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bearrepublicnetwork · 5 years ago
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Today’s breakfast and after breakfast coffee. Kale and onion garlic omelette with brown rice, and a nice strawberry cake 🍰 with a cup o Joe! #kale #kaleisyourfriend #onion #egg #omelette #brownrice #strawberrycake #coffee #breakfast #japan #滋賀県 (at Wanitakashiro, Otsu-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-yGyp1pgCE/?igshid=10k69n0wvd26z
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twinkletoeslow · 7 years ago
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Dinner! #whole30 #paleo #shellsandscales #healthierme #cauliflowerrice #kaleisyourfriend #kaleisyummy
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bearrepublicnetwork · 5 years ago
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Just shave a chunk of ginger and chop some garlic into a bowl of thinly sliced pork. Add 1 tablespoon each of cooking sake, みりん (mirin = sweet cooking sake), and soy sauce, plenty of しちみ shichimi and black pepper, and knead it all together by hand. Chop some broccoli, kale, onion, and carrot and start cooking the pork. Once it’s changed color, move it to one side and add the onions (I slice them thinly) then put the pork on top of them and top that with the carrots and cover it up. Give it a minute and a half and uncover before adding your broccoli and kale. Cover that a minute and a half and turn off the heat. Give it another minute or so undercover whilst cleaning up your mess. Serve and enjoy! #thisishowicook #lunchbyeric #cookingwitheric #mmmmmmgood #areyahungryyet #thisishowiroll #shavedginger #porkdish #kaleisyourfriend #youddigitthemost (at Wanitakashiro, Otsu-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8dVvdUJX_-/?igshid=46mn8fmzhqf4
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bearrepublicnetwork · 5 years ago
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Tsukimi Udon with a cracked egg, kale, and spicy chicken. Yum yum!! #japanesefood #homecooked #imadethis #cookingforthewife #lovetocook #kaleisyourfriend #ourlifeinjapan #滋賀県 #琵琶湖 (at Wanitakashiro, Otsu-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6C5lpEJK7Z/?igshid=t7z4he2hz67g
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bearrepublicnetwork · 5 years ago
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Guess who’s growing some kale! #growyourfood #growyourownveg #growyourownfood #kaleisyourfriend #kale #homegrownkale #gardening #homegardening #japanlife #lifeinjapan #滋賀県 #琵琶湖 #ケール��� (at Wanitakashiro, Otsu-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3YitxypHZL/?igshid=6b9uv2tuus08
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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So these are the steps to one of the best pork dishes you’ll ever sink your fangs into! Since I’m in Japan, the pork already comes thinly sliced, which makes it easy to cook. I shave ginger finely and I add 1 tablespoon of cooking sake 料理酒 (the green bottle), 1 tablespoon of sweet cooking sake みりんタイプ(orange bottle), and 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, of which we use a gluten free (non wheat) type. As usual, I chopped up some kale. I should’ve used more but kale is expensive AF here. Plus 1 small, freshly picked green pepper and a fresh picked Shishito pepper, chopped nicely. Cook it all in some olive oil and voila, you’ve some good eating going down! Do I know how to put it down in the kitchen or do I know how to put it down in the kitchen?? #cookingagain #backfortheattack #icanputitdowninthekitchen #badmuthafucka #lovetocook #lovetoeat #porkdish #kaleisyourfriend #cookingsake #りょうり #料理酒 #おなかへった #japanlife #lifeinjapan #滋賀県 #shigaken #shiga #しがけん #琵琶湖 #losangelestojapan #wanitakashiro (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz7c-InpmUf/?igshid=1x1m0kyszrekl
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Today’s dinner! Oh, and around here, dinner’s at 5pm. I love all the kale I get (lunch too, sometimes breakfast three) because kale is great for cellular reproduction! #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #kaleisyourfriend #kalebuildscells #eatingformymitochondria #mitochondriaisthepowerhouseofthecell #shigaken #shigajapan #fuckms #mswarrior #imayhavemsbutmsdoesnthaveme #abovems #strongerthanms💪 #multiplesclerosisismybitch #makemsyourbitch (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxcVISqpZSc/?igshid=x489t6sgo17l
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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I made dinner for my Mom tonight. Chicken with asparagus, kale, green onions, and shallots, diced garlic (lots of it) and ginger. #homecookedfoods #imadethisone #kaleisyourfriend #gingerisyourfriend #cookingformom #beforeigoawayagain (at Racine, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw56aM-po8q/?igshid=pfrasij3jdnn
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Ran out of kale the other day so I dosed us pretty good. #locationundisclosed #gonetothemattresses #notseeinganyone #wishingyouwell #nearbutnothere #evenfurtherthanthat #evensmallerthanthat #kaleisyourfriend #alliwantistogohome #imissmywife #visasandprescriptions #gottagetbacktomywife #homeiswheresheis https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTl6t9pfZy/?igshid=1onbdfgs1tv84
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Separated from my @mrssandlittleb again. Being a good bear too!! #kaleisyourfriend #kaleforlife #brownriceisnice #greenonions #garliclove (at Bullhead City, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BufHdm2FMIb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p23hazlyfrsm
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