#kakashi x mc
romanticgremlin · 3 months
I wonder if HL MC is an INFJ and that's why I've felt so intrinsically attached to this game and the characters.
Just a thought. Love to know what people think the characters are typed according to MBTI's.
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animeomegas · 10 months
The Quest for a Second Life - Part 5 - 50 Shades of Audacity (1)
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Summary: If suddenly waking up in an uncanny office had been bad, this time was worse, because you had a job interview, and the guy before you had just stormed out in tears. Why did you pick this world again? And why is your boss an asshole? And sexy? And with a nice voice? Fuck, this wasn't going to be good. GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple
Word Count: 10.8k
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, sex while both parties are a little tipsy, workplace violations, questions about someone not eating lunch due to being a workaholic, and overuse of the world asshole as an adjective. All alphas have dicks, fyi.
A/N: Happy Holidays everyone! And a special happy holidays to those who guessed that our next omega was going to be Kakashi!!! December is well underway and I'm working hard to get all these chapters finished in time for the epilogue to be released on Christmas! The dynamic is different with this one, but I hope everyone enjoys nonetheless <333 I hope you enjoy the choice for the second character, @omeganronpa I'm honoured to call you my friend <333
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
In the span of one blink, you went from standing in the library with James, to sitting on an uncomfortable chair in some kind of office waiting room. No matter how many times you jumped between realities, you swore you would never get used to the complete sensory change that happened in milliseconds. You had changed positions, clothes, company and scenery just like that.
Trying to gain your bearings, you tried to take in your new surroundings. Your first thought was that you had some serious déjà vu, as James’ uncanny valley of an office sprung to mind. Seriously, how many times were you going to suddenly gain consciousness in a soulless office?
At least this one was a lot less creepy, you admitted. It had doors and windows for starters, but the cavernous size of the room also helped diminish the claustrophobic feeling. Rather than beige, the room was decorated in a tasteful, modern, monochrome, boring but inoffensive, and better than too much beige in your opinion.
The copious amounts of soulless corporate art on every surface were the final touches that convinced you this was a real office and not set dressing for purgatory.
The waiting room was full of people though. You hadn’t seen this many people in one place since Itachi took you into town, and the general air of anxiety coming off them all was putting you on edge.
You fidgeted, uncomfortable at suddenly wearing formal business wear. The blue folder that was sitting on your lap shifted slightly, but you paid it no mind as you straightened everything out and readjusted yourself into a more comfortable position. To your left, what you could only describe as the combination of a modern water feature and grandfather clock chimed, signalling it as 09:00 AM.
‘James? Can you hear me?’
‘I can, human alpha.’
‘Great. Can you give me a run down of this pocket dimension please? It’s been like, two weeks since I read the blurb.’
‘Of course. ’50 Shades of Audacity’ follows MC, an alpha graduate student who lands the role of personal assistant to one of the most famous CEOs of the time, omega, Kakashi Hatake. MC discovers that Kakashi is hiding a submissive streak, and together, they explore their relationship while preparing for the yearly Autumn Company Party.’
You nodded idly as James explained it, vague memories coming back to you. The man next to you shot you a weird look, and you realised you were nodding at seemingly nothing. You cleared your throat and shifted awkwardly. Whoops.
Regardless, the blurb put your current situation into perspective. When you had chosen the book, you had expected to enter the world already working as a personal assistant, but you had a sneaking suspicion that this was the job interview and all the people sat with you were competition.
To confirm your suspicion, you opened the folder on your lap, and yep, it was filled with important documents, including your CV, degree certificate, and several references. Damn, for someone decently young, you seemed to be the perfect candidate. That did relieve some of the tension. The world was literally set up to push you into the role, and you were the perfect candidate, surely there was nothing to worry about. For now, you decided to try and relax. Job interviews were a pain in the ass, but this one hopefully wouldn’t be too bad. And you could always talk to James to pass the time.
‘James, I know you must be thinking something along the lines of, ‘what kind of human picks a life where they have a job, when they could choose to not have a job?’’
‘I have never had such a thought.’
‘But I’m playing the long game, James,’ you continued, ignoring her response. ‘This Hatake guy must be rolling in it, and so once we’re serious, there would be no reason for me to work anymore! And it’s not like we’d get divorced in an erotica novel, that wouldn’t make sense, so I just need this job to meet him, make him fall in love with me, and then, if I stay here, I’ll have a fancy CEO husband, and everything will work out great.’
‘I see. I believe humans term that strategy, ‘gold digging’.’
You were planning to argue back, but your outrage died on your lips when you realised that she was kind of right. You were only going to choose this omega if you actually loved him, of course, but you couldn’t deny that the main reason you had chosen this book in the first place was the money and possibility of a cushy life. And being able to retain access to the internet which was something you’d have to give up for a life with Itachi.
‘What backstory elements are set in stone here?’ you asked, realising that the amnesia trick wasn’t going to work a second time.
‘Primarily your qualifications and educational history. You also own both a flat and a car, although how you obtained those is up to you.’
Nice, that gave you a lot of freedom to work with. Also… was your flat nice? And what about your car? You hoped so, but even if they weren’t, you could get Hatake to pay for a nice upgrade.
A man with a clipboard walked out of the office door to your left and everyone in your vicinity snapped to attention. He had brown hair and intense, dark eyes that were a little unnerving. “The interviews for the personal assistant job have now begun. You will be called up one at a time. Ren Shimomura.”
The man who had given you a strange look earlier got up and walked into the office with a confident smile, his briefcase swinging gently by his side. When the door closed behind him, everyone relaxed a little and went back to their pointless busy tasks.
‘So, James, what can I expect from this job interview?’ you asked. You figured it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared, even if the universe was going to intervene for your success.
‘That question is more difficult to answer than you might think, human. Despite this pocket dimension being one of the most popular in the erotica category, no one has ever successfully passed the interview and obtained the personal assistant job.’
Your stomach dropped. What? That couldn’t be right, could it?
You laughed nervously, sure that you had misheard. ‘What? Surely the universe needs the person to get the job.’
‘Yes, it has been causing quite the issue. This world has been scheduled for removal for being too difficult to follow. You will be the last person from your realm to ever enter this one, whether you decide to stay or not.’
‘Thanks for warning me before I picked it,’ you ‘said’, your mental voice taking on a tinge of bitterness. So, you were pretty much doomed to failure here? Great.
‘I didn’t warn you, human.’
‘I know.’
Your mental conversation ended as the door to the office opened and the man, Ren, stormed out, looking like he was holding back angry tears. He exited the room swiftly, without so much of a glance back.
That certainly didn’t make you feel any better about your chances.
Neither did your name being called seconds later.
The man with the clipboard smiled at you as you stood, folder in hand. “Just in there, Mr. Hatake is waiting for you.”
You nodded and approached the door. Right, this was fine. You took a deep breath and reminded yourself of your situation. You didn’t need this job. You wouldn’t run out of money without it, you wouldn’t get blacklisted or arrested if something went wrong, you couldn’t die if something went very wrong. The very worst-case scenario was that you bungled this, spent the next two weeks enjoying some alone time in this world, and then returned to your beautiful witch.
So, really, what reason did you have to be nervous?
With that in mind, you took a fortifying breath and walked into the office with your head held high. This CEO couldn’t scare you.
The design of the office was much the same as the waiting room, with a monochrome colour scheme and minimal furniture. The entire back wall was glass, which bathed the office in natural light, but cast shadows around the impressive desk in the middle of the room. Behind the desk was an imposing desk chair that was currently faced away from you. The back of the chair was so high that you couldn’t technically tell if Hatake was sitting in it or not. In front of the desk was a much less impressive desk chair; presumably that chair was for you.
You walked towards your chair, marvelling at how cliché the whole ‘tall chair spin reveal’ thing was. What was he, a Bond villain? The main question though, was if he’d also be accidentally flashing his nipples at you. You stifled a laugh imagining a scary CEO turning around in his chair only for the buttons on his shirt to come flying off.
“Did I say that you could sit down?” The voice came from the highbacked chair, which was still facing away from you.
The CEO’s voice was hot, you couldn’t deny that, but his attitude was already ugly. What kind of high and mighty asshole spoke to people like that? Were you supposed to just stay standing until he offered the seat when he couldn’t even be bothered to face you? Fuck that.
Suddenly, what was remaining of your nervousness bled out of you, replaced by annoyance. Honestly, you had already accepted that you weren’t going to get this job or this omega as soon as James had explained the situation, but maybe you could still get something out of this. Like catharsis. You could berate Hatake on behalf of every shitty boss you couldn’t berate in the past and then this world would still be worth it.
“Unless you’re suffering from short term memory loss, there’s no need for me to answer that question.”
Finally, that seems to goad him into turning around. The chair swivelled, revealing Kakashi Hatake in all his glory. He was dressed in the exact kind of suit you expected for someone like him, expertly tailored, incredibly expensive, and in a tasteful blue colour. Just peeking out from his collar you noticed some clear scent patches, and you imagined you’d find the same ones on his wrists. He had grey-silver hair styled in a way that must have required a significant amount of hair wax, and equally grey eyes, one of which had a vertical scar running through it. He even had a frankly adorable beauty mark, what the fuck.
Fine. He was hot. That didn’t mean he wasn’t an asshole.
The look he was giving you was somehow both disparaging and uninterested, like he was looking at a badly painted wall.
“Why do you want this job?” he asked, voice bored and condescending. “You don’t seem like you’d be particularly good at it.”
You grit your teeth at his blatant disrespect, “Jobs provide the money which can be exchanged for goods and services required to facilitate survival, you see. Perhaps the silver spoon in your mouth prevented you from learning that dichotomy.” You missed your witch.
Kakashi raised an eyebrow. He held out a hand, and you wordlessly passed him your folder of documents. You were honestly surprised that he hadn’t just kicked you out already. His motivations became clear however, when he picked out your CV, ripped it in half, and then tossed it in the bin.
This asshole! You were furious.
Hatake pressed a button on a raised box on his desk and began to speak into it, presumably to dismiss you and ask for the next person to be sent in.
You didn’t need this job, you couldn’t get into any meaningful trouble, and this man was royally pissing you off. Something in you just snapped.
“Tenzou, send—”
You grabbed him by his boring, blue tie and stood, pulling him partially over the desk and towards you. He gasped in surprise, letting go of the button as both hands flew up to grab your wrist. You expected him to immediately pull you off him, but he didn’t. He was still, staring at you with wide eyes. For the first time since you’d walked into his office, it felt like he was properly looking at you.
“I am the best fucking personal assistant out of any of those people out there, and I will not have some bratty CEO talk down to me, understood?”
“I’ll call security,” he said quietly, voice strangely hoarse.
“Don’t bother.” You let him go and he fell back heavily into his ridiculous chair.
“Senpai?” The clipboard man’s voice floated through the speaker on the black box. “Is everything okay? You cut out.”
The man didn’t reply to the message, he only stared at you. His face was blank, but you had the feeling that there was a lot going on inside his head.
‘Remember the story, human.’
For a moment, you thought James was encouraging you to play nice for the sake of the story, but then you realised that she meant. Fuck, that’s right, Kakashi Hatake was a secret submissive. He was probably very turned on and very confused right now. You sent him a cocky grin.
“The job starts Monday, yes?” He nodded, dumbly. “I’ll see you then, 08:00 sharp. All my documents are in the folder.” You walked to the door confidently, and just as you reached it, you turned. “Have a good day, sir.”
You opened the door just as the clipboard man tried to do the same on the other side. You paid neither him nor any of the other candidates any mind, you just strode towards the exit, adrenaline rushing through your veins.
The fresh air and sun hit you as you stepped outside into the office’s car park.
‘James, oh my god, I grabbed him by his tie.’
‘I saw, human, it was very unexpected. No other human has attempted such a method.’
‘I would so be blacklisted if this were real, James. Did… Did I do a good job? It felt like I did at the time, playing up to his submissive side, but now I just feel like I was crazy and there’s no way he’d give me the job.’
‘Only time will tell, human, I do not have the answers.’
‘Time… I can do that.’ You gazed out over the sea of cars, all shimmering in the sun. ‘Now, James, which car is mine?’
Once you had successfully found your nicer than expected car, you headed to your mysterious flat. It took longer than you thought, but at least you’d learnt some more about James; she was terrible at giving directions and did not know what a roundabout was.
Your flat, much like your car, was nicer than you expected for a recent graduate that worked as a personal assistant. It was stylish and cosy, with lots of wood tones and warm, textured fabrics. It could have fallen out of an interior design magazine, right down to the perfectly placed bowls of fruit. The flat even had a guest room and a home office.
You were going to put this one down to porn logic again and figure out some sort of explanation for why you had the money for this in your backstory.
After doing some snooping around the flat, you flopped down on your bed, feeling strangely exhausted. You pulled out your phone (and how strange it was to have modern technology back!) and checked the date. It was Friday lunch time, and you didn’t have to go to the job, presuming you even got it, until Monday. That meant you had an entire weekend to do what you wanted. That was the best news you’d heard all day.
‘James, is the entire world, I guess, loaded, for want of a better word? Like, theoretically, if I travelled across the world to a random village, would the people there be real? Does the world function outside of the story?’
‘Once you choose to remain in a world, it functions exactly like the one you came from, yes, complete with up to billions of people who each have their own lives. Not everything is ah, loaded, in this demo though. I would recommend staying firmly within this city for the time being.”
‘Amazing! That’s so exciting, James!’
‘If you say so.’
Alongside modern technology, staying in this world would also give you more chance to travel. With Itachi, you would be mostly going on foot, perhaps on a horse if you were lucky, but here you could be on the other side of the world in a day.
That was for future you to weigh up though, right now you needed to find a bank statement of some kind, because you wanted to spend this weekend pampering yourself and you needed to know your budget. You could think about Kakashi Hatake and this world later, once you had your thoughts in order.
The weekend passed in a blur of bubble baths, food delivery apps, and films. You’d even gone for a dip in your complex’s pool. It had been nice to recharge. You had enjoyed spending time with Itachi immensely, but you’d had almost no proper alone time for over half a month, and it was sorely needed.
The only other thing of note happened on Saturday, when you received an email from Hatake’s company, which contained your new company account and login details.
Walking into work on Monday was a surreal feeling that you couldn’t put into words. No one acted like anything strange had happened. You were treated like a normal new hire, which you suspected meant Hatake had kept the details of your interview to himself.
Speaking of Hatake, he was apparently in meetings all morning and so you wouldn’t see him for a few hours. You didn’t know if you were irritated or relieved that your likely awkward reunion would be postponed.
“So, here is Kakashi’s calendar, which kind of functions like the core of your job,” Iruka, the man who was training you, said. “You’ll be in charge of organising his appointments and commitments and reminding him to attend them.” The last part was added with a tone that suggested Hatake had not always been the best at either being on time or showing up at all.
“Got it. No double bookings, and smack Hatake with a ruler if he tries to escape.”
Iruka snorted, but quickly smothered the laugh with a hand. “Pretty much. For today, I’ve gone through your inbox and marked the emails that require appointments as urgent. You just need to schedule them and add them to his calendar. It’s pretty busy at the moment because of the Autumn Company Party at the end of the month, so don’t worry if everything’s a bit much. My desk is over there, so you can ask for help at any time, okay?”
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver.” You grinned at him, and he smiled back.
“Good luck!” With that he was gone. That wasn’t the first time the Autumn Company Party had come up, but you still weren’t sure what that had to do with the plot of his pocket dimension. It certainly wasn’t as straight forward as ‘collect the potion ingredients’.
‘James, what’s the deal with this party? What’s going to happen at it?’
‘There are many, many ways the event can play out, human. Seeing that you are the first to make it past the interview, I cannot even tell you which outcomes are most likely.’
‘Damn. Well, thanks anyway.’
You ended up whizzing through your work. It was incredibly simple, which could have been because they were taking it easy on you for your first day, or because work in general was easier in porn universes. You finished before Hatake was freed from his morning meetings, so you decided to do a little googling on your new boss. As such a high-profile CEO, you were sure you could find some information on him.
You put his name into the search bar and scrolled through the top results.
There were mostly news articles and links to the company websites, but eventually his Wikipedia page popped up and you clicked on it, skimming down the paragraphs immediately. Your eyebrows kept rising up as you read. His father, the original founder of the company had committed suicide when Kakashi was four years old, leaving him an orphan. He had been immediately added to the company’s board of directors (at four years old?!), and when he’d turned eighteen and those overseeing the company didn’t seem keen to pass it back to him, Kakashi had staged a business coup and seized control by force.
Jeez, what a life story.
Closing the Wikipedia page, you opened a couple of articles instead. One was a gossip magazine speculating on his famous bachelorhood and why he hadn’t settled down yet. Another was talking about the large donations he had made to several dog and animal welfare charities. The third was just a listicle of pictures of him from various point throughout his life. Ha. He looked like he was such a cute, grumpy kid.
You had to admit that his character was perfectly set up to redeem him for being an asshole at your first meeting. Dead parents, a tragic backstory, betrayal from those supposed to look after him, an animal lover… You bet that he had been forced to supress his emotions to avoid being manipulated as a child, too. That was about as stereotypical as you could get. Were he a fictional character, his fans would easily excuse any rudeness and ruthlessly defend him online. And that was fine, but they weren’t the ones who had to be on the receiving end of his rudeness.
Ugh, you didn’t know what to do with him. On one hand, you were happy ignoring him for being mean to you in your interview, but on the other, you kind of wanted to get to know him to see what the story was about. Maybe you’d put in a bit of effort as a show of good faith, but if he insisted on rebuffing you, you’d give up and find some other way to enjoy yourself. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan.
Dog lovers were your weakness, so you couldn’t give up on him completely, not just yet.
You closed the tabs and, checking the time, you realised you still had some leeway before Hatake was free. You needed to come up with your backstory sharpish, because you didn’t have amnesia this time, and people would likely start asking questions about you once lunch hit. Best get your story straight first.
