#kamiki Hikaru
aihoshiino · 3 months
With the umbrella scene I’m starting to notice that Hikaru only has ever really given attention to Ruby and barely if any to Aqua. Maybe I’m reading way too much into it idk, but I’m just wondering why Ruby?? Like is he actually making sure she doesn’t surpass Ai, or is it something else? I have one idea, which is that he’s using Ruby to get to Aqua, which seems so convoluted, so idk if I’m confident in it lol 😅😭
anon i'm so sorry but because of the way you phrased this all i could think was -
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ameltouati1 · 4 months
Oshi no Ko Chapter 141 : Hikaru And Ai
I know the latest chapter of oshi no ko was very controversial and everyone is making their own speculation about what might happen but can we take a moment, just a tiny moment to appreciate this panel :
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Hikaru has been lying his whole life, always fooling people and never showing his true colors. However, for the first time in his life, someone was able to see through his lies, someone who could tell that Hikaru wasn't fine as he always says.
And he opened up to her, we saw in the last chapter that both of them were enjoying each other company and having fun together but Hikaru seems to trust her a lot to the point of telling her about the abuse
And Ai, Ai went to confront Airi the moment she heard all of his story, which was huge change in her character, she usually seems detached from the world and not getting involved and always saying -not what she want to say but - what people want to hear, but here, she stood up for Hikaru's sake and made Airi know what she truly is (nothing but an abuser).
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hamliet · 5 months
thoughts on how oshi no ko has portrayed what happened to hikaru (thus far) and any ideas for what his motives/role in the story is?
Honestly? I think it's doing a pretty good job of portraying it. TW for discussions of childhood sexual abuse below.
When it's first introduced to us that Hikaru was raped by the adult actress, Aqua doesn't have much reaction. On an intellectual level, he gets it, but on an emotional level in terms of what this means for Hikaru, for his development and for his pain, he doesn't get it at all. It's only when we get to Akane's expressed horror ("that's sick!") that we get an actual reaction.
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The previous chapter was honestly acting and a flashback as it actually happened, and I appreciated that they showed it as violent.
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That's something so often missing from stories of older women who rape younger boys (see Mary Kay Letourneau). It's not a love story. He's not lucky. It's violence.
Like, I spoke about this with a friend after the chapter, but the wiki literally says he was "implied to have been raped." Implied? He was ELEVEN.
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I don't think the wiki writers are intentionally being obtuse or dismissive, but there is a subconscious way in which a lot of the world, across cultures, reacts to female predators of young boys in a way that is incongruent with how we react to men who prey on young girls. And to be fair, the latter is a far more prevalent issue but still.
So anyways, I was grateful the final panel of the flashback showed Hikaru being dragged, violently, away from a girl his own age whom he likes by an older woman who won't even introduce his son as his son. Anything Hikaru has, he cannot have.
I've written about Hikaru before, but yeah, he's a scary serial killer at this point who is likely going to target Ruby and/or Kana. He's a final antagonist, obviously, and his past abuses don't excuse him. He's somewhat modeled after Lucifer, and not the Hazbin Hotel version.
But I don't think Aqua's final challenge is stopping Hikaru.
Aqua playing Hikaru in these scenes is challenging him to do what playing Ai has provoked Ruby to do: to empathize and further understand their parents. But, the problem is that Aqua can relate to Hikaru's anger and hatred already.
Again, as I wrote previously, Aqua already is very much like Hikaru (albeit at a far earlier stage): trying to reenact and kill the perceived causes of his trauma and not able to see that he's not going to be happy with such an ending because you can't kill your way to peace.
What Aqua actually needs to do is to come to understand Ai. Ruby, imo, is the one who will come to understand Hikaru, and probably forgive him (not excuse, but this is very likely where it's going).
Ai seemed to, after all. She reached out to Hikaru's proxy (the stalker) and definitely recognized the white roses and knew who had sent him.
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Yet she still reached out to her stalker as a human being and empathized with him after he had stabbed her.
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If it had been Hikaru standing there himself, she would have done the same.
