#kaldor city
doctornolonger · 2 years
Kaldor City listening guide
Just archiving some interesting content from Magic Bullet's Facebook page. They shared a recommended listening order for the Kaldor City series, plus a few Magic Bullet extras, as well as some spoilery timeline notes. Synthesizing those lists with a few of my own additions, here's the complete Kaldor City experience:
"The Face of Evil" (Doctor Who season 14)
"The Robots of Death" (Doctor Who season 14)
"Image of the Fendahl" (Doctor Who season 15)
"Weapon" (Blake's 7 series B)
"The Logic of Empire" (Blake's 7 fan audio: only necessary if you watched all of Blake's 7, which you should tbh, it's good)
Corpse Marker (Past Doctor Adventures novel), set ~six years after "The Robots of Death"
"Occam's Razor", set ~two years after Corpse Marker
"Death's Head", set five months after "Occam's Razor"
"Skulduggery" (short story)
"Metafiction" (version 1)
"Hidden Persuaders", set four months after "Death's Head"
"Taren Capel", set one month after "Hidden Persuaders"
"Storm Mine", set [spoilers]
"The Prisoner"
"Metafiction" (version 2)
"The Time Waster"
"Radio Bastard"
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doctorwhogirlie · 9 months
Doctor Who: Robots (Kaldor City)
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Favourite Episode: The Robots of Death
Home Planet: Kaldor
Scary Factor: 2/10 - its their eyes.
My Personal Rating: 3/10 creepy af robots. Not sure I'm in biggest fan of robots in general. I especially didn't like these ones.
(Please don't take these too seriously, it's just a bit of fun)
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thisbluespirit · 2 years
(Since Cleowho is doing those Robots of Death GIFs)
Wasn’t there.a spin-off of that serial ?
There's a PDA book sequel Corpse Marker (by Chris Boucher, who wrote the original script), then there's the audio spin off by Mad Norwegian, Kaldor City, and Big Finish have also done a sequel Robophobia, introducing Liv Chenka's characterer, plus some boxset spin-offs with Liv in Kaldor.
It's might therefore be the most spun-off-of serial, at least in terms of the setting rather than a monster or something!
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Chris Boucher (1943 – 2022)
Chris Boucher (1943 – 2022), Fan Favourite #DoctorWho Writer
A casual glance at a Doctor Who episode guide could suggest that Chris Boucher wrote just three stories for the Fourth Doctor in 1977. But simple facts like that won’t explain why – despite his limited contributions – Chris Boucher is held in such high regard by Doctor Who fans. He never wrote a Dalek, Cyberman, or Master story, a regeneration or multi-Doctor adventure. His greatest legacy in…
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familyparadox · 4 months
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downthetubes · 9 months
Blake’s 7 short story set after show’s cliffhanger finale adapted as free to download audio adventure
Premature Burial, a Blake’s 7 short story by David Tulley and Alan Stevens, has been made into an impressive, free to download audio adventure
Premature Burial, a Blake’s 7 short story by David Tulley and Alan Stevens, has been made into an impressive, free to download audio adventure, through the collaboration of sound designers Chrisi Pashley and the award-winning Alistair Lock. The tale has received approval from TV script writer and editor Chris Boucher, who thought it a credible sequel to his scripted finalé to Blake’s 7,…
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littlest-w01f · 7 months
Little Family
Cassian x Single mom!OC (Luna Kaldor)
Summary: When Cassian comes to pick Feyre up from her work, he sees a new girl with her, a girl who sits to herself silently and doesn't talk to any other children, his whole world shifts on its axis when the girl's mother walks in to take her home
Cw: None My fairly new writing
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part one - part two - part three - part four
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The Starfall was a month away, a year after the inner circle, with the help of Eris Vanserra had the upper hand to defeat Beron when he came to take their territories. But when there is a battle, there is loss, and the city of Velaris lost many lives when the Autumn army attacked the city's people.
One of those lives lost left Luna Kaldor to fend for herself and her child, she was quite thankful to her High Lady and new friend, Feyre Archeron, who had opened up her studio free of charge for every faeling to help them deal with their trauma and loss with the help of art.
Nova didn't like her class, she was the only new kid in weeks, and everyone there already had their friends. She knew she was different from the rest from the way, Feyre, her teacher's eyes had widened seeing her, not just her, but the fae tips of her ears paired with the Illyrian wings on her back.
Nova had felt different during classes in Velaris, but her mother had never let her feel bad about them. She was different from the High Fae, just as lesser Fae were different too.
Now after her father's death, her mother didn't have enough money to keep sending her to classes, or much money at all with how the male in their family had been the breadwinner, while he had Luna stay home to take care of their daughter.
It had taken them months to get into the routine that had now, Luna worked multiple jobs and while she worked, Nova would be in her art teacher's studio.
Nova looked at the mess of paint she had created on the blank canvas, a mess, it looked like a mess, she was a mess.
She knew her father's death had hit her mother hard too, but not in the way of how you would feel if you lost love, but support.
All little Nova knew, was that her parents had the most romantic life, her father, a High Fae, had saved her mother, a female he fell in love with, an Illyrian who was thrown away after having her wings ripped out.
But after a hundred years of marriage, their love had died out, especially after their daughter was born, not because she was a female but because she was born with large Illyrian wings, wings larger than Illyrian children usually had.
Nova frowned slightly, watching the children hang out when each other while she sat by herself, her teacher joining her out of what she asumed, was pity, she felt slightly sad for her High Lady, her teacher who would try to talk to her, hoping she would talk back. Feyre asked her about what she was making, and why she chose the colours she did. Nova only gave a short reply, because she did not know the answer to the questions herself. All Nova knew was that it was a mess of colours.
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Cassian had got himself one of Feyre's favourite pastries as he reached closer to the rainbow, he had wanted to pick her up from her class after the day's end, he entered her studio, smiled at the few kids whose parents were yet to pick them up and then pulled his best friend into a bear hug.
"Feyre!" Cassian chuckled, spinning his High Lady around. The fae children had their eyes wide at the Illyrian male with wings tucked in tight who stood in the middle of the studio. Nova gawked at the male, at those wings, wings like hers, and Cassian instantly noticed the girl too, no older than 6 years.
