#kaiju no. 8 ocs
zrllosyn-art · 3 months
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Kn8 OC relationship chart
(ft. @izfaish's ocs with an orange outline)
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pfpanimes · 17 days
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⌕ kaiju no. 8 • soshiro hoshina.
like or reblog if you save/use. 🤍
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amjustagirl · 2 months
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Chapter 1
pairing: hoshina soshiro x f! reader
genre: romance, angst
wc: 4k
summary: you've loved soshiro since you were seven. he will always place his duty above you.
chapt 1 / chapt 2 / chapt 3 / chapt 4 / chapt 5
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Once a month, Hoshina Soshiro drops by your apartment for tea with you. 
It isn’t often that you both get the same day off. Him, with his vice captain duties that never end because Kaijus don’t deign to give him a break, as he often complains. You, spending hours if not days buried in the blade forgery at Izumo tech so much so your parents remark dryly that they’ve forgotten your face. But every so often, the universe smiles upon you and you get to spend an afternoon sitting on your narrow balcony with your oldest friend. 
It always begins like this.
He drops a plastic bag full of fizzy drinks on the table that only he drinks, whilst you brew a pot of tea. There’s dessert in the fridge that you get to feed his sweet tooth, and he’ll consume both because you’ll claim you have no appetite. After a few perfunctory questions about your wellbeing - the same as always, nothing’s changed, he’ll turn his mind to the sole focus in his life. 
“You gave the latest tech to my brother?!” he yells, outraged. “His main weapon isn’t even a blade.” 
“Orders are orders”, you respond. “Besides, didn’t I just tweak your katanas last month?” 
“About that”, he grins at you, somewhat sheepishly. “I’ve got more ideas -” 
“Not again”, you groan. 
He’ll rattle off a long list of things he wants you to work on next month. Blades made out of some kaiju bone, just to test its mettle. A blade to be worked into his boots - an idea he cheekily admits stems from some stupid shounen manga he reads in his spare time. So many of his ideas belong in the trash bin, but you entertain him anyway, studiously jotting down each of his requests. 
“You’re lucky I put up with you”, you tell him. 
Lazily, he flops onto the floor, rolling to lie his head in your lap. “As if you wouldn’t”, he laughs, poking up at your cheek. 
You don’t get the chance to answer him. His phone goes off, as it always does, and he has to go. 
“Seeya next time”, he waves, without leaving you another glance. The sliver of sky between the buildings surrounding yours is dark when you get up from your seat to clear the cups. 
Your cheek still stings. 
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Your family always had close ties to the Hoshina clan. The clan of swordsmiths sworn to the Hoshina clan of swordsmen. A tie that can be traced centuries back to the Edo period to today. Your father crafted his father’s blades in the fires of your family’s forge, yet another in your family’s lineage who were born to serve the generations of Hoshina swordsmen. 
Even though you were born a girl, you never accepted that it should be different for you.
You were only seven when you accompanied your father on a delivery to the Hoshina estate. Your stockinged feet echo in the wooden corridors that stretch out before you, seemingly without end. There are portraits of imposing swordsmen in every other room, blades displayed, their former owners’ eventual fate captioned beneath. You are too ashamed to admit that you’re afraid of one such painting with kaiju-like yellow eyes that seems to glare at you that you bolt when your father leaves you aside to talk business with the Hoshina patriarch.
Foolishly, you forget that the Hoshina estate dwarfs your family home. After the fifth rock garden you come across (which admittedly to your seven year old self, seems to blend into each other), you are well and truly lost, so you sit on the porch of some courtyard and wait to be found for a stern reprimand by your father. 
But you’re drawn by the sound of steel clashing, so you follow your ears, and your eyes thank you as you watch two boys spar with dull blades. 
The older, with silver hair, has a clear edge. He’s taller and stronger, so he bullies his younger opponent into a corner. The younger, with dark hair, doesn’t seem daunted, standing his ground with precise swings and savage slashes that his older opponent only manages to parry with difficulty. 
Though you hide yourself behind a pillar, the older boy spots you anyway, breaking off the fight to grab you by the front of your top. 
“Intruder”, he shouts, waving his blade at you.  
“I’m - I’m sorry!” you squeak. You panic, fearful that he’ll throw you out of the estate, because if you can’t even figure your way out around the compound, there’s no way you’re going to find your way back home across half of Osaka, so you hiccup and cry and beg to be let go - 
“Hey! You’re just looking for an excuse to get out of a losing fight.”
Courage has never been your strong suit. It’s easier for you to hide behind your father or older brother’s legs, so you’re taken aback by how quickly the younger boy jumps into the fray on your behalf, defiant even in the face of a larger opponent.  
Your captor’s nostrils flare. “What did you say?!” he demands, but he lets you go with a sneer. 
“Another round then”, the younger boy says, as he tugs you to your feet, brushing the dust off the pretty kimono your mother took the effort to dress you up in. “Maybe this time you’ll actually be serious -” 
His brother brandishes the blade at him. “I’ll beat you to a pulp, you insolent brat.” 
You spend the afternoon watching them from a safe distance until your father finds you, apologising to Hoshina-sama for his wayward daughter. 
You’re formally introduced then to the brothers - Sochiro the elder, who doesn’t even acknowledge you with a nod, and Soshiro the younger, who smiles like the sun when you tell him that he’s amazing in a fight. 
“I’ll show you more next time!!”, Soshiro says. His eyes remind you of violets blooming in spring. 
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Your mother hears of your adventures in the Hoshina estate. 
She comes to brush your hair after your bath. “The Hoshina family sees ours as a vassal clan”, she states baldly, as the comb sticks on a particularly tricky tangle. At your noise of confusion (and pain, because she’s none-too-gentle at getting the snags out of your mane), she explains. “That means our family is bound to them by our usefulness in making katanas, the instruments of their success.”  
She clucks her tongue at your obtuseness, as you stare at her, uncomprehending. “We supply swords, not brides to them. There are no engagements between their sons and our daughters. If you wish to associate with the Hoshina boys, you must be of use to them.” 
Perhaps, in her ungentle way, your mother was trying to do you a kindness. 
But you took her warning as instruction instead. So, though you’ve always been afraid of the loud forge your father and older brother work in, you badgered your father for enough lessons in sword making, hovering over him every minute you have out of school so you can learn everything you can.  
It’s worth it, when Soshiro comments on the shiny scars on your forearms the next time you visit. 
“I’ve been learning how to make katanas”, you explain, suddenly shy. 
“Wow!” you catch another glimpse of violets through wide eyes. “You must’ve worked really hard!”  
You peek at the blooms of bruises on his shins, the angry red scratch across his face. “So have you”, you reply. 
He beams, dragging you off to play.  
More often than not, that devolves into him showing off his latest moves, and you applauding his every action. He revels in the attention, which you find strange because surely everyone with eyes should be able to discern that Hoshina Soshiro is wildly talented, even at the tender age of eight, but then whenever his brother surfaces with taunt regarding Soshiro’s swordsmanship, you can see the chip of his shoulder grow, an invisible burden that drags him into the ground.
As an outsider, it’s not your place to comment on the unfairness of being knocked around by a boy five years his senior, so you try your clumsy best to bandage Soshiro’s wounds and slip in an encouraging word or two. You never want to see the violets in his eyes wither and die. 
“I’ll make you the best blade in the world when we grow up”, you bump your elbow against his. “So you can beat him.” 
You loop your little finger around his. Half moons brighten into stars. 
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// how abt a blade that can separate into 2 // 
// or or or // 
// maybe three?! // 
// would your ancestors roll in their grave //
You wake up to a text. Or three. 
<Gremlin>. You text back. <Soshiro-kun, go to sleep.> 
// you wound me // 
// seeya later // 
// visiting Izumo tech for my new suit!!! // 
// make sure you lend me your lunch discount at the cafeteria // 
You snort.
<Cheapskate>. The rhythm of your conversation thrums. <are you asking me to have lunch with you> 
// someone needs to keep me safe from my fangirls // 
// don’t leave me in their clutches // 
An eye roll. 
< Die >. You turn your phone facedown, resolutely refusing to respond. 
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Despite your complaints, you end up eating lunch with him anyway. 
It’s difficult to concentrate on your meal when your childhood friend turned the most eligible bachelor in the Japan Defense Force sits across from you in a skintight uniform, your giggly co-workers sitting two rows down watching his every move. So you push your tray away and just watch him as he chatters away through a mouth full of food (something he’d never do back home because he’s been raised with manners befitting the second son of the esteemed Hoshina clan, but around you he seems to turn into a demented manchild), but you’ve always found it endearing how he’s his chaotic true self around you - 
“New recruits are coming in next month so I don’t know when we’ll have time to catch up -” 
“There’s nothing to catch up on when you keep text me in the middle of the night with your train of thoughts - “
“That’s all work related”, he says. “I want to know how you are doing.” 
You’re not about to tell him that your parents have informed you that they’re tired of you mooning after a man who’ll never love you back, and have started haranguing you via text to get your ass back to Osaka so you can meet suitable men your age who’d be willing to accept an unladylike wife with burn scars trailing up her forearms.  
“As if you really want to know”, you grumble. “You’re only interested in talking to me when it’s about your weapons and tech.” 
“You wound me”, he dramatically claps his hand to his chest, miming hurt. “You don’t believe that I care about my oldest friend?” 
“Rude”, he sing-songs. “C’mon.”
“The only reason we’re even lunching is because you wanted more upgrades - plus, now you want a shield against your fan-girls, who, by the way, are going to mob me in the bathroom and make me recount for the thousandth time, why and how I know you, the - I quote - cutest guy in the Japanese Defense Force, though they really should get their eyesight checked out in my opinion -” 
“Oohhhh - people think I’m good-looking?” He runs his fingers through his hair like he’s in some 80’s shampoo commercial, throwing an exaggerated wink over his shoulder to the nearest fangirl. You hear a thump on the floor. You hope she didn’t hit her head too hard (but perhaps it might make her sole brain cell work a little better if she did). 
You tap his knuckles with the back of your chopsticks. “Get that ego on a leash.”
His grin is cheeky. “I can’t help it if people think I’m good-looking.” Your heavy sigh makes him pout. “You don’t think I’m good looking?” 
The lunch bell comes to your rescue. 
“I have to get back to work”, you tell him, all too ready to make your escape. 
“So do I”, he gobbles down the rest of his lunch. “Seeya around.”
“Stay safe”, you add. “Don’t let a Kaiju eat you up.” 
“Eat me up?!” he squawks with mock outrage. “Don’t you know I eat Kaijus for breakfast?” 