You grabbed a post-it note and jotted down your favourite acronym, MLHH (Money, Love, Health, Happiness), to keep you on target.  
Loving parents, you definitely wanted those. Were they the ones you wanted funding your lifestyle? Hmm, no, how about a rich, eccentric aunt that sent money all the time? Yes, you’d always wanted a fun, rich uncle or aunt to spoil you. Perhaps she had been the one to buy you the house and car. You jotted it all down. You also crafted yourself two best friends and a couple of hobbies, just to enrich your life. As per James’ instructions, you left the academic stuff alone.
“Am I paying you to write details about your own life on post it notes?” A sudden voice from behind made you jump, smacking your knees on the underside of the desk with a bang.
You laughed awkwardly as you came face to face with the man of the hour, Kakashi Hatake, who had chosen a charcoal grey suit for today, giving him an overall monochrome vibe that matched the office building. He was staring at your post it note, unimpressed.
You snatched the note and put it in your pocket. Quick, find some way to change the subject!
“I’ve updated your calendar with more meetings and commitments. This afternoon you only have a phone call with a representative from a company that sells… custom dog bandanas?” You decided not to question it. “The rest of the afternoon is business as usual.”
He watched you for a moment before he nodded, and turned to enter his office door, which was only a few feet from your desk.
“Just so you know,” he said, turning to look at you over his shoulder, “more work is periodically added to your task list, you just need to refresh the page.”
The door slammed shut behind him. You made a frustrated noise. He was so rude, with his annoyingly hot face and perfect voice. God, he got on your nerves like no one else. Ugh, you already regretted deciding to give him a chance.
You refreshed the task list and watched it fill up with new tasks.
Why did you pick a world where you had a job again? Oh yeah, you were playing the long game. The long game sucked.
You spent the rest of the workday completing tasks and flip flopping on whether it was worth trying to chase the plot and romance Hatake. Instinctually you led towards no, but when you remembered how he’d responded to you in the interview, you wavered. Ultimately, your curiosity was too much to resist, so you hatched a plan to spend some time with him.
“Did you have someone sneak you lunch through the window, or have you not eaten yet today?” you asked, waltzing into Hatake’s office at exactly 17:05, coat and bag ready to leave.
Hatake finished whatever he was writing before putting down the pen and giving you a flat look. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business, and I’m certain I told you to knock before coming in.”
“Firstly, the workday ended five minutes ago so you’re not the boss of me anymore. Secondly, that was the clearest no I’ve ever heard. You should make time to eat lunch, you know, it’s good for you.”
“If you don’t have anything of use to say, then leave.” Ugh, why were you dealing with this asshole again?
“Actually, I do.” He raised an eyebrow at you, like he was already dismissing your message. “Get dinner with me.”
That actually seemed to catch him off guard, if only for a moment. You had honestly been wondering if the side of him you glimpsed in your interview was some kind of hallucination, but there was a flicker of that same man now. Unfortunately, although you could see that, you could also see the moment he shut down the reaction and returned to his flat, impassive stare.
“I’m busy this evening—”
“I already moved your appointment to tomorrow morning.”
He narrowed his eyes at you. You didn’t know if it was irritation at your messing with his schedule or at interrupting him, but you did know that you were getting on his nerves. Good.
“And I suppose, if you’re inviting me, then you’re paying?” he challenged. “Fair warning, I have expensive taste.”
‘James, quick, what’s the best restaurant in the area?’
‘Kakashi Hatake often visits a restaurant about two miles from here, called La Liaison. It’s French, and incredibly pricy.’
Right, you tried to remember what you’d seen you your bank details. You could definitely afford one fancy meal; it was affording everything else after that that was the problem.
Hatake’s smug face at your hesitation spurred you on. You wracked your brain for some kind of solution.
‘James, if I decide that my rich aunt sends me large lump sums of money every month, will my bank account automatically replenish by the end of this demo?’
‘Technically, yes, although it will only happen if you choose this dimension permanently, as your rich aunt does not yet exist. You must also remember to speak or write any information you want to be true for it to take effect.’
Perfect. You could wipe that smug look off Hatake’s face, live a bit more frugally for the rest of the demo, and if for some unknown reason you chose to stay here, you’d have your money automatically replenished. You just had to remember to write the details down after dinner tonight.
“Of course, it’ll be my treat,” you smiled, tips tight. “Do you like French food? I heard La Liaison is lovely.”
Kakashi studied you for a moment, like he was trying to figure out what game you were playing. Just as you thought you’d won the little verbal exchange, Hatake sent you a mocking eye smile. “And how are you planning on gaining a reservation at such short notice? The next available evening bookings are for two months from now.”
You tensed up like you’d been dealt a physical blow. Fuck, you forgot about bookings. There was no way you could allow him to win just like that, though. You took a deep breath, porn logic, I believe in you, please help me out, I’m trying to woo him, just as you wanted. Kind of.
“I’m sure it will all work out!” You voice was artificially chipper, and you could tell that Hatake was picking up on your anxiety. “Come on, what’s the harm? Let’s go!”
He watched you evenly. That was one thing you’d noticed about Hatake; he always thought before he spoke, choosing each action and word carefully. It made sense once you considered his childhood and was equal parts sad and irritating.
Just when you thought he was about to refuse and dismiss you, Hatake chuckled and stood, closing his computer and grabbing his suit jacket from the back of his ridiculously dramatic desk chair.
“I’ll have my chauffeur drop us off,” he said, walking to the door. You followed, kind of stunned that he had agreed at all. He locked the office door behind him. “There’s no parking available at this time of day in the town centre.”
You walked through the office side by side, watching your coworkers pack up or work late.
Everyone noticed you two, armed with bags and coats that made it obvious you were leaving together. There were gasps, there was gossiping, there were whispers. The man with the clipboard, who had introduced himself to you as Yamato, looked like he had seen a ghost. Was it really that strange to see this CEO leave work on time, or was it because he was with you?
Hatake paid them no mind, and you tried to do the same.
It was strange that he agreed to join you, but you didn’t get your hopes up that this meant he suddenly liked you. It was more likely that he was coming in order to force your hand. If you were humiliated by there being no tables, or not being able to afford the food you said you could, it would likely stop you from bothering him outside of work again.
You just really, really hoped there would somehow be a table.
Once you arrived at the car park, there was a sleek, black car waiting for you. You weren’t sure if Hatake had somehow called ahead without you noticing, or if his car was already ready for him, but it was very convenient. If the chauffeur was surprised that Hatake had a guest, he didn’t mention it.
The car was so obviously expensive that you felt a little uncomfortable sitting in it. You had never been so conscious of your hand placement in your life. The brat of a CEO didn’t seem to have the same problem, relaxing easily against the leather, looking right at home. He gave the driver the name of the restaurant, and you were off.
You took a moment to beg the pocket dimension that somehow you would be able to get a seat. ‘Porn logic, I’ve always loved and respected you, please pull through for me, just this once! I won’t be able to handle Hatake’s smug grin without punching him in the face.’
‘My name is James, human, and I cannot control these pocket dimensions.’
You snorted, ‘I wasn’t speaking to you James, sorry.’
“What’s so funny?” Hatake asked, breaking the silence. Oh, you had laughed out loud; you had to stop doing that. Were you also doing it when you were with Itachi, but there were just fewer people around to comment on it? Itachi seemed like the sort who would take a lot of weirdness in stride.
“Your face.”
Hatake let out an amused breath, “Are you always so childish?”
“What can I say? You bring out the worst in me.”
“Approximately five minutes until arrival, sir,” the chauffeur said, speaking through a speaker that connected the front and back sections of the car.
“Just Kakashi is fine,” he sighed. “I’ve told you that a hundred times.”
“If you say so, sir.” Hatake rolled his eyes but dropped the issue.
The final five minutes passed it silence.
La Liaison was a small modern building nestled at the very end of the high street, decorated in pastel blue and covered in artificial ivy. The whole building exuded a timeless elegance that made you glad your work dress code was formal. Stepping through the doors, you were welcomed by warm lighting, live piano music, and an impeccably dressed host. This was the exact kind of place you could see Hatake fitting right in.
“Good afternoon, and welcome to La Liaison. Can I take the name on your reservation, please?”
You could practically feel the amusement radiating off the smug asshole behind you as you were faced with the exact situation he had predicted. You just had to go for it. You believed in the porn logic!
(And if it didn’t work you were going to return to your flat with your tail between your legs, make James pull you out of this dimension early, and then ask Itachi for a potion that could remove memories instead of bringing them back.)
“Ah, well, we don’t technically have a reservation, but an acquaintance of mine mentioned that they just had to cancel theirs, so we were hoping there’d be a free table.”
Please work, please work, please work.
The two seconds between your request and the host’s response felt like an agonising eternity. Failure wasn’t an option; you couldn’t lose to your awful boss.
The relief you felt when the host’s face melted into a smile almost knocked you to your knees.
“Is that so? Yes, I just got off the phone with them, you’re lucky no one else has claimed the table yet. If you’ll pass my college your coats, I’ll take you to your table.”
Yes, yes, yes!! You loved porn logic so much. It seemed like anything was fair game as long as it pushed you and Mr. Smug together. Speaking of Mr. Smug, you mouthed ‘I told you so’, as you walked to your table. He did not respond.
The table was, unsurprisingly, very romantic. It was secluded away in the corner, pressed up against a window and yet sectioned from the rest of the restaurant by a divider. The table sat two people, and its white tablecloth was covered in candles and rose petals. Of course, the cancelled reservation was for a romantic date. You weren’t going to complain though; a table was a table.
You both sat down. You briefly debated pulling out the chair for Hatake, but you decided against it at the last minute. You were both handed menus and informed of the soup of the day before the waiter left you in peace. The illusion of privacy helped you relax, despite the stuffy atmosphere.
“An acquaintance, huh?” Kakashi asked, unfolding his napkin and laying it over his lap. He obviously didn’t believe your lie.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re incredibly annoying?” you said, instead of answering his question.
“Once or twice.”
“Well then,” you shot him a sarcastic smile, “I’m glad you have such honest people in your life.”
“As am I.” The eye smile he sent you this time seemed more genuine, and you had to hold back your laugh.
The conversation faded for a moment as the background chatter from the rest of the restaurant filled the space. It was weird to be here with him, and maybe you were still riding the high of getting a table, but you were already enjoying yourself.
“So… you come here often?” you asked, picking up the menu. You supressed a wince at the prices. “It seems like you’re right at home.”
“It makes for a convenient location to dazzle those who demand such treatment before they’ll sign anything.”
“Ugh, so this is where you take people to schmooze them? Gross.” You flipped over the menu to find the drinks section, only to belatedly realise that the drinks had their own menu already on the table. “I can’t imagine you doing that successfully; you’re so rude.”
“Maybe you just bring out the worst in me.”
The way he reused your words from earlier reluctantly brought a smile to your face. Okay fine. Fine! You’d admit that he was witty, and you had some good chemistry. And he was hot. But that was it! That didn’t mean you were going to fall in love with someone so annoying!
‘I believe you were also interested in his love for dogs, human alpha.’
‘James, I’m trying to live in denial here, and you’re ruining it.’
‘My apologies. Does that mean that I should also refrain from mentioning your obvious obsession with his beauty mark?’
Sometimes, you weren’t sure that James wasn’t an elaborate troll.
Scanning the menu, you decided the vegetarian pasta looked nice. And if it was also the cheapest thing on the menu, well that was just a coincidence. This better be one of the best meals of your life.
Kakashi left his menu completely untouched. Right, he’d been here countless of times to charm people into signing away their money. He was probably treating this dinner as something similar, but with you wanting something from him instead. You doubted he’d believe you if you said you were doing this out of curiosity. But the questioned remained, how could you make this feel different for him?
Suddenly, it hit you; he liked when other people took control. You had an idea.
‘James, can you tell me what Kakashi normally orders from here?’
‘He always orders one of the seafood dishes, accompanied by a white wine.’
Right. Perfect. What you were about to do would be so out of order in real life, but you had plot armour, and honestly you wanted to see what would happen.
When the waiter returned, he directed his, “Are you ready to order?”, towards Kakashi. He probably recognised him if he was a regular, and figured he was schmoozing another hapless soul.
That didn’t fit what you had in mind though.
“Yes, we are,” you said confidently, before Kakashi could speak. “We’ll have a bottle of the Chateau Sixtine Blanc and some still water for the table. For food, I’ll have the vegetarian pasta, and he’ll have the Coquilles Saint-Jacques.”
Kakashi’s stare was intense, but he didn’t intervene. The waiter seemed taken aback that you were ordering for the table, but when Kakashi made no move to dispute what you’d said, he nodded, collected your menus, and left. You expected to be admonished in some way, but Kakashi remained silent.
Drinks arrived quickly. The waiter poured you both a glass of the wine and some water before he was gone again. Kakashi picked up the wine glasses and swirled it dramatically before taking a sip.
When he spoke, you had expected a question about how you found out his usual order, or perhaps a comment on the wine, but no, instead, he was his usual blunt self.
“I wonder what it is you’re hoping to gain from this.”
“That’s fine, you can wonder all you like.”
He sent you a measured look, “Has anyone ever told you you’re incredibly annoying?”
You grinned, “Nope!”
“I see. Well, I hope you’ll be blessed with some honest people in your life soon, I’ve found having them around to be extraordinarily helpful.”
You snorted mid sip of wine, which probably didn’t look attractive. Coughing, you looked up, expecting a judgemental look for behaving such a way in a fancy restaurant, but Kakashi just looked amused.
“Can I ask you a question?” You dabbed your lips with your napkin to soak up any stray wine drops. “What was the deal with that interview? It didn’t seem like you even wanted any applicants there. Was it just some weird form of employment hazing?”
“Simple. I didn’t want an assistant; I work better alone.”
“Then why hold the interview at all?”
“The board of directors were very… persistent. I knew they’d only shut up if I scared off every personal assistant in the city.”
You sent him a searching look, “But you hired me.”
“I did.”
He shrugged, “You had comedy value.”
Comedy value!? This dick.
“Liar,” you shot back. “You just think I’m hot, admit it.”
You got another one of his infuriating eye smiles. “If you say so.” God, you wanted to punch him, and maybe kiss him. Fuck.
“Whatever, just know that it’s your turn to pay for dinner next time, an I’m ordering the most expensive thing I can find.”
“If we go out for dinner too often, people will talk.”
“As if they aren’t already,” you said, referencing the sate of the office you’d left behind. You’d bet that they’d all stayed late to swap theories. “Yamato looked at us like a child who’d just walked in on his parents having sex.”
Kakashi seemed amused, “He would not appreciate that description.”
“That doesn’t make it any less true.”
As the conversation flowed, so did the wine. You were surprised by how much fun you were having. Hatake was a great conversationalist and the rapid-fire banter had you laughing out loud more than once. The food was just as good as you’d hoped as well.
To your utter delight, Hatake’s face turned pink as he drank. So cute. You couldn’t stop yourself from reaching out to feel the warm skin. Kakashi leaned into the hand in an almost nuzzle. You did not expect him to reciprocate. Shocked, you froze, hand still on his cheek.
Hatake seemed surprised too because he suddenly wrenched himself away from you. You pulled your hand back like it’d been burnt.
You’d bet anything that he was touch starved.
“Sorry, Hatake, I don’t know why I—”
“Kakashi,” he muttered, “you can call me Kakashi. Everyone does.”
“Kakashi,” you repeated, sending him a small smile. Maybe he wasn’t so bad. You kind of wanted to lick his face.
Kakashi’s phone buzzed in his pocket, shattering the moment. Disappointingly, he immediately slipped it out of his pocket and checked the message.  You weren’t exactly surprised that he put checking his phone over your conversation, but it was still rude, whether you expected it or not.
Kakashi made an amused noise as he saw the expression on your face. “I only have audible notifications on for important people; I’m just checking to make sure nothing is wrong, there’s no need to look so offended.”
You sputtered, face heating up, “I’m not offended! I was just thinking it was rude to check your phone at dinner.”
“Ruder than ordering for someone else without their permission?”
“Whatever,” you mumbled, crossing your arms. “You liked it.”
Kakashi didn’t acknowledge you as he checked his messaged. You watched his eyes move from side to side as he read, before he eventually barked out a laugh and put the phone away.
“What’s funny?”
“One of my friends evidently found out that I was out to dinner. He has wished us luck on our youthful endeavours.”
You pulled a face at the weird phrasing. “He sounds… interesting.”
“You have no idea,” Kakashi said before emptying his wine glass.
“People seem so surprised about this. You don’t get out much then?”
Kakashi barked a laugh that sounded surprisingly bitter, and then didn’t elaborate. In true erotica love interest fashion, there was something brewing below the surface. Touch starved, orphaned, rich, but lonely, he was about as stereotypical as it got. You wondered if he’d also killed someone like Itachi? Hmm, probably not. This was a modern universe, and there were normally more severe consequences for things like that. It would have at least been mentioned on his wiki page.
By the time you had finished eating, the city outside the window had lit up in the darkness. The traffic had died down once rush hour ended, but the occasional car still passed by. You checked your phone and realised you’d been having dinner with Kakashi for almost two hours.
Your pride didn’t stop you from admitting that the time was flying because you were having fun.
Still, it was getting late, so you waved down a waiter and requested the bill. You were hoping that, seeing as you’d taken charge with ordering, that he would… yes! The waiter put the bill down in front of you instead of Kakashi.
You grinned at him smugly; you’d been assigned dom by wait staff.
He rolled his eyes at you, but you could see the smile on his face.
The bill wasn’t great, but it could have been worse. Clearly you hadn’t managed to keep your grimace supressed completely though because Kakashi noticed.
“Having second thoughts?” He was annoyingly observant.
You had never pulled out your card faster, grateful that you’d found your pin number written down in some old documents in your flat. Kakashi watched you pay, a strange glint in his eyes.