The wings were what drew them both to grow curious about each other, Feyre looked between her friend and her student, and a smirk formed on her face, the smirk of a matchmaker.
"That's Nova, a new student, just started two months ago." Feyre told Cassian, "Her mother officially made her a perminent student a month ago."
Cassian looked at the girl, his eyes noticing the Fae tips of her ears, "She's a halfblood." A statement, not a question, something easily seen.
"Why didn't you tell Rhysand about her?" Cassian asked her.
Feyre blushed suddenly, "I didn't think of it...?" She offered sheepishly while smiling at a couple parents who picked up the last of her students.
"Her mother will pick her up soon, we need to stay till she shows up, I have to talk to her." Feyre sat down, in a strategic way that made Nova and Cassian sit close, opposite each other, her eyes on the door, waiting for Luna to show up, she could talk about inviting her to a family dinner, introduce her friend and her daughter to her family.
Luna entered almost instantly, Nova smiled at her mother and rushed into her arms, "Mommy!" She cheered, her wings fluttering happily.
Feyre watched, holding a breath in as Cassian spun to look at Luna, his breath got caught in his throat as he watched the mother and daughter embrace, the female, she was who he had been looking for all his life, a thread of gold attached itself to him, reaching out to her, the snap almost instantly.
Luna looked up from her daughter to her friend, her eyes caught the Illyrian male, Cassian, whom she knew from his signature red siphons. Cassian gave her a soft smile and her knees nearly buckled at the bond that connected to her.
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{Cassian Taglist: @novalovi}
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riversofmars · 8 months
Doctor Who Femslash February
So the first prompt of the @doctorwho-femslashfeb list is "Alternate Universe" so naturally I had to take part. Been meaning to write this fic for actual years so seemed like a good excuse!!! Only the first chapter cause it'll be a long one, hope you enjoy! <3
If I Loved You
Summary: Liv Chenka hasn't had much to distract her from a successful medical career since her father's death. While still a junior med-tech at Kaldor City Hospital, she's starting to make a name for herself and is thus invited to a hospital fundraiser. A boring evening turns intriguing, when she catches the eye of a beautiful woman who appears to be all alone. Little does she know at the time that this woman, who she has an immediate and mutual attraction with, belongs to the twenty founding families of Kaldor, and that she would soon be looking after her powerful father in hospital.
Chapter 1
Liv Chenka watched the amber liquid of her drink slosh up the sides of the fancy crystal glass that was likely more expensive than all her own tableware combined. She was still on her first drink, nursing it through a long evening. She didn’t drink much as a rule and while she knew she didn’t have to work until the afternoon the following day, she didn’t fancy the prospect of a hangover. If her presence hadn’t been mandatory, she would have made her escape long ago, but given the circumstances, she tried her best to endure the boring fund-raiser with dignity.
“When do you think it’s acceptable to leave?” Liv hummed to Kit Laver, one of her fellow med-techs whom she had known since medical school. While she didn’t consider him the brightest candle on the proverbial fund-raising cake, he was a nice enough fellow to while away her time with.
“I don’t know what your problem is, Liv,” he chuckled in response, taking a gulp of his drink. Unlike her, he wasn’t holding back and she hoped for his sake that he had leave the next day. “It’s a free bar, we’re literally getting wasted on company time and money.”
“Hope you’re not expecting me to carry you home after this, that’s not happening,” she huffed, taking another sip herself as she looked around the large event space. Kit was right of course, there were worse ways to spend an evening other than getting paid to attend a party, but Liv couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. Upon instruction from the hospital board - and by extension Kaldor City Company - they were representing the up-and-coming med-techs tasked with maintaining the hospitals high standards; and those high standards required a lot of resources. Resources such as money. And who better to ask money of than Kaldor’s ultra-rich? To Liv, the whole experience felt cheap, despite their classy, expensive surroundings.
“Who says I’d want to take you home anyway?” Kit teased, and she scoffed.
“That'll be the day.”
Leaning against the bar, she allowed her eyes to roam around the room once more and subconsciously straightened out her shirt. Among the rich, she felt like an imposter though she hoped her attire didn’t give as much away. Her sister had, in fact, counselled her on the matter and she had ended up in a dark green, well-cut waistcoat over a lighter shirt and matching trousers. In a small act of rebellion, she had turned up her sleeves to appear a little more casual, and Tula had nearly thrown a fit, forcing golden sleeve garters on her as a compromise.
“Want another one?” Kit questioned, turning back towards the bar and she sighed, setting out to run her hand through her hair, but stopped herself when she remembered she’d pulled it up.
“Nah, I’m okay…” She took another sip.
“You working tomorrow then, I take it?” He continued to make small-talk but her attention was drifting when a woman caught her eye, a tall willowy blonde in a navy dress - exactly Liv’s type.
“Yeah, late…” she answered absent-mindedly, as she was more interested in the beautiful woman making her way towards the bar than she could ever be in her slightly tipsy colleague.
“Aaaaand I’ve lost you,” Kit observed, following her gaze, and he raised his eyebrows in amusement. “You haven’t got a chance,” he scoffed, and while until that moment she’d had no intention of actually striking up a conversation, quite content to watch and appreciate from a distance, she took his words as a challenge.
“Watch me,” she hummed, downing her drink in one go, just as the blonde reached the bar a few metres over. She was a similar age to her, beautiful in a classical sense with high cheekbones and bright eyes. Her blonde hair had been pinned up in an elaborate hairdo and while she almost looked too sophisticated for Liv to brave approaching, there was something enchanting about the soft smile she offered the bartender, vastly different from the cool, demanding presence most of Kaldor’s rich had.
“I will,” Kit grinned, as she placed her empty glass on the counter and checked her appearance in the mirror on the wall behind the bar. At least the traditional and distinctive angular eye make-up that her sister had talked her into hadn’t smudged yet. “Looking forward to seeing you get slapped,” her friend hummed cheekily.
