin!
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"...Why are you even asking me these questions? I was just offering you food, I don't want anything in return... Do I look that shady!?" Should she invest in a more "welcoming" outfit!?
oh ! a negotiation !
usually, kei was the one doing these with demons. offer them things, converse in a certain way that appeals to them the most. then, they joined his team, and happy days! in a way, he himself was a demon, so he supposes it was only a matter of time.
. . . but it was kind of funny, the thought of it. so he plays along. what kind of questions would he ask ? what kind of things would he want someone else to say to have him on their side ? ever so slightly does the boy smile.
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"to join you ?" is the first thing he says, eyes resting on the chips. they did look nice . . . maybe this really was the best way to appeal to him. "hmm. . ."
wow, this was pretty exciting! to be on the receiving end of a negotiation for once!
now, this was the part where the demon usually asks a specific question, right? kei pauses, and thinks. what would be his question? should it be a riddle ? or a personality aspect ? it takes him a minute.
"should school be a time where students mess around and get to know each other, or study hard for a prosperous future ?" kei asks. "please don't say a half-hearted answer like 'both'. i won't agree to the negotiation if you do."
wait, shoot! he's not meant to give hints!
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uwps001 · 6 months ago
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That's a relief to hear, honestly. He can stop worrying about a potential rescue then! That isn't part of his shtick. That's what he likes to believe at least.
"You often do stuff like that? Throwing rocks in places?" It's a strange hobby to be having, actually. This kid isn't the only one he's seen do it either. People will skip rocks across the ocean or something. His grandpa was one of them.
LEGS HANG into hole and kei does not seem particularly troubled by it.
it is dark in there. he cannot so much as see the bottom. hand tosses rock into the abyss and hears not a sound in turn... it's convincined him that it's deep. even the glow radiating from his own body is not enough to pry itself deeper into what may lurk beneath.
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"oh," kei turns head, and looks towards constantine. "no. there's no need. i would be dead from the impact, so it's okay. my ribs would shatter."
its spoken nonchalantly. kei leans back on his hands. "if you're not curious, that's fine," iceskate scrapes against rocky walls, and stray debris fall. "but if you want to sit with me to throw rocks, that's fine, too. i'm not going to go into the hole."
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manifcst · 6 months ago
HE'S GOTTEN TOO USED TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE MUSEUM, who after fifty-odd years of Jedediah's theatrics have come to disregard his noise entirely, taking his nightly interruptions with a grain of salt. It's hurtful, is what it is, even if half the time he really is only being dramatic and he and Octavius manage most things on their own. They could at least pretend to want to be helpful.
Point is, he's hardly expecting his request to be so quickly taken into consideration, swept up into the air before he has time to prepare for it. It's only years of experience ( Larry is very grabby ) that enables him to keep his balance, even if he flings his arms out for a moment. He looks over his shoulder, glances skyward, like the sun is chasing after specifically him, some big ol fiery ball of vengeance. Maybe it knows they're not on good terms.
"What's goin' on? Look right up there at the sky, boy, you go on and tell me what you see!" A gloved hand points upwards ( a bit preemptively given it's not even sunrise ). And Jedediah really does wait for an answer, taking a step or two backwards across the palm he's been situated upon in the meanwhile, some wariness in his gaze. Now, he's met a cowpoke or two with real unruly hair in his time, of course, but this is just absurd.
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Nobody can ever say it don't pay to be prepared, though - or on-edge, at least. "If I— whoa, now!" He hits the ground ( well, hand ) so fast it's downright impressive, one hand flying up to clasp his hat on tight as locks of hair whiz just over his head at the fella's sharp look sideways. The cowboy's face is scrunched with displeasure when he glances up. "Watch where you're goin' with that stuff, you're gonna flatten a man into a flapjack one'a these days!"
But help is help, he tells himself. A man can't afford to be picky even if death by hair seems inevitable. Is that preferable to turning into nothing more than dust in the wind? He dusts himself off when he gets back up to his feet, needlessly, brows still pinched in frustration. "I'm talkin' bout the sun, Durango, you know what happens when folks like me get caught up in all that?" Jed shakes his head, the picture too grim to even paint.
kei had made a habit from being an early riser.
he cannot help but still honor such rituals of mundanity. though his appearance is different now ( from black hair to blue, short to long , to whatever one may describe him now ) the soul still remained. and inherently, as any decent law-aligned nahobino may be, there was an insistence on helping those who need it.
yet, there is someone smaller than him. distressed, even. it confuses him a moment, provoking thoughts of caution initially - was this not a common tactic of mugging ? a damsel in distress gimmick, they call it.
"young man," he hears aogami speak within his own mind. "they seem panicked. i would approach with caution, given that..."
and, as any good inhabitant of his body does, aogami senses how he feels. "i see. you already understand."
but what could he do ? it's worth the risk.
quickly does kei find his way to jedediah's presence. surely, a ' lift ' means to pull him up . . . and so he does, scooping his hand beneath the aforementioned ' cowpoke '. it's almost instinctive to start running, but kei quells the urge.
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"running out of time ?" kei looks around. the streets are as dead as can be, bar the early risers sleepily trudging throughout the cement jungle. "why? what's going on?"
blue locks coil about his own arms, daring to ensare jedediah by the legs. in fact, there's... so much hair, it would be easy to drown in it.
kei whips his head to the side. "are you in danger?" best to check the surroundings.
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