#kali nerfed
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itsohh · 1 year ago
I'm going to chop of Ubisoft's dick I swear to god.
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You know what? This isn't a terrible change. With the addition of Thorn, Lesion did feel a little meh. So it's nice to have another mechanical trap operator. These changes does kinda bring him back to more OG style but at the same time: lol echo treatment invisible get fucked.
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I do love the super shorty as a secondary.
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I mean this will make my friend really happy, she's always complaining about the inconsistencies of shotguns. Idk how I feel about the ads improvement. I feel like this is something I'm gonna have to experience in game to decide as it could make or break shotguns. (Ubisoft if you ever even THINK about touching the BOSG I will hurt you.)
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Now for the shit I hate. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIIISSS CUNNNTTT??? Like bro if I'm the only one setting up then there's no way imma have time to do it??? Also revealing to the attackers??? Talk about a fucking nerf to mute and Solis. Like your better off leaving your drone at spawn now and picking it up to drone later on when u get close. Unlike your rushing there's no point. Being on to it and killing all drones in prep phase then having the object hidden used to be a strategic reward. I've had matches win because attacks didn't actually know where the objective was and vice versa.
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Like I get this is a solution to a problem that they have created but FUCK OFF literally quick match was completely FINE. It's quick because it didn't go a maximum of NINE ROUNDS. This is such some BS babying level stuff. Like sure spawn peaks and run outs can be annoying but that's part of the game. You can counter them, like YES you should be checking every window! Your in fucking training for combat! If your invun for the beginning of the round what if your Kali and just long range snipe??? Like I can see this going wrong for plane.
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I mean... Now that comp rank doesn't mean anything I can understand the changes with unranked cause no one plays it but also??? I want to play like quickplay the way it is now, if 'standard' is still the same length as comp then idk man that's gonna suck.
If standards legit just current quickplay then they really should have just been like 'unranks removed we now have baby mode'
Idk what maps have been removed but I swear to god if they touch my boys Tower and Plane I'm gonna cry. I know it's a controversial take by I love both of those two map as is. (And plane got a rework not too long ago) They can take stadium tho. Take it out back and put it down because it's the worst map in the game.
I'm just confused by those 'base changes' what does this apply to? Everything? Are they removing bans from the game???? Same with the overtime thing is this for all game modes, like comp and unranked or????
Idk what clearance level is?
I feel like Ubisoft is reworking the game so much like at this point.... Just make another game lmao. I guess then there's always the fear of the ow2 syndom so I understand but then r6s is a really old game. This sucks cause like I love the game I do (I know it's a bad game) but a the same time this doesn't make me excited to play the game. It feel like it's audience is being reduced, like I love hehe funny skin pizza mozzie gaming but those premap set up cookie cutter shit? I fucking hate that. I bet the roations aren't gonna be where I like it either.
Ive been playing a little bit of comp recently but I've always been a quick play player. I could forgive the recent operators being so...eh.
Like don't get me strong Solis is really strong pick but I hated the addition of her and Brava SO much. Solis isn't to bad but Brava? I hate her addition. On both attack and defence, like why would you ever pick twitch anymore? Twitch doesn't even have any like really good guns either. She has the marksman I guess but all her guns are meh.
Fenrir I feel like is just a glorified proximity mine 80% of the time. He's just kinda eh and meh. His ability doesn't activate fast enough to normally be a big threat and then the fact you don't get his codes back is lame.
Grim is a niche, he's not bad. I just feel like he isn't that fun to play? I think him getting stickies is cool but I still feel like people won't play him.
Sens is powerful AF in a 5 stack with good coms. But without coms? I feel like their good for like a couple of strats but they aren't very versatile and are a very situation operator.
Like these operators aren't bad but I feel like they don't really add to the game in a positive way. Perhaps it's just a personal preference but idk I don't find any of them fun. I'm not running to try play them. I don't feel like the game has gotten better with their additions. Just worse.
(I hate Brava (gameplay wise) so much. On both attacking and defending)
First thoughts on Ram was 'oh an operator that focus's on playing vertical that's good we don't have- wait yes we do, there's sledge'
After this shocking revelation she's a weird automated version of sledge idk how to feel about it. I don't think she's gonna be picked much after initial release. I think she's going on the bench with Senz.
I'm still gonna play the game but like R6S vs CoD on a fight to see who can kill their game the fastest.
I hate being that guy but I do miss the way the game used to be when I started, I miss the UI. I miss being able to pick your fire mode, I miss old house I miss old consulate. I miss not having to worry if my own claymores gonna kill me, I miss the sense of accomplishment in the game.
Like I started playing just before Oyrx was released (hate Oryx players btw because they always break above hatch and then attackers get the advantage when they take it) and the games lost so much charm? Im glad they are tying to get out that entire 'stadium eSports incorporated into lore' phase but I feel like Ubisoft has an idea for the games future and it's just not a place I like.
I mean sure the games dying and I think addressing the RNG with shotguns is a nice step (that being said I like the risk vs rewards with them tbh) but at the same time if they addressed the true biggest problem things could change
That right
If they just went and fixed all their shitty bugs, if they didn't make the game feel like it was on early access it would be sooo much nicer. Like ngl? CoD? Feels like it registers properly, it's poorly optimised and horribly unbalanced ptw ect ect but the fact it feels like I registers my shit? Breath of fresh air sometimes. R6S could have been soooo good if they just hardcore fixed all their bugs glitches, server issues and tick rate. Like I shouldn't be able to look do and slightly to the left and then melee through a shield.
Old man yells at a cloud but come on man, don't fuck with my quick play.
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yesungsh27 · 5 months ago
"Analisis Meta Game dalam eSports: Bagaimana Perubahan Patch Mempengaruhi Permainan"
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Analisis Meta Game dalam eSports: Bagaimana Perubahan Patch Mempengaruhi Permainan
Dalam dunia eSports, salah satu konsep penting yang sering dibahas oleh pemain profesional, pelatih, dan penggemar adalah meta game. Meta game merujuk pada strategi, taktik, dan pilihan karakter atau senjata yang dianggap paling kuat atau efektif pada suatu waktu. Meta ini sering berubah seiring dengan pembaruan (patch) yang dilakukan oleh pengembang game. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan apa itu meta game, bagaimana perubahan patch mempengaruhi meta, dan dampaknya bagi para pemain serta tim eSports.
Apa itu Meta Game?