“Fortune favours the bold and all that,” Liv shot back, observing the blonde for a moment as she gathered her courage. She appeared to be alone, scanning the room much like the brunette had done not long ago, and she sensed her opportunity. Without allowing Kit to wind her up any more, she pushed away from the bar and walked over, making it look as though she was just arriving to get a drink herself.
The blonde looked around, startled by the sudden presence behind her and Liv tried to play it cool, waving towards the bartender for service. Acting as though she’d only just noticed the woman beside her, she glanced around with an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push in front. Did you want anything?”
“No, I- I already ordered,” the blonde answered with a small smile of her own, and quickly she averted her eyes again as the bartender returned with her drink. The faint blush, however, that came to her pale cheeks didn’t go unnoticed. Perhaps Liv was in with a chance.
“Are you all alone?” the med-tech asked, gratefully receiving the drink the bartender brought over. “Don’t tell me you’ve been stood up?” She looked over to her once more, hoping to strike up a conversation. It was hardly an original pick up line but if she could get her talking, that would be a start.
“Hm?” The other woman looked around, obviously in thought and surprised to be spoken to again. “Oh I- Well, I’m meant to be here with my father and he wasn’t feeling well, so… And my brothers seem otherwise engaged…” She gave a dismissive wave as though it was nothing, but her shoulders slumped a little as she took a sip of wine.
“Did you want some company?” Liv ventured boldly, turning to lean against the bar so she could look around the room. There were a lot of beautiful women there tonight but none quite as striking as the one beside her. A frown came to the blonde’s delicate features, seemingly contemplating her offer. She also took a moment to scan the crowd before fixing bright blue eyes to her.
“To be perfectly honest, I was wondering how much longer I would have to stay for before it was acceptable to make a discreet exit,” she answered conspiratorially and Liv couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed she hadn’t been far off with her initial impression that she wasn’t as stuck up and boring as the sea of Kaldor’s rich and famous around them.
“That makes two of us,” the med-tech admitted with a grin, immediately feeling more at ease. “Hate dressing up for these things.” She gave a grimace of distaste as she looked down at herself and the other woman seemed to take it as an invitation to do the same.
“Yet you do it so well,” she complimented once her eyes met hers again, and with a little smile she took another sip of her drink. Liv’s heart leapt. Was she flirting with her? Her observation had been so casual but the curious look in the blonde’s eyes seemed reassuring and made her feel brave.
“I’m not going to compliment your looks,” the brunette decided after allowing herself a moment to look her up and down once more, then added: “Words wouldn’t do you justice.”
The blonde burst into a grin and shook her head in disbelief.
“Smooth,” she acknowledged, and it was quite obvious that Liv had managed to intrigue her. The same was certainly to be said for the med-tech as she couldn’t remember the last time she had felt such an instant attraction to anyone.
“I’m Liv.” She offered her hand to her hopefully, and the blonde grasped it without hesitation.
“Helen,” she introduced herself in turn and Liv smiled. What a beautiful name and it suited her just right.
“If you are unoccupied tonight, maybe you would afford me the privilege of keeping your company?” the brunette continued. “Just so long until it is acceptable for both of us to leave?”
“I don’t see why not,” Helen gave back softly, her eyes sparking in the light of the chandeliers, and Liv smiled as she took another sip of her drink. Perhaps it could become an interesting evening after all.
They fell into Liv’s flat entangled into each other, kissing passionately.
“Are you sure about this?” the med-tech gasped for air, telling herself sternly that she needed to give her a choice to turn back. They had only known each other for a few hours and even though they had gotten on extremely well, chatting all night, and their attraction was clearly mutual, that didn’t mean they had to fall into bed with each other straight away. In fact, she was quite eager to see her again and not make it a one night thing. While she had no idea how Helen felt in that regard, it was more than obvious what she wanted now.
“I’m sure,” Helen groaned into her mouth, feeling her way up her body in a shameless, demanding manner that made Liv’s heart race. “Where’s your bedroom?” She started to ping open the buttons of her waistcoat.
“This way,” the med-tech breathed, pulling her along.
The faint buzzing of a communicator pulled Liv from the depth of sleep and then, there was movement beside her. Slowly, memories of the previous night came back to her. Pleasant ones at that explained why she was naked under her covers, and why there was a warm body next to hers in a similar state of undress. That body was moving now, shifting to get up.
“Don’t go,” Liv managed to mumble drowsily, looping her arm around Helen’s slim waist in an attempt to keep her where she was.
“I’m sorry, I’ve got to…” the blonde gave back softly, apologetically, sounding genuinely disappointed too. Nevertheless, she turned around once more, allowing Liv to pull her close and she kissed her tenderly.
“Do I get to see you again?” the med-tech asked, trying to blink her sleep away. Her body felt incredibly heavy, aching entirely too pleasantly and she sighed when Helen trailed her hand up her stomach until she reached her chin and took it to press another kiss to her lips.
“I hope so…” the other woman answered, sounding entirely sincere and a goofy grin spread across Liv’s lips. “I’ll leave you my contact…” she promised and punctuated her intention with one last sweet kiss before she pulled away.
“Where do you have to go this early?” Rubbing her tired eyes, the brunette cast a glance towards the clock on her bedside table. It was far from morning. She would have understood if Helen had wanted to leave after they’d slept together, that was usually the done thing with a one night stand, but the fact that she had been content to stay, falling asleep together in a tangled mess of limbs, had given her hope. It had been a long time since Liv had been in a relationship or had any sort of romantic entanglement at all, she didn’t really do one night stands which made the turn of events all the more startling. She wasn’t used to things moving so fast but there was simply something about the blonde that she couldn’t put her finger on, an instant connection, and she had slept ever so well in her arms. The fact that she intended to leave at 4am was confusing.
“A family matter…” Helen brushed her off as she sat up, looking around for her clothes. Liv had delighted in taking that dress off of her and a surge of desire ran through her as she remembered doing as much. She watched the blonde intently as she got up, her slim figure visible enough in the twilight.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come back to bed?” she couldn’t stop herself from suggesting. The view of her long legs was tantalising and she wished to have them wrapped around her once more.