Did he assume you were going to dine and dash and make him pay or something? No… that wasn’t it. His ears had gone red too, and not from the alcohol.
He liked it, you realised gleefully. He liked that you ordered for him. He liked that you paid for him. He liked that you had decided on the place and time and dragged him along. It fit his reaction and it fit his character.
You were certain that most of his acquaintances either saw Kakashi as some kind of aloof, ‘didn’t believe in love’ character, or as a hard dom. And on the surface, sure, you could understand why they thought that, but how could anyone continue to think so once they spoke to him properly, when he was practically crying out for someone to take care of him?
Exhilaration ran through you. Maybe you were in this for more than just curiosity now.
“Come on,” you said, standing. “It’s getting late, and I still need to get my car—Shoot, I’m probably over the limit. I guess it’s a taxi for me then.”
“I can drop you home.” Kakashi stood as well, and you both walked to collect your coats. “It won’t be a problem.”
“Thanks,” you said relieved. You needed to at least try to budget after the amount you just spent on dinner.
Just as you were putting on your coats, Kakashi’s phone ran in his pocket. Remembering what he said about only having important people on vibrate, you remained silent as he took the call. You couldn’t quite make out the murmurs on the other side of the call, but Kakashi didn’t look pleased.
“Right… Okay… And there’s no alternate route? Of course… It can’t be helped, just meet me at the office.”
Did he have a last-minute work obligation perhaps?
“Yes, okay, I’ll see you soon.” He hung up the phone and slipped it into his pocket. “Bad news, there’s been a minor accident on the road and my driver can’t get to us. We can get through on the pedestrian pathways just fine, so we’ll have to go back to the office on foot.”
“Oh, that’s not a big deal, it’s only about twenty minutes, right?” You didn’t understand why he seemed so serious about a minor hold up. Did he think you were going to be mad at him or something? Kakashi relaxed imperceptibly as it became clear that you didn’t mind.
It only occurred to you later, once you were well into the walk, that Kakashi was used to schmoozing a bunch of hoity toity rich people at La Liaison who probably would throw a fit at such a minor inconvenience. Those kinds of people were the worst.
“Why did you ask me to dinner tonight?” Kakashi asked. He spoke casually, but in a way that suggested the casualness was being used to disguise a more serious question.
You knew that he wouldn’t stop until he got an answer that satisfied him, and you didn’t want your relationship to be stained by doubts as to your intentions, so you decided to give him an answer as close to the truth as possible. If you started talking about erotic fiction, he’d probably call some kind of doctor.
“Because you seemed miserable, and I was curious about you. Figured this would kill two birds with one stone. Also, you piss me off, I won’t lie.”
“You took me to dinner because I piss you off?” Kakashi asked, a ghost of a smile on his face. “Is that some kind of fetish or is it a psychological defect?”
You squawked indignantly and tried to hit him on the arm. He dodged it, laughing.
“You’re one to talk! You hired me after I grabbed you by the tie in a job interview. That’s got to be a fetish and a psychological defect!” You shoved him on the shoulder, and he immediately shoved you back, and before you knew it, you were having a children’s battle on the street.
A random woman from across the street gave you a dirty look, you stuck your tongue out at her. Kakashi giggled, like, actually giggled, and that sent you into hysterics.
Maybe you’d had more to drink than you thought.
“You know,” you said, throwing your arm over his shoulder, “next time I take you out, we’re going to McDonald’s. It’s cheaper, and I think it’ll be funny to watch you sit there in your suit. Wait, have you ever been to a McDonald’s before?”
“I’m wealthy, I’m not an alien.” He rolled his eyes at you. He seemed to do that a lot. You couldn’t imagine him sitting in a McDonald’s. “I go every other week because my dogs like the carrot sticks from there.”
“You feed your dogs carrot sticks from McDonald’s?”
“Have you ever considered, I don’t know, buying a pack of carrots?”
“No, because they like the ones from McDonald’s.”
You shook your head in disbelief. Rich people were crazy. “How many dogs do you have anyway?”
Car parks at night, familiar or not, were unnerving in the way that liminal spaces always were. At least you were almost at the office doors, where Kakashi’s chauffeur was going to pick you both up. You were glad to finally get there, because as fun as the walk had been, the Autumn night was surprisingly chilly, and it was taking genuine effort to remember all of Kakashi’s dogs’ names. You were honestly surprised that the porn logic didn’t add any strange occurrences on the walk.
Naturally, the second that thought formed in your head, something happened.
As you passed round the side of a tall fence, your shirt got caught on a stray piece of metal. What would have been a minor inconvenience, barely a rip, in your old reality, was a complete pornographic disaster in this one, as every button on your shirt somehow ripped off, leaving your shirt hanging open.
The cold air hit your skin and goosebumps erupted all over your chest. Yelping, you dragged the pieces of shirt back together and held them firmly closed. Obviously, you weren’t fast enough to stop Kakashi from getting a look. The way he was pointedly looking away from you, rosy cheeked, said it all.
“Stupid fence,” you grumbled, giving it a dirty look. This wasn’t exactly the first time, or even the coldest time, that porn logic had decided to spontaneously strip someone, but it always managed to catch you off guard. Did the people who lived in erotica worlds always carry spare changes of clothes just in case?
“Are you hurt?” Kakashi asked. He sounded a little awkward, but ultimately sincere. It was nice that he’d decided to go for genuine concern over sarcasm, and you decided to do the same.
“I’m fine, it just caught me by surprise. At least it’s dark so no one caught an eye full.”
Kakashi coughed. Okay, no one apart from him.
“I’ll send a message to maintenance in the morning, but for now, I have a spare shirt in my office that you’re welcome to borrow for the evening.”
Huh, what do you know, people did keep spare clothes around. You were about to decline, citing the late hour and the fact that you were wearing a coat that you could do up, when you realised what was happening. You’d bet anything that something sexy would happen if you followed him up to his office.
“That would be great, thanks.” You weren’t going to let this slide from your grip when he was so pretty. And honestly, he was starting to seem like less of an asshole in general. He was fun, traumatised, and had eight dogs, if that wasn’t your type, you didn’t know what was.
Flickering the lights on in his office, Kakashi went into one of the cupboards to look for the shirt while you snooped at the ornaments he had on his shelves. Notably, there were no pictures. You picked up a weird ceramic circle statue and turned it over to see if it did anything cool.
You had passed a security guard on the way up to Kakashi’s office, that looked very intrigued as to why you two were together so late, and why your shirt was ripped open, so you resigned yourself to the rumour mill only getting worse by tomorrow.
“Are you nosy by nature or just interested in my office in particular?”
“Shut up.” You put back the ornament and turned to face him. He was holding the spare shirt in his hand. “You want to fuck me so bad, don’t deny it.”
You expected another eye roll.
“Oh, you have no idea,” he growled, watching you intensely. Oh, that wasn’t an eye roll.
One moment you were staring at him, unsure of what to say, and the next, you were crashing together, lips, tongue, and teeth, in a horny and aggressive kiss. You didn’t know which one of you moved first, you didn’t really care, you only knew that Kakashi was hot and infuriating, and you wanted to kiss him until he couldn’t make that smug face anymore.
Kissing Kakashi was giving you whiplash. He was different to Itachi in every way you could think of. He was confident, aggressive, he fought with you, clashed with you, and he seemed to determined to kiss you twice as hard as you kissed him.
It was obvious that Kakashi’s submission wouldn’t be freely given like Itachi’s, no, you would have to earn it. The challenge scratched at your instincts, and suddenly you wanted to prove to this omega that he could trust you. A good orgasm should lay the groundwork for that.
Both coats were quickly discarded as you kissed, and your ruined shirt fell off moments later.
You had been consciously avoiding his hair in fear of the amount of wax you figured he used to keep that hair style, but one weak moment, as Kakashi’s hips jolted forwards towards yours, you forgot, and ran you fingers through it.
To your surprise, your fingers glided through the soft strands easily. You were so shocked that you broke the kiss. You furrowed your eyebrows as you examined his hair.
“What are you doing?” he panted, confused.
“How the fuck does your hair stay up like that without any hairspray or wax?”
“What?” He sounded baffled. “This is just what my hair looks like. Does it matter?”
“I guess not.”
The kiss resumed, somehow more desperate and aggressive than before. Kakashi grabbed your waist so hard that you could feel the pin pricks from his nails digging into your skin. In return, you made use of your new found knowledge and grabbed a handful of Kakashi’s hair.
You pushed him backwards, never once breaking the rhythm of your kiss, until his upper thighs made contact with the front of his desk. His pot of pens fell as the desk jolted, scattering the expensive pens all over the ground. Neither of you paid it any mind.
When you finally pulled away for air, Kakashi wasted no time, immediately latching onto your neck with reckless abandon. There was something feral about him that was making you hot. He didn’t hold back. You could tell that he was experienced, and he was using every drop of that experience to his advantage.
While he was distracted, you worked on undoing his buttons. It was harder than it looked to remain focused while Kakashi was doing his best impression of a vampire on your neck.
“You have way too many fucking buttons on this shirt.”
“It’s a normal number of buttons,” he murmured against your skin.
“There is literally nothing normal about you.”
“And you say I’m the rude one.”
“That’s because you fucking are.”
Eventually, you managed to undo the last button. Your noise of triumph morphed into a moan as Kakashi nipped around your collar bone. You used his hair to tug him back before loosening his tie and pushing the shirt off his shoulders.
The way his torso looked, bare but with a loose tie hanging over it, unlocked a kink you didn’t know you had. In fact, everything about him was hot. As you dragged the shirt down his arms, you could feel his muscles flexing. Kakashi was strong and broad, and he wore it so well.
You didn’t bother pulling the shirt off all the way, instead letting it bunch at his wrists, acting as a semi-restraint. He tugged at it experimentally, and when he found it restricting his movement, his pupils dilated.
You cooed as you ran your hands all over his naked torse. That’s right, he was a forceful person, certainly, but any shows of dominance were likely performative or learnt behaviours, because this man was a giant sub at heart.
You grabbed his bottom lip between your teeth and pulled it lightly. Kakashi growled at you, but you knew what he was doing; he wasn’t telling you to stop, he was challenging you. You growled back, stronger, louder, and just as you thought, his growling stopped, and his scent took on a delicious hint of submission.
“God, you really are annoyingly hot,” you growled, biting along his jaw. “Emphasis on annoying.”
“Takes one to know one,” he fired back, squeezing your waits.
“Mutual handjob?” you whispered against his skin, already undoing his trousers, before doing the same with yours.
“That the first intelligent thing you’ve said all night.”
“Fuck you.”
You grabbed Kakashi’s muscular thighs and lifted him slightly until he was perched on his desk. A stack of papers tipped over and fluttered to the ground, but that wasn’t a problem for present you, so you happily ignored the chaos in favour of the panting omega in front of you.
You took your dick out from your pants and did the same for Kakashi. They bumped up against each other, searingly hot and unflinchingly hard. You let out a whistle of appreciation at his cock. It was big, bigger than most alphas you’d met, and certainly bigger than any omega’s cock you’d ever seen. In fact, just eyeballing it, he was roughly the same size as you. His shaft was as pale as the rest of him, but the head was an angry red. It was girthy too, and it felt hot and solid in your palm.
Purposefully, you thrust your hips forward, guiding your cock against his with both of your hands. Kakashi moaned, thrusting up to meet you. He could only watch, his hands restrained as they were.
You kept your hands around the dicks, keeping them aligned as you both started to rut against each other. Beads of pre cum quickly made their appearance, which only made everything else feel that much better.
There was something deeply satisfying about what you were doing, especially because you were both still half-dressed. It made it feel desperate, like you couldn’t wait long enough to get your clothes off, too desperately attracted to each other, and had instead chosen to rub off on each other like horny teenagers.
You made out messily while you grinded against each other. Maintaining a consistent pace was a little difficult, especially as things got wetter and wetter, but you managed. There was something sexy about the chaos. The increased sensitivity from being in the erotica world didn’t hurt either.
Your moans and groans increased in frequency as you got closer. If felt like every nerve ending you had was on fire, and Kakashi looked much like you felt, covered in a thin sheen of sweat that was obvious under the hard corporate lighting.
Technically, with it being so bright inside and so dark outside, anyone who happened to glance up would have got a glimpse of you, but you were both too far gone to care.
“You love having someone take control of you, don’t you Kakashi,” you moaned, pressing your lips against his. “You’re tired of always being in control, aren’t you? The big CEO, everyone’s relying on you, but who do you get to rely on? Who looks after you? You want someone to do that, don’t you? You’re a walking, talking CEO stereotype.”
“Who says I’m going to give control to you?” he panted, licking his lips. “Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself?”
“Hmm, nope, I think I’m right on track,” you teased. Already picking up on his proclivity for biting, you gave a bite in return, just shy of where a mating mark might theoretically go. Kakashi gasped, his hands straining at the shirt that restrained them. “I’ll get you to submit to me properly, one day.”
“We’ll see.”
The alcohol and the increased sensitivity were mixing together to make this tryst shorter than expected, but Kakashi seemed to be in the same boat, so you couldn’t bring yourself to care. The banter ceased as the final stretch towards your orgasms started.
As your ending approached, you bent down and sealed your lips with Kakashi’s once more. Suddenly, everything crested, and pleasure flowed over you in waves. Your thrusts got sloppy, but neither of you cared. Kakashi came with a guttural moan. His stomach muscles flexing in a hypnotic dance.
The extra cum afforded by the porn logic soaked both your dicks and your hands, staining both pairs of trousers too. It dripped onto the carpet, and if the security guard didn’t spread a rumour about you and Kakashi hooking up, one of the cleaners probably would.
Some of Kakashi’s cum had even landed on the spare shirt, so you now had a choice between a torn shirt, or one covered in cum to match your stained trousers. Great. Why did horny you always make such bad decisions?
You and Kakashi remained leaning against each other for a while, just catching your breaths and marvelling at how fast your relationship had move. You wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told you during your interview that you’d end up grinding on that asshole’s desk a few days later.
‘I would have believed it.’
‘Thanks, James.’
Kakashi opened his mouth to speak, but the door to his office suddenly opened, cutting him off. You both stiffened, snapping up to face the intruder like a pair of deer in headlights.
There, standing in the doorway with the expression of a man who was entirely done with life, was Kakashi’s chauffeur. Instead of an apology of any kind, the man just sighed.
“The car is downstairs when you are ready. Please try and clean up before getting in, the leather won’t forget these kinds of smells easily.” With that, he left, shutting the door firmly behind him.
You and Kakashi looked at each other, then to the door, and then to each other, before you both burst out laughing.
What a way to end the night.
Next Chapter
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evereinefaust · 4 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐲 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki X afab!Reader X Sasuke Uchiha
Synopsis: As the school bell rings for lunch break, MC finds herself caught between the playful banter and rivalry of her childhood friends, Naruto and Sasuke, but tensions rise as both boys assert their claim over her.
Word Count: 759
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'Just a few minutes until lunch break...'
"Okay, class! Next week will be the passing of your group project, be sure to come prepared and have everything done." Iruka-sensei told us. I sighed, staring at the wall clock located in front, just above the board.
And as on cue, the bell rang.
"That's all, class dismissed."
I lazily fixed my things then exited the room. I walked through the crowded hallway, greeting acquaintances on the way. When I arrived at my locker, a certain blonde and raven haired boys came in view.
"Hi, [Name]-chan!" Naruto-kun greeted, flashing me a cheeky smile.
"Hey, Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun." I greeted back with a small wave of my hand, glancing at the Uzumaki then to Sasuke-un. The said Uchiha responded with a nod of his head.
"How's [worst subject]?" hearing that horrid subject made me cringed.
"Oh... awful, alright," I replied with a roll of my eyes, getting out my lunch and the needed things later on.
"Uh-huh," I nodded, closing my locker and turned to them. "How about you guys? How're your classes?"
"The same as usual, nothing special happened," Sasuke-kun replied then extended his arms to me. I gave him my things.
Being their only childhood female best friend, Sasuke-kun would help carry my stuff every time. Naruto-kun would do the same sometimes.
"How about you?" I turned to the blonde who I caught glaring at Sasuke-kun.
"Really hate Math." Naruto-kun grumbled and added a 'stupid Kakashi-sensei' under his breath.
I smiled then grabbed both of their arms. "Okay guys, let's get going."
We walked through the halls and ascended the stairs then soon arrived at our usual place, the rooftop. We really love going here (or maybe it was me?) because of the peace and serenity, compared at the cafeteria where you can always hear other students' constant yelling. Naruto-kun opened the door and let me enter first, followed by Sasuke-kun then himself.
"Ah~ It's so windy today," I breathe in the crisp summer breeze once I went my way towards the metal fence of the rooftop. My locks getting carried away by the wind, closing my eyes to feel it intensely.
"Hm?" I turned around to face the ravenette only to be surprised when a small sushi was plopped inside my mouth. I blinked a few times before slowly chewing the food.
"How's it?" he asked, eyes very expectant of my answer.
Once fully chewed, I swallowed it down and my eyes filled with ecstasy. "Whoa! Delicious! It's like heaven!"
"Good, I'm glad you liked it." Sasuke-kun smiled then looked away. Though, I could see the visible pink tint on his cheeks.
"Okay! Let's eat!" Naruto-kun exclaimed then sat down on the ground just behind us.
"Okay," I agreed then sat down beside him.
Sasuke-kun sat net to me, so now I'm in between of them. Sasuke-kun set down my things and opened his lunch box, I also opened mine as well.
"your lunch looks yummy, [Name]-chan," Naruto-kun said beside me, eyeing my food like a hungry wolf.
I chuckled. "I made it."
"Really?" the Uchiha asked. I nodded.
"Here, taste it," I grabbed my chopsticks then grabbed a sushi from my lunch and fed the blonde who 'ahmp' in response.
I giggled at his cute reaction and felt someone poked my shoulder. I turned to see Sasuke-kun handing out an onigiri to me.
"Try it."