As if you don’t. In Tokyo, the third division is exceedingly popular. Captain Mina Ashiro of course, takes up most of the attention with her long, dark hair and prowess as the nation’s foremost sniper, but once in a while, the newspapers and magazines run features of Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro, and you dutifully keep cuttings in a scrapbook that you hide under your bed. 
In every interview, he talks about how it’s patently untrue that there’s no space in the Japan Defense Force for those who prefer to wield a blade rather than a modern gun. “Captain Ashiro believes in me”, he says, so seriously that it’s hard to recognise your usual jovial friend. “For that, I’ll be thankful for every day.” 
He said the same thing to you the day of his promotion. 
“She believes in me when no one else did”, he tells you in disbelief. 
That’s a lie, you want to shout. You reminded him that there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that he’d fail the entrance exam into the Japan Defense Force, and he’d indeed pass with flying colours. You calculated his unleashed combat potential from your lab in Izumo Tech, saw him exceed and excel so much so that an exception was made for him to carry katanas which you spent sleepless nights crafting for him. He won his first promotion as platoon leader nary a year in after a stunning victory decapitating yonju across Tokyo, and your congratulatory text to him was ‘See, I knew you’d do it.’ 
So no, Mina Ashiro was not the first person who believed in Hoshina Soshiro. You are. 
Unless, in his eyes, you don’t count. 
<Yes, I’ll be glad to meet your friend’s son>
< No promises on anything more>
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The date your parents arranged for you is a man with a pleasing smile who has as much romantic interest in you as you in him - which is to say, very little at all. “I’m too busy with my job, but my mother insisted”, he confesses.
You like him all the better for his honesty. “So did mine”, you respond with a wry chuckle. 
Yamamoto-san is good company, nonetheless, even if his only interest in life other than his demanding job as a corporate slave is tending to his houseplants, so since you both share an interest in getting your overbearing mothers off your backs, you agree to have lunch once a month just so you can say to your parents without lying that you’re seeing someone. 
A part of you that you tuck deep into your chest hopes that word gets around to Soshiro, who’ll come beat your front door down, demanding that you, instead, turn your eyes to him (as if you’ve ever looked elsewhere for as long as you’ve known him). And when Hoshina Sochiro, Captain of the Sixth Division, pops into your office for his own tweaks to his tech and rounds upon you with a wicked twinkle in his eye, you’re sure that whatever you share will be conveyed as salaciously as possible to his younger brother. 
“Soooo”, he drags each word out obnoxiously. “Your older brother mentioned that you’re seeing someone now who isn’t my younger brother.” 
You smile blandly. “Soshiro-kun and I have always been just friends.” 
“Just friends my arse”, he retorts. “You’ve had a planet sized crush on him since you were seven. It just can’t be helped that my brother’s got a katana up his arse.” 
You try your best not to wince. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Captain Hoshina?” you gesture at the door. “As you can see, the mountain of work that’s been piling up ever since you stopped by my office needs to be done, and I really don’t have time to sit around and gossip like old women.” 
“So grumpy”, he hops off your desk. “So, should I tell him that he’s missed the boat?”
“Tell him whatever you want.” You begin to type furiously on your laptop. “As if he’ll care.” 
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Five minutes later. 
// u have a bf?! // 
// and i had to find out fr Sochiro?! // 
// AND u said there’s nothing to catch up on? // 
You lock your phone in the drawer beneath your desk. 
// are u ignoring me???? // 
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“You ignored my texts!” 
This is a first. Hoshina Soshiro, cranky even when a stack of golden brown pancakes soaked in maple syrup wobbles enticingly in front of him. “I was busy at work”, you say. A flimsy excuse, one that fails to placate him as he continues to pout, childlike at you.
“So?” he demands, slicing right through the pancakes with his butter knife. “Is it true?” 
“Is what true?” 
His eyes narrow as he waves his knife accusingly at you. “You decided to tell Sochiro that you got a boyfriend before me?” 
You take a sip of coffee to steady your nerves. “You know I don’t talk to your brother unless he decides to invade my lab. But I guess he and my brother still text from time to time.” 
“Hrm.” he puffs out his cheeks, blows out a breath heavy enough to flutter his bangs. You restrain the urge to reach over and straighten his hair. “Fine.”
“I’m just seeing a guy that my parents set me up with.” You rehearsed exactly what you wanted to say, but your insides churn, the coffee you drank not doing you any favours. “I guess they’re just worried that no one will ever want me as I grow old and unmarriageable.” 
His chuckle is blithe, uncaring. “Parents are all the same, aren’t they? Just last week, my mother called me to ask if I’m interested in being set up on a date with someone - as if I’d ever be interested, I barely have time to sleep, let alone date, and besides, she probably just called because my older brother’s a master at dodging such calls -” 
You let him ramble on as you gather the remnants of your courage deep within your guts for a final advance. 
“Hm?” he looks up, mid-chew. “Sup.”
“If I really did get a boyfriend, you wouldn’t mind, would you?” 
“Why would I mind?” He laughs, reaching over to prod at your cheek. “I mean, I guess as long as you don’t stop making me awesome katanas, and as long as he doesn’t mind that I text you my brilliant ideas on improvements -” 
Unknowingly, he cuts right through your heart. But in fairness to him, you offered your heart on a silver fucking platter, even handed him the blade to stab it with.
“I was just worried you’d be unhappy”, you mumble, blinking back tears furiously. 
Thankfully, he’s too focused on clearing his plate. “I thought you were going to ask me something serious”, he laughs. “What a silly question.” 
“Yeah”, you manage to croak. “What a silly question.” 
He goes on to fill the rest of the afternoon with chatter about his new recruits. You sit numbly and listen to his tales of a Shinomiya slip of a girl who blows all recorded numbers for a recruit out of the window, an old man who confounds his techs by registering a big fat zilch on their combat scales, but he entertains his candidacy because he’s a great source of entertainment. 
“You okay there?” he frowns, stopping mid-story. “You kinda look down.” 
“Indigestion”, you lie through gritted teeth. “Never you mind.” 
“You shouldn’t take milk in your coffee if you’re lactose intolerant, silly”, he teases, confiscating your iced latte. 
“I’m just an idiot”, you try your best to smile. Fortunately, he accepts a pained grimace. 
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Your mother was both right and wrong. You know that Soshiro cares for you as a friend, because he could never be callous enough to reduce you to your usefulness to him, but it’s true that he has no space in his heart for you. 
A year or two ago, you piled yourself in a car with both Hoshina brothers to brave the Obon traffic to get back to Osaka for the holidays. You hadn’t been able to afford the jacked up prices for the shinkansen, and Soshiro only found out yesterday that Captain Ashiro took pity on him for missing consecutive New Year holidays that she gave him Obon off as a consolation price, so their parents nagged Sochiro into ferrying you both home. 
“Shouldn’t you have your own car?” Sochiro groused. 
“Why would I need a car if I’m on base 24/7”, Soshiro replied. “Why do you need a car? Unless the sixth division is slacking off -”
The car screeched to a halt. Sochiro kicked open the door, yanked Soshiro by his collar and shoved him into the driver’s seat. “To keep your smart mouth occupied, you can drive us the rest of the way to Osaka.” 
“Aren’t you scared I’ll crash?” 
“If you do, I’ll skin you alive.” 
Your forehead nearly split open from all the bickering. “Guys, I can drive -” 
“No!” Both brothers yelled at you in unison. It’s the first time they’ve probably agreed on anything in their life.
The bickering finally ended when Sochiro fell asleep in the back, head pillowed against the window glass on one side in a way that he’s bound to wake up with a neckache. Still, you’re forced in close proximity to Soshiro, the puffs of warm air from the overworking air-conditioner blending with the scent of steel and citrus, from the shampoo he probably uses, you mused half dizzy, head heavy - 
“If you puke in the car, Sochiro’ll make you lick it up.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut. “Talk to me so I don’t focus on your terrible driving.” 
By the time Soshiro’s done with his recounting of the last four fights he’s been involved in, the massive disappointment of this year’s recruitment exercise and his admiration for Captain Mina Ashiro (which made you want to scream, kick your foot through the windshield, perhaps), the afternoon sun is low to the ground, streetlights along the expressway flickering on. 
You couldn’t help but ask. “Do you ever think about anything other than your job?” 
“Nah.” he chuckled. “I don’t have time for anything else. I gotta spend time to train y’know, otherwise I’ll really die on the job.” 
“That’s why I got good life insurance”, he deadpanned. 
“I guess that was a silly question”, you slump back in your seat. 
“It really is”, he teased. “So, what else d’you wanna hear about my all consuming job?” 
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The memory stings your eyes. 
You make up an excuse to return to your apartment without haste, waiting until he disappears around the corner before you give in to the tears that you’ve been keeping at bay all afternoon. Strangers on the train ride home give you a wide berth, because they certainly don’t want to catch whatever malady you’re clearly suffering from with your swollen eyes and hiccuped sniffles. You stumble into your shoebox apartment, kick your shoes off at the genkan.  
Tonight you’ll give yourself the grace to mourn the death of a dream.  
You crack open the beers he previously brought, one after another. Drunk, you sit on the balcony, the half-moon reminding you too much of a certain vice captain. You let your mother’s words flood your mind. You are meant to offer him blades, not a bride. In another lifetime, in every lifetime, perhaps, the noble born son of a samurai clan would never open his heart to the lowly daughter of a swordsmith. He would be raised to always put duty before love. 
You don’t know why you hoped for anything different. 
So when you roll off your sofa in the morning, you glare at yourself in the toilet mirror, eyes rimmed red, a hangover in full effect. 
“You are an idiot.” you slap your cheeks so hard it turns pink. 
You will not allow this to continue. Hoshina Soshiro is not yours, has never been yours, and will never be yours. You are pathetic for hoping otherwise, stupid for living in hopes that he’ll look at you some day, an utter idiot for letting every choice you’ve ever made in your life be guided by your infatuation with a boy who doesn’t have space in his heart for you.
You could’ve been like your older brother, been content with sticking to the family business of sword making instead spending every spare minute on your engineering studies so you’re well positioned to be snapped up by Izumo Tech as a weapons specialist. You had the leeway to be based in Osaka near your family, but accepted a position in Tokyo just to be closer to where Soshiro’s based. You could’ve had a social life, perhaps even friends outside of work, if you’ve not dedicated your life to your job, working after hours tirelessly, just so you secure promotion after promotion, cementing yourself as Izumo Tech (and by extension, the Defense Force) go-to for anything blade related, just so you fulfil the promise you made to Soshiro all those years ago. 
