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koreanling · 2 years ago
Batchim rules
There are 7 key batchim rules that depend on the consonants used. Some characters like ㄱ, ㅋ, and ㄲ share the same rule as you can guess because they are very similar consonants.
ㅇ = ㅇ
ㄱ, ㅋ, ㄲ, ㄳ, ㄺ = ㄱ
ㄷ, ㅌ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅎ = ㄷ
ㅁ, ㄻ = ㅁ
ㅂ, ㅍ, ㅄ, ㄿ = ㅂ
ㄹ, ㄼ, ㄾ, ㅀ = ㄹ
ㄴ, ㄵ, ㄶ = ㄴ
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I���ll lay it out like this:
1. Rules for ㅇ
Starting off with ㅇ because it’s important to batchim rules overall. Once you learn how to read hangul you learn ㅇ is either an empty space when used first (like 아니) or an ‘ng’ sound at the very end (like 사랑).
The ‘ng’ sound is the ㅇ characters batchim, it never changes. BUT there’s more- if ㅇ begins the next syllable in a word the batchim will change:
있어 –> 이써 : isseo
있다 –> 읻다 : et-da
For the first one the bottom consonant ㅆ takes over the space of ㅇ for pronunciation making it sound more like 이써. 있다 above follows the normal batchim rules and the ㅆ takes on a ㄷ sound.
2. ㄱ, ㅋ, ㄲ, ㄳ, ㄺ = ㄱ
This rule affects consonants including ㄱ or his relatives and simply makes anything a ㄱ sound no matter how hard the character would be on its own. Even ㄳ which is combo k and s becomes just k sound.
한국어 –> 한구거 : hangugeo
책은 –> 채근 : chekgun
3. ㄷ, ㅌ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅎ = ㄷ
This affects a bunch of consonants so it’s important to remember.
꽃 –> 꼳 : ggot
좋다 –> 조타 : jota
There’s a special rule about ㄷ and ㅌ ending before a ㅇ though. You’ve probably heard it with 같이; instead of becoming 가티 the ㅌ changes to ㅊ making it 가치.  ㄷ changes to ㅈ as well.
같이 –> 가치: kachi
4. ㅁ, ㄻ = ㅁ
몸이 –> 모미 : momi
5. ㅂ, ㅍ, ㅄ, ㄿ = ㅂ
없다 –> 업따 : ob-da
없어요 –> 업서요 : ob-seoyo
Now ㅂ has some special rules for itself, you probably knows 감사합니다 but it’s not pronounced kamsahaBnida it’s more like kamsamnida
ㅂ starting a word – use a softer b sound: 바나나
ㅂ in the middle –  it creates a b sound: 일번
ㅂ at the bottom – can have m sound depending on what follows like in 감사합니다
A trick to think of is try saying 감사합니다 20x fast. Maybe originally the word was pronounced fully but people get lazy, slur their words, etc and pronunciation goes towards what’s easiest.
6. ㄹ, ㄼ, ㄾ, ㅀ = ㄹ
별이 –> 벼리 : byeo-re
핥은 –> 할튼 : halteun
7. ㄴ, ㄵ, ㄶ = ㄴ
앉다 –> 안다: anta
돈이 –> 도니 : doni
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learned about the rcta/ecta (aka race change) community on tiktok today
it is just so aggravating as an asian, specifically korean person because tbh, i wasn’t exactly proud to be asian when i was younger. like i did grow up fairly sheltered and oblivious, but i still had a kid on the playground who would say “ching chong” or pull their eyes back
yeah i understand with the ever increasing popularity of kpop and kdramas (& anime for japan) people are more interested in korea and korean culture. if that was all it would be great! this is fucking appropriation tho people
like sorry but listening to piano kpop covers while looking at a picture of some kpop idol is not gonna make you korean, what it will do is make people (especially east asians) hate you and be extremely uncomfortable
and like ik these people are all like 13-14, but still it’s just so so disgusting, and also with the way they mice around their countries as well? like i saw something where it was like “ways to be more japanese” and one of the tips was the say “kamsamnida” WHICH IS FUCKING KOREAN (also insane to me even more due to the history of these countries but i digress)
and not even to mention how aside from the obvious racist parts, is also hella transphobic? like you can’t pretend that these communities aren’t also making a mockery of the trans community (one that suffers enough as it is)
anyways it’s all jsut a lot and i needed to rant about it
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maladaptive-ninja-returns · 5 years ago
Kira! And ITA! Each for their own reasons though both a expertly written. Dude, I recommend these to anyone I know!
