sonicasura · 3 months
For you single parent Hoshina ver Au
Kafka can talk as a Kaiju what if skully learn to talk too and call hoshina „papa“out of nowhere
The mental heart attack first it’s calling him „papa“ and then come the realization this baby kaiju can talk
And of course the other have there fun and try not to laughing-Kafka wo have panic
But then come the discussion have the baby human intelligence or mimic it human child behavior
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Post in question. Oh my god, your version of Skully looks adorable. I honestly haven't gotten a chance to design them yet but will.
You can bet Hoshina was absolutely gobsmacked upon hearing Skully call him Papa. Even moreso if the recruits were around since again, the baby is like a koala and likes to hang on his back or shoulder all the time. (Kafka fucking panicked while everyone else froze.) They all know about Skully's existence thanks to this as Hoshina rather not deal with a crying whelp.
Cue a little test to measure the baby's intelligence for obvious reasons. Simple shape table, Memory Cards, and practice words. The results? Skully has the intelligence of an avid preschooler. They can identify right from wrong surprisingly quick too.
In short, Skully is able to learn like any human child and won't be a threat to humans if raised properly. A responsibility entrusted to Hoshina than just trying to figure out Kaiju No. 8. Mina is definitely carrying a camera with her at all times just to snap pictures of the milestones and funny moments to come.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 month
Free prompt for UnderDogs/Hoshikaf shippers!
Kafka and Soshiro being married before canon happens. Like they tied the knot four years ago with the former being a pseudo House Husband of sorts. Kafka still works at the Sweepers but has extra free time since he is a highly trusted worker amongst the organization.
The night our himbo gets his powers? It was supposed to be their 5 year anniversary but a certain Spider Honju had to ruin it. Also Soshiro visiting Kafka in the hospital and watch Tiny(the larval/mosquito kaiju) go down his husband's throat.
He definitely tried to use the Heimlich Maneuver on the man but our himbo ends up knocking the wind out of the vice captain via a elbow to the gut. A kaiju metamorphosis would boost a panicking person's strength after all. (Kafka definitely will feel bad for the bruise he left on his husband's stomach.)
You can bet your ass Soshiro would be extra protective of his himbo lover thanks to this incident. The vice captain already had a mini existential crisis about mercy killing Kafka if he became feral after turning into a Kaiju. It was a massive relief the man retained his identity although with some added primal behavior.
No way to make your love life more chaotic than your husband becoming a kaiju! (I would've made it more insane if I used Skyscraper Softie!Kafka for my personal take.)
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@nightfal1n @iceclew @terra-sketches @drmarune @renard-dartigue @oxandthorn
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loosesodamarble · 3 months
@artistic-endchamber tagged me for this tag game. Thank you, Aarii~! I decided to start a new post chain just on a whim. 😅
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
I shall be tagging @cringeyvanillamilk @lyranova @drmarune @crazycookiemaniac @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @mikuyuuss and anyone else interested in this~!
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marune2 · 3 months
New new tumblr account is @drmarune see your all there this account is now officially death☺️👍🙃
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sonicasura · 3 months
A little dudel from skully oh he’s human form baise on he‘s norm form like the eye brow like thinks and so
But oh boy if he takes human form oh boy the debate come up how intelligent is he counting he as human like even whit he’s child intelligent‘s?
Hoshina and Kafka can’t take a break but funny is it this hoshina get it to call kaiju No 8 more Kafka too call mama
Like skully call kafka in front of all mama 😂
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Awwww! ❤️
Yeah, Hoshina definitely the type to use cat toys with Skully cause it works just the same. The little baby will happily leap at the chance to play.
Skully's human form looks around 4 years old in age if I have to be exact. It definitely caused a lot of controversy and again the little tyke went through some tests. The results were the same just like with Skully's true form. Not a single change in intelligence but a paternity test reveals that their DNA closely matches Kafka(60%) and Hoshina(40%) than just a core for a heart. Although they can keep up the form for at least an hour before reverting back.