And lest we think this is solely an example of her toxic wanting-to-please-people trait taking control, this was also the moment--the only moment in Ai's life--where she was finally able to express herself without a lie. It can be both an indictment of the entertainment industry prioritizing pleasing others over your own life and pain and Ai's moment of triumph even amidst tragedy.
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Hence again why Aqua's challenge is to understand his mother, not to kill his father as justice for her. He needs to recognize her love for him as her son. She wanted him to live. She wanted him to love. She didn't want him to obsess over her in death.
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Ruby, on the other hand, needs to understand Hikaru... and Aqua. Thus far, while she's had the best growth of everyone in this entire series, she is still idolizing Sensei and Aqua thereby.
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She needs to see him as a person just as Aqua needs to see Ai as a person. Seeing Hikaru's anger and pain and seeing Aqua's go hand in hand for Ruby (again, not a coincidence Aqua is playing young Hikaru in the movie).
As for where Hikaru goes from there, I don't know. He might end his own life like the stalker proxy did, but I think the fact that that's already happened makes it less likely. He might find new life even if like, in prison, or he might die sacrificing himself for his kids. It's too early to make those exact predictions... but I think Ruby understanding him and empathizing is key.
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gabbyp09 · 4 months
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papitakiwi · 2 months
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Hikaru Kamiki brainrot
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strabuzov · 1 year
Who knows if Ai and Kamiki ever really loved each other.
We know she was incapable of love, but it seems like there really was something with Hikaru as she protects his name and identity.
We know he's a psychopath, but he seems to have genuine feelings for Ai as he visited her grave and brought Ruby flowers.
I don't know, I really hope Aka shows us more of their relationship in the future.
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hotshitno2 · 1 year
I’m actually hoping that we get a several chapter long backstory of Kamiki and Ai, because for some reason I am so invested in their relationship 😭
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goldenharmony · 1 year
Seeing people parallel Aqua and Kamiki, and Kana and Ai with one another, feels like Aqua/Kana is suppose to parallel Kamiki/Ai with it being an actor filled with darkness x pure shining idol . 
However, where Kamiki’s darkness eventually lead to Ai’s death...hopefully Aqua/Kana ends up getting a happier end
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raindear-a · 1 year
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I repainted Hikaru Kamiki
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redge · 16 days
"His activities since then are unknown."
(OnK analysis)
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One of the things that I've observed with my deep dive on Oshi no Ko is how some fans hate Kana's character. Shipping's one thing (this really ruins the experience of enjoying the manga I get that you want to ship this character with that character but I don't understand why you should say awful things about other characters in the process like build up your fave while putting down the other what's the point) but some who hates her character points out that she is being put in lime light as a character of importance to the main lead(s) despite being oblivious of the revenge plot. Hikaru Kamiki only appeared / was mentioned in the manga for a few times: he was introduced to us during Akane's research. We saw him in the Yura Katayose chapter, when he was talking to Kaburagi, and when he showed up to Ruby, to name a few instances. On these instances, only Ruby was oblivious who Hikaru Kamiki is but she is still had a Hikaru-Kamiki-encounter. This encounter is something that Kana doesn't have.
But what if all this time, Kana actually knows Hikaru Kamiki?
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In chapter 16, Kana mentioned that she still continued practicing despite not getting acting jobs. In the movie arc, it was revealed that Hikaru Kamiki was Ai's acting teacher. We know that Aqua's role is his father but it is possible that he's just referred as "Boy A" in the script. Thus, some of the actors are oblivious if the story is completely true.
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If Kana, despite not getting acting jobs after her child actor peak, still stayed in the entertainment industry, practicing, doing acting workshops and all, it is not impossible that she, in one way or another, may have encountered Hikaru. Besides, don't you think this interview is curious?
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Of course, this is just me overanalyzing things. I don't know how Akasaka-sensei would end this manga so I am very much seated to read this until its last chapter.