You cannot live the rest of your life this way.   
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a/n: so...i know i've only ever written for the hq boys but the way hoshina soshiro grabbed my throat in a chokehold in that gym training scene just forced my gremlin brain to start typing and get to work on this story for him.
hope you guys like it <3
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equestriagirl16 · 5 months
When I’m desperately checking the ‘x reader’ tag of a new series and I finally see multiple fics uploaded-
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khunyuki · 4 months
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
ᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ
Synopsis: Having the infamous Vice-Captain of the Third Division of the Defense Force as your fiance isn't easy especially when the rest of the force expects you to be strong enough to be worthy to be by his side along with your family demanding you to finally get married and give them an heir. The continuous onslaught of expectations and demands from all sides keeps you up at night when you think about how you don't really have a good relationship with him. Or at least that's what you thought...
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Note/s: This is a series but I'll try making every part as oneshots so you can read them as is without being confused. I'll add the links once i'm done making the story ^_^
Trope/s: Arranged Marriage; Misunderstandings; Childhood Sweethearts; Hopeless Romantic; Hidden Power; School Romance; Soulmates; Love at First Sight; Workplace Romance
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Smut, Romance, Action
Warning/s: Insecurities, Anxiety, NSFW, Jealousy, Self Hurt
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Original Character:
Uzui Kagami
The Uzui clan of ninjas has always been active in assisting the Hoshina clan from the shadows, with a only few of its members serving the Defence Force and the rest being assigned as bodyguards for important people. The Uzuis had been cultivating their personal blade style, however, only select individuals can manage to fully exhibit its potential, thus encouraging its family members to focus on their technical skills in weaponry.
A. Take everything, just not him (Angst)[Introduction][Published]
1. I love you (Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)[Published]
2. I'll show you how much you mean to me (Hurt/Comfort, Smut)[Published]
3. Now do you see just how much I care? (Fluff/Aftercare)[Published]
Side Story:
a. You will always have a special place in my heart (Fluff) [uploaded]
b. Jealousy, jealousy [uploaded]
c. We promised to take care of each other, didn't we? (Fluff)[uploaded]
d. I guess I'm just a friend to you, huh? (Narumi Gen)[uploaded]
e. Puppy Love (Fluff)[drafts]
f. Resisting Temptations (Mild Smut)[Published]
g. I don't want to be just friends but... (Angst)[Published]
h. I am a jealous girl/boy [drafts]
Do you want to be my wife that badly? (NSFW)[Published]
Deprived hours (NSFW)[Published]
Prince Charming Gone Wrong [Published]
-> The aftermath [Published]
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend [Published]
What Ifs
Kagami got captured by kaiju no.9 and saved by Soshiro
Kagami almost dying and becomes comatose
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butwhereisgojonow · 4 months
I swear that Hoshina is LEVI in a different universe🤣
Just funnier😎
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sonicasura · 3 months
For you single parent Hoshina ver Au
Kafka can talk as a Kaiju what if skully learn to talk too and call hoshina „papa“out of nowhere
The mental heart attack first it’s calling him „papa“ and then come the realization this baby kaiju can talk
And of course the other have there fun and try not to laughing-Kafka wo have panic
But then come the discussion have the baby human intelligence or mimic it human child behavior
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Post in question. Oh my god, your version of Skully looks adorable. I honestly haven't gotten a chance to design them yet but will.
You can bet Hoshina was absolutely gobsmacked upon hearing Skully call him Papa. Even moreso if the recruits were around since again, the baby is like a koala and likes to hang on his back or shoulder all the time. (Kafka fucking panicked while everyone else froze.) They all know about Skully's existence thanks to this as Hoshina rather not deal with a crying whelp.
Cue a little test to measure the baby's intelligence for obvious reasons. Simple shape table, Memory Cards, and practice words. The results? Skully has the intelligence of an avid preschooler. They can identify right from wrong surprisingly quick too.
In short, Skully is able to learn like any human child and won't be a threat to humans if raised properly. A responsibility entrusted to Hoshina than just trying to figure out Kaiju No. 8. Mina is definitely carrying a camera with her at all times just to snap pictures of the milestones and funny moments to come.
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moon-cakiie · 28 days
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My apologies for not posting arts been busy in school, I made a another oc x canon from Kaiju no 8 <33
✔️Reblog and Likes are appreciate ✔️
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oxandthorn · 2 months
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he collecting kaiju like pogs (poor 10 and kafka)
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
Hello! Recently read a few of your kn8 Soshiro x Reader fics and fell in love with your writing style. It's so lovely, and I really like your portrayal of him! If you're okay with requests, can you maybe write a Soshiro/female!Reader story where the two have a number of memorable chance meetings from childhood to adulthood, until they "officially" meet in the Defense Force? I'm lowkey obsessed with the idea of two people who meet as kids and are repeatedly separated and reunited during different stages of life, before reuniting for good as adults who can be together. Bonus points if the reader is Kafka's silly little sister!
Sorry if this is a lot, and thanks for reading it all!
I love your big brain, anon. The childhood friends trope is really at the top of everything for some reason! But soulmates, too? (Or something like that lol.) These are just a few of my favourite things to write.
Hope you enjoy this!
cw: (F) Reader/OC has a name in this fic, Hibino Mayari, and is six years younger than Kafka and one year younger than Mina. There may be some inaccuracy with the ages. Written with a generic (f) reader in mind. ✧ Mayari is the deity of the moon, night, war, revolution, equality, and strength in the Philippines. Since Kafka had a unique name, I thought I'd give his little sister one, too. Think of it as their mother being some kind of voracious reader and giving her children names they absolutely cannot find in souvenir shops. wc: 3.8k
✧ Stardust - Sakura Fujiwara
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Lucky stars, a trick of the gods, destiny— you could call your meeting so many different things. Strings so intricately twined that you'd think it to be a single rope, raindrops from the same cloud falling into the same ocean, and shadows coming together as the sun reaches a point in the sky. There wasn't a single part of you that wouldn't recognise the soul that touched yours that fateful day.
What was it like to make a promise to someone? Your older brother promised you many things— sweets after school, a piggyback ride whenever you got tired of running after him, and taking you wherever you wanted. Such were the little sister privileges granted to you by your older brother Kafka.
In the wake of your home's destruction, you remember him making a promise to a girl— your next-door neighbour Mina, and how they both swore to rise above and become the coolest Defense Force Officer the world has ever seen. You wanted in on that promise, too, and Kafka agreed only because you were his younger sister, his only one in this world. And Mina agreed because there was no way she could refuse you and your eagerness.
"I want to be a Defense Force Officer, too!"
"Then let's race! Me, Mina, and Mayari! Let's see who becomes the coolest of them all!" 
Not long after making that promise, you were caught amid a Yoju attack that separated you from Kafka and your mother. You screamed and wailed for your older brother, for anyone at that point, only to be rescued by a lone swordsman who swept through the field with his single blade. Your nameless saviour brought you to the nearest evacuation centre, where you reunited with your family and the rest of your community. 
You only knew swordsmen from legends and anime and not even once in your life did you ever think you'd be rescued by one, but then you were. And you couldn't peel your eyes away from the older man, who was clearly flattered by how you followed him around the evacuation centre with your curious eyes. 
"Is there anything I can do for you, little one?"
"I—! I want to be a swordsman, too!"
He chuckled at your declaration, calling it an admirable intention, but the light in your eyes revealed the depth of your earnestness— a rarity for children like you who have lost nearly everything in your life— mostly due to Kaiju attacks. 
The old man in the familiar Defense Force uniform crouched down and held out his hand for a handshake with you. "Very well. If you wish to devote yourself to the way of the sword, you must be willing to sacrifice your existing way of life."
He scrounged a wrinkled sheet of paper and a pen and wrote down an address that your practised eyes could read. "Ho… shina?"
"That's correct. If you truly wish to learn more about swordsmanship, come to this place, and I will teach you all that our family knows." 
That little scrap of paper became your most treasured possession. After weeks of pestering your older brother to take you to that place, he eventually relented and allowed you a maximum of 30 minutes before he came to pick you up again. 
You were almost turned away from the dojo when the students mistook you for a lost child, but your saviour recognised you— and your eyes filled with hope. When you introduced yourself to him once more and reiterated your intention to learn the way of the sword, he acknowledged you with a deep bow, which you quickly imitated. 
"I have a son your age. He will be the one to teach you the most basic yet valuable lessons when it comes to swordsmanship," he said before gesturing at a boy in the same haori and hakama as him. "Soshiro."
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Rumours about the high schooler Hibino Mayari and her incredible sword arm reached even the ears of her older brother in college. While you remained his adorable little sister for the most part, it was clear to Kafka that you had a gift for the sword you had to continue honing. From his estimation, you won't have any difficulty passing the Defense Force Entrance Exams, but that will depend on your overall combat power and affinity for firearms. 
At 23, he had already failed four times, while you had one more year before you could take it yourself. And while you didn't wish for your brother to lose hope, the way things were going for him did not bode well. 
You were both home for the weekend, Kafka with his can of beer in hand while you practised your swings with your bokken in your backyard. 
"Aniki," you started. "Mina nee-san will take the entrance exams later this year, right?" 
"Yeah. Wish her luck when you can," he told you. "Speaking of which, didn't you say your friend will be taking the exam, too?" 
"Shiro-kun has family in the Defense Force. Though I doubt he'd try to get in the force by family connections alone," you said with a smile. "It's been years since I last saw him, so I wonder if he's really going to take the exam this year like he said before."
As a child, you learned everything you could about swordsmanship under the tutelage of the age-old samurai clan, but after being assessed at the age of 13, the Hoshina patriarch declared you a shodan, an estimation which meant you already had a clear grasp of the basics of swordsmanship. 
"It's a pity they had to let you go just when you were getting good, huh?" Kafka remarked as he drank deep from his can of beer. 
"I know, but Shisho said Shiro-kun and I were quickly becoming big fish in a small pond and training with a single person for a long time would narrow our perspective, so we had to start training with others. At least that's what he told me," you replied to him as you rested your bokken on your stiff shoulder. "I'm glad the schools I went to had Kendo clubs with members of varying levels of strengths and skill, so I was able to make use of my knowledge while learning new things at the same time." 
"Oh, come on. You learned swordsmanship from an elite dojo. We both know you just wanted to show off— ow!" He said with a small snort, to which you replied by lightly kicking his shin. "Mayari!"
"Well, maybe I do want to show off a little," you huffed at your older brother. 