You had no idea how panicked our himbo was when Skully snuck into his room the first time alone. Happily chirping 'Mama' as Kafka definitely scared that his secret would be out. (The man does plan to confess before you know what happens.)
Poor Hoshina was so confused about why Skully kept calling Kafka 'mama'. He honestly thought it's because how motherly the man tends to act. Until Kafka transforms to protect them.
Personal feelings blinded him from the obvious truth.
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sonicasura · 3 months
I have more I did try to make skully a 4 year old boy
Funny if hoshina‘s brother finde out this he have child but like bevor somebody tells him it’s the kaiju child wo they take care of
And the best skully have human form because he training it
And hoshina and he’s brother (can’t remember he’s name because my brain dies) see each other and skully fells he’s papa is upset so he wants to protect him and jumps on he‘s papa‘s back
And this came😈❤️
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Skully doesn't like their uncle either cause he's been mean to Papa Soshiro. This is what happens when you are awful to family, Soichiro. Ya miss out on important things such as this.
Soshiro looks like he wants to leave and I can't blame him. His brother is gonna be nosy about this.
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sonicasura · 3 months
Raising Skully
Some ideas around Kaiju No 8.5 Skully. This includes both versions which will be marked with either a 🌺 for Hoshina or a 🐞 for Kafka. Please enjoy!
Skully can eat normal human food as their baby teeth is sharp enough to chew the stuff but also digest it with no issue. They really like peanut butter, fish, apples and chicken the most. Skully also requires twice the amount of food a normal human child needs. (Rip Kafka's wallet.)
The baby kaiju's biology is quite different from their parent. It's more than just a chubby gecko like tail. Skully converts any waste material into a sludge that they can spit out as a self defense mechanism. Their diet affects how corrosive or sticky the stuff is and at worst can weaken the hardness of even the toughest kaiju hide.
Skully showed this ability once when a spider spooked them. The room was temporarily quarantined afterwards until the sizzling puddle was cleaned up. Both sides might've preferred changing diapers than deal with acidic sludge.
🌺 Whenever Hoshina has to go on missions or leave base, Okonogi is in charge of Skully. The baby is surprising well-behaved in the monitoring room as they sleep or watch her work. Skully however will run out to Hoshina if they sense he's in terrible danger. Or how No. 10 got a sludge bomb to the face.
Skully's fortitude is a 2.8 but will raise to a frightening 7.5 if enraged. They only enter this stage should their respective parent be in grave danger. Horn nubs sharpening, back spines elongating, finally their eyes glowing a hazardous green are signs of 'combat mode' activating. Skully has the ability to enhance those they cling onto and even form a barrier once in 'combat state'. They however fall asleep after 3 minutes from exhaustion.
🐞 Kafka tends to shift into Kaiju form whenever tending to Skully. He's more open to expressing his inhuman instincts such as licking, purring, and chittering back at his whelp. If Reno or Kikoru sees him doing this than they won't say a word.
Skully loves art especially finger painting. Best to keep an eye on them and lock up any materials such as ink. The 3rd Division woke up to all of their walls covered in childish drawings over night.
🌺 Hoshina once mused over the idea of having Skully lead him to his 'mama'. Teaching them the word and pointing at a Kaiju No.8's picture. It was shoved aside by Okonogi who thought it was a little too insane.
Skully aids Hoshina in his fight with No. 10. Trying to clean up the blood off his face by licking it would later grant them the ability to take a human form. (Their saliva has minor healing agents.) A visage that looks like a mix between Hoshina and Kafka.
🐞 The Monster Sweepers help babysit Skully when needed. It usually happens if training ends up being off base or a mission were to happen. They even gotten modified baby clothes and toys for Skully.
Kafka immediately calms in the presence of his whelp. Even the most intense rage will die with a soft chirp from Skully. Don't dare try to harm the baby when Kafka's around or else. (Same goes for Hoshina after awhile.)
First words are said at the two week threshold. Skully will call Kafka 'mama' and Hoshina 'papa' whenever possible. (The former secretly cries in joy.) Skully also calls those they don't like or doesn't trust 'Bada'.