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hamliet · 7 months
I have a question you said in a review the eyes in the characters of oshi no ko when I read about it design wise I am intersted in the eyes of Akane, Kana and Mem-cho mean something about there role and character in the story I was wondering if you can elabortate on it.
Okay, so! To start with this topic, though, we actually have to talk about Ai first and foremost.
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Hoshino Ai breaks down into several meanings. For one thing, it breaks into “hoshi no eye,” which literally means “starry eye” in Japanese. Ai’s eyes notably have stars in them, and Aqua and Ruby have one starry eye each.
Of course, this breaks into several meanings itself. "Starry eyed" is an English idiom for an idealistic, childlike view of the world. If we break the "star eye" idea down further, "star" references Ai being a "star," an idiom for a famous person.
"Hoshino" also contains a homonym for the Japanese verb "hoshi" (欲しい), which means "to want." This also indicates a huge part of Ai's character. The kanji used to write Hoshino means "star" and "indigo"--indigo is the color that you get when you combine aqua and ruby, by the way.
Plus, Ai is written in katakana (アイ), not kanji as would be typical for a name. Katakana is the Japanese script for loan words, which reinforces the literal translation of “eye.” But, it's also a homonym for the Japanese word for love (愛), which is pronounced like "eye." In turn, the story explores love as a major theme--for example, Ai’s final thoughts are about her finally understanding love.
So, from Ai, we see that eyes and particularly starry eyes matter.
In the OP, we see a progression of five eyes--Aqua, Ruby, Kana, Akane, and Mem-Cho.
Hikaru, Aqua, and Ruby
Aqua and Ruby share one starry eye that goes black when they are in a bad mental state (Hikaru's eyes are also starry eyes that have turned black, again reinforcing that he never had a childhood).
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The implication of both Ruby and Aqua having one starry eye each and switching between looking more like their mother's eyes and their father's eyes is to emphasize their internal conflict. They both bear the legacy of their parents, and have their own legacies in their past lives and a blank slate, a chance for a new start (the unstarred eye). What they do with this life and which legacy they want to focus on (Ai's love and life, or Hikaru's focus on trauma and repeating a cycle of violence) is their choice.
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If we take the saying "the eyes are the window to the sopul," then we also see that as much as Ruby and Aqua are Sarina and Gorou, they are also Ruby and Aqua, children of Ai and Hikaru. That's why I actually am not so sure about the common fan presumption that Crow Girl saying the children had no souls meant they were supposed to be stillborn. They aren't Sarina and Gorou any more so than they are Ruby and Aqua.
Now let's finally move onto your characters.
Kana’s eyes resemble galaxies.
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What this means isn't entirely clear, but instead of a single star, she has hundreds in her eyes. This presumably indicates her potential as a human being, and her way of reminding both Aqua and Ruby (in her better moments, anyways) that they are part of a huge world and a huge cosmos, and don't have to focus on just one aspect of life--namely, revenge on Hikaru for Aqua and revenge for the doctor for Ruby. Other people around them also contain their own light.
Akane and Mem-Cho
Akane’s look like an evening sky.
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Mem-Cho’s resemble daytime, complete with light reflections forming clouds as shown below:
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Again, I'm not entirely sure what this means per se, but I would guess it emphasizes, thematically, the reality of life. People live, and they die. Day comes, and then night.
Death (something repeatedly associated with Akane--no I don't think she's going to die) is a part of life. I would guess Akane will help Aqua and Ruby accept this part of themselves somehow, as written by @aspoonofsugar here.
Mem-Cho, on the other hand, shines brightly, illuminating their need to grow in some ways and offering wise advice. She's not as complex a character at the moment, but her role so far seems congruent with this idea.
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gabbyp09 · 4 months
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sachsoup · 1 year
Akane will not be Hikaru's target. She already has a role in the story, she wants to stop Aqua and that role is already important to the plot itself. Making her Hikaru's target as well would just make it messy. Like, think about it from a writing perspective.
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floatyflowers · 5 months
Yandere Platonic Anime Dads(Loid Forger, and Hikaru Kamiki) x Daughter! Reader
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Loid Forger
You are his biological daughter from a woman he had a one night stand with while on a mission.