"They even gave you some tacky nickname, right? Crescent blade Mayari! Pfft!"  
You kicked his shin a bit harder this time. "Aniki! I didn't ask for that! My kouhais thought it was cool, so…"
"So you ran with it," Kafka nodded at you before gently kicking you back. You could tell from the way he looked at you that he kind of wanted to cry. "I am proud of you, Mayari."
That can't be helped, you told yourself. Aniki is always so honest with himself, after all. 
"Thank you, aniki. Don't go crying on me now. I'll always be your adorable little sister," you replied to him with a laugh and playfully batted your eyelashes at him. "Speaking of which, this adorable little sister of yours just saw this pretty dress in—"
"H-Hey! Don't get too ahead of yourself, Mayari!" 
"Aniki," you said to him with a smile. "I hope you know I'll always be rooting for you, too, so don't give up, okay? I'm sure Mina nee-san will be waiting for you— and me— when she passes the exam this year."
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It was an endearing nickname that was even more endearing by the sweet way you said it. If he was being honest, Soshiro did not think much of you back then. For him, you were just a little girl his father invited to learn and train swordsmanship. You were different from him in the way flowers grew from the same bush. While they were equally tended to, some will grow larger than others and bloom more brilliantly, too. 
He likened you to a grafted plant— one attached to him by the roots. And brilliantly did you bloom, indeed. A wildflower that thrived from the same water and sunlight as he did. For him, it was only a matter of time until you bloomed in fullness and outgrew him, but that never happened because his father uprooted you to the quick— for growing at a rate he did not expect from someone like you. 
That, and he did not expect his sons to start fighting over you. And though you were one of his most excellent pupils, he didn't deem you worth the trouble his sons would stir if you did not permit them to tame you. 
You parted your place of learning in good faith and had nothing but gratitude for the Hoshina Family, but there were times you thought it was unfair. He will continue learning under the best of the best while you have to carry on by yourself… But you were more disheartened by the fact that you would not see him again. 
Soshiro was truly the best rival you could ever ask for. As you entered middle school and high school and razed through club after club and joined every tournament you could, you soon realised that no one else could ever come close to him— both in skill and in something else you couldn't quite put a finger on. You searched for him in every opponent you came across, only to be disappointed time and again that they were not even at your level. 
In your final year of high school, during your school's long-anticipated cultural festival, the drama club needed someone with your skill, and they made you the centrepiece of their performance by teaching you a sword dance that drew spectators to your graceful form. 
"She's a marvel."
For once in his life, Soshiro was glad to have let his curiosity win him over. He was glad he sighted you in your high school's silly-looking cultural festival poster— for never did he expect to see the most beautiful wildflower in full bloom, adorned with silk and grace that did little to conceal her thorns as she danced to the strong yet tender rhythm of an equally gorgeous piece of music played on a shamisen. 
That was his wildflower. 
When he came to see you after your performance, all you could say was his name. "Shiro-kun!"
And it sounded just as sweet as when he last heard it. 
"Are ya just dancin' now?"
"Of course not! I was just helping the drama club!" You retorted with a smile. "If you wish to challenge me, all you have to do is ask." 
Your wordless duel of wooden swords was akin to dance as well, both of you equally deft, your movements measured and graceful, almost like spinning before a mirror until your dull blades were pressed against each other's necks. 
"I see time has not dulled your skills. That's good."
"It looks like time has been incredibly good to ya, too," he said, a familiar glint of mischief in his wine-dark eyes. "You've gotten prettier, Mayari-chan."
"Hmm. Not exactly the words I was looking for, but good enough, I suppose," you shook your head at him before breaking out into a smile. "It's good to see you again, Shiro-kun."
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Mina's meteoric rise to the rank of Division Captain did not surprise you. Ever since you were children, she had always been more focused on her goals compared to Kafka, who only desired the coolness associated with being a Defense Force officer. She vouched for your potential when you took the entrance exams and passed with the help of her commendation, though she reassured you herself that your own skills brought you there to where she was. 
And though you were subsequently assigned to a different division, she kept in touch with you as you both anticipated your older brother's arrival.
An arrival that never came. 
When you last phoned your home, it was only then you found out that Kafka had moved out and started working as a monster cleaner. It was a noble profession for you, of course, but you couldn't help but think—
—of how lonely your older brother must have been to have received rejection after rejection from something he had wanted to do all his life—
And it pains you to think that behind his smile when he congratulated you for passing the exams and becoming an officer was the sting of dismissal. 
When Kafka stopped calling to check in on you, you figured he might be busy with his job. Behind your stellar performance during missions was a strong sense of duty and a great fear of failure that allowed you to focus on the things you can control. You missed your older brother, but it was his choice to give up. 
However, you sensed a change in the wind after receiving a summon from the Captain of the Third Division out of the blue.
"Captain Ashiro called for you again, Mayari. I know she's always looking forward to seeing you in joint training, but doesn't she realise how stressful it is having to travel to Tokyo so often?" 
The Captain of the Fourth Division, Ogata Jugo, was a relatively relaxed man for the most part, but he was also incredibly insightful. He had no qualms about promoting you to a Platoon Leader despite your inclination to use swords in missions. He believes in allowing officers to use their own weapons of choice and that you would eventually use a gun when the situation calls for it. 
Captain Ogata trusts your skills, but he trusts your critical thinking even more. 
"I don't really mind all the travelling, Captain, sir," you replied to him with your usual cheer. Nagano to Tokyo wasn't a walk in the park but a three-and-a-half-hour car ride.
"Well, I do. You are my Platoon Leader, after all. You must defend this base when the situation arises," your captain said with a sigh. "I'm betting that Ashiro would do just about anything to have you transferred to her division."
"Nonsense, Captain. My place is here," you reassured him. "And while I do enjoy being the apple of her eye, I don't think I'll work well under the Third Division and its Captain."
"Why'd you think that?"
"Because Captain Ashiro would sooner lose herself in the battle than send me out," you said with a small shrug. "Sisterly instincts, I suppose. More importantly, I like working with you and our division, Captain, sir."
"You should tell that to her," your Captain chuckled.
"But for the record, Captain, I enjoy seeing her, too," you replied with an easygoing laugh. "I hope you continue to be lenient with me, sir."
"All right, all right. Go before I change my mind," Ogata stated as he shooed you away with a slow swatting motion. "And don't forget to bring me back some of that stuff you last brought."
You gave him a sharp salute and the same warm smile he enjoyed seeing on your face. "I'll be sure to bring home a bottle or two for you, Captain, sir!"
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Tachikawa Base never failed to amaze you. You found it more of a marvel compared to Headquarters, seeing as it was at the centre of the busiest city in Japan, but it was a constant magnet of Kaiju attacks, too. 
The entrance exams concluded Tachikawa Base's busiest time of the year, and with fresh recruits to fill in the ranks, more joint training sessions would soon be set to foster a warm relationship and camaraderie among the different members of the Defense Force's Eastern Divisions. 
Mina received you at her office as per protocol, the one place where you could simply be friends and not Captain and subordinate. 
"Fourth Division Platoon Leader Hibino Mayari at your service," you stated your name with a sharp salute and dignity tied to your esteemed position. "It's good to see you again, Captain Ashiro, ma'am."
"It's good to see you well, Mayari-chan," the older woman saluted right back before offering you a handshake. "I'll have to thank Captain Ogata for permitting your visit this time again."
"I'll buy his clemency before I head back to Nagano, Mina nee-san," you said with a laugh. "How did the entrance exams go this year, by the way? I only heard from Captain Ogata that something… strange happened."
Mina squeezed your hand and motioned for you to sit next to her. "This year's exams were nothing short of strange, I'll tell you that. But there's something I want to show you, too."
Having the Division Captain herself guide you through the many halls and walls of her base meant you had to return many greetings and salutations from younger officers. Mina was evidently well-loved by her division and adored by the masses for her levelheadedness that calmed whatever panic struck them during Kaiju attacks. After what seemed to be fifteen minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the base training ground, where most of the recruits gathered for their routine drills. 
"One of these days, we'd like for you to visit again when we host the annual goodwill Kendo match," she stated, eyeing the state of her division's recruits from above the area's gate. 
"I'd be glad to take part in…" You answered her, only for her to give you a small smile as she pointed down at one of the Third Division's recruits.
Lagging behind their laps was one older man gasping for breath, while a younger man slowed his pace to keep up with him. 
Kafka turned to the direction of that endearment like clockwork, only to find you and Mina curiously peering down at him from the gate while the rest of his cohort eventually outran him. 
"Mayari! And Mina, too!" 
"Another 30 laps for calling your superiors by their names, Officer Hibino," Mina shot back at him, to which he replied with a small groan of protest. "You can catch up with Platoon Leader Hibino once you're done with your drills and punishment."
You managed to laugh off your older brother's misfortune over his excitement at seeing you, but your amusement was swiftly replaced by the same kind of shock that came over Kafka when you saw yet another figure in the same sleek black uniform approach you and Mina.
"Captain Ashiro! I didn't expect to see you here today! I was told you have a guest…"
"Huh. So you're that Shiro-kun, Hoshina? Mayari-chan told us much about you when we were young," Mina mused aloud, though you knew from the small smile on her face that she sewed everything seamlessly. "What a small world we live in. To think that one of my oldest friends knows my Vice Captain." 
"I-I apologise for speaking out of turn, V-Vice Captain Hoshina!" You mustered a nervous salute directed at your childhood rival, now one of the Third Division's most prominent superior officers. "I-It's good to see you again, sir!"
"Fancy meeting you here, Mayari-chan. Or should I say Platoon Leader—"
"Fourth Division Platoon Leader Hibino Mayari at your service, Vice Captain, sir! I'm here at Captain Ashiro's invitation." 
Hibino? He thought to himself. Same as the stand-out candidate from this year's exams— "Wait a second, are you actually Kafka's sister?!"
"I hope my older brother hasn't been causing you any trouble, sir," you let out a nervous little chuckle. "Truth be told, I haven't spoken to him in the last few years and I did not expect to see him here at all. Mina nee-san— I mean, Captain Ashiro only informed me about this today."
"I see. Then you two must have a lot of catching up to do," he replied to you with a warm smile, to which Mina responded by patting him on his shoulder. 
"You two have a lot of catching up to do, too, wouldn't you agree, Hoshina?" 
"Well, I— It's just that Mayari-ch— I mean, I simply thought Platoon Leader Hibino would like to hear about her brother's exploits so far…?" 
"Make good use of your time while you're here, Platoon Leader Hibino. Seeing as Hoshina is here, too, you should discuss the goodwill Kendo match between our divisions as well."