Learns to walk on two feet in a week. (It definitely was recorded.) Skully prefers to roam on all fours and half the reason being they can stick to walls like a gecko better that way. They still remain a very fast mobile disaster either way.
I'll be drawing Skully soon so stay tune for that.
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@drmarune @popipopipopipopipo000 @renard-dartigue @discoknack
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sonicasura · 3 months
Skyscraper Softie
Kaiju No.8 but Kafka's kaiju form is huge and he has a lot more difficulty retaining his human visage. Yup you read that right. I'm screwing around with Kafka's kaiju half again although things might get a bit eldritch. Enjoy.
Let's first start with our himbo's kaiju descriptor. Instead of 6'4, No.8 is now an astounding 68 ft 11 inches tall paired alongside a body type similar to Monsterverse Godzilla. Big beefy that comes with a long thick tail since his kaiju form honestly feels off without it.
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Yes Kafka did jump out of the window at the hospital when he began to transform. Reno watched him do it in sheer horror before witnessing the man rapidly shift into kaiju form under 40 seconds. You can say their attempt to avoid the Defense Force was even more awkward than in canon.
Luckily Kafka learned halfway through the trek that he could blend into the surroundings like a chameleon. He had to close his eyes and have Reno guide him though as this is a part of his body he couldn't camouflage. Another issue also cropped up that night than just yellow rivers on the streets. Kafka was hungry. (Yeah he eats the spider Yoju.)
Now Kafka has a lot more difficulty keeping the kaiju inside suppressed. At most, he can stay human for 4 hrs before he's forced to transform. The kaiju is 'just too big' in his words. He also runs the risk of transforming whenever unconscious.
Thus Kafka was forced to live in the wilderness than just give up his last chance at the Defense Force. He still works with the Monster Sweepers who play a much bigger role here than just emotional. Knowing Kafka's new appetite, they allow him to feed on the corpses.
The Sweepers also help him find a place in the mountains where he could live and sustain himself without causing others trouble. Although it wouldn't take long for the Defense Force to later find Kafka again. His massive size, difficulty to revert to human form, and people hiking where they shouldn't led to this.
Although the Defense Force don't kill him immediately. His strange behavior being the major reason why. Despite being a Kaiju, No.8 has only killed and eaten kaiju. Any humans that stumble upon him were either ignored, he tries to avoid or even more unusual benevolent.
This leads to a proposition about studying No.8. Should things go well and enough breakthroughs are provided, he would be captured. Whether it's for further study or attempts to turn No.8 into a guard dog is mixed.
Things only ramp up when their special interest reveals a new ability. He can create an avatar of sorts. A smaller clone body(canon form) that he could operate while his real one goes into autopilot. No.8 reverts to normal once the copy rejoins the original form or is destroyed.
An ability that slates him for capture by the Defense Force. Even moreso once he uses them for the Training Exam and First Mission incidents. Kafka will experiment with this power in hopes he could get more of his human life back.
You can say his new chance at the Defense Force isn't gonna be nice nor fun.
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@renard-dartigue @popipopipopipopipo000 @discoknack @drmarune
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sonicasura · 2 months
Kafka and Hoshina are lucky that Skully takes about 20 years to fully mature because the shenanigans the adult version would get into is comical. You know the opening of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 where Sonic tries to stop a robbery yet causes a bigger mess in the process? That's Skully but with Kaiju/Honju/Yoju.
If the little whelp took 5 months to fully mature into an adult and been on his own without either parent then he's practically Sonic from the first movie. Except a 22 ft tall bean whose role models are the Defense Force specifically Soshiro/Kafka. Skully knows who his parents are but is very nervous about meeting them.
Although he isn't aware about the mistaken identity crisis his vigilante spree caused with Kafka's kaiju form. Until Mama(Kafka) gets arrested and his latest stunt gets notified. Guess who finally has to meet his parents?
Skully knows how to talk btw as he taught himself to do so. He does have a habit of flubbing with the letters C and W thus it isn't perfect. Skully doesn't know how to write or read but really wants to.