Secara sederhana, meta game adalah kumpulan dari strategi dan gaya bermain yang sedang dominan dan paling sukses di dalam sebuah permainan kompetitif. Meta ini terbentuk berdasarkan keputusan para pemain top, analisis komunitas, serta interaksi antar elemen dalam game, seperti karakter, senjata, item, atau kemampuan.
Contoh meta dalam game bisa dilihat pada genre MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) seperti League of Legends dan Dota 2. Meta di sini mencakup pemilihan hero atau champion tertentu yang dianggap lebih kuat, serta strategi rotasi dan kontrol peta yang paling efektif.
Faktor Pembentuk Meta:
Keseimbangan Karakter: Karakter dengan kemampuan yang lebih kuat atau kombinasi kemampuan yang sinergis sering kali mendominasi meta.
Item dan Equipment: Perubahan dalam item atau equipment yang bisa dibeli dalam game dapat membuat beberapa karakter lebih efektif dibanding yang lain.
Tren Profesional: Pemain eSports papan atas sering kali mempengaruhi meta dengan menemukan atau menyempurnakan strategi yang kemudian ditiru oleh pemain lain.
Perubahan Patch dan Dampaknya
Setiap game kompetitif online biasanya diperbarui secara berkala oleh pengembang untuk menjaga keseimbangan game dan mencegah gameplay menjadi stagnan. Pembaruan ini disebut patch dan dapat mempengaruhi berbagai aspek permainan, seperti memperkuat (buff) atau melemahkan (nerf) karakter atau item tertentu, memperbaiki bug, atau bahkan menambahkan mekanisme baru.
Jenis-jenis Perubahan Patch:
Nerf: Mengurangi kekuatan atau efektivitas suatu elemen dalam game. Ini biasanya dilakukan ketika suatu karakter, item, atau strategi dianggap terlalu dominan dalam meta, sehingga menurunkan keragaman pilihan.Contoh: Dalam Overwatch, ketika hero seperti Bastion terlalu kuat, pengembang sering kali mengurangi damage atau mengubah mekaniknya agar lebih seimbang.
Buff: Meningkatkan kekuatan atau efektivitas elemen yang kurang digunakan. Buff bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keragaman pilihan pemain dengan membuat karakter atau item yang kurang populer lebih menarik.Contoh: Dalam League of Legends, champion yang jarang dipilih seperti Urgot atau Poppy kadang-kadang diberikan peningkatan stat atau kemampuan baru agar lebih kompetitif.
Rework atau Perombakan Karakter: Kadang-kadang, pengembang memutuskan untuk melakukan perubahan besar pada mekanik karakter, yang mengubah sepenuhnya cara karakter tersebut dimainkan. Ini bisa memberikan dinamika baru dalam meta.Contoh: Dalam Dota 2, hero seperti Phantom Assassin pernah di-rework untuk menambah kemampuan dan mengubah gaya bermainnya, yang langsung mengubah statusnya dalam meta.
Dampak Patch terhadap Meta Game:
Perubahan Komposisi Tim: Tim sering kali perlu menyesuaikan strategi dan komposisi mereka setelah perubahan patch. Hero atau karakter yang sebelumnya kuat bisa menjadi lemah, sementara yang di-buff bisa menjadi pilihan populer.
Adaptasi Pemain: Pemain profesional dituntut untuk cepat beradaptasi dengan perubahan. Mereka harus mempelajari hero baru, memahami strategi baru, dan menyesuaikan gaya bermain mereka.
Dinamika Kompetitif: Di tingkat kompetisi, perubahan patch bisa memberikan keuntungan kepada tim yang lebih fleksibel dalam strategi. Sementara tim yang bergantung pada meta lama bisa mengalami kesulitan beradaptasi.
Contoh Kasus: Fortnite dan Perubahan Patch
Dalam game Fortnite, Epic Games secara rutin merilis patch yang sering kali mengubah meta dengan signifikan. Misalnya, penambahan atau penghapusan senjata bisa langsung mengubah taktik yang digunakan oleh pemain. Senjata yang sebelumnya dianggap sebagai "must-pick" mungkin menjadi kurang efektif, sementara senjata baru bisa mendorong munculnya strategi yang lebih agresif atau defensif.
Setiap kali ada pembaruan besar, para pemain harus mempelajari kembali keefektifan senjata, taktik bangunan, dan zona peta, yang akhirnya mengubah cara bermain mereka.
Meta game dalam eSports selalu berubah, dan perubahan patch memainkan peran besar dalam membentuk dinamika ini. Pemahaman yang baik tentang meta, serta kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan cepat pada setiap perubahan patch, menjadi kunci keberhasilan di level kompetitif. Bagi para pemain, pelatih, dan penggemar, mengikuti perkembangan meta dan bagaimana patch mempengaruhinya adalah salah satu aspek paling menarik dalam dunia eSports.
Dengan adanya perubahan yang terus-menerus, game eSports tetap segar dan menantang, memaksa pemain untuk selalu berkembang dan berinovasi agar tetap kompetitif.
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blackdragon69138 · 6 months ago
Update Terbaru Mobile Legends: Apa yang Baru?
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Mobile Legends: Bang Bang terus berinovasi dengan pembaruan reguler yang menghadirkan fitur-fitur baru, hero, dan perubahan gameplay. Berikut adalah beberapa highlight dari update terbaru yang mungkin menarik bagi para pemain:
1. Hero Baru
Update terbaru memperkenalkan hero baru yang membawa dinamika segar ke permainan. Misalnya, Lylia, seorang mage dengan kemampuan burst damage tinggi dan crowd control, menawarkan pendekatan baru dalam pertempuran. Hero baru ini diharapkan memberikan strategi baru bagi tim dan mengubah meta permainan.
2. Penyesuaian Balance
Untuk menjaga permainan tetap adil dan seimbang, Moonton terus melakukan penyesuaian balance pada hero dan item. Beberapa hero yang dianggap terlalu kuat atau lemah telah mendapatkan buff atau nerf. Misalnya, hero seperti Claude atau X.Borg mungkin telah mendapatkan penyesuaian untuk meningkatkan keseimbangan dalam pertandingan.
3. Fitur Baru dalam Mode Permainan
Update terbaru mungkin memperkenalkan fitur-fitur baru dalam mode permainan, seperti Ranked Mode yang lebih dinamis atau Brawl Mode dengan aturan baru. Fitur ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain dan memberikan lebih banyak variasi bagi pemain.