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blkwag · 2 years ago
ghana really said if i’m goin down YOU COMIN WITH ME 
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the-canaveral · 8 years ago
Live for those unable to.
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gzbcrush · 8 years ago
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+missyoucutie+ #Seoul #raccooncafe #hongdae #raccoon #animal #pet #youdontknow #southkorea #sk #korea #fluffy #ball #fullofjoy #cute #kamsamnida #grace (hier: Hongdae Raccoon Cafe, Seoul)
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angievores · 3 years ago
In the drunk pete scene ,it may seem he speaks gibberish but it also seems like his hidden story. I can't explain fully, someone needs to analyze it better but korean words hold most meaning.
Kp are having good time but gets a break .He says kamsamnida (thanku) , a very sincere one , to kinn and porshe (feels thankfulness to first family for taking care of him or their favors on him). Then he happily describes taking care of his khun noo. But then seem tired and comes to porshe. I don't know if him saying long legs have any meaning.Porshe says he can't see clearly (his feelings). He agrees and suggest he is drunk(probably drunk on curiosity or what?) and better go to sleep (going to Vegas den on his own volition and getting rest from his inner turmoil). He says sweet dreams to kp (they start a happy time again,or as kinn says exciting).
Before going shouts saranghaeyo (his love Vegas) and arirang(a song of separation and lost love). I LOVE YOU LOST LOVE. He shouts it before going so is he going to his lost love? Is there some connection in there past? Well Vegas is going to become a lost love and separation for him but then he should have shouted it after coming. I don't know how to interpret it. Maybe they changed something or maybe not.
But after coming(kp gets a brake again), he wanna tell a fun series (his story which is fun but not funny I guess). Says In the end but then sleeps. Porshe keeps on calling pete, pete he doesn't respond. What is it's meaning what happens in the end pete? Is he feeling lost or what?But kp stars a good time again.
Pete screams painfully Yaa Ahjumma but then is very happy. Here I am confused. Why Ahjumma?Who is this Ahjumma, source of pete happiness? I only know one woman in series, porshe mom. It's a highlighted word so must be important. After this kp again in their happy end probably.
I guess expressions and korean words hold most meaning,not sure of thai words. What do you think? Someone Analyse it better. Just tell me something about Ahjumma. Also I don't know full meaning of arirang.
Even yok advice seems to me like kinn or Kinnporshe plan. I'm strong,pretend to be weak and catch enemy by surprise.probably porshe is doing that now. Uff! It seems khun waegath is going to give me a very big second hand embarrassment. Atleast novel one had porshe almost on his side. Porshe needs meditation to bear Vegas playing kdrama second lead syndrome and tawan playing evil Ahjumma. He hates watching series but now playing live in one.
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lutawolf · 3 years ago
Hi. I wanna talk about drunk Pete scene. He was so cute,for once I want vegas to see him like this. But here I don't know if someone has already pointed it out but what Pete speaks may seem like gibberish but it seems there is hidden meaning about his story. Especially highlighted korean words. First he says very sincere kamsamnida, thank you to kinnporshe (I guess to first family as they taken care of him or something important of his past) . Then he happily talks about taking care of his khun noo. Then show tired expression and comes to porshe. I don't know if him saying you have long legs has any meaning. But porshe says you don't see clearly (about his feelings I guess). He agrees and says I think I am drunk(drunk on what maybe curiosity) and himself suggest I better go to sleep (him going to vegas den on his own violation and he will get rest from his inner turmoil I guess ). He says sweet dreams to kp(they'll have good time at that point or as kinn says exciting). Before going inside he screams saranghaeyo, love (his vegas) and arirang, a song of separation and lost love.(I love you ,lost love).But wait is he going to his lost love and was there separation, did they connected vegas Pete past too like kp,did vegas doesn't remember or know about it or is it Pete started loving vegas in past. Well it will remove their problematic part if they are lost love, vegas just need to acknowledge it,feelings are already there at least for Pete and it could be done beautifully in limited time they get. Now here I am confused, oh yes vegas is going to become a separation and lost love for him but then he should shouted that after coming back. I guess I m thinking too much. Kp starts some exciting life. But then Pete comes back and wanna tell porshe about fun series (his story and he had fun, though I don't think it will be anything funny). He started with in the end but then sleeps, while porshe keeps on calling Pete, pete. And I'm screaming what in the end, are you feeling lost or what. He goes to sleep there then why sleeping here. I don't know what to interpret here. But then he painfully shouts Yaa, Ahjumma but then is very happy. Now which ahjumma is the source of his happiness. I don't know any woman in series except porshe mom. I think I wrote very long and maybe thai words don't have much meaning but korean ones does have and his expression may also.