Guess that's one way for him to bond with his Kafka and Soshiro. After they convince a shy Skully to come with them. Both better be ready for their son to carry them by the scruff if they don't sleep on time. Lol
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@discoknack @drmarune
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sonicasura · 3 months
*tosses out wip*
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Little prototype doodle of Kaiju No 8.5 Skully as I want to give a general air to their design. @drmarune is very close to what I pictured a mini Kaiju No. 8. This isn't the final product btw. More like an encouragement sketch.
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sonicasura · 2 months
Like A Starfish Mini List
The masterlist involving my Kafka's Yoju son Skully! You will find art, headcanons, and asks related to the little guy in particular. This will update with more stuff added.
Main AU shenanigans
Like A Starfish
Raising Skully
Alternate Route Shenanigans
Fast Grower
Kafka The Single Kaiju Dad
Hybrid Skully
Art/Art Included Asks
My Design: Wip1, Wip2, Wip3, Final Design
@drmarune 's Skully Design
Skully's Human form by drmarune
When You Find Out Your An Uncle by drmarune
Baby Wanders Unsupervised
Battlefield Ain't For Children
Skully and the Hoshina Family , Rafflesia Woes Edition
Bakko's Not The Babysitter
Fan stories
@discoknack Hoshina Finds Skully
Skully's Punishment by Discoknack/KnackFandomArchive 1, 2
Rambles by Discoknack/KnackFandomArchive
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sonicasura · 25 days
Rafflesia Woes
This is basically the UnderDogs/Hoshikaf prompt from my story based side blog and Skyscraper Softie AU combined. I couldn't resist the temptation for chaos, lol. Now let's get started.
Soshiro and Kafka have been happily married for 4 years. Both came across each at a lone bar. Kafka and his fellow coworkers were celebrating a job well done when the himbo notices a certain bowlcut man at the bar.
He seems down in the dumps about something. Noticing where Kafka was looking, his coworkers encouraged him to go talk to the man. A decision that would soon spitball into a happy albeit chaotic married life with the Vice Captain of the 3rd Division.
Neither were exactly happy when their 5th year anniversary was ruined by a Spider Yoju. Soshiro obviously visits his lover in the hospital with some lovely flowers to hopefully salvage part of the special occasion. A noble effort that is swiftly ruined when he barely catches Kafka shout 'Kaiju'.
Soshiro sees the small monstrosity forcefully go down his husband's threat. He barely held back a scream as his fingers brushed against Kafka's wrist before the man jump out the window. The Vice Captain could only stare in horror when a 69'11 ft kaiju took the place of his lover.
Soshiro didn't have fun helping guide Kafka out of the city, much less call Mina to organize a special rendezvous. Yet it was the only safe option he had to keep his husband alive. Even if Soshiro has to watch the man get heavily sedated.
The only relief he had was that Mina and Okonogi were on his side about keeping Kafka alive. A kaiju type that could convert others already made it difficult to fight off the more unsavory Higher Ups. Especially since Soshiro's personal married life is dragged into this whole fiasco.
It took quite some time for both men to find some sort of domestic routine again. Wasn't uncommon to find Soshiro sleeping in Kafka's grasp, for a small lizard avatar to always accompany him, or take advantage over the time his lover could stay in his more human sized forms. Hunting kaiju soon became the Hoshina man's way to keep his husband fed than just his duty and family tradition.
Obviously Kafka is gonna poke his big scaly head into things. Man feels awful about the rough spot he put Soshiro in as what kind of husband causes trouble for their lover by turning themselves into a kaiju!? (None obviously but Kafka would treat the situation like it could've been avoidable when it really wasn't.)
He tries to help in whatever way he can. Although Mina often has to step her foot in should Kafka's attempts become intertwined with the Science Department. Some members of that group didn't think restraint was needed since the Vice Captain's husband is a kaiju. (They already tried to dig into their bedroom life upon the results in Kafka's biological exams.)
It was definitely awkward for the Rookies when they notice the big kaiju near base and find out that's their Vice Captain's husband. You can blame some gossiping officers for the latter bit. Soshiro didn't hesitate to threaten them about it either. (Kikoru doesn't blame him since Kafka did save her.)