"O-Of course, Captain Ashiro, ma'am!" 
She gave your shoulder a quick squeeze as well, before eventually whispering in your ear, "Kafka-kun and I will be waiting for you, so make sure you two catch up well."
As Mina disappeared back to the base's main building, you were left to watch how Soshiro conducted drills and training exercises with his division's recruits. Nearly everyone cheered for Kafka as he finished the last of his additional 30 laps around the training ground before they all shuffled back to the mess hall, you and their Vice Captain trailing them from behind.
"Anything on yer mind, Mayari-chan?"
"How is Shisho? I hope he's been well." 
"The old man's as stubborn as a fox, I'll tell ya that. I suppose I'll have to let him know that one of his most prized students made it here again."
"Does he still remember me?" 
"'Course he does, even though we only knew you as Mayari-chan. You're one of his most dedicated pupils, after all," Soshiro stated with a grin. "One time he said he regretted letting ya go. But I'm sure he'll change his tune when he finds out how much better you've become, both with a sword and with yer guns…"
"You think I've gotten better with just a glance?" You teasingly asked him. "The last we met, you said I only got prettier."
"Well, pardon me for noticing your face before everythin' else," he shrugged at you. "And I wasn't jokin' about that, either. You did get prettier."
"And now? I can show you how well I've grown. If you wish to challenge me, all you have to do is ask." 
Soshiro chuckled at your instigation, only for him to tell you with the most familiar glint of mischief in his eyes, "I think you're mistaken there, Platoon Leader. You're the challenger here."
"Of course, sir. How could I forget that I'm on your turf?" You said with a hearty laugh. "Shall we put on a show for your lucky recruits? It's not every day they see two blade masters battle it out."
Lucky stars, a trick of the gods, destiny— your meeting could be defined by so many different things. But one thing remained constant in your every coming together and parting…
"I'd like that!"
Rivals, friends, colleagues, lovers. The titles didn't matter much to you. This meeting once more proves you were meant to be part of Hoshina Soshiro's life in one way or another, just as he was meant to be in yours.
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here
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ratwithhands · 3 months
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I have overloaded my brain (11 epsiodes and 109 manga chapters). Anyways while I wait for more Kaiju No. 8 content to drop, time for another ✨submas AU✨
I currently only have Emmet designed but essentially the idea is that following the big fight with no. 9, the JAKDF manages to get in connection with the US to get some assistance with rebuilding and supporting their forces as everything get repaired. This is based off this panel from the manga:
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Essentially a couple of soldiers and a lot of materials are sent to Japan to help get everything settled. Among the people sent over are the twins, along with their weapons. Until the next Kaiju comes in (and they're cleared to join in the battle), they're mostly getting to know the other captains and having fun talking about the tactic differences between the Defense Forces.
Here's some bonus doodles and Emmet's drill.
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The auger is meant to be put into the spine or skull of the Kaiju. The pins stab into the body to keep it in place (Emmet usually also helps hold it down), at which point the auger starts drilling into the muscle and bone. This will not kill it, but it will distract/impair it enough for the rest of his team to take it down. Cores are usually too deep for him to use it for a killing blow, but in instances where the core is exposed long enough for him to set the drill in place, it will tear through and bring the Kaiju down.
Hope you guys enjoy the concept, let me know if you guys want to see more/see specific interactions. See ya!
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zrllosyn-art · 3 months
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Pocket hoshinyas! From this morning but colored in a lil bit (th idea is mainly from th kn8 discord, thank u all for fueling this lmao)
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memoriesarchived · 3 months
Hoshina Soshiro - Archive 2
TW: NSFW, Smut at the very bottom, Creampie, Pet name: "Sweet Heart", Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Ass Slapping
Prequel: Archive Open, Archive 1
Summary: Soshiro was reassured, went on on a date and ended up staying for tea
Author's note: Lowkey did not revise this, so I apologize if there's any mistake. Credit the drawing to the artist! I couldn't find who the artist was, if you know please let me know!
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Five hours had passed, and all Soshiro could do was watch the news, his eyes glued to the TV.
Ringgggg Ringgg
Wonder Gorilla was calling.
Soshiro immediately picked up his phone.
“Took ya long enough” he started, not realizing how tense he had been until he felt the invisible weight lift from his chest.
“Did you get home?” he asked, his voice a mix of relief and concern.
“Just now. I was stuck in Osaka,” came the reply.
“Couldn’t ya pick up the phone earlier?” Soshiro asked, a hint of frustration in his voice.
“Ahaha… my phone died.”
Silence hung between them for a moment.
“Aren’t you a lil worried, Coconut?”
“Who wouldn’t be?” Soshiro responded, his tone softening.
“Aww, stop it, you lil’coconut head.”
“Respect your elders, broomstick head” Soshiro teased, leaning back on the bed. His eyes drifted to his reflection in the window.
Beep Beep 
Soshiro laughed, picturing Yoko’s face turning bright red, her eyes squinting as she delivered the line. Yoko was the most animated person he knew, always gesticulating wildly while telling stories and pausing for dramatic effect, only to deliver the most anticlimactic lines. She loved all kinds of stories—legends, folklore, fantasy, sci-fi, and history. They had even started their own little book club, sharing interpretations and debating deeper meanings that were hidden within the text.
After being released from the hospital, the first thing Soshiro did was take a shower. There was nothing better than showering at home. Walking out with a towel around his waist, he stopped by the mirror above the sink. Water still dripped down his torso as he bent over, looking at his wet hair and feeling a profound sense of relief and joy of getting out of that damn hospital.
“I need a haircut soon.” He mumbled before grabbing his hair towel and patting his hair dry. 
Now, Soshiro found himself stuck in his room, debating what to wear. After much deliberation, he decided on a slightly oversized white linen short-sleeve button-up, folding the sleeves up a bit for a casual touch. He paired it with a random Calvin Klein boxers and stepped into a pair of khaki slacks, securing them with a matching dark brown belt.
Satisfied with his outfit, he took a moment to check his reflection in the mirror. Everything looked just right. He then grabbed his black Uniqlo shoulder bag, which was hanging by the doorway, slipped into his umber brown Birkenstocks, and snatched the Vespa's key before heading out the door.
The ride to Mie was nothing short of enchanting, blessed by perfect weather. Soshiro reveled in the breeze combing through his hair, the fresh scent of nature mingling with each breath as he navigated the winding roads of Nara. As he approached Mie, the distinct aroma of the ocean greeted him, adding a touch of magic to his journey. Then something caught his eyes, Hanako San’s Flower Shop. 
Soshiro held a bouquet of delicate white baby's breath and light pink roses, wrapped in brown paper and tied with an aquamarine bow. Holding his breath, he pressed the button on the white-painted wooden gate. Moments later, he saw a blur of brown hair rushing through the door. As the gate opened, his breath was taken away.
Yoko stood before him in a cream-colored dress with a corset-inspired bodice and an A-line skirt, the shoulder straps tied into delicate bows. Her wavy dark brown hair cascaded freely, and her pink lips glistened.. When she looked up at him with her mesmerizing teal eyes, Soshiro was struck speechless, completely losing himself in the moment and forgetting every word he had planned to say. He watched as her cheeks turned red, her eyes drifting down to the bouquet of flowers he held.
"For ya," he managed to say, his voice barely a whisper, breaking the silence between them.
"T-Thank you, they’re beautiful" she stammered, her face breaking into a smile. Soshiro handed her the flowers, their fingers brushing against each other, leaving a lingering warmth even from the brief contact. "Let me put these away before we leave," she said, turning towards the house. 
As she turned away, Soshiro noticed that the dress was backless, held together by only two strings, showcasing her smooth skin. His heart pounded in his chest, heat rushing to his cheeks. He quickly turned away, covering his mouth with his hand as his ears burned. 
He got ready and mounted the Vespa, its engine purring softly as he waited for Yoko to join him. Yoko soon emerged with the camera strapped across her body. With a gentle smile, he handed her a helmet. After he got on, she wrapped her arms around his waist. The warmth of her arms encircling his waist, her chest and face pressing close against his back, made him wonder if she could feel the rapid rhythm of his heart. 
“You smell nice” Yoko whispered, Soshiro could feel her breath on his back. “You smell like freshly laundered sheets mingled with the earthy, sweet aroma of a summer rain.” 
"Okay, descriptive author," Soshiro teased, his face flushing red from the compliment. Thankfully, Yoko couldn't see it. She responded with a playful smack on his thigh, just hard enough to sting a bit.
"This is why you can't have nice things," she retorted, a small smile playing on her lips. Soshiro caught a glimpse of it in the Vespa’s rearview mirror. 
They wound up at a quaint corner bookstore, where a tiny elderly lady sat behind the counter, her hair neatly tied in a bun. She greeted them with a warm smile as they walked in.
"Welcome in," the elderly lady said. They smiled back and bowed slightly before venturing down the aisle. Yoko was already a few steps ahead of him. She grabbed a random book and opened it.
"Yet love can move people to act in unexpected ways and overcome the most daunting obstacles with startling heroism." Yoko closed the book and glanced at the title. "A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini," she read aloud. Soshiro's gaze remained fixed on her as his fingers trailed along the spines of the books. Suddenly, he stopped, grabbed a book, and opened it.
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world." He closed the book and looked at the title. "The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller."
"Oh? How romantic, Mr. Coconut," Yoko chuckled, her eyes locked with Soshiro's.
"Says the one with an endless collection of romance novels," Soshiro teased, lightly smacking Yoko on the head with the book. She whined in response. "Your choice."
"The Song of Achilles, duh... but let's read A Thousand Splendid Suns after." Yoko smiles cheekily and steps closer, their faces inches apart. Soshiro could feel the warmth of her breath against his lips. In one swift motion, she pulled out another copy of The Song of Achilles from the shelf next to his head, then stepped back with a playful grin.
They both walked to the counter where the elderly lady sat. Soshiro noticed Yoko pulling out her wallet and gently blocked her path with his body. He took the novel from her hand and handed it to the elderly lady. 
"A bag, please," he requested with a smile. Yoko stood with her arms crossed and a pout on her face, waiting for Soshiro to finish up. As soon as they stepped out of the store, Soshiro noticed Yoko parting her lips to speak, but before she could say anything, he interrupted, "What kind of man would make the woman pay on a date?" 
That did the trick; Yoko's face turned bright red, her eyes darting away to look at anything but the man in front of her. It was endearing. Soshiro couldn't help but laugh. With his free hand, he found hers and intertwined their fingers. Together, they made their way to the park. 