“I wish…” the blonde answered, but pulled on her underwear regardless. She sounded almost subdued.
“Is everything okay?” Liv pulled herself to a sitting position as she grew concerned. The other woman’s behaviour was shifting from the cheerful and free person she’d spent her evening with to something tenser and more sober.
“Everything is fine, I just need to go,” Helen answered, wiggling back into her dress. “I’m sorry. It has nothing to do with you. You’re lovely.” She gave her a warm smile as she turned. Liv frowned but realised there was no point in protesting. She didn’t want to come across as too pushy. She watched as the blonde made her way back to her bedside again and picked up Liv’s communicator, flicking up the holoprojected menu into the air above the wristband so she could key in her details, true to her word. The med-tech relaxed a little, reassured by her gesture. It was a decent consolation prize for not getting to keep her any longer.
“So I’ll… reach out to you?” she ventured carefully as Helen put the communicator down and strapped her own to her wrist that looked a lot sleeker than Liv’s old model.
“Please do…” the blonde confirmed with a soft smile, and leaned down for a parting kiss that the med-tech only too willingly provided.
“I’ll see you soon then…” she asked and Helen nodded.
“I hope so.”
When Liv arrived to work at Kaldor City Hospital the following afternoon she had a spring in her step. She’d slept exceedingly well in her physically exhausted, yet satisfied state and even though to a lesser degree once Helen had left, it was still enough to leave her well rested and in a good mood. Most of her morning she had spent resisting the urge of reaching out to the blonde, wanting to give her some time to process and deal with whatever family matter had so effectively drawn her attention. She would be glad for the distraction of work as she’d decided to leave it at least a day.
While Liv was well aware that Helen had given her her contacts and didn’t have hers until she reached out, that didn’t stop her from jumping to every message she received. Inevitably, she was disappointed every time, even though she couldn’t help but shoot a cheeky response to Kit. He had demanded to know how her night had gone after being in stunned disbelief when she’d bid him goodnight with Helen in tow.
The one message, however, that managed to grasp her attention, came from the head of her department when she clocked in to work. She rarely spoke with him, he was usually far too busy and important to mingle with juniors such as herself. Arrogant was another word for it, but she refrained from voicing as she liked her career far too much to get herself in unnecessary trouble. She frowned as she read the message on her way to the ward where her super voc assistant was waiting to greet her.
“Your attendance is required by the chief overseer of the surgical division,” the robot announced, not bothering with pleasantries.
“So I’m just reading,” she hummed in acknowledgement. “I wonder what I’ve done wrong this time.” The joke went above the super voc’s head of course so she carried on. “Make my apologies at rounds, will you? I guess this must be important.”
“Very well, med-tech Chenka,” the robot answered and walked off towards the admissions desk as Liv set off towards the office wing with a sinking feeling in her gut. It was never a good sign to be called there, particularly when she didn’t think there was a reason.
The door to the overseer’s office slid open even before she could make her arrival known, she had clearly been expected.
“Chenka, good good, about time, come in,” she was greeted with some urgency, and nervously she made her way into the office.
“I’m sorry, I only just received your message,” she started but it seemed as though he had moved on from that already, looking up to her from his vid screen.
“You are, supposedly, the best med-tech we have - at your level anyway,” he opened and the last thing Liv had expected to hear was a compliment.
“I, uhh- Thank you, Sir,” she gave back as politely as she could manage while fighting a bout of confusion.
“I’ll cut right to the chase: We have a very important patient as of this morning whom I’ve been tasked with looking after personally,” he carried on, skipping all pleasantries. “Of course I can’t be here all hours so I require a capable junior to be on hand in the hours of my absence.” He leaned back in his comfortable looking office chair giving her a thorough once over. “You are capable, aren’t you, Chenka?”
“Yes, Sir, of course, but-” Liv felt her stomach drop. While she appreciated the confidence, there was the catch. This sounded like the sort of special assignment she really would rather skip: personal responsibility, likely immeasurable overtime and by the sounds of it dealing with a member of the entitled, rich founding families who she distasted with a passion.
“No ‘buts’ Chenka, you’re hereby relieved of all other duties, nothing is more important than this patient, do you understand?” he almost jumped down her throat, and any further protest died on her lips. The high she had been on since last night was quickly dispersing, returning her to the sobering reality of being a junior med-tech who had nothing much except for her skills going for her.
“Yes, Sir…” she acknowledged gruffly, hiding her hands behind her back so the anger with which she’d balled her fists was less obvious.
“If you do well with this, there will be great things in your future, that you can be sure of,” he carried on, ignoring her visible discomfort. “If however, for whatever reasons, things go badly, expect to be out of a job. That’ll mark the end of your promising career here,” he warned her, making her feel even more nauseous and she nodded, lacking a suitable response. And then, after a moment of tense silence, he released a deep breath, softening uncharacteristically as he pinched the bridge of his nose and added: “And possibly my career too, so don’t mess this up, will you?”
“I’ll do my best, like I do for every patient,” she answered at last, hoping to make clear that their patient’s background didn’t matter to her and he sighed in response.
“Please do. Outdo yourself. And please, for the love of God, try and smile and be a bit more accommodating than you usually are.” He gave her a warning look and when she nodded, he picked up his glass tablet, keying in the relevant instructions to transfer the chart to her. “Room 221. I’ve had the whole floor cleared and assigned five vocs, a super voc and two nurses. Let me know if you want more staff though I would prefer to keep numbers low for confidentiality reasons. You’ll have to sign an NDA as well.”
“A gag order? Isn’t that a bit extreme?” That time, Liv couldn’t help herself. These measures were entirely over the top, even for a member of the Twenty. It had to be someone very important indeed, making her look less and less forward to the whole thing.
“It’s out of my hands, Chenka, these are the terms,” he informed her, brooking no argument. “Feel free to use the office and the other staff facilities on that floor, I expect you will need them.”
“Should I cancel the lease on my apartment too?” she shot back sarcastically, her annoyance getting the better of her now and he fixed her with a pointed glare that shut her up.