I can say that No.9 is gonna be extra fucking creepy about the married couple. The Mushroom Man knows no boundaries so a interspecies relationship between a human and a kaiju will garner his interest. He doesn't have any knowledge about Kafka being human once yet since this information requires very high clearance but also kept separate from the main database. Extra security measures to put it simply.
Should No.9 find out... Well Soshiro is gonna have to be extra careful around him. The Mushroom Man will want to see if he can replicate the kaijufication done to Kafka on the Vice Captain.
Soshiro rather not deal with the results.
(Didn't know what to put at the bottom so here's two Sandhill Cranes that like to raid my bird feeder.)
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@oxandthorn @drmarune @discoknack @renard-dartigue @driokrine @terra-sketches @nightfal1n @omniithe-deer @aries-m0rningstar
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sonicasura · 2 months
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SonicAsura Doodles #79
"No.8 Incident 1-Alpha: During an requested resweep of |Redacted| District two days fter mission ##, 3rd Division Vice Captain Soshiro Hoshina came across a new discovery. This being a small Yoju bearing a heavy resemblance to Kaiju No.8. Unlike many of their species, the specimen acted docile with behavior often found in human infants. Permission to study the Yoju alive is pending confirmation." - Konomi Okonogi of the 3rd Division.
He's finally here! You won't believe how many delays got thrown my way when it came to Skully here. Luckily the little troublesome baby is finally done. I decided to add a few personal choices into his design.
The first being Skully's coloration. Unlike Kafka, his scale plating is more purple in tone and covers his body similar to an armadillo. The complete shell will eventually grow to cover Skully's entire body but also take a violet hue with age. Spikes, claws, and horn tips will glow toxic green only if the infant uses their power.
Skully's tail plate actually has a little secret. It is a detachable cover which hides a spiny rough hide laced with a paralyzing toxin. This sheath only comes off if the infant feels threatened and takes an hour to regrow should it be lost.
Skully's true power really shines in Combat Mode though. The jagged bone blade at the end of his tail functions similar to a heat saw. Charge it up with enough energy and Skully can slice even through diamonds as if they were air. Although he has three swings at max before reverting back to normal.
I will be making a mini master list for not only Raising Skully but also Skyscraper Softie too. Might be making a Single Parent version for the former. That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later!
@discoknack @renard-dartigue @drmarune
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sonicasura · 1 month
Me: *remembering a crossover ask of Infected!Leon being dropped in KN8 and stuck in Soshiro's care."
My brain: What if Soshiro got critically injured during a mission thus Leon infects him so the Vice Captain can survive?
Me: No better way to make things for the 3rd Division more chaotic and awkward. Having to watch over one Kaiju Himbo alongside two nutty Infected on base.
What isn't mentioned: Leon pretty much sniff out Kafka's secret on the second day. (No.10's attack will happen in 3 months unlike in canon.) The two have a personal chat and the agent assesses the man been put in a similarities situation like he was. (Forcefully changed into something he wasn't.)
Sadly Leon still had to notify Mina and Soshiro but the 3rd Division doesn't say anything to the Higher Ups. They plan to build a case to protect Kafka as shit will hit the fan with this information. Plus it'll keep Leon from doing something stupid to protect his fellow 'monster'.
I am planning a timelime of sorts for this. There would be two versions featuring different Infected! Leon. A Las Plagas and a modified "G" Virus. (I'll go into on the latter in a different page but the former follows more of my portrayal than everyone else. (Seriously need to begin working on his 'Verdugo' design.)
Plagas will have Leon in Soshiro's care while G ends up with Kafka. Both shall have No.9 being an absolutely fucking menace though. That and kaiju blood having a unique effect on the respective Leon's infection. (Dude would eat kaiju meat.)
One unrelated thought I saved for last. RE2 or RE4 but Leon has Kafka's powers. Man deserves to be a fucking menace so why not have an "Unidentified B.O.W" in RE's opinion grant him insane monstrous abilities?
That's what I think anyway.
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@jokerthepotatouwu @lord-owlsnake @driokrine @drmarune
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