"Do you think soulmates are real?" Yoko suddenly asked. It wasn't unusual for her to pose such questions. At the hospital, she had once asked Soshiro if he believed in mermaids, reasoning that if Kaiju existed, then surely it wouldn’t be a stretch. 
"Mmh..." Soshiro pondered, realizing he had never really considered it that way. The idea of having someone destined for you was comforting, but it also seemed to undermine the belief that you could choose your own path in life if everything was preordained. Just like how someone would be inherently “evil” or “good”. 
"I don't think so," Soshiro finally answered. "However, I do believe in fate. You're destined to meet certain people, but what you do with those encounters is up to ya."
"That's a good way to put it," Yoko responded thoughtfully. "Well, I hope that in every lifetime, we're destined to meet."
Soshiro's heart melted at her words, and he grinned back at her. "I'll be sure to find ya."
As they entered the park, Yoko slowly let go of Soshiro's hand. Behind the wooden gazebo stood a giant waterfall, its scent filling the air. He turned to look at Yoko, only to find her pointing a camera in his direction.
"The view's good," she said with a smile, a blush spreading across his face. He then ushered her closer and took the camera. They took a selfie together, with him holding the camera since he was the taller one. His arm wrapped around her waist while she held the paper bag of books. Both of them grinned into the camera, the waterfall cascading in the background.
"Not as good as this one," Soshiro added, looking at the picture. “Race ya to the gazebo” 
The camera and the book were abandoned by a tree. 
Soshiro was in the lead, until Yoko decided that she was going to tackle him. The two of them ended up rolling on the grass. Twisting and turning, somehow ended up with Soshiro on top of her. Her face flushed and both of them were laughing breathlessly. His fingers laced with hers as he pinned her down.  
“Didn’t know ya liked playing dirty” 
“Everything is fair in love and war” Yoko retorted, her knee jabbed into Soshiro’s waist as she tried to push him off. 
"Oh? So this is war?" Soshiro grinned, his canine teeth peeking out. In a swift motion, Yoko slipped her wrist out of his grip and pulled him down by his shirt collar, locking their lips together. Soshiro's eyes widened, but he traced his tongue across her bottom lip before slipping it in, deepening the kiss. He felt her legs wrap around his waist as she leaned in, his hands instinctively finding their way to her hips.
Suddenly, he found himself flipped over, with Yoko on top. She grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them to the ground. Her face was flushed, a trail of saliva dripping from the corner of her reddened lips, which curved into a smirk. She reached out to touch the gazebo’s wooden pole.
"I won," Yoko announced. Soshiro stared into the teal eyes and let out a laugh. 
“Ya’d really do anything to win” 
Soshiro had the potential to do much more, but he didn’t want to traumatize anyone who might take a stroll in the park today. They lingered for a while, enjoying the surroundings and engrossing themselves in the book they had just picked up earlier. As the weather began to cool, Soshiro decided it was time to leave before the mosquitoes appeared, likely viewing Yoko’s exposed back as an invitation for a feast.
When they arrived back at Yoko’s house, she hopped off the Vespa with a smile.
"I had fun today," Yoko said, removing her helmet but still clutching it tightly. "D-Do you want t-to stay for tea?" she stammered, her eyes cast down at the ground.
"Yea," Soshiro replied, turning off the Vespa’s engine. He wasn’t one to turn down such an invitation. Yoko handed back the helmet, and Soshiro hung it on the rearview mirror before following her into the house. Taking his shoes off at the doorway. 
The house was just as Soshiro had imagined: warm and inviting. The living room was decorated with two yellow chairs, each adorned with light green pillows, and a blue sofa accented with salmon pillows. A white and light blue carpet lay underfoot. On the shelves were pictures that he assumed were of a younger Yoko and her parents. One showed her in a kimono with her parents at a wedding, another captured her high school graduation, and yet another depicted Yoko from her preschool days.
“You were so cute, what happened?” Soshiro teased, looking back at Yoko who was about to leave the room. 
“Your mom happened” 
“Is that ya’r only comeback? Ya suck” 
“Are you going to swallow?” Yoko grinned as Soshiro’s face went red. She stuck out her tongue at him as she left the room. “I’m going to get the tea” 
Soshiro felt heat rushing down south as he had such a vivid imagination of what Yoko insinuated. He sat down on the blue couch, grabbing the pillow and putting it over his lap. Trying to slap that image out of his head. 
"Someone got comfortable real quick," Yoko teased as she returned to the room, carrying a tray with two teacups. She set the tray down on the side table next to Soshiro before taking a seat on the empty side of the couch. “My parents are overseas right now for business stuff…in case you were wondering” Yoko mumbled, if it wasn’t for the dead quiet room maybe he wouldn’t have heard it. 
Soshiro tilted his head, his eyes scanning Yoko from head to toe. He could tell she was nervous from the way her finger tapped on the edge of the teacup, her eyes fixed on her finger instead of meeting his gaze. The tips of her ears were bright red. He settled his teacup on the side table. “Can ya repeat that? I didn’t catch it,” Soshiro teased, his lips curling into a Cheshire grin.
“Repeat w-what?” Yoko stammered, lifting her eyes to meet his. Soshiro could see she was trying to hide her embarrassment with annoyance, but the flush on her cheeks betrayed her. She set her tea down on the side table and looked away, unable to hold his gaze for long. 
Soshiro gently grasped Yoko's chin, turning her face to meet his. He locked their lips together, his other hand finding its way to her waist. He pulled her into his lap, one hand cupping her face as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, while the other rested on her waist, drawing her closer. Yoko’s hand finding its way to his back. Her fingers clenching down on his linen shirt, crinkling it in her grasps as she moved into the kiss. His canine teeth biting down on her bottom lips as he rolled his hips up against hers. A soft moan escaped her mouth as she rolled her hips down onto his to match his rhythm. Just like how they fight without needing words, it seems like this was also the case here. 
Soshiro pulled away and there was a string of saliva connecting both of their lips. Yoko’s chest was heaving up and down as her face flushed. Soshiro looked down and he could clearly see that she wasn’t wearing a bra. The two little dots that poked through told him that. Her hands found their way to her skirt, lifting the material up to reveal a light purple lace panty the color complimenting her skin. There was already a drenched spot in the middle of the panty. This sent blood rushing down south for Soshiro, making him even more uncomfortable in his pants than before. Soshiro smirked as his lips found their way to Yoko’s bare neck. Biting down onto the skin, sucking onto it at his heart content. One of his hands found its way up Yoko’s thigh. Sending shivers down her spine as she felt the heat creeping in closer and closer. Her lips brush against Soshiro’s ear as she moans out softly. 
Soshiro pressed his thumb against her soaked panty, moving his thumb in a circular motion, groaning against Yoko’s skin as he wanted nothing more but to rip the fabric off her. Stripping her bare of anything in front of him, looking up at him with teary eyes and flushed cheeks. For her to whisper his name over and over again. Yoko's breath began to shorten as pleasure was spreading to her, her fingers finding its way to Soshiro’s chest. Working her hands to unbutton his shirt as fast as she can, only to be distracted by the other’s tongue on her clothed nipple. The hand that was once on her waist was now gone, finding its way to occupy her other nipple. She arched her back wantonly into the touch. Soshiro pressed his tongue flat on her nipple, then he squeezed the other nipple in between his fingers. Soshiro, being a fair man himself, took the other nipple in his mouth and switched his hand so that both sides were equally loved. His eyes never left Yoko’s face, a smirk plastered on his face as he watched her drown the room with her moans. Soshiro’s free hand brushed up against her clit. The pleasure was driving her crazy, each touch was like fueling the fire of lust. By the time Yoko was done unbuttoning all of Soshiro’s buttons, lust clouded her eyes. Moans leaving her lips as she raked up and down Soshiro’s abs and biceps. Reminding her of how the combat suit really didn’t do him justice. Soshiro retracted his lips and hand from her nipples. Leaning backward for Yoko to fully rake in the view, his skin glowed under the warm light of her living room. He himself was no better than her, eyes filled with lust as he raked in the image of the disheveled hair and how her dress’s strap was falling down her shoulders. Her smooth neck now decorated with red marks all over, the two little wet marks on her chest proved the action he did earlier. His eyes trailed down to her legs, his finger trailed up the wet liquid that was seeping down Yoko’s leg. “I swallowed,” Soshiro teased, licking his fingers clean as he stared right into Yoko’s eyes. 
Yoko whimpered at the sight, her fingers finding its way to cup Soshiro's bulge. Making the man buckled his hip. She pulled her dress over herself, revealing the flushed skin that’s begging for Soshiro to mark. Her nipples were all puffy due to the attack it endured earlier. Soshiro's hand found its way up to fondle Yoko’s breast, his thumb brushing past the nipple as he kissed down on her bare skin. His tongue flickering on the nipple as he took it in between his teeth. Raking his teeth over the already sensitive skin. This made Yoko throw her head back, hips coming down on Soshiro’s. Yoko could feel Soshiro's cock pressing up against her panties, just to imagine what it would feel like inside her was already driving her insane. Soshiro moaned as he rolled his hips back up against Yoko’s drenched pussy, his pants and her panties being drenched. He couldn’t tell if it was because of his precum or was it because of her. Perhaps it was the both of them.
“E-Enough with the t-teasing” Yoko stammered out, tugging Soshiro by the hair to pull him away from her nipples. Nevertheless, she’s still grinding down on him. Soshiro chuckled as he grabbed her chin gently, pulling her back in. His lips found its way to her, licking her bottom lips he pushed his tongue into her mouth hungrily before pulling away.
“Patience sweetheart” Soshiro whispered against Yoko’s lips before hooking his fingers around Yoko’s panties, ripping the fabric. Revealing her soaked pussy, aching to be touched. The clit was bright pink showing how well it was cared for earlier.  His other hand went to unzip his own pants, lifting his hips up while tugging down his boxer. Taking his cock into his hand and pulling it out. The tip of his cock was already bright red, precum leaking down on its side.
“The combat suit does hide it '' Yoko mumbled, making Soshiro laugh as he couldn’t help but find it endearing that she still thinks about her random questions even at times like this. “That’s huge.” Yoko whispered, her finger tip tracing the crown of Soshiro’s cock, making his cock twitching and ripping a moan out of him. Soshiro really couldn’t help himself when he flipped Yoko over on her stomach. Her plump ass right in his face, he let his intrusive thoughts take over when he slapped the skin with his palm. Earning him a loud moan from the other, her back arched as she pushed her ass further up in the air. 
