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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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I’m off cheese, as it it is strictly prohibited from my food paradigm, since it’s severely inflammatory and shouldn’t be consumed even though it is among the most delicious foods on this planet, you ain’t lived until you’ve had fried cheese wrapped in a wonton like a stick with Japanese hot sauce. Just saying. Don’t die until you try. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #dontdieuntilyoutry #japanesestreetsnack #friedcheesemuthafucka #butitreallyisbadforyou #butifyoudonthavemsitwontkillyourightaway #havingfuninjapan #postingjustbecause #doesntmeanieatthem #butitrieditonce #itwastoogood #betternotdothatagain #shigaken #shigashrine #shrinefestivalsofjapan #angelinoinshiga #losangelestojapan (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxd0h38JWJZ/?igshid=18yx9bk1ksmsl
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smallbizexcellence · 8 years ago
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Friday cherry on top sharing all I know about social live broadcasting to a group of passionate business owners at @maureenpoundcoaching event 💕🙏#GratefulForEveryMoment #DreamMakers #YouMedia (at Maureen Pound)
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annamandala · 9 years ago
🎵House Hoopinggg 🎶🎵 Hooping in someone else's house can be risky but I didn't break a thing. Lolz #whatwhat #annamandala #goodtimes #gratefulforeverymoment
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lexyrosestylist · 7 years ago
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#saturday #gratefulforeverymoment #springishere #supermamma
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Today’s dinner! Oh, and around here, dinner’s at 5pm. I love all the kale I get (lunch too, sometimes breakfast three) because kale is great for cellular reproduction! #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #kaleisyourfriend #kalebuildscells #eatingformymitochondria #mitochondriaisthepowerhouseofthecell #shigaken #shigajapan #fuckms #mswarrior #imayhavemsbutmsdoesnthaveme #abovems #strongerthanms💪 #multiplesclerosisismybitch #makemsyourbitch (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxcVISqpZSc/?igshid=x489t6sgo17l
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Breakfast with a small portion of rice, potato saladc chicken livers, salmon, miso soup, and a hard boiled egg. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #backtojapan🇯🇵 #backtomyroutine #backtomyfoodparadigm #homecookedgoodness👍 #mitochondriaisthepowerhouseofthecell #eatingformitochondria #strongerthanms #mswarrior💪 #soychingon #abovems #ihavemsbutitdoesnthaveme #fuckms #imakemsmybitch (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxcKNiCpDRf/?igshid=hk4pgke6wy3c
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Here’s a little word on gratitude. Just remember how good you’ve got it in the USA. TINY amount of thyme is $0.88. A normal cantaloupe is $16.24 and a smaller one is $7.12 whilst one of those mini seedless watermelons is $8.94. However, though I hadn’t taken a picture of it yesterday, those $4.99 packets of raspberries from Driscoll’s Farms are the same here as they are in California. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #getsomeperspective #thepriceoffruit #begratefulforwhatyouhave #justbethankful #diamondsintheback #sunrooftop #digginthescenewithagangstalean (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxbTjsbJRmQ/?igshid=1roj0heogggv7
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Finally I’m back on my typical food paradigm. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #eatingformymitochondria #mitochondriaisthepowerhouseofthecell #shigalife #shigaken #gladtobebackhome #foodparadigm #backtomyroutine #thisishowieat (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZXLi3pGJG/?igshid=r6t8m4ll7mb4
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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This is only my 4th day here and already I’ve lost over 4LBS. I was off the reservation back in the states (mostly Illinois) and put on a significant amount of weight. AKA, I go fat AF, eating bad stuff. So glad to be home with Mrs S, eating like I normally do. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #backtojapan🇯🇵 #backtomylife #backtoeatingclean #cleanfoodforcleanpeople #iputontoomuchweight #backtomyparadigm #goodtobehomeagain (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZSYe0p-qX/?igshid=1xqq89czxwu6y
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Things were just starting to kickoff! #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #chicagounionstation #shrinefestival #shrinesofjapan #ericsbigadventure (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWkQTsJrp2/?igshid=139dgxw5q3gny
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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My first shrine festival was so much fun. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #shrinesofjapan #japaneseshrinefestival #japan2019🇯🇵 #shintoshrines #Shintoism #joinmeonthisadventure #localtraditions (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWj1TWJ3O2/?igshid=7dv3eeons094
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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We went to the shrine festival today, Mrs S and me. Five different local tribes carry the arks from respective shrines to the main shrine. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #japaneseshrinefestival #japaneseculturalevent #shinto_shrine #explorejapan2019 #shintoism #shigaprefecture #shigaken #shigajapan #wanitakashiro (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWjKbGpMLk/?igshid=1k1dlxhks6pel
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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These are in our front walkway. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #angelinoinshiga #losangelestojapan #shigaken #wanitakashiro #ourhouseinjapan #shigajapan #shigaprefecture #otsu_shiga #homeawayfromhome❤️ #joinmewontyou #followmeonthisadventure #adventureofalifetime🎬 (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxWibzKplYG/?igshid=fxqdeuy1g3rj
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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My wife is so chingona that she did all this clearing of the jungle that was our adjacent lot (we’ve a second lot next to our house) all by herself with a hand saw, except for the big tree that her brother did with a chainsaw and never quite finished chopping up, but I will. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #mywifeisbadass #maschingona #lovemybear #lifeinshiga #angelinoinshiga #angelinoinwanitakashiro #losangelestojapan #livingherestillpayingrentthere #lifesatripcarnal (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxV4TXGJFKG/?igshid=10f0lcb0fjekg
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Route back home. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #shigajapan #shigaken #otsu_shiga #joinmeonthisadventure #followmeonthisjourney #losangelestojapan #angelinoinotsu #angelinoinshiga #allformywifey (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVgxWap3YS/?igshid=1m6vk5vuishks
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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My wife just LOVES taking pictures of me with this face. #beerfromavendingmachine #amazeballs #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #gratitudeisamust #gratefultobehome #homeoswhereversheis #sickmotherinlaw #alonetimetogether #momhatesustohavefun #wehavefunanyway #shigajapan #shigaprefecture #shigaken #wanitakashiro #wanibase #lakebiwalife #livebylakebiwa #lakebiwashoreline #joinmeonthisadventure #walkwithmewontyou #allformylove #excitingtimesjapan (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVgCUWpaO4/?igshid=p5ke6c2xs3y5
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