“You don’t have family, do you? You’re unattached?”
“I have a sister…” she answered back, just to have something to say and cover how much his observation stung. No, she didn’t really have anyone to go home to, not since her father’s death and that was common knowledge. Whatever had happened last night was hardly something one might call attachment…
“Smart woman, works for the Company, doesn’t she? I’ve met her a few times,” he announced and Liv wasn’t surprised. He likely moved in similar circles as Tula.
“I’m sure she won’t mind having some extra time on her hands to focus on her work. As you should,” he observed sternly and that, it seemed, was the end of the conversation.
“Right…” She nodded, rolling over in the proverbial sense. There was no point in arguing any longer.
“See to your patient, report directly to me,” he instructed in a sober dismissal and she nodded again.
“Yes, Sir…”
She left the office and made for the elevators, as she fought a deep sense of disappointment. There was no way she would be able to see Helen any time soon with this on her hands. Releasing an annoyed groan, she jabbed the button to call the elevator and took to examining the chart on her tablet.
“About time, Chenka.” The greeting she received from the lead acute emergency med-tech was far from warm. He was hardly known for his bedside manner or giving prolonged care. It seemed, however, he had been told he couldn’t leave until their department took over, yet another indicator of how important this patient was.
“Sorry, I was only just briefed,” she gave back, looking around the hospital wing that was completely empty, an unusual and disturbing sight in times where hospitals were often over capacity.
“Have fun,” he muttered, more than eager to be on his way and her heart sank even more. It didn’t bode well. She had read the file on the way up to find her suspicion confirmed. While she didn’t keep up with high society, she had heard the name Sinclair plenty of times. They were one of the richest of the founding families with hands in most of the big businesses on Kaldor and it seemed the head of the family had been taken ill over night.
“Right then,” Liv mumbled before taking a deep breath, steeling herself for what undoubtedly would be a test of her patience more so than her medical abilities. There really were any number of med-techs better suited to babysitting a VIP, but if the overseer wanted her, there wasn’t much to do about it. She could only hope there would at least be a bit of a medical mystery to solve to pass the time with. Knowing she couldn’t delay any longer, she made for the only occupied room which was hard to miss as there were two Vocs at the door, and agitated voices sounded from inside.
The door slid open and she stepped inside. There was a bit of a crowd. Two nurses were seeing to sorting out the large room, making it more amenable for their esteemed guest with two more vocs on hand to assist. Two young men stood at the end of the bed, engaged in heated conversation. Judging by their expensive looking suits they were likely family. Her eyes travelled further to the elderly man on the bed who wore a mask of displeasure, interjecting into the conversation the two men - perhaps his sons? - were having. Last, Liv’s gaze reached the bedside on the other side. A tall ginger woman had taken up position by the head of the bed, her attention with the ongoing conversation, though her hand rested on the back of a second woman, a blonde, who was sitting by the bedside, seemingly trying to hold the patient’s hand but finding herself ignored.
Liv’s stomach dropped and she felt as though the very ground had been whipped out from underneath her feet.
It was Helen.
Conversation ceased upon the med-tech’s arrival, everyone’s attention turning towards her, even as her gaze remained glued to the blonde. Somehow, despite it all, Liv still hoped it to be a trick of the light, that it wasn’t really her. That the family matter she’d had to attend to in the middle of the night had not been her father being taken ill…
But the blonde looked up, her bright blue eyes widening in recognition and shock, and Liv struggled to breathe.
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onshadowsedge · 1 month
The Cast of On Shadow's Edge
On Shadow's Edge is an adult high/epic fantasy with themes of found family, enemies to lover, lqbtq+ req, a dash of wlw spice, and personal growth. Short Blurb: Joining the local thieves guild was supposed to put a roof over Freedom's head, not put her on the run from an insane mage with goals of godhood. The same mage who wishes to kidnap her boss's son and possess his body to have a younger more powerful vessel.
Freedom: FMC
Freedom is a female Rime elf, who works as a thief and assassin. Trained from childhood to be a fighter, guard, and killer, she's moved those skill into her new profession. They've served her well in her life of crime. As well as running from the elite bounty hunters from her home country who wish to capture her for a murder she didn't commit. She's prone to claiming she doesn't have friends or people she cares about to simply keep others safe, but those who know her best know that's bullshit and call her friend anyway. Freedom is loyal, suspicious, smart, and under it all kind and loving. She just refuses to show it most of the time as a defense mechanism.
Amon: MMC
Amon Vahana is a Zephyr elf, who, much to Freedom's dismay, works for The Hunt (the bounty hunters chasing her). When he arrives to take her back home for her crimes she instantly hates him. He refuses to believe her story about not committing the murder or about her abusive childhood. As the days pass and he gets to know her, sees things, and hears things his opinion begins to change. Amon is loyal, smart, insanely tall, kind, patient, and protective.
Valric: MMC
The human Marquis Valric Highwater is the son of Archduke Victor and Archduchess Marilyn Highwater. He is a city guard, which is lead by his father. He is a handsome young man and knows it. His parents are a bit disappointed in his choice of less than stand up friends and the bad habits he picks up from them. They have great hopes that he can put his power of Recall, as he calls it, to some benefit that will serve a higher purpose. He is sent with Freedom to rescue [Name Redacted to Avoid Spoilers] whom their enemy is after where he swordsmanship and Recall skills can be put to use.
Valric is kind, a little naive about the world, sweet, a bit snobbish at times with a dash of vanity mixed in, but otherwise a good man in spite of his flaws.
Inva: FMC
Priestess Inva Adebayo is a God-Touched woman who was visiting the city on Pilgrimage to the local temple when everything went sideways. Archduchess Marilyn had met her elsewhere before and offered her shelter when she came to the city. While there, Victor drew her into the machinations going on with the insane mage. She is a cleric and healer, but also a fighter and not afraid to blast someone with divine energy or an arrow. Which ever is more effective at the moment.
Inva is patient, kind, loving, sweet, smart, supportive, understanding, gentle and... alright she'd pretty damn perfect much to Freedom's dismay.