The next thing Yoko knew was that Soshiro’s fingers were prying her mouth open, which she gladly did. Swirling her tongue around his fingers, and sucking onto them like how she’d suck his cock. Only for him to withdraw the fingers a few seconds later. Soshiro himself was so hard to the point where it hurts, but he has self control. 
 Soshiro’s fingers trails down Yoko’s ass cheeks to her pussy. Slipping his index finger in first, the way that her pussy wrapped around him. The warmth, tight and wetness engulfed his finger, causing him to moan. Sending a hot sensation down to his cock at the imagination of it would feel like when he’s finally in her. He added in another finger, curling them as he tried to find the sweet spot. Earning himself a stifled moan from Yoko. Her pussy was so wet that the only sounds he could hear was the squelching of her pussy every single time he thrusted his fingers in and out mixed in with her moans. It was driving him crazy. “S-Sohiro..p-please” Yoko whined as she felt the pleasure being sent through her body. Her legs were already shaking just from his fingers. 
“Please what sweetheart?” Soshiro whispered, his chest touching her bare back as his lips grazed her ears. Without waiting for an answer, Soshiro pushed in another finger until he was knuckles deep. Curling them just at the right spot, the spot where he knew Yoko would moan out the loudest. Just as he expected Yoko sobbed into the pillow, her fingers digging into the couch’s fabric. 
“Your c-cock insid-de” Yoko breathed out shakily as she turned her face to the side. That was more than enough for Soshiro to lose it. He pulled his fingers out, grabbing Yoko by the waist and flipped her over. Grabbing her thighs, he spread her legs apart and put them over his shoulder. One hand was right by her head as the other was holding onto his cock. Rubbing the tip of his cock against her wet pussy. He took in the way her eyes were squinted close as he rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit and down to her pussy. Yoko’s hands latched onto Soshiro’s back, her nails digging into his skin, leaving a stinging feeling but Soshiro doesn’t mind it. Matter of fact, he loved it. “S-Soshiro”. 
That was all it took for Soshiro to push his cock all the way inside of her, even he himself couldn’t hold back his moan as her pussy was wrapped around his cock. “So t-tight” Soshiro moaned as he grinned his hips into her. The warmth and the wetness was overwhelming. Yoko gasped seeing white for a split second, moaning Soshiro’s name like it was a mantra. It took all of his self control to not start ramming into her. 
“How do you feel s-sweetheart?” Soshiro whispered, wanting to make sure that Yoko was comfortable before he continued. Yoko’s hand slipped up into his hair grabbing it and pulled him down into a kiss. Shoving her tongue into his mouth as she pushed her hips upward, causing Soshiro to let out a surprised moan now that they were skin deep. 
“So-o full” Yoko let out as she pulled away from the kiss for a second, before taking Soshiro’s lips back into hers. This was the green light that Soshiro needed, he started rocking his hips slowly. Picking up the tempo as he was engulfed in the pleasure. Yoko turned her face to the side as she felt something tighten in her stomach. Her hand tugged on Soshiro’s hair as her lips parted slightly. Soshiro felt the familiar feeling swelling on the tip of his cock as he slammed into Yoko, letting his moans out. His eyes never left Yoko’s face as he washes how she’s drowned in pleasure because of him. 
“Cum for me” Soshiro whispered into her ears. Yuko’s toes curled up on their own, letting out a whine as white washes over her vision. Wet liquid spraying out of her and onto Soshiro. Soshiro could only groan as his hands found their way to her hips, clenching onto them as he started ramming into her, chasing his high. Small moans left his lips as he pulled out, letting his cum squirt all over Yoko’s pink pussy. Biting onto his lips at the sight, his own chest heaving up and down as he tried to catch his breath. 
Soshiro kissed Yoko’s forehead before stumbling out of the room, trying to find a bathroom. He first cleaned himself up quickly with a wet towel. Wrapping a towel around his waist as he found two more towels, a face towel and a body towel. Soshiro wetted the face towel and twisted the water out of it. Walking back he saw that Yoko was still on the couch, catching her breath. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Soshiro carefully wiped her clean, wrapping her with the towel as best as he could before he carried her in his arms. 
“You’re such a gentleman,” Yoko mumbled as Soshiro ascended the stairs. She clung to him, her breath warm against his neck. “My room is the one at the end of the hallway,” she added, leaning further into his arms. “Not only big dick energy but also a big dick,” she whispered with a sly grin.
Soshiro chuckled, shaking his head as he nudged Yoko’s bedroom door open with his foot. He laid her gently on the bed, his eyes glinting with mischief. “You think you can handle it?” he teased, his voice a low, playful growl.
Yoko coughed, opening one of her eyes, and slapped him on the arm. “Never growl again,” she scolded, though a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
“Fine, fine,” Soshiro conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender. The two broke out into laughter, their voices mingling with the night’s quiet. Yoko grabbed his arm, pulling him down next to her on the bed.
“It’s late…stay the night?” she asked, her voice softening.
“Mmh, first it was stay for tea, now it’s stay the night…if I stay any longer, I feel like ya’r going to ask me to stay forever,” Soshiro replied with his signature grin, but his eyes softened, revealing a hint of vulnerability.
Yoko rolled her eyes playfully. “And if I did? Would that be so bad?”
Soshiro's grin faded into a gentle smile as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Maybe not,” he murmured, leaning in closer, the warmth of their shared laughter still lingering in the air.  He pulled her close against his chest, and they both drifted to sleep, intertwined with each other.
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kimsangie · 3 months
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platoon leader mori what the hell r u doing here
anyways. kaiju no. 8 oc yeah. hes just a guy.. a guy with a spear (i uploaded him to art fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pleaspleaseplease attack me with him i will be so happy)
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imthecosmicbasball · 3 months
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BIG! BIG!!! FAN of Kaiju no 8 and I can't help but make an oc out in their universe.
(I'm bad with backgrounds 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 pls understand the struggles.)
Her name is Hasanagi Akira, fun fact I actually just came up with the last name but in accurate Hasanagi mean.
"The meaning of the given name Hasanagi represents compassion, creativity, reliability, generosity, loyalty and a love for domestic life."
Also I wan to related this because Akira is a very interesting character for herself because she's love finding other ways to kill a Kaiju she's a specialise in finding some interesting details about the kaiju and would give off ideas or ways to kill kaijus.
Akira join the JAKDF when she was 19 at that age she's developed in 29% combat level. Reason she's higher because of her hobbies like exploring (which turn to a daylight parkouring) and love skateboarding in some abandoned cities areas. And she also loves drawing. She pretty flexible which giving her a very skillful fighter using her flexibility.
Like I said she loves finding creative ways to not bored herself up. I also made her having a crush on Hoshina Soshiro when she was 20 while meeting him. She was excessively giving the opportunity to be third in command at 24. At 24 her level increases in 89%.
I might draw more if I'm not lazy.
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But I must say I'm proud of my (basic) colouring, shading plus highlights.
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khunyuki · 3 months
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
ꜱɪᴅᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ: 𝚋. 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚢, 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚢
Synopsis: Uzui Kagami admires Captain Ashiro Mina but that doesn't mean it didn't bother her whenever she hears Soshiro talk about her all of the time. Meanwhile, Hoshina Soshiro doesn't really think of Captain Narumi Gen as a threat but with how clingy he is to Kagami, boy does it feel so annoying.
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Notes: Sorry I posted this late, I had a hard time writing it but enjoyed it in the end. I love jealous Soshiro who acts like he isn't jealous at all <3 Also, stop being so negative, Kagami! Soshiro loves you with all his heart😭
Warning/s: Side-B manga spoiler, overthinking, jealousy
Genre: Song-inspired (kinda), Angst? (kinda), Hurt/Comfort (kinda)
Masterlist: TOC, Previous, Next
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𝓒𝓸-𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓼 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓵𝔂
𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴, 𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓽𝓸𝓸 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱
'𝓑𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓭𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓶𝓮
𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓘'𝓶 𝓼𝓸 𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯
𝓘'𝓭 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓮, 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓮
𝓐𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮, 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮
𝓜𝔂 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝔂, 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝔂
𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓮
- Jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo
Ashiro Mina, the Captain of the Third Division of the Defense Force, is someone Kagami admired starting from the day she joined the force. Just like how she looked up to Shinomiya Hikari when she was still alive.
A charismatic, strong and determined, kind yet strict woman. The one who initiated the change in kaiju neutralization for the better, as well as someone who a lot of people idolize.
It would certainly be strange if someone dislikes her, no?
Said woman was the topic of Kagami and Soshiro's conversation in the study room.
"Captain Ashiro is so amazing! She neutralized that honju from this morning with such ease. That precision, power, and accuracy was so excellent it's like..."
Kagami rambled on and on about how great Captain Ashiro Mina is and how she wants to be someone like her who gives people inspiration etc, etc...
Soshiro just watched his fiancee fondly, nodding his head whenever she looks his way, agreeing with her sentiment. Whenever she talks about something she likes, she could talk for hours on end about it.
"You sure do like her that much, huh?"
"I do! I know it's still too early for me to dream of becoming/doing something as close to what she's done but someday I want to be able to stand as her equal in terms of greatness"
Soshiro loves it whenever she's like this, she's willing to admit that she still need to work hard in order to be what she wanted to become. Her confidence in saying that she'll someday be able to do just that with such assertiveness makes him think that she really can do it in the future.
"Somehow, I'm getting jealous of Captain Ashiro who you like so much. Just joking"
He rested his chin on his hand as he showed her a teasing grin. He was just joking, of course, but seeing her red in the face after was really cute. He ruffled her hair as a sign of affection.
"You're the one I like though"
She muttered those words as softly as a whisper, so silent that he didn't catch it. He had to stop his actions to ask her to repeat it again.
"It was nothing"
"If you say so"
With her firm denial, Soshiro relented and fixed her hair. Her straight and silky hair wasn't really tangled much but it still has to be fixed in order for her to look presentable. He gently used his fingers as a comb, massaging her head slightly while doing so.
"By the way, I have to head to the Third Division tomorrow for a meeting about the goodwill kendo match that'll take place in a month. So I'll have to pass your compliments to the captain myself"
The next day, Kagami bid him farewell fully expecting him to come back later into the night. She gradually became worried when he doesn't answer her texts or calls. She wasn't able to catch some sleep at all until she received a report about him getting injured while helping with kaiju neutralization.
Immediately, she asked for permission to take the day off in order to look after him. It took a while to get permission but fortunately they allowed it after seeing the bags under her eyes and the increasingly anxious look getting worse by the second.