I obliged then took a bite. I savored each chew and looked at Sasuke-kun who smiled. I turned to Naruto-kun and he placed a dumpling in my mouth after swallowing the previous food.
"Here, it's more delicious than Sasuke's onigiri." Naruto-kun said then sent a glare pass me. I turned around and saw Sasuke-kun glaring back at the blonde. I blinked and glanced back and forth at them. I see sparks in between them, a sigh of rivalry.
I sighed silently.  'Well, this happens when two boys fight for a girl. And unfortunately, the girl who's stuck in between their rivalry is me.'
"[Name]-chan is mine!"
"[Name] is mine!"
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24kvlaks · 2 years
Things I do and don’t.
Things I do write for
Student X teacher- Just because it’s a weird fantasy and only high school 18 X teacher I’ve gotten a request many times and I refuse to do any 16 year old students or 17 only the age above legal law.
Fictional Serial killer X reader- Only fictional serial killers I will not be writing a fan fiction of Ted bunch, jeffery Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or anything’s real serial killer wise.
Any type of fandoms!
Undertale fandom, WWE fandom, Horror fandom, supernatural fandom, Dc fandom, Marvel fandom, Game fandom, Movie fandom, Peoples oc’s X a certain character. Just anything! Anime fandom, Cartoon fandom, Greek gods, ANYTHING! <3 red dead redemption, Cod , YouTubers only ones who allow, TWD, TVD, GTA, Fast food, fnaf , Disney , the avatar,
Things I don’t and won’t do.
Abusive relationships with a character that’s the love interest.
Warnings I do
Fandoms I won’t write for.
Harry Potter- It’s mostly just a bunch of weird adults crushing on teenagers
YouTubers who’ve stated they don’t want smut written about them, only ones that don’t care. But if it’s fluff it’s fine
Scooby doo- Only when it’s the live action it’s okay but when there supposedly teens nah. unless it’s fluff.
Going angst someone’s religion or adding satanism in a story.- only because it goes against some characters I write like Jacob Goodnight
Specific characters I do.
Michael myers
Jason voorhees
Jacob goodnight
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Leather face
Candy man
Jennifer Tilly
Freddy Krueger
Pyramid head
Art the clown
Harry warden
Gabriel may
Norman Bates
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Sally face
Sally face
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikealson
Klaus Mikealson
Mason Lockwood
Kai Parker
Simon Riley
Captain America
Dick Grayson
The flash
Beast boy
Spider noir
Roman reigns
Dolph Zigger
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Shawn Michaels 
Triple H
Naruto uzumaki
Kakashi Hatake
Asuma sensei
Erwin smith
Reiner Braun
Connie springer
Coach Ukai
Asahi- Haikyu
Sniper mask
The hand- Wednesday
Freaky Fred
Ronald mc Donald
Burger King
Jack in the box
Fast food
Spring trap
Freddy faze bear
Michael afton
Prince neaven
Any Disney prince fr <3
Anything on my list, or in the fandoms I write for I forgot I couple if there’s any you think I might like hit me up! <3
Tags I do
Daddy issues
Older men
Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Age gap
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urheadcanongirl · 2 months
Rules and Q&A
I'm very strict about no minors - if you are underage or "ageless", I likely won't answer your ask at all and if I do, it will be strictly SFW.
If you are 18+ I'm more than happy to write NSFW content, however if your ask isn't clearly NSFW themed, please indicate that you're looking for it!
I do write sensitive subject matter at times, so please block the tag(s) UHCGtw and/or UHCGexplicit if you do not wish to see this content. These are for possible trigger topics and more hardcore topics/definite triggers respectively.
I prefer headcanons, but feel free to request drabble or send an ask/message from your OC to be answered! ❤️
I will not answer NSFW asks sent on anon.
What fandoms/characters can I request? Are there any you absolutely WILL NOT write?
Obey Me!
Love & Deep Space (LaDS)
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Naruto Shippuden
Naruto Uzumaki
Sakura Haruno
Kiba Inuzuka
Sasuke Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake
Menma (OOC take)
Madara Uchiha
Ino Yamanaka (Shippuden or RTN)
Rock Lee
Itachi Uchiha
Obito Uchiha (AU take)
Hinata Hyuuga
Sailor Moon
Usagi/Sailor Moon
Rei/Sailor Mars
Kagome Higurashi
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
X Files
Dana Scully
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
Please feel free to ask if you don't see a fandom/character you're interested in! This list is incomplete at this time!
Do you have OCs that you write?
You bet I do! If you're interested in writing with me in this regard, please let me know. You can DM me for this. 😊 As most people won't be looking for this, I won't list them here.
Are there "taboo" topics for you?
Mostly the obvious - I will not write inappropriate content that involves minors in any way. I don't typically write gore either, but this is not "taboo" per se. I'm pretty open about sensitive topics so... As in my header, anything that might be sensitive or a trigger will be tagged as such. Please block my UHCGtw and/or UHCGexplicit tag if you do not wish to see this content.
You haven't answered my ask! What's up with that?
I'm a human (unfortunately). Sometimes a prompt will be difficult for me to brainstorm or I will be uncomfortable answering it. Sometimes I'm just lazy or living life. If you do not receive a reply, please do not DM me, but feel free to resend the ask in case it was missed.
Can I request specific genders/identities for my asks?
Absolutely you can!
Please note however that there may be inaccuracies or variances as I, myself, am a cisgender, bisexual female with male preferences. I'm happy to write something outside of this (i.e. homosexual, transgender specific, male!MC etc.) but I lack these experiences in my personal life—so please be kind. I will do my best! 😊
*** This post is a WIP and will be updated accordingly! ***
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pink-heart-jam · 3 months
Just read your Coming of Age recs, let's just say, Kaoru (Bon) and Sentarou (from Kids on the Slope) is one of my top 10 fav non canon m/m ships. Have you watched Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinju? In that series there are also duo Sukeroku and Kikuhiko (also called Bon), who you can't help but ship. Also, it's one of the best and most amazing anime ever.
Oh yeah, do you have any fav non canon ships?What made you fall in love with the BL genre and made you want to know more about it? Which do you love more canon m/m or non canon m/m from any media?
See, before I got into BL manga/manhwa, I'm an avid shipper for a lot of non canon ships from anime/manga. Then, between my moots there are debate between which is better : canon mlm couples (from BL) or non canon mlm couples (from non- BL). That got me into reading BL manga/mannhwa, and I fell in love with the genre. Now, I love canon mlm couples and non canon mlm couples equally, because I still love shipping characters from anime/manga (sorry).
Sorry again for my long ask. Just want to say, thanks for your blog. It really helps me as new BL fan (< 1 year) to know what to read.
Oh what a great ask! I’m so happy that you’ve been enjoying the blog, and I’m more than happy to spread love for non-canon ships. I think we m/m fans are really lucky to have a bunch of cool and nuanced queer-friendly works to indulge. I for one am obsessed with coming of age stuff, I find that genre very cathartic and (together with sports) it has a lot of potential for 🏳️‍🌈 representation and wholesome platonic relationships which I love.
There’s always so much shippy potential in non-BL even when romance is not in the picture, Kids on the Slope and Rakugo being great examples (yes, I’ve watched Rakugo and loved it!! Such a beautiful and unique series, one of the best things I’ve seen recently and the mc dynamics 🤌🏼). In fact when I created this blog my first reclists were dedicated to non-BL works and many of them are quite queer friendly like HxH, Naruto, Attack on Titan - not surprisingly, they have big fandoms!
I’d say non-canon ships scratch a different itch for me. They can be fun, relatable and wholesome in surprising ways but empty fanservice can also be very frustrating, so it all depends on what I’m on the mood for. Sometimes I’m in the romance mindset and wanna see characters getting hot and bothered and actually confessing to each other, other times I just wanna dive into the fantasy landscape. I feel like non-BL stories often have more sophisticated world-building and more complex plots (not to mention the benefits of a diverse cast), I really appreciate those aspects too. Long story short, this was a great opportunity to compile a list with my ultimate non-canon (are they really though 😂) ships. I’d love to get more recs on that front! Thank you for the ask ❤️
Gon x Killua (HunterxHunter)
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Kaoru x Sentarou (Kids of the Slope)
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Mikey x Draken (Tokyo Revengers)
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Joe x Cherry (Sk8 the Infinity)
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Kakashi x Gai (Naruto)
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lunatih · 1 year
i’m shy sorry for the anon
i like your art it’s very similar to mine. do you have any fan fiction recommendations for me??i’ve been getting into the breath of the wild fan fic’s recently but idk where to look i feel like you might know of some??? i also want to explore different fandoms so anything you’re reading right now? thank you, mwah x
Oh boy fanfic recommendations! 
You've asked and you shall receive!
I haven’t read a lot for botw but I can recommend these:
The Curious Minds by AllTheGoodUserNamesAreTaken The story is amazing and I’m pretty much obsessed with it. It’s a BL (Link / OC), slow burn. It’s still in progress but Holly (all hail Holly!) updates it pretty regularly.
Another BL (this one is finished) and also Link/OC is Something Greater by busket. It has quite a bit of humor and is much more lighthearted than The Curious Minds. The OC is also pretty interesting.
If you are a Link/Mipha fan then there is A Fish out of Water by JamesYorke. It’s an old story, still unfinished but it’s very good.
If you want some other fics from different fandoms then below is The List. Divided into fandoms so you can decide what you want. (some of them are from fanfiction.net ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Surprise surprise, most of it is BL xD
-- Naruto --
Doing the Work by MarbleGlove [ The mc is an adult female and not a ninja. Amazingly interesting for something that follows a housekeeper life]
The Medic-Nin's Guide to Casual Revolution by spideywhiteys [BL,  male medic OC, haven’t read all of it but the gay panic at the beginning is funny]
Making Lemonade by Meeceisme [male OC is not a part of team 7, no parings for now, wip, very much not welcomed daddy Kakashi]
-- For Trash of the Count's Family --
[very good story btw, got a manhwa adaptation last year]
After-Thought by Mango_to_sleep [if you know this fandom and want to feel pain this is a story for you, no pairings]
Silver Lining by RUNA_HADES [female OC, wip, humor, the romance is slowly starting]
-- I Was a Teenage Exocolonist --
If you know this game I can recommend this little story. It’s cute af.
Like a Fairy Tale by MaetheEllen 
-- SK8 the Infinity --
If you know this anime and like Langa and Reki then this fluff is just the fluffiest. It’s my comfort fic.
go and grab your sweater (the one that you like) by tiedbows [BL but nothing graphic, completed, seriously fluffy vibes]
-- Star Trek  --
Atlas by distractedKat [BL, Spock/Kirk, completed] It's an amazing story, that will have you yell at the end ‘Ah that’s why he does it!’. I think it keeps both Spock and Kirk very much in a character and I highly recommend it
--  Miraculous Ladybug --
Obsession by Kryalla Orchid [completed, 3 parts + an extra!, everyone’s favourite fake love-square and an interesting take on the main villain] 
-- Inuyasha --
All of these are Kagome / Sesshōmaru
Frivolous Sentimentalities by Tally Mark [humor, one-shot, a bit of Inuyasha bashing]
Beside You in Time by RosieB (oh so much not humor, slooow burn, dark and with a lot of incorporated history]
Unspoiled by forthright [cute humor, cute romance, also baby Sheshomaru]
-- Harry Potter --
The Chronic Hero Perspective by niklitera [BL] I’m in the middle of reading the first part and it.is.AH-mazing. The main character is an OC and a new professor in Harry’s third year. It touches a lot about growing as a person and about mental problems and it’s rather dark but very worth it
-- The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System --
Metagaming by esama [tagged as BL but nothing happened in the first two parts yet, humor, part 2 is already written and it’s just as good]
Qiong Ding's Littlest Shidi by Araceil [BL, between OC and Binghe. It’s tagged as Harry Potter crossover but I’ve seen nothing connecting it to HP and consider the mc as an OC instead of Harry’s reincarnation. It’s abandoned but the author posted a summary of the rest of the story at the end. I love it for the wonderful portrayal of YQQ and SQQ and the way it shows them actually explaining their past and making up. Also, it’s a FOUND FAMILY and I dig this shit]
If you know the Scum Villain then you also probably know Modao Zushi. Then I present you with:
-- Modao Zushi --
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami [BL, time travel, a lot of very diverse characters and load of family interaction, also very funny take on redoing the Water Abyss arc]
I’ve said that I have a lot of BLs , haven’t I? xD
Hope you will find something that you like here ^^
And send me your favourite fics - no matter the fandom. If you want to of course ;)
Anyway, thank you or the ask!
If you ever feel like sharing you art I’d love to see it ^^ No pressure though. Glad you like mine.
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onihitokuchi · 3 years
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Kakashi Hatake
vengeance (coming soon)
Rubrum (on hiatus)
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Itachi Uchiha
A promise.
Ab ovo.
her. (coming soon)
Until the End (coming soon)
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(coming soon ... hopefully)
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
hi.  here is the beginning of the long-winded historical au clusterfuck.  i was planning to have it beta’d, but honestly, i feel like that would be too cruel a thing to ask of anyone.
the mix & match stipulations were kakashi hatake / historical romance au / passion / fem!reader
this stands at eight chapters for now, but will be longer; not sure how long yet.  the plan is to update once a week, but we’ll see how that goes, since the fic itself is still being written.
it’s long as fuck already & sorry in advance if you choose to read it.
Title:  Helping Hands (part 1 of ?)  (AO3 Link Here) Summary:   In the wake of a tragedy, Lord Kakashi Hatake departs his home country to start a new life and moves into the Estate his ex-pat father left him when he died. There, he meets the House’s appointed Caretaker, a charming woman with secrets of her own.  (Passion: The emotions as distinguished from reason.) Chapter Word Count:  5,300 Chapter Warnings:  rated M for implied sexual content, references to war/death/injury; fem!MC, alcohol consumption .
The house that would become known as Hatake Manor was actually quite small by conventional standards.  Situated atop a steep hill that made direct approach by carriage all but impossible, the drive was long and winding, cut into the side of the hill to ease the gradient and spare the horses.  As such, the house itself had been left mostly abandoned for some years by the time Sakumo Hatake took over the property, purchasing it at a low price from the disinterested heir of its original owner who preferred city living to that of the country.
When he moved in, Lord Hatake and his newly acquired staff strapped his meager belongings to trolleys in order to push and pull them up the hill to the house more directly rather than spend additional hours traversing the winding drive by carriage.  The endeavor was certainly an intriguing introduction to their new employer, watching the Lord of the House straining beneath the weight of his own bedposts was not a thing any of the new hands had expected.
In the end, though it quite exhausted the entire crew, it also served to bond the small staff and Lord Hatake together because he was just as sweaty and spent as they were by the end, offering them drinks of his personal reserve in thanks, which they took not ungratefully.
It then became clear that Lord Hatake was by no means a standard Lord, that his unconventional approach to the house would extend far beyond rigging a pulley system to move his furniture.  He was intelligent and adaptable—quick on his feet as well as with a smile.  But there was also a deep and obvious sadness which lingered beneath the lines of mirth around his mouth and eyes.  After all, one did not flee their home country to live in a strange manor with only a handful of staff and no family if there was not a reason.
It turned out the small house and the steep hill suited Lord Hatake just fine.  He had no need of especially large quarters, given that it was only him and the bare-bones staff intending to live there.  The stable had room for four or six horses, which outnumbered the three he’d brought with him.  And for a man who had crossed the breadth of an ocean to outrun his many mysterious demons, the difficult hill and the winding approach it necessitated gave him plenty of time to size up any visitors long before they knocked upon his door.
Not that visitors were something he had to trouble himself with, as it turned out.
In the decade that Sakumo Hatake spent in the House, he never received a single caller other than those necessitated by a life so far beyond the village limits.  Groceries were delivered, clothes and oil, too, when required.  But every person who stepped foot within Hatake Manor during his tenure there did so only on official business.
Lord Hatake’s servants, all as well-attached as was appropriate to the man thanks to his generous heart and easy-going nature, wondered at his solitude.  Their kind-hearted Lord seemed the sort of person destined to have friends around him always, listening to his stories and laughing with him as his eyes crinkled pleasantly closed.  And though he treated his staff as much as friends as he could—dining with them and sharing in many of the duties of the House—a necessary distance still remained.  Sakumo, after all, was Lord Hatake, and no amount of joviality or kindness could make true comrades of them all.
So when he died, eventually, in that house, it was alone.  And everyone who had shared those rooms with him thought it a cruelly isolated end to what ought to have been a full and happy life.  And when no one called upon the house to command the body back to his native country, it was mutually decided by all who remained that he should be interned in a small cemetery on the property. It was a pretty place, set amongst a grove of apple trees, long disused.  Lord Hatake’s headstone shone too-white and obviously out of place amidst the dismal grey stones, worn by time and weather.
The only people who attended his funeral were his small staff of six, the boy Iruka Umino who delivered his groceries—as well as Mr. and Mrs. Umino, who came only in acquiescence to the young man’s request—and a bedraggled-looking lawyer hired from the village to assess the Estate and review the contents of Lord Hatake’s Last Will and Testament to ensure it was executed appropriately.  The man, with a long nose and squinty eyes, never even bothered to introduce himself.  In fact, aside from the reading of the actual document, he remained perfectly silent for the duration of his stay on the property, and seemed content not to make an introduction or exchange pleasantries of any kind.
There were six members of the Hatake Manor staff, four men and two women.  Most were Lord Hatake’s age or even older.  It was the prevailing belief that Hatake Manor would likely be shuttered and sold in the wake of its proprietor's passing.  Though Lord Hatake had spoken often of a son he had left behind in his home country, no one had ever heard from the younger man directly, even by letter.  Some doubted he even existed while others thoughts perhaps their Lord’s heir had died and the elder Hatake had fled his grief as a result, telling stories of the boy as though he were still breathing simply to ease the ache in his heart because the loss of a child would certainly be too great a burden to bear.