Hey Angie!!!
I was not aware of what he was saying in Korean, that's pretty cool! Thank you for passing along the information 💜💜💜
As far as Vegas and Pete, you and I have vastly different interpretations. Coming at this as a sadist, I've really appreciated how well they are portraying Vegas as one. Now Vegas, we know is a sadist without a doubt. I also have little doubt that they are portraying Pete as a masochist. If I'm wrong, I'll say I'm wrong but I really don't think I am. In my personally opinion, their love story started in the dungeon with the torture. Between a perfectly matched sadist and masochist. Honestly for Pete, likely sooner.
I'm really looking forward to seeing more from them in the next episode. 💜💜💜
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tokyokookmin · 3 years ago
I saw an ask related to this subject on this blog before, and I just thought of sharing this, a similar experience - I am ethnically Korean, and to be honest, it's kind of implausible for me to interact with international blogs and people because of their acutely distressing perception that I, as an Asian, can't converse in English, especially not in the finer level of English and because of that my identity is constantly questioned (even in real life) and assumed to be either of an American or an European, when I've spent my entire life in Ulsan, and also because they think that English is only limited to them? Yeah. I also think that some of us have to write the asks in Korean to prove that we actually are, because the moment we say anything in English, the other side assumes the exact opposite, and I genuinely believe that our side should stop sharing any kind of sensitive information or any kind of veiled information because of that and other obvious reasons because it's... Just not worth it.
- I think you've got to be the kindest person in here therefore I shared this with you. Take care of yourself. ❤️
As an Asian myself, I totally understand what you're trying to imply here. Everything you said here is factual. I do know that most jikook blogs are run by international armys except for Euna and me (based on what I know).
"because of their acutely distressing perception that I, as an Asian, can't converse in English, especially not in the finer level of English"
Anon, first of all, your English is immaculate, your ask has been beautifully written. I know the feeling of not being able to keep up with society's demands and what they expect you to be. This is a sensitive topic and we should converse about it more. Not all have the same perception, especially with jikook blogs, I have interacted with them numerous times and they're all jolly people.
It must be understood by natives that our English may get mixed up since we all have different ways of speaking in our continent or to be more specific, our motherland. We have different accents which might make our pronunciation more difficult to be understood. People are quick to judge, that's normal. We can't really change them.
"American or an European, when I've spent my entire life in Ulsan, and also because they think that English is only limited to them?"
Need to clear this out lol, English isn't reserved only for westerners, ENGLISH IS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE. We learn English to be able to communicate with people.
"I also think that some of us have to write the asks in Korean to prove that we actually are because the moment we say anything in English, the other side assumes the exact opposite"
Most Koreans in this generation can speak English, am I right? We shouldn't perceive them as a bunch of illiterates just because they can't, especially towards elders, like they were surviving to earn and to feed their families. Anyways, it's pretty sad I would say, having the fact to speak or type in Korean just because they have good English proficiency.
Anon, feel free to speak in Korean and English, mix them up. You don't need to share detailed information with them if you don't feel comfortable. Have fun in your life, people will judge in every way they can but you only live once, so live your life. Don't be afraid and you can always come back here to my blog, im very welcoming. xx.
I love u anon. Thank you for that lovely compliment, makes my day a lot better!
Dhanyavaad. Terima kasih. Xie-xie. Kamsamnida. Thank you.