4. Perubahan pada Map dan Objektif
Moonton sering memperbarui peta dengan elemen baru atau perubahan pada objektif seperti Turtle dan Lord. Perubahan ini dapat menciptakan strategi baru dan mempengaruhi cara tim bermain dan beradaptasi selama pertandingan.
5. Event dan Skin Baru
Update terbaru juga menghadirkan event-event menarik dan skin-skin terbaru yang dapat diperoleh atau dibeli. Skin-skin baru sering kali menawarkan tampilan yang lebih menarik dan kadang-kadang efek tambahan dalam permainan.
Dengan terus mengikuti update terbaru, pemain dapat tetap up-to-date dengan perubahan yang dapat mempengaruhi strategi dan gameplay mereka di Mobile Legends.
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Hadirkan Berbagai Permainan dan Program Penjualan Eksklusif, Honda Gelar Honda FESTIPARK di Semarang Akhir Pekan Ini
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, SEMARANG – Rangkaian ketiga dari keseruan acara Honda FESTIPARK akan berlanjut pada 11-12 November 2023 di Metro Point, Kota Semarang. Acara yang digelar di pusat kota Semarang ini akan menghadirkan berbagai keseruan mulai dari permainan berhadiah menarik, test drive, program penjualan eksklusif hingga panggung hiburan yang menemani pengunjung di akhir pekan. Pada acara kali ini, Honda memilih Metro Point Kota Lama Semarang karena tempat ini merupakan area ruang terbuka serta menjadi tempat populer bagi khalayak umum untuk menikmati waktu akhir pekan bersama. Untuk mengisi waktu akhir pekan, Honda akan mengadakan panggung hiburan mulai dari dance competition hingga penampilan dari penyanyi Yovie and Nuno. Lebih dari itu dalam acara ini, Honda juga akan menyediakan menyediakan berbagai program yang meringankan konsumen dengan DP Rendah 10%*, bunga cicilan 0%*, tenor panjang hingga 7 tahun*, Lucky Dip Cashback hingga puluhan juta rupiah* serta Free paket Hemat* dan program Beli Mobil Sekarang, Bayar Tahun Depan*. Dalam festival ini, Honda akan menghadirkan berbagai lini produk SUV andalannya mulai dari Honda WR-V, Honda BR-V, Honda HR-V, All New Honda CR-V serta City Car Honda Brio. Sumantri selaku Sales and Aftersales Director of Honda Semarang Center mengatakan, pihaknya ingin mengundang publik untuk bersama-sama menghabiskan akhir pekan dalam acara Honda FESTIPARK. “Acara ini tidak dipungut biaya dan menawarkan berbagai permainan berhadiah menarik. Selain itu kami juga memberikan kesempatan untuk test drive mobil Honda dan program penjualan yang sayang dilewatkan,” jelasnya. Honda FESTIPARK dibagi menjadi beberapa zona menarik dimana zona pertama yang dapat ditemukan oleh pengunjung adalah Zona Honda BR-V. Di sini, pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai permainan seperti Nerf Smash, Ball Toss, Go Fishing serta Kids Playground yang menyenangkan. Selanjutnya, pengunjung akan menemukan zona Honda WR-V yang juga menawarkan beragam permainan menarik. Dalam zona ini, pengunjung dapat menguji ketangkasannya dengan permainan Slam Dunk, Punch Machine dan menikmati tantangan permainan Hit & Dreams yang tak kalah menarik. Kemudian zona Honda HR-V menyajikan permainan Bowling dan 360 Photo Booth serta zona Honda CR-V yang mengundang pengunjung untuk menguji keahlian dalam bermain Mini Golf, sebuah permainan ketepatan dan keterampilan. Selama mengunjungi acara Honda FESTIPARK, para pengunjung memiliki kesempatan untuk mengumpulkan stempel. Dan bagi para pengunjung yang berhasil mengumpulkan setidaknya tujuh stempel dan melakukan test drive, berkesempatan untuk memenangkan hadiah spesial berupa merchandise eksklusif Honda di area Spinwheel. Honda akan membawa kemeriahan serta program penjualan eksklusif di Honda FESTIPARK di berbagai kota besar di Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Honda Festipark konsumen dapat mengunjungi website https://honda-indonesia.com atau melalui sosial media resmi Honda di Instagram @hondaisme.(bpn) Read the full article
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chakytron · 4 years ago
Kali's CSRX 300: Now Worse Than Ever! - Rainbow Six Siege
Kali's CSRX 300: Now Worse Than Ever! – Rainbow Six Siege
Kali's CSRX 300: Now Worse Than Ever! – Rainbow Six Siege Category Main Description: Patch Y5 S4.3 has been rushed onto the live servers in a desperate move to fix the loadout reset bug but as a consequence, none of the changes have had the … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-29T11:44:07Z   Tags: …
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tysonfurybattlepass · 3 years ago
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hydrodynamics of a sea leopard
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rainbow6snapshots · 5 years ago
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R.I.P Glaz (2019)
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A Second Chance
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She awoke face down in the damp ground, a faint throbbing sensation in the back of her head. Gradually coming to her senses, she raised her head and slowly lifted herself up off the ground with her arms, assessing her surroundings. Where am I? Was her first thought, taking in the unexpected sight of a dense forest before her eyes. A thicket of trees surrounded her, midmorning sunlight casting rays through the canopy, diffused by the moisture in the air into a pale glow.
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What is this place, and how did she get here? Stretching her aching muscles, she forced herself up to her knees, and then to her feet, her gaze not once leaving her surroundings as she looked around. Green vegetation in all directions, humidity making the air feel heavy with each breath. Did she somehow end up in the tropical southern regions of the Earth Empire? No, the vegetation was all wrong. In fact, she wasn’t sure she had ever seen plant life like this once in all her travels throughout her empire…
…Her Empire. Her thoughts went back to her location before she lost consciousness and ended up…wherever she was. Sitting in a cell in the Republic City Prison, platinum handcuffs around her wrists, still in uniform, her normally tightly-braided hair now an unkempt, disordered mess from her last battle, nothing to do except wait for her transfer to a specially-constructed holding area designed specifically to contain a metalbender of her power…and wait. And think. About how it all went wrong. About how she started out with nothing but the desire to reunite the shattered Earth Kingdom, to not abandon it in its time of need, to give her people the same chance her own parents denied her when she was young, one that even her own mentor and mother figure Suyin refused to do in a second act of betrayal. A noble goal in and of itself…but she couldn’t quite pinpoint exactly where things went wrong. Somewhere along the line she lost sight of what was really important. Somehow she let all the power and prestige she’d accumulated go to her head, and before she knew it, her empire and its expansion was the only thing that mattered. Which inevitably brought her into direct conflict with the Avatar herself.