He knew nothing about you until he got a call from your mother on her deathbed.
To be honest, Loid didn't know how to react to the news except in one way which is anger.
Anger that he didn't know anything about you until now.
He went and picked you up, even though he had a fight with your grandparents about your custody.
Loid dealt with it in the most civil way.
He murdered them.
"I believe it's time to become family together, dear daughter"
Hikaru Kamiki
Hikaru had you at eighteen and unlike how he did with Ai and his children, he decided to raise you.
Not because he loves your mother, because he doesn't like her.
He actually got rid of her after she gave birth to you.
The real reason is because you remind him of someone.
However, he is not a good dad...he is rather a good manipulator.
A great manipulator that he made you believe that whatever he does or say is always right.
But things change when you meet your older half siblings.
"Disobeying me is a bad habit, (Y/n)"
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slickfordain · 1 year
Something for your mind | Hikaru x reader
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🔭𖥔 ࣪˖ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 =͟͟͞
愛 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞-𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝, 𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐱[𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞] •₊ 🧿 ❏ ❜
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Hikaru Kamiki, an infamous serial killer, who is shallow and a huge asshole behind that half-assed smile of his. A guy who leaked the address of his now dead wife, Ai Hoshino. Hikaru was never one to simply just… Discard a person and fall in love right away— but, he did have a best friend… Who he deeply cared for, because he needed them for his plans. But was it really meant for him to use such a person as sweet and delicate as you? Over the past few years you see, Hikaru has been nothing but hip to hip on you, always engulfing you into a small hug— or even giving you compliments about your style. He really liked you, and really appreciated that you were just an overall chill person, who has no care for that you’re friends with a serial killer. You just take it as fate, and he lives for it.
However… There might be a day where he— needs to kill you, but that overall depends… It’s just a possibility, because what if you’re blackmailing him someday? What if someday, you were the mastermind all along? No. He couldn’t afford that, he refused to— even though he doesn’t technically have proof of it and he’s just a mess who overthinks— Hikaru definitely means no harm, that, I can assure you with… Unless you swing it the wrong way, but you’ve been such a sweetheart he doesn’t think he needs to get rid of you.
The always smiling man, who is completely chill and casual about his unhealthy habit, feels strange around you. It’s nothing he has felt before despite he used to be with Ai… It was a new feeling… The feeling of obsession. Hikaru wasn’t dumb, he knew what this feeling was— and immediately recognized it even. It was the recognition of wanting someone, the need to possess someone’s mind and hypnotize them— To make them vulnerable and belong to him. That’s how Hikaru felt about you… Ah… He wouldn’t be all too surprised about it either… How could he be surprised, of himself obsessing over a simple girl / boy / non-binary like you? He has melted off the skins of the people who used to manipulate you for their use, has basically slaughtered the parents who never taught the bullies of yours how to apologize, and… Even murdered his own family, just for you.
It’s amusing, how a person like you makes him crazy… It’s kind of cute, now that he thinks about it like that. He thinks you’re just absolutely adorable… There was no way he could let you slip away so suddenly— no. Hikaru needed you. He needs you just like how he needed oxygen to breathe.
So, don’t be surprised whenever you exit your house, seeing well-wrapped gifts being left by your doorsteps or your bedroom door— where a name-tag is left with Hikaru’s name on it. That man is SHAMELESS and you know it; why should he hide his devotion for you? Screw this “I’d do anything for you” bs, he already does everything for you. He killed people without you needing to ask him or blink, he gives you gifts and figurines without you needing to make an effort, and overall… He picked you to be his best friend because you were just… Breathing… An odd way to love someone, a high soulmate level.
Oh, and please do not enter his basement where he has all your ex friends dead in there with their necks slit and their eyes are hanging - gauged / plucked out. You have a serial killer on the loose for you!
… Oh wait right, you’re dumb.
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strabuzov · 1 year
The Black Star in the eyes of the Hoshino family.
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