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pinkyarn · 8 years ago
henlo tungledotcom, i reached 2.2k yesterday and i'd like to thank u all a lot for following a depressed bi mess™ aka moi, terima kasih, syukran jazilan 💕 i'm very shit at doing followers celebration (bc i have like 0 talent lol why yall be following me) but i thought of doing compliments + promo sort of? idk? does anyone wants that? idkidk pls tell me lol bye lob u all ✨✨
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sktt1-things · 4 years ago
Mended (Faker x Reader)
You've been a part of a T1 for a long time, spending your time with Sanghyeok, known as Faker, you met him when you're new and you're getting along with other team players like Cuzz, Canna and Teddy, who became your close friends right after starting being best friends with Sanghyeok, it was a moment that you start falling for him couple of months later.
Ratings: Angst / Super Fluff
Cuzz (Woochan)
Canna (Changdong)
Teddy (Jinseong)
LS (Nick)
Effort (Sangho)
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"(y/n)-noona" Changdong walked over to you "have you seen my jacket?" he asked.
You turned around and looked for the jacket that he asked and found it on his gaming chair "Changdong, have you seen Sanghyeok lately? he was so busy with interviews and stuff. You understand him but I've more concerned that he might out of focus when he was playing" said with a worry as you gave Changdong his jacket.
"Relax noona, he's getting used to it. It looks like you look concerned for Sanghyeok-hyung" he started chuckle when you mentioned about the part-owner.
"Changdong-ah, he was my best friend..." I stopped when my felt something that associate with him "more than that?"
"I KNEW IT" He giggled, it looks like he found out, but this Solo-killing machine is always keeping secrets because he might believed that it will ruined and getting more awkward.
"Hey what's going on here?" LS walked over to the practice room. "Hey Nick, we're just talking about Faker's interviews” you answered.
“Oh yeah, he might be done with that in a few, can we talk to him?" LS informed before we walked up to the main room of HQ and saw Faker already done with that "Sanghyeok-hyung, how is it?" Changdong
"It was good but I think I have to focus on League, and hey (y/n)" Sanghyeok smiled as he saw you appeared.
"Annyeong Sanghyeok, you're working too much, you need some rest" Faker has a tons of doing things like these, he deserves to rest and play League "I know (y/n), but can we talk in private?”
Wait... is he going to confess or what???
“uhm sure why not?” you replied as we’re going to the hallway, pretty much around here in silence but don’t know what’s going to happen, maybe it was the thought that you have about him.
“What’s up with you anyways?” you said in mature manner.
“There’s something that I can tell you” Sanghyeok said as he was trying to breath and telling about it “I’ve heard you’re talking to Changdong few weeks ago” he said.
“Wait, you know?” you said in kinda shock, it might be he have heard that you’ve told Changdong that you have feelings for Sanghyeok.
“Ne” he nodded “I was just flattered but...”
You expect the heartbreak though.
“I... just don’t feel the same” the heart broken into pieces as he said to you with words. You have to hold back your tears as the words already stuck in your head with a nod “It’s okay, I understand that”
“(y/n), joesonghamnida” Sanghyeok bowed with apology but he didn’t notice your little tears.
“It’s alright, we’re still friends right? I understand that you’re too busy with everything, I don’t want to be the cause of your career will jeopardized” you gave him a fake smile, never know what exactly would the next step after all of this “I have to go, goodnight Sanghyeok-oppa”
“yeah, goodnight (y/n)” he said in deep voice, you bowed a bit and walked out with the starts rolling down from your eyes, thinking of him never know that you’re crying right now.
You’ve rushed to your room, broke down by sitting on your bed, covering your face with hand as the tears more fell down, how it feels that you have been rejected by Sanghyeok.
It never been interrupted when Teddy and Cuzz walked over to your room “(y/n)-noona”, you saw them went over to your room but your face are full of tears.
“eotteohge doen geoyeyo? (what happened?)” They rushed over to her while Cuzz putting her head on arms wrapping around his shoulder for comfort "Sanghyeok-hyung?"
"He rejected me Woochan-ah" you said with a sniff.
"What? he must be a selfish punk right now!" Teddy said with the slight anger, you never seen him being angry at this.
"I'm so sorry to hear that noona" Cuzz hugged you tight like a sibling figure, he must be worried about your situation "Woochan-ah, I need to go somewhere for a while-" it was interruped when Canna walked over too "Noona?"