Stefyan: MMC - Antagonist
Master Mage Stefyan Kaldor is insane. Not because he believes he's a god, or is attempting to rise to godhood. Because he's just pure evil and will hurt anyone who gets in the way of his plans. He has beguiled and manipulated the king, Archduke Victor's younger brother, tortured and seriously injured Freedom. And in addition to his own godhood, he appears poised to try to bring back primordial gods that the current pantheon banished thousands of years ago because they were evil.
Stefyan is smart, evil, nasty, vindictive, controlling, powerful, cruel, and perverse.
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ladynighthaunter · 11 months
Kaldor Primus.
Hive Gidion.
Konrad sat in the governors office, staring over a hololith of the world, it's hive cities picked out in blue light. "So...." She says. "You are claiming I have put the world under martial law?"
The governor runs a hand through greying hair, he had had a thick stock of black hair, but since the coming of the Night Lords, every day he found new grey. "That is correct, your marines patrol the cities with the arbiters, they are judge, jury and executioner, you claim to free us, but have just placed us in another cage."
Konrad looks at the map. "But is this not good? Is not crime down? Are not the streets free of strife?"
The governor glares before taking a shot of amnesec. "Yes, but at the price of fear, the people view you as monsters, despite your wife's sermons to the contrary.... The people will only bend so far before they break."
Konrad stares.... This was not her domain, this was the realm of Guilliman and his empire builders.... She was terror, a horror that scared the masses into line, she was no queen. "I will have to do something about mine Legion, but they too will only bend so far before they will break...."
The Govenor sighs. "Can you not... I don't know, put them in stasis or something?"
Konrad ponders.... Freeze her children until they are needed? That might be an idea.... She will have to think on it.
The governer coughs. "And while I am thankful for you meeting me.... Can you come dressed next time? The servants spread rumours?"
Konrad blinks.... She is wearing her raven feather cloak, is that not enough?
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Inside Every Warrior
The Great Detective, Madame Vastra, aided by her resourceful spouse, Jenny Flint, and loyal valet, Strax, is looking into a series of mysterious break-ins.
An eccentric scientist and his put-upon assistant are the latest victims. Evidence mounts, with animal footprints and a trail of destruction.
The first audio adventure for the Paternoster Gang that involves SO, SO much lesbian flirting??? And werewolves! First of all Jenny makes Vastra fluster at least twice in this thing, they fight werewolves together after Strax got kidnapped and try to get him back. A maid struggles with her rich employer's abusive behaviour and seeks revenge, and she wrongly assumes Jenny must be in a similar situation. In the final showdown, Vastra uses what she fears to be her last breaths on telling Jenny that she loves her. Also, Vastra actually gets to kill in this audio! Always fun! Overall jumps between the inherent humour that comes with Jenny, Vastra, and Strax, so much fluffy gay flirting, and intense, emotional action-packed scenes. 10000% recommend, I swear to god. (@jennyandvastraflint )
Nothing has ever been officially confirmed, but there is a rumour that on a Sandminer bound for Kaldor City, the robots somehow turned homicidal and nearly wiped out the entire crew. Can that really be true?
The robot transport ship Lorelei has a cargo of over a hundred fifty-seven thousand robots on board, all deactivated. So even if there were any truth in the rumour of that massacre, there'd still be no danger. Surely, there wouldn't...
But then, the Doctor witnesses a murder.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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lucascecil · 1 year
Fourth Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV stories
◆ Robot
◆ The Ark in Space
◆ The Sontaran Experiment
◆ Genesis of the Daleks
◆ Revenge of the Cybermen
◆ Terror of the Zygons
◆ Planet of Evil
◆ Pyramids of Mars
◆ The Android Invasion
◆ The Brain of Morbius
◆ The Seeds of Doom
◆ The Masque of the Mandragora
◆ The Hand of Fear
◆ The Deadly Assassin
◆ The Face of Evil
◆ The Robots of Death
◆ The Talons of Weng-Chiang
◆ Horror of Fang Rock
◆ The Invisible Enemy
◆ Image of the Fendahl
◆ The Sun Makers
◆ Underworld
◆ The Invasion of Time
◆ The Ribos Operation
◆ The Pirate Planet
◆ The Stones of Blood
◆ The Androids of Tara
◆ The Power of Kroll
◆ The Armageddon Factor
◆ Destiny of the Daleks
◆ City of Death
◆ The Creature from the Pit
◆ Nightmare of Eden
◆ The Horns of Nimon
◆ Shada
◆ The Leisure Hive
◆ Meglos
◆ Full Circle
◆ State of Decay
◆ Warrior’s Gate
◆ The Keeper of Traken
◆ Logopolis
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Audio stories
- 4th Doctor Adventures & Audio Novels
◆ The Watchers
◆ Night of the Stormcrow
◆ Destination: Nerva
◆ The Renaissance Man
◆ The Wrath of the Iceni
◆ Energy of the Daleks
◆ Trail of the White Worm/The Oseidon Adventures
◆ The Auntie Matter
◆ The Sands of Life/War Against the Laan
◆ The Justice of Jalxar
◆ Phantoms of the Deep
◆ The Dalek Contract/The Final Phase
◆ The King of Sontar
◆ White Ghosts
◆ The Crooked Man
◆ The Evil One
◆ Last of the Colophon
◆ Destroy the Infinite
◆ The Abandoned
◆ Zygon Hunt
◆ The Exxilons
◆ The Darkness of Glass
◆ Requiem for the Rocket Men
◆ Death Match
◆ Suburban Hell
◆ The Cloisters of Terror
◆ The Fate of Krelos/Return to Telos
◆ Wave of Destruction
◆ The Labyrinth of Buda Castle
◆ The Paradox Planet/Legacy of Death
◆ Gallery of Ghouls
◆ The Trouble with Drax
◆ The Pursuit of History/Casualties of Time
◆ The Beast of Kravenos
◆ The Eternal Battle
◆ The Silent Scream
◆ Dethras
◆ The Haunting of Malkin Place
◆ Subterranea
◆ The Mavellan Grave
◆ The Skin of the Sleek/The Thief Who Stole Time
◆ The Sons of Kaldor
◆ The Crowmarsh Experiment
◆ The Mind Runners/The Demon Rises