Of course, the truth of the circumstances surrounding Lord Hatake and his son were far more complex, however equally heart-breaking.  No one knew this; not yet, anyway, and so they prepared the Manor as if no such man existed.  Even if they had known for certain that Kakashi Hatake did in fact live only just across the breadth of an ocean, no one should have expected him to come and take possession of the House, regardless, given the distinct lack of interest shown on his part for such a responsibility up to and beyond the passing of his father.
The deceased Lord Hatake, however, appeared to hold onto one last thread of hope that his estranged son might one day seek his legacy.  As such, the House was left to him, with the sale of the property forbidden in no uncertain terms until such time as Lord Kakashi appeared to claim it into his rightful custody.
Though this development was a bit of a shock to the remaining staff of Hatake Manor—many of whom fretted over how, exactly, the House was to be maintained—they ought not to have doubted Lord Hatake’s preparations for his death.  Though certainly not an old man, even by the standards of the day, he had known for many years he would not be long for this world.  And much as he had undertaken the engineering of a pulley system to move himself and his possessions into the house, so too did he devise an appropriate method by which the House might be cared for in his absence until Lord Kakashi found his way to the grounds and claimed it for his own.
Upon the reading of the Will in its entirety, a few things became clear.  First, that Sakumo Hatake was as generous in death as in life, providing ample pensions for five of his six staff members so they might retire with their families without the need to continue working.  Second, that the veil between the living and the dead could not dissuade his many other kindnesses, nor his cleverness.  For in addition to providing generous monetary compensation for those members of his household who were ready to enjoy their twilight with their families and loved ones—a thing which he both envied and admired to his dying breath—he also made certain the youngest member of his staff was provided with ample opportunity to pursue and exert her own desires.
The woman—a sturdy and intelligent creature of twenty-five years whose name was and remains of little to no importance—had come to the Hatake Estate at the invitation of Lord Hatake’s Housekeeper—a sturdy and intelligent of some many more years than twenty-five—who had required the help of a younger, sprier hand to manage many of the Manor’s daily duties.  The Housekeeper, having known the young woman’s family for many years in another capacity entirely, knew her to have vast need of a well-paid position that would provide for her family while keeping her away from home as indefinitely as was possible.
And so it was that the Manor’s solitary Housemaid—a hardworking young woman with little to return to but scouring help needed ads and scrubbing filthy kitchens on her hands and knees—was left solely in charge of Hatake Manor until such time as it should be rightfully claimed or sold by Lord Kakashi at some indeterminate time in the future.  Thus, her title was altered from Housemaid to Caretaker, and the money set aside to pay her salary reflected the adjustment.
The Caretaker found herself immediately gracious and overwhelmed.  That Lord Hatake had seen fit to ensure she had a place to live and work, compensation for such, and the means by which to furnish her mother’s comfort in her old age, brought tears to her eyes.
“Are you certain that’s what it says?” she asked, leaning forward so that she might glean some further information from the official-looking document laid out on Sakumo’s writing desk before the lawyer reading out his wishes.
“Quite,” was all he said, before he continued on.
She felt the Housekeeper’s hand on her shoulder, steady and reassuring.  “Well-deserved, my dear.”
The Hatake Manor’s newly-appointed Caretaker did not know if she agreed, but she nodded, anyway, too afraid if she tried to speak, her voice would break apart like shards of glass and betray her exulting gratitude.
The following morning, while the rest of the house staff prepared to depart from Hatake Manor for their own houses, its new Caretaker made her way solemnly through the tall grasses, letting the dew collect against her skirts until she stood before Sakumo Hatake’s headstone in the small and overgrown Estate cemetery.
She laid a bouquet of wildflowers picked during her journey upon the stone and tearily gave her thanks.
“I promise I will treat your house with as much love and care as if it were my own so that when your son arrives one day to claim it—as I’m sure he will, for no son of yours could ever be so unfeeling as to ignore it entirely—there will not be a cobweb that needs clearing nor a lantern that needs tending.  It will be, as long as I am yet living, a House made home for you and all those dear to you.”
When she bade farewell to the rest of the staff—though she would call them friends long before co-workers—Hatake Manor’s new Caretaker smiled broadly.  She watched the hired carriages and horses disappear down the long, winding trail toward the village until they were out of sight.
Then, she rolled up her sleeves and returned to her work.
It was no secret that Hatake Manor, though small by most standards, was still a manor.  And therefore, even its most routine care required significant time and energy.  With a staff of six—and Lord Hatake always lending helping hands despite their many and severe protests—it was nearly a full-time job to keep the House running properly.
Of course, with only one occupant instead of seven, and only one horse instead of three—two of them having been bequeathed as gifts to the Butler and Housekeeper in deference to their years of loyal service upon Lord Hatake’s death—much of the work was diminished.  But there was no implication that such exertion as was undertaken was insignificant by any means, even when considering the diminished number of living souls within the building itself.
Hatake Manor’s new Caretaker quickly realized she would need to prioritize her duties in order to successfully complete any necessary tasks efficiently.  Her first order of business was to clean the bedrooms that had been in use and seal them up as though the House were being winterized.  In this way, she could at least protect the furniture and mattresses from the worst of the dust, making her routine cleaning of such spaces much easier.
Once that was completed, she dedicated herself each morning to one of the main rooms, scrubbing and tidying in every corner, polishing and dusting from floor to ceiling.  Some days that was the kitchen or the formal dining room, the parlor or the drawing-room; occasionally she dedicated a day to freshening the empty bedrooms, and could usually attend to two of them in a single day. She found the library—stacked as it was with countless shelves of books in a myriad of languages which were always in need of a thorough dusting—often required two days, though she didn’t mind.  When her arms needed a rest, she would simply curl up in one of the comfortable chairs and read whichever book was closest at hand.  In this way, she managed to read nearly every tome in the library over the course of two years, as she steadily built the foundation of her solitary life within the Manor.
Of course, though she was grateful for her position, for the funds easily deposited into her mother’s accounts each month and the residual money she used to purchase groceries and supplies and clothes for herself and the House, living at Hatake Manor was still… well, lonely.
Though perhaps this should have been expected, it still took some adjustment on the behalf of the Caretaker, used as she was to the comradery of the Housekeeper, Butler, and even Lord Hatake himself.  She took to humming and singing while she worked, simply to fill the silent void around her.  She often struck up long conversations with anyone tasked with delivering supplies to the house.  None more so than Iruka Umino, the handsome grocer who brought her rations to the house each week by horseback.
Iruka was a few years younger than she was; a shy, tanned man with a long scar across his nose which she never asked about—it was, indeed, a matter of vast and terrible experience that meant the Caretaker knew better than to ask about the provenance of scars.  He wore his thick brown hair pulled back in a wild ponytail that seemed always whipped to a frenzy from his ride, stray pieces falling about his face endearingly as he smiled, cheeks pink from the wind.
He was gracious, polite, and quick to laugh.  A few months following Lord Hatake’s passing, Iruka made time to walk the grounds with the house’s sole remaining occupant by altering his schedule to ensure she was his last delivery of the day.  The Caretaker was more than grateful for the company, finding him an amiable and sweet companion.  Iruka often helped her with tasks that required four hands instead of two—moving heavy furniture or beating the rugs from the parlor upon occasion.  He even showed her how to re-shoe the horse in the stable when one broke and the local Farrier was ill and unable to attend to the problem with any sense of urgency.
Though Iruka found the Caretaker’s way of living rather alien to his own attitudes, he thought her personality rather charming and, having always by nature enjoyed being quite helpful, he liked that his presence appeared to ease some of her burdens.  Iruka imagined, and was quite correct in thinking, that living in the Manor alone was a lonely experience.  He found its sole inhabitant kind and quick-witted, gentle and pleasant to pass his afternoons with; that they became friends seemed to him almost a fact of disposition rather than a consequence of proximity.
Still, she should have known it was a poor idea to reach out one day and lay her hand upon his cheek.  He’d turned red as a ripe tomato and tripped over his own feet, landing unceremoniously in a pile of horse manure near the stables.
Stuttering, he’d made countless apologies, but she shook her head and coaxed him carefully into the house to clean up after assuring him it was no imposition at all for her to clean his clothes for him.
Even bolder than brushing her fingers over his cheek, she should have known that helping him undress would turn to folly.  But Iruka’s back and arms were muscular, toned from his work carrying produce and salted meats into people’s houses in large crates.  He was strong and lithe, attractive in every way that mattered.
When she kissed his shoulder, the man all but doubled over in ecstasy, breath stuttering out between his clenched teeth.  His response when her hand brushed over the coarse hairs trailing over his abdomen from beneath the waistband of his riding pants was even more fervent and she took advantage of his obvious desire, plying his weakness with soft whispers and gentle touches.
She wasn’t sure if he’d ever been with a woman before her, but it mattered little.  She’d been so long untouched—so long remanded to the idea that she would remain so for the rest of her days—that Iruka’s fumbling hands would have unraveled her even if they hadn’t been attached to such a kind and handsome man.
Afterward, she left him to doze wrapped in her bedsheets while she cleaned his clothes and hung them near the fire to dry.
He blushed as he bid her farewell early in the evening, promising to return the following week with her usual order, and thinking feverishly of how to explain his late return to his parents without arousing any suspicions as to his conduct.
Much to his surprise, Iruka found the lie of a spontaneous afternoon ride fell easily from his mouth.  And he did, as promised, return the following week to Hatake Manor with the usual delivery.  It was Iruka this time, emboldened by their prior activities, who leaned in and kissed the Caretaker on the corner of her mouth as soon as the crate in his grasp touched the countertop.
It was not an unwelcome change in routine; rather, Iruka’s weekly visits to the hill became a bright spot, something to be looked forward to by both parties for the entire day—and sometimes two—beforehand.
He grew more confident as they learned one another’s bodies, more vocal about his likes and dislikes, the things he wanted to try.  And his partner was all too eager to have someone else do the work of making her eyes squeeze closed in ecstasy.  It had been so long since any hands but her own had trailed over her body, so long since she’d heard someone’s voice call her name in pleasure.
It was a thrilling change, a much-needed distraction from the pervasive loneliness of the Manor.  Now twenty-seven, the Caretaker found herself in need of release, of desire.  Iruka filled a necessary vacancy in her daily existence.
But when he left each Wednesday, her hands flew instinctively to the chain around her neck, the locket it held.
It was a simple thing—sturdy and silver, the locket a plain oval with slight filigree around its circumference.  The Caretaker’s fingers had long since worn away the initials once etched into the front of it—her own, no longer necessary to the understanding of what laid beyond the clasp.
During the long, cold evenings in the Manor, the locket was her sole other companion—the faces it held a sour reminder of all she had once held between her hands and then lost; and so she kept it closed, content to worry the cool metal between her fingers as she fell asleep.  So it was that no matter how much she enjoyed herself while Iruka was with her, the Caretaker always cried when she lost sight of his horse over the hill, despite her best efforts to staunch the gnawing sadness in her abdomen.
Because it didn’t matter how fervently he touched her or how much she meant it when she pulled him close and wrung every bit of pleasure from him that she could, she crawled into an unwarmed bed each evening.  Listened to the creaking settling of a yawning, empty house as she drifted to sleep; dreamed of all those now lost to her, who could not save her from her solitary fate any more than she had been able to save them from their own.
Still, Iruka offered a well-received respite from such concerns and he, in turn, was eager to please and be pleased.  Every Wednesday, he would complete his morning deliveries a little faster, his eagerness to make it to his final stop at Hatake Manor all but consuming him.
Some days, the pair of lovers wasted no time in retiring to her bedroom, ripping one another’s clothes off with only enough delicacy not to compromise the stitching. But his favorite afternoons were the ones they spent slowly, walking the grounds together or sharing a simple meal in the kitchen, laughing over slices of apples and cheese on bread.
But Iruka knew he would have her any way he could, so when she pulled him to her by the back of the neck and ferociously slammed her lips into his as soon as he opened the door some days, he followed her to her bed with neither preamble nor protest.
“Why do you stay in this room?” Iruka asked once, his curiosity finally getting the better of him.  To distract from the somewhat intrusive question, he glided his fingers over her arm, her naked shoulder, before pressing his lips tenderly to her flushed skin in their wake.
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” he said, ducking his head a little bashfully, “This isn’t part of the servants’ quarters, is it?  I just assumed…”
The Caretaker grinned, propping her head up with one hand and smirking when Iruka blushed as the sheet fell away, revealing her breasts to him, the silver locket catching the light where it dangled between.
“When I took over the care of the Manor, it just made sense to move to the main hallway.  I have so much work to do every day that adding a flight of narrow stairs to all my other tasks seemed a little silly.”
“What if the new Lord Hatake comes to claim his birthright?”
She smiled, leaning up to kiss him on the mouth, giggling when one of his roughened hands grasped a ticklish part of her waist.
“When Lord Kakashi sends word that he is coming, I will relocate to the servant’s room I once occupied and be plenty happy for it.”
Iruka smiled at her and she thought again of how beautiful he was, especially now that she mostly saw him with his hair loose around his shoulders, framing his face as he leaned over to kiss her again.  She didn’t understand why he wore the ponytail at all; he was far too lovely with his hair down and tousled.
It was as they came together again that she thought she heard it, a soft whisper against her throat as Iruka trailed kisses down her body toward his intended destination.  Her stomach sank, but she swallowed any protest, unsure of her own ears—trying to convince herself she had misheard him.
There was no way Iruka had said the words, “I love you.”
At least, she hoped not because if he had, then this might be the last time she brought him to her bed.
Iruka gave no further indication, however, as he set about his desired task, licking and suckling at her entrance until she spilled herself onto his tongue, and he lapped at her greedily.  He knew better than to voice his feelings in such a moment; had seen the way she often clutched at the locket balanced over her collarbone, though he knew not whose picture he might find within.
No.  For now, Iruka decided, he would keep such things secreted to himself—even if he occasionally allowed the thoughts to whisper past his lips while her body was too preoccupied by other pleasures to hear him.
“Until next week,” he said as he re-mounted his horse in the early evening.
“Until then,” she said, smiling up at him, fingers already feeling for the locket beneath her rumpled clothes.
Iruka turned his horse away before she could see the flash of disappointment in his eyes.  He knew it was too selfish a thing to hope for more than she’d already given him, but he could not fully stem the desires of his heart to make her his in more than only the physical sense.
Even with this new interruption to her afternoon schedule one day a week, and much as Lord Hatake had suspected when he made the arrangements in his Will, his young Housemaid took exemplary care of Hatake Manor in the years following his death.  While many people, in all likelihood, would have squandered their duties with no one looking over their shoulder, she was as diligent as she was proud.  The Caretaker—a title and position which much better suited her than her original one—took extreme pride in the work she did, knowing that one day another Lord—with or without the last name Hatake—would claim the house and her attention and care would ensure it was a beautiful space for such a person to live with their family.
With the not insignificant fortune left over from Lord Hatake’s distinguished military career abroad, he was able to leave a generous fund to provide for the care of the house beyond what she was capable of herself.  The shutters never hung loose for long, the carriage drive was well-tended, despite no visitors ever using it except Iruka or other men on horses delivering feed and oil (or shutters).
Occasionally, the Caretaker would herself ride into town to purchase clothes, shoes, books, bathing supplies and other small luxuries, but she mostly kept to herself on the hill, working the horse by taking brief trots across the grounds to visit the cemetery and pay her respects to Lord Hatake and the other nameless dead who laid beside him.
Of course, she had little time for the frivolity if riding, as she took her position quite seriously and was diligent in all aspects of caring for the estate.  Baseboards were scrubbed, gardens weeded, and hedges trimmed (usually by Iruka, who she thanked with tea and dessert amongst other pleasures, because she was unable to reach the tops of them herself).
It was grueling, tiresome work—always something to be scrubbed or fixed.  And the girl who had come to Hatake Manor in her early twenties grew from a rather unsure domestic thing to a woman of great confidence in her command of the house.  She taught herself how to repair small inconveniences and out of necessity became a much more adept rider because she would sometimes have occasion to go to the village for supplies or services of one type or another, despite her disagreements toward such a thing.
All-in-all, it was a very fine arrangement.
And each night, after a long day of work, the Manor’s industrious Caretaker would change into her dressing gown and curl into a chair in the parlor with a finger of gin and a book, so she might read and relax before retiring for the evening to begin the process over again the following day.
In this way, she was able to build a sort of life for herself.  Though she realized it was unconventional, she felt safe and secure within it; wrapped it around her shoulders like a shroud.
She had purpose, independence.  A beautiful place to call House, even if it could never be her home.
There were few material wants she ever had to go without if she truly desired them.  Though most of her stipend was sent to her mother for her own care and comfort, there was still plenty remaining, that she never had to go without.  It was a grueling job, taking care of Hatake Manor on her own, but a worthwhile one that provided everything she could need.
She still dreamed, of course, of those she’d lost.  The ones she’d let go and those she had been unable to pull back from the brink.  Often in the evenings, she would stand in the grass, gazing out over the grounds, eyes trailing down the darkness of the hill until they found the minutely twinkling lights of the village beyond.  Other times, they would look up into the vastness of the sky and count the stars streaming across the heavens.
It is an unfortunate and universal truth that times of war leave very few unscathed, and though women may be found only rarely on the battlefield, they bear scars of their own in time.
The Caretaker was not unburdened by the misfortunes of conflict, nor by the weight of her own remorses and memories.
Once trained as a nurse, the Caretaker had tended injured soldiers and wounded civilians; amputated destroyed limbs, administered medications and held young men as they died crying for their mothers.  As a sister, she had watched her brother march off to a war he would never return from.  As a daughter, she’d borne witness to the ways in which losing a son had taken the light from her father’s eyes, and eventually drowned him in both drink and sorrow.
And then there was the man she had loved before he’d been taken away, drifting out to sea as a petty officer on a naval ship that found its way to the bottom of the ocean after taking damage during an inconsequential skirmish on the cruel waves.