"She got rejected by that punk" Teddy said to Canna. Cuzz wiping your tears with the handkerchief while Canna "(y/n), you can stay to my sister for a while"
"Kamsamnida, Changdong maybe I could stay there just to let it pass this" you said while the sniff continues.
Few weeks later...
You already stayed in Canna's sister, it all happen you became close with as you're helping her "How's Changdong?"
"He's doing fine actually, but thank you for letting me stay here in your home"
"No worries (y/n), also thank you for taking care of my brother while staying in the HQ" she smiled as she gave me a food after we finished cooking "no problem, he's doing good nowadays"
"What happened anyway since you're staying at the building before?" Canna's noona said after biting her food.
"Sang-oppa rejected me few weeks ago, we've been close until it all happened" you frowned as she noticed that you've seemed to be bothered by the moment.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry to hear that, I bet my brother can give him some advice" she pointed it out because she knows her brother's intelligence and being open minded. You didn't answered at her question, continuing on eating a lot of food.
Meanwhile at HQ...
Faker seems to be bothered by your disappearance, all of his fellow players know about this situation but didn't inform him about you staying at Canna's sister.
"Sanghyeok-hyung, what's up?" Effort walked over, he came up to the headquarters after a week of vacation "Sangho-ah, have you seen (y/n) lately?" Faker asked, he felt something that it will might be a regret for him for a while.
"Ani, she left few weeks ago, Changdong-ah just informed me yesterday" Effort said, seems to be sad about what happened between both of you, about what Effort said about you leaving the building which made Faker without saying a word.
The flashback appeared: the moment he met you during the All Star Event as his opponent during the 1v1, the heads of Faker's org where he was sees the potential of you that it lead on signing with them as a streamer and content creator. You and him became more bestfriends when you both at the rooftop having a heart to heart talk, it made a lot more of both of you hanging out everyday along with his teammates which you become close also, but Faker didn't expect that he wanted more to be with you alone
The flashback ended when he pointed it out "I guess I've missed her".
"Why don't you make things right with her, because you know she felt that it was her fault for falling for a hyung like you" Effort said with an advice for his hyung.
Teddy walks in "Sanghyeok-hyung, you had one job for hurting her" he was lowkey mad at the team captain for hurting the noona of this circle "Anyway, she was staying in Changdong's province, you can make it up to her and we don't want you to be affected by our future matches with other teams"
"You're right Jinseong, since-" *phone buzzed on Faker's phone*
Sanghyeok-hyung, her train arrival here in Seoul will be in few minutes, go! - Changdong
Teddy tap his hand on Faker's shoulder "Get her hyung".
Faker smiled then run off from the HQ with his keys and car as he drove off to the Seoul train station but he have to do slowly because of the snow until he arrived at the parking lot.
Meanwhile, you walked off from the station forgot the cover for your neck because it was freezing "I don't know why I came back here although I really want to."
You keep standing there as you're waiting for the taxi to get you but you saw the car that Faker drove with and walked over to it "wait, why his car here"
You felt the warm scarf wrapped around your neck before the arms also wrapping around you
"(y/n)" he said with a mutter in his voice "I'm glad you came back"
You turn around as you saw him standing infront of you, still his arms around you "Sanghyeok, wha-" her words interrupted when his lips landed on yours deeply, felt he had waiting to do this for so long before he pulled it away "I was waiting for and make it up to you, I'm sorry for took so long to realize" he still muttered as he said to you with his forehead landed on yours “will you ever forgive me and be my girlfriend?”
“Of course Sanghyeok-ah, and I’ll stay with you” you smiled as he felt his heart rejoiced for you being back in Seoul, wanting to be with you longer. You didn’t expect much happier with this.
you can send some request thru ask because I was so busy with streaming and stuff, but will still gonna do it if I’m free lmao :D if you would like to revise this fanfic, let me know thru dms :D
And also CONGRATS TO T1 for winning the first game in LCK Spring! let’s support them even hoping of making it to Worlds this year <3
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ladysatoru · 5 years ago
I told my cousin I liked naruto and he laughed at me and started saying eugh otakus 😋😋 and then said chinese girls are kawaii 😭😭 like wtf do i say 🤡
Look him dead in the eyes and say "sempai onionhaseyo nani zaranghae kamsamnida" in a nasally voice and moonwalk out of the room.