She should’ve seen the folly in trying to cross that threshold, but she was so certain that her ultimate weapon would be more than a match, that with it she could overcome any obstacle, including the Avatar. But of course she underestimated that unstoppable force of nature like so many others had before her, and now her weapon lay in ruins, along with half of Republic City, her plans, her reputation, everything. She realized too late that she went too far, and no amount of remorse could save her from being a despised outcast now, with nothing to look forward to except life in prison, just like that terrorist Zaheer. Now everyone had abandoned her, and rightfully so, her army, her subjects, Suyin…Baatar Jr. Ironically, the Avatar, the same person who was directly responsible for her ruin was also the only one who bothered to show her mercy and compassion at the very end, even going so far as to save her life no matter how much she didn’t deserve it. That simple act along with their brief conversation in the Spirit World gave her clarity on the true extent of her folly.
And now she was here, somehow stranded in the middle of nowhere. She vaguely recalled something in her dreams before she woke up, bits and pieces coming back to her. A mass of ethereal, green tendrils glowing against a black void, and a vague image of a strange birdlike creature, with a beak, feathers (or was it fur?), pointed ears, and…trees?
She pushed those thoughts out of her head, making herself focus on the here and now. First things first, now that she knew that she was still in good physical condition, instinct made her mentally reach out to feel the earth around her, something that came as naturally as breathing, and…no, that couldn’t be right. She tried again, but no…she couldn’t feel anything in the surrounding earth. Immediately she adopted a basic earthbending stance, her limb movements trying to manipulate the earth beneath her feet, but to no avail. It couldn’t be, impossible…
Her bending had been taken away.
She briefly considered the possibility that she was back in the Spirit World, where she knew bending didn’t work, but quickly dismissed it. From the brief glimpse she’d seen of the Spirit World, the surrounding forest appeared far too normal and worldly to be in that surreal location, despite the unrecognizable flora. Her normally calm and focused demeanor gave way to rising panic. No, even after losing everything, surely she couldn’t have lost her bending as well. It had been with her as long as she could remember, a part of her, a core component of her identity, there’s no way it could’ve been stripped from her…could it?
She remembered the news reports about the Equalists, how their leader Amon had used some kind of advanced chi-blocking technique to depower benders in Republic City, even managing to temporarily do it to the Avatar herself. Had they found someone to do that to her while she was unconscious in prison? Or worse, she recalled her history lessons about how the previous Avatar had used energybending to permanently depower Firelord Ozai. Was it in fact Korra who used that same technique on her? Panic began to give way to anger. Someone, Korra or otherwise, apparently saw fit to remove her bending and then dump her in the middle of nowhere, as if her losing everything and facing life in prison wasn’t enough punishment for all she’d done. Better to just execute her and be done with it…
It seemed like an absurd idea, one with so many things wrong about it, but what other possible explanation could there be for her being blind to the earth itself? How was she supposed to…deep breaths, deep breaths. This wasn’t who she was, she was focused, rational, and dedicated to finding a solution to everything. Think, dammit. Finding her center again, she thought about the various implausibilities of the explanation she just came up with. Why would they go that route? Even if they saw fit to take away her bending, there’s no way they’d just opt to leave her alone in the middle of the wilderness rather than making her stand trial. It didn’t make the slightest bit of sense. Whatever happened between now and then, it wasn’t natural, normal or expected. Did it have something to do with the strange being in her dreams…?
Wait. In her moment of panic, she had neglected the one thing she could reach out to, even closer than the surrounding earth. Her metal armor, deliberately forged with extra impurities to allow ease of metalbending, a design feature of the uniforms worn by all metalbenders of her now defunct army…not that a master like her needed such assistance in manipulating anything other than pure platinum. Feeling out the tiny particles of earth in her armor’s strips, she immediately and effortlessly lifted off a pair of strips from her backplate, her hand movements levitating them in curved motions throughout the air, and then, without further ado, sent them flying at maximum velocity straight into a nearby tree, their razor-sharp edges burying themselves in the dense wood like it was plaster.
Okay, maybe things weren’t as bad as she initially thought. She still had her bending, and clearly wasn’t in the Spirit World. But how was it possible that she could easily feel and manipulate the tiny particles of unrefined earth in her armor but was completely blind to the very ground beneath her? No conceivable technique could remove a bender’s connection to with the latter but not the former. Earth is earth, it all comes from the same source. It just didn’t make sense. Unless…
No, it couldn’t be. She immediately dismissed the possibility that she was now in some other world or realm that she had no connection to. It was even more absurd than the idea behind her earlier panic. How was that even possible? True, she had studied astronomy in Zaofu, learned of the existence of other planets, but the idea of actually visiting one was just a whimsical fantasy. There’s no way she could actually be standing on one right now…could it?
She set aside those thoughts for now. With a flick of her hands, she immediately recalled the two metal strips buried deep in the tree and sent them back to their rightful place in the slots on her backplate. First things first, she had to get a better understanding of where she was, the how and why would come later. And she couldn’t do that by remaining in place. Even if she couldn’t manipulate the surrounding earth for whatever reason, she still had her metalbending via her armor. She was not powerless, that part of her core being had still not left her despite everything else that happened. Beaten, but far from broken. Finding her focus again, she strode forward towards the thicket, determined to solve the mystery that lay before her, the same determination that motivated her to found her empire in the first place.
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yzomiris · 2 years ago
What weapons do the kids and trolls use?
I'm still figuring out what the trolls would use , but as for the kids:
Vika : BAT kind
Tris: NERF gun kind
Kaly: SHOVEL kind
Kane: KNIFE kind.
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what's that insane theory about archer juna's np?
