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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Light lunch today. Mrs S made us chicken adobo, and all’s I can say is DAMN that was good!! #itwastoogood #postingjustbecause #losangelestojapan #shigaken #chickenadobo #filipinofoodisprettygood #neverhaditbefore #damnthatwasdelicious #melikey #lifeinshiga #shigajapan #wanitakashiro (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxlpL_JpNQE/?igshid=17n001re7jcyn
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Me and my Bear have been busting ass clearing up what we previously referred to as “the jungle” to make way for the garden. Mrs S got a LOT done before I arrived a week ago. But this has been our progress since. #losangelestojapan #shigaken #angelinoinshiga #meandmrss #mrssandlittleb #weworkwelltogether #teambeargetsshitdone #bearteam #lovebeingtogether #shigaprefecture #wanitakashiro #yardworkinprogress #itwastoogood (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjzljwJC0a/?igshid=1pi3kgs0u1j9a
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chavisto · 11 years ago
so like. its midnite and i was eating hummus.
until it spilled all over my pants. 
wtf hummus
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Again, my wife’s favorite pose for taking my pictures!! #itwastoogood #postingjustbecause #betternotdothatagain #losangelestojapan #shigaken #meandmybear #angelinoinshiga #movedtojapanforher #sickmotherinlaw #derführer #likegoingonvacationwithkimjongil #dontmeanitinabadwayimjustsaying #happystill #havingfuninjapan #onlybecauseiloveher #ilovehersomuch❤ (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxe58Z8JRWP/?igshid=15fkgqbgbjp25
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youcanhearsilence · 11 years ago
problem solving skills: Phone alarm goes off next to me, roll over on top of it, drown out the noise and go back to sleep
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Ya know, this guy’s people put me in my first music video. Cool, huh? #happypharrellwilliams #firstmusicvideo #soyouthinkicandance #24hoursofhappy #twasablast #postingjustbecause #itwastoogood #losangelestojapan #illbebacknextyear #neverquitnevergiveup #neverstopevenwhenipause #angelinoinshiga #angelinoinjapan #losangelestojapan #shigaken #hereiamthereyouare #hollywoodfiles #hollywoodinjapan #youaintseennothinyet (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxe1ZBKJ0mW/?igshid=4tzy5lm32062
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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Today was a light lunch. #losangelestojapan #shigaken #itwastoogood #breakthefoodparadigm #eatbettergofurther #lifeinjapan❤️ #angelinoinshiga #togetherhappy #meandmybear #goodtobehomeagain (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxefXuJpZfC/?igshid=1xe0am1scg527
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bearrepublicnetwork · 6 years ago
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I’m off cheese, as it it is strictly prohibited from my food paradigm, since it’s severely inflammatory and shouldn’t be consumed even though it is among the most delicious foods on this planet, you ain’t lived until you’ve had fried cheese wrapped in a wonton like a stick with Japanese hot sauce. Just saying. Don’t die until you try. #gratefulforeverymoment #bigadventure #dontdieuntilyoutry #japanesestreetsnack #friedcheesemuthafucka #butitreallyisbadforyou #butifyoudonthavemsitwontkillyourightaway #havingfuninjapan #postingjustbecause #doesntmeanieatthem #butitrieditonce #itwastoogood #betternotdothatagain #shigaken #shigashrine #shrinefestivalsofjapan #angelinoinshiga #losangelestojapan (at Otsu, Shiga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxd0h38JWJZ/?igshid=18yx9bk1ksmsl
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