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serendipityipurpleyou · 4 years ago
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Those eye’s wow 😮 😮‍💨……Jimin you make me smile every single day💜💜 Kamsamnida 🙏🏻 💋 💜💜
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lovingmybaealways · 5 years ago
9: A Big Misunderstanding
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Young-Bae was so frustrated and upset in the cab ride back to the dorms.  He couldn’t understand why you got so upset about keeping the relationship secret.  It was only for now, not forever.  He just had to talk with his boss Yang and the band first and explain that he wanted to go public.  He owed them that much as they would have to manage whatever craziness may happen.   He also had to prepare that the fans may go nuts that he had a girlfriend, and may even attack you in public let alone online.
When he reached the dorms, he walked into the living room.  All the boys were awake and eating ramen around the tv.
“Hey! Look at who got lucky and stayed out ALL NIGHT!” yells Seung-hyun.
“Did you have FUN?” asks Daesung with a big smile.
“Did you use ALL the condoms I put in your pocket last night?” heckles Seungri.
Ji-yong just looks up at Young-Bae and tilts his head to the side.  “Are you okay?” he asks quietly. “Why do you look so upset? Is something wrong?”
“Argghhhh” explodes Young-Bae. “I don’t know what is going through her head! She freaked out and kicked me out this morning when I said we need to keep the relationship a secret for now.  Fuck!  She wouldn’t even. listen to what I had to say!  She said that she doesn’t ever want to see me again!”
The boys were all silent for a moment and looked at him with concern.  Young-Bae had never been one to fuss over a girl and normally he just laughs everything off.  The fact that he was so upset over one girl was shocking.
Ji-yong asked the question everyone was thinking “Do you really like her? Is it just a fling or is it something more?”
“Of course it is something more!  I wanted to date her with the intention of marriage!  You know how I feel about casual dating!” exclaims Young-Bae.
The boys understood all too well.  Young-Bae was quite religious and the fact that he actually spent the night with a girl was a bit hard to believe.  They knew that he was waiting for the one girl he could spend the rest of his life with, so the fact that he was so hung up on Honey meant that maybe she really was his soulmate.
“Well, didn’t she just come from Canada or the US?  I think they are much more open with their relationships over there.  I mean look at all the Hollywood stars.  They can date, sleep or marry whoever they want, whenever they want.  They don’t have the same restrictions as us.  So maybe she doesn’t know or doesn’t understand?” asks Ji-yong.
Seungri pipes up “Yes that's true.  I remember speaking to Kris at a party once and he said it is very strange here that some contracts state that idols can’t date.  He's had some flings with girls in high school.  High school!!  And you can't believe the games they play at parties!! Something about spinning a bottle to kiss random people, and being locked in a closet to do whatever they want within a number of minutes. ..”
Seung-hyun looks seriously at Young-Bae and says “If you really think she is the one, you can’t give up. You need to go back and convince her somehow.  Apologize to her and try to explain the way things are done here in Korea.  It may take time and maybe you just have to take it slow until she believes you.  You need to stay strong.”
Daesung just shakes his head and pats Young-Bae sympathetically on this shoulder.  “Good luck.”
“Kamsamnida guys.  I know what I need to do now.”  Young-Bae heads to his room to think.  He decides to write a love letter to show his feelings, get washed up, changed and go back to the hotel so that he could explain it all to you and make you understand.
*     *     *    *     *     *     *
Back at the hotel...
I had cried so much that my eyes were swollen.  I wet a washcloth with cold water and place it over my eyes as I lay on the couch.  I couldn’t believe that I believed him when he said the he wanted to have a long-term relationship.  What kind of relationship was it if all we could do was sit in a hotel room.  Hah!  He just meant that we could just have sex!  All men are jerks!
I thought resolutely to myself  'I’m a strong woman.  I’ve put myself through school, and made the decision to move away from Canada to Korea.  I was on an adventure on my own when I started so I will continue on this adventure as scheduled.'  As I’ve always been an optimistic person, I managed to talk myself into looking at the brighter side of things.
So I decide to stop hiding in my hotel room and to go out and explore since the weather was so nice. I spent extra time putting on make-up, trying to hide my puffy eyes and lack of sleep, and decide to leave my waist-long hair down as it might help hide how tired I look.  I get dressed, grab my over-sized Versace sunglasses and handbag and headed out.