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ok. so
you know how this is titled pashupata and the game treats it as pashupata and everyone refers to it as pashupata?
i dont actually think its pashupata.
cause here's the thing: i KNOW that hindu mythology is heavily nerfed in fgo but arjuna never even used pashupata when he was alive. like not in response to ANYTHING. even when ashwatthama killed his unborn grandchild he used the brahmashirsha astra in response-that was still incredibly deadly and powerful, but it was also still LESS powerful than pashupata. this is the personal weapon of shiva and kali that he only managed to get through completing heavy penances-no one else in the mahabharata had it and in other texts iirc only rama and a sage, Vishvamitra, also possessed it.
it was easily leaps and bounds stronger than vasavi shakti, despite what fgo may say, and could literally destroy the universe if used carelessly. id honestly say if we were putting up a comparison to a fgo weapon to it ea would be the closest thing-it was basically unavoidable, unresistable, and destroyed everything in it's path. and he knew this and so didnt use it bc in the context of the wars he fought in it wouldlve been massive overkill, and he was pretty responsible all things considered with the weapons he used
but like, hes ok with letting mages potentially command him to use it against their enemies? this incredibly powerful attack gifted to him by shiva that could obliterate the universe? like ignoring the logisitics of the fact they'd probably need a boatload of mana, and that the earth has protections in place to prevent gil or whoever from going 'lol' and laser beaming it in twain, why would mr 'thanks for the wmd but i will not be using it' suddenly ok the use of it for a bunch of backstabbing self-serving mages who would sacrifice their own children for a chance at upping their magical power?? like 'oh yes zouken, i'll use pashupata to blow up that orphanage for you right away. clearly this is a good use of this holy astra bestowed upon me by the gods :)'
imo he looked at his legend, looked at the fact anyone who looked into him would know about the fact that he'd have that astra, and renamed one of his less potent attacks 'pashupata' so that when he was ordered to use it he could follow their command WHILE also not fucking. using pashupata for incredibly petty and asinine reasons. like do we really think the average mage can tell the difference between the different astras anyway? no. hes gonna do that so when they pop their command seals and yell at him to use pashupata he can be like 'of course master :)' while also not going against his principles as like. person who was given a turbo nuke and was like 'yeah theres no reason to use this against normal people' like COME ON
though tbh i do still think he has access to pashupata as an archer-like when he blew up the 18 demon pillars that. that seems more like something he might actually have used it for.
i know that this theory has no water bc every time he's referred to it there's been nothing to suggest his np wasn't pashupata, its been described and treated in his materials as pashupata, plus parvati ALSO makes note of him having it and it being pashupata. it just bugs me that they shoved it on him as his generic np and also massively undersold it when he has like 4000 other big explody attacks that couldve been slotted in just as well, and when its a legitimately interesting fact that he never used it in his lifetime.
#lasengle stop underselling juna challenge difficulty: impossible#youd think theyd at least make note of it in his bio like how they did w ash and his big wheel but nope. gotta devote all that space to k#my other insane theory is juna wrote his profile at 2am on a pstd-induced guilt spree which is why its#a) all about how he 'unjustly' murdered poor karnie#b) has a bunch of weird ass inconsistencies like it accidentally made him k's uncle and says duryo was like a dad to k when k was the older#im not joking about arjuna accidentally being made karna's uncle in his bio btw#it lists his dad as 'king kuru' which was like his grandpa which would have made him karnas uncle instead of his brother. his dad was pandu#i wish theyd rewrite bios tbh his is. a nightmare like why#but yeah my theory is 2am hell guilt trip he wrote while crying into his desk which is why its so biased#look if youre fighting a guy and ask to stop to fix ur tire and he says no#and you then stop and turn your back to him anyway to fuck w your tire#what the hell do you expect to happen? karna was a dipthong#'uh ik i beat up and murdered ur kid when he was in the same position w like 20 other guys but can u please give me 5 min?'#'uhhh (hey krishna what should i- (DUDE JUST SHOOT HIM TF-))'#and then no one shuts up about you shooting him ever again but conveniently they all forget about the shit he did#lmao if i were arjuna id be so tired#'yeah i was told it was my moral duty to shoot him but once i did no one ever let it go ever'#my asks#i did say this was insane. sorry
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r6shippingdelivery · 2 years ago
You know what I wish for?
Defender versions of attackers and Attacker versions of defenders.
Because well…
The Invitational cinematic came to mind and I was all like:
How does Ash handle herself in a defense role? Or Dokkaebi? (Even though her gadget is made attacking and stuff.)
There’s also Buck since he was on Vigil’s team iirc.
Oh, the Invitational teams do have one captain each, but then each team is divided into two subteams: one for attack and another for defense. According to a post I found in reddit, this was the line up for the 4 teams last Invitationa (2022):
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Note that for each team (one led by Ash, another by Nomad, then Kali's, and Cav's), there are two line ups: upper row for attackers, bottom row for defenders. Although I do wonder, when the side the leader isn't on has to go into the match, who directs the team? Do they have a second in command for those cases? So yeah, I don't think the leaders are supposed to do the attack/defense rounds both 🤔
In Extraction, though, there you have everyone working together! And it's pretty interesting! So far, I'd say attackers tend to be more well rounded in a jack-of-all-trades sort of way, but if you have an objective (or more) where you have to defend, it's necessary to have some defenders. And it's not like they aren't good for other type of objectives. Then again, all gadgets in Extraction are slightly tweaked to fit the purposes. Which, from an operations team like Rainbow or REACT, makes a lot more sense than having the operators divided in artifical categories (or nerfing their abilities) 😂
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o-wise-corvid · 4 years ago
Chapter 3, incoming. Okay I promised y’all action and here it is. Hope y’all enjoy. Cody’s Kids are about to test their mettle and see if they’re ready for active duty. We shall see. 🤔
Warnings: violence/ broken bones/some blood/nothing fatal/ almost though
People who were wanting more: @captainrexisboo @clonetrooperrights @koskareevesismyqueen @gospelofme @jgvfhl @ct-27-fives @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
Chapter 3: Combatant Eliminated
“Don’t try to win this by yourself. We’re strongest together. Remember.” Gaia smoothed Shriek’s hair back and helped him pull on his headgear. It wasn’t like wearing a full helmet like Papa’s, but it protected the forehead and back of the skull, cheek guards offering cushions to the face in case of a fall.
“Rend is top heavy,” Rex offered, cracking his neck to the side. “His balance is bad.” He shared a grin with Gaia. They had trained with Rend back during the short time that it had just been the three of them and the memories of the young man’s brutality were hard to forget.
“Wear him out. Make him work for his air.” Soren accepted a hearty backslap from Rex, and the boys laughed.
Rend had broken one of Rex’s ribs on his first day in the training yard and hit Gaia so hard across the face that she’d nearly lost consciousness. It had been Soren who had gotten in behind the muscle wall, looped his lanky arms around Rend’s neck and choked him to his knees. Even Soren had walked away with a bruised spine, a fractured shoulder and a bleeding due to being repeatedly slammed against the wall.
“We can’t use the Force, right?”
Shriek was the reliant on the Force of them all and his strength was unparalleled. He could lift all the others, and Cody, without having to gesture so much as a finger.