Kagami immediately got changed and prepared necessary things before going. She didn't use the their division's car, preferring to commute by train or taxi as it was a private affair. After arriving at the hospital he was admitted to, she hurried to his room.
Stopping suddenly after seeing two prominent figure entering his supposed room. It was no surprise that Captain Ashiro would visit him after he got injured under her care.
She didn't want to eavesdrop but she also didn't want to interrupt their conversation. She was about to leave to give them space when she heard the captain thanking her fiancee. Curiosity got ahold of her making her erase her presence and listen to their conversation in the hallway.
"Hoshina, you are indeed a blade specialist. You undoubtedly saved that child's life. Now then, I still haven't heard you answer."
"My answer?"
"Will you join my force, Hoshina?"
That question struck Kagami like lightning.
"I appreciate the offer, but to be honest, I am quite torn. My only talent lies in the blade. But in our last mission, not even those blades were able to be of any assistance."
"Hoshina, will your power not evolve any further?"
"Huh? Oh, no... That isn't... what I meant"
"Then you just have to further polish your swordsmanship, Hoshina. Join my force and master your craft."
"Up till now, I've been treated no better than a tumor in my division. If you're saying even someone like me can be of help... Then I would love to join the Third Division"
"Then it's settled..."
Kagami stopped listening any further and was occupied by her thoughts. Was he... Was he leaving her? No, him leaving their division was fine but couldn't he gave at least talked to her about it first? Her mind was filled with questions and an unsettling feeling.
Due to her zoning out, she couldn't her them talking about her after. With Soshiro asking if she could join them too and Captain Ashiro agreeing as she wanted to ask her to join too if given the chance to talk to each other. She could only settle for requesting that he passed her message to her for now.
Sensing the people inside moving, Kagami snapped out of her thoughts and ran away. Captain Ashiro and Platoon Leader Ebina could only see her long black hair before disappearing in the corner.
"That person seemed familiar"
Captain Ashiro referring to the running female from earlier.
"Maybe it's someone you know, ma'am?"
Platoon Leader Ebina asked, in which Captain Ashiro shook her head.
"Must've been my imagination. Let's go"
Currently, Uzui Kagami was at a cafe resting after shamefully running away. There really wasn't any reason to do so but somehow, she doesn't want anyone to see her. She didn't know why she felt so upset despite them only talking about their mission... And him accepting her offer of moving divisions.
She was happy for him, of course. But deep inside, something was bugging her and she didn't quite know what.
Was it because her fiance was leaving her alone? No that wasn't it. She was fine with him leaving if it meant he could improve even more.
Was it because he was complimented by her idol, hearing her greatly acknowledge her strengths? No that wasn't it. He deserves to be complimented by everyone, not just by Captain Ashiro, because of how amazing he truly is.
Was it because she knew what he meant when he called himself a tumor in their division?...
Or was it because her words couldn't touch him compared to the words of someone greater than her?...
Kagami pinched her skin to snap out her bad thoughts. She shouldn't think too much or else she'll lose sight of herself and the truth.
But what if he's leaving because he no longer wants to be with her? What if he wanted to be by the side of someone stronger like Captain Ashiro? What if it was an excuse to get away from her and break their engagement since he finally realized he could be with someone better than her? What if--
Ah... She was starting to hate herself again and it was her own fault. Kagami used to think negative all of the time but Soshiro always reassured her by being by her side. And now he's leaving...
'Pretend. Let's pretend, Kagami. If we continue to pretend that everything is fine then we'll believe it eventually. It's fine. Everything is fine.'
She thought as she ordered a Mont Blanc for takeout like she wasn't experiencing a mental breakdown.
Bracing herself, she rehearsed her words in her mind. She'd tell him she's late because of the long line at the cafe then she saw Captain Ashiro leaving the hospital. Yes, that's fine. She shouldn't tell him she eavesdropped on their conversation and thought the worse. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and smiled like it was nothing.
"I'm sorry I'm late. There was a long line at the cafe so it took a bit too long to buy this"
After joining the First Division, Kagami participated in joint trainings with the rest of the Eastern Division. In the corner of her eyes, she could see her fiancee, now Vice Captain, arriving with Captain Ashiro and the rest of the Third Division.
Somehow, the bubbling and unsettling feeling on the pit of her stomach was starting to resurface and she felt virtually uncomfortable. She'd already forgotten all about it so why did it come back?
"Are you okay? You look pale"
Her friend now superior, Shinonome Rin, noticed her feeling under the weather.
"I'm kinda nervous about being around this many people"
She made an excuse and Rin took her words at face value, knowing how easily nervous she was.
"You can rest back inside if you want. The fun part's for later, for now, it's just formalities"
Kagami thanked her friend and slipped inside the building. The Ariake Maritime Base is huge but having multiple divisions visit at the same time felt like the atmosphere was cramped. She rested inside for a few minutes before a familiar voice disturbed her.
"Kagami~ Hide me"
Behind her, she could feel the presence of her Captain pressing against her back. His arms were now enveloping her as he is playing his switch, with his chin resting on her head.
"I don't feel the sense of urgency in your voice Captain. Also, aren't you supposed to be with Vice Captain Hasegawa and the others?"
Kagami tried to slip off his grip but failing. Ever since she joined the First Division and got involved with her lazy captain, he's been clinging to her nonstop. Maybe that was her fault cause she kept picking him up and transporting him somewhere, saving his games for him, and hiding him. She reap what she sow.
She bent down and took his knees on her hands and gave him a piggyback ride. Used to it, Captain Narumi Gen rested on her comfortably.
"Captain, did you know that this is an abuse of power?"
"I do but do I care? Nope"
Kagami just sighed as she carried him back to where he came from, the meeting room where all captains and vice captains were present.
The door was being guarded by the platoon leaders of the First Division so they knew to let them in without asking. Her friend, Rin, was shaking her head once again.
The sound of the door opening stopped the conversation the people inside were having, thus bringing the attention to the two of them. The attention and multiple eyes on her was enough to fuel her anxiety and also make her red from embarrassment. She was used to the First Division seeing their antics but not with other divisions, especially her fiance, around.
She hurriedly placed him down besides Vice Captain Hasegawa, who threw her a grateful look, and confiscated his switch. Captain Narumi whined at her betrayal, wanting to sneak out again but was forced to stay put by the hand on his shoulder. Vice Captain Hasegawa begged her to stay and watch over him to which she reluctantly agreed. She was just an officer who had absolutely no right to be present in that meeting but here she is, babysitting her captain.
She couldn't bear to look at her fiance as she didn't know what to do or how to explain her situation to him. All she ever told him was that she's babysitting her captain and not the extent of it. That's why she couldn't see the glare and killing intent he's sending on Captain Narumi's way.
Captain Narumi clearly amused with his rival's expressions couldn't help but feel smug despite not knowing what he's annoyed about. He just felt like he won against Soshiro for once... Not that he ever lost to him. Chuckling, he motioned for her to come near and whispered.
"Look at how pissed Hoshina is. I don't know what I did but it's hella funny"
Kagami was confused for she had never seen her fiance pissed at all. She took a glance at him to see him smiling sweetly at her then back to her captain.
"I think it's just your imagination Captain Narumi"
"Like hell it is"
Hearing Kagami refute him, Narumi Gen just sulked but still relished in his rival's obvious display of irritation.
Kagami turned back to listening to the meeting and focused her attention on the voice of the person currently talking, Captain Ashiro.
Captain Ashiro has now grown into a fine woman but her charisma was still the same. Her face has gotten even more prettier with her silky straight, long black hair placed in a high ponytail.
Kagami touched her own hair styled in a loose braid cascading over her shoulder. She used to style her hair in a high ponytail just like Captain Ashiro's whenever there were missions then let it down when there aren't. Hearing it being compared to each other after Captain Ashiro grew hers made her feel like she had to change her style hence the braid.
She didn't want to admit it but Captain Ashiro became one of the sources of her insecurites and she hates herself for it. Just how could she feel jealous of someone she used to admire the most, still admire until now. Someone she and her fiance admires and deeply respects. Maybe that's why she didn't accept the offer to join the Third Division back then. Or else she'd fall into a deeper rabbit hole of complex emotions she no longer wants to feel.
She always tried to stop that feeling. Never once addressing it as to not let it interfere with her daily life and how she interacts with them. But whenever she and Soshiro talked, he would be praising Captain Ashiro nonstop with how honored he is to be chosen to be by her side.
Still, she pretended that it was fine cause he always reassured her that he only admires Ashiro Mina as his captain. With the same admiration that she felt before that disgusting feeling bubbled up inside her.
"You feeling okay over there?"
Captain Narumi noticed the sad expression on her face that was hidden by her bangs from people in front of her but not the person under her. He expressed his concern towards her and she could totally see that in his eyes.
"Wanna sneak out and play?"
That was his way of comforting his as it is the only way he knows himself. Giggling at his attempts, she karate hopped his head and told him to stop getting distracted. She felt better now than earlier so she gave him back his switch as long as he behaved.
She stopped thinking about her jealousy and just focused. She was given the chance to attend a meeting she would normally not be able to be allowed it. She should take this seriously. Well, at least she should acknowledge her fiance with a smile first after ignoring him for so long.
With a shy smile, she finally gained the courage to look at her fiance who has long since been staring at her and Captain Narumi. She gave him a discreet wave, something only they could see then turned back to listening.
"Hoshina, are you alright?"
"Of course I'm fine Captain. Never been better"
Ashiro Mina isn't really afraid of anything, rather she stopped being afraid. But the way he smiled when he said that gave her a bad feeling to which she just ignored, feeling sorry for the recipient of that smile. She remembered how he started getting annoyed when the two came in and recognized that the woman who brought Captain Narumi inside was her vice captain's fiancee. How could she not when she's all he ever talked about when he had the chance. Still, she felt sorry for the beating Captain Narumi will experience later by the hands of the man beside her.
Hoshina Soshiro didn't like the way Narumi Gen clinged to his fiancee. Ever since they went inside with him on her back to how she kept placing her hand on his shoulders to keep him still. He didn't like his smug smile as he noticed him glaring and when he made her lean closer to him. He didn't like how he made her smile after seeing that there was something bothering her.
That's fine though, for she finally smiled at him after ignoring him the whole time. That discreet wave of hers that only the two of them could see before the focus back on the meeting again. Despite feeling shy and anxious at a place where she shouldn't be, she still made the effort to notice him.
The problem was that lazyass captain of her that kept clinging and making her babysit him. He guess he should punish him by beating him up during the 1v1 activities later. He has to show him just who is better amongst the two of them. Of course while showing to his girl, after all that is the most important agenda.
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