Perhaps women did not stand at the front lines, did not bear arms against their opposition.  But, there were other ways to break both a body and a heart.  Other sorrows by which a soul might find itself too weary for companionship; hardened to the justifications of such turmoil.
When she had been offered the post of Housemaid at Hatake Manor, she had taken it at once.  The old Housekeeper was a one-time friend of her mother’s, and knew she had a good work ethic—and also of her tragic family circumstances, no man left alive to provide for the two heartbroken women who remained swathed in black cloth and debt.
That Sakumo Hatake—a man of not insignificant wealth and good reputation, as far as she could tell, from an allied force across the sea—had been willing to give the post to a woman without any experience in caring for a house; that he had seen fit to leave its care to her alone after his passing was a testament to his sturdy character and limitless empathy.
She clutched the locket around her throat as she read, occasionally taking a sip of the chilled gin in a glass she kept at hand.
It was a simple life; one filled with long hours of work, but rewarded with the easy companionship of a good man and the means by which she could care for her mother until she died without concern for her own well-being.
It was predictable, stable.  Enough and plenty more than that.
And then everything changed.
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Private Tutoring - Amazement
This is a bit shorter than usual, but next week is going to be long! I can promise that because I have already written it :)
Eventual Smut, so PG 18. (not this chapter but the story itself)
Pairing: Kakashi x Fem!Reader
Chapter 1 - Enjoyment | Chapter 2 - Warmth |  Chapter 3 - Electricity  | Chapter 4 - Urgency   | Chapter 5 - Amazement | Chapter 6 - Heat | Chapter 7 - Lightning | Chapter 8 - Pleasure | Chapter 9 - Satisfaction | Chapter 10 - Intimacy | Chapter 11 - Tumbling | Chapter 12- Love | Chapter 13- Future // End
Ao3 Link [x]
You are taught that there are many places one can kiss.
You follow the Hokage’s convoy at the very end, keeping the distance you have gotten used to in the previous days in Kumogakure. Your assignment is still to scout the surrounding areas to check on potential threats, but your eyes keep falling back on Lord Sixth, you can’t really help it. After he had fallen asleep on your shoulders you had placed him on his futon, carefully making sure that he wasn’t gonna wake up. He hadn’t said anything to you the next day which made you believe that he had absolutely forgotten about the exchange. You never drank as much alcohol, but you had heard that one could be so drunk as to get holes in one's memory.
Part of you can’t help but feel disappointed, which is a new emotion for you to experience. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting excited about the prospect of being close to Lord Sixth again, with him inviting you freely into his very private space, but it had not been what you had come here for. You were already thankful for the little opportunity you had gotten at seeing him asleep peacefully - a picture you replayed in your mind countless times in the last couple of days. In love. You wondered if that is what it meant. You decided to ask Yamato at your next chance.
The negotiations in Kumo had been fruitful and a new way of communication between the villages was ultimately decided. You had heard the talks on hallways and between meetings. Of course, you were not privy to any detail, as you had not attended any of the actual sessions. Still, you were always in a proximity to the hokage, so you were bound to pick at least some things up. In these long, unprecedented peace times that had followed the Great War, kage meetings usually yielded a positive and progressive outcome. All kage liked and trusted each other a lot. Well, who couldn’t like Lord Sixth in the first place. 
You reach Konoha well within the time frame that was laid out for your return, once again facing no issues along the way. There had been rainfall one day, making the journey exhausting and damp, but otherwise it went ahead undisturbed. Soon you will be back in your home village and that also means you can be as close to the hokage again as you want. Even closer, if he wants. The convoy makes its way through the great gates and you can feel the tension around you dropping. Everybody knows you made it home safely. This 5 day mission finished successfully.
Following the other ANBU agents you climb the steps to the hokage tower, making your way through the hallways that once seemed so much like a labyrinth to you to the office of the hokage. You watch Lord Sixth  put his long cloak down with a sigh and smile at the memory of how you had complimented him on it. He seems tired, leaning his body against his own desk. “I have faith in my own abilities, but I'm still glad you guys are around if necessary.” he says, moving his eyes into a smile. His gaze wanders through the room, over the 5 ANBU masks looking at him and he rests on your face just a moment longer than the others. “Good job everyone.” Your heart skips a beat and somehow his gaze distracts you so much that you barely notice the others leave.
The door falls shut and suddenly Lord Sixth and you are alone. His view falls on you and you can clearly see something burning behind his eyes. “I talked to you that night when I was drunk, didn’t I?”, he asks and you nod, blushing at the memory of it. “Did you put me to sleep?” You nod again, unable to lift your head to look at him. Scared that he might be offended by this act. “That was very good of you.” He pauses. “Everything you do is so...pure.” Then, faster than you can react, he steps forward and takes your wrist, pulling you with a soft force behind him into your usual hiding spot and shuts the door.
Working on some kind of autopilot you move the mask off your face instantly, the familiar sound of cloth being pulled down in your ears. You throw yourself forward and find him, there in your intimate darkness, and kiss him. It is the first time you don’t wait for him to come to you. Something inside you is pressing, wanting and can’t hold back. Immediately his tongue touches yours, moving alongside you in a heated exchange. You remember how gentle he had been a few weeks ago when he had done it the first time, and how different it had felt in your last lesson, with his wandering hands under your clothes. Now an additional sense of urgency seems to enter the exchange. The heat inside you wants more. The little space between you is still too much. 
You pull back, to which he lets out a breathless “why?”, but you are already biting down into your right hand glove, taking it off as fast as you can. I want to touch him with my bare hands, you think. My own fingertips. Lightly scratching with your free hand over his jarline you take off the other glove too. Both of them drop to the ground. “I see,” he hums. You find his hand and press yours flat against it. Fingertip to fingertip, just like he had done a few nights ago. Just that this time you can actually experience the feeling on bare skin. “This feels lovely”, you whisper, playing with his fingers. He kisses you again.
His fingers feel warm entangled with yours, as you keep up his fast kissing pace. In your effort to be as close as you physically can while still wearing layers of sweaters and vests he presses you against the wall. His free hand explores the skin on your back once more, digging itself under all the layers you are wearing to touch you gently. Your left hand is curled into his hair, which you have long concluded to be a favourite of his and you enjoy the wonderful way you feel once more. If you’d never been assigned to this specific position, you’d missed so many amazing emotions. Who knew another person’s body pressed against yours could influence one so much.
“Ok, stop, stop”, Lord Sixth says finally, dragging himself away from you. “I have more to teach you. So you have to”, he breathes in, “give me a minute to collect myself.” While keeping his arms around you he takes a few deep breaths. You too have to take a minute to come back down to reality. “Alright”, he breathes in sharply, “so, you now know how a kiss on the lips feels like and how it feels like with tongue, with hands and a little skin contact.” You nod eagerly in hopes he can make it out even in the dark. “Ok, well, what is missing is this: kisses feel different depending on where you place them.” 
“On the face you mean, sir?” you ask. “Not only the face. There are many spots that can be kissed. Pretty much..” he considers his next word “... everywhere on the body.” Another one of those things that you couldn’t have learned from a book, as any book you had read had defined kissing as lips touching. “I will, err, kiss other places now and you have to tell me how it feels, right?” You can feel the excitement rise from your heart to your head. You answer in an old soldier manner: “Yes, sir.” He is above you immediately, softly touching your chin to move your head upwards to him. The first kiss touches your forehead, leaving a warm spot behind. “Protective”, you say. “Yes, this is very protective, glad you see it that way too.” 
Moving your head to the side slightly he first kisses your right cheek and then your left one with quick, light kisses. You feel yourself blushing. “Sweet.” He makes a “hmm” sound and proceeds to then kiss the tip of your nose. You laugh involuntarily. “What is it?” he asks, you can hear the soft laugh in the question. “That was, eh, adorable.” Scratching your nose you add: “Also a bit wet.” He laughs out loud now. “Alright then, sorry about that.” A moment or two you just wait in anticipation for the next kiss and before long he moves again. Forcing your head to tilt sideways he “kisses” your earlobe. This definitely feels different to the other kisses. “Does this count as kissing?” you ask, surprised at how breathless you sound.
“Absolutely it does,” he replies, licking the earlobes now. You can feel yourself twitching slightly. “It feels… ticklish.” He lets your ear go: “It better does.” You can clearly hear the amusement in his voice. He is thoroughly enjoying this. Next he turns your head back to him and kisses along your jawline. “Provocative”, you say. “Provocative?” he repeats, “Why?”
“It provokes me that you have so much fun doing it”, you say deadpan and he snorts: “Sarcasm, well done.” Pulling away from your jawline he instead buries his head in your neckline. His breath on your skin alone is already spreading goosebumps down your back. Then his lips touch your skin and for a moment you forget how to breathe.
You are reminded of the first time his tongue touched yours, how surprised you had felt at the fact that one could feel so much. He kisses you multiple times up and down your neckline and you can feel your pulse rising from it. Each time he touches you he leaves behind what feels like a little burn. Softly pressing your jaw upwards he then sucks himself into your skin, using his tongue as well as his lips. Your left hand still crouched under his shirt curls and scratches him. “So?” he asks, trailing his tongue over the bruise he just left on your neck. Your breath is heavy and pressed. “Amazing.”
He growls in a way you have never heard him before and he moves your head to the other side to bury himself deep into your neck once more. This time you let the soft moan out without feeling embarrassed about it. After all, he had told you this was a normal reaction. You feel yourself shiver. His hands are trembling as he gets away from your neck and pulls down your high collar shirt. You worry he might rip it, but then he just pulls it far enough to expose your collarbone. He dives down to kiss it, trailing as far down as your shirt allows him to. You twitch. Something inside you wants him to go even farther down, a need that you can’t quite understand. “Teasing”, you whisper and he chuckles. “Yes, certainly is.” 
Coming back up he lets go of your jaw. “And how is it if I kiss you here now?”, he asks and softly kisses your lips again, hands once again framing your face. You sigh into the kiss, feeling at ease under his touch. “Beautiful”, you breathe.
Still reeling inside from the recent session with Lord Sixth you take your last tours around the outside of the Hokage tower before night shift would take over as personal guard. From afar you can make out loud voices in the hokage office, clearly screaming at each other. Apparently there is a heated argument going on. Getting closer now your sharp ears can make out the words. “... but I didn't do it for any selfish reasons.” It’s the voice of the Hokage. To your surprise it is Yamato that answers him. “Senpai, I don’t think she understands that you are just trying to be kind. You should stop this immediately.” 
Now close enough to the window you can see both men staring each other down, anger on their faces. What could this be about, you wonder? “She asked me recently how “love” feels like”, Yamato continues. “I did not think much of it at first, but now I suspect she is talking about you.” Your eyes widen. Is he talking about you? “I don’t think she can differentiate casual kissing from the real thing.” He is definitely talking about you! You unlock a window from the outside and enter the scene. Both men get visibly startled at your sudden entrance. Too entangled in their argument to notice you outside.
“Please,” you say, your eyes meeting with Yamato, “I very much do understand what is going on.” He shakes his head: “Tora, I don’t think you should-” but you cut him off mid sentence. “I know that kissing and everything that comes with it is usually reserved for lovers. I don’t understand how love works, but I know as much.” You throw your eyes over your shoulder to the Hokage, who just stands frozen in place and watches you. “I also know that Lord Sixth and I are not lovers and that it means nothing more than practice. Right?” You nod at him, but he keeps being frozen. “So, don’t worry Yamato, I know it's just casual. I know it is not the real thing. I am absolutely fine with it. You absolutely do not need to worry about me.” You do a thumbs up with your hand while turning from Yamato to Lord Sixth, which moves neither facial expressions.
After a short silence Yamato finally finds his voice again: “This is how it is then, hm, senpai?” The hokage sighs: “I told you that I wasn’t being selfish. I really just wanted to help out.” You nod overly eager. “I am, after all, nothing but Lord Sixth’s personal guard.” You look at him, but his eyes look right through you. Yamato must have truly made him sad with these untrue accusations. You suppress the urge to walk over and fling your hands around him, so that he can laugh again, be happy again, the way he was earlier. When he finally raises his eyes he aims them at Yamato: “See, Tenzo, you don’t have to worry about her the slightest.” He pauses, eyelids half hanging down. “Maybe you should worry about me though.” They both look at each other and Yamato asks: “Really, senpai?”
“I don’t understand what this means”, you interject. Something inside you is twisting. If only emotions weren’t so hard to read. “Tora, you are dismissed” Lord Sixth does not look at you. “No,” you say, for the first time in your life disobeying an order. This creates an inner turmoil you had previously not seen coming. You don’t want to go, but you were ordered to. The Hokage frowns at you. With a hardened voice he repeats slowly: “Dis-mis-sed. Tora. Leave.” There is a sharp pain in your heart when you turn your face from his and disappear in a cloud of smoke.
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jumin-love · 5 years
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Drunk Jumin AU Final part & Bonus content
Recap: Jumin left Saeran and 707 tried to take his baby brothers Elizabeth plushie with unfavorable results.
Current: The Heir has tracked down his wife whispering sweet words of love,  he sounds tired so she decides its home time.
Bonus content: After several costumes change Zen returns ready for his duel,  Yoosung tells him that Jumin has gone home,  the actor scrunches his face at the news --proceeding to sulk into his beer but at least he looks fabulous in his outfit.
Note: Everyone is happy,  I love both Jumin & Zen so there is no deeper meaning than comedy dynamic. This brings an end to the AU no one asked for hahaha.
Part 1 | Part 2&3 | Part 4&5 | Part 6, 7 & 8 | Part 9&10
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severnskull · 5 years
Co-written by @lins-art
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandom: Naruto
Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Original Character(s), Uchiha Obito/Original Character(s)
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Original Characters, Narrator, Tobi (Naruto), Uchiha Obito
Additional Tags: Choose Your Own Adventure, Dating Sim Format, Potential Main Character Death, Nonbinary Original Character, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Warnings May Change, Alternative Universe - Narrated Dating Sim AU, Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence, Romantic Comedy, Fluff and Angst, Canon-Typical Violence
Words: 5767
Chapters: 1/?
Summary:  After coming to Konoha, Shinobi-chan manages to prove themselves a worthy shinobi by becoming a chūnin, however that isn't enough to stop the evil organization lurking in the shadows. Shinobi-chan will do their best to get the bottom of it even if it means their life or career as a shinobi. At the same time, romance is in the air and you decide what Shinobi-chan does with it.
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animeomegas · 9 months
The Quest for a Second Life - Epilogue
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Summary: Having spent so long choosing their second life, the MC is finally rewarded and gets to live their second life. The only questioning remaining was... Itachi or Kakashi. GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple Naruto Characters
Word count: 6.4k
Warnings: N-sfw content, tiny self-harm for magical blood potion purposes. All alphas have dicks, fyi.
A/N: And we're finally here! This is the end, and I hope people like it, even if you'd have preferred the other character. This has been a journey and a half, thank you so much for joining me on it. Merry Christmas to those that celebrate! I am deeply honoured to call @omeganronpa my friend, and seeing as I'm too far away to be around in person, I hope that this gets my message across as well as I had hoped 💗💓💞💖❣️
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
James found herself lingering in the library when she knew she ought not to. She had just sent another human into their chosen pocket dimension, this time a historical romance, and she really needed to get back to her office to receive the next one. She knew this, and yet her feet refused to co-operate.
She couldn’t stop wondering after the human alpha she had recently worked with, although she wasn’t sure if humans would agree with her use of the word ‘recent’. They didn’t normally, and James had learnt that time flowed differently for humans than it did for Curators.
No, her mind was behaving badly. It was wandering off without her permission and whispering suggestions of going to check on the human alpha, even though James’ shift was still far from over.
Before she could think better of it, James turned and started walking towards the hidden backroom of the library, where books that were in current use were stored. Surely, it would be okay for her to have a little look at what that human alpha was up to. She would only linger for a little while and then she would get back to work.
She entered the backroom and scanned the shelves for the correct book. It wasn’t difficult to find, but she suddenly felt nervous. It wasn’t as if Curators weren’t allowed to watch the pocket dimensions, in fact, she knew several of her peers who did so regularly, but James had never felt the urge.
Until now.
“Just a quick peek, then I’ll greet my next human.” She opened the book and put it into viewing mode.
Ugh, you really shouldn’t have bought this much stuff. You juggled the shopping bags awkwardly, but persevered forwards as best as you could. It wasn’t your fault that there was a sale on today, how could you resist getting an entire bag of fresh peaches? You wondered if you could figure out how to make peach lemonade. It was the height of summer and a refreshing drink sounded like heaven right about now.
At least your new sandals were working well. They had been a gift from your parents when they returned from their business trip, and they were as cool as they were durable.
You dodged around a bush so that the branches didn’t abduct any of your shopping, grateful that you were getting used to this route now. Although you had grown up in the area, you had never really had a reason to stray this far. Of course, not until you met him.
Ugh, him. He was perfect. No, he was beyond perfect.
You had found him by chance, and the first few weeks had been a whirlwind, but you knew, more than anything, that he was perfect for you.
And there he was, in all his perfection, as you finally reached your home.
He was standing in the chicken run, his long, dark hair swept up out of his face in a more stringent ponytail than normal. You had helped him with it before you left, after his fringe kept getting stuck to his skin. He was wearing a pair of incredibly short shorts, and a loose T-shirt that always fell away from his chest whenever he bent over. It was a personal favourite of yours, but one that you never let him wear outside of your own home.
Itachi must have heard you, because he turned, a grin lighting up his face. You could see he had a smudge of mud on the swell of his left cheek.
Itachi was utterly stunning. He took your breath away effortlessly, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Alpha!” he called, lifting one hand up in a wave. “Look!”
It took you a moment to understand what he wanted you to look at, but you eventually realised that he wasn’t waving; he was clutching two chicken eggs.