◆ The Shadow of London
◆ The Bad Penny
◆ Kill the Doctor!/The Age of Sutekh
◆ The Sinestran Kill
◆ Planet of the Drashigs
◆ The Enchantress of Numbers
◆ The False Guardian/Time’s Assassin
◆ Fever Island
◆ The Perfect Prisoners
◆ Purgatory 12
◆ Chase the Night
◆ The Planet of the Witches
◆ The Quest of the Engineer
◆ Shadow of the Sun
◆ The World Traders
◆ The Day of the Comet
◆ The Tribulations of Thadeus Nook
◆ The Primeval Design
◆ Blood of the Time Lords
◆ The Ravencliff Witch
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◆ Shellshock
◆ Peake Season
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◆ The Ghost of Margaret
◆ Storm of the Sea Devils
◆ World Beyond
◆ Matryoshka
◆ The Caged Assassin
◆ Metamorphosis
◆ The Face in the Storm
◆ Dominant Species
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- The Companion Chronicles
◆ The Child
◆ The Catalyst
◆ Empathy Games
◆ The Time Vampire
◆ Ferril’s Folly
◆ Tales from the Vault
◆ The Stealers from Saiph
◆ The Beautiful People
◆ The Pyralis Effect
◆ Luna Romana
◆ The Invasion of E-Space
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◆ The Foe from the Future
◆ The Valley of Death
◆ The Doomsday Contract
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- Past Doctors, New Monsters
◆ Night of the Vashta Nerada
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- Phillip Hinchcliffe Presents
◆ The Ghosts of Gralstead
◆ The Devil’s Armada
◆ The Genesis Chamber
◆ The Helm of Awe
◆ The God of Panthoms
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- Short Trips
◆ #HarrySullivan
◆ Collector’s Item
◆ The Wondrous Box
◆ How to Win Planets and Influence People
◆ Chain Reaction
◆ Only Connect
◆ Deleted Scenes
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◆ Death-Dealer
◆ The Ghost Trap
◆ Black Dog
◆ The Beast of Muir
◆ Sound the Siren and I’ll Come To You Comrade
◆ The Smallest Bride
◆ String Theory
◆ I Am the Master
◆ The Warren Legacy
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◆ Waiting for Gadot
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◆ Messages from the Dead
◆ Erasure
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◆ The Romance of Crime
◆ System Shock
◆ Managra
◆ The English Way of Crime
◆ The Shadow of Weng-Chiang
◆ A Device of Death
◆ The Well-Mannered War
◆ Eye of Heaven
◆ Last Man Running
◆ Millenium Shock
◆ Corpse Maker
◆ Tomb of Valdemar
◆ Festival of Death
◆ Asylum
◆ Psi-ence
◆ Drift
◆ Wolfsbane
◆ Match of the Day
◆ The Drasten Curse
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princess-kaldor · 7 months
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My fear is this one,
that my pen has forgotten,
the heat of my hand,
the fury of a rage never getting old.
I spend my time defining the impossible
calculating lives,
listening to music,
fantasising ten-year walks
in cities I’ve never visited,
reading what I’d have wanted writing myself
and I know I will.
Don’t expect my logarithms
are always brilliant,
complex, exact
rhymes get away from me
and lines blossom as prose.
But freedom is also boredom,
is a lonely dance,
is rage, anxiety, stress.
Freedom is that song
which makes me utter: «I exist!».
Viviana Rizzo @princess-kaldor
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History of Bloodreaver: The Cursed Blade
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Creation and First Wielder:
*Bloodreaver* was forged during the Age of Shadows, a dark period in the history of the world when the forces of evil and chaos sought to tip the balance of power in their favor. The blade was crafted by a master blacksmith named Kaldor the Cursed, a man who had long fallen from grace after losing his family to a plague. Driven by grief and a thirst for vengeance against the gods who he believed had abandoned him, Kaldor made a pact with an ancient demon, offering his soul in exchange for the knowledge to forge a weapon of unimaginable power.
In a forbidden ritual, Kaldor used the blood of innocents, blackened abyssal steel, and dark magic to create *Bloodreaver*. The blade was imbued with the essence of the demon, causing the steel to crack and leak blood—the very life essence of the demon’s countless victims. The runes etched into the blade were symbols of binding and suffering, their red glow a reflection of the torment within.
The first to wield *Bloodreaver* was a warlord named Morghul the Reaper, a tyrant who led an army of mercenaries across the land, leaving devastation in his wake. With *Bloodreaver* in hand, Morghul became an unstoppable force, the sword feeding on the blood of his enemies and growing ever more powerful. But the blade’s curse soon took its toll; the more Morghul used it, the more it whispered to him, driving him into a frenzy of bloodlust that eventually turned him against his own men.
Consumed by the blade’s influence, Morghul slaughtered his entire army in a single night, the blood of his soldiers feeding *Bloodreaver* until it dripped with an endless stream of dark, corrupted blood. When the morning sun rose, Morghul was found dead, his lifeless body surrounded by the corpses of his men, the blade still clutched in his hand. The sword was buried with him in an unmarked grave, but its evil could not be contained.
**Resurgence and Notable Bearers:**
Centuries passed, and *Bloodreaver* was forgotten—until grave robbers unearthed Morghul’s tomb. They were drawn to the sword’s sinister aura, but none who touched it survived the night. The blade eventually fell into the hands of a secretive cult known as the Bloodcloaks, who worshipped the demon bound to the sword. They believed that *Bloodreaver* was the key to bringing their dark master into the material plane.
The cult used the sword in blood sacrifices, each one feeding the blade’s hunger and strengthening the demon’s hold on the world. However, the cult’s plans were thwarted by a group of paladins who raided their stronghold and took *Bloodreaver* into custody. Unable to destroy it, the paladins sealed it away in a vault deep beneath a holy temple, guarded by powerful wards designed to keep its evil contained.