“No, we can’t. But we-“ Gaia said confidently as she walked around to each black suit of armor and stamped a bright yellow Imperial Seal on the chest plate- “are Sunshine Squad.”
“Sunshine? That sounds...” Kali made a face that indicated primness.” The others snorted and giggled, eyeing the bright symbol that was so stark against the black.
“Yellow is Cody’s color.”
Everyone fell silent. They each turned to Gaia with shameful expressions, Soren and Rex pressing a hand to their chests. “We should wear it with honor. Don’t you think?”
“Yes sir.”
Gaia blushed fiercely and the seriousness of the moment dissipated in a flash. Rex grabbed her shoulder, pressing his forehead to hers in a gesture Cody often used as one of affection and encouragement.
“You got this, vod.”
Gaia gripped him behind his neck, pressing her forehead harder against his. “We’ve got this.”
They walked out of the prep room together, Rex’s twin shock batons swinging on his hips and Gaia’s stun pike slung easily over her shoulder. Shriek carried one baton and Kali carried two short ones. Soren carried the most unique version of the weapon; he’d grafted retractable batons onto his gauntlets.
Rend and his squad, named after himself, were waiting at the other end of a mock canyon. The expanse of space that spanned the arena was rocky and full of cavernous rock formations. This was widely considered the most difficult setting in the arena and only the most skilled combatants were even allowed access to it. Rend Squad trained on it every week.
“Uneven terrain,” Shriek muttered, checking the grips of his gauntlets one last time. “Easy to lose footing.”
“Rend likes to use power moves, devastating blows with that mallet of his. Be a shame if somebody led him to some loose gravel and he couldn’t get the traction for something like that.” Kali ground her teeth together the further into the statement she went. “No one makes one of us bleed without paying the price,” she finished darkly.
“No heroics on our account,” Soren soothed, touching the Twi’Lek’s shoulder. “Using the Force will disqualify you, vod’ika... we need you out there.”
Kali sighed but nodded, closing her eyes for a moment. She showed her lack of rest, but Gaia knew how even a tired Kali could be lethal. Anger seemed to energize the girl, which Cody tried to frequently discourage, but Kali didn’t always listen.
A harsh bark of laughter echoed across the field. “Look at them! They even named themselves Sunshine Squad! How precious.”
Gaia tightened her grip on the staff, feeling the cold thump of anger in her stomach. She immediately pushed it away. She couldn’t afford to have emotions out on the field right now. She needed a cool head, not just for herself. Four others depended on her to be the logical one. The one who could make a split second decision that could decide the sway of a fight.
“Oh, so stoic! The captain’s got you all whipped. Cant even unleash your tongues else he might not feed you.”
Rex snorted. “The galaxy’s finest actors. Shame we’re waisted on the Empire,” he muttered. The others made soft, amused noises, refusing to raise noise that Rend might be able to perceive.
“When you’re sufficiently able,” a voice chimed from everywhere, Cody’s signature snarl that he used when in mixed company, “begin.”
Rend surged into motion like he’d been stung. The teenager pounded his way through the valley that ate up most of the arena’s center. His team followed, a knot of black against the leeched grayish brown of the sandy soil.
A hum filled the air as the five powered up their stun batons. They sank into crouched, legs braced, weapons brandished. Gaia side-checked Soren and Rex. They would move together, just like they’d rehearsed. “The joints,” she reminded. She heard Soren growl a little under his breath, saw the shine of sweat on his cheek. On the other side, Rex’s gloved squeaked as he adjusted his grip.
And then Rend was upon them.
Gaia took two quick steps forward and swung her staff. Rend blocked it easily, but then went down as Rex and Soren darted by, each scoring a hit to the unprotected backs of his knees. Kali and Shriek followed them, Kali’s hand darting under Rend’s arm to deliver a shock right to his armpit. Shriek kneed him in the face, the sound of breaking cartilage swallowed by Rend’s enraged yell.
Gaia side-stepped a half-blind, flailing swipe from Rend’s mallet, wound up and let fly a swing that caught Rend directly on the jaw. She groaned when he fell forward, unconscious but still gripping his mallet in his hand. “Players” weren’t considered out of the game until they either dropped their weapon or were disarmed. Disarming an unconscious opponent wasn’t allowed.
She turned, thrumming her legs into a churning sprint. The others had reached the rest of Rend’s team and the fight was on. Rend was the muscle of the team but being assaulted by so many combatants proved far too much for his weight-bound fighting style. Alone, he might’ve taken Gaia, but she wasn’t alone.
Soren danced in and out of the reach of a tall, slender human, who looked to be creating her fifteenth year. She twirled and flicked a baton that was almost as long as Gaia’s entire staff, the incredible reach of the thing keeping Soren from getting close enough to stun her. Her control of the thing was remarkable and she wore a fierce, almost animalistic grin.
Gaia stepped into a spin, circled her staff around and brought the stunning “blade” down hard on the woman’s elongated, but thin baton. There was a crackling snap and the low hum that had followed the baton’s motions died.
“Combatant eliminated.”
The voice was artificial, leaning itself to a feminine quality. Sterility aside, Gaia couldn’t contain a low, triumphant laugh. “Bit off a little much there, didn’t you, Kreia?”
“Karking nerf herders,” she snapped back bitterly, arms falling to her sides as Soren and Gaia hurried to help the others.
“I got Shriek,” Soren said, veering away to where the smaller boy was dueling his opponent like a mad man, his baton a purplish blue blur as he blocked, parried and struck.
Gaia glanced at Kali, who slid under the arm of a huge boy easily thrice her size. She drove her knee up into his elbow, breaking the arm, and causing the boy to release his baton.
“Combatant eliminated.”
Gaia heard her give a shout of joy.
Rex was directly ahead of her, scrambling over a small rock outcropping, using the terrain to keep the remaining member of Rend. Gai recognized the youngest member of the squad, Coris, by his double batons and by the constant twirling madness that he he created with them. Rex was easily his match, but one of his arms was slower, possibly he’d been shocked on that side. His good arm was working in a frenzy to block Coris’ blows and Gaia could see the sweat fly off the Zabrak’s face as he tried to trip up his opponent.
She put on speed, building up for a downward power strike that would send Coris to his knees. He turned at exactly the wrong moment. One arm arced backward in a stab, keeping Rex at bay, while the other swept outward, catching Gaia in the shoulder. The blow knocked her sideways, the bone jittering shock of the baton causing her muscles to seize up and clench violently.