“Amazing!” you called back, approaching the back gate, but stopping at the fence as you realised you didn’t have free hands to unlock it.
“The chickens are finally old enough to lay eggs!” Itachi was practically beaming as he exited the run. A couple of chickens attempted to make an escape, but Itachi flicked his fingers and gently knocked them back with magic. “Look!” He came right up to you now, letting you into the garden, and holding the eggs in front of your face.
“That’s brilliant, ‘tachi. Why don’t you help me get all this unpacked inside, and we can cook the eggs for some lunch. I have some peaches and lemons for lemonade, too.”
You both headed into the kitchen through the back door. You dumped everything on the table and gratefully slumped into a chair, thankful to be out of the hot sun. Itachi practically floated around the kitchen, still beaming. He unpacked what he needed and immediately started making lunch. He settled on shakshuka with the fated peach lemonade.
It was with great amusement that you watched Itachi don his cooking apron, the one you’d specially embroidered with ‘Proud Chicken Oma’.
After you had cooled down a little, you slowly unpacked the rest of the shopping, until Itachi called you over to the oven.
“I’m going to fry the eggs,” he said, sounding giddy. You had known that he wanted chickens, you did too, but the genuine joy that they gave him still surprised you. You felt so incredibly lucky that you had literally wandered into his life by accident, and that he had allowed you to stay.
“Let me watch.” You hugged him from behind and peered over his shoulder. And if you also took a quick sneaky look down his shirt while you were there, well, no one could prove it. It was probably too hot for hugs, but you couldn’t make yourself let go. You nuzzled into the area where you would one day put your bond mark, but for now lay unbroken skin.
Itachi wanted you to meet each other’s families before you properly bonded. Hopefully that day would come sooner rather than later, because having him walk around without your claim was driving you mad.
Itachi cracked the egg into the pan, and perhaps you were too much of a sappy romantic, but the lucky double yolk that it contained felt symbolic.
The silence was thick enough to cut. You took a sip of your tea to try and stave off the awkwardness, but it didn’t help.
You were sitting at your kitchen table with Itachi and his parents. Sasuke had been sent out to collect some eggs, most likely so Fugaku and Mikoto could talk to you alone, but even now that Sasuke was firmly outside, the silence remained heavy and oppressive.
“How long have you known each other?” Fugaku asked, finally breaking it.
“A few months, father.” Fugaku’s lips tightened and the lines around his eyes deepened. You got the vibe that he wasn’t happy with that answer. It was such a shame that Itachi cared about their opinions.
“And how did you meet?”
You cleared your throat, “Itachi found me unconscious in a snowstorm and nursed me back to health.”
There was a beat of silence, before Mikoto spoke. “Then you owe my son a life debt, you would do well to remember that.”
You were really getting the vibe that they didn’t like you. It was for that reason, that you hastened to reassure them that you had been looking after Itachi as well.
“Oh! Well, I returned the favour by giving Itachi my cloak when all his clothes were destroyed in the middle of the woods.”
Itachi immediately went red faced, and held up his hands, sputtering. Oh, whoops. That definitely sounded like you had been fucking in the woods. Of course, you had actually fucked in those woods, but that wasn’t what you meant to share with his parents of all people.
“We didn’t—It was an Amplexus plant!” Itachi explained hurriedly, his face continuing to darken. “I needed the seeds for a potion, and it got a hold of me, that’s all!”
Itachi’s panicked explanation broke the tension, as his mother started giggling, and his father sighed and put his face in his palm.
“Sasuke is our only hope,” Fugaku muttered.
It was at that moment that a squawk sounded from outside. Sasuke’s dulcet tones followed shortly afterwards.
“Try that again, you glorified rat, and I’ll burn off all your feathers, I fucking mean it, I—”
Fugaku sighed again and downed the rest of his tea like it was the alcohol he clearly needed.
There was no sweeter smell in the world than the one of yours and Itachi’s scents mingling together. And while you were certain many other alphas would say the same about them and their omegas, you were pretty sure you were right.
You panted onto Itachi’s neck, basically drooling. A joint heat and rut wasn’t the greatest for practical reasons, but fuck, if it wasn’t the perfect time to exchange mating bites.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Itachi slurred, hips rocking up to meet yours at every thrust. “Bite me, alpha, claim me, please!”
You groaned, knot already catching on his rim. It was getting harder and harder to control yourself. Itachi mouthed at the juncture between your shoulder and neck, the place where he would soon be placing your bite, and your self-control collapsed like a house of cards.
Your knot tied you and Itachi together, plunging you both into an orgasm. Somewhere, through the haze, your teeth managed to find their mark. You bit down just as you started filling Itachi with your cum. Itachi seized but managed to bite back.
You rode the waves together. It was the longest orgasm of your life, and by far the most powerful. Your mind was clouded with lust and emotion. Every instinct in your body was screaming, but they were all screaming different things; it was making you dizzy.
Protect him.
Make him scream.
Get him pregnant.
Hide him away.
Show him off.
Love him. Love him. Love him.
Yes, yes, you were going to love him, you did love him… And everything was going to be perfect.
You ran out of your joint bedroom potions lab barefoot, having abandoned your slippers in your haste.
“Itachi! There’s been an incident!”
You heard a crash from the kitchen, and quickly, Itachi came racing out to meet you in the living room.
“What is it? What’s going on?!” He scanned you from head to toe but couldn’t see an injury. He had known that you were playing with magic, and he was rightfully worried about what you had managed to do.
“It’s gone,” you said, wide eyed.
“What’s gone?!”
“My dick.”
Itachi blinked at you, processing, before his face morphed into something horrified.
“What? How can—?! What were you doing?! What do you mean gone?!” He grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you roughly. “Tell me what happened!”
“I was just playing around and then suddenly it was gone,” you explained, wringing your hands.
“What spell did you use?” Itachi asked frantically. “I can reverse it. We can figure it out!”
“I don’t know… I mean, at least I’m still alive right? It could have been worse.”
Itachi was still horrified, and you’d wager that he didn’t agree with you.
“No! I mean, yes, but we still need to fix it. Let me see!” He knelt down and started to aggressively tug down your shorts and underwear. “Maybe I can perform a reversal of—”
He managed to get the fabric down and out popped your dick, unharmed and just as it always was. Itachi blinked at it. You started cracking up, unable to hold the laughter in anymore. Itachi, realising that he’d been pranked, scowled at you.
He stood, crossing his arms and huffing. “That wasn’t funny.”
“Yes, it was,” you laughed, wiping away your tears. “You’re completely obsessed with my dick, I knew it! I’m just a glorified dildo to you, huh?”
“You’re being ridiculous.” Itachi had delightfully rosy cheeks.
“Am I? So, you don’t want to suck it?” You playfully shook your hips, wiggling your dick, playfully.
Itachi wavered. You waited patiently.
“This has nothing to do with anything,” he said, kneeling down in front of you.
“Whatever you say, darling.”
“Shut up!”
He was so much fun to tease. Hopefully, he never found out that you had the same obsession with his nipples.
“We do need more space, but I still want to maintain that cosy vibe, you know?”
“I agree. We could always increase the number of rooms, but still have them all be fairly small and closed off.”
You and Itachi were pouring over several sketches, trying to design your new home. You had decided to move closer to the nearest town, although you were still staying firmly in the woods because neither of you wanted to give up your private sanctuary. You also just needed more space. You needed a bigger dining table, more bedrooms, a separate potions lab, and crucially more storage space so that you didn’t come across snake eyes in the fridge when you were trying to make a sandwich.
Thankfully, with Itachi’s magic, the local builders, and the money sent from your parents, it was sure to be a smooth process.
“I think we should have a bedroom for Sasuke to use,” you said, tapping on an empty part of the proposed floorplan. “Not just a guest bedroom, but one that’s specifically his.”
Itachi nuzzled into your shoulder. “You wouldn’t mind? Because that would be amazing.”
“Of course not. He’ll be old enough to visit on his own soon, and I want to make sure he knows he’s welcome.” You liked Sasuke and you understood why Itachi loved him so much. He was like a tiny murder kitten that loved to scratch people. It was adorable.
“We have the pup rooms, the lab…” Itachi peered down at the paper. “Is that everything?”
You hummed, considering. “I think so. Unless you want a nesting room. Although, I’ve never seen you nest before, so if you don’t want one, that’s fine.”
“Oh.” Itachi was silent for a moment. “I’ve never tried nesting before.”
You immediately wished his parents would return so you could punch them in the face. Carefully keeping all the anger below the surface so you didn’t make Itachi think you were angry with him, you brushed some hair out of his face.
“Do you want to try it? We can try together, and if you like it, we can get a little nesting space added onto the master bedroom.”
Itachi smiled, looking unsure. “Okay. I suppose we can try it.”
“Well, I’m not an expert, but I think I can help with a simple nest layout.” You leant back and surveyed all the materials you had for nesting. Most of it was stuff that Itachi had made, some of it was things you had made, and a couple of pieces were from a craftsperson in town, made from rarer and more difficult materials. There was more than enough for a nice nest.
You slotted the heaviest duty and flattest pillows into the corner and arranged them in a double layer before securing them together with a sheet.
“One of my old partners used to arrange the base like this. It works well.”
Itachi growled and immediately destroyed the base, stacking it in a different way. Oh, yeah, whoops. Itachi was way too possessive for you to casually be bringing up old partners.
 “You’ve had other omega partners?” he asked, still rearranging the base. His voice was carefully controlled, like he was trying to sound distracted, when in reality, his attention was fully on your answer.
“Yeah, I—” You paused, trying to retrieve the memories. It was strange… You could have sworn you had past partners but trying to grasp onto details felt like trying to catch smoke. You could see flashes of dates, gifts and physical features, but you couldn’t really make sense of it. You wondered if it was a side effect of the amnesia spell you’d had. You decided not to mention it in case Itachi got worried. “I’ve had a couple, but they didn’t go anywhere. It never felt right, y’know?”
Itachi hummed, reasonably placated.
You continued to help him with small suggestions until you recognised the signs of an omega in nest building mode. Instincts took over, and you leant back to let Itachi do it how he wanted to.
The nest was so very him, even for his first attempt. It was chaos, but organised chaos, with gentle colours and neutrals, and lots of wool.
 Itachi sat back, blinking the daze away. “Now what?”
“Now you get in it.”
“And… what’s the point? What will being in it do?” He was staring at the nest reverently, and you knew he was going to like it.
“It should help you relax.”
Itachi bit his lip, but gingerly climbed in and tried to get himself comfortable. He fiddled with a few final pieces, but once he was settled, he sighed, seeming content.
After a few moments, he looked over at you. “Do you… want to come in, too?”
You grinned, and agreed, carefully climbing in and spooning your omega.
With you there with him, Itachi curled his legs up to his chest and went boneless. His purrs were so loud that you could feel them in your chest, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He nuzzled into the pillow his head was on, basking in the soft materials.
You kept holding him but tried to remain still so as to not disturb his first nesting experience. You didn’t want to distract him from his bliss. You were honestly so shocked that he had never nested before. Had his family kept him so busy from such a young age that he had never had the time?
You made a mental note to see if you could add a nesting nook for Sasuke’s room too, seeing as he was also an omega and had probably received similar treatment. If he couldn’t have one at home, at least he could have one here.
Suddenly, Itachi stopped purring.
“Is something wrong, baby?” you cooed, gently stroking his hair. “We can fix whatever it is, I promise.”
Itachi only whined, pushing his hips back into yours. He seemed really out of it, not that that was particularly surprising. If he’d been repressing himself, knowingly or not, for his entire life, then his instincts were going to try and take over the second they could.
“What do you need, omega? Come on, tell alpha.”
Itachi pouted, whining again. He shoved his hips back harder this time, like he was making a point. Oh.
“I see.” Your mind was racing at how hot he was. “Do you want to cockwarm, honey?”
Itachi nodded, his purring starting back up again now that you were understanding him. Oh, he was just the sweetest, horniest little thing and you would set the world on fire for him.
You carefully untucked your already half-hard cock, trying to avoid knocking anything out of place. When you were free, you tugged his trousers down and easily slipped inside him.
When your hips met his skin, Itachi purred louder than he had before, melting into the nest completely. His eyes rolled back, and he was lost in the fuzziness.
Okay… so you definitely needed that nesting room.
You looked around your new living room proudly, savouring the ‘new’ smell. The entire house was perfect. It kept the essence of the old one, but you had so much more space. No more tripping over cauldrons in the morning, or accidentally spilling powdered bone on the carpet when you were trying to clean.
You were almost finished with the unpacking. The house still seemed pretty empty, but that was good; the house would be able to grow with you.
Itachi had scurried off into the bedroom a few minutes ago with one of the boxes, but you were still sorting through living room stuff. You peered into the nearest box. And kitchen stuff apparently. Why did you own so many wooden spoons?
“Alpha?! Can you come help me with something, please?!” Itachi called from the bedroom.
You stood up, stretching out your sore arms, and then went over to the master bedroom. You pushed open the door easily.
“What do you ne—”
Suddenly, you were reminded of the very first time you had ever walked into Itachi’s bedroom in the old house, the time where he had been half naked and in the middle of changing.
Here, he was half-naked again, but this time it looked purposeful, because Itachi was wearing lingerie.
It was a two-piece set, made out of a dark blue silk that perfectly contrasted against Itachi’s pale skin. Embroidered on it were hundreds of tiny, silver stars, creating the image of a night’s sky. Extra pieces of gauzy, see through fabric had been attached to the top piece, which hide absolutely nothing, but acted as a delightful tease. The set was clearly hand made, and damn, he was again, taking your breath away.
“Well, hello,” you cooed, feeling that stupid horny alpha grin slide onto your face. “What’s all this?”
Itachi fidgeted bashfully as you approached. “It’s a surprise, a celebration for the new house.”
“It’s a lovely surprise.” You ran your hands over his heated skin, feeling the silk with your palms. You kissed him heavily, your fingers dancing along the edge of his panties. “This is perfect for the new house, do you know why?”
“Hm? Why?” Itachi moaned, tilting his neck submissively, and giving you access to his bond mark. You nipped around the scar before answering.
“Because we still need to break in the new bed.”
“That will be 500 ryo, thank you.” The man handed you the requested amount and took the pouch of amethyst dust in return.
“How many enchanted apples for these?” a little boy asked, holding up a lovely bouquet of flowers. Oh yes, he was the florist’s son, you remembered.  
“Hmm,” you took the flowers and appraised them. “How about three?” The boy nodded enthusiastically and grabbed three apples before running home. These flowers would be a lovely surprise for Itachi.
“Do you have any more of the inflammation potions?” an old man asked, approaching the store. You recognised him immediately and put the flowers down, ready for a likely lengthy and completely inappropriate discussion. “They’re great for the old joints.”
“We have three left. How many would you like?”
“I’ll take the lot, thank you.” You wrapped the order up and passed it over. He handed you money in return. “Thank you. There’s a lot of downsides to getting old, but the joint pain is the worst of it in my opinion. At least I don’t have to put up with heats anymore. They’re great fun when you’re young, but when your back starts to go, well, you find yourself wishing them away.”
You hummed politely.
“This is why it’s so important for alphas to hone their skills in bed. I can’t count the number of times a young alpha has believed they don’t need to worry about sex skills because an omega in heat is so far gone that everything feels good, but one day the heats will stop, and besides, some of the best sex happens outside of heats and ruts and all that nonsense.”
You laughed, shaking your head. Why did your market stall always attract the weirdest advice and clientele?
“I’d wager you know all about that though. Has Itachi come home with any surprises lately?” You must have looked surprised, because the man winked. “Who do you think taught him how to embroider silk?”
You snorted. Of course. You made sure to slip a complimentary headache potion in as a thank you.
“The bedding is all fresh and clean, we bought it especially, and this blanket, I knitted it for you so you’d be warm, it can get cold out here. Oh! And also—”
“I’m fine,” Sasuke said, a slight red flush on his cheeks. “You worry too much, big brother.”
You watched from the doorway as Itachi fussed over Sasuke. Now 14, he was old enough to make the journey here on his own, and this would be the first time he was making proper use of his room. Itachi had been driving himself crazy trying to make everything perfect. You reckoned he was trying to ensure Sasuke had a good enough time that he’d want to come back.
Itachi’s face screwed up in indecision. “Maybe I should get another blanket for you, just in case.”
“Brother—” Too late. Itachi left the room to grab another blanket, leaving you and Sasuke alone. He glared at you harshly. Oh dear, here came the kitten claws.
“I know several spells that would remove all the parts needed to make sure you never touch my brother again. Just saying.” Sasuke crossed his arms and tried to look threatening. You had to try to keep your giggles under controls.
“Itachi wouldn’t like that very much,” you said lightly, remembering his reaction to your ‘I accidentally spelled my dick away’ prank. “And besides, that would be a very rude thing to do to the person hosting you.”
Sasuke growled, but you only raised an eyebrow at him.
“What’s going on?” Itachi walked in, another blanket bundled up in his arms.
You immediately snitched. “Your brother is threatening to cut my dick off.”
Itachi gasped, “Sasuke!”
Sasuke glared at you, but you only stuck your tongue out at him. You were seriously looking forward to the next week.
“So!” you clapped your hands together and looked eagerly around at all the potion supplies. “What potion am I learning today?”
You had been having Itachi teach you magic since you moved in, and while you were hardly a prodigy like him and his brother, you were starting to get decent at it, especially potions.
“It’s a pretty simple one, but it requires exact temperature control,” Itachi explained, pulling over a small cauldron. “We’ll need to use runes to manage that.”
“Exciting,” you murmured, trying to recall which runes would work best for temperature control. Probably the same ones that Itachi carved on your hot chocolate mugs. “What does the potion do?”
Itachi smiled, “You’ll see when we’re done.”
“Nooo, Itachi,” you whined. “I want to know now.”
“Later, I promise.” He laughed as you pouted and starting rattling off the ingredients list. “Now, help me crush the beans.”