Despite their efforts, *Bloodreaver* found a way to escape. The wards weakened over time, and the sword began to whisper to the priests of the temple, sowing seeds of doubt and corruption. One by one, the priests fell to its influence, until a young acolyte, driven mad by the sword’s voice, broke the seal and claimed the blade as his own.
The acolyte, now a dark champion, spread terror across the land, the blade once again tasting the blood it craved. But like all before him, he was eventually consumed by the sword’s curse, his mind shattered by the endless whispers of the souls trapped within the blade. He was defeated by a band of heroes, who sealed *Bloodreaver* within an ancient crypt, hidden in a forgotten corner of the world.
**Modern Era:**
In recent times, *Bloodreaver* has become the stuff of legend, its true location lost to time. Some say it lies buried in the ruins of an ancient city, others believe it is entombed beneath a mountain guarded by spirits. Adventurers and treasure hunters alike seek it, drawn by the promise of power, but none who search for it return.
Rumors persist that *Bloodreaver* has resurfaced, its cursed influence once again spreading across the land. Whispers speak of a warrior, clad in dark armor, wielding a sword that drips with the blood of his foes. Whether this is truth or merely a tale to frighten children is unknown, but those who know the history of *Bloodreaver* understand that wherever it is, the blade waits patiently, eager to taste blood once more.
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alaffy · 7 months
Masters of the Universe:  Revolution, Ep. 5 – The Sword and the Staff (spoilers)
Of all the things to happen in this series, I honestly didn’t expect for it to go Shoujo.  Even if it was for just a minute.  There isn’t going to be much of a recap here.  This episode felt like 5 minutes of plot and 15 minutes of kids playing with their toys.  And I don’t mean that in a negative way.  It literally reminded me of the stories kids would come up with while playing with toys, even how they might bring in other toys just to make it more epic.  It was fun to watch.
As for the series itself, it’s not horrible, but it was disappointing.  And, again, I really do think that this was probably planned to be another 10 part story, like the first one, but Netflix cut it down to 5. And, by doing that, it really just hurt the story.
So, Teela is loosing control of the power, but Orko arrives just in time with the sword.  Adam is able to get to Teela and, again in what is a clearly a Shoujo based moment, calls upon the power of Greyskull and both of them transform into more powerful versions of themselves.  And then they kiss.  Moving on.
Now, they have to save the planet.  He-Man is going to cure all the people and defeat Skeletor.  Andra and Duncan will fight the forces of the Horde.  Teela, who’s now the Tri-Sorceress, is going to bring back Preternia.  Orko and Lyn will protect her while she does so.
Anyway, He-Man saves the people and we have the fifteen minute fight.  During this fight, He-Man realizes that his sword can absorb Skeletor’s powers.  Skeletor raises the, I’m sorry but these are clearly based on Angels from Evangelion, and people fight.  The Dragon comes and sacrifices himself.  Teela brings back Preternia and the ghosts of all the heroes come and fight.  This includes Duncan.  The Horde is defeated and so are the Angels (I don’t care what they called them, they’re Angels).  The heroes go back to Preternia and Duncan is about to follow, when Skeletor uses magic to grab ahold of him.  He swears that he’s going to send Duncan back to Subternia.  And I have to ask, I know we saw the Sorceress interact with Teela, but they were in a magical castle, so…does Duncan know what’s been going on?  Like does he know Skeletor is Kaldor or….?  Anyway, He-Man is able to free Duncan and then stabs Skeletor in the stomach.  However, he isn’t doing this to kill him; but to absorb all the magic from his body.  This leaves a very much alive and naked Kaldor on the battlefield. 
The next day (I’m guessing) we see that Kaldor is in a cell in Greyskull.  Meanwhile, in front of the ruins of the place (and the damaged city next to it), He-Man gives a speech.  And, I shit you not, the great hero of Eternia takes a look at all this destruction and then at the people who never once said that had any problems with the government of Eternia and decides to dissolve the Monarchy.  Because Eternia shouldn’t be ruled by a bloodline, but by the people.  Which is not a bad thing, but maybe a transitional government at least?  Like dude’s literally like “you’ve got this” and goes to shack up with Teela at Greyskull. 
And then we find that Lyn is off world as she’s being given a chance to join….honestly, this scene was so random that it took me by surprise and I don’t remember what they called themselves.
Afterwards, we see Hordak in a tank.  And a woman in a mask comes up and tells him she’s going to get him healed and then they’ll have revenge.  We don’t see the woman’s face.  My guess is that it’s going to be Adora, so long as they can convince Dreamworks into letting them use the character, but they don’t show her face.  This way, if they can’t use her, then they can call her something else. 
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kingmfcorvine-blog · 1 year
King Kaldor Valkyrion, Giant-Slayer
Long ago, there was a Giant known as Grommash the Terrible who terrorized the lands of Aranthia. He was over 20 feet tall and had skin as hard as steel, making him nearly invulnerable to all but the strongest weapons. He and his tribe of Giants would raid villages and towns, stealing food, livestock, and anything else they could lay their hands on.
One day, a young warrior from the Valkyrion family named Kaldor decided to take matters into his own hands. He gathered a small army of brave fighters and set out to slay Grommash and his tribe.
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They tracked the Giants to their lair in a remote mountain valley, where they found the Giants feasting on a herd of stolen cattle.
Kaldor and his army attacked the Giants with all their might, but they were no match for Grommash's brute strength and the Giants' massive clubs. Kaldor himself was knocked to the ground and nearly killed, but he refused to give up. He grabbed his sword and charged at Grommash, dodging the Giant's blows and slashing at his legs.
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After a grueling battle that lasted for hours, Kaldor finally managed to strike a fatal blow to Grommash's heart, bringing the Giant to his knees. The other Giants were so shocked and demoralized by their leader's defeat that they surrendered to Kaldor's army without a fight.
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Word of Kaldor's heroic feat spread quickly, and he became a legend in Vanghar. He was hailed as a hero and a savior, and his family's reputation as noble and brave warriors was cemented in the minds of the people. there was no question that Kaldor and his descendants were the natural choice to rule. Kaldor would be named King and rule over the city now known as Clearwater.
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