Gaia slammed hard into a rocky formation, the air leaving her lungs. She was a powerful warrior, capable of taking down opponents twice her size, but she was still only eleven. She coughed, tasting copper on her tongue where she’d bit her own lip. The weight of her staff in her hand reminded her that she was still in the game and her head snapped up just as Coris bore down on her.
Her arm jerked around, sweeping at his knees, but Coris was not Rend. He jumped the strike and laughed. “Stupid little kid.”
“I know you are,” someone that Gaia couldn’t see all but bellowed, “but what am I?”
Coris’ face twisted into annoyance but then froze in a grimace as a baton-wielding arm looped around his shoulders and touched the tip of the weapon to the underside of Coris’ jaw. The young man’s lithe frame went rigid for a moment, then the arm retracted. Coris swayed, his batons slipped from his fingers and he fell flat on his face.
Rex stood panting, looking as if he might collapse, one arm bent protectively around to cradle the other. His batons hung on his belt. “You okay?”
Gaia nodded, using her staff to help her stand. “You?”
“Might be broken. I dunno.”
Shriek and Soren stood a hundred or so yards away, Kali near them. They were all looking back in the direction they’d come from. Gaia and Rex followed their gaze. Rend was stirring, pulling himself up to his knees.
“We gave him everything we had and he still didn’t go down,” Rex said softly so only Gaia would hear. “What’s the plan?”
Gaia tested her shoulder, rolling the arm. She’d have a bruise but she could still move it. “Get him in the caves. We can’t handle another all out attack like that, you especially. Confuse him. If we can hit him with a bunch of sneak attacks, just beat him down one by one, we can end this. See if we can really mess that nose of his up.”
Rex nodded once and the two set off. The others fell in around them, Soren touching his brother’s good arm worriedly. Kali glanced anxiously at the blood drying on Gaia’s chin, but didn’t say anything. Her anger coiled in the Force, begging to be set free.
“I’m okay,” Gaia assured her almost sternly. “Focus.”
Kali huffed, frowning darkly. “I know,” she snapped but then added more gently, “...I know.”
Rend lurched to his feet and whirled, eyes wild amongst a blood splattered face. He took in the unconscious forms of his teammates with an annoyed snort. Gaia wasn’t sure but she thought she heard him mutter, “Useless.”
“You’ve already lost,” she called to him. “Lay down your hammer and call it a day, Rend. You’ve already made squad. Nothing for you to prove. Gaining another qualified strike team for the Empire helps us all.”
Rend sneered at them. “You don’t make squad until until every one of my team isn’t holding a weapon.”
Soren and Rex sighed together.
“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way after all.” Shriek cracked his knuckles.
The inhuman noise of rage that ripped out of Rend’s mouth was nothing short of deafening. A wave of energy rolled with the scream, slamming into the five children without warning. Gaia was sent flying, her staff ripped from her fingers. She heard a blaring klaxon sound in the area followed by four overlapping “Combatant eliminated” alerts.
She flipped head over heels and landed on her belly, losing her wind for the second time in five minutes. Someone clipped by her and there was a pained yell as they landed. It sounded like Shriek. Through blurry eyes, Gaia spotted Rend stomping his way toward her, his mallet held firmly in both hands.
He’s going to kill me, whispered in her mind, a tendril of panic curling cold and hard into her gut. She tried to push herself up, but pain, sharp and hot sang through her body; something was broken even behind all that armor.
Rend stopped in front of her, hooked a toe under Gaia’s shoulder and flipped her over. “No kid takes my field,” he said, blood and spit flying from his mouth.
“Drop it Rend.”
Cody’s voice ushered a wave of relief over Gaia that was so strong that she nearly lost consciousness right then. She tilted her head back a little and saw him, all glossy black and yellow, a blaster rifle aimed threateningly at Rend. “You disqualified yourself by using the Force. You lost your own field and handed the children the win.”
Rend turned toward Cody, fist balling up as he moved. Many things happened at once in that moment. Cody suddenly staggered, his armor buckling and contorting as Rend began to slowly squeeze his fist shut. His rifle fired and missed. Kali and Shriek screamed together.
Time seemed to freeze as Gaia’s injured body hurled itself into action, her legs and arms clawing at the ground. She tackled Rend’s middle from behind, feeling Soren and Rex collide one after the other, Soren above and Rex below. Another blaster bolt screamed through the arena and then another. Rend jerked as one made contact, a strangled cry leaving him.
Gaia felt the bigger boy land on top of her, felt Soren and Rex immediately yank him off as the crackling pain in her chest exploded like a silent bomb. She groaned, an arm flying over her chest protectively. Rex was on his knees beside her, a hand covering her forehead, keeping her on her back.
“B-Captain. She’s got a broken rib, maybe a punctured lung.”
Other hands touched her, one on her ankle, another on her shoulder. The pain ebbed and dulled. Cody’s face bobbed into vision over her, well, his helmeted face. It was good he didn’t take it off now she thought in a quick burst of clarity; he might not be able to hide his feelings after all that had just happened.
“We’ve got to get her to Medbay.” Kali squeezed Gaia’s hand.
“I’m going to sedate you, Cadet. Just hold still.” Cody’s fingers trembled a little as he turned her head to the side and injected the sedative, the soft hiss of the depressor promising relief with a gentle whisper.
She felt the prick of the needle in her neck and the pain disappeared. Gaia’s entire body seemed to unwind, growing warm and heavy. It felt good, to just lie there and not have a care in the world. Everyone she loved was there... This was nice. In fact, Gaia felt so good that she thought she just might sleep. Yes. Sleep would be... be nice...