Time passed quickly as you concentrated on following the potion recipe as best as you could. Before long, it was a blinding white and gently steaming, just as the drawing on the recipe showed.
“It’s ready,” you said proudly, closing the lid on the jar of moss. “Now will you tell me what it does?”
“It needs some blood to work,” Itachi explained. He grabbed a sharp knife and held it to his finger.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Could my blood work instead?”
Itachi laughed lightly. “That wouldn’t work; it has to be me. Don’t worry, it will only be the slightest prick.”
You weren’t happy, but you allowed it, and two drops of Itachi’s blood fell into the cauldron. It immediately started bubbling.
“What’s supposed to happen?”
“Well, it will turn one of two colours.” Itachi leaned over the cauldron and watched intently. “Gold or black.” As he spoke the potion turned to a brilliant gold and Itachi beamed.
“What does gold mean?” you asked, wishing he would just explain what this potion was already.
“Gold means that the person who donated the blood is pregnant.”
“Right, okay, and what does black mea— Hang on, what did you say?”
“I’m pregnant,” he clarified, watching your reaction.
You swallowed heavily, “What?”
Itachi giggled, “I’m not going to say it again.”
“Holy shit.” Your brain blue screened for a moment, before it rebooted, and the phrase properly sank into your brain.
Itachi was pregnant. Pregnant. As in, there would shortly be a baby, your baby, and his baby.
“I love you,” you blurted out, wide eyed. “We are going to need so much baby stuff.”
Itachi laughed, tearing up. “We’ll figure it out.”
“You can do it, Daiki! Come on baby, walk to appa!” You were crouched on the floor, arms open and ready.
Daiki gave a little pup whine, but still tried, toddling over on unstable steps. He managed to get three good steps in before he fell into your arms.  You caught him easily.
“Whoo! Look at that! You’re such a clever pup, isn’t that right?” You lifted up your baby and blew a raspberry on his stomach, dissolving him into giggles. Daiki did some proud wiggles as you put him back down, glancing over at Itachi for positive attention as well.
Itachi smiled, eyes glazed with sickness, from his position laying on the sofa. “Good job, baby.”
Daiki squealed, grinning and shoving a fist into his mouth.
Itachi was watching you both, even though he was unwell. This was the first time that he was properly ill since Daiki was born, and he was nervous about it. You had quickly learnt that Itachi had very low expectations of your parenting abilities. You tried your best not to take it personally, understanding that alpha parents in his family weren’t normally the most hands on, but it did sting sometimes. You were doing your best to prove him wrong.
Was it easy for you to do all the cooking, cleaning, childcare, and caring for Itachi at the same time? No.
But was it something you were happy to do while your partner recovered? Of course.
Speaking of caring for Itachi, you probably needed to resoak the flannel on his forehead. You shuffled over, keeping an eye on Daiki, and gently lifted the cloth. Like you’d expected, it felt warm to the touch.
You resoaked the flannel in the bowl of ice water and wringed it out before gently wiping down Itachi’s face.
“How are you feeling?” you asked softly, dabbing around his neck.
“I’m okay.” Itachi sighed and sent you a weak smile. “How are you—”
“Oma! Oma!” Daiki had crawled over to you both and grabbed a fistful of Itachi’s top to pull himself into a standing position. “Oma!”
“Careful, darling.” You unwrapped Daiki’s hands from Itachi’s top and supported him up yourself. He seemed to realise that something was wrong, because he blinked at you and Itachi, and curled in on himself unsurely.
“Oma?” he asked, bottom lip wobbling.
“Oma is poorly, but he’s okay,” you said softly, smoothing down Daiki’s hair. He looked unsure, but he eventually nodded and patted Itachi gently on the arm. Itachi took his hand and covered it in kisses, and Daiki finally relaxed.
Suddenly, from the kitchen, you heard the sound of dinner boiling over.
“Oh! Come on Daiki, we have to go and save dinner!” You stood up, picking up your pup as you did.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to do something?” Itachi asked, sitting up slightly.
“Rest.” You stared him into submission, and Itachi reluctantly laid back down. “I can handle everything, trust me.”
Itachi still wasn’t comfortable relinquishing control, but you’d get there. For now, you had a sick omega and a needy pup to tend to.
You pottered around the kitchen, putting away the washing up, while Sasuke diligently took notes on spellcrafting at the kitchen table. You were used to him being around by this point, as he had moved in five months ago to take a magical apprenticeship under Itachi. As you understood it, his parents had encouraged him to stay in their village for his apprenticeship, but Sasuke had insisted that Itachi teach him.
Thankfully he had mellowed out a lot, and now when he threatened to cut off your dick, he was only joking.
At least you hoped he was joking.
Itachi was out today manning the stall in town, which meant you were holding down the fort and looking after Daiki.
The pup in question was currently playing in the garden with Sasuke’s cat, who was just as prickly as him, but had a soft spot for Daiki. At four years old, you were okay to let him play alone as long as he didn’t leave the fenced in section, and you could see him from the kitchen window.
Sasuke sighed, putting down his pen to rub at his temples.
“Having trouble with the spellcraft?”
“No.” He gave you no other information, so you decided to pour him a glass of orange juice as a peace offering and sit down with him. Clearly something was weighing on the teenager.
“Is something wrong, Sasuke?”
“No.” It was a predictable Sasuke response that you didn’t buy for even a second.
You knew that he’d need a bit more prying. “Are you sure?”
Sasuke hesitated. You remained entirely silent as he battled with himself, knowing that any amount of encouragement would only cause him to clam up. Eventually, he spoke, his words coming out slowly. “My father sent me a message.”
“I see.”
“He wants me to come back home, now. He said he’s found me another teacher.”
You nodded, and carefully kept judgement out of your words. “And how does that make you feel?” Sasuke shrugged, playing with the pencil. “You know that you’re always, always welcome here, Sasuke, never doubt that. Even if you decide to stop studying under Itachi, you can always stay here or visit as often as you want.”
Sasuke’s shoulders relaxed and you knew you’d hit the nail on the head. “Okay.”
“Do you want me to tell your father that you’re extending your apprenticeship here?” Sasuke nodded, looked relieved. You gave him an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder, and he relaxed even further.
“Thanks,” he muttered, sipping his orange juice.
“Of course; you’re family.”
Outside, the chickens started squawking, which was your cue to go and grab Daiki, so you left Sasuke at the table and went out into the garden. “Daiki, what did I say about messing with the chickens?”
But it wasn’t Daiki, it was Itachi getting home that had set them all off. He was carrying multiple bags on his shoulders, and he looked incredibly winded. You ran over to grab the bags.
“Are you okay? Come on in.” Itachi panted and followed you inside. He looked completely exhausted; even Sasuke jumped up to help when he saw the state that his brother was in.
“What happened?” Sasuke demanded.
“Nothing, nothing, I’m just winded from the walk.”
“Bullshit!” Sasuke swore, putting a hand on his brother’s forehead. “You shouldn’t be this tired from a thirty-minute walk.”
“Sasuke, don’t swear,” Itachi reprimanded. “I’m just tired, nothing more.”
You raised an eyebrow, grabbing him a glass of water, but making sure he knew that you didn’t believe him. Itachi took the glass gratefully and downed the whole thing.
When it became clear that neither you nor Sasuke would be letting the issue go, Itachi sagged down in his chair.
“It’s nothing, really,” he insisted. “I think—Well, I’m pretty sure I’m tired because—”
“Because I’m pregnant,” he blurted out, looking to you bashfully. “I’m sorry, I was going to tell you soon, I just hadn’t decided how yet.”
“Wha—Really? That’s amazing!” All your previous suspicions were forgotten, and you hugged Itachi tightly, feeling giddy at the amazing news.
Sasuke sent you a suspicious glare, but he had long since made peace with the fact that you and Itachi were having sex as long as he was able to live in denial about it.
You laughed gleefully and covered Itachi’s face with kisses as he giggled. “I guess it’s only me on market duty for the next year then, huh?”
You filled up his glass again. Now that you knew he was pregnant, your instincts were going to remain in ‘overly doting’ mode for the foreseeable future.
“Actually, I was thinking…” Sasuke awkwardly trailed off, scuffing his feet on the ground. “Maybe I could take over some stuff with the market stall. We could open it more days a week then, and you could spend more time on parent duty or whatever. I mean, I still need to study, but I have some free time, and it would bring in some more money.”
You grinned, ruffling Sasuke’s hair. His sheepish expression melted into a petulant pout. “That’s an amazing idea! Seeing as you’re going to be around for at least another six months, it makes a lot of sense! I’ll take you with me a few times until you’re confident doing it alone, okay?”
He rolled his eyes, “It’s not hard.”
Itachi, pregnant and probably incredibly hormonal, burst into tears at the idea that Sasuke living with you would be a more permanent thing.
Sasuke, completely allergic to feelings, promptly fled the room with the excuse that he had to practice a potion, leaving you to delicately wipe Itachi’s tears away.
“I’m happy,” Itachi sobbed into your neck. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too, baby, me too.”
You were incredibly lucky to be able to say that and deeply and truly mean it.
James watched as the human alpha built a home with their children, their mate, their mate’s brother, their mate’s brother’s cat, and seven… turkeys? Something like that, James couldn’t quite remember the word for those tiny creatures.
The human was happy, and bizarrely, that made James feel happy too. The weird burning in her chest subsided, and she was able to close ‘Potions and Magic and Sex, Oh My!’, knowing that her human made the right choice.
It was with a light heart that James left the library to guide more humans, knowing that her human alpha was happy.
If you asked her, the human alpha had more than earnt a happy second life.
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
[NEWS UPDATE] Live Spectacle NARUTO: The Animate Special Features for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" have been Announced
To watch a longer preview of the stage, please refer to this link: HERE
Release Date: June 22, 2022
Animate Limited Set (Blu-ray/DVD)
Main performance
Making, backstage and other extras
Special booklet *
Animate special bonus DVD
Limited Edition (Blu-ray/DVD)
Main performance
Making, backstage and other extras
Special booklet *
* The special booklet that is included with the Blu-ray/DVD is different from the performance pamphlet that can be found: HERE
Five Shinobi Talk
MC: Koyanagi Shin (Killer B)
Participants: Nakao Masaki (Uzumaki Naruto), Sato Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke), Kimisawa Yuuki (Hatake Kakashi) and Kitazono Ryo (Namikaze Minato)
Jiraiya-sensei's Homework
A mini game corner where Teruma (Pain), Kobayashi Yuka (Konan) and Tamaki Yuuki (Nagato) will take on challenges issued by Jiraiya-sensei.
Additional Animate Pre-Order Bonuses
Serial codes for bonus cast comments **
** The Animate version includes cast comments from:
Sato Ryuji as Uchiha Sasuke
Maeda Ryuutarou as Hozuki Suigetsu
Nanaki Kanon as Karin
Emoto Kouki as Juugo
Teruma as Pein/Pain
Kobayashi Yuka as Konan
Ise Daiki as Uchiha Madara
Kawai Ryuunosuke as Zetsu
Tamaki Yuuki as Nagato
To pre-order the Blu-ray/DVD, please refer to the links below.
Animate Limited Set (Blu-ray): HERE
Animate Limited Set (DVD): HERE
Limited Edition (Blu-ray): HERE
Limited Edition (DVD): HERE
NOTE: For more information about the proxy services available for Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source: ( x )
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
|Headcanons| Marriage ft. Genma Shiranui
Requested by: @anonymous: Marriage headcanon with Genma 
Pairing: Genma Shiranui x fem!Reader
Note: I didn’t know where to start (and to stop, honestly). The more I write for this man, the more I’m drowned:)) Okay, thank you for requesting, anon, and hope you’ll like it!
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On the day of your wedding, you invited both your fellow Shinobi and civilian friends to join in celebrating your big day
Ino would gladly be in charge of the flowers and decorations with the help from her girl squad
the bridesmaids would be Shizune, Anko, and Kurenai
on the other hand, groomsmen included Iruka, Raido, and Ebisu
the Sixth Hokage, Kakashi, would be your “officiant”, and Gai would definitely steal the MC’s position before anyone did
the moment Genma slipped the ring onto your finger, your eyes became watery as you tried your best to suppress the overflowing tears
he just smiled sweetly and placed a gentle kiss on your tear-stained cheek after you both vowed to stick together through all the thick and thin, to love and to respect one another with all your hearts
that night, you laid in your shared bed with your head pressed against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, and fell asleep with ease
it was the best day of your life
one month into your marriage, Genma grew accustomed to holding your body close to his every morning he woke up
he would be grumpy if you left the bed before he was awake
house chores would be divided equally because you also had your job to attend to and so did he
you would be in charge of cooking and washing the dishes and he would take care of tidying the whole place
however, when you were sick
he would quietly slip out of bed and tiptoed to the kitchen to make breakfast, claiming that you needed more sleep 
the man literally brought a bowl of porridge to your bedroom, and carefully blew every single spoon before feeding you
he tried to make the experience more enjoyable because he knew you didn’t like porridge that much, frequently cooing that you would get well when you’re done eating while tucking a strand of stray hair behind your ear
one year into your marriage, Genma decided to celebrate your anniversary by taking you to Suna for one whole week
your days there were burden-free when every day you woke up to the soft kisses he was peppering onto your forehead and fell asleep every night with him rubbing circles on your back
you both secluded yourselves from all of your responsibilities and were immersed in each other’s love and care
two years into your marriage, both of you would be pulled out of bed when a loud cry erupted from your months-old baby
when you were pregnant with your first child, Genma was in shock
he completely lost his decorum, pacing back and forth, flipping every maternal magazine he could find in the bookstores, and asking all of his friends what to name your baby (even when the kid was a pea-sized without a defined gender)
he would frequently talk to your tummy, proudly introducing himself several times a day to make sure that his child heard him clear
soon after you were pregnant, Genma started calling you “Mama” and himself “Papa”
this man was someone who would read bedtime stories to your baby bump every single night
four years into your marriage, your child was a toddler by now, and your husband took on a brand new role, a full-time Shinobi, a part-time personal trainer and househusband
he would go on his normal job, come home and train with your child, clean the house, tuck your child to bed, and finally hug you tight in his chest
Genma would randomly whisper “Thank you” into your ears, peck your lips, and stroke your hair
he would always spread his arms wide for you to join him with some soft cuddles and sweet purrs 
being in a marriage with him may not be the most romantic but he would give you a real sense of family.
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thenightfallingstar​
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alby-rei · 3 years
🌙 Resident of the @starlitmanor-network 
Some links for quick navigation to my posts! 
Legend: ✨ New, 💕 Faves, 🔜 Coming soon
~ 🕹 Play Ikemen Vampire RPG
IkeVamp Short Story Collections
Comte’s Ghost Mansion (Ghostbuster!Reader)
Part 1 [ft. Sebastian]
Part 2 [ft. Mozart]
Part 3 [ft. Dazai]
Part 4 [ft. Arthur]
✨ Part 5 [ft. Vincent & Theo]
🔜 Part 6 [ft. Comte]
Pranking the Mansion Residents
Piano Heist [Targets: Mozart, Arthur]
Sorry, Not Sorry [Target: Theo]
What Goes Up, Must Come Down [Target: Dazai]
Non-romantic Short Stories
IkeVamp Bloopers and Outtakes [Multi-suitor]
IkeVamp plays Mafia (part 1)  [Multi-suitor]
💕 IkeVamp plays Mafia (part 2)  [Multi-suitor]
Finding Vincent™ [Vincent, Theo, Shakespeare, Comte]
Class is in Session [Isaac, Napoleon]
Stranger Dreams [Isaac, Napoleon]
Ikemen Vampire x Reader/MC
~Leonardo da Vinci 🐈
Sharing is Caring and that includes Naps
Keep your Eyes on Me
💕 Hugs and Guessing Games
Protect You
My Snowman and Me
In Your Loving Embrace (I almost died)
Cat Naps
The Scent of Home
💕 Whatever It Takes
On Cloud Nine
~Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 🎶
Late Night Lullaby 
A Quarter Rest
~Arthur Conan Doyle 📘
Midnight Snacks 
💕 Arthur’s Pillow 
Blind dating game 
~Vincent van Gogh 🌻
Paint My World in Shades of You 
💕 Painting on Buttercream Cake 
The Wandering Painter 
~Theodorus van Gogh 💼
A Spoonful of Sugar 
A Moment of Peace 
~Isaac Newton 🌌
Defender of Your Dreams 
✨The Shy & Clumsy Physicist
~Osamu Dazai 💜
Hold on Tight (unless you want to fall) 
~William Shakespeare 🎭
💕 Intermission
~Le Comte de Saint-Germain 🥖
💕 Moonlight Waltz
Getting Ready Together
~Sebastian/Akihiko Satou 🤍
Growing Pains
✨Growing Pains: Hand-washing clothes
~Vlad 🌹
Dessert for Two 
Tears of Themis x Reader/MC 
When You Wish Upon a Lucky Star
Warmth in Your Hands, Warmth in My Heart
Who’s beefy, dumb, AND kind in IkeVamp?    
Jean’s New Groove 
Ikevamp reacting to the Lion King 
Puns ft. Dazai, Mozart, Comte, and Jean 
Breaking spaghetti breaks Leonardo’s heart 
Doodles & Gifts for friends
Portrait of the English Bois [Arthur and Isaac]
Portrait of the Big Bambino [Leonardo]
Portrait of Sir Naps-a-lot [Napoleon]
Pikachu Gasp™ [Vlad] 
Isaac and James Newton [for Shookspearewrites’ story]
Chibi Vlad + Strawberries [Vlad; Bday gift]
Kiss the Cook [Masamune; Ikesen]
Do it for Them [Naruto; Secret Santa]
Nobunaga & Mitsuhide as Tokaido travelers [Ikesen; Bday gift]
Darius Morgan SR [Tears of Themis; Bday gift]
Tobirama & Kakashi [Naruto; Bday gift]
Chibi Inumaki [JJK; Bday gift] 
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