As I walk through the hotel lobby, I walk past a group of guys in their twenties but after what happened last night, I didn’t want to do anything with the males species for awhile so I looked straight ahead and kept going.  I had only taken about 5 steps out of the hotel when I was grabbed and hugged from behind, and I feel a head land on my shoulder and breathing in my ear.
Thinking it was Young-Bae trying to catch me, I exasperatedly say “Young...” but before I could finish speaking, I was cut off.
“Honey!  My Honey bunny!  You came to Korea to visit me?  Why didn’t you let me know ahead of time?  I would’ve picked you up from the airport!” scolded a familiar voice.
I turn my head to look and see my best guy friend’s smiling face on my shoulder.  I laugh and kiss the tip of his nose.  “It was a supposed to be a surprise!  You sure know how to ruin all my plans!”
"I've missed you sooo much Honey bunny!  Did you miss me?"
"Always!  Every minute of every day!" I tease.
Kris hugs me tighter and lets go.  He takes a step back, holds his right elbow with his left, and places his right hand on his cheek and looks at me with his head tilted.  He nods and says “You are still the most beautiful girl I know and love.  Do you love me?”
“Of course!  I love you as you are my most precious Kris!” I laugh as I play around with him. It was like old times when our older cousins would gang up on us two and we would support each other emotionally.
“How much do you love me?” he asks.
“This much” I say as I hold my thumb and index finger about an inch apart.
“What?!”  pouts Kris. “But I LOVE you THIS MUCH!” And he opens his arms way wide apart.
“Hmmm” I pretend to think, tapping my finger on my lip.
Kris makes a heart-shape with his hands and blinks at me cutely.
“Oh I guess I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH!!” I say with a laugh as I extend my arms as far as they could go.
“Come here and gimme my hug!” Kris exclaims as he picks me up in his arms and twirls in around and around.  I laugh and tell him to put me down.
Once he stops, I have to hang onto to him as my head is spinning.  “Kris, you’ve made me all dizzy!”
Kris bends down, puts one hand on either side of my face and looks at me.  “I’m sorry sweetie.  I was just too excited to see you.  Are you okay?  I better get you back inside.”  He kisses my forehead, wraps an arm around my shoulder to direct me back into the hotel.
"I'm starving Kris.  Can we go get something to eat?"
"Anything you want sweetie.  What do you want to eat?" Kris says as we turn to walk down the street, with his arm still around my shoulder.
*     *     *    *     *     *     *
In the meantime, Young-Bae had arrived and saw you leaving the hotel. He thought you looked so sweet yet sexy in your pink dress and was walking swiftly to talk to you when he saw a guy run out hug you from behind and lean on you.
Young-Bae was about to rush up to punch the guy for daring to touch you when he saw you turn and kiss the guy's nose.  This stopped him in his tracks.  Who was this guy?
He decides to wait until your conversation was done so he could talk privately without an audience. He takes a step over to stand behind a tree so that he wasn’t so visible.  He hated spying but didn’t want to cause a scene as you were both out in public.
He heard your entire conversation about how you had come to Korea to surprise this jerk and how much you love each other.  It was obvious that you knew each other well since you were both so affectionate and comfortable with each other.  
Young-bae's fists clenched as he watched you two walk down the street with the guy's arm still around your shoulder.  What was your relationship with him? Why were you two so intimate?
Young-Bae felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest.  He was so sure you felt the same way last night when you were together.  You seemed to really like him,and were of the same mindset that you wanted to be together.  Wasn't that why you were so upset this morning because you couldn't go public?  Or was it just a ploy to make him seem like the bad guy so you had an excuse not to be with him? Was he just a boy toy to be played with until you could be with your real boyfriend?
Young-Bae wanted to punch something or someone so badly.  He was angry and sad and couldn't stop shaking.  At least he had enough control not to go after you and the guy -- at least not right now.  He hails a cab and leaves before he could change his mind.
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the-canaveral · 8 years ago
Never have I ever killed someone.
One line nearly undid it all.
never again.
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sunflowhobi · 5 years ago
i know this account wasn't active for the pst few months, but i just want to thank u all for still giving love to my account! i'll try to post content soon!!! chungmal kamsamnida~
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