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lesbianrobin · 4 years ago
If the Party and teen team had children, how do you think they would be as parents? I found hilarious that Mike becomes a sleepy Ted, or Nancy a Karen, or Billy takes a 180º degree turn and becomes a good father...
tbh i cannot really imagine any of the Party as parents bc in my mind they are babies... i think theoretically like they'd probably all be pretty good parents because they're more familiar than most with what it's like to be a kid and feel like you're on your own and your parents don't understand what you're going through. like i think they'd look back on their own childhoods and all the shit they went through and be like damn i can't be hands-off and leave them to handle things alone but i also can't be a controlling asshole! so i think they'd all be pretty good at it if they chose to be parents. dustin would be the most stereotypical dorky dad in the universe.
i think nancy would be a very hard mother to get along with/handle tbh unless she did a Lot of growing in her 20s/30s before having children. like she would love her kids and try her best and she'd absolutely do anything for them! ...but i don't think she really has the patience to deal with little kids and she seems like the type to set really high standards for older kids to live up to. i think she'd be the type of parent who's like a good provider and who encourages you to be your best but is pretty emotionally distant because of their own unresolved trauma and who doesn't really understand you. like i think if nancy was your mom you would have an incredibly fraught relationship until you reached adulthood and then you would start to really understand her more as a person and get along with her once you weren't living under the same roof. i don't know if she would really choose to have children though? i think there's a good chance that after everything she's been through, watching barb's parents mourn, nancy would feel like the world is too fucked and scary to bring children into it, plus she seems like she'd prefer to focus on a career and if she continues down the path of investigative journalism that might conflict a lot depending on how intense her work gets. maybe she could like foster teenagers or something once she was in her 40s or so? i think she might be good at that. also she'd be a milf and her kids would get constantly bombarded with "i'll fuck your mom" talk.
i think if robin had kids she would be a Cool Mom like she's gay so she's automatically cool for that alone but she also seems like. like she's the Fun Parent who's a little dorky and kind of sucks at discipline and maybe lets her kids get away with more than they should but she's also the mom that like all of her kids' friends go to when they can't talk to their own parents because they know robin will be nice and not make them feel bad about whatever it is. however i do also think she forces her kids to be involved with At Least One Extracurricular at all times and she probably like teaches them basic spanish and french and shit and sometimes she'll just talk to them in another language and be all disappointed and sad when they don't know what the fuck she's saying. she 100% knows that her teenage kids get tipsy when they visit uncle steve and she pretends like she has no clue because they listen to steve when he teaches them how to party safely and they won't listen if they know she's endorsing it because she's their mom and she's lame.
i think jonathan would debate a lot over having kids bc of his Familial Trauma but ultimately i do think he'd want to whether he was like Having kids or adopting or whatever. he's just a family kind of person yknow? i think he'd be a good dad although he might sometimes try too hard and have trouble like letting his kids work out their issues for themselves without intervening. like i think when his kids got to be 12-15 there would be a lot of arguments where they'd be like can you get off my dick and jonathan would be like please i just love you and worry about you and would like to know about every single problem you've ever had <3 because he would be SO conscious of not acting like his own father. however i do think (based off how he talks with will) that he would be able to like work through it and have honest conversations with his kids whenever shit did arise. also his kids would grow up watching like Classic Cinema and they'd show up to sixth grade like wow y'all have never watched the godfather? losers.
as joe keery put it i think steve would definitely be a better dad than his dad is to him! obviously steve would be an awesome dad like i genuinely think that shit is like his calling in life. like i think he'd gladly be a stay at home dad and he would be very dorky and fun and maybe a little too lax on discipline and he'd LIVE for reading to his kids and watching kiddie movies with them and having nerf wars and shit. i think he'd have a really hard time when his kids got older and he'd be very very sad whenever they wanted to hang out with their friends instead of him but robin would be like hey dumbass you're their dad they love you but you're their DAD and steve would be like shit yeah you're right :/ and deal with it (after having a midlife crisis meltdown). he would maybe be anxious about and a little strict on like drugs/alcohol/sex stuff bc of his own history but i do think he'd still be like a "you can have a glass of wine with dinner on holidays also i'm gonna tell you how condoms work and let you know that you can always ask me about anything you need" type of parent because he just doesn't want to be the way his dad was. ultimately i think he'd be good at it and his kids would love him a lot but they would also think he was like the dorkiest lamest man alive and they would be FLOORED that their friends find him cool and fun and attractive.
i can't really see kali ever wanting to have kids aaand fortunately b*lly died before we had to worry about it <3
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lesbiaine · 6 years ago
kali saw the plot and was like fuck that and you know what? i respect that
Hey so where the FUCK was Kali
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bandora-sss · 5 years ago
Glaz rework idea
If you have been following me or taken a look at my posts, at this point you would know that tumbler has become the place where I talk about my ideas and frustration with some of the current issues with R6 siege. glaz has the worst pick and win rate of all the operators
The reveal of kali reminded me of my frustration with glaz's current position and gave me a few ideas that I want to share with the community
So here's my ideas
His gadget
His scope will be the only one he can use which means that he can't use any close range sight or flip it off like he currently does
The scope would be easier to see with just like the acog. Idk how to explain it but If you payed attention you can see a difference (in the colors?) between the acog and the scope, the acog is much clear, nice and easy to see through
Moving will still cause you to lose vision through smoke, but enemies will be highlighted in yellow to some degree weather you're moving or not
The gadget button will allow you to throw smoke grenades (instead of flipping your scope off) you'll have 2 to 3 smoke grenades
As a secondary gadget smoke grenades will be replaced with a claymore
If needed he will lose his frags
His primary weapons
The dmr will stay as his primary but it'll need some or all of these buffs
Reduce the recoil to match that of the other dmrs and give it access to grips
Give it more soft breaching capabilities to allow glaz to open new lines of sights
Increase the damage from 71 to 80 at maximum (maybe this change is pointless i didn't do the math I'm not ROGUE-9)
Make it fully suppressed by removing all the barrel choices (of course without affecting damage or recoil)
Reduce the RPM that was recently increased
His secondary weapons
Replace both of them with the C75 and the SMG-11 to give him a reliable option for close to medium ranges, this will also allow him to enter the building like other attackers and anchor later, i think it's the thing that glaz needs the most
I think that the movement penalty was knda necessary but ubisoft's biggest mistake with him was that when they nerfed him they needed to buff some other aspects about him.
Just like they did with lion, they removed the outlines and the scaning time but reduced the warning time of and made it recharge faster.
I think that glaz needs some or all of these buffs but with kali soon to introduced to the game hopefully ubisoft can gather information and get ideas on how to balance glaz, if I'm not mistaken they have stated that they'll keep an eye on him for future charges
Please share your thoughts and ideas with me it's always nice to hear from the community sometimes they give some interesting ideas
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chakytron · 4 years ago
Kali's CSRX 300: Now Worse Than Ever! - Rainbow Six Siege
Kali's CSRX 300: Now Worse Than Ever! – Rainbow Six Siege
Kali's CSRX 300: Now Worse Than Ever! – Rainbow Six Siege Category Main Description: Patch Y5 S4.3 has been rushed onto the live servers in a desperate move to fix the loadout reset bug but as a consequence, none of the changes have had the … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-29T11:44:07Z   Tags: …
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